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+kh+MQMdLJkYb+kh+MQMdLJkYb, +kh+MUdJ^+kh+MMd`Ld8B, +kh+MUdJ^+kh+MUdJ^koLSdi`, +kh+MUoY^O+JbO+WJLYmJm+^omkoLSdi`+kh+MWJLYmJm, +kh+MUoY^O+JbO+WJLYmJm+^omkoLSdi`+kh+MsQYUWm,+kh+MUoY^Ok+kh+MUoY^O+JbO+WJLYmJm+^omkoLSdi`,`kvkJMQk`kvkMd`f^QuMd^o`bk`kvkMd`f^QumvfQ+JmmJMW`Qbm`kvkMd`f^QumvfQ+OQMY`J^`kvkMd`f^QumvfQ+UoYO`kvkMd`f^QumvfQ+YQQQOdoL^Q `kvkMd`f^QumvfQ+YQQQkYbU^Q `kvkMd`f^QumvfQ+^dbU `kvkMd`f^QumvfQ+kWdim `kvkMd`f^QumvfQ+mQum`kvkMd`f^QumvfQ+obkYUbQOLvmQ `kvkdL[QMmk`kvkhoQiYQk`kvkiQ^JmYdbkWYfkJMMQkk^Jvdom`kvkOLko``JivYbSdokQiOQSYbQO.5@@  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+kh+MUoY^O+JbO+WJLYmJm+^omkoLSdi`+kh+MsQYUWm,+kh+MUoY^Ok+kh+MUoY^O+JbO+WJLYmJm+^omkoLSdi`,+kh+MWJLYmJm+Qbmiv+kh+M\Qv+SJMmdikoLSdi`,+kh+MWJLYmJm+Qbmiv+kh+MkmioMmoiQ+koLSdi`,+kh+M\Qv+SJMmdikoLSdi`+kh+MYbOYMJmdikoLSdi`,+kh+M`dbYmdiYbU+kh+M`dbYmdiYbU+MJmQUdiv,+kh+MiQfdimkQ^QMmYdb+kh+MM`LiQfdim,+kh+MkfQMYQk+JbO+UoY^OkkoLSdi`+kh+MUoY^O,+kh+MkfQMYQk+JbO+UoY^OkkoLSdi`+kh+MsQYUWm,+kh+MkfQMYQk+JbO+WJLYmJmkkoLSdi`+kh+MMd`Ld:>,+kh+MkfQMYQk+JbO+WJLYmJmkkoLSdi`+kh+MMdbkQiqJmYdb+mJiUQm,+kh+MkfQMYQk+L\f+kh+MJhoJmYM+WJLYmJm+koLSdi`,+kh+MkfQMYQk+L\f+kh+MJhoJmYM+mWiQJmk+JbO+kdoiMQk1+kh+MkfQMYQk+L\f+kh+MMWY^OD:1+kh+MkfQMYQk+L\f+kh+MQMdLJkYb1+kh+MkfQMYQk+L\f+kh+MkfQMYQk+JbO+MdbkQiqJmYdb+mJiUQmkkoLSdi`1+kh+MkfQMYQk+L\f+kh+MkfQMYQk+JbO+UoY^OkkoLSdi`1+kh+MkfQMYQk+kh+MJbd`J^YQkJbOfJiJkYmQkfJmWdUQbk1+kh+MkfQMYQk+kh+MJhoJmYM+WJLYmJm+koLSdi`1+kh+MkfQMYQk+kh+MJhoJmYM+mWiQJmk+JbO+kdoiMQk1+kh+MkfQMYQk+kh+MMWJbbQ^kmJLY^Ymv1+kh+MkfQMYQk+kh+MMWJbbQ^YxJmYdb1 +kh+MkfQMYQk+kh+MMWY^OD:1 +kh+MkfQMYQk+kh+MMWY^OD>>1 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J"JLVAL*V2 ^ d  x  @ ^  20F:jr.T[Semi-Aquatic_Insect_Query].Class[Semi-Aquatic_Insect_Query].Federal_Status[Semi-Aquatic_Insect_Query].Ozarks[Semi-Aquatic_Insect_Query].Mississippi_Valley_Loess_Plains[Semi-Aquatic_Insect_Query].Mississippi_Alluvial_Plains[Semi-Aquatic_Insect_Query].South_Central_Plains[Semi-Aquatic_Insect_Query].Ouachitas[Semi-Aquatic_Insect_Query].Arkansas_Valley[Semi-Aquatic_Insect_Query].Boston_Mountains[Semi-Aquatic_Insect_Query].Comments[Semi-Aquatic_Insect_Query].G_Rank[Semi-Aquatic_Insect_Query].S_Rank[Semi-Aquatic_Insect_Query].[Terrestrial or Aquatic][Semi-Aquatic_Insect_Query].Scientific_Name[Semi-Aquatic_Insect_Query].Common_NameTrend_LUT.Trend_Text = [Semi-Aquatic_Fish_Query].Population_TrendS_Rank_LUT.S_Rank = [Semi-Aquatic_Fish_Query].S_RankG_Rank_LUT.G_Rank = [Semi-Aquatic_Fish_Query].G_Rank[Semi-Aquatic_Fish_Query].PageOrder[Semi-Aquatic_Fish_Query].Population_Trend(([g_rank_lut].[score_value]+[s_rank_lut].[score_value])*[Trend_Multiplier])/0.2625[Semi-Aquatic_Fish_Query].Category[Semi-Aquatic_Fish_Query].Element[Semi-Aquatic_Fish_Query].Element_Name[Semi-Aquatic_Fish_Query].Residence[Semi-Aquatic_Fish_Query].Federal_Status[Semi-Aquatic_Fish_Query].Mississippi_Valley_Loess_Plains[Semi-Aquatic_Fish_Query].Mississippi_Alluvial_Plains[Semi-Aquatic_Fish_Query].South_Central_Plains[Semi-Aquatic_Fish_Query].Ouachitas[Semi-Aquatic_Fish_Query].Arkansas_Valley[Semi-Aquatic_Fish_Query].Boston_Mountains[Semi-Aquatic_Fish_Query].Comments[Semi-Aquatic_Fish_Query].[Terrestrial or Aquatic][Semi-Aquatic_Fish_Query].Scientific_Name[Semi-Aquatic_Fish_Query].Common_NameTrend_LUT.Trend_Text = [Semi-Aquatic_Crayfish_Query].Population_TrendS_Rank_LUT.S_Rank = [Semi-Aquatic_Crayfish_Query].S_RankG_Rank_LUT.G_Rank = [Semi-Aquatic_Crayfish_Query].G_Rank[Semi-Aquatic_Crayfish_Query].team[Semi-Aquatic_Crayfish_Query].PageOrder[Semi-Aquatic_Crayfish_Query].Population_Trend*C`6 Z D ^  t B  l xN$|R(V,r\t&~L<Semi-Aquatic_Invertebrate_QueryOOO <G_Rank_LUT%%% <S_Rank_LUT%%% <Trend_LUT### < G< G< < G<Trend_LUTSemi-Aquatic_Insect_Query@ LaU# <S_Rank_LUTSemi-Aquatic_Insect_Queryl@ LcW% <G_Rank_LUTSemi-Aquatic_Insect_Queryl@ LcW% <"[Semi-Aquatic_Insect_Query].team? g<J@ L g<X@L g<Viability_Score@L;// o<S_Rank_LUTS_Rank_LUT.Score_ValueI%% o<S_Rank_DescriptionS_Rank_LUT.DescriptionY55 o<G_Rank_ValueG_Rank_LUT.Score_ValueM)) o<G_Rank_DescriptionG_Rank_LUT.DescriptionY55 o<D@L g<H@L g<F@L g<P@L g<J@L g<D@L g<B@L g<B@)I g<T@(I g<D@'I g< v@&I g< n@%I g< `@$I g< J@#I g< V@"I g<X@!I g<H@ I g<D@I g<D@I g<h@I g<"[Semi-Aquatic_Insect_Query].Taxa? g<V@I g<N@I g<Semi-Aquatic_Insect_QueryCCC <G_Rank_LUT%%% <S_Rank_LUT%%% <Trend_LUT### < G< G< < GTrend_LUTSemi-Aquatic_Fish_Query@I]Q# S_Rank_LUTSemi-Aquatic_Fish_Queryh@I_S% G_Rank_LUTSemi-Aquatic_Fish_Queryh@I_S%  [Semi-Aquatic_Fish_Query].team= gF@I gT@I gViability_Score@I;// oS_Rank_LUTS_Rank_LUT.Score_ValueI%% oS_Rank_DescriptionS_Rank_LUT.DescriptionY55 oG_Rank_ValueG_Rank_LUT.Score_ValueM)) oG_Rank_DescriptionG_Rank_LUT.DescriptionY55 o"[Semi-Aquatic_Fish_Query].Weight? gD@I gB@I gL@I gF@I g"[Semi-Aquatic_Fish_Query].Family? gHP @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @GGGD%GGGG G G G G GGGGGGG G G G G GGGGGGGG G!G"G#G$G%G&G'G(G)G*G+G,G-G.GG/G1G2G3G4G5G6G7G8G9G:G;G<G=G> G? G@ GA GB GCGDGEGFGGJJJJJJJJJJ J J J J JJJG0JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ  J! J" J# J$ J%J&J'J(J)J*J+J,J-J.J/J0J1J2J3J4J5J6J7J8J9J:JJ;J=J>J?J@JAJBMMMMMMMM M M  M  M  M M MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM M!J<M"M$M%M&M'M(M)M*M+M,M-M.M/M0M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6M7M8M9M:M;M<M=M>M?M@MAMBMCMDMEMFMGMHMIM#LVAL)z0Rh  Z h  ` L 2pt$v(&0& G_Rank_LUT.G_Rank = [Semi-Aquatic_Invertebrate_Query].G_Rank[Semi-Aquatic_Invertebrate_Query].team[Semi-Aquatic_Invertebrate_Query].PageOrder[Semi-Aquatic_Invertebrate_Query].Population_Trend(([g_rank_lut].[score_value]+[s_rank_lut].[score_value])*[Trend_Multiplier])/0.2625[Semi-Aquatic_Invertebrate_Query].Weight[Semi-Aquatic_Invertebrate_Query].Category[Semi-Aquatic_Invertebrate_Query].Element[Semi-Aquatic_Invertebrate_Query].Element_Name[Semi-Aquatic_Invertebrate_Query].Residence[Semi-Aquatic_Invertebrate_Query].Family[Semi-Aquatic_Invertebrate_Query].Order[Semi-Aquatic_Invertebrate_Query].Class[Semi-Aquatic_Invertebrate_Query].Federal_Status[Semi-Aquatic_Invertebrate_Query].Ozarks[Semi-Aquatic_Invertebrate_Query].Mississippi_Valley_Loess_Plains[Semi-Aquatic_Invertebrate_Query].Mississippi_Alluvial_Plains[Semi-Aquatic_Invertebrate_Query].South_Central_Plains[Semi-Aquatic_Invertebrate_Query].Ouachitas[Semi-Aquatic_Invertebrate_Query].Arkansas_Valley[Semi-Aquatic_Invertebrate_Query].Boston_Mountains[Semi-Aquatic_Invertebrate_Query].Comments[Semi-Aquatic_Invertebrate_Query].G_Rank[Semi-Aquatic_Invertebrate_Query].S_Rank[Semi-Aquatic_Invertebrate_Query].[Terrestrial or Aquatic][Semi-Aquatic_Invertebrate_Query].Taxa[Semi-Aquatic_Invertebrate_Query].Scientific_Name[Semi-Aquatic_Invertebrate_Query].Common_NameTrend_LUT.Trend_Text = [Semi-Aquatic_Insect_Query].Population_TrendS_Rank_LUT.S_Rank = [Semi-Aquatic_Insect_Query].S_RankG_Rank_LUT.G_Rank = [Semi-Aquatic_Insect_Query].G_Rank[Semi-Aquatic_Insect_Query].PageOrder[Semi-Aquatic_Insect_Query].Population_Trend(([g_rank_lut].[score_value]+[s_rank_lut].[score_value])*[Trend_Multiplier])/0.2625[Semi-Aquatic_Insect_Query].Weight[Semi-Aquatic_Insect_Query].Category[Semi-Aquatic_Insect_Query].Element[Semi-Aquatic_Insect_Query].Element_Name[Semi-Aquatic_Insect_Query].Residence[Semi-Aquatic_Insect_Query].Family[Semi-Aquatic_Insect_Query].Order JX.\2 ` 6 d : z  v L " | hJ,z(V,Z0^4 b<tJ <G_Rank_LUTSemi-Aquatic_Reptile_Queryn@NeY% <B@N g<L@N g<Z@N g<Viability_Score@N;// o<S_Rank_LUTS_Rank_LUT.Score_ValueI%% o<S_Rank_DescriptionS_Rank_LUT.DescriptionY55 o<G_Rank_ValueG_Rank_LUT.Score_ValueM)) o<G_Rank_DescriptionG_Rank_LUT.DescriptionY55 o<F@N g<J@N g<H@N g<R@N g<L@N g<F@N g<D@N g<D@N g<V@N g<F@N g< x@N g< p@ N g< b@ N g< L@ N g< X@ N g<Z@ N g<J@N g<F@N g<F@N g<j@N g<B@N g<X@N g<P@N g<Semi-Aquatic_Reptile_QueryEEE <G_Rank_LUT%%% <S_Rank_LUT%%% <Trend_LUT### < G< G< < G<Trend_LUTSemi-Aquatic_Invertebrate_Query@Nma# <S_Rank_LUTSemi-Aquatic_Invertebrate_Queryx@Noc% <G_Rank_LUTSemi-Aquatic_Invertebrate_Queryx@(Loc% <L@'L g<V@&L g<d@%L g<Viability_Score@$L;// o<S_Rank_LUTS_Rank_LUT.Score_ValueI%% o<S_Rank_DescriptionS_Rank_LUT.DescriptionY55 o<G_Rank_ValueG_Rank_LUT.Score_ValueM)) o<G_Rank_DescriptionG_Rank_LUT.DescriptionY55 o<P@#L g<T@"L g<R@!L g<\@ L g<V@L g<P@L g<N@L g<N@L g<`@L g<P@L g< @L g< z@L g< l@L g< V@L g< b@L g<d@L g<T@L g<P@L g<P@L g<t@L g<L@L g<b@L g<Z@ L gLVAL*N  \  r  l > `  |4X:\v<JBird_Query.[Terrestrial or Aquatic](((Bird_Query.Scientific_Name)<"E"))Trend_LUT.Trend_Text = Bird_Query.Population_TrendS_Rank_LUT.S_Rank = Bird_Query.S_RankG_Rank_LUT.G_Rank = Bird_Query.G_Rank(([g_rank_lut].[score_value]+[s_rank_lut].[score_value])*[Trend_Multiplier])/0.2625Bird_Query.Mississippi_Valley_Loess_PlainsBird_Query.Mississippi_Alluvial_PlainsBird_Query.[Terrestrial or Aquatic]Aquatic_Habitat.Weight = Weights_LUT.WeightTrend_LUT.Trend_Text = [Semi-Aquatic_Reptile_Query].Population_TrendS_Rank_LUT.S_Rank = [Semi-Aquatic_Reptile_Query].S_RankG_Rank_LUT.G_Rank = [Semi-Aquatic_Reptile_Query].G_Rank[Semi-Aquatic_Reptile_Query].team[Semi-Aquatic_Reptile_Query].PageOrder[Semi-Aquatic_Reptile_Query].Population_Trend(([g_rank_lut].[score_value]+[s_rank_lut].[score_value])*[Trend_Multiplier])/0.2625[Semi-Aquatic_Reptile_Query].Weight[Semi-Aquatic_Reptile_Query].Category[Semi-Aquatic_Reptile_Query].Element[Semi-Aquatic_Reptile_Query].Element_Name[Semi-Aquatic_Reptile_Query].Residence[Semi-Aquatic_Reptile_Query].Family[Semi-Aquatic_Reptile_Query].Order[Semi-Aquatic_Reptile_Query].Class[Semi-Aquatic_Reptile_Query].Federal_Status[Semi-Aquatic_Reptile_Query].Ozarks[Semi-Aquatic_Reptile_Query].Mississippi_Valley_Loess_Plains[Semi-Aquatic_Reptile_Query].Mississippi_Alluvial_Plains[Semi-Aquatic_Reptile_Query].South_Central_Plains[Semi-Aquatic_Reptile_Query].Ouachitas[Semi-Aquatic_Reptile_Query].Arkansas_Valley[Semi-Aquatic_Reptile_Query].Boston_Mountains[Semi-Aquatic_Reptile_Query].Comments[Semi-Aquatic_Reptile_Query].G_Rank[Semi-Aquatic_Reptile_Query].S_Rank[Semi-Aquatic_Reptile_Query].[Terrestrial or Aquatic][Semi-Aquatic_Reptile_Query].Taxa[Semi-Aquatic_Reptile_Query].Scientific_Name[Semi-Aquatic_Reptile_Query].Common_NameTrend_LUT.Trend_Text = [Semi-Aquatic_Invertebrate_Query].Population_TrendS_Rank_LUT.S_Rank = [Semi-Aquatic_Invertebrate_Query].S_Rank@Ih*  t 6  B $  Z  N E z\> hJ,f$y<y3~TZ\HBird_Query.Weight0 gHBird_Query.Category2 gHBird_Query.Element1 gHBird_Query.Element_Name6 gHBird_Query.Residence3 gHBird_Query.Family0 gHBird_Query.Order/ gHBird_Query.Class/ gHBird_Query.Federal_Status8 gHBird_Query.Ozarks0 gH T@#N gH L@"N gH !Bird_Query.South_Central_Plains> gH Bird_Query.Ouachitas3 gH Bird_Query.Arkansas_Valley9 gHBird_Query.Boston_Mountains: gHBird_Query.Comments2 gHBird_Query.G_Rank0 gHBird_Query.S_Rank0 gHF@!N gHBird_Query.Taxa. gHBird_Query.Scientific_Name9 gHBird_Query.Common_Name5 gHBird_Query%%% HG_Rank_LUT%%% HS_Rank_LUT%%% HTrend_LUT### H GH GH H GX7YZ_____2 @[1% 7X7YZ_____1 meQ1% 7 G  G  G - dAquatic_HabitatWeights_LUTV@ NQE/  - d WeightWeights_LUT.DescriptionB o - dAquatic_Habitat.Headwater8 g - dAquatic_Habitat.Large4 g - dAquatic_Habitat.Medium5 g - dAquatic_Habitat.Small4 g - dAquatic_Habitat.Species_ID9 g - dAquatic_Habitat.ID1 g - dAquatic_Habitat.Habitat6 g - dAquatic_Habitat.Formed_by8 gow - dWeights_LUT''' ow - dAquatic_Habitat///  - d G - d Gow - d  - d GifiX7YZ_____2@[1% 7ifiX7YZ_____1XUQ1% 7fi G fi Gifi fi G<X7YZ_____2@T1% 7<X7YZ_____1 UUQ1% 7< G < G< < G<X7YZ_____2@T1% 7<X7YZ_____1 QUQ1% 7< G < G< < G<Trend_LUTSemi-Aquatic_Reptile_Query@NcW# <S_Rank_LUTSemi-Aquatic_Reptile_Queryn@NeY% K @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ J$ J%J&J'J(J)J*J+J,J-J.J/J0J1J2J3J4J5J6J7J8J9J:JJ;J=J>J?J@JAJBMMMMMMMM M M  M  M  M M MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM M!J<M"M$M%M&M'M(M)M*M+M,M-M.M/M0M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6M7M8M9M:M;M<M=M>M?M@MAMBMCMDMEMFMGMHMIOOM#OOOOOOOO O O O O OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO O! O"O#OO$O&O'O(O)O%O*O,O-O.O/O0O1O2O3O4O5O6O7O8O9 O: O; O< O= O>O?O@OAOBOCODOEOFOGOH   O+        LVALUQRSELECT Species.Common_Name, Species.Scientific_Name, Species.Taxa, Species.[Terrestrial or Aquatic], Species.S_Rank, Species.G_Rank, Species.Comments, Species.Boston_Mountains, Species.Arkansas_Valley, Species.Ouachitas, Species.South_Central_Plains, Species.Mississippi_Alluvial_Plains, Species.Mississippi_Valley_Loess_Plains, Species.Ozarks, Species.Federal_Status, Species.Class, [Species].[Order], Species.Family, Species.Residence, "Habitats" as Element_Name, iif(Formed_by is null,"Natural",Formed_by) & " " & Habitat & ": " & iif(Headwater = Yes,"Headwater","") & iif(Small = Yes, " - Small","") & iif(Medium = Yes," - Medium", "") & iif(Large = yes, " - Large", "") as Element, "" as Category, Aquatic_Habitat_Translated.Weight as Weight, Population_Trend,"2" as PageOrder, team FROM Species INNER JOIN Aquatic_Habitat_Translated ON Species.ID = Aquatic_Habitat_Translated.Species_ID Where taxa = "Amphibian" AND [Terrestrial or Aquatic] = "Aquatic" UNION ALL SELECT Species.Common_Name, Species.Scientific_Name, Species.Taxa, Species.[Terrestrial or Aquatic], Species.S_Rank, Species.G_Rank, Species.Comments, Species.Boston_Mountains, Species.Arkansas_Valley, Species.Ouachitas, Species.South_Central_Plains, Species.Mississippi_Alluvial_Plains, Species.Mississippi_Valley_Loess_Plains, Species.Ozarks, Species.Federal_Status, Species.Class, [Species].[Order], Species.Family, Species.Residence, "Ecobasins" as Element_Name, Ecobasin as Element, "" as Category, "" as Weight, Population_Trend, "1" as PageOrder, team FROM Species INNER JOIN Ecobasin ON Species.ID = Ecobasin.Species_ID Where taxa = "Amphibian" AND [Terrestrial or Aquatic] = "Aquatic" UNION ALL SELECT Species.Common_Name, Species.Scientific_Name, Species.Taxa, Species.[Terrestrial or Aquatic], Species.S_Rank, Species.G_Rank, Species.Comments, Species.Boston_Mountains, Species.Arkansas_Valley, Species.Ouachitas, Species.South_Central_Plains, Species.Mississippi_Alluvial_Plains, Species.Mississippi_Valley_Loess_Plains, Species.Ozarks, SpecieLVALSs.Federal_Status, Species.Class, [Species].[Order], Species.Family, Species.Residence, "Problems Faced" as Element_Name,"Threat: " & Aquatic_Threats_And_Sources.Threat & (Chr(13) & Chr(10)) & "Source: " & Aquatic_Threats_And_Sources.Source as Element, "" as Category, "" as Weight, Population_Trend, "3" as PageOrder,team FROM Species INNER JOIN Aquatic_Threats_And_Sources ON Species.ID = Aquatic_Threats_And_Sources.Species_ID Where taxa = "Amphibian" AND [Terrestrial or Aquatic] = "Aquatic" UNION ALL SELECT Species.Common_Name, Species.Scientific_Name, Species.Taxa, Species.[Terrestrial or Aquatic], Species.S_Rank, Species.G_Rank, Species.Comments, Species.Boston_Mountains, Species.Arkansas_Valley, Species.Ouachitas, Species.South_Central_Plains, Species.Mississippi_Alluvial_Plains, Species.Mississippi_Valley_Loess_Plains, Species.Ozarks, Species.Federal_Status, Species.Class, [Species].[Order], Species.Family, Species.Residence, "Data Gaps/Research Needs" as Element_Name, Data_Gaps.Data_Gaps as Element, "" as Category, "" as Weight, Population_Trend, "4" as PageOrder,team FROM Species INNER JOIN Data_Gaps ON Species.ID = Data_Gaps.Species_ID Where taxa = "Amphibian" AND [Terrestrial or Aquatic] = "Aquatic" UNION ALL SELECT Species.Common_Name, Species.Scientific_Name, Species.Taxa, Species.[Terrestrial or Aquatic], Species.S_Rank, Species.G_Rank, Species.Comments, Species.Boston_Mountains, Species.Arkansas_Valley, Species.Ouachitas, Species.South_Central_Plains, Species.Mississippi_Alluvial_Plains, Species.Mississippi_Valley_Loess_Plains, Species.Ozarks, Species.Federal_Status, Species.Class, [Species].[Order], Species.Family, Species.Residence, "Conservation Actions" as Element_Name, Conservation_Actions.Conservation_Actions as Element, Conservation_Actions.CA_Category as Category, Conservation_Actions.Importance as Weight, Population_Trend, "5" as PageOrder,team FROM Species INNER JOIN Conservation_Actions on Species.ID = Conservation_Actions.Species_ID Where taxa = "Amphibian" AND LVAL [Terrestrial or Aquatic] = "Aquatic" LVAL z@HBird_Query.[Terrestrial or Aquatic](((Bird_Query.Scientific_Name)>="E" And (Bird_Query.Scientific_Name)<"P"))Trend_LUT.Trend_Text = Bird_Query.Population_TrendS_Rank_LUT.S_Rank = Bird_Query.S_RankG_Rank_LUT.G_Rank = Bird_Query.G_Rank(([g_rank_lut].[score_value]+[s_rank_lut].[score_value])*[Trend_Multiplier])/0.2625Bird_Query.Mississippi_Valley_Loess_PlainsBird_Query.Mississippi_Alluvial_PlainsSELECT Species.Common_Name, Species.Scientific_Name, Species.Taxa, Species.[Terrestrial or Aquatic], Species.S_Rank, Species.G_Rank, Species.Comments, Species.Boston_Mountains, Species.Arkansas_Valley, Species.Ouachitas, Species.South_Central_Plains, Species.Mississippi_Alluvial_Plains, Species.Mississippi_Valley_Loess_Plains, Species.Ozarks, Species.Federal_Status, Species.Class, [Species].[Order], Species.Family, Species.Residence, "Monitoring Strategies" as Element_Name, Monitoring.Monitoring_Strategy as Element, Monitoring.Monitoring_Category as Category, "" as Weight, Population_Trend, "6" as PageOrder,team FROM Species INNER JOIN Monitoring ON Species.ID = Monitoring.Species_ID Where taxa = "crayfish" AND [Terrestrial or Aquatic] = "Aquatic"SELECT Species.Common_Name, Species.Scientific_Name, Species.Taxa, Species.[Terrestrial or Aquatic], Species.S_Rank, Species.G_Rank, Species.Comments, Species.Boston_Mountains, Species.Arkansas_Valley, Species.Ouachitas, Species.South_Central_Plains, Species.Mississippi_Alluvial_Plains, Species.Mississippi_Valley_Loess_Plains, Species.Ozarks, Species.Federal_Status, Species.Class, [Species].[Order], Species.Family, Species.Residence, "Monitoring Strategies" as Element_Name, Monitoring.Monitoring_Strategy as Element, Monitoring.Monitoring_Category as Category, "" as Weight, Population_Trend, "6" as PageOrder,team FROM Species INNER JOIN Monitoring ON Species.ID = Monitoring.Species_ID Where taxa = "Amphibian" AND [Terrestrial or Aquatic] = "Aquatic"LVALUQVSELECT Species.Common_Name, Species.Scientific_Name, Species.Taxa, Species.[Terrestrial or Aquatic], Species.S_Rank, Species.G_Rank, Species.Comments, Species.Boston_Mountains, Species.Arkansas_Valley, Species.Ouachitas, Species.South_Central_Plains, Species.Mississippi_Alluvial_Plains, Species.Mississippi_Valley_Loess_Plains, Species.Ozarks, Species.Federal_Status, Species.Class, [Species].[Order], Species.Family, Species.Residence, "Habitats" as Element_Name, iif(Formed_by is null,"Natural",Formed_by) & " " & Habitat & ": " & iif(Headwater = Yes,"Headwater","") & iif(Small = Yes, " - Small","") & iif(Medium = Yes," - Medium", "") & iif(Large = yes, " - Large", "") as Element, "" as Category, Aquatic_Habitat_Translated.Weight as Weight, Population_Trend,"2" as PageOrder, team FROM Species INNER JOIN Aquatic_Habitat_Translated ON Species.ID = Aquatic_Habitat_Translated.Species_ID Where taxa = "Crayfish" AND [Terrestrial or Aquatic] = "Aquatic" UNION ALL SELECT Species.Common_Name, Species.Scientific_Name, Species.Taxa, Species.[Terrestrial or Aquatic], Species.S_Rank, Species.G_Rank, Species.Comments, Species.Boston_Mountains, Species.Arkansas_Valley, Species.Ouachitas, Species.South_Central_Plains, Species.Mississippi_Alluvial_Plains, Species.Mississippi_Valley_Loess_Plains, Species.Ozarks, Species.Federal_Status, Species.Class, [Species].[Order], Species.Family, Species.Residence, "Ecobasins" as Element_Name, Ecobasin as Element, "" as Category, "" as Weight, Population_Trend, "1" as PageOrder, team FROM Species INNER JOIN Ecobasin ON Species.ID = Ecobasin.Species_ID Where taxa = "Crayfish" AND [Terrestrial or Aquatic] = "Aquatic" UNION ALL SELECT Species.Common_Name, Species.Scientific_Name, Species.Taxa, Species.[Terrestrial or Aquatic], Species.S_Rank, Species.G_Rank, Species.Comments, Species.Boston_Mountains, Species.Arkansas_Valley, Species.Ouachitas, Species.South_Central_Plains, Species.Mississippi_Alluvial_Plains, Species.Mississippi_Valley_Loess_Plains, Species.Ozarks, Species.LVALWFederal_Status, Species.Class, [Species].[Order], Species.Family, Species.Residence, "Problems Faced" as Element_Name,"Threat: " & Aquatic_Threats_And_Sources.Threat & (Chr(13) & Chr(10)) & "Source: " & Aquatic_Threats_And_Sources.Source as Element, "" as Category, "" as Weight, Population_Trend, "3" as PageOrder,team FROM Species INNER JOIN Aquatic_Threats_And_Sources ON Species.ID = Aquatic_Threats_And_Sources.Species_ID Where taxa = "Crayfish" AND [Terrestrial or Aquatic] = "Aquatic" UNION ALL SELECT Species.Common_Name, Species.Scientific_Name, Species.Taxa, Species.[Terrestrial or Aquatic], Species.S_Rank, Species.G_Rank, Species.Comments, Species.Boston_Mountains, Species.Arkansas_Valley, Species.Ouachitas, Species.South_Central_Plains, Species.Mississippi_Alluvial_Plains, Species.Mississippi_Valley_Loess_Plains, Species.Ozarks, Species.Federal_Status, Species.Class, [Species].[Order], Species.Family, Species.Residence, "Data Gaps/Research Needs" as Element_Name, Data_Gaps.Data_Gaps as Element, "" as Category, "" as Weight, Population_Trend, "4" as PageOrder,team FROM Species INNER JOIN Data_Gaps ON Species.ID = Data_Gaps.Species_ID Where taxa = "crayfish" AND [Terrestrial or Aquatic] = "Aquatic" UNION ALL SELECT Species.Common_Name, Species.Scientific_Name, Species.Taxa, Species.[Terrestrial or Aquatic], Species.S_Rank, Species.G_Rank, Species.Comments, Species.Boston_Mountains, Species.Arkansas_Valley, Species.Ouachitas, Species.South_Central_Plains, Species.Mississippi_Alluvial_Plains, Species.Mississippi_Valley_Loess_Plains, Species.Ozarks, Species.Federal_Status, Species.Class, [Species].[Order], Species.Family, Species.Residence, "Conservation Actions" as Element_Name, Conservation_Actions.Conservation_Actions as Element, Conservation_Actions.CA_Category as Category, Conservation_Actions.Importance as Weight, Population_Trend, "5" as PageOrder,team FROM Species INNER JOIN Conservation_Actions on Species.ID = Conservation_Actions.Species_ID Where taxa = "crayfish" AND [TerLVALrestrial or Aquatic] = "Aquatic" LVALUQYSELECT Species.Common_Name, Species.Scientific_Name, Species.Taxa, Species.[Terrestrial or Aquatic], Species.S_Rank, Species.G_Rank, Species.Comments, Species.Boston_Mountains, Species.Arkansas_Valley, Species.Ouachitas, Species.South_Central_Plains, Species.Mississippi_Alluvial_Plains, Species.Mississippi_Valley_Loess_Plains, Species.Ozarks, Species.Federal_Status, Species.Class, [Species].[Order], Species.Family, Species.Residence, "Habitats" as Element_Name, iif(Formed_by is null,"Natural",Formed_by) & " " & Habitat & ": " & iif(Headwater = Yes,"Headwater","") & iif(Small = Yes, " - Small","") & iif(Medium = Yes," - Medium", "") & iif(Large = yes, " - Large", "") as Element, "" as Category, Aquatic_Habitat_Translated.Weight as Weight, Population_Trend,"2" as PageOrder, team FROM Species INNER JOIN Aquatic_Habitat_Translated ON Species.ID = Aquatic_Habitat_Translated.Species_ID Where taxa = "Fish" AND [Terrestrial or Aquatic] = "Aquatic" UNION ALL SELECT Species.Common_Name, Species.Scientific_Name, Species.Taxa, Species.[Terrestrial or Aquatic], Species.S_Rank, Species.G_Rank, Species.Comments, Species.Boston_Mountains, Species.Arkansas_Valley, Species.Ouachitas, Species.South_Central_Plains, Species.Mississippi_Alluvial_Plains, Species.Mississippi_Valley_Loess_Plains, Species.Ozarks, Species.Federal_Status, Species.Class, [Species].[Order], Species.Family, Species.Residence, "Ecobasins" as Element_Name, Ecobasin as Element, "" as Category, "" as Weight, Population_Trend, "1" as PageOrder, team FROM Species INNER JOIN Ecobasin ON Species.ID = Ecobasin.Species_ID Where taxa = "Fish" AND [Terrestrial or Aquatic] = "Aquatic" UNION ALL SELECT Species.Common_Name, Species.Scientific_Name, Species.Taxa, Species.[Terrestrial or Aquatic], Species.S_Rank, Species.G_Rank, Species.Comments, Species.Boston_Mountains, Species.Arkansas_Valley, Species.Ouachitas, Species.South_Central_Plains, Species.Mississippi_Alluvial_Plains, Species.Mississippi_Valley_Loess_Plains, Species.Ozarks, Species.Federal_LVALZStatus, Species.Class, [Species].[Order], Species.Family, Species.Residence, "Problems Faced" as Element_Name,"Threat: " & Aquatic_Threats_And_Sources.Threat & (Chr(13) & Chr(10)) & "Source: " & Aquatic_Threats_And_Sources.Source as Element, "" as Category, "" as Weight, Population_Trend, "3" as PageOrder,team FROM Species INNER JOIN Aquatic_Threats_And_Sources ON Species.ID = Aquatic_Threats_And_Sources.Species_ID Where taxa = "Fish" AND [Terrestrial or Aquatic] = "Aquatic" UNION ALL SELECT Species.Common_Name, Species.Scientific_Name, Species.Taxa, Species.[Terrestrial or Aquatic], Species.S_Rank, Species.G_Rank, Species.Comments, Species.Boston_Mountains, Species.Arkansas_Valley, Species.Ouachitas, Species.South_Central_Plains, Species.Mississippi_Alluvial_Plains, Species.Mississippi_Valley_Loess_Plains, Species.Ozarks, Species.Federal_Status, Species.Class, [Species].[Order], Species.Family, Species.Residence, "Data Gaps/Research Needs" as Element_Name, Data_Gaps.Data_Gaps as Element, "" as Category, "" as Weight, Population_Trend, "4" as PageOrder,team FROM Species INNER JOIN Data_Gaps ON Species.ID = Data_Gaps.Species_ID Where taxa = "Fish" AND [Terrestrial or Aquatic] = "Aquatic" UNION ALL SELECT Species.Common_Name, Species.Scientific_Name, Species.Taxa, Species.[Terrestrial or Aquatic], Species.S_Rank, Species.G_Rank, Species.Comments, Species.Boston_Mountains, Species.Arkansas_Valley, Species.Ouachitas, Species.South_Central_Plains, Species.Mississippi_Alluvial_Plains, Species.Mississippi_Valley_Loess_Plains, Species.Ozarks, Species.Federal_Status, Species.Class, [Species].[Order], Species.Family, Species.Residence, "Conservation Actions" as Element_Name, Conservation_Actions.Conservation_Actions as Element, Conservation_Actions.CA_Category as Category, Conservation_Actions.Importance as Weight, Population_Trend, "5" as PageOrder,team FROM Species INNER JOIN Conservation_Actions on Species.ID = Conservation_Actions.Species_ID Where taxa = "Fish" AND [Terrestrial or Aquatic]LVAL = "Aquatic" LVAL  l|28All_Species_Ranked.Scientific_Name = Species.Scientific_NameSum(All_Species_Ranked.Viability_Score)(((Bird_Query.Scientific_Name)>"P"))Trend_LUT.Trend_Text = Bird_Query.Population_TrendS_Rank_LUT.S_Rank = Bird_Query.S_RankG_Rank_LUT.G_Rank = Bird_Query.G_Rank(([g_rank_lut].[score_value]+[s_rank_lut].[score_value])*[Trend_Multiplier])/0.2625Bird_Query.Mississippi_Valley_Loess_PlainsBird_Query.Mississippi_Alluvial_PlainsSELECT Species.Common_Name, Species.Scientific_Name, Species.Taxa, Species.[Terrestrial or Aquatic], Species.S_Rank, Species.G_Rank, Species.Comments, Species.Boston_Mountains, Species.Arkansas_Valley, Species.Ouachitas, Species.South_Central_Plains, Species.Mississippi_Alluvial_Plains, Species.Mississippi_Valley_Loess_Plains, Species.Ozarks, Species.Federal_Status, Species.Class, [Species].[Order], Species.Family, Species.Residence, "Monitoring Strategies" as Element_Name, Monitoring.Monitoring_Strategy as Element, Monitoring.Monitoring_Category as Category, "" as Weight, Population_Trend, "6" as PageOrder,team FROM Species INNER JOIN Monitoring ON Species.ID = Monitoring.Species_ID Where taxa = "Invertebrate - other" AND [Terrestrial or Aquatic] = "Aquatic"SELECT Species.Common_Name, Species.Scientific_Name, Species.Taxa, Species.[Terrestrial or Aquatic], Species.S_Rank, Species.G_Rank, Species.Comments, Species.Boston_Mountains, Species.Arkansas_Valley, Species.Ouachitas, Species.South_Central_Plains, Species.Mississippi_Alluvial_Plains, Species.Mississippi_Valley_Loess_Plains, Species.Ozarks, Species.Federal_Status, Species.Class, [Species].[Order], Species.Family, Species.Residence, "Monitoring Strategies" as Element_Name, Monitoring.Monitoring_Strategy as Element, Monitoring.Monitoring_Category as Category, "" as Weight, Population_Trend, "6" as PageOrder,team FROM Species INNER JOIN Monitoring ON Species.ID = Monitoring.Species_ID Where taxa = "Fish" AND [Terrestrial or Aquatic] = "Aquatic"z ~Y{N  ]]{{{ Y  d Y dY Y Y Y Y Y Y Formed_byHabitat WeightIDSpecies_ID Small Medium LargeHeadwater0011]d1:1@p1111]g11ĀYYIDSpecies_IDv1p\qfI+oP0 o Q 2  y Z :  y Z :  g 0  z O 0  mO0y[<uU7kEz\1 iA#eG' Z2  |NaturalPool {NaturalOther zNaturalOxbow - disconnected-? yOther xPool wShoal vRun uRun~ tRiffle~ sPool rRun qOxbow - disconnected$~ pOxbow - connected!~ oSwamp/Wetlands~ nSlough~ mPool~ lNaturalShoal kNaturalPool jPool> iRiffle> hRun> gSlough fSide channel eMan-madePelagic! dPool cNaturalPool bMan-madePelagic! aSlough `Oxbow - disconnected$ _Oxbow - connected! ^Side channel ]Shoal \Man-madePool [NaturalPelagic  ZPool YRun~ XRiffle~ WPool~ VRiffle~ USwamp/Wetlands TOxbow - disconnected$ SSide channel RSlough QOxbow - connected! PGlide~ OPool~ NRiffle~ MRun~ LGlidez KPoolz JRunz IRifflez HGlide~ GPool~ FRun~ ERiffle~ DOxbow - connected! CRiffle BPool ARun @Shoal >Man-madePelagic! =NaturalPelagic  <Slough ;Side channel :Swamp/Wetlands 9Pool 8NaturalOxbow - disconnected- 7Oxbow - connected! 6Littoral 5Shoal 4Run 3Groundwater> 2Cave Stream> 1Riffle 0Shoal /Run .Pool -NaturalLittoral! ,Shoal +Pool ) Pool~ ( Riffle~ ' Glide~ & Pool^ % Pool~ $Run~ #Pool~ "Pool> !Spring Run>  Shoal Pool Run Run^ Riffle^ Pool^  Man-madeLittoral"  Run^  Riffle^  Glide^  Pool^  Riffle~  Pool~  Glide~  Run~ Spring Run Pool> Run> Riffle>  <Glide~ <Pool~ <Run~ <Riffle~\pfI+uQ3 r U 5   S -  e F " q L '  v Q 3  ^:kG)xS/~`;mI+z\7b=_B$ "Pool> "Pool~ "Run~ "Riffle~ "Pool~ "Run~ "Riffle~ "Riffle> "Pool> "Groundwater> Groundwater Seep> Spring Run> Cave Stream> oGroundwater> oSpring Run> oCave Stream> Groundwater Seep> Spring Run> Cave Stream> Groundwater Seep> Groundwater Seep> Spring Run> Groundwater Seep> Spring Run> Cave Stream> Seep> Spring Run> Cave Stream> Seep> Spring Run> Cave Stream> Groundwater Groundwater Seep> Spring Run> Cave Stream> Groundwater> Seep> Spring Run> Cave Stream> Groundwater Seep> Spring Run> Groundwater Seep> Spring Run> Cave Stream> Groundwater> Seep> Spring Run> Cave Stream> Groundwater Seep> Spring Run> Cave Stream> Spring Run> Seep> Groundwater> Cave Stream> Spring Run> Seep> Groundwater Cave Stream> Groundwater Cave Stream> Cave Stream> Spring Run> Seep> Groundwater Cave Stream> Spring Run> Shoal Pool NaturalShoal NaturalPool Run^ Riffle^ Pool~ Side channel Man-madeLittoral" Riffle~ Pool~ Run~ Riffle~ Pool~ Run~ Riffle~ Run~ Riffle~ Slough Swamp/Wetlands Oxbow - disconnected$ Oxbow - connected! 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FiNaturalRun EiNaturalRiffle 9Spring Run> 8LPool~ 7KPool~ 6YPool~ 5YRiffle~ 4PPool~ 3OPool~ 2NRiffle> 1NPool> 0VOther> /[Other> .ZRiffle> -ZPool> ,XRiffle> +WRiffle> *RRiffle~ )QRiffle> (PRiffle> ')Riffle> &(Other> %&Riffle> $&Pool> #Riffle> "Pool> !Spring Run> "Groundwater> "Seep> "Groundwater "Seep> "Groundwater "Seep> "Groundwater "Cave Stream> "Riffle "Pool "Swamp/Wetlands> "Seep> "Groundwater "Seep> "Spring Run~ "Groundwater "Cave Stream~ "Run~ "Riffle~  "Pool~  "Groundwater  "Spring Run  "Cave Stream~ "Groundwater "Seep> "Swamp/Wetlands "Riffle^ "Run^ "Seep "Spring Run "NaturalGroundwater$ "NaturalSeep "NaturalRun? "NaturalRiffle? "NaturalPool? 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Oxbow - disconnectedLentic Swamp/WetlandsSwamp/Wetlands"GroundwaterSubsurfaceSeepSubsurfaceSpring RunSubsurfaceCave StreamSubsurfaceGlideLotic RunLoticRiffleLotic OtherLotic Oxbow - connectedLoticSloughLotic ShoalLotic Side channelLoticPoolLoticPelagicLentic LittoralLentic LVALeQnSELECT Species.Common_Name, Species.Scientific_Name, Species.Taxa, Species.[Terrestrial or Aquatic], Species.S_Rank, Species.G_Rank, Species.Comments, Species.Boston_Mountains, Species.Arkansas_Valley, Species.Ouachitas, Species.South_Central_Plains, Species.Mississippi_Alluvial_Plains, Species.Mississippi_Valley_Loess_Plains, Species.Ozarks, Species.Federal_Status, Species.Class, [Species].[Order], Species.Family, Species.Residence, "Habitats" as Element_Name, iif(Formed_by is null,"Natural",Formed_by) & " " & Habitat & ": " & iif(Headwater = Yes,"Headwater","") & iif(Small = Yes, " - Small","") & iif(Medium = Yes," - Medium", "") & iif(Large = yes, " - Large", "") as Element, "" as Category, Aquatic_Habitat_Translated.Weight as Weight, Population_Trend,"2" as PageOrder, team FROM Species INNER JOIN Aquatic_Habitat_Translated ON Species.ID = Aquatic_Habitat_Translated.Species_ID Where taxa = "Invertebrate - Other" AND [Terrestrial or Aquatic] = "Aquatic" UNION ALL SELECT Species.Common_Name, Species.Scientific_Name, Species.Taxa, Species.[Terrestrial or Aquatic], Species.S_Rank, Species.G_Rank, Species.Comments, Species.Boston_Mountains, Species.Arkansas_Valley, Species.Ouachitas, Species.South_Central_Plains, Species.Mississippi_Alluvial_Plains, Species.Mississippi_Valley_Loess_Plains, Species.Ozarks, Species.Federal_Status, Species.Class, [Species].[Order], Species.Family, Species.Residence, "Ecobasins" as Element_Name, Ecobasin as Element, "" as Category, "" as Weight, Population_Trend, "1" as PageOrder, team FROM Species INNER JOIN Ecobasin ON Species.ID = Ecobasin.Species_ID Where taxa = "Invertebrate - other" AND [Terrestrial or Aquatic] = "Aquatic" UNION ALL SELECT Species.Common_Name, Species.Scientific_Name, Species.Taxa, Species.[Terrestrial or Aquatic], Species.S_Rank, Species.G_Rank, Species.Comments, Species.Boston_Mountains, Species.Arkansas_Valley, Species.Ouachitas, Species.South_Central_Plains, Species.Mississippi_Alluvial_Plains, Species.Mississippi_Valley_Loess_Plains, LVALoSpecies.Ozarks, Species.Federal_Status, Species.Class, [Species].[Order], Species.Family, Species.Residence, "Problems Faced" as Element_Name,"Threat: " & Aquatic_Threats_And_Sources.Threat & (Chr(13) & Chr(10)) & "Source: " & Aquatic_Threats_And_Sources.Source as Element, "" as Category, "" as Weight, Population_Trend, "3" as PageOrder,team FROM Species INNER JOIN Aquatic_Threats_And_Sources ON Species.ID = Aquatic_Threats_And_Sources.Species_ID Where taxa = "Invertebrate - other" AND [Terrestrial or Aquatic] = "Aquatic" UNION ALL SELECT Species.Common_Name, Species.Scientific_Name, Species.Taxa, Species.[Terrestrial or Aquatic], Species.S_Rank, Species.G_Rank, Species.Comments, Species.Boston_Mountains, Species.Arkansas_Valley, Species.Ouachitas, Species.South_Central_Plains, Species.Mississippi_Alluvial_Plains, Species.Mississippi_Valley_Loess_Plains, Species.Ozarks, Species.Federal_Status, Species.Class, [Species].[Order], Species.Family, Species.Residence, "Data Gaps/Research Needs" as Element_Name, Data_Gaps.Data_Gaps as Element, "" as Category, "" as Weight, Population_Trend, "4" as PageOrder,team FROM Species INNER JOIN Data_Gaps ON Species.ID = Data_Gaps.Species_ID Where taxa = "Invertebrate - other" AND [Terrestrial or Aquatic] = "Aquatic" UNION ALL SELECT Species.Common_Name, Species.Scientific_Name, Species.Taxa, Species.[Terrestrial or Aquatic], Species.S_Rank, Species.G_Rank, Species.Comments, Species.Boston_Mountains, Species.Arkansas_Valley, Species.Ouachitas, Species.South_Central_Plains, Species.Mississippi_Alluvial_Plains, Species.Mississippi_Valley_Loess_Plains, Species.Ozarks, Species.Federal_Status, Species.Class, [Species].[Order], Species.Family, Species.Residence, "Conservation Actions" as Element_Name, Conservation_Actions.Conservation_Actions as Element, Conservation_Actions.CA_Category as Category, Conservation_Actions.Importance as Weight, Population_Trend, "5" as PageOrder,team FROM Species INNER JOIN Conservation_Actions on Species.ID = Conservation_Action0LVAL@s.Species_ID Where taxa = "Invertebrate - other" AND [Terrestrial or Aquatic] = "Aquatic"  ^Yes.CNqq Y cY Y  Y ad Y e ThreatIDSpecies_ID SourceThreat_Textcsooqntcsrnqali.aiqSpYYYIDPrimaryKeySpecies_IDqqv1b V,e%\ӚpEq.> | D  r 0 v 6 H  } F  Fv?g(Lx:Y&g4ZRHabitat destructionChannel alteration33 QHabitat destructionDam$$ NHydrological alterationWater diversion44# MSedimentationGrazing/Browsing++ LSedimentationUrban development,, KHabitat destructionDam$$ JHabitat destructionChannel alteration33 IHydrological alterationDam((# HHydrological alterationChannel alteration77# GHabitat destructionChannel maintenance44 FHabitat destructionChannel alteration33 EHydrological alterationDam((# DHydrological alterationWater diversion44# CSedimentationChannel maintenance.. BSedimentationDam ABiological alterationCommercial harvest55! @Habitat destructionChannel alteration33 ?Habitat destructionChannel maintenance44 >Habitat destructionDam$$ =Hydrological alterationDam((# <Hydrological alterationDam((# :Biological alterationCrossbreeding00! 8Habitat destructionChannel maintenance44 7Habitat destructionDam$$ 6Hydrological alterationDam((# 5Habitat destructionForestry activities44 4Habitat destructionGrazing(( 3Habitat destructionResource extraction44 2SedimentationResource extraction.. 1SedimentationGrazing"" 0SedimentationRoad construction,, /SedimentationResource extraction.. .SedimentationRoad construction,, -SedimentationGrazing"" ,Habitat destructionGrazing(( +Habitat destructionResource extraction44 *SedimentationConfined animal operations55 )Habitat destructionAgricultural practices77 (Habitat destructionChannel maintenance44 'SedimentationRoad construction,, &SedimentationGrazing"" %SedimentationResource extraction.. $Unknown  UnknownMore information is needed.< Habitat destructionChannel alteration33 Hydrological alterationWater diversion44# Hydrological alterationDam((# Habitat destructionChannel alteration33 Biological alterationCommercial harvest55! Biological alterationRecreation--! Hydrological alterationWater diversion44# Hydrological alterationChannel maintenance88# Hydrological alterationChannel alteration77# Hydrological alterationDam((# Hydrological alterationDam((# Habitat destructionChannel maintenance44 SedimentationUnknown"" Biological alterationRecreation--! Chemical alterationConfined animal operations;; Chemical alterationUrban development22 Hydrological alterationWater diversion44#  Hydrological alterationUrban development66#  Nutrient loadingUrban development//  Nutrient loadingConfined animal operations88  Temperature alterationDam''" Hydrological alterationChannel maintenance88# Sedimentationunknown"" Habitat destructionDam$$ Hydrological alterationDam((# pBH Q" m 7 S  S  j , p 1 z;Gg8I i*xI GNHabitat destructionResource extraction44 Habitat destructionChannel alteration33 Habitat destructionRoad construction22 Habitat destructionUrban development22 Hydrological alterationUrban development66# Habitat destructionGrazing/Browsing11 Habitat destructionResource extraction44 Nutrient loadingMunicipal/Industrial point source?? Habitat destructionChannel alteration33 Habitat destructionRoad construction22 Habitat destructionUrban development22 Habitat destructionDam$$ Nutrient loadingGrazing/Browsing.. Nutrient loadingConfined animal operations88 Habitat destructionRecreation++ Hydrological alterationWater diversion44# Habitat destructionDam$$ SedimentationResource extraction.. SedimentationForestry activities.. Chemical alterationForestry activities44 Chemical alterationResource extraction44 Habitat destructionForestry activities44 Hydrological alterationDam((# Habitat destructionChannel alteration33 Habitat destructionDam$$ Habitat destructionResource extraction44 Hydrological alterationDam((# Habitat destructionResource extraction44 Habitat destructionDam$$ Habitat destructionChannel alteration33 }Habitat destructionChannel alteration33 |Chemical alterationResource extraction44 {SedimentationResource extraction.. zHabitat destructionForestry activities44 ySedimentationForestry activities.. xHabitat destructionResource extraction44 wHabitat destructionChannel maintenance44 vHabitat destructionResource extraction44 uHabitat destructionChannel alteration33 tHabitat destructionChannel maintenance44 sHabitat destructionResource extraction44 rHabitat destructionChannel alteration33 qHabitat destructionUrban development22 oHabitat destructionChannel alteration33 nHabitat destructionDam$$ mHabitat destructionResource extraction44 hHabitat destructionResource extraction44 gHabitat destructionRoad construction22 fChemical alterationNon-point source pollution;; eHabitat destructionChannel alteration33 dSedimentationChannel alteration-- cSedimentationRoad construction,, bSedimentationAgricultural practices11 aSedimentationResource extraction.. _SedimentationGrazing/Browsing++ ^SedimentationForestry activities.. ]Habitat destructionRoad construction22 \Habitat destructionResource extraction44 [Habitat destructionDam$$ ZHydrological alterationDam((# XHydrological alterationChannel maintenance88# WHydrological alterationChannel alteration77# VHydrological alterationWater diversion44# UHabitat destructionChannel alteration33 THabitat destructionWater diversion00 SHabitat destructionResource extraction44 p?z9B [ , } @  T  k 5 I  c,FQEaw:n7UoChemical alterationUrban development22 oSedimentationRoad construction~@u8, oNutrient loadingGrazing/BrowsingB@u:. oNutrient loadingConfined animal operationsB@uD8 oNutrient loadingUrban developmentB@ u;/ oHydrological alterationUrban developmentl@ uB6# lSedimentationUrban development,, lSedimentationGrazing/Browsing++ kHabitat destructionForestry activities@ u@4 xHabitat destructionForestry activitiesH@ u@4 &Habitat destructionUrban development22 &Habitat destructionCrop production practicesP@ uF: %Habitat destructionAgricultural practicesx@uC7 Habitat destructionForestry activitiesl@u@4 Habitat destructionForestry activities@u@4 Habitat destructionForestry activities@u@4 jToxins/contaminantsAgricultural practicesj@uC7 jHabitat destructionForestry activities|@u@4 lNutrient loadingGrazing/Browsing.. lNutrient loadingConfined animal operationsz@uD8 iSedimentationForestry activities.. iSedimentationGrazing/Browsing++ iSedimentationRoad construction,, iNutrient loadingConfined animal operations88 iNutrient loadingGrazing/Browsing @u:. Habitat destructionForestry activities@u@4 Hydrological alterationDam((# Habitat destructionDam$$ SedimentationForestry activities.. SedimentationRoad construction,, SedimentationGrazing/Browsing++ Habitat destructionChannel alteration33 Habitat destructionGrazing/Browsing11 SedimentationGrazing/Browsing++ SedimentationChannel maintenance.. SedimentationRoad construction,, Nutrient loadingGrazing/Browsing.. Nutrient loadingConfined animal operations88 SedimentationGrazing/Browsing++ SedimentationRoad construction,, Habitat destructionGrazing/Browsing11 Habitat destructionRoad construction22 Nutrient loadingGrazing/Browsing.. Nutrient loadingConfined animal operations88 SedimentationGrazing/Browsing++ SedimentationRoad construction,, Habitat destructionGrazing/Browsing11 Habitat destructionRoad construction22 Habitat destructionChannel maintenance44 SedimentationRoad construction,, SedimentationForestry activities.. Habitat destructionDam$$ SedimentationGrazing/Browsing++ Habitat destructionGrazing/Browsing11 Hydrological alterationChannel alteration77# Hydrological alterationDam((# Habitat destructionAgricultural practices77 Habitat destructionWater diversion00 Biological alterationExotic species11! Habitat destructionChannel alteration33 Hydrological alterationUrban development66# Nutrient loadingMunicipal/Industrial point source?? Habitat destructionGrazing/Browsing11 LVAL!nd n   N LZDTtZhPOTENTIAL PROBLEM: Wetland habitat loss.POTENTIAL PROBLEM: Loss of habitat.POTENTIAL PROBLEM: Increased sedimentation.POTENTIAL PROBLEM: Increased sedimentation.POTENTIAL PROBLEM: Loss of habitat.POTENTIAL PROBLEM: Contaminants, stream nutrient loading.KNOWN PROBLEM: Loss of swamps and other wetlands.Loss and degradation of prairie and forest habitat surrounding breeding.POTENTIAL PROBLEMS: Habitat destruction.POTENTIAL PROBLEMS: Habitat destruction.POTENTIAL PROBLEMS: Habitat destruction.POTENTIAL PROBLEMS: Habitat destruction.POTENTIAL PROBLEMS: Habitat destruction, agricultural practices.POTENTIAL PROBLEMS: Agricultural practices, habitat destruction/alteration.KNOWN PROBLEMS: Habitat destruction, agricultural practices. KNOWN PROBLEMS: Habitat destruction, agricultural practices.KNOWN PROBLEMS: Decreased habitat quality due to sedimentation.POTENTIAL PROBLEMS: Contaminants.POTENTIAL PROBLEMS: Contaminants.POTENTIAL PROBLEMS: Contaminants.POTENTIAL PROBLEMS: Riparian or instream habitat loss.POTENTIAL PROBLEMS: Habitat destruction due to forestry practices.POTENTIAL PROBLEMS: Loss of habitat.POTENTIAL PROBLEMS: Habitat destruction.KNOWN PROBLEMS: Habitat destruction, agricultural practices.POTENTIAL PROBLEMS: Loss of wetland and swamp habitat.POTENTIAL PROBLEMS: Habitat destruction due to forestry practices.Loss and degradation of forest habitat surrounding breeding ponds.POTENTIAL PROBLEMS: Toxins due to agricultural water.POTENTIAL PROBLEMS: Loss of habitat due to forestry practices.POTENTIAL PROBLEMS: Riparian or instream habitat loss, forestry practices, contaminents, urb an development KNOWN PROBLEMS: Sedimentation, grazing practices, conversion of riparian forestsKNOWN PROBLEMS: stream bank erosion, instream livestock waste, loss of riparian forest buffer, chemical alteration, nutrient loading.Forestry practices and associated negative impacts pose greatest problem.5p6dz/ T N o ' 9 m >  lKNIW ] y18N-{Toxins/contaminantsAgricultural practicesh@wC7 ,zToxins/contaminantsCrop production practices^@wF: *UHabitat destructionAgricultural practicesl@wC7 )THydrological alterationWater diversion@w@4# (RHabitat destructionCrop production practicesX@wF: 'PHabitat destruction or conversionForestry activities@wNB- &OHabitat destructionForestry activities@w@4 $MAltered composition/structureForestry activities,@wJ>) #LHabitat destructionFire suppression@w=1 "KHabitat destructionWater diversionP@w<0 !IHabitat destructionForestry activities@ w@4  HAltered composition/structureFire suppressiont@ wG;) FHabitat fragmentationUrban development@ w@4! EExtraordinary competition for resourcesInterspecific competitonv@ wYM3 DHabitat destructionForestry activitiesn@ w@4 ?Habitat destructionForestry activities@w@4 =Habitat destructionForestry activitiesV@w@4 <Habitat destruction or conversionAgricultural practicesN@wQE- ;Habitat destructionUrban developmentv@w>2 8Extraordinary predation/parasitism/diseasePredation`@wMA6 6Habitat disturbanceRecreation" KNOWN PROBLEM: Nest disturbanceY+ Hydrological alterationDam((#  Habitat destructionDam.2$  Habitat destructionDam$$  Habitat destructionDam$$ Habitat destructionDam$$ P@w Habitat destructionDam$$  Hydrological alterationDam((#   SedimentationRoad construction,,   SedimentationResource extraction..  Habitat destructionDam$$  <Hydrological alterationDam((# Habitat destructionForestry activitiesP@w@4 Habitat destructionAgricultural practicesP@wC7 Habitat destructionAgricultural practicesP@wC7 Habitat destructionForestry activitiesP@ u@4 Habitat destructionConversion of riparian forestF@uJ> SedimentationAgricultural practicesV@u=1 SedimentationForestry activitiesV@u:. Habitat destructionResource extractionF@u@4 Hydrological alterationResource extractionr@uD8# Habitat destructionAgricultural practicesb@uC7 Habitat destructionForestry activities"POTENTIAL PROBLEM: Wetland loss.b4 hHabitat destructionForestry activities@u@4 vHabitat destructionAgricultural practicesP@uC7 vHabitat destructionForestry activitiesP@u@4 uHabitat destructionAgricultural practices77 tHabitat destructionForestry activitiesP@u@4 tHabitat destructionAgricultural practicesP@uC7 sHabitat destructionAgricultural practices@uC7 rHabitat destructionAgricultural practices@uC7 qChemical alterationAgricultural practicesx@uC7 qHabitat destructionAgricultural practicesz@uC7 LVAL`` F : 0 $  NH~FjZKNOWN PROBLEM: Loss of wetlands due to agriculturePOTENTIAL PROBLEM: Hybridization with mallards. Mallards have expanded in range and abundance.KNOWN PROBLEM: Conflicts with aquaculture.POTENTIAL PROBLEM: Competetion for breeding habitatKNOWN PROBLEM: Loss/degradation of wetland nesting habitatKNOWN PROBLEM: Loss of wetlands from conversion.KNOWN PROBLEM: Lack of emergent marsh, lack of wetlands.POTENTIAL PROBLEM: Poor water quality, contaminants.KNOWN PROBLEM: Poor water quality, contaminantsKNOWN PROBLEM: Lack of grassland with shrub component.KNOWN PROBLEM: Lack of mudflats during migration as a result of hydrological alterationKNOWN PROBLEM: Habitat loss and degradation.KNOWN PROBLEM: Loss of shortleaf pine/bluestem communities from fire suppression. KNOWN PROBLEM: Forest fragmentation, even-aged forest management, lack of small patches of shrub cover within mature forestsKNOWN PROBLEM: Lack of understory and midstory and loss of midseral stages interspersed with more mature woodlands due to even-aged forest management.POTENTIAL PROBLEM: Mature forest loss from red oak borer destruction caused by fire suppressionKNOWN PROBLEM: Loss of forested wetlandsKNOWN PROBLEM: Loss of large blocks of mature/old growth unevenaged forests.KNOWN PROBLEM: Loss of shrubby, early successional habitatKNOWN PROBLEM: Habitat fragmentation of extensive tracts of mature forest.KNOWN PROBLEM: Competition for nest sites with House Wrens.KNOWN PROBLEM: Loss of mature pine habitat from loggingKNOWN PROBLEM: Loss of extensive, mature pine habitat that is open and parklike KNOWN PROBLEM: Loss of old growth forests.KNOWN PROBLEM: Loss of nesting habitat.POTENTIAL PROBLEM: Habitat loss caused by urban developmentPOTENTIAL PROBLEM: Fire ant predation on chicks.Data needed to determine problems faced.POTENTIAL PROBLEM: Wetland habitat loss.POTENTIAL PROBLEM: Wetland habitat loss.POTENTIAL PROBLEM: Wetland habitat loss.6p.H9 g  A 1 Y  x + 6U q;DU HJ`Habitat destruction or conversionExotic species@zI=- _Habitat destruction or conversionFire suppression@zK?- ]Habitat disturbanceGrazing/Browsingl@z=1 \Habitat destruction or conversionCrop production practicesj@zTH- [Alteration of natural fire regimesFire suppressionn@zL@. ZHabitat destruction or conversionForestry activitiesZ@zNB- YExtraordinary competition for resourcesConversion of Riparian ForestN@z^R3 XHabitat destructionForestry activities@z@4 WAltered composition/structureFire suppression@zG;) VHabitat disturbanceExcessive groundwater withdrawal@yMA UAltered composition/structureDaml@y:.) THabitat destruction or conversionCrop production practicesD@yTH- SChemical alterationParasites/pathogensN@y@4 RHabitat fragmentationForestry activities@yB6! QHydrological alterationWater diversion@y@4# PToxins/contaminantsAgricultural practicesx@yC7 OHydrological alterationWater diversion@y@4# NAltered composition/structureGrazing/Browsingt@yG;) MHydrological alterationWater diversion@y@4# LHydrological alterationChannel alteration@yC7# KHydrological alterationWater diversion@y@4# JHydrological alterationWater diversion@y@4# IHydrological alterationWater diversion@ y@4# HHydrological alterationWater diversion@ y@4# GHydrological alterationWater diversion@ y@4# FHabitat destruction or conversionCrop production practicesD@ yTH- EHydrological alterationWater diversion@ y@4# DHydrological alterationUrban development@yB6# CHydrological alterationWater diversion@y@4# BHydrological alterationWater diversion@y@4# AHydrological alterationWater diversion@y@4# @Habitat destruction or conversionAgricultural practices`@yQE- =Habitat destruction or conversionCrop production practicesKNOWN PROBLEM: Habitat lossqH- <Habitat destruction or conversionForestry activities@yNB- ;Habitat destruction or conversionCrop production practices^@yTH- :Extraordinary predation/parasitism/diseasePredationX@yMA6 9Extraordinary predation/parasitism/diseasePredationKNOWN PROBLEM: Nest failure.kA6 8Toxins/contaminantsCrop production practicesv@yF: 7Habitat destruction or conversionCrop production practicesd@wTH- 6Biological alterationInterspecific competiton@wG;! 4Habitat destruction or conversionCrop production practices!KNOWN PROBLEM: Loss of wetlandsuH- 3Extraordinary competition for resourcesConfined animal operationsT@w[O3 1Extraordinary competition for resourcesf@w?33 0~Habitat destruction or conversionCrop production practicesv@wTH- /}Habitat destruction or conversionAgricultural practices`@wQE- .|Habitat destruction or conversionAgricultural practicesp@wQE- LVAL2B 0 & x 4 &xf@< KNOWN PROBLEM: Loss and degradation of seasonal wetland habitats.KNOWN PROBLEM: Loss of grassland with shrub component.KNOWN PROBLEM: Loss of grasslandsKNOWN PROBLEM: Lack of nesting cavitiesKNOWN PROBLEM: Population declines thought to be linked to habitat loss.KNOWN PROBLEM: Lack of mudflats during migration as a result of hydrological alterationPOTENTIAL PROBLEM: Vulnerability to toxins and contaminants.KNOWN PROBLEM: Lack of mud flats during migration as a result of hydrological alteration.KNOWN PROBLEMS: Lack of open areas containing short grass.KNOWN PROBLEM: Lack of mud flats during migration as a result of hydrological alteration.KNOWN PROBLEM: Lack of mud flats during migration as a result of hydrological alteration.KNOWN PROBLEM: Lack of mudflats during migration as a result of hydrological alterationKNOWN PROBLEM: Lack of mudflats during migration as a result of hydrological alterationKNOWN PROBLEM: Lack of mudflats during migration as a result of hydrological alterationKNOWN PROBLEM: Lack of mud flats during migration as a result of hydrological alteration.KNOWN PROBLEM: Lack of mudflats during migration as a result of hydrological alteration KNOWN PROBLEM: Loss of grasslandsKNOWN PROBLEM: Lack of mudflats during migration as a result of hydrological alterationKNOWN PROBLEM: Lack of mudflats during migration as a result of hydrological alterationKNOWN PROBLEM: Lack of mudflats during migration as a result of hydrological alterationKNOWN PROBLEM: Lack of mudflats during migration as a result of hydrological alterationKNOWN PROBLEM: Lack of mud flats during migration as a result of hydrological alteration.KNOWN PROBLEM: Loss of wetlands from conversion.KNOWN PROBLEM: Loss of early succesional habitat and/or regeneration cutsKNOWN PROBLEM: Loss of undisturbed grassslandsKNOWN PROBLEM: Nest failure due to predationPOTENTIAL PROBLEM: Vulnerability to toxins and contaminantsLVAL^8 p  4 8 P hrj`BRoad construction/maintenance, application of chemical herbicides.Development/disturbance of cave habitat and recharge zone, groundwater contamination.Water quality degradation, disturbance of stream habitats.Development/disturbance of cave habitat and recharge zone, groundwater contamination.Road construction/maintenance, application of chemical herbicides.Road construction/maintenance, application of chemical herbicides, as well as timber harvesting that damages woodland swamps/temporary pools.Water quality degradation, disturbance of stream habitats, competition from introduced native crayfishForest management activies that impair water quality and damage stream habitats.Road construction/maintenance, application of chemical herbicides.Road construction/maintenance, application of chemical herbicides.Road construction/maintenance, application of chemical herbicidesWater quality degradation, disturbance of stream habitats.Water quality degradation, disturbance of stream habitats.Water quality degradation, disturbance of stream habitats.Water quality degradation, disturbance of stream habitats.Water quality degradation, disturbance of stream habitats.Road construction/maintenance, application of chemical herbicides. KNOWN PROBLEM: Loss of wooded wetlands on breeding grounds.POTENTIAL PROBLEM: Replacement of three-awn grass (Aristida spp.) with bermuda at airports.KNOWN PROBLEM: Loss of mesic grasslands, succession due to lack of periodic disturbance.KNOWN PROBLEM: Habitat disturbance from heavy grazing.KNOWN PROBLEM: Loss of grassland with shrub componentKNOWN PROBLEM: Loss of habitat due to fire suppression.KNOWN PROBLEM: Loss of midseral stage habitatKNOWN PROBLEM: Loss of riparian habitatKNOWN PROBLEM: Loss of early successional habitat primarily due to reduction of even-aged forest management.KNOWN PROBLEM: Loss of extensive early successional habitat with shrub component.p0x/m* O  g  q  B c  h*O. [^>\Habitat destruction or conversionRoad construction Road construction maintenance.l@- Habitat destruction or conversionForestry activitiesX@|NB- Habitat destruction or conversionUrban developmentHabitat destruction.b@- Toxins/contaminantsMunicipal/Industrial point sourceWater quality degradation.jB Habitat destruction or conversionAgricultural practicesN@|QE- Habitat destruction or conversionFire suppressionv@|K?- & "Habitat destruction or conversionForestry activitiesx@|NB- $Habitat destruction or conversionForestry activitiesx@|NB- mHabitat destructionForestry activitiesx@|@4 !Habitat destruction or conversionForestry activitiesx@|NB-  Habitat destruction or conversionForestry activitiesx@ |NB- Habitat destruction or conversionForestry activitiesx@ |NB- f@ | Habitat destruction or conversionAgricultural practices"POTENTIAL PROBLEM: Habitat loss.sE- Altered composition/structureForestry activitiesP@ |J>) oGroundwater depletionExcessive groundwater withdrawalCC! kHabitat destruction or conversionConversion of riparian forest@ |XL- (Habitat destruction or conversionFire suppression"POTENTIAL PROBLEM: Habitat loss.m?- )Habitat destruction or conversionFire suppression"POTENTIAL PROBLEM: Habitat loss.m?- Resource depletionCommercial harvestJ@|>2 Extraordinary predation/parasitism/diseaseExcessive non-commercial harvest or collectionR@|rf6 Habitat destruction or conversionForestry activitiesP@|NB- Habitat destruction or conversionForestry activitiesl@|NB- {"Habitat disturbanceRoad construction@|>2 z"Habitat disturbanceRoad construction@|>2 y"Habitat disturbanceRoad construction@|>2 x"Hydrological alterationUrban development@|B6# w"Habitat disturbanceRoad construction@|>2 v"Habitat disturbanceRoad construction@z>2 u"Habitat disturbanceForestry activities@z@4 t"Riparian Habitat DestructionRoad constructiont@zG;( s"Toxins/contaminantsConfined animal operations@zG; r"Habitat destruction or conversionRoad construction@zL@- q"Hydrological alterationUrban development@zB6# p"SedimentationRoad construction@z8, o"Groundwater depletionExcessive groundwater withdrawal@zOC! n"Habitat destructionResource extraction@z@4 m"Habitat destructionRoad construction@z>2 l"Habitat destructionRoad construction@z>2 k"Habitat disturbanceRoad constructiont@z>2 j"SedimentationRoad constructiont@z8, i"SedimentationRoad constructiont@ z8, h"SedimentationRoad constructiont@ z8, g"SedimentationRecreationt@ z1% f"Habitat destructionRoad construction@ z>2 eHydrological alterationDam((# aHabitat destructionConversion of riparian forestx@ zJ> LVAL#~R J < n  @ P `r$*<VTz4Loss of riverbank/sand bar habitat.Loss of riverbank/sand bar habitat.Fire suppression within glade habitats.Loss of riverbank/sand bar habitat.Loss of riverbank/sand bar habitat.Development/disturbance of cave habitat and recharge zone.Development/disturbance of cave habitat and recharge zone.Development/disturbance of cave habitat and recharge zone.Disturbed litter layer creates xeric conditions.Development/disturbance of cave habitat and recharge zone.Development/disturbance of cave habitat and recharge zoneHabitat disturbance from recreational development/activities.Development/disturbance of cave habitat and recharge zone.Habitat disturbance that limits access to dead wood and creates xeric conditions.KNOWN PROBLEM: Habitat loss and degradation.POTENTIAL PROBLEM: Habitat destruction.POTENTIAL PROBLEM: Loss of glade habitat, fire suppression.POTENTIAL PROBLEMS: Habitat destruction, forestry practices.POTENTIAL PROBLEMS: Habitat destruction, forestry practices.POTENTIAL PROBLEMS: Habitat destruction, forestry practices.POTENTIAL PROBLEMS: Habitat destruction, forestry practices.POTENTIAL PROBLEMS: Habitat destruction, forestry practices.POTENTIAL PROBLEMS: Habitat destruction, forestry practices.POTENTIAL PROBLEMS: UNKNOWN KNOWN PROBLEMS: UNKNOWNPOTENTIAL PROBLEM: Habitat modification.POTENTIAL PROBLEMS: Habitat destruction due to forestry practices.KNOWN PROBLEM: Commercial collection.POTENTIAL PROBLEM: Commercial collection.POTENTIAL PROBLEM: Habitat modification.KNOWN PROBLEM: Habitat loss due to forestry practices.Road construction/maintenance, application of chemical herbicides.Road construction/maintenance, application of chemical herbicides.Road construction/maintenance, application of chemical herbicides.Development/disturbance of cave habitat and recharge zone, groundwater contaminationRoad construction/maintenance, application of chemical herbicidesp.H+ m P ` y . E \gn6U4EC(SedimentationForestry activities"Degradation of riparian habitat.\. 'Habitat destruction or conversionUrban developmentT@~L@- %Habitat destruction or conversionCommercial/industrial developmentLoss of prairie habitat.vP- $Habitat destruction or conversionCommercial/industrial developmentLoss of prairie habitat.vP- #Habitat disturbanceForestry activities@~@4 "Habitat disturbanceForestry activities@ ~@4 !Habitat destruction or conversionForestry activities@ ~NB-  Habitat destruction or conversionRecreationDisturbance of cave habitats.d9- Toxins/contaminantsMunicipal/Industrial point sourcep@ ~NB Toxins/contaminantsMunicipal/Industrial point sourcep@ ~NB Habitat disturbanceForestry activities@ ~@4 Habitat disturbanceForestry activities@~@4 Habitat disturbanceForestry activities@~@4 Habitat disturbanceForestry activities@~@4 Habitat disturbanceCommercial harvest@~?3 Resource depletionForestry activitiesv@~?3 Habitat destruction or conversionForestry activitiesv@~NB- Habitat destruction or conversionDamF@~>2- Habitat destruction or conversionForestry activitiesb@~NB- Alteration of natural fire regimesFire suppressionF@~L@. Habitat destruction or conversionDamLoss of sandbar habitat.X2- Habitat destruction or conversionDamF@"|>2- Habitat destruction or conversionDamF@!|>2-  Alteration of natural fire regimesFire suppressionN@ |L@.  Habitat destruction or conversionDamF@|>2-  Habitat destruction or conversionDamF@|>2-  Habitat disturbanceUrban developmentt@|>2  Habitat destruction or conversionUrban developmentt@|L@- Habitat disturbanceUrban developmentt@|>2 Habitat disturbanceForestry activities`@|@4 SedimentationUrban developmentt@|8, SedimentationUrban developmentr@|8, SedimentationUrban developmentDisturbance of cave habitat.V, Habitat disturbanceForestry activities44 Habitat destruction or conversionRecreationz@|E9- SedimentationForestry activitiesWater quality degradation.V. Habitat disturbanceUrban developmentt@|>2 SedimentationUrban developmentWater quality degradation.T, Toxins/contaminantsMunicipal/Industrial point sourceWater quality degradation.jB SedimentationUrban developmentWater quality degradation.T, SedimentationUrban developmentWater quality degradation.T, SedimentationUrban developmentWater quality degradation.T, SedimentationUrban developmentWater quality degradation.T, SedimentationUrban developmentWater quality degredation.T, Habitat disturbanceForestry activities"Habitat degradation/disturbance.b4 Habitat disturbanceForestry activities@|@4 LVALX &  p L l Hb  x.DKNOWN PROBLEM: Habitat loss and degradation.KNOWN PROBLEM: Habitat loss and degradation.KNOWN PROBLEM: Loss/conversion of woodland stream habitat.KNOWN PROBLEM: Clearing and draining of bottomland forests and associated wetlands have greatly reduced the available habitat for this species.KNOWN PROBLEM: Clearing and draining of bottomland forests have greatly reduced the available habitat for this species.KNOWN PROBLEM: Fire suppression has had a negative impact on potential habitat.Timber harvesting that decreases available dead wood and leads to more xeric forest conditions.Forestry practices that disturb litter layer and create xeric conditions.Forestry practices that disturb litter layer and create xeric conditions.Destruction/degradation of riparian habitat (pollution).Degradation of stream habitats (pollution).Loss and degradation of grassland habitat.Forestry practices that disturb litter layer and create xeric conditions.Forestry practices that disturb litter layer and create xeric conditions.Forestry practices that disturb litter layer and create xeric conditions.Destruction/degradation of riparian habitat (pollution).Destruction/degradation of riparian habitat (pollution).Forestry practices that disturb litter layer and create xeric conditions.Forestry practices that disturb litter layer and create xeric conditions.Forestry practices that disturb litter layer and create xeric conditions.Forestry practices that disturb litter layer and create xeric conditions.Forestry practices that disturb litter layer and create xeric conditions.Forestry practices that reduce number of large, dead trees.Forestry practices that reduce number of large, dead trees.Loss of riverbank/sand bar habitat.This species prefers relatively mature forests. clear-cutting or other timber management practices that greatly open a stand could negatively impact populations of this species.Degredation of dry upland habitats. p+NV  7 q   > b +|#qf od MHpHabitat disturbanceForestry activities@@4 Habitat disturbanceForestry activities@@4 `Habitat disturbanceRecreation\@7+ _Habitat destruction or conversionUrban developmentt@L@- ^Habitat destruction or conversionUrban developmentt@L@- ]Habitat destruction or conversionUrban developmentt@L@- \Habitat destruction or conversionUrban developmentt@L@- [SedimentationForestry activities"Degradation of riparian habitat.\. ZToxins/contaminantsMunicipal/Industrial point sourcep@NB YToxins/contaminantsMunicipal/Industrial point sourcep@NB XToxins/contaminantsMunicipal/Industrial point sourceV@NB WToxins/contaminantsMunicipal/Industrial point sourcep@ NB VSedimentationForestry activitiesT@ :. UToxins/contaminantsMunicipal/Industrial point sourceV@ NB TToxins/contaminantsMunicipal/Industrial point sourceV@ NB SToxins/contaminantsMunicipal/Industrial point sourcep@ NB RToxins/contaminantsMunicipal/Industrial point sourceV@NB QToxins/contaminantsMunicipal/Industrial point sourceV@NB PToxins/contaminantsMunicipal/Industrial point sourceV@NB OToxins/contaminantsMunicipal/Industrial point sourceV@NB NToxins/contaminantsMunicipal/Industrial point sourceV@NB MHabitat destruction or conversionGrazing/BrowsingP@K?- LToxins/contaminantsMunicipal/Industrial point sourcep@NB KToxins/contaminantsMunicipal/Industrial point sourceV@NB JHabitat destruction or conversionCommercial/industrial developmentKNOWN PROBLEM: Habitat loss.zP- IHabitat destruction or conversionForestry activitiesF@NB- HAlteration of natural fire regimesFire suppression"KNOWN PROBLEM: Fire suppression.n@. FHabitat destruction or conversionConversion of riparian forestX@~XL- DHabitat destruction or conversionForestry activitiesHabitat degradation.dB- CHabitat destruction or conversionConversion of riparian forestX@~XL- ?Habitat destruction or conversionConversion of riparian forestLoss of canebrake habitat.tL- >Habitat destruction or conversionConversion of riparian forestLoss of canebrake habitat.tL- <Habitat destruction or conversionConversion of riparian forestt@~XL- :Habitat destruction or conversionConversion of riparian forest@~XL- 8Habitat destruction or conversionConversion of riparian forest@~XL- 7Habitat destruction or conversionCommercial/industrial developmentHabitat destruction.rP- 6Alteration of natural fire regimesFire suppression@~L@. .Habitat disturbanceForestry activities@~@4 -Habitat disturbanceGrazing/BrowsingDegradation of prairies.W1 ,Habitat disturbanceForestry activities@~@4 +Habitat disturbanceForestry activities@~@4 *Toxins/contaminantsMunicipal/Industrial point sourcep@~NB )Toxins/contaminantsMunicipal/Industrial point sourceV@~NB LVAL$dN L 0  P l "$<.LKNOWN PROBLEM: Loss and degradation of seasonal wetland habitats.Herbicides associated with roadside maintenance.Degradation of stream habitats (siltation).High avian and terrestrial predation rates.Human disturbance of bats in caves during winter.Nuisance control by landowners. Restricted range.Human disturbance of bats in caves.Fragmentation of habitat. Loss of habitat. Genetic diversity loss. Loss of old houses and wells.Development/disturbance of cave habitat and recharge zone.Development/disturbance of cave habitat and recharge zone.Water quality degradation, siltation, pollution.Development or activities that alter talus slopes where this species occurs.Forestry practices that disturb litter layer and create xeric conditions.Forestry practices that disturb litter layer and create xeric conditions.Disturbance of cave habitat and recharge zone.Development/disturbance of cave habitat and recharge zone.Development/disturbance of cave habitat and recharge zone.Development/disturbance of cave habitat and recharge zone.Development/disturbance of cave habitat and recharge zone.Destruction/degradation of riparian habitat (pollution).Destruction/degradation of riparian habitat (pollution).Degradation of stream habitats (pollution).Destruction/degradation of riparian habitat (pollution).Degradation of stream habitat (siltation).Degradation of stream habitats (pollution).Degradation of stream habitats (pollution).Destruction/degradation of riparian habitat (pollution).Degradation of stream habitats (pollution).Degradation of stream habitats (pollution).Degradation of stream habitats (pollution).Degradation of stream habitats (pollution).Degradation of stream habitats (Pollution).Loss and degradation of prairie habitat.Destruction/degradation of riparian habitat (pollution).Degradation of stream habitats (pollution).KNOWN PROBLEM: Habitat destruction.!p6T3e  z # x N :  M # W , Z/VO[ITk3A9aSedimentationGrazing/Browsing++ 8aSedimentationRoad construction,, 7aNutrient loadingGrazing/Browsing.. 6aNutrient loadingConfined animal operations88 5aHabitat destructionRecreation++ 4aHabitat destructionGrazing/Browsing11 3aHabitat destructionRoad construction22 2SedimentationChannel alteration-- 1SedimentationGrazing/Browsing++ 0SedimentationRoad construction,, /Habitat destructionUrban development22 .Habitat destructionResource extraction44 -Habitat destructionForestry activities44 ,Nutrient loadingUrban development// +Nutrient loadingGrazing/Browsing.. *Nutrient loadingConfined animal operations88 )Altered composition/structureConversion of riparian forestf@TH) (Habitat destruction or conversionUrban development\@L@- 'Habitat destruction or conversionAgricultural practices@QE- &Habitat disturbanceAgricultural practices@C7 $|Hydrological alterationWater diversionp@@4# #Biological alterationManagement of/for certain speciesd@PD! "Habitat destruction or conversionResource extraction@NB- !Riparian Habitat DestructionUrban developmentP@G;(  Habitat destruction or conversionAgricultural practices@#QE- "Chemical alterationRoad construction`@">2 "Habitat destruction or conversionRoad construction@@- USedimentationResource extractionV@!:.  Unknown. Habitat destruction or conversionAgricultural practicesHabitat loss and conversion.oE- BExtraordinary predation/parasitism/diseasePredationV@ MA6  Unknown. Habitat destruction or conversionUrban development Urbanization and habitat loss.l@-  Unknown.  Unknown  Unknown [Habitat disturbanceRecreationb@7+ ZExtraordinary predation/parasitism/diseaseParasites/pathogensWhite-nose Syndrome.mK6 Hydrological alterationDam((# YHabitat fragmentationConversion of riparian forestFragmentation of habitat.g@!  Unknown Habitat destruction or conversionUrban development!Urbanization with habitat loss.m@-  Unknown  Death caused by humansExcessive non-commercial harvest or collectionf@^R"  Habitat disturbanceRecreationF@7+  VHabitat fragmentationConversion of riparian forest@L@!  Habitat destructionUrban developmentt@>2  Habitat disturbanceUrban developmentt@>2 Hydrological alterationDamHydrological alteration.N(# Hydrological alterationDamHydrological alteration.N(# Toxins/contaminantsMunicipal/Industrial point sourceWater quality degradation.jB `@ Habitat disturbanceRecreationDisturbance of cave habitats.V+ Habitat disturbanceForestry activities@@4 LVAL!(T  T  j  x  T&ZFdpHKNOWN PROBLEM: Habitat fragmentation of extensive tracts of mature forest.KNOWN PROBLEM: Habitat fragmentation of extensive tracts of mature forest.POTENTIAL PROBLEM: Breeding habitat loss from sucession.KNOWN PROBLEM: Breeding habitat loss from clean farming practices.KNOWN PROBLEM: Loss of mature tree snags for nesting and roosting.KNOWN PROBLEM: Competition for nesting cavitiesKNOWN PROBLEM: Decreased snag availability for nestingKNOWN PROBLEM: Habitat loss from fire suppressionKNOWN PROBLEM: Predation by snakesKNOWN PROBLEM: Habitat fragmentationKNOWN PROBLEM: Habitat loss and degradationKNOWN PROBLEM: Competition for nest cavities with European Starlings. KNOWN PROBLEM: Use of chimney caps prevents use of chimneys as nesting locations.KNOWN PROBLEM: Lack of contiguous blocks of suitable habitat.KNOWN PROBLEM: Fragmentation of early successional habitat and native warm season grasses.KNOWN PROBLEM: Loss of early successional habitat and native warm season grasses.KNOWN PROBLEM: Conversion to non-native, cool and warm season grasses (fescue, bermuda grass, bahiagrass).KNOWN PROBLEM: Habitat fragmentation.KNOWN PROBLEM: Loss of early successional habitat.POTENTIAL PROBLEM: Shoreline conversionPOTENTIAL PROBLEM: Shoreline conversionKNOWN PROBLEM: Pesticide/lead contaminationKNOWN PROBLEM: Avian Vacuolar MyelinopathyKNOWN PROBLEM: Predation by mesopredators.KNOWN PROBLEM: Human disturbance.KNOWN PROBLEM: Lack of early successional forests.KNOWN PROBLEM: Habitat loss from urbanization.KNOWN PROBLEM: Habitat loss from conversion of grassland to cropland.KNOWN PROBLEM: Habitat disturbance and nest failure from earlier and more frequent haying.KNOWN PROBLEM: Lack of emergent marsh, lack of wetlands.KNOWN PROBLEM: Dependency on supplemental feeding.KNOWN PROBLEM: Loss and degradation of wetlands on breeding grounds.POTENTIAL PROBLEM: Shoreline developmentpDXE  h 5 ` ( w 9 v F  W  t=P!{<N`&q8`v8}'No data available.* |jNo data available.* {iNo data available.* zhHabitat destructionChannel alteration33 yhHabitat destructionChannel maintenance44 xhHabitat destructionDam$$ whNutrient loadingGrazing/Browsing.. vhNutrient loadingConfined animal operations88 uhHydrological alterationDam((# tgHabitat destructionRecreation++ sgHabitat destructionGrazing/Browsing11 rgNutrient loadingRecreation(( qgNutrient loadingGrazing/Browsing.. pgNutrient loadingConfined animal operations88 ofHabitat destructionRecreation++ nfHabitat destructionGrazing/Browsing11 mfNutrient loadingUrban development// lfNutrient loadingGrazing/Browsing.. kfNutrient loadingConfined animal operations88 jeHabitat destructionRecreation++ ieHabitat destructionGrazing/Browsing11 heNutrient loadingUrban development// geNutrient loadingGrazing/Browsing.. feNutrient loadingConfined animal operations88 eSedimentationChannel alteration-- dSedimentationCrop production practices44 cSedimentationDam bHabitat destructionChannel alteration33 aHabitat destructionChannel maintenance44 `Habitat destructionDam$$ _Hydrological alterationDam((# ^Hydrological alterationGrazing,,# ]Hydrological alterationConfined animal operations??# \SedimentationForestry activities.. [SedimentationRoad construction,, ZHabitat destructionResource extraction44 YHabitat destructionGrazing/Browsing11 XHabitat destructionDam$$ WNutrient loadingGrazing/Browsing.. VNutrient loadingConfined animal operations88 UdHabitat destructionChannel alteration33 TdHabitat destructionChannel maintenance44 SdHabitat destructionDam$$ RdNutrient loadingGrazing%% QdNutrient loadingConfined animal operations88 PdHydrological alterationDam((# OHabitat destructionMunicipal/Industrial point sourceBB NHabitat destructionChannel alteration33 MHabitat destructionChannel maintenance44 LHydrological alterationWater diversion44# KHydrological alterationDam((# JSedimentationChannel alteration-- ISedimentationDam HHabitat destructionChannel alteration33 GHabitat destructionDam$$ FHydrological alterationWater diversion44# EHydrological alterationDam((# DcNo data available.* CbNo data available.* BBiological alterationPredation,,! ABiological alterationExotic species11! @Habitat destructionChannel alteration33 ?Habitat destructionChannel maintenance44 >Habitat destructionCrop production practices:: =Hydrological alterationCommercial/industrial developmentFF# <Hydrological alterationWater diversion44# ;aSedimentationRecreation%% :aSedimentationForestry activities.. pF](C n 7 Q  q : D  V  yC V h%T~;X!y6SmSedimentationForestry activities.. mSedimentationGrazing/Browsing++ mSedimentationRoad construction,, mHabitat destructionResource extraction44 mHabitat destructionGrazing/Browsing11 mHabitat destructionDam$$ mNutrient loadingGrazing/Browsing.. mNutrient loadingConfined animal operations88 (SedimentationResource extraction.. (SedimentationForestry activities.. (SedimentationGrazing/Browsing++ (SedimentationRoad construction,, (Habitat destructionResource extraction44 (Habitat destructionGrazing/Browsing11 (Habitat destructionDam$$ (Nutrient loadingGrazing/Browsing.. (Nutrient loadingConfined animal operations88 lSedimentationResource extraction.. lSedimentationForestry activities.. lSedimentationGrazing"" lSedimentationRoad construction,, lHabitat destructionResource extraction44 lHabitat destructionGrazing(( lHabitat destructionDam$$ lNutrient loadingGrazing%% lNutrient loadingConfined animal operations88 kSedimentationUrban development,, kSedimentationGrazing/Browsing++ kSedimentationRoad construction,, kNutrient loadingMunicipal/Industrial point source?? kNutrient loadingUrban development// kNutrient loadingGrazing/Browsing.. kNutrient loadingConfined animal operations88 &SedimentationUrban development,, &SedimentationGrazing/Browsing++ &SedimentationRoad construction,, &Nutrient loadingUrban development// &Nutrient loadingRecreation(( &Nutrient loadingGrazing/Browsing.. &Nutrient loadingConfined animal operations88 %Nutrient loading %Nutrient loading %Nutrient loading $Chemical alterationRecreation++ $Chemical alterationMunicipal/Industrial point sourceBB $Chemical alterationUrban development22 $SedimentationCrop production practices44 $SedimentationGrazing"" $SedimentationRoad construction,, $Nutrient loadingUrban development// $Nutrient loadingRecreation(( $Nutrient loadingGrazing%% $Nutrient loadingConfined animal operations88 #SedimentationChannel alteration-- #SedimentationChannel maintenance.. #SedimentationForestry activities.. #SedimentationAgricultural practices11 #SedimentationRoad construction,, #SedimentationDam #Habitat destructionChannel alteration33 #Habitat destructionChannel maintenance44 #Habitat destructionDam$$ #Hydrological alterationWater diversion44# #Hydrological alterationDam((# No data available.* .Habitat destructionChannel alteration33 pNo data available.* nNutrient loadingGrazing/Browsing.. No data available.* ~No data available.* 2pDTyP d 5 J  j ,  T  p A  Y z;Tn?Lp.o0IsHydrological alterationWater diversion44# sHydrological alterationChannel alteration77# rSedimentationChannel maintenance.. rSedimentationAgricultural practices11 rSedimentationRoad construction,, rHabitat destructionWater diversion00 rHabitat destructionChannel maintenance44 rHabitat destructionChannel alteration33 rHabitat destructionAgricultural practices77 rHydrological alterationWater diversion44# rHydrological alterationChannel alteration77# qHabitat destructionChannel alteration33 qHabitat destructionChannel maintenance44 qHabitat destructionDam$$ qNutrient loadingGrazing%% qNutrient loadingConfined animal operations88 qHydrological alterationDam((# /Habitat destructionChannel alteration33 /Habitat destructionChannel maintenance44 /Habitat destructionDam$$ /Nutrient loadingGrazing%% /Nutrient loadingConfined animal operations88 /Hydrological alterationDam((# oBiological alterationCommercial harvest55! oSedimentationChannel maintenance.. oSedimentationAgricultural practices11 oSedimentationRoad construction,, oHabitat destructionWater diversion00 oHabitat destructionChannel maintenance44 oHabitat destructionChannel alteration33 oHabitat destructionDam$$ ,SedimentationResource extraction.. ,SedimentationForestry activities.. ,SedimentationGrazing/Browsing++ ,SedimentationRoad construction,, ,Habitat destructionResource extraction44 ,Habitat destructionGrazing/Browsing11 ,Habitat destructionDam$$ ,Nutrient loadingGrazing%% ,Nutrient loadingConfined animal operations88 +SedimentationChannel maintenance.. +SedimentationChannel alteration-- +SedimentationForestry activities.. +SedimentationCrop production practices44 +SedimentationRoad construction,, +SedimentationDam +Habitat destructionChannel alteration33 +Habitat destructionChannel maintenance44 +Habitat destructionDam$$ +Hydrological alterationWater diversion44# +Hydrological alterationDam((# *SedimentationForestry activities.. *SedimentationRoad construction,, *Habitat destructionResource extraction44 *Habitat destructionGrazing/Browsing11 *Habitat destructionDam$$ *Nutrient loadingGrazing/Browsing.. *Nutrient loadingConfined animal operations88 )SedimentationForestry activities.. )SedimentationRoad construction,, )SedimentationDam )Habitat destructionResource extraction44 )Habitat destructionGrazing(( )Habitat destructionDam$$ )Nutrient loadingUrban development// )Nutrient loadingGrazing%% )Nutrient loadingConfined animal operations88 mSedimentationResource extraction.. pEAZ' F  h ) } D [  y B  ^&Mb)RAS$r<MLyHabitat destructionDam$$ KxBiological alterationPredation,,! JxBiological alterationExotic species11! IxHabitat destructionChannel maintenance44 HxHabitat destructionChannel alteration33 G4SedimentationResource extraction.. F4SedimentationForestry activities.. E4SedimentationGrazing/Browsing++ D4SedimentationRoad construction,, C4Habitat destructionResource extraction44 B4Habitat destructionGrazing/Browsing11 A4Habitat destructionDam$$ @4Nutrient loadingGrazing/Browsing.. ?4Nutrient loadingConfined animal operations88 >vSedimentationResource extraction.. =vSedimentationForestry activities.. <vSedimentationCrop production practices44 ;vSedimentationRoad construction,, :vSedimentationDam 9vHabitat destructionResource extraction44 8vHabitat destructionGrazing(( 7vHabitat destructionDam$$ 6vNutrient loadingGrazing%% 5vNutrient loadingConfined animal operations88 4uNo data available.* 3DSedimentationChannel maintenance.. 2DSedimentationForestry activities.. 1DSedimentationAgricultural practices11 0DSedimentationRoad construction,, /DHabitat destructionChannel maintenance44 .DHabitat destructionChannel alteration33 -DHabitat destructionDam$$ ,DHydrological alterationDam((# +1SedimentationResource extraction.. *1SedimentationChannel alteration-- )1SedimentationChannel maintenance.. (1SedimentationForestry activities.. '1SedimentationGrazing/Browsing++ &1SedimentationAgricultural practices11 %1SedimentationRoad construction,, $1SedimentationDam #1Habitat destructionWater diversion00 "1Habitat destructionResource extraction44 !1Habitat destructionChannel maintenance44  1Habitat destructionChannel alteration33 1Habitat destructionDam$$ 1Nutrient loadingConfined animal operations88 1Nutrient loadingGrazing/Browsing.. tSedimentationChannel maintenance.. tSedimentationForestry activities.. tSedimentationAgricultural practices11 tSedimentationRoad construction,, tHabitat destructionChannel maintenance44 tHabitat destructionChannel alteration33 tHabitat destructionDam$$ tHydrological alterationDam((# 0Habitat destructionChannel alteration33 0Habitat destructionChannel maintenance44 0Habitat destructionDam$$ 0Nutrient loadingConfined animal operations88 0Nutrient loadingGrazing%% 0Hydrological alterationDam((# sSedimentationChannel maintenance..  sSedimentationAgricultural practices11  sSedimentationRoad construction,,  sHabitat destructionWater diversion00  sHabitat destructionChannel maintenance44  sHabitat destructionChannel alteration33 sHabitat destructionAgricultural practices77  pD\%wB P  b 3 K  ] . | F a.Y Vs<Z!zATY<Habitat destructionResource extraction44 <Habitat destructionChannel alteration33 <Habitat destructionUrban development22 <Hydrological alterationUrban development66# Habitat destructionDam$$ Habitat destruction or conversionChannel alterationAA- Habitat destructionChannel maintenance44 SedimentationGrazing/Browsing++ SedimentationAgricultural practices11 |Habitat destructionResource extraction44 |Habitat destructionGrazing/Browsing11 |SedimentationForestry activities.. |SedimentationGrazing/Browsing++ |SedimentationRoad construction,, |Nutrient loadingUrban development// |Nutrient loadingGrazing/Browsing.. |Nutrient loadingConfined animal operations88 8SedimentationResource extraction.. 8SedimentationForestry activities.. 8SedimentationGrazing"" ~8SedimentationRoad construction,, }8Habitat destructionResource extraction44 |8Habitat destructionGrazing/Browsing11 {8Habitat destructionDam$$ z8Nutrient loadingGrazing/Browsing.. y8Nutrient loadingConfined animal operations88 x7Chemical alterationRecreation++ w7Chemical alterationUrban development22 v7Chemical alterationMunicipal/Industrial point sourceBB u7SedimentationUrban development,, t7SedimentationGrazing"" s7SedimentationRoad construction,, r7Nutrient loadingUrban development// q7Nutrient loadingRecreation(( p7Nutrient loadingGrazing%% o7Nutrient loadingConfined animal operations88 nSedimentationResource extraction.. mSedimentationForestry activities.. lSedimentationGrazing/Browsing++ kSedimentationRoad construction,, jHabitat destructionResource extraction44 iHabitat destructionGrazing/Browsing11 hHabitat destructionDam$$ gNutrient loadingConfined animal operations88 fNutrient loadingGrazing/Browsing.. e~SedimentationResource extraction.. d~SedimentationForestry activities.. c~SedimentationGrazing/Browsing++ b~SedimentationRoad construction,, a~Habitat destructionResource extraction44 `~Habitat destructionGrazing/Browsing11 _~Habitat destructionDam$$ ^~Nutrient loadingGrazing/Browsing.. ]~Nutrient loadingConfined animal operations88 \{SedimentationResource extraction.. [{SedimentationForestry activities.. Z{SedimentationAgricultural practices11 Y{Habitat destructionWater diversion00 X{Habitat destructionResource extraction44 W{Habitat destructionGrazing/Browsing11 TzNo data available.* SySedimentationResource extraction.. RySedimentationForestry activities.. QySedimentationAgricultural practices11 PySedimentationRoad construction,, OySedimentationDam NyHabitat destructionResource extraction44 MyHabitat destructionGrazing/Browsing11 9p9s:W p 9  H  M  k 8 D  r(m/v<1~,=M=Habitat disturbanceUrban development@>2 8Habitat fragmentationUrban developmentz@@4! 8Habitat fragmentationFire suppression@?3! 8Habitat destruction or conversionFire suppression@K?- 8Altered composition/structureExotic species@E9) 8Habitat fragmentationGrazing/BrowsingJ@?3! 8Habitat destruction or conversionAgricultural practicesd@QE- 6Habitat disturbanceUrban developmentN@ >2 6Riparian Habitat DestructionUrban developmentN@ G;( 6Toxins/contaminantsCrop production practicesV@ F: 6Extraordinary predation/parasitism/diseaseParasites/pathogensT@ WK6 3Extraordinary predation/parasitism/diseasePredationT@ MA6 3Habitat disturbanceRecreationB@7+ 3Hydrological alterationChannel maintenance"KNOWN PROBLEM: Loss of sandbars.f8# nNutrient loadingUrban development// Habitat destruction or conversionAgricultural practicesEE- Biological alterationRestricted range in ArkansasRestricted range.^?! VHabitat destruction or conversionConversion of riparian forestLL- Habitat destruction or conversionExotic speciesInvasive non-native grasses.g=- YHabitat destruction or conversionConversion of riparian forestLoss of habitat.jL- Biological alterationIncidental take22! Biological alterationCommercial harvest55! Habitat destructionChannel alteration33 Nutrient loadingMunicipal/Industrial point source?? SedimentationRoad construction,, SedimentationForestry activities.. Habitat destructionDam$$  Hydrological alterationDam((#  Hydrological alterationChannel alteration77#  SedimentationResource extraction..  SedimentationGrazing/Browsing++  Hydrological alterationResource extraction88#  Hydrological alterationDam((#  SedimentationForestry activities..  SedimentationRoad construction,,  SedimentationForestry activities..  SedimentationResource extraction..  Hydrological alterationWater diversion44#  Habitat destructionResource extraction.B4  SedimentationGrazing/Browsing++  SedimentationForestry activities..  SedimentationRoad construction,, Nutrient loadingMunicipal/Industrial point source?? SedimentationRoad construction,, SedimentationForestry activities.. Biological alterationPredation,,! Chemical alterationResource extraction44 SedimentationChannel alteration-- SedimentationRoad construction,, SedimentationForestry activities.. Habitat destructionResource extraction44 <SedimentationUrban development,, <SedimentationGrazing/Browsing++ <SedimentationRoad construction,, <Nutrient loadingGrazing/Browsing.. <Nutrient loadingConfined animal operations88 <Nutrient loadingMunicipal/Industrial point source?? 7p/Pc d  o " o ) - = Np|G9O_WHabitat destruction or conversionAgricultural practices`@QE-  Extraordinary predation/parasitism/diseasePredation~@MA6  Extraordinary competition for resourcesR@?33 ~Extraordinary predation/parasitism/diseasePredation@MA6 ~Extraordinary competition for resourcesConfined animal operationsR@[O3 }Toxins/contaminantsAgricultural practices@C7 }Habitat destruction or conversionExotic speciest@I=- |Toxins/contaminantsAgricultural practices@C7 {Resource depletionConfined animal operations@F: {Habitat destructionAgricultural practicesf@C7 {Hydrological alterationWater diversionz@@4# zExtraordinary competition for resourcesConfined animal operationsh@[O3 yToxins/contaminantsCrop production practicesf@F: yHabitat destruction or conversionUrban developmentv@L@- UToxins/contaminantsAgricultural practices POTENTIAL PROBLEM: Pesticides.c7 RResource depletionExcessive non-commercial harvest or collectionn@ZN RExtraordinary predation/parasitism/diseaseParasites/pathogensD@WK6 PAlteration of natural fire regimesFire suppression@L@. OHabitat destructionFire suppression@=1 NHabitat destructionConversion of Riparian Forest@J> NHabitat destructionCommercial harvest@?3 NAltered composition/structureForestry activities@ J>) MHydrological alterationDaml@ 4(# MHabitat destructionConversion of riparian forestT@ J> LHabitat fragmentationForestry activities@ B6! LHabitat fragmentationForestry activities@ B6! LHabitat destruction or conversionUrban developmentP@L@- KHabitat destructionForestry activitiesF@@4 KHydrological alterationChannel alteration@C7# IAlteration of natural fire regimesForestry activities@OC. IAltered composition/structureForestry activitiesh@J>) IHabitat fragmentationForestry activities@B6! HHabitat destructionExotic speciest@;/ HHabitat destructionCrop production practicest@F: FExtraordinary predation/parasitism/diseaseParasites/pathogens@WK6 FHabitat fragmentationForestry activities@ B6! FHabitat fragmentationAgricultural practices@E9! EAlteration of natural fire regimesFire suppressionp@L@. EHabitat destructionAgricultural practices@C7 >Altered composition/structureForestry activities@J>) ?Altered composition/structureForestry activities^@J>) DAltered composition/structureForestry activitiesn@J>) DHabitat destructionFire suppressionb@=1 ?Extraordinary predation/parasitism/diseasePredationD@MA6 ?Habitat fragmentationForestry activitiesH@B6! ?Habitat destruction or conversionFire suppressionV@K?- >Extraordinary competition for resourcesExotic species@OC3 LVAL<T R 2 0 , `z 0NVb^KNOWN PROBLEM: Nesting failure resulting from mammalian predationKNOWN PROBLEM: Conflicts with aquacultureKNOWN PROBLEM: Vulnerable to toxins and contaminants resulting from agricultural run-off.KNOWN PROBLEM: Loss of wetlands to invasive plant species.KNOWN PROBLEM: Highly vulnerable to contaminants and pollutants.POTENTIAL PROBLEM: Accidental shooting as a result of coromorant control.KNOWN PROBLEM: Loss of wetlands due to agriculture.KNOWN PROBLEM: Loss of wetlands from hydrological alteration.KNOWN PROBLEM: Conflicts with aquaculture facilitiesPOTENTIAL PROBLEM: Poor water quality, contaminants KNOWN PROBLEM: Lack of emergent marsh and lack of wetlandsKNOWN PROBLEM: Loss of individuals to caged bird trade.KNOWN PROBLEM: Cowbird parasitism.KNOWN PROBLEM: Loss of shortleaf pine/bluestem communities from fire suppression.POTENTIAL PROBLEM: Habitat loss from red oak borer caused by fire suppressionKNOWN PROBLEM: Loss of bottomland hardwood habitat due to conversion to agricultureKNOWN PROBLEM: Loss of bottomland hardwood habitat for timber harvest.KNOWN PROBLEM: Even-aged forest management, lack of understory and midstory.POTENTIAL PROBLEM: Nesting failure caused by flooding.KNOWN PROBLEM: Loss of giant cane habitat.POTENTIAL PROBLEM: Loss of habitat from even-aged forest managementKNOWN PROBLEM: Lack of small patches of shrub cover within mature forestsKNOWN PROBLEM: Mature forest destructionKNOWN PROBLEM: Loss of cavity treesKNOWN PROBLEM: Nest failure from alteration fo natural flooding regimePOTENTIAL PROBLEM: Red oak-borer problems resulting from fire suppression.KNOWN PROBLEM: Loss of uneven-aged forest structure.KNOWN PROBLEM: Loss of large blocks of mature/old growth unevenaged forests.KNOWN PROBLEM: Loss of shrubby, early successional habitatKNOWN PROBLEM: Loss of shrubby, early successional habitatKNOWN PROBLEM: Increased parasitism by Brown-headed Cowbirds as a result of habitat fragmentation.LVAL0F 6 j  0 0 .(lFKNOWN PROBLEM: Loss of grassland with shrub component.KNOWN PROBLEM: Loss of grassland with shrub component.KNOWN PROBLEM: Loss of grassland with shrub component.KNOWN PROBLEM: Loss of grassland with shrub component.POTENTIAL PROBLEM: Vulernability to toxins and contaminantsPOTENTIAL PROBLEM: Vulernability to toxins and contaminants.KNOWN PROBLEM: Loss of grasslandsKNOWN PROBLEMS: Loss of forest stands containing well-developed midstories for nesting.KNOWN PROBLEM: Loss of dense scrub cover near streams, marshes, and wetlands within otherwise open woodlands.KNOWN PROBLEM: Loss of dense scrub cover near streams, marshes, and wetlands within otherwise open woodlands.POTENTIAL PROBLEM: Loss of individuals to hunting.KNOWN PROBLEM: Draining of swampy areas in bottomland hardwood and flatwood forests.KNOWN PROBLEM: Loss of grasslandsKNOWN PROBLEM: Loss of herbaceous wetlands.KNOWN PROBLEM: Loss of herbaceous wetlands.KNOWN PROBLEM: Loss of herbaceous wetlands.KNOWN PROBLEM: Loss of herbaceous wetlands.KNOWN PROBLEM: Predation by raptors is a problem because of small population sizesKNOWN PROBLEM: Habitat fragmentation limiting movement of birds among available habitatKNOWN PROBLEM: Habitat fragmentation limiting movement of birds among available habitatKNOWN PROBLEM: Loss of undisturbed grassslandsPOTENTIAL PROBLEM: Vulnerability to toxins and contaminantsKNOWN PROBLEM: Loss of bottomland hardwood forests.KNOWN PROBLEM: Loss of bottomland hardwood forests.KNOWN PROBLEM: Loss of bottomland hardwood forests.KNOWN PROBLEM: Loss of wetlands due to developmentPOTENTIAL PROBLEM: Vulnerability to toxins and contaminants from agricultural run-off.KNOWN PROBLEM: Degradation and loss of breeding and foraging habitat.KNOWN PROBLEM: Loss of emergent wetland habitat.KNOWN PROBLEM: Nest failure resulting from mammalian predation.KNOWN PROBLEM: Conflicts with aquaculture+p.V2 0 e  o ! A [  TZN?*+y)$FVToxins/contaminantsAgricultural practices77 EVHabitat destruction or conversionForestry activitiesBB- DBiological alterationManagement of/for certain speciesP@ PD! CHabitat destructionAgricultural practices@ C7 BHabitat destruction or conversionAgricultural practices@ QE- ABiological alterationAgricultural practices@ E9! @Habitat destruction or conversionAgricultural practices@ QE- ?Habitat destruction or conversionFire suppression@K?- >Habitat destruction or conversionUrban developmenth@L@- =Habitat destruction or conversionUrban developmentj@L@- <Habitat destructionCrop production practices@F: 9Extraordinary predation/parasitism/diseaseParasites/pathogensf@WK6 8Habitat destruction or conversionUrban development@L@- 7Habitat destruction or conversionAgricultural practices@QE- 6Habitat destruction or conversionAgricultural practicesj@QE- 5Habitat destruction or conversionUrban development@L@- 4Habitat destruction or conversionAgricultural practicesl@QE- 3Habitat destruction or conversionUrban developmentl@L@- 2Riparian Habitat DestructionAgricultural practicesl@L@( 1Riparian Habitat DestructionConversion of riparian forestl@SG( 0Toxins/contaminantsCrop production practicesv@F: /Toxins/contaminantsNon-point source pollutionx@G; .Habitat destruction or conversionUrban developmentD@L@- ,Altered composition/structureForestry activities@J>) +Riparian habitat destructionConversion of riparian forest@SG( *Riparian habitat destructionForestry activities@I=( )Biological alterationRecreationd@9-! (Hydrological alterationWater diversion@@4# 'Habitat destruction or conversionUrban developmentB@L@- #Habitat destructionUrban developmentV@>2 "Habitat destructionAgricultural practicesV@C7 !Habitat destructionUrban developmentV@>2  Habitat destructionAgricultural practicesV@C7 Extraordinary predation/parasitism/diseasePredation@ MA6 Habitat fragmentationCrop production practices@ H<! Habitat fragmentationUrban development@ @4! Habitat destruction or conversionUrban developmentKNOWN PROBLEM: Habitat lossi@- Habitat destruction or conversionUrban development^@ L@- Toxins/contaminantsCrop production practicesv@ F: Altered composition/structureForestry activitiesf@J>) Habitat destruction or conversionAgricultural practicesf@QE- Habitat destruction or conversionConversion of riparian forestf@XL- Habitat destruction or conversionUrban developmentd@L@- Habitat destructionUrban development!KNOWN PROBLEM: Loss of wetlands_2 Toxins/contaminantsAgricultural practices@C7 Habitat destruction or conversionAgricultural practices@QE- LVAL~r j 8 , D L*v &Z ,0Degradation of stream habitats (siltation).POTENTIAL PROBLEM: Habitat destruction.KNOWN PROBLEM: Lack of pine savanna habitat.KNOWN PROBLEM: Loss of suitable glade habitat due to fire suppression.POTENTIAL PROBLEM: Habitat fragmentation.POTENTIAL PROBLEM: Habitat modification.POTENTIAL PROBLEMS: Hydrologic alteration.POTENTIAL PROBLEMS:Habitat destruction due to gravel mining.Local populations have been lost as forests with seasonal pools have been converted to agricultural and urban uses.Local populations have been lost as forests with seasonal pools have been converted to agricultural and urban uses.Road construction/maintenance, application of chemical herbicides.KNOWN PROBLEM: Habitat fragmentation and lossKNOWN PROBLEM: Habitat fragmentation and lossKNOWN PROBLEM: Habitat fragmentation and lossLow genetic diversity due to low historical population levels.Habitat destruction and fragmentation.KNOWN PROBLEM: Loss of large herbivores.KNOWN PROBLEM: Loss of grassland habitat containing three-awn grass (Aristida spp.).KNOWN PROBLEM: Loss of habitat due to conversion to agriculture.KNOWN PROBLEMS: Nest failure from destruction of nests due to earlier and more frequent haying.KNOWN PROBLEM: Habitat loss due to conversion of pasture and hayfields to other uses.KNOWN PROBLEM: Habitat loss due to natural succession related to fire suppression.POTENTIAL PROBLEM: Habitat loss due to urbanization.KNOWN PROBLEM: Loss of grassland with shrub componentPOTENTIAL PROBLEM: Conversion of wintering habitat to monoculture could be limiting wintering range.KNOWN PROBLEM: Parasitism by Brown-headed Cowbirds.KNOWN PROBLEM: Loss of extensive early successional habitat with shrub component.KNOWN PROBLEM: Loss of extensive early successional habitat with shrub component.KNOWN PROBLEM: Loss of native warm season grasslands.KNOWN PROBLEM: Loss and degradation of seasonal wetland habitats.p;y0O i \  P W  l 2 |7^[DJWg$g*"Habitat disturbanceResource extraction44 "Toxins/contaminantsRoad construction@>2 "Toxins/contaminantsRoad construction22 ~"Toxins/contaminantsRoad construction22 }"Nutrient loadingConfined animal operations88 |"Toxins/contaminantsRoad construction22 {"Hydrological alterationForestry activities88# z"Toxins/contaminantsRoad construction22 y"Toxins/contaminantsRoad construction22 x"Toxins/contaminantsRoad construction22 w"SedimentationForestry activities.. v"SedimentationRoad construction,, u"Habitat disturbanceResource extraction44 t"Nutrient loadingUrban development// s"Nutrient loadingConfined animal operations88 r"Hydrological alterationUrban development66# q"Habitat disturbanceForestry activities44 p"Toxins/contaminantsRoad construction22 o"Habitat destructionRoad construction22 n"Toxins/contaminantsAgricultural practices77 m"Groundwater depletionExcessive groundwater withdrawalCC! l"Habitat disturbanceResource extraction44 k"Riparian Habitat DestructionForestry activities==( j"Toxins/contaminantsForestry activities44 i"Habitat disturbanceRoad construction22 h"Riparian Habitat DestructionForestry activities==( g"Toxins/contaminantsForestry activities44 f"Habitat destruction or conversionForestry activitiesBB- e"Groundwater depletionCrop production practices<<! d"Toxins/contaminantsCrop production practices:: c"Habitat destructionCrop production practices:: b"Habitat disturbanceResource extraction44 a"Nutrient loadingUrban development// `"Habitat destructionUrban development22 _"Nutrient loadingUrban development// ^"Habitat destructionUrban development22 ]"SedimentationUrban development,, \"Nutrient loadingUrban development// ["Habitat destructionUrban development22 Z"SedimentationUrban development,, Y"Habitat disturbanceForestry activities44 X"Biological alterationExotic species11! W"Riparian Habitat DestructionChannel alteration<<( V"Chemical alterationRecreation++ U"Toxins/contaminantsManagement of/for certain speciesBB T"Habitat disturbanceRoad construction22 SHabitat destructionHabitat destruction.A R"Altered composition/structureForestry activitiesZ@J>) Q"Habitat destruction or conversionForestry activitiesZ@NB- P"Habitat destruction or conversionCrop production practicesZ@TH- O"Biological alterationExcessive non-commercial harvest or collectionQQ! NVBiological alterationConversion of riparian forest@@! M"Habitat fragmentationRoad construction44! L"Biological alterationCrop production practices|@H<! K"Habitat fragmentationCrop production practices<<! J"Habitat fragmentationCrop production practices<<! I"Habitat destructionConversion of Riparian Forest>> H"Habitat destructionCrop production practicesL@F: GHabitat disturbanceRecreation++ ?p4Uh7 i | - 0 \   ME=bHdy.~9SedimentationResource extractionp@:. &Hydrological alterationDam@4(# &SedimentationResource extractionp@:. &Toxins/contaminantsMunicipal/Industrial point sourcep@NB 6Habitat destruction or conversionUrban developmentF@L@- MHabitat fragmentationUrban developmentP@@4! MHabitat destruction or conversionCommercial/industrial developmentP@\P- KHydrological alterationDamp@4(# KSedimentationResource extractionV@:. )Hydrological alterationDamp@ 4(# )SedimentationResource extractionV@ :.  Habitat disturbanceConfined animal operationsOvergrazing.U;  Habitat destruction or conversionUrban developmentDevelopment.Z@- Habitat disturbanceRecreationHabitat degradation.M+ Habitat disturbanceRecreationRecreational development.R+ Habitat disturbanceRecreationRecreational development.R+ UHydrological alterationDam@ 4(# QHydrological alterationDam@ 4(# QSedimentationResource extractionV@ :. PHydrological alterationDam@4(# PSedimentationResource extractionV@:. RHydrological alterationDam@4(# RSedimentationResource extractionV@:. OHydrological alterationDam@4(# OSedimentationResource extractionV@:. NHydrological alterationDam@4(# NSedimentationResource extractionV@:. XHydrological alterationDam@4(# XSedimentationResource extractionV@:. +Habitat destruction or conversionUrban development!Loss of habitat to development.m@- ,Habitat destruction or conversionUrban development!Loss of habitat to development.m@- Habitat destruction or conversionFire suppressionN@K?- Habitat destruction or conversionFire suppressionX@K?- (Habitat destruction or conversionAgricultural practices"POTENTIAL PROBLEM: Habitat loss.sE- Habitat destruction or conversionFire suppression@K?- Habitat fragmentationForestry activitiesR@B6! Alteration of natural fire regimesForestry activitiesP@OC. jHydrological alterationResource extractionT@D8# oChemical alterationConfined animal operations;; jHabitat destructionResource extractionx@@4 Habitat destruction or conversionAgricultural practices@QE- Habitat destruction or conversionUrban development@L@- SedimentationChannel maintenance.. Habitat destructionChannel alteration33 Habitat fragmentationDam&&! "Biological alterationExotic species11! "Habitat disturbanceResource extraction44 "SedimentationForestry activities.. "SedimentationForestry activities.. "SedimentationUrban development,, "SedimentationRoad construction,, "Habitat destructionUrban development22 LVAL#|&L r  : ` * DdjpXl$Destruction/degradation of riparian habitat (sedimentation).Destruction/degradation of riparian habitat (sedimentation).Destruction/degradation of riparian habitat (sedimentation).Destruction/degradation of riparian habitat (siltation).Destruction/degradation of riparian habitat (siltation).Competition with other scavengers for suitable carcasses.KNOWN PROBLEM: Habitat loss due to conversion to plantations.Loss and degradation of grassland habitat.Loss and degradation of grassland habitat.Destruction/degradation of riparian habitat (siltation).Destruction/degradation of riparian habitat (siltation).Destruction/degradation of riparian habitat (hydrologic alterations).Destruction/degradation of riparian habitat (siltation).Destruction/degradation of riparian habitat (hydrologic alterations).Destruction/degradation of riparian habitat (siltation).Destruction/degradation of riparian habitat (pollution).KNOWN PROBLEM: Habitat destruction.Loss and degradation of prairie habitat.Loss and degradation of prairie habitat.Degradation of stream habitats (hydrologic alterations).Degradation of stream habitats (siltation).Degradation of stream habitats (hydrologic alterations).Degradation of stream habitats (siltation).Loss of natural river hydrology (construction of reservoirs/dams).Loss of natural river hydrology (construction of reservoirs/dams).Degradation of stream habitats (siltation).Loss of natural river hydrology (construction of reservoirs/dams).Degradation of stream habitats (siltation).Loss of natural river hydrology (construction of reservoirs/dams).Degradation of stream habitats (siltation).Loss of natural river hydrology (construction of reservoirs/dams).Degradation of stream habitats (siltation).Loss of natural river hydrology (construction of reservoirs/dams).Degradation of stream habitats (siltation).Loss of natural river hydrology (construction of reservoirs/dams).p-~93 k  - ` $ Q Z xI7Qgz/}%^'|"SedimentationRoad construction,, "Habitat disturbanceUrban development22 "SedimentationRoad construction,, "SedimentationRoad construction,, Habitat destruction or conversionCrop production practicesKNOWN PROBLEM: Habitat lossqH- Hydrological alterationWater diversionV@ @4# KExtraordinary predation/parasitism/diseasePredation@ MA6 yExtraordinary competition for resourcesExotic species@ OC3 UCollision with man-made structuresRoad constructionp@MA. Habitat destructionForestry activitiesx@@4 Habitat fragmentationUrban development@@4! Habitat destruction or conversionGrazingj@B6- <Altered composition/structureForestry activitiesN@J>) Toxins/contaminantsMunicipal/Industrial point sourceWater quality degradation.jB `Toxins/contaminantsMunicipal/Industrial point sourceGroundwater contamination.jB Habitat destruction or conversionRecreation!Loss of habitat to development.f9- Toxins/contaminantsMunicipal/Industrial point sourceWater quality degradation.jB SedimentationResource extractionWater quality degradation.V. Habitat disturbanceRecreation@7+ Habitat destruction or conversionForestry activitiesHabitat degradation.dB- Toxins/contaminantsMunicipal/Industrial point sourceGroundwater contaminationiB TSedimentationResource extractionV@:. %Habitat destruction or conversionAgricultural practicesLoss of prairie habitat.kE- %Habitat destruction or conversionUrban developmentLoss of prairie habitat.f@- $Habitat destruction or conversionUrban developmentLoss of prairie habitat.f@- $Habitat destruction or conversionAgricultural practicesLoss of prairie habitat.kE- -Habitat destruction or conversionCommercial/industrial developmentLoss of prairie habitat.vP- JToxins/contaminantsRoad constructionb@>2 *SedimentationResource extractionx@:. WSedimentationResource extractionx@":. LSedimentationRecreationx@!1% LSedimentationResource extractionx@ :. ZSedimentationRoad constructionp@8, YSedimentationResource extractionp@:. DAlteration of natural fire regimesFire suppressionFire suppression._@. ?Alteration of natural fire regimesFire suppressionFire suppression._@. >Alteration of natural fire regimesFire suppressionFire suppression._@. Extraordinary competition for resourcesPredationr@J>3 Habitat fragmentationCommercial/industrial developmentHabitat fragmentation.hD! HHabitat destruction or conversionForestry activitiesz@NB- 'Habitat destruction or conversionGrazing/BrowsingT@K?- 'Alteration of natural fire regimesFire suppressionT@L@. SSedimentationResource extractionp@:. SedimentationRoad constructionp@8, Hydrological alterationDam@4(# LVAL&8 p 2 | & Z^\hX$KNOWN PROBLEM: Loss and degradation of wetlands and coastal salt marshes on wintering grounds.KNOWN PROBLEM: Loss and degradation of wetlands and coastal salt marshes on wintering grounds.KNOWN PROBLEM: Loss and degradation of wetlands and coastal salt marshes on wintering grounds.KNOWN PROBLEM: Loss and degradation of wetlands on breeding grounds.KNOWN PROBLEM: Loss and degradation of wetlands on breeding grounds.KNOWN PROBLEM: Loss and degradation of wetlands on breeding grounds.White-nose Syndrome (in mine-hibernating populations).Human disturbance of bats in caves in winter.KNOWN PROBLEM: Loss of early successional habitat primarily due to fire suppression.KNOWN PROBLEM: Loss of early successional habitat primarily due to changing farming practices.KNOWN PROBLEM: Loss of dense understory component of riparian/floodplain forest.KNOWN PROBLEM: Loss of dense understory component of riparian/floodplain forest.KNOWN PROBLEM: Fire suppression leading to loss of oak-savanna.POTENTIAL PROBLEM: The influence of the introduced fire ant (Solenopsis invicta) threatens the nesting success of this and many other egg laying reptiles in Arkansas.KNOWN PROBLEM: Loss of herbaceous wetlands.KNOWN PROBLEM: reduced productivity resulting from nest parasitism by Brown-headed CowbirdsPOTENTIAL PROBLEM: Competition with introduced species such as Mute Swan and also resident Canada GeeseKNOWN PROBLEM: Post-fledging mortality from car strikes. KNOWN PROBLEM: Loss of wooded wetlands on breeding grounds.KNOWN PROBLEM: Loss of quality nesting habitat due to habitat fragmentation.KNOWN PROBLEM: Loss of grassland with shrub componentKNOWN PROBLEM: Loss of forest openings.Development or activities that alter talus slopes where this species occurs.Degradation of stream habitats (siltation).POTENTIAL PROBLEM: Herbicide use along roadsides.Destruction/degradation of riparian habitat (sedimentation).Lp.#^  G n 1 C m 0 ]s`!+207[Collision with man-made structuresCommercial/industrial developmentWind power development.vQ. [Extraordinary predation/parasitism/diseaseParasites/pathogensWhite-nose Syndrome.mK6 ZCollision with man-made structuresCommercial/industrial developmentWind power development.vQ. Collision with man-made structuresCommercial/industrial developmentWind power development.vQ. YCollision with man-made structuresCommercial/industrial developmentWind power development.vQ. Collision with man-made structuresCommercial/industrial developmentWind power development.vQ. Extraordinary predation/parasitism/diseaseParasites/pathogensWhite-nose Syndrome.mK6 Extraordinary predation/parasitism/diseaseParasites/pathogensWhite-nose Syndrome.mK6 Habitat destructionResource extraction44 Habitat destructionResource extraction44 Habitat destructionResource extraction44 Alteration of natural fire regimesFire suppression@L@. Habitat destructionCrop production practices@F:  ?Alteration of natural fire regimesFire suppression!KNOWN PROBLEM: Fire suppressionm@.  MAlteration of natural fire regimesFire suppression@L@.  MAltered composition/structureDam@:.)  >Alteration of natural fire regimesFire suppression@ L@.  Biological alterationExotic speciesL@ =1! lToxins/contaminantsUrban development22 Habitat disturbanceUrban developmentGroundwater contamination.Z2 SedimentationUrban development,, Toxins/contaminantsUrban development22 SedimentationUrban developmentGroundwater contamination.T, Toxins/contaminantsUrban development22 SedimentationUrban developmentGroundwater contamination.T, Habitat disturbanceUrban development22 Nutrient loadingUrban development// Habitat disturbanceUrban development22 Nutrient loadingUrban development// Habitat disturbanceUrban development22 Nutrient loadingUrban development// Habitat disturbanceUrban development22 Nutrient loadingUrban developmentWater quality degradation.W/ Habitat disturbanceUrban development22 Nutrient loadingUrban development// SedimentationUrban developmentWater quality degradation.T, Habitat disturbanceUrban development22 Nutrient loadingUrban development//  Toxins/contaminantsUrban developmentGroundwater contamination.Z2 Habitat disturbanceUrban development22 Nutrient loadingUrban development//  Toxins/contaminantsUrban developmentGroundwater contamination.Z2 Toxins/contaminantsUrban developmentGroundwater pollution.V2 Toxins/contaminantsUrban developmentGroundwater contaminationY2 Toxins/contaminantsUrban developmentGroundwater contamination.Z2 Habitat destruction or conversionUrban development!Loss of habitat to development.m@- ;p-M + x  s % 6 \  Ma ` ZG8AEK"Alteration of natural fire regimesFire suppressiont@L@. J"Biological alterationUrban development@@4! I"Biological alterationAgricultural practices@E9! H"Habitat destruction or conversionAgricultural practicesV@QE- G"Groundwater depletionAgricultural practicesV@E9! F"Hydrological alterationAgricultural practicesV@G;# E"Habitat destructionForestry activities|@@4 D"Extraordinary competition for resourcesExotic speciesX@OC3 CExtraordinary predation/parasitism/diseaseParasites/pathogensn@WK6 BMExtraordinary predation/parasitism/diseaseParasites/pathogensn@WK6 AHabitat destructionForestry activities`@@4 @Extraordinary competition for resourcesConfined animal operations\@[O3 ?FExtraordinary predation/parasitism/diseasePredation@MA6 >IAltered composition/structureForestry activitiesd@J>) =IHabitat fragmentationForestry activitiest@B6! <IExtraordinary predation/parasitism/diseaseParasites/pathogenst@WK6 ;IAlteration of natural fire regimesFire suppressionf@L@. :IAltered composition/structureForestry activities@J>) 9FAlteration of natural fire regimesFire suppression@L@. 8FAltered composition/structureForestry activities@J>) 7FHabitat fragmentationResource extraction@ B6! 6FHabitat fragmentationRoad construction@ @4! 5Habitat destruction or conversionExotic speciest@ I=- 4EHabitat destruction or conversionForestry activitiesr@ NB- 3ECollision with man-made structuresCommercial/industrial developmentL@ ]Q. 2=Toxins/contaminantsAgricultural practices@C7 1=Biological alteration@-!! 03Habitat disturbanceGrazingr@4( /Habitat destruction or conversionConversion of riparian forest@XL- .Habitat destruction or conversionForestry activities@NB- ,PHabitat fragmentationForestry activities@B6! +Habitat destructionUrban developmentp@>2 *Habitat destructionAgricultural practicesp@C7 )Habitat disturbanceAgricultural practices@C7 (Habitat destruction or conversionRecreation@E9- 'Habitat destruction or conversionMunicipal/Industrial point source@\P- &Habitat destruction or conversionUrban development@L@- %Habitat destruction or conversionAgricultural practices@QE- "Habitat destruction or conversionForestry activities@NB- !Habitat destruction or conversionCommercial/industrial development@\P-  YExtraordinary predation/parasitism/diseaseParasites/pathogensl@WK6 "Extraordinary predation/parasitism/diseaseParasites/pathogensWhite-nose Syndrome.mK6 "Habitat disturbanceRecreationZ@7+ "Collision with man-made structuresCommercial/industrial developmentWind power development.vQ. "Extraordinary predation/parasitism/diseaseParasites/pathogensWhite-nose Syndrome.mK6 LVALDd 0 , P ~  pb8\2KNOWN PROBLEM: Lack of wet prairie habitat.POTENTIAL PROBLEM: Extensive clearcutting on breeding grounds.KNOWN PROBLEM: Competition with House Finch.POTENTIAL PROBLEM: Parasitism by Brown-headed Cowbirds.POTENTIAL PROBLEM: Parasitism by Brown-headed Cowbirds.KNOWN PROBLEM: Loss of emergent wetland habitat.POTENTIAL PROBLEM: Conflicts with aquaculture.KNOWN PROBLEM: Increased nest predation by mesopredators as a result of habitat fragmentation.POTENTIAL PROBLEM: Loss of preferred tree species.KNOWN PROBLEM: Nest parasitism from Brown-headed Cowbirds.KNOWN PROBLEM: Nest parasitism from Brown-headed Cowbirds.KNOWN PROBLEM: Loss of unevenaged forest structure.KNOWN PROBLEM: Lack of small openings/canopy gaps in large contiguous forests.PROTECTION PROBLEM: Lack of proper understory structure for nesting or post-fledgling period.PROTECTION PROBLEM: Lack of proper understory structure for nesting or post-fledging period.KNOWN PROBLEM: Habitat fragmentation of extensive tracts of mature forest.KNOWN PROBLEM: Habitat fragmentation of extensive tracts of mature forest.KNOWN PROBLEM: Loss of wetlands to invasive plant species.POTENTIAL PROBLEM: Breeding habitat loss from succession.KNOWN PROBLEM: Collisions with towers.POTENTIAL PROBLEM: Widespread pesticide use reduces aerial insects.POTENTIAL PROBLEM: Temperature extremes and heavy rains affect food resources, survivorship, and nest success.KNOWN PROBLEM: Habitat disturbance due to cattle grazing.KNOWN PROBLEM: Conversion of wet hardwood sites to commercial pine lands.KNOWN PROBLEM: Conversion of wet hardwood sites to commercial pine lands.KNOWN PROBLEM: Loss of shortleaf pine/bluestem communities from fire suppression.KNOWN PROBLEM: Loss and degradation of wetland habitats.KNOWN PROBLEM: Loss and degradation of wetland habitats.KNOWN PROBLEM: Nest failure from destruction of nests due to earlier and more frequent haying.LVALT x & 2 d  &R~h(vPOTENTIAL PROBLEM: Toxins and contaminants in agricultural areas may pose a threat.KNOWN PROBLEM: Lack of mud flats during migration as a result of hydrological alteration.POTENTIAL PROBLEM: Toxins, heavy metals, and pesticides negatively affect the species.POTENTIAL PROBLEM: Toxins, heavy metals, and pesticides negatively affect the species.POTENTIAL PROBLEM: Nest predation by feral hogs.POTENTIAL PROBLEM: Collisions with vehicles and man-made structures.KNOWN PROBLEM: Loss of nesting habitat.KNOWN PROBLEM: Lack of mud flats.KNOWN PROBLEM: Lack of mud flats during migration as a result of hydrological alteration.POTENTIAL PROBLEM: Mortality and lowered reproductive success due to pesticides, toxins, and heavy metals.POTENTIAL PROBLEM: Mortality and lowered reproductive success due to pesticides, toxins, and heavy metals.POTENTIAL PROBLEM: Mortality and lowered reproductive success due to pesticides, toxins, and heavy metals.KNOWN PROBLEM: Collisions with windows near bird feeders.KNOWN PROBLEM: Loss of habitat due to forestry practices.KNOWN PROBLEM: Habitat loss due to conversion to agriculture.Loss and degradation of prairie and forest habitat surrounding breeding.KNOWN PROBLEM: Loss of mud flat habitat.POTENTIAL PROBLEM: Decreased prey availability due to pesticide use.KNOWN PROBLEM: Loss of available habitat due to succession from grassland and shrubland to forest.KNOWN PROBLEM: Lack of large trees within open areas for nesting.KNOWN PROBLEM: Loss of grassland habitat.KNOWN PROBLEM: Loss of large herbivores.KNOWN PROBLEM: Loss of grassland habitat.KNOWN PROBLEM: Loss of grassland habitat.KNOWN PROBLEM: Loss of openland habitat due to succession.KNOWN PROBLEM: Loss of insect prey due to increased use and effectiveness of insecticides.KNOWN PROBLEM: Loss of insect prey due to increased use and effectiveness of insecticides.KNOWN PROBLEM: Lack of wet prairie habitat.KNOWN PROBLEM: Lack of wet prairie habitat.p0ii h  j  W  0 > c m}$wAHAlt|"Habitat destruction or conversionFire suppressionX@K?- {"Habitat fragmentationForestry activitiesJ@B6! z"Altered composition/structureForestry activities`@ J>) y"Alteration of natural fire regimesFire suppression"KNOWN PROBLEM: Fire suppression.n@. xHabitat destruction or conversionAgricultural practicesP@ QE- wHabitat destruction or conversionAgricultural practicesP@ QE- vAltered composition/structureUrban developmentt@ H<) uAltered composition/structureAgricultural practicest@ MA) tAltered composition/structureFire suppressiont@G;) s"Habitat destruction or conversionAgricultural practicesd@QE- r"Hydrological alterationWater diversion@@4# qqHabitat destruction@+ pxExtraordinary predation/parasitism/diseaseParasites/pathogens@WK6 o"Habitat destructionForestry activitiesj@@4 n8Habitat destruction or conversionForestry activities@NB- lHabitat fragmentationResource extraction@B6! kAltered composition/structureForestry activities@J>) jToxins/contaminantsAgricultural practices@C7 i"Hydrological alterationWater diversion@@4# h<Toxins/contaminantsNon-point source pollution@G; g<Toxins/contaminantsMunicipal/Industrial point source@NB f<Extraordinary predation/parasitism/diseaseExotic species`@RF6 e<Collision with man-made structuresUrban development@MA. d<Extraordinary predation/parasitism/diseasePredationKNOWN PROBLEM: Predation.hA6 c<Habitat destruction or conversionUrban developmentN@L@- bHabitat destruction or conversionAgricultural practicesB@QE- aHydrological alterationAgricultural practices@G;# `"Toxins/contaminantsNon-point source pollution@G; _"Toxins/contaminantsAgricultural practices@C7 ^"Toxins/contaminantsMunicipal/Industrial point source@NB ]"Collision with man-made structuresRecreationr@F:. \"SedimentationRoad construction,, ["Toxins/contaminantsNon-point source pollution;; Z"SedimentationForestry activities.. Y"Habitat destructionForestry activities44 XiRiparian habitat destructionGrazing/Browsing::( WiExtraordinary predation/parasitism/diseaseParasites/pathogensKK6 VHabitat destruction or conversionForestry activitiesr@NB- UHabitat destruction or conversionAgricultural practicesz@QE- ThHabitat destructionUrban development@ >2 SHabitat destruction or conversionAgricultural practicesP@ QE- R8Biological alterationAgricultural practices@ E9! Q"Altered composition/structureForestry activities@ J>) P"Habitat destructionAgricultural practices@ C7 O"Alteration of natural fire regimesFire suppressionR@L@. N"Biological alterationManagement of/for certain speciesP@PD! M"Habitat destructionUrban developmentR@>2 L"Habitat destructionAgricultural practicesR@C7 LVAL#` > ( @ | , *B8~4*dz86KNOWN PROBLEMS: Decreased habitat quality due to sedimentation.POTENTIAL PROBLEMS: Contaminants.POTENTIAL PROBLEMS: Contaminants.POTENTIAL PROBLEMS: Contaminants.POTENTIAL PROBLEMS: Riparian or instream habitat loss.KNOWN PROBLEMS: Decreased habitat quality due to sedimentation.POTENTIAL PROBLEMS: Contaminants.POTENTIAL PROBLEMS: Contaminants.POTENTIAL PROBLEMS: Contaminants.POTENTIAL PROBLEMS: Riparian or instream habitat loss.KNOWN PROBLEM: Disturbance by cattle.KNOWN PROBLEM: Predation by mesopredators.KNOWN PROBLEM: Disturbance by humans.POTENTIAL PROBLEM: Vulnerable to toxins and contaminants resulting from agricultural run-off.KNOWN PROBLEM: Loss of emergent wetlands .KNOWN PROBLEM: Conflicts with aquaculture.KNOWN PROBLEM: Loss of wetlands from conversion.KNOWN PROBLEM: Predation by snakes.KNOWN PROBLEM: Loss of extensive, mature pine habitat that is open and park-like.KNOWN PROBLEM: Habitat loss and degradation.KNOWN PROBLEM: Habitat fragmentation.KNOWN PROBLEM: Competition for nesting cavities.KNOWN PROBLEM: Lack of mud flat habitat.KNOWN PROBLEM: Lack of mud flat habitat.KNOWN PROBLEMS: Lack of open areas containing short grass.KNOWN PROBLEMS: Lack of open areas containing short grass.KNOWN PROBLEMS: Lack of open areas containing short grass.KNOWN PROBLEM: Lack of mud flats during migration.KNOWN PROBLEM: Lack of mud flats during migration as a result of hydrological alteration.Sustained laser leveling and well drilling accelerates habitat destruction and loss.KNOWN PROBLEM: Mass mortality events at breeding sites (possibly due to ranavirus pathogen).POTENTIAL PROBLEM: Loss of wetland and swamp habitat.POTENTIAL PROBLEM: Loss of early successional habitat within pine plantation clearcut areas.POTENTIAL PROBLEM: Loss of quality nesting habitat due to habitat fragmentation.POTENTIAL PROBLEM: Loss of both hardwood and pine pole-stage timber plantations.9p0][  Z  @ i , d  G v4V [uKm] "Habitat destructionExcessive non-commercial harvest or collection@ [O "Altered composition/structureExotic species@ E9) "Toxins/contaminantsForestry activitiesf@ @4 "Hydrological alterationUrban developmentn@ B6# "Habitat destruction or conversionUrban development!KNOWN PROBLEM: Loss of habitat.m@- "Toxins/contaminantsForestry activities@ @4 "Excessive herbivoryGrazing/Browsingp@=1 "Toxins/contaminantsForestry activitiesj@@4 "Altered composition/structureExotic species~@E9) "Habitat destruction or conversionForestry activitiesKNOWN PROBLEM: Habitat loss.lB- "Habitat destruction or conversionConversion of riparian forest@XL- "Habitat destruction or conversionForestry activities!KNOWN PROBLEM: Loss of habitat.oB- "Hydrological alterationWater diversion!KNOWN PROBLEM: Loss of habitat.a4# "Habitat destruction or conversionAgricultural practicesb@QE- "Habitat destruction or conversionFire suppressionb@K?- "Altered composition/structureFire suppression!KNOWN PROBLEM: Loss of habitat.h;) "Habitat destruction or conversionAgricultural practices!KNOWN PROBLEM: Loss of habitat.rE- "Toxins/contaminantsManagement of/for certain species@NB "Excessive herbivoryGrazing/Browsingh@=1 "Alteration of natural fire regimesFire suppressionKNOWN PROBLEM: Habitat loss.j@. "B@ "!KNOWN PROBLEM: Loss of habitat.7 "Chemical alterationConfined animal operations;; "Groundwater depletionExcessive groundwater withdrawalCC! "Chemical alterationUrban development22 "SedimentationRoad construction~@"8, "Nutrient loadingGrazing/BrowsingB@!:. "Nutrient loadingConfined animal operationsB@ D8 "Nutrient loadingUrban developmentB@;/ "Urban developmentl@) "Chemical alterationConfined animal operations;; "Groundwater depletionExcessive groundwater withdrawalCC! "Chemical alterationUrban development22 "SedimentationRoad construction~@8, "Nutrient loadingGrazing/BrowsingB@:. "Nutrient loadingConfined animal operationsB@D8 "Nutrient loadingUrban developmentB@;/ "Urban developmentl@) "Habitat disturbanceGrazing/BrowsingJ@=1 "Extraordinary predation/parasitism/diseasePredationT@MA6 "Hydrological alterationChannel maintenance"KNOWN PROBLEM: Loss of sandbars.f8# "Habitat disturbanceRecreationJ@7+ "Toxins/contaminantsAgricultural practices@C7 "Altered composition/structureV@5)) "Extraordinary competition for resourcesConfined animal operationsT@[O3 "Habitat destruction or conversionAgricultural practices`@QE- ~"Extraordinary predation/parasitism/diseasePredationF@MA6 }"Habitat destructionForestry activities@@4 LVALVP  ,  J tNHD Water temperature is likely modified by cutting riparian areas.Threats to the species have not been determined.POTENTIAL PROBLEM: Decreased habitat qualilty due to increased sedimentation from natural gas extraction.POTENTIAL PROBLEM: Loss of seep habitat due to conversion.POTENTIAL PROBLEM: Destruction of habitat due to off-road vehicle use.KNOWN PROBLEM: Destruction of habitat due to cattle grazing.POTENTIAL PROBLEM: Impacts from pesticide use.POTENTIAL PROBLEM: Loss of habitat due to urban development.POTENTIAL PROBLEM: Loss of habitat due to deforestation.KNOWN PROBLEM: Habitat fragmentation.POTENTIAL PROBLEM: Habitat degradation due to deer browsing.POTENTIAL PROBLEM: Habitat degradation due to deer browsing.POTENTIAL PROBLEM: Habitat degradation due to invasive exotic plant species such as Japanese honeysuckle.KNOWN PROBLEM: The foodplant (Actaea racemosa) is harvested legally and illegally for alleged medicinal value.POTENTIAL PROBLEM: Loss of habitat due to invasion of the non-native garlic mustard (Alliaria officinalis).POTENTIAL PROBLEM: Insecticide use for gypsy moths.POTENTIAL PROBLEM: Population declines due to flooding.POTENTIAL PROBLEM: Increases in gypsy moth populations in the Ozarks are likely to bring on widespread spraying of insecticides, which will be detrimental to many non-target species such as this swallowtail.POTENTIAL PROBLEM: Loss of habitat due to deer browsing.POTENTIAL PROBLEM: Use of pesticides for gypsy moths.KNOWN PROBLEM: Reduced habitat quality due to invasive species.KNOWN PROBLEM: Clearing and draining of wetlands have greatly reduced the available habitat for this species.KNOWN PROBLEM: Loss of tallgrass prairie habitat.KNOWN PROBLEM: Loss of tallgrass prairie habitat.POTENTIAL PROBLEM: Negative effects due to spraying of pesticides for gypsy moths.KNOWN PROBLEM: Loss of habitat due to deer browsing.POTENTIAL PROBLEM: Limited range.p7h a p    E J r6{B b)o8U"h)K l-"Habitat destructionResource extraction44 "Habitat destructionGrazing/Browsing11 "Habitat destructionDam$$ "Nutrient loadingAgricultural practices44 "Hydrological alterationDam((# "Habitat destructionDam$$ "Habitat destructionChannel maintenance44 "Habitat destructionChannel alteration33 "Nutrient loadingGrazing/Browsing.. "Nutrient loadingConfined animal operations88 "Hydrological alterationDam((# "Habitat destructionDam$$ "Habitat destructionChannel maintenance44 "Habitat destructionChannel alteration33 "Nutrient loadingGrazing/Browsing.. "Nutrient loadingConfined animal operations88 "Hydrological alterationDam((# "Habitat destructionDam$$ "Habitat destructionChannel maintenance44 "Habitat destructionChannel alteration33 "SedimentationUrban development,, "SedimentationRoad construction,, "SedimentationGrazing/Browsing++ "Nutrient loadingUrban development// "Nutrient loadingMunicipal/Industrial point source?? "Nutrient loadingGrazing/Browsing.. "Nutrient loadingConfined animal operations88 "`@ "SedimentationResource extraction@:. "SedimentationRoad construction,, "SedimentationForestry activities.. "Nutrient loadingGrazing/Browsing.. "Nutrient loadingConfined animal operations88 "Habitat destructionResource extraction44 "Habitat destructionGrazing/Browsing11 "Habitat destructionDam$$ "Habitat destruction or conversionForestry activitiest@NB- "Habitat destruction or conversionRecreation@E9- "Habitat destruction or conversionGrazing/Browsingx@K?- "Toxins/contaminantsAgricultural practices\@C7 "Habitat destruction or conversionUrban developmentx@L@- "Habitat destruction or conversionForestry activitiesp@NB- "Habitat destruction or conversionFire suppression!KNOWN PROBLEM: Loss of habitat.l?- "Habitat destruction or conversionExotic species!KNOWN PROBLEM: Loss of habitat.j=- "Habitat destruction or conversionAgricultural practices!KNOWN PROBLEM: Loss of habitat.rE- "Habitat destruction or conversionUrban development!KNOWN PROBLEM: Loss of habitat.m@- "Habitat destruction or conversionFire suppression"POTENTIAL PROBLEM: Habitat loss.m?- "Habitat destruction or conversionUrban development"POTENTIAL PROBLEM: Habitat loss.n@- "Habitat destruction or conversionFire suppression"POTENTIAL PROBLEM: Habitat loss.m?- "Habitat destruction or conversionUrban development"POTENTIAL PROBLEM: Habitat loss.n@- "Habitat destruction or conversionFire suppressionKNOWN PROBLEM: Habitat loss.i?- "Habitat fragmentationUrban developmentJ@@4! "Excessive herbivoryGrazing/Browsingx@=1 "Excessive herbivoryGrazing/Browsingx@=1 "Altered composition/structureExotic species@E9) pBKv= h 5 | 6 i ?  t =  ? N^QNf$Vt5u6%"Habitat destructionDam$$ $"Habitat destructionUrban development22 #"SedimentationRoad construction,, ""Habitat destructionResource extraction44 !"Hydrological alterationDam((#  "Riparian habitat destructionAgricultural practices@@( "Habitat disturbanceAgricultural practices77 "Nutrient loadingAgricultural practices44 "Habitat destructionDam$$ "Habitat destructionUrban development22 "SedimentationRoad construction,, "Habitat destructionResource extraction44 "Hydrological alterationExcessive groundwater withdrawalEE# "Hydrological alterationDam((# "Riparian habitat destructionAgricultural practices@@( "Habitat disturbanceAgricultural practices77 "Nutrient loadingAgricultural practices44 "SedimentationRoad construction,, "Habitat destructionResource extraction44 "Hydrological alterationDam((# "Riparian habitat destructionAgricultural practices@@( "Habitat disturbanceAgricultural practices77 "Nutrient loadingAgricultural practices44 "SedimentationRoad construction,,  "Habitat destructionResource extraction44  "Hydrological alterationExcessive groundwater withdrawalEE#  "Hydrological alterationDam((#  "Riparian habitat destructionAgricultural practices@@(  "Habitat disturbanceAgricultural practices77 "Nutrient loadingAgricultural practices44 "SedimentationAgricultural practices11 "Hydrological alterationDam((# "Habitat fragmentationDamn@2&! "Hydrological alterationWater diversion44# "Hydrological alterationDam((# "Habitat destructionAgricultural practices77 "Habitat destruction or conversionUrban development@@- "Toxins/contaminantsRoad construction22 "Habitat disturbanceRoad construction22 "SedimentationForestry activities.. "SedimentationRoad construction,, "Habitat disturbanceResource extraction44 "Nutrient loading "Hydrological alteration### "SedimentationRoad construction,, "Habitat destruction "Nutrient loading "Hydrological alteration### "Habitat destructionGrazing/Browsing11 "Biological alterationExotic species11! Toxins/contaminantsNon-point source pollution;; Biological alterationExotic species11! SedimentationRoad construction,, Chemical alterationNon-point source pollution;; Hydrological alterationDam((# Chemical alterationConversion of riparian forest~@J>  SedimentationConversion of riparian forest88  Habitat destructionUrban development22  SedimentationForestry activities.. Habitat destructionDam$$ "SedimentationRoad construction,, "SedimentationResource extraction.. "SedimentationGrazing/Browsing++ "SedimentationForestry activities.. "Nutrient loadingGrazing/Browsing.. "Nutrient loadingConfined animal operations88  LVALHp . " v  POTENTIAL PROBLEMS: Habitat destruction.KNOWN PROBLEM: Lack of emergent marsh, lack of wetlands.KNOWN PROBLEM: Conversion of emergent and herbaceous wetlands to bottomland hardwoods.KNOWN PROBLEM: Conversion of emergent and herbaceous wetlands to bottomland hardwoods.POTENTIAL PROBLEM: Competition with Mute Swans.KNOWN PROBLEM: Collisions with power lines.KNOWN PROBLEM: Collisions with power lines.KNOWN PROBLEM: Lead poisoning from ingestion of lead fishing tackle and lead shot.KNOWN PROBLEM: Loss and degradation of herbaceous wetlands.KNOWN PROBLEM: Loss and degradation of herbaceous wetlands.POTENTIAL PROBLEM: Loss of quality, native grasslands.POTENTIAL PROBLEM: Loss of quality, native grasslands.KNOWN PROBLEM: Habitat fragmentation.KNOWN PROBLEM: Fish passage issues in relation to dams.Cp?WsD R  ^  f ' _ , s 4 C_ Z[f(f0pjdToxins/contaminantsRecreation@7+ cHabitat destruction or conversionForestry activitiesv@NB- bHabitat destruction or conversionAgricultural practicesv@QE- aAltered composition/structureAgricultural practicesl@MA) `Altered composition/structureGrazing/Browsingl@G;) _8Habitat fragmentationAgricultural practicesJ@E9! ^"SedimentationRoad construction,, ]"SedimentationResource extraction.. \"SedimentationGrazing/Browsing++ ["SedimentationConfined animal operations55 Z"Nutrient loadingConfined animal operations88 Y"Habitat destructionResource extraction44 X"Habitat destructionChannel alteration33 W"Habitat destructionAgricultural practices77 V"Habitat destructionUrban development22 U"SedimentationRoad construction,, T"Habitat destructionResource extraction44 S"Hydrological alterationDam((# R"Riparian habitat destructionAgricultural practices@@( Q"Habitat disturbanceAgricultural practices77 P"Nutrient loadingAgricultural practices44 O"Habitat destructionResource extraction44 N"Riparian habitat destructionAgricultural practices@@( M"SedimentationAgricultural practices11 L"Nutrient loadingAgricultural practices44 K"SedimentationRoad construction,, J"Hydrological alterationDam((# I"Biological alterationExotic species11! 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"Nutrient loadingGrazing/Browsing.. "Nutrient loadingConfined animal operations88 "Hydrological alterationDam((# "Habitat destructionDam$$ "Habitat destructionChannel maintenance44 "Habitat destructionChannel alteration33 |Habitat destruction or conversionForestry activitiesp@ NB- .Nutrient loadingConfined animal operations88 ~.Nutrient loadingGrazing/Browsing.. }.Hydrological alterationDam((# |.Habitat destructionDam$$ {.Habitat destructionChannel maintenance44 ylToxins/contaminantsResource extraction44 xlSedimentationRoad construction,, wlNutrient loadingUrban development// vlGroundwater depletionUrban development44! ulHydrological alterationUrban development66# t_Toxins/contaminantsUrban developmentGroundwater contamination.Z2 s^Toxins/contaminantsUrban developmentGroundwater contamination.Z2 r]Toxins/contaminantsUrban developmentGroundwater contamination.Z2 q\Toxins/contaminantsUrban developmentGroundwater contamination.Z2 pToxins/contaminantsNon-point source pollutionGroundwater contamination.c; o"Habitat destructionChannel alteration33 n"SedimentationNon-point source pollution55 m"Habitat fragmentationDam&&! l"Habitat destructionChannel alteration33 kHabitat fragmentationDam&&! jSedimentationResource extraction.. i}Habitat destruction or conversionForestry activities@ NB- hHabitat destruction or conversionForestry activities@ NB- gExtraordinary competition for resourcesExotic species`@ OC3 fCollision with man-made structuresUrban developmentX@MA. eCollision with man-made structuresCommercial/industrial developmentX@]Q. p ,2 r r r rrr r r r r rrrrrrrrrrr r$r%r&r'r(r)r*r +r!,r"-r#.r$/r%0r&1r'2r(3r)4r*5r+6r,7r-8r.:r/<r0=r1>r2?r3@r4Ar5Br6Cr7Dr8Er9Fr:Gr;Hr<Ir=Jr>Kr?Lr@MrANrBQrCRrDSsTsUsVsWsXsZs[s\s]s ^s _s as bs csdsesfsgshsmsnsosqsrssstsusvswsxsyszs {s!|s"}s#s$s%s&s's(s)s*s+s,s-s.s/s0s1s2s3s4s5s6s7s8s9s:s;s<s=s>s?s@sAtttttttttt t t t t ttttttttttttttttttt t!t"t#t$t%t&t't(t)t*t+t,t-t.t/t0t1t2t3t4t5t6t7t8t9t:t;t<t=t>vvvvvvvvvv v v v v vvvvvvv v v v v vvvvvvvv v!v"v#v$v%v&v'v(v) v*!v+"v,#v-$v.&v/'v0(v1)v2*v3,v4-v5.x/x0x1x3x4x6x7x8x9x :x ;x <x =x @xAxBxCxDxExFxGxHxIxJxKxLxMxNxOxPxQxRx Sx!Tx"Ux#Vx$Wx%Xx&Yx'Zx([x)\x*]x+_x,`x-a{e{f{g{h{i{j{k{l{m{ n{ o{ p{ q{ r{s{t{u{v{w{x{y{z{{{{{{{{{{{{ {!{"{#{${%{&{'{({){*{+{,{-{.{/}}}}}}}}}} } } } } }}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}} }!}"}#}$}%}&}'}(})}*}+},}-      !"#$%&'()*         !"# $!&"'#($)%*&+',(-).*/+0,1-2.3/405162738495:;<=>?@ABC D E F G HIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ [!\"]#^$_%`&a'b(c)d*e+f,g-h.i/j0k1l2m3n4o5p6q7r8s9t:u;v<w=x>y?z@{A|B}C~      !"#$%&'()*+,p                                                                                                                                                      rrrr r r r rrr r r r r rrrrrrrrrrr r$r%r&r'r(r)r*r +r!,r"-r#.r$/r%0r&1r'2r(3r)4r*5r+6r,7r-8r.:r/<r0=r1>r2?r3@r4Ar5Br6Cr7Dr8Er9Fr:Gr;Hr<Ir=Jr>Kr?Lr@MrANrBQrCRrDSsTsUsVsWsXsZs[s\s]s ^s _s as bs csdsesfsgshsmsnsosqsrssstsusvswsxsyszs {s!|s"}s#s$s%s&s's(s)s*s+s,s-s.s/s0s1s2s3s4s5s6s7s8s9s:s;s<s=s>s?s@sAtttttttttt t t t t ttttttttttttttttttt t!t"t#t$t%t&t't(t)t*t+t,t-t.t/t0t1t2t3t4t5t6t7t8t9t:t;t<t=t>vvvvvvvvvv v v v v vvvvvvv v v v v vvvvvvvv v!v"v#v$v%v&v'v(v) v*!v+"v,#v-$v.&v/'v0(v1)v2*v3,v4-v5.x/x0x1x3x4x6x7x8x9x :x ;x <x =x @xAxBxCxDxExFxGxHxIxJxKxLxMxNxOxPxQxRx Sx!Tx"Ux#Vx$Wx%Xx&Yx'Zx([x)\x*]x+_x,`x-a{e{f{g{h{i{j{k{l{m{ n{ o{ p{ q{ r{s{t{u{v{w{x{y{z{{{{{{{{{{{{ {!{"{#{${%{&{'{({){*{+{,{-{.{/}}}}}}}}}} } } } } }}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}} }!}"}#}$}%}&}'}(})}*}+},}-      !"#$%&'()*         !"# $!&"'#($)%*&+',(-).*/+0,1-2.3/405162738495:;<=>?@ABC D E F G HIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ [!\"]#^$_%`&a'b(c)d*e+f,g-h.i/j0k1l2m3n4o5p6q7r8s9t:u;v<w=x>y?z@{A|B}C~      !"#$%&'()*+,p                                                                                                                                                      -./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDE      !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABC           !"#$%&'( )!*"+#,$-%.&/'0(1)2*3+4,5-6.7/8091:2;3<4=5>6?7@8A9B:C;D<E=F>G?H@IAJBKCLDMNOPQRSTWX Y Z [ \ ]^_`abcdefghijklmno p!q"r#s$t%u&v'w(x)y*z+{,|-}.~/0123456789:;<=>?@ABC      !"#$%&'()*+,-./012345678      !"#$%&'()*+ , -.     !"#'()*+,./01234567 8!9"<#=$>%?&@'A(B)C*D+E,F-GHIJKLMNOP Q R S T UVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefg h!i"j#k$l%m&n'o(p)q*r+s,t-u.v/w0x1y2z3{4|5}6~789:      !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123      !"#$%&'()*+,          !"#$%&'()*+,- !"%&' ( ) * + ,./012,p @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @3456789:;<=>? 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gUBird_Query.Element_Name6 gUBird_Query.Residence3 gUBird_Query.Family0 gUBird_Query.Order/ gUBird_Query.Class/ gUBird_Query.Federal_Status8 gUBird_Query.Ozarks0 gU T@[ gU L@[ gU !Bird_Query.South_Central_Plains> gU Bird_Query.Ouachitas3 gU Bird_Query.Arkansas_Valley9 gUBird_Query.Boston_Mountains: gUBird_Query.Comments2 gUBird_Query.G_Rank0 gUBird_Query.S_Rank0 gUF@ T gUBird_Query.Taxa. gUBird_Query.Scientific_Name9 gUBird_Query.Common_Name5 gLVALQSELECT Species.Common_Name, Species.Scientific_Name, Species.Taxa, Species.[Terrestrial or Aquatic], Species.S_Rank, Species.G_Rank, Species.Comments, Species.Boston_Mountains, Species.Arkansas_Valley, Species.Ouachitas, Species.South_Central_Plains, Species.Mississippi_Alluvial_Plains, Species.Mississippi_Valley_Loess_Plains, Species.Ozarks, Species.Federal_Status, Species.Class, [Species].[Order], Species.Family, Species.Residence, "Habitats" as Element_Name, Species_and_Habitats_Weights_Translated.Habitat as Element, "" as Category, Species_and_Habitats_Weights_Translated.Description as Weight, Population_Trend, "1" as PageOrder, team FROM Species INNER JOIN Species_and_Habitats_Weights_Translated ON Species.ID = Species_and_Habitats_Weights_Translated.Species_ID Where taxa = "Bird" And [Terrestrial or Aquatic] = "Terrestrial" UNION ALL SELECT Species.Common_Name, Species.Scientific_Name, Species.Taxa, Species.[Terrestrial or Aquatic], Species.S_Rank, Species.G_Rank, Species.Comments, Species.Boston_Mountains, Species.Arkansas_Valley, Species.Ouachitas, Species.South_Central_Plains, Species.Mississippi_Alluvial_Plains, Species.Mississippi_Valley_Loess_Plains, Species.Ozarks, Species.Federal_Status, Species.Class, [Species].[Order], Species.Family, Species.Residence, "Problems Faced" as Element_Name, Threat_text as Element, "Threat: " & Aquatic_Threats_And_Sources.Threat & (Chr(13) & Chr(10)) & "Source: " & Aquatic_Threats_And_Sources.Source as Category, "" as Weight, Population_Trend, "2" as PageOrder, team FROM Species INNER JOIN Aquatic_Threats_And_Sources ON Species.ID = Aquatic_Threats_And_Sources.Species_ID Where taxa = "Bird" And [Terrestrial or Aquatic] = "Terrestrial" UNION ALL SELECT Species.Common_Name, Species.Scientific_Name, Species.Taxa, Species.[Terrestrial or Aquatic], Species.S_Rank, Species.G_Rank, Species.Comments, Species.Boston_Mountains, Species.Arkansas_Valley, Species.Ouachitas, Species.South_Central_Plains, Species.Mississippi_Alluvial_Plains, Species.MississipLVAL.pi_Valley_Loess_Plains, Species.Ozarks, Species.Federal_Status, Species.Class, [Species].[Order], Species.Family, Species.Residence, "Data Gaps/Research Needs" as Element_Name, Data_Gaps.Data_Gaps as Element, "" as Category, "" as Weight, Population_Trend, "3" as PageOrder, team FROM Species INNER JOIN Data_Gaps ON Species.ID = Data_Gaps.Species_ID Where taxa = "Bird" And [Terrestrial or Aquatic] = "Terrestrial" UNION ALL SELECT Species.Common_Name, Species.Scientific_Name, Species.Taxa, Species.[Terrestrial or Aquatic], Species.S_Rank, Species.G_Rank, Species.Comments, Species.Boston_Mountains, Species.Arkansas_Valley, Species.Ouachitas, Species.South_Central_Plains, Species.Mississippi_Alluvial_Plains, Species.Mississippi_Valley_Loess_Plains, Species.Ozarks, Species.Federal_Status, Species.Class, [Species].[Order], Species.Family, Species.Residence, "Conservation Actions" as Element_Name, Conservation_Actions.Conservation_Actions as Element, Conservation_Actions.CA_Category as Category, Conservation_Actions.Importance as Weight, Population_Trend, "4" as PageOrder, team FROM Species INNER JOIN Conservation_Actions on Species.ID = Conservation_Actions.Species_ID Where taxa = "Bird" And [Terrestrial or Aquatic] = "Terrestrial" LVAL 8@\&>Species_and_Habitats.Weight = Weights_LUT.WeightSpecies_and_Habitats.Habitat = Habitat.Habitat_NameSpecies.ID = Species_and_Habitats.Species_ID[common_name] & " (" & [scientific_name] & ") Weight: " & [description]Habitat.Mississippi_Valley_Loess_PlainsHabitat.Mississippi_Alluvial_PlainsSpecies.Scientific_Name = All_Species_Ranked.Scientific_NameHabitat.Habitat_Name = Species_and_Habitats.HabitatSpecies.ID = Species_and_Habitats.Species_IDHabitat.Mississippi_Valley_Loess_PlainsHabitat.Mississippi_Alluvial_PlainsRound(Sum([weight]*[viability_Score]),0)(((InStr([Indicator_Description],Chr(10)))<>0))InStr([Indicator_Description],Chr(10))Sum(All_Species_Ranked.Viability_Score)Select "South Central Plains" as Ecoregion, CA_Category, Sum([Viability_Score]*[Weight]) AS [CA Score] FROM Weight2_LUT INNER JOIN (All_Species_Ranked INNER JOIN (Species INNER JOIN Conservation_Actions ON Species.ID = Conservation_Actions.Species_ID) ON All_Species_Ranked.Scientific_Name = Species.Scientific_Name) ON Weight2_LUT.Weight_Name = Conservation_Actions.Importance WHERE species.south_central_plains= TRUE AND CA_Category is not null GROUP BY Conservation_Actions.CA_CategorySELECT Species.Common_Name, Species.Scientific_Name, Species.Taxa, Species.[Terrestrial or Aquatic], Species.S_Rank, Species.G_Rank, Species.Comments, Species.Boston_Mountains, Species.Arkansas_Valley, Species.Ouachitas, Species.South_Central_Plains, Species.Mississippi_Alluvial_Plains, Species.Mississippi_Valley_Loess_Plains, Species.Ozarks, Species.Federal_Status, Species.Class, [Species].[Order], Species.Family, Species.Residence, "Monitoring Strategies" as Element_Name, Monitoring.Monitoring_Strategy as Element, Monitoring.Monitoring_Category as Category, "" as Weight, Population_Trend, "5" as PageOrder, team FROM Species INNER JOIN Monitoring ON Species.ID = Monitoring.Species_ID Where taxa = "Bird" And [Terrestrial or Aquatic] = "Terrestrial"KY N Y d Y CA_CategoryDescriptionv1 ] LVALs(S { Other conservation actions nOther conservation actions not covered by these categoriesPublic outreach and education involving species of concern or key habitatsNot enough information is known at this time to formulate Conservation ActionsMitigation of an existing threat, such as predation, pollution, or competing speciesDirect manipulation of populations of species of concern, including restocking, harvest management, and translocation effortsPurchase of land or conservation easements critical to species of concernInvolves the protection of existing habitat or habitat componentsInvolves the improvement or restoration of habitat or habitat componentsH Z1hOther<@ Public Relations/EducationL@*Data GapP@ Threat AbatementV@ Population Management@%Land AcquisitionK@ Fire ManagementManagement of fire regime:Habitat ProtectionC@"Habitat Restoration/ImprovementJ@/#KYuN Y  Y Short_CitationCitationv1}~@@@ :LVAL \ n t@j^Finnell, J.C.; Jenkins; R.M.; Hall, G.E. 1956. 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Cannatella. 2007. Phylogeny-based delimitation of species boundaries and contact zones in the trilling chorus frogs (Pseudacris). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, Vol. 44(3):1068 1082.Irwin, K. J. and L. K. Irwin. 2001. Geographic distribution: Pseudacris streckeri (Strecker s Chorus Frog). Herpetological Review 32(3):190.Rhoden, Cody M., Christopher A. Taylor, and Brian K. Wagner. 2016. Habitat assessment and range updates for two rare Arkansas Burrowing crayfishes: Fallicambarus harpi and Procambarus reimeri. Southeastern Naturalist 15(3): 448-458.McAllister, Chris T., Henry W. Robison, Thomas M. Buchanan, and David A, Etnier. 2012. Distributional records for four fishes from the Arkansas, Mississippi, and White rivers of Arkansas. The Southwestern Naturalist 57(2): 217-219.Layman, Steven R. and Richard L. Mayden. 2012. Morphological diversity and phylogenetics of the darter subgenus Doration (Percidae: Etheostoma), with descriptions of five new species. Bulletin of the Alabama Museum of Natural History. Bulletin 30. 83 pages.TLVAL  * . 4zrKross, C. and J. Willson. In prep. Status and habitat relationships of Crawfish Frogs (Lithobates areolatus) in Northwest Arkansas.Heemeyer, J.L., P.J. Williams, and M.J. Lannoo. 2012. Obligate crayfish burrow use and core habitat requirements of crawfish frogs. The Journal of Wildlife Management. 76: 1081-1091.Harris, J.L and W. R Posey II. 2015. Revised conservation status assessments for Arkansas mussels. Final Report. Natural Heritage Commission. Little Rock, AR. 17 pp.Harris, J. L., W. R. Posey II, C. L. Davidson, J. L. Farris, S. Rogers Oetker, J. N. Stoeckel, B. G. Crump, M. Scott Barnett, H. C. Martin, M. W. Matthews, J. H. Seagraves, N. J. Wentz, R. Winterringer, C. Osborne, and A. D. Christian. 2010. Unionoida (Mollusca: Margaritiferidae, Unionidae) in Arkansas, third status review. Journal of the Arkansas Academy of Science 63:50-86.Seagraves JH. 2006. The reproductive biology and habitat characterization of the endangered Ouachita rock pocketbook, Arkansia wheeleri, (Ortmann and Walker 1912) [MS thesis]. State University (AR): Arkansas State University. 76 p. + appendices A-F.Avery, M. L. 2013. Rusty Blackbird (Euphagus carolinus). The Birds of North America Online. Cornell Lab of Ornithology, Ithaca, NY. Available: [accessed: January 2014].Rosenberg, K.V., D. Pashley, B. Andres, P. J. Blancher, G.S. Butcher, W.C. Hunter, D. Mehlman, A.O. Panjabi, M. Parr, G. Wallace, and D. Wiedenfeld. 2014. The State of the Birds 2014 Watch List. North American Bird Conservation Initiative, U.S. Committee. Washington, D.C. 4 pagesBuchanan, T.M. 1985. Small fish species of Arkansas Reservoirs. Journal of the Arkansas Academy of Sciences. Vol. 59:26-43.LVAL¥QSelect "Arkansas Valley" as Ecoregion, CA_Category, Sum([Viability_Score]*[Weight]) AS [CA Score] FROM Weight2_LUT INNER JOIN (All_Species_Ranked INNER JOIN (Species INNER JOIN Conservation_Actions ON Species.ID = Conservation_Actions.Species_ID) ON All_Species_Ranked.Scientific_Name = Species.Scientific_Name) ON Weight2_LUT.Weight_Name = Conservation_Actions.Importance WHERE species.Arkansas_Valley= TRUE AND CA_Category is not null GROUP BY Conservation_Actions.CA_Category UNION ALL Select "Boston Mountains" as Ecoregion, CA_Category, Sum([Viability_Score]*[Weight]) AS [CA Score] FROM Weight2_LUT INNER JOIN (All_Species_Ranked INNER JOIN (Species INNER JOIN Conservation_Actions ON Species.ID = Conservation_Actions.Species_ID) ON All_Species_Ranked.Scientific_Name = Species.Scientific_Name) ON Weight2_LUT.Weight_Name = Conservation_Actions.Importance WHERE species.Boston_Mountains= TRUE AND CA_Category is not null GROUP BY Conservation_Actions.CA_Category UNION ALL Select "Mississippi Alluvial Plains" as Ecoregion, CA_Category, Sum([Viability_Score]*[Weight]) AS [CA Score] FROM Weight2_LUT INNER JOIN (All_Species_Ranked INNER JOIN (Species INNER JOIN Conservation_Actions ON Species.ID = Conservation_Actions.Species_ID) ON All_Species_Ranked.Scientific_Name = Species.Scientific_Name) ON Weight2_LUT.Weight_Name = Conservation_Actions.Importance WHERE species.Mississippi_alluvial_Plains= TRUE AND CA_Category is not null GROUP BY Conservation_Actions.CA_Category UNION ALL Select "Mississippi Valley Loess Plains" as Ecoregion, CA_Category, Sum([Viability_Score]*[Weight]) AS [CA Score] FROM Weight2_LUT INNER JOIN (All_Species_Ranked INNER JOIN (Species INNER JOIN Conservation_Actions ON Species.ID = Conservation_Actions.Species_ID) ON All_Species_Ranked.Scientific_Name = Species.Scientific_Name) ON Weight2_LUT.Weight_Name = Conservation_Actions.Importance WHERE species.mississippi_valley_loess_plains= TRUE AND CA_Category is not null GROUP BY Conservation_Actions.CA_Category UNION ALL Select "Ou|LVALachita Mountains" as Ecoregion, CA_Category, Sum([Viability_Score]*[Weight]) AS [CA Score] FROM Weight2_LUT INNER JOIN (All_Species_Ranked INNER JOIN (Species INNER JOIN Conservation_Actions ON Species.ID = Conservation_Actions.Species_ID) ON All_Species_Ranked.Scientific_Name = Species.Scientific_Name) ON Weight2_LUT.Weight_Name = Conservation_Actions.Importance WHERE species.ouachitas= TRUE AND CA_Category is not null GROUP BY Conservation_Actions.CA_Category UNION ALL Select "Ozark Highlands" as Ecoregion, CA_Category, Sum([Viability_Score]*[Weight]) AS [CA Score] FROM Weight2_LUT INNER JOIN (All_Species_Ranked INNER JOIN (Species INNER JOIN Conservation_Actions ON Species.ID = Conservation_Actions.Species_ID) ON All_Species_Ranked.Scientific_Name = Species.Scientific_Name) ON Weight2_LUT.Weight_Name = Conservation_Actions.Importance WHERE species.ozarks= TRUE AND CA_Category is not null GROUP BY Conservation_Actions.CA_Category v Y2es.CN22222Y  Y e Y s Y adY Species_ID(Conservation_ActionsCA_CategoryImportanceIDi,piAkae eeDchcsohGraYYYIDPrimaryKeySpecies_IDv1bpP@*UIzLVAL` ` R z  2 vTt.pjz8TEnlarge and connect forests and reduce the amount of non-forested edge.Manage for uneven aged forests using small group selection harvest.Manage for unevenaged forests using group selection harvest or evenaged management with small clearcuts.Enlarge and connect forests and reduce the amount of non-forested edge.Restore natural flooding regimes.Enlarge and connect forests to reduce the amount of non-forested edge.Manage for early successional and savanna habitat.Restore fire regimes through frequent use of prescribed fire (every 2-4 years).Protect mature tree snags in open forest conditions.More data are needed to determine conservation actions.Create openings in forests and woodlandsRestore early successional habitat.Restore connectivity to wetlands and riverine backwaters.More data are needed to determine conservation actions.More data are needed to determine conservation actions.Coordinate with U.S. Army Corps of Engineers regarding channel alteration and maintenance.Restore natural hydrologic and thermal regimes.Protect karst habitats and cave recharge zones.Restore Ouachita and Little Missouri rivers to natural flow regime.Restore fish passage in dammed rivers.Maintain or, where necessary, restore instream aquatic habitat and substrate.More data are needed to determine conservation actions.More data are needed to determine conservation actions.More data is needed to determine conservation actions.More data is needed to determine conservation actions.Protect river corridors using appropriate buffer widths relative to stream size.More data are needed to determine conservation actions.Protect, enhance and restore habitat.Maintain watershed condition by enforcing Best Management Practices for highway construction, urban development, agriculture and silviculture.Maintain or, where necessary, restore instream aquatic habitat and substrate.Protect river corridors using appropriate buffer widths relative to stream size.07o2~C } 3 h  M  t  N +Fn&LC]m(<|@ Habitat Restoration/ImprovementHigh=7 P@ Habitat Restoration/ImprovementHigh=7 Protect wetlands.Habitat ProtectionHighC=) Restore wetlands.Habitat Restoration/ImprovementHighPJ) Z@Public Relations/EducationHigh82 D@Public Relations/EducationMedium:2 D@Public Relations/EducationMedium:2 ~D@Public Relations/EducationMedium:2 }Restore herbaceous wetlands.Habitat Restoration/ImprovementHigh[U4 |~Restore wetlands.Habitat Restoration/ImprovementHighPJ) {}@Habitat Restoration/ImprovementHigh=7 z|X@Public Relations/EducationHigh82 y{Maintain or restore wetlands.Habitat Restoration/ImprovementHigh\V5 UzN@Habitat Restoration/ImprovementHigh=7 TyMaintain or restore mudflats.Habitat ProtectionHighOI5 Rx@Habitat Restoration/ImprovementMedium?7 Pw@Habitat Restoration/ImprovementHigh=7 Ov@Habitat Restoration/ImprovementHigh=7 Nu@Habitat Restoration/ImprovementHigh=7 Mt@Habitat Restoration/ImprovementHigh=7 Ls@Habitat Restoration/ImprovementHigh=7 KrB@Habitat Restoration/ImprovementHigh=7 Iq@Habitat Restoration/ImprovementHigh=7 HpEven-aged regeneration cutsHabitat Restoration/ImprovementHighZT3 End@Fire ManagementHigh-' DmConduct prescribed burns..Fire ManagementMediumKC2 ?l@Fire ManagementHigh-' >kh@Habitat ProtectionHigh0* =jProtect old growth forests.Habitat ProtectionMediumOG3 <in@Data GapMedium(  ;hP@Habitat Restoration/ImprovementMedium?7 8gF@Habitat Restoration/ImprovementHigh=7 6fImprove landowner relations.Public Relations/EducationHighVP4 3eCreate sandbars.Habitat Restoration/ImprovementMediumQI( dr@Habitat Restoration/ImprovementMedium?7 bn@Data GapMedium(  an@Data GapMedium(  `@Threat AbatementMedium0( _^@Habitat Restoration/ImprovementHigh=7 ^Maintain riparian habitats.Habitat Restoration/ImprovementHighZT3 ]^@ Habitat ProtectionHigh0* \@ Habitat Restoration/ImprovementHigh=7 [L@ Habitat Restoration/ImprovementHigh=7  Z@ Habitat Restoration/ImprovementMedium?7  Yn@ Data GapHigh&   Xn@Data GapHigh&  Wl@Data GapMedium(  Vl@Data GapHigh&  U@Habitat ProtectionHigh0* Tn@Data GapMedium(  SJ@Habitat Restoration/ImprovementHigh=7  R@Threat AbatementHigh.(  Q@Habitat ProtectionMedium2* PProtect spawning habitat.Habitat ProtectionHighKE1 <O@Habitat ProtectionHigh0* LVAL"6f N ( D < "v2Jn$^`Attempt to restore the Mississippi River's hydrologic integrity.Restore and protect wooded wetlands on breeding grounds.Enocurage use of three-awn grass (Aristida spp.) along airport runways.Establish large blocks of grassland habitat.Establish large blocks of grassland habitat.Maintain habitat with light to moderate grazing or haying.Maintain or restore a mosaic of grassland with shrub and bare ground components.Protect and restore riparian habitat.Manage for shrubby, early successional habitat using prescribed fire or other techniques to mimic disturbance.Reduce parasitism by Brown-headed Cowbird.Restore native warm season grasses.Restore grassland with shrub component.Protect riparian forested habitat.Manage for successional bottomland and flatwood forests.Restore grasslands and associated grassy mud flats utilized during migration.Provide mud flat habitat by flooding harvested cropland in summer and early fall.Provide mud flat habitat by drawing down fish ponds in July - November.Provide mudflat habitat by drawing down fish ponds in July - November.Restore native warm season grasslands.Restoration of herbaceous wetlands.Manage large blocks of habitat at a minimum of 2,000 acres.Manage for early successional habitat with regeneration cutsMore data is needed to determine conservation actions.Manage forests for super dominant trees in canopy for nesting.Maintain or restore prairie and wetlandsReduce depredation on aquaculture facilities.Reduce depredation on aquaculture.Reduce conflicts with aquaculture.Reduce conflicts with aquaculture.Maintain or restore bottomland hardwood swamps with older growth tress adajcent to sloughs, rivers, bayous, and reservoir.Reduce depredation at aquaculture facilitiesRestore grassland with shrub component.Maintain or restore open habitat with scattered shrubs and trees.Develop or maintain early successional grass and forb layer with limited shrub and hardwood midstory.63r*| r  a  c  e z 2 3?v.7]{c0'^@ Habitat Restoration/ImprovementMedium?7 l@ Data GapMedium(  Restore natural flow regime.Habitat ProtectionHighNH4 l@ Data GapMedium(  @ Habitat Restoration/ImprovementMedium?7 l@ Data GapMedium(  l@ Data GapMedium(  n@ Data GapMedium(  p@ Habitat ProtectionHigh0* @!Habitat Restoration/ImprovementMedium?7 Enhance riparian zone.Habitat Restoration/ImprovementHighUO. Enhance riparian zone.Habitat Restoration/ImprovementHighUO. p@ Habitat ProtectionLow/* @Habitat Restoration/ImprovementHigh=7 X@Habitat Restoration/ImprovementHigh=7 X@Habitat Restoration/ImprovementHigh=7 t@Habitat Restoration/ImprovementMedium?7 @Habitat Restoration/ImprovementHigh=7 Conduct prescribed burns.Habitat Restoration/ImprovementMediumZR1 J@Habitat Restoration/ImprovementMedium?7 @Habitat Restoration/ImprovementHigh=7 T@Threat AbatementHigh.( F@Habitat Restoration/ImprovementHigh=7 N@Habitat Restoration/ImprovementHigh=7 Restore native grasslands.Habitat Restoration/ImprovementHighYS2 Provide nest boxes.Population ManagementHighHB+ D@Habitat ProtectionMedium2* Restore mudflats.Habitat Restoration/ImprovementHighPJ) p@Habitat Restoration/ImprovementHigh=7 Restore mud flats.Habitat Restoration/ImprovementHighQK* @Habitat Restoration/ImprovementHigh=7 @Habitat Restoration/ImprovementHigh=7 @Habitat Restoration/ImprovementHigh=7 Restore mudflats.Habitat Restoration/ImprovementHighPJ) Restore mudflats.Habitat Restoration/ImprovementHighPJ) Restore mudflats.Habitat Restoration/ImprovementHighPJ) @Habitat Restoration/ImprovementHigh=7 Restore mudflats.Habitat Restoration/ImprovementHighPJ) L@Habitat Restoration/ImprovementHigh=7 Restore mudflats.Habitat Restoration/ImprovementHighPJ) Restore mudflats.Habitat Restoration/ImprovementHighPJ) Restore mudflats.Habitat Restoration/ImprovementHighPJ) Restore mudflats.Habitat Restoration/ImprovementHighPJ) Restore mud flats.Habitat Restoration/ImprovementHighQK* F@Habitat Restoration/ImprovementHigh=7 Restore herbaceous wetlands.Habitat Restoration/ImprovementHigh[U4 Restore herbaceous wetlands.Habitat Restoration/ImprovementHigh[U4 v@ Habitat Restoration/ImprovementHigh=7 x@ Habitat Restoration/ImprovementHigh=7 Restore grasslands.Habitat Restoration/ImprovementHighRL+ l@ Data GapHigh&  LVAL"J 0 f N  j 6jMaintain or, where necessary, restore instream aquatic habitat, substrate and flow regime.Maintain or, where necessary, restore riparian habitat using appropriate river corridor management techniques.Reduce sedimentation through Best Management Practices.Maintain or, where necessary, restore the quality and quantity of groundwater to state water quality standards.Maintain or, where necessary, restore water quality to state standards.Maintain or restore natural flow, sediment and temperature regimes.Reduce sediment through Best Management Practices.Use Best Management Practices in applicable watersheds.Use non-point source Best Management Practices.Protect water quality from non-point sources. Maintain or, where necessary, restore water quality to state standards.Cooperate with U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to implement Candidate Conservation Agreement for the yellowcheek darter.Use Best Management Practices for agriculture.Maintain and improve riparian buffers.Maintain and enhance adequate riparian buffers.Public outreach and education with local landowners and rural communities.Enhance and conserve the riparian corridor.Reduce or eliminate resource extraction.Conserve and enhance habitat. Implement non-point source Best Management Practices.Coordinate with other agencies and entities for conservation measures.Coordinate with other agencies and entities for conservation actions.Maintain or, where necessary, restore habitat.Maintain or, where necessary, restore wetlands.More data is needed to determine conservation actions.More data is needed to determine conservation actions.Promote and implement measures to reduce sedimentation and turbidity in stream habitat.More data is needed to determine conservation actions.More data is needed to determine conservation actions.More data are needed to determine conservation actions.Maintain adequate instream flow and natural flow regime.:Bn$ Z  [ o % X   O s!TV i&i!JLMConduct controlled burns.Fire ManagementMediumJB1 Restore wetlands.Habitat Restoration/ImprovementHighPJ) n@"Data GapMedium(  rn@"Data GapMedium(  ln@"Data GapMedium(  on@"Data GapMedium(  kn@"Data GapMedium(  jl@"Data GapMedium(  i Exclude livestock from rivers.Habitat Restoration/ImprovementHigh]W6 iRestore riparian forests.Habitat Restoration/ImprovementHighXR1 i@"Habitat Restoration/ImprovementHigh=7 hProtect habitat.Habitat ProtectionHighB<( z@" n@" 8Z@"Habitat Restoration/ImprovementHigh=7 @"Habitat ProtectionHigh0* V@ "Habitat Restoration/ImprovementLow<7 t@ "Threat AbatementMedium0( @ "Public Relations/EducationHigh82 Augment natural populations.Population ManagementLowPK4 V@ "Habitat Restoration/ImprovementHigh=7 v@ "Habitat Restoration/ImprovementMedium?7 @"Public Relations/EducationMedium:2 j@"Threat AbatementMedium0( j@"Population ManagementMedium5- @"Population ManagementHigh3- @"Public Relations/EducationLow72 Preserve habitat.Habitat ProtectionMediumE=) X@"Threat AbatementMedium0( Reduce sedimentation.Threat AbatementMediumG?- Protect habitat.Habitat ProtectionMediumD<( X@"Threat AbatementMedium0( Reduce sedimentation.Threat AbatementMediumG?- @"Data GapLow%  <@"Habitat Restoration/ImprovementLow<7 <@ Habitat Restoration/ImprovementMedium?7  @ Habitat Restoration/ImprovementHigh=7  n@ Threat AbatementMedium0( @ Habitat Restoration/ImprovementMedium?7 @ Habitat Restoration/ImprovementHigh=7 @ Habitat Restoration/ImprovementMedium?7 d@ Threat AbatementMedium0( n@ Threat AbatementMedium0( ^@ Threat AbatementMedium0( @ Threat AbatementMedium0( @ OtherMedium% \@ Threat AbatementMedium0( L@ Habitat Restoration/ImprovementMedium?7 ^@ Habitat Restoration/ImprovementMedium?7 @ Public Relations/EducationMedium:2 V@ Habitat Restoration/ImprovementMedium?7 P@ Threat AbatementMedium0( @ Habitat Restoration/ImprovementMedium?7 @ Public Relations/EducationMedium:2 @ Public Relations/EducationMedium:2 \@ Habitat Restoration/ImprovementMedium?7 Reduce sediment.Habitat Restoration/ImprovementMediumQI( Enhance riparian zone.Habitat Restoration/ImprovementMediumWO. LVALfb ^ , 2 f d  88^L$HMore data are needed to determine conservation actions.More data are needed to determine conservation actions.More data are needed to determine conservation actions.More data are needed to determine conservation actions.Restore prairies and prairie wetlands.Restore ephemeral wetlands and sand prairies.More data are needed to determine conservation actions.More data are needed to determine conservation actions.More data are needed to determine conservation actions.More data are needed to determine conservation actions.More data are needed to determine conservation actions.Genetic assessments would direct conservation actions.Develop and implement landscape level watershed protection program.More information is needed to determine conservation actions.More data are needed to determine conservation actions.Restore native warm season grasses and forbs.Conserve the water quality and habitat integrity of small stream tributaries and spring runs in the Little River and Red River systems.Notch dikes and restore navigation channel.Assure minimum flow requirements are met below Remmel Dam.Work across political boundaries to manage an interjurisdictional fish.Restore connectivity to wetland ecosystems.Restore sinuousity and channel morphology to river systems.Work across political boundaries to manage an inter-jurisdictional fish.Schedule channel maintenance to accommodate spawning.Manage and monitor a conservative commercial harvest.Work with the lower basin pallid sturgeon work group to implement the pallid sturgeon recovery plan.Work with partners to target research because very little is known about this species.Promote alternative livestock water sources.Promote alternative livestock water sources.Work with partners to target research because very little is known about this species.Maintain or, where necessary, restore groundwater quality to state standards.77^ i t ) d 1 ~  l  3 6|I[Os.@P}84p@$Threat AbatementMedium0( 3J@$Habitat Restoration/ImprovementMedium?7 1@$Public Relations/EducationMedium:2 0@$Public Relations/EducationMedium:2 /<@$Threat AbatementHigh.( .Protect recharge area.Habitat ProtectionMediumJB. -~@$Habitat ProtectionMedium2* ,H@$Habitat Restoration/ImprovementMedium?7 +Protect and improve wetlands.Habitat Restoration/ImprovementMedium^V5 *@$Public Relations/EducationMedium:2 )Improve riparian corridor.Habitat Restoration/ImprovementHighYS2 (@$Public Relations/EducationMedium:2 '@$Public Relations/EducationMedium:2 &@ $Habitat ProtectionMedium2* %Protect recharge area.Habitat ProtectionMediumJB. $R@ $Habitat Restoration/ImprovementMedium?7 #@ $Threat AbatementMedium0( "@ $Threat AbatementMedium0( !`@ $Threat AbatementHigh.(  Restore prairies.Habitat Restoration/ImprovementMediumRJ) Conduct controlled burns.Fire ManagementMediumJB1 n@$Data GapMedium(  n@$Data GapMedium(  n@$Data GapMedium(  n@$Data GapMedium(  n@$Data GapMedium(  Restore savanna habitat.Fire ManagementMediumIA0 n@$Data GapMedium(  (Restore prairies.Fire ManagementMediumB:) (Conduct controlled burns.Fire ManagementMediumJB1 )Restore prairies.Habitat Restoration/ImprovementHighPJ) )Conduct controlled burns.Fire ManagementHighHB1 n@$Data GapMedium(  Restore glade habitat.Habitat Restoration/ImprovementHighUO. Conduct controlled burns.Fire ManagementHighHB1 n@$Data GapMedium(  n@$ qAcquire land.Habitat Restoration/ImprovementHighLF% u Restore ephemeral wetlands.Habitat Restoration/ImprovementMedium\T3 u Acquire habitat.Land AcquisitionMediumB:( t n@"Data GapMedium(  s n@"Data GapMedium(  x n@"Data GapMedium(  &n@"Data GapMedium(  vL@"Habitat Restoration/ImprovementMedium?7 %Z@"Habitat Restoration/ImprovementHigh=7 %Acquire habitat.Land AcquisitionHigh@:( "Conduct controlled burns.Fire ManagementMediumJB1 "Acquire habitat.Land AcquisitionHigh@:( $Conduct controlled burns.Fire ManagementMediumJB1 mConduct controlled burns.Fire ManagementMediumJB1 mAcquire habitat.Land AcquisitionHigh@:( !Conduct controlled burns.Fire ManagementMediumJB1 !Acquire habitat.Land AcquisitionMediumB:(  Conduct controlled burns.Fire ManagementMediumJB1 LVAL$H l " 6 lV Provide education and outreach to local citizens and governments concerning this species and its habitat.Provide education and outreach to local citizens and governments concerning the yellowcheek darter and its habitat.Coordinate research to reduce disturbance by scientists.Restore and improve riparian buffers.Cooperatively develop a management plan for species with local input.Provide education and outreach to local citizens and governments concerning this species and its habitat.Protect water quality from point and non-point sources. Maintain or, where necessary, restore water quality to state standards/stormwater turbidity standards.Optimize aquatic vegetation management within species' habitat.Protect and improve riparian buffer.Provide education and outreach to local citizens and governments concerning this species and its habitat.Cooperatively develop a management plan for species with local input.Provide education and outreach to local citizens and governments concerning this species and its habitat.Protect water quality from point and non-point pollution. Maintain or, where necessary, restore water quality to state standards.Establish and enhance riparian corridors.Use Best Management Practices for resource extraction, agriculture and silviculture.Coordinate with Water Districts and Arkansas Soil and Water Conservation Commission regarding irrigation projects.Restrict access to caves with sensitive species.More data are needed to determine conservation actions.More data are needed to determine conservation actions.More data are needed to determine conservation actions.More data are needed to determine conservation actions.More data are needed to determine conservation actions.More data are needed to determine conservation actions.More data are needed to determine conservation actions.More data are needed to determine conservation actions.More data are needed to determine conservation actions.2BT@ n 1 m 0 y < H I Uj7a.b%E[(\)]*n@(Data GapMedium(  n@(Data GapMedium(  n@(Data GapMedium(  n@(Data GapMedium(  n@'Data GapMedium(  n@'Data GapMedium(  n@'Data GapMedium(  n@'Data GapMedium(  n@'Data GapMedium(  n@'Data GapMedium(   n@'Data GapMedium(   n@'Data GapMedium(   n@'Data GapMedium(   @'Habitat ProtectionMedium2*  @'Habitat ProtectionMedium2* @'Habitat ProtectionMedium2* n@'Data GapMedium(  @'Habitat ProtectionMedium2* @'Habitat ProtectionMedium2* n@'Data GapMedium(  n@'Data GapMedium(  @'Habitat ProtectionMedium2* n@ 'Data GapMedium(  n@ 'Data GapMedium(  n@ 'Data GapMedium(  n@ 'Data GapMedium(  n@ 'Data GapMedium(  n@'Data GapMedium(  n@'Data GapMedium(  x@'Habitat ProtectionMedium2* n@'Data GapMedium(  n@'Data GapMedium(  n@'Data GapMedium(  @'Habitat Restoration/ImprovementHigh=7 n@'Data GapMedium(  "T@'Habitat ProtectionMedium2* "S@&Habitat ProtectionMedium2* "R@&Habitat ProtectionMedium2* "Q@&Habitat ProtectionMedium2* "P@&Habitat ProtectionMedium2* "O@&Habitat ProtectionMedium2* "N@&Habitat ProtectionMedium2* "M@&Habitat Restoration/ImprovementMedium?7 "L@&Habitat ProtectionHigh0* "K@&Habitat ProtectionMedium2* "J@&Habitat ProtectionMedium2* "I@&Habitat ProtectionMedium2* "H@&Habitat ProtectionMedium2* "G@ &Habitat ProtectionMedium2* "F@ &Habitat ProtectionMedium2* "E@ &Habitat ProtectionMedium2* "D@ &Habitat ProtectionMedium2* "C@ &Habitat ProtectionMedium2* "B@&Habitat ProtectionMedium2* "A@&Habitat ProtectionMedium2* "@@&Habitat Restoration/ImprovementMedium?7 "?@&Habitat ProtectionMedium2* >@&Threat AbatementHigh.( =@&Population ManagementMedium5- <Minimize migration barriers.Threat AbatementMediumNF4 ;L@&Habitat Restoration/ImprovementMedium?7 :L@&Habitat Restoration/ImprovementMedium?7 9P@&Threat AbatementMedium0( 7@$Public Relations/EducationMedium:2 6Improve riparian corridors.Habitat Restoration/ImprovementMedium\T3 5@$Public Relations/EducationMedium:2 LVALd 8  r * jnR |4Protect known occurrences from construction activities and herbicide applications.Protect known occurrences from construction activities and herbicide applications.Protect cave habitat and recharge zone from development or disturbance.Protect known occurrences from construction activities and herbicide applications.Protect known occurrences from construction activities and herbicide applications.Protect cave habitat and recharge zone from development or disturbance.Maintain or, where necessary, restore water quality and stream habitat.Protect cave habitat and recharge zone from development or disturbance.Protect known occurrences from construction activities and herbicide applications.Protect known occurrences from construction activities, herbicide applications and timber harvesting.Maintain or, where necessary, restore water quality and stream habitat.Maintain or, where necessary, restore water quality and stream habitat.Protect known occurrences from construction activities and herbicide applications.Protect known occurrences from construction activities and herbicide applications.Protect known occurrences from construction activities and herbicide applications.Maintain or, where necessary, restore water quality and stream habitat.Maintain or, where necessary, restore water quality and stream habitat.Maintain or, where necessary, restore water quality and stream habitat.Maintain or, where necessary, restore water quality and stream habitat.Maintain or, where necessary, restore water quality and stream habitat.Protect known occurrences from construction activities and herbicide applications.Work with USACOE to minimize impacts from proposed Southwest Arkansas Navigation Project.Work across political boundaries to conserve and enhance populations.Establish or improve riparian buffers.Establish or improve riparian buffers.Reduce or eliminate resource extraction.LVAL \$ H b  < ` dhlPTx .RMore data are needed to determine conservation actions.More data are needed to determine conservation actions.More data are needed to determine conservation actions.More data are needed to determine conservation actions.More data are needed to determine conservation actions.More data are needed to determine conservation actions.More data are needed to determine conservation actions.More data are needed to determine conservation actions.More data are needed to determine conservation actions.Protect cave habitat and recharge zone from development or disturbance.Protect cave habitat and recharge zone from development or disturbance.Protect cave habitat and recharge zone from development or disturbance.More data are needed to determine conservation actions.Protect cave habitat and recharge zone from development or disturbance.Protect cave habitat and recharge zone from development or disturbance.More data are needed to determine conservation actions.More data are needed to determine conservation actions.Protect cave habitat and recharge zone from development or disturbance.More data are needed to determine conservation actions.More data are needed to determine conservation actions.More data are needed to determine conservation actions.More data are needed to determine conservation actions.More data are needed to determine conservation actions.More data are needed to determine conservation actions.More data are needed to determine conservation actions.Suspend application of herbicides where this species occurs.More data are needed to determine conservation actions.More data are needed to determine conservation actions.More data are needed to determine conservation actions.Manage areas where this species occurs to increase numbers of small mammals and ground-nesting birds.More data are needed to determine conservation actions.Protect known occurrences from construction activities and herbicide applications.LVAL#$H l  B f D h8\6Z~More data are needed to determine conservation actions.More data are needed to determine conservation actions.More data are needed to determine conservation actions.More data are needed to determine conservation actions.More data are needed to determine conservation actions.More data are needed to determine conservation actions.More data are needed to determine conservation actions.More data are needed to determine conservation actions.More data are needed to determine conservation actions.More data are needed to determine conservation actions.More data are needed to determine conservation actions.More data are needed to determine conservation actions.Limit timber harvesting in areas where this species is known to occur.Protect prairie habitat hosting this species.More data are needed to determine conservation actions.More data are needed to determine conservation actions.More data are needed to determine conservation actions.More data are needed to determine conservation actions.More data are needed to determine conservation actions.More data are needed to determine conservation actions.Protect prairie habitat hosting this species.Protect prairie habitat hosting this species.More data are needed to determine conservation actions.More data are needed to determine conservation actions.More data are needed to determine conservation actions.More data are needed to determine conservation actions.Protect stream habitat from construction of impoundments.More data are needed to determine conservation actions.More data are needed to determine conservation actions.More data are needed to determine conservation actions.More data are needed to determine conservation actions.More data are needed to determine conservation actions.More data are needed to determine conservation actions.More data are needed to determine conservation actions.More data are needed to determine conservation actions.1Hg4Q u B  v ; e 2 f 3 a . b/c0d1G g4`-Wx? \@+Habitat ProtectionMedium2* l@+Data GapMedium(  @+Land AcquisitionHigh.( F@+Habitat ProtectionHigh0* VRestore bottomland hardwoods.Habitat Restoration/ImprovementHigh\V5 @+Habitat ProtectionMedium2* @+Habitat ProtectionMedium2* n@+Data GapMedium(  n@ *Data GapMedium(  l@*Data GapMedium(  n@*Data GapMedium(  n@*Data GapMedium(  n@*Data GapMedium(  n@*Data GapMedium(  @*Habitat ProtectionHigh0* n@*Data GapMedium(  n@*Data GapMedium(  n@*Data GapMedium(  `@*Habitat ProtectionMedium2* _@*Habitat ProtectionMedium2* ^@*Habitat ProtectionMedium2* ]@*Habitat ProtectionMedium2* \@*Habitat ProtectionMedium2* [n@*Data GapMedium(  Zn@*Data GapMedium(  Yn@*Data GapMedium(  Xn@*Data GapMedium(  Wn@ *Data GapMedium(  Vn@ *Data GapMedium(  Un@ *Data GapMedium(  Tn@ *Data GapMedium(  Sn@ *Data GapMedium(  Rn@*Data GapMedium(  Qn@*Data GapMedium(  Pn@*Data GapMedium(  On@*Data GapMedium(  Nn@*Data GapMedium(  Mn@*Data GapMedium(  Ln@*Data GapMedium(  Kn@*Data GapMedium(  Jx@*Threat AbatementHigh.( In@"(Data GapMedium(  Hn@!(Data GapMedium(  Fn@ (Data GapMedium(  Dn@(Data GapMedium(  Cn@(Data GapMedium(  ?n@(Data GapMedium(  >n@(Data GapMedium(  <n@(Data GapMedium(  :n@(Data GapMedium(  8n@(Data GapMedium(  7n@(Data GapMedium(  6n@(Data GapMedium(  .@(Habitat ProtectionMedium2* -Z@(Habitat ProtectionHigh0* ,n@(Data GapMedium(  +n@(Data GapMedium(  *n@(Data GapMedium(  )n@(Data GapMedium(  (n@(Data GapMedium(  'n@(Data GapMedium(  %Z@(Habitat ProtectionHigh0* $Z@ (Habitat ProtectionHigh0* #n@ (Data GapMedium(  "n@ (Data GapMedium(  !n@ (Population ManagementMedium5-  n@ (Data GapMedium(  r@(Habitat ProtectionMedium2* n@(Data GapMedium(  n@(Data GapMedium(  n@(Data GapMedium(  n@(Data GapMedium(  LVAL!> b  < `  :t*|2XMore data are needed to determine conservation actions.More data is needed to determine conservation actions.More data are needed to determine conservation actions.More data are needed to determine conservation actions.More data are needed to determine conservation actions.More data are needed to determine conservation actions.Protect known occurrences from development or activities that could alter talus slopes.More data are needed to determine conservation actions.More data are needed to determine conservation actions.More data are needed to determine conservation actions.Protect cave habitat and recharge zone from development or disturbance.Protect cave habitat and recharge zone from development or disturbance.Protect cave habitat and recharge zone from development or disturbance.Protect cave habitat and recharge zone from development or disturbance.Protect cave habitat and recharge zone from development or disturbance.More data are needed to determine conservation actions.More data are needed to determine conservation actions.More data are needed to determine conservation actions.More data are needed to determine conservation actions.More data are needed to determine conservation actions.More data are needed to determine conservation actions.More data are needed to determine conservation actions.More data are needed to determine conservation actions.More data are needed to determine conservation actions.More data are needed to determine conservation actions.More data are needed to determine conservation actions.More data are needed to determine conservation actions.More data are needed to determine conservation actions.More data are needed to determine conservation actions.More data are needed to determine conservation actions.More data are needed to determine conservation actions.More data are needed to determine conservation actions.Suspend application of herbicides where this species occurs.FLVALv0 N , P , <`xManage watershed, addressing physical, chemical, biological and land use components, to restore or sustain aquatic life.Manage the Ouachita River watershed, addressing physical, chemical, biological and land use components, to restore or sustain aquatic life.More data are needed to determine conservation actions.Manage watershed, addressing physical, chemical, biological and land use components, to restore or sustain aquatic life.Manage watershed, addressing physical, chemical, biological and land use components, to restore or sustain aquatic life.Manage watershed, addressing physical, chemical, biological and land use components, to restore or sustain aquatic life.Manage watershed, addressing physical, chemical, biological and land use components, to restore or sustain aquatic life.Protect known occurrences from construction activities and herbicide applications.More data are needed to determine conservation actions.More data are needed to determine conservation actions.Manage shortleaf pine forests to provide a mixture of young stands with a woody vegetative understory and closed canopy.More data are needed to determine conservation actions.Encourage conservation easements on open land.Restore native warm season grasses and forbs.More data are needed to determine conservation actions.More data are needed to determine conservation actions.More data are needed to determine conservation actions.Protect caves used by this species.More data are needed to determine conservation actions.Encourage conservation easements on open land.More data is needed to determine conservation actions.Purchase conservation easements on pasture land to maintain them in grasses and to reduce mortality due to nuisance wildlife control efforts.Protect caves used by this species.Protect cave habitat and recharge zone from development or disturbance.Protect cave habitat and recharge zone from development or disturbance.More data are needed to determine conservation actions.;Bf)r? { 1 S  o 4 T  Q  e*}Bh5Ui6F b'~C7I@/Threat AbatementMedium0( H@/Threat AbatementMedium0( ~G@/Threat AbatementMedium0( {F@/Threat AbatementMedium0( zE@.Threat AbatementMedium0( yDf@.Data GapMedium(  xC@.Threat AbatementMedium0( 4B@.Threat AbatementMedium0( vAn@.Data GapMedium(  u@@.Habitat ProtectionHigh0* D?@.Habitat ProtectionHigh0* 1>@.Habitat ProtectionMedium2* t=@ .Threat AbatementMedium0( 0<@ .Habitat ProtectionMedium2* s;@ .Habitat ProtectionHigh0* r:n@ .Data GapMedium(  q9@ .Threat AbatementMedium0( /8@.Threat AbatementMedium0( .7@.Threat AbatementMedium0( p6@.Threat AbatementMedium0( o5@.Habitat ProtectionHigh0* ,4@.Threat AbatementHigh.( n3l@.Data GapHigh&  +2@.Habitat ProtectionHigh0* )0n@.Data GapMedium(  /n@.Data GapMedium(  .n@-Data GapMedium(  m-,@-Threat AbatementHigh.( (,@-Threat AbatementMedium0( '+@-Threat AbatementMedium0( l*@-Threat AbatementMedium0( k)@ -Threat AbatementHigh.( &(P@ -Threat AbatementHigh.( %'@ -Threat AbatementMedium0( $&@ -Threat AbatementMedium0( #%@ -Threat AbatementMedium0( j$@-Threat AbatementMedium0( i#@-Threat AbatementMedium0( h"n@-Data GapMedium(  g!`@-Habitat Restoration/ImprovementMedium?7 f F@-Habitat Restoration/ImprovementHigh=7 eb@-Population ManagementHigh3- @-Threat AbatementMedium0( n@-Data GapHigh&  d@-Threat AbatementMedium0( @+Threat AbatementHigh.( @+Threat AbatementMedium0( cn@+Data GapMedium(  b@+Threat AbatementMedium0( @+Threat AbatementMedium0( a@+Threat AbatementMedium0( @+Threat AbatementMedium0( "@+Habitat ProtectionMedium2* n@+Data GapMedium(  n@+Data GapMedium(  B@+Habitat Restoration/ImprovementMedium?7 n@+Data GapMedium(  \@ +Habitat Restoration/ImprovementMedium?7 Z@ +Habitat Restoration/ImprovementLow<7  n@ +Data GapMedium(   n@ +Data GapMedium(  [ Protect hibernacula.Habitat ProtectionHighF@, Z n@ +Data GapMedium(   F@+Habitat ProtectionMedium2* YRestore bottomland hardwoods.Habitat Restoration/ImprovementHigh\V5 n@+Data GapMedium(  LVAL P < L \ l |<L\l|PMore data are needed to determine conservation actions.Manage watershed, addressing physical, chemical, biological and land use components, to restore or sustain aquatic life in the Little Red River basin.Manage watershed, addressing physical, chemical, biological and land use components, to restore or sustain aquatic life.Manage watershed, addressing physical, chemical, biological and land use components, to restore or sustain aquatic life.Manage watershed, addressing physical, chemical, biological and land use components, to restore or sustain aquatic life.Manage watershed, addressing physical, chemical, biological and land use components, to restore or sustain aquatic life.Manage watershed, addressing physical, chemical, biological and land use components, to restore or sustain aquatic life with emphasis in the Saline and Ouachita Rivers.Manage watershed, addressing physical, chemical, biological and land use components, to restore or sustain aquatic life.Manage watershed, addressing physical, chemical, biological and land use components, to restore or sustain aquatic life.Manage watershed, addressing physical, chemical, biological and land use components, to restore or sustain aquatic life.Manage watershed, addressing physical, chemical, biological and land use components, to restore or sustain aquatic life.Manage watershed, addressing physical, chemical, biological and land use components, to restore or sustain aquatic life.More data are needed to determine conservation actions.Develop and implement habitat conservation plan.Protect or enhance riparian buffer.Find females and propagate juveniles for release.Manage watershed, addressing physical, chemical, biological and land use components, to restore or sustain aquatic life.More data are needed to determine conservation actions.Manage watershed, addressing physical, chemical, biological and land use components, to restore or sustain aquatic life.0LVAL$( V&fZjManage watershed, addressing physical, chemical, biological and land use components, to restore or sustain aquatic life.More data needed to determine conservation actions.Manage watershed, addressing physical, chemical, biological and land use components, to restore or sustain aquatic life.Manage watershed, addressing physical, chemical, biological and land use components, to restore or sustain aquatic life.More data are needed to determine conservation actions.Protect Spring River populations and ensure adequate host populations (mudpuppy).Maintain stability of Ouachita River and Saline River beds known to be occupied by species.Ensure stability and availability of fish hosts in populations in the Black and Ouachita rivers.Manage watershed, addressing physical, chemical, biological and land use components, to restore or sustain aquatic life.Maintain stability of riffle/run habitats in medium-sized rivers.Develop refugium for species in a river or ditch that will not be maintained for flood control.More data are needed to determine conservation actions.Manage watershed, addressing physical, chemical, biological and land use components, to restore or sustain aquatic life.Manage watershed, addressing physical, chemical, biological and land use components, to restore or sustain aquatic life.Manage watershed, addressing physical, chemical, biological and land use components, to restore or sustain aquatic life.Manage watershed, addressing physical, chemical, biological and land use components, to restore or sustain aquatic life.Maintain stable populations of host fish (sturgeon) in the White and Black rivers.Manage watershed, addressing physical, chemical, biological and land use components, to restore or sustain aquatic life.More data is needed to determine conservation actions.Maintain physical stability of existing beds in Black, White and Ouachita riversMore data are needed to determine conservation actions.More data are needed to determine conservation actions.LVAL 0 B R b r * X"nLPnVSupport Cossatot River State Park educational program.More data is needed are determine other conservation actions.Limit take by scientific investigators.Limit cave access for recreational uses.Use of Best Management Practices within cave recharge zone.Use Best Management Practices for resource extraction.Additional conservation actions will be determined based on distributional surveys.Conserve and enhance riparian buffer zones.Maintain or restore shortleaf pine/bluestem communities.Maintain or restore historical fire regimes.Maintain dense shrub layer with small openings and forest thinning.Reintroduce species to appropriate habitat.Protect mature pine forests and/or mature component in forests.Manage for dense understory and ground cover.Manage for dense understory and ground cover.Manage for midseral stages of habitat using controlled burning.Thin forests and maintain scrub habitat along blufflines.Disturb grasslands every 2-4 years.Stop mowing before end of growing season, providing cover, forage, and three-awn grass (an annual) seeds.Implement habitat conservation plan.Manage watershed, addressing physical, chemical, biological and land use components, to restore or sustain aquatic life.Manage watershed, addressing physical, chemical, biological and land use components, to restore or sustain aquatic life.Manage watershed, addressing physical, chemical, biological and land use components, to restore or sustain aquatic life.Manage watershed, addressing physical, chemical, biological and land use components to restore or sustain aquatic life.Manage watershed, addressing physical, chemical, biological and land use components, to restore or sustain aquatic life.Manage watershed, addressing physical, chemical, biological and land use components, to restore or sustain aquatic life.Manage watershed, addressing physical, chemical, biological and land use components, to restore or sustain aquatic life.?4Oa 2 X p  P  c 0 F!;'-{HP<}n@1Data GapMedium(  |Limit soil disturbance.Habitat ProtectionHighIC/ {Maintain groundwater quality.Habitat ProtectionMediumQI5 ^zMaintain groundwater quality.Habitat ProtectionMediumQI5 yMaintain groundwater quality.Habitat ProtectionMediumQI5 xn@1Data GapMedium(  wMaintain groundwater quality.Habitat Restoration/ImprovementMedium^V5 "vMaintain riparian vegetation.Habitat ProtectionMediumQI5 "ul@1Data GapMedium(  "tMaintain groundwater quality.Threat AbatementMediumOG5 "sMaintain groundwater quality.Threat AbatementHighMG5 rReduce habitat fragmentation.Habitat Restoration/ImprovementHigh\V5 qD@1Habitat ProtectionHigh0* "pMaintain groundwater quality.Threat AbatementHighMG5 _oMaintain groundwater quality.Habitat ProtectionMediumQI5 \nMaintain groundwater quality.Habitat ProtectionMediumQI5 ]mMaintain groundwater quality.Habitat ProtectionMediumQI5 lConserve riverine corridors.Habitat ProtectionMediumPH4 kPreserve habitat.Habitat ProtectionMediumE=) jV@1Threat AbatementMedium0( iReduce sedimetation.Habitat Restoration/ImprovementMediumUM, hl@/Public Relations/EducationMedium:2 gProtect habitat.Habitat ProtectionHighB<( fz@/Data GapMedium(  eN@/Threat AbatementMedium0( dP@/Threat AbatementMedium0( cv@/Threat AbatementHigh.( bl@/Threat AbatementMedium0( a@/Data GapMedium(  `Minimize migration barriers.Habitat ProtectionMediumPH4 _V@/Habitat Restoration/ImprovementMedium?7 P^p@/Habitat Restoration/ImprovementHigh=7 P]X@/Fire ManagementHigh-' O\@/Habitat Restoration/ImprovementMedium?7 [V@/Population ManagementMedium5- 3ZReduce human disturbance.Public Relations/EducationHighSM1 DY~@/Habitat ProtectionHigh0* NXZ@ /Habitat Restoration/ImprovementHigh=7 KWRestore bottomland forests.Habitat Restoration/ImprovementHighZT3 MVZ@ /Habitat Restoration/ImprovementHigh=7 U~@ /Habitat Restoration/ImprovementHigh=7 Tr@ /Habitat Restoration/ImprovementMedium?7 SConduct prescribed burning.Fire ManagementHighJD3 RF@ /Fire ManagementHigh-' Q"Burn grasslands every 2-4 years.Fire ManagementHighOI8 P@/Habitat Restoration/ImprovementHigh=7 ORestore grasslands.Habitat Restoration/ImprovementHighRL+ NReintroduce species.Population ManagementMediumKC, MH@/Habitat ProtectionHigh0* L@/Threat AbatementMedium0( |K@/Threat AbatementMedium0( 8J@/Threat AbatementMedium0( LVAL(f N 4 < p  $ ^.lt:L:PEstablish populations in suitable habitat.Restore or enhance riparian buffers.Protect habitat from recreational uses.Protect host fish and associated habitat.Protect or enhance riparian buffer.Propagate, augment and reintroduce species where appropriate.Protect host fish and associated habitat.Protect habitat from recreational uses.Protect habitat from recreational uses.Protect or enhance riparian buffer.Propagate, augment and reintroduce species where appropriate.Propagate, augment and reintroduce species where appropriate.Protect host fish and associated habitat.Reduce cattle access to the Illinois River.Protect host fish andassociated habitat.Propagate, augment or reintroduce species where appropriate.Protect and enhance riparian buffers.Propagate, augment and reintroduce species where appropriate.Protect host fish and associated habitat.Develop and implement a habitat conservation plan.Develop an outreach/education program.Propagate, augment and reintroduce species where appropriate.Partner with other agencies to prevent loss of suitable habitat.Propagate, augment and reintroduce species where appropriate.Protect host fish and associated habitat.Protect host fish and associated habitat.Propagate, augment and reintroduce species where appropriate.Restore native warm season grasses and forbs.Preserve potential artificial roosts.Encourage landowners to leave roost trees.Restore prairies to achieve habitat connectivity.Limit activities that impair water quality.Restore prairies to achieve habitat connectivity.More data are needed to determine conservation actions.Restore prairies to achieve habitat connectivity.More data are needed to determine conservation actions.More data are needed to determine conservation actions.More data is needed to determine conservation actions.Suspend application of herbicides.Promote alternative livestock water source.76H4 ]  V  V l N  ;`#Cf)@i.#R@3Habitat ProtectionMedium2* #z@3Population ManagementMedium5- #r@3Habitat ProtectionHigh0* o@3Threat AbatementHigh.( aT@'1Population ManagementHigh3- aH@&1Habitat ProtectionMedium2* eDevelop an outreach program.Public Relations/EducationMediumXP4 eN@%1Habitat ProtectionMedium2* eR@$1Habitat ProtectionHigh0* eF@#1Habitat Restoration/ImprovementHigh=7 fDevelop an outreach program.Public Relations/EducationMediumXP4 fz@"1Population ManagementHigh3- fR@!1Habitat Restoration/ImprovementHigh=7 fN@ 1Habitat ProtectionMedium2* gDevelop an outreach program.Public Relations/EducationMediumXP4 gN@1Habitat ProtectionMedium2* gF@1Habitat ProtectionMedium2* gz@1Population ManagementMedium5- kz@1Population ManagementLow2- kDevelop an outreach program.Public Relations/EducationMediumXP4 kR@1Habitat ProtectionMedium2* kV@1Habitat ProtectionHigh0* mDevelop an outreach program.Public Relations/EducationMediumXP4 mP@1Habitat ProtectionMedium2* m"Implement Safe Harbor Agreement.Habitat Restoration/ImprovementHigh_Y8 mx@1Population ManagementLow2- mJ@1Habitat ProtectionHigh0* *Develop an outreach program.Public Relations/EducationMediumXP4 *z@1Population ManagementHigh3- *R@1Habitat Restoration/ImprovementHigh=7 *d@1Habitat Restoration/ImprovementHigh=7 L@1Public Relations/EducationLow72 z@1Population ManagementMedium5- @1Habitat ProtectionHigh0* s Develop an outreach program.Public Relations/EducationLowVQ5 sz@1Population ManagementLow2- sR@1Habitat Restoration/ImprovementMedium?7 Develop an outreach program.Public Relations/EducationMediumXP4 R@1Population ManagementHigh3- z@ 1Population ManagementHigh3- Z@ 1Habitat Restoration/ImprovementMedium?7 VJ@ 1Habitat ProtectionLow/* YT@ 1Habitat ProtectionLow/* %b@ 1Habitat Restoration/ImprovementHigh=7 V@1Habitat ProtectionMedium2* $b@1Habitat Restoration/ImprovementHigh=7 &n@1Data GapMedium(  -b@1Habitat Restoration/ImprovementHigh=7  Maintain groundwater quality.Habitat ProtectionMediumQI5 Maintain groundwater quality.Habitat ProtectionMediumQI5 Maintain groundwater quality.Habitat ProtectionMediumQI5 `Maintain groundwater quality.Habitat ProtectionMediumQI5 Maintain groundwater quality.Habitat ProtectionMediumQI5  ~Maintain groundwater quality.Habitat ProtectionMediumQI5 LVAL$ X D  z ~ r.Bl$z.2Eliminate timber harvest within known range.Eliminate timber harvest within known range.Eliminate timber harvest within range.Eliminate timber harvest within range.Develop public relations program to educate fishermen and women to release hellbenders caught on hook and line and not to gig hellbenders during sucker gigging season.Prevent introduction of non-native crayfishes.Protect known occurrences from construction activities and herbicide applications.Protect known occurrences from construction activities and herbicide applications.Protect known occurrences from construction activities and herbicide applications.Protect known occurrences from construction activities and herbicide applications.Maintain or, where necessary, restore water quality and stream habitat.Maintain or, where necessary, restore water quality and stream habitat.Prevent additional introductions of crayfishes.Provide information to the public.Manage occupied and potentially occupied forests to achieve "desired future conditions" as defined for the Mississippi Alluvial Plain.Search for individuals and nest cavities and roosts.Manage forests for a consistent supply of recently dead timber (2-4 years)Continue efforts to educate public about bears and bear restoration efforts.Continue to translocate White River bears to West Gulf Coastal Plain.Augment populations in suitable habitat.Protection of rookeries and foraging habitatRestore or enhance riparian buffers.Protect host fish and associated habitat.Propagate, augment and reintroduce species where appropriate.Propagate, augment and reintroduce species where appropriate.Protect host fish and associated habitat.Propagate, augment and reintroduce species where appropriate.Avoid dredging White and Ouachita river beds and channel.Manage watershed, addressing physical, chemical, biological and land use components, to restore or sustain aquatic life.8` R  z 8 5  y @ n 3 P!fSM`j x=m2L@ 5Habitat Restoration/ImprovementHigh=7 Maintain wetlands.Habitat ProtectionHighD>* >@ 5Threat AbatementMedium0( UP@ 5Habitat ProtectionHigh0* }Maintain herbaceous wetlands.Habitat ProtectionHighOI5 D@ 5Habitat ProtectionHigh0* R@ 5Habitat ProtectionHigh0* Hb@5Habitat Restoration/ImprovementMedium?7 IJ@5Habitat Restoration/ImprovementHigh=7 Plant winter forage.Habitat Restoration/ImprovementMediumUM, j@5Threat AbatementMedium0( |Maintain wetlands.Habitat ProtectionHighD>* "Graze or manage for short grass.Habitat Restoration/ImprovementMediumaY8 (Restore prairies.Habitat Restoration/ImprovementMediumRJ) qh@5Habitat Restoration/ImprovementHigh=7 "X@5Habitat Restoration/ImprovementHigh=7 $X@5Habitat Restoration/ImprovementHigh=7 mX@5Habitat Restoration/ImprovementHigh=7 @5Habitat ProtectionHigh0*  @5Habitat ProtectionHigh0* !X@3Habitat Restoration/ImprovementHigh=7  X@3Habitat Restoration/ImprovementHigh=7 L@3Habitat ProtectionHigh0* L@3Habitat Restoration/ImprovementHigh=7 iN@3Public Relations/EducationMedium:2 "\@3Threat AbatementMedium0( "@3Threat AbatementMedium0( "Threat AbatementMedium$ "@3Threat AbatementMedium0( "Threat AbatementMedium$ "@3Threat AbatementMedium0( "Habitat Restoration/ImprovementMedium3+ "@3Threat AbatementMedium0( "Habitat Restoration/ImprovementMedium3+ "@3Habitat Restoration/ImprovementMedium?7 "@3Habitat Restoration/ImprovementMedium?7 "^@3Threat AbatementHigh.( "D@3Public Relations/EducationHigh82 " @3Habitat Restoration/ImprovementHigh=7 "h@ 3Data GapHigh&  ""Manage access to sensitive areasThreat AbatementHighPJ8 "Reforest cleared landsHabitat Restoration/ImprovementHighUO. "@ 3Habitat Restoration/ImprovementHigh=7 "@ 3Public Relations/EducationLow72 "Maintain sustainable harvest.Population ManagementHighRL5 "@ 3Population ManagementHigh3- aP@ 3Population ManagementLow2- 3Encourage predator control.Threat AbatementHighKE3 X@3Habitat ProtectionHigh0* H@3Habitat ProtectionHigh0* & Develop an outreach program.Public Relations/EducationMediumYQ5 &R@3Habitat ProtectionMedium2* &z@3Population ManagementHigh3- DDevelop an outreach program.Public Relations/EducationMediumXP4 Dz@3Population ManagementLow2- #Develop an outreach program.Public Relations/EducationMediumXP4 XLVAL%ft \ F ` d z  4z&lNL,<Coordinate with the Arkansas Highway and Transportation Department to avoid disturbance of bridge roosting colonies.Reintroduce jackrabbits to Arkansas.Protect existing habitat and stream corridors.Restrict commercial harvest (Mississippi River closed to harvest).Group and single tree selection within mature forests.Maintain shrubs along fencerows on pastures and hayfields.Protection of rookeries and foraging habitatMaintain open, mature pine forest habitat.Maintain fire regime of 4-5 years.Maintain forest cover across large landscapes.Restore native grasslands with a shrub component.Restore native grasses and forbs.Restoration of native grasslands.Protect seeps and seep recharge zones.Protect caves and cave recharge zones.Protect grasslands, short grass wetlands, and associated mud flats utilized during migration.Reduce parasitism by Brown-headed CowbirdsManage clusters and translocate individuals to augment existing or establish new populations.Reduce nest predation and cavity kleptoparasitism; important in small populations (i.e, <100 breeding groups).Reduce threat of parasitism by Brown-headed Cowbirds.Reduce threat by caged bird trade.Reducing threats of toxins/contaminantsReduce threats posed by toxins/contaminants.Improve breeding and foraging habitat.Reduce numbers of nest cavity competitors such as House Sparrows and European Starlings.Maintain grassland with shrub component.Protection of herbaceous wetlands.Maintain grasslands with shrub component.Manage for early succesional habitats (5-7 years)Promote unevenaged forest management.Reduce pesticide use near riparian and orchard areas.Restore ephemeral wetlands and sand prairie habitat.Eliminate timber harvest within known range.Eliminate timber harvest within known range.Eliminate timber harvest within known range.Set aside wilderness areas where species occurs to insure long term survival.Set aside wilderness areas where species occurs to insure long term survival.7c(y; E P  y  } @ * z09v6q9Uw-c:@7Land AcquisitionMedium0( 9z@ 7Habitat Restoration/ImprovementMedium?7 ?8@ 7Habitat Restoration/ImprovementHigh=7 ?7R@ 7Habitat Restoration/ImprovementHigh=7 ?6@ 7Habitat Restoration/ImprovementHigh=7 5@ 7Fire ManagementMedium/' 4@7Habitat Restoration/ImprovementMedium?7 3R@7Habitat ProtectionHigh0* 2"Restore and/or enhance wetlands.Habitat Restoration/ImprovementHigh_Y8 "1@7Threat AbatementHigh.( "0@7Threat AbatementHigh.( [/@7Threat AbatementHigh.( Z.@7Threat AbatementHigh.( -@7Threat AbatementHigh.( Y,@7Threat AbatementLow-( +@7Threat AbatementHigh.( "*Protect hibernacula.Habitat ProtectionHighF@, Z)@$5Threat AbatementMedium0( (H@#5Population ManagementMedium5- '\@"5Habitat ProtectionHigh0* %@!5Population ManagementHigh3- O$l@ 5Habitat Restoration/ImprovementMedium?7 R#t@5Habitat Restoration/ImprovementLow<7 ~"X@5Habitat ProtectionHigh0* P!T@5Habitat ProtectionHigh0*  D@5Fire ManagementMedium/' >Restoration of oak-savanna.Habitat Restoration/ImprovementHighZT3 F\@5Habitat ProtectionHigh0* b@5Habitat Restoration/ImprovementLow<7 Restore native grasses.Habitat Restoration/ImprovementMediumXP/ B@5Habitat Restoration/ImprovementMedium?7 URestore native grasslands.Habitat Restoration/ImprovementMedium[S2 Restore native grasslands.Habitat Restoration/ImprovementMedium[S2 Restore native grasslands.Habitat Restoration/ImprovementMedium[S2 B@5Habitat Restoration/ImprovementMedium?7 L@5Habitat ProtectionMedium2* N@5Habitat ProtectionMedium2* MRestore canebrake habitats.Habitat Restoration/ImprovementHighZT3 Restore habitat.Habitat Restoration/ImprovementHighOI( @5Habitat ProtectionHigh0* Protect mudflats.Habitat ProtectionHighC=) Protect mudflats.Habitat ProtectionHighC=) Protect mudflats.Habitat ProtectionHighC=) 3 Protect sandbars.Habitat ProtectionHighC=)  Protect herbaceous wetlands.Habitat ProtectionHighNH4 K Protect cavity trees.Habitat Restoration/ImprovementMediumVN- K T@5Threat AbatementMedium0(  Maintain herbaceous wetlands.Habitat ProtectionHighOI5 ?@5Population ManagementHigh3- ?@5Threat AbatementMedium0( Rj@5Threat AbatementMedium0( RD@5Threat AbatementHigh.( N@5Threat AbatementMedium0( "Protection of habitat near nestsPublic Relations/EducationHighZT8 X@5Threat AbatementLow-( LVAL`  @ N : b bLV"&4Manage for species that produce high-lipid fruits during migration.Manage water fluctuations for invertebrates in winter.Utilize prescribed fire to improve habitat suitablility.Enlarge and connect forests to reduce the amount of non-forested edge.Educate homeowners and chimney and pest control professionals about swift-friendly management practices.Identify and protect natural nest and roost sites.Protect and manage grassland habitat.Acquire important tracts to increase block size and connectivity of grassland habitat.Establish large blocks of grassland habitat.Acquire important tracts to provide increased block size and connectivity of grassland habitat.Acquire important tracts to provide increased block size and connectivity of grassland habitat.Mow or hay every 2-4 years; avoid annual disturbance regimes.Restore canopy structure and composition; reduce midstory encroachment; restore native groundcovers.Develop connectivity between populations.Protect and restore additional clusters and additional habitat adjacent sites to existing protected sites.Conduct spring burns to provide optimal vegetation height and density and reduce litter.Conduct periodic disturbance to limit woody encroachment, timed to provide dense emergent wetland vegetation for nesting and/or wintering.Protect emergent wetlands and grasslands.Implement conservation actions recommended by national white-nose syndrome plan.Implement conservation actions recommended by national white-nose syndrome plan.Implement conservation actions recommended by national white-nose syndrome plan.Implement conservation actions recommended by national white-nose syndrome plan.Implement conservation actions recommended by national white-nose syndrome plan.Implement conservation actions recommended by national white-nose syndrome plan.Implement conservation actions recommended by national white-nose syndrome plan.#9D R [  9 | 7 u  L  hKs+YV zEk5u@:Habitat Restoration/ImprovementHigh=7 "tN@ :Habitat Restoration/ImprovementMedium?7 "s@@ :Habitat Restoration/ImprovementMedium?7 "r@ :Habitat Restoration/ImprovementHigh=7 "qn@ :Habitat Restoration/ImprovementHigh=7 "pRestore mud flats.Habitat Restoration/ImprovementHighQK* $oh@ :Habitat ProtectionHigh0*  n@:Habitat ProtectionHigh0* m@:Habitat ProtectionHigh0* "ln@:Medium 8kV@:Habitat Restoration/ImprovementHigh=7 "jR@:Habitat Restoration/ImprovementMedium?7 "i@:Habitat Restoration/ImprovementHigh=7 "h Maintain or restore mud flats.Habitat ProtectionHighPJ6 f@:Habitat Restoration/ImprovementMedium?7 e@:Habitat Restoration/ImprovementHigh=7 c@:Habitat Restoration/ImprovementMedium?7 b@9Habitat Restoration/ImprovementHigh=7 "ah@9Public Relations/EducationMedium:2 "`h@9Threat AbatementMedium0( "_@9Habitat ProtectionHigh0* i^b@9Population ManagementHigh3- ]@9Habitat Restoration/ImprovementMedium?7 \^@9Habitat Restoration/ImprovementMedium?7 [@9Habitat Restoration/ImprovementHigh=7 "Zn@9Habitat Restoration/ImprovementHigh=7 "Y@9Habitat Restoration/ImprovementHigh=7 "X@9Habitat Restoration/ImprovementHigh=7 "WMedium "VRestore native grasslands.Habitat Restoration/ImprovementHighYS2 "Ut@ 9Habitat Restoration/ImprovementHigh=7 "Tb@ 9Fire ManagementHigh-' "S@ 9Fire ManagementMedium/' "RN@ 9Habitat Restoration/ImprovementHigh=7 "QZ@ 9Habitat Restoration/ImprovementHigh=7 "PCreate open woodlands.Habitat Restoration/ImprovementLowTO. UO@9Habitat Restoration/ImprovementMedium?7 UN@9Habitat ProtectionMedium2* MM@9Habitat ProtectionHigh0* L@9Public Relations/EducationMedium:2 K@9Habitat ProtectionMedium2* JX@9Threat AbatementLow-( IB@9Habitat Restoration/ImprovementHigh=7 FH@9Habitat Restoration/ImprovementMedium?7 FGp@9Habitat Restoration/ImprovementMedium?7 FF@7Habitat Restoration/ImprovementLow<7 El@7Habitat Restoration/ImprovementLow<7 DReduce nestling predation.Threat AbatementHighJD2 ICp@7Fire ManagementMedium/' IB Minimize forest fragmentation.Habitat Restoration/ImprovementHigh]W6 IA@7Land AcquisitionHigh.( =@@7Public Relations/EducationHigh82 =?d@7Habitat ProtectionHigh0* >J@7Habitat ProtectionHigh0* =@7Land AcquisitionMedium0( <X@7Habitat Restoration/ImprovementHigh=7 ;@7Land AcquisitionHigh.( LVAL@x H 2  0N`Provide mud flat habitat by flooding harvested cropland in summer and early fall.Reduce window collisions near bird feeding stations.Reduce window collisions near bird feeding stations.Identify known populations and review land management practices that could pose potential threats to these populations.Propagation and restocking of head start animals.Provide mud flat habitat by manipulating moist soil units during March to early June and, where possible, during July to November.Provide mud flat habitat by manipulating reservoirs (both private and public) during July through November migration, and where possible, during March to early June migration.Provide mud flat habitat by drawing down fish ponds in July - November.Encourage farmers/ranchers to retain snags in pastures.Encourage farmers/ranchers to retain widely spaced den trees in pastures.Establish nest boxes in areas where kestrels occur during winter months.Maintain habitat with light to moderate grazing or haying.Conduct prescribed burning in grassland habitats.Implement prescribed fire to help create bare patches for nesting.Restore and maintain native grasslands.Manage for wet, open prairies and grasslands.Plant or maintain low, thick shrubs and trees along fencerows and throughout otherwise open pastures and fields to improve nesting habitat.Protect trees and shrubs used for nesting and perches from cattle grazing and rubbing.Protect and restore tracts to increase bottomland forest block size and provide connectivity.Buffer nest sites to prevent human disturbance from causing nest abandonment and nestling mortality.Buffer nest sites to prevent human disturbance from causing nest abandonment and nestling mortality.Reduce threats posed by toxins/contaminants.Restore emergent wetland habitat.Provide matrix of forest conditions (early successional to mature) for various life stages.Manage for understory development for nesting structure.LVAL\Z z $ ,R`Manipulate federal and state managed moist-soil units to provide mud flat habitat during March-early June and, if possible, during July - November.Manipulate reservoirs (private and publicly owned) to provide mud flat habitat during July - November migration, and, if possible, during March-early June migration.Draw down fish ponds to create mud flat habitat in July - November.Flood cropland in summer and early fall after harvest.Establish, restore, and manage shrubby fencerows and hedgerows in pasturelands and crop lands.Create, restore, and maintain the shrubby component of riparian habitat.Manipulate federal and state managed moist-soil units to provide mud flat habitat during March-early June migration and, if possible, during July - November migration.Manipulate reservoirs (private and publicly owned) to provide mudflat habitat during July - Nov. migration, and, if possible, during March-early June migration.Draw-down fish ponds to create mud flat habitat in July - November.Flood crop land in summer and early fall after harvest.Reduce/ eliminate ATV use where this species occurs.Reduce/eliminate all-terrain vehicle use in areas where this species occurs.Reduce/eliminate all-terrain vehicle use in areas where the species occurs.More data are needed to determine conservation actions.Increase connectivity of available habitat.Provide mud flat habitat by manipulation reservoirs (both public and private) during July - November migration, and where possible, during March to early June migration.Provide mud flat habitat by drawing down fish ponds in July - November.Provide mud flat habitat by manipulating moist-soil units during March to early June and, where possible, during July - November.Provide mud flat habitat by flooding harvested cropland in summer and early fall.Provide mud flat habitat by manipulation moist-soil units during March to early June and, where possible, during July - November.=n&J n 0 : 4 2 z G  {H|Iht,RF VProtect core habitat areas.Land AcquisitionMediumME3 "@=Threat AbatementMedium0( "@=Threat AbatementMedium0( "@=Threat AbatementMedium0( "@=Threat AbatementMedium0( "V@=Habitat ProtectionMedium2* "R@ =Habitat ProtectionMedium2* "z@ =Population ManagementLow2- "@ =Threat AbatementHigh.( "Develop an outreach program.Public Relations/EducationMediumXP4 "n@ =Data GapMedium(  "n@ =Data GapMedium(  &D@=Habitat ProtectionHigh0* "n@=Data GapHigh&  "F@=Habitat ProtectionHigh0* "Protect riparian habitat.Habitat ProtectionHighKE1 "@=Habitat Restoration/ImprovementHigh=7 "^@=Habitat Restoration/ImprovementHigh=7 "Restore prairie habitat.Habitat Restoration/ImprovementHighWQ0 "^@=Habitat Restoration/ImprovementHigh=7 "Restore prairie habitat.Habitat Restoration/ImprovementHighWQ0 "L@=Habitat Restoration/ImprovementMedium?7 "@=Habitat Restoration/ImprovementHigh=7 "n@=Data GapMedium(  "n@<Data GapMedium(  "n@<Data GapMedium(  "n@<Data GapMedium(  "n@<Data GapMedium(  "n@<Data GapMedium(  "n@<Data GapMedium(  "n@<Data GapMedium(  "n@<Data GapMedium(  "n@<Data GapMedium(  "n@<Data GapMedium(  "n@<Data GapMedium(  "n@<Data GapMedium(  "n@ <Data GapMedium(  "n@ <Data GapMedium(  "n@ <Data GapMedium(  "n@ <Medium "n@ <Medium "Reduce human disturbance.Public Relations/EducationHighSM1 "Protect sandbars.Habitat ProtectionHighC=) "Encourage predator control.Threat AbatementHighKE3 "Create sandbars.Habitat Restoration/ImprovementMediumQI( "Restore wetlands.Habitat Restoration/ImprovementHighPJ) "Maintain wetlands.Habitat ProtectionHighD>* "@<Habitat Restoration/ImprovementHigh=7 "@<Habitat ProtectionHigh0* "@<Fire ManagementHigh-' "@<Threat AbatementMedium0( "@<Population ManagementHigh3- ~&@<Habitat Restoration/ImprovementMedium?7 }J@<Habitat Restoration/ImprovementMedium?7 |@<Habitat Restoration/ImprovementHigh=7 {l@<Habitat Restoration/ImprovementHigh=7 z&@:Habitat Restoration/ImprovementMedium?7 yJ@:Habitat Restoration/ImprovementMedium?7 x@:Habitat Restoration/ImprovementHigh=7 wl@:Habitat Restoration/ImprovementHigh=7 v@:Habitat Restoration/ImprovementMedium?7 LVAL  h R @d>b<More data are needed to determine conservation actions.More data are needed to determine conservation actions.More data are needed to determine conservation actions.More data are needed to determine conservation actions.More data are needed to determine conservation actions.More data are needed to determine conservation actions.More data are needed to determine conservation actions.More data are needed to determine conservation actions.More data are needed to determine conservation actions.More data are needed to determine conservation actions.More data are needed to determine conservation actions.More data are needed to determine conservation actions.More data are needed to determine conservation actions.More data are needed to determine conservation actions.More data are needed to determine conservation actions.More data are needed to determine conservation actions.More data are needed to determine conservation actions.Restore canopy structure and composition; reduce mid-story encroachment; restore native groundcover.Protect and restore additional sites and additional habitat adjacent to existing protected sites; develop connectivity between populations.Restore fire regimes through frequent (every 2-4 years) use of prescribed fire.Reduce nest predation and cavity kleptoparasitism; important in small populations (i.e, < 100 breeding groups).Manage clusters and translocate individuals to augment existing or establish new populations.Manipulate federal and state managed moist-soil units to provide mud flat habitat during March-early June and, if possible, during July - November.Manipulate reservoirs (private and publicly owned) to provide mud flat habitat during July - November migration, and, if possible, during March-early June migration.Draw down fish ponds to create mud flat habitat in July - November.Flood cropland in summer and early fall after harvest.LVAL2 l ( L \ : FVfvj(,"Create fish passage at Ouachita and Arkansas River navigation systems dams.Implement best management practices in conjunction with agriculture.Protect known occurrences from construction activities and herbicide applications.Encourage sediment control BMPs during development.More data are needed to determine conservation actions.Maintain or, where necessary, restore water quality and stream habitat.Maintain healthy, upland streams.Prevent introduction of non-native crayfishes.Implement the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission paddlefish and sturgeon management plan.Manage watershed, addressing physical, chemical, biological and land use components, to restore or sustain aquatic life.Manage watershed, addressing physical, chemical, biological and land use components, to restore or sustain aquatic life.Manage watershed, addressing physical, chemical, biological and land use components, to restore or sustain aquatic life. Manage watershed, addressing physical, chemical, biological and land use components, to restore or sustain aquatic life.Reduce cattle access to the Illinois River.Protect host fish and associated habitat.Propagate, augment and reintroduce species where appropriate.Manage watershed, addressing physical, chemical, biological and land use components, to restore or sustain aquatic life.More data are needed to determine conservation actions.More data are needed to determine conservation actions.Implement a Safe Harbor agreement.More data are needed to determine conservation actions.Protect seep and riverine habitats.Restore habitats to provide nectar-producing flowering plants and host plants (milkweeds).Use prescribed fire to improve prairie habitat.Use prescribed fire to improve prairie habitat.Provide connectivity between habitats.Restore savanna and prairie habitats with significant amounts of rattlesnake master plants.More data are needed to determine conservation actions.E<H n1 T `  Z  T k # e]*p= zGi.:v=U"@@Public Relations/EducationMedium:2 "t@ @Public Relations/EducationMedium:2 "@ @Threat AbatementMedium0( z@ @Threat AbatementHigh.( `@ @Threat AbatementHigh.( ^@ @Habitat ProtectionHigh0* @@Threat AbatementHigh.( |@@Threat AbatementHigh.( |@@Public Relations/EducationHigh82 @@Habitat Restoration/ImprovementHigh=7 D@@Habitat Restoration/ImprovementHigh=7 J@@Habitat Restoration/ImprovementHigh=7 Restore emergent wetlands.Habitat Restoration/ImprovementHighYS2 "l@@Threat AbatementMedium0( "P@@Threat AbatementMedium0( "L@@Habitat Restoration/ImprovementMedium?7 Minimize migration barriers.Threat AbatementMediumNF4 "n@?Data GapMedium(  "R@?Habitat Restoration/ImprovementHigh=7 "R@?Habitat Restoration/ImprovementHigh=7 "n@?Data GapMedium(  "n@?Data GapMedium(  "t@?Threat AbatementHigh.( "@?Threat AbatementHigh.( "R@?Habitat Restoration/ImprovementHigh=7 "n@?Data GapMedium(  "Improve fish passage.Threat AbatementMediumG?- "n@?Data GapMedium(  "@?Threat AbatementMedium0( "R@?Habitat Restoration/ImprovementHigh=7 "@?Threat AbatementMedium0( "R@?Habitat Restoration/ImprovementHigh=7 "@?Threat AbatementMedium0( "R@?Habitat Restoration/ImprovementHigh=7 "n@?Data GapMedium(  "n@ ?Data GapMedium(  "@ ?Threat AbatementMedium0( "R@ ?Habitat Restoration/ImprovementHigh=7 "@ ?Threat AbatementMedium0( "R@ ?Habitat Restoration/ImprovementHigh=7 "@?Threat AbatementMedium0( "R@?Habitat Restoration/ImprovementHigh=7 "@?Threat AbatementMedium0( "R@?Habitat Restoration/ImprovementHigh=7 "@?Threat AbatementMedium0( "R@?Habitat Restoration/ImprovementHigh=7 "@?Threat AbatementMedium0( "T@?Habitat Restoration/ImprovementHigh=7 "@?Medium "@=Habitat Restoration/ImprovementHigh=7 "@=Threat AbatementMedium0( "Maintain riparian habitats.Habitat Restoration/ImprovementHighZT3 "@=Habitat ProtectionMedium2* "f@=Habitat ProtectionMedium2* " Stabilize eroding streambanks.Habitat Restoration/ImprovementMedium_W6 "n@=Data GapMedium(  "@=Habitat ProtectionMedium2* "B@=Habitat ProtectionMedium2* "\@=Threat AbatementMedium0( @=Population ManagementMedium5- LVAL       BFJNr v&More data are needed to determine conservation actions.Establish and enhance riparian corridors.Establish and enhance riparian corridors.More data are needed to determine conservation actions.More data are needed to determine conservation actions.Implement best management practices for road construction.Implement best management practices in conjunction with agriculture and silviculture.Establish and enhance riparian corridors.More data are needed to determine conservation actions.More data are needed to determine conservation actions.Implement best management practices in conjunction with agriculture and silviculture.Establish and enhance riparian corridors.Implement best management practices in conjunction with agriculture and silviculture.Establish and enhance riparian corridors.Implement best management practices in conjunction with agriculture and silviculture.Establish and enhance riparian corridors.More data are needed to determine conservation actions.More data are needed to determine conservation actions.Implement best management practices in conjunction with agriculture and silviculture.Establish and enhance riparian corridors.Implement best management practices in conjunction with agriculture and silviculture.Establish and enhance riparian corridors.Implement best management practices in conjunction with agriculture and silviculture.Establish and enhance riparian corridors.Implement best management practices in conjunction with agriculture and silviculture.Establish and enhance riparian corridors.Implement best management practices in conjunction with agriculture and silviculture.Establish and enhance riparian corridors.Implement best management practices in conjunction with agriculture.Establish and enhance riparian corridors .Provide fish passage on the White River at the following dams: Montgomery Point, Dam 1 at Batesville, Dam 2 at Martin, and Dam 3 at Younger.fLVALdj 2 r  4 Provide technical assistance to private landowners to enhance lands for Monarchs.Provide information on native plant gardens to the public.Manage watershed, addressing physical, chemical, biological and land use components, to restore or sustain aquatic life.Implement best management practices during road construction.Restrict access to caves with sensitive species.Protect karst habitats and cave recharge zones.Install highly visible power line markers in on power lines around known wintering ponds and wetlands used by swansControl breeding flighted and pinioned mute swans in Arkansas.Control breeding flighted and pinioned mute swans in Arkansas.Restore and manage for emergent and native aquatic vegetation in ponds, lakes and water holes.Protect quality emergent wetlands.Restore and manage emergent wetlands.Reduce sedimentation using Best Management Practices.Reduce or eliminate resource extraction.Establish or improve riparian buffers.C 6BQRSTUVWX Y Z [ \ 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openings.Determine breeding habitat requirements.Determine distribution and abundance.Identify breeding habitat requirements for birds using non-hillside areas.Evaluation effects of habitat degradation on breeding success.No data gaps or research needs were identified..Determine how fire and other forest management may affect suitability of forest patches for breeding (including predation and parasitism).Determine whether individuals in AR are eastern subspecies.No data gaps or research needs were identified..No data gaps or research needs were identified..No data gaps or research needs were identified..Determine the extent to which swifts are using natural sites (e.g. trees, caves) for roosting and nesting.Collect information on habitat selection and potential limiting factors on the breeding grounds.Determine problems and sources of problems.No data gaps or research needs were identified.Research Avian Vacuolar Myelinopathy and its effects on Bald Eagles.Conduct surveys and monitoring in the Red River basin.Conduct baseline population survey.Conduct baseline population survey.Conduct baseline population survey.Conduct baseline population survey.Conduct status and distribution surveys.Conduct distribution and abundance surveys.Improve identification process in the fieldSurvey for additional spawning habitat.Conduct abundance and distribution surveys.-JkF Q2 | ] >  e F '  m N /  u =  E &  R3yZ;nO0{\#s5{=bClMCConduct life history study.33  B@ O  Ax@ O  @Conduct life history study.33  ?R@O  >@O  =Conduct distribution surveys.55  <:@O  ::@O  9@O  8T@O  7 Conduct spawning sites survey.66  6 Conduct spawning sites survey.66  5Conduct distribution surveys.55  4Conduct distribution surveys.55  3H@O  2|@O  1b@O  0@ N  /Additional grassland surveys.55  .  -@N  ,  +  *Identify breeding sites.00  )J@N  (Identify breeding sites.00  'Z@N  &Z@N  %  $N@N  #  "@N  !   @N  ^@N  @N    `@N  `@N  ^@N  `@N  `@N  `@N  `@N  `@N  `@N  ^@ N  ^@ N  ^@ N  Z@ N  `@ N  `@N   Locate nesting attempts.00   @N   @N   `@N   `@N  @N  B@N  Determine source populations.55  j@N  ^@N  B@#L  ~^@"L  }^@!L  |^@ L  {Determine survivorship.//  z^@L  y`@L  U@L  T`@L  RN@L  Pz@L  Or@L  NR@L  MJ@L  L@L  K|@L  H`@L  F@L  Ev@L  D`@L  ?`@L  >`@L  =@L  <@ L  ;V@ L  8^@ L  6@ L  3l@ L  F@L  F@L  F@L  F@L  Conduct population surveys.33  Search for new populations.33  P@L   Conduct distribution surveys.55   V@L   Conduct life history study.33  V@L  Conduct distribution survey.44  Conduct spawning site survey.55   Conduct distribution surveys.55  N@L  <V@L  LVAL!8r , l  V 8 xZ*(VPSurveys for breeding Henslow's Sparrows need to be conducted in grasslands over a wider area in the Arkansas Valley and the Ozarks.Determine the effects of fire or mechanical thinning on populations.Identify source and sink populations.Locate and survey potential breeding habitat.Thorough surveys to estimate population size.Determine causes of population decline.Nocturnal habitat use during autumn migration in the Mississippi Alluvial Valley.Determine impacts of pesticides applied to golf courses and sod farms on prey availability and bird reproductive health.No data gaps or research needs were identified.A reliable assessmnet of population status and trends is needed.No data gaps or research needs were identified..No data gaps or research needs were identified..No data gaps or research needs were identified.No data gaps or research needs were identified..No data gaps or research needs were identified..No data gaps or research needs were identified..No data gaps or research needs were identified..No data gaps or research needs were identified..No data gaps or research needs were identified..No data gaps or research needs were identified.No data gaps or research needs were identified.No data gaps or research needs were identified.Determine current distribution and abundance.No data gaps or research needs were identified..No data gaps or research needs were identified..Need to better establish causes of decline to determine effective conservation actionsDetermine if species is present on Dale Bumpers White River National Wildlilfe Refuge during breeding season.No data gaps or research needs were identified..No data gaps or research needs were identified..No data gaps or research needs were identified at the state level.Identify suitable foraging sites.Home range estimates on wintering grounds are needed.Research effects of depredation on aquaculture.LVAL" Z b  d@`z0@^Study migration, fish passage, and mortality at hydropower dams.Conduct genetic and taxonomic studies.Conduct baseline population survey.Determine the impacts of introduced Asian carp on paddlefish populations.Further genetic study is needed to understand the hybridization issue with shovelnose sturgeon.Determine use and importance of tributaries like the St. Francis and Arkansas rivers to the life history of the species.Continue to track incidental catches.No data gaps or research needs were identified.Conduct seasonal sampling to determine spawning habitat and success.Conduct seasonal sampling to determine spawning habitat and success.Study population abundance and distribution.Conduct distribution and abundance survey.Conduct distribution and abundance survey.Conduct life history study of Black River drainage population.Determine numerical abundance and distribution.Conduct distribution surveys with emphasis on Red River tributaries and Mississippi Alluvial Plain streams.Conduct genetic analysis of similar, allopatric populations.Conduct ditribution and abundance survey.It is unclear if this species was ever a regular part of the Arkansas fauna, or if it only was found as waifs from upstream.1. Species is very common rangewide and Arkansas is on the very edge of its range, therefore the aquatics team recommends removing it from the list of SGCN.1. Species is very common rangewide and Arkansas is on the very edge of its range, therefore the aquatics team recommends removing it from the list of SGCN.1. Species is very common rangewide and Arkansas is on the very edge of the southern extent of its range (with one pre-1960 record in the state), therefore the aquatics team recommends removing it from the list of SGCN.Conduct distribution and abundance survey.Determine habitat use in the winter.Further investigation of statewide distribution and abundance.Survey grasslands in winter and during migration.JQG M g + u 9  ` A "  j , R  VZ^"MXg) qReF @Q  Conduct distribution study.33  Conduct food habit study.11  J@Q  F@Q  Determine threats.**  Determine status in Arkansas.55  F@Q  Conduct life history studies.55  F@Q  Conduct distribution study.33  L@ Q  Conduct life history studies.55  F@ Q  Conduct life history studies.55  F@ Q  *Conduct status surveys.//  rF@ Q  Determine population status.44  %Conduct distribution surveys.55  Conduct life history study.44  h@ Q  nConduct distribution surveys.55  r@Q  ~Conduct life history study.33  Conduct distribution study.33  b@Q  Conduct life history study.33  `@Q  b@Q  Conduct life history study.33  . Determine habitat preferences.66  z~ Determine habitat preferences.66  '} Determine habitat preferences.66  b| Determine habitat preferences.66  c{ Determine habitat preferences.66  iz Determine habitat preferences.66  ny Determine habitat preferences.66  px Determine habitat preferences.66  uw Determine habitat preferences.66  jv Determine habitat preferences.66  u Determine habitat preferences.66  t Determine habitat preferences.66  s Determine habitat preferences.66  "rZ@Q  "ql@Q  Up@Q  oV@Q  hnz@Q  mConduct distribution surveys.55  j@O  gConduct life history study.33  fL@O  eF@O  d@O  c@O  b@O  aJ@O  `^@O  _@O  ]@O  ZX@O   XIdentify threats and sources.55   WConduct life history study.33   VT@O  UConduct life history study.33  TT@ O  SConduct life history study.33  RConduct distribution study.33  Q|@ O  PConduct distribution study.33  O^@ O  NDetermine abundance.,,  MConduct genetic study...  LConduct distribution surveys.55  K!Formally describe this species.77  IConduct distribution surveys.55  HConduct distribution surveys.55  GConduct distribution surveys.55  FConduct distribution surveys.55  EDetermine population status.44  LVAL&00 t  @ d  F t * RX.v8\Determine problems faced and sources of problems faced.Determine problems faced and sources of problems faced.Determine problems faced and sources of problems faced.Determine problems faced and sources of problems faced.Determine problems faced and sources of problems faced.Determine problems faced and sources of problems faced.Determine problems faced and sources of problems faced.Further distribution, abundance, and monitoring surveys are needed. Refine habitat relationship information.Determine cause(s) of breeding site mass mortality.Conduct survey to identify spawning sites.Assess distribution and abundance in lakes and large stream pools.Conduct distribution and abundance study.Conduct genetic study of disjunct populations.Assess population response to dewatering of riffles.Conduct genetic relationship study with morphologically similar but disjunct populations.Conduct habitat preference study.Conduct range-wide genetic study.Delineate and monitor recharge areas.Conduct genetic studies of this and other cavefish species in Arkansas.Determine current status in Arkansas.Conduct genetic/ taxonomic studies.Conduct genetic/ taxonomic studies.Conduct genetic/ taxonomic studies.Determine spawning migration patterns.Conduct genetic/ taxonomic studies.Conduct genetic/ taxonomic studies.Determine extent of species' range.Conduct genetic and life history studies to determine the taxonomic relationships of Fusconaia and Pleurobema.Determine sustainable flow below dams to improve habitat.Determine host fish suitability and availability.Describe species and conduct distribution study.Determine host fish suitability and availability.Assess sensitivity to environmental stresses.Conduct distribution surveys and life history studies.Need to obtain baseline information on distribution and population status.Conduct distribution and abundance studies.Additional distribution and abundance survey data are needed.Jee.{?,  r S 4  z [ <  g H ) p Q 2  Z ; kL-]>sT~_@!i) vW o3jK.0@T  /Conduct life history study.33  /,@T  1Conduct status survey...  4Conduct status survey...  4@T  4Conduct life history study.33  7Conduct life history study.33  7Conduct status survey...  8@T  D @T  D Conduct life history study.33  D Conduct status survey...  D @ T  a L@ T  ab@ T  a^@ T  bConduct status survey...  *@ T  "!Determine habitat requirements.77  "N@T  "@T  Study fall dispersal rates.33  "Clarify the taxonomic status.55  h@T  Bd@T  BF@T  [r@T  [@T  Z@T  YDetermine roosting ecology.33  VDetermine foraging behavior.44  V@T  VD@"S  Conduct status survey...  H@!S  N@ S  Conduct status survey...  H@S  Conduct status survey...  d@S  @S  Determine migration routes.33  z@S  `@S  b@S  X@S  N@S  Conduct status survey...  vZ@S  zConduct life history study.33  @S  Conduct life history study.44  .d@S  J@S  MF@S  Mr@S  NV@S  N\@S  Ip@S  U@S  OJ@ S  ED@ S  qReassess current population.44  k@ S  k^@ S  kB@ S  Conduct life history study.33  @S  0Conduct life history study.33  0j@S  %@S  zn@S  un@S  n@S  .n@S  pn@S  nn@S  n@%Q  n@$Q  'n@#Q  jn@"Q  bn@!Q  cn@ Q  in@Q  v@Q  R@Q  xf@Q     Conduct life history study.33   T@Q   @Q  R@Q  \@Q  Conduct status survey...  Conduct genetic study...  h@Q  @Q  B@Q  B@Q  J@Q  LVAL#$H l z z 8 Z  nl,$JT v2Determine forest roosting ecology.Determine habitat use relationships.Confirm museum specimen identification.Determine habitat use relationships.Determine if species is still present in Arkansas.Determine if range restrictions have caused decline in genetic diversity.Additional information about habitat relationships is needed.Records of this species in the state are sparse.Survey hunters to obtain observation information.Continue search for caves used for roosting.Confirm museum specimen identification.Conduct distributional and abundance surveys.Determine viability of species in the Ouachita River in Arkansas.Determine if species is extirpated from the state.Determine populations for monitoring.Determine post- fledging survival.Evaluate management practices to create breeding habitat.Determine the extent of cowbird parasitism.Determine the effects of forest fragmentation.Identify preferred vegetation structure within habitats.Determine the role of shrike and automobile collisions in population declines of shrikes in Arkansas.Determine post-fledging survivorship.Determine habitat use and ecology.Determine environmental stressors such as nutrient loading, toxicity to chemicals and metals, sedimentation effects, etc.Determine habitat preferences and availability,Determine host fish availability.Conduct genetic analysis of Quadrula to determine if species is present in state. Reanalyze distribution and population numbers.Review taxonomic status based on results of Roe 2013.Conduct genetic study to determine extent of population in Arkansas.Determine problems faced and sources of problems faced.Determine problems faced and sources of problems faced.Determine problems faced and sources of problems faced.Determine problems faced and sources of problems faced.Determine problems faced and sources of problems faced.Determine problems faced and sources of problems faced.LVALP 4 n . <(lBPDetermine environmental stressors such as nutrient loading, toxicity to chemicals and metals, sedimentation effects, etc.Need a thorough survey of the Ozark, West Gulf Coastal Plain, and Ouachita regions to locate additional populations of this and other rare species in the state.Identify populations for protection.Perform trend analysis to determine whether populations are stable or decreasing.Determine habitat preferences and availability.Determine host fish and host fish availability.Determine host fish and host fish availability.Conduct genetic analysis of Pleurobema to determine if P. cordatum is present in Arkansas. Review distribution and abundance based on taxonomic status.Conduct genetic analysis of Pleurobema to determine if P. rubrum is present in Arkansas. Review distribution and abundance based on taxonomic status.Conduct genetic analysis and comparison of White River and Ouachita River watershed populations.Research taxonomic relationship of two forms. Describe species, if necessary.Determine environmental stressors such as nutrient loading, toxicity to chemicals and metals, sedimentation effects, etc.Population estimates needed in additional Saline and Ouachita River beds.Conduct additional population surveys.Determine host fish suitability and availability.Determine habitat preferences and availability.Determine environmental stressors such as nutrient loading, toxicity to chemicals and metals, sedimentation effects, etc.Collect basic life history information.In coordination with partner agencies, search for individuals and nesting and roosting cavities.Determine effects of isolation on genetic diversity.Determine habitat use relationships in the Ozarks.Determine home range in the Ozarks.Determine impacts of habitat management near hibernacula.Determine migration patterns of female Indiana bats in spring and fall.Conduct surveys needed at caves that may be used during the fall swarming period.Determine if reduction in habitat has reduced genetic diversity.$Jeb+qR3 g H ) l 5  b C $  j K , r S 4  z[<B#QaB#X9OJ+vW8tConduct life history study.33  tF@ W  s~@W  qConduct life history study.33  q@W  pConduct status survey...  pC.  p@W  oConduct life history study.33  oConduct status survey...  ,Conduct status survey...  ,@W  ,Conduct life history study.33  mConduct status survey...  mD@W  l^@W  lConduct life history studies.55  jConduct status survey...  jD@W  iConduct status survey...  iD@W  iH@W  iv@W  hConduct status survey...  hT@W  fz@W  fxp@W  fwConduct status survey...  fvT@W  tConduct life history study.33  s Determine habitat preferences.66  rConduct status survey...  qD@W  "oD@W  "nD@W  "mT@W  "lD@ W  "kT@ W  "j!Determine habitat requirements.77  "iD@ W  "hX@ W  "gD@ W  "fD@W  "e@W  "dX@W  "cl@W  "b@W  "`X@W  "_D@W  "^V@W  "]D@W  "\D@!V  "[D@ V  "ZT@V  "YD@V  "XD@V  "WD@V  "VT@V  "UD@V  "TD@V  "SD@V  "RD@V  P@V  On@V  M@V  K@V  IT@V  H^@V  Gv@V  F@V  D^@V  Cb@ V  B"Determine regional life history.88  #A@ V  #@Determine host fish.,,  #?r@ V  #>Conduct status survey...  $<^@ V  $;^@ V  $:"Determine regional life history.88  %9b@V  %8^@V  &6@V  &4^@V  &3B@V  '2@V  (0Conduct status survey...  )/F@V  ).Conduct status surveys.//  )-^@V  ),^@V  s'@T  7&@@T  +%H@T  +$@T  +#Conduct life history studies.55  +"Conduct status survey...  d!^@T  d "Determine regional life history.88  d^@T  .^@T  LVAL"Dx6 & j  F B@N >bBSurvey for additional populations.Survey for additional populations.Identify habitat requirements and threats.Survey for additional populations.Survey for additional populations.Survey for additional populations.Identify habitat requirements and threats.Survey for additional populations.Survey for additional populations.Survey for additional populations.Survey for additional populations.Determine environmental stressors such as nutrient loading, toxicity to chemicals and metals, sedimentation effects, etc.Determine habitat preferences and habitat availability.Survey streams and rivers for unknown populations, particularly in Ouachita River sided channels and backwater habitats.Determine environmental stressors such as nutrient loading, toxicity to chemicals and metals, sedimentation effects, etc.Survey streams for additional populations.Determine habitat preferences and availability.Determine host fish suitability and host fish availability.Continue genetic studies to determine taxonomy of the different groups.Determine habitat preferences and availability.Determine host fish suitability and availability.Determine environmental stressors such as nutrient loading, toxicity to chemicals and metals, sedimentation effects, etc.Conduct genetic testing to determine species in Arkansas.Determine habitat preferences and availability.Determine host fish and host fish availability.Determine host fish suitability and availability.Determine habitat preferences and availability.Determine environmental stressors such as nutrient loading, toxicity to chemicals and metals, sedimentation effects, etc.Determine habitat preferences and availability.Determine host fish availability.Conduct genetic study to determine presence or absence in Arkansas.Continue ongoing taxonomic studies.Determine habitat preferences and availability.Determine host fish and host fish availability.LVAL!f". j v 2 B f "  (^02PConduct genetic analysis of Quadrula to determine if species is present in state. Reanalyze distribution and abundance of species based on results of genetic work.Implement research components discussed at outlined in meeting with AGFC, CoE, AHTD and FWS. Plan includes additional surveys, long term monitoring and Programmatic BA for both AHTD and CoE.Conduct genetic analysis of Pleurobema to determine whether species is present in state. Reanalyze distribution and abundance of genus/species.Determine if species is present in state by conducting a genetic analysis of White River drainage look-alikes.Compare taxonomic relationship of southern hickorynut in Ouachita River watershed to those in other watersheds.Survey for additional populations.Determine habitat preferences and availability.Survey for additional populations.Survey for additional populations.Conduct regional life history study.Conduct genetic study to determine taxonomic relationships.Conduct survey for additional populations.Determine environmental stressors such as nutrient loading, toxicity to chemicals and metals, sedimentation effects, etc.Conduct genetic research to address taxonomic questions.Conduct survey for additional populations.Survey for additional populations.Survey for additional populations.Survey for additional populations.Identify habitat requirements and threats.Survey for additional populations.Identify habitat requirements and threats.Survey for additional populations.Survey and model for additional populations.Survey for additional populations.Survey for additional populations.Refine delineation of vulnerable portions of recharge area and identify threats therein.Survey and model for additional populations.Establish genetic status relative to other subspecies.Expand genetic work in order to define taxa within Orconectes neglectus group.Survey and model for additional populations.Survey for additional populations.Determine habitat requirements and threats.Survey for additional populations.JsND  ^ ?  f G ( n O 0  v W 8  ~ _ @ !  gH) oP1wX9`A"hI* pQ2xY:aB#R@\  @\  "N@\  "N@\  "D@\  "F@\  ^@\  @\   @\   @\    @ \  ] ^@ \   P@ \  EN@ \  R@ \  @\  @\  @\  @\  @\  @\  @\  @\  `@\  @[  .@[  @[  l@[  l@[  @[  @[  @[  @[  T@[  %@[  $@[  -@ [  @ [  J@ [  @ [  @ [  C@[  @[   @[  "@[  #@[  8@[  *@[  [@[  (@[  W@Z  !@Z  L@Z  Z@Z  Y@Z  @Z  H@Z  '@Z  @Z  S@Z  V@Z  @Z  @Z  &@ Z  6@ Z  MZ@ Z  K@ Z  :@ Z  @Z  )@Z  @Z  @Z   @Z  @Z  @Z   @Z   @Z  @Y  @Y  I@Y  D@Y  F@Y  @Y  @Y  <@Y  ?@Y  >@Y  Q@Y  P@Y  R@Y  O@Y  N@ Y  X@ Y  +@ Y  ,@ Y  @ Y  j@Y  iV@Y  V@Y  N@Y  N@Y  8@Y  |Conduct life history study.33  Conduct life history study.33  Conduct status survey...  ~Conduct status survey...  {Conduct life history study.33  yConduct life history study.33  yConduct status survey...  x@Y  xConduct life history study.33  xConduct status surveys.//  u@Y  uH@Y  uConduct life history study.33  LVAL" h  T <  X0\4 Need to obtain baseline information on distribution and population status.Need to obtain baseline information on distribution and population status.Need to obtain baseline information on distribution and population status.Need to obtain baseline information on distribution and population status.Need to obtain baseline information on distribution and population status.Need to obtain baseline information on distribution and population status.Need to obtain baseline information on distribution and population status.Need to obtain baseline information on distribution and population status.Obtain baseline information on distribution and population status.Need to obtain baseline information on distribution and population status.Need to obtain baseline information on distribution and population status.Need to obtain baseline information on distribution and population status.Need to obtain baseline information on distribution and population status.Need to obtain baseline information on distribution and population status.Need to obtain baseline information on distribution and population status.Need to obtain baseline information on distribution and population status.Obtain baseline information on distribution and population status.Need to obtain baseline information on distribution and population status.Life history, status surveys and basic biological information needs to be obtained.Survey work is needed to determine if populations exist in the Coastal Plain and Crowley's Ridge.Assess survivorship of head-start releases.Conduct distribution and abundance surveys.Conduct distribution and status survey.Conduct status and distribution survey.Review distribution and abundance based on taxonomic status or revision.Determine genetic relationships of populations from different streams.Conduct genetic studies to determine if populations differ between streams.Survey Spring River for occurrences.nLVALlD  ` 8 J "f>nFNeed to obtain baseline information on distribution and population status.Need to obtain baseline information on distribution and population status.Need to obtain baseline information on distribution and population status.Need to obtain baseline information on distribution and population status.Need to obtain baseline information on distribution and population status.Need surveys of historical occurrences to determine persistence.Need to obtain baseline information on distribution and population status.Need to obtain baseline information on distribution and population status.Need to obtain baseline information on distribution and population status.Need to obtain baseline information on distribution and population status.Need to obtain baseline information on distribution and population status.Need to obtain baseline information on distribution and population status.Need to obtain baseline information on distribution and population status.Need to obtain baseline information on distribution and population status.Need to obtain baseline information on distribution and population status.Need status assessments of known populations.Need to obtain baseline information on distribution and population status.Need to obtain baseline information on distribution and population status.Need to obtain baseline information on distribution and population status.Need to obtain baseline information on distribution and population status.Need to obtain baseline information on distribution and population status.Need to obtain baseline information on distribution and population status.Need to obtain baseline information on distribution and population status.Need to obtain baseline information on distribution and population status.Need to obtain baseline information on distribution and population status.Need to obtain baseline information on distribution and population status.Need to obtain baseline information on distribution and population status.LVALlD  ` 8  \44$Need to obtain baseline information on distribution and population status.Need to obtain baseline information on distribution and population status.Survey for baseline information on distribution and population status.Need to assess population status of known occurrences.Need to assess population status of known occurrences.Need to obtain baseline information on distribution and population status.Need to obtain baseline information on distribution and population status.Obtain baseline information on distribution and population status.Obtain baseline information on distribution and population status, and confirm validity of occurrence record in Arkansas Valley.Need to obtain baseline information on distribution and population status.Need to obtain baseline information on distribution and population status.Need to obtain baseline information on distribution and population status.Need to obtain baseline information on distribution and population status.Need surveys to assess population status in areas of known occurrence.Need to obtain baseline information on distribution and population status.Need to obtain baseline information on distribution and population status.Need to obtain baseline information on distribution and population status.Need to obtain baseline information on distribution and population status.Need to obtain baseline information on distribution and population status.Need to obtain baseline information on distribution and population status.Need to obtain baseline information on distribution and population status.Need to obtain baseline information on distribution and population status.Need to obtain baseline information on distribution and population status.Need to obtain baseline information on distribution and population status.Need to obtain baseline information on distribution and population status.Need to obtain baseline information on distribution and population status.LVAL#lD  p V lTj$D>n,`Determine taxonomic status. Validity of this species is in question.Evaluate taxonomic relationships.Determine life history information.Survey and model for additional occurrences.Evaluate taxonomic relationships.Determine life history information.Survey for additional populations.Evaluate taxonomic relationships.Determine life history information.Survey for additional populations.Determine life history information.Surveys to locate additional populations.Determine validity of location data for records in Arkansas Valley and Ouachita Mountains.Conduct taxonomic and genetic analyses.Determine life history characteristics.Determine taxonomic relationships.Determine life history information.No data gaps or research needs were identified.Survey for baseline information on distribution and population status.Survey for baseline information on distribution and population status.Survey for baseline information on distribution and population status.Survey for baseline information on distribution and population status.No data gaps or research needs were identified.Additional distribution data are needed.Deterermine distribution and abundance.Evaluate impacts of Farm Bill programs such as CP-33 Bobwhite Buffers on nest productivity of this and other speciesNeed to obtain baseline information on distribution and population status.Survey for baseline information on distribution and population status.Survey for baseline information on distribution and population status.Need to obtain baseline information on distribution and population status.Need to obtain baseline information on distribution and population status.Need to obtain baseline information on distribution and population status.Need to obtain baseline information on distribution and population status.Need to obtain baseline information on distribution and population status.Need to obtain baseline information on distribution and population status. JweF'mN/ u V 7  } ^ ?  N  y Z ;  b C $  jK, rS4z[<cD%kL-sT|]>eF'U<@a  MZ@a  @a  T@a  @a  F@a  @ a  x@ a  @ a  @ a  @ a  I@a  I@a  E@a  E@a  =v@a  @a  Determine population trends.44  j@a  P~@a  P}@a  P|@`  {N@`  "z@`  "y@`  [x@`  Zw@`  v@`  Yu@`  t@`  s@`  Yr@`  q@`  Zp@`  [o@ `  "n@ `  "m@ `  "lb@ `  "kb@ `  "jZ@`  "iDetermine summer habitat use.55  [h@`  Zg@`  f@`  me@`  $d\@`  "c@`  !b@`   a\@`  `D@_  _l@_  ^l@_  ]l@_  \l@_  [l@_  Zl@_  Yl@_  Xl@ _  (Wl@ _  )Vl@ _  Ul@ _  Tl@ _  Sl@_  R@_  uQl@_  tPl@_  sOl@_  &Nr@_  %Mr@_  "K@_  mJ@!^  !I@ ^  HV@^  G\@^  rF\@^  lE@@_  jD@^  ~Bp@^  (@J@^  k?Conduct life history study.33  a=Conduct life history study.33  <Conduct status survey...  ;F@^  :@^  9F@^  8@^  7F@^  6F@^  5@^  4F@^  3F@^  2@^  1F@^  0F@^  /@ ^  .F@ ^  -@ ^  ,F@ ^  +@ ^  *F@^   )F@^   (@^  'F@^  &@^   %F@^  $F@^  #F@^  "F@^  !@"\   B@!\  F@ \  X@\  B@\  F@\  D@\  B@\  F@\  D@\  F@\  LVAL"t.\ D r , Z B p * XH~4 RConduct distribution surveys using genetic analysis, due to similarity of appearance to other members of the species complex.Conduct distribution surveys using genetic analysis, due to similarity of appearance to other members of the species complex.Conduct distribution and abundance surveys.Distribution and abundance surveys are needed.Distribution and abundance surveys are needed.Specimens are needed for genetic sequencing to determine: (1) species boundaries between the Spotted Dusky and Ouachita Dusky salamanders in the Coastal Plain and (2) the specific status of the Crowley s Ridge population.Determine genetic relationship to Venustaconcha pleasii.Determine phylogenetic relationships.Determine life history information.Obtain baseline information on distribution and population status.Determine life history information.Obtain baseline information on distribution and population status.Determine life history information.Determine life history information.Survey for baseline information on distribution and population status.Determine life history information.Determine life history information.Survey for baseline information on distribution and population status.Determine life history information.Determine life history information.Survey for baseline information on distribution and population status.Determine life history information.Survey for baseline information on distribution and population status.Determine life history information.Survey for baseline information on distribution and population status.Determine life history information.Determine life history information.Survey for baseline information on distribution and population status.Determine life history information.Survey for baseline information on distribution and population status.Determine life history information.Determine life history information.Determine life history information.Determine life history information.LVAL T v >f"Jr.Determination of species status, based on nuclear genetic testing, and gene flow between the various lineages identified by Shepard and Burbrink (2011) is needed.Further distribution and abundance survey work needed.Further distribution and abundance survey work needed.Further distribution and abundance survey work needed.Further distribution and abundance survey work needed.Further distribution and abundance survey work needed.Further distribution and abundance survey work needed.Further distribution and abundance survey work needed.Further distribution and abundance survey work needed.Further distribution and abundance survey work needed.Further distribution and abundance survey work needed.Further distribution and abundance survey work needed.Further distribution and abundance survey work needed.Further distribution and abundance survey work needed.Genetic analyses comparing Arkansas populations with populations east of the Mississippi River and the Western worm snake.Further distribution and abundance survey work needed.Further distribution and abundance survey work needed.Further distribution and abundance survey work needed.Further distribution and abundance survey work is needed.Further distribution and abundance survey work is needed.Conduct distribution surveys using genetic analysis, due to similarity of appearance to other members of the species complex.Additional genetic research is needed to delineate boundaries between each of the three Oklahoma Salamander clades. The  eastern clade of the Oklahoma Salamander has a presumed boundary with the  western clade in Baxter, Marion, Pope, and Searcy, counties. The  western clade has a presumed boundary with the  southwestern clade close to Crawford and Washington counties. Further surveys and genetic analyses are needed in these regions to evaluate the distributions of these clades and to test if these clades warrant taxonomic revision.LVAL  4 x  j fbZRJxDetermine optimal growing season fire return interval for breeding habitats.Identify important wintering locations.Address data gaps identified by national white-nose syndrome plan.Address data gaps identified by national white-nose syndrome plan.Address data gaps identified by national white-nose syndrome plan.Address data gaps identified by national white-nose syndrome plan.Address data gaps identified by national white-nose syndrome plan.Address data gaps identified by national white-nose syndrome plan.Address data gaps identified by national white-nose syndrome plan.Determine presence of white-nose syndrome or the fungus that causes it in hibernacula.Determine presence of white-nose syndrome or the fungus that causes it in hibernacula.Determine presence of white-nose syndrome or the fungus that causes it in hibernacula.Determine presence of white-nose syndrome or the fungus that causes it in hibernacula.Determine presence of white-nose syndrome or the fungus that causes it in hibernacula.Determine presence of white-nose syndrome or the fungus that causes it in hibernacula.Determine presence of white-nose syndrome or the fungus that causes it in hibernacula.Develop appropriate summer monitoring strategies.Determine roosting ecology in bottomland forests.Determine spring and fall migration patterns.Determine if additional maternity colonies are present, especially in the southern Ozarks.Determine distribution by surveying for this species near exposed rock bluffs.Determine habitat suitability at potential reintroduction sites.Genetic assessment of species boundaries in the Plethodon albagula-kiamichi-kisatchie complex.No research needs are identified at this time.Assess genetic composition of species boundaries in the Plethodon albagula-kiamichi-kisatchie complex.Genetic assessment of species boundaries in the Plethodon albagula-kiamichi-kisatchie complex.No research needs are identified at this time.LVAL6  R  \^ 0>@Determine wintering habitat preferences.Conduct additional studies of pesticides, toxins, and heavy metals effects on Loggerhead Shrikes.Study foraging success of resident versus migrant birds in the winter to determine if changes in the quality of winter habitat may affect migrant populations.Determine importance of regenerating forests.Determine impacts of contaminants, toxins, and heavy metals on reproduction.Identify distribution of nesting colonies.Identify non-lethal control strategies for aquaculture depredation.Determine how various habitats are used during various life stages.Determine the effect of winter habitat selection on survival and carry-over effects to breeding season.Determine the effect of contaminants on health and survival.Information is needed on diet on the wintering grounds in Arkansas.Determine if tree density and canopy connectivity increases rates of predation on nesting kites.Determine if species is breeding on Dale Bumpers White River National Wildlilfe Refuge and adjoining private lands.Determine breeding status in the South Central Plains ecoregion.Determine relationship between breeding habitat type, management practices, and post-fledgling survival.Determine dispersal and survival of immatures from adjacent populations outside of Arkansas.Study nest site limitations including competition with House Wren.Quantify the availability and occupancy of man-made nesting and roosting sites (e.g. chimneys, swift towers, outbuildings, wells, silos) to determine if these sites are a limiting factor.Investigate if there are alternative habitats to those dominated by three-awn grass (Aristida spp.).Stopover duration during autumn and spring migration.Determine optimal amount of groundcover, especially grass cover, to maintain and increase sparrow populations.Examine the relative importance of early successional versus older aged forest stands in maintaining local populations.Jne) o0 s T 5  { \ =  d E &  l M .  t U 6  [<cDl4{\ hI* t=dE&nO0"T@g  "@g  "@g  "\@g  "Resurvey known populations.33  "T@g  "V@g  "t@ g  "T@ g  "@ g  "T@ g  "D@ g  "P@g  "r@g  "D@g  @g  @g  |@g  "Conduct status survey...  "Conduct life history study.33  "@g  "Conduct life history study.33  "@g  "@g  ">@f  "Conduct life history study.33  "@@f  "B@f  "^@f  "@f  "Conduct life history study.33  "@f  "P@f  "b@f  " Determine habitat preferences.66  "Conduct life history study.33  "Determine distribution.//  "P@f  "b@f  " Determine habitat preferences.66  "X@f  "Conduct life history study.33  "P@f  "f@f  "r@ f  "@ f  "v@ f  "N@ f  "l@ f  "l@f  "@f  "!Determine habitat requirements.77  "r@f  "@f  "@f  "@f  "@f  "@f  "@f  "@ e  "@ e  "@ e  "v@e  "@e  "@e  "@e  "@e  "@e  "@e  "@e  "|@e  "^@d  :@d  @d  @d  @d  $@ d  @ d  @ d  R@ d  "N@ d  vn@d  &n@d  "V@d  "^@d  <6@d  <H@d  <H@d  "z@d  "x@d  "Z@c  "@ c  "@ c  o@ c  k@ c  h@ c  ""Determine impacts of pesticides.88  " Determine causes of mortality.66  "@c  "@c  "@c  "H@c  "P@c  "^@c  "Determine breeding success.33  "t@c  "h@c  "\@c  "P@a  U@a  LVAL<j h T R Zlf Determine the effect of forest management practices and habitat degradation due to agriculutural and urban/suburban development on foraging, wintering, and breeding habitat.Determine the effect of logging on nest locations and the use of buffers, including appropriate buffer diameter, around nest sites.Distribution and abundance survey work is needed throughout the Novaculite outcrops of the southern Ouachita Mountains.Additional genetic research is needed to delineate boundaries between each of the Grotto Salamander clades. The "eastern clade" of Grotto Salamanders has presumed boundaries with the "western clade" in the vicinity of Madison, Benton, Carroll, and Washington Counties. The "eastern clade" of Grotto Salamanders has presumed boundaries with the "northern clade" in the vicinity of Baxter, Fulton, Izard, and Sharp Counties. The distribution of these boundaries is unclear. Further surveys and genetic analyses are needed in these regions to evaluate the distributions of these clades and test if these clades warrant species recognition.Genetic research is needed to assess the species status of Dwarf Salamanders by examining differences among populations in Arkansas and comparison with lineages from outside the state. Such work could reveal the presence of previously unrecognized species.Current distribution and abundance data are lacking.Determine postfledging dispersal and subsequent recruitment into breeding populations.Determine effects of pasture grass Kentucky 31 on prey species availability.Determine factors that contribute to nest box use when nest structures are located in unoccupied habitat.Determine best management practices.Determine range of habitat associations.Determine statewide distribution and abundance.Determine effects of insecticide use on prey availability.Determine stopover duration during spring migration.Determine habitat use during spring migration.LVAL~H & j  XxPNo data gaps or research needs were identified.Determine the age class and extent of use of early to mid successional bottomland hardwood restoration areas both on migration and during the nesting season.Determine if openings in bottomland hardwood restoration areas are utilized on migration or during the nesting season.Conduct surveys to improve distribution and abundance information.Examine effects of the variability of the timing of arrival on breeding grounds and nest initiation on reproductive success and annual productivity and identify factors underlying this variability.Determine whether breeding habitat type affects abundance and reproductive success to better focus effective conservation and restoration efforts.Additional information on life history on the breeding grounds is needed with a focus on breeding territory, site selection, site tenacity, fecundity, and mortality, and dispersal and survivorship of immature birds.Evaluate effectiveness of management actions to provide breeding habitat for source populations.Determine response to prescribed burning.Determine habitat use during migration.Genetic assessment of the currently recognized subspecies is needed to determine if divergent lineages are present and to what degree, and if so, is subspecific recognition warranted.Genetic assessment of the currently recognized subspecies is needed to determine if divergent lineages are present and to what degree, and if so, is subspecific recognition warranted.Conduct distribution and abundance surveys.No data gaps or research needs were identified.Investigate interspecies competition between Chuck-will's-widows and Whip-poor-wills with and emphasis on the recent range expansion of Chuck-wills-widows.Estimate population size and status.Determine impacts of human activity.Information is needed on breeding distribution and abundance.Determine the effects of prescribed fire on nesting habitat.LVAL  Z2(Need to obtain baseline information on distribution and population status.Need to obtain baseline information on distribution and population status.Need to obtain baseline information on distribution and population status.Determine the effects of prescribed burning on populations.Need to obtain baseline information on distribution and population status.Need to obtain baseline information on distribution and population status.Need to obtain baseline information on distribution and population status.Need to obtain baseline information on distribution and population status.Additional genetic research is needed to delineate boundaries between each of the Grotto Salamander clades. The  western clade of Grotto Salamanders is currently known only from the northwestern counties of Benton and Washington. The  western clade has presumed boundaries with the  eastern clade in the vicinity of Madison, Benton, Carroll, and Washington counties, yet the distribution of these boundaries is unclear. Further surveys and genetic analyses are needed in this region to evaluate the distributions of these clades and test if these clades warrant species recognition.Additional genetic research is needed to delineate boundaries between each of the Grotto Salamander clades. The western clade of Grotto Salamanders is currently known only from the northwestern counties of Benton and Washington. The  western clade has presumed boundaries with the  eastern clade in the vicinity of Madison, Benton, Carroll, and Washington counties, yet the distribution of these boundaries is unclear. Further surveys and genetic analyses are needed in this region to evaluate the distributions of these clades and test if these clades warrant species recognition.Monitor Red River population and determine reproductive success as well as causes of nest and nestling mortality.Determine the impacts of toxins, heavy metals, and pesticides.LVALlD    \ f>4n.Conduct genetic analysis of Pleurobema to determine geographic extent of P. sintoxia in Arkansas. Review distribution and abundance based on taxonomic status.Conduct genetic analysis of Pleurobema to determine geographic extent of P. riddellii in Arkansas. Review distribution and abundance based on taxonomic status.Determine host fish availability.Determine habitat preferences and availability.Determine environmental stressors such as nutrient loading, toxicity to chemicals and metals, sedimentation effects, etc.Conduct genetic research to determine phylogenetic relationships.Identify threats and sources of threats.Determine host fish suitability and availability.Identify threats and sources of threats.Determine host fish suitability and availability.Describe species and determine distribution.Determine specific habitat requirements.The status of known populations should be assessed.Surveys to locate other potential populations are needed.More information is needed on the specie's ecology and behavior.Surveys are needed to determine distribution and abundance.Determine milkweed species preferences.Further distribution and abundance survey work needed.Further distribution and abundance survey work needed.Need to obtain baseline information on distribution and population status.More research is needed to determine whether populations in the southwestern portion of the species range might actually be a second, cryptic species with its own set of habitat needs.Need to obtain baseline information on distribution and population status.Need to obtain baseline information on distribution and population status.Need to obtain baseline information on distribution and population status.Need to obtain baseline information on distribution and population status.Need to obtain baseline information on distribution and population status.Need to obtain baseline information on distribution and population status.nLVAL"J f  `  x vtj6@TX~Determine downstream eel mortality through turbines at Arkansas and Ouachita River system dams.Conduct status surveys, especially for the St. Francis River.Determine distribution and habitat requirements.Identify habitat requirements and threats.Identify habitat requirements and threats.Identify habitat requirements and threats.Identify habitat requirements and threats.Identify habitat requirements and threats.Survey for additional populations.Determine habitat requirements and threats.Identify habitat requirements and threats.Determine status of known populations.Identify habitat requirements and threats.Examine population genetics, particularly any differences between Boston Mountain and Ozark Plateau populations.Identify habitat requirements and threats.Information is needed on status and distribution rangewide, especially outside of Arkansas.Examine population genetics and gene flow between potentially isolated populations.Assess risk from potential introduced species.Identify habitat requirements and threats.Determine species distribution in Arkansas.Confirm taxonomic status of potential related new species.Identify habitat requirements and threats.Determine threat from introduced species and mechanisms of displacement.Identify habitat requirements and threats.Survey for additional populations.Determine impact of introduced crayfish.Determine taxonomic and genetic status of subpopulations.Survey for additional populations.Determine catch rates for pallid sturgeon in the lower Arkansas and St. Francis rivers during winter.Determine the amount of thermally suitable habitat for the species.Determine if the Robinson Fork population has been extirpated. Conduct genetic analysis and comparison of White River, Arkansas River and Ouachita River watershed populations.Conduct genetic analysis of Quadrula to determine species extent.Survey additional localities in Southeast Arkansas to determine species geographic extent.JJeF'oP1 \ =  n O  | ] >  N /  { ? fG T5}^? f* vKR@ j  vJ@ j  "IIdentify migration corridors.55  "H|@j  "GConduct life history study.33  "F*@j  E@j  kD@j  gCj@j  eBj@j  0A@j  "@N@j  "?\@j  ">@i  l=@i  <Describe new Ozark species.33  ;@i  ::@i  94@i  "7@i  "6Conduct distribution survey.44  "5J@i  "4Conduct life history study.33  "3H@i  "2Conduct life history study.33  "1H@i  "0!Determine habitat requirements.77  "/|@i  ".Z@i  "-Conduct life history study.33  ",J@i  "+Conduct life history study.33  "*H@i  ")Conduct life history study.33  "(Conduct baseline surveys.11  "'V@ i  "&H@ i  "%Conduct life history study.33  "$H@ i  "#Determine spawning sites.11  ""Z@ i  "!Conduct life history study.33  " H@ i  "H@i  "Conduct life history study.33  "H@i  "H@i  "H@i  "Refine range delineation.11  "H@i  "Refine range delineation.11  "H@i  "Refine range delineation.11  "Conduct life history study.33  "H@i  "Refine range delineation.11  "Conduct life-history studies.55  "H@i  "@i  "@!g  "z@ g  " `@g  " T@g  " Determine taxonomic status.33  " T@g  " T@g  "T@g  "T@g  "D@g  "V@g  "T@g  "L@g  "T@g  "@g  LVAL`@ h ~ 6 P  0 V f^Conduct population estimate surveys at known and newly discovered sites.The  eastern clade contains only metamorphic populations, whereas the  western and  southwestern clades of the Oklahoma Salamander have both metamorphic (aquatic larvae and terrestrial adults) and paedomorphic (fully aquatic) populations. Therefore, further surveys and genetic analyses are needed to define the distribution of these two life history modes.As Mute Swans continue to expand into the current Trumpeter Swan breeding and wintering ranges, an understanding of the competitive interaction between these 2 species is needed to understand how the expansion of this exotic species may impact Trumpeter Swans.Specific data on the exact routes and sites used during migration and on the wintering grounds are needed to adequately protect and manage critical habitats.Information is needed on the differences in foraging ecology and nutritional needs between swans foraging on agricultural crops versus aquatic vegetation.Assess abundance in the middle White River and the Current River.Determine distribution and abundance.Conduct baseline population surveys.Conduct baseline population surveys.Determine distribution and abundance in the Mississippi River.Determine genetics of the Current River form.Determine distribution and abundance.Conduct baseline population surveys.Determine abundance in large river surveys.Conduct baseline population surveys.Conduct baseline population surveys.Conduct targeted baseline population surveys.Conduct baseline population surveys.Conduct baseline population surveys.Conduct baseline population surveys.Conduct baseline population surveys.Conduct baseline population surveys.Conduct baseline population surveys.Conduct baseline population surveys.Conduct baseline population surveys.Conduct baseline population surveys.Determine the timing and magnitude of out-migration of eels to spawning grounds.LLVAL VL V X pData on effects of low-intensity agriculture and urban development on aquatic and terrestrial habitat suitability are needed to guide habitat protection and restoration.Data on extent of terrestrial habitat use and specific habitat requirements of adults are needed to guide habitat protection and restoration.Identify important areas or "hot spots" for breeding Monarchs.Conduct genetic analysis of Pleurobema to determine if P. rubrum is present in Arkansas. Review distribution and abundance based on taxonomic status.Determine if species is nesting and successfully fledging young on Sulphur River Wildlife Management Area.Determine genetic structure among extant populations across the range.Continue searching for species using eDNA technology.Continue searching for species using eDNA technology.Conduct additional genetic analysis of Ouachita River and Red River populations.Conduct life history and ecology study.Assess genetic diversity of known populations.Jm {]`lMMMMMMMMM M M M M MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM M!M"M#M$M%M&M'M(M)M*M+M,M-M.M/M0 M1 M2 M3 M4 M5M6M7M8M9M:M;M<M=M>M?M@MAMBMCMDMEMFMG MH!MI"MJ#MK$ML%MM&MN'MO(MP)MQ*MR+MS,MT-MU.MV/MW0MX1MY2MZ3M[4M\5M]6M^7M_8M`9Ma:Mb<Mc=Md>Me?Mf@MgAMhBMiCMjEPFPGPHPIPKPLPMPNPOP PP QP RP SP TPUPVPWPXPZP]P_P`PaPbPcPdPePfPgPjPmPnP oP!pP"qP#rP$sP%tP&uP'vP(wP)xP*yP+zP,{P-|P.}P/~P0P1P2P3P4P5P6P7P8P9P:P;P<P=P>P?P@PAPBPCPDPEPFPGPHPIPJPKPLPMPNPOPPRRRRRRRRRR R R R R RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR 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Arkansas River------------------------- South Central Plains - Ouachita River1111111111111111111111111 Ouachita Mountains - Ouachita River///////////////////////// ,Boston Mountains - White River************************* ,Ozark Highlands - White River))))))))))))))))))))))))) South Central Plains - Red River,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, South Central Plains - Ouachita River1111111111111111111111111 Ozark Highlands - White River))))))))))))))))))))))))) Boston Mountains - White River************************* ~Boston Mountains - Arkansas River------------------------- ~Ozark Highlands - Arkansas River,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, "South Central Plains - Red River,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,  *Ouachita Mountains - Red River*************************  *Ouachita Mountains - Ouachita River/////////////////////////  SOuachita Mountains - Ouachita River/////////////////////////  Arkansas Valley - Arkansas River,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Boston Mountains - White River************************* Boston Mountains - Arkansas River------------------------- LOzark Highlands - White River))))))))))))))))))))))))) LOuachita Mountains - Ouachita River///////////////////////// LOuachita Mountains - Red River************************* KBoston Mountains - Arkansas River------------------------- KOuachita Mountains - Ouachita River///////////////////////// KSouth Central Plains - Red River,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, YOzark Highlands - Arkansas River,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, OSouth Central Plains - Ouachita River1111111111111111111111111 NOzark Highlands - White River))))))))))))))))))))))))) VArkansas Valley - Arkansas River,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, [Arkansas Valley - Arkansas River,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ZOuachita Mountains - Arkansas River///////////////////////// XOzark Highlands - White River))))))))))))))))))))))))) XOzark Highlands - Arkansas River,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, XOuachita Mountains - Red River************************* :t$x> P  0 ? W c(K|DzE~ IvMississippi River Alluvial Plain - St. Francis River@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ HvMississippi River Alluvial Plain - White River::::::::::::::::::::::::: GvOzark Highlands - White River))))))))))))))))))))))))) FvBoston Mountains - White River************************* EvOzark Highlands - Arkansas River,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, DvArkansas Valley - Arkansas River,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, CvOuachita Mountains - Arkansas River///////////////////////// BvOuachita Mountains - Red River************************* AvSouth Central Plains - Red River,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, @vOuachita Mountains - Ouachita River///////////////////////// ?vSouth Central Plains - Ouachita River1111111111111111111111111 >mBoston Mountains - White River************************* =*South Central Plains - Red River,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, <*Ouachita Mountains - Arkansas River///////////////////////// ;*Mississippi River Alluvial Plain - St. Francis River@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ :*Ozark Highlands - White River))))))))))))))))))))))))) 9South Central Plains - Ouachita River1111111111111111111111111 8Ouachita Mountains - Ouachita River///////////////////////// 7Boston Mountains - Arkansas River------------------------- 5rMississippi River Alluvial Plain - St. Francis River@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 4sMississippi River Alluvial Plain - St. Francis River@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 3sMississippi River Alluvial Plain - White River::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2tMississippi River Alluvial Plain - White River::::::::::::::::::::::::: 1tSouth Central Plains - Red River,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 0tMississippi River Alluvial Plain (Bayou Bartholomew) - Ouachita RiverQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ /tMississippi River Alluvial Plain - St. Francis River@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ .tSouth Central Plains - Ouachita River1111111111111111111111111 -uMississippi River Alluvial Plain - White River::::::::::::::::::::::::: ,uOzark Highlands - White River))))))))))))))))))))))))) +uBoston Mountains - White River************************* *Mississippi River Alluvial Plain - St. Francis River@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ )Mississippi River Alluvial Plain - White River::::::::::::::::::::::::: (Arkansas Valley - Arkansas River,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 'South Central Plains - Ouachita River1111111111111111111111111 &Ouachita Mountains - Ouachita River///////////////////////// %Mississippi River Alluvial Plain (Lake Chicot) - Mississippi RiverNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN  t%3_ 2 D ~  D u Gj=eCfdr$Mississippi River Alluvial Plain (Lake Chicot) - Mississippi RiverNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN q$Mississippi River Alluvial Plain - St. Francis River@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ p$Mississippi River Alluvial Plain - White River::::::::::::::::::::::::: o$Ouachita Mountains - Ouachita River///////////////////////// n$South Central Plains - Ouachita River1111111111111111111111111 l%Ouachita Mountains - Ouachita River///////////////////////// k&Ouachita Mountains - Ouachita River///////////////////////// j&South Central Plains - Ouachita River1111111111111111111111111 iMississippi River Alluvial Plain - St. Francis River@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ hMississippi River Alluvial Plain - White River::::::::::::::::::::::::: gBoston Mountains - White River************************* fOzark Highlands - White River))))))))))))))))))))))))) eBoston Mountains - Arkansas River------------------------- blOzark Highlands - White River))))))))))))))))))))))))) aaOzark Highlands - White River))))))))))))))))))))))))) `cMississippi River Alluvial Plain - St. Francis River@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ _cMississippi River Alluvial Plain - White River::::::::::::::::::::::::: ^cOzark Highlands - White River))))))))))))))))))))))))) ]cArkansas Valley - Arkansas River,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, \cSouth Central Plains - Red River,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, [cMississippi River Alluvial Plain (Bayou Bartholomew) - Ouachita RiverQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ ZcSouth Central Plains - Ouachita River1111111111111111111111111 YdBoston Mountains - White River************************* XdMississippi River Alluvial Plain - White River::::::::::::::::::::::::: WdOzark Highlands - White River))))))))))))))))))))))))) VeOzark Highlands - White River))))))))))))))))))))))))) UfOzark Highlands - White River))))))))))))))))))))))))) ThOzark Highlands - White River))))))))))))))))))))))))) RqMississippi River Alluvial Plain - St. Francis River@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ QqMississippi River Alluvial Plain - White River::::::::::::::::::::::::: PqOzark Highlands - White River))))))))))))))))))))))))) OqBoston Mountains - White River************************* NqArkansas Valley - Arkansas River,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, MqOuachita Mountains - Arkansas River///////////////////////// LqSouth Central Plains - Ouachita River1111111111111111111111111 KkOzark Highlands - Arkansas River,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, JkBoston Mountains - Arkansas River------------------------- t&)L r  3 Y ' ` (\R%Q$6bOuachita Mountains - Ouachita River///////////////////////// South Central Plains - Ouachita River1111111111111111111111111 +Mississippi River Alluvial Plain - St. Francis River@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ +Mississippi River Alluvial Plain - White River::::::::::::::::::::::::: +Ozark Highlands - White River))))))))))))))))))))))))) +Boston Mountains - White River************************* +Arkansas Valley - Arkansas River,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, +Ouachita Mountains - Ouachita River///////////////////////// +South Central Plains - Ouachita River1111111111111111111111111 )Boston Mountains - White River************************* )Ozark Highlands - White River))))))))))))))))))))))))) )Ozark Highlands - Arkansas River,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, )Boston Mountains - Arkansas River------------------------- )Arkansas Valley - Arkansas River,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, )Ouachita Mountains - Arkansas River///////////////////////// )Ouachita Mountains - Ouachita River///////////////////////// )South Central Plains - Ouachita River1111111111111111111111111 )South Central Plains - Red River,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, (South Central Plains - Red River,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, (Ouachita Mountains - Red River************************* (Ouachita Mountains - Ouachita River///////////////////////// (South Central Plains - Ouachita River1111111111111111111111111 (Ozark Highlands - White River))))))))))))))))))))))))) (Boston Mountains - White River************************* (Ozark Highlands - Arkansas River,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, (Arkansas Valley - Arkansas River,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, (Ozark Highlands - Arkansas River,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, xMississippi River Alluvial Plain - White River::::::::::::::::::::::::: ~xSouth Central Plains - Red River,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, }xOuachita Mountains - Ouachita River///////////////////////// |xSouth Central Plains - Ouachita River1111111111111111111111111 {#South Central Plains - Ouachita River1111111111111111111111111 z#South Central Plains - Red River,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, y#Mississippi River Alluvial Plain - White River::::::::::::::::::::::::: x#Ozark Highlands - White River))))))))))))))))))))))))) woMississippi River Alluvial Plain - St. Francis River@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ voMississippi River Alluvial Plain - White River::::::::::::::::::::::::: uoOzark Highlands - White River))))))))))))))))))))))))) 6t%1g  F y   3 d1jn4j/[4Ouachita Mountains - Arkansas River///////////////////////// 4Ouachita Mountains - Red River************************* 4Ouachita Mountains - Ouachita River///////////////////////// 4South Central Plains - Ouachita River1111111111111111111111111 1Mississippi River Alluvial Plain - White River::::::::::::::::::::::::: 1Ozark Highlands - White River))))))))))))))))))))))))) 1Boston Mountains - White River************************* 1Ozark Highlands - Arkansas River,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 1Ouachita Mountains - Red River************************* 1South Central Plains - Red River,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 1Ouachita Mountains - Ouachita River///////////////////////// 1South Central Plains - Ouachita River1111111111111111111111111 0Mississippi River Alluvial Plain (Lake Chicot) - Mississippi RiverNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN 0Mississippi River Alluvial Plain - White River::::::::::::::::::::::::: 0Ozark Highlands - White River))))))))))))))))))))))))) 0Boston Mountains - White River************************* 0Ozark Highlands - Arkansas River,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 0Ouachita Mountains - Arkansas River///////////////////////// 0Ouachita Mountains - Red River************************* 0South Central Plains - Red River,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 0Ouachita Mountains - Ouachita River///////////////////////// 0South Central Plains - Ouachita River1111111111111111111111111 /Mississippi Valley Loess Plains - St. Francis River????????????????????????? /Mississippi River Alluvial Plain (Bayou Bartholomew) - Ouachita RiverQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ /Mississippi River Alluvial Plain - White River::::::::::::::::::::::::: /Ozark Highlands - White River))))))))))))))))))))))))) /Boston Mountains - Arkansas River------------------------- /Arkansas Valley - Arkansas River,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, /South Central Plains - Red River,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, /South Central Plains - Ouachita River1111111111111111111111111 Mississippi Valley Loess Plains - St. Francis River????????????????????????? Mississippi River Alluvial Plain - White River::::::::::::::::::::::::: Ozark Highlands - White River))))))))))))))))))))))))) Boston Mountains - White River************************* Arkansas Valley - Arkansas River,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Ouachita Mountains - Arkansas River///////////////////////// South Central Plains - Red River,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, =t%3j |  B u  : f  3f+Fr 4OyMississippi River Alluvial Plain - St. Francis River@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ yMississippi River Alluvial Plain - White River::::::::::::::::::::::::: yArkansas Valley - Arkansas River,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ySouth Central Plains - Red River,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ySouth Central Plains - Ouachita River1111111111111111111111111 {Mississippi River Alluvial Plain - St. Francis River@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ {Mississippi River Alluvial Plain - White River::::::::::::::::::::::::: {Boston Mountains - White River************************* {South Central Plains - Red River,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, {Ouachita Mountains - Ouachita River///////////////////////// {South Central Plains - Ouachita River1111111111111111111111111 DSouth Central Plains - Ouachita River1111111111111111111111111 |Mississippi River Alluvial Plain - St. Francis River@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ |Mississippi River Alluvial Plain - White River::::::::::::::::::::::::: |Ozark Highlands - White River))))))))))))))))))))))))) |Boston Mountains - White River************************* |Ozark Highlands - Arkansas River,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, |Boston Mountains - Arkansas River------------------------- |Arkansas Valley - Arkansas River,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, |Ouachita Mountains - Arkansas River///////////////////////// |Ouachita Mountains - Red River************************* |Ouachita Mountains - Ouachita River///////////////////////// |South Central Plains - Ouachita River1111111111111111111111111 8Mississippi River Alluvial Plain - White River::::::::::::::::::::::::: 8Ozark Highlands - White River))))))))))))))))))))))))) 8Boston Mountains - White River************************* 7Ouachita Mountains - Arkansas River///////////////////////// 7Ouachita Mountains - Red River************************* 7South Central Plains - Red River,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 7Ouachita Mountains - Ouachita River///////////////////////// 7South Central Plains - Ouachita River1111111111111111111111111 4Mississippi River Alluvial Plain - St. Francis River@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 4Mississippi River Alluvial Plain - White River::::::::::::::::::::::::: 4Ozark Highlands - White River))))))))))))))))))))))))) 4Ozark Highlands - Arkansas River,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 4Boston Mountains - Arkansas River------------------------- 4Arkansas Valley - Arkansas River,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ^t#2D u  > ] ! [ jw.ap ,Mississippi River Alluvial Plain - St. Francis River@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Mississippi River Alluvial Plain - Arkansas River=========================  Arkansas Valley - Arkansas River,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,  Mississippi River Alluvial Plain (Lake Chicot) - Mississippi RiverNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN  Mississippi River Alluvial Plain - Arkansas River=========================  Mississippi River Alluvial Plain - St. Francis River@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@  Mississippi River Alluvial Plain - White River::::::::::::::::::::::::: Mississippi River Alluvial Plain - St. Francis River@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ {Mississippi River Alluvial Plain (Lake Chicot) - Mississippi RiverNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN yOuachita Mountains - Arkansas River///////////////////////// 4Boston Mountains - White River************************* /Ouachita Mountains - Ouachita River///////////////////////// lMississippi River Alluvial Plain - St. Francis River@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ UOuachita Mountains - Ouachita River///////////////////////// "Ozark Highlands - Arkansas River,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, dMississippi Valley Loess Plains - St. Francis River????????????????????????? zMississippi River Alluvial Plain - St. Francis River@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ zMississippi River Alluvial Plain (Bayou Bartholomew) - Ouachita RiverQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ zSouth Central Plains - Red River,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, gOzark Highlands - White River))))))))))))))))))))))))) iOzark Highlands - White River))))))))))))))))))))))))) nSouth Central Plains - Red River,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, pSouth Central Plains - Ouachita River1111111111111111111111111 jSouth Central Plains - Ouachita River1111111111111111111111111 Boston Mountains - Arkansas River------------------------- Mississippi River Alluvial Plain - St. Francis River@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ South Central Plains - Ouachita River1111111111111111111111111 South Central Plains - Red River,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, South Central Plains - Red River,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Arkansas Valley - Arkansas River,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Ouachita Mountains - Arkansas River///////////////////////// .Mississippi River Alluvial Plain - St. Francis River@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ .Mississippi River Alluvial Plain - White River::::::::::::::::::::::::: .Ozark Highlands - White River))))))))))))))))))))))))) .South Central Plains - Ouachita River1111111111111111111111111 Yt$(Y h }   K } AtDzN7"Ouachita Mountains - Ouachita River///////////////////////// 6"Ouachita Mountains - Ouachita River///////////////////////// 5TOuachita Mountains - Red River************************* 4Ouachita Mountains - Arkansas River///////////////////////// 3Arkansas Valley - White River))))))))))))))))))))))))) 2Arkansas Valley - Arkansas River,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 1Arkansas Valley - White River))))))))))))))))))))))))) 0Boston Mountains - White River************************* /WArkansas Valley - Arkansas River,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, .NBoston Mountains - Arkansas River------------------------- -NBoston Mountains - White River************************* ,Mississippi River Alluvial Plain - 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White River::::::::::::::::::::::::: Mississippi River Alluvial Plain - St. Francis River@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Mississippi River Alluvial Plain - Arkansas River========================= Mississippi River Alluvial Plain - White River::::::::::::::::::::::::: Mississippi River Alluvial Plain - Arkansas River========================= Mississippi River Alluvial Plain - St. Francis River@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Boston Mountains - White River************************* South Central Plains - Ouachita River1111111111111111111111111 Mississippi River Alluvial Plain - White River::::::::::::::::::::::::: Boston Mountains - White River************************* /t%/` ( 7 ] {  " Xj4k&Z)X]"Arkansas Valley - Arkansas River,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, \"South Central Plains - Ouachita River1111111111111111111111111 ["South Central Plains - Ouachita River1111111111111111111111111 Z"Ozark Highlands - Arkansas River,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Y"Ouachita Mountains - Red River************************* X"Ouachita Mountains - 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Mississippi RiverNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN F"South Central Plains - Red River,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, E"South Central Plains - Ouachita River1111111111111111111111111 D"Ouachita Mountains - Ouachita River///////////////////////// C"Mississippi Valley Loess Plains - St. Francis River????????????????????????? B"Mississippi River Alluvial Plain - White River::::::::::::::::::::::::: A"Arkansas Valley - Arkansas River,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, @"Mississippi River Alluvial Plain (Bayou Bartholomew) - Ouachita RiverQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ ?"South Central Plains - Red River,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, >"South Central Plains - Ouachita River1111111111111111111111111 ="Ozark Highlands - Arkansas River,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, <"Boston Mountains - Arkansas River------------------------- ;"South Central Plains - Red River,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, :"Ouachita Mountains - Arkansas River///////////////////////// 9"Arkansas Valley - Arkansas River,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 8"South Central Plains - Ouachita River1111111111111111111111111 %t%,R P  . 2 ` ,c#HwGzG}"Ouachita Mountains - Red River************************* "Arkansas Valley - Arkansas River,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, "Boston Mountains - Arkansas River------------------------- "Ozark Highlands - Arkansas River,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, "Arkansas Valley - Arkansas River,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, "Boston Mountains - Arkansas River------------------------- "Ozark Highlands - Arkansas River,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ~"Ouachita Mountains - Ouachita River///////////////////////// }"Ozark Highlands - White River))))))))))))))))))))))))) |"Boston Mountains - White River************************* {"South Central Plains - Red River,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, z"South Central Plains - Ouachita River1111111111111111111111111 y"Mississippi River Alluvial Plain - Arkansas River========================= w"Boston Mountains - White River************************* v"Arkansas Valley - Arkansas River,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, u"Mississippi River Alluvial Plain - White River::::::::::::::::::::::::: t"Ozark Highlands - Arkansas River,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, s"Ozark Highlands - White River))))))))))))))))))))))))) r"South Central Plains - Red River,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, q"South Central Plains - Ouachita River1111111111111111111111111 p"Ozark Highlands - White River))))))))))))))))))))))))) o"Ozark Highlands - Arkansas River,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, m"Ouachita Mountains - Ouachita River///////////////////////// l"Ouachita Mountains - Arkansas River///////////////////////// k"Mississippi River Alluvial Plain (Lake Chicot) - Mississippi RiverNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN i"Mississippi River Alluvial Plain - White River::::::::::::::::::::::::: h"Mississippi River Alluvial Plain - St. Francis River@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ g"Mississippi River Alluvial Plain - Arkansas River========================= f"Boston Mountains - White River************************* e"Boston Mountains - Arkansas River------------------------- d"Arkansas Valley - Arkansas River,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, c"Mississippi River Alluvial Plain - Arkansas River========================= b"Mississippi River Alluvial Plain (Bayou Bartholomew) - Ouachita RiverQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ a"Mississippi River Alluvial Plain - White River::::::::::::::::::::::::: `"South Central Plains - Red River,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, _"South Central Plains - Ouachita River1111111111111111111111111 ^"Ouachita Mountains - Ouachita River///////////////////////// dt#); j ( a  0 Ca26T,"Mississippi River Alluvial Plain - White River::::::::::::::::::::::::: "Ozark Highlands - White River))))))))))))))))))))))))) "Mississippi River Alluvial Plain (Lake Chicot) - Mississippi RiverNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN "Mississippi River Alluvial Plain - White River::::::::::::::::::::::::: "Mississippi River Alluvial Plain (Lake Chicot) - Mississippi RiverNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN "Mississippi River Alluvial Plain - Arkansas River========================= "Ouachita Mountains - Red River************************* "South Central Plains - Red River,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, "South Central Plains - Ouachita River1111111111111111111111111 "Mississippi River Alluvial Plain - Arkansas River========================= "Mississippi River Alluvial Plain - White River::::::::::::::::::::::::: "Mississippi River Alluvial Plain (Lake Chicot) - Mississippi RiverNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN "Ozark Highlands - White River))))))))))))))))))))))))) "Arkansas Valley - Arkansas River,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, "South Central Plains - Red River,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, "South Central Plains - Ouachita River1111111111111111111111111 "Mississippi River Alluvial Plain - Arkansas River========================= "Mississippi River Alluvial Plain - White River::::::::::::::::::::::::: "Mississippi Valley Loess Plains - St. Francis River????????????????????????? "Mississippi River Alluvial Plain (Lake Chicot) - Mississippi RiverNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN "South Central Plains - Red River,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, "Ouachita Mountains - Red River************************* "South Central Plains - Ouachita River1111111111111111111111111 "Mississippi River Alluvial Plain - White River::::::::::::::::::::::::: "Boston Mountains - White River************************* "Ozark Highlands - White River))))))))))))))))))))))))) "Ozark Highlands - White River))))))))))))))))))))))))) "South Central Plains - Red River,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, "Mississippi Valley Loess Plains - St. Francis River????????????????????????? "Arkansas Valley - Arkansas River,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, "South Central Plains - Ouachita River1111111111111111111111111 "Arkansas Valley - Arkansas River,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, "Mississippi River Alluvial Plain (Lake Chicot) - Mississippi RiverNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN "Mississippi River Alluvial Plain - White River::::::::::::::::::::::::: "Ozark Highlands - White River))))))))))))))))))))))))) 5t%9e  W l  : tDu 8m8]Y"Ozark Highlands - White River))))))))))))))))))))))))) "Ouachita Mountains - Ouachita River///////////////////////// "Mississippi Valley Loess Plains - St. Francis River????????????????????????? "Mississippi River Alluvial Plain (Bayou Bartholomew) - Ouachita RiverQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ "Mississippi River Alluvial Plain - White River::::::::::::::::::::::::: "Boston Mountains - Arkansas River------------------------- "Arkansas Valley - Arkansas River,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, "South Central Plains - Red River,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, "Ouachita Mountains - Arkansas River///////////////////////// "Ouachita Mountains - Red River************************* "Boston Mountains - Arkansas River------------------------- "Ouachita Mountains - Ouachita River///////////////////////// "Ouachita Mountains - Arkansas River///////////////////////// "South Central Plains - Ouachita River1111111111111111111111111 "Ouachita Mountains - Red River************************* *South Central Plains - Ouachita River1111111111111111111111111 lBoston Mountains - Arkansas River------------------------- lOzark Highlands - White River))))))))))))))))))))))))) "Ozark Highlands - Arkansas River,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, "Ozark Highlands - White River))))))))))))))))))))))))) Arkansas Valley - White River))))))))))))))))))))))))) "Ozark Highlands - White River))))))))))))))))))))))))) "South Central Plains - Red River,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, "Ouachita Mountains - Arkansas River///////////////////////// Mississippi River Alluvial Plain (Lake Chicot) - Mississippi RiverNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN "Ozark Highlands - White River))))))))))))))))))))))))) Ozark Highlands - White River))))))))))))))))))))))))) Ozark Highlands - Arkansas River,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Mississippi River Alluvial Plain - White River::::::::::::::::::::::::: Mississippi River Alluvial Plain - St. Francis River@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Mississippi River Alluvial Plain - Arkansas River========================= "Mississippi River Alluvial Plain - St. Francis River@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ "Arkansas Valley - Arkansas River,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, "South Central Plains - Ouachita River1111111111111111111111111 "Ouachita Mountains - Ouachita River///////////////////////// "Ozark Highlands - White River))))))))))))))))))))))))) "Boston Mountains - White River************************* t/Y / i  & \ |  ~MSouth Central Plains - Ouachita River1111111111111111111111111 Ozark Highlands - White River))))))))))))))))))))))))) Ozark Highlands - White River))))))))))))))))))))))))) Mississippi River Alluvial Plain (Lake Chicot) - Mississippi RiverNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN Mississippi River Alluvial Plain (Lake Chicot) - Mississippi RiverNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN "Mississippi River Alluvial Plain (Lake Chicot) - Mississippi RiverNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN South Central Plains - Red River,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, "Mississippi River Alluvial Plain - St. Francis River@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ "South Central Plains - Red River,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,  South Central Plains - Red River,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Ouachita Mountains - Red River************************* Ouachita Mountains - Arkansas River///////////////////////// "Mississippi River Alluvial Plain - White River::::::::::::::::::::::::: "Arkansas Valley - 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HelenaMississippi River Alluvial Plain - White River\Mississippi Alluvial Plain Lower Miss. 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Kerr ReservoirOuachita Mountains - Arkansas RiverPOuachita Mountains Lower WhiteOuachita Mountains - Arkansas River> QY OuachitNY  Y  Y  Y  Y  Y  Y  Y  Y ? Y  d Y  Y  Y  Y Y   Y   Y dY  Y  Y Ecobasin_LUT_IDIndicator_Name*Indicator_Description Indicator_SourcePoor_LevelFair_LevelGood_LevelVery_Good_Level,Indicator_Level_Source:Level_Information_ReliabilityCurrent_StatusIndicator_Value<Status_Information_ReliabilityOther_CommentsID Status_RationaleGoalInd_Weight&Conservation_Action&Monitoring_Strategy:YYYIDKey_Factor_IDPrimaryKey       v1b N  : k &    _YVN Y Y EcoBasinIDfNV-YYIDPrimaryKeyv1@  FY T  B  Arkansas Valley - White River%Mississippi Valley Loess Plains - St. Francis River;Mississippi Valley Loess Plains - White River5Mississippi River Alluvial Plain (Lake Chicot) - Mississippi RiverJMississippi River Alluvial Plain - St. Francis River< Mississippi River Alluvial Plain - White River6 Boston Mountains - White River& Ozark Highlands - White River% Ozark Highlands - Arkansas River( Mississippi River Alluvial Plain - Arkansas River9Arkansas Valley - Arkansas River(Ouachita Mountains - Arkansas River+Boston Mountains - Arkansas River)South Central Plains - Red River(Ouachita Mountains - Red River&Mississippi River Alluvial Plain (Bayou Bartholomew) - Ouachita RiverMSouth Central Plains - Ouachita River-Ouachita Mountains - Ouachita River+~  @ @          ~  @ @          LVAL\TfDj,(LMussel_Query.Mississippi_Valley_Loess_PlainsMussel_Query.Mississippi_Alluvial_PlainsMussel_Query.South_Central_PlainsMussel_Query.[Terrestrial or Aquatic]Trend_LUT.Trend_Text = Mammal_Query.Population_TrendS_Rank_LUT.S_Rank = Mammal_Query.S_RankG_Rank_LUT.G_Rank = Mammal_Query.G_Rank((g_rank_lut.score_value+s_rank_lut.score_value)*[Trend_Multiplier])/0.2625Mammal_Query.Mississippi_Valley_Loess_PlainsMammal_Query.Mississippi_Alluvial_PlainsMammal_Query.South_Central_PlainsMammal_Query.[Terrestrial or Aquatic]Key_Factor.ID = Indicator.Key_Factor_IDHabitat.ID = Key_Factor.Conservation_Target_IDSpecies_and_Habitats.Weight = Weights_LUT.WeightSpecies_and_Habitats.Habitat = Habitat.Habitat_NameSpecies.ID = Species_and_Habitats.Species_ID[common_name] & " (" & [scientific_name] & ") Weight: " & [description]SELECT "Ozark Mountains" as Ecoregion, round(sum(viability_score),0) as EcoregionScore FROM All_Species_Ranked WHERE Ozarks = trueSELECT "Boston Mountains" as Ecoregion, round(sum(viability_score),0) as EcoregionScore FROM All_Species_Ranked WHERE Boston_Mountains = true UNION ALL SELECT "Arkansas Valley" as Ecoregion, round(sum(viability_score),0) as EcoregionScore FROM All_Species_Ranked WHERE Arkansas_Valley = true UNION ALL SELECT "Ouachita Mountains" as Ecoregion, round(sum(viability_score),0) as EcoregionScore FROM All_Species_Ranked WHERE Ouachitas = true UNION ALL SELECT "South Central Plains" as Ecoregion, round(sum(viability_score),0) as EcoregionScore FROM All_Species_Ranked WHERE South_Central_Plains = true UNION ALL SELECT "Mississippi Alluvial Plains" as Ecoregion, round(sum(viability_score),0) as EcoregionScore FROM All_Species_Ranked WHERE Mississippi_Alluvial_Plains = true UNION ALL SELECT "Mississippi Valley Loess Plains" as Ecoregion, round(sum(viability_score),0) as EcoregionScore FROM All_Species_Ranked WHERE Mississippi_Valley_Loess_Plains = true  1YNY Y Y  Y Y  Y  Y Y _DataFileDataFileFlagsFileNameFileTimeStampFileTypeFileURL$MSysResources_DataopnSTgea:rte oireYYY _Data$IdxFKPrimaryScalar$MSysComplexPKIndexs v1b @ LVALP x^Vy41TM%ٙƾd![,!K}Yf_2((˘d )I;{=}s><|6@EYpxB(̈+p~KPN[-_@W@P?;3GMe:d)âf F``Ex=!K?ƓVZ> e.^C.BBhgWhJlPsfUL6@XT72y3&+QDF2ͱTZ֚Yim䶆Xz`P }a6H=* t9J>g㺽9-\~=3/Ǣl(9:9֯隵^ S4r:J=evA -he`I4]BlL@r'&e){R'*v8FhXFjq4#TajV,(iBO䜄j2o:pQ0~f1x ^;|_fiVrE焏b;ZeWFk+'ӇTzWh.[%2/zBc!LcA|` sS(+@Ksl4buЈd=s+^1\R;䍥!ÏY4 0Hhhnߑo!_lJ\Y>: `S_eo]M!FBT %?ٶ>#9{5 !;#ʄ6-my IQV.T,ar/PB]|ȯmm?tbGaaPI`WOؼH?m4XoGNy.[`He1˖kl)׼A"j cN9`wY˰S:lW OufEF#L}q2WNBRޜr~ڋ3X_7*Mx!__}B&@Q,`QyrpXR$~_QI -*49vR$ɜTv]LmR0I@  ]F DgԛSw#YJ R]kNzAě wϦe:>\ˠg1&s ,ҵi^eIdC !a7VY缊 ˓jĢYQWsM%д`CVH<'ig׊⭮Ğ?rvZWw^@ ~m6Jfip7Pu .kZRsd [<\7 ]/=7J[q9 \jҪZ8T@p{1-=ִ`124Ux82> 木^>)FeCpVSI+l $ui{.Qm+ f=02ږΘ T`!psH(\ŵi&"-}SRVZbp-,t?& ~'đݝ3t]K:j4P"lm))͝DQOмɌ*4x)ߞCJ=e{mi&&ŧQ 0IQsE 5V!vfQyV)ʭSrݩ/'{-mI ' zʸvĒႜf/ů5z@:fLY'qw" |oB$\{erZeFM9{^maT8:; u 1b<(=v{ xS\pq_kvb ~)osPuD%mS<\񈖻@Hjuʁgf|$ekQPI*Bك/Sk._&lˁeb^]JbԺyV˃<ic0+x kT{a*{E3ygOSQJaL<l3-A}2`K8Sd5&<63F(}ϣ#x̽ s4 64QեZlYL#ы"BҰ| &1J T'ߊ(TH\ 65+8ztąv4 &ЊV ,7>1b=[ө='ߐ[;~xR N+-1'%؟47oKBK(B_0Vu @Office Theme.thmxthmxLHH@ dSSYMQmWQ`QmW`uEQ' W K  ?  Q U  I  aCq+i&fZn.i A# Habitat  G G   Ge Species_and_HabitatsWeights_LUT`@[O9 e Species_and_HabitatsHabitatf@SG9 e SpeciesSpecies_and_HabitatsX@SG e Weights_LUT.Description6 ge Species.Scientific_Name6 ge Species.Common_Name2 ge Habitat.Habitat_Name3 ge Text for Paste@9-- oe Weights_LUT''' e Habitat e Species_and_Habitats999 e Species e  Ge  Ge  e  Ge Species_and_HabitatsWeights_LUT`@[O9 e Species_and_HabitatsHabitatf@SG9 e SpeciesSpecies_and_HabitatsX@SG e Weights_LUT.Description6 ge Species.Scientific_Name6 ge Species.Common_Name2 ge Habitat.Habitat_Name3 ge Text for Paste@ 9-- ove Weights_LUT''' ve Habitat ve Species_and_Habitats999 ve Species e  Ge  Gve  e  G ooHabitat.Ozarks- g ooN@  g ooF@  g ooHabitat.South_Central_Plains; g ooHabitat.Ouachitas0 g ooHabitat.Arkansas_Valley6 g ooHabitat.Boston_Mountains7 g ooHabitat.Habitat_Name3 gooSpeciesAll_Species_Rankedx@ OC ooHabitatSpecies_and_Habitatsf@ SG ooSpeciesSpecies_and_HabitatsX@SG oo Habitat.Ozarks- gooN@ gooF@ gooHabitat.South_Central_Plains; gooHabitat.Ouachitas0 gooHabitat.Arkansas_Valley6 gooHabitat.Boston_Mountains7 gooHabitat ScoreP@7++ oooHabitat.Habitat_Name3 glooAll_Species_Ranked555 looSpecies_and_Habitats999 looSpecies looHabitat oo Goo Gloo oo Gs>^@ 's>Expr1L@' os>!Indicator.Indicator_Description> gs>Indicator###   @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @      !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqr  @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @3ac -Tl .I#E5Wm /J 0U1V6Xn>\e   B ^ r"!"C"_2K4L$Fg&h(HO ,S9<[=@AMfq7"D:Zbd+Rk*Qj)Pi;Yo?]p'GN%`8  @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @           ! "!#"$#%$&%(&)'*(+),*-+.,/-0.1/20314253647596:7;8<9=:>;?<@=A>B?C@DAEBFCGDHEJFKGLHMINJOKPLQMSNTOUPVQWRXSYTZU[V\W]X^Y_Z`[a\b]c^d_e`gahbicjdkelfngohpiqjrksltmunvowpxqyr  @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @           ! "!#"$#%$&%(&)'*(+),*-+.,/-0.1/20314253647596:7;8<9=:>;?<@=A>B?C@DAEBFCGDHEJFKGLHMINJOKPLQMSNTOUPVQWRXSYTZU[V\W]X^Y_Z`[a\b]c^d_e`gahbicjdkelfngohpiqjrksltmunvowpxqyrbY N Y d Y Y  GuildsDescriptionIDYYIDPrimaryKeyHv1b@@v LVALD L Aggregate of riparian, bottomland, and floodplain forests across all applicable habitat types.Mature pine dominated closed-canopy forest across all applicable habitat types.Mature hardwood dominated closed-canopy forests across all applicable habitat types.Pine, oak, and mixed open-canopy woodland conditions across all applicable habitat types.Shrublands and the shrubland stage of regenerating forests across all applicable habitat types.Open Habitats: Glades, barrens, grasslands and the grassland stage of regenerating forests across all applicable habitat types.{O'Riparian/Bottomland@'Pine Forest@Hardwood Forest@#Woodland@Shrubland@Open Habitat/Early Succession@1%  @  @ Y& N  &&&& Y  Y d Y  Y Y Y Y Y Y Y  Y  Y  Y  Habitat_NameTarget TypeDefinitionCitationIDImage_Number Boston_MountainsArkansas_ValleyOuachitas(South_Central_Plains6Mississippi_Alluvial_Plains>Mississippi_Valley_Loess_Plains Ozarks-3YYIDPrimaryKey v1b @ 4 LVALThis system is found primarily in the Interior Highlands and is characterized by rock outcrops and talus ranging from moist to dry and is typically sparsely vegetated. However, on moister sites with more soil development several fern species and sedges (Carex spp.) can establish. Woodland species can establish, often as stunted individuals. Wind and water erosion are the major dynamics influencing this system. These communities are usually small, isolated, and/or disjunct and are embedded in a larger habitat matrix. These systems rely heavily on surrounding and/or adjacent habitats for landscape scale functions and processes such as fire. (adapted from NatureServe 2005) Species associated with this habitat type (and the weight or importance of the habitat to each species) include: Collared Lizard (Crotaphytus collaris) Weight: Obligate Ground Snake (Sonora semiannulata) Weight: Obligate Rich Mountain Slitmouth (Stenotrema pilsbryi) Weight: Obligate Eastern Small-Footed Bat (Myotis leibii) Weight: Optimal land snail (Gastrocopta rogersensis) Weight: Optimal Magazine Mountain Shagreen (Inflectarius magazinensis) Weight: Optimal Ozark Big-eared Bat (Corynorhinus townsendii ingens) Weight: Optimal Striate Supercoil (Paravitrea aulacogyra) Weight: Optimal Western Diamondback Rattlesnake (Crotalus atrox) Weight: Optimal Crawford's Gray Shrew (Notiosorex crawfordi) Weight: Suitable Migrant Loggerhead Shrike (Lanius ludovicianus migrans) Weight: Suitable Eastern Spotted Skunk (Spilogale putorius) Weight: Marginal Indiana Bat (Myotis sodalis) Weight: Marginal Little Brown Bat (Myotis lucifugus) Weight: Marginal!"#T v   . 7 F ]ap`j~(s Crop LandSystembQFoti and others 2005K)  Pasture LandSystemQFoti and others 2005N,   Cultivated ForestSystem @Foti and others 2005S1%  Lower Mississippi Flatwoods Woodland and ForestSystemQNatureServe 2005mOC; ? 'West Gulf Coastal Plain Red River Floodplain ForestSystemtQNatureServe 2005qSG? ? #West Gulf Coastal Plain Large River Floodplain ForestSystemQNatureServe 2005sUIA ? Lower Mississippi River High Bottomland ForestSystemQNatureServe 2005lNB: ? Lower Mississippi River Low Bottomland ForestSystem`QNatureServe 2005kMA9 ? Lower Mississippi River Riparian ForestSystem QNatureServe 2005eG;3 ? "West Gulf Coastal Plain Pine-Hardwood FlatwoodsSystemQNatureServe 2005mOC; ? Interior Highlands Calcareous Glade and BarrensSystemZQNatureServe 2005mOC;  *West Gulf Coastal Plain Seepage Swamp and BaygallSystemQNatureServe 2005oQE= ? )West Gulf Coastal Plain Sandhill Oak and Shortleaf Pine Forest/WoodlandSystem @NatureServe 2005g[S ? !West Gulf Coastal Plain Calcareous Prairie and WoodlandSystemJQNatureServe 2005uWKC ? Crowley's Ridge Loess Slope ForestSystemQNatureServe 2005`B6. ? Lower Mississippi River Dune Woodland, Pond, and ForestSystemQNatureServe 2005uWKC ? Lower Mississippi River Bottomland DepressionSystem @NatureServe 2005kMA9 ? Lower Mississippi Alluvial Plain Grand PrairieSystemQNatureServe 2005lNB: ? Ozark-Ouachita Prairie and WoodlandSystem<*QNatureServe 2005aC7/  Ozark-Ouachita Pine-Bluestem WoodlandSystem @NatureServe 2005cE91  +Caves, Mines, Sinkholes and other Karst FeaturesSystemQFoti and others 2005rPD<  ",West Gulf Coastal Plain Wet Hardwood FlatwoodsSystemQNatureServe 2005lNB: ? +West Gulf Coastal Plain Small Stream/River ForestSystemQNatureServe 2005oQE= ? &West Gulf Coastal Plain Pine-Hardwood Forest/WoodlandSystemQNatureServe 2005sUIA ? Ozark-Ouachita Large FloodplainSystemhQNatureServe 2005]?3+  Ozark-Ouachita Mesic Hardwood ForestSystem@QNatureServe 2005bD80  Ozark-Ouachita Dry-Mesic Oak Forest/WoodlandSystem @NatureServe 2005jL@8  Ozark-Ouachita Dry Oak and Pine WoodlandSystemtQNatureServe 2005fH<4  Ozark-Ouachita RiparianSystem!QNatureServe 2005U7+#  Interior Highlands Dry Acidic Glade and BarrensSystem\QNatureServe 2005mOC;  Ozark-Ouachita Forested SeepSystemQNatureServe 2005Z<0(  Ouachita Montane Oak ForestSystem @NatureServe 2005Y;/'  Ozark-Ouachita Pine-Oak Forest/WoodlandSystemQNatureServe 2005eG;3  Ozark-Ouachita Cliff and TalusSystemP @NatureServe 2005\>2* LVALQThis system represents forests and woodlands in which Pinus echinata is an important or dominant component. Although examples of this system occur throughout this region, there is local variation in the extent to which they were present. For example, this system was historically prominent only in the southeastern part of the Ozark Highlands where sandstone derived soils were common (USFS 1999); being limited from other areas by inadequate winter precipitation, and non-conducive soils. In contrast, pine was "virtually ubiquitous in the historical forests of the Ouachitas" (USFS 1999). In nearly all cases (at least in the Ouachitas), Pinus echinata occurs with a variable mixture of hardwood species. The exact composition of the hardwoods is much more closely related to aspect and topographic factors than is the pine component (Dale and Ware 1999). In some examples of this system, the aggregate importance of hardwoods may be greater than pine, especially on subxeric and mesic sites (Dale and Ware 1999). (adapted from NatureServe 2005) Species associated with this habitat type (and the weight or importance of the habitat to each species) include: American Burying Beetle (Nicrophorus americanus) Weight: Optimal Bell's Roadside-Skipper (Amblyscirtes belli) Weight: Optimal Diana (Speyeria diana) Weight: Optimal Eastern Whip-poor-will (Antrostomus vociferus) Weight: Optimal Golden-banded Skipper (Autochton cellus) Weight: Optimal Bewick's Wren (Thryomanes bewickii) Weight: Suitable Byssus Skipper (Problema byssus) Weight: Suitable Caddo Mountain Salamander (Plethodon caddoensis) Weight: Suitable Chimney Swift (Chaetura pelagica) Weight: Suitable Cobweb Skipper (Hesperia metea) Weight: Suitable Eastern Tiger Salamander (Ambystoma tigrinum) Weight: Suitable Fourche Mountain Salamander (Plethodon fourchensis) Weight: Suitable Gray Comma (Polygonia progne) Weight: Suitable Kiamichi Slimy Salamander (Plethodon kiamichi) Weight: Suitable LeoLVALnard's Skipper (Hesperia leonardus) Weight: Suitable Little Brown Bat (Myotis lucifugus) Weight: Suitable Meske's Skipper (Hesperia meskei) Weight: Suitable Mole Salamander (Ambystoma talpoideum) Weight: Suitable Monarch (Danaus plexippus) Weight: Suitable Mottled Duskywing (Erynnis martialis) Weight: Suitable Northern Long-eared Bat (Myotis septentrionalis) Weight: Suitable Oak Hairstreak (Satyrium favonius ontario) Weight: Suitable Purple Finch (Haemorhous purpureus) Weight: Suitable Rich Mountain Salamander (Plethodon ouachitae) Weight: Suitable Ringed Salamander (Ambystoma annulatum) Weight: Suitable Western Diamondback Rattlesnake (Crotalus atrox) Weight: Suitable Red-cockaded Woodpecker (Picoides borealis) Weight: Marginal Southeastern Shrew (Sorex longirostris) Weight: Marginal Long-tailed Weasel (Mustela frenata) Weight: Data GapdLVALtThis system represents hardwood forests of the highest elevations of the Ouachita Mountains, including Mount Magazine. Vegetation consists of either forests or open woodlands dominated by Quercus alba or Quercus stellata. Canopy trees are often stunted due to the effects of ice, wind and cold conditions, in combination with fog, shallow soils over rock, and periodic severe drought. Some stands form almost impenetrable thickets. EMBEDDED: These systems are usually small, isolated, and/or disjunct and are often "embedded" in a larger habitat matrix. These systems rely heavily on surrounding and/or adjacent habitats for landscape scale functions and processes such as fire. (adapted from NatureServe 2005) Species associated with this habitat type (and the weight or importance of the habitat to each species) include: Eastern Whip-poor-will (Antrostomus vociferus) Weight: Optimal Fourche Mountain Salamander (Plethodon fourchensis) Weight: Optimal Kiamichi Slimy Salamander (Plethodon kiamichi) Weight: Optimal Rich Mountain Salamander (Plethodon ouachitae) Weight: Optimal Purple Finch (Haemorhous purpureus) Weight: Suitable Southeastern Shrew (Sorex longirostris) Weight: Suitable Western Diamondback Rattlesnake (Crotalus atrox) Weight: Suitable Yellow-billed Cuckoo (Coccyzus americanus) Weight: Suitable Wood Thrush (Hylocichla mustelina) Weight: Marginal Long-tailed Weasel (Mustela frenata) Weight: Data GapLVALQThis system of seeps may be found along the bottom slopes of smaller valleys where rock fractures or sandy soils allow water to seep out of the mountainsides. The soil remains saturated to very moist throughout the year. The vegetation is typically forested with highly variable canopy composition. In acid seeps, vegetation is characterized by Acer rubrum var. trilobum, Nyssa sylvatica, Liquidambar styraciflua, and Quercus alba. Other canopy species may include Fagus grandifolia and Magnolia tripetala. Canopy coverage can be moderately dense to quite open. The subcanopy is often well-developed and characteristically includes Ilex opaca var. opaca, Magnolia tripetala, Carpinus caroliniana, and Ostrya virginiana. Calcareous seeps or fens, typically in the Ozarks, may be dominated by shrubs or herbs such as Parnassia grandifolia and Carex spp. Many are less than one hectare in area, but riparian seeps are often much larger. These systems are usually small, isolated, and/or disjunct and are embedded in a larger habitat matrix. These systems rely heavily on surrounding and/or adjacent habitats for landscape scale functions and processes such as fire. (adapted from NatureServe 2005) Species associated with this habitat type (and the weight or importance of the habitat to each species) include: Four-toed Salamander (Hemidactylium scutatum) Weight: Obligate Daisy Burrowing Crayfish (Fallicambarus jeanae) Weight: Optimal Ouachita Spiketail (Cordulegaster talaria) Weight: Optimal Swamp Metalmark (Calephelis muticum) Weight: Optimal Irons Fork Burrowing Crayfish (Procambarus reimeri) Weight: Suitable Ouachita Burrowing Crayfish (Fallicambarus harpi) Weight: Suitable Ozark Emerald (Somatochlora ozarkensis) Weight: Suitable Ringed Salamander (Ambystoma annulatum) Weight: Suitable Saline Burrowing Crayfish (Fallicambarus strawni) Weight: Suitable Yellow-billed Cuckoo (Coccyzus americanus) Weight: Suitable Sharp-shinned Hawk (Accipiter striatus) Weight: MRLVALbarginal Ouachita Mountain Crayfish (Procambarus tenuis) Weight: Data GapLVALQThis system occurs along moderate to steep slopes or valley walls of rivers along most aspects. Parent material includes chert, shale and/or sandstone bedrock with well- to excessively well-drained, shallow soils interspersed with rock and boulders. These soils are typically dry during the summer and autumn, becoming saturated during the spring and winter. Grasses such as Schizachyrium scoparium and Sorghastrum nutans dominate this system with stunted oak species Quercus stellata, Quercus marilandica and shrub species such as Vaccinium spp. Occurring on variable depth soils. This system is influenced by drought and infrequent to occasional fires. Prescribed fires help manage this system by maintaining an open glade structure. EMBEDDED: These systems are usually small, isolated, and/or disjunct and are often "embedded" in a larger habitat matrix. These systems rely heavily on surrounding and/or adjacent habitats for landscape scale functions and processes such as fire. (adapted from NatureServe 2005) Species associated with this habitat type (and the weight or importance of the habitat to each species) include: Collared Lizard (Crotaphytus collaris) Weight: Obligate Baltimore Checkerspot (Euphydryas phaeton ozarkae) Weight: Optimal Great Plains Skink (Plestiodon obsoletus) Weight: Optimal Northern Metalmark (Calephelis borealis) Weight: Optimal Western Diamondback Rattlesnake (Crotalus atrox) Weight: Optimal Cobweb Skipper (Hesperia metea) Weight: Suitable Common Nighthawk (Chordeiles minor) Weight: Suitable Crawford's Gray Shrew (Notiosorex crawfordi) Weight: Suitable Diana (Speyeria diana) Weight: Suitable Monarch (Danaus plexippus) Weight: Suitable Northern Bobwhite (Colinus virginianus) Weight: Suitable Outis Skipper (Cogia outis) Weight: Suitable Purple Finch (Haemorhous purpureus) Weight: Suitable Rufous-crowned Sparrow (Aimophila ruficeps) Weight: Suitable Slender Glass Lizard (Ophisaurus attenuatus) Weight: SuitablexLVAL Bewick's Wren (Thryomanes bewickii) Weight: Marginal Eastern Whip-poor-will (Antrostomus vociferus) Weight: Marginal Long-tailed Weasel (Mustela frenata) Weight: Data GapLVALQThis system is found along streams and small rivers. In contrast to larger floodplain systems, this system has little to no floodplain development and often contains cobble bars and steep banks. It is traditionally higher gradient than larger floodplains and experiences periodic, strong flooding. Canopy cover can vary within examples of this system, but typical tree species include Liquidambar styraciflua, Platanus occidentalis, Acer spp., and Quercus spp. The richness of the herbaceous layer can vary significantly, ranging from species-rich to species-poor. Likewise, the shrub layer can vary considerably, but typical species may include Lindera benzoin, Alnus serrulata and Hamamelis vernalis. Small seeps and fens can often be found within this system, especially at the headwaters of streams. These areas are typically dominated by species of sedges (Carex spp.), ferns (Osmunda spp.), and other herbaceous species such as Impatiens capensis. Flooding and scouring strongly influence this system and prevent the floodplain development found on larger rivers. (adapted from NatureServe 2005) Species associated with this habitat type (and the weight or importance of the habitat to each species) include: Ozark Pocket Gopher (Geomys bursarius ozarkensis) Weight: Obligate Ozark Snaketail Dragonfly (Ophiogomphus westfalli) Weight: Obligate Carolina Roadside-Skipper (Amblyscirtes carolina) Weight: Optimal Diana (Speyeria diana) Weight: Optimal Lace-winged Roadside-Skipper (Amblyscirtes aesculapius) Weight: Optimal Ouachita Diving Beetle (Hydroporus ouachitus) Weight: Optimal Ozark Clubtail Dragonfly (Gomphus ozarkensis) Weight: Optimal Ozark Emerald (Somatochlora ozarkensis) Weight: Optimal predaceous diving beetle (Heterosternuta phoebeae) Weight: Optimal Queen Snake (Regina septemvittata) Weight: Optimal Sulphur Springs Hydroporus Diving Beetle (Hydroporus sulphurius) Weight: Optimal Wood Thrush (Hylocichla mustelina) Weight: Optimal Yellow-billed LVALCuckoo (Coccyzus americanus) Weight: Optimal American Badger (Taxidea taxus) Weight: Suitable American Woodcock (Scolopax minor) Weight: Suitable Arkansas agapetus caddisfly (Agapetus medicus) Weight: Suitable Bell's Roadside-Skipper (Amblyscirtes belli) Weight: Suitable Bowed Snowfly (Allocapnia oribata) Weight: Suitable Byssus Skipper (Problema byssus) Weight: Suitable Caddo Mountain Salamander (Plethodon caddoensis) Weight: Suitable Chimney Swift (Chaetura pelagica) Weight: Suitable contorted ochrotrichian microcaddisfly (Ochrotrichia contorta) Weight: Suitable Dion Skipper (Euphyes dion) Weight: Suitable Eastern Small-Footed Bat (Myotis leibii) Weight: Suitable Eastern Whip-poor-will (Antrostomus vociferus) Weight: Suitable Gray Bat (Myotis grisescens) Weight: Suitable Gray Comma (Polygonia progne) Weight: Suitable Indiana Bat (Myotis sodalis) Weight: Suitable mayfly (Dannella provonshai) Weight: Suitable microcaddisfly (Ochrotrichia robisoni) Weight: Suitable Mole Salamander (Ambystoma talpoideum) Weight: Suitable Mottled Duskywing (Erynnis martialis) Weight: Suitable Nearctic paduniellan caddisfly (Paduniella nearctica) Weight: Suitable Ouachita Spiketail (Cordulegaster talaria) Weight: Suitable Ozark Big-eared Bat (Corynorhinus townsendii ingens) Weight: Suitable Purple Finch (Haemorhous purpureus) Weight: Suitable Ringed Salamander (Ambystoma annulatum) Weight: Suitable Southeastern Shrew (Sorex longirostris) Weight: Suitable winter stonefly (Allocapnia jeanae) Weight: Suitable winter stonefly (Allocapnia ozarkana) Weight: Suitable winter stonefly (Allocapnia warreni) Weight: Suitable Yehl Skipper (Poanes yehl) Weight: Suitable Boston Mountains Crayfish (Cambarus causeyi) Weight: Marginal Cerulean Warbler (Setophaga cerulea) Weight: Marginal Northern Long-eared Bat (Myotis septentrionalis) Weight: Marginal Swainson's Warbler (LimnoLVALthlypis swainsonii) Weight: Marginal Yellow-crowned Night-Heron (Nyctanassa violacea) Weight: Marginal Irons Fork Burrowing Crayfish (Procambarus reimeri) Weight: Data Gap Long-tailed Weasel (Mustela frenata) Weight: Data GapLVALQThis system occurs along gentle to steep slopes and over bluff escarpments with southerly to westerly aspects. Parent material can range from calcareous to acidic with very shallow, well- to excessively well-drained soils. This system was historically woodland in structure, composition, and process but now includes areas of more closed canopy. Oak species such as Quercus stellata, Quercus marilandica, and Quercus muehlenbergii dominate this system with an understory of grassland species such as Schizachyrium scoparium and shrub species such as Vaccinium arboreum. Drought stress and fire are the processes influencing and maintaining this system. (adapted from NatureServe 2005) Species associated with this habitat type (and the weight or importance of the habitat to each species) include: American Burying Beetle (Nicrophorus americanus) Weight: Optimal Baltimore Checkerspot (Euphydryas phaeton ozarkae) Weight: Optimal Bell's Roadside-Skipper (Amblyscirtes belli) Weight: Optimal Bewick's Wren (Thryomanes bewickii) Weight: Optimal Eastern Whip-poor-will (Antrostomus vociferus) Weight: Optimal Golden-banded Skipper (Autochton cellus) Weight: Optimal Indiana Bat (Myotis sodalis) Weight: Optimal Kiamichi Slimy Salamander (Plethodon kiamichi) Weight: Optimal Linda's Roadside-Skipper (Amblyscirtes linda) Weight: Optimal Northern Bobwhite (Colinus virginianus) Weight: Optimal Northern Metalmark (Calephelis borealis) Weight: Optimal beetle (Rimulincola divalis) Weight: Suitable Cobweb Skipper (Hesperia metea) Weight: Suitable Eastern Small-Footed Bat (Myotis leibii) Weight: Suitable Eastern Spotted Skunk (Spilogale putorius) Weight: Suitable Fourche Mountain Salamander (Plethodon fourchensis) Weight: Suitable Indiana Phlox Moth (Schinia indiana) Weight: Suitable Leonard's Skipper (Hesperia leonardus) Weight: Suitable Meske's Skipper (Hesperia meskei) Weight: Suitable Monarch (Danaus plexippus) Weight: Suitabl` LVALp e Oak Hairstreak (Satyrium favonius ontario) Weight: Suitable Outis Skipper (Cogia outis) Weight: Suitable Ozark Big-eared Bat (Corynorhinus townsendii ingens) Weight: Suitable Purple Finch (Haemorhous purpureus) Weight: Suitable Rattlesnake-Master Borer Moth (Papaipema eryngii) Weight: Suitable Rich Mountain Salamander (Plethodon ouachitae) Weight: Suitable Texas Frosted Elfin (Callophrys irus hadros) Weight: Suitable Western Diamondback Rattlesnake (Crotalus atrox) Weight: Suitable Bachman's Sparrow (Peucaea aestivalis) Weight: Marginal Common Nighthawk (Chordeiles minor) Weight: Marginal Plains Harvest Mouse (Reithrodontomys montanus) Weight: Marginal Sharp-shinned Hawk (Accipiter striatus) Weight: Marginal Long-tailed Weasel (Mustela frenata) Weight: Data GapRLVALbThis system is the matrix system of these regions and occurs on dry-mesic to mesic gentle to moderately steep slopes. Soils are typically moderately to well-drained and more fertile than those associated with dry-oak forest/woodlands. An open to closed canopy of oak species (Quercus rubra and Quercus alba) often associated with hickory species (Carya spp.) typify this system. Wind, drought, and fires influence this system. (adapted from NatureServe 2005) Species associated with this habitat type (and the weight or importance of the habitat to each species) include: American Burying Beetle (Nicrophorus americanus) Weight: Optimal Bell's Roadside-Skipper (Amblyscirtes belli) Weight: Optimal Eastern Whip-poor-will (Antrostomus vociferus) Weight: Optimal Northern Metalmark (Calephelis borealis) Weight: Optimal Appalachian Azure (Celastrina neglectamajor) Weight: Suitable Caddo Mountain Salamander (Plethodon caddoensis) Weight: Suitable Diana (Speyeria diana) Weight: Suitable Dusky Azure (Celastrina nigra) Weight: Suitable Eastern Spotted Skunk (Spilogale putorius) Weight: Suitable Gray Comma (Polygonia progne) Weight: Suitable Indiana Bat (Myotis sodalis) Weight: Suitable Kiamichi Slimy Salamander (Plethodon kiamichi) Weight: Suitable Mole Salamander (Ambystoma talpoideum) Weight: Suitable Monarch (Danaus plexippus) Weight: Suitable Mottled Duskywing (Erynnis martialis) Weight: Suitable Rich Mountain Salamander (Plethodon ouachitae) Weight: Suitable Sharp-shinned Hawk (Accipiter striatus) Weight: MarginalLVALQThis system is found on toeslopes, valley bottoms and north slopes. Quercus rubra increases in abundance compared to dry-mesic habitats, and Acer saccharum is sometimes a leading dominant. On more alkaline moist soils, Quercus muehlenbergii, Tilia americana, and Cercis canadensis may be common. In the Boston Mountains, mesic forests may also be common on protected slopes and terraces next to streams. Here Fagus grandifolia may be the leading dominant, with codominants of Acer saccharum, Liquidambar styraciflua, Tilia americana, Magnolia acuminata, and others. Similar habitats occur in the western Ouachita Mountains. (adapted from NatureServe 2005) Species associated with this habitat type (and the weight or importance of the habitat to each species) include: Ouachita Slitmouth (Stenotrema unciferum) Weight: Obligate American Burying Beetle (Nicrophorus americanus) Weight: Optimal Caddo Mountain Salamander (Plethodon caddoensis) Weight: Optimal Eastern Whip-poor-will (Antrostomus vociferus) Weight: Optimal Fourche Mountain Salamander (Plethodon fourchensis) Weight: Optimal ground beetle (Scaphinotus inflectus) Weight: Optimal ground beetle (Scaphinotus parisiana) Weight: Optimal Kiamichi Slimy Salamander (Plethodon kiamichi) Weight: Optimal lace bug (Acalypta susanae) Weight: Optimal Rich Mountain Salamander (Plethodon ouachitae) Weight: Optimal Ringed Salamander (Ambystoma annulatum) Weight: Optimal Wood Frog (Lithobates sylvaticus) Weight: Optimal Wood Thrush (Hylocichla mustelina) Weight: Optimal Yellow-billed Cuckoo (Coccyzus americanus) Weight: Optimal Appalachian Azure (Celastrina neglectamajor) Weight: Suitable beetle (Rimulincola divalis) Weight: Suitable Cerulean Warbler (Setophaga cerulea) Weight: Suitable Chimney Swift (Chaetura pelagica) Weight: Suitable Copeland's Mold Beetle (Arianops copelandi) Weight: Suitable Diana (Speyeria diana) Weight: Suitable Dusky Azure (Celastrina nigra) LVAL Weight: Suitable earthworm (Diplocardia meansi) Weight: Suitable Eastern Small-Footed Bat (Myotis leibii) Weight: Suitable Eastern Tiger Salamander (Ambystoma tigrinum) Weight: Suitable Giant Stag Beetle (Lucanus elephus) Weight: Suitable Gray Comma (Polygonia progne) Weight: Suitable Indiana Bat (Myotis sodalis) Weight: Suitable Magazine Mountain mold beetle (Arianops sandersoni) Weight: Suitable Mole Salamander (Ambystoma talpoideum) Weight: Suitable Ouachita Pseudactium (Pseudactium magazinensis) Weight: Suitable Ozark Pseudactium (Pseudactium ursum) Weight: Suitable pseudoscorpion (Microcreagris ozarkensis) Weight: Suitable Purple Finch (Haemorhous purpureus) Weight: Suitable Sharp-shinned Hawk (Accipiter striatus) Weight: Suitable Six-banded Longhorn Beetle (Dryobius sexnotatus) Weight: Suitable Small-eyed Mold Beetle (Ouachitychus parvoculus) Weight: Suitable Southeastern Shrew (Sorex longirostris) Weight: Suitable Woodland Tiger Beetle (Cicindela unipunctata) Weight: Suitable American Woodcock (Scolopax minor) Weight: Marginal Eastern Spotted Skunk (Spilogale putorius) Weight: Marginal Long-tailed Weasel (Mustela frenata) Weight: Data Gap White Liptooth (Millerelix peregrina) Weight: Data GapLVALQThis floodplain system occurs along larger upland rivers where topography and alluvial processes have resulted in a recognizable floodplain. Many examples of this system will contain well-drained levees, terraces and stabilized bars, and some will include herbaceous sloughs and shrub wetlands resulting, in part, from beaver activity. A variety of soil types may be found within the floodplain from very well-drained gravelly substrates to very dense clays. This variety of substrates in combination with different flooding regimes creates a mix of vegetation. Most areas are inundated at some point each spring; microtopography determines how long the various habitats are inundated. Although vegetation is quite variable in this broadly defined system, examples may include Acer saccharinum, Platanus occidentalis, Liquidambar styraciflua, Betula nigra, and Quercus spp. Understory species include shrubs, such as Cephalanthus occidentalis and Arundinaria gigantea, and sedges ( Carex spp.). This system likely floods at least annually and can be altered by occasional severe floods. Impoundments and conversion to agriculture can also impact this system. An example of this habitat is the floodplain along the Buffalo River. (adapted from NatureServe 2005) Species associated with this habitat type (and the weight or importance of the habitat to each species) include: Bird-voiced Treefrog (Hyla avivoca) Weight: Optimal Carolina Roadside-Skipper (Amblyscirtes carolina) Weight: Optimal Eastern Whip-poor-will (Antrostomus vociferus) Weight: Optimal Lace-winged Roadside-Skipper (Amblyscirtes aesculapius) Weight: Optimal Ouachita Spiketail (Cordulegaster talaria) Weight: Optimal Rafinesque's Big-Eared Bat (Corynorhinus rafinesquii) Weight: Optimal Sandy Stream Tiger Beetle (Cicindela macra) Weight: Optimal Squirrel Treefrog (Hyla squirella) Weight: Optimal American Woodcock (Scolopax minor) Weight: Suitable Anhinga (Anhinga anhinga) Weight: Suitable Ant-like Tiger BlLVAL|eetle (Cicindela cursitans) Weight: Suitable Beach-dune Tiger Beetle (Cicindela hirticollis) Weight: Suitable Bell's Roadside-Skipper (Amblyscirtes belli) Weight: Suitable Big Sand tiger beetle (Cicindela formosa pigmentosignata) Weight: Suitable Byssus Skipper (Problema byssus) Weight: Suitable Chimney Swift (Chaetura pelagica) Weight: Suitable Dukes' Skipper (Euphyes dukesi) Weight: Suitable Gray Bat (Myotis grisescens) Weight: Suitable Gray Comma (Polygonia progne) Weight: Suitable Gulf Swampsnake (Liodytes rigida) Weight: Suitable Purple Finch (Haemorhous purpureus) Weight: Suitable Rusty Blackbird (Euphagus carolinus) Weight: Suitable tiger beetle (Cicindela lepida) Weight: Suitable Twelve-spotted Tiger Beetle (Cicindela duodecimguttata) Weight: Suitable Wood Thrush (Hylocichla mustelina) Weight: Suitable Yehl Skipper (Poanes yehl) Weight: Suitable Yellow-billed Cuckoo (Coccyzus americanus) Weight: Suitable Yellow-crowned Night-Heron (Nyctanassa violacea) Weight: Suitable Black-crowned Night-Heron (Nycticorax nycticorax) Weight: Marginal Tricolored Heron (Egretta tricolor) Weight: Marginal Willow Flycatcher (Empidonax traillii) Weight: Marginal Long-tailed Weasel (Mustela frenata) Weight: Data Gap Ozark Clubtail Dragonfly (Gomphus ozarkensis) Weight: Data Gap Ozark Emerald (Somatochlora ozarkensis) Weight: Data Gap Ozark Snaketail Dragonfly (Ophiogomphus westfalli) Weight: Data Gap Swainson's Warbler (Limnothlypis swainsonii) Weight: Data Gap@LVALQPThis ecological system consists of forests and woodlands dominated by Pinus taeda and/or Pinus echinata in combination with a host of dry to dry-mesic site hardwood species. This type was the historical matrix (dominant vegetation type) within this region. This habitat was historically present on nearly all uplands in the region except on the most edaphically limited sites (droughty sands, calcareous clays, and shallow soil barrens/rock outcrops). Such sites are underlain by loamy to fine-textured soils of variable depths. These are upland sites on ridgetops and adjacent side slopes, with moderate fertility and moisture retention. This system has undergone major transformations since European settlement and has been largely converted to cultivated pine plantations and other human uses. In limited upland areas, especially side slopes and ravines, mesic hardwood forests occur within this matrix.These areas were somewhat protected topographically from historically fire-prone, pine-dominated uplands. Sites are often found along slopes above perennial or intermittent streams in the region. Vegetation indicators are mesic hardwoods such as Fagus grandifolia, Quercus alba, and Ilex opaca, although scattered, large-diameter pines, often Pinus taeda, are also often present. Spring-blooming herbaceous species are typical in the understory of most examples. (adapted from NatureServe 2005) Species associated with this habitat type (and the weight or importance of the habitat to each species) include: Red-cockaded Woodpecker (Picoides borealis) Weight: Obligate Bell's Roadside-Skipper (Amblyscirtes belli) Weight: Optimal Sequoyah Slimy Salamander (Plethodon sequoyah) Weight: Optimal Cobweb Skipper (Hesperia metea) Weight: Suitable Eastern Whip-poor-will (Antrostomus vociferus) Weight: Suitable Gray Comma (Polygonia progne) Weight: Suitable Monarch (Danaus plexippus) Weight: Suitable Sharp-shinned Hawk (Accipiter striatus) Weight: Data GapLVALQThis is a forested habitat associated with small rivers and creeks. In contrast to West Gulf Coastal Plain Large River Floodplain Forest, examples of this habitat have fewer major geomorphic floodplain features. Those features that are present tend to be smaller and more closely intermixed with one another, resulting in less obvious vegetational zonation. Bottomland hardwood tree species are typically important and diagnostic, although mesic hardwood species are also present in areas with less inundation and with better drained soils. As a whole, flooding occurs annually, but the water table usually is well below the soil surface throughout most of the growing season. Areas impacted by beaver impoundments are also included in this system. (adapted from NatureServe 2005) Species associated with this habitat type (and the weight or importance of the habitat to each species) include: Bird-voiced Treefrog (Hyla avivoca) Weight: Optimal Dwarf Salamander (Eurycea quadridigitata) Weight: Optimal Eastern Whip-poor-will (Antrostomus vociferus) Weight: Optimal Ozark Clubtail Dragonfly (Gomphus ozarkensis) Weight: Optimal Squirrel Treefrog (Hyla squirella) Weight: Optimal Yellow-billed Cuckoo (Coccyzus americanus) Weight: Optimal American Woodcock (Scolopax minor) Weight: Suitable Chimney Swift (Chaetura pelagica) Weight: Suitable Dion Skipper (Euphyes dion) Weight: Suitable Dukes' Skipper (Euphyes dukesi) Weight: Suitable Graham's Crayfish Snake (Regina grahamii) Weight: Suitable Gray Comma (Polygonia progne) Weight: Suitable Gulf Swampsnake (Liodytes rigida) Weight: Suitable Lace-winged Roadside-Skipper (Amblyscirtes aesculapius) Weight: Suitable Mole Salamander (Ambystoma talpoideum) Weight: Suitable Mottled Duskywing (Erynnis martialis) Weight: Suitable Purple Finch (Haemorhous purpureus) Weight: Suitable Rafinesque's Big-Eared Bat (Corynorhinus rafinesquii) Weight: Suitable Swainson's Warbler (Limnothlypis swains LVAL onii) Weight: Suitable Western Chicken Turtle (Deirochelys reticularia miaria) Weight: Suitable winter stonefly (Allocapnia malverna) Weight: Suitable winter stonefly (Allocapnia ozarkana) Weight: Suitable Wood Thrush (Hylocichla mustelina) Weight: Suitable Southeastern Bat (Myotis austroriparius) Weight: Marginal Yellow-crowned Night-Heron (Nyctanassa violacea) Weight: Marginal Long-tailed Weasel (Mustela frenata) Weight: Data Gap Yehl Skipper (Poanes yehl) Weight: Data GapLVALQThese habitats are found on Pleistocene terraces usually outside the floodplains. The local landscape may be a series of ridges and swales. Vegetation composition and structure varies with elevation, soil texture and moisture, and disturbance history. Soils are fine-textured and hardpans may be present in the subsurface. The limited permeability of these soils contributes to shallowly perched water tables during portions of the year when precipitation is greatest and evapotranspiration is lowest. Soil moisture fluctuates widely throughout the growing season, from saturated to very dry, a condition sometimes referred to as hydroxeric moisture regime. Saturation is primarily influenced by precipitation rather than overbank flooding. Quercus phellos, Quercus lyrata, Quercus laurifolia, and Quercus nigra occur often with Sabal minor and a sparse groundlayer. Prairie mounds with am ore mesophytic vegetation may be present. Dry seasonal conditions make fire a natural process in the system. As a result, this system was typically a woodland, although recent fire suppression and forest management have caused a conversion of most sites to forest. Some swales support pockets of cypress-tupelo. (adapted from NatureServe 2005) Species associated with this habitat type (and the weight or importance of the habitat to each species) include: American Woodcock (Scolopax minor) Weight: Optimal Eastern Whip-poor-will (Antrostomus vociferus) Weight: Optimal American Black Duck (Anas rubripes) Weight: Suitable Mole Salamander (Ambystoma talpoideum) Weight: Suitable Purple Finch (Haemorhous purpureus) Weight: Suitable Rafinesque's Big-Eared Bat (Corynorhinus rafinesquii) Weight: Suitable Western Chicken Turtle (Deirochelys reticularia miaria) Weight: Suitable Wood Thrush (Hylocichla mustelina) Weight: Suitable Yellow-billed Cuckoo (Coccyzus americanus) Weight: Suitable Southeastern Bat (Myotis austroriparius) Weight: Marginal Swainson's Warbler (Limnothlypis swainsBLVALRonii) Weight: Marginal Long-tailed Weasel (Mustela frenata) Weight: Data GapLVALQKarst is a landscape underlain by limestone that has been eroded by dissolution, producing ridges, towers, fissures, sinkholes, and other characteristic landforms. Caves refer to naturally occurring underground cavities, chambers, or series of chambers, especially ones with an opening in the side of a hill or mountain. Mines refer to man-made underground cavities, chambers, or series of chambers, especially ones with an opening in the side of a hill or mountain. Species associated with this habitat type (and the weight or importance of the habitat to each species) include: amphipod (Bactrurus pseudomucronatus) Weight: Obligate bat cave isopod (Caecidotea macropropoda) Weight: Obligate Benton County Cave Crayfish (Cambarus aculabrum) Weight: Obligate Bristly Cave Crayfish (Cambarus setosus) Weight: Obligate cave obligate harvestman (Crosbyella distincta) Weight: Obligate cave obligate harvestman (Crosbyella roeweri) Weight: Obligate cave obligate isopod (Caecidotea simulator) Weight: Obligate cave obligate millipede (Trigenotyla parca) Weight: Obligate cave obligate pseudoscorpion (Apochthonius diabolus) Weight: Obligate cave obligate pseudoscorpion (Apochthonius titanicus) Weight: Obligate cave obligate springtail (Schaefferia alabamensis) Weight: Obligate Foushee Cavesnail (Amnicola cora) Weight: Obligate Grotto Salamander "eastern clade" (Eurycea spelaea) Weight: Obligate Hell Creek Cave Crayfish (Cambarus zophonastes) Weight: Obligate Hubricht's Long-tailed Amphipod (Allocrangonyx hubrichti) Weight: Obligate isopod (Caecidotea ancyla) Weight: Obligate isopod (Caecidotea dimorpha) Weight: Obligate isopod (Caecidotea oculata) Weight: Obligate isopod (Caecidotea salamensis) Weight: Obligate isopod (Caecidotea steevesi) Weight: Obligate isopod (Caecidotea stiladactyla) Weight: Obligate isopod (Lirceus bidentatus) Weight: Obligate Ozark Cave Amphipod (Stygobromus ozarkensis) Weight: OblLVAL,igate Ozark Cavefish (Amblyopsis rosae) Weight: Obligate pseudoscorpion (Pseudozaona occidentalis) Weight: Obligate Shelled Cave Springtail (Pseudosinella testa) Weight: Obligate Southern Cavefish (Typhlichthys subterraneus) Weight: Obligate springtail (Arrhopalites clarus) Weight: Obligate springtail (Pseudosinella dubia) Weight: Obligate cave obligate planarian (Dendrocoelopsis americana) Weight: Optimal Eastern Tiger Salamander (Ambystoma tigrinum) Weight: Optimal Four-toed Salamander (Hemidactylium scutatum) Weight: Optimal Gray Bat (Myotis grisescens) Weight: Optimal ground beetle (Rhadine ozarkensis) Weight: Optimal Indiana Bat (Myotis sodalis) Weight: Optimal isopod (Lirceus bicuspidatus) Weight: Optimal Little Brown Bat (Myotis lucifugus) Weight: Optimal Northern Long-eared Bat (Myotis septentrionalis) Weight: Optimal Ozark Big-eared Bat (Corynorhinus townsendii ingens) Weight: Optimal Ringed Salamander (Ambystoma annulatum) Weight: Optimal Wood Frog (Lithobates sylvaticus) Weight: Optimal Caddo Mountain Salamander (Plethodon caddoensis) Weight: Suitable Southeastern Shrew (Sorex longirostris) Weight: Marginal Grotto Salamander "northern clade" (Eurycea spelaea) Weight: Data Gap Grotto Salamander "western clade" (Eurycea spelaea) Weight: Data Gap$LVAL4This system is composed of Pinus echinata dominated woodlands with open canopy and abundant herbaceous groundcover with few hardwoods among dominant canopy trees. Fire is important to maintaining these communities. Because this system occurs in large, undissected blocks, fire is more common than in most woodland communities and the canopy is more open and the herbaceous groundcover more dense. (Foti et al. 2015) (adapted from NatureServe 2005) Species associated with this habitat type (and the weight or importance of the habitat to each species) include: Red-cockaded Woodpecker (Picoides borealis) Weight: Obligate Bell's Roadside-Skipper (Amblyscirtes belli) Weight: Optimal Diana (Speyeria diana) Weight: Optimal Monarch (Danaus plexippus) Weight: Optimal Bell's Vireo (Vireo bellii) Weight: Suitable Broad-winged Skipper (Poanes viator) Weight: Suitable Byssus Skipper (Problema byssus) Weight: Suitable Cobweb Skipper (Hesperia metea) Weight: Suitable Eastern Whip-poor-will (Antrostomus vociferus) Weight: Suitable Leonard's Skipper (Hesperia leonardus) Weight: Suitable Meske's Skipper (Hesperia meskei) Weight: Suitable Northern Metalmark (Calephelis borealis) Weight: Suitable Oak Hairstreak (Satyrium favonius ontario) Weight: Suitable Texas Frosted Elfin (Callophrys irus hadros) Weight: Suitable Sharp-shinned Hawk (Accipiter striatus) Weight: Marginal Gorgone Checkerspot (Chlosyne gorgone) Weight: Data GapLVALQThis system of prairies and associated woodlands is found in the Arkansas Valley and Ozarks. The Arkansas Valley is characterized by broad, level to gently rolling uplands derived from shales and is much less rugged and more heavily impacted by Arkansas River erosional processes than the adjacent mountainous regions. In addition, the valley receives annual precipitation total of 2-6 inches less than the surrounding regions due to a rainshadow produced by a combination of prevailing western winds and mountain orographic effects. The shale-derived soils associated with the Arkansas Valley prairies are thin and droughty. The prairies of the Ozark Highlands occur on level to gently rolling areas underlain by limestone and chert, and soils are also thin and droughtly. The combined effect of droughty soils, reduced precipitation, and prevailing level topography create conditions highly conducive to the ignition and spread of fires. Prairies are typically dominated by Andropogon gerardii, Sorghastrum nutans, Panicum virgatum, and Schizachyrium scoparium and a high diversity of grasses and forbs and relatively few woody plants. Woodlands cccur on gentle to steep slopes and are typically dominated by Quercus stellata and Quercus marilandica, often fairly widespread with a typical prairie herbaceous groundlayer between the trees. (adapted from NatureServe 2005). Species associated with this habitat type (and the weight or importance of the habitat to each species) include: American Burying Beetle (Nicrophorus americanus) Weight: Obligate Arogos Skipper (Atrytone arogos iowa) Weight: Obligate Prairie Mole Cricket (Gryllotalpa major) Weight: Obligate anthophorid bee (Tetraloniella albata) Weight: Optimal Bell's Roadside-Skipper (Amblyscirtes belli) Weight: Optimal Bell's Vireo (Vireo bellii) Weight: Optimal Boreal Chorus Frog (Pseudacris maculata) Weight: Optimal Byssus Skipper (Problema byssus) Weight: Optimal Common Nighthawk (Chordeiles minor) Weight: OptLVALimal Crawfish Frog (Lithobates areolatus) Weight: Optimal Diana (Speyeria diana) Weight: Optimal Dion Skipper (Euphyes dion) Weight: Optimal Eastern Tiger Salamander (Ambystoma tigrinum) Weight: Optimal Graham's Crayfish Snake (Regina grahamii) Weight: Optimal Grasshopper Sparrow (Ammodramus savannarum) Weight: Optimal Great Plains Narrowmouth Toad (Gastrophryne olivacea) Weight: Optimal Great Plains Skink (Plestiodon obsoletus) Weight: Optimal Henslow's Sparrow (Ammodramus henslowii) Weight: Optimal Hurter's Spadefoot (Scaphiopus hurterii) Weight: Optimal lace bug (Acalypta lillianus) Weight: Optimal Le Conte's Sparrow (Ammodramus leconteii) Weight: Optimal Lined Snake (Tropidoclonion lineatum) Weight: Optimal Migrant Loggerhead Shrike (Lanius ludovicianus migrans) Weight: Optimal Monarch (Danaus plexippus) Weight: Optimal Northern Bobwhite (Colinus virginianus) Weight: Optimal Ornate Box Turtle (Terrapene ornata ornata) Weight: Optimal Plains Spadefoot (Spea bombifrons) Weight: Optimal red milkweed beetle (Tetraopes quinquemaculatus) Weight: Optimal Slender Glass Lizard (Ophisaurus attenuatus) Weight: Optimal Southern Prairie Skink (Plestiodon obtusirostris) Weight: Optimal Strecker's Chorus Frog (Pseudacris streckeri) Weight: Optimal Texas milkweed beetle (Tetraopes texanus) Weight: Optimal American Kestrel (Falco sparverius) Weight: Suitable American Woodcock (Scolopax minor) Weight: Suitable Bewick's Wren (Thryomanes bewickii) Weight: Suitable Black-crowned Night-Heron (Nycticorax nycticorax) Weight: Suitable Black-tailed Jackrabbit (Lepus californicus) Weight: Suitable Crawford's Gray Shrew (Notiosorex crawfordi) Weight: Suitable Eastern Harvest Mouse (Reithrodontomys humulis) Weight: Suitable Eastern Whip-poor-will (Antrostomus vociferus) Weight: Suitable Leonard's Skipper (Hesperia leonardus) Weight: Suitable Magazine stripetail (IsopeLVALrla szczytkoi) Weight: Suitable mayfly (Paraleptophlebia calcarica) Weight: Suitable Meske's Skipper (Hesperia meskei) Weight: Suitable microcaddisfly (Paucicalcaria ozarkensis) Weight: Suitable Purple Finch (Haemorhous purpureus) Weight: Suitable Rattlesnake-Master Borer Moth (Papaipema eryngii) Weight: Suitable Rusty Blackbird (Euphagus carolinus) Weight: Suitable Sedge Wren (Cistothorus platensis) Weight: Suitable Southeastern Shrew (Sorex longirostris) Weight: Suitable Texas Frosted Elfin (Callophrys irus hadros) Weight: Suitable Willow Flycatcher (Empidonax traillii) Weight: Suitable Yellow-billed Cuckoo (Coccyzus americanus) Weight: Suitable American Bittern (Botaurus lentiginosus) Weight: Marginal Bachman's Sparrow (Peucaea aestivalis) Weight: Marginal Buff-breasted Sandpiper (Calidris subruficollis) Weight: Marginal Sharp-shinned Hawk (Accipiter striatus) Weight: Marginal Smith's Longspur (Calcarius pictus) Weight: Marginal Sprague's Pipit (Anthus spragueii) Weight: Marginal Gorgone Checkerspot (Chlosyne gorgone) Weight: Data Gap Long-tailed Weasel (Mustela frenata) Weight: Data Gap Ozark Swallowtail (Papilio joanae) Weight: Data Gap Yellow-crowned Night-Heron (Nyctanassa violacea) Weight: Data GapLVALQThis system of prairies and woodlands occurs on the oldest substantial land surfaces in the Mississippi River Alluvial Valley and the highest land surface in the river-deposited portions of the Mississippi Alluvial Plain ecoregion. It occupies a very flat region up to 20 miles wide and 60 miles long bounded by present day rivers, especially the Arkansas and White, which are much lower in elevation than the Grand Prairie terrace. This terrace is covered with thin soils underlain by deep layers of impervious clay. The surface soils have been considered to be loess by some sources but are more likely silts and silty clays (T. Foti pers. comm.). Although productive, these soils are droughty due to the impervious clay subsoils. The combination of droughty soils, very flat topography, and the lack of major stream corridors in the region create conditions suitable to the ignition and spread of fires. Almost annual fires would have been necessary to maintain these prairies, and anthropogenic influences have been critical for probably 5,000 years. The vegetation includes both wet and dry prairies as well as "slashes" dominated by Fraxinus pennsylvanica and Crataegus spp. (adapted from NatureServe 2005) Species associated with this habitat type (and the weight or importance of the habitat to each species) include: Prairie Mole Cricket (Gryllotalpa major) Weight: Obligate Common Nighthawk (Chordeiles minor) Weight: Optimal King Rail (Rallus elegans) Weight: Optimal Le Conte's Sparrow (Ammodramus leconteii) Weight: Optimal Migrant Loggerhead Shrike (Lanius ludovicianus migrans) Weight: Optimal Monarch (Danaus plexippus) Weight: Optimal Northern Bobwhite (Colinus virginianus) Weight: Optimal Ornate Box Turtle (Terrapene ornata ornata) Weight: Optimal red milkweed beetle (Tetraopes quinquemaculatus) Weight: Optimal Sedge Wren (Cistothorus platensis) Weight: Optimal Slender Glass Lizard (Ophisaurus attenuatus) Weight: Optimal American Black Duck (Anas rubripLVALes) Weight: Suitable American Golden-Plover (Pluvialis dominica) Weight: Suitable American Kestrel (Falco sparverius) Weight: Suitable American Woodcock (Scolopax minor) Weight: Suitable Bell's Vireo (Vireo bellii) Weight: Suitable Black-crowned Night-Heron (Nycticorax nycticorax) Weight: Suitable Eastern Spadefoot (Scaphiopus holbrookii) Weight: Suitable Graham's Crayfish Snake (Regina grahamii) Weight: Suitable Grasshopper Sparrow (Ammodramus savannarum) Weight: Suitable Henslow's Sparrow (Ammodramus henslowii) Weight: Suitable Purple Finch (Haemorhous purpureus) Weight: Suitable Tricolored Heron (Egretta tricolor) Weight: Suitable Western Chicken Turtle (Deirochelys reticularia miaria) Weight: Suitable Willow Flycatcher (Empidonax traillii) Weight: Suitable Yellow-crowned Night-Heron (Nyctanassa violacea) Weight: Suitable American Bittern (Botaurus lentiginosus) Weight: Marginal Buff-breasted Sandpiper (Calidris subruficollis) Weight: Marginal Smith's Longspur (Calcarius pictus) Weight: Marginal Sprague's Pipit (Anthus spragueii) Weight: Marginal Yellow-billed Cuckoo (Coccyzus americanus) Weight: Marginal Long-tailed Weasel (Mustela frenata) Weight: Data GapLVALThis system represents semipermanently flooded to saturated depressional areas. They are typically created by changes in channels of meandering streams and depending on time since abandonment by the river, character may vary from large oxbow swamps to small saturated swales. These may occur both within and outside the frequently flooded bottoms where the river flows. Vegetation ranges from cypress-tupelo swamp to Quercus lyrata forest. (adapted from NatureServe 2005) Species associated with this habitat type (and the weight or importance of the habitat to each species) include: Rafinesque's Big-Eared Bat (Corynorhinus rafinesquii) Weight: Optimal Southeastern Bat (Myotis austroriparius) Weight: Optimal American Black Duck (Anas rubripes) Weight: Suitable Black-crowned Night-Heron (Nycticorax nycticorax) Weight: Suitable Chimney Swift (Chaetura pelagica) Weight: Suitable Gulf Swampsnake (Liodytes rigida) Weight: Suitable Purple Finch (Haemorhous purpureus) Weight: Suitable Southern Bog Lemming (Synaptomys cooperi) Weight: Suitable Tricolored Heron (Egretta tricolor) Weight: Suitable Western Chicken Turtle (Deirochelys reticularia miaria) Weight: Suitable Yellow-crowned Night-Heron (Nyctanassa violacea) Weight: Suitable American Woodcock (Scolopax minor) Weight: Marginal Sharp-shinned Hawk (Accipiter striatus) Weight: Marginal Yellow-billed Cuckoo (Coccyzus americanus) Weight: Marginal Lincoln Underwing (Catocala lincolnana) Weight: Data GapLVALQThis system represents the vegetation of sand dunes and related eolian features. These Pleistocene dunes were overlooked or unrecognized until the late 1970s (Saucier 1978). This fact coupled with long periods of weathering and human disturbance, as well as proximity to a terrace mapped as "prairie" in General Land Office records, has led to considerable confusion regarding this type (T. Foti pers. comm.). These dunes are near Crowley's Ridge and the Black and White rivers, above the normal flood level of the Mississippi. Examples in Missouri occur amidst a series of low-lying, anastamosing channels that have helped to protect them from extensive alteration more typical in Arkansas where the uplands have been largely cleared. The uppermost portions of the dunes support a xeric community similar to sandhills of the South Central Plains, but are outside the natural range of some species in that ecoregion. Instead the dunes support very open Quercus stellata woodlands with Schizachyrium scoparium and abundant lichen cover (presumably Cladonia spp.), along with Opuntia sp. Less edaphically extreme slopes support more closed-canopied forests in which Quercus stellata is still important, along with Quercus falcata and possibly other species. In many instances, distinctive wetlands are also present. Called "sand ponds" in Arkansas, these depressions have silty bottoms and perched water tables. The margin of these ponds are rimmed by Quercus phellos and have Quercus lyrata. (adapted from NatureServe 2005) Species associated with this habitat type (and the weight or importance of the habitat to each species) include: Chimney Swift (Chaetura pelagica) Weight: Suitable Purple Finch (Haemorhous purpureus) Weight: Suitable American Woodcock (Scolopax minor) Weight: Marginal Common Nighthawk (Chordeiles minor) Weight: Marginal Eastern Harvest Mouse (Reithrodontomys humulis) Weight: Marginal Northern Bobwhite (Colinus virginianus) Weight: Marginal Rafinesque's Big-Eared Bat (Coryno(LVAL8rhinus rafinesquii) Weight: Marginal Sharp-shinned Hawk (Accipiter striatus) Weight: Marginal Yellow-billed Cuckoo (Coccyzus americanus) Weight: Marginal Long-tailed Weasel (Mustela frenata) Weight: Data GapLVALQThis system of upland forests is confined to a series of narrow ridges on Crowley s Ridge. This vegetation is very distinctive from that of the adjacent alluvial plain, and may represent the only forested terrain in a largely agricultural landscape. The ridges themselves also contrast sharply with the adjacent alluvial plain. It is a remnant loess-capped features rising from 100-200 feet above the alluvial plain surface. These are generally mesic and dry-mesic forests that occupy narrow, "finger" ridges and slopes in a highly dissected landscape. In many cases, these slopes and ravines provide habitat for plant species that are rare or absent from other parts of the alluvial plain (e.g., Liriodendron tulipifera). In the ravines and slopes, canopies are dominated by Fagus grandifolia, Quercus alba, and Liriodendron tulipifera, with many associates. Forests on the ridgetops are dominated by Quercus alba, Quercus rubra, Quercus falcata, Quercus stellata, Carya texana, Pinus echinata and Quercus velutina. (adapted from NatureServe 2005) Species associated with this habitat type (and the weight or importance of the habitat to each species) include: Midwest Worm Snake (Carphophis amoenus) Weight: Obligate Spotted Dusky Salamander (Desmognathus conanti) Weight: Optimal Yellow-billed Cuckoo (Coccyzus americanus) Weight: Optimal American Woodcock (Scolopax minor) Weight: Suitable Bronze Copper (Lycaena hyllus) Weight: Suitable Chimney Swift (Chaetura pelagica) Weight: Suitable Eastern Spadefoot (Scaphiopus holbrookii) Weight: Suitable Eastern Whip-poor-will (Antrostomus vociferus) Weight: Suitable Mole Salamander (Ambystoma talpoideum) Weight: Suitable Monarch (Danaus plexippus) Weight: Suitable Purple Finch (Haemorhous purpureus) Weight: Suitable Swainson's Warbler (Limnothlypis swainsonii) Weight: Suitable Wood Thrush (Hylocichla mustelina) Weight: Suitable Cerulean Warbler (Setophaga cerulea) Weight: Marginal Sharp-shinned Hawk (&LVAL6Accipiter striatus) Weight: Marginal Long-tailed Weasel (Mustela frenata) Weight: Data GapLVALQThe blackland prairies and woodlands of southwest Arkansas occur over relatively deep calcareous soils. This system is dominated by Schizachyrium scoparium and Soghustrum nutans and a rich herbaceous groundlayer. The woodland component is dominated by Quercus muehlenbergii and Carya illinoensis, also with a rich herbaceous groundlayer. These high-clay content, shrink-swell soils resist invasion by woody species, which combined with fire, maintains the prairie and open woodlands. (adapted from NatureServe 2005) Species associated with this habitat type (and the weight or importance of the habitat to each species) include: anthophorid bee (Tetraloniella albata) Weight: Optimal Byssus Skipper (Problema byssus) Weight: Optimal Common Nighthawk (Chordeiles minor) Weight: Optimal Dukes' Skipper (Euphyes dukesi) Weight: Optimal Le Conte's Sparrow (Ammodramus leconteii) Weight: Optimal Migrant Loggerhead Shrike (Lanius ludovicianus migrans) Weight: Optimal Monarch (Danaus plexippus) Weight: Optimal Northern Bobwhite (Colinus virginianus) Weight: Optimal robberfly (Microstylum morosum) Weight: Optimal Slender Glass Lizard (Ophisaurus attenuatus) Weight: Optimal Texas milkweed beetle (Tetraopes texanus) Weight: Optimal American Kestrel (Falco sparverius) Weight: Suitable Bell's Roadside-Skipper (Amblyscirtes belli) Weight: Suitable Bell's Vireo (Vireo bellii) Weight: Suitable Crawford's Gray Shrew (Notiosorex crawfordi) Weight: Suitable Diana (Speyeria diana) Weight: Suitable Dusky Azure (Celastrina nigra) Weight: Suitable Grasshopper Sparrow (Ammodramus savannarum) Weight: Suitable Henslow's Sparrow (Ammodramus henslowii) Weight: Suitable Leonard's Skipper (Hesperia leonardus) Weight: Suitable Meske's Skipper (Hesperia meskei) Weight: Suitable Northern Metalmark (Calephelis borealis) Weight: Suitable Outis Skipper (Cogia outis) Weight: Suitable Purple Finch (Haemorhous purpureus) Weig LVAL ht: Suitable Rattlesnake-Master Borer Moth (Papaipema eryngii) Weight: Suitable red milkweed beetle (Tetraopes quinquemaculatus) Weight: Suitable Sedge Wren (Cistothorus platensis) Weight: Suitable Texas Frosted Elfin (Callophrys irus hadros) Weight: Suitable Willow Flycatcher (Empidonax traillii) Weight: Suitable Yehl Skipper (Poanes yehl) Weight: Suitable American Woodcock (Scolopax minor) Weight: Marginal Buff-breasted Sandpiper (Calidris subruficollis) Weight: Marginal Smith's Longspur (Calcarius pictus) Weight: Marginal Sprague's Pipit (Anthus spragueii) Weight: Marginal Yellow-billed Cuckoo (Coccyzus americanus) Weight: Marginal Gorgone Checkerspot (Chlosyne gorgone) Weight: Data Gap Long-tailed Weasel (Mustela frenata) Weight: Data Gap>LVALNThis habitat occurs on uplands underlain by deep, coarse sandy soils. These sites are typified by low fertility and moisture retention, which contribute to open tree canopies with usually <60% canopy closure. Sparse understory vegetation and patches of bare soil are indicative of this system. Vegetation indicators are species tolerant of droughty sites, especially Quercus incana and Quercus arkansana. Pinus echinata is usually present. This habitat may be essentially treeless sand barrens. Fire is a critical natural disturbance process which affects the vegetation structure and likely the species composition of communities in this system. (adapted from NatureServe 2005) Species associated with this habitat type (and the weight or importance of the habitat to each species) include: Bell's Roadside-Skipper (Amblyscirtes belli) Weight: Optimal Broad-winged Skipper (Poanes viator) Weight: Suitable Eastern Whip-poor-will (Antrostomus vociferus) Weight: Suitable Georgia Satyr (Neonympha areolata areolata) Weight: Suitable Meske's Skipper (Hesperia meskei) Weight: Suitable Mottled Duskywing (Erynnis martialis) Weight: Suitable Oak Hairstreak (Satyrium favonius ontario) Weight: Suitable Texas Frosted Elfin (Callophrys irus hadros) Weight: Suitable Sharp-shinned Hawk (Accipiter striatus) Weight: Data GapLVALQThis habitat consists of forested wetlands in acidic seepage zones. These wetlands may occur in poorly developed upland drainages, toe-slopes, and small headwaters stream bottoms. These environments are prone to long duration standing water, and tend to occur on highly acidic, nutrient-poor soils. The vegetation is characterized by Magnolia virginiana, Nyssa sylvatica, Nyssa biflora, and Acer rubrum. Understory vegetation consistently supports an abundance of ferns, such as Osmunda cinnamomea, Osmunda regalis var. spectabilis, and Woodwardia areolata. In some cases, particularly after severe distrubance, these wetlands may be dominated by herbaceous species. In most cases, these wetlands are embedded in uplands with deep sandy soils. When these communities are associated with streams, they tend to be low gradient, with narrow, often braided channels and diffuse drainage patterns. (adapted from NatureServe 2005) Species associated with this habitat type (and the weight or importance of the habitat to each species) include: Bird-voiced Treefrog (Hyla avivoca) Weight: Optimal Dwarf Salamander (Eurycea quadridigitata) Weight: Optimal Rafinesque's Big-Eared Bat (Corynorhinus rafinesquii) Weight: Optimal Squirrel Treefrog (Hyla squirella) Weight: Optimal Western Chicken Turtle (Deirochelys reticularia miaria) Weight: Optimal Dukes' Skipper (Euphyes dukesi) Weight: Suitable Jefferson County Crayfish (Fallicambarus gilpini) Weight: Suitable Pine Hills Digger (Fallicambarus dissitus) Weight: Suitable Regal Burrowing Crayfish (Procambarus regalis) Weight: Suitable Yellow-billed Cuckoo (Coccyzus americanus) Weight: Suitable Bayou Bodcau Crayfish (Bouchardina robisoni) Weight: Data Gap Blair's Fencing Crayfish (Faxonella blairi) Weight: Data Gap Slenderwrist Burrowing Crayfish (Fallicambarus petilicarpus) Weight: Data GapLVALQThis system is found along moderate to steep slopes and steep valleys on primarily southerly to westerly facing slopes. Limestone, dolomite or shale bedrock typify this system with shallow, moderately to well-drained soils interspersed with rocks. These soils often dry out during the summer and autumn, and then become saturated during the winter and spring. Schizachyrium scoparium dominates this system and is commonly associated with Andropogon gerardii, Bouteloua curtipendula, and calcium-loving plant species. Stunted woodlands primarily dominated by Quercus muehlenbergii interspersed with Juniperus virginiana occur on variable-depth-to-bedrock soils. Fire is the primary natural dynamic, and prescribed fires help manage this system by restricting woody growth and maintaining the more open glade structure.These systems are usually small, isolated, and/or disjunct and are often embedded in a larger habitat matrix. These systems rely heavily on surrounding and/or adjacent habitats for landscape scale functions and processes such as fire. (adapted from Natureserve 2005) Species associated with this habitat type (and the weight or importance of the habitat to each species) include: Collared Lizard (Crotaphytus collaris) Weight: Obligate Baltimore Checkerspot (Euphydryas phaeton ozarkae) Weight: Optimal Northern Metalmark (Calephelis borealis) Weight: Optimal Scrubland Tiger Beetle (Cicindela obsoleta) Weight: Optimal Cobweb Skipper (Hesperia metea) Weight: Suitable Common Nighthawk (Chordeiles minor) Weight: Suitable Crawford's Gray Shrew (Notiosorex crawfordi) Weight: Suitable Diana (Speyeria diana) Weight: Suitable Monarch (Danaus plexippus) Weight: Suitable Outis Skipper (Cogia outis) Weight: Suitable Purple Finch (Haemorhous purpureus) Weight: Suitable Slender Glass Lizard (Ophisaurus attenuatus) Weight: Suitable Eastern Whip-poor-will (Antrostomus vociferus) Weight: Marginal Bewick's Wren (Thryomanes bewickii) Weight: Data Gap zLVALLong-tailed Weasel (Mustela frenata) Weight: Data GapLVALQThis system represents flatwoods found on Pleistocene high terraces, typically outside the floodplain. Soils are fine-textured and hardpans may be present in the subsurface. The limited permeability of these soils contributes to shallowly perched water tables during portions of the year when precipitation is greatest and evapotranspiration is lowest. Soil moisture fluctuates widely throughout the growing season, from saturated to very dry, a condition sometimes referred to as hydroxeric moisture regime. Saturation is primarily influenced by precipitation rather than overbank flooding. Pinus taeda is codominant along with Quercus pagoda and Quercus phellos, with a graminoid-rich groundlayer. Approximately twenty percent of the system is occupied by prairie mounds with Pinus echinata, Vaccinium spp., and Symplocos tinctoria. Extremely dry seasonal conditions make fire an important natural process in the system. As a result, this system was typically a woodland, although recent fire suppression and forest management have caused a conversion of most sites to forest. Some swales support pockets of Fraxinus caroliniana and Crataegus spp. Saline Barrens habitat is present on soils with high saline content, which are generally not conducive to woody plant growth. Thus, the vegetation forms a mosaic primarily consisting of open herbaceous or shrubby plant communities. (adapted from NatureServe 2005) Species associated with this habitat type (and the weight or importance of the habitat to each species) include: Red-cockaded Woodpecker (Picoides borealis) Weight: Obligate Henslow's Sparrow (Ammodramus henslowii) Weight: Optimal Southern Prairie Skink (Plestiodon obtusirostris) Weight: Optimal Common Nighthawk (Chordeiles minor) Weight: Suitable Diana (Speyeria diana) Weight: Suitable Eastern Whip-poor-will (Antrostomus vociferus) Weight: Suitable Georgia Satyr (Neonympha areolata areolata) Weight: Suitable Hurter's Spadefoot (Scaphiopus hurterii) Weight: Suitable $ LVAL4 Monarch (Danaus plexippus) Weight: Suitable Northern Bobwhite (Colinus virginianus) Weight: Suitable Purple Finch (Haemorhous purpureus) Weight: Suitable Le Conte's Sparrow (Ammodramus leconteii) Weight: Marginal Northern Bobwhite (Colinus virginianus) Weight: Marginal Sharp-shinned Hawk (Accipiter striatus) Weight: Data GapLVALQThis system is composed of riverfront associations, generally temporarily (but rarely seasonally) flooded on point bars and natural levees adjacent to the river that formed them, with flooding more frequent than every 5 years, by flowing water directly from the stream. They occur along the lower Mississippi River and its tributaries. They are classed as Low Gradient Riverine Overbank wetlands in a hydrogeomorphic classification (Klimas and others 2004). Flooding is of lower duration than on adjacent backswamps, where water is impounded behind riverfront natural levees. Flooding is of longer duration than on high bottomlands that are typically temporarily flooded. Soils are typically sandier than those of low bottomlands. Giant cane (Arundinaria gigantea) is a common understory in these forests on natural levees and higher point bars, and may become dominant after thinning or removal of overstory. Willow and cottonwood sandbars may have an open-canopy (woodland-type) structure. Often on sites with rapid soil deposition and therefore with rapid development of vegetation from low diversity willow and cottonwood dominated communities to more diverse communities dominated by Platanus occidentalis, Carya illinoensis, Celtis laevigata, Fraxinus pennsylvanica or Quercus texana. Historically, regeneration was through small treefall gaps and influenced by river dynamics. (adapted from NatureServe 2005) Species associated with this habitat type (and the weight or importance of the habitat to each species) include: Eastern Whip-poor-will (Antrostomus vociferus) Weight: Optimal Rafinesque's Big-Eared Bat (Corynorhinus rafinesquii) Weight: Optimal Swainson's Warbler (Limnothlypis swainsonii) Weight: Optimal American Black Duck (Anas rubripes) Weight: Suitable American Woodcock (Scolopax minor) Weight: Suitable Anhinga (Anhinga anhinga) Weight: Suitable Broad-winged Skipper (Poanes viator) Weight: Suitable Bronze Copper (Lycaena hyllus) Weight: Suitable Chimney Swift LVAL(Chaetura pelagica) Weight: Suitable Chimney Swift (Chaetura pelagica) Weight: Suitable Gulf Swampsnake (Liodytes rigida) Weight: Suitable Lace-winged Roadside-Skipper (Amblyscirtes aesculapius) Weight: Suitable Mole Salamander (Ambystoma talpoideum) Weight: Suitable Purple Finch (Haemorhous purpureus) Weight: Suitable Rusty Blackbird (Euphagus carolinus) Weight: Suitable Southeastern Bat (Myotis austroriparius) Weight: Suitable Southern Bog Lemming (Synaptomys cooperi) Weight: Suitable Southern Bog Lemming (Synaptomys cooperi) Weight: Suitable Swallow-tailed Kite (Elanoides forficatus forficatus) Weight: Suitable winter stonefly (Allocapnia malverna) Weight: Suitable Wood Thrush (Hylocichla mustelina) Weight: Suitable Yellow-billed Cuckoo (Coccyzus americanus) Weight: Suitable Yellow-crowned Night-Heron (Nyctanassa violacea) Weight: Suitable Black-crowned Night-Heron (Nycticorax nycticorax) Weight: Marginal Cerulean Warbler (Setophaga cerulea) Weight: Marginal Northern Long-eared Bat (Myotis septentrionalis) Weight: Marginal Tricolored Heron (Egretta tricolor) Weight: Marginal Willow Flycatcher (Empidonax traillii) Weight: Marginal Long-tailed Weasel (Mustela frenata) Weight: Data GapLVALQLow Bottomlands are usually seasonally flooded in backswamps, with flooding more frequent than every 5 years, usually more frequently than every two years, generally by still water that may be impounded behind natural levees, and are classed as Low Gradient Riverine Backwater wetlands in hydrogeomorphic classifications (Klimas and others 2004). Low bottomlands occur along the Mississippi River and its tributaries in the Mississippi Alluvial Plain Ecoregion. Prolonged flooding dominates this system, and its duration is greater that in the adjacent Mississippi River Riparian Forest. Quercus lyrata is the characteristic dominant species. Soils are clayey with poor internal drainage. Changes in soils and vegetation of this system are much slower than in the adjacent Mississippi River Riparian forest. Historically, regeneration was through small treefall gaps or large tornado tracks. (adapted from NatureServe 2005) Species associated with this habitat type (and the weight or importance of the habitat to each species) include: Bird-voiced Treefrog (Hyla avivoca) Weight: Optimal Eastern Whip-poor-will (Antrostomus vociferus) Weight: Optimal Rafinesque's Big-Eared Bat (Corynorhinus rafinesquii) Weight: Optimal Southeastern Bat (Myotis austroriparius) Weight: Optimal Squirrel Treefrog (Hyla squirella) Weight: Optimal American Black Duck (Anas rubripes) Weight: Suitable American Woodcock (Scolopax minor) Weight: Suitable Chimney Swift (Chaetura pelagica) Weight: Suitable Giant Stag Beetle (Lucanus elephus) Weight: Suitable Graham's Crayfish Snake (Regina grahamii) Weight: Suitable Gulf Swampsnake (Liodytes rigida) Weight: Suitable Mole Salamander (Ambystoma talpoideum) Weight: Suitable Purple Finch (Haemorhous purpureus) Weight: Suitable Rusty Blackbird (Euphagus carolinus) Weight: Suitable Swallow-tailed Kite (Elanoides forficatus forficatus) Weight: Suitable Tricolored Heron (Egretta tricolor) Weight: Suitable Western Chickt LVAL en Turtle (Deirochelys reticularia miaria) Weight: Suitable Wood Thrush (Hylocichla mustelina) Weight: Suitable Yellow-billed Cuckoo (Coccyzus americanus) Weight: Suitable Yellow-crowned Night-Heron (Nyctanassa violacea) Weight: Suitable Black-crowned Night-Heron (Nycticorax nycticorax) Weight: Marginal Cerulean Warbler (Setophaga cerulea) Weight: Marginal Sharp-shinned Hawk (Accipiter striatus) Weight: Marginal Southern Bog Lemming (Synaptomys cooperi) Weight: Marginal Long-tailed Weasel (Mustela frenata) Weight: Data GapLVALQHigh Bottomlands are often temporarily flooded on older Holocene point bars and natural levees, with flooding less frequent than every 5 years. Wetland functions are primarily driven by precipitation, are classed as hardwood flats in a hydrogeomorphic classification (Klimas and others 2004). They are flooded less frequently than adjacent riparian floodplains or low floodplains. These floodplains are of particular conservation interest because they have been cleared to a greater extent than riparian or low floodplains because of the reduced flooding of these sites. Also, flood control levees protect many of these sites and with protection from levees almost all sites are cleared. Thus most wetlands remaining in large bottomland areas are riparian or low bottomlands, and the species, communities and other characteristics of high bottomlands have been essentially lost. Forests are often dominated by species such as Quercus pagoda and Quercus michauxii. Wildlife agency partners generally would like to see this distinction recognized. Because many of these sites are adjacent to uplands or non-flooded hydro-xeric flatwoods, both of which have a relatively high fire frequency, and high floodplains are relatively dry, they have a higher typical fire frequency than lower bottomlands. (adapted from NatureServe 2005) Species associated with this habitat type (and the weight or importance of the habitat to each species) include: Rafinesque's Big-Eared Bat (Corynorhinus rafinesquii) Weight: Optimal Wood Thrush (Hylocichla mustelina) Weight: Optimal Yellow-billed Cuckoo (Coccyzus americanus) Weight: Optimal American Black Duck (Anas rubripes) Weight: Suitable American Woodcock (Scolopax minor) Weight: Suitable Bronze Copper (Lycaena hyllus) Weight: Suitable Chimney Swift (Chaetura pelagica) Weight: Suitable Dukes' Skipper (Euphyes dukesi) Weight: Suitable Eastern Whip-poor-will (Antrostomus vociferus) Weight: Suitable Giant Stag Beetle (Lucanus elephus) WeighLVAL*t: Suitable Gray Comma (Polygonia progne) Weight: Suitable Lace-winged Roadside-Skipper (Amblyscirtes aesculapius) Weight: Suitable Mole Salamander (Ambystoma talpoideum) Weight: Suitable Purple Finch (Haemorhous purpureus) Weight: Suitable Rusty Blackbird (Euphagus carolinus) Weight: Suitable Sharp-shinned Hawk (Accipiter striatus) Weight: Suitable Six-banded Longhorn Beetle (Dryobius sexnotatus) Weight: Suitable Southeastern Bat (Myotis austroriparius) Weight: Suitable Swainson's Warbler (Limnothlypis swainsonii) Weight: Suitable Swallow-tailed Kite (Elanoides forficatus forficatus) Weight: Suitable Western Chicken Turtle (Deirochelys reticularia miaria) Weight: Suitable Woodland Tiger Beetle (Cicindela unipunctata) Weight: Suitable Black-crowned Night-Heron (Nycticorax nycticorax) Weight: Marginal Cerulean Warbler (Setophaga cerulea) Weight: Marginal Eastern Harvest Mouse (Reithrodontomys humulis) Weight: Marginal Southern Bog Lemming (Synaptomys cooperi) Weight: Marginal Tricolored Heron (Egretta tricolor) Weight: Marginal Yellow-crowned Night-Heron (Nyctanassa violacea) Weight: Marginal Long-tailed Weasel (Mustela frenata) Weight: Data GapLVALQThis system represents broad bottomlands along larger rivers such as the Saline and Ouachita. Several distinct plant communities are recognized within this system that may be related to the array of different geomorphic features present within the floodplain. Some of the major geomorphic features associated with different community types include natural levees, point bars, meander scrolls, oxbows and sloughs. However, in many cases these features too small to be mapped or managed individually, and therefore contribute to an overall matrix of the habitat. Vegetation generally includes forests dominated by bottomland hardwood species and other trees tolerant of flooding and distributed according to these microsite variations. (adapted from NatureServe 2005) Species associated with this habitat type (and the weight or importance of the habitat to each species) include: Crawfish Frog (Lithobates areolatus) Weight: Obligate American Woodcock (Scolopax minor) Weight: Optimal Bird-voiced Treefrog (Hyla avivoca) Weight: Optimal Eastern Whip-poor-will (Antrostomus vociferus) Weight: Optimal Rafinesque's Big-Eared Bat (Corynorhinus rafinesquii) Weight: Optimal Southeastern Bat (Myotis austroriparius) Weight: Optimal Squirrel Treefrog (Hyla squirella) Weight: Optimal Wood Thrush (Hylocichla mustelina) Weight: Optimal Yellow-billed Cuckoo (Coccyzus americanus) Weight: Optimal American Black Duck (Anas rubripes) Weight: Suitable Anhinga (Anhinga anhinga) Weight: Suitable Chimney Swift (Chaetura pelagica) Weight: Suitable Dukes' Skipper (Euphyes dukesi) Weight: Suitable Dwarf Salamander (Eurycea quadridigitata) Weight: Suitable Gulf Swampsnake (Liodytes rigida) Weight: Suitable Lace-winged Roadside-Skipper (Amblyscirtes aesculapius) Weight: Suitable Purple Finch (Haemorhous purpureus) Weight: Suitable Rusty Blackbird (Euphagus carolinus) Weight: Suitable Swallow-tailed Kite (Elanoides forficatus forficatus) Weight: 6 LVALF Suitable Tricolored Heron (Egretta tricolor) Weight: Suitable Western Chicken Turtle (Deirochelys reticularia miaria) Weight: Suitable Yellow-crowned Night-Heron (Nyctanassa violacea) Weight: Suitable Black-crowned Night-Heron (Nycticorax nycticorax) Weight: Marginal Swainson's Warbler (Limnothlypis swainsonii) Weight: Marginal Lincoln Underwing (Catocala lincolnana) Weight: Data Gap Long-tailed Weasel (Mustela frenata) Weight: Data GapLVALQThis system is restricted to the main stem of the Red River in southwestern Arkansas. Several distinct plant communities can be recognized within this system that may be related to the array of different geomorphic features present within the floodplain. Some of the major geomorphic features associated with different community types within the system include natural levees, point bars, meander scrolls, oxbows, and sloughs. Vegetation generally includes forests dominated by bottomland hardwood species, with sites ranging from relatively dry to cypress-tupelo swamps.This system is generally similar in concept to West Gulf Coastal Plain Large River Floodplain Forest but is distinct from it because of the difference in magnitude between the typical large rivers (Ouachita, Saline) and the Red River bottoms. Native vegetation in the Red River bottoms differs from that of the West Gulf Coastal Plain Large River Floodplain Forest in having a larger area occupied by Populus deltoides, Salix nigra and other sandy riverfront forests. Nearly all of this habitat has been converted to row crops. (adapted from NatureServe 2005) Species associated with this habitat type (and the weight or importance of the habitat to each species) include: Eastern Whip-poor-will (Antrostomus vociferus) Weight: Optimal Rafinesque's Big-Eared Bat (Corynorhinus rafinesquii) Weight: Optimal Wood Thrush (Hylocichla mustelina) Weight: Optimal Yellow-billed Cuckoo (Coccyzus americanus) Weight: Optimal American Woodcock (Scolopax minor) Weight: Suitable Anhinga (Anhinga anhinga) Weight: Suitable Chimney Swift (Chaetura pelagica) Weight: Suitable Crawfish Frog (Lithobates areolatus) Weight: Suitable Dukes' Skipper (Euphyes dukesi) Weight: Suitable Gulf Swampsnake (Liodytes rigida) Weight: Suitable Purple Finch (Haemorhous purpureus) Weight: Suitable Rusty Blackbird (Euphagus carolinus) Weight: Suitable Southeastern Bat (Myotis austroriparius) Weight: Suitable Southern Pra` LVALp irie Skink (Plestiodon obtusirostris) Weight: Suitable Swallow-tailed Kite (Elanoides forficatus forficatus) Weight: Suitable Tricolored Heron (Egretta tricolor) Weight: Suitable Yellow-crowned Night-Heron (Nyctanassa violacea) Weight: Suitable American Bittern (Botaurus lentiginosus) Weight: Marginal American Black Duck (Anas rubripes) Weight: Marginal Black-crowned Night-Heron (Nycticorax nycticorax) Weight: Marginal Swainson's Warbler (Limnothlypis swainsonii) Weight: Marginal Long-tailed Weasel (Mustela frenata) Weight: Data GapLVALQThis system is composed of forests, prairies and woodlands on Pleistocene terraces in the Mississippi Alluvial Plain ecoregion. It occurs primarily west of Crowley s Ridge on Pleistocene glacial outwash deposits in Arkansas and Missouri, and on Macon Ridge in Louisiana and Arkansas. The sites are above modern floodplains, but have poor internal drainage and are flat with poor runoff, leading to very wet conditions in winter and spring. They also often have a claypan that restricts both internal drainage and, later in the year, water availability. Therefore they are very wet in the winter/spring and very dry in the summer, a moisture regime termed hydroxeric. Because of this moisture regime, the communities are variable, ranging from willow oak flats to post oak flats to prairies. In the 1940s, the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission produced a wildlife habitat map of Arkansas in which these sites were classified as "terrace hardwood forests". These communities have a large variety of upland and lowland tree species, ranging from post oak to overcup oak in a small area. Such species diversity may be explained by regeneration of species with dramatically different moisture tolerances on the same site in dry and wet years on these hydroxeric sites. Because the sites are above current floodplains and susceptible to being drained, they have been cleared at an even greater rate than nearby floodplain forests. (adapted from NatureServe 2005) Species associated with this habitat type (and the weight or importance of the habitat to each species) include: Southeastern Bat (Myotis austroriparius) Weight: Optimal Yellow-billed Cuckoo (Coccyzus americanus) Weight: Optimal American Black Duck (Anas rubripes) Weight: Suitable American Woodcock (Scolopax minor) Weight: Suitable Bronze Copper (Lycaena hyllus) Weight: Suitable Chimney Swift (Chaetura pelagica) Weight: Suitable Diana (Speyeria diana) Weight: Suitable Dukes' Skipper (Euphyes dukesi) Weight: Suitable Eastern SpadeLVALfoot (Scaphiopus holbrookii) Weight: Suitable Eastern Whip-poor-will (Antrostomus vociferus) Weight: Suitable Gray Comma (Polygonia progne) Weight: Suitable Meske's Skipper (Hesperia meskei) Weight: Suitable Midwest Worm Snake (Carphophis amoenus) Weight: Suitable Monarch (Danaus plexippus) Weight: Suitable Purple Finch (Haemorhous purpureus) Weight: Suitable Rusty Blackbird (Euphagus carolinus) Weight: Suitable Swallow-tailed Kite (Elanoides forficatus forficatus) Weight: Suitable Western Chicken Turtle (Deirochelys reticularia miaria) Weight: Suitable Bewick's Wren (Thryomanes bewickii) Weight: Marginal Black-crowned Night-Heron (Nycticorax nycticorax) Weight: Marginal Cerulean Warbler (Setophaga cerulea) Weight: Marginal Northern Bobwhite (Colinus virginianus) Weight: Marginal Sharp-shinned Hawk (Accipiter striatus) Weight: Marginal Southeastern Bat (Myotis austroriparius) Weight: Marginal Southern Bog Lemming (Synaptomys cooperi) Weight: Marginal Swainson's Warbler (Limnothlypis swainsonii) Weight: Marginal Tricolored Heron (Egretta tricolor) Weight: Marginal Wood Thrush (Hylocichla mustelina) Weight: Marginal Yellow-crowned Night-Heron (Nyctanassa violacea) Weight: Marginal Illinois Chorus Frog (Pseudacris illinoensis) Weight: Data Gap Long-tailed Weasel (Mustela frenata) Weight: Data GapTLVALdThis type includes plantations primarily composed of pine with regularly spaced trees planted for commercial production and subject to periodic silvicultural maintenance. This habitat type is extensive in Arkansas and is used by many species of conservation concern. Key factors and Indicators have often been derived in relationship to species of concern that use this habitat. In some cases, this habitat replaces native terrestrial habitats and may be of conservation concern from that standpoint. Species associated with this habitat type (and the weight or importance of the habitat to each species) include: Cobweb Skipper (Hesperia metea) Weight: Suitable Eastern Whip-poor-will (Antrostomus vociferus) Weight: Suitable Purple Finch (Haemorhous purpureus) Weight: Suitable Sharp-shinned Hawk (Accipiter striatus) Weight: Suitable Bachman's Sparrow (Peucaea aestivalis) Weight: Marginal Northern Bobwhite (Colinus virginianus) Weight: Marginal Swainson's Warbler (Limnothlypis swainsonii) Weight: Marginal Wood Thrush (Hylocichla mustelina) Weight: Marginal Yellow-billed Cuckoo (Coccyzus americanus) Weight: Marginal Long-tailed Weasel (Mustela frenata) Weight: Data GapLVALQThis type includes land with mixed grasses or monocultures of non-native grasses managed to support grazing domestic mammals.The type often has waterholes in association with the grassland. This type reduces the availability of more suitable habitats on the landscape for species of conservation concern. Species associated with this habitat type (and the weight or importance of the habitat to each species) include: Ozark Pocket Gopher (Geomys bursarius ozarkensis) Weight: Obligate American Badger (Taxidea taxus) Weight: Optimal American Golden-Plover (Pluvialis dominica) Weight: Suitable American Kestrel (Falco sparverius) Weight: Suitable Bewick's Wren (Thryomanes bewickii) Weight: Suitable Black-tailed Jackrabbit (Lepus californicus) Weight: Suitable Boreal Chorus Frog (Pseudacris maculata) Weight: Suitable Broad-winged Skipper (Poanes viator) Weight: Suitable Buff-breasted Sandpiper (Calidris subruficollis) Weight: Suitable Crawfish Frog (Lithobates areolatus) Weight: Suitable Eastern Spadefoot (Scaphiopus holbrookii) Weight: Suitable Eastern Tiger Salamander (Ambystoma tigrinum) Weight: Suitable Grasshopper Sparrow (Ammodramus savannarum) Weight: Suitable Great Plains Narrowmouth Toad (Gastrophryne olivacea) Weight: Suitable Henslow's Sparrow (Ammodramus henslowii) Weight: Suitable Hurter's Spadefoot (Scaphiopus hurterii) Weight: Suitable Illinois Chorus Frog (Pseudacris illinoensis) Weight: Suitable Lined Snake (Tropidoclonion lineatum) Weight: Suitable Migrant Loggerhead Shrike (Lanius ludovicianus migrans) Weight: Suitable Ouachita Burrowing Crayfish (Fallicambarus harpi) Weight: Suitable Ozark Swallowtail (Papilio joanae) Weight: Suitable Plains Harvest Mouse (Reithrodontomys montanus) Weight: Suitable Plains Spadefoot (Spea bombifrons) Weight: Suitable Southern Bog Lemming (Synaptomys cooperi) Weight: Suitable Southern Prairie Skink (Plestiodon obtusirostris) Weight LVAL : Suitable Strecker's Chorus Frog (Pseudacris streckeri) Weight: Suitable Western Harvest Mouse (Reithrodontomys megalotis) Weight: Suitable Yehl Skipper (Poanes yehl) Weight: Suitable American Woodcock (Scolopax minor) Weight: Marginal Bell's Vireo (Vireo bellii) Weight: Marginal Bronze Copper (Lycaena hyllus) Weight: Marginal Common Nighthawk (Chordeiles minor) Weight: Marginal Le Conte's Sparrow (Ammodramus leconteii) Weight: Marginal Monarch (Danaus plexippus) Weight: Marginal Northern Bobwhite (Colinus virginianus) Weight: Marginal Purple Finch (Haemorhous purpureus) Weight: Marginal Rusty Blackbird (Euphagus carolinus) Weight: Marginal Smith's Longspur (Calcarius pictus) Weight: Marginal Sprague's Pipit (Anthus spragueii) Weight: Marginal Long-tailed Weasel (Mustela frenata) Weight: Data GapLVALQThis type includes cultivated fields or aquaculture ponds, often many acres in size, managed specifically for a single crop. Occasional edges around the perimeter provide some habitat diversity. Species associated with this habitat type (and the weight or importance of the habitat to each species) include: American Badger (Taxidea taxus) Weight: Suitable American Black Duck (Anas rubripes) Weight: Suitable American Golden-Plover (Pluvialis dominica) Weight: Suitable Migrant Loggerhead Shrike (Lanius ludovicianus migrans) Weight: Suitable Short-billed Dowitcher (Limnodromus griseus) Weight: Suitable Trumpeter Swan (Cygnus buccinator) Weight: Suitable American Woodcock (Scolopax minor) Weight: Marginal Black-bellied Plover (Pluvialis squatarola) Weight: Marginal Black-crowned Night-Heron (Nycticorax nycticorax) Weight: Marginal Black-tailed Jackrabbit (Lepus californicus) Weight: Marginal Buff-breasted Sandpiper (Calidris subruficollis) Weight: Marginal Common Nighthawk (Chordeiles minor) Weight: Marginal Dunlin (Calidris alpina) Weight: Marginal Eastern Spadefoot (Scaphiopus holbrookii) Weight: Marginal Eastern Spotted Skunk (Spilogale putorius) Weight: Marginal Grasshopper Sparrow (Ammodramus savannarum) Weight: Marginal Hurter's Spadefoot (Scaphiopus hurterii) Weight: Marginal Illinois Chorus Frog (Pseudacris illinoensis) Weight: Marginal King Rail (Rallus elegans) Weight: Marginal Least Bittern (Ixobrychus exilis) Weight: Marginal Northern Bobwhite (Colinus virginianus) Weight: Marginal Ozark Pocket Gopher (Geomys bursarius ozarkensis) Weight: Marginal Piping Plover (Charadrius melodus) Weight: Marginal Purple Gallinule (Porphyrio martinicus) Weight: Marginal Ruddy Turnstone (Arenaria interpres) Weight: Marginal Rusty Blackbird (Euphagus carolinus) Weight: Marginal Sanderling (Calidris alba) Weight: Marginal Smith's Longspur (Calcarius pictus) Weight: Marginar LVAL l Sprague's Pipit (Anthus spragueii) Weight: Marginal Stilt Sandpiper (Calidris himantopus) Weight: Marginal Strecker's Chorus Frog (Pseudacris streckeri) Weight: Marginal Western Harvest Mouse (Reithrodontomys megalotis) Weight: Marginal Long-tailed Weasel (Mustela frenata) Weight: Data GapLVALThis type includes roofed structures surrounded by pavement, short grass, shrubs and open-grown trees, interspersed with parkland and commercial areas. High concentrations of exotic flora and fauna are commonly associated with this. (Foti and others 2005) Species associated with this habitat type (and the weight or importance of the habitat to each species) include: American Golden-Plover (Pluvialis dominica) Weight: Suitable Chimney Swift (Chaetura pelagica) Weight: Suitable Common Nighthawk (Chordeiles minor) Weight: Suitable Little Brown Bat (Myotis lucifugus) Weight: Suitable Purple Finch (Haemorhous purpureus) Weight: Suitable Sharp-shinned Hawk (Accipiter striatus) Weight: Suitable American Kestrel (Falco sparverius) Weight: Marginal Bewick's Wren (Thryomanes bewickii) Weight: Marginal Black-crowned Night-Heron (Nycticorax nycticorax) Weight: Marginal Monarch (Danaus plexippus) Weight: Marginal Wood Thrush (Hylocichla mustelina) Weight: Marginal Yellow-billed Cuckoo (Coccyzus americanus) Weight: Marginal Yellow-crowned Night-Heron (Nyctanassa violacea) Weight: Marginal5 Herbaceous WetlandQb@6*  -Mud FlatsSystem@Foti and others 2005K)  Ponds, Lakes, and Water HolesSystem@Foti and others 2005_=1)  Urban/SuburbanSystem @Foti and others 2005P." lLVAL|This type includes a variety of non-flowing aquatic habitats that may be a fraction of an acre to thousands of acres in size. The larger examples occur in the mountains as Corps of Engineers impoundments. Smaller waterholes are often built for wildlife or livestock watering functions. Most of these are built by humans. (Foti and others 2005) Species associated with this habitat type (and the weight or importance of the habitat to each species) include: Anhinga (Anhinga anhinga) Weight: Obligate Trumpeter Swan (Cygnus buccinator) Weight: Obligate Western Chicken Turtle (Deirochelys reticularia miaria) Weight: Obligate Black-crowned Night-Heron (Nycticorax nycticorax) Weight: Optimal American Bittern (Botaurus lentiginosus) Weight: Suitable American Black Duck (Anas rubripes) Weight: Suitable American Golden-Plover (Pluvialis dominica) Weight: Suitable Common Gallinule (Gallinula chloropus) Weight: Suitable Indiana Bat (Myotis sodalis) Weight: Suitable Interior Least Tern (Sterna antillarum athalassos) Weight: Suitable Northern Long-eared Bat (Myotis septentrionalis) Weight: Suitable Purple Gallinule (Porphyrio martinicus) Weight: Suitable Tricolored Heron (Egretta tricolor) Weight: Suitable Yellow-crowned Night-Heron (Nyctanassa violacea) Weight: Suitable Black-bellied Plover (Pluvialis squatarola) Weight: Marginal Dunlin (Calidris alpina) Weight: Marginal King Rail (Rallus elegans) Weight: Marginal Least Bittern (Ixobrychus exilis) Weight: Marginal Piping Plover (Charadrius melodus) Weight: Marginal Ruddy Turnstone (Arenaria interpres) Weight: Marginal Sanderling (Calidris alba) Weight: Marginal Short-billed Dowitcher (Limnodromus griseus) Weight: Marginal Stilt Sandpiper (Calidris himantopus) Weight: MarginalpLVALThis type includes level landforms composed of unconsolidated sediments along streams, ponds, lakes and other waterbodies, usually mud or sand. Mud Flats may be unvegetated or covered by less than 10% vegetation. (Foti and others 2005) Species associated with this habitat type (and the weight or importance of the habitat to each species) include: Interior Least Tern (Sterna antillarum athalassos) Weight: Obligate Black-bellied Plover (Pluvialis squatarola) Weight: Optimal Dunlin (Calidris alpina) Weight: Optimal Piping Plover (Charadrius melodus) Weight: Optimal Ruddy Turnstone (Arenaria interpres) Weight: Optimal Sanderling (Calidris alba) Weight: Optimal Short-billed Dowitcher (Limnodromus griseus) Weight: Optimal Stilt Sandpiper (Calidris himantopus) Weight: Optimal American Golden-Plover (Pluvialis dominica) Weight: Suitable Black-crowned Night-Heron (Nycticorax nycticorax) Weight: Suitable Buff-breasted Sandpiper (Calidris subruficollis) Weight: Suitable Trumpeter Swan (Cygnus buccinator) Weight: MarginalLVALQThis system represents semipermanently flooded to saturated depressional areas. They are typically created by changes in channels of meandering streams or other depressions, or by anthroprogenic activity. These may occur both within and outside the frequently flooded bottoms where the river flows. Vegetation typically includes Typha latifolia, Juncus spp and Scirpus spp. This broad habitat type includes wetlands across Arkansas in both the Interior Highlands and the Coastal Plain/Mississippi River Alluvial Plain that have a substantial cover of emergent herbaceous vegetation (>25%), with limited cover of woody shrubs (<25% of vegetated cover) and no or only scattered trees. Natural types occur in depressions within prairies, in active or abandoned beaver ponds, on the margins of oxbow lakes, in sinkhole and upland depression ponds, and where forested wetlands have been deforested by catastrophic fire, winds or other natural processes. Semi-Natural and Ruderal types occur within or on the margins of constructed reservoirs or in areas where drainage has been blocked or forest cover has been removed by anthropogenic activity. Vegetation zones often exist, typically related to water depth, characterized by such species (from deepest to shallowest) as cattail, spike rush, prairie cordgrass, gammagrass and switchgrass. Southern wild rice is common or abundant in some areas. Mudflats occur when water levels drop, and "moist soil" species such as smartweed may become abundant. Alligatorweed may become abundant to the south, and a variety of sedges, along with water primrose, arrowhead and needle-rush are common. These habitats are important to reptiles, amphibians and of special concern, secretive marsh birds such as rails, gallinules and bitterns, along with herons and egrets. During wet months the habitats host dabbling ducks. NLVAL^ Species associated with this habitat type (and the weight or importance of the habitat to each species) include: American Bittern (Botaurus lentiginosus) Weight: Optimal Black-crowned Night-Heron (Nycticorax nycticorax) Weight: Optimal Common Gallinule (Gallinula chloropus) Weight: Optimal Dion Skipper (Euphyes dion) Weight: Optimal Dukes' Skipper (Euphyes dukesi) Weight: Optimal King Rail (Rallus elegans) Weight: Optimal Least Bittern (Ixobrychus exilis) Weight: Optimal Purple Gallinule (Porphyrio martinicus) Weight: Optimal Sedge Wren (Cistothorus platensis) Weight: Optimal Trumpeter Swan (Cygnus buccinator) Weight: Optimal Bronze Copper (Lycaena hyllus) Weight: Suitable Swamp Metalmark (Calephelis muticum) Weight: Data GapLVALFoti and Rowe 2015; adapted from NatureServe 2005  @ @ @ @ @    " +  !  @ @ @ @ @    " +  ! @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456 79:;<=>           !"8#%&'($)+,-.*/123456789 : ;0<>?@A=BDEC               "#$%&'()*+,-./!023456789:;<=>?1@BCD     A       !"#$%&'()*f(yuN D j fL  Kv Ih vG_]YEK+BS7@  4 @4 @Species_and_HabitatsHHHHHHHHHHH   mk@ @Species_and_Guilds^@M RRRFFFFFFFD @j2@ E˲@Species List by Ecobasin_@U @T j^^RRRRRRRP @r@ƥeF@Species Habitat List for Sandra @U @T xll```````^ @B ןa@8L @SpeciešZ~ U<<<0000000. @ 9 Bݛ"@rݛ"@Sensitivities Weight LUTp@M ^^^RRRRRRRP @Փ@I7O@Semi-Aquatic_Reptile_Query̦K bQ`@/ nbbVVVVVVVT @Q7͓@6cu@Semi-Aquatic_Invertebrate_Query̦I bQ`@/ xll```````^ @Vē@fvٙ@Semi-Aquatic_Insect_Query$@H `@6 l``TTTTTTTR @WͿ@M@Semi-Aquatic_Fish_Query$@G `@6 h\\PPPPPPPN @ x.t@) @Semi-Aquatic_Amphibian_Query̦D bQ`@? rffZZZZZZZX @ @Dբ@Scores_By_Taxa̱@C @? 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Indicator_SourcePoor_LevelFair_LevelGood_LevelVery_Good_Level,Indicator_Level_Source:Level_Information_ReliabilityCurrent_StatusIndicator_Value<Status_Information_ReliabilityOther_CommentsID Status_RationaleGoalInd_Weight&Conservation_Action&Monitoring_Strategy$??A:YYYIDKey_Factor_IDPrimaryKey       v1b N  : k & @ D& ʪ l DJQ DJQ  @@ B@@!A BdLVAL>| 6 t . l&d4rMonitor percent of the spatial extent of all known occurrences with a percent canopy closure of greater than 80% (BA 70 or greater).Monitor percent of the spatial extent of all known occurrences with a percent canopy closure between 30 and 70 percent.Monitor percent of the spatial extent of all known occurrences with a percent canopy closure of greater than 70%.Monitor average number of road miles per square mile across all known occurrences of this target.Monitor average number of road miles per square mile across all known occurrences of this target.Monitor spatial extent of the buffer in feet from edge.Monitor average number of road miles per square mile across all known occurrences of this target.Monitor average number of road miles per square mile across all known occurrences of this target.Monitor average number of road miles per square mile across all known occurrences of this target.Monitor average number of road miles per square mile across all known occurrences of this target.Monitor average number of road miles per square mile across all known occurrences of this target.Monitor average number of road miles per square mile across all known occurrences of this target.Monitor average number of road miles per square mile across all known occurrences of this target.Monitor average number of road miles per square mile across all known occurrences of this target.Monitor average number of road miles per square mile across all known occurrences of this target.Monitor average number of road miles per square mile across all known occurrences of this target.Monitor average number of road miles per square mile across all known occurrences of this target.Monitor average number of road miles per square mile across all known occurrences of this target.Monitor average number of road miles per square mile across all known occurrences of this target.Monitor average number of road miles per square mile across all known occurrences of this target.(LVAL p L ( tP,RMaintain or, where necessary, restore the spatial extent of the buffer in feet from edge to 100 feet or more.Maintain or, where necessary, restore the average number of road miles per square mile to one or less across all known occurrences of this target.Maintain or, where necessary, restore the average number of road miles per square mile to one or less across all known occurrences of this target.Maintain or, where necessary, restore the average number of road miles per square mile to one or less across all known occurrences of this target.Maintain or, where necessary, restore the average number of road miles per square mile to one or less across all known occurrences of this target.Maintain or, where necessary, restore the average number of road miles per square mile to one or less across all known occurrences of this target.Maintain or, where necessary, restore the average number of road miles per square mile to one or less across all known occurrences of this target.Maintain or, where necessary, restore the average number of road miles per square mile to one or less across all known occurrences of this target.Maintain or, where necessary, restore the average number of road miles per square mile to one or less across all known occurrences of this target.Maintain or, where necessary, restore the average number of road miles per square mile to one or less across all known occurrences of this target.Maintain or, where necessary, restore the average number of road miles per square mile to one or less across all known occurrences of this target.Maintain or, where necessary, restore the average number of road miles per square mile to one or less across all known occurrences of this target.Maintain or, where necessary, restore the average number of road miles per square mile to one or less across all known occurrences of this target.Maintain or, where necessary, restore the average number of road miles per square mile to one or less across all known occurrences of this target.LVAL%J9 ( r  a  ' C Ont XjThe percent of ground cover iThe percent of ground cover in non-native herbaceous speciesThe percent of ground cover in non-native woody speciesThe percent of ground cover in non-native herbaceous speciesThe percent of ground cover in non-native woody speciesThe percent of ground cover in non-native herbaceous speciesThe percent of ground cover in non-native woody speciesThe percent of ground cover in non-native herbaceous speciesThe percent of the spatial extent of all known occurrences with a percent canopy closure of greater than 80 percent.The percent of the spatial extent of all known occurrences with a percent canopy closure of greater than 80%.The percent of the spatial extent of all known occurrences with a percent canopy closure of greater than 80% (BA 60 or greater).The percent of known caves and mines that have been successfuly gated.Average percent total native herbaceous ground cover across all known potential occurrences. Density must be sufficient to carry growing season fire at least once every five years. Composition should include only native species.Average percent total native herbaceous ground cover across all known potential occurrences. Density must be sufficient to carry growing season fire at least once every five years. Composition should include only native species.Average percent total native herbaceous ground cover across all known potential occurrences. Density must be sufficient to carry growing season fire at least once every five years. Composition should include only native species.The percent of the spatial extent of all known occurrences with a percent canopy closure of greater than 70%.The percent of the spatial extent of all known occurrences with a percent canopy closure ranging between 40-60%.The percent of the spatial extent of all known occurrences with a percent canopy closure ranging between 40-80%.The percent of the spatial extent of all known occurrences with a percent canopy closure of greater than 80% (BA 70 or greater).The percent of the spatial extent of all known occurrences with a percent canopy closure between 30 and 70 percent.The percent of the spatial extent of all known occurrences with a percent canopy closure of greater than 70%.Average number of road miles per square mile across all known occurrences of this target.Average number of road miles per square mile across all known occurrences of this target.Spatial extent of the buffer from edge.Average number of road miles per square mile across all known occurrences of this target.Average number of road miles per square mile across all known occurrences of this target.Average number of road miles per square mile across all known occurrences of this target.Average number of road miles per square mile across all known occurrences of this target.Average number of road miles per square mile across all known occurrences of this target.Average number of road miles per square mile across all known occurrences of this target.Average number of road miles per square mile across all known occurrences of this target.Average number of road miles per square mile across all known occurrences of this target.Average number of road miles per square mile across all known occurrences of this target.Average number of road miles per square mile across all known occurrences of this target.Average number of road miles per square mile across all known occurrences of this target.Average number of road miles per square mile across all known occurrences of this target.Average number of road miles per square mile across all known occurrences of this target.Average number of road miles per square mile across all known occurrences of this target.a# F  i + Ne.q<Canopy Closureo@ @<2525-5051-75>75@ MediumData Gap`@ R@ @||ppppfZNIB;6*8Canopy Closurer@ @<2525-5051-75>75@ MediumData Gap`@ b@ @||ppppfZNIB;6*7Canopy Closurer@ @<2525-5051-75>75@ MediumData Gap`@ ^@ @||ppppfZNIB;6*6Canopy Closure@ @<2525-5051-75>75@ MediumData Gap`@ v@ @||ppppfZNIB;6*4Canopy Closureu@ @<2525-5051-75>75@ MediumData Gap`@ N@ @||ppppfZNIB;6*3Canopy Closureo@ @<2525-5051-75>75@ MediumData Gap`@ P@ @||ppppfZNIB;6*Road Density[@ >2 miles1-2 miles0.5-1 mile<0.5 mileData Gap$@ @vj^^^^^^TTTI=2((DRoad Density[@ >2 miles1-2 miles0.5-1 mile<0.5 mileData Gap$@ @vj^^^^^^TTTI=2((DSpatial extent of buffer)@ <50 feet50-99 feet>100 feet>100 feetData Gap@ n@vjjjjjj```UJ>44(DW|Road Density[@ >2 miles1-2 miles0.5-1 mile<0.5 mileData Gap$@ @ vj^^^^^^TTTI=2((DU{Road Density[@ >2 miles1-2 miles0.5-1 mile<0.5 mileData Gap$@ @ vj^^^^^^TTTI=2((DSvRoad Density[@ >2 miles1-2 miles0.5-1 mile<0.5 mileData Gap$@ @ vj^^^^^^TTTI=2((DQtRoad Density[@ >2 miles1-2 miles0.5-1 mile<0.5 mileData Gap$@ @ vj^^^^^^TTTI=2((DOrRoad Density[@ >2 miles1-2 miles0.5-1 mile<0.5 mileData Gap$@ @ vj^^^^^^TTTI=2((DNpRoad Density[@ >2 miles1-2 miles0.5-1 mile<0.5 mileData Gap$@@vj^^^^^^TTTI=2((DMnRoad Density[@ >2 miles1-2 miles0.5-1 mile<0.5 mileData Gap$@@vj^^^^^^TTTI=2((DLmRoad Density[@ >2 miles1-2 miles0.5-1 mile<0.5 mileData Gap$@@vj^^^^^^TTTI=2((DKlRoad Density[@ >2 miles1-2 miles0.5-1 mile<0.5 mileData Gap$@@vj^^^^^^TTTI=2((DJkRoad Density[@ >2 miles1-2 miles0.5-1 mile<0.5 mileData Gap$@@vj^^^^^^TTTI=2((DIjRoad Density[@ >2 miles1-2 miles0.5-1 mile<0.5 mileData Gap$@@vj^^^^^^TTTI=2((DHiRoad Density[@ >2 miles1-2 miles0.5-1 mile<0.5 mileData Gap$@@vj^^^^^^TTTI=2((DGhRoad Density[@ >2 miles1-2 miles0.5-1 mile<0.5 mileData Gap$@@vj^^^^^^TTTI=2((DCgRoad Density[@ >2 miles1-2 miles0.5-1 mile<0.5 mileData Gap$@@vj^^^^^^TTTI=2((DLVAL  D "n8Maintain or, where necessary, restore the average percent total native herbaceous groundcover across all known potential occurrences to 41 percent or more.Maintain or, where necessary, restore the average percent total native herbaceous groundcover across all known potential occurrences to 41 percent or more.Maintain or, where necessary, restore the average percent total native herbaceous groundcover across all known potential occurrences to 41 percent or more.Maintain or, where necessary, restore the percent of the spatial extent of all known occurrences with a canopy closure of greater than 70 percent to 51 percent or more.Maintain or, where necessary, restore the percent of the spatial extent of all known occurrences with a canopy closure of ranging between 40 to 60 percent to 51 percent or more.Maintain or, where necessary, restore the percent of the spatial extent of all known occurrences with a canopy closure ranging between 40 to 80 percent to 51 percent or more.Maintain or, where necessary, restore the percent of the spatial extent of all known occurrences with a canopy closure of greater than 80 percent (BA 70 or greater) to 51 percent or more.Maintain or, where necessary, restore the percent of the spatial extent of all known occurrences with a canopy closure between 30 and 70 percent to 51 percent or more.Maintain or, where necessary, restore the percent of the spatial extent of all known occurrences with a canopy closure of greater than 70 percent to 51 percent or more.Maintain or, where necessary, restore the average number of road miles per square mile to one or less across all known occurrences of this target.Maintain or, where necessary, restore the average number of road miles per square mile to one or less across all known occurrences of this target.Maintain or, where necessary, restore the average number of road miles per square mile to one or less across all known occurrences of this target.LVAL@  ( 8Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Continuous Inventory Stand Condition, Sept, 2003Continuous Inventory Stand Condition, Sept, 2003Continuous Inventory Stand Condition, Sept, 2003In Woodlands, percent herbaceous ground cover is derived from the sum of percent early seral plus percent mature seral stages according to the Ouachita NF Continuing Inventory Stand Condition, Sept. 2003.In Woodlands, percent herbaceous ground cover is derived from the sum of percent early seral plus percent mature seral stages according to the Ouachita NF Continuing Inventory Stand Condition, Sept. 2003.In Woodlands, percent herbaceous ground cover is derived from the sum of percent early seral plus percent mature seral stages according to the Ouachita NF Continuing Inventory Stand Condition, Sept. 2003.Continuous Inventory Stand Condition, Sept, 2003Continuous Inventory Stand Condition, Sept, 2003Continuous Inventory Stand Condition, Sept, 2003Continuous Inventory Stand Condition, Sept, 2003Continuous Inventory Stand Condition, Sept, 2003Continuous Inventory Stand Condition, Sept, 2003LVAL , ^jGFoti, personal cFoti, personal communication 2004Foti, personal communication 2004Foti, personal communication 2004Foti, personal communication 2004Foti, personal communication 2004Foti, personal communication 2004In Woodlands, percent herbaceous ground cover is derived from the sum of percent early seral plus percent mature seral stages according to the Ouachita NF Continuing Inventory Stand Condition, Sept. 2003.Red oak acorns are preferred by waterfowl, and overcup is more shade tolerant than red oak, therefore dominance by overcup may indicate lack of natural dymanics of regeneration (Foti, personal communication).Red oak acorns are preferred by waterfowl, and overcup is more shade tolerant than red oak, therefore dominance by overcup may indicate lack of natural dymanics of regeneration (Foti, personal communication).Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1In Woodlands, percent herbaceous ground cover is derived from the sum of percent early seral plus percent mature seral stages according to the Ouachita NF Continuing Inventory Stand Condition, Sept. 2003.In Woodlands, percent herbaceous ground cover is derived from the sum of percent early seral plus percent mature seral stages according to the Ouachita NF Continuing Inventory Stand Condition, Sept. 2003.In Woodlands, percent herbaceous ground cover is derived from the sum of percent early seral plus percent mature seral stages according to the Ouachita NF Continuing Inventory Stand Condition, Sept. 2003.Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1+LVAL , ^S*\[Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1In Woodlands, percent herbaceous ground cover is derived from the sum of percent early seral plus percent mature seral stages according to the Ouachita NF Continuing Inventory Stand Condition, Sept. 2003.Dr. Henry Robison, person communicationIncrease in sugarberry usually results from unsustainable timber extraction and results in lower stand level diversity (Foti, personal communication 2004).Loss of cottonwood indicates alteration of natural disturbance regimes and resulting reduction in landscape level diversity (Foti, personal communication).Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1In Woodlands, percent herbaceous ground cover is derived from the sum of percent early seral plus percent mature seral stages according to the Ouachita NF Continuing Inventory Stand Condition, Sept. 2003.In Woodlands, percent herbaceous ground cover is derived from the sum of percent early seral plus percent mature seral stages according to the Ouachita NF Continuing Inventory Stand Condition, Sept. 2003.In Woodlands, percent herbaceous ground cover is derived from the sum of percent early seral plus percent mature seral stages according to the Ouachita NF Continuing Inventory Stand Condition, Sept. 2003.Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1LVAL0N b Z x~tj`XPMonitor the percent of ground cover in non-native herbaceous species.Monitor percent of loblolly crown cover among dominant canopy trees.Monitor the percent of ground cover in non-native woody species.Monitor the percent of ground cover in non-native herbaceous species.Monitor percent of broomsedge coverage among ground vegetation.Monitor the percent of ground cover in non-native woody species.Monitor the percent of ground cover in non-native herbaceous species.Monitor the percent of ground cover in non-native woody species.Monitor the percent of ground cover in non-native herbaceous species.Monitor the percent of ground cover in non-native woody species.Monitor the percent of ground cover in non-native herbaceous species.Monitor the percent of ground cover in non-native woody species.Monitor the percent of ground cover in non-native herbaceous species.Monitor percent of the spatial extent of all known occurrences with a percent canopy closure of greater than 80 percent.Monitor percent of the spatial extent of all known occurrences with a percent canopy closure of greater than 80%.Monitor percent of the spatial extent of all known occurrences with a percent canopy closure of greater than 80% (BA 60 or greater).Monitor percent of known caves and mines that have been successfuly gated.Monitor average percent total native herbaceous ground cover across all known potential occurrences.Monitor average percent total native herbaceous ground cover across all known potential occurrences.Monitor average percent total native herbaceous ground cover across all known potential occurrences.Monitor percent of the spatial extent of all known occurrences with a percent canopy closure of greater than 70%.Monitor percent of the spatial extent of all known occurrences with a percent canopy closure ranging between 40-60%.Monitor percent of the spatial extent of all known occurrences with a percent canopy closure ranging between 40-80%.P)R{  _  s DV'd5G{Oak Dominance6@ <12 or >7213-24 or 61-7225-36 or 49-6037-48Data Gap@l@~rffffff\\\UE5))DFzInvasive shrubs and woody vines9@>2010-205-9<5Data Gap@@rfZZZZZZPPPLG@;;/DFyExotic Forbs and Grasses>@>2010-205-9<5Data Gap@@k_SSSSSSIIIE@944(DExInvasive shrubs and woody vines9@>2010-205-9<5Data Gap@@rfZZZZZZPPPLG@;;/DEwExotic Forbs and Grasses>@>2010-205-9<5Data Gap@@k_SSSSSSIIIE@944(DDvLoblolly pine presenceA@>2010-20%5-9%<5Data Gap@@k_SSSSSSIIIE?722&DDuInvasive shrubs and woody vines9@>2010-205-9<5Data Gap@@rfZZZZZZPPPLG@;;/DDtExotic Forbs and Grasses>@>2010-205-9<5Data Gap@ @k_SSSSSSIIIE@944(DCsBroomsedge imbalance9@>2010-205-9<5Data Gap@ ~@g[OOOOOOEEEA<500$DCrInvasive shrubs and woody vines9@>2010-205-9<5Data Gap@ @rfZZZZZZPPPLG@;;/DCqExotic Forbs and Grasses>@$ >2010-205-9<5Data Gap@ @k_SSSSSSIIIE@944(DBpInvasive shrubs and woody vines9@# >2010-205-9<5Data Gap@ @rfZZZZZZPPPLG@;;/DBoExotic Forbs and Grasses>@" >2010-205-9<5Data Gap@@k_SSSSSSIIIE@944(DAnInvasive shrubs and woody vines9@! >2010-205-9<5Data Gap@@ rfZZZZZZPPPLG@;;/DAmExotic Forbs and Grasses>@ >2010-205-9<5Data Gap@@ k_SSSSSSIIIE@944(D@lInvasive shrubs and woody vines9@ >2010-205-9<5Data Gap@@ rfZZZZZZPPPLG@;;/D@kExotic Forbs and Grasses>@ >2010-205-9<5Data Gap@@ k_SSSSSSIIIE@944(D:\Canopy Closurev@ @ <2525-5051-75>75@ MediumData Gap`@ R@@ ||ppppfZNIB;6*9[Canopy Closureo@ @ <2525-5051-75>75@ MediumData Gap`@ R@@||ppppfZNIB;6*+GCanopy Closure@ @ <2525-5051-75>75@ MediumData Gap`@ P@@||ppppfZNIB;6*CPercent gated or fenced caves/minesH@ <2020-4040-60>60Data Gap@@ymaaaaaaWWWRKD??3DBPercent total herbaceous ground coverage@ @<2525-4041-75>75@ MediumData Gap@ 6@ @thc\UPD8APercent total herbaceous ground coverage@ @<2525-4041-75>75@ MediumData Gap@ 6@ @thc\UPD8@Percent total herbaceous ground coverage@ @<2525-4041-75>75@ MediumData Gap@ 6@ @thc\UPD8LVAL  ~ , 2 L RlrMaintain or, where necessary, restore the percent of groundcover in invasive woody species to nine percent or less.Maintain or, where necessary, restore the percent of groundcover in non-native herbaceous vegetation to nine percent or less.Maintain or, where necessary, restore the percent broomsedge coverage among ground vegetation to nine percent or less.Maintain or, where necessary, restore the percent of groundcover in invasive woody species to nine percent or less.Maintain or, where necessary, restore the percent of groundcover in non-native herbaceous vegetation to nine percent or less.Maintain or, where necessary, restore the percent of groundcover in invasive woody species to nine percent or less.Maintain or, where necessary, restore the percent of groundcover in non-native herbaceous vegetation to nine percent or less.Maintain or, where necessary, restore the percent of groundcover in invasive woody species to nine percent or less.Maintain or, where necessary, restore the percent of groundcover in non-native herbaceous vegetation to nine percent or less.Maintain or, where necessary, restore the percent of groundcover in invasive woody species to nine percent or less.Maintain or, where necessary, restore the percent of groundcover in non-native herbaceous vegetation to nine percent or less.Maintain or, where necessary, restore the percent of the spatial extent of all known occurrences with a canopy closure of greater than 80 percent to 51 percent or more.Maintain or, where necessary, restore the percent of the spatial extent of all known occurrences with a canopy closure of greater than 80 percent to 51 percent or more.Maintain or, where necessary, restore the percent of the spatial extent of all known occurrences with a canopy closure of greater than 80 percent to 51 percent or more.Build or maintain gates in 40 percent or more of the caves and mines known to have ecologically sensitive biota.NLVAL)P_! | : g C  b  i?>wv=Block is defined by the minimum convex polygon bounded by known occurrences of this habitat type in which the median patch sizeBlock is defined by the minimum convex polygon bounded by known occurrences of this habitat type in which the median patch size is above the fair level for patch size, and in which each of the patches score fair or better on the patch proximity threshold.Median nearest distance between patches.Average patch size across all known occurrences (acres)Block is defined by the minimum convex polygon bounded by known occurrences of this habitat type in which the median patch size is above the fair level for patch size, and in which each of the patches score fair or better on the patch proximity threshold.Median nearest distance between patches.Average patch size across all known occurrences (acres)Block is defined by the minimum convex polygon bounded by known occurrences of this habitat type in which the median patch size is above the fair level for patch size, and in which each of the patches score fair or better on the patch proximity threshold.Median nearest distance between patches.Average patch size across all known occurrences (acres)Block is defined by the minimum convex polygon bounded by known occurrences of this habitat type in which the median patch size is above the fair level for patch size, and in which each of the patches score fair or better on the patch proximity threshold.Median nearest distance between patches.Average patch size across all known occurrences (acres)Block is defined by the minimum convex polygon bounded by known occurrences of this habitat type in which the median patch size is above the fair level for patch size, and in which each of the patches score fair or better on the patch proximity threshold.Median nearest distance between patches.Average patch size across all known occurrences (acres)Block is defined by the minimum convex polygon bounded by known occurrences of this habitat type in which the median patch size is above the fair level for patch size, and in which each of the patches score fair or better on the patch proximity threshold.Median nearest distance between patches.Average patch size across all known occurrences (acres)Average percent total native herbaceous ground cover across all known potential occurrences. Density must be sufficient to carry growing season fire at least once every five years. Composition should include only native species.Percent loss of shortleaf pine over 30 year periodRelative amount of Red Oak to Overcup Oak in terms of basal areaThe percent of the ground that is primarily herbaceous groundcover.The percent of broomsedge coverage among ground vegetationThe percent of broomsedge coverage among ground vegetationThe percent basal area in loblollyThe percent basal area in loblollyThe percent of oak basal area among dominant canopy treesPercent increase in sugarberry basal area over a 30 year period in a defined area.The percent of cottonwood basal area lost within a 30 year period.Relative amount of Red Oak to Overcup Oak in terms of basal areaThe percent of oak stems among dominant canopy treesThe percent of oak stems among dominant canopy treesThe percent of ground cover in non-native woody speciesThe percent of ground cover in non-native herbaceous speciesThe percent of ground cover in non-native woody speciesThe percent of ground cover in non-native herbaceous speciesThe percent of loblolly crown cover among dominant canopy treesThe percent of ground cover in non-native woody speciesThe percent of ground cover in non-native herbaceous speciesThe percent broomsedge coverage among ground vegetationThe percent of ground cover in non-native woody speciesLVAL   2 Z ptPxMaintain, or where necessary, restore the percent of the groundcovered by native herbaceous vegetation to 70 percent or more.Maintain or, where necessary, restore the percent broomsedge coverage among ground vegetation to nine percent or less.Maintain or, where necessary, restore the percent broomsedge coverage among ground vegetation to nine percent or less.Maintain or, where necessary, restore the total percentage of land area in loblolly to nine percent or less.Maintain or, where necessary, restore the total percentage of land area in loblolly to nine percent or less.Maintain or, where necessary, restore the percent of oak stems among dominant canopy trees to 40-70 percent.Maintain or, where necessary, restore the percent increase in sugarberry basal area over a 30 year period in a defined area to 29 percent or less.Maintain or, where necessary, restore the percent of cottonwood basal area lost within a 30 year period to 29 percent or less.Maintain or, where necessary, restore the relative amount of Red Oak to Overcup Oak (measured in basal area) to a ratio of 1.1 or higher.Maintain or, where necessary, restore the percent of oak stems among dominant canopy trees to 25-60 percent.Maintain or, where necessary, restore the percent of oak stems among dominant canopy trees to 25-60 percent.Maintain or, where necessary, restore the percent of groundcover in invasive woody species to nine percent or less.Maintain or, where necessary, restore the percent of groundcover in non-native herbaceous vegetation to nine percent or less.Maintain or, where necessary, restore the percent of groundcover in invasive woody species to nine percent or less.Maintain or, where necessary, restore the percent of groundcover in non-native herbaceous vegetation to nine percent or less.Maintain or, where necessary, restore the total percentage of loblolly crown cover among dominant canopy trees to nine percent or less.LVAL!v  P  6 " Rr @n< XMonitor average patch size across all known occurrences (acres).Monitor total number of blocks statewide.Monitor median nearest distance between patches.Monitor average patch size across all known occurrences (acres).Monitor total number of blocks statewide.Monitor median nearest distance between patches.Monitor average patch size across all known occurrences (acres).Monitor total number of blocks statewide.Monitor median nearest distance between patches.Monitor average patch size across all known occurrences (acres).Monitor total number of blocks statewide.Monitor median nearest distance between patches.Monitor average patch size across all known occurrences (acres).Monitor total number of blocks statewide.Monitor median nearest distance between patches.Monitor average patch size across all known occurrences (acres).Monitor average percent total native herbaceous ground cover across all known potential occurrences.Monitor percent loss of shortleaf pine over 30 year period.Monitor relative amount of Red Oak to Overcup Oak in terms of basal area.Monitor the percent of the ground that is primarily herbaceous groundcover.Monitor percent of broomsedge coverage among ground vegetation.Monitor percent of broomsedge coverage among ground vegetation.Monitor percent basal area in loblolly.Monitor percent basal area in loblolly.Monitor percent of oak basal area among dominant canopy trees.Monitor percent increase in sugarberry basal area over a 30 year period in a defined area.Monitor percent of cottonwood basal area lost within a 30 year period.Monitor relative amount of Red Oak to Overcup Oak in terms of basal area.Monitor percent oak stems among dominant canopy trees.Monitor percent oak stems among dominant canopy trees.Monitor the percent of ground cover in non-native woody species.Monitor the percent of ground cover in non-native herbaceous species.Monitor the percent of ground cover in non-native woody species.Yz >  " ) fJUPatch Proximity*@>5 miles3-5 miles1-2 miles<1 mileData Gap@`@vj^^^^^^TTTK@5++DUPatch Size9@<50 acres50-125 acres125-250 acres>250 acresData Gap@@|pddddddZZZN?1&&DTNumber of Blocks"Total number of blocks statewide0-123>3Data Gap@R@}qeeeeee[[[WUSNN DTAverage Block Size@<1,000 acres1,000-2,499 acres2,500-5,000 acres>5,000 acresData Gap@ Monitor block size.zzzzzzpppbO<.."DTPatch Proximity*@>2.5 miles1-2.5 miles0.5-1 mile<0.5 mileData Gap@`@}qeeeeee[[[PD7++DTPatch Size9@<100 acres100-249 acres250-500 acres>500 acresData Gap@@~rffffff\\\PA2&&DSNumber of Blocks"Total number of blocks statewide0-123>3Data Gap@R@}qeeeeee[[[WUSNN DSAverage Block Size@<1,000 acres1,000-2,499 acres2,500-5,000 acres>5,000 acresData Gap@Monitor block size.zzzzzzpppbO<.."DSPatch Proximity*@>2.5 miles1-2.5 miles0.5-1 mile<0.5 mileData Gap@`@}qeeeeee[[[PD7++DSPatch Size9@<75 acres75-149 acres150-375 acres>375 acresData Gap@@|pddddddZZZN?1&&DRPercent total herbaceous ground coverage@@<2525-4041-75>75@ Data Gap6@@~~~~~~tthc\UPD8EQShortleaf pine decline4@>5031-5015-30<15Data Gap@v@l`TTTTTTJJJE>722&DPRed Oak/Overcup Oak RatioB@1:21:1.51:11.5:1@ Data Gap@@{occccccYYMFA:55)EOPercent herbaceous groundcover with minimal woody plantsE@)@<6060-7070-80>90Data Gap@@ xxxsle`THD@Broomsedge imbalance<@>2010-205-9<5Data Gap@~@ g[OOOOOOEEEA<500$DNBroomsedge imbalance<@>2010-205-9<5Data Gap@ ~@ g[OOOOOOEEEA<500$DMLoblolly encroachment$@>15%10-14%5-9%<5%Data Gap@ N@ l`TTTTTTJJJE?711%DLLoblolly encroachment$@>15%10-14%5-9%<5%Data Gap@ N@ l`TTTTTTJJJE?711%DKOak component;@<30 or >8030-39 or 71-8040-49 or 61-7050-60Data Gap@ |@~rffffff\\\UE5))DISugarberry increaseT@ @ >5030-5015-29<15Data Gap$@ @ui]]]]]]SSSNG@;/#DI~Cottonwood DeclineD@ @ >5030-5015-29<15Data Gap@@th\\\\\\RRRMF?:."DH}Red Oak/Overcup Oak RatioB@ 1:21:1.51:11.5:1@ Data Gap@@{occccccYYMFA:55)EH|Oak Dominance6@ <12 or >7213-24 or 61-7225-36 or 49-6037-48Data Gap@l@~rffffff\\\UE5))DLVAL  B Maintain or, where necessary, restore average block size to 2,500 acres or more. (Block is defined by the minimum convex polygon bounded by known occurrences of this habitat type in which the median patch size is above the fair level for patch size, and in which each of the patches score fair or better on the patch proximity threshold.)Maintain or, where necessary, restore the median nearest distance between patches of this habitat type to one mile or less.Maintain or, where necessary, restore the average patch size of this habitat type to 250 acres or more across all known occurrences.Maintain or, where necessary, restore number of blocks to three or more. (Block is defined by the minimum convex polygon bounded by known occurrences of this habitat type in which the median patch size is above the fair level for patch size, and in which each of the patches score fair or better on the patch proximity threshold.)Maintain or, where necessary, restore average block size to 2,500 acres or more. (Block is defined by the minimum convex polygon bounded by known occurrences of this habitat type in which the median patch size is above the fair level for patch size, and in which each of the patches score fair or better on the patch proximity threshold.)Maintain or, where necessary, restore the median nearest distance between patches of this habitat type to one mile or less.Maintain or, where necessary, restore the average patch size of this habitat type to 150 acres or more across all known occurrences.Maintain or, where necessary, restore the average percent total native herbaceous groundcover across all known potential occurrences to 41 percent or more.Maintain or, where necessary, restore the shortleaf pine loss over a 30 year period to 30 percent or less.Maintain or, where necessary, restore the relative amount of Red Oak to Overcup Oak (measured in basal area) to a ratio of 1.1 or higher.zLVAL l d l 4,4Maintain or, where necessary, restore the median nearest distance between patches of this habitat type to 1/2 mile or less.Maintain or, where necessary, restore average block size to 1,001 acres or more. (Block is defined by the minimum convex polygon bounded by known occurrences of this habitat type in which the median patch size is above the fair level for patch size, and in which each of the patches score fair or better on the patch proximity threshold.)Maintain or, where necessary, restore the median nearest distance between patches of this habitat type to two miles or less.Maintain or, where necessary, restore the average patch size of this habitat type to 251 acres or more across all known occurrences.Maintain or, where necessary, restore number of blocks to three or more. (Block is defined by the minimum convex polygon bounded by known occurrences of this habitat type in which the median patch size is above the fair level for patch size, and in which each of the patches score fair or better on the patch proximity threshold.)Maintain or, where necessary, restore average block size to 2,500 acres or more. (Block is defined by the minimum convex polygon bounded by known occurrences of this habitat type in which the median patch size is above the fair level for patch size, and in which each of the patches score fair or better on the patch proximity threshold.)Maintain or, where necessary, restore the median nearest distance between patches of this habitat type to two miles or less.Maintain or, where necessary, restore the average patch size of this habitat type to 125 acres or more across all known occurrences.Maintain or, where necessary, restore number of blocks to three or more. (Block is defined by the minimum convex polygon bounded by known occurrences of this habitat type in which the median patch size is above the fair level for patch size, and in which each of the patches score fair or better on the patch proximity threshold.)0 D x /  s[N cV[Patch Size9@<2 acres2-10 acres10-40 acres>40 acresData Gap@@vj^^^^^^TTTI<0&&DZNumber of Blocks"Total number of blocks statewide0-123>3Data Gap@R@}qeeeeee[[[WUSNN DZAverage Block Size@<250 acres250-500 acres501-1,000 acres>1,000 acresData Gap@Monitor block size.~rrrrrrhhhZI:.."DZPatch Proximity*@>2.5 miles1-2.5 miles0.5-1 mile<0.5 mileData Gap@`@}qeeeeee[[[PD7++DZPatch Size9@<5 acres5-10 acres10-30 acres>30 acresData Gap@@vj^^^^^^TTTI<0&&DYNumber of Blocks"Total number of blocks statewide0-123>3Data Gap@R@}qeeeeee[[[WUSNN DYAverage Block Size@<250 acres250-500 acres501-1,000 acres>1,000 acresData Gap@Monitor block size.~rrrrrrhhhZI:.."DYPatch Proximity*@>2.5 miles1-2.5 miles0.5-1 mile<0.5 mileData Gap@`@}qeeeeee[[[PD7++DYPatch Size9@<5 acres5-10 acres10-30 acres>30 acresData Gap@@vj^^^^^^TTTI<0&&DXNumber of Blocks"Total number of blocks statewide0-123>3Data Gap@R@}qeeeeee[[[WUSNN DXAverage Block Size@(<500 acres500-1,000 acres1,001-2,000 acres>2,000 acresData Gap@Monitor block size.vvvvvvlll^K:.."DXPatch Proximity*@'>2.5 miles1-2.5 miles0.5-1 mile<0.5 mileData Gap@`@}qeeeeee[[[PD7++DXPatch Size9@&<10 acres10-30 acres31-100 acres>100 acresData Gap@@ znbbbbbbXXXL>1&&DWNumber of Blocks"Total number of blocks statewide0-123>3Data Gap@R@}qeeeeee[[[WUSNN DWAverage Block Size@%<1,000 acres1,000-2,0002001-5,000 acres>5,000 acresData Gap@Monitor block size.ssssssiii[I<.."DWPatch Proximity*@$>2 miles0.51-2 miles0.25-0.50 mile<0.25 mileData Gap@`@uiiiiii___SC5++DWPatch Size9@#<10 acres10-30 acres31-100 acres>100 acresData Gap@@znbbbbbbXXXL>1&&DVNumber of Blocks"Total number of blocks statewide0-123>3Data Gap@R@}qeeeeee[[[WUSNN DVAverage Block Size@"<500 acres500-1,000 acres1,001-2,000 acres>2,000 acresData Gap@Monitor block size.vvvvvvlll^K:.."DVPatch Proximity*@!>5 miles3-5 miles1-2 miles<1 mileData Gap@`@vj^^^^^^TTTK@5++DVPatch Size9@ <125 acres125-250 acres251-500 acres>500 acresData Gap@@~rffffff\\\PA2&&DUNumber of Blocks"Total number of blocks statewide0-123>3Data Gap@R@}qeeeeee[[[WUSNN DUAverage Block Size@<1,000 acres1,000-2,499 acres2,500-5,000 acres>5,000 acresData Gap@Monitor block size.zzzzzzpppbO<.."DLVAL l f .(2Maintain or, where necessary, restore the median nearest distance between patches of this habitat type to one mile or less.Maintain or, where necessary, restore the median nearest distance between patches of this habitat type to one mile or less.Maintain or, where necessary, restore average block size to 1,001 acres or more. (Block is defined by the minimum convex polygon bounded by known occurrences of this habitat type in which the median patch size is above the fair level for patch size, and in which each of the patches score fair or better on the patch proximity threshold.)Maintain or, where necessary, restore the median nearest distance between patches of this habitat type to one mile or less.Maintain or, where necessary, restore the average patch size of this habitat type to 31 acres or more across all known occurrences.Maintain or, where necessary, restore number of blocks to three or more. (Block is defined by the minimum convex polygon bounded by known occurrences of this habitat type in which the median patch size is above the fair level for patch size, and in which each of the patches score fair or better on the patch proximity threshold.)Maintain or, where necessary, restore average block size to 2,001 acres or more. (Block is defined by the minimum convex polygon bounded by known occurrences of this habitat type in which the median patch size is above the fair level for patch size, and in which each of the patches score fair or better on the patch proximity threshold.)Maintain or, where necessary, restore the average patch size of this habitat type to 31 acres or more across all known occurrences.Maintain or, where necessary, restore number of blocks to three or more. (Block is defined by the minimum convex polygon bounded by known occurrences of this habitat type in which the median patch size is above the fair level for patch size, and in which each of the patches score fair or better on the patch proximity threshold.)bLVALNn < j 8  T t"llMonitor average percent of all known occurrences plus 100 meter buffer burned per 3-5 year interval.Monitor average percent of all known occurrences burned per 3-5 year interval.Monitor average percent of all known occurrences burned per 3-7 year interval.Monitor average percent of all known occurrences plus 100 meter buffer burned per 3-5 year interval.Monitor average percent of all known occurrences burned per 2-4 year interval.Monitor percent of burned areas burned during either March/April or Aug/Sept, or from leaf-expansion to leaf-fall, depending on project-level goals. In some but not all cases, seasonality is an accurate surrogate for intensity. Since intensity goals will vary from burn to burn it is difficult to "pre-quantify" ideal intensity objectives at a forest-wide scale. It is presumed that restoration, maintenance, fuel-reduction and other prescribed fire goals will be considered at the project level when planning burn intensity.Monitor total number of blocks statewide.Monitor median nearest distance between patches.Monitor average patch size across all known occurrences (acres).Monitor total number of blocks statewide.Monitor median nearest distance between patches.Monitor average patch size across all known occurrences (acres).Monitor total number of blocks statewide.Monitor median nearest distance between patches.Monitor average patch size across all known occurrences (acres).Monitor total number of blocks statewide.Monitor median nearest distance between patches.Monitor average patch size across all known occurrences (acres).Monitor total number of blocks statewide.Monitor median nearest distance between patches.Monitor average patch size across all known occurrences (acres).Monitor total number of blocks statewide.Monitor median nearest distance between patches.Monitor average patch size across all known occurrences (acres).Monitor total number of blocks statewide.Monitor median nearest distance between patches.LVALl f 2,Maintain or, where necessary, restore number of blocks to three or more. (Block is defined by the minimum convex polygon bounded by known occurrences of this habitat type in which the median patch size is above the fair level for patch size, and in which each of the patches score fair or better on the patch proximity threshold.)Maintain or, where necessary, restore average block size to 501 acres or more. (Block is defined by the minimum convex polygon bounded by known occurrences of this habitat type in which the median patch size is above the fair level for patch size, and in which each of the patches score fair or better on the patch proximity threshold.)Maintain or, where necessary, restore the average patch size of this habitat type to 10 acres or more across all known occurrences.Maintain or, where necessary, restore number of blocks to three or more. (Block is defined by the minimum convex polygon bounded by known occurrences of this habitat type in which the median patch size is above the fair level for patch size, and in which each of the patches score fair or better on the patch proximity threshold.)Maintain or, where necessary, restore average block size to 501 acres or more. (Block is defined by the minimum convex polygon bounded by known occurrences of this habitat type in which the median patch size is above the fair level for patch size, and in which each of the patches score fair or better on the patch proximity threshold.)Maintain or, where necessary, restore the average patch size of this habitat type to 10 acres or more across all known occurrences.Maintain or, where necessary, restore number of blocks to three or more. (Block is defined by the minimum convex polygon bounded by known occurrences of this habitat type in which the median patch size is above the fair level for patch size, and in which each of the patches score fair or better on the patch proximity threshold.):LVALc98 q p 7 Xk ~Average percent of all known occurAverage percent of all known occurrences burned per 5-7 year intervalAverage percent of all known occurrences burned per 3-7 year interval.Average percent of all known occurrences plus 100 meter buffer burned per 3-5 year interval.Average percent of all known occurrences burned per 3-5 year interval.Average percent of all known occurrences burned per 3-7 year intervalAverage percent of all known occurrences plus 100 meter buffer burned per 3-5 year interval.Average percent of all known occurrences burned per 2-4 year interval.The percent of areas burned during either March/April or Aug/Sept, or from leaf-expansion to leaf-fall, depending on project-level goals. In some but not all cases, seasonality is an accurate surrogate for intensity. Since intensity goals will vary from burn to burn it is difficult to "pre-quantify" ideal intensity objectives at a forest-wide scale. It is presumed that restoration, maintenance, fuel-reduction and other prescribed fire goals will be considered at the project level when planning burn intensity.The percent of areas burned during either March/April or Aug/Sept, or from leaf-expansion to leaf-fall, depending on project-level goals. In some but not all cases, seasonality is an accurate surrogate for intensity. Since intensity goals will vary from burn to burn it is difficult to "pre-quantify" ideal intensity objectives at a forest-wide scale. It is presumed that restoration, maintenance, fuel-reduction and other prescribed fire goals will be considered at the project level when planning burn intensity.Block is defined by the minimum convex polygon bounded by known occurrences of this habitat type in which the median patch size is above the fair level for patch size, and in which each of the patches score fair or better on the patch proximity threshold.Median nearest distance between patches.Average patch size across all known occurrences (acres)Block is defined by the minimum convex polygon bounded by known occurrences of this habitat type in which the median patch size is above the fair level for patch size, and in which each of the patches score fair or better on the patch proximity threshold.Median nearest distance between patches.Average patch size across all known occurrences (acres)Block is defined by the minimum convex polygon bounded by known occurrences of this habitat type in which the median patch size is above the fair level for patch size, and in which each of the patches score fair or better on the patch proximity threshold.Median nearest distance between patches.Average patch size across all known occurrences (acres)Block is defined by the minimum convex polygon bounded by known occurrences of this habitat type in which the median patch size is above the fair level for patch size, and in which each of the patches score fair or better on the patch proximity threshold.Median nearest distance between patches.Average patch size across all known occurrences (acres)Block is defined by the minimum convex polygon bounded by known occurrences of this habitat type in which the median patch size is above the fair level for patch size, and in which each of the patches score fair or better on the patch proximity threshold.Median nearest distance between patches.Average patch size across all known occurrences (acres)Block is defined by the minimum convex polygon bounded by known occurrences of this habitat type in which the median patch size is above the fair level for patch size, and in which each of the patches score fair or better on the patch proximity threshold.Median nearest distance between patches.Average patch size across all known occurrences (acres)xLVAL d 4Maintain or, where necessary, restore the average patch size of this habitat type to 201 acres or more across all known occurrences.Maintain or, where necessary, restore number of blocks to three or more. (Block is defined by the minimum convex polygon bounded by known occurrences of this habitat type in which the median patch size is above the fair level for patch size, and in which each of the patches score fair or better on the patch proximity threshold.)Maintain or, where necessary, restore average block size to 501 acres or more. (Block is defined by the minimum convex polygon bounded by known occurrences of this habitat type in which the median patch size is above the fair level for patch size, and in which each of the patches score fair or better on the patch proximity threshold.)Maintain or, where necessary, restore the median nearest distance between patches of this habitat type to 3/4 mile or less.Maintain or, where necessary, restore the average patch size of this habitat type to 10 acres or more across all known occurrences.Maintain or, where necessary, restore number of blocks to three or more. (Block is defined by the minimum convex polygon bounded by known occurrences of this habitat type in which the median patch size is above the fair level for patch size, and in which each of the patches score fair or better on the patch proximity threshold.)Maintain or, where necessary, restore average block size to 101 acres or more. (Block is defined by the minimum convex polygon bounded by known occurrences of this habitat type in which the median patch size is above the fair level for patch size, and in which each of the patches score fair or better on the patch proximity threshold.)Maintain or, where necessary, restore the median nearest distance between patches of this habitat type to one mile or less.Maintain or, where necessary, restore the average patch size of this habitat type to 10 acres or more across all known occurrences. Z S < ' <j2iE7Fire Seasonality/Intensity@$@"<2525-5051-75>75@ MediumData Gap@%@#@&||||rfZUNGB6*Fire Seasonality/Intensity@$@"<2525-5051-75>75@ MediumData Gap@%@#@&||||rfZUNGB6*Fire Seasonality/Intensity@$@"<2525-5051-75>75@ MediumData Gap@%@#@&||||rfZUNGB6*Fire Seasonality/Intensity@$@"<2525-5051-75>75@ MediumData Gap@%@#@!||||rfZUNGB6*Fire Seasonality/Intensity@$@"<2525-5051-75>75@ MediumData Gap@ @#@!||||rfZUNGB6*Fire Seasonality/Intensity@@"<2525-5051-75>75@ MediumData Gap@ @@!||||rfZUNGB6*Fire Seasonality/Intensity@@<2525-5051-75>75@ MediumData Gap@ @@||||rfZUNGB6*^Number of Blocks"Total number of blocks statewide0-123>3Data Gap@R@}qeeeeee[[[WUSNN D^Average Block Size@<1,000 acres1,000-5,000 acres5,001-10,000 acres>10,000 acresData Gap@Monitor block size.||||||rrrcO<.."D^Patch Proximity*@>2 miles1-2 miles0.5-1 mile<0.5 mileData Gap@`@ymaaaaaaWWWL@5++D^Patch Size9@<10 acres10-30 acres31-100 acres>100 acresData Gap@@znbbbbbbXXXL>1&&D]Number of Blocks"Total number of blocks statewide0-123>3Data Gap@R@}qeeeeee[[[WUSNN D]Average Block Size@<1,000 acres1,000-5,0005,001-10,000 acres>10,000 acresData Gap@Monitor block size.vvvvvvlll]I<.."D]Patch Proximity*@ >2 miles1-2 miles0.5-1 mile<0.5 mileData Gap@`@ymaaaaaaWWWL@5++D]Patch Size9@ <100 acres100-200 acres201-400 acres>400 acresData Gap@@~rffffff\\\PA2&&D\Number of Blocks"Total number of blocks statewide0-123>3Data Gap@R@ }qeeeeee[[[WUSNN D\Average Block Size@ <50 acres50-500 acres501-1,000 acres>1,000 acresData Gap@Monitor block size.|ppppppfffXG9.."D\Patch Proximity*@ >2 miles0.76-2.0 miles0.5-0.75 miles<0.5 mileData Gap@`@ vjjjjjj```UE5++D\Patch Size9@ <2 acres2-10 acres10-40 acres>40 acresData Gap@@ vj^^^^^^TTTI<0&&D[Number of Blocks"Total number of blocks statewide0-123>3Data Gap@R@ }qeeeeee[[[WUSNN D[Average Block Size@<50 acres50-100 acres101-500 acres>500 acresData Gap@Monitor block size.xllllllbbbVG9.."D[Patch Proximity*@>2 miles1.0-2.0 miles0.5-1 mile<0.5 mileData Gap@`@ }qeeeeee[[[PD5++D^LVAL f 2~When burning, burn during either March/April or August/September, or from leaf-expansion to leaf-fall, depending on project-level goals.When burning, burn during either March/April or August/September, or from leaf-expansion to leaf-fall, depending on project-level goals.Maintain or, where necessary, restore number of blocks to three or more. (Block is defined by the minimum convex polygon bounded by known occurrences of this habitat type in which the median patch size is above the fair level for patch size, and in which each of the patches score fair or better on the patch proximity threshold.)Maintain or, where necessary, restore average block size to 5,001 acres or more. (Block is defined by the minimum convex polygon bounded by known occurrences of this habitat type in which the median patch size is above the fair level for patch size, and in which each of the patches score fair or better on the patch proximity threshold.)Maintain or, where necessary, restore the median nearest distance between patches of this habitat type to one mile or less.Maintain or, where necessary, restore the average patch size of this habitat type to 31 acres or more across all known occurrences.Maintain or, where necessary, restore number of blocks to three or more. (Block is defined by the minimum convex polygon bounded by known occurrences of this habitat type in which the median patch size is above the fair level for patch size, and in which each of the patches score fair or better on the patch proximity threshold.)Maintain or, where necessary, restore average block size to 5,001 acres or more. (Block is defined by the minimum convex polygon bounded by known occurrences of this habitat type in which the median patch size is above the fair level for patch size, and in which each of the patches score fair or better on the patch proximity threshold.)Maintain or, where necessary, restore the median nearest distance between patches of this habitat type to one mile or less.LVAL Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1LVAL zMonitor average percent of all known occurrences plus 100 meter buffer burned per 3-7 year interval.Monitor average percent of all known occurrences burned per 3-7 year interval.Monitor average percent of all known occurrences burned per 5-7 year interval.Monitor average percent of all known occurrences burned per 3-7 year interval.Monitor percent of burned areas burned during either March/April or Aug/Sept, or from leaf-expansion to leaf-fall, depending on project-level goals. In some but not all cases, seasonality is an accurate surrogate for intensity. Since intensity goals will vary from burn to burn it is difficult to "pre-quantify" ideal intensity objectives at a forest-wide scale. It is presumed that restoration, maintenance, fuel-reduction and other prescribed fire goals will be considered at the project level when planning burn intensity.Monitor percent of burned areas burned during either March/April or Aug/Sept, or from leaf-expansion to leaf-fall, depending on project-level goals. In some but not all cases, seasonality is an accurate surrogate for intensity. Since intensity goals will vary from burn to burn it is difficult to "pre-quantify" ideal intensity objectives at a forest-wide scale. It is presumed that restoration, maintenance, fuel-reduction and other prescribed fire goals will be considered at the project level when planning burn intensity.Monitor percent of burned areas burned during either March/April or Aug/Sept, or from leaf-expansion to leaf-fall, depending on project-level goals. In some but not all cases, seasonality is an accurate surrogate for intensity. Since intensity goals will vary from burn to burn it is difficult to "pre-quantify" ideal intensity objectives at a forest-wide scale. It is presumed that restoration, maintenance, fuel-reduction and other prescribed fire goals will be considered at the project level when planning burn intensity.LVAL Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1LVAL p`P@0 When burning, burn during either March/April or August/September, or from leaf-expansion to leaf-fall, depending on project-level goals.When burning, burn during either March/April or August/September, or from leaf-expansion to leaf-fall, depending on project-level goals.When burning, burn during either March/April or August/September, or from leaf-expansion to leaf-fall, depending on project-level goals.When burning, burn during either March/April or August/September, or from leaf-expansion to leaf-fall, depending on project-level goals.When burning, burn during either March/April or August/September, or from leaf-expansion to leaf-fall, depending on project-level goals.When burning, burn during either March/April or August/September, or from leaf-expansion to leaf-fall, depending on project-level goals.When burning, burn during either March/April or August/September, or from leaf-expansion to leaf-fall, depending on project-level goals.When burning, burn during either March/April or August/September, or from leaf-expansion to leaf-fall, depending on project-level goals.When burning, burn during either March/April or August/September, or from leaf-expansion to leaf-fall, depending on project-level goals.When burning, burn during either March/April or August/September, or from leaf-expansion to leaf-fall, depending on project-level goals.When burning, burn during either March/April or August/September, or from leaf-expansion to leaf-fall, depending on project-level goals.When burning, burn during either March/April or August/September, or from leaf-expansion to leaf-fall, depending on project-level goals.When burning, burn during either March/April or August/September, or from leaf-expansion to leaf-fall, depending on project-level goals.When burning, burn during either March/April or August/September, or from leaf-expansion to leaf-fall, depending on project-level goals.LVAL BR |4Average percent of all known occurAverage percent of all known occurrences burned per 5-7 year interval.Average percent of all known occurrences burned per 3-7 year intervalAverage percent of all known occurrences burned per 3-5 year intervalAverage percent of all known occurrences burned per 5-7 year interval.Average percent of all known occurrences plus appropriate buffer burned per 5-7 year interval.Average percent of all known occurrences burned per 3-5 year interval.Average percent of all known occurrences burned per 3-5 year interval.Average percent of all known occurrences plus 100 meter buffer burned per 3-7 year interval.Average percent of all known occurrences burned per 3-7 year interval.The percent of areas burned during either March/April or Aug/Sept, or from leaf-expansion to leaf-fall, depending on project-level goals. In some but not all cases, seasonality is an accurate surrogate for intensity. Since intensity goals will vary from burn to burn it is difficult to "pre-quantify" ideal intensity objectives at a forest-wide scale. It is presumed that restoration, maintenance, fuel-reduction and other prescribed fire goals will be considered at the project level when planning burn intensity.The percent of areas burned during either March/April or Aug/Sept, or from leaf-expansion to leaf-fall, depending on project-level goals. In some but not all cases, seasonality is an accurate surrogate for intensity. Since intensity goals will vary from burn to burn it is difficult to "pre-quantify" ideal intensity objectives at a forest-wide scale. It is presumed that restoration, maintenance, fuel-reduction and other prescribed fire goals will be considered at the project level when planning burn intensity.The percent of areas burned during either March/April or Aug/Sept, or from leaf-expansion to leaf-fall, depending on project-level goals. In some but not all cases, seasonality is an accurate surrogate for intensity. Since intensity goals will vary from burn to burn it is difficult to "pre-quantify" ideal intensity objectives at a forest-wide scale. It is presumed that restoration, maintenance, fuel-reduction and other prescribed fire goals will be considered at the project level when planning burn intensity.The percent of areas burned during either March/April or Aug/Sept, or from leaf-expansion to leaf-fall, depending on project-level goals. In some but not all cases, seasonality is an accurate surrogate for intensity. Since intensity goals will vary from burn to burn it is difficult to "pre-quantify" ideal intensity objectives at a forest-wide scale. It is presumed that restoration, maintenance, fuel-reduction and other prescribed fire goals will be considered at the project level when planning burn intensity.The percent of areas burned during either March/April or Aug/Sept, or from leaf-expansion to leaf-fall, depending on project-level goals. In some but not all cases, seasonality is an accurate surrogate for intensity. Since intensity goals will vary from burn to burn it is difficult to "pre-quantify" ideal intensity objectives at a forest-wide scale. It is presumed that restoration, maintenance, fuel-reduction and other prescribed fire goals will be considered at the project level when planning burn intensity.The percent of areas burned during either March/April or Aug/Sept, or from leaf-expansion to leaf-fall, depending on project-level goals. In some but not all cases, seasonality is an accurate surrogate for intensity. Since intensity goals will vary from burn to burn it is difficult to "pre-quantify" ideal intensity objectives at a forest-wide scale. It is presumed that restoration, maintenance, fuel-reduction and other prescribed fire goals will be considered at the project level when planning burn intensity.LVAL    Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1LVAL zMonitor average percent of all known occurrences burned per 5-7 year interval.Monitor average percent of all known occurrences plus appropriate buffer burned per 5-7 year interval.Monitor average percent of all known occurrences burned per 3-5 year interval.Monitor average percent of all known occurrences burned per 3-5 year interval.Monitor percent of burned areas burned during either March/April or Aug/Sept, or from leaf-expansion to leaf-fall, depending on project-level goals. In some but not all cases, seasonality is an accurate surrogate for intensity. Since intensity goals will vary from burn to burn it is difficult to "pre-quantify" ideal intensity objectives at a forest-wide scale. It is presumed that restoration, maintenance, fuel-reduction and other prescribed fire goals will be considered at the project level when planning burn intensity.Monitor percent of burned areas burned during either March/April or Aug/Sept, or from leaf-expansion to leaf-fall, depending on project-level goals. In some but not all cases, seasonality is an accurate surrogate for intensity. Since intensity goals will vary from burn to burn it is difficult to "pre-quantify" ideal intensity objectives at a forest-wide scale. It is presumed that restoration, maintenance, fuel-reduction and other prescribed fire goals will be considered at the project level when planning burn intensity.Monitor percent of burned areas burned during either March/April or Aug/Sept, or from leaf-expansion to leaf-fall, depending on project-level goals. In some but not all cases, seasonality is an accurate surrogate for intensity. Since intensity goals will vary from burn to burn it is difficult to "pre-quantify" ideal intensity objectives at a forest-wide scale. It is presumed that restoration, maintenance, fuel-reduction and other prescribed fire goals will be considered at the project level when planning burn intensity.\LVAL zBzMonitor average percent of all known occurrences plus 100 meter buffer burned per 2-4 year interval.Monitor average percent of all known occurrences burned per 3-7 year interval.Monitor average percent of all known occurrences burned per 5-7 year interval.Monitor average percent of all known occurrences burned per 3-7 year interval.Monitor average percent of all known occurrences burned per 3-5 year interval.Monitor percent of burned areas burned during either March/April or Aug/Sept, or from leaf-expansion to leaf-fall, depending on project-level goals. In some but not all cases, seasonality is an accurate surrogate for intensity. Since intensity goals will vary from burn to burn it is difficult to "pre-quantify" ideal intensity objectives at a forest-wide scale. It is presumed that restoration, maintenance, fuel-reduction and other prescribed fire goals will be considered at the project level when planning burn intensity.Monitor percent of burned areas burned during either March/April or Aug/Sept, or from leaf-expansion to leaf-fall, depending on project-level goals. In some but not all cases, seasonality is an accurate surrogate for intensity. Since intensity goals will vary from burn to burn it is difficult to "pre-quantify" ideal intensity objectives at a forest-wide scale. It is presumed that restoration, maintenance, fuel-reduction and other prescribed fire goals will be considered at the project level when planning burn intensity.Monitor percent of burned areas burned during either March/April or Aug/Sept, or from leaf-expansion to leaf-fall, depending on project-level goals. In some but not all cases, seasonality is an accurate surrogate for intensity. Since intensity goals will vary from burn to burn it is difficult to "pre-quantify" ideal intensity objectives at a forest-wide scale. It is presumed that restoration, maintenance, fuel-reduction and other prescribed fire goals will be considered at the project level when planning burn intensity.7n  J &]9pLwFire Seasonality/Intensity@8@ /<2525-5051-75>75@ -MediumData Gap@6@ 1@7||||rfZUNGB6*vFire Seasonality/Intensity@4@ /<2525-5051-75>75@ -MediumData Gap@6@ 1@7||||rfZUNGB6*uFire Seasonality/Intensity@4@ /<2525-5051-75>75@ -MediumData Gap@6@1@5||||rfZUNGB6*tFire Seasonality/Intensity@4@/<2525-5051-75>75@ -MediumData Gap@2@1@5||||rfZUNGB6*sFire Seasonality/Intensity@4@/<2525-5051-75>75@-MediumData Gap@2@1@5||||rfZUNGB6*rFire Seasonality/Intensity@4@/<2525-5051-75>75@-MediumData Gap@2@1@3||||rfZUNGB6*qFire Seasonality/Intensity@4@/<2525-5051-75>75@-MediumData Gap@2@1@3||||rfZUNGB6*pFire Seasonality/Intensity@.@/<2525-5051-75>75@-MediumData Gap@2@1@3||||rfZUNGB6*kFire Seasonality/Intensity@.@/<2525-5051-75>75@-MediumData Gap@2@1@0||||rfZUNGB6*iFire Seasonality/Intensity@.@/<2525-5051-75>75@-MediumData Gap@2@1@0||||rfZUNGB6*gFire Seasonality/Intensity@.@/<2525-5051-75>75@-MediumData Gap@+@1@0||||rfZUNGB6*fFire Seasonality/Intensity@.@/<2525-5051-75>75@-MediumData Gap@+@ #@,||||rfZUNGB6*eFire Seasonality/Intensity@.@ "<2525-5051-75>75@-MediumData Gap@+@ #@,||||rfZUNGB6*bFire Seasonality/Intensity@)@ "<2525-5051-75>75@ MediumData Gap@+@ #@,||||rfZUNGB6*Fire Seasonality/Intensity@)@ "<2525-5051-75>75@ MediumData Gap@+@ #@*||||rfZUNGB6*Fire Seasonality/Intensity@)@ "<2525-5051-75>75@ MediumData Gap@+@ #@*||||rfZUNGB6*}Fire Seasonality/Intensity@)@ "<2525-5051-75>75@ MediumData Gap@+@#@*||||rfZUNGB6*Fire Seasonality/Intensity@)@"<2525-5051-75>75@ MediumData Gap@%@#@'||||rfZUNGB6*Fire Seasonality/Intensity@)@"<2525-5051-75>75@ MediumData Gap@%@#@'||||rfZUNGB6*9Fire Seasonality/Intensity@$@"<2525-5051-75>75@ MediumData Gap@%@#@'||||rfZUNGB6* LVAL B$6Average percent of all known occurrences plusAverage percent of all known occurrences plus 100 meter buffer burned per 3-5 year interval.Average percent of all known occurrences burned per 3-7 year interval.Average percent of all known occurrences burned per 3-5 year interval.Average percent of all known occurrences plus 100 meter buffer burned per 5-100 year interval.Average percent of all known occurrences plus 100 meter buffer burned per 2-4 year interval.Average percent of all known occurrences plus appropriate buffer burned per 3-7 year interval.Average percent of all known occurrences plus 100 meter buffer burned per 2-4 year interval.Average percent of all known occurrences burned per 3-7 year interval.The percent of areas burned during either March/April or Aug/Sept, or from leaf-expansion to leaf-fall, depending on project-level goals. In some but not all cases, seasonality is an accurate surrogate for intensity. Since intensity goals will vary from burn to burn it is difficult to "pre-quantify" ideal intensity objectives at a forest-wide scale. It is presumed that restoration, maintenance, fuel-reduction and other prescribed fire goals will be considered at the project level when planning burn intensity.The percent of areas burned during either March/April or Aug/Sept, or from leaf-expansion to leaf-fall, depending on project-level goals. In some but not all cases, seasonality is an accurate surrogate for intensity. Since intensity goals will vary from burn to burn it is difficult to "pre-quantify" ideal intensity objectives at a forest-wide scale. It is presumed that restoration, maintenance, fuel-reduction and other prescribed fire goals will be considered at the project level when planning burn intensity.The percent of areas burned during either March/April or Aug/Sept, or from leaf-expansion to leaf-fall, depending on project-level goals. In some but not all cases, seasonality is an accurate surrogate for intensity. Since intensity goals will vary from burn to burn it is difficult to "pre-quantify" ideal intensity objectives at a forest-wide scale. It is presumed that restoration, maintenance, fuel-reduction and other prescribed fire goals will be considered at the project level when planning burn intensity.The percent of areas burned during either March/April or Aug/Sept, or from leaf-expansion to leaf-fall, depending on project-level goals. In some but not all cases, seasonality is an accurate surrogate for intensity. Since intensity goals will vary from burn to burn it is difficult to "pre-quantify" ideal intensity objectives at a forest-wide scale. It is presumed that restoration, maintenance, fuel-reduction and other prescribed fire goals will be considered at the project level when planning burn intensity.The percent of areas burned during either March/April or Aug/Sept, or from leaf-expansion to leaf-fall, depending on project-level goals. In some but not all cases, seasonality is an accurate surrogate for intensity. Since intensity goals will vary from burn to burn it is difficult to "pre-quantify" ideal intensity objectives at a forest-wide scale. It is presumed that restoration, maintenance, fuel-reduction and other prescribed fire goals will be considered at the project level when planning burn intensity.The percent of areas burned during either March/April or Aug/Sept, or from leaf-expansion to leaf-fall, depending on project-level goals. In some but not all cases, seasonality is an accurate surrogate for intensity. Since intensity goals will vary from burn to burn it is difficult to "pre-quantify" ideal intensity objectives at a forest-wide scale. It is presumed that restoration, maintenance, fuel-reduction and other prescribed fire goals will be considered at the project level when planning burn intensity.LVAL RMonitor average percent of all known occurrences burned per 3-5 year interval.Monitor average percent of all known occurrences plus 100 meter buffer burned per 5-100 year interval.Monitor average percent of all known occurrences plus 100 meter buffer burned per 2-4 year interval.Monitor average percent of all known occurrences plus appropriate buffer burned per 3-7 year interval.Monitor percent of burned areas burned during either March/April or Aug/Sept, or from leaf-expansion to leaf-fall, depending on project-level goals. In some but not all cases, seasonality is an accurate surrogate for intensity. Since intensity goals will vary from burn to burn it is difficult to "pre-quantify" ideal intensity objectives at a forest-wide scale. It is presumed that restoration, maintenance, fuel-reduction and other prescribed fire goals will be considered at the project level when planning burn intensity.Monitor percent of burned areas burned during either March/April or Aug/Sept, or from leaf-expansion to leaf-fall, depending on project-level goals. In some but not all cases, seasonality is an accurate surrogate for intensity. Since intensity goals will vary from burn to burn it is difficult to "pre-quantify" ideal intensity objectives at a forest-wide scale. It is presumed that restoration, maintenance, fuel-reduction and other prescribed fire goals will be considered at the project level when planning burn intensity.Monitor percent of burned areas burned during either March/April or Aug/Sept, or from leaf-expansion to leaf-fall, depending on project-level goals. In some but not all cases, seasonality is an accurate surrogate for intensity. Since intensity goals will vary from burn to burn it is difficult to "pre-quantify" ideal intensity objectives at a forest-wide scale. It is presumed that restoration, maintenance, fuel-reduction and other prescribed fire goals will be considered at the project level when planning burn intensity.LVAL    Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1LVAL NMonitor average percent of all known occurrences plus 100 meter buffer burned per 3-5 year interval.Monitor average percent of all known occurrences burned per 5-7 year interval.Monitor average percent of all known occurrences plus 100 meter buffer burned per 3-5 year interval.Monitor average percent of all known occurrences burned per 3-7 year interval.Monitor percent of burned areas burned during either March/April or Aug/Sept, or from leaf-expansion to leaf-fall, depending on project-level goals. In some but not all cases, seasonality is an accurate surrogate for intensity. Since intensity goals will vary from burn to burn it is difficult to "pre-quantify" ideal intensity objectives at a forest-wide scale. It is presumed that restoration, maintenance, fuel-reduction and other prescribed fire goals will be considered at the project level when planning burn intensity.Monitor percent of burned areas burned during either March/April or Aug/Sept, or from leaf-expansion to leaf-fall, depending on project-level goals. In some but not all cases, seasonality is an accurate surrogate for intensity. Since intensity goals will vary from burn to burn it is difficult to "pre-quantify" ideal intensity objectives at a forest-wide scale. It is presumed that restoration, maintenance, fuel-reduction and other prescribed fire goals will be considered at the project level when planning burn intensity.Monitor percent of burned areas burned during either March/April or Aug/Sept, or from leaf-expansion to leaf-fall, depending on project-level goals. In some but not all cases, seasonality is an accurate surrogate for intensity. Since intensity goals will vary from burn to burn it is difficult to "pre-quantify" ideal intensity objectives at a forest-wide scale. It is presumed that restoration, maintenance, fuel-reduction and other prescribed fire goals will be considered at the project level when planning burn intensity.LVAL Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1BLVAL B&jAverage percent of all known occurrences plusAverage percent of all known occurrences plus 100 meter buffer burned per 3-7 year interval.Average percent of all known occurrences plus 100 meter buffer burned per 2-4 year interval.Average percent of all known occurrences plus appropriate buffer burned per 3-7 year interval.Average percent of all known occurrences plus 100 meter buffer burned per 3-5 year interval.Average percent of all known occurrences plus 100 meter buffer burned per 3-5 year interval.Average percent of all known occurrences plus 100 meter buffer burned per 3-5 year interval.Average percent of all known occurrences burned per 5-7 year interval.The percent of areas burned during either March/April or Aug/Sept, or from leaf-expansion to leaf-fall, depending on project-level goals. In some but not all cases, seasonality is an accurate surrogate for intensity. Since intensity goals will vary from burn to burn it is difficult to "pre-quantify" ideal intensity objectives at a forest-wide scale. It is presumed that restoration, maintenance, fuel-reduction and other prescribed fire goals will be considered at the project level when planning burn intensity.The percent of areas burned during either March/April or Aug/Sept, or from leaf-expansion to leaf-fall, depending on project-level goals. In some but not all cases, seasonality is an accurate surrogate for intensity. Since intensity goals will vary from burn to burn it is difficult to "pre-quantify" ideal intensity objectives at a forest-wide scale. It is presumed that restoration, maintenance, fuel-reduction and other prescribed fire goals will be considered at the project level when planning burn intensity.The percent of areas burned during either March/April or Aug/Sept, or from leaf-expansion to leaf-fall, depending on project-level goals. In some but not all cases, seasonality is an accurate surrogate for intensity. Since intensity goals will vary from burn to burn it is difficult to "pre-quantify" ideal intensity objectives at a forest-wide scale. It is presumed that restoration, maintenance, fuel-reduction and other prescribed fire goals will be considered at the project level when planning burn intensity.The percent of areas burned during either March/April or Aug/Sept, or from leaf-expansion to leaf-fall, depending on project-level goals. In some but not all cases, seasonality is an accurate surrogate for intensity. Since intensity goals will vary from burn to burn it is difficult to "pre-quantify" ideal intensity objectives at a forest-wide scale. It is presumed that restoration, maintenance, fuel-reduction and other prescribed fire goals will be considered at the project level when planning burn intensity.The percent of areas burned during either March/April or Aug/Sept, or from leaf-expansion to leaf-fall, depending on project-level goals. In some but not all cases, seasonality is an accurate surrogate for intensity. Since intensity goals will vary from burn to burn it is difficult to "pre-quantify" ideal intensity objectives at a forest-wide scale. It is presumed that restoration, maintenance, fuel-reduction and other prescribed fire goals will be considered at the project level when planning burn intensity.The percent of areas burned during either March/April or Aug/Sept, or from leaf-expansion to leaf-fall, depending on project-level goals. In some but not all cases, seasonality is an accurate surrogate for intensity. Since intensity goals will vary from burn to burn it is difficult to "pre-quantify" ideal intensity objectives at a forest-wide scale. It is presumed that restoration, maintenance, fuel-reduction and other prescribed fire goals will be considered at the project level when planning burn intensity.LVAL Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1rLVAL "VMonitor average percent of all known occurrences plus 100 meter buffer burned per 2-4 year interval.Monitor average percent of all known occurrences plus appropriate buffer burned per 3-7 year interval.Monitor average percent of all known occurrences plus 100 meter buffer burned per 3-5 year interval.Monitor average percent of all known occurrences plus 100 meter buffer burned per 3-5 year interval.Monitor percent of burned areas burned during either March/April or Aug/Sept, or from leaf-expansion to leaf-fall, depending on project-level goals. In some but not all cases, seasonality is an accurate surrogate for intensity. Since intensity goals will vary from burn to burn it is difficult to "pre-quantify" ideal intensity objectives at a forest-wide scale. It is presumed that restoration, maintenance, fuel-reduction and other prescribed fire goals will be considered at the project level when planning burn intensity.Monitor percent of burned areas burned during either March/April or Aug/Sept, or from leaf-expansion to leaf-fall, depending on project-level goals. In some but not all cases, seasonality is an accurate surrogate for intensity. Since intensity goals will vary from burn to burn it is difficult to "pre-quantify" ideal intensity objectives at a forest-wide scale. It is presumed that restoration, maintenance, fuel-reduction and other prescribed fire goals will be considered at the project level when planning burn intensity.Monitor percent of burned areas burned during either March/April or Aug/Sept, or from leaf-expansion to leaf-fall, depending on project-level goals. In some but not all cases, seasonality is an accurate surrogate for intensity. Since intensity goals will vary from burn to burn it is difficult to "pre-quantify" ideal intensity objectives at a forest-wide scale. It is presumed that restoration, maintenance, fuel-reduction and other prescribed fire goals will be considered at the project level when planning burn intensity.LVAL p`P@0 When burning, burn during either March/April or August/September, or from leaf-expansion to leaf-fall, depending on project-level goals.When burning, burn during either March/April or August/September, or from leaf-expansion to leaf-fall, depending on project-level goals.When burning, burn during either March/April or August/September, or from leaf-expansion to leaf-fall, depending on project-level goals.When burning, burn during either March/April or August/September, or from leaf-expansion to leaf-fall, depending on project-level goals.When burning, burn during either March/April or August/September, or from leaf-expansion to leaf-fall, depending on project-level goals.When burning, burn during either March/April or August/September, or from leaf-expansion to leaf-fall, depending on project-level goals.When burning, burn during either March/April or August/September, or from leaf-expansion to leaf-fall, depending on project-level goals.When burning, burn during either March/April or August/September, or from leaf-expansion to leaf-fall, depending on project-level goals.When burning, burn during either March/April or August/September, or from leaf-expansion to leaf-fall, depending on project-level goals.When burning, burn during either March/April or August/September, or from leaf-expansion to leaf-fall, depending on project-level goals.When burning, burn during either March/April or August/September, or from leaf-expansion to leaf-fall, depending on project-level goals.When burning, burn during either March/April or August/September, or from leaf-expansion to leaf-fall, depending on project-level goals.When burning, burn during either March/April or August/September, or from leaf-expansion to leaf-fall, depending on project-level goals.When burning, burn during either March/April or August/September, or from leaf-expansion to leaf-fall, depending on project-level goals.LVAL    Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1LVAL "Monitor average percent of all known occurrences burned per 5-7 year interval.Monitor average percent of all known occurrences burned per 3-7 year interval.Monitor average percent of all known occurrences plus 100 meter buffer burned per 3-5 year interval.Monitor average percent of all known occurrences plus 100 meter buffer burned per 3-7 year interval.Monitor percent of burned areas burned during either March/April or Aug/Sept, or from leaf-expansion to leaf-fall, depending on project-level goals. In some but not all cases, seasonality is an accurate surrogate for intensity. Since intensity goals will vary from burn to burn it is difficult to "pre-quantify" ideal intensity objectives at a forest-wide scale. It is presumed that restoration, maintenance, fuel-reduction and other prescribed fire goals will be considered at the project level when planning burn intensity.Monitor percent of burned areas burned during either March/April or Aug/Sept, or from leaf-expansion to leaf-fall, depending on project-level goals. In some but not all cases, seasonality is an accurate surrogate for intensity. Since intensity goals will vary from burn to burn it is difficult to "pre-quantify" ideal intensity objectives at a forest-wide scale. It is presumed that restoration, maintenance, fuel-reduction and other prescribed fire goals will be considered at the project level when planning burn intensity.Monitor percent of burned areas burned during either March/April or Aug/Sept, or from leaf-expansion to leaf-fall, depending on project-level goals. In some but not all cases, seasonality is an accurate surrogate for intensity. Since intensity goals will vary from burn to burn it is difficult to "pre-quantify" ideal intensity objectives at a forest-wide scale. It is presumed that restoration, maintenance, fuel-reduction and other prescribed fire goals will be considered at the project level when planning burn intensity.LVAL BhFAverage percent of all known occurAverage percent of all known occurrences burned per 3-5 year interval.Average percent of all known occurrences burned per 3-7 year interval.Average percent of all known occurrences burned per 3-15 year interval.Average percent of all known occurrences burned per 5-15 year interval.Average percent of all known occurrences burned per 3-7 year interval.Average percent of all known occurrences burned per 15-30 year interval.Average percent of all known occurrences burned per 5-7 year interval.Average percent of all known occurrences burned per 3-7 year interval.Average percent of all known occurrences plus 100 meter buffer burned per 3-5 year interval.The percent of areas burned during either March/April or Aug/Sept, or from leaf-expansion to leaf-fall, depending on project-level goals. In some but not all cases, seasonality is an accurate surrogate for intensity. Since intensity goals will vary from burn to burn it is difficult to "pre-quantify" ideal intensity objectives at a forest-wide scale. It is presumed that restoration, maintenance, fuel-reduction and other prescribed fire goals will be considered at the project level when planning burn intensity.The percent of areas burned during either March/April or Aug/Sept, or from leaf-expansion to leaf-fall, depending on project-level goals. In some but not all cases, seasonality is an accurate surrogate for intensity. Since intensity goals will vary from burn to burn it is difficult to "pre-quantify" ideal intensity objectives at a forest-wide scale. It is presumed that restoration, maintenance, fuel-reduction and other prescribed fire goals will be considered at the project level when planning burn intensity.The percent of areas burned during either March/April or Aug/Sept, or from leaf-expansion to leaf-fall, depending on project-level goals. In some but not all cases, seasonality is an accurate surrogate for intensity. Since intensity goals will vary from burn to burn it is difficult to "pre-quantify" ideal intensity objectives at a forest-wide scale. It is presumed that restoration, maintenance, fuel-reduction and other prescribed fire goals will be considered at the project level when planning burn intensity.The percent of areas burned during either March/April or Aug/Sept, or from leaf-expansion to leaf-fall, depending on project-level goals. In some but not all cases, seasonality is an accurate surrogate for intensity. Since intensity goals will vary from burn to burn it is difficult to "pre-quantify" ideal intensity objectives at a forest-wide scale. It is presumed that restoration, maintenance, fuel-reduction and other prescribed fire goals will be considered at the project level when planning burn intensity.The percent of areas burned during either March/April or Aug/Sept, or from leaf-expansion to leaf-fall, depending on project-level goals. In some but not all cases, seasonality is an accurate surrogate for intensity. Since intensity goals will vary from burn to burn it is difficult to "pre-quantify" ideal intensity objectives at a forest-wide scale. It is presumed that restoration, maintenance, fuel-reduction and other prescribed fire goals will be considered at the project level when planning burn intensity.The percent of areas burned during either March/April or Aug/Sept, or from leaf-expansion to leaf-fall, depending on project-level goals. In some but not all cases, seasonality is an accurate surrogate for intensity. Since intensity goals will vary from burn to burn it is difficult to "pre-quantify" ideal intensity objectives at a forest-wide scale. It is presumed that restoration, maintenance, fuel-reduction and other prescribed fire goals will be considered at the project level when planning burn intensity.LVAL v:Monitor average percent of all known occurrences burned per 3-7 year interval.Monitor average percent of all known occurrences burned per 3-15 year interval.Monitor average percent of all known occurrences burned per 5-15 year interval.Monitor average percent of all known occurrences burned per 3-7 year interval.Monitor average percent of all known occurrences burned per 15-30 year interval.Monitor percent of burned areas burned during either March/April or Aug/Sept, or from leaf-expansion to leaf-fall, depending on project-level goals. In some but not all cases, seasonality is an accurate surrogate for intensity. Since intensity goals will vary from burn to burn it is difficult to "pre-quantify" ideal intensity objectives at a forest-wide scale. It is presumed that restoration, maintenance, fuel-reduction and other prescribed fire goals will be considered at the project level when planning burn intensity.Monitor percent of burned areas burned during either March/April or Aug/Sept, or from leaf-expansion to leaf-fall, depending on project-level goals. In some but not all cases, seasonality is an accurate surrogate for intensity. Since intensity goals will vary from burn to burn it is difficult to "pre-quantify" ideal intensity objectives at a forest-wide scale. It is presumed that restoration, maintenance, fuel-reduction and other prescribed fire goals will be considered at the project level when planning burn intensity.Monitor percent of burned areas burned during either March/April or Aug/Sept, or from leaf-expansion to leaf-fall, depending on project-level goals. In some but not all cases, seasonality is an accurate surrogate for intensity. Since intensity goals will vary from burn to burn it is difficult to "pre-quantify" ideal intensity objectives at a forest-wide scale. It is presumed that restoration, maintenance, fuel-reduction and other prescribed fire goals will be considered at the project level when planning burn intensity.LVAL    Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1LVAL TMonitor average number of road miles per square mile across all known occurrences of this target.Monitor average number of road miles per square mile across all known occurrences of this target.Monitor average number of road miles per square mile across all known occurrences of this target.Monitor average percent of all known occurrences burned per 3-5 year interval.Monitor percent of burned areas burned during either March/April or Aug/Sept, or from leaf-expansion to leaf-fall, depending on project-level goals. In some but not all cases, seasonality is an accurate surrogate for intensity. Since intensity goals will vary from burn to burn it is difficult to "pre-quantify" ideal intensity objectives at a forest-wide scale. It is presumed that restoration, maintenance, fuel-reduction and other prescribed fire goals will be considered at the project level when planning burn intensity.Monitor percent of burned areas burned during either March/April or Aug/Sept, or from leaf-expansion to leaf-fall, depending on project-level goals. In some but not all cases, seasonality is an accurate surrogate for intensity. Since intensity goals will vary from burn to burn it is difficult to "pre-quantify" ideal intensity objectives at a forest-wide scale. It is presumed that restoration, maintenance, fuel-reduction and other prescribed fire goals will be considered at the project level when planning burn intensity.Monitor percent of burned areas burned during either March/April or Aug/Sept, or from leaf-expansion to leaf-fall, depending on project-level goals. In some but not all cases, seasonality is an accurate surrogate for intensity. Since intensity goals will vary from burn to burn it is difficult to "pre-quantify" ideal intensity objectives at a forest-wide scale. It is presumed that restoration, maintenance, fuel-reduction and other prescribed fire goals will be considered at the project level when planning burn intensity.CLVAL 2|!kAverage number of road miles per square mileAverage number of road miles per square mile across all known occurrences of this target.Average number of road miles per square mile across all known occurrences of this target.Average number of road miles per square mile across all known occurrences of this target.Average number of road miles per square mile across all known occurrences of this target.Average number of road miles per square mile across all known occurrences of this target.Average number of road miles per square mile across all known occurrences of this target.Average number of road miles per square mile across all known occurrences of this target.The percent of areas burned during either March/April or Aug/Sept, or from leaf-expansion to leaf-fall, depending on project-level goals. In some but not all cases, seasonality is an accurate surrogate for intensity. Since intensity goals will vary from burn to burn it is difficult to "pre-quantify" ideal intensity objectives at a forest-wide scale. It is presumed that restoration, maintenance, fuel-reduction and other prescribed fire goals will be considered at the project level when planning burn intensity.The percent of areas burned during either March/April or Aug/Sept, or from leaf-expansion to leaf-fall, depending on project-level goals. In some but not all cases, seasonality is an accurate surrogate for intensity. Since intensity goals will vary from burn to burn it is difficult to "pre-quantify" ideal intensity objectives at a forest-wide scale. It is presumed that restoration, maintenance, fuel-reduction and other prescribed fire goals will be considered at the project level when planning burn intensity.The percent of areas burned during either March/April or Aug/Sept, or from leaf-expansion to leaf-fall, depending on project-level goals. In some but not all cases, seasonality is an accurate surrogate for intensity. Since intensity goals will vary from burn to burn it is difficult to "pre-quantify" ideal intensity objectives at a forest-wide scale. It is presumed that restoration, maintenance, fuel-reduction and other prescribed fire goals will be considered at the project level when planning burn intensity.The percent of areas burned during either March/April or Aug/Sept, or from leaf-expansion to leaf-fall, depending on project-level goals. In some but not all cases, seasonality is an accurate surrogate for intensity. Since intensity goals will vary from burn to burn it is difficult to "pre-quantify" ideal intensity objectives at a forest-wide scale. It is presumed that restoration, maintenance, fuel-reduction and other prescribed fire goals will be considered at the project level when planning burn intensity.The percent of areas burned during either March/April or Aug/Sept, or from leaf-expansion to leaf-fall, depending on project-level goals. In some but not all cases, seasonality is an accurate surrogate for intensity. Since intensity goals will vary from burn to burn it is difficult to "pre-quantify" ideal intensity objectives at a forest-wide scale. It is presumed that restoration, maintenance, fuel-reduction and other prescribed fire goals will be considered at the project level when planning burn intensity.The percent of areas burned during either March/April or Aug/Sept, or from leaf-expansion to leaf-fall, depending on project-level goals. In some but not all cases, seasonality is an accurate surrogate for intensity. Since intensity goals will vary from burn to burn it is difficult to "pre-quantify" ideal intensity objectives at a forest-wide scale. It is presumed that restoration, maintenance, fuel-reduction and other prescribed fire goals will be considered at the project level when planning burn intensity.R7n  J &]9|E7 Fire Frequency^@@G<2525-5051-75>75@FMediumData Gap@I@H@||ppppfZNIB;6* Fire FrequencyH@@G<2525-5051-75>75@FMediumData Gap@I@H@||ppppfZNIB;6* Fire FrequencyG@@G<2525-5051-75>75@FMediumData Gap@C@=@||ppppfZNIB;6* Fire Frequency^@@G<2525-5051-75>75@FMediumData Gap@C@ =@||ppppfZNIB;6* Fire FrequencyH@@ <<2525-5051-75>75@FMediumData Gap@C@ =@||ppppfZNIB;6* Fire Seasonality/Intensity@D@ <<2525-5051-75>75@ ;MediumData Gap@C@ =@E||||rfZUNGB6* Fire Seasonality/Intensity@D@ <<2525-5051-75>75@ ;MediumData Gap@C@ =@E||||rfZUNGB6*Fire Seasonality/Intensity@D@ <<2525-5051-75>75@ ;MediumData Gap@C@ =@B||||rfZUNGB6*Fire Seasonality/Intensity@D@ <<2525-5051-75>75@ ;MediumData Gap@C@=@B||||rfZUNGB6*Fire Seasonality/Intensity@@@<<2525-5051-75>75@ ;MediumData Gap@?@=@B||||rfZUNGB6*Fire Seasonality/Intensity@@@<<2525-5051-75>75@;MediumData Gap@?@=@A||||rfZUNGB6*Fire Seasonality/Intensity@@@<<2525-5051-75>75@;MediumData Gap@?@=@A||||rfZUNGB6*Fire Seasonality/Intensity@@@<<2525-5051-75>75@;MediumData Gap@?@=@A||||rfZUNGB6*~Fire Seasonality/Intensity@@@<<2525-5051-75>75@;MediumData Gap@?@=@>||||rfZUNGB6*}Fire Seasonality/Intensity@@@<<2525-5051-75>75@;MediumData Gap@?@=@>||||rfZUNGB6*|Fire Seasonality/Intensity@8@<<2525-5051-75>75@;MediumData Gap@?@=@>||||rfZUNGB6*{Fire Seasonality/Intensity@8@<<2525-5051-75>75@;MediumData Gap@6@=@:||||rfZUNGB6*zFire Seasonality/Intensity@8@<<2525-5051-75>75@;MediumData Gap@6@ 1@:||||rfZUNGB6*yFire Seasonality/Intensity@8@ /<2525-5051-75>75@;MediumData Gap@6@ 1@:||||rfZUNGB6*xFire Seasonality/Intensity@8@ /<2525-5051-75>75@ -MediumData Gap@6@ 1@7||||rfZUNGB6*LVAL .lMonitor average number of road miles per square mile across all known occurrences of this target.Monitor average number of road miles per square mile across all known occurrences of this target.Monitor average number of road miles per square mile across all known occurrences of this target.Monitor average number of road miles per square mile across all known occurrences of this target.Monitor percent of burned areas burned during either March/April or Aug/Sept, or from leaf-expansion to leaf-fall, depending on project-level goals. In some but not all cases, seasonality is an accurate surrogate for intensity. Since intensity goals will vary from burn to burn it is difficult to "pre-quantify" ideal intensity objectives at a forest-wide scale. It is presumed that restoration, maintenance, fuel-reduction and other prescribed fire goals will be considered at the project level when planning burn intensity.Monitor percent of burned areas burned during either March/April or Aug/Sept, or from leaf-expansion to leaf-fall, depending on project-level goals. In some but not all cases, seasonality is an accurate surrogate for intensity. Since intensity goals will vary from burn to burn it is difficult to "pre-quantify" ideal intensity objectives at a forest-wide scale. It is presumed that restoration, maintenance, fuel-reduction and other prescribed fire goals will be considered at the project level when planning burn intensity.Monitor percent of burned areas burned during either March/April or Aug/Sept, or from leaf-expansion to leaf-fall, depending on project-level goals. In some but not all cases, seasonality is an accurate surrogate for intensity. Since intensity goals will vary from burn to burn it is difficult to "pre-quantify" ideal intensity objectives at a forest-wide scale. It is presumed that restoration, maintenance, fuel-reduction and other prescribed fire goals will be considered at the project level when planning burn intensity.LVAL Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1LVAL Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1ZLVAL p`P@f`Burn at least 51 percent of the spatial extent of all known occurrences of this habitat type every 3-7 years.Burn at least 51 percent of the spatial extent plus 100 meter buffer of all known occurrences of this habitat type every 3-5 years.Burn at least 51 percent of the spatial extent of all known occurrences of this habitat type every 2-4 years.When burning, burn during either March/April or August/September, or from leaf-expansion to leaf-fall, depending on project-level goals.When burning, burn during either March/April or August/September, or from leaf-expansion to leaf-fall, depending on project-level goals.When burning, burn during either March/April or August/September, or from leaf-expansion to leaf-fall, depending on project-level goals.When burning, burn during either March/April or August/September, or from leaf-expansion to leaf-fall, depending on project-level goals.When burning, burn during either March/April or August/September, or from leaf-expansion to leaf-fall, depending on project-level goals.When burning, burn during either March/April or August/September, or from leaf-expansion to leaf-fall, depending on project-level goals.When burning, burn during either March/April or August/September, or from leaf-expansion to leaf-fall, depending on project-level goals.When burning, burn during either March/April or August/September, or from leaf-expansion to leaf-fall, depending on project-level goals.When burning, burn during either March/April or August/September, or from leaf-expansion to leaf-fall, depending on project-level goals.When burning, burn during either March/April or August/September, or from leaf-expansion to leaf-fall, depending on project-level goals.When burning, burn during either March/April or August/September, or from leaf-expansion to leaf-fall, depending on project-level goals.When burning, burn during either March/April or August/September, or from leaf-expansion to leaf-fall, depending on project-level goals.LVAL .lMonitor average number of road miles per square mile across all known occurrences of this target.Monitor average number of road miles per square mile across all known occurrences of this target.Monitor average number of road miles per square mile across all known occurrences of this target.Monitor average number of road miles per square mile across all known occurrences of this target.Monitor percent of burned areas burned during either March/April or Aug/Sept, or from leaf-expansion to leaf-fall, depending on project-level goals. In some but not all cases, seasonality is an accurate surrogate for intensity. Since intensity goals will vary from burn to burn it is difficult to "pre-quantify" ideal intensity objectives at a forest-wide scale. It is presumed that restoration, maintenance, fuel-reduction and other prescribed fire goals will be considered at the project level when planning burn intensity.Monitor percent of burned areas burned during either March/April or Aug/Sept, or from leaf-expansion to leaf-fall, depending on project-level goals. In some but not all cases, seasonality is an accurate surrogate for intensity. Since intensity goals will vary from burn to burn it is difficult to "pre-quantify" ideal intensity objectives at a forest-wide scale. It is presumed that restoration, maintenance, fuel-reduction and other prescribed fire goals will be considered at the project level when planning burn intensity.Monitor percent of burned areas burned during either March/April or Aug/Sept, or from leaf-expansion to leaf-fall, depending on project-level goals. In some but not all cases, seasonality is an accurate surrogate for intensity. Since intensity goals will vary from burn to burn it is difficult to "pre-quantify" ideal intensity objectives at a forest-wide scale. It is presumed that restoration, maintenance, fuel-reduction and other prescribed fire goals will be considered at the project level when planning burn intensity.LVAL    Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1CLVAL 2|!kAverage number of road miles per square mileAverage number of road miles per square mile across all known occurrences of this target.Average number of road miles per square mile across all known occurrences of this target.Average number of road miles per square mile across all known occurrences of this target.Average number of road miles per square mile across all known occurrences of this target.Average number of road miles per square mile across all known occurrences of this target.Average number of road miles per square mile across all known occurrences of this target.Average number of road miles per square mile across all known occurrences of this target.The percent of areas burned during either March/April or Aug/Sept, or from leaf-expansion to leaf-fall, depending on project-level goals. In some but not all cases, seasonality is an accurate surrogate for intensity. Since intensity goals will vary from burn to burn it is difficult to "pre-quantify" ideal intensity objectives at a forest-wide scale. It is presumed that restoration, maintenance, fuel-reduction and other prescribed fire goals will be considered at the project level when planning burn intensity.The percent of areas burned during either March/April or Aug/Sept, or from leaf-expansion to leaf-fall, depending on project-level goals. In some but not all cases, seasonality is an accurate surrogate for intensity. Since intensity goals will vary from burn to burn it is difficult to "pre-quantify" ideal intensity objectives at a forest-wide scale. It is presumed that restoration, maintenance, fuel-reduction and other prescribed fire goals will be considered at the project level when planning burn intensity.The percent of areas burned during either March/April or Aug/Sept, or from leaf-expansion to leaf-fall, depending on project-level goals. In some but not all cases, seasonality is an accurate surrogate for intensity. Since intensity goals will vary from burn to burn it is difficult to "pre-quantify" ideal intensity objectives at a forest-wide scale. It is presumed that restoration, maintenance, fuel-reduction and other prescribed fire goals will be considered at the project level when planning burn intensity.The percent of areas burned during either March/April or Aug/Sept, or from leaf-expansion to leaf-fall, depending on project-level goals. In some but not all cases, seasonality is an accurate surrogate for intensity. Since intensity goals will vary from burn to burn it is difficult to "pre-quantify" ideal intensity objectives at a forest-wide scale. It is presumed that restoration, maintenance, fuel-reduction and other prescribed fire goals will be considered at the project level when planning burn intensity.The percent of areas burned during either March/April or Aug/Sept, or from leaf-expansion to leaf-fall, depending on project-level goals. In some but not all cases, seasonality is an accurate surrogate for intensity. Since intensity goals will vary from burn to burn it is difficult to "pre-quantify" ideal intensity objectives at a forest-wide scale. It is presumed that restoration, maintenance, fuel-reduction and other prescribed fire goals will be considered at the project level when planning burn intensity.The percent of areas burned during either March/April or Aug/Sept, or from leaf-expansion to leaf-fall, depending on project-level goals. In some but not all cases, seasonality is an accurate surrogate for intensity. Since intensity goals will vary from burn to burn it is difficult to "pre-quantify" ideal intensity objectives at a forest-wide scale. It is presumed that restoration, maintenance, fuel-reduction and other prescribed fire goals will be considered at the project level when planning burn intensity.LVAL .lMonitor average number of road miles per square mile across all known occurrences of this target.Monitor average number of road miles per square mile across all known occurrences of this target.Monitor average number of road miles per square mile across all known occurrences of this target.Monitor average number of road miles per square mile across all known occurrences of this target.Monitor percent of burned areas burned during either March/April or Aug/Sept, or from leaf-expansion to leaf-fall, depending on project-level goals. In some but not all cases, seasonality is an accurate surrogate for intensity. Since intensity goals will vary from burn to burn it is difficult to "pre-quantify" ideal intensity objectives at a forest-wide scale. It is presumed that restoration, maintenance, fuel-reduction and other prescribed fire goals will be considered at the project level when planning burn intensity.Monitor percent of burned areas burned during either March/April or Aug/Sept, or from leaf-expansion to leaf-fall, depending on project-level goals. In some but not all cases, seasonality is an accurate surrogate for intensity. Since intensity goals will vary from burn to burn it is difficult to "pre-quantify" ideal intensity objectives at a forest-wide scale. It is presumed that restoration, maintenance, fuel-reduction and other prescribed fire goals will be considered at the project level when planning burn intensity.Monitor percent of burned areas burned during either March/April or Aug/Sept, or from leaf-expansion to leaf-fall, depending on project-level goals. In some but not all cases, seasonality is an accurate surrogate for intensity. Since intensity goals will vary from burn to burn it is difficult to "pre-quantify" ideal intensity objectives at a forest-wide scale. It is presumed that restoration, maintenance, fuel-reduction and other prescribed fire goals will be considered at the project level when planning burn intensity.LVAL .lMonitor average number of road miles per square mile across all known occurrences of this target.Monitor average number of road miles per square mile across all known occurrences of this target.Monitor average number of road miles per square mile across all known occurrences of this target.Monitor average number of road miles per square mile across all known occurrences of this target.Monitor percent of burned areas burned during either March/April or Aug/Sept, or from leaf-expansion to leaf-fall, depending on project-level goals. In some but not all cases, seasonality is an accurate surrogate for intensity. Since intensity goals will vary from burn to burn it is difficult to "pre-quantify" ideal intensity objectives at a forest-wide scale. It is presumed that restoration, maintenance, fuel-reduction and other prescribed fire goals will be considered at the project level when planning burn intensity.Monitor percent of burned areas burned during either March/April or Aug/Sept, or from leaf-expansion to leaf-fall, depending on project-level goals. In some but not all cases, seasonality is an accurate surrogate for intensity. Since intensity goals will vary from burn to burn it is difficult to "pre-quantify" ideal intensity objectives at a forest-wide scale. It is presumed that restoration, maintenance, fuel-reduction and other prescribed fire goals will be considered at the project level when planning burn intensity.Monitor percent of burned areas burned during either March/April or Aug/Sept, or from leaf-expansion to leaf-fall, depending on project-level goals. In some but not all cases, seasonality is an accurate surrogate for intensity. Since intensity goals will vary from burn to burn it is difficult to "pre-quantify" ideal intensity objectives at a forest-wide scale. It is presumed that restoration, maintenance, fuel-reduction and other prescribed fire goals will be considered at the project level when planning burn intensity.LVAL    Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1!LVAL :)sbQYaThe percent of ground cover iThe percent of ground cover in non-native herbaceous speciesThe percent of ground cover in non-native herbaceous speciesThe percent of ground cover in non-native herbaceous speciesThe percent of ground cover in non-native herbaceous speciesThe percent of ground cover in non-native herbaceous speciesThe percent of ground cover in non-native herbaceous speciesThe percent of ground cover in non-native herbaceous speciesThe percent of ground cover in non-native herbaceous speciesAverage number of road miles per square mile across all known occurrences of this target.Average number of road miles per square mile across all known occurrences of this target.Average number of road miles per square mile across all known occurrences of this target.Average number of road miles per square mile across all known occurrences of this target.Average number of road miles per square mile across all known occurrences of this target.Average number of road miles per square mile across all known occurrences of this target.Average number of road miles per square mile across all known occurrences of this target.Average number of road miles per square mile across all known occurrences of this target.Average number of road miles per square mile across all known occurrences of this target.Average number of road miles per square mile across all known occurrences of this target.Average number of road miles per square mile across all known occurrences of this target.Average number of road miles per square mile across all known occurrences of this target.Average number of road miles per square mile across all known occurrences of this target.The percent of areas burned during either March/April or Aug/Sept, or from leaf-expansion to leaf-fall, depending on project-level goals. In some but not all cases, seasonality is an accurate surrogate for intensity. Since intensity goals will vary from burn to burn it is difficult to "pre-quantify" ideal intensity objectives at a forest-wide scale. It is presumed that restoration, maintenance, fuel-reduction and other prescribed fire goals will be considered at the project level when planning burn intensity.The percent of areas burned during either March/April or Aug/Sept, or from leaf-expansion to leaf-fall, depending on project-level goals. In some but not all cases, seasonality is an accurate surrogate for intensity. Since intensity goals will vary from burn to burn it is difficult to "pre-quantify" ideal intensity objectives at a forest-wide scale. It is presumed that restoration, maintenance, fuel-reduction and other prescribed fire goals will be considered at the project level when planning burn intensity.The percent of areas burned during either March/April or Aug/Sept, or from leaf-expansion to leaf-fall, depending on project-level goals. In some but not all cases, seasonality is an accurate surrogate for intensity. Since intensity goals will vary from burn to burn it is difficult to "pre-quantify" ideal intensity objectives at a forest-wide scale. It is presumed that restoration, maintenance, fuel-reduction and other prescribed fire goals will be considered at the project level when planning burn intensity.The percent of areas burned during either March/April or Aug/Sept, or from leaf-expansion to leaf-fall, depending on project-level goals. In some but not all cases, seasonality is an accurate surrogate for intensity. Since intensity goals will vary from burn to burn it is difficult to "pre-quantify" ideal intensity objectives at a forest-wide scale. It is presumed that restoration, maintenance, fuel-reduction and other prescribed fire goals will be considered at the project level when planning burn intensity.LVAL  H@~2Monitor the percent of ground cover in non-native herbaceous species.Monitor the percent of ground cover in non-native herbaceous species.Monitor average number of road miles per square mile across all known occurrences of this target.Monitor average number of road miles per square mile across all known occurrences of this target.Monitor average number of road miles per square mile across all known occurrences of this target.Monitor average number of road miles per square mile across all known occurrences of this target.Monitor average number of road miles per square mile across all known occurrences of this target.Monitor average number of road miles per square mile across all known occurrences of this target.Monitor average number of road miles per square mile across all known occurrences of this target.Monitor average number of road miles per square mile across all known occurrences of this target.Monitor percent of burned areas burned during either March/April or Aug/Sept, or from leaf-expansion to leaf-fall, depending on project-level goals. In some but not all cases, seasonality is an accurate surrogate for intensity. Since intensity goals will vary from burn to burn it is difficult to "pre-quantify" ideal intensity objectives at a forest-wide scale. It is presumed that restoration, maintenance, fuel-reduction and other prescribed fire goals will be considered at the project level when planning burn intensity.Monitor percent of burned areas burned during either March/April or Aug/Sept, or from leaf-expansion to leaf-fall, depending on project-level goals. In some but not all cases, seasonality is an accurate surrogate for intensity. Since intensity goals will vary from burn to burn it is difficult to "pre-quantify" ideal intensity objectives at a forest-wide scale. It is presumed that restoration, maintenance, fuel-reduction and other prescribed fire goals will be considered at the project level when planning burn intensity.LVAL Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1LVAL Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1FLVAL& F l @f|vBurn at least 51 percent of the spatial extent plus 100 meter buffer of all known occurrences of this habitat type every 2-4 years.Burn at least 51 percent of the spatial extent plus appropriate buffer of all known occurrences of this habitat type every 3-7 years.Burn at least 51 percent of the spatial extent plus 100 meter buffer of all known occurrences of this habitat type every 2-4 years.Burn at least 51 percent of the spatial extent of all known occurrences of this habitat type every 3-7 years.Burn at least 51 percent of the spatial extent of all known occurrences of this habitat type every 5-7 years.Burn at least 51 percent of the spatial extent of all known occurrences of this habitat type every 3-7 years.Burn at least 51 percent of the spatial extent of all known occurrences of this habitat type every 3-5 years.Burn at least 51 percent of the spatial extent of all known occurrences of this habitat type every 5-7 years.Burn at least 51 percent of the spatial extent plus appropriate buffer of all known occurrences of this habitat type every 5-7 years.Burn at least 51 percent of the spatial extent of all known occurrences of this habitat type every 3-5 years.Burn at least 51 percent of the spatial extent of all known occurrences of this habitat type every 3-5 years.Burn at least 51 percent of the spatial extent plus 100 meter buffer of all known occurrences of this habitat type every 3-7 years.Burn at least 51 percent of the spatial extent of all known occurrences of this habitat type every 3-7 years.Burn at least 51 percent of the spatial extent of all known occurrences of this habitat type every 5-7 years.Burn at least 51 percent of the spatial extent of all known occurrences of this habitat type every 3-7 years.Burn at least 51 percent of the spatial extent plus 100 meter buffer of all known occurrences of this habitat type every 3-5 years.Burn at least 51 percent of the spatial extent of all known occurrences of this habitat type every 3-5 years.LVAL    Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1GC O  [ $g0s<x Fire Frequency^@.@ M<2525-5051-75>75@ LMediumData Gap@P@O@,||ppppfZNIB;6*w Fire FrequencyH@.@ M<2525-5051-75>75@ LMediumData Gap@P@O@,||ppppfZNIB;6*v Fire Frequency^@ )@M<2525-5051-75>75@ LMediumData Gap@N@O@,||ppppfZNIB;6*u Fire FrequencyH@ )@M<2525-5051-75>75@LMediumData Gap@N@O@,||ppppfZNIB;6*t Fire FrequencyH@ )@M<2525-5051-75>75@LMediumData Gap@N@O@*||ppppfZNIB;6*s Fire Frequency`@ )@M<2525-5051-75>75@LMediumData Gap@N @O@*||ppppfZNIB;6*r Fire Frequency^@ )@M<2525-5051-75>75@LMediumData Gap@N@H@*||ppppfZNIB;6*q Fire Frequency`@)@M<2525-5051-75>75@LMediumData Gap@N @H@*||ppppfZNIB;6*p Fire Frequency^@)@M<2525-5051-75>75@LMediumData Gap@N@H@'||ppppfZNIB;6*k Fire FrequencyH@)@M<2525-5051-75>75@LMediumData Gap@K@ H@'||ppppfZNIB;6*i Fire FrequencyH@$@M<2525-5051-75>75@LMediumData Gap@K@ H@'||ppppfZNIB;6*g Fire FrequencyG@ $@ G<2525-5051-75>75@LMediumData Gap@K@ H@'||ppppfZNIB;6*f Fire FrequencyG@ $@ G<2525-5051-75>75@ FMediumData Gap@K@ H@'||ppppfZNIB;6*e Fire FrequencyH@ $@ G<2525-5051-75>75@ FMediumData Gap@K@ H@&||ppppfZNIB;6*b Fire Frequency`@ $@ G<2525-5051-75>75@ FMediumData Gap@K @H@&||ppppfZNIB;6* Fire FrequencyH@ $@ G<2525-5051-75>75@ FMediumData Gap@K@H@&||ppppfZNIB;6* Fire FrequencyH@$@G<2525-5051-75>75@ FMediumData Gap@I@H@&||ppppfZNIB;6*} Fire Frequency^@$@G<2525-5051-75>75@FMediumData Gap@I@H@!||ppppfZNIB;6* Fire FrequencyH@$@G<2525-5051-75>75@FMediumData Gap@I@H@!||ppppfZNIB;6* Fire FrequencyG@@G<2525-5051-75>75@FMediumData Gap@I@H@!||ppppfZNIB;6*9 Fire FrequencyH@@G<2525-5051-75>75@FMediumData Gap@I@H@!||ppppfZNIB;6*LVAL    Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1LVAL Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1LVAL Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1LVAL    Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1LVALB < b \ V PF@:4ZBurn at least 51 percent of the spatial extent of all known occurrences of this habitat type every 3-7 years.Burn at least 51 percent of the spatial extent of all known occurrences of this habitat type every 15-30 years.Burn at least 51 percent of the spatial extent of all known occurrences of this habitat type every 5-7 years.Burn at least 51 percent of the spatial extent of all known occurrences of this habitat type every 3-7 years.Burn at least 51 percent of the spatial extent plus 100 meter buffer of all known occurrences of this habitat type every 3-5 years.Burn at least 51 percent of the spatial extent plus 100 meter buffer of all known occurrences of this habitat type every 3-7 years.Burn at least 51 percent of the spatial extent plus 100 meter buffer of all known occurrences of this habitat type every 2-4 years.Burn at least 51 percent of the spatial extent plus appropriate buffer of all known occurrences of this habitat type every 3-7 years.Burn at least 51 percent of the spatial extent plus 100 meter buffer of all known occurrences of this habitat type every 3-5 years.Burn at least 51 percent of the spatial extent plus 100 meter buffer of all known occurrences of this habitat type every 3-5 years.Burn at least 51 percent of the spatial extent plus 100 meter buffer of all known occurrences of this habitat type every 3-5 years.Burn at least 51 percent of the spatial extent of all known occurrences of this habitat type every 5-7 years.Burn at least 51 percent of the spatial extent plus 100 meter buffer of all known occurrences of this habitat type every 3-5 years.Burn at least 51 percent of the spatial extent of all known occurrences of this habitat type every 3-7 years.Burn at least 51 percent of the spatial extent of all known occurrences of this habitat type every 3-5 years.Burn at least 51 percent of the spatial extent plus 100 meter buffer of all known occurrences of this habitat type every 5-100 years.LVAL    Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1qC O  [ $g<`4 Road Density[@ 8#@S>2 miles1-2 miles0.5-1 mile<0.5 mile#@ RData Gap$@ U@:vvvvvvll`UI>4(E3 Road Density[@ 8#@S>2 miles1-2 miles0.5-1 mile<0.5 mile#@ Data Gap$@ U@:vvvvvvll`UI>4(E2 Road Density[@ 8#@S>2 miles1-2 miles0.5-1 mile<0.5 mile#@ Data Gap$@U@:vvvvvvll`UI>4(E1 Road Density[@ 8#@S>2 miles1-2 miles0.5-1 mile<0.5 mile#@ Data Gap$@U@:vvvvvvll`UI>4(E0 Road Density[@8#@ S>2 miles1-2 miles0.5-1 mile<0.5 mile#@ Data Gap$@U@7vvvvvvll`UI>4(E/ Road Density[@8#@ S>2 miles1-2 miles0.5-1 mile<0.5 mile#@ Data Gap$@U@7vvvvvvll`UI>4(E. Road Density[@8#@ S>2 miles1-2 miles0.5-1 mile<0.5 mile#@ Data Gap$@U@7vvvvvvll`UI>4(E- Fire FrequencyH@4@ S<2525-5051-75>75@ RMediumData Gap@V@U@7||ppppfZNIB;6*, Fire FrequencyH@ 4@ S<2525-5051-75>75@ RMediumData Gap@V@U@5||ppppfZNIB;6*+ Fire FrequencyI@ 4@S<2525-5051-75>75@ RMediumData Gap@T@U@5||ppppfZNIB;6** Fire FrequencyI@ 4@S<2525-5051-75>75@RMediumData Gap@T@U@5||ppppfZNIB;6*) Fire FrequencyH@ 4@S<2525-5051-75>75@RMediumData Gap@T@O@5||ppppfZNIB;6*( Fire FrequencyJ@ 4@S<2525-5051-75>75@RMediumData Gap@T@O@5||ppppfZNIB;6*' Fire FrequencyH@4@S<2525-5051-75>75@RMediumData Gap@T@ O@3||ppppfZNIB;6*& Fire FrequencyH@4@S<2525-5051-75>75@RMediumData Gap@T@ O@3||ppppfZNIB;6*~% Fire Frequency^@4@S<2525-5051-75>75@RMediumData Gap@T@ O@3||ppppfZNIB;6*}$ Fire Frequency^@ .@S<2525-5051-75>75@RMediumData Gap@P@ O@3||ppppfZNIB;6*|# Fire Frequency^@ .@S<2525-5051-75>75@RMediumData Gap@P@ O@0||ppppfZNIB;6*{" Fire Frequency`@ .@ M<2525-5051-75>75@RMediumData Gap@P @O@0||ppppfZNIB;6*z! Fire Frequency^@ .@ M<2525-5051-75>75@ LMediumData Gap@P@O@0||ppppfZNIB;6*y Fire Frequency^@.@ M<2525-5051-75>75@ LMediumData Gap@P@O@0||ppppfZNIB;6*LVAL hE"sP- ~[Foti, personal cFoti, personal communication 2004Foti, personal communication 2004Foti, personal communication 2004Foti, personal communication 2004Foti, personal communication 2004Foti, personal communication 2004Foti, personal communication 2004Foti, personal communication 2004Foti, personal communication 2004Foti, personal communication 2004Foti, personal communication 2004Foti, personal communication 2004Foti, personal communication 2004Foti, personal communication 2004Foti, personal communication 2004Foti, personal communication 2004Foti, personal communication 2004Foti, personal communication 2004Foti, personal communication 2004Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1LVAL% iF#tQ. \9gFoti, personal cFoti, personal communication 2004Foti, personal communication 2004Foti, personal communication 2004Foti, personal communication 2004Foti, personal communication 2004Foti, personal communication 2004Foti, personal communication 2004Foti, personal communication 2004Foti, personal communication 2004Foti, personal communication 2004Foti, personal communication 2004Foti, personal communication 2004Foti, personal communication 2004Foti, personal communication 2004Foti, personal communication 2004Foti, personal communication 2004Foti, personal communication 2004Foti, personal communication 2004Foti, personal communication 2004Foti, personal communication 2004Foti, personal communication 2004Foti, personal communication 2004Foti, personal communication 2004Foti, personal communication 2004Foti, personal communication 2004Foti, personal communication 2004Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1LVAL    Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1LVAL$Hn p L ( tP,2Maintain or, where necessary, restore the percent of groundcover in non-native herbaceous vegetation to nine percent or less.Maintain or, where necessary, restore the average number of road miles per square mile to one or less across all known occurrences of this target.Maintain or, where necessary, restore the average number of road miles per square mile to one or less across all known occurrences of this target.Maintain or, where necessary, restore the average number of road miles per square mile to one or less across all known occurrences of this target.Maintain or, where necessary, restore the average number of road miles per square mile to one or less across all known occurrences of this target.Maintain or, where necessary, restore the average number of road miles per square mile to one or less across all known occurrences of this target.Maintain or, where necessary, restore the average number of road miles per square mile to one or less across all known occurrences of this target.Maintain or, where necessary, restore the average number of road miles per square mile to one or less across all known occurrences of this target.Maintain or, where necessary, restore the average number of road miles per square mile to one or less across all known occurrences of this target.Maintain or, where necessary, restore the average number of road miles per square mile to one or less across all known occurrences of this target.Maintain or, where necessary, restore the average number of road miles per square mile to one or less across all known occurrences of this target.Burn at least 51 percent of the spatial extent of all known occurrences of this habitat type every 3-5 years.Burn at least 51 percent of the spatial extent of all known occurrences of this habitat type every 3-7 years.Burn at least 51 percent of the spatial extent of all known occurrences of this habitat type every 3-15 years.Burn at least 51 percent of the spatial extent of all known occurrences of this habitat type every 5-15 years. LVAL Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1RI $ m H #lG"k J Exotic Forbs and Grasses>@D>2010-205-9<5Data Gap@ X@ Ek_SSSSSSIIIE@944(DI Exotic Forbs and Grasses>@D>2010-205-9<5Data Gap@U@ Ek_SSSSSSIIIE@944(DH Road Density[@D#@[>2 miles1-2 miles0.5-1 mile<0.5 mile#@ZData Gap$@Y@ Evvvvvvll`UI>4(EG Road Density[@D#@$S>2 miles1-2 miles0.5-1 mile<0.5 mile#@ZData Gap$@Y@Evvvvvvll`UI>4(EF Road Density[@D#@#S>2 miles1-2 miles0.5-1 mile<0.5 mile#@RData Gap$@Y@Evvvvvvll`UI>4(EE Road Density[@ D#@"S>2 miles1-2 miles0.5-1 mile<0.5 mile#@RData Gap$@Y@Evvvvvvll`UI>4(ED Road Density[@ D#@!S>2 miles1-2 miles0.5-1 mile<0.5 mile#@RData Gap$@ X@Evvvvvvll`UI>4(EC Road Density[@ D#@ S>2 miles1-2 miles0.5-1 mile<0.5 mile#@RData Gap$@ X@Evvvvvvll`UI>4(EB Road Density[@ D#@S>2 miles1-2 miles0.5-1 mile<0.5 mile#@RData Gap$@ X@Evvvvvvll`UI>4(EA Road Density[@ D#@S>2 miles1-2 miles0.5-1 mile<0.5 mile#@RData Gap$@ X@Evvvvvvll`UI>4(E@ Road Density[@D#@S>2 miles1-2 miles0.5-1 mile<0.5 mile#@RData Gap$@X@Bvvvvvvll`UI>4(E? Road Density[@D#@S>2 miles1-2 miles0.5-1 mile<0.5 mile#@RData Gap$@X@Bvvvvvvll`UI>4(E> Road Density[@D#@S>2 miles1-2 miles0.5-1 mile<0.5 mile#@RData Gap$@X@Bvvvvvvll`UI>4(E= Road Density[@D#@S>2 miles1-2 miles0.5-1 mile<0.5 mile#@RData Gap$@X@Bvvvvvvll`UI>4(E< Road Density[@D#@S>2 miles1-2 miles0.5-1 mile<0.5 mile#@RData Gap$@X@Avvvvvvll`UI>4(E; Road Density[@ @#@S>2 miles1-2 miles0.5-1 mile<0.5 mile#@RData Gap$@X@Avvvvvvll`UI>4(E: Road Density[@ @#@S>2 miles1-2 miles0.5-1 mile<0.5 mile#@RData Gap$@X@Avvvvvvll`UI>4(E9 Road Density[@ @#@S>2 miles1-2 miles0.5-1 mile<0.5 mile#@RData Gap$@X@Avvvvvvll`UI>4(E8 Road Density[@ @#@S>2 miles1-2 miles0.5-1 mile<0.5 mile#@RData Gap$@X@>vvvvvvll`UI>4(E7 Road Density[@@#@S>2 miles1-2 miles0.5-1 mile<0.5 mile#@RData Gap$@ U@>vvvvvvll`UI>4(E6 Road Density[@@#@S>2 miles1-2 miles0.5-1 mile<0.5 mile#@RData Gap$@ U@>vvvvvvll`UI>4(E5 Road Density[@@#@S>2 miles1-2 miles0.5-1 mile<0.5 mile#@ RData Gap$@ U@>vvvvvvll`UI>4(ELVAL p L ( tP,2Maintain or, where necessary, restore the percent of groundcover in non-native herbaceous vegetation to nine percent or less.Maintain or, where necessary, restore the average number of road miles per square mile to one or less across all known occurrences of this target.Maintain or, where necessary, restore the average number of road miles per square mile to one or less across all known occurrences of this target.Maintain or, where necessary, restore the average number of road miles per square mile to one or less across all known occurrences of this target.Maintain or, where necessary, restore the average number of road miles per square mile to one or less across all known occurrences of this target.Maintain or, where necessary, restore the average number of road miles per square mile to one or less across all known occurrences of this target.Maintain or, where necessary, restore the average number of road miles per square mile to one or less across all known occurrences of this target.Maintain or, where necessary, restore the average number of road miles per square mile to one or less across all known occurrences of this target.Maintain or, where necessary, restore the average number of road miles per square mile to one or less across all known occurrences of this target.Maintain or, where necessary, restore the average number of road miles per square mile to one or less across all known occurrences of this target.Maintain or, where necessary, restore the average number of road miles per square mile to one or less across all known occurrences of this target.Maintain or, where necessary, restore the average number of road miles per square mile to one or less across all known occurrences of this target.Maintain or, where necessary, restore the average number of road miles per square mile to one or less across all known occurrences of this target.Maintain or, where necessary, restore the average number of road miles per square mile to one or less across all known occurrences of this target.LVAL p v | Maintain or, where necessary, restore the percent of groundcover in non-native herbaceous vegetation to nine percent or less.Maintain or, where necessary, restore the percent of groundcover in non-native herbaceous vegetation to nine percent or less.Maintain or, where necessary, restore the percent of groundcover in non-native herbaceous vegetation to nine percent or less.Maintain or, where necessary, restore the percent of ground cover in non-native herbaceous vegetation to nine percent or less.Maintain or, where necessary, restore the percent of groundcover in non-native herbaceous vegetation to nine percent or less.Maintain or, where necessary, restore the percent of groundcover in non-native herbaceous vegetation to nine percent or less.Maintain or, where necessary, restore the percent of groundcover in non-native herbaceous vegetation to nine percent or less.Maintain or, where necessary, restore the percent of groundcover in non-native herbaceous vegetation to nine percent or less.Maintain or, where necessary, restore the percent of groundcover in non-native herbaceous vegetation to nine percent or less.Maintain or, where necessary, restore the percent of groundcover in non-native herbaceous vegetation to nine percent or less.Maintain or, where necessary, restore the percent of groundcover in non-native herbaceous vegetation to nine percent or less.Maintain or, where necessary, restore the average number of road miles per square mile to one or less across all known occurrences of this target.Maintain or, where necessary, restore the average number of road miles per square mile to one or less across all known occurrences of this target.Maintain or, where necessary, restore the average number of road miles per square mile to one or less across all known occurrences of this target.Maintain or, where necessary, restore the average number of road miles per square mile to one or less across all known occurrences of this target.dLVALxOuachita National Forest AquatiOuachita National Forest Aquatic Species Viability Process PaperFoti, personal communication 2004Foti, personal communication 2004LVALOuachita National Forest AquatiOuachita National Forest Aquatic Species Viability Process PaperFoti, personal communication 2004LVALvb N : &  t`LnnnnnMonitor the percent of ground cover in non-native woody species.Monitor the percent of ground cover in non-native woody species.Monitor the percent of ground cover in non-native woody species.Monitor the percent of ground cover in non-native woody species.Monitor the percent of ground cover in non-native woody species.Monitor the percent of ground cover in non-native woody species.Monitor the percent of ground cover in non-native woody species.Monitor the percent of ground cover in non-native woody species.Monitor the percent of ground cover in non-native woody species.Monitor the percent of tree scanopy cover.Monitor the percent of ground cover in non-native herbaceous species.Monitor the percent of ground cover in non-native herbaceous species.Monitor the percent of ground cover in non-native herbaceous species.Monitor the percent of ground cover in non-native herbaceous species.Monitor the percent of ground cover in non-native herbaceous species.Monitor the percent of ground cover in non-native herbaceous species.Monitor the percent of ground cover in non-native herbaceous species.Monitor the percent of ground cover in non-native herbaceous species.Monitor the percent of ground cover in non-native herbaceous species.Monitor the percent of ground cover in non-native herbaceous species.Monitor the percent of ground cover in non-native herbaceous species.Monitor the percent of ground cover in non-native herbaceous species.Monitor the percent of ground cover in non-native herbaceous species.Monitor the percent of ground cover in non-native herbaceous species.Monitor the percent of ground cover in non-native herbaceous species.Monitor the percent of ground cover in non-native herbaceous species.Monitor the percent of ground cover in non-native herbaceous species.Monitor the percent of ground cover in non-native herbaceous species.Monitor the percent of ground cover in non-native herbaceous species.lD  ` 8  |T,wA pe Invasive shrubs and woody vines9@^>2010-205-9<5Data Gap@_@\rfZZZZZZPPPLG@;;/Dd Invasive shrubs and woody vines9@^>2010-205-9<5Data Gap@ _@\rfZZZZZZPPPLG@;;/Dc Invasive shrubs and woody vines9@^>2010-205-9<5Data Gap@ _@\rfZZZZZZPPPLG@;;/Db Invasive shrubs and woody vines9@^>2010-205-9<5Data Gap@ _@\rfZZZZZZPPPLG@;;/Da Invasive shrubs and woody vines9@^>2010-205-9<5Data Gap@ _@\rfZZZZZZPPPLG@;;/D` Invasive shrubs and woody vines9@^>2010-205-9<5Data Gap@ _@\rfZZZZZZPPPLG@;;/D_ Forested cover#@ ^<2020-4040-60>60Data Gap@_T@\dXLLLLLLBBB=6/**D] Exotic Forbs and Grasses>@ ^>2010-205-9<5Data Gap@_@\k_SSSSSSIIIE@944(D\ Exotic Forbs and Grasses>@ ^>2010-205-9<5Data Gap@_@\k_SSSSSSIIIE@944(D[ Exotic Forbs and Grasses>@ ^>2010-205-9<5Data Gap@_@\k_SSSSSSIIIE@944(DZ Exotic Forbs and Grasses>@ ^>2010-205-9<5Data Gap@_@\k_SSSSSSIIIE@944(DY Exotic Forbs and Grasses>@^>2010-205-9<5Data Gap@_@\k_SSSSSSIIIE@944(DX Exotic Forbs and Grasses>@^>2010-205-9<5Data Gap@_@ \k_SSSSSSIIIE@944(DW Exotic Forbs and Grasses>@^>2010-205-9<5Data Gap@_@ \k_SSSSSSIIIE@944(DV Exotic Forbs and Grasses>@^>2010-205-9<5Data Gap@_@ \k_SSSSSSIIIE@944(DU Exotic Forbs and Grasses>@^>2010-205-9<5Data Gap@Y@ \k_SSSSSSIIIE@944(DT Exotic Forbs and Grasses>@^>2010-205-9<5Data Gap@ Y@ \k_SSSSSSIIIE@944(DS Exotic Forbs and Grasses>@^>2010-205-9<5Data Gap@ Y@\k_SSSSSSIIIE@944(DR Exotic Forbs and Grasses>@^>2010-205-9<5Data Gap@ Y@\k_SSSSSSIIIE@944(DQ Exotic Forbs and Grasses>@^>2010-205-9<5Data Gap@ Y@\k_SSSSSSIIIE@944(DP Exotic Forbs and Grasses>@D>2010-205-9<5Data Gap@ Y@\k_SSSSSSIIIE@944(DO Exotic Forbs and Grasses>@D>2010-205-9<5Data Gap@Y@\k_SSSSSSIIIE@944(DN Exotic Forbs and Grasses>@D>2010-205-9<5Data Gap@Y@\k_SSSSSSIIIE@944(DM Exotic Forbs and Grasses>@D>2010-205-9<5Data Gap@Y@\k_SSSSSSIIIE@944(DL Exotic Forbs and Grasses>@D>2010-205-9<5Data Gap@Y@\k_SSSSSSIIIE@944(DK Exotic Forbs and Grasses>@D>2010-205-9<5Data Gap@Y@\k_SSSSSSIIIE@944(D LVAL0FN V  ~ E a ( } D ` ' |C mlBAzyBlock is defined by the minimum convex polygon bounded by known occurrences of this habitat type in which the median patch sizeBlock is defined by the minimum convex polygon bounded by known occurrences of this habitat type in which the median patch size is above the fair level for patch size, and in which each of the patches score fair or better on the patch proximity threshold.Median nearest distance between patches.Block is defined by the minimum convex polygon bounded by known occurrences of this habitat type in which the median patch size is above the fair level for patch size, and in which each of the patches score fair or better on the patch proximity threshold.Average patch size across all known occurrences (acres)Average patch size across all known occurrences (acres)Median nearest distance between patches.Block is defined by the minimum convex polygon bounded by known occurrences of this habitat type in which the median patch size is above the fair level for patch size, and in which each of the patches score fair or better on the patch proximity threshold.Median nearest distance between patches.Block is defined by the minimum convex polygon bounded by known occurrences of this habitat type in which the median patch size is above the fair level for patch size, and in which each of the patches score fair or better on the patch proximity threshold.Average patch size across all known occurrences (acres)Block is defined by the minimum convex polygon bounded by known occurrences of this habitat type in which the median patch size is above the fair level for patch size, and in which each of the patches score fair or better on the patch proximity threshold.Median nearest distance between patches.The percent of ground cover in non-native woody speciesThe percent of ground cover in non-native woody speciesThe percent of ground cover in non-native woody speciesThe percent of ground cover in non-native woody speciesThe percent of ground cover in non-native woody speciesThe percent of ground cover in non-native woody speciesThe percent of ground cover in non-native woody speciesThe percent of ground cover in non-native woody speciesThe percent of ground cover in non-native woody speciesThe percent of ground cover in non-native woody speciesThe percent of ground cover in non-native woody speciesThe percent of ground cover in non-native woody speciesThe percent of ground cover in non-native woody speciesThe percent of ground cover in non-native woody speciesThe percent of ground cover in non-native woody speciesThe percent of ground cover in non-native woody speciesThe percent of ground cover in non-native woody speciesThe percent of ground cover in non-native woody speciesThe percent of ground cover in non-native woody speciesThe percent of ground cover in non-native woody speciesThe percent of ground cover in non-native woody speciesThe percent of ground cover in non-native woody speciesThe percent of tree canopy cover.The percent of ground cover in non-native herbaceous speciesThe percent of ground cover in non-native herbaceous speciesThe percent of ground cover in non-native herbaceous speciesThe percent of ground cover in non-native herbaceous speciesThe percent of ground cover in non-native herbaceous speciesThe percent of ground cover in non-native herbaceous speciesThe percent of ground cover in non-native herbaceous speciesThe percent of ground cover in non-native herbaceous speciesThe percent of ground cover in non-native herbaceous speciesThe percent of ground cover in non-native herbaceous speciesThe percent of ground cover in non-native herbaceous speciesThe percent of ground cover in non-native herbaceous speciesThe percent of ground cover in non-native herbaceous speciesLVAL    $ ( .p &Maintain or, where necessary, restore the percent of groundcover in invasive woody species to nine percent or less.Maintain or, where necessary, restore the percent of groundcover in invasive woody species to nine percent or less.Maintain or, where necessary, restore the percent of groundcover in invasive woody species to nine percent or less.Maintain or, where necessary, restore the percent of groundcover in invasive woody species to nine percent or less.Maintain or, where necessary, restore the percent of groundcover in invasive woody species to nine percent or less.Maintain or, where necessary, restore the percent of groundcover in invasive woody species to nine percent or less.Maintain or, where necessary, restore the percent of groundcover in invasive woody species to nine percent or less.Maintain or, where necessary, restore the percent of tree canopy cover to 40 percent or higher.Maintain or, where necessary, restore the percent of groundcover in non-native herbaceous vegetation to nine percent or less.Maintain or, where necessary, restore the percent of groundcover in non-native herbaceous vegetation to nine percent or less.Maintain or, where necessary, restore the percent of groundcover in non-native herbaceous vegetation to nine percent or less.Maintain or, where necessary, restore the percent of groundcover in non-native herbaceous vegetation to nine percent or less.Maintain or, where necessary, restore the percent of groundcover in non-native herbaceous vegetation to nine percent or less.Maintain or, where necessary, restore the percent of groundcover in non-native herbaceous vegetation to nine percent or less.Maintain or, where necessary, restore the percent of groundcover in non-native herbaceous vegetation to nine percent or less.Maintain or, where necessary, restore the percent of groundcover in non-native herbaceous vegetation to nine percent or less.e/ ^ ( W !P ?r} Average Block Size@'^<300 acres300-600 acres601-1,000 acres>1,000 acresData Gap@jMonitor block size.~rrrrrrhhhZI:.."D| Patch SizeWidth of buffer (meters)<100 meters of buffer100-250 meters of buffer251-400 meters of buffer>400 meters of bufferData Gap@jB@iqW@@D{ Number of Blocks"Total number of blocks statewide0-123>3Data Gap@jR@i}qeeeeee[[[WUSNN Dz Patch Size9@&^<500 ft buffer or <25% of recharge area500-1,000 ft buffer or 25-50% of recharge area1,001-5,000 ft buffer or 50-75% of recharge area>5,000 ft buffer or >75% of recharge areaData Gap@h@iO&&Dy Average Block Size@%^<500 acres500-1,000 acres1,001-5,000 acres>5,000 acresData Gap@jMonitor block size.vvvvvvlll^K:.."Dx Number of Blocks"Total number of blocks statewide0-123>3Data Gap@jR@i}qeeeeee[[[WUSNN Dw Patch Proximity*@$^>4 miles2-4 miles1-2 miles<1 mileData Gap@h`@ ivj^^^^^^TTTK@5++Dv Invasive shrubs and woody vines9@#^>2010-205-9<5Data Gap@h@ irfZZZZZZPPPLG@;;/Dt Invasive shrubs and woody vines9@"^>2010-205-9<5Data Gap@ h@ irfZZZZZZPPPLG@;;/Ds Invasive shrubs and woody vines9@!^>2010-205-9<5Data Gap@ h@ irfZZZZZZPPPLG@;;/Dr Invasive shrubs and woody vines9@ ^>2010-205-9<5Data Gap@ h@ irfZZZZZZPPPLG@;;/Dq Invasive shrubs and woody vines9@^>2010-205-9<5Data Gap@ h@irfZZZZZZPPPLG@;;/Dp Invasive shrubs and woody vines9@^>2010-205-9<5Data Gap@ h@irfZZZZZZPPPLG@;;/Do Invasive shrubs and woody vines9@^>2010-205-9<5Data Gap@h@irfZZZZZZPPPLG@;;/Dn Invasive shrubs and woody vines9@^>2010-205-9<5Data Gap@h@irfZZZZZZPPPLG@;;/Dm Invasive shrubs and woody vines9@^>2010-205-9<5Data Gap@h@irfZZZZZZPPPLG@;;/Dl Invasive shrubs and woody vines9@^>2010-205-9<5Data Gap@h@irfZZZZZZPPPLG@;;/Dk Invasive shrubs and woody vines9@^>2010-205-9<5Data Gap@h@irfZZZZZZPPPLG@;;/Dj Invasive shrubs and woody vines9@^>2010-205-9<5Data Gap@h@irfZZZZZZPPPLG@;;/Di Invasive shrubs and woody vines9@^>2010-205-9<5Data Gap@h@irfZZZZZZPPPLG@;;/Dh Invasive shrubs and woody vines9@^>2010-205-9<5Data Gap@h@\rfZZZZZZPPPLG@;;/Dg Invasive shrubs and woody vines9@^>2010-205-9<5Data Gap@h@\rfZZZZZZPPPLG@;;/Df Invasive shrubs and woody vines9@^>2010-205-9<5Data Gap@_@\rfZZZZZZPPPLG@;;/DLVAL  ` $ VPN\,*Coordinate sampling with other scientific efforts and monitor no more than once every two years.More information is needed before a monitoring strategy can be developed.Monitor distribution and abundance with general large river surveys.Monitor known populations every 3-5 years.More information is needed before a monitoring strategy can be developed.More information is needed before a monitoring strategy can be developed.More information is needed before a monitoring strategy can be developed.Monitor population distribution and abundance in ongoing stream faunal surveys.Conduct comprehensive aquatic community sampling.Monitor population distribution and abundance in ongoing faunal surveys.Be alert for species presence in any sampling on the Arkansas River in western Arkansas.Survey for this species in the Red River.Monitor presence through general stream faunal surveys.Monitor population distribution and abundance in large river faunal surveys.Monitor export of this species through Convention on International Trade of Endangered Species (CITES).Monitor population distribution and abundance in ongoing stream faunal surveys.Monitor population distribution and abundance in ongoing stream faunal surveys.Continue efforts to locate and survey potential wintering habitat for this species.Expand efforts to locate and survey potential wintering habitat for this species.The Partners in Flight North American Landbird Conservation Plan indicates that long-term population trend monitoring for this species is generally considered adequate, but some issues, such as bias, may not have been accounted for. However, because this species is so secretive and habitat-specific, targeted monitoring is required, e.g. use of playback to elecit a response. The single remaining populationin the state, located on Mount Magazine, should be monitored annually.Continue tracking of this species by the Arkansas Natural Heritage Commission.{LVAL  H  ^"^.Monitor known populations every 5 years, with more frequent monitoring if impacts are suspected.Monitor population distribution and abundance in ongoing stream faunal surveys.Monitor population distribution and abundance in large river faunal surveys.Monitor population distribution and abundance in large river faunal surveys.Monitor population distribution and abundance in ongoing large river faunal surveys.Monitor population distribution and abundance in large river faunal surveys in cooperation with adjacent states.Monitor population distribution and abundance in ongoing stream faunal surveys.Monitor population distribution and abundance in ongoing stream faunal surveys.Monitor population distribution and abundance in ongoing stream faunal surveys.Monitor population distribution and abundance in ongoing stream faunal surveys.Monitor population distribution and abundance in ongoing stream faunal surveys.Monitor distribution and abundance with general large river surveys.More information is needed before a monitoring strategy can be developed.More information is needed before a monitoring strategy can be developed.Monitor population distribution and abundance in ongoing stream faunal surveys.Monitor population distribution and abundance in ongoing stream and river faunal surveys.Coordinate AGFC and USFWS monitoring to reduce stress on populations.Monitor population distribution and abundance in ongoing faunal surveys.Monitor potential impacts to species' habitat annually.Monitor potential impacts to species' habitat annually.The Partners in Flight North American Landbird Conservation Plan indicates that long-term population trend monitoring for this species is generally considered adequate but some issues, such as bias, may not have been accounted for. Continue to conduct Breeding Bird Surveys at all routes established in Arkansas. Continue tracking of this species by the Arkansas Natural Heritage Commission.LVAL L D T (8HXTdEstablish long-term monitoring plots to assess population trends.More information is needed to develop a monitoring strategy.More information is needed to develop a monitoring strategy.Establish long-term monitoring plots to assess population trends.Establish long-term monitoring plots to assess population trends.More information is needed to develop a monitoring strategy.More information is needed to develop a monitoring strategy.More information is needed to develop a monitoring strategy.More information is needed to develop a monitoring strategy.More information is needed to develop a monitoring strategy.More information is needed to develop a monitoring strategy.More information is needed to develop a monitoring strategy.More information is needed to develop a monitoring strategy.More information is needed to develop a monitoring strategy.More information is needed to develop a monitoring strategy.More information is needed to develop a monitoring strategy.More information is needed to develop a monitoring strategy.Continue established long-term population monitoring of Eleven Point River population by AGFC herpetologist.Conduct long-term demographic surveys at known and restored sites.More information is needed to develop a monitoring strategy.More information is needed to develop a monitoring strategy.Conduct surveys at known breeding sites.Conduct breeding site surveys at known localities.Monitor known occurrences every 2-5 years.Monitor known populations every 5 years, with more frequent monitoring if impacts are suspected.The Partners in Flight North American Landbird Conservation Plan indicates that long-term population trend monitoring for this species is generally considered adequate, but some issues, such as bias, may not have been accounted for. Continue to conduct Breeding Bird Surveys at all routes established in Arkansas. Expand efforts to locate and survey potential breeding habitat.LVAL n   ^ n ~  4Surveys to locate additional populations and protection of stream habitats.More data are needed before a monitoring strategy can be developed.More data are needed before a monitoring strategy can be developed.More data are needed before a monitoring strategy can be developed.More data are needed before a monitoring strategy can be developed.More data are needed before a monitoring strategy can be developed.Survey for additional populations and monitor known occurrences.Surveys to locate additional populations and protection of stream habitats.Surveys to locate additional populations and protection of stream habitats.Find areas that females are utilizing to lay eggs and where the larvae overwinter and feed.Survey for additional populations and monitor known occurrences.Additional information is needed before a monitoring strategy can be developed.More information is needed to develop a monitoring strategy.More information is needed to develop a monitoring strategy.More information is needed to develop a monitoring strategy.More information is needed to develop a monitoring strategy.More information is needed to develop a monitoring strategy.More information is needed to develop a monitoring strategy.More information is needed to develop a monitoring strategy.More information is needed to develop a monitoring strategy.Monitor breeding sites for mass mortality events and changes in local population dynamics.More information is needed to develop a monitoring strategy.More information is needed to develop a monitoring strategy.Establish and implement long term monitoring protocol.More information is needed to develop a monitoring strategy.Known populations should be monitored periodically to assess population trends. Surveys should be conducted in potential breeding and wintering habitat to search for additional populations. Continue tracking of this species by the Arkansas Natural Heritage Commission. LVALr f Z D ,.<>@Survey areas of known occurrence to verify persistence and examine areas that contain suitable habitat for unknown populations.Survey areas of known occurrence to verify persistence and examine areas that contain suitable habitat for unknown populations.Survey of known occurrence to verify persistence and examine areas that contain suitable habitat for unknown populations.Survey areas of known occurrence to verify persistence and examine areas that contain suitable habitat for unknown populations.Survey areas of known occurrence to verify persistence and examine areas that contain habitat for unknown populations.Survey areas of known occurrence to verify persistence and examine areas that contain suitable habitat for unknown populations.More data are needed before a monitoring strategy can be developed.More data is needed before a monitoring strategy can be developed.More data are needed before a monitoring strategy can be developed.Additional information is needed before a monitoring strategy can be developed.Additional information is needed before a monitoring strategy can be developed.Additional information is needed before a monitoring strategy can be developed.Monitor known occurrences in cave surveys.More data are needed before a monitoring strategy can be developed.More data are needed before a monitoring strategy can be developed.More data are needed before a monitoring strategy can be developed.More data are needed before a monitoring strategy can be developed.More data are needed before a monitoring strategy can be developed.The Partners in Flight North American Landbird Conservation Plan indicates that this species has imprecise trend data at the continental level. An effort is being made to expand the BBS program to better survey this species. Species specific citizen science-based monitoring efforts were iniitated in 2009 (Rusty Blackbird Blitz) and are aimed at winter and migratory periods. Continue tracking of this species by the Arkansas Natural Heritage Commission.pLVAL4J d ~ 4Nh??Maintain or, where necessary, restore a 1,001 ft or greater buffer or 50 percent or more of the cave recharge area.MAINTAIN or, where necessary, restore the median nearest distance between patches of this habitat type to two miles or less.Maintain or, where necessary, restore the percent of groundcover in invasive woody species to nine percent or less.Maintain or, where necessary, restore the percent of groundcover in invasive woody species to nine percent or less.Maintain or, where necessary, restore the percent of groundcover in invasive woody species to nine percent or less.Maintain or, where necessary, restore the percent of groundcover in invasive woody species to nine percent or less.Maintain or, where necessary, restore the percent of groundcover in invasive woody species to nine percent or less.Maintain or, where necessary, restore the percent of groundcover in invasive woody species to nine percent or less.Maintain or, where necessary, restore the percent of groundcover in invasive woody species to nine percent or less.Maintain or, where necessary, restore the percent of groundcover in invasive woody species to nine percent or less.Maintain or, where necessary, restore the percent of groundcover in invasive woody species to nine percent or less.Maintain or, where necessary, restore the percent of groundcover in invasive woody species to nine percent or less.Maintain or, where necessary, restore the percent of groundcover in invasive woody species to nine percent or less.Maintain or, where necessary, restore the percent of groundcover in invasive woody species to nine percent or less.Maintain or, where necessary, restore the percent of ground cover in invasive woody species to nine percent or less.Maintain or, where necessary, restore the percent of groundcover in invasive woody species to nine percent or less.Maintain or, where necessary, restore the percent of groundcover in invasive woody species to nine percent or less.LVAL# NZz(Vb0PMonitor average patch size across all known occurrences (acres).Monitor median nearest distance between patches.Monitor total number of blocks statewide.Monitor average patch size across all known occurrences (acres).Monitor median nearest distance between patches.Monitor total number of blocks statewide.Monitor average patch size across all known occurrences (acres).Monitor median nearest distance between patches.Monitor total number of blocks statewide.Monitor width of buffer (meters).Monitor median nearest distance between patches.Monitor total number of blocks statewide.Monitor average patch size across all known occurrences (acres).Monitor total number of blocks statewide.Monitor average patch size across all known occurrences (acres).Monitor median nearest distance between patches.Monitor median nearest distance between patches.Monitor width of buffer (meters).Monitor total number of blocks statewide.Monitor average patch size across all known occurrences (acres).Monitor total number of blocks statewide.Monitor median nearest distance between patches.Monitor the percent of ground cover in non-native woody species.Monitor the percent of ground cover in non-native woody species.Monitor the percent of ground cover in non-native woody species.Monitor the percent of ground cover in non-native woody species.Monitor the percent of ground cover in non-native woody species.Monitor the percent of ground cover in non-native woody species.Monitor the percent of ground cover in non-native woody species.Monitor the percent of ground cover in non-native woody species.Monitor the percent of ground cover in non-native woody species.Monitor the percent of ground cover in non-native woody species.Monitor the percent of ground cover in non-native woody species.Monitor the percent of ground cover in non-native woody species.Monitor the percent of ground cover in non-native woody species.LVALl 4 |Maintain or, where necessary, restore average block size to 5,001 acres or more. (Block is defined by the minimum convex polygon bounded by known occurrences of this habitat type in which the median patch size is above the fair level for patch size, and in which each of the patches score fair or better on the patch proximity threshold.)Maintain, or where necessary, restore the average distance between patches to 800 meters or less.Maintain or, where necessary, restore average block size to 2,500 acres or more. (Block is defined by the minimum convex polygon bounded by known occurrences of this habitat type in which the median patch size is above the fair level for patch size, and in which each of the patches score fair or better on the patch proximity threshold.)Maintain or, where necessary, buffer known occurrences of the habitat type with a minimum of 251 meters of adjacent but dissimilar habitatMaintain or, where necessary, restore number of blocks to three or more. (Block is defined by the minimum convex polygon bounded by known occurrences of this habitat type in which the median patch size is above the fair level for patch size, and in which each of the patches score fair or better on the patch proximity threshold.)Maintain or, where necessary, restore average block size to 1,001 acres or more. (Block is defined by the minimum convex polygon bounded by known occurrences of this habitat type in which the median patch size is above the fair level for patch size, and in which each of the patches score fair or better on the patch proximity threshold.)Maintain or, where necessary, restore number of blocks to three or more. (Block is defined by the minimum convex polygon bounded by known occurrences of this habitat type in which the median patch size is above the fair level for patch size, and in which each of the patches score fair or better on the patch proximity threshold.)ON| 2  k 9ilO 8 Patch Size9@n<500 acres500-1,000 acres1,001-2,000 acres>2,000 acresData Gap @o@"iznnnnnndddVC2&&D Average Block Size@n<2,499 acres2,500-5,000 acres5,001-10,000 acres>10,000 acresData Gap@oMonitor block size.||||||rrrcO<.."D Patch Proximity*@n>4 miles2-4 miles1-2 miles<1 mileData Gap@m`@!ivj^^^^^^TTTK@5++D Number of Blocks"Total number of blocks statewide0-123>3Data Gap@mR@ i}qeeeeee[[[WUSNN D Patch Size9@n<250 acres250-500 acres501-1,000 acres>1,000 acresData Gap@m@ivjjjjjj```RA2&&D Average Block Size@n<500 acres500-1,000 acres1,001-2,000 acres>2,000 acresData Gap@mMonitor block size.vvvvvvlll^K:.."D Patch Proximity*@n>2.5 miles1-2.5 miles0.5-1 mile<0.5 mileData Gap@m`@i}qeeeeee[[[PD7++D Number of Blocks"Total number of blocks statewide0-123>3Data Gap@mR@i}qeeeeee[[[WUSNN D Patch Size9@n<10 acres10-30 acres31-100 acres>100 acresData Gap@m@iznbbbbbbXXXL>1&&D Patch Proximity*@n>3200 meters1601-3200 meters800-1600 meters<800 metersData Gap@m`@issssssiii\K9++D Average Block Size@/^<1,000 acres1,000-2,000 acres2,000-4,000 acres>4,000 acresData Gap@mMonitor block size.zzzzzzpppbO<.."D Number of Blocks"Total number of blocks statewide0-123>3Data Gap@lR@i}qeeeeee[[[WUSNN D Patch SizeWidth of buffer (meters)<100 meters of buffer100-250 meters of buffer251-400 meters of buffer>400 meters of bufferData Gap@lB@iqW@@D Patch Proximity*@.^>4 miles2-4 miles1-2 miles<1 mileData Gap@l`@ivj^^^^^^TTTK@5++D Number of Blocks"Total number of blocks statewide0-123>3Data Gap@lR@i}qeeeeee[[[WUSNN D Average Block Size@-^<2,499 acres2,500-5,000 acres5,001-10000 acres>10000 acresData Gap@lMonitor block size.zzzzzzpppbO<.."D Patch Size9@,^<250 acres250-500 acres501-1,000 acres>1,000 acresData Gap@l@ivjjjjjj```RA2&&D Number of Blocks"Total number of blocks statewide0-123>3Data Gap@lR@i}qeeeeee[[[WUSNN D Patch Size9@+^<250 acres250-500 acres501-1,000 acres>1,000 acresData Gap@l@ivjjjjjj```RA2&&D Patch Proximity*@*^>4 miles2-4 miles1-2 miles<1 mileData Gap@l`@ivj^^^^^^TTTK@5++D Average Block Size@)^<2,499 acres2,500-5,000 acres5,001-10,000 acres>10,000 acresData Gap@jMonitor block size.||||||rrrcO<.."D~ Patch Proximity*@(^>1200 meters801-1200 meters500-800 meters<500 metersData Gap@j`@i}qqqqqqgggZJ9++DfLVAL l d ,4Maintain or, where necessary, restore number of blocks to three or more. (Block is defined by the minimum convex polygon bounded by known occurrences of this habitat type in which the median patch size is above the fair level for patch size, and in which each of the patches score fair or better on the patch proximity threshold.)Maintain or ,where necessary, buffer known occurrences of this habitat type with a minimum of 251 meters of adjacent but dissimilar habitats.Maintain or, where necessary, restore the median nearest distance between patches of this habitat type to two miles or less.Maintain or, where necessary, restore number of blocks to three or more. (Block is defined by the minimum convex polygon bounded by known occurrences of this habitat type in which the median patch size is above the fair level for patch size, and in which each of the patches score fair or better on the patch proximity threshold.)Maintain or, where necessary, restore average block size to 5,001 acres or more. (Block is defined by the minimum convex polygon bounded by known occurrences of this habitat type in which the median patch size is above the fair level for patch size, and in which each of the patches score fair or better on the patch proximity threshold.)Maintain or, where necessary, restore the average patch size of this habitat type to 501 acres or more across all known occurrences.Maintain or, where necessary, restore number of blocks to three or more. (Block is defined by the minimum convex polygon bounded by known occurrences of this habitat type in which the median patch size is above the fair level for patch size, and in which each of the patches score fair or better on the patch proximity threshold.)Maintain or, where necessary, restore the average patch size of this habitat type to 501 acres or more across all known occurrences.Maintain or, where necessary, restore the median nearest distance between patches of this habitat type to two miles or less.LVAL \ bZMaintain or, where necessary, restore the median nearest distance between patches of this habitat type to two miles or less.Maintain or, where necessary, restore number of blocks to three or more. (Block is defined by the minimum convex polygon bounded by known occurrences of this habitat type in which the median patch size is above the fair level for patch size, and in which each of the patches score fair or better on the patch proximity threshold.)Maintain or, where necessary, restore the average patch size of this habitat type to 501 acres or more across all known occurrences.Maintain or, where necessary, restore average block size to 1,001 acres or more. (Block is defined by the minimum convex polygon bounded by known occurrences of this habitat type in which the median patch size is above the fair level for patch size, and in which each of the patches score fair or better on the patch proximity threshold.)Maintain or, where necessary, restore the median nearest distance between patches of this habitat type to one mile or less.Maintain or, where necessary, restore number of blocks to three or more. (Block is defined by the minimum convex polygon bounded by known occurrences of this habitat type in which the median patch size is above the fair level for patch size, and in which each of the patches score fair or better on the patch proximity threshold.)Maintain or, where necessary, restore the average patch size of this habitat type to 31 acres or more across all known occurrences.Maintain or, where necessary, resotre the average distance between patches to 1,600 meters or less.Maintain or, where necessary, restore average block size to 2,000 acres or more. (Block is defined by the minimum convex polygon bounded by known occurrences of this habitat type in which the median patch size is above the fair level for patch size, and in which each of the patches score fair or better on the patch proximity threshold.)LVAL"sr9 p F E  S)a`'aMedian nearest distMedian nearest distance between patches.Average patch size across all known occurrences (acres)Average patch size across all known occurrences (acres)Median nearest distance between patches.Average patch size across all known occurrences (acres)Block is defined by the minimum convex polygon bounded by known occurrences of this habitat type in which the median patch size is above the fair level for patch size, and in which each of the patches score fair or better on the patch proximity threshold.Median nearest distance between patches.Block is defined by the minimum convex polygon bounded by known occurrences of this habitat type in which the median patch size is above the fair level for patch size, and in which each of the patches score fair or better on the patch proximity threshold.Average patch size across all known occurrences (acres)Median nearest distance between patches.Block is defined by the minimum convex polygon bounded by known occurrences of this habitat type in which the median patch size is above the fair level for patch size, and in which each of the patches score fair or better on the patch proximity threshold.Average patch size across all known occurrences (acres)Median nearest distance between patches.Average patch size across all known occurrences (acres)Block is defined by the minimum convex polygon bounded by known occurrences of this habitat type in which the median patch size is above the fair level for patch size, and in which each of the patches score fair or better on the patch proximity threshold.Median nearest distance between patches.Block is defined by the minimum convex polygon bounded by known occurrences of this habitat type in which the median patch size is above the fair level for patch size, and in which each of the patches score fair or better on the patch proximity threshold.Median nearest distance between patches.Average patch size across all known occurrences (acres)Median nearest distance between patches.Block is defined by the minimum convex polygon bounded by known occurrences of this habitat type in which the median patch size is above the fair level for patch size, and in which each of the patches score fair or better on the patch proximity threshold.Median nearest distance between patches.Average patch size across all known occurrences (acres)Block is defined by the minimum convex polygon bounded by known occurrences of this habitat type in which the median patch size is above the fair level for patch size, and in which each of the patches score fair or better on the patch proximity threshold.Median nearest distance between patches.Block is defined by the minimum convex polygon bounded by known occurrences of this habitat type in which the median patch size is above the fair level for patch size, and in which each of the patches score fair or better on the patch proximity threshold.Average patch size across all known occurrences (acres)Block is defined by the minimum convex polygon bounded by known occurrences of this habitat type in which the median patch size is above the fair level for patch size, and in which each of the patches score fair or better on the patch proximity threshold.Median nearest distance between patches.Average patch size across all known occurrences (acres)Block is defined by the minimum convex polygon bounded by known occurrences of this habitat type in which the median patch size is above the fair level for patch size, and in which each of the patches score fair or better on the patch proximity threshold.Median nearest distance between patches.Average patch size across all known occurrences (acres)Median nearest distance between patches.LVAL\ P Maintain or, where necessary, restore average block size to 10,000 acres or more. (Block is defined by the minimum convex polygon bounded by known occurrences of this habitat type in which the median patch size is above the fair level for patch size, and in which each of the patches score fair or better on the patch proximity threshold.)Maintain or, where necessary, restore number of blocks to three or more. (Block is defined by the minimum convex polygon bounded by known occurrences of this habitat type in which the median patch size is above the fair level for patch size, and in which each of the patches score fair or better on the patch proximity threshold.)Maintain or, where necessary, restore the median nearest distance between patches of this habitat type to two miles or less.Maintain or, where necessary, restore average block size to 10,000 acres or more. (Block is defined by the minimum convex polygon bounded by known occurrences of this habitat type in which the median patch size is above the fair level for patch size, and in which each of the patches score fair or better on the patch proximity threshold.)Maintain or, where necessary, restore number of blocks to three or more. (Block is defined by the minimum convex polygon bounded by known occurrences of this habitat type in which the median patch size is above the fair level for patch size, and in which each of the patches score fair or better on the patch proximity threshold.)Maintain or, where necessary, restore the average patch size of this habitat type to 1,001 acres or more across all known occurrences.Maintain or, where necessary, restore average block size to 5,001 acres or more. (Block is defined by the minimum convex polygon bounded by known occurrences of this habitat type in which the median patch size is above the fair level for patch size, and in which each of the patches score fair or better on the patch proximity threshold.)LVAL'N| < 8 D d 2 `.N|JFDrMonitor average patch size across all known occurrences (acres).Monitor average patch size across all known occurrences (acres).Monitor total number of blocks statewide.Monitor median nearest distance between patches.Monitor median nearest distance between patches.Monitor width of buffer (meters).Monitor total number of blocks statewide.Monitor total number of blocks statewide.Monitor median nearest distance between patches.Monitor average patch size across all known occurrences (acres).Monitor total number of blocks statewide.Monitor median nearest distance between patches.Monitor average patch size across all known occurrences (acres).Monitor total number of blocks statewide.Monitor average patch size across all known occurrences (acres).Monitor median nearest distance between patches.Monitor average patch size across all known occurrences (acres).Monitor total number of blocks statewide.Monitor median nearest distance between patches.Monitor average patch size across all known occurrences (acres).Monitor total number of blocks statewide.Monitor median nearest distance between patches.Monitor total number of blocks statewide.Monitor average patch size across all known occurrences (acres).Monitor median nearest distance between patches.Monitor average patch size across all known occurrences (acres).Monitor total number of blocks statewide.Monitor median nearest distance between patches.Monitor width of buffer (meters).Monitor total number of blocks statewide.Monitor median nearest distance between patches.Monitor total number of blocks statewide.Monitor average patch size across all known occurrences (acres).Monitor median nearest distance between patches.Monitor median nearest distance between patches.Monitor average patch size across all known occurrences (acres).Monitor total number of blocks statewide.Monitor median nearest distance between patches.Monitor total number of blocks statewide.-Z A m  N  ^>Q 8;g Average Block Size@n<5,000 acres5,000-10,000 acres10,000-20,000 acres>20,000 acresData Gap@sMonitor block size.~~~~~~ttteP<.."D Patch Size9@n<500 acres500-1,000 acres1,001-2,000 acres>2,000 acresData Gap @s@pznnnnnndddVC2&&D Patch Proximity*@n>4 miles2-4 miles1-2 miles<1 mileData Gap@s`@pvj^^^^^^TTTK@5++D Patch Size9@n<500 acres500-1,000 acres1,001-2,000 acres>2,000 acresData Gap @s@ pznnnnnndddVC2&&D Average Block Size@n<5,000 acres50,00-10,000 acres10,000-20,000 acres>20,000 acresData Gap@sMonitor block size.~~~~~~ttteP<.."D Number of Blocks"Total number of blocks statewide0-123>3Data Gap@sR@ p}qeeeeee[[[WUSNN D Patch Proximity*@n>4 miles2-4 miles1-2 miles<1 mileData Gap@s`@ pvj^^^^^^TTTK@5++D Patch SizeWidth of buffer (meters)<100 meters of buffer100-250 meters of buffer251-400 meters of buffer>400 meters of bufferData Gap@sB@ pqW@@D Number of Blocks"Total number of blocks statewide0-123>3Data Gap@rR@ p}qeeeeee[[[WUSNN D Average Block Size@n<300 acres300-600 acres601-1,000 acres>1,000 acresData Gap@rMonitor block size.~rrrrrrhhhZI:.."D Patch Proximity*@n>1200 meters801-1200 meters500-800 meters<500 metersData Gap@r`@p}qqqqqqgggZJ9++D Number of Blocks"Total number of blocks statewide0-123>3Data Gap@rR@p}qeeeeee[[[WUSNN D Patch Size9@n<250 acres250-500 acres501-1,000 acres>1,000 acresData Gap@r@pvjjjjjj```RA2&&D Patch Proximity*@n>4 miles2-4 miles1-2 miles<1 mileData Gap@r`@pvj^^^^^^TTTK@5++D Average Block Size@ n<2,500 acres2,500-5,000 acres5,001-10,000 acres>10000 acresData Gap@rMonitor block size.{{{{{{qqqcO<.."D Patch Proximity*@ n>4 miles2-4 miles1-2 miles<1 mileData Gap@r`@pvj^^^^^^TTTK@5++D Patch Size9@ n<500 acres500-1,000 acres1,001-2,000 acres>2,000 acresData Gap @r@pznnnnnndddVC2&&D Average Block Size@ n<5,000 acres5,000-10,000 acres10,000-20,000 acres>20,000 acresData Gap@oMonitor block size.~~~~~~ttteP<.."D Number of Blocks"Total number of blocks statewide0-123>3Data Gap@oR@p}qeeeeee[[[WUSNN D Patch Proximity*@ n>4 miles2-4 miles1-2 miles<1 mileData Gap@o`@pvj^^^^^^TTTK@5++D Average Block Size@n<5,000 acres5,000-10,000 acres10,000-20,000 acres>20,000 acresData Gap@oMonitor block size.~~~~~~ttteP<.."D Number of Blocks"Total number of blocks statewide0-123>3Data Gap@oR@p}qeeeeee[[[WUSNN DLVAL  X ` X bMaintain or, where necessary, restore number of blocks to three or more. (Block is defined by the minimum convex polygon bounded by known occurrences of this habitat type in which the median patch size is above the fair level for patch size, and in which each of the patches score fair or better on the patch proximity threshold.)Maintain or, where necessary, restore average block size to 601 acres or more. (Block is defined by the minimum convex polygon bounded by known occurrences of this habitat type in which the median patch size is above the fair level for patch size, and in which each of the patches score fair or better on the patch proximity threshold.)Maintain or, where necessary, restore the average distance between patches to 800 meters or less.Maintain or, where necessary, restore number of blocks to three or more. (Block is defined by the minimum convex polygon bounded by known occurrences of this habitat type in which the median patch size is above the fair level for patch size, and in which each of the patches score fair or better on the patch proximity threshold.)Maintain or, where necessary, restore the average patch size of this habitat type to 501 acres or more across all known occurrences.Maintain or, where necessary, restore the median nearest distance between patches of this habitat type to two miles or less.Maintain or, where necessary, restore average block size to 5,001 acres or more. (Block is defined by the minimum convex polygon bounded by known occurrences of this habitat type in which the median patch size is above the fair level for patch size, and in which each of the patches score fair or better on the patch proximity threshold.)Maintain or, where necessary, restore the median nearest distance between patches of this habitat type to two miles or less.Maintain or, where necessary, restore the average patch size of this habitat type to 1,001 acres or more across all known occurrences.LLVAL  \ lMaintain or, where necessary, restore number of blocks to three or more. (Block is defined by the minimum convex polygon bounded by known occurrences of this habitat type in which the median patch size is above the fair level for patch size, and in which each of the patches score fair or better on the patch proximity threshold.)Maintain or, where necessary, restore average block size to 10,000 acres or more. (Block is defined by the minimum convex polygon bounded by known occurrences of this habitat type in which the median patch size is above the fair level for patch size, and in which each of the patches score fair or better on the patch proximity threshold.)Maintain or, where necessary, restore the average patch size of this habitat type to 1,001 acres or more across all known occurrences.Maintain or, where necessary, restore the median nearest distance between patches of this habitat type to two miles or less.Maintain or, where necessary, restore the average patch size of this habitat type to 1,001 acres or more across all known occurrences.Maintain or, where necessary, restore average block size to 10,000 acres or more. (Block is defined by the minimum convex polygon bounded by known occurrences of this habitat type in which the median patch size is above the fair level for patch size, and in which each of the patches score fair or better on the patch proximity threshold.)Maintain or, where necessary, restore number of blocks to three or more. (Block is defined by the minimum convex polygon bounded by known occurrences of this habitat type in which the median patch size is above the fair level for patch size, and in which each of the patches score fair or better on the patch proximity threshold.)Maintain or, where necessary, restore the median nearest distance between patches of this habitat type to two miles or less.Maintain or, where necessary, buffer known occurrences of the habitat type with a minimum of 251 meters of adjacent but dissimilar habitats.Zj %  1 4@G{ Number of Blocks"Total number of blocks statewide0-123>3Data Gap@xR@ p}qeeeeee[[[WUSNN D Average Block Size@w<500 acres500-1,000 acres1,000-2,500 acres>2,500 acresData Gap@xMonitor block size.vvvvvvlll^K:.."D Number of Blocks"Total number of blocks statewide<44-77-10>10Data Gap@xR@pxllllllbbb]WRNN D Patch Proximity*@w>.5 miles.25-.5 miles.1-.25 miles<.1 mileData Gap@v`@p~rffffff\\\RD6++D Patch Size9@w<50 acres50-100 acres100-250 acres>250 acresData Gap@v@p|pddddddZZZN?1&&D Number of Blocks"Total number of blocks statewide0-123>3Data Gap@vR@p}qeeeeee[[[WUSNN D Patch Proximity*@!n>4 miles2-4 miles1-2 miles<1 mileData Gap@v`@pvj^^^^^^TTTK@5++D Patch Size9@ n<500 acres500-1,000 acres1,001-2,000 acres>2,000 acresData Gap @v@pznnnnnndddVC2&&D Average Block Size@w<5,000 acres5,000-10,000 acres10,000-20,000 acres>20,000 acresData Gap@vMonitor block size.~~~~~~ttteP<.."D Average Block Size@w<5,000 acres5,000-10,000 acres10,000-20,000 acres>20,000 acresData Gap@vMonitor block size.~~~~~~ttteP<.."D Number of Blocks"Total number of blocks statewide0-123>3Data Gap@vR@p}qeeeeee[[[WUSNN D Patch Size9@n<500 acres500-1,000 acres1,001-2,000 acres>2,000 acresData Gap @v@pznnnnnndddVC2&&D Patch Proximity*@n>4 miles2-4 miles1-2 miles<1 mileData Gap@u`@pvj^^^^^^TTTK@5++D Patch Size9@n<500 acres500-1,000 acres1,001-2,000 acres>2,000 acresData Gap @u@pznnnnnndddVC2&&D Number of Blocks"Total number of blocks statewide0-123>3Data Gap@uR@p}qeeeeee[[[WUSNN D Average Block Size@n<5,000 acres5,000-10,000 acres10,000-20,000 acres>20,000 acresData Gap@uMonitor block size.~~~~~~ttteP<.."D Patch Proximity*@n>4 miles2-4 miles1-2 miles<1 mileData Gap@u`@pvj^^^^^^TTTK@5++D Average Block Size@n<2,500 acres2,500-5,000 acres5,001-10,000 acres>10,000 acresData Gap@uMonitor block size.||||||rrrcO<.."D Patch Size9@n<250 acres250-500 acres501-1,000 acres>1,000 acresData Gap@u@pvjjjjjj```RA2&&D Number of Blocks"Total number of blocks statewide0-123>3Data Gap@uR@p}qeeeeee[[[WUSNN D Patch Proximity*@n>4 miles2-4 miles1-2 miles<1 mileData Gap@u`@pvj^^^^^^TTTK@5++D Number of Blocks"Total number of blocks statewide0-123>3Data Gap@sR@p}qeeeeee[[[WUSNN DrLVAL t l *Maintain or, where necessary, restore the median nearest distance between patches of this habitat type to two miles or less.Maintain or, where necessary, restore the average patch size of this habitat type to 1,001 acres or more across all known occurrences.Maintain or, where necessary, restore number of blocks to three or more. (Block is defined by the minimum convex polygon bounded by known occurrences of this habitat type in which the median patch size is above the fair level for patch size, and in which each of the patches score fair or better on the patch proximity threshold.)Maintain or, where necessary, restore average block size to 10,000 acres or more. (Block is defined by the minimum convex polygon bounded by known occurrences of this habitat type in which the median patch size is above the fair level for patch size, and in which each of the patches score fair or better on the patch proximity threshold.)Maintain or, where necessary, restore the median nearest distance between patches of this habitat type to two miles or less.Maintain or, where necessary, restore average block size to 5,001 acres or more. (Block is defined by the minimum convex polygon bounded by known occurrences of this habitat type in which the median patch size is above the fair level for patch size, and in which each of the patches score fair or better on the patch proximity threshold.)Maintain or, where necessary, restore the average patch size of this habitat type to 501 acres or more across all known occurrences.Maintain or, where necessary, restore number of blocks to three or more. (Block is defined by the minimum convex polygon bounded by known occurrences of this habitat type in which the median patch size is above the fair level for patch size, and in which each of the patches score fair or better on the patch proximity threshold.)Maintain or, where necessary, restore the median nearest distance between patches of this habitat type to two miles or less.^LVAL ` |t~Maintain or, where necessary, restore the median nearest distance between patches of this habitat type to .25 mile or less.Maintain or, where necessary, restore the average patch size of this habitat type to 100 acres or more across all known occurrences.Maintain or, where necessary, restore number of blocks to three or more. (Block is defined by the minimum convex polygon bounded by known occurrences of this habitat type in which the median patch size is above the fair level for patch size, and in which each of the patches score fair or better on the patch proximity threshold.)Maintain or, where necessary, restore the median nearest distance between patches of this habitat type to two miles or less.Maintain or, where necessary, restore the average patch size of this habitat type to 1,001 acres or more across all known occurrences.Maintain or, where necessary, restore average block size to 10,000 acres or more. (Block is defined by the minimum convex polygon bounded by known occurrences of this habitat type in which the median patch size is above the fair level for patch size, and in which each of the patches score fair or better on the patch proximity threshold.)Maintain or, where necessary, restore average block size to 10,000 acres or more. (Block is defined by the minimum convex polygon bounded by known occurrences of this habitat type in which the median patch size is above the fair level for patch size, and in which each of the patches score fair or better on the patch proximity threshold.)Maintain or, where necessary, restore number of blocks to three or more. (Block is defined by the minimum convex polygon bounded by known occurrences of this habitat type in which the median patch size is above the fair level for patch size, and in which each of the patches score fair or better on the patch proximity threshold.)Maintain or, where necessary, restore the average patch size of this habitat type to 1,001 acres or more across all known occurrences.LVAL p o E D }|C {BABlock is defined by the minimum convex polygon bounded by known occurrences of this habitat type in which the median patch sizeBlock is defined by the minimum convex polygon bounded by known occurrences of this habitat type in which the median patch size is above the fair level for patch size, and in which each of the patches score fair or better on the patch proximity threshold.Median nearest distance between patches.Median nearest distance between patches.Block is defined by the minimum convex polygon bounded by known occurrences of this habitat type in which the median patch size is above the fair level for patch size, and in which each of the patches score fair or better on the patch proximity threshold.Average patch size across all known occurrences (acres)Average patch size across all known occurrences (acres)Block is defined by the minimum convex polygon bounded by known occurrences of this habitat type in which the median patch size is above the fair level for patch size, and in which each of the patches score fair or better on the patch proximity threshold.Median nearest distance between patches.Block is defined by the minimum convex polygon bounded by known occurrences of this habitat type in which the median patch size is above the fair level for patch size, and in which each of the patches score fair or better on the patch proximity threshold.Median nearest distance between patches.Average patch size across all known occurrences (acres)Average patch size across all known occurrences (acres)Block is defined by the minimum convex polygon bounded by known occurrences of this habitat type in which the median patch size is above the fair level for patch size, and in which each of the patches score fair or better on the patch proximity threshold.Median nearest distance between patches.Median nearest distance between patches.Block is defined by the minimum convex polygon bounded by known occurrences of this habitat type in which the median patch size is above the fair level for patch size, and in which each of the patches score fair or better on the patch proximity threshold.Average patch size across all known occurrences (acres)Average patch size across all known occurrences (acres)Block is defined by the minimum convex polygon bounded by known occurrences of this habitat type in which the median patch size is above the fair level for patch size, and in which each of the patches score fair or better on the patch proximity threshold.Median nearest distance between patches.Block is defined by the minimum convex polygon bounded by known occurrences of this habitat type in which the median patch size is above the fair level for patch size, and in which each of the patches score fair or better on the patch proximity threshold.Median nearest distance between patches.Block is defined by the minimum convex polygon bounded by known occurrences of this habitat type in which the median patch size is above the fair level for patch size, and in which each of the patches score fair or better on the patch proximity threshold.Median nearest distance between patches.Average patch size across all known occurrences (acres)Block is defined by the minimum convex polygon bounded by known occurrences of this habitat type in which the median patch size is above the fair level for patch size, and in which each of the patches score fair or better on the patch proximity threshold.Block is defined by the minimum convex polygon bounded by known occurrences of this habitat type in which the median patch size is above the fair level for patch size, and in which each of the patches score fair or better on the patch proximity threshold.LVALl 4X.Maintain or, where necessary, restore number of blocks to seven or more. (Block is defined by the minimum convex polygon bounded by known occurrences of this habitat type in which the median patch size is above the fair level for patch size, and in which each of the patches score fair or better on the patch proximity threshold.)Maintain or, where necessary, restore the median nearest distance between patches of this habitat type to .25 mile or less.Maintain or, where necessary, restore average block size to 601 acres or more. (Block is defined by the minimum convex polygon bounded by known occurrences of this habitat type in which the median patch size is above the fair level for patch size, and in which each of the patches score fair or better on the patch proximity threshold.)Maintain or, where necessary, resotre the average distance between patches to 800 meters or less.Maintain, or where necessary, buffer known occurrences of this habitat type with a minimum of 251 meters of adjacent but dissimilar habitats.Maintain or, where necessary, restore number of blocks to three or more. (Block is defined by the minimum convex polygon bounded by known occurrences of this habitat type in which the median patch size is above the fair level for patch size, and in which each of the patches score fair or better on the patch proximity threshold.)Maintain or, where necessary, restore average block size to 1,000 acres or more. (Block is defined by the minimum convex polygon bounded by known occurrences of this habitat type in which the median patch size is above the fair level for patch size, and in which each of the patches score fair or better on the patch proximity threshold.)Maintain or, where necessary, restore number of blocks to seven or more. (Block is defined by the minimum convex polygon bounded by known occurrences of this habitat type in which the median patch size is above the fair level for patch size, and in which each of the patches score fair or better on the patch proximity threshold.):a F z * tQ:Ht Average Block Size@w<5,000 acres5,000-10,000 acres10,000-20,000 acres>20,000 acresData Gap@}Monitor block size.~~~~~~ttteP<.."D Patch Proximity*@w>4 miles2-4 miles1-2 miles<1 mileData Gap@|`@ {vj^^^^^^TTTK@5++D Number of Blocks"Total number of blocks statewide0-123>3Data Gap@|R@{}qeeeeee[[[WUSNN D Number of Blocks"Total number of blocks statewide<44-77-10>10Data Gap@|R@{xllllllbbb]WRNN D Average Block Size@w<500 acres500-1,000 acres1,000-2,500 acres>2,500 acresData Gap@|Monitor block size.vvvvvvlll^K:.."D Patch Proximity*@w>.5 mile.25-.5 miles.1-.25 miles<.1 mileData Gap@z`@{}qeeeeee[[[QC5++D Patch Size9@w<50 acres50-100 acres100-250 acres>250 acresData Gap@|@{|pddddddZZZN?1&&D Patch Size9@w<250 acres250-500 acres501-1,000 acres>1,000 acresData Gap@|@{vjjjjjj```RA2&&D Number of Blocks"Total number of blocks statewide0-123>3Data Gap@|R@{}qeeeeee[[[WUSNN D Average Block Size@w<2,500 acres2,500-5,000 acres5,001-10,000 acres>10,000 acresData Gap@zMonitor block size.||||||rrrcO<.."D Patch Proximity*@ w>4 miles2-4 miles1-2 miles<1 mileData Gap@z`@{vj^^^^^^TTTK@5++D Patch Proximity*@ w>4 miles2-4 miles1-2 miles<1 mileData Gap@z`@{vj^^^^^^TTTK@5++D Average Block Size@ w<2,500 acres2,500-5,000 acres5,001-10,000 acres>10,000 acresData Gap@zMonitor block size.||||||rrrcO<.."D Number of Blocks"Total number of blocks statewide0-123>3Data Gap@zR@{}qeeeeee[[[WUSNN D Patch Size9@ w<250 acres250-500 acres501-1,000 acres>1,000 acresData Gap@z@&pvjjjjjj```RA2&&D Patch Size9@ w<50 acres50-100 acres100-250 acres>250 acresData Gap@z@%p|pddddddZZZN?1&&D Average Block Size@w<500 acres500-1,000 acres1,000-2,500 acres>2,500 acresData Gap@zMonitor block size.vvvvvvlll^K:.."D Number of Blocks"Total number of blocks statewide<44-77-10>10Data Gap@xR@$pxllllllbbb]WRNN D Patch Proximity*@w>.5 mile.25-.5 miles.1-.25 miles<.1 mileData Gap@x`@#p}qeeeeee[[[QC5++D Average Block Size@w<300 acres300-600 acres601-1,000 acres>1,000 acresData Gap@xMonitor block size.~rrrrrrhhhZI:.."D Patch Proximity*@w>1200 meters801-1200 meters500-800 meters<500 metersData Gap@x`@"p}qqqqqqgggZJ9++D Patch SizeWidth of buffer (meters)<100 meters of buffer100-250 meters of buffer251-400 meters of buffer>400 meters of bufferData Gap@xB@!pqW@@DjLVAL \ T L $Maintain or, where necessary, restore the median nearest distance between patches of this habitat type to .25 mile or less.Maintain or, where necessary, restore average block size to 5,001 acres or more. (Block is defined by the minimum convex polygon bounded by known occurrences of this habitat type in which the median patch size is above the fair level for patch size, and in which each of the patches score fair or better on the patch proximity threshold.)Maintain or, where necessary, restore the median nearest distance between patches of this habitat type to two miles or less.Maintain or, where necessary, restore the median nearest distance between patches of this habitat type to two miles or less.Maintain or, where necessary, restore average block size to 5,001 acres or more. (Block is defined by the minimum convex polygon bounded by known occurrences of this habitat type in which the median patch size is above the fair level for patch size, and in which each of the patches score fair or better on the patch proximity threshold.)Maintain or, where necessary, restore number of blocks to three or more. (Block is defined by the minimum convex polygon bounded by known occurrences of this habitat type in which the median patch size is above the fair level for patch size, and in which each of the patches score fair or better on the patch proximity threshold.)Maintain or, where necessary, restore the average patch size of this habitat type to 501 acres or more across all known occurrences.Maintain or, where necessary, restore the average patch size of this habitat type to 100 acres or more across all known occurrences.Maintain or, where necessary, restore average block size to 1,000 acres or more. (Block is defined by the minimum convex polygon bounded by known occurrences of this habitat type in which the median patch size is above the fair level for patch size, and in which each of the patches score fair or better on the patch proximity threshold.)LVALN < 8 8 &  `.bH4Monitor percent total land cover in the recharge area that is urban/impervious.Monitor distance to nearest public road from cave entrance.Monitor percent of burned areas burned during either March/April or Aug/Sept, or from leaf-expansion to leaf-fall, depending on project-level goals. In some but not all cases, seasonality is an accurate surrogate for intensity. Since intensity goals will vary from burn to burn it is difficult to "pre-quantify" ideal intensity objectives at a forest-wide scale. It is presumed that restoration, maintenance, fuel-reduction and other prescribed fire goals will be considered at the project level when planning burn intensity.Monitor average percent of all known occurrences plus appropriate buffer burned per 3-7 year interval.Monitor total number of blocks statewide.Monitor average patch size across all known occurrences (acres).Monitor median nearest distance between patches.Monitor median nearest distance between patches.Monitor total number of blocks statewide.Monitor average patch size across all known occurrences (acres).Monitor width of buffer (meters).Monitor total number of blocks statewide.Monitor median nearest distance between patches.Monitor median nearest distance between patches.Monitor total number of blocks statewide.Monitor average patch size across all known occurrences (acres).Monitor average patch size across all known occurrences (acres).Monitor median nearest distance between patches.Monitor total number of blocks statewide.Monitor total number of blocks statewide.Monitor median nearest distance between patches.Monitor average patch size across all known occurrences (acres).Monitor average patch size across all known occurrences (acres).Monitor total number of blocks statewide.Monitor median nearest distance between patches.Monitor median nearest distance between patches.Monitor total number of blocks statewide.LVAL l d \ $Maintain or, where necessary, restore the average distance between patches to 800 meters or less.Maintain or, where necessary, restore the median nearest distance between patches of this habitat type to two miles or less.Maintain or, where necessary, restore the median nearest distance between patches of this habitat type to two miles or less.Maintain or, where necessary, restore number of blocks to three or more. (Block is defined by the minimum convex polygon bounded by known occurrences of this habitat type in which the median patch size is above the fair level for patch size, and in which each of the patches score fair or better on the patch proximity threshold.)Maintain or, where necessary, restore number of blocks to seven or more. (Block is defined by the minimum convex polygon bounded by known occurrences of this habitat type in which the median patch size is above the fair level for patch size, and in which each of the patches score fair or better on the patch proximity threshold.)Maintain or, where necessary, restore average block size to 1,000 acres or more. (Block is defined by the minimum convex polygon bounded by known occurrences of this habitat type in which the median patch size is above the fair level for patch size, and in which each of the patches score fair or better on the patch proximity threshold.)Maintain or, where necessary, restore the average patch size of this habitat type to 100 acres or more across all known occurrences.Maintain or, where necessary, restore the average patch size of this habitat type to 501 acres or more across all known occurrences.Maintain or, where necessary, restore number of blocks to three or more. (Block is defined by the minimum convex polygon bounded by known occurrences of this habitat type in which the median patch size is above the fair level for patch size, and in which each of the patches score fair or better on the patch proximity threshold.)TLVAL Z N F z`jtMaintain or, where necessary, restore the median nearest distance between patches of this habitat type to one mile or less.Maintain or, where necessary, restore the median nearest distance between patches of this habitat type to .25 mile or less.Maintain, or where necessary, buffer known occurrences of this habitat type with a minimum of 251 meters of adjacent but dissimilar habitats.Maintain or, where necessary, restore number of blocks to three or more. (Block is defined by the minimum convex polygon bounded by known occurrences of this habitat type in which the median patch size is above the fair level for patch size, and in which each of the patches score fair or better on the patch proximity threshold.)Maintain or, where necessary, restore average block size to 5,001 acres or more. (Block is defined by the minimum convex polygon bounded by known occurrences of this habitat type in which the median patch size is above the fair level for patch size, and in which each of the patches score fair or better on the patch proximity threshold.)Maintain or, where necessary, restore number of blocks to three or more. (Block is defined by the minimum convex polygon bounded by known occurrences of this habitat type in which the median patch size is above the fair level for patch size, and in which each of the patches score fair or better on the patch proximity threshold.)Maintain or, where necessary, restore the average patch size of this habitat type to 501 acres or more across all known occurrences.Maintain or, where necessary, restore the average patch size of this habitat type to 1,001 acres or more across all known occurrences.Maintain or, where necessary, restore average block size to 10,000 acres or more. (Block is defined by the minimum convex polygon bounded by known occurrences of this habitat type in which the median patch size is above the fair level for patch size, and in which each of the patches score fair or better on the patch proximity threshold.)HQ. 7 J 0uv; Percent pasture landE@ >7550-7525-50<25Data Gap@@j^RRRRRRHHHC<500$D Percent ForestedA@ <2525-5050-75>75Data Gap@@fZNNNNNNDDD?81,, D Percent Urban/imperviousP@ >2515-255-15<5Data Gap@@{l`TTTTTTJJJF@944(D Road Proximity5@<.25 mile.25-.5 mile0.5-1 mile>1 mileData Gap@v@{ymaaaaaaWWWNB5**D Fire Seasonality/Intensity@<2525-5051-75>75Data Gap@@{pdXXXXXXNNNIB;66*D Fire Frequency`@<2525-5051-75>75Data Gap @@{dXLLLLLLBBB=6/**D Average Block Size@<500 acres500-1,000 acres1,001-2,000 acres>2,000 acresData Gap@Monitor block size.vvvvvvlll^K:.."D Number of Blocks"Total number of blocks statewide0-123>3Data Gap@R@{}qeeeeee[[[WUSNN D Patch Size9@<10 acres10-30 acres31-100 acres>100 acresData Gap@@{znbbbbbbXXXL>1&&D Patch Proximity*@>2.5 miles1-2.5 miles0.5-1 mile<0.5 mileData Gap@}`@{}qeeeeee[[[PD7++D Average Block Size@<500 acres500-1,000 acres1,000-2,500 acres>2,500 acresData Gap@Monitor block size.vvvvvvlll^K:.."D Patch Proximity*@>.5 mile.25-.5 miles.1-.25 miles<.1 mileData Gap@}`@{}qeeeeee[[[QC5++D Number of Blocks"Total number of blocks statewide<44-77-10>10Data Gap@R@{xllllllbbb]WRNN D Patch Size9@<50 acres50-100 acres100-250 acres>250 acresData Gap@@{|pddddddZZZN?1&&D Average Block Size@w<300 acres300-600 acres601-1,000 acres>1,000 acresData Gap@Monitor block size.~rrrrrrhhhZI:.."D Patch SizeWidth of buffer (meters)<100 meters of buffer100-250 meters of buffer251-400 meters of buffer>400 meters of bufferData Gap@}B@{qW@@D Number of Blocks"Total number of blocks statewide0-123>3Data Gap@}R@{}qeeeeee[[[WUSNN D Patch Proximity*@w>1200 meters801-1200 meters500-800 meters<500 metersData Gap@|`@{}qqqqqqgggZJ9++D Patch Proximity*@w>4 miles2-4 miles1-2 miles<1 mileData Gap@|`@ {vj^^^^^^TTTK@5++D Average Block Size@w<2,500 acres2,500-5,000 acres5,001-10,000 acres>10,000 acresData Gap@}Monitor block size.||||||rrrcO<.."D Number of Blocks"Total number of blocks statewide0-123>3Data Gap@}R@ {}qeeeeee[[[WUSNN D Patch Size9@w<250 acres250-500 acres501-1,000 acres>1,000 acresData Gap@}@ {vjjjjjj```RA2&&D Patch Size9@w<500 acres500-1,000 acres1,001-2,000 acres>2,000 acresData Gap @}@ {znnnnnndddVC2&&DLVAL` X Maintain or, where necessary, restore average block size to 1,001 acres or more. (Block is defined by the minimum convex polygon bounded by known occurrences of this habitat type in which the median patch size is above the fair level for patch size, and in which each of the patches score fair or better on the patch proximity threshold.)Maintain or, where necessary, restore number of blocks to three or more. (Block is defined by the minimum convex polygon bounded by known occurrences of this habitat type in which the median patch size is above the fair level for patch size, and in which each of the patches score fair or better on the patch proximity threshold.)Maintain or, where necessary, restore the average patch size of this habitat type to 31 acres or more across all known occurrences.Maintain or, where necessary, restore average block size to 1,000 acres or more. (Block is defined by the minimum convex polygon bounded by known occurrences of this habitat type in which the median patch size is above the fair level for patch size, and in which each of the patches score fair or better on the patch proximity threshold.)Maintain or, where necessary, restore number of blocks to seven or more. (Block is defined by the minimum convex polygon bounded by known occurrences of this habitat type in which the median patch size is above the fair level for patch size, and in which each of the patches score fair or better on the patch proximity threshold.)Maintain or, where necessary, restore the average patch size of this habitat type to 100 acres or more across all known occurrences.Maintain or, where necessary, restore average block size to 601 acres or more. (Block is defined by the minimum convex polygon bounded by known occurrences of this habitat type in which the median patch size is above the fair level for patch size, and in which each of the patches score fair or better on the patch proximity threshold.)(LVALr98 O  y @ NedBlock is defined by the minimum convex polygon bounded by known occurrences of this habitat type in which the median patch sizeBlock is defined by the minimum convex polygon bounded by known occurrences of this habitat type in which the median patch size is above the fair level for patch size, and in which each of the patches score fair or better on the patch proximity threshold.Median nearest distance between patches.Average number of road miles per square mile across all known occurrences of this target.The percent of areas burned during either March/April or Aug/Sept, or from leaf-expansion to leaf-fall, depending on project-level goals. In some but not all cases, seasonality is an accurate surrogate for intensity. Since intensity goals will vary from burn to burn it is difficult to "pre-quantify" ideal intensity objectives at a forest-wide scale. It is presumed that restoration, maintenance, fuel-reduction and other prescribed fire goals will be considered at the project level when planning burn intensity.Average percent of all known occurrences plus 100 meter buffer burned per 5-100 year interval.The percent of ground cover in non-native herbaceous speciesThe percent of ground cover in non-native woody speciesAverage patch size across all known occurrences (acres)The percent area where raised beds are created for tree plantingMiles of unpaved road per square mile of recharge area.Number of Point Source Pollution permits per square mile in the recharge area.Percent total land cover in the recharge area that is pasture land.Percent total land cover in the recharge area that is forested.The percent of total land cover in the recharge area that is urban/impervious.Distance to nearest public road from cave entrance.The percent of areas burned during either March/April or Aug/Sept, or from leaf-expansion to leaf-fall, depending on project-level goals. In some but not all cases, seasonality is an accurate surrogate for intensity. Since intensity goals will vary from burn to burn it is difficult to "pre-quantify" ideal intensity objectives at a forest-wide scale. It is presumed that restoration, maintenance, fuel-reduction and other prescribed fire goals will be considered at the project level when planning burn intensity.Average percent of all known occurrences plus appropriate buffer burned per 3-7 year interval.Block is defined by the minimum convex polygon bounded by known occurrences of this habitat type in which the median patch size is above the fair level for patch size, and in which each of the patches score fair or better on the patch proximity threshold.Average patch size across all known occurrences (acres)Median nearest distance between patches.Block is defined by the minimum convex polygon bounded by known occurrences of this habitat type in which the median patch size is above the fair level for patch size, and in which each of the patches score fair or better on the patch proximity threshold.Median nearest distance between patches.Average patch size across all known occurrences (acres)VLVAL   0 PdMaintain, or where necessary, buffer known occurrences of this habitat type with a minimum of 251 meters of adjacent but dissimilar habitats.Maintain or, where necessary, restore the average distance between patches to 1,600 meters or less.Maintain or, where necessary, restore the average number of road miles per square mile to one or less across all known occurrences of this target.When burning, burn during either March/April or August/September, or from leaf-expansion to leaf-fall, depending on project-level goals.Burn at least 51 percent of the spatial extent plus 100 meter buffer of all known occurrences of this habitat type every 2- 5 years.Maintain or, where necessary, restore the percent of groundcover in non-native herbaceous vegetation to nine percent or less.Maintain or, where necessary, restore the percent of groundcover in invasive woody species to nine percent or less.Maintain or, where necessary restore, the percentage of bedded or hipped areas to nine percent or less.Maintain or, where necessary, restore the miles of unpaved road per square mile of recharge area to one or less.Maintain or reduce the number of Point Source Pollution permits to .183 or fewer per square mile in the recharge area.Maintain or, where necessary, restore the total land cover in the recharge area that is pasture land to 50 percent or less.Maintain or, where necessary, restore the total land cover in the recharge area that is forested to 50 percent or more.Maintain or, where necessary, restore the total land cover in the recharge area that is urban/impervious to 15 percent or less.Maintain or, where necessary, restore the distance from the nearest public road to cave entrance to .5 more or more.When burning, burn during either March/April or August/September, or from leaf-expansion to leaf-fall, depending on project-level goals.Burn at least 51 percent of the spatial extent plus appropriate buffer of all known occurrences of this habitat type every 3-7 years.LVAL r0 " BMonitor width of buffers (meters).Monitor total number of blocks statewide.Monitor width of buffer (meters).Monitor median nearest distance between patches.Monitor average number of road miles per square mile across all known occurrences of this target.Monitor percent of burned areas burned during either March/April or Aug/Sept., or from leaf-expansion to leaf-fall, depending on project-level goals. In some, but not all cases, seasonality is an accurate surrogate for intensity. Since intensity goals will vary from burn to burn, it is difficult to "pre-quantify" ideal intensity objectives at a forest-wide scale. It is presumed that restoration, maintenance, fuel-reduction and other prescribed fire goals will be considered at the project level when planning burn intensity.Monitor the average percent of all known occurrences plus 100 meter buffer burned per 2-10 year interval.Monitor the percent of ground cover in non-native herbaceous species.Monitor percent of area where raised beds are created for tree planting.Monitor miles of unpaved road per square mile of recharge area.Monitor number of Point Source Pollution permits per square mile in the recharge area.Monitor percent total land cover in the recharge area that is pasture land.Monitor percent total land cover in the recharge area that is forested.<f C  z 3c Patch SizeArea of patch<0.5 ha0.5 ha1.0 ha>2.0 ha@D@ ocWWWWWWWWWNF>55@ Average Block Size@<1,000 acres1,000-2,000 acres2,000-4,000 acres>4,000 acresData Gap@Monitor block size.zzzzzzpppbO<.."D Number of Blocks"Total number of blocks statewide0-123>3Data Gap@R@ }qeeeeee[[[WUSNN D Patch SizeWidth of buffer (meters)<100 meters of buffer100-250 meters of buffer251-400 meters of buffer>400 meters of bufferData Gap@B@ qW@@D Patch Proximity*@>3200 meters1601-3200 meters800-1600 meters<800 metersData Gap@`@ ssssssiii\K9++D Road Density[@> 2 miles1-2 miles0.5-1 mile<0.5 mileData Gap$@ @wk______UUUJ>3((D Fire Seasonality/ Intensity@<2525-5051-75>75Data Gap@  @rfZZZZZZPPPKD=88,D Fire frequency`@<2525-5051-75>75Data Gap@ @eYMMMMMMCCC>70++D Exotic Forbs and Grasses>@>2010-205-9<5Data Gap@ __SSSSSSIIIE@944(D Invasive shrubs and woody vines9@>2010-205-9<5Data Gap@ @rfZZZZZZPPPLG@;;/D Patch Size9@xx<2 acres2 - 10 acres10-40 acres>40 acresxxMediumvf[N@6&C Bedding or HippingB@>2010-195-9<5@@[OCCCCCCCCC?:3.."@ Unpaved road density9@ >2 miles1-2 miles0.5-1 mile<0.5 mileData Gap@~@~rffffff\\\QE:00$D Point source pollutionP@ B@[0.465-0.2970.296-0.1840.183-0.036<0.036B@ZData Gap@@yymeXK>2&E LVALl & Maintain, or where possible, enlarge known occurrences of this habitat to 0.1 ha.Maintain or, where necessary, restore average block size to 2,000 acres or more. (Block is defined by the minimum convex polygon bounded by known occurrences of this habitat type in which the median patch size is above the fair level for patch size, and in which each of the patches score fair or better on the patch proximity threshold.)Maintain or, where necessary, restore number of blocks to three or more. (Block is defined by the minimum convex polygon bounded by known occurrences of this habitat type in which the median patch size is above the fair level for patch size, and in which each of the patches score fair or better on the patch proximity threshold.)O @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @g h i j k l m n p r t v { |    3 4 6 7 8 < @ABCG[\klm n o p q rstuvwxyz{|}~               (((((((((( ( ( ( ( ((((((9999999999 9 9 9  9  9 9 9 9 9 9 J J J J J J J J J J  J  J  J  J  J J J J J J J Q !Q "Q #Q $Q %Q &Q 'Q (Q )Q  *Q  +Q  ,Q  -Q  .Q /Q 0Q 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 5W 6W 7W 8W 9W :W ;W <W =W >W  ?W  @W  AW  BW  CW DW EW FW GW HW IW JW K] L] M] N] O] P] Q] R] S] T]  U]  V]  W]  X]  Y] Z] [] \] ]] _] `] a] b] c] d] e] f` g` h` i` j` k` l` m` n` o`  p`  q`  r`  s`  t` v` w` x` y` z` {` |` }` ~k k k k k k k k k k  k  k  k  k  k k k k k k k k q q q q q q q q q q  q  q  q  q  q q q q q q q q t t t t t t t t t t  t  t  t  t  t t t t t t t t y y y 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odiG_Rank_ValueG_Rank_LUT.Score_ValueM)) odiG_Rank_DescriptionG_Rank_LUT.DescriptionY55 odiMammal_Query.Weight2 gdiMammal_Query.Category4 gdiMammal_Query.Element3 gdiMammal_Query.Element_Name8 gdiMammal_Query.Residence5 gdiMammal_Query.Family2 gdiMammal_Query.Order1 gdiMammal_Query.Class1 gdiMammal_Query.Federal_Status: gdiMammal_Query.Ozarks2 gdi X@  gdi P@  gdi B@  gdi Mammal_Query.Ouachitas5 gdi Mammal_Query.Arkansas_Valley; gdiMammal_Query.Boston_Mountains< gdiMammal_Query.Comments4 gdiMammal_Query.G_Rank2 gdiMammal_Query.S_Rank2 gdiJ@ gdiMammal_Query.Taxa0 gdiMammal_Query.Scientific_Name; gdiMammal_Query.Common_Name7 g diMammal_Query)))  diG_Rank_LUT%%%  diS_Rank_LUT%%%  diTrend_LUT### di Gdi G di di GKey_FactorIndicatorN@C7% HabitatKey_Factor\@?3  Indicator.Conservation_Action< gIndicator.Very_Good_Level8 gIndicator.Good_Level3 gIndicator.Fair_Level3 gIndicator.Poor_Level3 g!Indicator.Indicator_Description> gIndicator.Indicator_Name7 gKey_Factor.Key_Factor_Name9 gHabitat.Habitat_Name3 g Indicator###  Key_Factor%%%  4YN- Y  Y  Y  Y  Y Y Y ,Conservation_Target_IDKey_Factor_Name,Key_Factor_Description"Key_Factor_SourceCategoryIDKF_WeightJ}6}J }J YYYYY,Conservation_Target_IDID,Key_Factor_DescriptionKey_Factor_NamePrimaryKey v1b N @  ȗH  LVAL L kH%vS0 ^;iFoti, personal cFoti, personal communication 2005Foti, personal communication 2005Foti, personal communication 2005Foti, personal communication 2005Foti, personal communication 2005Foti, personal communication 2005Foti, personal communication 2005Foti, personal communication 2005Foti, personal communication 2005Foti, personal communication 2005Foti, personal communication 2005Foti, personal communication 2005Foti, personal communication 2005Foti, personal communication 2005Foti, personal communication 2005Foti, personal communication 2005Foti, personal communication 2005Foti, personal communication 2005Foti, personal communication 2005Foti, personal communication 2005Foti, personal communication 2005Foti, personal communication 2005Foti, personal communication 2005Foti, personal communication 2005Foti, personal communication 2005Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1994; Litvaitis 2001; Masters 1991, Masters and others 1995, Masters and Wilson 1994, New and Hanula 1998; Pert 2000; Rudolph 2002, Rudolph and Ely 2000a, Rudolph and Ely 2000b, Schurbon and Fauth 2003, Sparks and others 1999; Spetich 2004: Templeton and others 2001; Trani and others 2001; USDA Forest Service 1997Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1994; Litvaitis 2001; Masters 1991, Masters and others 1995, Masters and Wilson 1994, New and Hanula 1998; Pert 2000; Rudolph 2002, Rudolph and Ely 2000a, Rudolph and Ely 2000b, Schurbon and Fauth 2003, Sparks and others 1999; Spetich 2004: Templeton and others 2001; Trani and others 2001; USDA Forest Service 1997Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1994; Litvaitis 2001; Masters 1991, Masters and others 1995, Masters and Wilson 1994, New and Hanula 1998; Pert 2000; Rudolph 2002, Rudolph and Ely 2000a, Rudolph and Ely 2000b, Schurbon and Fauth 2003, Sparks and others 1999; Spetich 2004: Templeton and others 2001; Trani and others 2001; USDA Forest Service 1997Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1994; Litvaitis 2001; Masters 1991, Masters and others 1995, Masters and Wilson 1994, New and Hanula 1998; Pert 2000; Rudolph 2002, Rudolph and Ely 2000a, Rudolph and Ely 2000b, Schurbon and Fauth 2003, Sparks and others 1999; Spetich 2004: Templeton and others 2001; Trani and others 2001; USDA Forest Service 1997Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1994; Litvaitis 2001; Masters 1991, Masters and others 1995, Masters and Wilson 1994, New and Hanula 1998; Pert 2000; Rudolph 2002, Rudolph and Ely 2000a, Rudolph and Ely 2000b, Schurbon and Fauth 2003, Sparks and others 1999; Spetich 2004: Templeton and others 2001; Trani and others 2001; USDA Forest Service 1997QLVAL>U  K % a ;w/lH$Combination of stem density, basal area and extent of canopy cover, wCombination of stem density, basal area and extent of canopy cover, with intermitent closure as ideal (Surrogate for Horizontal Structure).Fire Return Interval and Seasonality, including landscape-scale fire in surrounding/adjacent habitats to prevent woody encroachment and allow for distribution and dispersal of obligate speciesMean density of roads (miles per square mile) within this community type at the landscape scale.Mean density of roads (miles per square mile) within this community type at the landscape scale.Fire Return Interval and Seasonality, including landscape-scale fire in surrounding/adjacent habitats to prevent woody encroachment and allow for distribution and dispersal of obligate speciesFire Return Interval and Seasonality, including landscape-scale fire in surrounding/adjacent habitats to prevent woody encroachment and allow for distribution and dispersal of obligate species.Fire Return Interval and Seasonality, including landscape-scale fire in surrounding/adjacent habitats to prevent woody encroachment and allow for distribution and dispersal of obligate speciesFire Return Interval and Seasonality, including landscape-scale fire in surrounding/adjacent habitats to prevent woody encroachment and allow for distribution and dispersal of obligate speciesMean density of roads (miles per square mile) within this community type at the landscape scale.Mean density of roads (miles per square mile) within this community type at the landscape scale.Mean density of roads (miles per square mile) within this community type at the landscape scale.Mean density of roads (miles per square mile) within this community type at the landscape scale.Mean density of roads (miles per square mile) within this community type at the landscape scale.Mean density of roads (miles per square mile) within this community type at the landscape scale.Mean density of roads (miles per square mile) within this community type at the landscape scale.Mean density of roads (miles per square mile) within this community type at the landscape scale.Mean density of roads (miles per square mile) within this community type at the landscape scale.Mean density of roads (miles per square mile) within this community type at the landscape scale.Mean density of roads (miles per square mile) within this community type at the landscape scale.Mean density of roads (miles per square mile) within this community type at the landscape scale.Mean density of roads (miles per square mile) within this community type at the landscape scale.Mean density of roads (miles per square mile) within this community type at the landscape scale.Fire Return Interval and Seasonality, including landscape-scale fire in surrounding/adjacent habitats to prevent woody encroachment and allow for distribution and dispersal of obligate speciesFire Return Interval and Seasonality, including landscape-scale fire in surrounding/adjacent habitats to prevent woody encroachment and allow for distribution and dispersal of obligate speciesFire Return Interval and Seasonality, including landscape-scale fire in surrounding/adjacent habitats to prevent woody encroachment and allow for distribution and dispersal of obligate speciesFire Return Interval and Seasonality, including landscape-scale fire in surrounding/adjacent habitats to prevent woody encroachment and allow for distribution and dispersal of obligate species100 foot zone of no-activity by ALRMPFire Return Interval and Seasonality, including landscape-scale fire in surrounding/adjacent habitats to prevent woody encroachment and allow for distribution and dispersal of obligate species3Sr' A c  ; ]  } 2 Sl4cy3Rq&ICompositionf@#@Condition>3'HCompositionf@#@Condition>3'GCompositionf@#@ Condition>3'FCompositionf@#@ Condition>3'ECompositionf@#@ Condition>3'DCompositionf@#@ Condition>3'CCompositionf@#@ Condition>3'BCompositionf@#@Condition>3'ACompositionf@#@Condition>3'@Compositionf@ #@Size93' :Canopy Closure@ <@ConditionA6*9Canopy Closurei@ <@ConditionA6*+Canopy Closureh@ <@ConditionA6*%Disturbance Policy[@ ALRMP 1990 & AmendmentsCondition^S."+Cave/Mine Accessibilityf@Condition>33'wPercent total herbaceous ground coverage@@Condition[PD8Percent total herbaceous ground coverage@@Condition[PD8Compositionf@#@Condition>3'Canopy Closure@<@ConditionA6*Canopy closure@<@ConditionA6*Canopy Closureh@<@ConditionA6*Canopy closure@<@ConditionA6*Canopy closure@<@ConditionA6*Canopy Closure@<@ConditionA6*Fire Regime@<@Condition>3'Remotenessb@@Condition=2&Remotenessb@@Condition=2&Fire Regime@<@Condition>3'}Fire Regime@<@Condition>3'"Fire Regime@<@Condition>3'Fire Regime@<@Condition>3'"WRemotenessb@@Condition=2& URemotenessb@@Condition=2&SRemotenessb@@Condition=2&QRemotenessb@@Condition=2&ORemotenessb@@Condition=2&NRemotenessb@@Condition=2&MRemotenessb@ @Condition=2&LRemotenessb@ @Condition=2&KRemotenessb@ @Condition=2&JRemotenessb@ @Condition=2&IRemotenessb@ @Condition=2&HRemotenessb@@Condition=2&GRemotenessb@@Condition=2&CRemotenessb@@Landscape ContextE2&9Fire Regime@<@Condition>3'7Fire Regime@<@Condition>3'Fire Regime@<@Condition>3'Fire Regime@<@Condition>3'No-Activity Protection Zone'@ALRMPConditionUJ7+Fire Regime@<@Condition>3'LVALj >Presence of roads in natural systems: 1) Provides distribution/dispersal corridors for invasive species (CITATION) 2) Contributes to road mortality of terrestrial fauna, especially along seasonal migration routes between adjacent but dissimiliar habitats (CITATION) 3) Creates edge condition in areas that might otherwise provPresence of roads in natural systems: 1) Provides distribution/dispersal corridors for invasive species (CITATION) 2) Contributes to road mortality of terrestrial fauna, especially along seasonal migration routes between adjacent but dissimiliar habitats (CITATION) 3) Creates edge condition in areas that might otherwise provide habitat for edge-intolerant forest interior species (CITATIONS) 4) Contributes to erosion and associated siltation of strems and rivers (CITATION) 5) Contributes to access related disturbance ( including pedestrian, vehicular, equestrian, ect.) causing a disruption of natural behavior patterns among sensitive fauna (CITATION)Presence of roads in natural systems: 1) Provides distribution/dispersal corridors for invasive species (CITATION) 2) Contributes to road mortality of terrestrial fauna, especially along seasonal migration routes between adjacent but dissimiliar habitats (CITATION) 3) Creates edge condition in areas that might otherwise provide habitat for edge-intolerant forest interior species (CITATIONS) 4) Contributes to erosion and associated siltation of strems and rivers (CITATION) 5) Contributes to access related disturbance ( including pedestrian, vehicular, equestrian, ect.) causing a disruption of natural behavior patterns among sensitive fauna (CITATION)Presence of roads in natural systems: 1) Provides distribution/dispersal corridors for invasive species (CITATION) 2) Contributes to road mortality of terrestrial fauna, especially along seasonal migration routes between adjacent but dissimiliar habitats (CITATION) 3) Creates edge condition in areas that might otherwise provide habitat for edge-intolerant forest interior species (CITATIONS) 4) Contributes to erosion and associated siltation of strems and rivers (CITATION) 5) Contributes to access related disturbance ( including pedestrian, vehicular, equestrian, ect.) causing a disruption of natural behavior patterns among sensitive fauna (CITATION)Presence of roads in natural systems: 1) Provides distribution/dispersal corridors for invasive species (CITATION) 2) Contributes to road mortality of terrestrial fauna, especially along seasonal migration routes between adjacent but dissimiliar habitats (CITATION) 3) Creates edge condition in areas that might otherwise provide habitat for edge-intolerant forest interior species (CITATIONS) 4) Contributes to erosion and associated siltation of strems and rivers (CITATION) 5) Contributes to access related disturbance ( including pedestrian, vehicular, equestrian, ect.) causing a disruption of natural behavior patterns among sensitive fauna (CITATION)Presence of roads in natural systems: 1) Provides distribution/dispersal corridors for invasive species (CITATION) 2) Contributes to road mortality of terrestrial fauna, especially along seasonal migration routes between adjacent but dissimiliar habitats (CITATION) 3) Creates edge condition in areas that might otherwise provide habitat for edge-intolerant forest interior species (CITATIONS) 4) Contributes to erosion and associated siltation of strems and rivers (CITATION) 5) Contributes to access related disturbance ( including pedestrian, vehicular, equestrian, ect.) causing a disruption of natural behavior patterns among sensitive fauna (CITATION)LVALj >Presence of roads in natural systems: 1) Provides distribution/dispersal corridors for invasive species (CITATION) 2) Contributes to road mortality of terrestrial fauna, especially along seasonal migration routes between adjacent but dissimiliar habitats (CITATION) 3) Creates edge condition in areas that might otherwise provPresence of roads in natural systems: 1) Provides distribution/dispersal corridors for invasive species (CITATION) 2) Contributes to road mortality of terrestrial fauna, especially along seasonal migration routes between adjacent but dissimiliar habitats (CITATION) 3) Creates edge condition in areas that might otherwise provide habitat for edge-intolerant forest interior species (CITATIONS) 4) Contributes to erosion and associated siltation of strems and rivers (CITATION) 5) Contributes to access related disturbance ( including pedestrian, vehicular, equestrian, ect.) causing a disruption of natural behavior patterns among sensitive fauna (CITATION)Presence of roads in natural systems: 1) Provides distribution/dispersal corridors for invasive species (CITATION) 2) Contributes to road mortality of terrestrial fauna, especially along seasonal migration routes between adjacent but dissimiliar habitats (CITATION) 3) Creates edge condition in areas that might otherwise provide habitat for edge-intolerant forest interior species (CITATIONS) 4) Contributes to erosion and associated siltation of strems and rivers (CITATION) 5) Contributes to access related disturbance ( including pedestrian, vehicular, equestrian, ect.) causing a disruption of natural behavior patterns among sensitive fauna (CITATION)Presence of roads in natural systems: 1) Provides distribution/dispersal corridors for invasive species (CITATION) 2) Contributes to road mortality of terrestrial fauna, especially along seasonal migration routes between adjacent but dissimiliar habitats (CITATION) 3) Creates edge condition in areas that might otherwise provide habitat for edge-intolerant forest interior species (CITATIONS) 4) Contributes to erosion and associated siltation of strems and rivers (CITATION) 5) Contributes to access related disturbance ( including pedestrian, vehicular, equestrian, ect.) causing a disruption of natural behavior patterns among sensitive fauna (CITATION)Presence of roads in natural systems: 1) Provides distribution/dispersal corridors for invasive species (CITATION) 2) Contributes to road mortality of terrestrial fauna, especially along seasonal migration routes between adjacent but dissimiliar habitats (CITATION) 3) Creates edge condition in areas that might otherwise provide habitat for edge-intolerant forest interior species (CITATIONS) 4) Contributes to erosion and associated siltation of strems and rivers (CITATION) 5) Contributes to access related disturbance ( including pedestrian, vehicular, equestrian, ect.) causing a disruption of natural behavior patterns among sensitive fauna (CITATION)Presence of roads in natural systems: 1) Provides distribution/dispersal corridors for invasive species (CITATION) 2) Contributes to road mortality of terrestrial fauna, especially along seasonal migration routes between adjacent but dissimiliar habitats (CITATION) 3) Creates edge condition in areas that might otherwise provide habitat for edge-intolerant forest interior species (CITATIONS) 4) Contributes to erosion and associated siltation of strems and rivers (CITATION) 5) Contributes to access related disturbance ( including pedestrian, vehicular, equestrian, ect.) causing a disruption of natural behavior patterns among sensitive fauna (CITATION)NLVALj >lkjAskins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1994; Litvaitis 2001; Masters 1991, Masters and others 1995, Masters and Wilson 1994, New and Hanula 1998; Pert 2000; Rudolph 2002, Rudolph and Ely 2000a, Rudolph and Ely 2000b, Schurbon and Fauth 2003, Sparks and others 1999; Spetich 2004: Templeton and others 2001; Trani and others 2001; USDA Forest Service 1997Presence of roads in natural systems: 1) Provides distribution/dispersal corridors for invasive species (CITATION) 2) Contributes to road mortality of terrestrial fauna, especially along seasonal migration routes between adjacent but dissimiliar habitats (CITATION) 3) Creates edge condition in areas that might otherwise provide habitat for edge-intolerant forest interior species (CITATIONS) 4) Contributes to erosion and associated siltation of strems and rivers (CITATION) 5) Contributes to access related disturbance ( including pedestrian, vehicular, equestrian, ect.) causing a disruption of natural behavior patterns among sensitive fauna (CITATION)Presence of roads in natural systems: 1) Provides distribution/dispersal corridors for invasive species (CITATION) 2) Contributes to road mortality of terrestrial fauna, especially along seasonal migration routes between adjacent but dissimiliar habitats (CITATION) 3) Creates edge condition in areas that might otherwise provide habitat for edge-intolerant forest interior species (CITATIONS) 4) Contributes to erosion and associated siltation of strems and rivers (CITATION) 5) Contributes to access related disturbance ( including pedestrian, vehicular, equestrian, ect.) causing a disruption of natural behavior patterns among sensitive fauna (CITATION)Presence of roads in natural systems: 1) Provides distribution/dispersal corridors for invasive species (CITATION) 2) Contributes to road mortality of terrestrial fauna, especially along seasonal migration routes between adjacent but dissimiliar habitats (CITATION) 3) Creates edge condition in areas that might otherwise provide habitat for edge-intolerant forest interior species (CITATIONS) 4) Contributes to erosion and associated siltation of strems and rivers (CITATION) 5) Contributes to access related disturbance ( including pedestrian, vehicular, equestrian, ect.) causing a disruption of natural behavior patterns among sensitive fauna (CITATION)Presence of roads in natural systems: 1) Provides distribution/dispersal corridors for invasive species (CITATION) 2) Contributes to road mortality of terrestrial fauna, especially along seasonal migration routes between adjacent but dissimiliar habitats (CITATION) 3) Creates edge condition in areas that might otherwise provide habitat for edge-intolerant forest interior species (CITATIONS) 4) Contributes to erosion and associated siltation of strems and rivers (CITATION) 5) Contributes to access related disturbance ( including pedestrian, vehicular, equestrian, ect.) causing a disruption of natural behavior patterns among sensitive fauna (CITATION)LVAL L    Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Presence of roads in natural systems: 1) Provides distribution/dispersal corridors for invasive species (CITATION) 2) Contributes to road mortality of terrestrial fauna, especially along seasonal migration routes between adjacent but dissimiliar habitats (CITATION) 3) Creates edge condition in areas that might otherwise provide habitat for edge-intolerant forest interior species (CITATIONS) 4) Contributes to erosion and associated siltation of strems and rivers (CITATION) 5) Contributes to access related disturbance ( including pedestrian, vehicular, equestrian, ect.) causing a disruption of natural behavior patterns among sensitive fauna (CITATION)cite Pete's process Presence of roads in natural systems: 1) Provides distribution/dispersal corridors for invasive species (CITATION) 2) Contributes to road mortality of terrestrial fauna, especially along seasonal migration routes between adjacent but dissimiliar habitats (CITATION) 3) Creates edge condition in areas that might otherwise provide habitat for edge-intolerant forest interior species (CITATIONS) 4) Contributes to erosion and associated siltation of strems and rivers (CITATION) 5) Contributes to access related disturbance ( including pedestrian, vehicular, equestrian, ect.) causing a disruption of natural behavior patterns among sensitive fauna (CITATION)Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1994; Litvaitis 2001; Masters 1991, Masters and others 1995, Masters and Wilson 1994, New and Hanula 1998; Pert 2000; Rudolph 2002, Rudolph and Ely 2000a, Rudolph and Ely 2000b, Schurbon and Fauth 2003, Sparks and others 1999; Spetich 2004: Templeton and others 2001; Trani and others 2001; USDA Forest Service 1997Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1994; Litvaitis 2001; Masters 1991, Masters and others 1995, Masters and Wilson 1994, New and Hanula 1998; Pert 2000; Rudolph 2002, Rudolph and Ely 2000a, Rudolph and Ely 2000b, Schurbon and Fauth 2003, Sparks and others 1999; Spetich 2004: Templeton and others 2001; Trani and others 2001; USDA Forest Service 1997Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1994; Litvaitis 2001; Masters 1991, Masters and others 1995, Masters and Wilson 1994, New and Hanula 1998; Pert 2000; Rudolph 2002, Rudolph and Ely 2000a, Rudolph and Ely 2000b, Schurbon and Fauth 2003, Sparks and others 1999; Spetich 2004: Templeton and others 2001; Trani and others 2001; USDA Forest Service 1997~LVAL L Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1994; Litvaitis 2001; Masters Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1994; Litvaitis 2001; Masters 1991, Masters and others 1995, Masters and Wilson 1994, New and Hanula 1998; Pert 2000; Rudolph 2002, Rudolph and Ely 2000a, Rudolph and Ely 2000b, Schurbon and Fauth 2003, Sparks and others 1999; Spetich 2004: Templeton and others 2001; Trani and others 2001; USDA Forest Service 1997Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1994; Litvaitis 2001; Masters 1991, Masters and others 1995, Masters and Wilson 1994, New and Hanula 1998; Pert 2000; Rudolph 2002, Rudolph and Ely 2000a, Rudolph and Ely 2000b, Schurbon and Fauth 2003, Sparks and others 1999; Spetich 2004: Templeton and others 2001; Trani and others 2001; USDA Forest Service 1997Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1994; Litvaitis 2001; Masters 1991, Masters and others 1995, Masters and Wilson 1994, New and Hanula 1998; Pert 2000; Rudolph 2002, Rudolph and Ely 2000a, Rudolph and Ely 2000b, Schurbon and Fauth 2003, Sparks and others 1999; Spetich 2004: Templeton and others 2001; Trani and others 2001; USDA Forest Service 1997Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1994; Litvaitis 2001; Masters 1991, Masters and others 1995, Masters and Wilson 1994, New and Hanula 1998; Pert 2000; Rudolph 2002, Rudolph and Ely 2000a, Rudolph and Ely 2000b, Schurbon and Fauth 2003, Sparks and others 1999; Spetich 2004: Templeton and others 2001; Trani and others 2001; USDA Forest Service 1997Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1994; Litvaitis 2001; Masters 1991, Masters and others 1995, Masters and Wilson 1994, New and Hanula 1998; Pert 2000; Rudolph 2002, Rudolph and Ely 2000a, Rudolph and Ely 2000b, Schurbon and Fauth 2003, Sparks and others 1999; Spetich 2004: Templeton and others 2001; Trani and others 2001; USDA Forest Service 1997Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1994; Litvaitis 2001; Masters 1991, Masters and others 1995, Masters and Wilson 1994, New and Hanula 1998; Pert 2000; Rudolph 2002, Rudolph and Ely 2000a, Rudolph and Ely 2000b, Schurbon and Fauth 2003, Sparks and others 1999; Spetich 2004: Templeton and others 2001; Trani and others 2001; USDA Forest Service 1997_LVALs~ X ,9m;o =q The diversity, species richness, and relative abuThe diversity, species richness, and relative abundance of vegetative elements in this habitat type.The diversity, species richness, and relative abundance of vegetative elements in this habitat type.The diversity, species richness, and relative abundance of vegetative elements in this habitat type.The diversity, species richness, and relative abundance of vegetative elements in this habitat type.The diversity, species richness, and relative abundance of vegetative elements in this habitat type.The diversity, species richness, and relative abundance of vegetative elements in this habitat type.The diversity, species richness, and relative abundance of vegetative elements in this habitat type.The diversity, species richness, and relative abundance of vegetative elements in this habitat type.The diversity, species richness, and relative abundance of vegetative elements in this habitat type.The diversity, species richness, and relative abundance of vegetative elements in this habitat type.The diversity, species richness, and relative abundance of vegetative elements in this habitat type.The diversity, species richness, and relative abundance of vegetative elements in this habitat type.The diversity, species richness, and relative abundance of vegetative elements in this habitat type.The diversity, species richness, and relative abundance of vegetative elements in this habitat type.The diversity, species richness, and relative abundance of vegetative elements in this habitat type.Combination of stem density, basal area and extent of canopy cover, with intermitent closure as ideal (Surrogate for Horizontal Structure).Combination of stem density, basal area and extent of canopy cover, with intermittent closure as ideal.Combination of stem density, basal area and extent of canopy cover, with intermitent closure as ideal.Ouachita NF policy regarding new timber harvest, new road construction, new recreational facilities, and other new man-made disturbances within a minimum of 100 feet of known streams, rivers, lakes and ponds. Exceptions may be allowed where/when disturbances are necessary to enhance the viability of plant and animal species and their habitats.Percent of caves/mines housing species of greatest conservation need that are closed to disturbance.Average percent total native herbaceous ground cover across all known potential occurrences. Density must be sufficient to carry growing season fire at least once every five years. Composition should include only native species.Average percent total native herbaceous ground cover across all known potential occurrences. Density must be sufficient to carry growing season fire at least once every five years. Composition should include only native species.The diversity, species richness, and relative abundance of vegetative elements in this habitat type.Combination of stem density, basal area and extent of canopy cover, with intermitent closure as ideal (Surrogate for Horizontal Structure). Data from the Ouachita Pine-Oak Forest conservation target were used as comparable, as actual data was unavailable.Combination of stem density, basal area and extent of canopy cover, with intermitent closure as ideal (Surrogate for Horizontal Structure).Combination of stem density, basal area and extent of canopy cover, with intermitent closure as ideal.Combination of stem density, basal area and extent of canopy cover, with intermitent closure as ideal (Surrogate for Horizontal Structure).Combination of stem density, basal area and extent of canopy cover, with intermitent closure as ideal (Surrogate for Horizontal Structure).NLVAL ( tsrqpAskins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1994; Litvaitis 2001; Masters 1991, Masters and others 1995, Masters and Wilson 1994, New and Hanula 1998; Pert 2000; Rudolph 2002, Rudolph and Ely 2000a, Rudolph and Ely 2000b, Schurbon and Fauth 2003, Sparks and others 1999; Spetich 2004: Templeton and others 2001; Trani and others 2001; USDA Forest Service 1997Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1994; Litvaitis 2001; Masters 1991, Masters and others 1995, Masters and Wilson 1994, New and Hanula 1998; Pert 2000; Rudolph 2002, Rudolph and Ely 2000a, Rudolph and Ely 2000b, Schurbon and Fauth 2003, Sparks and others 1999; Spetich 2004: Templeton and others 2001; Trani and others 2001; USDA Forest Service 1997Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1994; Litvaitis 2001; Masters 1991, Masters and others 1995, Masters and Wilson 1994, New and Hanula 1998; Pert 2000; Rudolph 2002, Rudolph and Ely 2000a, Rudolph and Ely 2000b, Schurbon and Fauth 2003, Sparks and others 1999; Spetich 2004: Templeton and others 2001; Trani and others 2001; USDA Forest Service 1997In Woodlands, percent herbaceous ground cover is derived from the sum of percent early seral plus percent mature seral stages according to the Ouachita NF Continuing Inventory Stand Condition, Sept. 2003.In Woodlands, percent herbaceous ground cover is derived from the sum of percent early seral plus percent mature seral stages according to the Ouachita NF Continuing Inventory Stand Condition, Sept. 2003.Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1994; Litvaitis 2001; Masters 1991, Masters and others 1995, Masters and Wilson 1994, New and Hanula 1998; Pert 2000; Rudolph 2002, Rudolph and Ely 2000a, Rudolph and Ely 2000b, Schurbon and Fauth 2003, Sparks and others 1999; Spetich 2004: Templeton and others 2001; Trani and others 2001; USDA Forest Service 1997N4j> ]  | 1 P  o $ C b6U t)Hg;ZFire Regime@@Condition>3'Fire Regime@@Condition>3'Fire Regime@@Condition>3'Fire Regime@@Condition>3'Fire Regime@@Condition>3'Fire Regime@@Condition>3'Fire Regime@@Condition>3'Fire Regime@@Condition>3'Fire Regime@@Condition>3'Fire Regime@ @ Condition>3'~Fire Regime@ @ Condition>3'}Fire Regime@ @ Condition>3'|Fire Regime@ @ Condition>3'{Fire Regime@ @ Condition>3'zFire Regime@@Condition>3'yFire Regime@@Condition>3'xFire Regime@@Condition>3'wFire Regime@@Condition>3'vFire Regime@@Condition>3'uFire Regime@@Condition>3'tFire Regime@@Condition>3'sFire Regime@@Condition>3'rFire Regime@@Condition>3'qFire Regime@@Condition>3'pFire Regime@@Condition>3' kFire Regime@@Condition>3'iFire Regime@@Condition>3'gFire Regime@@ Condition>3'fFire Regime@@Condition>3'eFire Regime@@Condition>3'bFire Regime@@Condition>3'^Spatial Ecologyq@Landscape Context>++w]Spatial Ecologyq@Landscape Context>++w\Spatial Ecologyq@ Landscape Context>++w[Spatial Ecologyq@ Landscape Context>++wZSpatial Ecologyq@ Landscape Context>++wYSpatial Ecology@ Landscape Context>++wXSpatial Ecologyq@ Landscape Context>++wWSpatial Ecologyq@Landscape Context>++wVSpatial EcologyO@Landscape Context>++wUSpatial Ecologyq@Landscape Context>++wTSpatial Ecologyq@Landscape Context>++wSSpatial Ecologyq@Landscape Context>++wRCompositionf@#@Condition>3'QCompositionf@#@Condition>3'PCompositionf@#@Condition>3'OCompositionf@#@Condition>3'NCompositionf@#@Condition>3'MCompositionf@#@Condition>3'LCompositionf@#@Condition>3'KCompositionf@#@Condition>3'JCompositionf@#@Condition>3'LVAL4h  U  " @ KCFire Return Interval and Seasonality, including landscape-scale fire in surrounding/adjacent haFire Return Interval and Seasonality, including landscape-scale fire in surrounding/adjacent habitats to prevent woody encroachment and allow for distribution and dispersal of obligate speciesFire Return Interval and Seasonality, including landscape-scale fire in surrounding/adjacent habitats to prevent woody encroachment and allow for distribution and dispersal of obligate speciesFire Return Interval and Seasonality, including landscape-scale fire in surrounding/adjacent habitats to prevent woody encroachment and allow for distribution and dispersal of obligate speciesFire Return Interval and Seasonality, including landscape-scale fire in surrounding/adjacent habitats to prevent woody encroachment and allow for distribution and dispersal of obligate speciesFire Return Interval and Seasonality, including landscape-scale fire in surrounding/adjacent habitats to prevent woody encroachment and allow for distribution and dispersal of obligate speciesFire Return Interval and Seasonality, including landscape-scale fire in surrounding/adjacent habitats to prevent woody encroachment and allow for distribution and dispersal of obligate speciesFire Return Interval and Seasonality, including landscape-scale fire in surrounding/adjacent habitats to prevent woody encroachment and allow for distribution and dispersal of obligate speciesFire Return Interval and Seasonality, including landscape-scale fire in surrounding/adjacent habitats to prevent woody encroachment and allow for distribution and dispersal of obligate speciesThe relative spatial abundance, proximity, distribution, and arrangement of this habitat type on the landscape.The relative spatial abundance, proximity, distribution, and arrangement of this habitat type on the landscape.The relative spatial abundance, proximity, distribution, and arrangement of this habitat type on the landscape.The relative spatial abundance, proximity, distribution, and arrangement of this habitat type on the landscape.The relative spatial abundance, proximity, distribution, and arrangement of this habitat type on the landscape.The relative spatial abundance, proximity, distribution, and arrangement of this habitat type on the landscape.The relative spatial abundance, proximity, distribution, and arrangement of this habitat type on the landscape.The relative spatial abundance, proximity, distribution, and arrangement of this habitat type on the landscape.The relative spatial abundance, proximity, distribution, and arrangement of this habitat type on the landscape.The relative spatial abundance, proximity, distribution, and arrangement of this habitat type on the landscape.The relative spatial abundance, proximity, distribution, and arrangement of this habitat type on the landscape.The relative spatial abundance, proximity, distribution, and arrangement of this habitat type on the landscape.The relative spatial abundance, proximity, distribution, and arrangement of this habitat type on the landscape.The relative spatial abundance, proximity, distribution, and arrangement of this habitat type on the landscape.The relative spatial abundance, proximity, distribution, and arrangement of this habitat type on the landscape.The diversity, species richness, and relative abundance of vegetative elements in this habitat type.The diversity, species richness, and relative abundance of vegetative elements in this habitat type.The diversity, species richness, and relative abundance of vegetative elements in this habitat type.The diversity, species richness, and relative abundance of vegetative elements in this habitat type.LVAL Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1fLVAL>| 6 t . l&d\Fire Return Interval and Seasonality, including landscape-scale fire in surrounding/adjacent haFire Return Interval and Seasonality, including landscape-scale fire in surrounding/adjacent habitats to prevent woody encroachment and allow for distribution and dispersal of obligate speciesFire Return Interval and Seasonality, including landscape-scale fire in surrounding/adjacent habitats to prevent woody encroachment and allow for distribution and dispersal of obligate speciesFire Return Interval and Seasonality, including landscape-scale fire in surrounding/adjacent habitats to prevent woody encroachment and allow for distribution and dispersal of obligate speciesFire Return Interval and Seasonality, including landscape-scale fire in surrounding/adjacent habitats to prevent woody encroachment and allow for distribution and dispersal of obligate speciesFire Return Interval and Seasonality, including landscape-scale fire in surrounding/adjacent habitats to prevent woody encroachment and allow for distribution and dispersal of obligate speciesFire Return Interval and Seasonality, including landscape-scale fire in surrounding/adjacent habitats to prevent woody encroachment and allow for distribution and dispersal of obligate speciesFire Return Interval and Seasonality, including landscape-scale fire in surrounding/adjacent habitats to prevent woody encroachment and allow for distribution and dispersal of obligate speciesFire Return Interval and Seasonality, including landscape-scale fire in surrounding/adjacent habitats to prevent woody encroachment and allow for distribution and dispersal of obligate speciesFire Return Interval and Seasonality, including landscape-scale fire in surrounding/adjacent habitats to prevent woody encroachment and allow for distribution and dispersal of obligate speciesFire Return Interval and Seasonality, including landscape-scale fire in surrounding/adjacent habitats to prevent woody encroachment and allow for distribution and dispersal of obligate speciesFire Return Interval and Seasonality, including landscape-scale fire in surrounding/adjacent habitats to prevent woody encroachment and allow for distribution and dispersal of obligate speciesFire Return Interval and Seasonality, including landscape-scale fire in surrounding/adjacent habitats to prevent woody encroachment and allow for distribution and dispersal of obligate speciesFire Return Interval and Seasonality, including landscape-scale fire in surrounding/adjacent habitats to prevent woody encroachment and allow for distribution and dispersal of obligate speciesFire Return Interval and Seasonality, including landscape-scale fire in surrounding/adjacent habitats to prevent woody encroachment and allow for distribution and dispersal of obligate speciesFire Return Interval and Seasonality, including landscape-scale fire in surrounding/adjacent habitats to prevent woody encroachment and allow for distribution and dispersal of obligate speciesFire Return Interval and Seasonality, including landscape-scale fire in surrounding/adjacent habitats to prevent woody encroachment and allow for distribution and dispersal of obligate speciesFire Return Interval and Seasonality, including landscape-scale fire in surrounding/adjacent habitats to prevent woody encroachment and allow for distribution and dispersal of obligate speciesFire Return Interval and Seasonality, including landscape-scale fire in surrounding/adjacent habitats to prevent woody encroachment and allow for distribution and dispersal of obligate speciesFire Return Interval and Seasonality, including landscape-scale fire in surrounding/adjacent habitats to prevent woody encroachment and allow for distribution and dispersal of obligate speciesLVAL a>lI&wT1Presence of roads in natural systeFoti, personal cFoti, personal communication 2005Foti, personal communication 2005Foti, personal communication 2005Foti, personal communication 2005Foti, personal communication 2005Foti, personal communication 2005Foti, personal communication 2005Foti, personal communication 2005Foti, personal communication 2005Foti, personal communication 2005Foti, personal communication 2005Foti, personal communication 2005Foti, personal communication 2005Foti, personal communication 2005Foti, personal communication 2005Foti, personal communication 2005Presence of roads in natural systems: 1) Provides distribution/dispersal corridors for invasive species (CITATION) 2) Contributes to road mortality of terrestrial fauna, especially along seasonal migration routes between adjacent but dissimiliar habitats (CITATION) 3) Creates edge condition in areas that might otherwise provide habitat for edge-intolerant forest interior species (CITATIONS) 4) Contributes to erosion and associated siltation of strems and rivers (CITATION) 5) Contributes to access related disturbance ( including pedestrian, vehicular, equestrian, ect.) causing a disruption of natural behavior patterns among sensitive fauna (CITATION)Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1Askins 2001, Askins 2002, Baker 1994, Conner and others 2001; Cram and others 2002; Floyd 2003; Ford and others 2002; Foti and Guldin 1994, Graham and others 2004, Gregory and others 1991, Guyette and Spetich 2003; Jurney and others 2001, Law and others 1LVAL">| 4 p  J $ `:vP*f4hThe diversity, species richness, and relative abuThe diversity, species richness, and relative abundance of vegetative elements in this habitat type.The diversity, species richness, and relative abundance of vegetative elements in this habitat type.The diversity, species richness, and relative abundance of vegetative elements in this habitat type.The diversity, species richness, and relative abundance of vegetative elements in this habitat type.The diversity, species richness, and relative abundance of vegetative elements in this habitat type.Mean density of roads (miles per square mile) within this community type at the landscape scale.Mean density of roads (miles per square mile) within this community type at the landscape scale.Mean density of roads (miles per square mile) within this community type at the landscape scale.Mean density of roads (miles per square mile) within this community type at the landscape scale.Mean density of roads (miles per square mile) within this community type at the landscape scale.Mean density of roads (miles per square mile) within this community type at the landscape scale.Mean density of roads (miles per square mile) within this community type at the landscape scale.Mean density of roads (miles per square mile) within this community type at the landscape scale.Mean density of roads (miles per square mile) within this community type at the landscape scale.Mean density of roads (miles per square mile) within this community type at the landscape scale.Mean density of roads (miles per square mile) within this community type at the landscape scale.Mean density of roads (miles per square mile) within this community type at the landscape scale.Mean density of roads (miles per square mile) within this community type at the landscape scale.Mean density of roads (miles per square mile) within this community type at the landscape scale.Mean density of roads (miles per square mile) within this community type at the landscape scale.Mean density of roads (miles per square mile) within this community type at the landscape scale.Mean density of roads (miles per square mile) within this community type at the landscape scale.Mean density of roads (miles per square mile) within this community type at the landscape scale.Mean density of roads (miles per square mile) within this community type at the landscape scale.Mean density of roads (miles per square mile) within this community type at the landscape scale.Mean density of roads (miles per square mile) within this community type at the landscape scale.Mean density of roads (miles per square mile) within this community type at the landscape scale.Mean density of roads (miles per square mile) within this community type at the landscape scale.Mean density of roads (miles per square mile) within this community type at the landscape scale.Mean density of roads (miles per square mile) within this community type at the landscape scale.Fire Return Interval and Seasonality, including landscape-scale fire in surrounding/adjacent habitats to prevent woody encroachment and allow for distribution and dispersal of obligate speciesFire Return Interval and Seasonality, including landscape-scale fire in surrounding/adjacent habitats to prevent woody encroachment and allow for distribution and dispersal of obligate speciesFire Return Interval and Seasonality, including landscape-scale fire in surrounding/adjacent habitats to prevent woody encroachment and allow for distribution and dispersal of obligate speciesFire Return Interval and Seasonality, including landscape-scale fire in surrounding/adjacent habitats to prevent woody encroachment and allow for distribution and dispersal of obligate species92\ f p  z ( 2 < F Ph<[z/Nm"ASpatial Ecologyq@Landscape Context>++wSpatial Ecologyq@Landscape Context>++wSpatial Ecologyq@Landscape Context>++wSpatial Ecologyq@Landscape Context>++wCompositionf@#@Condition>3'Compositionf@#@Condition>3'Compositionf@ #@Condition>3'Compositionf@ #@Condition>3'Compositionf@ #@Condition>3'Compositionf@ #@Condition>3'Compositionf@ #@Condition>3'Compositionf@#@Condition>3'Compositionf@#@Condition>3'Compositionf@#@Condition>3'Compositionf@#@Condition>3'Compositionf@#@Condition>3'"Compositionf@#@ Condition>3' Compositionf@#@ Condition>3'Compositionf@#@ Condition>3'Compositionf@#@ Condition>3'Compositionf@!#@Condition>3'Compositionf@ #@Condition>3'Compositionf@#@Condition>3'Compositionf@#@Condition>3'Compositionf@#@Condition>3'Remotenessb@@Landscape ContextE2&Remotenessb@@Landscape ContextE2&Remotenessb@@Landscape ContextE2&Remotenessb@@Landscape ContextE2&Remotenessb@@Landscape ContextE2&Remotenessb@@Landscape ContextE2&Remotenessb@@Landscape ContextE2&Remotenessb@@Landscape ContextE2&Remotenessb@@Landscape ContextE2&Remotenessb@@Landscape ContextE2&Remotenessb@@Landscape ContextE2&Remotenessb@@Landscape ContextE2&Remotenessb@@Landscape ContextE2&Remotenessb@@Landscape ContextE2&Remotenessb@@Landscape ContextE2&Remotenessb@ @Landscape ContextE2&Remotenessb@ @Landscape ContextE2&Remotenessb@ @Landscape ContextE2&Remotenessb@ @Landscape ContextE2&Remotenessb@ @Landscape ContextE2&Remotenessb@@Landscape ContextE2&Remotenessb@@Landscape ContextE2&Remotenessb@@Landscape ContextE2&Remotenessb@@Landscape ContextE2&Remotenessb@@ Landscape ContextE2&LVALj >Presence of roads in natural systems: 1) Provides distribution/dispersal corridors for invasive species (CITATION) 2) Contributes to road mortality of terrestrial fauna, especially along seasonal migration routes between adjacent but dissimiliar habitats (CITATION) 3) Creates edge condition in areas that might otherwise provPresence of roads in natural systems: 1) Provides distribution/dispersal corridors for invasive species (CITATION) 2) Contributes to road mortality of terrestrial fauna, especially along seasonal migration routes between adjacent but dissimiliar habitats (CITATION) 3) Creates edge condition in areas that might otherwise provide habitat for edge-intolerant forest interior species (CITATIONS) 4) Contributes to erosion and associated siltation of strems and rivers (CITATION) 5) Contributes to access related disturbance ( including pedestrian, vehicular, equestrian, ect.) causing a disruption of natural behavior patterns among sensitive fauna (CITATION)Presence of roads in natural systems: 1) Provides distribution/dispersal corridors for invasive species (CITATION) 2) Contributes to road mortality of terrestrial fauna, especially along seasonal migration routes between adjacent but dissimiliar habitats (CITATION) 3) Creates edge condition in areas that might otherwise provide habitat for edge-intolerant forest interior species (CITATIONS) 4) Contributes to erosion and associated siltation of strems and rivers (CITATION) 5) Contributes to access related disturbance ( including pedestrian, vehicular, equestrian, ect.) causing a disruption of natural behavior patterns among sensitive fauna (CITATION)Presence of roads in natural systems: 1) Provides distribution/dispersal corridors for invasive species (CITATION) 2) Contributes to road mortality of terrestrial fauna, especially along seasonal migration routes between adjacent but dissimiliar habitats (CITATION) 3) Creates edge condition in areas that might otherwise provide habitat for edge-intolerant forest interior species (CITATIONS) 4) Contributes to erosion and associated siltation of strems and rivers (CITATION) 5) Contributes to access related disturbance ( including pedestrian, vehicular, equestrian, ect.) causing a disruption of natural behavior patterns among sensitive fauna (CITATION)Presence of roads in natural systems: 1) Provides distribution/dispersal corridors for invasive species (CITATION) 2) Contributes to road mortality of terrestrial fauna, especially along seasonal migration routes between adjacent but dissimiliar habitats (CITATION) 3) Creates edge condition in areas that might otherwise provide habitat for edge-intolerant forest interior species (CITATIONS) 4) Contributes to erosion and associated siltation of strems and rivers (CITATION) 5) Contributes to access related disturbance ( including pedestrian, vehicular, equestrian, ect.) causing a disruption of natural behavior patterns among sensitive fauna (CITATION)Presence of roads in natural systems: 1) Provides distribution/dispersal corridors for invasive species (CITATION) 2) Contributes to road mortality of terrestrial fauna, especially along seasonal migration routes between adjacent but dissimiliar habitats (CITATION) 3) Creates edge condition in areas that might otherwise provide habitat for edge-intolerant forest interior species (CITATIONS) 4) Contributes to erosion and associated siltation of strems and rivers (CITATION) 5) Contributes to access related disturbance ( including pedestrian, vehicular, equestrian, ect.) causing a disruption of natural behavior patterns among sensitive fauna (CITATION)LVALj >Presence of roads in natural systems: 1) Provides distribution/dispersal corridors for invasive species (CITATION) 2) Contributes to road mortality of terrestrial fauna, especially along seasonal migration routes between adjacent but dissimiliar habitats (CITATION) 3) Creates edge condition in areas that might otherwise provPresence of roads in natural systems: 1) Provides distribution/dispersal corridors for invasive species (CITATION) 2) Contributes to road mortality of terrestrial fauna, especially along seasonal migration routes between adjacent but dissimiliar habitats (CITATION) 3) Creates edge condition in areas that might otherwise provide habitat for edge-intolerant forest interior species (CITATIONS) 4) Contributes to erosion and associated siltation of strems and rivers (CITATION) 5) Contributes to access related disturbance ( including pedestrian, vehicular, equestrian, ect.) causing a disruption of natural behavior patterns among sensitive fauna (CITATION)Presence of roads in natural systems: 1) Provides distribution/dispersal corridors for invasive species (CITATION) 2) Contributes to road mortality of terrestrial fauna, especially along seasonal migration routes between adjacent but dissimiliar habitats (CITATION) 3) Creates edge condition in areas that might otherwise provide habitat for edge-intolerant forest interior species (CITATIONS) 4) Contributes to erosion and associated siltation of strems and rivers (CITATION) 5) Contributes to access related disturbance ( including pedestrian, vehicular, equestrian, ect.) causing a disruption of natural behavior patterns among sensitive fauna (CITATION)Presence of roads in natural systems: 1) Provides distribution/dispersal corridors for invasive species (CITATION) 2) Contributes to road mortality of terrestrial fauna, especially along seasonal migration routes between adjacent but dissimiliar habitats (CITATION) 3) Creates edge condition in areas that might otherwise provide habitat for edge-intolerant forest interior species (CITATIONS) 4) Contributes to erosion and associated siltation of strems and rivers (CITATION) 5) Contributes to access related disturbance ( including pedestrian, vehicular, equestrian, ect.) causing a disruption of natural behavior patterns among sensitive fauna (CITATION)Presence of roads in natural systems: 1) Provides distribution/dispersal corridors for invasive species (CITATION) 2) Contributes to road mortality of terrestrial fauna, especially along seasonal migration routes between adjacent but dissimiliar habitats (CITATION) 3) Creates edge condition in areas that might otherwise provide habitat for edge-intolerant forest interior species (CITATIONS) 4) Contributes to erosion and associated siltation of strems and rivers (CITATION) 5) Contributes to access related disturbance ( including pedestrian, vehicular, equestrian, ect.) causing a disruption of natural behavior patterns among sensitive fauna (CITATION)Presence of roads in natural systems: 1) Provides distribution/dispersal corridors for invasive species (CITATION) 2) Contributes to road mortality of terrestrial fauna, especially along seasonal migration routes between adjacent but dissimiliar habitats (CITATION) 3) Creates edge condition in areas that might otherwise provide habitat for edge-intolerant forest interior species (CITATIONS) 4) Contributes to erosion and associated siltation of strems and rivers (CITATION) 5) Contributes to access related disturbance ( including pedestrian, vehicular, equestrian, ect.) causing a disruption of natural behavior patterns among sensitive fauna (CITATION)LVALj >Presence of roads in natural systems: 1) Provides distribution/dispersal corridors for invasive species (CITATION) 2) Contributes to road mortality of terrestrial fauna, especially along seasonal migration routes between adjacent but dissimiliar habitats (CITATION) 3) Creates edge condition in areas that might otherwise provPresence of roads in natural systems: 1) Provides distribution/dispersal corridors for invasive species (CITATION) 2) Contributes to road mortality of terrestrial fauna, especially along seasonal migration routes between adjacent but dissimiliar habitats (CITATION) 3) Creates edge condition in areas that might otherwise provide habitat for edge-intolerant forest interior species (CITATIONS) 4) Contributes to erosion and associated siltation of strems and rivers (CITATION) 5) Contributes to access related disturbance ( including pedestrian, vehicular, equestrian, ect.) causing a disruption of natural behavior patterns among sensitive fauna (CITATION)Presence of roads in natural systems: 1) Provides distribution/dispersal corridors for invasive species (CITATION) 2) Contributes to road mortality of terrestrial fauna, especially along seasonal migration routes between adjacent but dissimiliar habitats (CITATION) 3) Creates edge condition in areas that might otherwise provide habitat for edge-intolerant forest interior species (CITATIONS) 4) Contributes to erosion and associated siltation of strems and rivers (CITATION) 5) Contributes to access related disturbance ( including pedestrian, vehicular, equestrian, ect.) causing a disruption of natural behavior patterns among sensitive fauna (CITATION)Presence of roads in natural systems: 1) Provides distribution/dispersal corridors for invasive species (CITATION) 2) Contributes to road mortality of terrestrial fauna, especially along seasonal migration routes between adjacent but dissimiliar habitats (CITATION) 3) Creates edge condition in areas that might otherwise provide habitat for edge-intolerant forest interior species (CITATIONS) 4) Contributes to erosion and associated siltation of strems and rivers (CITATION) 5) Contributes to access related disturbance ( including pedestrian, vehicular, equestrian, ect.) causing a disruption of natural behavior patterns among sensitive fauna (CITATION)Presence of roads in natural systems: 1) Provides distribution/dispersal corridors for invasive species (CITATION) 2) Contributes to road mortality of terrestrial fauna, especially along seasonal migration routes between adjacent but dissimiliar habitats (CITATION) 3) Creates edge condition in areas that might otherwise provide habitat for edge-intolerant forest interior species (CITATIONS) 4) Contributes to erosion and associated siltation of strems and rivers (CITATION) 5) Contributes to access related disturbance ( including pedestrian, vehicular, equestrian, ect.) causing a disruption of natural behavior patterns among sensitive fauna (CITATION)Presence of roads in natural systems: 1) Provides distribution/dispersal corridors for invasive species (CITATION) 2) Contributes to road mortality of terrestrial fauna, especially along seasonal migration routes between adjacent but dissimiliar habitats (CITATION) 3) Creates edge condition in areas that might otherwise provide habitat for edge-intolerant forest interior species (CITATIONS) 4) Contributes to erosion and associated siltation of strems and rivers (CITATION) 5) Contributes to access related disturbance ( including pedestrian, vehicular, equestrian, ect.) causing a disruption of natural behavior patterns among sensitive fauna (CITATION)LVALj >Presence of roads in natural systems: 1) Provides distribution/dispersal corridors for invasive species (CITATION) 2) Contributes to road mortality of terrestrial fauna, especially along seasonal migration routes between adjacent but dissimiliar habitats (CITATION) 3) Creates edge condition in areas that might otherwise provPresence of roads in natural systems: 1) Provides distribution/dispersal corridors for invasive species (CITATION) 2) Contributes to road mortality of terrestrial fauna, especially along seasonal migration routes between adjacent but dissimiliar habitats (CITATION) 3) Creates edge condition in areas that might otherwise provide habitat for edge-intolerant forest interior species (CITATIONS) 4) Contributes to erosion and associated siltation of strems and rivers (CITATION) 5) Contributes to access related disturbance ( including pedestrian, vehicular, equestrian, ect.) causing a disruption of natural behavior patterns among sensitive fauna (CITATION)Presence of roads in natural systems: 1) Provides distribution/dispersal corridors for invasive species (CITATION) 2) Contributes to road mortality of terrestrial fauna, especially along seasonal migration routes between adjacent but dissimiliar habitats (CITATION) 3) Creates edge condition in areas that might otherwise provide habitat for edge-intolerant forest interior species (CITATIONS) 4) Contributes to erosion and associated siltation of strems and rivers (CITATION) 5) Contributes to access related disturbance ( including pedestrian, vehicular, equestrian, ect.) causing a disruption of natural behavior patterns among sensitive fauna (CITATION)Presence of roads in natural systems: 1) Provides distribution/dispersal corridors for invasive species (CITATION) 2) Contributes to road mortality of terrestrial fauna, especially along seasonal migration routes between adjacent but dissimiliar habitats (CITATION) 3) Creates edge condition in areas that might otherwise provide habitat for edge-intolerant forest interior species (CITATIONS) 4) Contributes to erosion and associated siltation of strems and rivers (CITATION) 5) Contributes to access related disturbance ( including pedestrian, vehicular, equestrian, ect.) causing a disruption of natural behavior patterns among sensitive fauna (CITATION)Presence of roads in natural systems: 1) Provides distribution/dispersal corridors for invasive species (CITATION) 2) Contributes to road mortality of terrestrial fauna, especially along seasonal migration routes between adjacent but dissimiliar habitats (CITATION) 3) Creates edge condition in areas that might otherwise provide habitat for edge-intolerant forest interior species (CITATIONS) 4) Contributes to erosion and associated siltation of strems and rivers (CITATION) 5) Contributes to access related disturbance ( including pedestrian, vehicular, equestrian, ect.) causing a disruption of natural behavior patterns among sensitive fauna (CITATION)Presence of roads in natural systems: 1) Provides distribution/dispersal corridors for invasive species (CITATION) 2) Contributes to road mortality of terrestrial fauna, especially along seasonal migration routes between adjacent but dissimiliar habitats (CITATION) 3) Creates edge condition in areas that might otherwise provide habitat for edge-intolerant forest interior species (CITATIONS) 4) Contributes to erosion and associated siltation of strems and rivers (CITATION) 5) Contributes to access related disturbance ( including pedestrian, vehicular, equestrian, ect.) causing a disruption of natural behavior patterns among sensitive fauna (CITATION)LVALj >Presence of roads in natural systems: 1) Provides distribution/dispersal corridors for invasive species (CITATION) 2) Contributes to road mortality of terrestrial fauna, especially along seasonal migration routes between adjacent but dissimiliar habitats (CITATION) 3) Creates edge condition in areas that might otherwise provPresence of roads in natural systems: 1) Provides distribution/dispersal corridors for invasive species (CITATION) 2) Contributes to road mortality of terrestrial fauna, especially along seasonal migration routes between adjacent but dissimiliar habitats (CITATION) 3) Creates edge condition in areas that might otherwise provide habitat for edge-intolerant forest interior species (CITATIONS) 4) Contributes to erosion and associated siltation of strems and rivers (CITATION) 5) Contributes to access related disturbance ( including pedestrian, vehicular, equestrian, ect.) causing a disruption of natural behavior patterns among sensitive fauna (CITATION)Presence of roads in natural systems: 1) Provides distribution/dispersal corridors for invasive species (CITATION) 2) Contributes to road mortality of terrestrial fauna, especially along seasonal migration routes between adjacent but dissimiliar habitats (CITATION) 3) Creates edge condition in areas that might otherwise provide habitat for edge-intolerant forest interior species (CITATIONS) 4) Contributes to erosion and associated siltation of strems and rivers (CITATION) 5) Contributes to access related disturbance ( including pedestrian, vehicular, equestrian, ect.) causing a disruption of natural behavior patterns among sensitive fauna (CITATION)Presence of roads in natural systems: 1) Provides distribution/dispersal corridors for invasive species (CITATION) 2) Contributes to road mortality of terrestrial fauna, especially along seasonal migration routes between adjacent but dissimiliar habitats (CITATION) 3) Creates edge condition in areas that might otherwise provide habitat for edge-intolerant forest interior species (CITATIONS) 4) Contributes to erosion and associated siltation of strems and rivers (CITATION) 5) Contributes to access related disturbance ( including pedestrian, vehicular, equestrian, ect.) causing a disruption of natural behavior patterns among sensitive fauna (CITATION)Presence of roads in natural systems: 1) Provides distribution/dispersal corridors for invasive species (CITATION) 2) Contributes to road mortality of terrestrial fauna, especially along seasonal migration routes between adjacent but dissimiliar habitats (CITATION) 3) Creates edge condition in areas that might otherwise provide habitat for edge-intolerant forest interior species (CITATIONS) 4) Contributes to erosion and associated siltation of strems and rivers (CITATION) 5) Contributes to access related disturbance ( including pedestrian, vehicular, equestrian, ect.) causing a disruption of natural behavior patterns among sensitive fauna (CITATION)\LVAL"4h 6 j  8 l  / Mk6TrThe relative spatial abundance, proximity, distributionThe relative spatial abundance, proximity, distribution, and arrangement of this habitat type on the landscape.The relative spatial abundance, proximity, distribution, and arrangement of this habitat type on the landscape.The relative spatial abundance, proximity, distribution, and arrangement of this habitat type on the landscape.The relative spatial abundance, proximity, distribution, and arrangement of this habitat type on the landscape.The relative spatial abundance, proximity, distribution, and arrangement of this habitat type on the landscape.The relative spatial abundance, proximity, distribution, and arrangement of this habitat type on the landscape.The relative spatial abundance, proximity, distribution, and arrangement of this habitat type on the landscape.The relative spatial abundance, proximity, distribution, and arrangement of this habitat type on the landscape.The relative spatial abundance, proximity, distribution, and arrangement of this habitat type on the landscape.The relative spatial abundance, proximity, distribution, and arrangement of this habitat type on the landscape.The relative spatial abundance, proximity, distribution, and arrangement of this habitat type on the landscape.The relative spatial abundance, proximity, distribution, and arrangement of this habitat type on the landscape.The relative spatial abundance, proximity, distribution, and arrangement of this habitat type on the landscape.The relative spatial abundance, proximity, distribution, and arrangement of this habitat type on the landscape.The relative spatial abundance, proximity, distribution, and arrangement of this habitat type on the landscape.The relative spatial abundance, proximity, distribution, and arrangement of this habitat type on the landscape.The relative spatial abundance, proximity, distribution, and arrangement of this habitat type on the landscape.The relative spatial abundance, proximity, distribution, and arrangement of this habitat type on the landscape.The diversity, species richness, and relative abundance of vegetative elements in this habitat type.The diversity, species richness, and relative abundance of vegetative elements in this habitat type.The diversity, species richness, and relative abundance of vegetative elements in this habitat type.The diversity, species richness, and relative abundance of vegetative elements in this habitat type.The diversity, species richness, and relative abundance of vegetative elements in this habitat type.The diversity, species richness, and relative abundance of vegetative elements in this habitat type.The diversity, species richness, and relative abundance of vegetative elements in this habitat type.The diversity, species richness, and relative abundance of vegetative elements in this habitat type.The diversity, species richness, and relative abundance of vegetative elements in this habitat type.The diversity, species richness, and relative abundance of vegetative elements in this habitat type.The diversity, species richness, and relative abundance of vegetative elements in this habitat type.The diversity, species richness, and relative abundance of vegetative elements in this habitat type.The diversity, species richness, and relative abundance of vegetative elements in this habitat type.The diversity, species richness, and relative abundance of vegetative elements in this habitat type.The diversity, species richness, and relative abundance of vegetative elements in this habitat type.The diversity, species richness, and relative abundance of vegetative elements in this habitat type.j> ]  | 1 P  o $ b  `Spatial Ecologyq@ Landscape Context>++wRemotenessb@ Landscape Context9&&wFire Regime@ '''gCompositionf@ Condition2''w+Recharge area@Landscape Context<))wSpatial EcologycSpatial Ecologyp@Landscape Context>++wSpatial Ecologyq@Landscape Context>++wSpatial Ecologyq@Landscape Context>++wSpatial Ecologyq@Landscape Context>++wSpatial Ecologyq@Landscape Context>++wSpatial 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surrounding/adjacent habitats to prevent woody encroachment and allow for distribution and dispersal of obligate species.The diversity, species richness, and relative abundance of vegetative elements in this habitat type.The surface and sub-surface hydrologic area contributing water and the compounds (nutrients/sediments/pollutants) water carries to the cave system.The relative spatial abundance, proximity, distribution and arrangement of this habitat type on the landscape.The relative spatial abundance, proximity, distribution, and arrangement of this habitat type on the landscape.The relative spatial abundance, proximity, distribution, and arrangement of this habitat type on the landscape.The relative spatial abundance, proximity, distribution, and arrangement of this habitat type on the landscape.The relative spatial abundance, proximity, distribution, and arrangement of this habitat type on the landscape.The relative spatial abundance, proximity, distribution, and arrangement of this habitat type on the landscape.The relative spatial abundance, proximity, distribution, and arrangement of this habitat type on the landscape.The relative spatial abundance, proximity, distribution, and arrangement of this habitat type on the landscape. @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ . /  + %&0 !1'   (    """!"+$+#"") #, . /    !$"% #& $ '% & (  ' ( )*)*2+1,0-./*-01+2,3- @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ 79CGHI J K L M NOQSUW} !"#$%%+&9':(@)A*B+C,D-E.F/G0H1I2JKLMNOPQRS T U V W XYZ[\]^befgikpqrstu v!w"x#y$z%{&|'}(~)*+,-./0123      !"#$%&'()*+,-./01     *  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"  *LVALQSELECT Species.Common_Name, Species.Scientific_Name, Species.Taxa, Species.[Terrestrial or Aquatic], Species.S_Rank, Species.G_Rank, Species.Comments, Species.Boston_Mountains, Species.Arkansas_Valley, Species.Ouachitas, Species.South_Central_Plains, Species.Mississippi_Alluvial_Plains, Species.Mississippi_Valley_Loess_Plains, Species.Ozarks, Species.Federal_Status, Species.Class, [Species].[Order], Species.Family, Species.Residence, "Habitats" as Element_Name, Species_and_Habitats_Weights_Translated.Habitat as Element, "" as Category, Species_and_Habitats_Weights_Translated.Description as Weight, Population_Trend, "1" as PageOrder, team FROM Species INNER JOIN Species_and_Habitats_Weights_Translated ON Species.ID = Species_and_Habitats_Weights_Translated.Species_ID Where taxa = "Mammal" UNION ALL SELECT Species.Common_Name, Species.Scientific_Name, Species.Taxa, Species.[Terrestrial or Aquatic], Species.S_Rank, Species.G_Rank, Species.Comments, Species.Boston_Mountains, Species.Arkansas_Valley, Species.Ouachitas, Species.South_Central_Plains, Species.Mississippi_Alluvial_Plains, Species.Mississippi_Valley_Loess_Plains, Species.Ozarks, Species.Federal_Status, Species.Class, [Species].[Order], Species.Family, Species.Residence, "Problems Faced" as Element_Name, Threat_text as Element, "Threat: " & Aquatic_Threats_And_Sources.Threat & (Chr(13) & Chr(10)) & "Source: " & Aquatic_Threats_And_Sources.Source as Category, "" as Weight, Population_Trend, "2" as PageOrder, team FROM Species INNER JOIN Aquatic_Threats_And_Sources ON Species.ID = Aquatic_Threats_And_Sources.Species_ID Where taxa = "Mammal" UNION ALL SELECT Species.Common_Name, Species.Scientific_Name, Species.Taxa, Species.[Terrestrial or Aquatic], Species.S_Rank, Species.G_Rank, Species.Comments, Species.Boston_Mountains, Species.Arkansas_Valley, Species.Ouachitas, Species.South_Central_Plains, Species.Mississippi_Alluvial_Plains, Species.Mississippi_Valley_Loess_Plains, Species.Ozarks, Species.Federal_Status, Species.Class, [Species]~LVAL.[Order], Species.Family, Species.Residence, "Data Gaps/Research Needs" as Element_Name, Data_Gaps.Data_Gaps as Element, "" as Category, "" as Weight, Population_Trend, "3" as PageOrder, team FROM Species INNER JOIN Data_Gaps ON Species.ID = Data_Gaps.Species_ID Where taxa = "Mammal" UNION ALL SELECT Species.Common_Name, Species.Scientific_Name, Species.Taxa, Species.[Terrestrial or Aquatic], Species.S_Rank, Species.G_Rank, Species.Comments, Species.Boston_Mountains, Species.Arkansas_Valley, Species.Ouachitas, Species.South_Central_Plains, Species.Mississippi_Alluvial_Plains, Species.Mississippi_Valley_Loess_Plains, Species.Ozarks, Species.Federal_Status, Species.Class, [Species].[Order], Species.Family, Species.Residence, "Conservation Actions" as Element_Name, Conservation_Actions.Conservation_Actions as Element, Conservation_Actions.CA_Category as Category, Conservation_Actions.Importance as Weight, Population_Trend, "4" as PageOrder, team FROM Species INNER JOIN Conservation_Actions on Species.ID = Conservation_Actions.Species_ID Where taxa = "Mammal" LVALf r $ p&<HD<r|.All_Species_Ranked.Scientific_Name = Species.Scientific_NameAll_Species_Ranked.Viability_ScoreSpecies.[ID] = Species_and_Habitats.[Species_ID]Species.Mississippi_Valley_Loess_PlainsSpecies.Mississippi_Alluvial_PlainsAvg((([g_rank_lut].[score_value]+[s_rank_lut].[score_value])*[Trend_Multiplier])/0.2625)Trend_LUT.Trend_Text = All_Species_Query.Population_TrendS_Rank_LUT.S_Rank = All_Species_Query.S_RankG_Rank_LUT.G_Rank = All_Species_Query.G_RankAvg((([g_rank_lut].[score_value]+[s_rank_lut].[score_value])*[Trend_Multiplier])/0.2625)(((Mussel_Query.Scientific_Name)>="M"))Trend_LUT.Trend_Text = Mussel_Query.Population_TrendS_Rank_LUT.S_Rank = Mussel_Query.S_RankG_Rank_LUT.G_Rank = Mussel_Query.G_Rank(([g_rank_lut].[score_value]+[s_rank_lut].[score_value])*[Trend_Multiplier])/0.2625Mussel_Query.Mississippi_Valley_Loess_PlainsMussel_Query.Mississippi_Alluvial_PlainsMussel_Query.South_Central_PlainsMussel_Query.[Terrestrial or Aquatic](((Mussel_Query.Scientific_Name)<"M"))Trend_LUT.Trend_Text = Mussel_Query.Population_TrendS_Rank_LUT.S_Rank = Mussel_Query.S_RankG_Rank_LUT.G_Rank = Mussel_Query.G_Rank(([g_rank_lut].[score_value]+[s_rank_lut].[score_value])*[Trend_Multiplier])/0.2625SELECT Species.Common_Name, Species.Scientific_Name, Species.Taxa, Species.[Terrestrial or Aquatic], Species.S_Rank, Species.G_Rank, Species.Comments, Species.Boston_Mountains, Species.Arkansas_Valley, Species.Ouachitas, Species.South_Central_Plains, Species.Mississippi_Alluvial_Plains, Species.Mississippi_Valley_Loess_Plains, Species.Ozarks, Species.Federal_Status, Species.Class, [Species].[Order], Species.Family, Species.Residence, "Monitoring Strategies" as Element_Name, Monitoring.Monitoring_Strategy as Element, Monitoring.Monitoring_Category as Category, "" as Weight, Population_Trend, "5" as PageOrder, team FROM Species INNER JOIN Monitoring ON Species.ID = Monitoring.Species_ID Where taxa = "Mammal" Y?on MNY  Y  Y nd Y Ad Y RdY Y Species_ID&Monitoring_Strategy&Monitoring_CategoryTemporal_ScaleImportanceIDspeciesFehcsYYYIDPrimaryKeySpecies_IDv1bcb@&LVALrN 4 D T n RContinue tracking of this species by the Arkansas Natural Heritage Commission.Participate in National Marshbird Monitoring Program coordinated by Waterbird Conservation for the Americas Bird Initiative.The Partners in Flight North American Landbird Conservation Plan indicates that long-term population trend monitoring for this species is generally considered adequate, but some issues, such as bias, may not have been accounted for. Continue to conduct Breeding Bird Surveys at all routes established in Arkansas. Continue state agency brood surveys for this species.Continue annual Bald Eagle nest monitoring program. Continue tracking of this species by the Arkansas Natural Heritage Commission.Continue research studies monitoring breeding success. Continue tracking of this species by the Arkansas Natural Heritage Commission.Monitor population distribution and abundance in ongoing stream and river faunal surveys.Monitor population distribution and abundance in ongoing stream faunal surveys.Monitor population distribution and abundance in ongoing stream faunal surveys.Monitor population distribution and abundance in large river faunal surveys in cooperation with adjacent states.Monitor water quality in darter habitats on a regular basis.Conduct visual surveys of known populations biannually.Monitor water quality on a regular basis.Monitor population distribution and abundance in ongoing stream faunal surveys.Monitor population distribution and abundance in ongoing stream faunal surveys.Monitor water quality on a regular basis.Monitor results of annual joint surveys by USFS, FWS and AGFC.Monitor population distribution and abundance in ongoing stream faunal surveys.Monitor population distribution and abundance in ongoing stream faunal surveys.Continue stream surveys by partner agencies annually or biennually.Monitor population distribution and abundance in stream faunal surveys.dd=zS, i B   X 1 n G ] 6  s L % b;xQ*g@}V/lE[4 qJ#`E*8fi!7fin@a#6fi!5fi!4fi@a#3fi@a#2fi@#1fi@a#0fi@a#/,fi@f#+fi@e#*fi@d#)fiX@a#(fit@#'fi@#&fi@#%fi@#$fi@##fi@#"fiB@#!fid@# fib@#fi@#fir@#fiX@#fi@#fiX@ #fiX@#fi@#fi@#fi@#fiX@#fi,@#fi@#fi@#fi@#fi@#fi@#fiX@#fi@# fi@# fi@# fi@# fi@# fi@#fi@#fi"@#fi@#fiN@#fi@#fi@#fi@#fiH@#fiT@#fiV@#~fiV@#}fi@#|fi@#{fiX@#yfi@#Ufi@#Tfi,@#Rfi@#Pfi@#Ofit@#Nfit@#Mfiz@#Lfi@#Kfit@#Ifi@#Hfit@#Ffit@#Efi@#Dfit@#?fi@#>fi@#=fi@#<fi@#;fi@#8fi@#6fi@#3fi @#fi@#fi@ #fi@ #fi@ #fix@ #fin@ #fiR@# fi@#fi@#fiR@#fi|@# fi@# fi@#fi@#<fi@#2LVAL ZHThe Partners in Flight North American Landbird Conservation Plan indicates that long-term population trend monitoring for this species is generally considered adequate but some issues, such as bias, may not have been accounted for. Continue to conduct Breeding Bird Surveys at all routes established in Arkansas. Continue tracking of this species by the Arkansas Natural Heritage Commission.The Partners in Flight North American Landbird Conservation Plan indicates that long-term population trend monitoring for this species is generally considered adequate, but some issues, such as bias, may not have been accounted for. Encourage documentation, reporting, and monitoring of natural nest/roost locations. Promote the citizen science monitoring program A Swift Night Out ( Continue to conduct Breeding Bird Surveys at all routes established in Arkansas.The Partners in Flight North American Landbird Conservation Plan indicates that long-term population trend monitoring for this species is generally considered adequate but some issues, such as bias, may not have been accounted for. This species may require implementation of night roadside counts to collect data on distribution and population trends specific to Arkansas. This effort should be coordinated with states doing similar monitoring. Nightjar Surveys in Arkansas should be expanded along current BBS routes with an emphasis on routes in the Ozark Highlands and norhtern portion of Crowley's Ridge.The Partners in Flight North American Landbird Conservation Plan indicates that long-term population trend monitoring for this species is generally considered adequate but some issues, such as bias, may not have been accounted for. Continue to conduct Breeding Bird Surveys at all routes established in Arkansas. This species may require implementation of night roadside counts to collect data on distribution and population trends specific to Arkansas. This effort should be coordinated with states doing similar monitoring.LVALb &xRecord occasional observations during mid-winter waterfowl surveys and periodic aerial waterfowl surveys.Continue and expand winter and summer surveys for both Mute Swans and Trumpeter Swans.The Partners in Flight North American Landbird Conservation Plan indicates that long-term population trend monitoring for this species is generally considered adequate but some issues, such as bias, may not have been accounted for. Continue to conduct Breeding Bird Surveys at all routes established in Arkansas. The Partners in Flight North American Landbird Conservation Plan indicates that long-term population trend monitoring for this species is generally considered adequate, but some issues, such as bias, may not have been accounted for. Continue to conduct Breeding Bird Surveys at all routes established in Arkansas.The Partners in Flight North American Landbird Conservation Plan indicates that long-term population trend monitoring for this species is generally considered adequate but some issues, such as bias, may not have been accounted for. Additional targeted surveys in Northwest Arkansas with concomittant population studies are recommended. Continue to conduct Breeding Bird Surveys at all routes established in Arkansas. Continue tracking of this species by the Arkansas Natural Heritage Commission.The Partners in Flight North American Landbird Conservation Plan indicates that long-term population trend monitoring for this species is generally considered adequate but some issues, such as bias, may not have been accounted for. Continue to conduct Breeding Bird Surveys at all routes established in Arkansas. Annual property data reports submitted to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service provide population trends at the local, regional, and range-wide levels. Continue monitoring of clusters year-round that is being conducted by the ANHC, TNC, USFS, and the USFWS. Continue tracking of this species by the Arkansas Natural Heritage Commission.LVALh ,>Continue mid-winter waterfowl surveys. The Partners in Flight North American Landbird Conservation Plan indicates that long-term population trend monitoring for this species is generally considered adequate but some issues, such as bias, may not have been accounted for. Continue to conduct Breeding Bird Surveys at all routes established in Arkansas. The Partners in Flight North American Landbird Conservation Plan indicates that long-term population trend monitoring for this species is generally considered adequate, but some issues, such as bias, may not have been accounted for. Continue to conduct Breeding Bird Surveys at all routes established in Arkansas. Expand effort to locate new breeding populations. Continue tracking of this species by the Arkansas Natural Heritage Commission.The Partners in Flight North American Landbird Conservation Plan indicates that this species has imprecise trend data at the continental level. An effort is being made to expand the BBS program to better survey this species. The Partners in Flight North American Landbird Conservation Plan indicates that long-term population trend monitoring for this species is generally considered adequate but some issues, such as bias, may not have been accounted for. Continue to conduct Breeding Bird Surveys at all routes established in Arkansas. The Partners in Flight North American Landbird Conservation Plan indicates that long-term population trend monitoring for this species is generally considered adequate, but some issues, such as bias, may not have been accounted for. Continue to conduct Breeding Bird Surveys at all routes established in Arkansas. Continue effort to locate new locations for breeding populations in Arkansas. Conduct area-specific surveys in order to capture territorial clusters that may be missed by Breeding Bird Surveys. Continue tracking of this species by the Arkansas Natural Heritage Commission.LVAL xContinue Osprey nest monitoring program. Continue tracking of this species by the Arkansas Natural Heritage Commission.Participate in National Marshbird Monitoring Program coordinated by Waterbird Conservation for the Americas Bird Initiative. Continue tracking of this species by the Arkansas Natural Heritage Commission.The Partners in Flight North American Landbird Conservation Plan indicates that long-term population trend monitoring for this species is generally considered adequate, but some issues, such as bias, may not have been accounted for. Continue to conduct Breeding Bird Surveys at all routes established in Arkansas. Continue tracking of this species by the Arkansas Natural Heritage Commission.Continue and expand fall migration counts in the Mississippi Alluvial Valley and the West Gulf Coastal Plain, coordinated through Lower Mississippi Valley Joint Venture Shorebird Monitoring Program. Continue tracking of this species by the Arkansas Natural Heritage Commission. The Partners in Flight North American Landbird Conservation Plan indicates that long-term population trend monitoring for this species is generally considered adequate but some issues, such as bias, may not have been accounted for. Continue to conduct Breeding Bird Surveys at all routes established in Arkansas. Continue tracking of this species by the Arkansas Natural Heritage Commission.The Partners in Flight North American Landbird Conservation Plan indicates that this species has imprecise trend data at the continental level. An effort is being made to expand the BBS program to better survey this species.The Partners in Flight North American Landbird Conservation Plan indicates that long-term population trend monitoring for this species is generally considered adequate but some issues, such as bias, may not have been accounted for. Continue to conduct Breeding Bird Surveys at all routes established in Arkansas. lLVAL < J(Continue tracking of this species by the Arkansas Natural Heritage Commission. The Partners in Flight North American Landbird Conservation Plan indicates that this species has imprecise trend data at the continental level. A specialized effort to determine if this species is nesting in Arkansas is needed. Nesting populations must be monitored in a manner which eliminates disturbance to the species. Continue tracking of this species by the Arkansas Natural Heritage Commission.Initiate systematic ground surveys in high productive habitat during breeding season. Continue tracking of this species by the Arkansas Natural Heritage Commission.Conduct inventories for colonial waterbirds, particularly rookery counts, as a part of the North American Colonial Waterbird Monitoring Program coordinated by the Waterbird Conservation for the Americas Bird Initiative. Continue tracking of this species by the Arkansas Natural Heritage Commission.Conduct inventories for colonial waterbirds, particularly rookery counts, as a part of the North American Colonial Waterbird Monitoring Program coordinated by the Waterbird Conservation for the Americas Bird Initiative. Continue tracking of this species by the Arkansas Natural Heritage Commission.Conduct inventories for colonial waterbirds, particularly rookery counts, as a part of the North American Colonial Waterbird Monitoring Program coordinated by the Waterbird Conservation for the Americas Bird Initiative. Continue tracking of this species by the Arkansas Natural Heritage Commission.Conduct secretive marshbird surveys using the North American Marsh Bird Survey Protocol outlined in the National Marsh Bird Survey Program.Conduct inventories for colonial waterbirds, particularly rookery counts, as a part of the North American Colonial Waterbird Monitoring Program coordinated by the Waterbird Conservation for the Americas Bird Initiative. Continue monitoring of this species by the Arkansas Natural Heritage Commission.LVAL  <"$Survey areas of known occurrence to verify persistence and examine areas that contain suitable habitat for unknown populations.Continue and expand fall migration counts in the Mississippi Alluvial Valley and the West Gulf Coastal Plain, coordinated through Lower Mississippi Valley Joint Venture Shorebird Monitoring Program.Continue and expand fall migration counts in the Mississippi Alluvial Valley and the West Gulf Coastal Plain, coordinated through Lower Mississippi Valley Joint Venture Shorebird Monitoring Program. Initiate late summer - fall migration counts in the Mississippi Alluvial Valley and the West Gulf Coastal Plain, coordinated through Lower Mississippi Valley Joint Venture.Conduct secretive marshbird surveys using the North American Marsh Bird Survey Protocol outlined in the National Marsh Bird Survey Program.Conduct secretive marshbird surveys using the North American Marsh Bird Survey Protocol outlined in the National Marsh Bird Survey Program.Conduct secretive marshbird surveys using the North American Marsh Bird Survey Protocol outlined in the National Marsh Bird Survey Program.The Partners in Flight North American Landbird Conservation Plan indicates that this species has imprecise trend data at the continental level. In Arkansas, a effort to locate remnant populations needs to be undertaken. The Partners in Flight North American Landbird Conservation Plan indicates that long-term population trend monitoring for this species is generally considered adequate but some issues, such as bias, may not have been accounted for. Monitoring strategies should include locating populations of this species in Arkansas. The Partners in Flight North American Landbird Conservation Plan indicates that long-term population trend monitoring for this species is generally considered adequate but some issues, such as bias, may not have been accounted for. Continue to conduct Breeding Bird Surveys at all routes established in Arkansas. Continue research projects monitoring nest productivity. bLVAL t \ 0 L4Initiate late summer - fall migration counts in the Mississippi Alluvial Valley and the West Gulf Coastal Plain, coordinated through Lower Mississippi Valley Joint Venture.Initiate late summer - fall migration counts in the Mississippi Alluvial Valley and the West Gulf Coastal Plain, coordinated through Lower Mississippi Valley Joint Venture.Continue and expand fall migration counts in the Mississippi Alluvial Valley and the West Gulf Coastal Plain, coordinated through Lower Mississippi Valley Joint Venture Shorebird Monitoring Program.Continue and expand fall migration counts in the Mississippi Alluvial Valley and the West Gulf Coastal Plain, coordinated through Lower Mississippi Valley Joint Venture Shorebird Monitoring Program.Continue and expand fall migration counts in the Mississippi Alluvial Valley and the West Gulf Coastal Plain, coordinated through Lower Mississippi Valley Joint Venture Shorebird Monitoring Program.Initiate late summer - fall migration counts in the Mississippi Alluvial Valley and the West Gulf Coastal Plain, coordinated through Lower Mississippi Valley Joint Venture.Continue and expand fall migration counts in the Mississippi Alluvial Valley and the West Gulf Coastal Plain, coordinated through Lower Mississippi Valley Joint Venture Shorebird Monitoring Program. Continue tracking of this species by the Arkansas Natural Heritage Commission.Continue and expand fall migration counts in the Mississippi Alluvial Valley and the West Gulf Coastal Plain, coordinated through Lower Mississippi Valley Joint Venture Shorebird Monitoring Program.Continue and expand fall migration counts in the Mississippi Alluvial Valley and the West Gulf Coastal Plain, coordinated through Lower Mississippi Valley Joint Venture Shorebird Monitoring Program.Continue and expand fall migration counts in the Mississippi Alluvial Valley and the West Gulf Coastal Plain, coordinated through Lower Mississippi Valley Joint Venture Shorebird Monitoring Program.4LVAL$ Z lRThe Partners in Flight North American Landbird Conservation Plan indicates that long-term population trend monitoring for this species is generally considered adequate but some issues, such as bias, may not have been accounted for. Continue to conduct Breeding Bird Surveys at all routes established in Arkansas. Expand efforts to locate and survey potential wintering habitat for this species. Continue tracking of this species by the Arkansas Natural Heritage Commission.The Partners in Flight North American Landbird Conservation Plan indicates that this species has imprecise trend data at the continental level. An effort is being made to expand the BBS program to better survey this species. Continue tracking of this species by the Arkansas Natural Heritage Commission. The Partners in Flight North American Landbird Conservation Plan indicates that long-term population trend monitoring for this species is generally considered adequate, but some issues, such as bias, may not have been accounted for. If more accurate data are needed, a species specific census involving playback calls should be developed and conducted. Continue to conduct Breeding Bird Surveys at all routes established in Arkansas.Continue and expand fall migration counts in the Mississippi Alluvial Valley and the West Gulf Coastal Plain, coordinated through Lower Mississippi Valley Joint Venture Shorebird Monitoring Program.Initiate autumn migration counts in the Mississippi Alluvial Valley and the West Gulf Coastal Plain, coordinated through Lower Mississippi Valley West Gulf Coastal Plain Joint Venture.Initiate late summer - fall migration counts in the Mississippi Alluvial Valley and the West Gulf Coastal Plain, coordinated through Lower Mississippi Valley Joint Venture.Initiate fall migration counts in the Mississippi Alluvial Valley and the West Gulf Coastal Plain, coordinated through Lower Mississippi Valley Joint Venture. Continue tracking of this species by the Arkansas Natural Heritage Commission.2LVALj \JLocate breeding sites and conduct surveys at those sites. Continue tracking of this species by the Arkansas Natural Heritage Commission.The Partners in Flight North American Landbird Conservation Plan indicates that long-term population trend monitoring for this species is generally considered adequate but some issues, such as bias, may not have been accounted for. Continue to conduct Breeding Bird Surveys at all routes established in Arkansas. An effort to monitor during migration and locate breeding populations is warranted. Continue tracking of this species by the Arkansas Natural Heritage Commission.The Partners in Flight North American Landbird Conservation Plan indicates that long-term population trend monitoring for this species is generally considered adequate, but some issues, such as bias, may not have been accounted for. Expand efforts to locate and survey potential breeding habitat for this species. Continue to conduct Breeding Bird Surveys at all routes established in Arkansas. Continue tracking of this species by the Arkansas Natural Heritage Commission.The Partners in Flight North American Landbird Conservation Plan indicates that long-term population trend monitoring for this species is generally considered adequate but some issues, such as bias, may not have been accounted for. Continue to conduct Breeding Bird Surveys at all routes established in Arkansas. Expand effort to locate breeding and important wintering locations. Continue tracking of this species by the Arkansas Natural Heritage Commission.The Partners in Flight North American Landbird Conservation Plan indicates that long-term population trend monitoring for this species is generally considered adequate, but some issues, such as bias, may not have been accounted for. Continue to conduct Breeding Bird Surveys at all routes established in Arkansas. Continue effort to locate breeding populations of this species. Continue tracking of this species by the Arkansas Natural Heritage Commission.xLVAL4 ^ H4  lbHSurveys to locate additional populations and protection of stream habitats.Surveys should be conducted to locate additional populations of this species.Survey for additional populations and monitor known occurrences.Survey for additional populations and monitor known occurrences.Survey areas near known occurrences to locate additional populations.Survey areas near known occurrences to locate additional populations.Survey areas near known occurrences to locate additional populations.Survey areas near known occurrences to locate additional populations.Survey for additional populations and monitor known occurrences.Surveys to locate additional populations and protection of stream habitats.Survey areas near known occurrences to locate additional populations.Survey areas near known occurrences to locate additional populations.Survey areas near known occurrences to locate additional populations.Survey areas near known occurrences to locate additional populations.Survey areas near known occurrences to locate additional populations.Survey forest stands to locate additional populations of this species.Survey forest stands to locate additional populations of this species.Survey areas of known occurrence to verify persistence and examine areas that contain suitable habitat for unknown populations.Survey areas of known occurrence to verify persistence and examine areas that contain suitable habitat for unknown populations.Monitor known occurences using protocols determined by monitoring team of The Nature Conservancy, ANHC, AGFC, and the US Fish and Wildlife Service.Monitor known occurrences using protocols developed by monitoring team of The Nature Conservancy, ANHC, AGFC, and the US Fish and Wildlife Service.Work with the Lower Mississippi River Conservation Committee and Mississippi Interstate Cooperative Resource Association to share information on the distribution, habitat preferences and abundance of the species across its range.#Td=zS, i B   X 1 x ;  x 5 l ) `p-YM uN'd=zS,uN'qfil@f#"fix@f#$fi@e#mfix@e#!fix@e# fi@e#fi@e#fi!fix@e#fix@e#fix@e#fix@e#rfix@e#lfix@e#ofix@e#kfix@ e#(fix@ e#)~fix@ e#j}fix@ e#|fix@ e#i{fi@e#zfi@e#yfix@e#xfix@e#hwfiP@e#vfid@e#ufi Conduct breeding site surveys.::::#"tfiMonitor known occurrences.6666#"sfiMonitor known occurrences.6666#"rfiMonitor known occurrences.6666#"qfiMonitor known occurrences.6666#"pfiMonitor known occurrences.6666#"ofiMonitor known occurrences.6666#"nfi(@#"mfiMonitor known occurrences.6666#"lfi&@#"kfiMonitor known occurrences.6666#"jfiMonitor known occurrences.6666#"ifiT@e#"hfiMonitor known occurrences.6666#"gfiMonitor known occurrences.6666#"ffiMonitor known occurrences.6666#"efiMonitor known occurrences.6666#"dfiMonitor known occurrences.6666#"cfiMonitor known occurrences.6666#"bfiMonitor known occurrences.6666#"afiMonitor known occurrences.6666#"`fiMonitor known occurrences.6666#"_fiMonitor known occurrences.6666#^fi@e#]fi@d#\fi@d#[fi@d#Zfi@d#XfiMonitor stream flow.0000#Wfi@d#VfiMonitor commercial harvest.7777#Ufi@d#Tfi@d# Sfi@ d# Rfi@ d#Qfi@ d#Ofi@ d#Nfi@ d#Mfi@d#Lfi@d#Kfi@d#Jfi@d#Ifi@d#Hfi@d#Gfin@d#Ffin@d#Efi@a#Dfi@a#Bfi@a#AfiT@a#@fi@a#?fi@a#>fi@ a#=fi@ a#<fib@ a#;fi@ a#:fi@ a#9fiR@a##cpI"_8 u N ' d =  z S ,  i B   X 1 nG ]6sL%b;xQ*g@}V/lE\Zfi~@#[Yfi@#ZXfi@#YWfi@#XVfi@#WUfi@ #VTfi@ #USfi@ #TRfi@ #SQfi@ #RPfi@#QOfi@#PNfi@#OMfi@#NLfi@#MKfi@#LJfi@#KIfi@#JHfi@#IGfi@#HFfi@#FEfi@#DDfi@#CCfiT@ #?Bfi@ #>Afi@ #<@fi@ #:?fi@ #8>fi@#7=fi@#6<fix@#.;fi@#-:fi@#,9fi@#+8fi@#*7fi@#)6fi@#(5fi@#'4fi@#%3fi@#$2fi@##1fi@#"0fi@#!/fi@# .fi@#-fi@ #,fi@ #+fi@ #*fi@ #)fi@ #(fi@#'fi@#&fi@#%fi@#$fi@##fi@#"fi@ #!fi@g# fi@g#fi@g# fi@g# fi@g# fi@ g# fi@ g# fi@ g#fi@ g#fi@ g#fi@g#fi@g#fiT@g#fi@g#fi@g#fi@g#fi@g#fi@g#fi@f#fi@f# fi@f# fi@f# fi@f# fi@f# fi@f#fi@f#fi@f#fi@f#fi@f#fi@f#fix@ f#ufix@ f#fix@ f#tfix@ f#sfix@ f#fix@f#fix@f#fix@f#xfi@f#&fi!vfix@f#%fix@f#xLVALlL B J  " 08@ 2Survey forested southern hardwood swamps or mixed cypress swamps for this and other species. Known sites are in association with rivers, and larvae feed on certain species of subcanopy hawthorns.Inventory high-quality pine woodland remnants in the West Gulf Coastal Plain for this and other rare species.Need a thorough inventory of high-quality glade complexes in the Ozarks for this and other rare insect species.Intensive surveys should be conducted to determine the distribution and general abundance of the Texas Frosted Elfin in Arkansas.Surveys should be conducted at all known localities where the larval host plant occurs to determine distribution and general abundance of this rare butterfly in Arkansas.Need a thorough survey of high-quality canebrakes to determine status of this and other cane-dependent species in the state.Need a thorough survey of high-quality canebrakes to determine status of this and other cane-dependent species in the state.Need a thorough survey of the Ozark and Ouachita regions to determine status of this and other rare species in the state.Survey high-quality riverine wetlands in the Delta and West Gulf Coastal Plain regions for this and other rare species.Survey areas in moist or swampy woods for this and other rare species.Survey a variety of habitats of known occurrence to monitor the status of this species.Need a thorough survey of the Ozark Highlands, Boston Mountains, Southern Coastal Plains, and Ouachita Mountains ecoregions to determine status of this and other rare species in the state.Survey for additional populations and monitor known occurrences.Survey for additional populations and monitor known occurrences.Survey areas near known occurrences to locate additional populations.Survey areas near known occurrences to locate additional populations.Surveys to locate additional populations and protection of stream habitats.Surveys to locate additional populations and protection of stream habitatsLVALT| P $ b 6 tHJJ@dSurvey for additional populations and monitor known occurrences.Surveys to locate additional populations.Survey areas near known occurrences to locate additional populations.Survey areas near known occurrences to locate additional populations.Survey for additional populations and monitor known occurrences.Survey for additional populations and monitor known occurrences.Survey for additional populations and monitor known occurrences.Survey for additional populations and monitor known occurrences.Survey for additional populations and monitor known occurrencesSurveys to locate additional populations and protection of stream habitats.Surveys to locate additional populations and protection of stream habitats.Surveys to locate additional populations and protection of stream habitats.Surveys to locate additional populations and protection of stream habitats.Surveys to locate additional populations and protection of stream habitats.Surveys to locate additional populations and protection of stream habitats.Surveys to locate additional populations and protection of stream habitats.Surveys to locate additional populations and protection of stream habitats.Surveys to locate additional populations and protection of stream habitats.Surveys to locate additional populations and protection of stream habitats.Surveys to locate additional populations and protection of stream habitats.Surveys to locate additional populations and protection of stream habitats.Surveys to locate additional populations and protection of stream habitats.Surveys to locate additional populations and protection of stream habitats.Most occurrences are known. Habitat restoration on surrounding lands is critical for this species survival.Surveys to locate additional populations and protection of stream habitats.Surveys to locate additional populations and protection of stream habitats.Survey for additional populations and monitor known occurrences. bd=zS, u N ' n G ]  ~ W 0 m F  \5~W0 mFhA~W0 mF\5rK$"fi!Determine habitat requirements.;;;;#"fi@#"fiH@#Bfin@#ZfiV@#Vfi@#fi@#fi@#fi@#"fi@#"fi@#fi@#|fi@#8fi@#7fi@#fi@ #~fip@ #{fip@ #zfi@ #yfip@ #xfip@#4fip@#vfip@#ufi@#Dfi@#1fip@#tfi@#0fi@#sfi@#rfi@#qfi@#/!ofip@#,fi@#nfi@#+fip@#*fi@#)fip@#fi@#fi@#mfi@#(fip@#'fi!lfip@ #kfip@ #&fi@ #%fi@ #$fip@ ##fi@#jfi@#ifi@#hfi@#gfi@#ffi@#efi@#fip@#fi@#dfiX@#fi@#fi@#cfip@#bfip@#fip@#afi@#fiX@#"~fiMonitor known occurrences.6666#}fi@#zfi@#yfi@#wfi@#vfi@#[ufi@#sfi@ #Yrfi@ #qfi@ #pfi@ #ofiNo monitoring is necessary.7777#nfij@ #mfi@#kfi@#jfi@#ifi!hfiR@#gfi@#ffi@#efi@#dfi@#cfi@#bfi@#afiR@#`fi@#_fi@#`^fi@#_]fi@#^\fi@#][fi@#LVALjN " J   v 0|Vl\|NMonitor occurrence in ongoing river surveys.Additional information is needed before a monitoring strategy can be developed.Monitor in accordance with U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service recovery plan.Continue to monitor occurrence in ongoing river surveys.Continue to monitor occurrence in ongoing river surveys.Continue to monitor occurrence in ongoing river surveys.Additional information is needed before a monitoring strategy can be determined.Monitor occurrence in ongoing river surveys.More information is needed before a monitoring strategy can be developed.Continue to opportunistically compile records of collections in the state.More information is needed before a monitoring strategy can be developed.More information is needed before a monitoring strategy can be developed.More information is needed before a monitoring strategy can be developed.Monitor in accordance with U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service recovery plan.Continue monitoring caves in accordance with U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service recovery plan.More information is needed before a monitoring strategy can be developed.More information is needed before a monitoring strategy can be developed.More information is needed before a monitoring strategy can be developed.Monitor status of known locations on a regular basis.Monitor summer and winter caves in accordance with U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service recovery plan.More data are needed before a monitoring strategy can be developed.More data are needed before a monitoring strategy can be developed.Surveys to locate additional populations.Surveys to locate additional populations and protection of stream habitats.Surveys to locate additional populations and protection of stream habitats.More data are needed before a monitoring strategy can be developed.Surveys to locate additional populations and protection of stream habitats.Surveys to locate additional populations and protection of stream habitats.|LVALbd 8  j l @ `b&(| n`Additional information is needed before a monitoring strategy can be developed.Additional information is needed before a monitoring strategy can be developed.Continue to monitor occurrence in ongoing river surveys.Additional information is needed before a monitoring strategy can be developed.Continue to monitor occurrence in ongoing river surveys.Additional information is needed before a monitoring strategy can be developed.Additional information is needed before a monitoring strategy can be developed.Continue to monitor occurrence in ongoing river surveys.Survey in accordance with U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service recovery plan.Continue to monitor occurrence in ongoing river surveys.Additional information is needed before a monitoring strategy can be developed.Additional information is needed before a monitoring strategy can be developed.Survey in accordance with U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service recovery plan.Continue to monitor occurrence in ongoing river surveys.Continue to monitor occurrence in ongoing river surveys.Continue to monitor occurrence in ongoing river surveys.Survey in accordance with U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service recovery plan.Additional information is needed before a monitoring strategy can be developed.Continue to monitor occurrence in ongoing river surveys.Survey in accordance with U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service recovery plan.Additional information is needed before a monitoring strategy can be developed.More information is needed before a monitoring strategy can be developed.Additional information is needed before a monitoring strategy can be developed.Survey in accordance with U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service recovery plan.Additional information is needed before a monitoring strategy can be developed.Survey in accordance with U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service recovery plan.Continue to monitor occurrence in ongoing river surveys.Additional information is needed before a monitoring strategy can be developed.LVAL, T t  xF"tPhMonitor harvest of spotted skunk in fur dealer reports.Monitor status of bridge-roosting colonies.More information is needed before a monitoring strategy can be developed.More information is needed before a monitoring strategy can be developed.More information is needed before a monitoring strategy can be developed.Monitor distribution and abundance with general large river surveys.More information is needed before a monitoring strategy can be developed.More information is needed before a monitoring strategy can be developed.More information is needed before a monitoring strategy can be developed.More information is needed before a monitoring strategy can be developed.Additional information is needed before a monitoring strategy can be developed.More information is needed before a monitoring strategy can be determined.Additional information is needed before a monitoring strategy can be developed.Continue to monitor occurrence in ongoing river surveys.Continue to monitor occurrence in ongoing river surveys.Additional information is needed before a monitoring strategy can be developed.Continue to monitor occurrence in ongoing river surveys.Continue to monitor occurrence in ongoing river surveys.Continue to monitor occurrence in ongoing river surveys.Continue to monitor occurrence in ongoing river surveys.Additional information is needed before a monitoring strategy can be developed.Survey in accordance with U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service recovery plan.Continue to monitor occurrence in ongoing river surveys.Additional information is needed before a monitoring strategy can be developed.Additional information is needed before a monitoring strategy can be developed.Proceed with monitoring plan outlined in meeting with AGFC, CoE, AHTD and FWS. Implement research components discussed at that meeting. Plan includes additional surveys, long term monitoring and Programmatic BA for both AHTD and CoE.LVAL 2 6 : Z  >f 8nContinue to track this species using the Christmas Bird Count. Continue tracking of this species by the Arkansas Natural Heritage Commission.Continue to conduct Breeding Bird Surveys at all routes established in Arkansas. Conduct species specific routes, in urban/suburban environments, following Nightjar Survey Network protocols. www.nightjars.orgDevelop spring migration counts in Arkansas through Lower Mississippi Valley/West Gulf Coast Joint Venture.Continue to conduct Christmas Bird Counts, Great Backyard Bird Count, and encourage the use of eBird.Monitor known winter locations for abundance and presence of preferred habitat containing three-awn grass.Monitor nest success and population numbers on Arkansas and Red Rivers to assess disturbance from human-related activities, including boaters, ATV use, and cattle intrusion.Monitor impacts of white-nose syndrome on populations.Monitor impacts of white-nose syndrome on populations.Monitor impacts of white-nose syndrome on populations.Monitor impacts of white-nose syndrome on populations.Monitor impacts of white-nose syndrome on populations.Monitor impacts of white-nose syndrome on populations.Monitor impacts of white-nose syndrome on populations.Monitor winter populations at accessible sites.Monitor summer distribution and abundance using mist-net surveys.Initiate monitoring in Arkansas Valley and Ozark Mountains.More data are needed before a monitoring strategy can be developed.Monitor in accordance with U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service recovery team plan.Share data with other agencies and organizations.Monitor presence through general stream faunal surveys.Continue to monitor population levels, reproduction and survival of bears in the West Gulf Coastal Plain area to ensure long-term viability.Monitor population viability and sustained yield of the White River bear population to prevent adversely impacting the population through harvest and translocation.bpI"d= z S ,  i B   X 1 n G ] 6  sL%b;xQrK$a:wP)f?|U."/fi@#".fi@#"-fi@#",fi@#+fi@# *fi@#")fi@#(fi@#'fi@#&fi@#%fi@ #"#fi|@ #""fi@ #"!fi@ #" fiP@ #"fi@#"fi@#"fi~@#"fi@#"fi@#"fi@#"fi@#"fi@#"fi@#"fi@#"fi@#"fi@#"fi@#"fi@#"fi@#"fi@#"fi@#"fi@#" fi@#" fiMonitor known occurrences.6666#" fiR@#" fix@#" fi@ #"fi\@ #"fiZ@ #"fip@ #"fip@ #"fip@#"fip@#"fip@#"fi@#"fi@#"fi@#"fiP@#"fi@#"fi@#"fi@#"fi@#"fiR@ #"fi@ #"fi@ #"fi@ #"fi@ #"fi@#"fif@#"fi@#"fi`@#"fi@#"fi@#"fi,@#"fi$@#"fi@#"fi@#"fiD@#"fi<@#"fi@#"fi2@#"fi@#"fi2@#"fip@#"fin@#"fi@#"fi@#"fi@#"fi@#fi@#3fiZ@#fil@#Yfil@#fil@ #Zfil@ #[fil@ #"fil@ #"fil@ #"fi^@#"fi@#"fi"Monitor winter cave hibernacula.<<<<#fiv@#fi@#"fi@#xfi!fib@#fin@#LVAL " ,Survey rich woodlands that contain the host plant, Hog Peanut (Amphicarpaea).Monitor nest success and population numbers on Arkansas and Red Rivers to assess disturbance from human related activities, including boaters, ATV use, and cattle intrusion. Continue monitoring breeding success. Continue tracking of this species by the Arkansas Natural Heritage Commission.Initiate a Colonial Waterbird Survey as well as track species by Continue tracking of this species by the Arkansas Natural Heritage Commission.Annual property data reports submitted to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service provide population trends at the local, regional, and range-wide levels. Continue monitoring of clusters year-round that is being conducted by the ANHC, TNC, USFS, and the USFWS. Continue tracking of this species by the Arkansas Natural Heritage Commission.Initiate migration counts in the Mississippi Alluvial Valley and the West Gulf Coastal Plain, coordinated through Lower Mississippi Valley Joint Venture.Initiate late summer - fall migration counts in the Mississippi Alluvial Valley and the West Gulf Coastal Plain, coordinated through Lower Mississippi Valley Joint Venture. Continue tracking of this species by the Arkansas Natural Heritage Commission.This species is rarely seen during the breeding season outside of forest canopies, making it one of the most difficult raptors to census in Arkansas. Monitoring should include encouraging birders to search for nests in specific woodland habitats, especially mature dense pine stands and mixed pine-hardwood forests, and to report sightings and nests to the Arkansas Audubon Society Rare Bird Report and eBird.More data are needed to determine monitoring strategies.Additional surveys need to be conducted in appropriate habitat to improve precision of BBS monitoring. Christmas Bird Count data are appropriate for monitoring overwintering kestrels.LVAL8 4 FnDSearch appropriate habitat containing a substantial amount of Rattlesnake Master (Eryngium yuccifolium) at night (ideally after 11 p.m., when most adult moths are active) and when the temperature is over 10 degrees Celsius.Survey a variety of forest types to monitor the status of this species.Survey dry, open wooded hillsides and glades in northern Arkansas that contain false foxglove (Aureolaria spp.), the larval foodplant in Arkansas prior to overwintering.Survey openings, which may be natural outcrops, shale or limestone barrens, glades, or powerline rights-of-way within forested or wooded areas.Survey a variety of forest types in northern Arkansas to assess the current status of this species in the state.Survey moist, shaded deciduous forests for this and other rare species.Surveys should be conducted in appropriate habitat to assess the current status of this species in Arkansas.Survey wet open areas (e.g., streams, swamps, rivers) in eastern Arkansas for this and other rare species.Survey cedar glades, various other openings, and sparsely wooded areas within Ozark dry forests to determine distribution and general abundance of this rare butterfly in Arkansas.Survey grassy areas at woodland edges and city gardens, especially along creeks.Survey wetlands for this and other rare species.Survey wetlands with tall grass, particularly Phragmites, for this and other rare species.Survey tallgrass prairies (especially in Franklin County) for this and other rare species.Look for this species in open oak, pine, or mixed woodlands; oak savannas; rights of way in dry oak woods or pine barrens; edges of airport grasslands; grassy rock outcrops; native sand plain grasslands; and dry meadows. Flight season is between August and October in Arkansas.Search appropriate habitat in hilly country where the host plant, New Jersey Tea (Ceanothus americanus), is common or at least widely distributed.Surveys should be conducted in appropriate habitat to locate additional populations of this species.LVALh Z L l 2DzfrVMonitor population distribution and abundance in large river surveys.Monitor population distribution and abundance in stream faunal surveys.Monitor population distribution and abundance in stream faunal surveys.Monitor population distribution and abundance in stream faunal surveys.Monitor population distribution and abundance in stream faunal surveys.Monitor population distribution and abundance in stream faunal surveys.Monitor population distribution and abundance in stream faunal surveys.Establish eel counters and photography installations at newly installed fish ladders for eels.Targeted monitoring below Ouachita River system dams every 5 years.Monitor population distribution and abundance in stream faunal surveys.Monitor spread on introduced populations.Monitor spread of introduced crayfish in Spring River basin.More information is needed before a monitoring strategy can be developed.Monitor incidental to stream crayfish surveys.Monitor incidental to stream crayfish survey.Continue to monitor occurrence in ongoing river surveys.Continue to monitor occurrence in ongoing river surveys.Continue to monitor occurrence in ongoing river surveys.Continue to monitor occurrence in ongoing river surveys.Continue to monitor occurrence in ongoing river surveys.Additional information is needed before a monitoring strategy can be developed.Additional information is needed before a monitoring strategy can be developed.Additional information is needed before a monitoring strategy can be developed.Monitor known populations every 3 years.Conduct surveys in appropriate habitats on the National Forests.Survey and monitor habitats containing milkweed (Asclepias) throughout the range of this species over multi-year periods. Monitor habitats in which natural processes have been restored to gauge the impact of such management on improving habitat quality, particularly in regard to important plant species upon which monarchs depend.vLVALvZ B 6  @ 6Vv6VEnsure location/occurrence records are compiled into the Arkansas Fish Database.Ensure location/occurrence records are compiled into the Arkansas Fish Database.Ensure location/occurrence records are compiled into the Arkansas Fish Database.Ensure location/occurrence records are compiled into the Arkansas Fish Database.Ensure location/occurrence records are compiled into the Arkansas Fish Database.Ensure location/occurrence records are compiled into the Arkansas Fish Database.Ensure location/occurrence records are compiled into the Arkansas Fish Database.Ensure location/occurrence records are compiled into the Arkansas Fish Database.Ensure location/occurrence records are compiled into the Arkansas Fish Database.Ensure location/occurrence records are compiled into the Arkansas Fish Database.Ensure location/occurrence records are compiled into the Arkansas Fish Database.Ensure location/occurrence records are compiled into the Arkansas Fish Database.Monitor distribution and abundance with general river surveys.Monitor population distribution and abundance in stream faunal surveys.Monitor population distribution and abundance in stream faunal surveys.Monitor population distribution and abundance in large river surveys. Be aware that the species could possibly be discovered in clear streams in far Northwest Arkansas.Monitor population distribution and abundance in large river surveys.Monitor population distribution and abundance in stream faunal surveys.Monitor population distribution and abundance in the Red River.Monitor population distribution and abundance in stream faunal surveys.Monitor population distribution and abundance in large river surveys.Monitor population distribution and abundance in stream faunal surveys.Monitor population distribution and abundance in stream faunal surveys.Monitor population distribution and abundance in stream faunal surveys.Monitor population distribution and abundance in large river surveys.b d=zS, "?fix@#">fix@ #"=fix@ #"<fix@ #";fix@ #":fip@ #"9fi@#"8fi@#"7fi@#"6fi@#"5fi@#"4fi@#"3fi@#"2fi@#"1fi@#"0fi@#lLVAL`  @ ` x More information is needed to develop a monitoring strategy.More information is needed to develop a monitoring strategy.More information is needed to develop a monitoring strategy.More information is needed to develop a monitoring strategy.More information is needed to develop a monitoring strategy.Continue to monitor occurrence in ongoing river surveys.Ensure location/occurrence records are compiled into the Arkansas Fish Database.Ensure location/occurrence records are compiled into the Arkansas Fish Database.Ensure location/occurrence records are compiled into the Arkansas Fish Database.Ensure location/occurrence records are compiled into the Arkansas Fish Database.Ensure location/occurrence records are compiled into the Arkansas Fish Database.Ensure location/occurrence records are compiled into the Arkansas Fish Database.Ensure location/occurrence records are compiled into the Arkansas Fish Database.Ensure location/occurrence records are compiled into the Arkansas Fish Database.Ensure location/occurrence records are compiled into the Arkansas Fish Database.                                                                                                                                  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123 4 5 6 7 89:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJ K!L"M#N$O%P&Q'R(S)T*U+V,W-X.Y/Z0[1\2]3^4_5`6a7b8c9:;<=>?@AB D E F G HIJKLMNOQRSTUVWXZ[\ ]!^"_#`$a%b&c'd(e)f*g+h,i-j.k/l0m1n2o3p4q5r6s7t8u9v:w;x<y=z>{?|@}A~BCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRS           !"#$%&' (!)"*#+$,%-&.'/(0)1*2+3,4-5.6/708192:3;4<5=6>7?8@9A:B;C<D=E>F?G@HAIBJCKDLEMFNGOHPIQJRKSLTMUNVOWPXQYRZS[T\U]V^W_X`YaZb[\]^_`abcd e f g h ijkmnopqrsuvwyz}~ !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`a      !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:; < = > ? @ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQR S!T"U#V%W&X'Y(Z)[*\+],^-_.`/a0123456789 : ; < = >?/0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`a                                                                                                                                       !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123 4 5 6 7 89:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJ K!L"M#N$O%P&Q'R(S)T*U+V,W-X.Y/Z0[1\2]3^4_5`6a7b8c9:;<=>?@AB D E F G HIJKLMNOQRSTUVWXZ[\ ]!^"_#`$a%b&c'd(e)f*g+h,i-j.k/l0m1n2o3p4q5r6s7t8u9v:w;x<y=z>{?|@}A~BCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRS           !"#$%&' (!)"*#+$,%-&.'/(0)1*2+3,4-5.6/708192:3;4<5=6>7?8@9A:B;C<D=E>F?G@HAIBJCKDLEMFNGOHPIQJRKSLTMUNVOWPXQYRZS[T\U]V^W_X`YaZb[\]^_`abcd e f g h ijkmnopqrsuvwyz}~ !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`a      !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:; < = > ? @ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQR S!T"U#V%W&X'Y(Z)[*\+],^-_.`/a0123456789 : ; < = >?/0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`a                                                                                                                                 X      \]9:=>HIM N!O"R$Q%&(C)B3368;<=>?DEFHIKLMNO P!R"T#U$V\YYZ]Z [[   !$%'(#/$0%1&2'5(6):*;+<,>.A/B0F1H4L7S8T<B^DIh;i?jAkDlFmPoEqSrGstu vxxy%{&|'}(~)*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^ W_`ab   Y Yc     !Z " Z[@ KL< J ! 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TabCtl0~ "[Event Procedure]x N>C3 og |1W`6Zarb9c, &Species Information DEnter detailed Species Information~ "[Event Procedure] &Species_Information= DEnter detailed Species Information &Species Informationx +IZͬH|JZKrL:M&1234p3`6\abic,_  EcoBasin Form.EcoBasin1 Species_ID2 IDx 1 ,Terrestrial or Aquatic ,Terrestrial or LVALAquatic] Value List[ L"Aquatic";"Terrestrial";"Semi-Aquatic" 1440 ,Terrestrial_or_Aquatic2d5`6aB bTc, 8Terrestrial or Aquatic_Label ,Terrestrial or Aquatic 8Terrestrial_or_Aquatic_Labelx | ׿rA7_m7`6a fk Federal_Status Federal_Statusx cImw+d5`6a~ bc, Label127 Federal_Status:x ooMDēo0\5c6d e hinx XJ3~e" Taxa Taxa] Value List[ lMammal;Bird;Reptile;Amphibian;Fish;Invertebrate;Mussel" @MS Sans Serif2d3I5`6a bc, Taxa_Label Taxa" @MS Sans Serifx Fd-ͱ 5m7`6,a> fk  Class  Classx Ocg fk  Order  Orderx \~Qq@TCUP+d5`6B a b+c, Label129  Order:x yfz`J%NPm7`6Xa> fk  Family  Familyx 'L.HR ߪ+d5`6Xa bIc, Label130 Family:x tǒ~G-bS>oC0\3I5c6dhnx ,Itn@|YQl) Residence Residence] Value List[ FBreeding;Permanent;Transient;Winter2d5`6 abc, Label331 .Residence (birds only):x j8A.W:m5I7`6ab c,,efkLVAL  G_Rank  G_Rank" @MS Sans Serifx _B,O d +d3I5`6abvc, G_Rank_Label  G Rank" @MS Sans Serifx =`{)I xplm5I7`6 ab c,,efk   S_Rank  S_Rank" @MS Sans Serifx ,doWD1jt} +d3I5`6 abgc, S_Rank_Label  S Rank" @MS Sans Serifx uE*9m J5I7`6ab(#c,8erfk  Comments Comments >This should include any threats" @MS Sans Serifx ExFIxyʩ+d3I5`6a*bKc, Comments_Label $Comments/Citations" @MS Sans Serifx YFIs oj2`6,afi   Boston_Mountains  Boston_Mountainsx fAyA/:"d5`6absc, Label79  Boston Mountainsx *ŕc$B,cj2`6af i   Ozarks  Ozarksx ߱v]K _? 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Total must equal 100%.x C4یAϰa˒m0G7U;`6abj%k  txtActualTotal =[Mature_Closed_Canopy_Forest]+[Mature_Closed_Canopy_Forest_with_Gaps]+[Mature_Open_Canopy_Forest]+[Mature_Woodland]+[Mixed_age_Forest]+[Mid_aged_Forest]+[Young_Forest]+[Regenerating_Forest_Shrubland]+[Regenerating_Forest_Grassland]+[Open]x 7UşqEF+d5Uabgc,e% Label24  Total:x >eSJu;h1U2S`6<aTbc,i  Command25 &Save Record~ "[Event Procedure]x >XMG+!defgd5U`6Tabc, Label26 $Actual (if known):x !ĤDNB_j^|m0G7U;`6abc,k  FDesired_Mature_Closed_Canopy_Forest FDesired_Mature_Closed_Canopy_ForestV "[Event Procedure] 0x \^RC ;V+LVAL m0G7U;`6abc,k ZDesired_Mature_Closed_Canopy_Forest_with_Gaps ZDesired_Mature_Closed_Canopy_Forest_with_GapsV "[Event Procedure] 0x <$(r Eb?1+m0G7U;`6abc,k BDesired_Mature_Open_Canopy_Forest BDesired_Mature_Open_Canopy_ForestV "[Event Procedure] 0x a@j+m0G7U;`6abc,k .Desired_Mature_Woodland .Desired_Mature_WoodlandV "[Event Procedure] 0x pSE}r+m0G7U;`6aP bc,k 0Desired_Mixed_age_Forest 0Desired_Mixed_age_ForestV "[Event Procedure] 0x >!QOpz+m0G7U;`6a bc,k .Desired_Mid_aged_Forest .Desired_Mid_aged_ForestV "[Event Procedure] 0x ~:{N+m0G7U;`6a bc,k (Desired_Young_Forest (Desired_Young_ForestV "[Event Procedure] 0x 픋kCw=+m0G7U;`6abc,k JDesired_Regenerating_Forest_Shrubland JDesired_Regenerating_Forest_ShrublandV "[Event Procedure] 0x BH]c+m0G7U;`6abc,k JDesired_Regenerating_Forest_Grassland JDesired_Regenerating_Forest_GrasslandV "[Event Procedure] 0x ͯ-&EVʓ+m0G7U;`6aXbc,k Desired_Open Desired_Open Long termV "[Event Procedure] 0x x&hAJQ+m0G7U;`6+LVAL;abj%k txtDesiredTotal ~=[Desired_Mature_Closed_Canopy_Forest]+[Desired_Mature_Closed_Canopy_Forest_with_Gaps]+[Desired_Mature_Open_Canopy_Forest]+[Desired_Mature_Woodland]+[Desired_Mixed_age_Forest]+[Desired_Mid_aged_Forest]+[Desired_Young_Forest]+[Desired_Regenerating_Forest_Shrubland]+[Desired_Regenerating_Forest_Grassland]+[Desired_Open]x PE V8I 8,-+d5U`6abc, Label72 Desired:x BDEqem7U`6\aXk txtOpenScorex  ӜJYg(+d25U`6\abec, Label74 Current Status:x y O&rt{m7U`6\ak (txtClosedCanopyScorex b_kLR1k+m7U`6\a'k 0txtClosedCanopyGapsScorex &uqOmid+m7U`6\ak $txtOpenCanopyScorex m>I%+m7U`6\ak ,txtMatureWoodlandScorex Common_Named ?Common_Name_Labelm@Scientific_Named AScientific_Name_LabelBClassificationCBird_of_Conservation_ConcernDMISEDemandFEndemicGSpecies_IDHIDIELCODEJFederal_Status_Dateͬ65a{{FA0\DetailFormHeaderFormFootermHabitat_IDd Habitat_ID_LabelmMature_Closed_Canopy_Forestd Mature_Closed_Canopy_Forest_LabelmMature_Closed_Canopy_Forest_with_Gapsd Mature_Closed_Canopy_Forest_with_Gaps_Labelm Mature_Open_Canopy_Forestd Mature_Open_Canopy_Forest_Labelm Mature_Woodlandd Mature_Woodland_Labelm Mixed_age_Forestd Mixed_age_Forest_LabelmMid_aged_Forestd Mid_aged_Forest_LabelmYoung_Forestd Young_Forest_LabelmRegenerating_Forest_Shrublandd Regenerating_Forest_Shrubland_LabelmRegenerating_Forest_Grasslandd Regenerating_Forest_Grassland_LabelmOpend Open_LabelIDd Label22d Label24h Command25d Label26d 4Label72mDesired_Mature_Closed_Canopy_Forestm!Desired_Mature_Closed_Canopy_Forest_with_Gapsm#Desired_Mature_Open_Canopy_Forestm%Desired_Mature_Woodlandm'Desired_Mixed_age_Forestm)Desired_Mid_aged_Forestm+Desired_Young_Forestm-Desired_Regenerating_Forest_Shrublandm/Desired_Regenerating_Forest_Grasslandm1Desired_OpenmtxtActualTotalm3txtDesiredTotald 6Label74m5txtOpenScorem7txtClosedCanopyScorem8txtClosedCanopyGapsScorem9txtOpenCanopyScorem:txtMatureWoodlandScorem;txtMixedAgeScorem<txtMidAgedScorem=txtYoungScorem>txtShrubScorem?txtGrassScoreLVALQ u68=5B>a)b*ce gh6\ijk ?lU@x _%rFb$|p $Species_and_Guilds 4Species_and_Guilds subform @ Arial1Fd2e126 f4 5g23I5 75hg#h%" @MS Sans SerifD i17 g4h5j17 g4h5k18 l23I8 :mf4= n2? o2; p57 r35Izi#j%" @MS Sans SerifA {57 `,h FormHeaderx aLUK*z[d5U7`6<a<bXc, Guild_Label  Guild  DetachedLabelx lq*NSC2@d5U7`6a<b c, Weight_Label  Weight  DetachedLabelx \ĚB5Rdv`,  Detailx 6EL,m7U`6a<bc,ek Species_ID Species_IDx shoA7A\M +oC5U`Fab0*c6<d<eXh Z 8"";"";"";"";"";"";"10";"100"x ,II/YHŚ  Guild  Guild] Table/Query[  Guilds 2160;8640;0Y ^"Guilds";"Guilds";"";"ID";"Guilds";"PrimaryKey"2oC5U`Fabc6d<e h nZ &"";"";"";"";"4";"4"x v-MSR)%  Weight  Weight] Table/Query[ Weights_LUT 346;14402`, FormFooterx 0*@LVALd/:LVALQPu08=5B>a)b*c,e g-h6iLjk $l? .((Species.Taxa="Bird"))K Species.Taxalݮ@x ԬմZJIЩ SpeciesW "[Event Procedure]M "[Event Procedure] @ Arial1F d2" @ Tahomahg#h%" @ TahomaD j17 g4h5mf45I= " @ Tahoman2? 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-FKL١m<"`6l abc, k  Text55 Fair_Level (Poor Indicator Level" @&Akzidenz Grotesk BEx Tn@ Q{F+d7`6*abVc,  Label56 Fair Level:" @&Akzidenz Grotesk BEx 1L*Sq}m<"`6l aqbc, k  Text57 Good_Level (Poor Indicator Level" @&Akzidenz Grotesk BEx YVxBfoؐ+d7`6*abc,  Label58 Good Level:" @&Akzidenz Grotesk BEx bSKX$ac\?m<"`6l abc, k  Text59 Very_Good_Level (Poor Indicator Level" @&Akzidenz Grotesk BEx d 'Km}j;+d7`6*a b&c,  Label60  Very Good Level:" @&Akzidenz Grotesk BEx ((IܲNd]J*K LP M- m<"`6l a c, ek Current_Status Current_Status Poor-Very Good" @&Akzidenz Grotesk BEx :CjI# >+d7`6 a| brc,  Label61 Current_Status:" @&Akzidenz Grotesk BEx J=QGi.%m<"`6l a c, ek Ind_Weight Ind_Weight2" @&Akzidenz Grotesk BEx \G\G4+d7`6a6 bc,  Label62 "Indicator Weight:" @&Akzidenz Grotesk BEx {G'QIGqaYTLVALdm<"`6l a bac, k  Text64 &Conservation_Action (Poor Indicator Level" @&Akzidenz Grotesk BEx "RHN ߶D+d7`6a bc,  Label65 (Conservation Action:" @&Akzidenz Grotesk BEx ?t HZ,^m<"`6l abac, k   Text81 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There will often be more than one key factor for each Conservation Target.A@>o8( BB@B| Z!\A@>oh BB@B| Z!\A@>ox  BB@X|PH Z!\A@>0o( eAttribute VB_Name = "Form_Key_Factor Sub"fH" Bas0{C8E5216B-472E-4860-9C68-2363296D2EE3} |Global!sSpacIFalse dCreatablTru Predecl2aId"Ex0pose_TemplateDerivCust0omizD$Option Com2p@ DT  ` @ F@ `` H `` JP `` L `` N` `` P `` Rp `` T `` V `` X `` 8  %  B  (8P "h( (  (08 LVAL" "@HP Xh x "   "  (@ "HPX `p  "   "   0H "PX` hx   "   " ( 8P "X`h p  "(N8 (@Lh "      ( "0 8 @ H X h  "       "      0 "8 @ H P ` p  "       "      8 "@ H P X h x Xn 6 28 *p b , b8 , : , @ P` "hpx   "   " ( 0@ PhxxP  !%*/37;?CGKOT ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !  ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !  !  !     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BB@h|xfp Z!\A@>hXoPj@ BB@Bl(| j Z!\A@>lo(ot]Species_Report'v v z BB@x?||t Z!\A@>|poh !B@oHh BB@o( Attribute VB_Name = "Form_Species_BKP"  Bas0{81621EC0-B646-4B9F-8EE4-65B4F9EF4A09} |GlobalSpacAIFalse dCreatablTru PredeclaId"Expose_Templat@eDerivCustomizD$Option Comp@ DT  Kbod7DAFim stDoc2Sp@  <:: XFp `p D08H PBh  "  0 $8`p   "   " 0HXx]]] !'ic n  0 'd     $    $'kPMsgBox strOutputLH   'd    $    $'k8MsgBox strInput & ":" & strOutput & ":" & strOutputFinal]]]#C:\Data\CWCS_Images\Species_Images\ .bmp'"C:\Data\CWCS_Images\Ecobasin_Maps\ .bmp'LhC:\Data\CWCS_Images\EOR_Maps\ _eo.bmp' $~N5C:\Data\CWCS_Images\Species_Images\NoPicAvailable.bmp !(d@  !(k( !!dAquatic Crayfish Report !!dAquatic Fish Report !!dAquatic/Terrestrial Fish Report !( !(dx !( !( !( !(k0 $~4C:\Data\CWCS_Images\Ecobasin_Maps\nopicavailable.bmp !(.aid  !(k $~?2C:\Data\CWCS_Images\EOR_Maps\NoPicAvailable_eo.BMP !(dH  !(k0o(( !Habitats !(? !(dF !(k !Conservatio- LVAL= n Actions !(? !( !(dF !( !(k@ !Problems Facedai !(kooX "! (1? "! (oAttribute VB_Name = "Report_Aqua@tic" Bas0{20046E17-C249-42D7-8D39-09AFF1DB5D47} |GlobaBlSpacFalse dCre atablTru PredecdlaId"E`xpose_TemplateDerivCus`tomizD$Option Codmp@ DT  P(, Sub GroupHeader0_Format(Cancel As Integer, Count ) Dim s@trInpu Sng Out pFina4%= Me.ScientificB~A/` If% ( , " ")Y0 Then o =(ECBs LeftIn- 1) _& Righ Len) -R*MC#nd4'MsgBox,/==F=V>>N >E?XV?E ??E@ E>@D >C& ":" &?!`,ACDQSpeFsPic!U@8iQEc`{sin(MapO G% @C:\i\CWCS_Images\$ 0.bmp@ 4 E_s\ U OR_eo$ @LDirWg9j""k`rB59.+tur"_"\NoAvail!Qr .DBLabel93.Text~" Crayfish " Or F_$ /Terrei#`img;.VisiÄ84o&!g He` 4320 f 90`pah'@?hM@o0XnIndicate data source, expert opinion, and/or methods used to support the link of indicators to the Key Factor.A@>4$>o Define quantitative range of indicator that would result in a poor outcome for the target. Outcomes within this range would pose serious risks to continued community function within national forest landscapes and to species viability within the plan areaLVAL* .A@>o&Define quantitative range of indicator that would result in a fair outcome for the target. Outcomes within this range would provide for some landscape function of communities and at least short term persistence of a species, but puts in doubt long-term community function or species viability.A@>o``Define quantitative range of indicator that would result in long-term maintenance of the target.A@>oXDefine quantitative range of indicator that would result in a very good outcome for the target. Outcomes within this range would lead to increasing abundance of the target.A@>oIdentify literature citation(s), expert opinion, and/or other analysis used to support the outcome levels that indicate poor, fair, good, and very good conditions.A@>ohFRank reliability of the source(s) used to assign the indicator levels.A@>o7Enter current indicator level using the drop-down menu.A@>(o(;Enter the exact quantitative value for indicator, if known.A@>opDRank reliability of the source(s) used to assign the current status.A@>opIdentify literature citation(s), expert opinion, and/or analysis processes used to determine each of the predicted statuses. When available, enter the actual predicted indicator values for each alternative.A@>o ]Enter the predicted status of the target under each of the Management Direction alternatives.A@>oxIndicators are measures of the status of the Key Factor. There may be more than one Indicator per Key Factor. Indicators: 1) must quantitatively measure the key factor; 2) current status of the indicator must be derivable from existing information; 3) plan direction will be stated in terms of the indicator (or sometimes the key factor), 4) future status of the indicator must be predicted using analysis tools, 5) should be feasible to monitor during plan implementation.A@>oHIdentify literature citation(s), expert opinion, and/or analysis processes used to determine predicted status of the indicator for each Management Alternative. Where needed, describe rationale for approach.A@>NNoX(Identify literature citation(s), expert opinion, and/or analysis processes used to determine current status of the indicator. Where needed, describe rationale for approach. Indicate specific current indicator level.A@>no`P BB@Bien8|0( Z!\A@>.oCompare current status with desired status (usually 'good' or 'very good'). Enter the management goal required to assure target viability.A@>so`0 BB@ton  BB@s, o( Attribute VB_Name = "Form_Ecobasin Indicator Sub"fh" Basl0{C40AA291-2566-4283-B54E-A1851146E452R} |Glhl{SpacIFalse dCreataDblTru Predecla Id"Expo se_TemplateDerivCustom izD$Option Comp@ DT  <licit < P/3ma@nd47_Ck() MsgBox ("Enter descri/of the."End%,8,e dS source, expert opin2, %/|methods uANto s0uppo A"li(nk @%is @AKey Fac) )9)Define quantitat@e rangeDat would resultB a po/oputcoNtarget. Os with; sA souisk6dco"nu@munity fu,ncBn@*onal est lRscapesTHspeciviabilF!e n a`w 50MMfair &i&rovideaK /$/F' # 8lea%shbKerm Qsisten @a &, puts=doub`,ong-er5~Ringdrop-down menuivLm56Dm exa]valuC , if c27'rld6On ErrP&GoTo_paEE P DoCmd.Clo@xit:Eu_.DRO@U6Y("Cްompare current status with desiredL(usually 'good' or 'very ). Enter the managemgoal requto assutarget viability.") End Sub Private Form_Load(#DoCmd.RQ{)GoToRecord ,acNew ULVALUR, mFxME(S<S<S<<N0{93C65572-FC4C-4C77-A6A6-142A2E70BF32} (X.ipxi`````` ipi Xip8i ip %XR "   ( 8PXH`    H 8  >@  <: F0x B  "   (@P`x $ (8 @ " H P " X`x x]]] !'   'd     $    $'kPMsgBox strOutput  P 'd    $    $'k8MsgBox strInput & ":" & strOutput & ":" & strOutputFinal]]]#C:\Data\CWCS_Images\Species_Images\ .bmp'C:\Data\CWCS_Images\EOR_Maps\ _eo.bmp' likel $~lectio5C:\Data\CWCS_Images\Species_Images\NoPicAvailable.bmp !(asd  !(kh $~P2C:\Data\CWCS_Images\EOR_Maps\NoPicAvailable_eo.BMP !(Explord  !(ko( !Habitats !(ed !(y dF !(ies.k !Conservation Actionsox i !(is !(ie !(dF !( !(k !Problems Faced !(kooX "! ( "! (oh`Attribute VB_Name = "Report_Muss el" Bas0{93C65572-FC4C-4C77-A6A6-142A2E70BF32} |Global!SpacFalse dCreatablTru Predecl2aId"Ex0pose_TemplateDerivCust0omizD$Option Com2p@ DT P(, Sub GroupHeader0_Format(Cancel As Integer, A Count ) Dim strInpu SDng Out F8ina4%= Me.Scien`tific~A/ If% ( @, " ")Y0c LVALs Then =(EBs! 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End If=Sub  LVAL*BIxME(S<S<S<<N0{46E5E60C-CFB4-45F7-8B6E-41F370CA09E3} ` p %Ppp " 0 8 ,X &  , " 8 HxDim ReportSource As String]XDim strQuery As String%ReportSource = Me.cmbReport.Column(0)x !%'P MsgBox ReportSource & ReportNameS   BB@xse_&ReportName.RecordSource = ReportSource $RunCommand acCmdPrintPreview'oAttribute VB_Name = "Form_Report Selecti on" Bas0{46E5E60C-CFB4-45F7-8B6E-41F370CA09E3} |Global!SpacIFalse dCreatablTru Predecl2aId"Ex0pose_TemplateDerivCust0omizD$OpA Comp@ DT PC&* Submand2_Click() 'Dim SouBrAs Snxg Ȉ strQuery  (&= Me.cmb .Column(0>,1('MsgBtox(&A1DoCmd.OpenC, acViewhvD=.Record?=D 'RunVN@TntJa End @YLVAL'VR7 B I xME(S<S<S<<N0{FEFF770E-210A-4DB6-A305-D7E714E9E668} HX J T `  \ Lh N ^ `p    x P ( nip r`v h ~ 8ip `v`   p%Ppp ",H "PHX "f " ( "\H "PLX "L "h "B "D0 "8(@h"px    "   ( 0"8@ HX x  " LVALs      "  "  ( 0H `h px  "0 " "  "  (0 8P hp x  "  "xp Record species' scientific name.A@>Ido0X<Indicate taxa using the values listed in the drop down menu.A@>oXYIndicate the classification of the species using the values listed in the drop down menu.A@>oCheck the checkbox if the species is on the US Fish and Wildlife Service's list of Birds of Conservation Concern for the relevant bird conservation region(s).A@>o `PCheck the checkbox if the species is a likely candidate for selection as an MIS.A@>ges\o?Record latest Global Rank as indicated on NatureServe Explorer.A@>oP?Record latest State Rank as indicated on NatureServe Explorer.A@> oh\Record any other comments that need to be documented, including any threats to this species.A@>ox6Click the checkbox if the species is a demand species.A@>(o 8Click the checkbox if the species is an endemic species.A@>opRecord species' common name.A@>ob  BB@d`|XbP Z!\A@>d8o0       BB@| Z!\A@>oxf !B@    BB@h|xfp Z!\A@>hXoPj@ BB@Bl(| j Z!\A@>lo(ot]Report Selection'v v  BB@D||t Z!\A@>|pohEcobasin Indicator Data Entry  BB@Do(h !B@o BB@o8]] Habitat_Entry'v v  BB@D| Z!\A@>ho`oP !B@o0(Attribute VB_Name = "Form_Species" Bas0{FEFF770E-210A-4DB6-A305-D7E714E9E668} |GlobalSpacFalse dCreatablTru PredeclaId"Expose_TemplateDerivCustomizD$Option Comp@ DT  2xjDSc reen.vious]trol.SetFocusS#Edit10O %OJ[OOY+OO2tOEDGClA[ 3List60_B"e@qeUpq(Ca0|l As Integer`7ߑ>Kbod7DAFim stDocS0ngReportyPleR{"JO8pen;:Normal LVALBTR: Q^xME(S<S<S<<N0{247FF317-296D-49A7-A349-5DC36F3CA35D}@ *@, @. @0 @2 @4 @6 F@ H J LH N P RP T ^ 0H% O "&@@" " $@ X ` "hp "~ "^ " "n  "(V0 "h"px      ",^` hxxp]Xp7Have you checked the drop-down menu for the target yet?', 8 : < '.Wait!'0 Define title.H , . 0 2 4$>'6 6 @ User chose Yes. BB@BConservation_Target BB@Dd User chose No.koIndicate data source, expert opinion, and/or methods used to analyze this species within the context of this Conservation Target.A@>o@rEnter how well the habitat thresholds address the specific needs of this species. Select from the drop down menu.A@>ohRIndicate data source(s) or expert opinion used to come up with Species Need entry.A@>oUse the drop-down menu to assess how well the needs of the species are reflected by the thresholds for the Conservation Target.A@>oXHbIndicate data source(s), expert opinion, and/or methods used to justify the Umbrella Status entry.A@>oIIndicate the importance of each conservation target to species viability.A@> JopUsing the drop-down menu, select Conservation Targets for the Species. Multiple targets can be entered. Targets cb LVALr an be the species itself, communities, habitats, or specific habitat elements.A@> oPV BB@B !MXh|`VX Z!\A@>X@o8 !`Species needs to be a targetRDon't forget to enter this species as a Conservation Target and link it to itself.A@>koAttribute VB_Name = "Form_Species_and_Habitats subfp" Basp0{247FF317-296D-49A7-A349-5DC36F3CA35D} |Global}SpacI False dCr@eatablTru PredeclaId"Expose_Template DerivCustomizD$Option Comp@ DT  '6 6 @ User chose Yes. BB@BConservation_Target BB@Dd User chose No.koIndicate data source, expert opinion, and/or methods used to analyze this species within the context of this Conservation Target.A@>o@rEnter how well the habitat thresholds address the specific needs of this species. Select from the drop down menu.A@>ohRIndicate data source(s) or expert opinion used to come up with Species Need entry.A@>oUse the drop-down menu to assess how well the needs of the species are reflected by the thresholds for the Conservation Target.A@>oXHbIndicate data source(s), expert opinion, and/or methods used to justify the Umbrella Status entry.A@>?oIIndicate the importance of each conservation target to species viability.A@>opUsing the drop-down menu, select Conservation Targets for the Species. Multiple targets can be entered. Targets c_ LVALo an be the species itself, communities, habitats, or specific habitat elements.A@>oPV BB@Bi.iXh|`VX Z!\A@>X@o8 !`Species needs to be a targetRDon't forget to enter this species as a Conservation Target and link it to itself.A@>koAttribute VB_Name = "Form_Species_And_Management _subfx" " Bast0{B3CB91A6-BC93-4A84-AA20-BA547141 A12C} |GlobalSpacIFalse dCreatablTru Pre declaId"Expose_TemplateDerivCustomizD$Option Comp@ D3T  o0XnIndicate data source, expert opinion, and/or methods used to support the link of indicators to the Key Factor.A@>Ao Define quantitative range of indicator that would result in a poor outcome for the target. Outcomes within this range would pose serious risks to continued community function within national forest landscapes and to species viability within the plan areaLVALB .A@>o&Define quantitative range of indicator that would result in a fair outcome for the target. Outcomes within this range would provide for some landscape function of communities and at least short term persistence of a species, but puts in doubt long-term community function or species viability.A@>o``Define quantitative range of indicator that would result in long-term maintenance of the target.A@>XoXDefine quantitative range of indicator that would result in a very good outcome for the target. Outcomes within this range would lead to increasing abundance of the target.A@>oIdentify literature citation(s), expert opinion, and/or other analysis used to support the outcome levels that indicate poor, fair, good, and very good conditions.A@>ohFRank reliability of the source(s) used to assign the indicator levels.A@>o7Enter current indicator level using the drop-down menu.A@>(o(;Enter the exact quantitative value for indicator, if known.A@>opDRank reliability of the source(s) used to assign the current status.A@>opIdentify literature citation(s), expert opinion, and/or analysis processes used to determine each of the predicted statuses. When available, enter the actual predicted indicator values for each alternative.A@>o ]Enter the predicted status of the target under each of the Management Direction alternatives.A@>oxIndicators are measures of the status of the Key Factor. There may be more than one Indicator per Key Factor. Indicators: 1) must quantitatively measure the key factor; 2) current status of the indicator must be derivable from existing information; 3) plan direction will be stated in terms of the indicator (or sometimes the key factor), 4) future status of the indicator must be predicted using analysis tools, 5) should be feasible to monitor during plan implementation.A@>oHIdentify literature citation(s), expert opinion, and/or analysis processes used to determine predicted status of the indicator for each Management Alternative. Where needed, describe rationale for approach.A@>oX(Identify literature citation(s), expert opinion, and/or analysis processes used to determine current status of the indicator. Where needed, describe rationale for approach. Indicate specific current indicator level.A@>o`P BB@B8|0( Z!\A@>oCompare current status with desired status (usually 'good' or 'very good'). Enter the management goal required to assure target viability.A@>o`0 BB@  BB@o( Attribute VB_Name = "Form_Indicator SubfD" Bas0{8F5E55F6-A8D7-4E31-89D0-33C1130FDF83} |GlobalSpacIFalse dCreatablTru PredeclaId"Expose_TemplateDerivCustomizD$Option Comp@ DT  o`X0Enter the definition of the conservation target.A@>oxEnter Conservation Target name. Targets can be individual species, communities, habitats, or specific habitat elements.A@>~oXIndicate data source, expert opinion, and/or methods used to define Conservation Target.A@>@o`     BB@h|`X Z!\A@>@o8(  BB@|8 Z!\A@> o !B@    BB@| Z!\A@>oh BB@Bx|ph Z!\A@>PoH@Attribute VB_Name = "Form_Habitat_Entry"D Bas0{F13F76E4-9496-49F7-8951-3923E8A@7104C} |G lobalSpacIFalse dCreatab"lTru Pr@edeclaId"Expose_TemplateDerivCustomizD$Optio@n Comp@ fDT  ?@A B!C"D#E$F%G&H'I(J)K*L+M,N-O.P/Q0R1S2T3UVWXYZ[\]^ _ ` a b cdefghijklmnopqrstu v!w"x#y$z%{&|'}(~)*+,-./012########## # # # # ################### #!#"###$#%#&#'#(#)#*#+#,#-#.#/#0#1#2#3#4#5                        > ? @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R SZ@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@&###          > R S ? @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q&'&- &3&8&>&D#&I(&N-&S2&Y&]&a &g&m&r&w"&|'&,&2&#&# &#&#&#'(')'* '+ ', -. -/-0-1-234353637898:8;8<8=>?>@>A >B!>C"DE$DF%DG&DH'IJ)IK*IL+IM,NO.NP/NQ0NR1ST3SUSVSWSXYZY[Y\Y ]^ ]_ ]` ] ab acadaeafghgigjgkglmnmompmqrsrtru rv!r wx#wy$wz%w{&|}(|~)|*|+| -./01######### # # # ######(#-#2    ########## #!#"#$#%#&#'#)#*#+#,#.#/#0#1#3#4#5      @ @    @@@   @ @  @@@  @@@ @@@ @@ @@@ @ @ @@@@M`OLJik#Mokmd`Uidofk  OJmJJMMQkkfJUQk  OJmJLJkQk Sdi`kY`QukfQMk  `dOo^Qk#`kvkJMMQkkkmdiJUQ+iddmfidfOJmJ iQfdimk#kMiYfmk qLJ`kvkJMMQkkkmdiJUQ+kMiJmMWJMQkkqLJOJmJ >qLJfid[QMmfid[QMm Sfid[QMms` RqLJ+qLJ+fid[QMm POLiYJi+ddfmQxOvbY\uLU^Jdmb`O COYi QQ^JkUxUudq\^bOJMfqmxSUhoSYSL BSJhoO^LUdfQJmOMYoJko[ofkOqQU FS^b\LbWQfuvLqOSvvkQWL`[UmQ[\ GUkb[\Sbhmfd[oOSi\OLh\`O^qdiW J[UsOLY^hbQbvhOSi`sSuYJbWYmbQ E[i`xSsOufqQvuOfso\JO+JbLvoJS HbssOk\QWWOoYxO\hb[LxQULWmkOS DdUfMUMLYSbJdfOks`vsu[umi^vbS MiJqSodMk[ks`dOLu`qYUMYsmQimM Ik^ikf`QQJ^^YWQUQ^xhOWsiuUoh^ OmmMkMfYi[Wf\UQukkMsS[`s[fxob Nsfb[xq\WJMYYSQfLhJ^o+hQbsJ\[ AvM^b[dSMfdofbOL^[^YOSkqJ\^h[ Lv`\bhkU`Odq^SQks[L[dUMLbSkbb KvmMQmYSokqmiuO[u\bhsMUmxuLq` @vsfYhJS[UsQQoOOOm[iSQLbfLisM ?&6&8 &86&88 &8:&8<&8>&8@"&8B'&8D,&8F2&8H#&:&:6# &<&>&@#&B(&D-&F2&H&OYiOJmJ#&fidfOJmJ#&fidfOJmJMdfv#'L^dL'L^dLOQ^mJ 'fidfOJmJ'fidfOJmJMdfv 'mvfQYbSd -L^dL -L^dLOQ^mJ-fidfOJmJ-fidfOJmJMdfv-mvfQYbSd3L^dL3L^dLOQ^mJ3fidfOJmJ3mvfQYbSd8L^dL8L^dLOQ^mJ8fidfOJmJ8fidfOJmJMdfv8mvfQYbSd>L^dL>L^dLOQ^mJ!>fidfOJmJ>fidfOJmJMdfv">mvfQYbSd DL^dL$DL^dLOQ^mJ'DfidfOJmJ%DmvfQYbSd&IL^dL)IL^dLOQ^mJ,IfidfOJmJ*ImvfQYbSd+NL^dL.NL^dLOQ^mJ1NfidfOJmJ/NmvfQYbSd0SL^dL3SL^dLOQ^mJSfidfOJmJSfidfOJmJMdfvSmvfQYbSdYL^dLYL^dLOQ^mJ YfidfOJmJYmvfQYbSd]L^dL ]L^dLOQ^mJ ]fidfOJmJ ]mvfQYbSd aL^dL aL^dLOQ^mJafidfOJmJafidfOJmJMdfvamvfQYbSdgL^dLgL^dLOQ^mJgfidfOJmJgfidfOJmJMdfvgmvfQYbSdmL^dLmL^dLOQ^mJmfidfOJmJmmvfQYbSdrL^dLrL^dLOQ^mJ rfidfOJmJrfidfOJmJMdfv!rmvfQYbSd wL^dL#wL^dLOQ^mJ&wfidfOJmJ$wmvfQYbSd%|L^dL(|L^dLOQ^mJ |fidfOJmJ)|fidfOJmJMdfv+|mvfQYbSd*L^dL-L^dLOQ^mJ0fidfOJmJ.fidfOJmJMdfv1mvfQYbSd/L^dL#L^dLOQ^mJ#fidfOJmJ#mvfQYbSd#L^dL#L^dLOQ^mJ#fidfOJmJ#mvfQYbSd#L^dL# L^dLOQ^mJ# fidfOJmJ# mvfQYbSd# 6#8#88#(8>#-8F#2:#F##OYiOJmJ OYiOJmJMdfv fidfOJmJ fidfOJmJMdfv L^dL#L^dLOQ^mJ#fidfOJmJ#mvfQYbSd#L^dL#L^dLOQ^mJ#fidfOJmJ#mvfQYbSd#L^dL#L^dLOQ^mJ#"fidfOJmJ# mvfQYbSd#!L^dL#$L^dLOQ^mJ#'fidfOJmJ#%mvfQYbSd#&L^dL#)L^dLOQ^mJ#,fidfOJmJ#*mvfQYbSd#+L^dL#.L^dLOQ^mJ#1fidfOJmJ#/mvfQYbSd#0L^dL#3L^dLOQ^mJ fidfOJmJ#4mvfQYbSd#56 OYiOJmJ  L^dL   6#8#88#(8>#-8F#2:#F##OYiOJmJ OYiOJmJMdfv fidfOJmJ fidfOJmJMdfv L^dL#L^dLOQ^mJ#fidfOJmJ#mvfQYbSd#S YqsNH H Y  Y Y  Y  Y  Y Id LValueObjectGuidObjectNameProperty ValueH I H J H K YYYId$ObjectGuidProperty$ObjectNamePropertyH Hv1bH H H  G  G  G  qYNM M Y Y  Y Y Y Y Y Y AttributesDataTypeFieldNameIndexTypeSkipColumn SpecID Start Widthc_tM N M O YY Index1PrimaryKeyv1H H @ L  L  YEN  Q Q Y Y Y Y  Y  Y Y Y   Y  Y  Y    Y    Y  DateDelim"DateFourDigitYear DateLeadingZerosDateOrderDecimalPointFieldSeparatorFileType SpecIDSpecNameSpecTypeStartRowTextDelimTimeDelim_ueeQ R nfYPrimaryKeyv1P  P Y9 9NT T Y Y  Y  Y Y GUIDIdNameNameMapTypeT v1P P P @ LVAL Q 0D_SF=] .@Indicator<]JpA//QExpr1\ 2G`#_SF=]  $w/Indicator_Description#S +>3 e i  T G R 1X1oB[ z/EO )L Bird Report A-D 0QFB6LkcLv"e5ѕ Scores_By_Taxad 0QD@4?!CA S_Rank_LUT, 0Q<8,Re^nC,4 G_Rank_LUT, 0Q<8,;j DyhE Species~ 0Q62&w'iO'F߭. 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Mussel_Description FROM Species INNER JOIN Aquatic_Habitat_Translated ON Species.ID = Aquatic_Habitat_Translated.Species_ID Where taxa = "Mussel" AND [Terrestrial or Aquatic] = "Aquatic" UNION ALL SELECT Species.Common_Name, Species.Scientific_Name, Species.Taxa, Species.[Terrestrial or Aquatic], Species.S_Rank, Species.G_Rank, Species.Comments, Species.Boston_Mountains, Species.Arkansas_Valley, Species.Ouachitas, Species.South_Central_Plains, Species.Mississippi_Alluvial_Plains, Species.Mississippi_Valley_Loess_Plains, Species.Ozarks, Species.Federal_Status, Species.Class, [Species].[Order], Species.Family, Species.Residence, "Ecobasins" as Element_Name, Ecobasin as Element, "" as Category, "" as Weight, Population_Trend, "1" as PageOrder, team,Mussel_Host_Fish, Mussel_Substrate, Mussel_Description FROM Species INNER JOIN Ecobasin ON Species.ID = Ecobasin.Species_ID Where taxa = "Mussel" AND [Terrestrial or Aquatic] = "Aquatic" UNION ALL SELECT Species.Common_Name, Species.Scientific_Name, Species.Taxa, Species.[Terrestrial or Aquatic], Species.S_Rank, Species.G_Rank, Species.Comments, Species.Boston_Mountains, Species.Arkansas_Valley, Species.Ouachitas, Species.South_Central_PlaiLVAL ns, Species.Mississippi_Alluvial_Plains, Species.Mississippi_Valley_Loess_Plains, Species.Ozarks, Species.Federal_Status, Species.Class, [Species].[Order], Species.Family, Species.Residence, "Problems Faced" as Element_Name,"Threat: " & Aquatic_Threats_And_Sources.Threat & (Chr(13) & Chr(10)) & "Source: " & Aquatic_Threats_And_Sources.Source as Element, "" as Category, "" as Weight, Population_Trend, "3" as PageOrder,team,Mussel_Host_Fish, Mussel_Substrate, Mussel_Description FROM Species INNER JOIN Aquatic_Threats_And_Sources ON Species.ID = Aquatic_Threats_And_Sources.Species_ID Where taxa = "Mussel" AND [Terrestrial or Aquatic] = "Aquatic" UNION ALL SELECT Species.Common_Name, Species.Scientific_Name, Species.Taxa, Species.[Terrestrial or Aquatic], Species.S_Rank, Species.G_Rank, Species.Comments, Species.Boston_Mountains, Species.Arkansas_Valley, Species.Ouachitas, Species.South_Central_Plains, Species.Mississippi_Alluvial_Plains, Species.Mississippi_Valley_Loess_Plains, Species.Ozarks, Species.Federal_Status, Species.Class, [Species].[Order], Species.Family, Species.Residence, "Data Gaps/Research Needs" as Element_Name, Data_Gaps.Data_Gaps as Element, "" as Category, "" as Weight, Population_Trend, "4" as PageOrder,team,Mussel_Host_Fish, Mussel_Substrate, Mussel_Description FROM Species INNER JOIN Data_Gaps ON Species.ID = Data_Gaps.Species_ID Where taxa = "Mussel" AND [Terrestrial or Aquatic] = "Aquatic" UNION ALL SELECT Species.Common_Name, Species.Scientific_Name, Species.Taxa, Species.[Terrestrial or Aquatic], Species.S_Rank, Species.G_Rank, Species.Comments, Species.Boston_Mountains, Species.Arkansas_Valley, Species.Ouachitas, Species.South_Central_Plains, Species.Mississippi_Alluvial_Plains, Species.Mississippi_Valley_Loess_Plains, Species.Ozarks, Species.Federal_Status, Species.Class, [Species].[Order], Species.Family, Species.Residence, "Conservation Actions" as Element_Name, Conservation_Actions.Conservation_Actions as Element, Conservation_Actions.CA_Category as Category,  LVAL Conservation_Actions.Importance as Weight, Population_Trend, "5" as PageOrder,team,Mussel_Host_Fish, Mussel_Substrate, Mussel_Description FROM Species INNER JOIN Conservation_Actions on Species.ID = Conservation_Actions.Species_ID Where taxa = "Mussel" AND [Terrestrial or Aquatic] = "Aquatic" LVAL FJTerrestrial_Amphibian_Query_For_Report.S_RankTerrestrial_Amphibian_Query_For_Report.[Terrestrial or Aquatic]Terrestrial_Amphibian_Query_For_Report.TaxaTerrestrial_Amphibian_Query_For_Report.Scientific_NameTerrestrial_Amphibian_Query_For_Report.Common_NameSpecies.ID = Species_and_Habitats.Species_IDWeights_LUT.Weight = Species_and_Habitats.WeightSELECT Species.Common_Name, Species.Scientific_Name, Species.Taxa, Species.[Terrestrial or Aquatic], Species.S_Rank, Species.G_Rank, Species.Comments, Species.Boston_Mountains, Species.Arkansas_Valley, Species.Ouachitas, Species.South_Central_Plains, Species.Mississippi_Alluvial_Plains, Species.Mississippi_Valley_Loess_Plains, Species.Ozarks, Species.Federal_Status, Species.Class, [Species].[Order], Species.Family, Species.Residence, "Monitoring Strategies" as Element_Name, Monitoring.Monitoring_Strategy as Element, Monitoring.Monitoring_Category as Category, "" as Weight, Population_Trend, "7" as PageOrder,team FROM Species INNER JOIN Monitoring ON Species.ID = Monitoring.Species_ID Where taxa = "Amphibian" AND [Terrestrial or Aquatic] = "Semi-Aquatic"SELECT Species.Common_Name, Species.Scientific_Name, Species.Taxa, Species.[Terrestrial or Aquatic], Species.S_Rank, Species.G_Rank, Species.Comments, Species.Boston_Mountains, Species.Arkansas_Valley, Species.Ouachitas, Species.South_Central_Plains, Species.Mississippi_Alluvial_Plains, Species.Mississippi_Valley_Loess_Plains, Species.Ozarks, Species.Federal_Status, Species.Class, [Species].[Order], Species.Family, Species.Residence, "Monitoring Strategies" as Element_Name, Monitoring.Monitoring_Strategy as Element, Monitoring.Monitoring_Category as Category, "" as Weight, Population_Trend, "6" as PageOrder,team,Mussel_Host_Fish, Mussel_Substrate, Mussel_Description FROM Species INNER JOIN Monitoring ON Species.ID = Monitoring.Species_ID Where taxa = "Mussel" AND [Terrestrial or Aquatic] = "Aquatic"YVN  Y  Y  Y Y Object NameObject TypeFailure ReasonTimedv  E@ @  @ @  @  @  @ @@  @@ @  @@LYiOiQfdimJO;BLYiOiQfdimQd;BLYiOiQfdimfx;BLYiO+hoQivBMJ+MJmQUdiv+^omBMYmJmYdbkBMdbkQiqJmYdbJMmYdbkMdiQkBMdbkQiqJmYdb+JMmYdbkBOJmJ+UJfkBQMdLJkYbBQMdLJkYbMidkksJ^\BQMdLJkYbYbOYMJmdiBQMdLJkYbkMdiQkBQMdLJkYb+^omBQMdiQUYdbkMdiQkBS+FHB:@@8FQD@Q>JL:HBL@FL>:6:MLD>FH+OJmJBSYbO^YbQSQQOkB 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u#Ju;  @LVALQ EMBEDDED: These systems are usually small, isolated, and/or disjunct and are often "embedded" in a larger habitat matrix. These systems rely heavily on surrounding and/or adjacent habitats for landscape scale functions and processes such as fire. CES202.689 CENTRAL INTERIOR ACIDIC CLIFF AND TALUS Division 202, Barren Spatial Scale & Pattern: Small Patch Classification Confidence: medium Required Classifiers: Natural/Semi-natural, Non-vegetated (<10% vasc.), Upland Non-Diagnostic Classifiers: Cliff (Landform), Talus (Landform), Acidic Soil Concept Summary: This system is found primarily in the Interior Highlands including the Ozark, Ouachita, and Interior Low Plateau ecoregions. Sandstone outcrops and talus ranging from moist to dry typify this system. It is typically sparsely vegetated, however, on moister sites with more soil development several fern species and sedges (~Carex$ spp.) can establish. Wind and water erosion are the major dynamics influencing this system. DISTRIBUTION/Range: This system is found primarily in the Interior Highlands including the Ozark, Ouachita, and Interior Low Plateau ecoregions. Ecological Divisions: 202 TNC Ecoregions: 38:C, 39:C, 44:C Subnations/Nations: AR:c, IL:c, IN:c, KY:c, MO:c, TN:c CONCEPT/Associations: " (Carex interior, Carex lurida) - Carex leptalea - Parnassia grandifolia - Rhynchospora capillacea Herbaceous Vegetation (L, G2G3, Ozark Fen, CEGL002404) " (Ribes cynosbati) / Deschampsia flexuosa - Dryopteris marginalis - Dennstaedtia punctilobula Herbaceous Vegetation (G2?, CEGL007820) " Chert Ozark Dry Cliff Sparse Vegetation (G3?, Ozark Dry Chert Cliff, CEGL002285) " Chert Ozark Moist Cliff Sparse Vegetation (G2G3, Ozark Moist Chert Cliff, CEGL002288) " Igneous Ozark Dry Cliff Sparse Vegetation (G4, Ozark Dry Igneous Cliff, CEGL002286) " Igneous Ozark Moist Cliff Sparse Vegetation (G4Q, Ozark Moist Igneous Cliff, CEGL002289) " Igneous Ozark Talus Sparse Vegetation (G4, Ozark Igneous Talus, CEGL005203) " Osmunda cinnamomea -` LVALp Rhynchospora capitellata - Heuchera parviflora var. puberula - Xyris jupicai Herbaceous Vegetation (G1Q, Ozark Sandstone Vertical Seep, CEGL007837) " Sandstone Dry Cliff Sparse Vegetation (G4G5, Midwest Dry Sandstone Cliff, CEGL002045) " Sandstone Interior Highlands Talus Sparse Vegetation (G4G5, Interior Highlands Sandstone Talus, CEGL002309) " Sandstone Midwest Moist Cliff Sparse Vegetation (G4G5, Midwest Moist Sandstone Cliff, CEGL002287) SOURCES Last updated: 07 Mar 2003 Stakeholders: MCS, ECS, SCS Concept Author: S. Menard, T. Foti, R. Evans LeadResp: MCSLVAL T FWS Bald Eagle Recovery Plan; FWS Bald Eagle Management Plan. For citations, see the Species and Conservation Target table.(NatureServe, 2003) This system provides critical habitat for the following species of viability concern: Ringed Salamander, Mole Salamander, Ouachita Dusky Salamander, Many-ribbed Salamander, Four-toed Salamander, Rich Mountain Salamander, Sequoyah Slimy Salamander, Southern Lady's-Slipper, Dryopteris, Large-leaved Grass-of-Parnassus, A Corn-Salad. For citations, see the Species and Conservation Target table.(NatureServe, 2003) This system provides critical habitat for the following species of viability concern: Western Diamondback Rattlesnake, Timber Rattlesnake. For citations, see the Species and Conservation Target table.(NatureServe, 2003) This system provides critical habitat for the following species of viability concern: Mole Salamander, Caddo Mountain Salamander, Fourche Mountain Salamander, Kiamichi Mountain Salamander, Sequoyah Slimy Salamander, Southern Redback Salamander, Bachman's Sparrow, Chuck-will's-widow, Whip-poor-will, Northern Bobwhite, Prairie Warbler, American Kestrel, Bald Eagle, Worm-eating Warbler, Red-headed Woodpecker, Kentucky Warbler, Brown-headed Nuthatch, Bewick's Wren, White-eyed Vireo, Hooded Warbler, American Burying Beetle, Diana, Plains Spotted Skunk, Ouachita Leadplant, Waterfall's Sedge, Ozark Chinquapin, Shinners' Sunflower, Timber Rattlesnake, Southern Prairie Skink. For citations, see the Species and Conservation Target table.(NatureServe, 2003) This system provides critical habitat for the following species of viability concern: Diana, Rich Mountain Slitmouth, Eastern Small-Footed Bat, Plains Spotted Skunk, Ozark Chinquapin, Ouachita Bluet, Maple-leaved Oak, Ozark Spiderwort, Western Diamondback Rattlesnake, Timber Rattlesnake, Collared Lizard. For citations, see the Species and Conservation Target table. 1UV V  C p [  U JGm$Hr.Rw-T{wElliptio dilatataSpecies@ @ :."vCumberlandia monodontaSpecies@ <@ ?3'uLampsilis ornataSpecies@ $@ 9-!tLasmigona costataSpecies@ R@ :."sCyprogenia abertiSpecies@ *@ :."rAlasmidonta marginataSpecies@ @ >2&pNotropis perpallidusSpecies>@ t@ =1%oCrystallaria asprellaSpecies,@ @ >2&nNoturus tayloriSpecies\@ D@ 8, mEtheostoma parvipinneSpeciesF@ @ >2&lEtheostoma pallididorsumSpecies@ @ A5) kLythrurus snelsoniSpeciesT@ @ ;/#jNoturus lachneriSpeciesL@ " @ 9-!iPercina nasutaSpecies@ @ 7+hNocomis asperSpeciesD@ (@ 6*fNotropis ortenburgeriSpecies@ D@ >2&ePercina pantherinaSpecies@ @ ;/#]Procambarus reimeriSpecies<@ h@ <0$\Procambarus tenuisSpecies@ h@ ;/#[Fallicambarus strawniSpecies@ f@ >2&ZFallicambarus harpiSpeciesp@ h@ <0$YOrconectes menaeSpecies`@ h@ 9-!XOrconectes saxatilisSpecies`@ @ =1%WFallicambarus jeanaeSpecies*@ h@ =1%GHelianthus occidentalis spp. PlantagineusSpecies@ l@ RF:1FDelphinium newtonianumSpeciesx@ 8@ ?3'DEleocharis wolfii (Wolf spikerush)Species.@ d@ K?3*;Southern Arkansas Calcareous PrairieSystem Q@ L@4,4Large Diameter Hollow TreesHabitat Element @ @ L@4#3SnagsHabitat ElementDead standing trees.j@ L@ 2Large trees near waterHabitat Element@ @ G;//Seeps with Minimal Woody VegetationSystem&@ @ K?3+-Ouachita Ponds, Lakes and Water HolesSystem@ @ MA5-,Ouachita Rivers and StreamsSystem@ @ C7+#+Caves, Mines & Karst HabitatSystem@ @ D8,$"West Gulf Coastal Plain Wet Hardwood Flatwoods (Red Slough, OK)System Q@ g[OG West Gulf Coastal Plain Small Stream/River ForestSystem$ QH@ YMA9West Gulf Coastal Plain Pine-Hardwood Forest (Flatwoods)System" QN@ `TH@South-Central Interior Large FloodplainSystem6 Q2@ OC7/Ouachita Mesic Hardwood Forest and Guild HabitatSystem Qn@ XL@8Ouachita Dry-Mesic Oak ForestSystem QR@ E9-%Ouachita Dry Oak WoodlandSystemR QZ@ A5)!Ouachita RiparianSystem Q@ 9-!Central Interior Highlands Dry Acidic Glade and BarrensSystem$ QL@ _SG?Ouachita Novaculite Glade and WoodlandSystemJ" Q4@ NB6.Ouachita Mountain Forested SeepSystem  Q>@ G;/'Ouachita Montane Oak ForestSystem @ @ C7+#Ouachita Pine-Oak ForestSystem Q@ @4( Central Interior Acidic Cliff and TalusSystemt Q@ QE91LVALQ Pine, pine-oak, or oak-pine domintated closed canopy forests with minimal herbaceous groundcover. Exclusively the pine-oak forest component of CES202.313 OZARK-OUACHITA SHORTLEAF PINE-OAK FOREST AND WOODLAND including the native loblolly pine. Division 202, Forest and Woodland Spatial Scale & Pattern: Matrix Required Classifiers: Natural/Semi-natural, Vegetated (>10% vasc.), Upland Diagnostic Classifiers: Forest and Woodland (Treed), Short Disturbance Interval, Needle-Leaved Tree Concept Summary: This system represents forests and woodlands of the Ouachita and Ozark mountains region of Arkansas, adjacent Oklahoma, and southern Missouri in which ~Pinus echinata$ is an important or dominant component. Although examples of this system occur throughout this region, there is local variation in the extent to which they were present. For example, this system was historically prominent only in the southeastern part of the Ozark Highlands where sandstone derived soils were common (USFS 1999); being limited from other areas by inadequate winter precipitation, and non-conducive soils. In contrast, pine was "virtually ubiquitous in the historical forests of the Ouachitas" (USFS 1999). In nearly all cases (at least in the Ouachitas), ~Pinus echinata$ occurs with a variable mixture of hardwood species. The exact composition of the hardwoods is much more closely related to aspect and topographic factors than is the pine component (Dale and Ware 1999). In some examples of this system, the aggregate importance of hardwoods may be greater than pine, especially on subxeric and mesic sites (Dale and Ware 1999). DISTRIBUTION/Range: This system occurs in the Ouachita and Ozark mountains region of Arkansas, adjacent Oklahoma, and southern Missouri. Ecological Divisions: 202 TNC Ecoregions: 38:C, 39:C Subnations/Nations: AR:c, MO:c, OK:c CONCEPT/Associations: " Pinus echinata - Quercus (alba, rubra) / Vaccinium (arboreum, pallidum) / Schizachyrium scoparium - Chasmanthium sessiliflorum - Solidago LVALulmifolia Forest (G3G4, Interior Highlands Shortleaf Pine - Oak Dry-Mesic Forest, CEGL007489) " Pinus echinata - Quercus alba - Quercus falcata Forest (G3?Q, Ouachita Shortleaf Pine - Oak Forest, CEGL004444) " Pinus echinata - Quercus alba / Schizachyrium scoparium Woodland (G3G4, Shortleaf Pine - Oak Dry-Mesic Woodland, CEGL002394) " Pinus echinata - Quercus stellata - Quercus marilandica / Schizachyrium scoparium Woodland (G2G3, Ozark/Ouachita Shortleaf Pine - Oak Dry Woodland, CEGL002393) " Pinus echinata - Quercus velutina - Quercus stellata / Vaccinium spp. Forest (G3, Interior Highlands Shortleaf Pine - Black Oak Forest, CEGL002401) " Pinus echinata / Rock Outcrop Interior Highland Woodland (G2G3, Shortleaf Pine / Little Bluestem Woodland, CEGL002402) " Pinus echinata / Schizachyrium scoparium - Solidago ulmifolia - Monarda russeliana - Echinacea pallida Woodland (G1G2, Ouachita Shortleaf Pine Savannah, CEGL007815) " Pinus echinata / Vaccinium (arboreum, pallidum, stamineum) Forest (G3G4, Shortleaf Pine / Blueberry Forest, CEGL002400) " Pinus echinata Crowley's Ridge Forest [Provisional] (G3G4, CEGL007919) SOURCES/References: Dale and Ware 1999, USFS 1999 Last updated: 12 Dec 2002 Stakeholders: SCS Concept Author: T. Foti and R. Evans LeadResp: SCS0LVALZBThis Conservation Target encompasses all available subterranean habitat types within the influence of the Ouachita National Forest management activities. Caves refer to naturally occurring underground cavities, chambers, or series of chambers, especially ones with an opening in the side of a hill or mountain. Mines refer to man-made underground cavities, chambers, or series of chambers, especially ones with an opening in the side of a hill or mountain. There are no known occurrences of Karst habitat on the Ouachita NF.EMBEDDED: These systems are usually small, isolated, and/or disjunct and are often "embedded" in a larger habitat matrix. These systems rely heavily on surrounding and/or adjacent habitats for landscape scale functions and processes such as fire. CES202.306 OUACHITA MONTANE OAK FOREST Division 202, Forest and Woodland Spatial Scale & Pattern: Large Patch Required Classifiers: Natural/Semi-natural, Vegetated (>10% vasc.), Upland Diagnostic Classifiers: Montane, Forest and Woodland (Treed), Broad-Leaved Tree Concept Summary: This system represents hardwood forests of the highest elevations of the Ouachita Mountains, including Mount Magazine. Vegetation consists of either forests or open woodlands dominated by ~Quercus alba$ or ~Quercus stellata$. Canopy trees are often stunted due to the effects of ice, wind and cold conditions, in combination with fog, shallow soils over rock, and periodic severe drought. Some stands form almost impenetrable thickets. DISTRIBUTION/Ecological Divisions: 202 TNC Ecoregions: 39:C Subnations/Nations: AR:c CONCEPT/Associations: " Quercus alba / Carex pensylvanica - Carex ouachitana Dwarf Forest (H, G1, Ouachita Mountains Dwarf White Oak Forest, CEGL002433) " Quercus stellata - Quercus marilandica var. ashei Interior Highlands Scrub Woodland (H, G2, Post Oak Interior Highlands Scrub Woodland, CEGL003884) SOURCES/Last updated: 04 Dec 2002 Stakeholders: SCS Concept Author: T. Foti and R. Evans LeadResp: SCSLVALQ EMBEDDED: These systems are usually small, isolated, and/or disjunct and are often "embedded" in a larger habitat matrix. These systems rely heavily on surrounding and/or adjacent habitats for landscape scale functions and processes such as fire. CES202.321 OUACHITA MOUNTAIN FORESTED SEEP Division 202, Woody Wetland Spatial Scale & Pattern: Small Patch Required Classifiers: Natural/Semi-natural, Vegetated (>10% vasc.), Wetland Diagnostic Classifiers: Forest and Woodland (Treed), Seepage-Fed Sloping Non-Diagnostic Classifiers: Broad-Leaved Deciduous Tree Concept Summary: This system of forested seeps occurs in the Ouachita Mountains of central Arkansas. Examples may be found along the bottom slopes of smaller valleys where rock fractures allow water to seep out of the mountainsides and in the riparian zones of larger creeks, sometimes extending upslope along small ephemeral drainages. The soil remains saturated to very moist throughout the year. The vegetation is typically forested with highly variable canopy composition. ~Acer rubrum var. trilobum, Nyssa sylvatica, Liquidambar styraciflua$, and ~Quercus alba$ are common and typical. Other canopy species may include ~Fagus grandifolia$ and ~Magnolia tripetala$. Canopy coverage can be moderately dense to quite open. The subcanopy is often well-developed and characteristically includes ~Ilex opaca var. opaca, Magnolia tripetala, Carpinus caroliniana$, and ~Ostrya virginiana$. Comments: There are physiognomically and compositionally similar forested seep systems in the Appalachian Plateau that lack abundant, evergreen ericads and are apparently less sphagnous. Examples from the Ozarks (on sandstone) are apparently less species-rich and may be associated with more acidic substrates. DISTRIBUTION/Range: Endemic to the Ouachita Mountains of central Arkansas, possibly extending into adjacent Oklahoma. Ecological Divisions: 202 TNC Ecoregions: 39:C Subnations/Nations: AR:c, OK:? CONCEPT/Associations: " Acer rubrum - Fraxinu LVAL s pennsylvanica / Carex spp. / Climacium americanum Forest (GU, Red Maple Forested Seep, CEGL002407) " Acer rubrum var. trilobum - Liquidambar styraciflua - Magnolia tripetala / Osmunda regalis - (Cypripedium kentuckiense) Forest (G3?, Ouachita Mountains Acid Forested Seep, CEGL007444) " Acer rubrum var. trilobum - Nyssa sylvatica / Rhexia mariana var. interior Forest (G2?, Sandstone Seepage Forest/Woodland, CEGL007822) SPATIAL CHARACTERISTICS Spatial Summary: Many are less than one hectare in area, but riparian seeps are often much larger. SOURCES Last updated: 12 Dec 2002 Stakeholders: SCS Concept Author: T. Foti and R. Evans LeadResp: SCSLVALQ EMBEDDED: These systems are usually small, isolated, and/or disjunct and are often "embedded" in a larger habitat matrix. These systems rely heavily on surrounding and/or adjacent habitats for landscape scale functions and processes such as fire. CES202.314 OUACHITA NOVACULITE GLADE AND WOODLAND Division 202, Steppe/Savanna Spatial Scale & Pattern: Small Patch Required Classifiers: Natural/Semi-natural, Vegetated (>10% vasc.), Upland Diagnostic Classifiers: Woody-Herbaceous, Rock Outcrops/Barrens/Glades Concept Summary: This system represents a mosaic of glades and woodlands found on novaculite geology in the central Ouachita Mountains of western Arkansas. Novaculite is a weakly metamorphosed rock of sedimentary origin that is primarily composed of microcrystalline quartz and chalcedony. Examples of this system generally occupy ridgetops at 450-640 m (1476-2100 feet) elevation. They are a mosaic of small woodlands scattered on ridges and upper slopes with outcrops and patches of talus scattered throughout. Some woodland or forest patches may appear as almost linear strips interspersed with grassy openings. Wooded patches have a variable, often patchy, structure with some areas of dense canopy interspersed with more open canopies and open grassy patches. In general, the grassy openings occur on shallow soils with exposed bedrock, while the woodlands occur on somewhat deeper soils. In all cases, these are fairly extreme growing conditions due to droughty, rocky soils. DISTRIBUTION/Range: Endemic to the central Ouachita Mountains in Arkansas, possible extending into adjacent Oklahoma. Ecological Divisions: 202 TNC Ecoregions: 39:C Subnations/Nations: AR:c, OK:? CONCEPT/Associations: " Quercus marilandica var. ashei / Schizachyrium scoparium - Andropogon gerardii - Monarda fistulosa var. stipitatoglandulosa - Streptanthus maculatus / Lichens Novaculite Glade Wooded Herbaceous Vegetation (GLVAL 3, Ouachita Novaculite Glade, CEGL007825) " Quercus rubra / Ostrya virginiana / Ptelea trifoliata - Ribes curvatum / Helianthus divaricatus Woodland (G3, Red Oak Ridgetop Novaculite Woodland, CEGL007828) " Quercus stellata - Ulmus alata - (Juniperus virginiana var. virginiana) / Sporobolus clandestinus - Monarda fistulosa var. stipitatoglandulosa Woodland (G2, Post Oak Novaculite Woodland, CEGL003756) " Toxicodendron radicans / (Polymnia cossatotensis) Sparse Vegetation (M, G1, Ouachita Mountains Novaculite Talus Slope, CEGL003889)--actually a talus slope Environment: The novaculite formation is of Devonian and Mississippian age and consists of novaculite interbedded with some shale, ranging in thickness from about 250 to 900 feet (Arkansas Geological Commission 2001, Babcock et al. 2001). Vegetation: Several distinct communities may be recognized at a local scale within this system. Open habitats may be characterized by sparse tree cover of dwarfed (1-3 m) ~Quercus marilandica var. ashei$, which can sometimes occur in clumps. Herbaceous cover is 100% except where bare rock is exposed or on talus. Lichens cover 40-70% of the exposed rock surface. Open community components of this system grade into more densely wooded types, with a variable structure, dominated by ~Quercus stellata, Ulmus alata, Quercus marilandica, Juniperus virginiana var. virginiana, Pinus echinata$, and ~Carya texana$. More submesic areas have ~Quercus rubra$-dominated woodlands with ~Carya texana$ that may approach a forest physiognomy. Dynamics: The structure of this system is thought to be controlled by a combination of periodic fire and severe drought. Many existing overstory trees have multiple stems indicating past die-back due to severe drought of decades-long intervals. Summer leaf loss is common and snags extant. Minor droughts cause extensive die-backs in smaller stems and appear to maintain shrubby conditions in places. Historically fire is thought to have played a more important role than today in mainr LVAL taining the open canopy. The effects of fire suppression are unknown but have probably allowed these woodlands to increase in density. SOURCES/References: Arkansas Geological Commission 2001, Babcock et al. 2001 Last updated: 12 Dec 2002 Stakeholders: SCS Concept Author: T. Foti and R. Evans LeadResp: SCSjLVAL ~(NatureServe, 2003) This system provides critical habitat for the following species of viability concern: Ringed Salamander, Mole Salamander, Caddo Mountain Salamander, Fourche Mountain Salamander, Kiamichi Mountain Salamander, Rich Mountain Salamander, Sequoyah Slimy Salamander, Southern Redback Salamander, Strecker's Chorus Frog, Northern Crawfish Frog, Chuck-will's-widow, Chimney Swift, Cerulean Warbler, Acadian Flycatcher, Worm-eating Warbler, Wood Thrush, Orchard Oriole, Red-headed Woodpecker, Kentucky Warbler, Painted Bunting, Yellow-throated Vireo, Hooded Warbler, Diana, Southeastern Myotis, Indiana Bat, Ouachita Leadplant, Waterfall's Sedge, Southern Lady's-Slipper, Moore's Larkspur, Dryopteris, Ouachita Bluet, Browne's Waterleaf, Butternut, Ozark Spiderwort, Ozark Least Trillium, A Corn-Salad, Timber Rattlesnake. For citations, see the Species and Conservation Target table.(NatureServe, 2003) This system provides critical habitat for the following species of viability concern: White-eyed Vireo, Diana, Waterfall's Sedge, Open-ground Whitlow-grass, Wolf Spikerush, Small-headed Pipewort, Shinners' Sunflower, Maple-leaved Oak, Nuttall's Corn-Salad, A Corn-Salad, Western Diamondback Rattlesnake, Collared Lizard, Great Plains Skink. For citations, see the Species and Conservation Target table.(NatureServe, 2003) This system provides critical habitat for the following species of viability concern: Diana, Waterfall's Sedge, Heartleaf Leafcup, A Twistflower, Western Diamondback Rattlesnake, Timber Rattlesnake. For citations, see the Species and Conservation Target table.LVALQ EMBEDDED: These systems are usually small, isolated, and/or disjunct and are often "embedded" in a larger habitat matrix. These systems rely heavily on surrounding and/or adjacent habitats for landscape scale functions and processes such as fire. CES202.692 CENTRAL INTERIOR HIGHLANDS DRY ACIDIC GLADE AND BARRENS Division 202, Forest and Woodland Spatial Scale & Pattern: Small Patch Classification Confidence: high Required Classifiers: Natural/Semi-natural, Vegetated (>10% vasc.), Upland Non-Diagnostic Classifiers: Forest and Woodland (Treed), Woody-Herbaceous, Sedimentary Rock, Igneous Rock, Acidic Soil Concept Summary: This system is found in the Interior Highlands of the Ozark, Ouachita, and Interior Low Plateau regions. It occurs along moderate to steep slopes or valley walls of rivers along most aspects. Parent material includes chert, igneous and/or sandstone bedrock with well- to excessively well-drained, shallow soils interspersed with rock and boulders. These soils are typically dry during the summer and autumn, becoming saturated during the spring and winter. Grasses such as ~Schizachyrium scoparium$ and ~Sorghastrum nutans$ dominate this system with stunted oak species (~Quercus stellata, Quercus marilandica$) and shrub species such as ~Vaccinium$ spp. Occurring on variable depth soils. This system also includes dry ~Quercus stellata$-dominated barrens on Cretaceous-aged gravel substrates on the northern fringes of the Upper East Gulf Coastal Plain Ecoregion in southern Illinois and western Kentucky. This system is influenced by drought and infrequent to occasional fires. Prescribed fires help manage this system by maintaining an open glade structure. DISTRIBUTION/Range: This system is found in the Interior Highlands of the Ozark, Ouachita, and Interior Low Plateau regions. Ecological Divisions: 202, 203 TNC Ecoregions: 36:P, 38:C, 39:C, 43:C, 44:C Subnations/Nations: AR:c, IL:c, LVAL IN:c, KY:c, MO:c, OK:c, TN:? CONCEPT/Associations: " (Quercus stellata, Ulmus alata) / Schizachyrium scoparium - Symphyotrichum patens var. patentissimum Wooded Herbaceous Vegetation (G2?, Ouachita Basic Shale/Sandstone Glade, CEGL007824) " Asplenium montanum - Heuchera parviflora var. parviflora - Silene rotundifolia Sparse Vegetation (G3G4, Cumberland Plateau Sandstone Cliff (Dry Type), CEGL004392) " Pinus virginiana - Pinus (rigida, echinata) - (Quercus prinus) / Vaccinium pallidum Forest (G4?, Appalachian Low-Elevation Mixed Pine / Hillside Blueberry Forest, CEGL007119) " Quercus marilandica - Juniperus virginiana var. virginiana / Schizachyrium scoparium - Hypericum gentianoides Wooded Herbaceous Vegetation (G3?, Shawnee Sandstone Glade, CEGL004062) " Quercus marilandica / Vaccinium arboreum / Danthonia spicata Scrub Woodland (G3G4, Blackjack Oak Xeric Scrub, CEGL002425) " Quercus prinus / Cornus florida - Amelanchier arborea / Pityopsis graminifolia var. latifolia Woodland (G2?, CEGL003706) " Quercus prinus / Danthonia spicata - Silene caroliniana Woodland (G2?, Kentucky Knobs Shale Barren, CEGL004439) " Quercus stellata - (Pinus echinata) / Vaccinium arboreum / Andropogon gerardii - Symphyotrichum patens var. patentissimum Wooded Herbaceous Vegetation (G2?, Ozark Basic Sandstone Glade, CEGL007814) " Quercus stellata - Quercus marilandica - Quercus velutina - Carya texana / Schizachyrium scoparium Woodland (G2G3, Ozark - Ouachita Post Oak - Blackjack Oak / Little Bluestem Woodland, CEGL002149) " Quercus stellata - Quercus marilandica / Schizachyrium scoparium - Silphium terebinthinaceum Wooded Herbaceous Vegetation (G1, Post Oak Chert Barrens, CEGL005134) " Schizachyrium scoparium - Aristida dichotoma - Croton willdenowii / Lichens Wooded Herbaceous Vegetation (G3, Ozark Sandstone Glade, CEGL002242) " Schizachyrium scoparium - Sedum nuttallianum - Selaginella rupestris - Portulaca pilosa / Lichens Wooded Herbaceous Vegetation (G1G2, Ozark Chert Glade, CEGL002244) " Schizachyrium sc LVAL oparium - Sorghastrum nutans - Andropogon ternarius - Coreopsis grandiflora Sandstone - Shale Herbaceous Vegetation (G3, Midwest Sandstone / Shale Prairie, CEGL002212) " Schizachyrium scoparium - Sorghastrum nutans - Coreopsis lanceolata - Croton willdenowii Wooded Herbaceous Vegetation (G4?, Ozark Igneous Glade, CEGL002243) " Schizachyrium scoparium - Sorghastrum nutans - Danthonia spicata - Silene regia Chert Herbaceous Vegetation (G3, Midwest Chert Prairie, CEGL002211) SOURCES/References: Nelson 1985 Last updated: 07 Mar 2003 Stakeholders: MCS, SCS Concept Author: S. Menard and T. Nigh LeadResp: MCSLVALQ CES202.703 OZARK-OUACHITA RIPARIAN Division 202, Mixed Upland and Wetland Spatial Scale & Pattern: Linear Classification Confidence: high Required Classifiers: Natural/Semi-natural, Vegetated (>10% vasc.), Upland, Wetland Non-Diagnostic Classifiers: Forest and Woodland (Treed), Stream terrace (undifferentiated) Concept Summary: This system is found along streams and small rivers within the Ozark and Ouachita regions. In contrast to larger floodplain systems, this system has little to no floodplain development and often contains cobble bars and steep banks. It is traditionally higher gradient than larger floodplains and experiences periodic, strong flooding. It is often characterized by a cobble bar with forest right adjacent with little to no marsh development. Canopy cover can vary within examples of this system, but typical tree species include ~Liquidambar styraciflua, Platanus occidentalis, Betula nigra$, maples species (~Acer$ spp.), and oaks (~Quercus$ spp.). The richness of the herbaceous layer can vary significantly, ranging from species-rich to species-poor. Likewise, the shrub layer can vary considerably, but typical species may include ~Lindera benzoin, Alnus serrulata$, and ~Hamamelis vernalis$. Small seeps and fens can often be found within this system, especially at the headwaters and terraces of streams. These areas are typically dominated by primarily wetland obligate species of sedges (~Carex$ spp.), ferns (~Osmunda$ spp.), and other herbaceous species such as ~Impatiens capensis$. Flooding and scouring strongly influence this system and prevent the floodplain development found on larger rivers. Comments: A separate Ozark-Ouachita fen/seep system may be needed. DISTRIBUTION/Range: This system is found within the Ozarks and the Ouachita Mountains of Missouri, Arkansas and Oklahoma. Ecological Divisions: 202 TNC Ecoregions: 38:C, 39:C Subnations/Nations: AR:c, MO:c, OK:c CONCEPT/Associations: " (Carex interior, Carex lurida) - Carex leptalea - Parnassia$LVAL4 grandifolia - Rhynchospora capillacea Herbaceous Vegetation (G2G3, Ozark Fen, CEGL002404) " Acer (saccharum, barbatum) - Quercus rubra - Carya cordiformis / Asimina triloba Forest (G3, Sugar Maple - Oak - Bitternut Hickory Mesic Bottomland Forest, CEGL002060) " Alnus serrulata - Amorpha fruticosa Shrubland (G3?, Ouachita Riparian Alder Shrubland, CEGL007807) " Betula nigra - Platanus occidentalis Forest (G5, River Birch - Sycamore Forest, CEGL002086) " Carex crinita - Osmunda spp. / Physocarpus opulifolius Seep Herbaceous Vegetation (G2, Midwest Sand Seep, CEGL002392) " Carex crinita - Osmunda spp. / Sphagnum spp. Herbaceous Vegetation (G2G3, Midwest Acid Seep, CEGL002263) " Carex interior - Carex lurida - Andropogon gerardii - Parnassia grandifolia Herbaceous Vegetation (G1G2, Ozark Prairie Fen, CEGL002416) " Hamamelis vernalis - Cornus obliqua - Hypericum prolificum Shrubland (G3, Witch-hazel - Dogwood Gravel Wash, CEGL003898) " Juniperus virginiana var. virginiana - Leptopus phyllanthoides - (Quercus nigra, Ilex vomitoria) Shrubland (G2Q, CEGL003942) " Liquidambar styraciflua - (Quercus alba, Acer saccharum) / Carpinus caroliniana / Lindera benzoin Forest (G3G4, Ouachita-Ozark Small Stream Hardwood Forest, CEGL007826) " Panicum virgatum - Calamovilfa arcuata Herbaceous Vegetation (G2?, Bedrock River Scour, CEGL007838) " Podostemum ceratophyllum Herbaceous Vegetation (G3G5, Rocky Bar and Shore (Riverweed Type), CEGL004331) " Taxodium distichum - Platanus occidentalis Ouachita Foothills Forest (G2Q, CEGL007377) " Zizaniopsis miliacea Rocky Riverbed Herbaceous Vegetation (G2?, CEGL004140) SOURCES/References: Nelson 1985 Last updated: 10 Mar 2003 Stakeholders: MCS, SCS Concept Author: S. Menard LeadResp: MCLVALQ CES202.707 OZARK-OUACHITA DRY OAK WOODLAND Division 202, Forest and Woodland Spatial Scale & Pattern: Small Patch Classification Confidence: medium Required Classifiers: Natural/Semi-natural, Vegetated (>10% vasc.), Upland Non-Diagnostic Classifiers: Forest and Woodland (Treed), Woody-Herbaceous Concept Summary: This system occurs in the Ozark and Ouachita Highlands and far western portions of the Interior Low Plateau regions along gentle to steep slopes and over bluff escarpments with southerly to westerly aspects. Parent material can range from calcareous to acidic with very shallow, well- to excessively well-drained soils, sometimes with a fragipan that causes "xero-hydric" moisture conditions. This system was historically woodland in structure, composition, and process but now includes areas of more closed canopy. Oak species such as ~Quercus stellata, Quercus marilandica$, and ~Quercus coccinea$ dominate this system with an understory of grassland species such as ~Schizachyrium scoparium$ and shrub species such as ~Vaccinium arboreum$. Drought stress is the major dynamic influencing and maintaining this system. On flatwoods with fragipans, ~Quercus stellata$ is the major dominant. Comments: Dry-mesic to mesic oaks were separated from dry oak per the suggestion of Missouri [see ~~$Ozark-Ouachita Dry-Mesic Oak Forest (CES202.708)$$]. This separation may need to be further reviewed. DISTRIBUTION/Range: This system occurs in the Western Interior Highlands of the Ozark, Ouachita, and western Interior Low Plateau regions. Ecological Divisions: 202 TNC Ecoregions: 38:C, 39:C, 44:C Subnations/Nations: AR:c, IL:c, MO:c, OK:p CONCEPT/Associations: " Quercus alba - Quercus stellata - Quercus velutina / Schizachyrium scoparium Woodland (G2G3, White Oak - Post Oak / Bluestem Ozark Woodland, CEGL002150) " Quercus falcata - Quercus alba - Quercus stellata - Quercus velutina Forest (G3G5, Southern Red Oak - Mixed Oak Forest, CEGL005018) " Quercus marilandica / Vaccinium arboreuLVALm / Danthonia spicata Scrub Woodland (G3G4, Blackjack Oak Xeric Scrub, CEGL002425) " Quercus stellata - Quercus marilandica - Carya (glabra, texana) / Vaccinium arboreum Forest (G4, Midwest Post Oak - Blackjack Oak Forest, CEGL002075) " Quercus stellata - Quercus marilandica - Quercus velutina - Carya texana / Schizachyrium scoparium Woodland (G2G3, Ozark - Ouachita Post Oak - Blackjack Oak / Little Bluestem Woodland, CEGL002149) " Quercus stellata / Cinna arundinacea Flatwoods Forest (G2G3, Post Oak Flatwoods, CEGL002405) " Quercus velutina - Carya (alba, glabra) / Vaccinium arboreum Forest (G2G3Q, Highland Rim Sandy Terrace Black Oak - Sparkleberry Forest, CEGL004987) " Quercus velutina - Quercus coccinea - Carya texana Ozark Forest (G?, Ozark Black Oak - Scarlet Oak Forest, CEGL002399) SOURCES/References: Nelson 1985 Last updated: 31 Mar 2003 Stakeholders: MCS, SCS Concept Author: S. Menard and T. Nigh LeadResp: MCSBLVAL T(NatureServe, 2003) This system provides critical habitat for the following species of viability concern: Mole Salamander, Caddo Mountain Salamander, Fourche Mountain Salamander, Kiamichi Mountain Salamander, Sequoyah Slimy Salamander, Southern Redback Salamander, Chuck-will's-widow, Whip-poor-will, Worm-eating Warbler, Wood Thrush, Kentucky Warbler, White-eyed Vireo, Hooded Warbler, American Burying Beetle, Diana, Indiana Bat, Plains Spotted Skunk, Ozark Chinquapin, A Goldenrod, A Twistflower, Ozark Least Trillium, Timber Rattlesnake, Great Plains Skink, Southern Prairie Skink. For citations, see the Species and Conservation Target table. (Dominant species of Oak-Hickory are presumed to pertain in that system due to landscape factors. Use inventory and monitoring to verify species composition).(NatureServe, 2003) This system provides critical habitat for the following species of viability concern: Bachman's Sparrow, Chuck-will's-widow, Whip-poor-will, Northern Bobwhite, Prairie Warbler, American Kestrel, Red-headed Woodpecker, Bewick's Wren, American Burying Beetle, Eastern Small-Footed Bat, Indiana Bat, Plains Spotted Skunk, Bush's Poppymallow, Ozark Chinquapin, Ozark Least Trillium, Western Diamondback Rattlesnake, Timber Rattlesnake, Great Plains Skink, Southern Prairie Skink. For citations, see the Species and Conservation Target table.LVALQ CES202.708 OZARK-OUACHITA DRY-MESIC OAK FOREST Division 202, Forest and Woodland Spatial Scale & Pattern: Matrix Classification Confidence: medium Required Classifiers: Natural/Semi-natural, Vegetated (>10% vasc.), Upland Non-Diagnostic Classifiers: Forest and Woodland (Treed), Quercus - Carya Concept Summary: This system is found throughout the Ozark and Ouachita Highlands ranging to the western edge of the Interior Low Plateau. It is the matrix system of this region and occurs on dry-mesic to mesic gentle to moderately steep slopes. Soils are typically moderately to well-drained and more fertile than those associated with oak woodlands. A closed canopy of oak species (~Quercus rubra$ and ~Quercus alba$) often associated with hickory species (~Carya$ spp.) typify this system. ~Acer saccharum$ (or ~Acer barbatum$ to the south) may occur on more mesic examples of this system. Wind, drought, lightening, and occasional fires can influence this system. Comments: Dry-mesic to mesic oaks were separated from dry oak (~~$Ozark-Ouachita Dry Oak Woodland (CES202.707)$$) per the suggestion of Missouri. This separation may need to be further reviewed. Likewise, the distribution of this system versus the one farther north needs to be reviewed. Currently the glacial line separates the two systems. DISTRIBUTION/Range: This system is found throughout the Ozark and Ouachita Highlands, reaching to the western Interior Low Plateau. Ecological Divisions: 202 TNC Ecoregions: 37:P, 38:C, 39:C, 44:C, 49:P Subnations/Nations: AR:c, IL:c, IN:c, KS:?, MO:c, OK:c CONCEPT/Associations: " Acer (barbatum, saccharum) - Juglans nigra - Fraxinus americana / Hybanthus concolor Forest (G2, Mesic Mixed Mount Magazine Forest, CEGL007811) " Quercus alba - Carya alba / Ostrya virginiana / Carex pensylvanica - Schizachyrium scoparium Forest (G3Q, Magazine Mountain White Oak Forest, CEGL007818) " Quercus alba - Fagus grandifolia Western Allegheny Plateau Forest (G?, Western Allegheny Oak - Beech ForestLVAL, CEGL006144) " Quercus alba - Quercus rubra - Acer saccharum - Carya cordiformis / Lindera benzoin Forest (G3?, White Oak - Red Oak - Sugar Maple Mesic Forest, CEGL002058) " Quercus alba - Quercus rubra - Carya (alba, ovata) / Cornus florida Acid Forest (G3, White Oak - Red Oak Dry-Mesic Acid Forest, CEGL002067) " Quercus alba - Quercus rubra - Quercus muehlenbergii / Cercis canadensis Forest (G4G5, White Oak - Mixed Oak Dry-Mesic Alkaline Forest, CEGL002070) " Quercus alba / Cornus florida Unglaciated Forest (G?, White Oak / Dogwood Dry-Mesic Forest, CEGL002066) " Quercus falcata - Carya alba - Carya ovata Forest (G3Q, Eastern Oklahoma Dry-Mesic Oak - Hickory Forest, CEGL004543) " Quercus prinus / Smilax spp. Forest (G3G5, Chestnut Oak Forest, CEGL005022) " Quercus rubra - Acer saccharum - Liriodendron tulipifera Forest (G?, High Allegheny Rich Red Oak - Sugar Maple Forest, CEGL006125) " Quercus rubra - Quercus shumardii Forest (G3?, Oklahoma Mesic Oak Forest, CEGL004796) " Quercus rubra - Tsuga canadensis - Liriodendron tulipifera / Hamamelis virginiana Forest (G?, Hemlock / White Pine - Red Oak - Mixed Hardwood Forest, CEGL006566) " Quercus velutina - Quercus alba - Carya (glabra, ovata) Forest (G4?, Black Oak - White Oak - Hickory Forest, CEGL002076) SOURCES/References: Nelson 1985 Last updated: 31 Mar 2003 Stakeholders: MCS, SCS Concept Author: S. Menard LeadResp: MCSLVALQ CES202.043 OZARK-OUACHITA MESIC HARDWOOD FOREST Division 202, Forest and Woodland Spatial Scale & Pattern: Small Patch Required Classifiers: Natural/Semi-natural, Vegetated (>10% vasc.), Upland Diagnostic Classifiers: Forest and Woodland (Treed) Non-Diagnostic Classifiers: Lowland [Foothill], Lowland [Lowland], Toeslope/Valley Bottom Concept Summary: This system is found on toeslopes and valley bottoms within the Ozark and Ouachita regions, as well as on north slopes. In the Ozarks, ~Quercus rubra$ increases in abundance compared to dry-mesic habitats, and ~Acer saccharum$ is sometimes a leading dominant. On more alkaline moist soils ~Quercus muehlenbergii, Tilia americana$, and ~Cercis canadensis$ may be common. In the Boston Mountains, mesic forests may also be common on protected slopes and terraces next to streams. Here ~Fagus grandifolia$ may be the leading dominant, with codominants of ~Acer saccharum, Liquidambar styraciflua, Tilia americana, Magnolia acuminata$, and others. Similar habitats occur in the western Ouachita Mountains. DISTRIBUTION/Range: This system is found within the Ozarks and Ouachita Mountains of Missouri, Arkansas, and possibly Oklahoma. Ecological Divisions: 202 TNC Ecoregions: 38:C, 39:C Subnations/Nations: AR:c, MO:c, OK:? CONCEPT/Associations: " Acer (saccharum, barbatum) - Quercus rubra - Carya cordiformis / Asimina triloba Forest (G3, Sugar Maple - Oak - Bitternut Hickory Mesic Bottomland Forest, CEGL002060) " Fagus grandifolia - Acer saccharum - Liriodendron tulipifera Unglaciated Forest (G4?, Beech - Maple Unglaciated Forest, CEGL002411) " Fagus grandifolia - Quercus rubra - Tilia americana var. caroliniana / Magnolia tripetala / Podophyllum peltatum Forest (G3G4, Ozark Rich Beech - Mixed Hardwood Forest, CEGL007823) " Quercus muehlenbergii - Acer saccharum Forest (G2G4, CEGL004662) SOURCES/References: Barnes 1991, Nelson 1985 Last updated: 31 Mar 2003 Stakeholders: SCS, MCS Concept Author: R. Evans, D. Faber-Langendoen LeadLVALResp: SCSLVAL`(NatureServe, 2003) This system provides critical habitat for the following species of viability concern: Bird-voiced Tree Frog, Orchard Oriole, Kentucky Warbler, Hooded Warbler, Timber Rattlesnake, Mississippi Green Water Snake. For citations, see the Species and Conservation Target table.(NatureServe, 2003) This system provides critical habitat for the following species of viability concern: For citations, see the Species and Conservation Target table.(NatureServe, 2003) This system provides critical habitat for the following species of viability concern: Chuck-will's-widow, Cerulean Warbler, Acadian Flycatcher, Bald Eagle, Wood Thrush, Orchard Oriole, Swainson's Warbler, Red-headed Woodpecker, Prothonotary Warbler, Yellow-throated Vireo, White-eyed Vireo, Hooded Warbler, Southeastern Myotis. For citations, see the Species and Conservation Target table.(NatureServe, 2003) This system provides critical habitat for the following species of viability concern: Ringed Salamander, Mole Salamander, Four-toed Salamander, Caddo Mountain Salamander, Fourche Mountain Salamander, Kiamichi Mountain Salamander, Rich Mountain Salamander, Sequoyah Slimy Salamander, Southern Redback Salamander, Chuck-will's-widow, Whip-poor-will, Chimney Swift, Cerulean Warbler, Prairie Warbler, Acadian Flycatcher, Worm-eating Warbler, Wood Thrush, Swainson's Warbler, Kentucky Warbler, Yellow-throated Vireo, White-eyed Vireo, Hooded Warbler, American Burying Beetle, Diana, Ouachita Slitmouth, Eastern Small-Footed Bat, Indiana Bat, Plains Spotted Skunk, Ouachita Leadplant, Waterfall's Sedge, Ozark Chinquapin, Moore's Larkspur, Ouachita Bluet, Browne's Waterleaf, Butternut, A Goldenrod, Ozark Spiderwort, Ozark Least Trillium, A Corn-Salad, Rayless Crown-Beard. For citations, see the Species and Conservation Target table.LVALQ CES202.705 SOUTH-CENTRAL INTERIOR LARGE FLOODPLAIN Division 202, Mixed Upland and Wetland Spatial Scale & Pattern: Linear Classification Confidence: medium Required Classifiers: Natural/Semi-natural, Vegetated (>10% vasc.), Upland, Wetland Non-Diagnostic Classifiers: Forest and Woodland (Treed), Herbaceous, Floodplain Concept Summary: This floodplain system is found throughout the Interior low Plateau, Cumberlands, Southern Ridge and Valley, Western Allegheny Plateau, and lower elevations of the Southern Blue Ridge. Examples occur along large rivers where topography and alluvial processes have resulted in a well-developed floodplain. A single occurrence may extend from river's edge across the outermost extent of the floodplain or to where it meets a wet meadow or upland system. Many examples of this system will contain well-drained levees, terraces and stabilized bars, and some will include herbaceous sloughs and shrub wetlands resulting, in part, from beaver activity. A variety of soil types may be found within the floodplain from very well-drained sandy substrates to very dense clays. It is this variety of substrates in combination with different flooding regimes that creates the mix of vegetation. Most areas, except for the montane alluvial forests, are inundated at some point each spring; microtopography determines how long the various habitats are inundated. Although vegetation is quite variable in this broadly defined system, examples may include ~Acer saccharinum, Platanus occidentalis, Liquidambar styraciflua$, and ~Quercus$ spp. Understory species are mixed, but include shrubs, such as ~Cephalanthus occidentalis$ and ~Arundinaria gigantea ssp. Gigantea$, and sedges (~Carex$ spp.). This system likely floods at least once annually and can be altered by occasional severe floods. Impoundments and conversion to agriculture can also impact this system. Comments: Montane alluvial forests may be difficult to place within this system. They share traits between this system anLVAL d Southern and Central Appalachian Cove Forest (CES202.373), at least in the southern Appalachians. This split from Central Appalachian Floodplain (CES202.608) seems somewhat arbitrary but is based on our knowledge of the Freshwater Systems classification. DISTRIBUTION/Range: This system ranges from the Interior Low Plateau to the Southern Blue Ridge and north into the Western Allegheny Plateau. Ecological Divisions: 202 TNC Ecoregions: 32:C, 37:C, 38:P, 39:C, 44:C, 49:C, 50:C, 51:C Subnations/Nations: AL:c, GA:c, IL:c, IN:c, KY:c, MO:c, NC:c, OH:c, PA:c, SC:?, TN:c, VA:c, WV:c CONCEPT/Associations: " (Diospyros virginiana, Platanus occidentalis) / Eupatorium serotinum - Diodia virginiana Herbaceous Vegetation (GW, Artificial Lake Drawdown Zone, CEGL003910) " Acer negundo Forest (G4G5, Box-elder Floodplain Forest, CEGL005033) " Acer rubrum var. trilobum - Fraxinus pennsylvanica / Carex crinita - Peltandra virginica Forest (G1, Montane Floodplain Slough Forest, CEGL004420) " Acer saccharinum - Betula nigra / Cephalanthus occidentalis Forest (G3Q, Silver Maple - River Birch / Buttonbush Forest, CEGL007810) " Acer saccharinum - Celtis laevigata - Carya illinoinensis Forest (G3G4, Silver Maple - Sugarberry - Pecan Floodplain Forest, CEGL002431) " Acer saccharinum - Ulmus americana - (Populus deltoides) Forest (G4?, Silver Maple - Elm - (Cottonwood) Forest, CEGL002586) " Acer saccharum - Carya cordiformis / Asimina triloba Floodplain Forest (G2, Maple - Hickory Mesic Floodplain Forest, CEGL005035) " Arundinaria gigantea ssp. Gigantea Shrubland (G2?, Floodplain Canebrake, CEGL003836) " Carex torta Herbaceous Vegetation (G3G4, Rocky Bar and Shore (Twisted Sedge Type), CEGL004103) " Cephalanthus occidentalis / Carex spp. - Lemna spp. Southern Shrubland (G4, Southern Buttonbush Pond, CEGL002191) " Fagus grandifolia - Quercus spp. - Acer rubrum - Juglans nigra Forest (G2G3, Beech - Mixed Hardwood Floodplain Forest, CEGL005014) " Fraxinus pennsylvanica - Ulmus americana - Celtis laevigata /LVAL Ilex decidua Forest (G4G5, Southern Green Ash - Elm - Sugarberry Forest, CEGL002427) " Juglans nigra / Verbesina alternifolia Forest (GD, Successional Black Walnut Forest, CEGL007879) " Liquidambar styraciflua - Liriodendron tulipifera - (Platanus occidentalis) / Carpinus caroliniana - Halesia tetraptera / Amphicarpaea bracteata Forest (G?, Montane Sweetgum Alluvial Flat, CEGL007880) " Liquidambar styraciflua - Quercus michauxii - Carya laciniosa / Fagus grandifolia - (Aesculus flava) Forest (G2G3Q, Eastern Highland Rim Rich Floodplain Terrace Forest, CEGL007702) " Platanus occidentalis - Acer saccharinum - Juglans nigra - Ulmus rubra Forest (G4, Sycamore - Silver Maple Calcareous Floodplain Forest, CEGL007334) " Platanus occidentalis - Betula nigra - Celtis laevigata - Fraxinus pennsylvanica / Arundinaria gigantea Temporarily Flooded Forest (G3?, Ozark Elm - Ash - Sugarberry Forest, CEGL007999) " Platanus occidentalis - Fraxinus pennsylvanica - Quercus imbricaria Forest (G2Q, Montane Alluvial Forest (Cades Cove/Oconaluftee), CEGL007339) " Platanus occidentalis - Liriodendron tulipifera - Betula (alleghaniensis, lenta) / Alnus serrulata - Leucothoe fontanesiana Forest (G2?, Appalachian Montane Alluvial Forest, CEGL004691) " Quercus michauxii - Quercus shumardii - Liquidambar styraciflua / Arundinaria gigantea Forest (G3G4, Swamp Chestnut Oak - Sweetgum Mesic Floodplain Forest, CEGL002099) " Quercus nigra - Quercus (alba, phellos) Forest (G3?, Eastern Highland Rim Water Oak Floodplain Forest, CEGL004979) " Quercus palustris - (Fraxinus nigra) / Lindera benzoin / Carex bromoides Forest (G?, Meadow River Floodplain Pin Oak Forest, CEGL007399) " Quercus palustris - (Quercus stellata) - Quercus pagoda / Isoetes spp. Forest (G2G3, Pin Oak - Post Oak Lowland Flatwoods, CEGL002101) " Quercus phellos - (Quercus lyrata) / Carex spp. - Leersia spp. Forest (G3G4Q, Willow Oak Bottomland Flatwoods Forest, CEGL002102) " Quercus stellata - Quercus marilandica - Quercus falcata / Schizachyrium scoparium  LVAL Sand Woodland (G2, Post Oak - Blackjack Oak / Bluestem Sand Woodland, CEGL002417) " Quercus stellata / (Danthonia spicata, Croton willdenowii) Woodland (G1, Post Oak Clay Barrens, CEGL005057) " Salix nigra Forest (G4, Black Willow Riparian Forest, CEGL002103) Environment: This system inhabits broad floodplains along large creeks and rivers that are usually inundated for at least part of each year. Vegetation: Vegetation varies quite widely, encompassing shrubby and herbaceous communities as well as forested communities with a wide array of canopy types. Dynamics: Flooding is an important component of this system. SPATIAL CHARACTERISTICS Size: Can range from very small (<1 acre) to hundreds of acres in larger floodplain areas. SOURCES Last updated: 10 Mar 2003 Stakeholders: MCS, SCS Concept Author: S. Menard, M. Pyne, R. Evans, R. White LeadResp: MCSLVALQ CES203.378 WEST GULF COASTAL PLAIN PINE-HARDWOOD FOREST Division 203, Forest and Woodland Spatial Scale & Pattern: Matrix Required Classifiers: Natural/Semi-natural, Vegetated (>10% vasc.), Upland Diagnostic Classifiers: Forest and Woodland (Treed), Short Disturbance Interval, Broad-Leaved Deciduous Tree Concept Summary: This West Gulf Coastal Plain ecological system consists of forests and woodlands dominated by Pinus taeda and/or Pinus echinata in combination with a host of dry to dry-mesic site hardwood species. This type was the historical matrix (dominant vegetation type) for large portions of TNC ecoregion 40 (Upper West Gulf Coastal Plain) where it replaced Pinus palustris-dominated vegetation. In this region of southern Arkansas, northwestern Louisiana, and parts of eastern Texas, this type was historically present on nearly all uplands in the region except on the most edaphically limited sites (droughty sands, calcareous clays, and shallow soil barrens/rock outcrops). Such sites are underlain by loamy to fine-textured soils of variable depths. These are upland sites on ridgetops and adjacent side slopes, with moderate fertility and moisture retention. This type was also present in more limited areas of TNC ecoregion 41 (West Gulf Coastal Plain), where it was confined more typically to side slopes and other locations not dominated by Pinus palustris. There are no known "fidel" herbaceous species or any local endemic or globally rare plant species, and overall this system may have supported relatively low levels of vascular plant species diversity. This system has undergone major transformations since European settlement of the region. DISTRIBUTION Ecological Divisions: 203 TNC Ecoregions: 40:C, 41:C Subnations/Nations: AR:c, LA:c, TX:c CONCEPT Associations: " Pinus (echinata, taeda) / Symplocos tinctoria - Morella cerifera - Vaccinium elliottii Forest (G3?, Upper West Gulf Coastal Plain Shortleaf - Loblolly Pine Naturally Mixed Forest, CEGL008410) " Pinus echinata LVAL - (Pinus taeda) - Quercus falcata / Dichanthelium sphaerocarpon Forest (G2G3, West Gulf Coastal Plain Dry Shortleaf Pine Forest, CEGL007947) " Pinus echinata - Pinus taeda - Quercus (alba, falcata, stellata) Forest (G2G3, Coastal Plain Shortleaf - Loblolly - Mixed Oak Dry-Mesic Forest, CEGL004713) " Pinus echinata - Pinus taeda - Quercus stellata - Carya texana / Vaccinium arboreum Woodland (G3?, West Gulf Coastal Plain Shortleaf Pine - Post Oak Forest, CEGL007499) " Pinus echinata - Quercus alba / Viburnum (dentatum, acerifolium) Forest (G2G3, West Gulf Coastal Plain Shortleaf Pine - Oak Rich Mesic Forest, CEGL003855) " Pinus echinata - Quercus stellata - Quercus falcata - Carya texana Woodland (G1, West Gulf Coastal Plain Shortleaf Pine - Post Oak Woodland, CEGL007800) " Pinus echinata / Liquidambar styraciflua - Quercus (stellata, margarettiae) / Schizachyrium scoparium Forest (GM, West Gulf Coastal Plain Mature, Managed Shortleaf Pine Forest, CEGL003760) " Pinus taeda - (Pinus echinata) - Quercus alba - Carya alba / Acer barbatum - (Acer leucoderme) Forest (G2G3, West Gulf Coastal Plain Subcalcareous Pine - Hardwood Slope and Stream Bottom Forest, CEGL007524) " Pinus taeda - (Pinus echinata) - Quercus falcata - Carya texana / Vaccinium arboreum Forest (G4, West Gulf Coastal Plain Dry Loblolly Pine - Hardwood Forest, CEGL007528) " Pinus taeda - (Pinus echinata) / Quercus michauxii / Thaspium barbinode Forest (G1, Neches Bluff Pine/ Swamp Chestnut Oak Forest, CEGL008582) " Pinus taeda - (Quercus spp.) / Ostrya virginiana - Sabal minor Calcareous West Gulf Coastal Plain Transition Sideslope Forest (G2G3, West Gulf Coastal Plain Subcalcareous Loblolly - Water Oak/Palmetto Riparian Forest, CEGL007955) " Pinus taeda - Pinus echinata / Chasmanthium sessiliflorum Forest (GM, Upper West Gulf Coastal Plain Loblolly-Shortleaf Forest, CEGL007115) " Pinus taeda - Quercus alba - (Fagus grandifolia) / Ilex opaca / Smilax pumila - Mitchella repens Forest (G3G4, West Gulf Coastal Plain Mesic Mixed Hardw LVAL ood - Pine Forest, CEGL007525) " Pinus taeda - Quercus stellata / Crataegus spp. Woodland (G?, West Gulf Coastal Plain Upland Loblolly Pine - Post Oak Forest/Woodland, CEGL002112) " Quercus stellata - Quercus marilandica - Pinus taeda Jackson Acidic Clay Woodland (G2?Q, CEGL007900) SOURCES Last updated: 19 Dec 2002 Stakeholders: SCS Concept Author: R. Evans and T. Foti LeadResp: SCSLVALQ CES203.487 WEST GULF COASTAL PLAIN SMALL STREAM AND RIVER FOREST Division 203, Woody Wetland Spatial Scale & Pattern: Linear Required Classifiers: Natural/Semi-natural, Vegetated (>10% vasc.), Wetland Diagnostic Classifiers: Forest and Woodland (Treed), Riverine / Alluvial, Intermittent Flooding Concept Summary: This is a predominately forested system of the West Gulf Coastal Plain associated with small rivers and creeks. In contrast to West Gulf Coastal Plain Large River Floodplain Forest (CES203.488), examples of this system have fewer major geomorphic floodplain features. Those features that are present tend to be smaller and more closely intermixed with one another, resulting in less obvious vegetational zonation. Bottomland hardwood tree species are typically important and diagnostic, although mesic hardwood species are also present in areas with less inundation, such as upper terraces and possibly second bottoms. As a whole, flooding occurs annually, but the water table usually is well below the soil surface throughout most of the growing season. Areas impacted by beaver impoundments are also included in this system. DISTRIBUTION Ecological Divisions: 203 TNC Ecoregions: 31:P, 40:C, 41:C Subnations/Nations: AR:c, LA:c, OK:c, TX:c CONCEPT Associations: " Betula nigra - Platanus occidentalis / Berchemia scandens / (Arundinaria gigantea) - Boehmeria cylindrica Temporarily Flooded Riverfront Forest [Provisional] (G5, Upper West Gulf Coastal Plain Riverfront Forest, CEGL007983) " Cephalanthus occidentalis - Cornus obliqua - Salix nigra / Smilax bona-nox - Toxicodendron radicans / Carex joorii - Polygonum hydropiperoides Semipermanently Flooded Beaver Pond Shrubland [Provisional] (G3, Upper West Gulf Coastal Plain Beaver Pond Margin, CEGL007990) " Fagus grandifolia - Magnolia virginiana - (Pinus palustris) / Chasmanthium sessiliflorum Sandhill Streamhead Forest (G2G3, West Gulf Coastal Plain Streamhead Forest, CEGL007976) " Fagus grandifolia - Pinus taeda - (Liquidambar styLVAL raciflua, Magnolia grandiflora, Quercus alba) Forest (G3, West Gulf Coastal Plain Small Stream Bottom Beech Forest, CEGL007320) " Fagus grandifolia - Quercus (laurifolia, nigra) - Pinus taeda Forest (G3?, West Gulf Coastal Plain Beech Floodplain Forest, CEGL008574) " Fraxinus pennsylvanica - Ulmus americana - (Quercus texana) - Gleditsia triacanthos / Toxicodendron radicans / Bidens aristosa - Leersia virginica Seasonally Flooded Floodplain Forest [Provisional] (G?, Upper West Gulf Coastal Plain Seasonally Flooded Floodplain Forest, CEGL007987) " Maclura pomifera - Diospyros virginiana / Glyceria striata - (Carex cherokeensis) Woodland (G2?, CEGL007779) " Magnolia grandiflora - Fagus grandifolia - Quercus alba - Pinus taeda Forest (G3G4, West Gulf Coastal Plain Beech - Magnolia Small Stream Bottom, CEGL007903) " Pallavicinia lyellii - Sphagnum sp. Nonvascular Vegetation (G4?, Mossy Coastal Plain Streamwall Vegetation, CEGL004779) " Pinus taeda - Liquidambar styraciflua - Quercus (nigra, phellos) / Carpinus caroliniana - Crataegus marshallii Stream Bottom Forest (G3, West Gulf Coastal Plain Loblolly - Hardwood Small Stream Forest, CEGL004911) " Pinus taeda - Quercus phellos - Quercus nigra Forest (G4, CEGL007910) " Quercus michauxii - Quercus nigra - Pinus taeda / Carpinus caroliniana Forest (G3?, West Gulf Coastal Plain Swamp Chestnut Oak Small Stream Bottomland Forest, CEGL007901) " Quercus muehlenbergii - Liquidambar styraciflua / (Arundinaria gigantea) / Carex cherokeensis - Chasmanthium latifolium Mesic Riparian Forest (G3?, CEGL007780) " Quercus nigra - Liquidambar styraciflua - (Pinus taeda) / Ilex opaca - Vaccinium fuscatum / Carex debilis Temporarily Flooded Forest (G4?, West Gulf Coastal Plain Water Oak - Sweetgum Floodplain Forest, CEGL007984) " Quercus nigra - Ulmus alata / Ostrya virginiana Stream Terrace Forest [Provisional] (G?, Southern Loam Hill Water Oak Floodplain Forest, CEGL007953) " Quercus pagoda - Liquidambar styraciflua - Pinus taeda Forest (G3?, West Gulf Coastal P LVAL lain Cherrybark Oak Small Stream Bottomland Forest, CEGL007899) " Quercus texana - Quercus lyrata Forest (G3G4, Gulf Coastal Plain Nuttall Oak - Overcup Oak Bottomland Forest, CEGL007407) " Ulmus americana - Fraxinus pennsylvanica - Celtis laevigata / Glyceria striata - (Carex cherokeensis) Riparian Blackland Woodland (G1?, CEGL007778) " Ulmus crassifolia - Celtis laevigata - (Ulmus rubra) / Carex digitalis - Geum canadense Forest (G2G3, Upper West Gulf Coastal Plain Circumneutral Cedar Elm Floodplain Forest, CEGL007950) SOURCES Last updated: 05 Feb 2003 Stakeholders: SCS Concept Author: R. Evans LeadResp: SCSLVALQ The Red Slough Wildlife Management Area is a 5,330 acre wetland project designed to restore hydrology and re-establish bottomland hardwoods. It is cooperatively managed by the U.S.D.A. Forest Service, Natural Resources Conservation Service, and Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation. This area was historically WGCP Wet Hardwood Flatwoods, but was converted to agriculture during the mid-1900's. CES203.548 WEST GULF COASTAL PLAIN WET HARDWOOD FLATWOODS Division 203, Woody Wetland Spatial Scale & Pattern: Large Patch Required Classifiers: Natural/Semi-natural, Vegetated (>10% vasc.), Wetland Diagnostic Classifiers: Forest and Woodland (Treed), Depressional Concept Summary: This system represents predominately wet hardwood flatwoods of the West Gulf Coastal Plain. Examples may be somewhat more common in the inland portions of the region but are also found in the outer coastal plain as well. These areas are usually found on nonriverine, Pleistocene high terraces. Soils are fine-textured and hardpans may be present in the subsurface. The limited permeability of these soils contributes to perched water tables during fairly substantial portions of the year (when precipitation is greatest and evapotranspiration is lowest). Saturation occurs not from overbank flooding but typically whenever precipitation events occur. The local landscape is often a complex of ridges and swales, usually occurring in close proximity. There is vegetation variability related to soil texture and moisture and disturbance history. Most examples support hardwood forests or swamps, which are often heavily oak-dominated. Important species are tolerant of inundation. They include Quercus phellos and Quercus laurifolia with sparse coverage of wetland herbs such as Carex glaucescens. Some swales support unusual pockets of Fraxinus caroliniana and Crataegus<LVALL spp. Comments: Spatially related to West Gulf Coastal Plain Dry Pine-Hardwood Flatwoods (CES203.278) and West Gulf Coastal Plain Herbaceous Flatwoods Pond (CES203.547). DISTRIBUTION Ecological Divisions: 203 TNC Ecoregions: 31:?, 40:C, 41:C Subnations/Nations: AR:c, LA:c, OK:?, TX:c CONCEPT Associations: " (Quercus laurifolia) / Crataegus opaca - Crataegus viridis Forest (G1, Western Mayhaw Pond, CEGL007386) " Fraxinus caroliniana Seasonally Flooded Forest (G2G3, West Gulf Coastal Plain Carolina Ash Swamp, CEGL004753) " Nyssa biflora - Quercus laurifolia / Sphagnum spp. Depression Forest (G3?, Swamp Blackgum - Diamondleaf Oak / Sphagnum Depression Forest, CEGL007390) " Quercus laurifolia - Liquidambar styraciflua - Nyssa biflora - Acer rubrum / Sabal minor Forest (G3?, West Gulf Coastal Plain Blackgum Swamp Drain, CEGL007804) " Quercus laurifolia - Quercus phellos - Quercus nigra / Viburnum dentatum - (Sebastiania fruticosa) / Carex glaucescens Upper West Gulf Flatwoods Forest (G2G3, Upper West Gulf Coastal Plain Diamondleaf Oak Flatwoods Forest, CEGL007961) " Quercus lyrata - Quercus phellos - Ulmus americana / Rhynchospora spp. Forest (G2G3, Red River Pimplemound Terrace Depression Oak Forest, CEGL007549) " Quercus phellos - Quercus similis / Crataegus marshallii - Crataegus spathulata / Chasmanthium laxum Forest (G3?, West Gulf Coastal Plain Saline Flatwoods Oak Forest, CEGL007363) " Quercus phellos / Chasmanthium laxum - Carex (flaccosperma, intumescens) - Hymenocallis liriosme Flatwoods Forest (G3G4, Upper West Gulf Coastal Plain Willow Oak Flatwoods Forest, CEGL007371) " Quercus phellos / Chasmanthium laxum Forest (G3?, Upper West Gulf Coastal Plain Willow Oak Shallow Depression Forest, CEGL008576) " Taxodium distichum - Nyssa biflora - Magnolia virginiana - Acer rubrum Forest (G2?, West Gulf Coastal Plain Wet Flatwoods Pond Forest, CEGL007902) SOURCES Last updated: 31 Mar 2003 Stakeholders: SCS Concept Author: R. Evans LeadResp: SCS"LVAL . 0 <Hamel; June 26, 2003 Bird Meeting. This system provides critical habitat for the following species of viability concern: American Kestrel, Red-headed Woodpecker, Prothonotary Warbler, Brown-headed Nuthatch, Rafinesque's Big-Eared Bat, Indiana Bat. For citations, see the Species and Conservation Target table.This system provides critical habitat for the following species of viability concern: Strecker's Chorus Frog, Pseudacris streckeri streckeri, Northern Crawfish Frog, Rana areolata circulosa, A Crayfish Fallicambarus harpi, A Crayfish Fallicambarus jeanae, A Crayfish Fallicambarus strawni, A Crayfish Procambarus reimeri. For citations, see the Species and Conservation Target table.This system provides critical habitat for the following species of viability concern: Ringed Salamander, Mole Salamander, Bird-voiced Tree Frog, Strecker's Chorus Frog, Northern Crawfish Frog, Bald Eagle, Southeastern Myotis, Eastern Small-Footed Bat, Indiana Bat. For citations, see the Species and Conservation Target table.This system provides critical habitat for the following species of viability concern: Ouachita Dusky Salamander, Many-ribbed Salamander, Bird-voiced Tree Frog, Bald Eagle, Southeastern Myotis, Eastern Small-Footed Bat, Indiana Bat, A Sandgrass, Shinners' Sunflower, Narrowleaf Ironweed, Sand Grape, Razorback Musk Turtle. For citations, see the Species and Conservation Target table.This system provides critical habitat for the following species of viability concern: An Isopod, Southeastern Myotis, Eastern Small-Footed Bat, Indiana Bat. For citations, see the Species and Conservation Target table.(NatureServe, 2003) This system provides critical habitat for the following species of viability concern: Bald Eagle, Swainson's Warbler, Kentucky Warbler, White-eyed Vireo, Hooded Warbler, Timber Rattlesnake. For citations, see the Species and Conservation Target table.LVAL<pJ 8 , *Wolf Spikerush, Eleocharis wolfii, G3?. This species has a wide range, but apparently rare throughout much of its northern range. It is poorly known and may be overlooked. This species is found in open sunny habitats that retain moisture for most of the year. They are associated with wet depressions and seepage areas within sandstone and shale glades. There is one known location on the Ouachita NF in a shale glade and two locations within sandstone glades on the Ozark NF. Habitat and site locations are based on personal communications with Theo Witsell (ANHI) and NatureServe. 2003. NatureServe Explorer: An online encyclopedia of life [web application]. Version 1.8. NatureServe, Arlington, Virginia. Available (Accessed: July 18, 2003).As opposed to snags, which are dead, these den trees are living that serve as current and recruitment of nesting and denning habitat.Prominent, super-emergent trees (greater than 30 inch diameter at breast height) within the riparian corridors of lakes or large rivers.Seasonally wet areas with minimal canopy closure and root matting. Often features grasses and sedges. Can tolerate occasional minor disturbances.Includes all non-flowing aquatic habitats within the influence of Ouachita National Forest activities.Includes all flowing aquatic habitats within the influence of Ouachita National Forest activities.&LVALB >ANHI 2003, Bouchard 1978, Bouchard and Robison 1980, Butler and others 2003, Crump 2003, Crump and others 2003C, 2003D, 2003E, 2003G, 2003Q, 2003R, 2003T, ONHI 2003, Robison 2000a, Robison 2002, Robison and Allen 1995, TNC 2003, Warren and others 1999, Warren and Tinkle, 1999, USDA Forest Service-OOHA 1999.Habitat information is based on descriptions in site records from ONHI database (2003), ANHI database (2003), the Interim Management Guide for Moore s Delphinium (Gary Tucker 12/14/89 unpublished report), Kral, R. 1983. A report on some rare, threatened or endangered forest related vascular plants of the south (USFS technical publication R8-TP2, Atlanta, GA. Vol. 1: 718 pp.), Hardcastle, E. 2003. Ecology and Conservation Genetics of Delphinium newtonianum (Moore s Delphinium) Ranunculaceae, A Rare Endemic of the Interior Highlands. Dissertation, University of Arkansas, and Ozark St. Francis NF PETS Core Pilot Project dataset. Ouachita NF site locations based on records from ONHI database (2003), ANHI database (2003) and field data collected by Edith Hardcastle as part of graduate work.Because of very low number of occurrences, the viability of this species must be protected on an occurrence-by-occurrence basis as defined by ANHI database. Plant Meeting, July 23, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Theo Witsell, reviewed each species and its associated targets. Plant Meeting, August 25, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, and Jeff Holmes, entered final data into the database.NatureServe, 2003. This target provides critical habitat for the following species: Leavenworthia aurea, Golden Glade Cress, Threadleaf Bladderpod, Arkansas Meadow-Rue. For citations, see the Species and Conservation Target table.This element provides critical habitat for the following species: Chimney Swift, Red-headed Woodpecker, Prothonotary Warbler, Rafinesque's Big-Eared Bat, Southeastern Myotis, Indiana Bat. For citations, see the Species and Conservation Target table.LVALQ EMBEDDED: These systems are usually small, isolated, and/or disjunct and are often "embedded" in a larger habitat matrix. These systems rely heavily on surrounding and/or adjacent habitats for landscape scale functions and processes such as fire. CES203.377 SOUTHERN ARKANSAS CALCAREOUS PRAIRIE Division 203, Herbaceous Spatial Scale & Pattern: Large Patch Required Classifiers: Natural/Semi-natural, Vegetated (>10% vasc.), Upland Diagnostic Classifiers: Herbaceous, Graminoid Concept Summary: This system includes natural grassland vegetation and associated wooded vegetation in a relatively small natural region of the Upper West Gulf Coastal Plain of Arkansas. Although other calcareous prairies are found west of the Mississippi River, this system represents some of the largest known and highest quality remaining examples. Plant communities in this system occur over relatively deep soils with circumneutral surface soil pH, which is unusual given the predominance of acid, generally forested soils in the region. In most cases individual prairie openings are small and isolated from one another, but were formerly more extensive prior to European settlement forming a mosaic of grassland and woodlands under frequent fire regimes. The flora has much in common with other Mississippi Embayment Prairie systems as well as the classic midwestern prairies. DISTRIBUTION Ecological Divisions: 203 TNC Ecoregions: 40:C Subnations/Nations: AR:c CONCEPT Associations: " Lythrum alatum - Panicum anceps - Symphyotrichum lanceolatum Wet-Mesic Blackland Prairie Temporarily Flooded Herbaceous Vegetation [Provisional] (GH, Upper West Gulf Coastal Plain Wet-Mesic Blackland, CEGL007962) " Quercus falcata - Carya illinoinensis / Silphium integrifolium - Panicum anceps - (Carex cherokeensis) Mesic Wooded Herbaceous Vegetation (G1, Upper West Gulf Coastal Plain Mesic BlaLVALckland Savanna, CEGL007963) " Quercus muehlenbergii - Quercus sinuata / Rhus aromatica / Liatris aspera - Allium canadense var. mobilense - Schizachyrium scoparium Woodland (G2, Upper West Gulf Dry Chalk Savanna, CEGL007968) " Quercus shumardii - Carya myristiciformis - (Quercus muehlenbergii) / Carex cherokeensis - Sorghastrum nutans Woodland (G1, CEGL007775) " Quercus sinuata / Solidago auriculata - Zigadenus nuttallii Mixed Herb Dry-mesic Blackland Ravine Woodland (G1, Upper West Gulf Coastal Plain Dry Calcareous Woodland, CEGL007966) " Quercus stellata / Forestiera ligustrina - Symphoricarpos orbiculatus / Carex cherokeensis - Schizachyrium scoparium Woodland (G1G2, Upper West Gulf Coastal Plain Prairie Periphery Oak Woodland, CEGL007777) " Schizachyrium scoparium - Sorghastrum nutans - Echinacea pallida - Dalea purpurea Herbaceous Vegetation (G2G3, CEGL007769) " Schizachyrium scoparium - Sporobolus compositus - Fimbristylis puberula var. puberula Wooded Herbaceous Vegetation (G1G2, Upper West Gulf Coastal Plain Dry Calcareous (Blackland) Prairie, CEGL007768) " Sorghastrum nutans - Andropogon glomeratus - Silphium laciniatum Herbaceous Vegetation (G1?, CEGL007774) SOURCES Last updated: 19 Dec 2002 Stakeholders: SCS Concept Author: T. Foti and R. Evans LeadResp: SCSxLVAL*Newton s larkspur, Delphinium newtonianum, G3. This species is endemic to the Interior Highlands of Arkansas, but is locally abundant in a narrow region. It is found in 38 sites within Newton, Searcy, Johnson and Pope Counties in the Ozark Mountains (PETS Core Pilot Project dataset) and in 12 sites (nine on the Caddo RD) within Pike and Montgomery County in the Ouachita Mountains. This species commonly occurs in the shade of moist deciduous or mixed hardwood-pine communities. It is generally found in forest with relatively clean understory and with a low herbaceous cover but high species diversity among the associated species. Moore's delphinium "prefers light to heavy shade of hardwoods, a moist loamy clay or sandy clay loam" (Kral, 1983). Newton s larkspur appears to be favored on sites that are moist and shaded. The populations with the highest densities are those stands, which have been thinned. The weaker populations are those in stands with the least amount of disturbance. Excessively heavy thinning however opens the forest to invasion by opportunistic species and dries out the soil, making the habitat unsuitable for this species (Tucker, 1989). Research has shown that the Ouachita Mountain populations have less genetic diversity than those of the Ozark populations and Ouachita populations also have significant genetic differentiation from each other (Hardcastle, 2003). It is important that each location on the Ouachita NF be protected. Through personal communications with Doug Zollner identified this species as fire independent (Fire independent: Species populations don t change significantly with or without fire management. Species occur within a habitat that burns but fire does not alter the habitat significantly enough to change suitability for species. Species occurs within habitat that does not burn).VLVAL , >pANHI 2003, Bouchard 1978, Bouchard and Robison 1980, Butler and others 2003, Crump 2003, Crump and others 2003C, 2003D, 2003E, 2003G, 2003Q, 2003R, 2003T, ONHI 2003, Robison 2000a, Robison 2002, Robison and Allen 1995, TNC 2003, Warren and others 1999, Warren and Tinkle, 1999, USDA Forest Service-OOHA 1999ANHI 2003, Bouchard 1978, Bouchard and Robison 1980, Butler and others 2003, Crump 2003, Crump and others 2003C, 2003D, 2003E, 2003G, 2003Q, 2003R, 2003T, ONHI 2003, Robison 2000a, Robison 2002, Robison and Allen 1995, TNC 2003, Warren and others 1999, Warren and Tinkle, 1999, USDA Forest Service-OOHA 1999.ANHI 2003, Bouchard 1978, Bouchard and Robison 1980, Butler and others 2003, Crump 2003, Crump and others 2003C, 2003D, 2003E, 2003G, 2003Q, 2003R, 2003T, ONHI 2003, Robison 2000a, Robison 2002, Robison and Allen 1995, TNC 2003, Warren and others 1999, Warren and Tinkle, 1999, USDA Forest Service-OOHA 1999. ANHI 2003, Bouchard 1978, Bouchard and Robison 1980, Butler and others 2003, Crump 2003, Crump and others 2003C, 2003D, 2003E, 2003G, 2003Q, 2003R, 2003T, ONHI 2003, Robison 2000a, Robison 2001, Robison 2002, Robison and Allen 1995, TNC 2003, Warren and others 1999, Warren and Tinkle, 1999, USDA Forest Service-OOHA 1999.ANHI 2003, Bouchard 1978, Bouchard and Robison 1980, Butler and others 2003, Crump 2003, Crump and others 2003C, 2003D, 2003E, 2003G, 2003Q, 2003R, 2003T, ONHI 2003, Robison 2000a, Robison 2002, Robison and Allen 1995, TNC 2003, Warren and others 1999, Warren and Tinkle, 1999, USDA Forest Service-OOHA 1999. Because of very low number of occurrences, the viability of this species must be protected on an occurrence-by-occurrence basis as defined by ANHI database. Plant Meeting, July 23, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Theo Witsell, reviewed each species and its associated targets. Plant Meeting, August 25, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, and Jeff Holmes, entered final data into the database.VLVALr HnThe Kiamichi shiner is locally abundant, and endemic to the Ouachita Mountain Highlands in small to moderate-sized clear upland streams of moderate gradient. It is usually found pools of creeks and rivers favoring the ends of pools near the beginning or end of riffles.A Crayfish endemic to the Ouachita Mountains in AR & OK, within the Ouachita and Red rivers drainages. It is known from a spotty distribution, but can be locally abundant. This species is found to occur under rocks and in burrows under rocks in shallow, clear, flowing streams. Need more field research.A Crayfish endemic to Pigeon Creek, an upper Kiamichi River system in LeFlore County, Oklahoma, is found to prefer habitat underneath rocks in pool areas with little current. .An endemic burrowing Crayfish not known to occur on the Ouachita NF. Known occurrences are south of the NF primarily in Pike and Clark counties. As a burrowing crayfish, preferred habitat includes grassy areas that are maintained by mowing, livestock grazing, etc. to where the grass is kept fairly short as in lawns, roadside ditches, softball/baseball fields, cemeteries, pasture. More research needed.*Shinner s sunflower, Helianthus occidentalis spp. plantagineus, G5T2T3Q. This species occurs in Arkansas, Louisiana and Texas. The only known sites for the Ouachita NF are on the Womble and Jessieville/Winona RD. All three sites occur within associations of shortleaf pine-oaks-hickory forest and in one instance in an abandoned stream channel. This plant forms dense stoloniferous colonies. It prefers full sunlight in areas with some disturbance and low competition. (Marsh and Golden 1996) This species does not occur on the Ozark St. Francis NF. Habitat information based on Marsh, D. 1996. Plantain Sunflower (Helianthus occidentalis subsp. Plantagineus) in Arkansas. Proc. Ark. Acad. Science Vol. 50: Site information based on the ONHI database (2003), ANHI database (2003) and personal communication with Theo Witsell.LVAL The Federally Threatened Leopard Darter is endemic to the Little River system in AR/OK. Occasionally locally common, but usually it is fairly rare. The Leopard Darter is generally found to occur in small to moderate-sized clear upland streams of moderate gradient. It is usually found pools of creeks and rivers favoring the ends of pools near the end of riffles.A Crayfish endemic to the upper Irons Fork of the Ouachita River. Known range is restricted to a very small area within the vicinity of Mena, AR. Needs further field research. As a burrowing crayfish, preferred habitat includes grassy areas that are maintained by mowing, livestock grazing, etc. to where the grass is kept fairly short as in lawns, roadside ditches, softball/baseball fields, cemeteries, pasture.An endemic Crayfish of the AR/OK Ouachita Mtns.; it is very rare and known from only approximately 12 records. Locality habitats are exclusive to high elevation springs and low order streams, some seasonally dry. This burrowing species is known to occur under rocks in clear cold streams, and in simple burrows beneath rocks in spring-fed outflows.An endemic burrowing Crayfish with a very restricted range, but common locally.This species is very poorly known and requires further field research. As a burrowing crayfish, preferred habitat includes grassy areas that are maintained by mowing, livestock grazing, etc. to where the grass is kept fairly short as in roadside ditches, softball/baseball fields, cemeteries, pasture.An endemic burrowing crayfish along the southern edge of the Ouachita Mountains in Pike, Hot Spring, Montgomery and Garland counties, Arkansas. It is more common and widespread than previously believed. As a burrowing crayfish, preferred habitat includes grassy areas that are maintained by mowing, livestock grazing, etc. to where the grass is kept fairly short as in lawns, roadside ditches, softball/baseball fields, cemeteries, pasture.LVAL ANHI 2003, Bart 1989, Burr and Stoeckel 1999, Crump 2003, Crump and others 2003A, 2003C, 2003D, 2003E, 2003G, 2003Q, 2003R, 2003T, Echelle and Schnell 1976, Eley and others 1981, Finnell and others 1956, Grady and LeGrande 1992, Hackney and others 1992, Herrock 1986, Herrock 1986, James 1989, James 1996, James and Collins 1984, James and Maughan 1989, James and others 1991, Jones 1984, Jones and others 1983, Jones and others 1984, Lechner and others 1987, Lindsay and others 1983, Matthews and Robison 1988, Matthews and Robison 1998, Matthews and others 1992, Mayden 1987a, Mayden 1987b, Mayden 1988, Mayden and others 1992, Miller and Robison 2003, Miller 1972, Moore and Paden 1950, Myers 1977, NatureServe 2003, NatureServe 2003a, Near 2002, Nelson and others 2003, ONHI 2003, Ortenburger and Hubbs 1926, Page and Burr 1991, Pflieger 1997, Pigg. And Hill 1974, Pyron and Taylor 1993, Reeves 1953, Richter and others 1997, Robison and Buchanan 1988, Rutherford and others 1992, Taylor 1996, Taylor 1997, Taylor 1999, Taylor and Wade 1972, Warren and Burr 1994, Warren and Hlass 1999, Warren and Tinkle 1999, Warren and others 2000, Williams and others 1989, Willis 1984, Willis and Brown 1985, Wood and Mayden 1997, Zale and others 1994.ANHI 2003, Bouchard 1978, Bouchard and Robison 1980, Butler and others 2003, Crump 2003, Crump and others 2003C, 2003D, 2003E, 2003G, 2003Q, 2003R, 2003T, ONHI 2003, Robison 2000a, Robison 2002, Robison and Allen 1995, TNC 2003, Warren and others 1999, Warren and Tinkle, 1999, USDA Forest Service-OOHA 1999.LVALANHI 2003, Bart 1989, Burr and Stoeckel 1999, Crump 2003, Crump and others 2003A, 2003C, 2003D, 2003E, 2003G, 2003Q, 2003R, 2003T, Echelle and Schnell 1976, Eley and others 1981, Finnell and others 1956, Grady and LeGrande 1992, Hackney and others 1992, Herrock 1986, Herrock 1986, Lindsay and others 1983, Matthews and Robison 1988, Matthews and Robison 1998, Matthews and others 1992, Mayden 1987a, Mayden 1987b, Mayden 1988, Mayden and others 1992, Miller and Robison 2003, Miller 1972, Moore and Paden 1950, Myers 1977, NatureServe 2003, NatureServe 2003a, Near 2002, Nelson and others 2003, ONHI 2003, Ortenburger and Hubbs 1926, Page and Burr 1991, Pflieger 1997, Pigg. And Hill 1974, Pyron and Taylor 1993, Reeves 1953, Richter and others 1997, Robison 2001, Robison and Buchanan 1988, Rutherford and others 1992, Taylor 1996, Taylor 1997, Taylor 1999, Taylor and Wade 1972, Warren and Burr 1994, Warren and Hlass 1999, Warren and Tinkle 1999, Warren and others 2000, Williams and others 1989, Willis 1984, Willis and Brown 1985, Wood and Mayden 1997.LVALANHI 2003, Bart 1989, Burr and Stoeckel 1999, Crump 2003, Crump and others 2003A, 2003C, 2003D, 2003E, 2003G, 2003Q, 2003R, 2003T, Echelle and Schnell 1976, Eley and others 1981, Finnell and others 1956, Grady and LeGrande 1992, Hackney and others 1992, Herrock 1986, Herrock 1986, Lindsay and others 1983, Matthews and Robison 1988, Matthews and Robison 1998, Matthews and others 1992, Mayden 1987a, Mayden 1987b, Mayden 1988, Mayden and others 1992, Miller and Robison 2003, Miller 1972, Moore and Paden 1950, Myers 1977, NatureServe 2003, NatureServe 2003a, Near 2002, Nelson and others 2003, ONHI 2003, Ortenburger and Hubbs 1926, Page and Burr 1991, Pflieger 1997, Pigg. And Hill 1974, Pyron and Taylor 1993, Reeves 1953, Richter and others 1997, Robison and Buchanan 1988, Rutherford and others 1992, Taylor 1996, Taylor 1997, Taylor 1999, Taylor and Wade 1972, Warren and Burr 1994, Warren and Hlass 1999, Warren and Tinkle 1999, Warren and others 2000, Williams and others 1989, Willis 1984, Willis and Brown 1985, Wood and Mayden 1997.LVAL p f On USFS lands, the Goldstripe Darter is restricted to Upper West Gulf Coastal Plain in Oklahoma. The Goldstripe darter is found in lowland sandy-substrate streams.The Paleback Darter is endemic to the upper Caddo and Ouachita rivers, and may be more common than initial surveys indicate appearing to be stable and broadly distributed. The preferred habitat includes slackwater areas in upper headwater tributaries in the summer season. Winter spawning habitat requirement of perennial and/or seasonal spring run with herbaceous vegetation. In the fall for spawning habitat, this species moves upstream into spring-fed, vegetated channels.The Ouachita Shiner is endemic to the Little River System in Arkansas & Oklahoma, and may be more abundant and widespread than initial surveys indicated. It avoids current, preferring pool regions of clear, high-gradient streams congregating particularly at stream margins lined with water willow.The Ouachita Madtom is endemic to the eastern Ouachita Mountain Ecoregion, and is abundant locally within its restricted range. It generally inhabits clear, high gradient, small to moderate-sized gravel-cobble substrate streams, frequenting slackwater and/or backwater areas of slow flow. .The Longnose Darter is fairly common in the Ozarks, but restricted to and rare within the Ouachita NF/Fourche LaFave River. The Longnose Darter prefers pool habitat in clear, silt-free upland large streams and small rivers with cobble and gravel substrate.The Redspot Chub is peripheral to the Ouachita Mtns., but common elsewhere. Ouachita NF historical records exist for one locality in the Little Missouri River, and two localities in the South Fork Ouachita River. This species prefers upland, clear, spring-fed streams with gravel substrate.LVAL ANHI 2003, Bart 1989, Burr and Stoeckel 1999, Crump 2003, Crump and others 2003A, 2003C, 2003D, 2003E, 2003G, 2003Q, 2003R, 2003T, Echelle and Schnell 1976, Eley and others 1981, Finnell and others 1956, Grady and LeGrande 1992, Hackney and others 1992, Herrock 1986, Herrock 1986, Lindsay and others 1983, Matthews and Robison 1988, Matthews and Robison 1998, Matthews and others 1992, Mayden 1987a, Mayden 1987b, Mayden 1988, Mayden and others 1992, Miller and Robison 2003, Miller 1972, Moore and Paden 1950, Myers 1977, NatureServe 2003, NatureServe 2003a, Near 2002, Nelson and others 2003, ONHI 2003, Ortenburger and Hubbs 1926, Page and Burr 1991, Pflieger 1997, Pigg. And Hill 1974, Pyron and Taylor 1993, Reeves 1953, Richter and others 1997, Robison 1992a, Robison 1992b, Robison and Buchanan 1988, Rutherford and others 1992, Taylor 1996, Taylor 1997, Taylor 1999, Taylor and Wade 1972, Trexler and Turner 1994, Turner and others 1996, Wagner and others 1985, Warren and Burr 1994, Warren and Hlass 1999, Warren and Tinkle 1999, Warren and others 2000, Williams and others 1989, Willis 1984, Willis and Brown 1985, Wood and Mayden 1997.LVALANHI 2003, Bart 1989, Burr and Stoeckel 1999, Crump 2003, Crump and others 2003A, 2003C, 2003D, 2003E, 2003G, 2003Q, 2003R, 2003T, Echelle and Schnell 1976, Eley and others 1981, Finnell and others 1956, Grady and LeGrande 1992, Gagen and Stoeckel 1994, Gagen and others 1998, Grady and LeGrande 1992, Hackney and others 1992, Herrock 1986, Herrock 1986, Lindsay and others 1983, Matthews and Robison 1988, Matthews and Robison 1998, Matthews and others 1992, Mayden 1987a, Mayden 1987b, Mayden 1988, Mayden and others 1992, Miller and Robison 2003, Miller 1972, Moore and Paden 1950, Myers 1977, NatureServe 2003, NatureServe 2003a, Near 2002, Nelson and others 2003, ONHI 2003, Ortenburger and Hubbs 1926, Page and Burr 1991, Patton and Zornes 1991, Pflieger 1997, Pigg. And Hill 1974, Pyron and Taylor 1993, Reeves 1953, Richter and others 1997, Robison and Buchanan 1988, Rutherford and others 1992, Taylor 1996, Taylor 1997, Taylor 1999, Taylor and Wade 1972, Tumlison and Tumlison 1996, Warren and Burr 1994, Warren and Hlass 1999, Warren and Tinkle 1999, Warren and others 2000, Williams and others 1989, Willis 1984, Willis and Brown 1985, Wood and Mayden 1997.FLVALVANHI 2003, Bart 1989, Burr and Stoeckel 1999, Crump 2003, Crump and others 2003A, 2003C, 2003D, 2003E, 2003G, 2003Q, 2003R, 2003T, Echelle and Schnell 1976, Eley and others 1981, Finnell and others 1956, Grady and LeGrande 1992, Hackney and others 1992, Herrock 1986, Herrock 1986, Lindsay and others 1983, Matthews and Robison 1988, Matthews and Robison 1998, Matthews and others 1992, Mayden 1987a, Mayden 1987b, Mayden 1988, Mayden and others 1992, Miller and Robison 2003, Miller 1972, Moore and Paden 1950, Myers 1977, NatureServe 2003, NatureServe 2003a, Near 2002, Nelson and others 2003, ONHI 2003, Ortenburger and Hubbs 1926, Page and Burr 1991, Pflieger 1997, Pigg. And Hill 1974, Pyron and Taylor 1993, Reeves 1953, Richter and others 1997, Robison and Buchanan 1988, Rutherford and others 1992, Taylor 1994, Taylor 1996, Taylor 1997, Taylor 1999, Taylor and Lienesch 1995, Taylor and Lienesch 1996, Taylor and Wade 1972, Warren and Burr 1994, Warren and Hlass 1999, Warren and Tinkle 1999, Warren and others 2000, Williams and others 1989, Willis 1984, Willis and Brown 1985, Wood and Mayden 1997.DLVALTANHI 2003, Bart 1989, Boschung and Nieland 1986, Burr and Stoeckel 1999, Crump 2003, Crump and others 2003A, 2003C, 2003D, 2003E, 2003G, 2003Q, 2003R, 2003T, Echelle and Schnell 1976, Eley and others 1981, Finnell and others 1956, Grady and LeGrande 1992, Hackney and others 1992, Herrock 1986, Herrock 1986, Johnson 1995, Lindsay and others 1983, Matthews and Robison 1988, Matthews and Robison 1998, Matthews and others 1992, Mayden 1987a, Mayden 1987b, Mayden 1988, Mayden and others 1992, Miller and Robison 2003, Miller 1972, Moore and Paden 1950, Myers 1977, NatureServe 2003, NatureServe 2003a, Near 2002, Nelson and others 2003, ONHI 2003, Ortenburger and Hubbs 1926, Page and Burr 1991, Pardew and others 1993, Pflieger 1997, Pigg. And Hill 1974, Pyron and Taylor 1993, Reeves 1953, Richter and others 1997, Robison and Buchanan 1988, Rutherford and others 1992, Taylor 1996, Taylor 1997, Taylor 1999, Taylor and Wade 1972, Warren and Burr 1994, Warren and Hlass 1999, Warren and Tinkle 1999, Warren and others 2000, Williams and others 1989, Willis 1984, Willis and Brown 1985, Wood and Mayden 1997.2LVALBANHI 2003, Bart 1989, Burr and Stoeckel 1999, Crump 2003, Crump and others 2003A, 2003C, 2003D, 2003E, 2003G, 2003Q, 2003R, 2003T, Echelle and Schnell 1976, Eley and others 1981, Finnell and others 1956, Grady and LeGrande 1992, Hackney and others 1992, Herrock 1986, Herrock 1986, Johnston 1994, Lemmons and Pigg 1999, Lindsay and others 1983, Matthews and Robison 1988, Matthews and Robison 1998, Matthews and others 1992, Mayden 1987a, Mayden 1987b, Mayden 1988, Mayden and others 1992, Miller and Robison 2003, Miller 1972, Moore and Cross 1950, Moore and Paden 1950, Myers 1977, NatureServe 2003, NatureServe 2003a, Near 2002, Nelson and others 2003, ONHI 2003, Ortenburger and Hubbs 1926, Page and Burr 1991, Pflieger 1997, Pigg. And Hill 1974, Pyron and Taylor 1993, Reeves 1953, Richter and others 1997, Robison and Buchanan 1988, Rutherford and others 1992, Taylor 1996, Taylor 1997, Taylor 1999, Taylor and Wade 1972, Warren and Burr 1994, Warren and Hlass 1999, Warren and Tinkle 1999, Warren and others 2000, Williams and others 1989, Willis 1984, Willis and Brown 1985, Winston 2002, Wood and Mayden 1997.LVALANHI 2003, Bart 1989, Burr and Stoeckel 1999, Crump 2003, Crump and others 2003A, 2003C, 2003D, 2003E, 2003G, 2003Q, 2003R, 2003T, Echelle and Schnell 1976, Eley and others 1981, Finnell and others 1956, Grady and LeGrande 1992, Hackney and others 1992, Herrock 1986, Herrock 1986, Lindsay and others 1983, Matthews and Robison 1988, Matthews and Robison 1998, Matthews and others 1992, Mayden 1987a, Mayden 1987b, Mayden 1988, Mayden and others 1992, Miller and Robison 2003, Miller 1972, Moore and Paden 1950, Myers 1977, NatureServe 2003, NatureServe 2003a, Near 2002, Nelson and others 2003, ONHI 2003, Ortenburger and Hubbs 1926, Page and Burr 1991, Pflieger 1997, Pigg. And Hill 1974, Pyron and Taylor 1993, Reeves 1953, Richter and others 1997, Robison 1993, Robison and Buchanan 1988, Rutherford and others 1992, Taylor 1996, Taylor 1997, Taylor 1999, Taylor and Wade 1972, Warren and Burr 1994, Warren and Hlass 1999, Warren and Tinkle 1999, Warren and others 2000, Williams and others 1989, Willis 1984, Willis and Brown 1985, Wood and Mayden 1997.LVAL x :&The Elktoe freshwater mussel is widespread but rare. It occurs in the mainstem of the upper Ouachita and Caddo rivers on the Ouachita NF, and occurs on the Ozark NF in the Buffalo and Illinois rivers. Rangewide population status of the Elktoe mussel is not known. The Elktoe is found in large creeks and small to medium rivers with gravel or gravel-sand substrate and moderate to swift current.The Peppered Shiner is an uncommon fish; distribution and population dynamics are poorly known. It is restricted in Arkansas to the Saline, Antoine, Caddo, Little Missouri, and upper Ouachita rivers, and in Oklahoma to the Kiamichi and Little rivers. This species is found to prefer pool regions 2-4 feet deep in moderate-sized, warm, clear rivers and is rarely found in small streams. It is never abundant at any site. The low population densities and patchy distribution are reasons for concern over its future status in the Ouachita NF. .The Crystal Darter may be declining range-wide; the cause is unclear. It is peripheral to the Ouachita Mountains usually inhabiting the lower reaches of moderate-sized rivers in southern and eastern Arkansas, where it typically is found is strong current over a sand or fine gravel substrate. It requires clean water and a silt-free substrate, and is particularly vulnerable to habitat altering activities.The Caddo Madtom is endemic to the south-central Ouachita Mountains (Upper Caddo, Little Missouri & Ouachita rivers). Relatively abundant in the Caddo, but uncommon in the Little Missouri & Ouachita rivers. The Caddo madtom inhabits shallow, gravel-bottomed pools of clear upland streams. It prefers well-compacted gravel areas below riffles where it lives under rocks, beneath large gravel, and in the interstices of cobble. ..LLVAL\ANHI 2003, Bart 1989, Burr and Stoeckel 1999, Crump 2003, Crump and others 2003A, 2003C, 2003D, 2003E, 2003G, 2003Q, 2003R, 2003T, Echelle and Schnell 1976, Eley and others 1981, Finnell and others 1956, George and others 1996, Grady and LeGrande 1992, Hackney and others 1992, Herrock 1986, Herrock 1986, Lindsay and others 1983, Matthews and Robison 1988, Matthews and Robison 1998, Matthews and others 1992, Mayden 1987a, Mayden 1987b, Mayden 1988, Mayden and others 1992, Miller and Robison 2003, Miller 1972, Moore and Paden 1950, Myers 1977, NatureServe 2003, NatureServe 2003a, Near 2002, Nelson and others 2003, ONHI 2003, Ortenburger and Hubbs 1926, Page and Burr 1991, Pflieger 1997, Pigg. And Hill 1974, Pyron and Taylor 1993, Reeves 1953, Richter and others 1997, Robison and Buchanan 1988, Rutherford and others 1992, Simons 1991, Taylor 1996, Taylor 1997, Taylor 1999, Taylor and Wade 1972, Taylor and others 1993, Warren and Burr 1994, Warren and Hlass 1999, Warren and Tinkle 1999, Warren and others 2000, Williams and others 1989, Willis 1984, Willis and Brown 1985, Wood and Mayden 1997.dLVALvAGFC 2003, AGFC 1991-1999, AHTD 1984, AHTD 1994, ANHI 2003, Bates and Dennis 1983, Branson 1983, Burns and McDonnell 1992a, Clark 1987, Crump 2003, Crump and others 2003A, 2003C, 2003D, 2003E, 2003G, 2003Q, 2003R, 2003T, Cummings and Mayer 1992, Davidson and others 2000, Gordon 1980, 1980a, a985, Gordon and Brown 1980, Gordon and others 1979, 1980, Harris 1992a, 1996, 1997b, 1999, 1999a, Harris and Doster 1992, Harris and Gordon 1985, 1990, Harris and Milam 2002, Johnson 1980, Meek and Clark 1912, Oesch 1995, ONHI 2003, Rust 1993, Stoeckel and others 1996, 2000, Turgeon and others 1988, 1998, USDA FS 1999, Wheeler 1918, Williams & others 1993.ANHI 2003, Bart 1989, Burr and Stoeckel 1999, Crump 2003, Crump and others 2003A, 2003C, 2003D, 2003E, 2003G, 2003Q, 2003R, 2003T, Echelle and Schnell 1976, Eley and others 1981, Finnell and others 1956, Grady and LeGrande 1992, Hackney and others 1992, Herrock 1986, Herrock 1986, Lindsay and others 1983, Matthews and Robison 1988, Matthews and Robison 1998, Matthews and others 1992, Mayden 1987a, Mayden 1987b, Mayden 1988, Mayden and others 1992, Miller and Robison 2003, Miller 1972, Moore and Paden 1950, Myers 1977, NatureServe 2003, NatureServe 2003a, Near 2002, Nelson and others 2003, ONHI 2003, Ortenburger and Hubbs 1926, Page and Burr 1991, Pflieger 1997, Pigg. And Hill 1974, Pyron and Taylor 1993, Reeves 1953, Richter and others 1997, Robison 2001, Robison and Buchanan 1988, Rutherford and others 1992, Taylor 1996, Taylor 1997, Taylor 1999, Taylor and Wade 1972, Wagner and others 1987, Warren and Burr 1994, Warren and Hlass 1999, Warren and Tinkle 1999, Warren and others 2000, Williams and others 1989, Willis 1984, Willis and Brown 1985, Wood and Mayden 1997.LLVAL`AGFC 2003, ANHI 2003, Crump 2003, Crump and others 2003A, 2003C, 2003D, 2003E, 2003G, 2003Q, 2003R, 2003T, Gordon and Harris 1983, Harris 1999, Harris and Gordon 1987, Harris and others 1997, Johnson 1980, Turgeon and others 1988, 1998, USDA FS 1999, Williams & others 1993.AGFC 2003, AHTD 1984, 1989, 1994, ANHI 2003, Bates and Dennis 1983, Branson 1973, 1983, Burns and McDonnell 1992, 1992a, Christian 1995, Clark 1987, Crump 2003, Crump and others 2003A, 2003C, 2003D, 2003E, 2003G, 2003Q, 2003R, 2003T, Cummings and Mayer 1992, Davidson 1997, Davidson and Gosse 2001, Davidson and others 1997, 2000, Ecological Consultants 1984, Gordon 1980, 1980a, 1982, 1985, Gordon and others 1979, 1980, Harris 1994b, 1996, 1997b, 1999, 1999a, 2001, 2002, Harris and Doster 1992, Harris and Gordon 1988, 1990, Harris and Milam 2002, 2002a, Johnson 1980, Meek and Clark 1912, Oesch 1995, ONHI 2003, Posey 1997, Rust 1993, Stoeckel and others 2000, Turgeon and others 1988, 1998, USDA FS 1999, Vaughn and Spooner 2000, Vaughn and others 1997, Warren 1991, Wheeler 1918, Williams & others 1993.AGFC 2003, Ahlstedt and Jenkinson 1987, 1991, AHTD 1984, 1987, 1989, 1994, ANHI 2003, Bates and Dennis 1983, Branson 1984, Burns and McDonnell 1992a, Call 1895, Christian 1995, Clark 1987, Crump 2003, Crump and others 2003A, 2003C, 2003D, 2003E, 2003G, 2003Q, 2003R, 2003T, Davidson 1997, Davidson and Gosse 2001, Davidson and others 2000, Ecological Consultants 1984, Gordon 1980, 1980a, 1982, Gordon and Brown 1980, Gordon and Harris 1983, Gordon and others 1980, Harris 1987, 1996, 1999, 1999a, Harris and Gordon 1985, 1988, 1990, Harris and Milam 2002, 2002a, Harris and others 1997, Jenkinson and Ahlstedt 1987, 1994, Johnson 1980, Mather 1990, Meek and Clark 1912, Miller and Harris 1987, Oesch 1995, ONHI 2003, Posey 1997, Rust 1993, Stansbery 1970, Stansbery and Stein 1982, Stein and Stansbery 1980, Stoeckel and others 2000, Turgeon and others 1988, 1998, USDA FS 1999, Wheeler 1918, Williams & others 1993.*LVAL @The Spectaclecase Pearlymussel freshwater mussel is a peripheral species to the Ouachita's. Known from only one live and one relict within the Ouachita NF, and known to occur downstream from the ONF in the Ouachita River mainstem. One Ozark locality known from the Mulberry River downstream from the Ozark NF. A difficult species to detect. This large river species is found to occur on boulder/bedrock ledges along the edges of the current mainflow (AGFC Malacologist Bill Posey, pers. comm.).The Southern Pocketbook freshwater mussel is peripheral to the Ouachita's in a scattered distribution. Occurs in low density in the Ouachita Mountain portion of its range. The southern pocketbook has only been collected in Arkansas from the Caddo, Saline and St. Francis (Ditch 23) rivers. Although this species is not considered to be very threatened rangewide, the small number of occurrences known from Arkansas seems to indicate that this species is rare. It inhabits gravel, sand, and mud substrates.The Fluted-shell freshwater mussel is widespread in the mountainous regions of Arkansas and Oklahoma, and locally common. It is currently under an ongoing taxonomic investigation due to the range of morphology between river systems. The fluted-shell is found in small to large rivers with gravel or gravel-sand substrate and moderately to swiftly flowing waters.Western Fanshell freshwater mussel--Ongoing taxonomic work indicates that this complex may be comprised of more than one species, possibly up to five. Ouachita populations occur in the Ouachita, Caddo, Little Missouri, and lower Saline River systems. It is not known to occur on the Ozark NF. The distribution is fairly widespread, but individual occurrences are spotty and uncommon. The western fanshell has been found more rarely in recent years and is considered to be declining across its range. It is most commonly found to occur in large creeks and rivers with good water quality, moderate to swift current, and sand-gravel or sand-rock substrates.LVAL AGFC 2003, AHTD 1984, 1989, 1994, ANHI 2003, Bates and Dennis 1983, Branson 1973, 1983, Burns and McDonnell 1992, 1992a, Christian 1995, Clark 1987, Coker 1919, Crump 2003, Crump and others 2003A, 2003C, 2003D, 2003E, 2003G, 2003Q, 2003R, 2003T, Cummings and Mayer 1992, Davidson 1997, Davidson and Gosse 2001, Ecological Consultants 1984, Gordon 1980, 1980a, 1982, Gordon and others 1979, 1980, Harris 1991b, 1991d, 1992a, 1993, 1994b, 1996, 1999, 1999a, 2001, 2002, Harris and Doster 1992, Harris and Gordon 1985, Harris and Milam 2002, 2002a, Harris and others 1997, Jenkinson and Ahlstedt 1987, Johnson 1980, Kraemer and Gordon, Meek and Clark 1912, Miller and Harris 1987, Oesch 1995, ONHI 2003, Posey 1997, Rust 1993, Stansbery and Stein 1982, Turgeon and others 1988, 1998, Turner and others 2000, USDA FS 1999, Warren 1991, White 1977, Williams & others 1993.AGFC 2003, Coker 1919, Crump 2003, Crump and others 2003A, 2003C, 2003D, 2003E, 2003G, 2003Q, 2003R, 2003T, Cummings and Mayer 1992, Gordon 1980a, Gordon and Harris 1983, Gordon and others 1980, Harris 1999, 1999a, Harris and Gordon 1987, 1990, Harris and others 1997, Johnson 1980, Posey and others 1996, Stoeckel and others 1996, Turgeon and others 1988, 1998, USDA FS 1999, Wheeler 1918, Williams & others 1993.LVAL J L^The Rabbitsfoot freshwater mussel has a widespread distribution in Arkansas, but is not abundant at any location. It is uncommon in the Ouachita and Saline drainages. On the Ozark NF, it occurs in the Wedington Unit of the Illinois River drainage. The Rabbitsfoot occurs in medium to large rivers with sand-gravel or gravel substrates and constant flow.The Pyramid Pigtoe freshwater mussel is extremely abundant in the lower Ouachita and lower Saline rivers. Upper Ouachita and upper Saline rivers populations are peripheral. It is not known to occur on the Ozarks, except for the lower St. Francis River. This species is most commonly found to occur in medium to large rivers with gravel, gravel-sand, or gravel-mud substrates.The Ohio Pigtoe freshwater mussel is of taxonomic concern and in fact, may be multiple species. The true Ohio Pigtoe is a large river obligate. Occurrences on the Ouachita NF most likely represent specimens of Round Pigtoe (P. sintoxia), investigation ongoing. This species is most commonly found to occur in medium to large rivers with gravel, gravel-sand, or gravel-mud substrates.The Fatmucket freshwater mussel is a widespread but uncommon species, and a rare component of the mussel community in the upper Ouachita and Saline rivers. It is also known to occur in the Wedington Unit of Ozark NF-upper Illinois River. This species is found in a wide variety of flowing waters and occasionally in oxbows or backwaters associated with rivers or creeks. It inhabits medium to large creeks/rivers in substrates of sand-gravel, gravel and sand-mud.The Spike freshwater mussel inhabits small to large rivers with gravel or gravel-sand substrates and moderate to swift current. It has been found to occur fairly abundantly in mussel beds within the Ouachita River drainage. This species appears to be a widespread and common mussel species. However, population stability for this species in the state (declining, stable, increasing) is uncertain. LVAL 2AGFC 2003, Ahlstedt and Jenkinson 1987, 1991, AHTD 1989, 1994, ANHI 2003, Bates and Dennis 1983, Branson 1973, 1983, Christian 1995, Clark 1985, 1987, Coker 1919, Crump 2003, Crump and others 2003A, 2003C, 2003D, 2003E, 2003G, 2003Q, 2003R, 2003T, Cummings and Mayer 1992, Davidson and others 1997, Ecological Consultants 1984, Gordon 1980, 1980a, 1982, Gordon and Brown 1980, Gordon and others 1979, 1980, Harris 1991d, 1992a, 1994b, 1996, 1997c, 1999, 1999a, 2001, 2002, Harris and Gordon 1988, 1990, Harris and Milam 2002, Jenkinson and Ahlstedt 1987, Johnson 1980, Meek and Clark 1912, Mehlhop-Cifelli and Miller 1989, Miller and Harris 1987, Oesch 1995, ONHI 2003, Posey 1997, Rust 1993, Stansbery and Stein 1982, Stein and Stansbery 1980, Turgeon and others 1988, 1998, USDA FS 1999, Vaughn and others 1997, Wheeler 1918, White 1977, Williams & others 1993.AGFC 2003, AHTD 1984, 1989, 1994, ANHI 2003, Bates and Dennis 1983, Branson 1973, 1984, Call 1895, Clark 1987, Crump 2003, Crump and others 2003A, 2003C, 2003D, 2003E, 2003G, 2003Q, 2003R, 2003T, Cummings and Mayer 1992, Davidson 1997, Davidson and Gosse 2001, Davidson and others 1997, Ecological Consultants 1984, Gordon 1980, 1980a, 1982, Gordon and Brown 1980, Gordon and Harris 1984, 1985, Gordon and others 1979, 1980, Harris 1991d, 1992a, 1993, 1994b, 1997d, 1999, Harris and Gordon 1990, Jenkinson and Ahlstedt 1987, Johnson 1980, Meek and Clark 1912, Oesch 1995, ONHI 2003, Stansbery and Stein 1982, Turgeon and others 1988, 1998, Turner and others 2000, USDA FS 1999, Vaughn 1996, Vaughn and Spooner 2000, Vaughn and others 1996, Warren 1991, Williams & others 1993.0 #l%C i " P w 2 S  4 ?LhPicoides borealisBear Den CavesSystemV@ Saugey and others 1990.O*Nicrophorus americanusSpecies6@ ABB Recovery Plan/BOU3'Eriocaulon koernickianumSpecies Q @ A5) Picoides borealisSpeciesH@ @ :."Ouachita Pine-Oak WoodlandSystem@ @ B6*"Percina sp. novSpeciesP @ @ 8, Ptilimnium nodosumSpeciesb@ ~@ ;/#Ouachita Pine/Bluestem Woodland and Guild HabitatSystem$@ @ YMA9Grass/Forb Guild HabitatGuildd @ @ ?3' Shrubland Guild HabitatGuild^ @ >@ >2&Forested-Bottomland Hardwood Guild HabitatGuild@ r@ QE92Forested-Dense or Semi-open Pine Guild HabitatGuildj@ @ UI=6Forested-Dry Upland Hardwood & Hardwood/Pine Guild HabitatGuild@ &@ aUIBOak Woodlands Guild HabitatGuild<@ @ B6*#Villosa arkansasensisSpeciest@ @ >2&Obovaria jacksonianaSpeciesx@ "@ =1%Ellipsaria lineolataSpecies@ @ =1%Fusconaia ebenaSpecies@ f@ 8, Toxolasma lividusSpeciesD@ j@ :."Anodonta suborbiculataSpecies@ @ ?3'Lampsilis saturaSpecies@ @ 9-!Quadrula metanevraSpecies@ @ ;/#Lampsilis hydianaSpecies@ @ :."Ligumia rectaSpeciesr@ t@ 6*Leptodea leptodonSpecies@ @ :."Ptychobranchus occidentalisSpeciesR@ z@ D8,#Arkansia wheeleriSpeciesL@ @ :."~Villosa irisSpecies@ v@ 5)}Lampsilis powelliSpecies@ @ :."|Lampsilis abruptaSpecies2@ @ :."{Quadrula cylindrica cylindricaSpecies@ V@ G;/&zPleurobema rubrumSpecies@ @ :."yPleurobema cordatumSpecies@ @ <0$xLampsilis siliquoideaSpecies@ @ >2&LVALf AGFC 2003, ANHI 2003, Bates and Dennis 1983, Branson 1973, 1982, Call 1895, Christian 1995, Clark 1985, 1987, Crump 2003, Crump and others 2003A, 2003C, 2003D, 2003E, 2003G, 2003Q, 2003R, 2003T, Cummings and Mayer 1992, Davidson 1997, Ecological Consultants 1984, Gordon 1980a, 1982, Gordon and Brown 1980, Gordon and others 1979, 1980, Harris 1987, 1992a, 1996, 1997b, 1997c, 1999, 1999a, Harris and Gordon 1987, 1988, Harris and Milam 2002, 2002a, Harris and others 1997, Johnson 1980, Kraemer and Gordon, Meek and Clark 1912, Miller and Harris 1987, Oesch 1995, ONHI 2003, Posey 1997, Rust 1993, Stansbery 1970, Stansbery and Stein 1982, Stein and Stansbery 1980, Turgeon and others 1988, 1998, Vaughn 1996, Vaughn and others 1997, Vaughn and Spooner 2000, USDA FS 1999, Wheeler 1918, Williams & others 1993.AGFC 2003, AHTD 1989, Ahlstedt and Jenkinson 1987, 1991, ANHI 2003, Branson 1983, Christian 1995, Clark 1987, Coker 1919, Crump 2003, Crump and others 2003A, 2003C, 2003D, 2003E, 2003G, 2003Q, 2003R, 2003T, Cummings and Mayer 1992, Davidson 1997, Davidson and Gosse 2001, Gordon 1980a, Gordon and others 1980, Harris 1986, 1989b, 1999, 1999a, 2001, 2002a, Harris and Gordon 1985, 1987, Harris and Milam 2002, 2002a, Harris and others 1997, Jenkinson 1989, Jenkinson and Ahlstedt 1987, 1994, Johnson 1980, Miller and Harris 1987, ONHI 2003, Posey 1997, Stansbery 1970, Stansbery and Stein 1982, Stein and Stansbery 1980, Turgeon and others 1988, 1998, USDA FS 1999, Vaughn 1996, Wheeler 1918, Williams & others 1993.LVAL@ |AGFC 2003, AHTD 1984, ANHI 2003, Bates and Dennis 1983, Branson 1984, Clark 1987, Coker 1919, Crump 2003, Crump and others 2003A, 2003C, 2003D, 2003E, 2003G, 2003Q, 2003R, 2003T, Cummings and Mayer 1992, Davidson and others 1997, Ecological Consultants 1984, Gordon 1980a, Gordon and others 1980, Harris 1991b, 1992a, 1993, 1996, 1999, Harris and Gordon 1990, Harris and Milam 2002, Johnson 1980, Meek and Clark 1912, Oesch 1995, ONHI 2003, Rust 1993, Turgeon and others 1988, 1998, Vaughn 1996, Vaughn and Spooner 2000, USDA FS 1999, Warren 1991, Williams & others 1993AGFC 2003, AHTD 1989, 1994, ANHI 2003, Branson 1984, Brown and Brown 1989, Burns and McDonnell 1992, 1992a, Crump 2003, Crump and others 2003A, 2003C, 2003D, 2003E, 2003G, 2003Q, 2003R, 2003T, Davidson and Gosse 2001, Gordon and Harris 1983, 1985, Harris 1989c, 1991a, 1994a, 1999, 1999a, Harris and Gordon 1987, 1988, 1990, Harris and others 1992, 1997, Johnson 1980, Turgeon and others 1988, 1998, Turner and others 2000, USDA FS 1999, USDI FWS 1990, 1992, Williams & others 1993.AGFC 2003, AHTD 1984, ANHI 2003, Bates and Dennis 1983, Christian 1995, Clark 1987, Coker 1919, Crump 2003, Crump and others 2003A, 2003C, 2003D, 2003E, 2003G, 2003Q, 2003R, 2003T, Cummings and Mayer 1992, Davidson 1997, Gordon 1980a, 1982, Gordon and Harris 1983, Gordon and others 1980, Harris 1989d, 1990c, 1995, 1997c, 1999, 1999a, 2002, Harris and Gordon 1987, 1990, Harris and Milam 2002, 2002a, Harris and others 1997, Johnson 1980, Miller and Harris 1987, Oesch 1995, ONHI 2003, Posey 1997, Rust 1993, Stansbery 1970, Turgeon and others 1988, 1998, USDA FS 1999, Wheeler 1918, Williams & others 1993.VLVAL jThe Rainbow freshwater mussel is considered to be extremely rare in OK. Species status in Arkansas is unclear/unknown. The Rainbow lives in riffles and along the edges of emerging vegetation, in gravel and sand in moderate to strong current. It is most numerous in clean, well-oxygenated stretches at depths of less than three feet.The Arkansas Fatmucket freshwater mussel is Federally Threatened, a Ouachita River drainage endemic, and the main populations are in the Forks of the Saline, South Fork Ouachita and upper Ouachita rivers. It is also known to occur in the Caddo River. It has restricted distribution and is relatively common in preferred habitat, however its frequency of capture has been decreasing, and its population sizes appear small. The Arkansas Fatmucket inhabits small to medium size rivers with gravel-sand, gravel, sand, or cobble substrates. Preferred habitat is moderate to slow flowing water about three feet deep with gravel-sand substrate. An updated status survey is in progress (Arkansas State University graduate study-summer & fall 2003).The Pink Mucket freshwater mussel is Federally Endangered and of taxonomic concerns. Records indicate that there are occurrences in the upper Ouachita watershed below Remmel Dam, and in the Poteau River upstream from the Ouachita NF (AGFC Malacologist Bill Posey, pers. Comm.). One historical pre-impoundment record occurs downstream from the Ozark NF in the Bull Shoals watershed. This species is very rare, and while it is likely that the species historically tended to occur in low numbers, the lack of recruitment and the difficulty with which it is found indicate that the species continues to decline in the state. This species inhabits medium to large rivers and their backwaters receiving annual flushing in substrates ranging from pure gravel to mud with water depths from 2-30 feet.LVAL, AGFC 2003, AHTD 1984, 1989, 1994, ANHI 2003, Bates and Dennis 1983, Branson 1973, 1984, Burns and McDonnell 1992, 1992a, Call 1895, Clark 1987, Coker 1919, Crump 2003, Crump and others 2003A, 2003C, 2003D, 2003E, 2003G, 2003Q, 2003R, 2003T, Cummings and Mayer 1992, Davidson 1997, Davidson and Gosse 2001, Davidson and others 1997, 2000, Gordon 1980, 1980a, 1982, Gordon and Brown 1980, Gordon and others 1979, 1980, Harris 1991a, 1991b, 1992a, 1993, 1994a, 1996, 1997b, 1999, 1999a, 2001, 2002, Harris and Doster 1992, Harris and Gordon 1988, 1990, Harris and Milam 2002, Harris and others 1997, Johnson 1980, Meek and Clark 1912, Mehlhop-Cifelli and Miller 1989, Miller and Harris 1987, Oesch 1995, ONHI 2003, Posey 1997, Rust 1993, Stansbery and Stein 1982, Stoeckel and others 2000, Turgeon and others 1988, 1998, Vaughn 1996, Vaughn and others 1993, 1996, 1997, Vaughn and Spooner 2000, USDA FS 1999, Warren 1991, Wheeler 1918, Williams & others 1993.AGFC 2003, Branson 1983, Clark 1987, Crump 2003, Crump and others 2003A, 2003C, 2003D, 2003E, 2003G, 2003Q, 2003R, 2003T, Gordon 1980a, Gordon and Harris 1983, Gordon and Kraemer 1984, Harris 1999, 1999a, Harris and Gordon 1987, 1990, Harris and others 1997, Johnson 1980, Mehlhop-Cifelli and Miller 1989, Posey 1997, Posey and others 1996, Stansbery 1970, Turgeon and others 1988, 1998, USDA FS 1999, USDI FWS 1994, Vaughn and others 1993, 1996, 1997, Wheeler 1918, Williams & others 1993.zLVAL bThe Scaleshell freshwater mussel is Federally Endangered. It is poorly known, difficult to detect, and extremely rare. It occurs on the Ouachita NF in South Fourche LaFave River, and possibly on the Ozark NF, but distribution and densities are not well understood. Scaleshells are found with increasing difficulty due to their propensity to bury relative deep in the substrate with just the edge of the shells exposed. Those found have been so rare that they do not appear to be members of viable populations. There has been no evidence detected of recent reproduction. This species is typically found in medium to large rivers with stable channels and good water quality in an array of substrates ranging from gravel, cobble, and boulder to mud.The Ouachita Kidneyshell freshwater mussel is found to be common in the upper Ouachita, Caddo and Saline rivers in the Ouachita NF. It is also known to occur on the Ozark NF. True Ouachita Kidneyshells occur in the Ouachita and Arkansas rivers' drainages. White River drainage individuals are Kidneyshell. In recent years, this species has been found in reduced numbers. This shell is most often found in large creeks to medium rivers with gravel or gravel-sand substrate and moderate to swift flow. It is seldom found in sluggish, low-gradient streams.The Federally Endangered Ouachita Rock Pocketbook freshwater mussel populations are known to occur in the Kiamichi and Glover rivers in OK, and Little River system in OK & AR. It is not known to occur within the Ouachita NF, but has been found in close proximity. The potential for occurrence on the NF, along with the Federally Endangered status indicate that this is a species of viability concern for the Ouachita NF. Habitat includes medium-sized rivers in backwater or slackwater areas adjacent to the main channel with muddy or silty substrate.LVAL~ AGFC 2003, Ahlstedt and Jenkinson 1987, 1991, AHTD 984, 1989, 1994, ANHI 2003, Bates and Dennis 1983, Branson 1984, Burns and McDonnell 1992, 1992a, Call 1895, Christian 1995, Clark 1987, Coker 1919, Crump 2003, Crump and others 2003A, 2003C, 2003D, 2003E, 2003G, 2003Q, 2003R, 2003T, Cummings and Mayer 1992, Dames and Moore 1997, Davidson 1997, Davidson and Gosse 2001, Davidson and others 2000, Ecological Consultants 1984, Gordon 1980, 1980a, 1982, Gordon and others 1980, Harris 1986, 1992a, 1993, 1994b, 1994c, 1995, 1999, 1999a, Harris and Doster 1992, Harris and Gordon 1985, 1988, 1990, Harris and Milam 2002, 2002a, Jenkinson and Ahlstedt 1987, 1994, Johnson 1980, Meek and Clark 1912, Miller and Harris 1987, Oesch 1995, ONHI 2003, Posey 1997, Rust 1993, Stansbery and Stein 1982, Stein and Stansbery 1980, Stoeckel and others 2000, Turgeon and others 1988, 1998, USDA FS 1999, Wheeler 1918, White 1977, USDI FWS 1998, Williams & others 1993.AGFC 003, AHTD 1984, ANHI 2003, Bates and Dennis 1983, Branson 1984, Clark 1985, 1987, Crump 2003, Crump and others 2003A, 2003C, 2003D, 2003E, 2003G, 2003Q, 2003R, 2003T, Cummings and Mayer 1992, Davidson and others 1997, Gordon 1980, 1980a, 1985, Gordon and others 1980, Harris 1992b, 1999, 1999a, 2002, Harris and Gordon 1987, 1990, Harris and Milam 2002, 2002a, Harris and others 1997, Jenkinson and Ahlstedt 1987, Johnson 1980, Mehlhop-Cifelli and Miller 1989, Oesch 1995, ONHI 2003, Stansbery 1970, Stoeckel and Moles 2002, Szymanski 1998, Turgeon and others 1988, 1998, USDA FS 1999, USDI FWS 1998, Vaughn 1996, Vaughn and Spooner 2000, Vaughn and others 1996, Wheeler 1918, Williams & others 1993.LVAL The Monkeyface freshwater mussel is known from a spotty distribution, and is uncommon in the Ouachita and Saline rivers, although the Ouachita contains one of the largest known populations in Arkansas. It may occur on the Ozark NF. This species inhabits small to large rivers with gravel or gravel-sand substrates and swift flowing water. It is a relatively uncommon species found in most river drainages in Arkansas. The status of this species is relatively uncertain in Arkansas, but across its range it is currently considered to be stable. However, there is evidence that it is starting to decline along the edges of its range.The Louisiana Fatmucket freshwater mussel is relatively common and abundant in the Ouachita River and tributaries. This mussel is found to occur in medium creeks to large rivers from the Arkansas River Valley south. It is usually found in slower moving segments or backwaters with rock, gravel, gravel-sand, or mud substrates. It is particularly abundant in the upper Ouachita River above Mt. Ida, the forks of the Saline River, and the Saline River of west Arkansas that is a tributary of the Red River system. There are taxonomic questions to be resolved for this species that could change its status and rank.The Black Sandshell freshwater mussel is widely distributed within Arkansas, but locally spotty and uncommon. It is known to occur in the Ouachita and Ozark NFs typically in medium-sized to large rivers in locations with strong current and substrates of coarse sand and gravel with cobbles in water depths from several inches to six feet or more. This species is declining in Arkansas, and across its range. Usually only old individuals are found at sites, and recruitment is apparently quite low. It is not considered to be stable in any state it is known to occur in.LVAL\AGFC 2003, Ahlstedt and Jenkinson 1987, 1991, AHTD 1984, ANHI 2003, Bates and Dennis 1983, Brann 1947, Branson 1973, 1982, Brown and 1989, Burns and McDonnell 1992a, Call 1895, Christian 1995, Clark 1985, Coker 1919, Crump 2003, Crump and others 2003A, 2003C, 2003D, 2003E, 2003G, 2003Q, 2003R, 2003T, Cummings and Mayer 1992, Dames and Moore 1977, Davidson 1997, Davidson and Gosse 2001, Ecological Consultants 1984, Gordon 1980a, 1982, Gordon and Brown 1980, Gordon and others 1980, Harris 1987, 1989b, 1990c, 1995, 1999, 1999a, 2002a, Harris and Gordon 1988, 1990, Harris and Milam 2002, 2002a, Jenkinson 1989, 1994, Johnson 1980, Miller and Harris 1987, Oesch 1995, ONHI 2003, Posey 1997, Rust 1993, Stansbery and Stein 1982, Stein and Stansbery 1980, Stoeckel and others 2000, Turgeon and others 1988, 1998, USDA FS 1999, Wheeler 1918, Williams & others 1993.AGFC 2003, Ahlstedt and Jenkinson 1987, 1991, AHTD 1984, 1987, 1989, 1994, ANHI 2003, Bates and Dennis 1983, Branson 1973, 1984, Brown and Brown 1989, Burns and McDonnell 1992, 1992a, Call 1895, Clark 1987, Cooper 1984, Crump 2003, Crump and others 2003A, 2003C, 2003D, 2003E, 2003G, 2003Q, 2003R, 2003T, Davidson 1997, Davidson and Gosse 2001, Davidson and others 2000, Gordon 1980a, 1985, Gordon and Harris 1985, Gordon and others 1980, Harris 1986, 1989b, 1989c, 1990a, 1990c, 1991a, 1994a, 1994b, 1999, 1999a, 2001, Harris and Doster 1992, Harris and Gordon 1988, 1990, Harris and Milam 2002, 2002a, Jenkinson and Ahlstedt 1987, 1994, Johnson 1980, Mehlhop-Cifelli and Miller 1989, ONHI 2003, Posey 1997, Rust 1993, Stansbery and Stein 1982, Stein and Stansbery 1980, Stoeckel and others 1996, Turgeon and others 1988, 1998, Turner and others 2000, USDA FS 1999, Vaughn 1996, Vaughn and others 1993, 1994, 1996, 1997, Wheeler 1914, 1918, White 1977, Williams & others 1993nLVAL AGFC 2003, ANHI 2003, Bates and Dennis 1983, Branson 1984, Brown and Brown 1989, Burns and McDonnell 1992a, Crump 2003, Crump and others 2003A, 2003C, 2003D, 2003E, 2003G, 2003Q, 2003R, 2003T, Cummings and Mayer 1992, Davidson 1997, Davidson and others 2000, Ecological Consultants 1984, Gordon 1980, 1980a, 1982, Gordon and Brown 1980, Gordon and others 1979, 1980, Harris 1991d, 1992b, 1994b, 1996, 1997b, 1999, 1999a, Harris and Gordon 1988, 1990, Harris and Milam 2002, Harris and others 1997, Jenkinson and Ahlstedt 1987, Johnson 1980, Meek and Clark 1912, Oesch 1995, ONHI 2003, Posey 1997, Rust 1993, Stansbery 1970, Turgeon and others 1988, 1998, Wheeler 1918, Williams & others 1993.AGFC 2003, AGFC 1991-1999, AHTD 1984, AHTD 1994, Ahlstedt and Jenkinson 1987, 1991, ANHI 2003, Bates and Dennis 1983, Clark 1985, 1987, Coker 1919, Crump 2003, Crump and others 2003A, 2003C, 2003D, 2003E, 2003G, 2003Q, 2003R, 2003T, Cummins and Mayer 1992, Davidson 1997, Davidson and others 2000, Ecological Consultants 1984, Foti and Bukenhofer 1998, Gordon 1980a, 1982, Gordon and Brown 1980, Harris 1989b, 1991c, 1997a, 1999, 1999a, 2001, Harris and Gordon 1987, 1990, Harris and Milam 2002, 2002a, Harris and others 1993, 1997, Jenkinson and Ahlstedt 1987, 1994, Johnson 1980, Oesch 1995, ONHI 2003, Rust 1993, Stansbery and Stein 1982, Stewart 1995, Stoeckel and others 2000, Turgeon and others 1988, 1998, USDA FS 1999, Wheeler 1918, Williams & others 1993.AGFC 2003, AHTD 1989, ANHI 2003, Branson 1973, Brown and Brown 1989, Burns and McDonnell 1992, 1992a, Clark 1987, Crump 2003, Crump and others 2003A, 2003C, 2003D, 2003E, 2003G, 2003Q, 2003R, 2003T, Davidson 1997, Gordon 1980a, 1985, Harris 1989b, 1989c, 1991c, 1992d, 1999, Harris and Doster 1992, Harris and Gordon 1985, 1988, 1990, Johnson 1980, Mehlhop-Cifelli and Miller 1989, ONHI 2003, Stoeckel and others 1996, Turgeon and others 1988, 1998, Turner and others 2000, USDA FS 1999, Wheeler 1918, Williams & others 1993.LVAL The Ebonyshell freshwater mussel inhabits medium to large rivers in gravel, gravel-sand, or hard mud substrates with moderate to swift stream flow and at depths of up to 60 feet. It occurs in a number of watersheds across Arkansas in relatively high numbers, however the population status of this species in the state is uncertain.The Purple Liliput is a fairly uncommon freshwater mussel, usually found in the headwaters of Ouachita and Saline Rivers. These shells inhabit small creeks to medium size rivers but tend to stay in backwaters. They are also found to occur in oxbows, natural lakes, impoundments and even farm ponds adapting to almost any type of substrate from rock to mud. It should also occur in lower order streams on Ozark NF, and has been documented in Big Piney and Illinois Bayou. Population numbers appear to be very low, potentially indicating a decline.The Flat Floater freshwater mussel is locally abundant in backwater mud substrates of large rivers, oxbows, and ponds or lakes. It is commonly found to occur along the Mississippi River and its tributaries, and should be considered widespread and abundant in the state. The fact that it is declining in other states within its range may imply that it should be considered at risk.The Sandbank Pocketbook freshwater mussel is in an ongoing taxonomic investigation--the Ouachita River occurrences may be discrete species. This species is known to occur in small to large rivers south of the Arkansas River with gravel, gravel-sand, or sand substrates and moderate flow. It is common to moderately common in the Ouachita, Saline (Ouachita drainage), Little, Saline (Red River drainage) rivers. It is not known to occur on the Ozark NF, but nearby records suggests possible occurrences on the Ouachita NF.jLVAL|AGFC 2003, Ahlstedt and Jenkinson 1987, 1991, AHTD 1984, 1994, ANHI 2003, Bates and Dennis 1983, Brann 1947, Branson 1984, Christian 1995, Clark 1987, Coker 1919, Crump 2003, Crump and others 2003A, 2003C, 2003D, 2003E, 2003G, 2003Q, 2003R, 2003T, Cummings and Mayer 1992, Dames and Moore 1997, Davidson 1997, Ecological Consultants 1984, Gordon 1980a, 1982, Gordon and others 1980, Harris 1986, 1987, 1989a, 1989b, 1992b, 1994b, 1994c, 1995, 1997c, 1999, 1999a, 2001, 2002, 2002a, Harris and Gordon 1990, Harris and Milam 2002a, Jenkinson and Ahlstedt 1987, 1994, Mehlhop-Cifelli and Miller 1989, Miller and Harris 1987, Oesch 1995, ONHI 2003, Posey 1997, Rust 1993, Stansbery and Stein 1982, Stein and Stansbery 1980, USDA FS 1999, Vaughn 1996, Vaughn and others 1993, White 1977.AGFC 2003, Ahlstedt and Jenkinson 1987, 1991, AHTD 1984, 1987, ANHI 2003, Bates and Dennis 1983, Brann 1947, Branson 1982, Call 1895, Christian 1995, Christian and others 2000, Clark 1985, Coker 1919, Crump 2003, Crump and others 2003A, 2003C, 2003D, 2003E, 2003G, 2003Q, 2003R, 2003T, Cummings and Mayer 1992, Dames and Moore 1997, Davidson 1997, Davidson and Gosse 2001, Davidson and others 2000, Ecological Consultants 1984, Gordon 1980a, 1982, Gordon and others 1980, Harris 1986, 1987, 1989a, 1989b, 1989d, 1990a, 1990c, 1994c, 1995, 1997c, 1999, 1999a, 2002, 2002a, Harris and Doster 1992, Harris and Gordon 1985, 1990, Harris and Milam 2002, 2002a, Jenkinson 1989, Jenkinson and Ahlstedt 1987, 1994, Johnson 1980, Kraemer and Gordon, Miller and Harris 1987, Oesch 1995, ONHI 2003, Posey 1997, Rust 1993, Stansbery and Stein 1982, Stein and Stansbery 1980, Stoeckel and others 2000, Turgeon and others 1988, 1998, USDA FS 1999, Wheeler 1914.LVAL 0Oak Woodlands Guild Habitat is defined as a vegetative community and set of structural conditions that may occur in the following systems: CES202.707 OZARK-OUACHITA DRY OAK WOODLAND, CES202.314 OUACHITA NOVACULITE GLADE AND WOODLAND and potentially similar landtypes. This habitat is important to the viability of the following species: Bachman's Sparrow, American Kestral, Northern Bobwhite, Red-headed Woodpecker, Orchard Oriole, Painted Bunting, Bewick's Wren and Prairie Warbler. This Guild habitat is characterized by fire-maintained, mature, oak-dominated woodlands (10-60% canopy closure), and abundant herbaceous vegetation dominated by grasses and forbes.The Ouachita Creekshell freshwater mussel is common in forks of Saline River within riffles, as well as pools. It is also found in the upper Ouachita River mainstem and South Fork. This species has become more rare across its range, and is found to occur at fewer sites and lower numbers than in previous surveys.The center of distribution for the Southern Hickorynut freshwater mussel is known to occur in the Ouachita River. It is found to be locally common and is also known from the Ozark Mtns./White River drainage, and likely to occur on the Ozark NF. While fairly widely distributed, this species is not abundant anywhere.The Butterfly freshwater mussel is found in medium to large rivers with gravel and gravel-sand substrate and good current. It is not considered to be widespread or abundant. It is found to sparsely occur in the Caddo, Cossatot, Little Missouri, Little, Ouachita, Saline and St. Francis rivers. The status of this species in Arkansas and Oklahoma is relatively uncertain.LVAL This system provides critical habitat for the following species of viability concern: Chuck-will's-widow, Whip-poor-will, Chimney Swift, Prairie Warbler, Worm-eating Warbler, White-eyed Vireo, Timber Rattlesnake. For citations, see the Species and Conservation Target table.This system provides critical habitat for the following species of viability concern: Bachman's Sparrow, , Northern Bobwhite, Prairie Warbler, American Kestrel, Orchard Oriole, Red-headed Woodpecker, Painted Bunting, Bewick's Wren, Plains Spotted Skunk, Bush's Poppymallow, Western Diamondback Rattlesnake, Timber Rattlesnake. For citations, see the Species and Conservation Target table.AGFC 2003, ANHI 2003, Brown and Brown 1989, Burns and McDonnell 1992, 1992a, Call 1895, Crump 2003, Crump and others 2003A, 2003C, 2003D, 2003E, 2003G, 2003Q, 2003R, 2003T, Gordon 1980a, Gordon and others 1980, Harris 1994a, 1994b, 1999, 1999a, 2001, Harris and Gordon 1988, 1990, Harris and others 1997, Johnson 1980, Mehlhop-Cifelli and Miller 1989, ONHI 2003, Turgeon and others 1988, 1998, Vaughn 1996, Vaughn and others 1993, 1996, 997, Vaughn and Spooner 2000, USDA FS 1999, Wheeler 1918, Williams & others 1993.AGFC 2003, ANHI 2003, Branson 1973, 1984, Brown and Brown 1989, Burns and McDonnell 1992a, Call 1895, Clark 1987, Crump 2003, Crump and others 2003A, 2003C, 2003D, 2003E, 2003G, 2003Q, 2003R, 2003T, Davidson 1997, Gordon 1980a, Harris 1989b, 1992b, 1994b, 1999, 1999a, 2001, Harris and Doster 1992, Harris and Gordon 1985, 1988, 1990, Harris and others 1997, Jenkinson and Ahlstedt 1987, 1994, Johnson 1980, Mehlhop-Cifelli and Miller 1989, Oesch 1995, ONHI 2003, Stansbery and Stein 1982, Stein and Stansbery 1980, Turgeon and others 1988, 1998, Vaughn and Spooner 2000, Vaughn and others 1993, 1994, 1996, 1997, Wheeler 1914, 1918, Williams & others 1993.LVAL Forested-Dense or Semi-open Pine Guild Habitat is defined as a vegetative community and set of structural conditions that may occur in the following systems: CES202.313 OZARK-OUACHITA SHORTLEAF PINE-OAK FOREST AND WOODLAND, CES203.378 WEST GULF COASTAL PLAIN PINE-HARDWOOD FOREST, ONF Management Area 22, and potentially similar landtypes. This habitat is important to the viability of the following species: Bachman's Sparrow, Bald Eagle, Chuck-will's-widow, Whip-poor-will, Brown-headed Nuthatch, White-eyed vireo, Wood Thrush, Worm-eating Warbler, Kentucky Warbler, Hooded Warbler and Prairie Warbler. This Guild habitat is characterized by a variety of pine-dominated age and structural classes, primarily pine stands of 12 years or older that have achieved closed or mostly closed canopy conditions. This includes pine plantations, both thinned and unthinned, as long as there is vertical structural diversity and occasional canopy gaps.Forested-Dry Upland Hardwood & Hardwood/Pine Guild Habitat is defined as a vegetative community and set of structural conditions that may occur in the following systems: CES202.708 OZARK-OUACHITA DRY-MESIC OAK FOREST, CES202.306 OUACHITA MONTANE OAK FOREST, CES202.313 OZARK-OUACHITA SHORTLEAF PINE-OAK FOREST AND WOODLAND (forested components only with canopy closure in excess of 60%), and potentially similar landtypes. This habitat is important to the viability of the following species: Chuck-will's-widow, Whip-poor-will, Chimney Swift, White-eyed Vireo, Prairie Warbler, Worm-eating Warbler. This Guild habitat is characterized by mature, oak-dominated forests (>60% canopy closure), vertical structural diversity, and low herbaceous diversity/abundance.LVALP This system provides critical habitat for the following species of viability concern: Western Diamondback Rattlesnake, Timber Rattlesnake, Great Plains Skink, Southern Prairie Skink. For citations, see the Species and Conservation Target table.This system provides critical habitat for the following species of viability concern: Red-cockaded Woodpecker, Brown-headed Nuthatch, Western Diamondback Rattlesnake, Great Plains Skink, Southern Prairie Skink. For citations, see the Species and Conservation Target table.This system provides critical habitat for the following species of viability concern: Northern Bobwhite, Prairie Warbler, White-eyed Vireo, Diana, A Twistflower, Western Diamondback Rattlesnake, Timber Rattlesnake, Great Plains Skink, Southern Prairie Skink. For citations, see the Species and Conservation Target table.This system provides critical habitat for the following species of viability concern: Northern Bobwhite, Prairie Warbler, Painted Bunting, Bewick's Wren, White-eyed Vireo, Western Diamondback Rattlesnake, Timber Rattlesnake. For citations, see the Species and Conservation Target table.This system provides critical habitat for the following species of viability concern: Bird-voiced Tree Frog, Whip-poor-will, Chimney Swift, Cerulean Warbler, Acadian Flycatcher, Bald Eagle, Wood Thrush, Orchard Oriole, Swainson's Warbler, Red-headed Woodpecker, Kentucky Warbler, Prothonotary Warbler, Yellow-throated Vireo, White-eyed Vireo, Hooded Warbler, Timber Rattlesnake. For citations, see the Species and Conservation Target table.This system provides critical habitat for the following species of viability concern: Bachman's Sparrow, Chuck-will's-widow, Prairie Warbler, Bald Eagle, Worm-eating Warbler, Wood Thrush, Kentucky Warbler, Brown-headed Nuthatch, White-eyed Vireo, Hooded Warbler, Timber Rattlesnake. For citations, see the Species and Conservation Target table.LVALForested-Bottomland Hardwood Guild Habitat is defined as a vegetative community and set of structural conditions that occurs concurrently within CES202.703 OZARK-OUACHITA RIPARIAN, CES202.705 SOUTH-CENTRAL INTERIOR LARGE FLOODPLAIN, CES203.548 WEST GULF COASTAL PLAIN WET HARDWOOD FLATWOODS, CES203.487 WEST GULF COASTAL PLAIN SMALL STREAM AND RIVER FOREST, CES203.488 WEST GULF COASTAL PLAIN LARGE RIVER FLOODPLAIN FOREST, and potentially similar landtypes. This habitat is important to the viability of the following species: Bald Eagle, Mississippi Kite, Chuck-will's-widow, Chimney Swift, Red-headed Woodpecker, Acadian Flycatcher, White-eyed Vireo, Yellow-throated Vireo, Wood Thrush, Cerulean Warbler, Prothonotary Warbler, Swainson's Warbler, Kentucky Warbler, Hooded Warbler, and Orchard Oriole. This Guild habitat is characterized by structurally diverse, closed-canopy, mature, hardwood-dominated forests near water. Super-emergent trees are desirable where Bald Eagle and Cerulean Warbler viability is a concern.LVALShrubland Guild Habitat is an embedded, scattered, or patchy structural condition that may occur in the following systems: CES202.313 OZARK-OUACHITA SHORTLEAF PINE-OAK FOREST AND WOODLAND, CES202.703 OZARK-OUACHITA RIPARIAN, CES202.707 OZARK-OUACHITA DRY OAK WOODLAND, CES202.708 OZARK-OUACHITA DRY-MESIC OAK FOREST, CES203.378 WEST GULF COASTAL PLAIN PINE-HARDWOOD FOREST, CES202.705 SOUTH-CENTRAL INTERIOR LARGE FLOODPLAIN, CES203.548 WEST GULF COASTAL PLAIN WET HARDWOOD FLATWOODS, CES203.487 WEST GULF COASTAL PLAIN SMALL STREAM AND RIVER FOREST, CES203.488 WEST GULF COASTAL PLAIN LARGE RIVER FLOODPLAIN FOREST, and potentially similar landtypes. This habitat is important to the viability of the following species: Northern Bobwhite, Red-headed Woodpecker, White-eyed vireo, Bewick's Wren, Painted Bunting, Orchard Oriole, and Prairie Warbler. This Guild habitat is found where woody succession has begun to replace herbaceous elements of previously disturbed areas such as recently harvested forests, old fields, and wind/ice-damaged areas. These habitats are often characterized by opportunistic woody species such as sumac, persimmon, black locust, sassafras, and blackberry.fLVALxPine-dominated woodlands with intermittent canopy and abundant herbaceous groundcover, little or no hardwoods among dominant canopy trees. The habitat components associated with early seral conditions, as well as the mature pine condition are exhibited . Exclusively the Ouachita pine/blue-stem woodland component of CES202.313 OZARK-OUACHITA SHORTLEAF PINE-OAK FOREST AND WOODLAND. From the management prescription for Management Area 22: "Renewal of Shortleaf Pine/Bluestem Grass Ecosystem and Red-cockaded Woodpecker Habitat."Early Successional Guild Habitat is an embedded, scattered, or patchy structural condition that may occur in the following systems: CES202.043 OZARK-OUACHITA MESIC HARDWOOD FOREST, CES202.313 OZARK-OUACHITA SHORTLEAF PINE-OAK FOREST AND WOODLAND, CES202.703 OZARK-OUACHITA RIPARIAN, CES202.707 OZARK-OUACHITA DRY OAK WOODLAND, CES202.708 OZARK-OUACHITA DRY-MESIC OAK FOREST, CES203.378 WEST GULF COASTAL PLAIN PINE-HARDWOOD FOREST, CES202.705 SOUTH-CENTRAL INTERIOR LARGE FLOODPLAIN, CES203.548 WEST GULF COASTAL PLAIN WET HARDWOOD FLATWOODS, CES203.487 WEST GULF COASTAL PLAIN SMALL STREAM AND RIVER FOREST, CES203.488 WEST GULF COASTAL PLAIN LARGE RIVER FLOODPLAIN FOREST, and potentially similar landtypes. This habitat is important to the viability of the following species: Northern Bobwhite, Prairie Warbler, White-eyed Vireo, Diana, A Twistflower, Western Diamondback Rattlesnake, Timber Rattlesnake, Great Plains Skink, Southern Prairie Skink. This guild habitat is found where herbaceous elements dominate previously disturbed areas such as recently-harvested forests, old fields, and wind/ice-damaged areas. This structural condition may persist for up to five years(?) after a forest stand-replacement disturbance before succeeding into shrubland. In order to sustain the viability of bird species associated with this habitat, a minimun patch size of 12 acres is required. (Need age, height and stem density from Phase II research)LVAL ANHI 2003, Bart 1989, Burr and Stoeckel 1999, Crump 2003, Crump and others 2003A, 2003C, 2003D, 2003E, 2003G, 2003Q, 2003R, 2003T, Echelle and Schnell 1976, Eley and others 1981, Finnell and others 1956, Grady and LeGrande 1992, Hackney and others 1992, Herrock 1986, Herrock 1986, Lindsay and others 1983, Matthews and Robison 1988, Matthews and Robison 1998, Matthews and others 1992, Mayden 1987a, Mayden 1987b, Mayden 1988, Mayden and others 1992, Miller and Robison 2003, Miller 1972, Moore and Paden 1950, Myers 1977, NatureServe 2003, NatureServe 2003a, Near 2002, Nelson and others 2003, ONHI 2003, Ortenburger and Hubbs 1926, Page and Burr 1991, Pflieger 1997, Pigg. And Hill 1974, Pyron and Taylor 1993, Reeves 1953, Richter and others 1997, Robison 1992a, Robison 1992b, Robison and Buchanan 1988, Rutherford and others 1992, Taylor 1996, Taylor 1997, Taylor 1999, Taylor and Wade 1972, Trexler and Turner 1994, Turner and others 1996, Warren and Burr 1994, Warren and Hlass 1999, Warren and Tinkle 1999, Warren and others 2000, Williams and others 1989, Willis 1984, Willis and Brown 1985, Wood and Mayden 1997Habitat and site locations are based on the following citations: Bates, V. 1993. An endangered species report: Ptilimnium nodosum (Rose) Mathias in Arkansas. Unpublished report to Arkansas Natural Heritage Commission. Hudson, E. 1996. Survey of Ptilimnium nodosum. Unpublished report on file at Ouachita NF, Supervisor's Office. Maddox, D., and R. Bartgis. 1990. Harperella (Ptilimnium nodosum (Rose) Mathias) Agency Draft Recovery Plan. Prepared by Maryland Natural Heritage Program. US Fish and Wildlife Service, Newton Corner, Massachusetts. Owen, W. 1997. Progammatic Biological Assessment Of The Ouachita National Forest Amended Land And Resource Management Plan Direction And Measures Relating To The Management Of Harperella (Ptilimnium Nodosum). Unpublished on file at Ouachita NF, Supervisor's Office.LVALPopulations on the Ouachita are limited to stream/river channels. Harperella, Ptilimnium nodosum, E. The listed endangered vascular plant was first discovered on the ONF in September of 1990. It is currently known from 11 locations on National Forest lands on the Oden, Cold Springs, and Fourche Ranger Districts in Garland, Montgomery, Scott, and Yell Counties and three privately owned sites. It typically grows on rocky shoals, in crevices in exposed bedrock, and (sometimes) along sheltered muddy banks. It seems to exhibit a preference for the downstream margins of small pools or other spots of deposition of fine alluvium. In most Harperella sites, there seems to be significant deposition of fine silts. It may occur in mostly sunny to mostly shaded sites. On the Ouachita NF, harperella occurs in perennial to near-perennial streams either on or among boulders or large cobbles or on course sediment bars. Harperella is most often associated with Justicia americana, Gratiola brevifolia, Dulchium arundinaceum, and Eleocharis quadrangulata (Owen, 1997).LVALPine, pine-oak, or oak-pine dominated woodlands with intermittent canopy and abundant herbaceous groundcover. Exclusively the Ouachita pine-oak woodland component of CES202.313 OZARK-OUACHITA SHORTLEAF PINE-OAK FOREST AND WOODLAND.Endemic to the upper Ouachita River drainage. Populations in the Caddo and Little Missouri rivers may have declined. This species is currently being described by Bruce Thompson and Henry Robison (ANHI 2003, Bart 1989, Burr and Stoeckel 1999, Crump 2003, Crump and others 2003A, 2003C, 2003D, 2003E, 2003G, 2003Q, 2003R, 2003T, Echelle and Schnell 1976, Eley and others 1981, Finnell and others 1956, Grady and LeGrande 1992, Hackney and others 1992, Herrock 1986, Herrock 1986, Lindsay and others 1983, Matthews and Robison 1988, Matthews and Robison 1998, Matthews and others 1992, Mayden 1987a, Mayden 1987b, Mayden 1988, Mayden and others 1992, Miller and Robison 2003, Miller 1972, Moore and Paden 1950, Myers 1977, NatureServe 2003, NatureServe 2003a, Near 2002, Nelson and others 2003, ONHI 2003, Ortenburger and Hubbs 1926, Page and Burr 1991, Pflieger 1997, Pigg. And Hill 1974, Pyron and Taylor 1993, Reeves 1953, Richter and others 1997, Robison 1992a, Robison 1992b, Robison and Buchanan 1988, Rutherford and others 1992, Taylor 1996, Taylor 1997, Taylor 1999, Taylor and Wade 1972, Trexler and Turner 1994, Turner and others 1996, Warren and Burr 1994, Warren and Hlass 1999, Warren and Tinkle 1999, Warren and others 2000, Williams and others 1989, Willis 1984, Willis and Brown 1985, Wood and Mayden 1997).b LVAL t The one Ouachita population described as small and of poor quality (ANHI, 2003). Habitat based on information comes from Ozark St. Francis NF PETS Exclusionary Document 2002 and NatureServe. 2003. NatureServe Explorer: An online encyclopedia of life [web application]. Version 1.8. NatureServe, Arlington, Virginia. Available (Accessed: July 18, 2003 ).Ouachita RCW Recovery Survey Data, Ozark NF Bird Surveys GIS Database (ANHC 2003, Clawson 1982, Conner and others 2003, Costa and others 1996, Crump and Davis 2003, Duzan and others 2003, 2003A, Evans and Kirkman 1980, Fitzgerald 2000, Hamel 1992, Jacobs 2001, James and Neal 1986, Martin and Finch 1995, Masters and others 1995, Montague and others 1995, Neal 1992, Neal and others 1992, 1993a, 1993b, 1998, Robison and others 1999, USDA FWS 2003)LVAL ,Bear Den Caves are located in the Winding Stair Mountain National Recreation and Wilderness Area. There are four known caves within the complex, occurring in an outcrop belt of a massive sandstone unit. Collectively, these caves have >365 meters of mapped passageway and represent the only known caves in the Ouachita National Forest. Federally Endangered Indiana bats have been known to occur sporadically and in small numbers, in only Cave 4 of the Bear Den Caves. During the past 15 years, Indiana bats have been found to occur during winter, five times in numbers from one to nine. This is the only site that Indiana bats have been found to occur on the Ouachita National Forest.In Arkansas, occurrences are limited to five counties in the western part of the state. Most of these occurrences are from federal lands, such as Fort Chaffee Military Reservation and the Ouachita National Forest (ANHI Rare Fact Sheet IICOL42010 dated 2-04-02, ANHI 2003, ONHI 2003).The Federally listed Endangered Red-Cockaded Woodpecker is limited to restored Shortleaf Pine-Bluestem Ecosystems on the Ouachita NF, Historically occurred in the Eastern portion of the Boston Mountains subdivision of the Ozark Ecoregion, and is currently extripated from the Ozark-St. Francis NF (ANHC 2003, Clawson 1982, Conner and others 2003, Costa and others 1996, Crump and Davis 2003, Duzan and others 2003, 2003A, Evans and Kirkman 1980, Fitzgerald 2000, Hamel 1992, Jacobs 2001, James and Neal 1986, Martin and Finch 1995, Masters and others 1995, Montague and others 1995, Neal 1992, Neal and others 1992, 1993a, 1993b, 1998, Robison and others 1999, USDA FWS 2003).LVALQ Small-headed Pipewort, Eriocaulon koernickianum, G2. This species in the western part of its range (Arkansas, Oklahoma, and Texas) it is found in small microhabitats in or near permanently moist to wet seepage areas (particularly upland sandstone glade seeps), bogs, and prairie streambanks. There is only one location on the Ouachita NF and that is on the Fulton Branch Glades on the Womble RD. In 1994 survey, less than 10 plants were counted. No plants were found in 2001 or 1999 survey. Population described as small and of poor quality (ANHI, 2003). There are 19 sites on the Ozark St. Francis NF. Field studies indicate Eriocaulon koernickianum is an early successional and often times long persistent species. The margins of pipewort populations are often shortleaf pine, eastern red cedar, and winged elm, all of which are early successional organisms among the woody plant assemblage. A few sites show evidence of some soil disturbance, such as provided by occasional to frequent vehicle traffic through the edge of the population. The species appears to require full sun for its best development. Development of later seral stages in vegetation development probably shades out the pipewort. There are 150 acres of potential habitat identified for this species on the Ozark St. Francis NF. This is based on known occurrences. It is intolerant of shade and is associated with an open vegetation type of low stature with woody plants being absent from the immediate area. Removal of the overstory could promote species viability so long as ground disturbance does not occur in the immediate area of the plants. (NatureServe: An online encyclopedia of life [web application]. 2003). Increases in population numbers have been observed after prescribed fire. Habitat base on information comes from Ozark St. Francis NF PETS Exclusionary Document 2002 and NatureServe. 2003. NatureServe Explorer: An online encyclopedia of life [web application]. Version 1.8. NatureServe, Arlington, Virginia. Available (Accessed: July 18, 2003 ). Ouachita NF site locations are based on records from Arkansas Natural Heritage Inventory database (2003). Site locations based on Ozark St. Francis NF, PETS Core Pilot Project dataset.",  @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @             " + , - / 2 3 4 ; D F G W X Y Z [ \ ] e f !h "i #j $k %l &m 'n (o )p *r +s ,t -u .v /w 0x y z { | } ~                            ! ",  @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @             " + , - / 2 3 4 ; D F G W X Y Z [ \ ] e f !h "i #j $k %l &m 'n (o )p *r +s ,t -u .v /w 0x y z { | } ~                            ! "rYN  Y  Field0  v1     LVAL AGFC Ms. Karen Rowe, ANHC Mr. Bill Holimon, USFWS-retired Mr. Allan Mueller, Audubon Arkansas Dr. Dan Scheiman, AGFC Mr. Dick Baxter, USFS Mr. Leif Anderson, USGS Dr. David Krementz, ASU Dr. Than Boves, ATU Dr. Chris Kellner, UA Dr. Kim Smith, UAM Dr. Doug Osborne, AGFC Mr. Garrick Dugger, AGFC Mr. Bubba Groves, AGFC Ms. Allison Fowler, USFWS Mr. Mike Budd, USFWS Ms. Erin Knoll, USFS Mr. Steve Duzan $@ YYN  Y d Y dReportNameReportTypedv @ @  `*o5 k I '  ~ P Mussel Report M-ZMusselTerrestrial Habitat ReportTerrestrial Habitat Report:Aquatic Amphibian ReportAquatic%Aquatic Crayfish ReportAquatic$Aquatic Fish ReportAquatic Aquatic Invertebrate ReportAquatic(Bird Report A-DBirdBird Report E-OBirdBird Report P-ZBirdMammal ReportTerrestrialMussel Report A-LMusselAquatic/Terrestrial Amphibian ReportSemi-Aquatic6(Aquatic/Terrestrial Crayfish ReportSemi-Aquatic5'Aquatic/Terrestrial Fish ReportSemi-Aquatic1#Aquatic/Terrestrial Insect ReportSemi-Aquatic3%Aquatic/Terrestrial Invertebrate ReportSemi-Aquatic9+Aquatic/Terrestrial Reptile ReportSemi-Aquatic4&Terrestrial Amphibian ReportTerrestrial- Terrestrial Insect ReportTerrestrial*Terrestrial Invertebrate ReportTerrestrial0#Terrestrial Reptile ReportTerrestrial+.Y2(=N  Y  Y ZY S_RankDescriptionScore_Valuedv  b B(l  r & :DtHS3S4B,SZNVulnerable breeding (uncertain rank), uncommon or irregular nonbreeding species in ArkansasS3S4Vulnerable species in Arkansas (uncertain rank)yh S3NVulnerable nonbreeding species in Arkansas,m\S3B,SZNVulnerable breeding, uncommon or irregular nonbreeding species in Arkansas,S3B,S5NVulnerable breeding, secure nonbreeding species in Arkansas,S3B,S3NVulnerable breeding and nonbreeding species in Arkansas,~S3BVulnerable breeding species in Arkansas,gVS3?Vulnerable in Arkansas (inexact numeric rank),sbS3Vulnerable in Arkansas,C2S2S3Imperiled species in Arkansas (uncertain rank)^wf S2B,S4NImperiled breeding, apparently secure nonbreeding species in ArkansasS2B,S3NImperiled breeding, vulnerable nonbreeding species in ArkansasS2B,S2NImperiled breeding and nonbreeding species in Arkansas|S2BImperiled breeding species in ArkansaseTS2?Imperiled in Arkansas (inexact numeric rank)q`S2Imperiled in ArkansasA0S1S3Critically imperiled in Arkansas (uncertain rank)}l S1S2Critically imperiled in Arkansas (uncertain rank)}l S1NCritically imperiled nonbreeding species in ArkansaspS1B,SZNCritically imperiled breeding, uncommon or irregular nonbreeding species in ArkansasS1B,S4NCritically imperiled breeding, apparently secure nonbreeding species in ArkansasS1B,S3NCritically imperiled breeding, vulnerable nonbreeding species in ArkansasS1B,S2NCritically imperiled breeding, imperiled nonbreeding species in ArkansasS1BCritically imperiled breeding species in Arkansas{jS1?Critically imperiled in Arkansas (inexact numeric rank) xS1Critically imperiled in ArkansasWFS?Uncertain ranking in ArkansasdQ@h b $ X ~  B,SNRSpecies not ranked in ArkansasdUDS1S2?Critically imperiled species in Arkansas (uncertain rank) (inexact numeric rank) S1B,S1S2NCritically imperiled breeding species, critically imperiled nonbreeding species (uncertain rank) in ArkansasS3B,S4NVulnerable breeding species, apparenlty secure nonbreeding species in Arkansas,S1S2B,S4NCritically imperiled breeding species in Arkansas (uncertain rank), apparently secure nonbreeding species in ArkansasS2NImperiled nonbreeding species in ArkansaskZS3S4BVulnerable breeding (uncertain rank) in Arkansas}l SZNUncommon or irregular nonbreeding species in ArkansasdrSXPresumed extinct7&SUPresumed extirpated in ArkansasdUDSPB,S2NPotential breeding species, imperiled nonbreeding speciesSHHistoric record. Possibly extirpated in ArkansaswfSE3Reintroduced species, considered vulnerable,o^SAOf accidental occurrence in Arkansasd_NS5NSecure nonbreeding species in ArkansasdeTS5Secure in Arkansasd;*S4NApparently secure nonbreeding species in Arkansas{jS4B,S5NApparently secure breeding, secure nonbreeding species in ArkansasS4B,S4S5NApparently secure breeding, apparently secure nonbreeding species (uncertain rank) in ArkansasS4B,S4NApparently secure breeding, apparently secure nonbreeding species in ArkansasS4BApparently secure breeding species in ArkansasudS4Apparently secure in ArkansasQ@S3S4NVulnerable nonbreeding species in Arkansas (uncertain rank) LVALQ$ SELECT Species.Common_Name, Species.Scientific_Name, Species.Taxa, Species.[Terrestrial or Aquatic], Species.S_Rank, Species.G_Rank, Species.Comments, Species.Boston_Mountains, Species.Arkansas_Valley, Species.Ouachitas, Species.South_Central_Plains, Species.Mississippi_Alluvial_Plains, Species.Mississippi_Valley_Loess_Plains, Species.Ozarks, Species.Federal_Status, Species.Class, [Species].[Order], Species.Family, Species.Residence, "Terrestrial Habitats" as Element_Name, Species_and_Habitats_Weights_Translated.Habitat as Element, "" as Category, Species_and_Habitats_Weights_Translated.Description as Weight, Population_Trend, "2" as PageOrder,team FROM Species INNER JOIN Species_and_Habitats_Weights_Translated ON Species.ID = Species_and_Habitats_Weights_Translated.Species_ID Where taxa = "Amphibian" AND [Terrestrial or Aquatic] = "Semi-Aquatic" UNION ALL SELECT Species.Common_Name, Species.Scientific_Name, Species.Taxa, Species.[Terrestrial or Aquatic], Species.S_Rank, Species.G_Rank, Species.Comments, Species.Boston_Mountains, Species.Arkansas_Valley, Species.Ouachitas, Species.South_Central_Plains, Species.Mississippi_Alluvial_Plains, Species.Mississippi_Valley_Loess_Plains, Species.Ozarks, Species.Federal_Status, Species.Class, [Species].[Order], Species.Family, Species.Residence, "Aquatic Habitats" as Element_Name, iif(Formed_by is null,"Natural",Formed_by) & " " & Habitat & ": " & iif(Headwater = Yes,"Headwater","") & iif(Small = Yes, " - Small","") & iif(Medium = Yes," - Medium", "") & iif(Large = yes, " - Large", "") as Element, "" as Category, Aquatic_Habitat_Translated.Weight as Weight, Population_Trend, "3" as PageOrder,team FROM Species INNER JOIN Aquatic_Habitat_Translated ON Species.ID = Aquatic_Habitat_Translated.Species_ID Where taxa = "Amphibian" AND [Terrestrial or Aquatic] = "Semi-Aquatic" UNION ALL SELECT Species.Common_Name, Species.Scientific_Name, Species.Taxa, Species.[Terrestrial or Aquatic], Species.S_Rank, Species.G_Rank, Species.Comments, Species.Boston_MountaiLVAL% ns, Species.Arkansas_Valley, Species.Ouachitas, Species.South_Central_Plains, Species.Mississippi_Alluvial_Plains, Species.Mississippi_Valley_Loess_Plains, Species.Ozarks, Species.Federal_Status, Species.Class, [Species].[Order], Species.Family, Species.Residence, "Ecobasins" as Element_Name, Ecobasin as Element, "" as Category, "" as Weight, Population_Trend, "1" as PageOrder, team FROM Species INNER JOIN Ecobasin ON Species.ID = Ecobasin.Species_ID Where taxa = "Amphibian" AND [Terrestrial or Aquatic] = "Semi-Aquatic" UNION ALL SELECT Species.Common_Name, Species.Scientific_Name, Species.Taxa, Species.[Terrestrial or Aquatic], Species.S_Rank, Species.G_Rank, Species.Comments, Species.Boston_Mountains, Species.Arkansas_Valley, Species.Ouachitas, Species.South_Central_Plains, Species.Mississippi_Alluvial_Plains, Species.Mississippi_Valley_Loess_Plains, Species.Ozarks, Species.Federal_Status, Species.Class, [Species].[Order], Species.Family, Species.Residence, "Problems Faced" as Element_Name,"Threat: " & Aquatic_Threats_And_Sources.Threat & (Chr(13) & Chr(10)) & "Source: " & Aquatic_Threats_And_Sources.Source as Element, "" as Category, "" as Weight, Population_Trend, "4" as PageOrder,team FROM Species INNER JOIN Aquatic_Threats_And_Sources ON Species.ID = Aquatic_Threats_And_Sources.Species_ID Where taxa = "Amphibian" AND [Terrestrial or Aquatic] = "Semi-Aquatic" UNION ALL SELECT Species.Common_Name, Species.Scientific_Name, Species.Taxa, Species.[Terrestrial or Aquatic], Species.S_Rank, Species.G_Rank, Species.Comments, Species.Boston_Mountains, Species.Arkansas_Valley, Species.Ouachitas, Species.South_Central_Plains, Species.Mississippi_Alluvial_Plains, Species.Mississippi_Valley_Loess_Plains, Species.Ozarks, Species.Federal_Status, Species.Class, [Species].[Order], Species.Family, Species.Residence, "Data Gaps/Research Needs" as Element_Name, Data_Gaps.Data_Gaps as Element, "" as Category, "" as Weight, Population_Trend, "5" as PageOrder,team FROM Species INNER JOIN Data_Gaps ON SpeLVALcies.ID = Data_Gaps.Species_ID Where taxa = "Amphibian" AND [Terrestrial or Aquatic] = "Semi-Aquatic" UNION ALL SELECT Species.Common_Name, Species.Scientific_Name, Species.Taxa, Species.[Terrestrial or Aquatic], Species.S_Rank, Species.G_Rank, Species.Comments, Species.Boston_Mountains, Species.Arkansas_Valley, Species.Ouachitas, Species.South_Central_Plains, Species.Mississippi_Alluvial_Plains, Species.Mississippi_Valley_Loess_Plains, Species.Ozarks, Species.Federal_Status, Species.Class, [Species].[Order], Species.Family, Species.Residence, "Conservation Actions" as Element_Name, Conservation_Actions.Conservation_Actions as Element, Conservation_Actions.CA_Category as Category, Conservation_Actions.Importance as Weight, Population_Trend, "6" as PageOrder,team FROM Species INNER JOIN Conservation_Actions on Species.ID = Conservation_Actions.Species_ID Where taxa = "Amphibian" AND [Terrestrial or Aquatic] = "Semi-Aquatic" LVALQ' SELECT Species.Common_Name, Species.Scientific_Name, Species.Taxa, Species.[Terrestrial or Aquatic], Species.S_Rank, Species.G_Rank, Species.Comments, Species.Boston_Mountains, Species.Arkansas_Valley, Species.Ouachitas, Species.South_Central_Plains, Species.Mississippi_Alluvial_Plains, Species.Mississippi_Valley_Loess_Plains, Species.Ozarks, Species.Federal_Status, Species.Class, [Species].[Order], Species.Family, Species.Residence, "Terrestrial Habitats" as Element_Name, Species_and_Habitats_Weights_Translated.Habitat as Element, "" as Category, Species_and_Habitats_Weights_Translated.Description as Weight, Population_Trend, "2" as PageOrder,team FROM Species INNER JOIN Species_and_Habitats_Weights_Translated ON Species.ID = Species_and_Habitats_Weights_Translated.Species_ID Where taxa = "Crayfish" AND [Terrestrial or Aquatic] = "Semi-Aquatic" UNION ALL SELECT Species.Common_Name, Species.Scientific_Name, Species.Taxa, Species.[Terrestrial or Aquatic], Species.S_Rank, Species.G_Rank, Species.Comments, Species.Boston_Mountains, Species.Arkansas_Valley, Species.Ouachitas, Species.South_Central_Plains, Species.Mississippi_Alluvial_Plains, Species.Mississippi_Valley_Loess_Plains, Species.Ozarks, Species.Federal_Status, Species.Class, [Species].[Order], Species.Family, Species.Residence, "Aquatic Habitats" as Element_Name, iif(Formed_by is null,"Natural",Formed_by) & " " & Habitat & ": " & iif(Headwater = Yes,"Headwater","") & iif(Small = Yes, " - Small","") & iif(Medium = Yes," - Medium", "") & iif(Large = yes, " - Large", "") as Element, "" as Category, Aquatic_Habitat_Translated.Weight as Weight, Population_Trend, "3" as PageOrder,team FROM Species INNER JOIN Aquatic_Habitat_Translated ON Species.ID = Aquatic_Habitat_Translated.Species_ID Where taxa = "Crayfish" AND [Terrestrial or Aquatic] = "Semi-Aquatic" UNION ALL SELECT Species.Common_Name, Species.Scientific_Name, Species.Taxa, Species.[Terrestrial or Aquatic], Species.S_Rank, Species.G_Rank, Species.Comments, Species.Boston_MountainsLVAL( , Species.Arkansas_Valley, Species.Ouachitas, Species.South_Central_Plains, Species.Mississippi_Alluvial_Plains, Species.Mississippi_Valley_Loess_Plains, Species.Ozarks, Species.Federal_Status, Species.Class, [Species].[Order], Species.Family, Species.Residence, "Ecobasins" as Element_Name, Ecobasin as Element, "" as Category, "" as Weight, Population_Trend, "1" as PageOrder, team FROM Species INNER JOIN Ecobasin ON Species.ID = Ecobasin.Species_ID Where taxa = "Crayfish" AND [Terrestrial or Aquatic] = "Semi-Aquatic" UNION ALL SELECT Species.Common_Name, Species.Scientific_Name, Species.Taxa, Species.[Terrestrial or Aquatic], Species.S_Rank, Species.G_Rank, Species.Comments, Species.Boston_Mountains, Species.Arkansas_Valley, Species.Ouachitas, Species.South_Central_Plains, Species.Mississippi_Alluvial_Plains, Species.Mississippi_Valley_Loess_Plains, Species.Ozarks, Species.Federal_Status, Species.Class, [Species].[Order], Species.Family, Species.Residence, "Problems Faced" as Element_Name,"Threat: " & Aquatic_Threats_And_Sources.Threat & (Chr(13) & Chr(10)) & "Source: " & Aquatic_Threats_And_Sources.Source as Element, "" as Category, "" as Weight, Population_Trend, "4" as PageOrder,team FROM Species INNER JOIN Aquatic_Threats_And_Sources ON Species.ID = Aquatic_Threats_And_Sources.Species_ID Where taxa = "Crayfish" AND [Terrestrial or Aquatic] = "Semi-Aquatic" UNION ALL SELECT Species.Common_Name, Species.Scientific_Name, Species.Taxa, Species.[Terrestrial or Aquatic], Species.S_Rank, Species.G_Rank, Species.Comments, Species.Boston_Mountains, Species.Arkansas_Valley, Species.Ouachitas, Species.South_Central_Plains, Species.Mississippi_Alluvial_Plains, Species.Mississippi_Valley_Loess_Plains, Species.Ozarks, Species.Federal_Status, Species.Class, [Species].[Order], Species.Family, Species.Residence, "Data Gaps/Research Needs" as Element_Name, Data_Gaps.Data_Gaps as Element, "" as Category, "" as Weight, Population_Trend, "5" as PageOrder,team FROM Species INNER JOIN Data_Gaps ON SpeciesLVAL.ID = Data_Gaps.Species_ID Where taxa = "Crayfish" AND [Terrestrial or Aquatic] = "Semi-Aquatic" UNION ALL SELECT Species.Common_Name, Species.Scientific_Name, Species.Taxa, Species.[Terrestrial or Aquatic], Species.S_Rank, Species.G_Rank, Species.Comments, Species.Boston_Mountains, Species.Arkansas_Valley, Species.Ouachitas, Species.South_Central_Plains, Species.Mississippi_Alluvial_Plains, Species.Mississippi_Valley_Loess_Plains, Species.Ozarks, Species.Federal_Status, Species.Class, [Species].[Order], Species.Family, Species.Residence, "Conservation Actions" as Element_Name, Conservation_Actions.Conservation_Actions as Element, Conservation_Actions.CA_Category as Category, Conservation_Actions.Importance as Weight, Population_Trend, "6" as PageOrder,team FROM Species INNER JOIN Conservation_Actions on Species.ID = Conservation_Actions.Species_ID Where taxa = "Crayfish" AND [Terrestrial or Aquatic] = "Semi-Aquatic" vLVAL  X~$Terrestrial_Amphibian_Query_For_Report.Mississippi_Valley_Loess_PlainsTerrestrial_Amphibian_Query_For_Report.Mississippi_Alluvial_PlainsTerrestrial_Amphibian_Query_For_Report.South_Central_PlainsTerrestrial_Amphibian_Query_For_Report.OuachitasTerrestrial_Amphibian_Query_For_Report.Arkansas_ValleyTerrestrial_Amphibian_Query_For_Report.Boston_MountainsTerrestrial_Amphibian_Query_For_Report.CommentsTerrestrial_Amphibian_Query_For_Report.G_RankSELECT Species.Common_Name, Species.Scientific_Name, Species.Taxa, Species.[Terrestrial or Aquatic], Species.S_Rank, Species.G_Rank, Species.Comments, Species.Boston_Mountains, Species.Arkansas_Valley, Species.Ouachitas, Species.South_Central_Plains, Species.Mississippi_Alluvial_Plains, Species.Mississippi_Valley_Loess_Plains, Species.Ozarks, Species.Federal_Status, Species.Class, [Species].[Order], Species.Family, Species.Residence, "Monitoring Strategies" as Element_Name, Monitoring.Monitoring_Strategy as Element, Monitoring.Monitoring_Category as Category, "" as Weight, Population_Trend, "7" as PageOrder,team FROM Species INNER JOIN Monitoring ON Species.ID = Monitoring.Species_ID Where taxa = "Fish" AND [Terrestrial or Aquatic] = "Semi-Aquatic"SELECT Species.Common_Name, Species.Scientific_Name, Species.Taxa, Species.[Terrestrial or Aquatic], Species.S_Rank, Species.G_Rank, Species.Comments, Species.Boston_Mountains, Species.Arkansas_Valley, Species.Ouachitas, Species.South_Central_Plains, Species.Mississippi_Alluvial_Plains, Species.Mississippi_Valley_Loess_Plains, Species.Ozarks, Species.Federal_Status, Species.Class, [Species].[Order], Species.Family, Species.Residence, "Monitoring Strategies" as Element_Name, Monitoring.Monitoring_Strategy as Element, Monitoring.Monitoring_Category as Category, "" as Weight, Population_Trend, "7" as PageOrder,team FROM Species INNER JOIN Monitoring ON Species.ID = Monitoring.Species_ID Where taxa = "Crayfish" AND [Terrestrial or Aquatic] = "Semi-Aquatic"LVALQ+ SELECT Species.Common_Name, Species.Scientific_Name, Species.Taxa, Species.[Terrestrial or Aquatic], Species.S_Rank, Species.G_Rank, Species.Comments, Species.Boston_Mountains, Species.Arkansas_Valley, Species.Ouachitas, Species.South_Central_Plains, Species.Mississippi_Alluvial_Plains, Species.Mississippi_Valley_Loess_Plains, Species.Ozarks, Species.Federal_Status, Species.Class, [Species].[Order], Species.Family, Species.Residence, "Terrestrial Habitats" as Element_Name, Species_and_Habitats_Weights_Translated.Habitat as Element, "" as Category, Species_and_Habitats_Weights_Translated.Description as Weight, Population_Trend, "2" as PageOrder,team FROM Species INNER JOIN Species_and_Habitats_Weights_Translated ON Species.ID = Species_and_Habitats_Weights_Translated.Species_ID Where taxa = "Fish" AND [Terrestrial or Aquatic] = "Semi-Aquatic" UNION ALL SELECT Species.Common_Name, Species.Scientific_Name, Species.Taxa, Species.[Terrestrial or Aquatic], Species.S_Rank, Species.G_Rank, Species.Comments, Species.Boston_Mountains, Species.Arkansas_Valley, Species.Ouachitas, Species.South_Central_Plains, Species.Mississippi_Alluvial_Plains, Species.Mississippi_Valley_Loess_Plains, Species.Ozarks, Species.Federal_Status, Species.Class, [Species].[Order], Species.Family, Species.Residence, "Aquatic Habitats" as Element_Name, iif(Formed_by is null,"Natural",Formed_by) & " " & Habitat & ": " & iif(Headwater = Yes,"Headwater","") & iif(Small = Yes, " - Small","") & iif(Medium = Yes," - Medium", "") & iif(Large = yes, " - Large", "") as Element, "" as Category, Aquatic_Habitat_Translated.Weight as Weight, Population_Trend, "3" as PageOrder,team FROM Species INNER JOIN Aquatic_Habitat_Translated ON Species.ID = Aquatic_Habitat_Translated.Species_ID Where taxa = "Fish" AND [Terrestrial or Aquatic] = "Semi-Aquatic" UNION ALL SELECT Species.Common_Name, Species.Scientific_Name, Species.Taxa, Species.[Terrestrial or Aquatic], Species.S_Rank, Species.G_Rank, Species.Comments, Species.Boston_Mountains, SpecieLVAL, s.Arkansas_Valley, Species.Ouachitas, Species.South_Central_Plains, Species.Mississippi_Alluvial_Plains, Species.Mississippi_Valley_Loess_Plains, Species.Ozarks, Species.Federal_Status, Species.Class, [Species].[Order], Species.Family, Species.Residence, "Ecobasins" as Element_Name, Ecobasin as Element, "" as Category, "" as Weight, Population_Trend, "1" as PageOrder, team FROM Species INNER JOIN Ecobasin ON Species.ID = Ecobasin.Species_ID Where taxa = "Fish" AND [Terrestrial or Aquatic] = "Semi-Aquatic" UNION ALL SELECT Species.Common_Name, Species.Scientific_Name, Species.Taxa, Species.[Terrestrial or Aquatic], Species.S_Rank, Species.G_Rank, Species.Comments, Species.Boston_Mountains, Species.Arkansas_Valley, Species.Ouachitas, Species.South_Central_Plains, Species.Mississippi_Alluvial_Plains, Species.Mississippi_Valley_Loess_Plains, Species.Ozarks, Species.Federal_Status, Species.Class, [Species].[Order], Species.Family, Species.Residence, "Problems Faced" as Element_Name,"Threat: " & Aquatic_Threats_And_Sources.Threat & (Chr(13) & Chr(10)) & "Source: " & Aquatic_Threats_And_Sources.Source as Element, "" as Category, "" as Weight, Population_Trend, "4" as PageOrder,team FROM Species INNER JOIN Aquatic_Threats_And_Sources ON Species.ID = Aquatic_Threats_And_Sources.Species_ID Where taxa = "Fish" AND [Terrestrial or Aquatic] = "Semi-Aquatic" UNION ALL SELECT Species.Common_Name, Species.Scientific_Name, Species.Taxa, Species.[Terrestrial or Aquatic], Species.S_Rank, Species.G_Rank, Species.Comments, Species.Boston_Mountains, Species.Arkansas_Valley, Species.Ouachitas, Species.South_Central_Plains, Species.Mississippi_Alluvial_Plains, Species.Mississippi_Valley_Loess_Plains, Species.Ozarks, Species.Federal_Status, Species.Class, [Species].[Order], Species.Family, Species.Residence, "Data Gaps/Research Needs" as Element_Name, Data_Gaps.Data_Gaps as Element, "" as Category, "" as Weight, Population_Trend, "5" as PageOrder,team FROM Species INNER JOIN Data_Gaps ON Species.ID = Data_Gaps.LVALSpecies_ID Where taxa = "Fish" AND [Terrestrial or Aquatic] = "Semi-Aquatic" UNION ALL SELECT Species.Common_Name, Species.Scientific_Name, Species.Taxa, Species.[Terrestrial or Aquatic], Species.S_Rank, Species.G_Rank, Species.Comments, Species.Boston_Mountains, Species.Arkansas_Valley, Species.Ouachitas, Species.South_Central_Plains, Species.Mississippi_Alluvial_Plains, Species.Mississippi_Valley_Loess_Plains, Species.Ozarks, Species.Federal_Status, Species.Class, [Species].[Order], Species.Family, Species.Residence, "Conservation Actions" as Element_Name, Conservation_Actions.Conservation_Actions as Element, Conservation_Actions.CA_Category as Category, Conservation_Actions.Importance as Weight, Population_Trend, "6" as PageOrder,team FROM Species INNER JOIN Conservation_Actions on Species.ID = Conservation_Actions.Species_ID Where taxa = "Fish" AND [Terrestrial or Aquatic] = "Semi-Aquatic" LVALQ. SELECT Species.Common_Name, Species.Scientific_Name, Species.Taxa, Species.[Terrestrial or Aquatic], Species.S_Rank, Species.G_Rank, Species.Comments, Species.Boston_Mountains, Species.Arkansas_Valley, Species.Ouachitas, Species.South_Central_Plains, Species.Mississippi_Alluvial_Plains, Species.Mississippi_Valley_Loess_Plains, Species.Ozarks, Species.Federal_Status, Species.Class, [Species].[Order], Species.Family, Species.Residence, "Terrestrial Habitats" as Element_Name, Species_and_Habitats_Weights_Translated.Habitat as Element, "" as Category, Species_and_Habitats_Weights_Translated.Description as Weight, Population_Trend, "2" as PageOrder,team FROM Species INNER JOIN Species_and_Habitats_Weights_Translated ON Species.ID = Species_and_Habitats_Weights_Translated.Species_ID Where taxa = "Insect" AND [Terrestrial or Aquatic] = "Semi-Aquatic" UNION ALL SELECT Species.Common_Name, Species.Scientific_Name, Species.Taxa, Species.[Terrestrial or Aquatic], Species.S_Rank, Species.G_Rank, Species.Comments, Species.Boston_Mountains, Species.Arkansas_Valley, Species.Ouachitas, Species.South_Central_Plains, Species.Mississippi_Alluvial_Plains, Species.Mississippi_Valley_Loess_Plains, Species.Ozarks, Species.Federal_Status, Species.Class, [Species].[Order], Species.Family, Species.Residence, "Aquatic Habitats" as Element_Name, iif(Formed_by is null,"Natural",Formed_by) & " " & Habitat & ": " & iif(Headwater = Yes,"Headwater","") & iif(Small = Yes, " - Small","") & iif(Medium = Yes," - Medium", "") & iif(Large = yes, " - Large", "") as Element, "" as Category, Aquatic_Habitat_Translated.Weight as Weight, Population_Trend, "3" as PageOrder,team FROM Species INNER JOIN Aquatic_Habitat_Translated ON Species.ID = Aquatic_Habitat_Translated.Species_ID Where taxa = "Insect" AND [Terrestrial or Aquatic] = "Semi-Aquatic" UNION ALL SELECT Species.Common_Name, Species.Scientific_Name, Species.Taxa, Species.[Terrestrial or Aquatic], Species.S_Rank, Species.G_Rank, Species.Comments, Species.Boston_Mountains, SpLVAL/ ecies.Arkansas_Valley, Species.Ouachitas, Species.South_Central_Plains, Species.Mississippi_Alluvial_Plains, Species.Mississippi_Valley_Loess_Plains, Species.Ozarks, Species.Federal_Status, Species.Class, [Species].[Order], Species.Family, Species.Residence, "Ecobasins" as Element_Name, Ecobasin as Element, "" as Category, "" as Weight, Population_Trend, "1" as PageOrder, team FROM Species INNER JOIN Ecobasin ON Species.ID = Ecobasin.Species_ID Where taxa = "Insect" AND [Terrestrial or Aquatic] = "Semi-Aquatic" UNION ALL SELECT Species.Common_Name, Species.Scientific_Name, Species.Taxa, Species.[Terrestrial or Aquatic], Species.S_Rank, Species.G_Rank, Species.Comments, Species.Boston_Mountains, Species.Arkansas_Valley, Species.Ouachitas, Species.South_Central_Plains, Species.Mississippi_Alluvial_Plains, Species.Mississippi_Valley_Loess_Plains, Species.Ozarks, Species.Federal_Status, Species.Class, [Species].[Order], Species.Family, Species.Residence, "Problems Faced" as Element_Name,"Threat: " & Aquatic_Threats_And_Sources.Threat & (Chr(13) & Chr(10)) & "Source: " & Aquatic_Threats_And_Sources.Source as Element, "" as Category, "" as Weight, Population_Trend, "4" as PageOrder,team FROM Species INNER JOIN Aquatic_Threats_And_Sources ON Species.ID = Aquatic_Threats_And_Sources.Species_ID Where taxa = "Insect" AND [Terrestrial or Aquatic] = "Semi-Aquatic" UNION ALL SELECT Species.Common_Name, Species.Scientific_Name, Species.Taxa, Species.[Terrestrial or Aquatic], Species.S_Rank, Species.G_Rank, Species.Comments, Species.Boston_Mountains, Species.Arkansas_Valley, Species.Ouachitas, Species.South_Central_Plains, Species.Mississippi_Alluvial_Plains, Species.Mississippi_Valley_Loess_Plains, Species.Ozarks, Species.Federal_Status, Species.Class, [Species].[Order], Species.Family, Species.Residence, "Data Gaps/Research Needs" as Element_Name, Data_Gaps.Data_Gaps as Element, "" as Category, "" as Weight, Population_Trend, "5" as PageOrder,team FROM Species INNER JOIN Data_Gaps ON Species.ID = DaLVALta_Gaps.Species_ID Where taxa = "Insect" AND [Terrestrial or Aquatic] = "Semi-Aquatic" UNION ALL SELECT Species.Common_Name, Species.Scientific_Name, Species.Taxa, Species.[Terrestrial or Aquatic], Species.S_Rank, Species.G_Rank, Species.Comments, Species.Boston_Mountains, Species.Arkansas_Valley, Species.Ouachitas, Species.South_Central_Plains, Species.Mississippi_Alluvial_Plains, Species.Mississippi_Valley_Loess_Plains, Species.Ozarks, Species.Federal_Status, Species.Class, [Species].[Order], Species.Family, Species.Residence, "Conservation Actions" as Element_Name, Conservation_Actions.Conservation_Actions as Element, Conservation_Actions.CA_Category as Category, Conservation_Actions.Importance as Weight, Population_Trend, "6" as PageOrder,team FROM Species INNER JOIN Conservation_Actions on Species.ID = Conservation_Actions.Species_ID Where taxa = "Insect" AND [Terrestrial or Aquatic] = "Semi-Aquatic" LVAL  0&`Terrestrial_Amphibian_Query_For_Report.ElementTerrestrial_Amphibian_Query_For_Report.Element_NameTerrestrial_Amphibian_Query_For_Report.ResidenceTerrestrial_Amphibian_Query_For_Report.FamilyTerrestrial_Amphibian_Query_For_Report.OrderTerrestrial_Amphibian_Query_For_Report.ClassTerrestrial_Amphibian_Query_For_Report.Federal_StatusTerrestrial_Amphibian_Query_For_Report.OzarksSELECT Species.Common_Name, Species.Scientific_Name, Species.Taxa, Species.[Terrestrial or Aquatic], Species.S_Rank, Species.G_Rank, Species.Comments, Species.Boston_Mountains, Species.Arkansas_Valley, Species.Ouachitas, Species.South_Central_Plains, Species.Mississippi_Alluvial_Plains, Species.Mississippi_Valley_Loess_Plains, Species.Ozarks, Species.Federal_Status, Species.Class, [Species].[Order], Species.Family, Species.Residence, "Monitoring Strategies" as Element_Name, Monitoring.Monitoring_Strategy as Element, Monitoring.Monitoring_Category as Category, "" as Weight, Population_Trend, "7" as PageOrder,team FROM Species INNER JOIN Monitoring ON Species.ID = Monitoring.Species_ID Where taxa = "Invertebrate - other" AND [Terrestrial or Aquatic] = "Semi-Aquatic"SELECT Species.Common_Name, Species.Scientific_Name, Species.Taxa, Species.[Terrestrial or Aquatic], Species.S_Rank, Species.G_Rank, Species.Comments, Species.Boston_Mountains, Species.Arkansas_Valley, Species.Ouachitas, Species.South_Central_Plains, Species.Mississippi_Alluvial_Plains, Species.Mississippi_Valley_Loess_Plains, Species.Ozarks, Species.Federal_Status, Species.Class, [Species].[Order], Species.Family, Species.Residence, "Monitoring Strategies" as Element_Name, Monitoring.Monitoring_Strategy as Element, Monitoring.Monitoring_Category as Category, "" as Weight, Population_Trend, "7" as PageOrder,team FROM Species INNER JOIN Monitoring ON Species.ID = Monitoring.Species_ID Where taxa = "Insect" AND [Terrestrial or Aquatic] = "Semi-Aquatic"KfH* rT6 P  G n 4 E g I + q4gI+ HU7aC%w8f i Gr i  i GfiSpeciesSpecies_and_HabitatsX@ SG fiSpecies_and_Habitats.Weight: gfiSpecies_and_Habitats.Habitat; gfiSpecies.Scientific_Name6 gfiSpecies.Common_Name2 gifiSpecies_and_Habitats999 ifiSpecies fi Gfi Gifi fi GX7YZ_____2@8 1% 7X7YZ_____1$ BQ1% 7 G  G  G32Weights_LUTSpecies_and_Habitats`@ [O' 32Weights_LUT.Description6 g32Species_and_Habitats.Habitat; g32!Species_and_Habitats.Species_ID> g"32Species_and_Habitats999 "32Weights_LUT''' 32 G32 G"32 32 G es_EcoBasin.EcoBasin0 's_All_Species_RankedSpeciesx@OC5 s_EcoBasinSpecies"EcoBasin.Species_ID = Species.ID]/! s_D@ gs_Species.Common_Name2 gs_Species.Scientific_Name6 gs_EcoBasin.EcoBasin0 ges_Species es_EcoBasin!!! es_All_Species_Ranked555 s_ Gs_ Ges_ s_ G modDSpecies_and_Habitats.Weight< / modSpecies.Common_Name2 ' modSpecies.Taxa+ 'odSpeciesSpecies_and_Habitats`@SG od Species_and_Habitats.Weight: god Species_and_Habitats.Habitat; god Species.Ozarks- god N@ godF@ godSpecies.South_Central_Plains; godSpecies.Ouachitas0 godSpecies.Arkansas_Valley6 godSpecies.Boston_Mountains7 godSpecies.Scientific_Name6 godSpecies.Common_Name2 godSpecies.Taxa+ gmodSpecies_and_Habitats999 modSpecies od God Gmod od GiX7YZ_____2@8 1% 7iX7YZ_____1'5 #Q1% 7 G  Gi  GifiX7YZ_____2@0 1% 7ifiX7YZ_____1'2 #Q1% 7fi GLVAL#Q3 SELECT Species.Common_Name, Species.Scientific_Name, Species.Taxa, Species.[Terrestrial or Aquatic], Species.S_Rank, Species.G_Rank, Species.Comments, Species.Boston_Mountains, Species.Arkansas_Valley, Species.Ouachitas, Species.South_Central_Plains, Species.Mississippi_Alluvial_Plains, Species.Mississippi_Valley_Loess_Plains, Species.Ozarks, Species.Federal_Status, Species.Class, [Species].[Order], Species.Family, Species.Residence, "Terrestrial Habitats" as Element_Name, Species_and_Habitats_Weights_Translated.Habitat as Element, "" as Category, Species_and_Habitats_Weights_Translated.Description as Weight, Population_Trend, "2" as PageOrder,team FROM Species INNER JOIN Species_and_Habitats_Weights_Translated ON Species.ID = Species_and_Habitats_Weights_Translated.Species_ID Where taxa = "Invertebrate - other" AND [Terrestrial or Aquatic] = "Semi-Aquatic" UNION ALL SELECT Species.Common_Name, Species.Scientific_Name, Species.Taxa, Species.[Terrestrial or Aquatic], Species.S_Rank, Species.G_Rank, Species.Comments, Species.Boston_Mountains, Species.Arkansas_Valley, Species.Ouachitas, Species.South_Central_Plains, Species.Mississippi_Alluvial_Plains, Species.Mississippi_Valley_Loess_Plains, Species.Ozarks, Species.Federal_Status, Species.Class, [Species].[Order], Species.Family, Species.Residence, "Aquatic Habitats" as Element_Name, iif(Formed_by is null,"Natural",Formed_by) & " " & Habitat & ": " & iif(Headwater = Yes,"Headwater","") & iif(Small = Yes, " - Small","") & iif(Medium = Yes," - Medium", "") & iif(Large = yes, " - Large", "") as Element, "" as Category, Aquatic_Habitat_Translated.Weight as Weight, Population_Trend, "3" as PageOrder,team FROM Species INNER JOIN Aquatic_Habitat_Translated ON Species.ID = Aquatic_Habitat_Translated.Species_ID Where taxa = "Invertebrate - other" AND [Terrestrial or Aquatic] = "Semi-Aquatic" UNION ALL SELECT Species.Common_Name, Species.Scientific_Name, Species.Taxa, Species.[Terrestrial or Aquatic], Species.S_Rank, Species.G_Rank, Species.Comments, LVAL4 Species.Boston_Mountains, Species.Arkansas_Valley, Species.Ouachitas, Species.South_Central_Plains, Species.Mississippi_Alluvial_Plains, Species.Mississippi_Valley_Loess_Plains, Species.Ozarks, Species.Federal_Status, Species.Class, [Species].[Order], Species.Family, Species.Residence, "Ecobasins" as Element_Name, Ecobasin as Element, "" as Category, "" as Weight, Population_Trend, "1" as PageOrder, team FROM Species INNER JOIN Ecobasin ON Species.ID = Ecobasin.Species_ID Where taxa = "Invertebrate - other" AND [Terrestrial or Aquatic] = "Semi-Aquatic" UNION ALL SELECT Species.Common_Name, Species.Scientific_Name, Species.Taxa, Species.[Terrestrial or Aquatic], Species.S_Rank, Species.G_Rank, Species.Comments, Species.Boston_Mountains, Species.Arkansas_Valley, Species.Ouachitas, Species.South_Central_Plains, Species.Mississippi_Alluvial_Plains, Species.Mississippi_Valley_Loess_Plains, Species.Ozarks, Species.Federal_Status, Species.Class, [Species].[Order], Species.Family, Species.Residence, "Problems Faced" as Element_Name,"Threat: " & Aquatic_Threats_And_Sources.Threat & (Chr(13) & Chr(10)) & "Source: " & Aquatic_Threats_And_Sources.Source as Element, "" as Category, "" as Weight, Population_Trend, "4" as PageOrder,team FROM Species INNER JOIN Aquatic_Threats_And_Sources ON Species.ID = Aquatic_Threats_And_Sources.Species_ID Where taxa = "Invertebrate - other" AND [Terrestrial or Aquatic] = "Semi-Aquatic" UNION ALL SELECT Species.Common_Name, Species.Scientific_Name, Species.Taxa, Species.[Terrestrial or Aquatic], Species.S_Rank, Species.G_Rank, Species.Comments, Species.Boston_Mountains, Species.Arkansas_Valley, Species.Ouachitas, Species.South_Central_Plains, Species.Mississippi_Alluvial_Plains, Species.Mississippi_Valley_Loess_Plains, Species.Ozarks, Species.Federal_Status, Species.Class, [Species].[Order], Species.Family, Species.Residence, "Data Gaps/Research Needs" as Element_Name, Data_Gaps.Data_Gaps as Element, "" as Category, "" as Weight, Population_Trend, "5" as PageOrder,teLVALam FROM Species INNER JOIN Data_Gaps ON Species.ID = Data_Gaps.Species_ID Where taxa = "Invertebrate - other" AND [Terrestrial or Aquatic] = "Semi-Aquatic" UNION ALL SELECT Species.Common_Name, Species.Scientific_Name, Species.Taxa, Species.[Terrestrial or Aquatic], Species.S_Rank, Species.G_Rank, Species.Comments, Species.Boston_Mountains, Species.Arkansas_Valley, Species.Ouachitas, Species.South_Central_Plains, Species.Mississippi_Alluvial_Plains, Species.Mississippi_Valley_Loess_Plains, Species.Ozarks, Species.Federal_Status, Species.Class, [Species].[Order], Species.Family, Species.Residence, "Conservation Actions" as Element_Name, Conservation_Actions.Conservation_Actions as Element, Conservation_Actions.CA_Category as Category, Conservation_Actions.Importance as Weight, Population_Trend, "6" as PageOrder,team FROM Species INNER JOIN Conservation_Actions on Species.ID = Conservation_Actions.Species_ID Where taxa = "Invertebrate - other" AND [Terrestrial or Aquatic] = "Semi-Aquatic" LVAL#Q6 SELECT Species.Common_Name, Species.Scientific_Name, Species.Taxa, Species.[Terrestrial or Aquatic], Species.S_Rank, Species.G_Rank, Species.Comments, Species.Boston_Mountains, Species.Arkansas_Valley, Species.Ouachitas, Species.South_Central_Plains, Species.Mississippi_Alluvial_Plains, Species.Mississippi_Valley_Loess_Plains, Species.Ozarks, Species.Federal_Status, Species.Class, [Species].[Order], Species.Family, Species.Residence, "Terrestrial Habitats" as Element_Name, Species_and_Habitats_Weights_Translated.Habitat as Element, "" as Category, Species_and_Habitats_Weights_Translated.Description as Weight, Population_Trend, "2" as PageOrder,team FROM Species INNER JOIN Species_and_Habitats_Weights_Translated ON Species.ID = Species_and_Habitats_Weights_Translated.Species_ID Where taxa = "Reptile" AND [Terrestrial or Aquatic] = "Semi-Aquatic" UNION ALL SELECT Species.Common_Name, Species.Scientific_Name, Species.Taxa, Species.[Terrestrial or Aquatic], Species.S_Rank, Species.G_Rank, Species.Comments, Species.Boston_Mountains, Species.Arkansas_Valley, Species.Ouachitas, Species.South_Central_Plains, Species.Mississippi_Alluvial_Plains, Species.Mississippi_Valley_Loess_Plains, Species.Ozarks, Species.Federal_Status, Species.Class, [Species].[Order], Species.Family, Species.Residence, "Aquatic Habitats" as Element_Name, iif(Formed_by is null,"Natural",Formed_by) & " " & Habitat & ": " & iif(Headwater = Yes,"Headwater","") & iif(Small = Yes, " - Small","") & iif(Medium = Yes," - Medium", "") & iif(Large = yes, " - Large", "") as Element, "" as Category, Aquatic_Habitat_Translated.Weight as Weight, Population_Trend, "3" as PageOrder,team FROM Species INNER JOIN Aquatic_Habitat_Translated ON Species.ID = Aquatic_Habitat_Translated.Species_ID Where taxa = "Reptile" AND [Terrestrial or Aquatic] = "Semi-Aquatic" UNION ALL SELECT Species.Common_Name, Species.Scientific_Name, Species.Taxa, Species.[Terrestrial or Aquatic], Species.S_Rank, Species.G_Rank, Species.Comments, Species.Boston_Mountains, LVAL7 Species.Arkansas_Valley, Species.Ouachitas, Species.South_Central_Plains, Species.Mississippi_Alluvial_Plains, Species.Mississippi_Valley_Loess_Plains, Species.Ozarks, Species.Federal_Status, Species.Class, [Species].[Order], Species.Family, Species.Residence, "Ecobasins" as Element_Name, Ecobasin as Element, "" as Category, "" as Weight, Population_Trend, "1" as PageOrder, team FROM Species INNER JOIN Ecobasin ON Species.ID = Ecobasin.Species_ID Where taxa = "Reptile" AND [Terrestrial or Aquatic] = "Semi-Aquatic" UNION ALL SELECT Species.Common_Name, Species.Scientific_Name, Species.Taxa, Species.[Terrestrial or Aquatic], Species.S_Rank, Species.G_Rank, Species.Comments, Species.Boston_Mountains, Species.Arkansas_Valley, Species.Ouachitas, Species.South_Central_Plains, Species.Mississippi_Alluvial_Plains, Species.Mississippi_Valley_Loess_Plains, Species.Ozarks, Species.Federal_Status, Species.Class, [Species].[Order], Species.Family, Species.Residence, "Problems Faced" as Element_Name,"Threat: " & Aquatic_Threats_And_Sources.Threat & (Chr(13) & Chr(10)) & "Source: " & Aquatic_Threats_And_Sources.Source as Element, "" as Category, "" as Weight, Population_Trend, "4" as PageOrder,team FROM Species INNER JOIN Aquatic_Threats_And_Sources ON Species.ID = Aquatic_Threats_And_Sources.Species_ID Where taxa = "Reptile" AND [Terrestrial or Aquatic] = "Semi-Aquatic" UNION ALL SELECT Species.Common_Name, Species.Scientific_Name, Species.Taxa, Species.[Terrestrial or Aquatic], Species.S_Rank, Species.G_Rank, Species.Comments, Species.Boston_Mountains, Species.Arkansas_Valley, Species.Ouachitas, Species.South_Central_Plains, Species.Mississippi_Alluvial_Plains, Species.Mississippi_Valley_Loess_Plains, Species.Ozarks, Species.Federal_Status, Species.Class, [Species].[Order], Species.Family, Species.Residence, "Data Gaps/Research Needs" as Element_Name, Data_Gaps.Data_Gaps as Element, "" as Category, "" as Weight, Population_Trend, "5" as PageOrder,team FROM Species INNER JOIN Data_Gaps ON Species.ID LVAL= Data_Gaps.Species_ID Where taxa = "Reptile" AND [Terrestrial or Aquatic] = "Semi-Aquatic" UNION ALL SELECT Species.Common_Name, Species.Scientific_Name, Species.Taxa, Species.[Terrestrial or Aquatic], Species.S_Rank, Species.G_Rank, Species.Comments, Species.Boston_Mountains, Species.Arkansas_Valley, Species.Ouachitas, Species.South_Central_Plains, Species.Mississippi_Alluvial_Plains, Species.Mississippi_Valley_Loess_Plains, Species.Ozarks, Species.Federal_Status, Species.Class, [Species].[Order], Species.Family, Species.Residence, "Conservation Actions" as Element_Name, Conservation_Actions.Conservation_Actions as Element, Conservation_Actions.CA_Category as Category, Conservation_Actions.Importance as Weight, Population_Trend, "6" as PageOrder,team FROM Species INNER JOIN Conservation_Actions on Species.ID = Conservation_Actions.Species_ID Where taxa = "Reptile" AND [Terrestrial or Aquatic] = "Semi-Aquatic" LVAL  LHTrend_LUT.Trend_Text = Terrestrial_Amphibian_Query_For_Report.Population_TrendS_Rank_LUT.S_Rank = Terrestrial_Amphibian_Query_For_Report.S_RankG_Rank_LUT.G_Rank = Terrestrial_Amphibian_Query_For_Report.G_RankTerrestrial_Amphibian_Query_For_Report.teamTerrestrial_Amphibian_Query_For_Report.PageOrderTerrestrial_Amphibian_Query_For_Report.Population_Trend((g_rank_lut.score_value+s_rank_lut.score_value)*[Trend_Multiplier])/0.2625Terrestrial_Amphibian_Query_For_Report.WeightTerrestrial_Amphibian_Query_For_Report.CategorySELECT Species.Common_Name, Species.Scientific_Name, Species.Taxa, Species.[Terrestrial or Aquatic], Species.S_Rank, Species.G_Rank, Species.Comments, Species.Boston_Mountains, Species.Arkansas_Valley, Species.Ouachitas, Species.South_Central_Plains, Species.Mississippi_Alluvial_Plains, Species.Mississippi_Valley_Loess_Plains, Species.Ozarks, Species.Federal_Status, Species.Class, [Species].[Order], Species.Family, Species.Residence, "Monitoring" as Element_Name, Monitoring.Monitoring_Strategy as Element, Monitoring.Monitoring_Category as Category, "" as Weight FROM Species INNER JOIN Monitoring ON Species.ID = Monitoring.Species_IDSELECT Species.Common_Name, Species.Scientific_Name, Species.Taxa, Species.[Terrestrial or Aquatic], Species.S_Rank, Species.G_Rank, Species.Comments, Species.Boston_Mountains, Species.Arkansas_Valley, Species.Ouachitas, Species.South_Central_Plains, Species.Mississippi_Alluvial_Plains, Species.Mississippi_Valley_Loess_Plains, Species.Ozarks, Species.Federal_Status, Species.Class, [Species].[Order], Species.Family, Species.Residence, "Monitoring Strategies" as Element_Name, Monitoring.Monitoring_Strategy as Element, Monitoring.Monitoring_Category as Category, "" as Weight, Population_Trend, "7" as PageOrder,team FROM Species INNER JOIN Monitoring ON Species.ID = Monitoring.Species_ID Where taxa = "Reptile" AND [Terrestrial or Aquatic] = "Semi-Aquatic" YRN: : Y  Y dCodeNameJ: < YCodev18 8 8 9 Very HighHigh MediumLow  9  ; ; ; ;[Y*;N> >  Y dY  SourceID:P> @ <À=> A YYIDPrimaryKeyv1@ @ 8 8  = PqP.  t D ,  l C *Non-point source pollution")Interspecific competiton (Water diversion'Urban development&Road construction%Resource extraction$Recreation#Predation"Municipal/Industrial point source)!Grazing/Browsing Forestry activitiesExotic speciesDam Confined animal operations"Commercial harvestChannel maintenanceChannel alterationParasites/pathogensManagement of/for certain species)Landfill construction or operation*Fire suppressionExcessive non-commercial harvest or collection6Excessive groundwater withdrawal(Agricultural practicesConversion of riparian forest%Commercial/industrial development)6 =  @ @ @ ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ? ?! ?" ?# ?$ ?% ?& ?' ?( ?) ?* ?6 =  @ @ @ ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ? ?! ?" ?# ?$ ?% ?& ?' ?( ?) ?* ?Yy"es.CN8,8C C yyyyy Y d Y  Y d Y d Y dY Y Y Y  Y   d Y   d Y   Y  Y  Y Y Y Y Y Y  Y d Y  d Y  d Y  d Y  d Y  d Y d Y  Y d Y  Y d Y  d Y  ! 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"d Y"" #d Y## $d Y$$ %d Y%% &d Y&& 'd Y'' (d Y(( )d Y)) *d Y** +d Y++ ,d Y, , -d Y-!- .d Y.". /d Y/#/ 0d Y0$0 1d Y1%1 2d Y2&2 3d Y3'3 4d Y4(4 5d Y5)5 6d Y6*6 7d Y7+7 mdCommon_NameScientific_NameTaxaClassification,Terrestrial or Aquatic8Bird_of_Conservation_ConcernMIS DemandEndemic S_Rank G_RankCommentsID Boston_MountainsArkansas_ValleyOuachitas(South_Central_Plains6Mississippi_Alluvial_Plains>Mississippi_Valley_Loess_Plains Ozarks ELCODEFederal_Status&Federal_Status_Date Class Order FamilyResidence Mussel_Host_Fish Mussel_Substrate$Mussel_Description Image Population_TrendTeamSedimentPoint Source Non-point SourceThermal RegimeDams:Culverts and Stream CrossingsDredgingChannelization"Channel Stability Invasive SpeciesBAnomalies and Parasites-Pathogens>DEQ Data Point Dissolved Oxygen"DEQ Data Point pHDDEQ Data Point Turbidity, TDS, TSS0DEQ Data Point Nutrients4DEQ Data Point Temperature*DEQ Data Point Metals.DEQ Data Point OrganicsHarvest/TakeRRecreational Activities, Access Proximity,Groundwater Withdrawal OtherOther Rankn d C  O C  C    C  YYY ELCODEPrimaryKeySpeciesID C C C C C C C C W v1b N    @  @  !"!@H@ ` 0`` I0m` ` @ ^ :&߼@ 뽴ֺ^ݺ^'@ @@ @@ @Ap DLVAL L  \ J*AGFC Kelly Irwin, UCA Don Shepard, Kory RobertsAGFC Kelly Irwin, UCA Don Shepard, Kory RobertsAGFC Kelly Irwin, UCA Don Shepard, Kory Roberts, UA Casey Brewster, UCA Matt GiffordAGFC Kelly Irwin, UCA Don Shepard, Kory RobertsAGFC Kelly Irwin, UCA Don Shepard, Kory RobertsAGFC Kelly Irwin, UCA Don Shepard, Kory RobertsAGFC - retired Mr. Steve Filipek, SAU Dr. Henry Robison, UA/Ft. Smith Dr. Tom Buchanan, AGFC Mr. Jeff Quinn, AGFC Mr. Brian Wagner, ANHC Mr. Jason ThroneberryAGFC - retired Mr. Steve Filipek, SAU Dr. Henry Robison, UA/Ft. Smith Dr. Tom Buchanan, AGFC Mr. Jeff Quinn, AGFC Mr. Brian Wagner, ANHC Mr. Jason ThroneberryAGFC - retired Mr. Steve Filipek, SAU Dr. Henry Robison, UA/Ft. Smith Dr. Tom Buchanan, AGFC Mr. Jeff Quinn, AGFC Mr. Brian Wagner, ANHC Mr. Jason ThroneberryAGFC - retired Mr. Steve Filipek, SAU Dr. Henry Robison, UA/Ft. Smith Dr. Tom Buchanan, AGFC Mr. Jeff Quinn, AGFC Mr. Brian Wagner, ANHC Mr. Jason ThroneberryAGFC - retired Mr. Steve Filipek, SAU Dr. Henry Robison, UA/Ft. Smith Dr. Tom Buchanan, AGFC Mr. Jeff Quinn, AGFC Mr. Brian Wagner, ANHC Mr. Jason ThroneberryAGFC - retired Mr. Steve Filipek, SAU Dr. Henry Robison, UA/Ft. Smith Dr. Tom Buchanan, AGFC Mr. Jeff Quinn, AGFC Mr. Brian Wagner, ANHC Mr. Jason ThroneberryAGFC - retired Mr. Steve Filipek, SAU Dr. Henry Robison, UA/Ft. Smith Dr. Tom Buchanan, AGFC Mr. Jeff Quinn, AGFC Mr. Brian Wagner, ANHC Mr. Jason ThroneberryAGFC - retired Mr. Steve Filipek, SAU Dr. Henry Robison, UA/Ft. Smith Dr. Tom Buchanan, AGFC Mr. Jeff Quinn, AGFC Mr. Brian Wagner, ANHC Mr. Jason ThroneberryAGFC - retired Mr. Steve Filipek, SAU Dr. Henry Robison, UA/Ft. Smith Dr. Tom Buchanan, AGFC Mr. Jeff Quinn, AGFC Mr. Brian Wagner, ANHC Mr. Jason ThroneberryAGFC - retired Mr. Steve Filipek, SAU Dr. Henry Robison, UA/Ft. Smith Dr. Tom Buchanan, AGFC Mr. Jeff Quinn, AGFC Mr. Brian Wagner, ANHC Mr. Jason ThroneberryLVAL ^hTrauth and others (2004) summarized the literature and biology of this frog.Description: A slim, silvery shiner with a large eye (Robison and Buchanan 1988). Good populations are present in in the Little Missouri and Ouachita river basins, but recent surveys did not locate any specimens in several other basins where they were historically found (Robison 2001a). Robison (2005) indicated this is a widespread, locally abundant minnow that has not greatly decreased in abundance or range.Description: A small slender darter with a short, round snout, and a pale stripe down its side (Robison and Buchanan 1988). Fairly widespread in southern Arkansas but not normally abundant (Robison and Buchanan 1988).Description: A stout, bluntnosed darter, the males of which develop a bright orange abdomen in breeding condition (Robison and Buchanan 1988). This Arkansas endemic inhabits small tributaries of the upper Caddo and Ouachita River systems. It is threatened by loss of habitat through channelization, which eliminates much of the shallow backwater areas which are preferred by the species (Robison 2004).Description: A slender darter with four wide brown saddles on its back and a silver belly (Robison and Buchanan 1988). This fish is the sole member of its genus and was once distributed throughout much of the eastern United States, but today persists only in isolated populations (Wood and Raley 2000). It is potentially threatened by impoundment, channelization, dredging, sedimentation, and gravel mining (Grandmaison, Mayasich, and Etnier 2003). Layher and others (2005) captured 5 individuals in the Ouachita River and 1 individual in the White River. McAllister and others (2010) reported collection of the species in the mainstem Black River. Rigsby (2009) captured 5 individuals from 5 locations in the Black and Strawberry rivers, and he captured 6 individuals from 4 locations in the Ouachita and Saline rivers.B | k V B 5 -'^$8Western Diamond-backed RattlesnakeCrotalus atroxReptileOther: viability concernTerrestrialS2S3G5@@J ARADE02020ReptiliaSerpentesViperidaeUnknown^@ D sC:*,8Mole SalamanderAmbystoma talpoideumAmphibianOther: viability concernTerrestrialS3G5@I AAAAA01120AmphibiaCaudataAmbystomatidaeUnknown^@ D }yuh8-,8Ringed SalamanderAmbystoma annulatumAmphibianOther: viability concernTerrestrialS3G4@I AAAAA01010AmphibiaCaudataAmbystomatidaeUnknown^@ D ~zvi9.,8Ouachita DarterPercina brucethompsoniFishOther: viability concernAquaticS2G2?`@H AFCQC04370ActinopterygiiPerciformesPercidaeStable<@ D wrne5/,8Leopard DarterPercina pantherinaFishThreatened and EndangeredAquaticS1G2N@H AFCQC04210LT78-01-27ActinopterygiiPerciformesPercidaeDecreasing<@D sokb0*,8 Longnose DarterPercina nasutaFishSensitiveAquaticS3G3,@H AFCQC04150ActinopterygiiPerciformesPercidaeStable<@D xhhh\PLH?-',8 Caddo MadtomNoturus tayloriFishSensitiveAquaticS1G1@G AFCKA02230ActinopterygiiSiluriformesIctaluridaeStable<@D vfffZNJF=+%,8 Ouachita MadtomNoturus lachneriFishSensitiveAquaticS2G2@G AFCKA02140ActinopterygiiSiluriformesIctaluridaeUnknown<@D zjjj^RNJA/),8 Peppered ShinerNotropis perpallidusFishSensitiveAquaticS3G3\@G AFCJB28720ActinopterygiiCypriniformesCyprinidaeDecreasing<@D ~nnnbVRNE3-,8 Kiamichi ShinerNotropis ortenburgeriFishSensitiveAquaticS3G3>@E AFCJB28690ActinopterygiiCypriniformesCyprinidaeDecreasing<@D ooocWSOF4.,8Goldstripe DarterEtheostoma parvipinneFishSensitiveAquaticS3G4G5@E AFCQC02570ActinopterygiiPerciformesPercidaeStable<@D sssg[UQH60,8Paleback DarterEtheostoma pallididorsumFishSensitiveAquaticS2G2*@E AFCQC02560ActinopterygiiPerciformesPercidaeStable<@D rrrfZVRI71,8Crystal DarterCrystallaria asprellaFishSensitiveAquaticS2G3x@E AFCQC01010ActinopterygiiPerciformesPercidae$PackagePackagePackage]Colinusvirginianus.jpgX:\CWCSDecreasing<@D ~nnnbVRNE3-,jLVAL  Trauth and others (2004) summarized the biology and literature of this species.Trauth and others (2004) summarized the literature and biology of this frog.Description: An elongate, slender, small catfish with black dorsal saddles and a black tip on the dorsal fin (Robison and Buchanan 1988). This species was described in 1972 form the upper Caddo River (Douglas 1972). The most recent work indicated that populations are stable (Robison 1993). Endemic to the south-central Ouachita Mountains (Upper Caddo, Little Missouri and Ouachita rivers). Relatively abundant in the Caddo, but uncommon in the Little Misouri and Ouachita rivers. Turner and Robison (2006) found high genetic divergence for the Caddo madtom between Ouachita and Caddo river systems (Fst = 0.71) with a fixed allelic difference. Buchanan (2005) observed 612 madtoms in the Lake Ouachita that shared characteristics of both N. miurus and N. taylori.Description: A slender, elongate, brown to gray, uniformly colored, small catfish - maximum size 2.7 inches (Robison and Buchanan 1988). This Ouachita endemic is found in the upper Saline River basin and one tributary of the Ouachita River (Robison and Harp 1985). Gagen and Stoeckel (1994) reported that madtoms in riffles die when the riffles dry and these areas are recolonized from pools the following season. Buchanan (2005) collected 329 specimens from 6 Saline River basin reservoirs (Balboa, Coronado, Cortez, DeSoto, Pineda, Winona). Stoeckel and others (2011) studied feeding and reproductive biology of the species.Description: A small, pale shiner sprinkled randomly with black speckles (Robison and Buchanan 1988). Wagner, Echelle, and Maughan (1987) found significant niche overlap with N. snelsoni and N. volucellus. Robison (2006) recommended a vulnerable status for this rare fish. He collected only 17 specimens from 81 collections. He suggested the species has declined in Arkansas, only occurring in the Ouachita and Saline rivers.LVAL &Description: A slender darter with a long head and pointed snout and dark blotches or bars on its sides (Robison and Buchanan 1988). This Ouachita River drainage endemic was recently described by Robison and others (2014), and they noted the species is never abundant at a locality. Caldwell (2011) reported density of the Ouachita darter was higher in transition areas flooded by Lake Ouachita (1.36 fish/100 m2) than in the upstream Ouachita River (0.24 fish/100 m2). Present at all historic localities and no apparent decline overall (Robison 1992b).Description: A medium-sized, greenish darter with 10-14 distinct spots along the side (Robison and Buchanan 1988). This species is listed as threatened under the Endangered Species Act due to impoundments, silviculture, agriculture, industry, and gravel removal (USFWS 1984). USFWS and Ouachita National Forest monitoring indicates declining populations in the Cossatot and Robinson Fork rivers (Richard Standage, USFS, personal communication). Schwemm (2013) noted extremely small genetic effective population sizes, and Arkansas populations appear highly susceptible to extinction. Population monitoring using snorkeling and eDNA techniques is planned for 2015-2017. The Arkansas fish Taxa Team recommends that the G-rank calculator be used with new genetics and trend data to revise the score for this species. This species priority score appears low considering the low genetically effective population size for the species.Description: A slender darter with a long head and pointed snout and dark blotches or bars on its sides (Robison and Buchanan 1988). While rare, this darter persists throughout its historical distribution (Robison 1992a). Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality biologists captured 99 specimens from nine Boston Mountain streams during 2014 (Tate Wentz, personal communication). Buchanan (2005) captured 7 specimens from Greers Ferry Lake, where the species was regularly captured by AGFC biologists during rotenone sampling.LVALPCrustacean. This species is a cave-adapted aquatic isopod.Recent occurrence data suggest that this species may have a wider range in the state than was previously thought (Fulmer and Fulmer 2010, 2013). However, this species is not frequently encountered. (ANHI 2003, Bishop 1943, Boyd and Vickers 1963, Carr and Goin 1943, Conant and Collins 1991, Crump 2003, Crump and others 2003A, 2003C, 2003D, 2003F, 2003P, Dundee and Rossman 1989, Hardy and Raymond 1980, McAllister and Trauth 1996a, Meshaka and McLarty 1988, Mount 1975, Parker 1947, Patterson 1978, Plummer and Dye 1992, Raymond and Hardy 1990, Raymond and Hardy 1991, Reagan 1974a, Robison and Winters 1978, Semlitsch 1985, Semlitsch 1987a, Semlitsch 1987b, Shoop 1960, Shoop 1964, Smith 1961, Smith and others 1984, Sutton and Paige 1980, Trauth and others 1993a, Trauth and others 1995b, Trauth and others 2004, USDA FS 1999, Wilson 1995).Populations have responded well to the creation of wildlife ponds in the Ouachita-Ozark National Forests for use as breeding sites. Recent rangewide surveys for distribution and abundance are lacking. Populations within the national forests are considered stable. (ANHI 2003, Anderson, J.D. 1965, Anderson, P. 1965, Black and Dellinger 1938, Brussock and Brown 1982, Conant and Collins 1991, Cope 1886, Cope 1887, Crump 2003, Crump and others 2003A, 2003C, 2003D, 2003F, 2003P, Dowling 1956, Hurter and Strecker 1909, Hutcherson and others 1989, Johnson 1977, McAllister and others 1995d, McDaniel 1975, McDaniel and Saugey 1977, Noble and Marshall 1929, Nyman and others 1993, Peterson and others 1992, Petranka 1998, Reagan 1974a, Schmidt 1953, Spotila and Beumer 1970, Stejneger and Barbour 1917, Strecker 1924, Taylor 1935, Tihen 1958, Trapp 1956 (1957), Trapp 1959, Trauth and others 2004, Trauth 1980b, Trauth 2000, Trauth and others 1989b, Trauth and Cartwright 1989, Turnipseed and Gallagher 1991, USDA FS 1999, Wilson 1995).LVAL This crustacean species is a cave-adapted aquatic isopod.This crustacean species is a cave-adapted aquatic isopod.Crustacean. This species is a cave-adapted aquatic isopod.Uncommon and widely scatterd in the Ouachita Mountains. Ozark Highlands populations more abundant and are obligates in glade habitats. These populations are most prevelant along the White River Valley within the Springfield Plateau. Some populations could be susceptible to collection pressure (pet trade, scientific collectors, scientific supply houses, etc.). (ANHI 2003, Bonati 1980, Brewster and others 2013, 2014, Crump 2003, Crump and others 2003A, 2003C, Collins 1991, Conant and Collins 1998, Crump 2003, Crump and others 2003A, 2003C, 2003D, 2003F, 2003P, Dellinger and Black 1938, Dowling 1957, Grimsley 2012, Hurter and Strecker 1909, Hutchison and others 1999, McAllister 1980a, McAllister 1983, McAllister 1985b, McAllister and others, 1985, McAllister and Trauth 1982, McAllister and Trauth 1985, McGuire 1996, ONHI 2003, Schuier and others 1972, Schwardt 1938, Trauth and others 2004, Trauth 1974, Trauth 1978, Trauth 1979, Trauth 1989a, Trauth 2011, USDA FS 1999, Wilson 1995)The Ouachita Mountains harbor the easternmost population for the species. A few records are known from the western Boston Mountains of northern Crawford and Franklin counties. Populations of this large snake species have suffered from landscape level habitat modification and wanton slaughter at historical den sites. (ANHI 2003, Albritton 1981, Ball 1980, Bonati 1980, Crump 2003, Crump et al. 2003A, 2003C, 2003D, 2003F, 2003P, Dellinger and Black 1938, Dowling 1957, Ernst 1992, Fitch 1985, Fitch and Pisani 1993, Klauber 1956, Martin 1981, Minton and Minton 1948, Ortenburger 1929, Parker 1947, Perkins 1928, Perkins and Lentz 1932, Schuier et al. 1972, Schwardt 1938, Stone 1904, Strecker 1924, Trauth et al. 2004, Trauth 1986b, Trauth and Cochran 1992, USDA FS 1999, Vance 1987, Wilson 1995)B  j N .  Q8<Eastern Whip-poor-willAntrostomus vociferusBirdOther: viability concernTerrestrialS3BG5L@Q ABNTA07070AvesCaprimulgiformesCaprimulgidaeBreedingDecreasing$@ M }xk;5,?88Northern BobwhiteColinus virginianusBirdOther: viability concernTerrestrialS3G5@P ABNLC21020AvesGalliformesOdontophoridaePermanentDecreasing$@M yuqd4.,8)Great Plains SkinkPlestiodon obsoletusReptileOther: viability concernTerrestrialS1G5|@P ARACH01130ReptiliaLacertiliaScincidaeUnknown^@M ~zvi90,8(Prairie SkinkPlestiodon septentrionalisReptileOther: viability concernTerrestrialS2G5x@P ARACH01101ReptiliaLacertiliaScincidaeUnknown^@M {wj:1,8%Strecker's Chorus FrogPseudacris streckeriAmphibianOther: viability concernTerrestrialS2G5@O AAABC05062AmphibiaAnuraHylidaeUnknown^@M |o?4,^8$Rich Mountain SalamanderPlethodon ouachitaeAmphibianSensitiveTerrestrialS2G2G3N@O AAAAD12130AmphibiaCaudataPlethodontidaeUnknown^@M uic_R@5 ,8"Sequoyah Slimy SalamanderPlethodon sequoyahAmphibianSensitiveTerrestrialS1G2@O AAAAD12340AmphibiaCaudataPlethodontidaeUnknown^@M sgc_R@5!,8!Kiamichi Slimy SalamanderPlethodon kiamichiAmphibianSensitiveTerrestrialS1G2@L AAAAD12330AmphibiaCaudataPlethodontidaeUnknown^@M sgc_R@5!,8 Fourche Mountain SalamanderPlethodon fourchensisAmphibianSensitiveTerrestrialS2G2Qn@N AAAAD12060AmphibiaCaudataPlethodontidaeUnknown^@M ymhdWE:#,8Caddo Mountain SalamanderPlethodon caddoensisAmphibianSensitiveTerrestrialS2G2@N AAAAD12010AmphibiaCaudataPlethodontidaeUnknown^@M uieaTB7!,8Bird-voiced TreefrogHyla avivocaAmphibianOther: viability concernTerrestrialS3G5@L AAABC02030AmphibiaAnuraHylidaeUnknown^@D zvre5*,ޓ8Four-toed SalamanderHemidactylium scutatumAmphibianOther: viability concernTerrestrialS2G5j@L AAAAD08010AmphibiaCaudataPlethodontidaeUnknown^@D |o?4,8Eastern Collared LizardCrotaphytus collarisReptileOther: viability concernTerrestrialS2G5@J ARACF04020ReptiliaLacertiliaCrotaphytidaeDecreasing@ D {n>5,ޘrLVAL *~This Arkansas endemic isopod is only known from a seep in the Ozark Mountains of Boone County (Hubricht and Mackin 1949).This crustacean species is one of the rarest aquatic cave-adapted isopods in Arkansas.An Arkansas endemic isopod known only from Abernathy Spring in Polk County (Lewis 1983).This species is currently recognized as endemic to the Kiamichi Mountains within the greater Ouachita Mountain ecoregion. (ANHI 2003, Blair and Lindsay 1965, Crump 2003, Crump et al. 2003a, 2003c, 2003d, 2003f, 2003p, Duncan and Highton 1979, Highton 1989, McAllister et al. 2002, ONHI 2003, Trauth et al. 2004, USDA FS 1999, Wilson 1995).(ANHI 2003, Conant and Collins 1998, Crump 2003, Crump and others 2003A, 2003C, 2003D, 2003F, 2003P, Davis and Hollenback 1978, Fulmer and Tumlison 2002, Jamieson and others 1993, McAllister and others 1993b, Mount 1975, ONHI 2003, Secor 1988, Smith 1966b, Trauth 1992b, Trauth and others 2004, Trauth and Robinette 1990a, Trauth and Robinette 1990b, Turnipseed 1976, Turnipseed 1980b, USDA FS 1999, Volpe and others 1961, Wilson 1995). Trauth and others (2004) summarized the literature and biology of this species.Populations are spottily distributed, likely due to habitat preference. Curiously, only one population has been recorded from the Ozark Highlands of Arkansas, yet the Missouri Ozarks has many known populations. Two genetic lineages have been identified in the state, one each in the Ouachita Mountains and the Ozark Highlands (Herman 2009). (ANHI 2003, Bishop 1943, Bleakney and Cook 1957, Carter 1968, Conant and Collins 1998, Crump 2003, Crump et al. 2003A, 2003C, 2003D, 2003F, 2003P, Dellinger and Black 1938, Dowling 1957, Dundee 1968, Dunn 1926, Harris and Gill 1980, Hurter and Strecker 1909, Martof 1955, Neill 1963, ONHI 2003, Reagan 1974a, Saugey and Trauth 1991, Smith et al. 1984, Strecker 1924, Trauth and Caldwell 1986, Trauth and Cochran 1991, Trauth et al. 2004, USDA FS 1999, Wilson 1995, Wood 1955)ZLVAL D* n  AGFC Ms. Karen Rowe, ANHC Mr. Bill Holimon, USFWS-retired Mr. Allan Mueller, Audubon Arkansas Dr. Dan Scheiman, AGFC Mr. Dick Baxter, USFS Mr. Leif Anderson, USGS Dr. David Krementz, ASU Dr. Than Boves, ATU Dr. Chris Kellner, UA Dr. Kim Smith, UAM Dr. Doug Osborne, AGFC Mr. Garrick Dugger, AGFC Mr. Bubba Groves, AGFC Ms. Allison Fowler, USFWS Mr. Mike Budd, USFWS Ms. Erin Knoll, USFS Mr. Steve DuzanAGFC Ms. Karen Rowe, ANHC Mr. Bill Holimon, USFWS-retired Mr. Allan Mueller, Audubon Arkansas Dr. Dan Scheiman, AGFC Mr. Dick Baxter, USFS Mr. Leif Anderson, USGS Dr. David Krementz, ASU Dr. Than Boves, ATU Dr. Chris Kellner, UA Dr. Kim Smith, UAM Dr. Doug Osborne, AGFC Mr. Garrick Dugger, AGFC Mr. Bubba Groves, AGFC Ms. Allison Fowler, USFWS Mr. Mike Budd, USFWS Ms. Erin Knoll, USFS Mr. Steve DuzanAGFC Ms. Karen Rowe, ANHC Mr. Bill Holimon, USFWS-retired Mr. Allan Mueller, Audubon Arkansas Dr. Dan Scheiman, AGFC Mr. Dick Baxter, USFS Mr. Leif Anderson, USGS Dr. David Krementz, ASU Dr. Than Boves, ATU Dr. Chris Kellner, UA Dr. Kim Smith, UAM Dr. Doug Osborne, AGFC Mr. Garrick Dugger, AGFC Mr. Bubba Groves, AGFC Ms. Allison Fowler, USFWS Mr. Mike Budd, USFWS Ms. Erin Knoll, USFS Mr. Steve DuzanAGFC Ms. Karen Rowe, ANHC Mr. Bill Holimon, USFWS-retired Mr. Allan Mueller, Audubon Arkansas Dr. Dan Scheiman, AGFC Mr. Dick Baxter, USFS Mr. Leif Anderson, USGS Dr. David Krementz, ASU Dr. Than Boves, ATU Dr. Chris Kellner, UA Dr. Kim Smith, UAM Dr. Doug Osborne, AGFC Mr. Garrick Dugger, AGFC Mr. Bubba Groves, AGFC Ms. Allison Fowler, USFWS Mr. Mike Budd, USFWS Ms. Erin Knoll, USFS Mr. Steve DuzanAGFC Kelly Irwin, UCA Don Shepard, Kory RobertsAGFC Kelly Irwin, UCA Don Shepard, Kory RobertsAGFC Kelly Irwin, UCA Don Shepard, Kory RobertsAGFC Kelly Irwin, UCA Don Shepard, Kory RobertsAGFC Kelly Irwin, UCA Don Shepard, Kory RobertsAGFC Kelly Irwin, UCA Don Shepard, Kory RobertsAGFC Kelly Irwin, UCA Don Shepard, Kory RobertsAGFC Kelly Irwin, UCA Don Shepard, Kory RobertsLVAL4 This salamander is endemic to the Fourche/Irons Fork Mountain chain, including Shut-In Mountain on the northwestern end of the range, to the high ridge east of Grapevine Mountain on the eastern end. This species range is entirely within the ownership of the Ouachita National Forest. Based on mtDNA sequence analysis, Shepard and Burbrink (2009) identified four distinct lineages within this species. Shepard et al. (2011) showed that significant morphological differences existed between the two sister species, Plethodon fourchensis and P. ouachitae, further supporting the genetic evidence between these divergent species. These two species have a narrow zone of hybridization on West Fourche Mountain, phenotypically fourchensis, genotypically ouachitae. (ANHI 2003, Blair and Lindsay 1965, Conant and Collins 1998, Crump 2003, Crump et al. 2003a, 2003c, 2003d, 2003f, 2003p, Duncan and Highton 1979, Lohoefener and Jones 1991, ONHI 2003, Plummer 1982, Robison and Allen 1995, Taylor et al. 1990, Trauth et al. 2004, Trauth and Wilhide 1999, USDA FS 1999, Wilson 1995).This species is locally common, with most known localities occurring within the Ouachita National Forest. Forest management activities via conversion of land to pine plantations have likely reduced the amount of historically suitable habitat for this species. Shepard and Burbrink (2011) identified four highly divergent and geographically distinct clades. (ANHI 2003, Anthony 1993, Anthony et al. 1994, Atwill and Trauth 1988, Blair and Lindsay 1965, Blair 1957, Conant and Collins 1991, Crump 2003, Crump et al. 2003a, 2003c, 2003d, 2003f, 2003p, Dowling 1956, Duncan and Highton 1979, Highton 1962a, McAllister et al. 2002, Palmer 1924, Plummer 1982, Pope 1964, Pope and Pope 1951, Reagan 1974a, Saugey et al. 1985, Spotila 1972, Taylor et al. 1990, Trauth et al. 2004, Trauth et al. 2000a, Trauth and Wilhide 1999, USDA FS 1999, Wilson 1995, Winter et al. 1986).LVAL~ 0This Arkansas endemic amphipod has only been collected from a unidentified spring on Rich Mountain (Holsinger 1967).Inhabits sandy soil prairies of the Arkansas Valley and surrounding uplands. In spite of extensive loss of former alluvial valley prairie habitat, populations still persist along the Arkansas River Valley. (ANHI 2003, Black and Dellinger 1938, Bragg 1942, Burt 1935, Butterfield et al. 1989, Conant and Collins 1998, Crump 2003, Crump et al. 2003a, 2003c, 2003d, 2003f, 2003p, Dowling 1957, Fesperman 1986, Hurter and Strecker 1909, Irwin and Irwin 2001, Parker 1947, Smith 1966a, Taylor 1935, Trauth et al. 1990, Trauth et al. 2004, Turnipseed and Shepherd 1985, USDA FS 1999, Wilson 1995)Shepard and Burbrink (2008) identified seven distinct lineages within the Plethodon ouachitae complex in Arkansas and Oklahoma. Three of these lineages occur in Arkansas on Rich, Black Fork, and West Fourche mountains, and the eastern end of the Kiamichi Mountain range on Cedar, Little Round, and Cow Creek mountains. (ANHI 2003, Anthony 1993, Anthony 1995, Anthony et al. 2002, Anthony and Wicknick 1993, Atwill and Trauth 1988, Black and Dellinger 1938, Blair and Lindsay 1965, Burt 1935, Crump 2003, Crump et al. 2003a, 2003c, 2003d, 2003f, 2003p, Duncan and Highton 1979, Dunn and Heinze 1933, McAllister et al. 2002, ONHI 2003, Petranka 1998, Pope and Pope 1951, Reagan 1974a, Sievert 1986, Taylor et al. 1990, Thurow 1976, Trauth et al. 2004, Trauth and Wilhide 1999, USDA FS 1999, Wilson 1995)The Sequoyah Slimy Salamander, as currently recognized, has a small range in southeastern Oklahoma and was reported from Sevier County, AR by Trauth and others (2004). Unpublished genetic data (D. Shepard, 2013) suggests that this may not be a valid taxon, and additional genetic sequence analysis is needed to resolve taxonomic status. (ANHI 2003, Black and Sievert 1989, Highton 1989, Huntington and others 1993, ONHI 2003, Trauth et al. 2004).0LVAL >FThis crustacean species is one of the largest groundwater amphipods in North America (personal communication, Mike E. Slay).This popular gamebird is in decline region-wide due to habitat degradation. Agricultural practices and forestry practices that remove weedy and shrubby vegetation also remove nesting and foraging habitat. Fire suppression also has led to habitat loss. Farm Bill programs, particularly the applicable practices within the Conservation Reserve program (CP-33), that promote practices focusing on the establishment of early successional habitat may improve quail habitat. Private landowners should be encouraged to perform prescribed burns. (ANHC 2003, Baerg 1927, Brennan 1991, 1999, Clawson 1982, Dickson and others 1983, Dimmick and others 2002, Duzan and others 2003, 2003A, Evans and Kirkman 1980, Fitzgerald 2000, Hamel 1992, Jacobs 2001, James and Neal 1986, Landers and Mueller 1986, Martin and Finch 1995, Robbins and Easterla 1992, Rosene 1969, Stoddard 1931).There are few voucher records from the state. In 2005, K. Irwin observed several live animals exhibited at Queen Wilhelmina State Park; they were purportedly collected on Black Fork Mountain in northwest Polk County. The rarity of specimens may be due to lack of collection efforts in appropriate habitat. However, the distribution within Arkansas remains poorly understood. (ANHI 2003, Collins 1993, Crump 2003, Crump et al. 2003A, 2003C, 2003D, 2003F, 2003P, Fitch 1955, Johnson 1987, Robison and Douglas 1979, Trauth et al. 2004, USDA FS 1999, Webb 1970, Wilson 1995)Trauth and others (2004) mapped the range of this species from a few counties along the western border of the state. However, two specimens of this uncommon lizard have been collected in Faulkner County since the publication of Trauth and others (2004). (ANHI 2003, Collins 1993, Crump 2003, Crump et al. 2003a, 2003c, 2003d, 2003f, 2003p, Johnson 2000, McAllister 1987a, ONHI 2003, Trauth et al. 2004, USDA FS 1999, Webb 1970, Wilson 1995)LLVAL ,p*lA beetle that is thought to be dependent upon mature forest habitats (Graves and Pearson 1973).An upland species dependent upon open woodlands and grassy areas (Graves and Pearson 1973).A species highly dependent upon open, sandy areas such as sandbars and blowouts (Graves and Pearson 1973).A species dependent upon open,sandy habitats such as river sandbars (Graves and Pearson 1973).A species dependent upon open,sandy habitats such as river sandbars (Graves and Pearson 1973).A species dependent upon open,sandy habitats such as river sandbars (Graves and Pearson 1973).A species dependent upon open,sandy habitats such as river sandbars (Graves and Pearson 1973).Historically, this species depended on scattered, large-diameter, hollow trees for nesting. Populations increased tremendously when Europeans settled the land and provided chimneys. Now populations are declining because people are capping old chimneys to keep animals out, and new chimneys are not as suitable. Uncapping chimneys and providing swift nesting towers may help stop the decline. (ANHC 2003, Cink and Collins 2002, Clawson 1982, Duzan and others 2003, 2003A, Evans and Kirkman 1980, Fitzgerald 2000, Hamel 1992, Hines et al. 2013, Jacobs 2001, James and Neal 1986, Martin and Finch 1995, Robbins and Easterla 1992, Steeves et al. 2014).This species is secretive, often heard but rarely seen. It feeds primarily on the wing, mostly at dawn and dusk. It is a ground nester which prefers nesting in open woods with little or no underbrush. These habitat patches are often found near suburbs and agricultural fields. However, habitat loss through succession or increased urbanization and agricultural development could be a problem. Common in the Ozark-St. Francis NF, Uncommon to locally common in the Ouachita NF (ANHC 2003, Bent 1989, Cink 2002, Duzan and others 2003, 2003A, Evans and Kirkman 1980, Fitzgerald 2000, Hamel 1992, Jacobs 2001, James and Neal 1986, Martin and Finch 1995, Robbins and Easterla 1992).vB  c / ~eO8American Burying BeetleNicrophorus americanusInsectThreatened and EndangeredTerrestrialS1G2G3@] IICOL42010LE89-08-14InsectaColeopteraSilphidaeUnknownANHC Mr. Michael Warriner~q?7,8IsopodLirceus bicuspidatusInvertebrate - otherSensitiveSemi-AquaticS2G3Q@Z ICMAL03030MalacostracaIsopodaAsellidaeUnknown`@Y {{{oc^ZL:$,8[Indiana BatMyotis sodalisMammalThreatened and EndangeredTerrestrialS1G26[ 3QAMACC01100LE67-03-11MammaliaChiropteraVespertilionidaeDecreasing @Y ~rnj]+#,>8ZEastern Small-Footed BatMyotis leibiiMammalSensitiveTerrestrialS1G4 @Z AMACC01130MammaliaChiropteraVespertilionidaeUnknown @Y vvvj^ZVI7/ ,8YSoutheastern BatMyotis austroripariusMammalSensitiveTerrestrialS3G4& @W AMACC01030MammaliaChiropteraVespertilionidaeDecreasing @Y vvvj^ZVI7/,ޟ8VRafinesque's Big-Eared BatCorynorhinus rafinesquiiMammalOther: viability concernTerrestrialS3G3G4XX 3QAMACC08020MammaliaChiropteraVespertilionidaeDecreasing @Y tD<",ޟ8ULoggerhead ShrikeLanius ludovicianusBirdSensitiveTerrestrialS3G4@W ABPBR01037AvesPasseriformesLaniidaePermanentDecreasing$@T ysssg[WSF4.,?8PBachman's SparrowPeucaea aestivalisBirdSensitiveTerrestrialS3BG3d@V ABPBX91050AvesPasseriformesEmberizidaeBreedingDecreasing$@T ysssg[WRE3-,?8MSwainson's WarblerLimnothlypis swainsoniiBirdOther: viability concernTerrestrialS3BG4@V ABPBX09010AvesPasseriformesParulidaeBreedingUnknown$@T {vi93,?8ICerulean WarblerSetophaga ceruleaBirdOther: viability concernTerrestrialS3BG4B @U ABPBX03240AvesPasseriformesParulidaeBreedingDecreasing$@T wsna1+,?8FWood ThrushHylocichla mustelinaBirdOther: viability concernTerrestrialS3BG5@S ABPBJ19010AvesPasseriformesTurdidaeBreedingDecreasing$@T uql_/),?8EBewick's WrenThryomanes bewickiiBirdOther: viability concernTerrestrialS1B,S1S2NG5d@S ABPBG07010AvesPasseriformesTroglodytidaePermanentDecreasing$@ M |xm`0*,?8=Chimney SwiftChaetura pelagicaBirdOther: viability concernTerrestrialS3BG5@Q ABNUA03010AvesApodiformesApodidaeBreedingDecreasing$@ M tpk^.(,?LVALIts ethereal, flute-like voice is a trademark sound of the woods. Declining range wide. Typically requires extensive tracts of mature forest at the landscape scale, but this varies by location. At a more local scale, requires sites with hardwood understory and canopy overstory. Common to uncommon on the Ozark-St. Francis and Ouachita NF. Common in the Big Woods. Arkansas is on the western edge of its range. (Anders and others 1998, Annand and Thompson 1997, Artman and Downhower 2003, Baerg 1927, Clawson 1982, DeGraaf 1991, Dellinger et al. 2007, Duzan and others 2003, 2003A, Evans and Kirkman 1980, Evans and others 2011, Finch 1991, Finch and Stangel 1993, Fitzgerald 2000, Hamel 1992, Jacobs 2001, James 1971, James and Neal 1986, Kaisner and Lindell 2007, Kellner Unpublished, Martin and Finch 1995, Pingjun 1994, Probst and Thompson 1996, Robbins and Easterla 1992, Robinson and others 1995, Salveter 1994, Thompson 1995, Thompson and Fritzell 1990, Thompson and others 1995, 1996)Breeds in open country with a mix of shrubs and open woodland. Eastern populations are often around outbuildings of farms near brushy or wooded areas in cleared or fairly open country. The species has been nearly extirpated as a breeding bird across the entire eastern US, possibly due to habitat change (e.g. habitat succession of abandoned farms), and competition from the more aggressive House Wren for nest cavities. Targeted surveys by Thompson (2011) during 2008-2010 suggest the species has been essentially extirpated as a breeding bird, with occasional recolonizations possible in extreme northwest Arkansas from populations in southwest Missouri. (Arkansas Audubon Society 2012 Clawson 1982, Duzan and others 2003, 2003A, eBird 2014, Evans and Kirkman 1980, Fitzgerald 2000, Hamel 1992, Jacobs 2001, James and Neal 1986, Kennedy and White 2013, Martin and Finch 1995, Robbins and Easterla 1992, Robinson and others 1999, Thompson 2011)4LVAL pLAGFC Ms. Karen Rowe, ANHC Mr. Bill Holimon, USFWS-retired Mr. Allan Mueller, Audubon Arkansas Dr. Dan Scheiman, AGFC Mr. Dick Baxter, USFS Mr. Leif Anderson, USGS Dr. David Krementz, ASU Dr. Than Boves, ATU Dr. Chris Kellner, UA Dr. Kim Smith, UAM Dr. Doug Osborne, AGFC Mr. Garrick Dugger, AGFC Mr. Bubba Groves, AGFC Ms. Allison Fowler, USFWS Mr. Mike Budd, USFWS Ms. Erin Knoll, USFS Mr. Steve DuzanAGFC Ms. Karen Rowe, ANHC Mr. Bill Holimon, USFWS-retired Mr. Allan Mueller, Audubon Arkansas Dr. Dan Scheiman, AGFC Mr. Dick Baxter, USFS Mr. Leif Anderson, USGS Dr. David Krementz, ASU Dr. Than Boves, ATU Dr. Chris Kellner, UA Dr. Kim Smith, UAM Dr. Doug Osborne, AGFC Mr. Garrick Dugger, AGFC Mr. Bubba Groves, AGFC Ms. Allison Fowler, USFWS Mr. Mike Budd, USFWS Ms. Erin Knoll, USFS Mr. Steve DuzanAGFC Ms. Karen Rowe, ANHC Mr. Bill Holimon, USFWS-retired Mr. Allan Mueller, Audubon Arkansas Dr. Dan Scheiman, AGFC Mr. Dick Baxter, USFS Mr. Leif Anderson, USGS Dr. David Krementz, ASU Dr. Than Boves, ATU Dr. Chris Kellner, UA Dr. Kim Smith, UAM Dr. Doug Osborne, AGFC Mr. Garrick Dugger, AGFC Mr. Bubba Groves, AGFC Ms. Allison Fowler, USFWS Mr. Mike Budd, USFWS Ms. Erin Knoll, USFS Mr. Steve DuzanAGFC Ms. Karen Rowe, ANHC Mr. Bill Holimon, USFWS-retired Mr. Allan Mueller, Audubon Arkansas Dr. Dan Scheiman, AGFC Mr. Dick Baxter, USFS Mr. Leif Anderson, USGS Dr. David Krementz, ASU Dr. Than Boves, ATU Dr. Chris Kellner, UA Dr. Kim Smith, UAM Dr. Doug Osborne, AGFC Mr. Garrick Dugger, AGFC Mr. Bubba Groves, AGFC Ms. Allison Fowler, USFWS Mr. Mike Budd, USFWS Ms. Erin Knoll, USFS Mr. Steve DuzanAGFC Ms. Karen Rowe, ANHC Mr. Bill Holimon, USFWS-retired Mr. Allan Mueller, Audubon Arkansas Dr. Dan Scheiman, AGFC Mr. Dick Baxter, USFS Mr. Leif Anderson, USGS Dr. David Krementz, ASU Dr. Than Boves, ATU Dr. Chris Kellner, UA Dr. Kim Smith, UAM Dr. Doug Osborne, AGFC Mr. Garrick Dugger, AGFC Mr. Bubba Groves, AGFC Ms. Allison Fowler, USFWS Mr. Mike Budd, USFWS Ms. Erin Knoll, USFS Mr. Steve Duzan\LVAL0rAn endemic beetle known only from Bear Hollow on Magazine Mountain in Logan County (Barr 1974).A large beetle species dependent upon large pieces of decaying wood as larval host sites (Staines 2001).A species dependent upon open, sandy habitats such as river sandbars (Graves and Pearson 1973).The loss and fragmentation of extensive unfragmented tracts of mature forest, with natural disturbance regimes intact, is the primary threat to this species on the breeding grounds. Within these habitat patches, birds are affected (both positively and negatively) by local forest management practices. Small group- selection cuts can mimic the canopy gaps found in preferred habitat and may be attractive if occurring in regions with high overall forest cover (e.g., Ozark NF). However, these same artificial disturbances may lead to reduced densities in landscapes with low forest cover (Crowley s Ridge or LMAV). These efforts may also lead to a decrease in nesting success and a decline in densities over time (in regions of high forest cover as well). Thus, appropriate placement of these emulated disturbances in areas of highly forested regions with lower densities of birds (at a local scale) would be prudent.In any event, large trees (>40 cm DBH) are needed for nesting and foraging, and a complex layering of upper canopy, midstory, and understory vegetation is also preferred. The species is locally common in appropriate habitat in the Ozark NF, but much less numerousin the Ouachita Mountain, Gulf Coastal Plain, and Mississippi Delta regions. (ANHC 2003, Boves and others 2013a and b, Buehler and others 2013, Clawson 1982, Duzan and others 2003, 2003A, Evans and Kirkman 1980, Fitzgerald 2000, Hamel 1992, 2000, Jacobs 2001, James 1971, James and Neal 1986, James and others 2001, Kellner In prep, Martin and Finch 1995, Probst and Thompson 1996, Robbins and Easterla 1992, Robbins and others 1989, 1995, Rodewald and Smith 1998, Rosenberg and others 2000, Wood and others 2013)LVAL A species partially dependent upon caves, this beetle is often found in very deep litter in rock cracks (Smetama 1983).An endemic beetle known only from the northeastern slope of Pinnacle Mountain in Pulaski County (Carlton and Cox 1990).Bachman s Sparrows use both early and late successional pine and pine hardwood forests where the mid-story is sparse and a ground cover of grasses and forbs are present (Krementz and Christie 1999, Tucker et al. 2006, Jones and others 2013, Allen and Burt. 2014, Jones and others 2014). These pine systems require disturbance (usually growing season fire) on a regular basis (<4-year return intervals) to maintain their attractiveness. The scale at which the disturbance is implemented may affect local population dynamics, but this question requires further research (Seaman and Krementz 2000, Jones and others 2014). Early successional habitats, including clearcuts, can be attractive, and in certain situations, can be productive sites for Bachman s sparrows (Krementz and Christie 1999, Stober and Krementz 2000).The Swainson s Warbler is closely associated with canebrakes in bottomland hardwoods, but also utilizes regenerating clearcuts (hardwood or pine). It utilizes dense thickets within large contiguous forests of various age classes and composition that have occasional canopy gaps, high leaf litter, and a sparse herbaceous layer. Loss and fragmentation of bottomland hardwood forests and associated canebrakes is a source of decline. Cowbird nest parasitism is high in the Dale Bumpers White River NWR and Crowley s Ridge. The species distribution and abundance in regenerating forests of Arkansas is poorly understood. (Anich and others 2010, Brown and Dickson 1994, Carrie 1996, Clawson 1982, Duzan and others 2003, 2003A, Evans and Kirkman 1980, Fitzgerald 2000, Graves 2002, Graves 2014, Hamel 1992, Jacobs 2001, James and Neal 1986, Martin and Finch 1995, Robbins and Easterla 1992)"LVALZ 4General Description: A bat with dull, somewhat woolly pelage, gray to orange or russet above, tan to white below; hairs have little contrast between tip and base; hairs between the toes extend to or beyond the claw tips; calcar is unkeeled; forearm length is 36-41 mm, ear averages 15 mm, foot averages 10 mm. (ANHI 2003, Baker and Ward 1967, Benz and others 1997, Crump 2003, Crump 2003A, 2003C, 2003D, 2003H, Davis and others 1955, Foster and others 1978, Graves and Harvey 1974, Harvey and others 1991, Heidt and others 1996, Hofmann and others 1999, LaVal 1970, McAllister and others 1995, McDaniel and Gardner 1977, Mumford and Cope 1964, NatureServe 2005, Odegard 2003, ONHI 2003, Sasse and others 2004, Saugey and others 1993, Saugey 1989, Sealander 1956, Sealander and Heidt 1990, Steward 1988, Steward 1986). 2007: S rank changed from S2? To S3. Additional information on the distribution and habitat use of this species in the state has been obtained through mist net surveys in eastern and southern Arkansas, highlighting the importance of habitat connectivity (Medlin Jr. and Risch 2008, Medlin and others 2010). The known distribution of this species by county has been expanded by several studies (Fokidis and others 2005, Medlin and others 2006, Tumlison and Robison 2010).This predatory bird impales its prey (insects, rodents, birds) on sharp objects like thorns and barbed wire. This allows it to eat prey without the benefit of strong, taloned feet that raptors use for holding prey. It also serves to advertise its territory and attract mates. It inhabits open country that includes scattered trees and shrubs or fencerows. Populations are correlated with the amount of pasture land. Habitat is available, yet the species is declining. More study is needed to identify sources of the decline. (Arkansas Audubon Society 2012, Duzan and others 2003, Hamel 1992, James and Neal 1986, Martin and Finch 1995, National Audubon Society 2002, Rich and others 2004, Sauer and others 2004, Yosef 1996)LVAL3QOccurrence records from the Ozark Highlands and the Boston Mountains are suspect and may be Ozark Big-eared bats. General Description: Very large ears (27-37 mm); ventral hairs black or blackish at the base, white or whitish at the tips; dorsum pale brown; total length 80-110 mm; hind foot length 8-13 mm; length of forearm 38.8-43.5 mm; greatest length of skull 13.2-15.1 mm; supraorbital region not ridged; maxillary toothrow length 4.7-5.4 mm; first upper incisor has two cusps; 36 teeth; male mass 7.9-9.5 g, female mass 7.9-13.6 g. (ANHI 2003, Baker and Ward 1967, Black 1936, Bunch and Dye 1998, Crump 2003, Crump and others 2003A, 2003C, 2003D, 2003H, Elliot 1994, Gardner and McDaniel 1978, Gardner 1978, Gardner 1978a, Graves and Harvey 1974, Heath and others 1983, Heidt and others 1987, Hoffmeister and Goodpaster 1962, Hurst and Lacki 1999, Kiser and Elliot 1996, McAllister and others 1995, McDaniel and Gardner 1977, Mumford and Cope 1964, NatureServe 2005, Nelson and others 1991, Odegard 2003, ONHI 2003: Penor and others 1996, Pitts and others 1996, Sasse and others 2004, Saugey and others 1993, Sealander 1956, Sealander and Heidt 1990, Steward 1988, Steward 1986, Tumlison 1995). 2007: S Rank changed from S2 to S3. Research on the genetics of this species has found low genetic connectivity between populations in Arkansas, and that protection of roosts and improvement of habitat corridors could have a positive impact on this factor (Medlin and Risch 2008, Medlin and others 2010, Piaggio and others 2011). Old water wells appear to be important winter habitat for this species, and a technique developed in Arkansas to allow for their continued use by bats while addressing public safety concerns seems to be successful (Sasse and others 2011, Sasse and Saugey 2014). The known distribution of this species by county has been expanded by several studies (Fokidis and others 2005, Medlin and others 2006, Sasse and Saugey 2008).LLVAL xR4J`vAGFC Mr. Bill Posey, USFWS-ES Mr. Chris Davidson, ASU Dr. John Harris, AHTD Mr. Josh Seagraves, AHTD Mr. Ben ThesingAGFC Mr. Bill Posey, USFWS-ES Mr. Chris Davidson, ASU Dr. John Harris, AHTD Mr. Josh Seagraves, AHTD Mr. Ben ThesingAGFC Mr. Bill Posey, USFWS-ES Mr. Chris Davidson, ASU Dr. John Harris, AHTD Mr. Josh Seagraves, AHTD Mr. Ben ThesingAGFC Mr. Bill Posey, USFWS-ES Mr. Chris Davidson, ASU Dr. John Harris, AHTD Mr. Josh Seagraves, AHTD Mr. Ben ThesingAGFC Mr. Bill Posey, USFWS-ES Mr. Chris Davidson, ASU Dr. John Harris, AHTD Mr. Josh Seagraves, AHTD Mr. Ben ThesingAGFC Mr. Bill Posey, USFWS-ES Mr. Chris Davidson, ASU Dr. John Harris, AHTD Mr. Josh Seagraves, AHTD Mr. Ben ThesingANHC Mr. Michael Warriner, AGFC Mr. Brian WagnerANHC Mr. Michael Warriner, AGFC Mr. Brian WagnerUALR Dr. William Baltosser, ANHC Ms. Samantha Scheiman, USFS Dr. Craig Rudolph, and Dr. Charles ElyANHC Mr. Michael Warriner, AGFC Mr. Brian WagnerAGFC Mr. Blake Sasse, UALR Dr. Bob Sikes, UAM Dr. Don White, UALR Dr. Gary Heidt, Mr. J. D. Wilhide, HSU Dr. Renn Tumlison, ATU Dr. Tom Nupp, ASU Dr. Thomas Risch, USFS Mr. David Saugey, USFS Dr. Roger Perry, SAU Mr. Matthew Connior, ASU Mr. Stephen BrandenburaAGFC Mr. Blake Sasse, UALR Dr. Bob Sikes, UAM Dr. Don White, UALR Dr. Gary Heidt, Mr. J. D. Wilhide, HSU Dr. Renn Tumlison, ATU Dr. Tom Nupp, ASU Dr. Thomas Risch, USFS Mr. David Saugey, USFS Dr. Roger Perry, SAU Mr. Matthew Connior, ASU Mr. Stephen BrandenburaAGFC Mr. Blake Sasse, UALR Dr. Bob Sikes, UAM Dr. Don White, UALR Dr. Gary Heidt, Mr. J. D. Wilhide, HSU Dr. Renn Tumlison, ATU Dr. Tom Nupp, ASU Dr. Thomas Risch, USFS Mr. David Saugey, USFS Dr. Roger Perry, SAU Mr. Matthew Connior, ASU Mr. Stephen BrandenburaAGFC Mr. Blake Sasse, UALR Dr. Bob Sikes, UAM Dr. Don White, UALR Dr. Gary Heidt, Mr. J. D. Wilhide, HSU Dr. Renn Tumlison, ATU Dr. Tom Nupp, ASU Dr. Thomas Risch, USFS Mr. David Saugey, USFS Dr. Roger Perry, SAU Mr. Matthew Connior, ASU Mr. Stephen BrandenburaLVALhPAn endemic beetle known only from Logan and Washington Counties (Allen and Carlton 1988).This isopod inhabits a variety of biotopes including small seep/springs and streams, and cave streams. Nothing more is known about the biology of this species, except that it is widely known from the mountainous region of Arkansas. (ANHI 2003, Robison and Allen, 1995)This is a very small bat with tiny feet and a dark mask and dark ears. The tragus is long and pointed, and the tail reaches the edge of the interfemoral membrane. There are no prominent chin or nose flaps. The dorsal pelage is pale yellowish brown to golden brown. The ears are black, and the face has a black "mask." The belly hair varies from pale buff to whitish. The bases of the hairs on the back are blackish; wing and tail membranes are very dark brown. The base of the interfemoral membrane and under surfaces of wing membranes are sparsely furred. The calcar has a definitive keel. Sexes are similar; females have two mammae. Size is very small, with total length 72 to 84 mm, tail 30 to 39 mm, hind foot 6 to 8 mm, forearm 30-36 mm, and wingspread 212 to 248 mm; adult mass is 3 to 8 g. These bats generally roost in exposed cliff faces during the summer, but are known to roost in crevices between concrete guard rails on bridges. Status survey citation. Ozark localities include several caves, utilized primarily as hibernacula (ANHI 2003, Crump 2003, Crump 2003A, 2003C, 2003D, 2003H, Davis and Lidicker 1955, Erdle and Hobson 2001, Harvey and others 1991, LaVal and LaVal 1980, McDaniel and Gardner 1977, McDaniel and others 1982, NatureServe 2005, Odegard 2003, ONHI 2003, Pitts and others 1996, Sasse and others 2004, Saugey and others 1993, Saugey and others 1989, Sealander and Heidt 1990, Wilhide and others 1998). 2007: No change in G or S Rank. The known distribution of this species has been greatly expanded to include the entire Ozark and Ouachita regions (Sasse and others 2013).LVAL3Q\ General Description: Pelage very fine and fluffy, dull grayish chestnut above (hair tips slightly glossy; basal two-thirds blackish, followed by a grayish band and cinnamon tip), pinkish white underparts; membranes and ears blackish-brown; total length 75-102 mm; tail length 27-44 mm; wingspread 240-267 mm; length of head and body 41-49 mm; ear 10-15 mm, does not extend past end of nose when laid forward; forearm 36-41 mm; calcar obviously keeled (not always evident in dried study skins); hind foot small, 7-11 mm, hairs do not extend beyond toes; mass 5-11 g; greatest length of skull 14.2-15.0 mm, usually greater than 14.5 mm; length of maxillary toothrow 5.2-5.6 mm; complete sagittal crest usually present in adults; Federally & State Endangered species. Ozark caves serve as hibernacula. No known maternity sites in Arkansas. (ANHI 2003, Baker and Ward 1967, Benz and others 1997, Black 1936, Black 1934, Brack and LaVal 1985, Brack 1983, Brady 1983, Britzke and others 2003, Callahan 1993, Callahan et al 1997, Carter 2003, Clark and others 1987, Clark and others 1987, Clark 1981, Clark and Harvey 1997, Clark and Harvey 1996, Clark and Harvey 1986, Cope and Humphrey 1977, Cope and others 1973, Cope and others 1991, Crump 2003, Crump 2003A, 2003C, 2003D, 2003H, Engel 1976, Fletcher 1985, Foster and others 1978, Gardner and others 1996, Gardner and others 1991, Gardner and others 1989, Gardner and others 1990, Gardner and Garner 1990, Graening and others 2001, Graves and Harvey 1974, Guthrie 1933, Hall 1962, Harvey 1975, Harvey 1991, Harvey 1984, Harvey 1987, Harvey 1996, Harvey 1997, Harvey 1975a, Harvey 1991, Harvey 1994, Harvey 1980, Harvey 1991, Harvey 1980, Harvey and Clark 1997, Harvey and others 1979, Harvey and others 1991, Harvey and McDaniel 1986, Heidt and others 1996, Heidt and others 1987, Humphrey 1978, Humphrey and others 1977, Humphrey and Cope 1977, Johnson and others 1998, Kiser and Elliot 1996, Kurta and others 1992, Kurta and others 1993, Kurta and Kennedy 2002, LaVal and LaVal 1980, LVAL MacGregor and others 1999, Martin 2001, Martin and others 2000, McDaniel and Gardner 1977, Menzel and others 2001, Mumford and Cope 1964, Myers 1964, NatureServe 2005, Odegard 2003, ONHI 2003, Pitts and others 1996, Sasse and others 2004, Saugey and others 1989, Sealander 1956, Sealander 1960, Sealander and Heidt 1990, Sealander and Young 1955, Steward 1988, Thomson 1982, Tumlison 2001, Wilhide and others 1998). 2007: S Rank changed to S1. The known distribution of this species was expanded following the discovery of a maternity colony of this species in a bottomland hardwood forest (Brandebura and others 2006, Brandebura and others 2011).LVAL( XzThis insect is endemic to the Ouachita Mountains of Arkansas (Polhemus 1993).An endemic mayfly known only from Gutter Rock Creek on Magazine Mountain in Logan County (Robotham Allen 1988).An Arkansas endemic beetle with a limited distribution along the Buffalo River watershed.A milkweed beetle dependent upon prairie habitat hosting sufficient amounts of the milkweed Asclepias viridis (Warriner 2004).An Arkansas endemic beetle known only from a single natural spring in Benton County (Matta and Wolfe 1979).Even though Baltosser (2007) found the Diana to still occur in 28 Arkansas counties (some historical sites in northwest Arkansas no longer occupied), with additional counties added since (species documented to occur in 41 Arkansas counties, Baltosser et al. 2015), the species continues to warrant attention. Most land-management agencies are aware of the overall habitat gestalt preferred by this species (fire-maintained communities, see Rudolph et al. 2006). However, such habitats will not support viable populations unless there is an uninterrupted continuum of high-quality nectar supplies from mid-May through at least September (Drs. William Baltosser, Craig Rudolph, and Charles Ely, personal communication, 2015). The propensity of this species to avoid crossing large open areas is also of concern in that habitat fragmentation is widespread, which can restrict movement and further isolate the many small metapopulations that comprise nearly all Diana populations in Arkansas. The former, coupled with the fact that the species remains a highly sought-after species prized by individuals and professional collectors from throughout the world, argues for continued oversight.In Arkansas, occurrences are limited to five counties in the western part of the state. Most of these occurrences are from federal lands, such as Fort Chaffee Military Reservation and the Ouachita National Forest (ANHI 2003, ONHI 2003).B  G 5 B8,"White" HickorynutObovaria sp. cf arkansasensisMusselOther: viability concernAquaticS2GNR@j IMBIV31010BivalviaUnionoidaUnionidae Unknowngravel/sand@c Unknown@h ~zqA9,>8*ScaleshellLeptodea leptodonMusselThreatened and EndangeredAquaticS2G1G2 @j IMBIV24020LE01-11-18BivalviaUnionoidaUnionidaeFreshwater Drumgravel/sand@f Decreasing@h ~rlh_-%,8&Arkansas FatmucketLampsilis powelliiMusselThreatened and EndangeredAquaticS2G2@i IMBIV21150LT90-04-05BivalviaUnionoidaUnionidaeSpotted Bass, Largemouth Bassgravel/sand&@f Decreasing@h yuqh6.,8%Southern PocketbookLampsilis ornataMusselOther: viability concernAquaticS2G5@g IMBIV21120BivalviaUnionoidaUnionidaeLargemouth Bassgravel@f Unknown@ Y vrne5-,8#Pink MucketLampsilis abruptaMusselThreatened and EndangeredAquaticS2G2v@g IMBIV21110LE76-06-14BivalviaUnionoidaUnionidae\@a sand/gravelj@f Unknown@ Y }qmi`.&,8Western FanshellCyprogenia abertiMusselOther: viability concernAquaticS3G2G3Q: @e IMBIV10010BivalviaUnionoidaUnionidaeX@a gravel/sandj@c Decreasing@ Y wplc3+,>8SpectaclecaseCumberlandia monodontaMusselOther: viability concernAquaticS2G3 @d IMBIV08010CBivalviaUnionoidaMargaritiferidae Unknowngravelx@c Decreasing@ Y vrne5-,8Ouachita Rock PocketbookArcidens wheeleriMusselThreatened and EndangeredAquaticS1G1@b IMBIV07010LE91-10-23BivalviaUnionoidaUnionidaeJ@a gravel/cobble/sandj@` Unknown@ Y ~zvm;3 ,8ElktoeAlasmidonta marginataMusselOther: viability concernAquaticS3G4z@_ IMBIV02040BivalviaUnionoidaUnionidae@a gravel/cobble@` Unknown@Y znjf]-%,8Ouachita SlitmouthStenotrema unciferumInvertebrate - otherOther: viability concernTerrestrialSNRG2@_ IMGAS98240GastropodaStylommatophoraPolygyridaeUnknown`@Y vF0,8Rich Mountain SlitmouthStenotrema pilsbryiInvertebrate - otherSensitiveTerrestrialS2G2r@_ IMGAS98190GastropodaStylommatophoraPolygyridaeUnknown`@Y }qmi\J4,8DianaSpeyeria dianaInsectSensitiveTerrestrialS2S3G3G4L @] IILEPJ6010InsectaLepidopteraNymphalidaeUnknown@Y ~qhhh\PJD7% ,:LVAL | \&XA prairie-specialist, the prairie mole cricket is restricted to good-quality tallgrass prairie habitat.A regionally endemic dragonfly found in Arkansas, Kansas and Missouri (Cook and Daigle 1985).The Ozark clubtail is a regional endemic found in Missouri, Kansas, Oklahoma, and Arkansas.An Arkansas endemic pseudoscorpion that has been collected only from Washington County (Hoff 1945).An Arkansas endemic insect limited to the Arkansas Valley (Robison and Allen 1995).Widespread but rare. Rangewide population status of the elktoe mussel is not known. (AFMC 2004a, AFMC 2004b, AFMC 2004c, AFMC 2005, AGFC 1991-1999, AHTD 1984, AHTD 1994, ANHI 2003, Bates and Dennis 1983, Branson 1983, Burns and McDonnell 1992a, Clarke 1987, Crump 2003, Cummings and Mayer 1992, Davidson and others 2000, Gordon 1980, 1980a, 1985, Gordon and Brown 1980, Gordon and others 1979, 1980, Harris 1992a, 1996, 1997b, 1999, 1999a, Harris and Doster 1992, Harris and Gordon 1985, 1990, Harris and Milam 2002, Johnson 1980, Meek and Clark 1912, Oesch 1995, ONHI 2003, Rust 1993, Stoeckel and others 1996, 2000, Turgeon and others 1988, 1998, USDA FS 1999, Wheeler 1918, Williams & others 1993).Terrestrial snail. Found to occur on moist slopes in rotting timbers, but most particularly under small talus (Brian Coles, pers. Comm.).Terrestrial snail. It is known from numerous locations associated with rock glaciers usually above the 1600 ft. contour, and usually under hardwood forest cover, on Rich and Black Fork Mountains in AR and OK, and on Winding Stair Mountain, OK. There are no major threats to any of the populations. However, there are some activities that could conceivably impact snail habitat, including mowing, paving and repaving of the Talimena Scenic Drive, maintenance of vistas involving periodic localized vegetation management, and maintenance of hiking trails, electronic transmission sites, and one power line right-of way. Population trends are assumed to be steady (ANHI 2003, Robison and Allen 1995).TLVAL hSimilar to Venustaconcha ellipsiformisShell subcircular to subovate to subquadrate in profile, truncated posteriorly, moderately inflated, up to 4.4 inches long, 3.4 inches high, and 2.4 inches wide, moderately heavy, somewhat thickened anteriorly, up 0.24 inches thick, and half as thick posteriorly. Outer shell layer is chestnut-brown to black with a silky luster, and appears to slightly iridescent when wet. Umbo is prominent. Posterior half of shell is sculptured by irregular, oblique ridges that are sometimes crossed by smaller ridges or sometimes indistinct. Beak sculpturing is very restricted, rarely intact. Nacre is usually salmon-colored above the pallial line, white to light blue below. Hinge teeth well developed.Shell elongate, triangular, inflated, and relatively thin. Anterior end rounded, posterior end sharply angled, ending in a blunt, squared point. Posterior ridge sharply angled and prominent, posterior slope broad, flat, and covered with fine ridges. Ventral margin straight to slightly curved. Umbos large, located near the center of the shell, and elevated above the hinge line. Beak sculpture of three or four heavy, double-looped ridges. Shell smooth and dull. Periostracum yellowish green or bright green with numerous rays and dark green spots present. Posterior slope often lighter than rest of shell. Length to four inches (10.2cm). Pseudocardinal teeth thin and elongate; one in right, occasionally two in the left. Lateral teeth reduced to a thickened swelling along the hinge line. Beak cavity moderately deep. Nacre bluish white, occasionally with salmon near the beaks.<LVALn$ p X JjGreen Sunfish, Warmouth, Orange Spotted Sunfish, Bluegill, White CrappieSpotfin Shiner, Northern Redbelly Dace, Bluntnose Minnow, Bluegill, Southern Redbelly DaceChannel Catfish, Flathead CatfishGreenside Darter, Rainbow Darter, Yoke DarterMottled Sculpin, Slimy Sculpin, Brook Stickleback, Rainbow Darter, Iowa Darter, Johnny Darter, Logperch, Blackside Darter, Greenside Darter, Orangethroat Darter, Redfin Darter, Cardinal Shiner, Yoke DarterBrown Bullhead, Channel Catfish, Bluegill, Largemouth BassStriped Shiner, Redfin Shiner, Golden ShinerGreen Sunfish, Bluegill, Longear Sunfish, Redear Sunfish, Spotted Sunfish, Smallmouth Bass, Spotted Bass, Largemouth BassMottled Sculpin, Banded Sculpin, Johnny DarterStreamline Chub, Greenside Darter, Rainbow Darter, Bluebreast Darter, Green Sunfish, Striped Shiner, Smallmouth Bass, Largemouth Bass, Yellow Perch, Rock Bass, Mosquito Fish, Suwannee Bass, Spotted BassWhitefin Shiner, Spottail Shiner, Bigeye ChubGreenside Darter, Rainbow Darter, Yoke Darter, Orangethroat DarterSmallmouth Bass, Largemouth Bass, Spotted BassFantail Darter, Logperch, Slenderhead DarterGreen Sunfish, Bluegill, Smallmouth Bass, Bleeding Shiner, River Carpsucker, Longear Sunfish, Largemouth Bass, White Crappie, Black Crappie, Emerald Shiner, WarmouthRockbass, White Sucker, Northern Hogsucker, Warmouth, Shorthead Redhorse,LVAL PvhrAn endemic caddisfly known only from Bear Creek in Perry County (Frazer and Harris 1991).A regional endemic insect known only from sites in Arkansas and Missouri (Robison and Allen 1995).An Arkansas endemic insect known from five counties in the state. Inhabits cool, swift-moving mountain streams (Ross 1938).An endemic caddisfly known only from sites in Johnson and Washington Counties (Flint 1967).Known from two streams in Columbia Co., and Dallas Co., Arkansas. (Robison and Allen 1995, Stark 1998)An endemic stonefly known only from the Middle Fork of the Little Red River in Searcy County Poulton and Stewart 1987).An endemic stonefly known only from Cannon Creek in Madison County (Ross 1964).An endemic stonefly found only in Arkansas.An endemic stonefly found only in the Ozark Mountains of Arkansas.Federally-listed endangered species. Populations occur in the Kiamichi and Glover rivers in Oklahoma, and the Little River system in Oklahoma and Arkansas. The only known reproducing population, based on juveniles and gravid females, occurs in the Little River in Arkansas. This species should be considered for reintroduction to the Ouachita River as part of recovery efforts. The generic name for this species has been changed to Arcidens, based on genetic studies when compared to its closest relative, also an Arcidens species. (AFMC 2004a, 2004b, 2004c, 2005, Bouldin and others, 2013, Branson 1983, Clarke 1987, Crump 2003, Crump and others 2003a, 2003c, 2003d, 2003e, 2003g, 2003q, 2003r, 2003t, Gordon 1980a, Gordon and Harris 1983, Gordon and Kraemer 1984, Harris 1999, 1999a, Harris and Gordon 1987, 1990, Harris and others 1997, Inuoe and others 2014, Johnson 1980, Mehlhop-Cifelli and Miller 1989, Posey 1997, Posey and others 1996, Seagraves 2006, Stansbery 1970, Turgeon and others 1988, 1998, USDA FS 1999, USDI FWS 1994, Vaughn and others 1993, 1996, 1997, Wheeler 1918, Williams & others 1993).LVAL Shell ovate, smooth, rounded before and below, nearly straight from the beak to post-point, umbonal ridge low, beaks not high, sculpture not seen; nacre bluish-white; teeth double in left, single in right valve; cardinals stout, erect; laterals not very large.Shell rounded, solid, and moderately inflated. Anterior margin rounded, posterior margin bluntly rounded or truncated. Ventral margin broadly rounded. Umbos not elevated above the hinge line. Beak sculpture, if visible, of a few weak ridges. Growth lines appear as distinct elevated ridges. Numerous pustules usually concentrated in the center but occasionally covering the entire surface of the shell. Periostracum usually greenish yellow, with a pattern of dark green rays made up of numerous smaller broken lines or dots. Length to three inches (7.6 cm). Pseudocardinal teeth relatively large and serrated; two in the left valve, one in the right. Lateral teeth roughened, straight to slightly curved, heavy and very short. Interdentum wide. Beak cavity shallow to moderately deep. Nacre white, iridescent posteriorly.Shell oblong, elongate, and compressed. Anterior and posterior ends rounded. Ventral margin usually arched or pinched, occasionally straight. Shell thin in young, becoming thicker in older individuals. Umbos only slightly elevated above the hinge line. Beak sculpture, when visible, of three or four heavy ridges. Surface of shell smooth to somewhat rough, brown in young shells, becoming dark brown to black and rayless with age. Length to eight inches. Pseudocardinal teeth small, tubercular; one in each valve in young individuals. Lateral teeth poorly developed or absent. Beak cavity moderately shallow. Nacre white, iridescent in young individuals and on the posterior fourth of shell in adultsLVAL ,Terrestrial snail. (Turgeon and others 1998).Widespread in the White River drainage but seldom common (AFMC 2004a, 2004b, 2004c, 2005).Only known from Illinois River and Lee Creek in Arkansas (Arkansas River drainages). (AFMC 2004a, 2004b, 2004c, 2005).Restricted and rare in Arkansas (AFMC 2004a, 2004b, 2004c, 2005). Habitat preference is silt/sand beneath large rocks.Possibly extinct, but exhaustive surveys have not been conducted in Arkansas (AFMC 2004a, 2004b, 2004c, 2005, USFW 1985).Ristricted range and extremely rare. Since 1996, few specimens have been recorded (AFMC 2004a, 2004b, 2004c, 2005, Harris 1996).Pseudoscorpion. No information available.An endemic microcaddisfly known only from Gutter Rock Creek on Magazine Mountain in Logan County (Mathis and Bowles 1989).Federally-listed candidate species. Extremely rare, on periphery of range. Known from one relict above Lake Ouachita but known to occur downstream of Remmel Dam (Malvern, Ark.) in the Ouachita River mainstem. Surveys from 2012-2014 have detected reproducing populations in the Ouachita River below Remmel Dam. One record reported from the Mulberry River. Additional surveys in the Mulberry River have not detected additional animals. A difficult species to detect since it utilizes habitat that is not generally used by other bivalve species. Habitat preference includes sand/gravel/silt beneath overhanging boulders. Three host fish trials have not determined the host fish. (AFMC 2004a, 2004b, 2004c, 2005, Coker 1919, Crump 2003, Crump and others 2003a, 2003c, 2003d, 2003e, 2003g, 2003q, 2003r, 2003t, Cummings and Mayer 1992, Gordon 1980a, Gordon and Harris 1983, Gordon and others 1980, Harris 1999, 1999a, Harris and Gordon 1987, 1990, Harris and others 1997, K. Inuoe, pers. Comm., Johnson 1980, ORVET 2003, Posey and others 1996, Stoeckel and others 1996, Turgeon and others 1988, 1998, USDA FS 1999, USFWS 2004, Wheeler 1918, Williams & others 1993).bLVAL 2~ZzThis species is restricted to the Red River, where it was the second most abundant species captured (Buchanan et al. 2003).Widespread but uncommon, usually found in backwaters and headwaters. Population numbers are unknown. (AFMC 2015)Common but rarely abundant in streams where it is known to exist (AFMC 2015).Taxonomic confusion exists with this species. Only recently recognized in Arkansas (AFMC 2004a, 2004b, 2004c, 2005).Endemic millipede of the Ouachita Mountains of Arkansas (Robison and Allen 1995).A cave-obligate snail only known from Foushee Cave in Independence County (Hubricht 1979).Terrestrial snail. (Turgeon and others 1998)Terrestrial snail. (Turgeon and others 1998)An Arkansas endemic species only known from sites on Magazine Mountain in Logan County (Pilsbry and Ferriss 1906).Ongoing taxonomic work indicates that this complex may be comprised of more than one species, possibly up to three. Widespread, rare to locally common. The western fanshell may be declining across its range (AFMC 2004a, 2004b, 2004c, 2005, Ahlstedt and Jenkinson 1987, 1991, AHTD 1984, 1987, 1989, 1994, ANHI 2003, Bates and Dennis 1983, Branson 1984, Burns and McDonnell 1992a, Call 1895, Christian 1995, Clarke 1987, Crump 2003, Crump and others 2003a, 2003c, 2003d, 2003e, 2003g, 2003q, 2003r, 2003t, Davidson 1997, Davidson and Gosse 2001, Davidson and others 2000, Eckert 2003, Ecological Consultants 1984, Gordon 1980, 1980a, 1982, Gordon and Brown 1980, Gordon and Harris 1983, Gordon and others 1980, Harris 1987, 1996, 1999, 1999a, Harris and Gordon 1985, 1988, 1990, Harris and Milam 2002, 2002a, Harris and others 1997, Jenkinson and Ahlstedt 1987, 1994, Johnson 1980, Mather 1990, Meek and Clark 1912, Miller and Harris 1987, Oesch 1995, ONHI 2003, Posey 1997, Roe and Chong 2014, Rust 1993, Stansbery 1970, Stansbery and Stein 1982, Stein and Stansbery 1980, Stoeckel and others 2000, Turgeon and others 1988, 1998, USDA FS 1999, Wheeler 1918, Williams & others 1993).BLVAL jXShell relatively small, elongate, thin, and compressed. Anterior end rounded, posterior end pointed. Dorsal margin straight, ventral margin straight to broadly curved. Umbos small and low, about even with the hinge line. Beak sculpture, if visible, of four or five double-looped ridges. Shell smooth, yellowish green or brown, with numerous faint green rays. Length to 4 inches (10.2 cm). Pseudocardinal teeth reduced to a small thickened ridge. Lateral teeth moderately long; two low, indistinct lateral teeth in left valve, one fine tooth in the right. Beak cavity very shallow or absent. Nacre pinkish white or light purple and highly iridescent.Shell oblong to quadrate and slightly to moderately inflated, with thin to moderately thick valves. Shell color is yellow to tan and color rays are always absent. Nacre and both pseudocardinal and lateral teeth are thin but well developed. Maximum length is about six inches.Shell inflated, subsolid, the male irregularly ovate or rhomboid, the female obovate, with a high, decided posterior ridge; beaks high and full. Shell tawny or greenish-yellow, showing a few greenish rays. Two pseudocardinals in left valve, and two small remote laterals; right valve with two subcompressed, triangular pseudocardinals, and one high lateral truncated behind; nacre white.Shell round to elliptical, solid, and inflated. Anterior end rounded, posterior end bluntly pointed in males, truncated in females. Dorsal margin straight, ventral margin straight to slightly curved. Umbos turned forward and elevated above the hinge line. Beak sculpture, if visible, of three or four double-looped ridges. Shell smooth, yellow or yellowish green and rayless or with faint green rays. Length to four inches (10.2 cm). Pseudocardinal teeth triangular, thick, divergent; two in the left valve, one in the right, occasionally with a smaller tubercular tooth in front. Lateral teeth short, heavy, and relatively thick. Beak cavity deep. Nacre pink or white, iridescent posteriorly.pLVALPeripheral. Scattered distribution. Low density in the Ouachita Mountain portion of its range. The Southern Pocketbook has only been confirmed from the Saline River in Arkansas. Although this species is not considered to be very threatened rangewide, the small number of occurrences known from Arkansas seems to indicate that this species is rare (AFMC 2004a, 2004b, 2004c, 2005, ANHI 2003, Crump 2003, Crump and others 2003a, 2003c, 2003d, 2003e, 2003g, 2003q, 2003r, 2003t, Gordon and Harris 1983, Harris 1999, Harris and Gordon 1987, Harris and others 1997, Johnson 1980, Turgeon and others 1988, 1998, USDA FS 1999, Williams & others 1993).Federally-listed endangered species. Taxonomic concerns are due to similarity of appearance with another species. May also be two separate species in Arkansas. Historically widespread but rarely common. The lack of recruitment and the difficulty with which it is found makes the species difficult to determine its status in Arkansas. In 2014, the USFWS and AGFC released 1,000 two-year old Pink mucket mussels into the Saline River in Ashley County. (AFMC 2004a, 2004b, 2004c, 2005, AHTD 1984, ANHI 2003, Bates and Dennis 1983, Christian 1995, Clarke 1987, Coker 1919, Crump 2003, Crump and others 2003a, 2003c, 2003d, 2003e, 2003g, 2003q, 2003r, 2003t, Cummings and Mayer 1992, Davidson 1997, Gordon 1980a, 1982, Gordon and Harris 1983, Gordon and others 1980, Harris 1989d, 1990c, 1995, 1997c, 1999, 1999a, 2002, Harris and Gordon 1987, 1990, Harris and Milam 2002, 2002a, Harris and others 1997, Johnson 1980, Miller and Harris 1987, Oesch 1995, ONHI 2003, Posey 1997, Rust 1993, Stansbery 1970, Turgeon and others 1988, 1998, USDA FS 1999, Wheeler 1918, Williams & others 1993).LVAL,B X n tj"fZHAGFC Kelly Irwin, UCA Don Shepard, Kory RobertsAGFC Kelly Irwin, UCA Don Shepard, Kory Roberts, U-Tulsa John Phillips, U-Tulsa Ron BonettAGFC Kelly Irwin, UCA Don Shepard, Kory RobertsAGFC Kelly Irwin, UCA Don Shepard, Kory Roberts, U-Tulsa Ron BonettAGFC Kelly Irwin, UCA Don Shepard, Kory Roberts, U Tulsa Ron BonettAGFC Kelly Irwin, UCA Don Shepard, Kory RobertsAGFC Kelly Irwin, UCA Don Shepard, Kory RobertsAGFC Kelly Irwin, UCA Don Shepard, Kory RobertsAGFC Mr. Bill Posey, USFWS-ES Mr. Chris Davidson, ASU Dr. John Harris, AHTD Mr. Josh Seagraves, AHTD Mr. Ben ThesingAGFC Mr. Blake Sasse, UALR Dr. Bob Sikes, UAM Dr. Don White, UALR Dr. Gary Heidt, Mr. J. D. Wilhide, HSU Dr. Renn Tumlison, ATU Dr. Tom Nupp, ASU Dr. Thomas Risch, USFS Mr. David Saugey, USFS Dr. Roger Perry, SAU Mr. Matthew Connior, ASU Mr. Stephen BrandenburaAGFC - retired Mr. Steve Filipek, SAU Dr. Henry Robison, UA/Ft. Smith Dr. Tom Buchanan, AGFC Mr. Jeff Quinn, AGFC Mr. Brian Wagner, ANHC Mr. Jason ThroneberryAGFC Mr. Bill Posey, USFWS-ES Mr. Chris Davidson, ASU Dr. John Harris, AHTD Mr. Josh Seagraves, AHTD Mr. Ben ThesingAGFC Mr. Bill Posey, USFWS-ES Mr. Chris Davidson, ASU Dr. John Harris, AHTD Mr. Josh Seagraves, AHTD Mr. Ben ThesingAGFC Mr. Bill Posey, USFWS-ES Mr. Chris Davidson, ASU Dr. John Harris, AHTD Mr. Josh Seagraves, AHTD Mr. Ben ThesingAGFC Mr. Bill Posey, USFWS-ES Mr. Chris Davidson, ASU Dr. John Harris, AHTD Mr. Josh Seagraves, AHTD Mr. Ben ThesingAGFC Mr. Bill Posey, USFWS-ES Mr. Chris Davidson, ASU Dr. John Harris, AHTD Mr. Josh Seagraves, AHTD Mr. Ben ThesingAGFC Mr. Bill Posey, USFWS-ES Mr. Chris Davidson, ASU Dr. John Harris, AHTD Mr. Josh Seagraves, AHTD Mr. Ben ThesingAGFC Mr. Bill Posey, USFWS-ES Mr. Chris Davidson, ASU Dr. John Harris, AHTD Mr. Josh Seagraves, AHTD Mr. Ben ThesingAGFC Mr. Bill Posey, USFWS-ES Mr. Chris Davidson, ASU Dr. John Harris, AHTD Mr. Josh Seagraves, AHTD Mr. Ben ThesingLVALFederally-listed threatened species. Ouachita River drainage endemic. Main populations are in the Forks of the Saline, South Fork Ouachita and upper Ouachita rivers. Restricted distribution and relatively common in preferred habitat, its population sizes appear small; however, its frequency of capture may be decreasing. Host fish availability was conducted in 2004. Propagating and releasing juveniles is a high priority in the Ouachita and Caddo rivers where the species has become difficult to locate.(AFMC 2004a, 2004b, 2004c, 2005, AHTD 1989, 1994, ANHI 2003, Branson 1984, Brown and Brown 1989, Burns and McDonnell 1992, 1992a, Crump 2003, Crump and others 2003a, 2003c, 2003d, 2003e, 2003g, 2003q, 2003r, 2003t, Davidson and Gosse 2001, Gordon and Harris 1983, 1985, Harris 1989c, 1991a, 1994a, 1999, 1999a, Harris and Gordon 1987, 1988, 1990, Harris and others 1992, 1997, Johnson 1980, Scott 2004, Turgeon and others 1988, 1998, Turner and others 2000, USDA FS 1999, USDI FWS 1990, 1992, Williams & others 1993).LVALzKnown from two sites in the Little Red River Basin. Other records from the White River drainage may represent this taxon, but genetic confirmation is needed if extant populations can be found (AFMC 2015).Federally-listed endangered species. Poorly known, difficult to detect and extremely rare. Occurs in Arkansas, but distribution and densities not well understood. Scaleshell is found with increasing difficulty. Those found have been so rare that they do not appear to be members of viable populations. There has been no evidence of recent reproduction (AFMC 2004a, 2004b, 2004c, 2005, AHTD 1984, ANHI 2003, Bates and Dennis 1983, Branson 1984, Clarke 1985, 1987, Crump 2003, Crump and others 2003a, 2003c, 2003d, 2003e, 2003g, 2003q, 2003r, 2003t, Cummings and Mayer 1992, Davidson and others 1997, Gordon 1980, 1980a, 1985, Gordon and others 1980, Harris 1992b, 1999, 1999a, 2002, Harris and Gordon 1987, 1990, Harris and Milam 2002, 2002a, Harris and others 1997, Jenkinson and Ahlstedt 1987, Johnson 1980, Mehlhop-Cifelli and Miller 1989, Oesch 1995, ONHI 2003, Stansbery 1970, Stoeckel and Mole 2002, Szymanski 1998, Turgeon and others 1988, 1998, USDA FS 1999, USDI FWS 1998, Vaughn 1996, Vaughn and Spooner 2000, Vaughn and others 1996, Wheeler 1918, Williams & others 1993). A life history study was conducted by Barnhart and others in 1998, and a status assessment was completed in 2013 (Bouldin and others).LVAL, Shell rectangular, elongate (about three times as long as high), thick, and compressed to moderately inflated. Anterior end rounded, posterior end squared or truncated. Dorsal and ventral margins parallel. Umbos low, only slightly elevated above the hinge line. Beak sculpture consists of two rows of knobs or ridges that continue down the lateral surface of the shell. Surface of the shell usually rough, with numerous tubercles on the anterior end and a series of large pustules or knobs along the posterior ridge. Periostracum green or light brown (darker in older shells) with yellow zigzag or chevron-shaped markings on the shell. Length to five inches (12.7 cm). Pseudocardinal teeth serrated and well developed; two in the left valve, one in the right. Lateral teeth very long and straight; two in the left valve, one in the right. Beak cavity deep. Nacre pearly white, iridescent posteriorly.Shell elongate, compressed with thick to moderately thick valves. Nacre white, pseudocardinal teeth are small and postlike, and the lateral teeth are well developed but short. Shell color yellow to tan to brown with very fine, wavy green rays over most of the shell. Maximum length six inches.Shell moderately thick, triangular, and moderately inflated. Anterior end rounded, posterior end bluntly pointed. Dorsal margin straight, ventral margin curved anteriorly, straight posteriorly. Umbos moderately high and projecting forward. Beak sculpture of two or three elevated ridges. Shell smooth, a broad shallow sulcus present in front of the posterior ridge. Periostracum dark brown or chestnut, juveniles often lighter and marked with green rays, particularly near the beaks. Length to four inches (10.2 cm). Pseudocardinal teeth well developed; two in the left valve, one in the right. Lateral teeth straight to slightly curved. Beak cavity very deep. Nacre variable, usually white, occasionally pink or rose-colored in some individuals.~LVALXDescription: A large (10 inches max), robust, cylindrical minnow with a red spot behind the eye of adults (Robison and Buchanan 1988). Inhabits upland, clear, gravelly, spring-fed streams, mostly in the Arkansas River drainage in northwest Arkansas, with a couple of disjunct populations in the Ouachita River system (Robison and Buchanan 1988). Echelle et al. (2014) indicated genetic structure is weak among the disjunct populations, indicating they are likely the same species.May be multiple species. True Ohio pigtoe is a large river obligate. Some Arkansas P. cordatum records may be based on misidentifications of Round Pigtoe (P. sintoxia) or Pyramid Pigtoe (P. rubrum), investigation ongoing (AFMC 2004a, 2004b, 2004c, 2005, Ahlstedt and Jenkinson 1987, 1991, AHTD 1989, 1994, ANHI 2003, Bates and Dennis 1983, Branson 1973, 1983, Christian 1995, Clarke 1985, 1987, Coker 1919, Crump 2003, Crump and others 2003a, 2003c, 2003d, 2003e, 2003g, 2003q, 2003r, 2003t, Cummings and Mayer 1992, Davidson and others 1997, Ecological Consultants 1984, Gordon 1980, 1980a, 1982, Gordon and Brown 1980, Gordon and others 1979, 1980, Harris 1991d, 1992a, 1994b, 1996, 1997c, 1999, 1999a, 2001, 2002, Harris and Gordon 1988, 1990, Harris and Milam 2002, Jenkinson and Ahlstedt 1987, Johnson 1980, Meek and Clark 1912, Mehlhop-Cifelli and Miller 1989, Miller and Harris 1987, Oesch 1995, ONHI 2003, Posey 1997, Rust 1993, Stansbery and Stein 1982, Stein and Stansbery 1980, Turgeon and others 1988, 1998, USDA FS 1999, Vaughn and others 1997, Wheeler 1918, White 1977, Williams & others 1993).B p 2 N8lOklahoma SalamanderEurycea tynerensisAmphibianAquaticS4G3@u AAAAD05120AmphibiaCaudataPlethodontidaeUnknown@h vmcccWKGC::/,~8kDwarf SalamanderEurycea quadridigitataAmphibianTerrestrialS3G5b@u AAAAD05090AmphibiaCaudataPlethodontidaeUnknown@h {rhhh\PLH;;0,8jSpotted Dusky SalamanderDesmognathus conantiAmphibianTerrestrialSHG5P@t AAAAD03041AmphibiaCaudataPlethodontidaeUnknown^@ h xnnnbVRNAA6 ,8iOzark HellbenderCryptobranchus alleganiensis bishopiAmphibianAquaticS1G3G4T2Q@t AAAAC01012C02-10-30AmphibiaCaudataCryptobranchidaeDecreasing^@ h ywk_VRII>,8hEastern Tiger SalamanderAmbystoma tigrinumAmphibianTerrestrialS3G5p@s AAAAA01146AmphibiaCaudataAmbystomatidaeUnknown^@ h vlll`TPL??4 ,8DWinged MapleleafQuadrula fragosaMusselThreatened and EndangeredAquaticS1G1@s IMBIV39050LE91-06-20BivalviaUnionoidaUnionidaeChannel Catfish, Blue Catfishgravel:@r Unknown@ h uqmd2*,8BEastern Spotted SkunkSpilogale putoriusMammalOther: viability concernTerrestrialS2S3G4@q AMAJF05010MammaliaCarnivoraMephitidaeUnknown @ h |vi91,8<Redspot ChubNocomis asperFishOther: viability concernAquaticS3G4@l AFCJB26010ActinopterygiiCypriniformesCyprinidaeUnknown<@h vjfbY)#,88RainbowVillosa irisMusselOther: viability concernAquaticS3G5Q@n IMBIV47060BivalviaUnionoidaUnionidae@a cobble/gravell@p Unknown@h sgb^U%,>84Purple LilliputToxolasma lividumMusselSensitiveAquaticS3G3Q~@o IMBIV43030BivalviaUnionoidaUnionidae Green Sunfish, Longear Sunfishgravel/cobbleR@p Decreasing@h xnnnbVQMD2*,81RabbitsfootQuadrula cylindrica cylindricaMusselSensitiveAquaticS3G3G4T3 @o IMBIV39040LTBivalviaUnionoidaUnionidaeZ@a gravel/sand@k Decreasing@h ~~znbZVM;3,80Ouachita KidneyshellPtychobranchus occidentalisMusselOther: viability concernAquaticS3G3G4n @n IMBIV38040BivalviaUnionoidaUnionidae@a gravel/sandJ@k Unknown@h ~zqA9,8.Ohio PigtoePleurobema cordatumMusselSensitiveAquaticS3G4@l IMBIV35090BivalviaUnionoidaUnionidaeBluegill, Rosefin Shiner?@k Unknown@h ukkk_SOKB0(,LVALThe status of this species is unclear due to taxonomic uncertainty. There appear to be two phylogenetic units in Arkansas (AFMC 2004a, 2004b, 2004c, 2005, AHTD 1984, ANHI 2003, Bates and Dennis 1983, Branson 1984, Clarke 1987, Coker 1919, Crump 2003, Crump and others 2003a, 2003c, 2003d, 2003e, 2003g, 2003q, 2003r, 2003t, Cummings and Mayer 1992, Davidson and others 1997, Ecological Consultants 1984, Gordon 1980a, Gordon and others 1980, Harris 1991b, 1992a, 1993, 1996, 1999, Harris and Christian 2004, Harris and Gordon 1990, Harris and Milam 2002, Johnson 1980, Meek and Clark 1912, Oesch 1995, ONHI 2003, Rust 1993, Turgeon and others 1988, 1998, Vaughn 1996, Vaughn and Spooner 2000, USDA FS 1999, Warren 1991, Williams & others 1993).Common in the upper Ouachita River. May be two different species, one in the Ouachita, Red, and Arkansas river drainages with another in the White River drainage. In recent years, this species has been found in reduced numbers (AFMC 2004a, 2004b, 2004c, 2005, AHTD 1984, 1989, 1994, ANHI 2003, Bates and Dennis 1983, Branson 1973, 1984, Burns and McDonnell 1992, 1992a, Call 1895, Clark 1987, Coker 1919, Crump 2003, Crump and others 2003a, 2003c, 2003d, 2003e, 2003g, 2003q, 2003r, 2003t, Cummings and Mayer 1992, Davidson 1997, Davidson and Gosse 2001, Davidson and others 1997, 2000, Gordon 1980, 1980a, 1982, Gordon and Brown 1980, Gordon and others 1979, 1980, Harris 1991a, 1991b, 1992a, 1993, 1994a, 1996, 1997b, 1999, 1999a, 2001, 2002, Harris and Doster 1992, Harris and Gordon 1988, 1990, Harris and Milam 2002, Harris and others 1997, Johnson 1980, Meek and Clark 1912, Mehlhop-Cifelli and Miller 1989, Miller and Harris 1987, Oesch 1995, ONHI 2003, Posey 1997, Rust 1993, Stansbery and Stein 1982, Stoeckel and others 2000, Turgeon and others 1988, 1998, Vaughn 1996, Vaughn and others 1993, 1996, 1997, Vaughn and Spooner 2000, USDA FS 1999, Warren 1991, Wheeler 1918, Williams & others 1993.).pLVALWidespread but uncommon, usually found in the headwaters to medium rivers. Population numbers appear to be very low (AFMC 2004a, 2004b, 2004c, 2005, ANHI 2003, Bates and Dennis 1983, Branson 1984, Brown and Brown 1989, Burns and McDonnell 1992a, Crump 2003, Crump and others 2003a, 2003c, 2003d, 2003e, 2003g, 2003q, 2003r, 2003t, Cummings and Mayer 1992, Davidson 1997, Davidson and others 2000, Ecological Consultants 1984, Gordon 1980, 1980a, 1982, Gordon and Brown 1980, Gordon and others 1979, 1980, Harris 1991d, 1992b, 1994b, 1996, 1997b, 1999, 1999a, Harris and Gordon 1988, 1990, Harris and Milam 2002, Harris and others 1997, Jenkinson and Ahlstedt 1987, Johnson 1980, Meek and Clark 1912, Oesch 1995, ONHI 2003, Posey 1997, Rust 1993, Stansbery 1970, Turgeon and others 1988, 1998, Wheeler 1918, Williams & others 1993).This species was federally listed as threatened in 2013. Widespread but uncommon and is declining in small/medium streams. The life history is now better understood, and host fish have been identified for three different populations, two of which occur in the Black/Spring River and Little River (Fobian 2007). (AFMC 2004a, 2004b, 2004c, 2005, ANHI 2003, Bates and Dennis 1983, Branson 1973, 1982, Call 1895, Christian 1995, Clarke 1985, 1987, Crump 2003, Crump and others 2003a, 2003c, 2003d, 2003e, 2003g, 2003q, 2003r, 2003t, Cummings and Mayer 1992, Davidson 1997, Ecological Consultants 1984, Gordon 1980a, 1982, Gordon and Brown 1980, Gordon and others 1979, 1980, Harris 1987, 1992a, 1996, 1997b, 1997c, 1999, 1999a, Harris and Gordon 1987, 1988, Harris and Milam 2002, 2002a, Harris and others 1997, Johnson 1980, Kraemer and Gordon, Meek and Clark 1912, Miller and Harris 1987, Oesch 1995, ONHI 2003, Posey 1997, Rust 1993, Stansbery 1970, Stansbery and Stein 1982, Stein and Stansbery 1980, Turgeon and others 1988, 1998, Vaughn 1996, Vaughn and others 1997, Vaughn and Spooner 2000, USDA FS 1999, Wheeler 1918, Williams & others 1993).0LVAL BShell small, elongate, relatively thin, and compressed (males) to moderately inflated (females). Anterior end rounded, posterior end rounded (females) to bluntly pointed (males). Umbos even with or slightly elevated above hinge line. Beak sculpture of four to six distinct, double-looped bars. Periostracum yellow or greenish yellow, with dark green rays, often interrupted. Length to three inches (7.6 cm). Pseudocardinal teeth small, triangular, and somewhat divergent; two in the left valve, one in the right. Lateral teeth long, thin, and straight to slightly curved. Beak cavity shallow. Nacre silvery white and highly iridescent on the posterior half, giving this species its common name.Shell small, rounded to somewhat oblong, relatively solid, and inflated. Anterior end rounded, posterior end bluntly pointed (males) or truncated (females). Umbos inflated and slightly elevated above the hinge line. Beak sculpture of three or four heavy bars. Periostracum tan or dark green to dark brown, becoming black in older shells. Length to one inch (2.5,cm). Pseudocardinal teeth well developed, elevated and serrated; two in the left valve, one in the right. Lateral teeth straight to slightly curved; two in the left valve, one in the right. Beak cavity variable from very shallow to moderately deep. Nacre purple, usually lighter near the ventral margin, and iridescent.8LVALHPrefers forested areas or habitats with significant cover. Also open and brushy areas, rocky canyons and outcrops in woodlands and prairies. When inactive or bearing young, occupies den in burrow abandoned by other mammal, under brushpile, in hollow log or tree, in rock crevice, under building, or in similar protected site. Occasionally reported in Arkansas fur sales records. Possibly in decline. (ANHI 2003, Crump 2003, Crump 2003A, 2003C, 2003D, 2003H, Heidt and others 1996, NatureServe 2005, Odegard 2003, ONHI 2003, Peck and others 1985, Perry In Process, Sasse and others 2004, Sealander 1956, Sealander and Heidt 1990, Steward 1988). 2007: S Rank changed from S4 to S2S3. A major study of the home range, habitat use, denning habits, and survival of this species was conducted in the Ouachitas and found that spotted skunks tend to prefer early successional forest habitats, probably due to high predation rates that can occur in more open areas (Hackett and others 2007; Lesmeister and others 2008a and 2008b; Lesmeister and others 2009, Lesmeister and others 2010, Lesmeister and others 2013).LVALShell small (usually about an inch), somewhat inflated, thin in young individuals to moderately thick in adults. Anterior end rounded, posterior end squared or truncated. Posterior ridge high and rounded, posterior slope flattened. Ventral margin straight or slightly arched. Umbos full and elevated above the hinge line. Beak sculpture of three or four elevated ridges or loops. Shell smooth to rough and yellowish green with numerous wavy green rays, particularly on the posterior half of the shell. Length to 1.5 inches (3.8 cm). Pseudocardinal teeth triangular; two in the left valve, one in the right. Lateral teeth poorly developed, generally appearing as a slight swelling along the hinge line. Beak cavity moderately deep. Nacre white, iridescent on the posterior third of the shell.Shell quadrate or square, thick, and moderately inflated. Anterior end rounded, posterior end squared or truncated. Dorsal margin straight, ventral margin curved in the anterior half, arched posteriorly. A pronounced wing present posterior to the umbo, with radiating rows of pustules or ridges. Umbos small and elevated above the hinge line. Beak sculpture of two rows of raised bumps or nodules that continue downward on the surface of the shell, separated by a furrow or sulcus. Periostracum variable, from yellowish green to light brown with faint rays in small shells, becoming greenish brown, chestnut, or dark brown in larger individuals. Length to four inches (10.2 cm). Pseudocardinal teeth well developed, serrated; two in the left valve, one in the right. Lateral teeth striated, fairly long, and straight; two in the left valve, one in the right. Beak cavity very deep. Nacre pearly white, iridescent posteriorly.LVAL<Trauth and others (2004) summarized the literature and biology of this species. Local populations in northwest Arkansas have been lost to suburban development within the past 10 years.Federally-listed endangered. Originally found in the Ouachita River in 1994. Populations were discovered so recently that it is difficult to determine trends, but the low numbers of individuals and limited distribution indicate that the populations are in a precarious viability position. There is some evidence of recruitment in the Ouachita River near Camden, Ark. Recent surveys indicates populations in the lower Saline River. Other confirmed populations include the St. Croix River, Wisconsin, Bourbeuse River, Missouri, Cossatot River in Arkansas and Little River in Arkansas and Oklahoma. (AFMC 2004a, 2004b, 2004c, 2005, ANHI 2003, Clark 1987, Coker 1919, Crump 2003, Crump and others 2003a, 2003c, 2003d, 2003e, 2003g, 2003q, 2003r, 2003t, Cummings and Mayer 1992, Davidson 1997, Davidson and Clem 2004, Harris 1999, 1999a, Harris and others 1997, Mehlhop-Cifelli and Miller 1989, ONHI 2003, Posey and others 1996, Turgeon and others 1988, 1998, USDA FS 1999, Williams & others 1993).LVALTThis species may be extirpated in Arkansas because no individuals have been observed on Crowley's Ridge in over 20 years. This species is restricted to springs and seepage habitats along the base of the eastern slope of Crowley's Ridge and at scattered locations in the Coastal Plain. Some localities assigned to this species in the Coastal Plain by Trauth and others (2004) are actually Desmognathus brimleyorum and not Desmognathus conanti (R. Bonnett, pers. com. 2005) as determined by molecular DNA tests. Additional specimens and data are needed from the Coastal Plain to resolve this situation. Trauth and others (2004) summarized the literature and biology of this species.Population Trend: Almost extinct in the Spring River, Fulton County. Unprecedented declines have occurred in this population in the last 20 years, likely due to combined effects of water quality degradation, habitat loss, and commercial collection. This is extremely difficult to determine without empirical data. The Spring River population is only known hellbender population in the U.S. with animals exhibiting cancerous tumors. Populations in the Eleven Point River may be stable but we lack long-term population monitoring data to accurately assess this at this time. Intensive habitat restoration work should be focused on the Eleven Point River basin to insure long term survival of this species in Arkansas. Two records from the White River have not led to discovery of identifiable populations. (Briggler et al. 2008, Hiler and others 2013, Irwin and others 2014, Johnson and others 2009) Trauth and others (2004) summarized the literature and biology of this species. (Mayasich and others 2003, Nickerson and others 2002, Wheeler and others 2003, Wheeler and others 2005, Wheeler and Trauth 2002).8LVAL NTrauth et al. (2004) summarized the literature and biology of the Grotto Salamander, referred to at the time as Typhlotriton spelaeus. Subsequent genetic research (Bonnett and Chippendale 2004) resulted in the taxonomic reassignment of Typhlotriton to the genus Eurycea, which also required changing the specific epithet to spelaea for proper gender agreement. Hence, the Grotto Salamander is currently referred to as Eurycea spelaea. Current phylogeographic research has identified several distinct clades within the  spelaea group (Phillips et al., in prep) which may warrant taxonomic revision.The range is limited to the South Central Coastal Plain where recent specimens have been associated with remnant old growth beech-hardwood/ pine forest stands. The bulk of historically favorable habitat has likely been converted to pine plantation monocultures.Trauth and others (2004) summarized the literature and biology of this species. Recent studies by Bonett and Chippindale (2004, 2006) and Emel and Bonett (2011) have identified several distinct divergent clades within the  tynerensis group. Further genetic analysis and surveys are needed to better define clade boundaries, assess taxonomic status, and define distributions of populations with differing life history modes (metamorphic vs paedomorphic).Trauth and others (2004) summarized the known literature and biology of this salamander. The Dwarf Salamander is part of a multiple species complex that occurs across the coastal plain of the southeastern U.S. and into the Edwards Plateau of central Texas (Lamb and Beamer, 2012). To date, very little genetic data are available for Dwarf Salamanders in Arkansas, and additional research is needed to test for genetic differences among populations in Arkansas and for comparison with lineages from outside the state. This will allow for the assessment of the species status of Dwarf Salamanders in Arkansas as well as test for the occurrence of other similar species within the state.B  8Trumpeter SwanCygnus buccinatorBirdTerrestrialS2NG4\ @~ ABNJB02030AvesAnseriformesAnatidaeWinterIncreasing$@| {qc]]]QEA<//),8Yellow-crowned Night-HeronNyctanassa violaceaBirdTerrestrialS2BG5@} ABNGA13010AvesPelicaniformesArdeidaeBreedingDecreasing$@| qkkk_SOJ==7",8Black-crowned Night-HeronNycticorax nycticoraxBirdTerrestrialS2BG5@{ ABNGA11010AvesPelicaniiformesArdeidaePermanentStable$@ x rlll`TPK>>8!,8}Least BitternIxobrychus exilisBirdTerrestrialS2BG5@{ ABNGA02010AvesCiconiiformesArdeidaeBreedingUnknown$@x {qb\\\PD@;..(,8|American BitternBotaurus lentiginosusBirdTerrestrialS2NG4@{ ABNGA01020AvesCiconiiformesArdeidaePermanentStable$@x xicccWKGB55/,8{AnhingaAnhinga anhingaBirdTerrestrialS2G5t@z ABNFE01010AvesPelecaniformesAnhingidaeBreedingStable$@x uiYSSSG;73&& ,8xWood FrogLithobates sylvaticusAmphibianTerrestrialS3G5X@z AAABH01200AmphibiaAnuraRanidaeUnknown^@x zzzzzzqj```THD@33(,>8vCrawfish FrogLithobates areolatusAmphibianTerrestrialS2G4@y AAABH01012AmphibiaAnuraRanidaeUnknown@ }}}}}}tmcccWKGC66+,8uPlains SpadefootSpea bombifronsAmphibianTerrestrialS1G5@w AAABF02010AmphibiaAnuraScaphiopodidaeUnknownR@x rkaaaUIEA44),^8tHurter's SpadefootScaphiopus hurteriiAmphibianTerrestrialS2G5@G AAABF01050AmphibiaAnuraScaphiopodidaeUnknown^@x xqggg[OKG::/,8sEastern SpadefootScaphiopus holbrookiiAmphibianTerrestrialS2G5@E AAABF01040AmphibiaAnuraScaphiopodidaeUnknown^@x yrhhh\PLH;;0,8rGreat Plains Narrowmouth ToadGastrophryne olivaceaAmphibianTerrestrialS2G5 @w AAABE01020AmphibiaAnuraMicrohylidaeUnknown^@x ~ttth\XTGG<%,^8qIllinois Chorus FrogPseudacris illinoensisAmphibianTerrestrialS1G32@w AAABC05061AmphibiaAnuraHylidaeDecreasing^@h }vlll`TPL??4,8oGrotto Salamander "eastern clade"Eurycea spelaea easternAmphibianSemi-AquaticS3GNR@u AAAAD16010AmphibiaCaudataPlethodontidaeUnknown@h |||pd_[MMB),8mLouisiana Slimy SalamanderPlethodon kisatchieAmphibianTerrestrialS2G3G4 @u AAAAD12320AmphibiaCaudataPlethodontidaeUnknown^@h {qqqeYSOBB7",BLVAL @VTrauth and others (2004) summarized the literature and biology of this frog. An inhabitant of the former alluvial prairie of the Arkansas River floodplain, this species is restricted to a few known sites in an agriculturally dominated landscape.Trauth and others (2004) state that there are no published records for this species in Arkansas and map seven localities in the Arkansas Valley and Coastal Plain. These authors also summarized the biology of this frog based on information from outside Arkansas. To date (March 2015) no records of this species have been published. However, K. Roberts (pers. comm. 2015) has found this species in Sebastian County in recent years and will be publishing that record in the near future. Records plotted for museum vouchered specimens within the Arkansas Valley ecoregion should be considered valid. The localities as plotted in Trauth et al. (2004) for Columbia, Montgomery, and Ouachita counties are spurious at best, and are likely the result of misidentification of the similar Eastern Narrowmouth Toad Gastrophryne carolinensis or some other museum curation error, if indeed specimens do exist in museum collections. The only potential range for G. olivacea in southern Arkansas would be the Red River floodplain in Little River, Hempstead, Miller, and Lafayette counties. This is supported by records of this species in northeast Texas for those counties bordering the Red River and the southwest corner of Arkansas.Trauth and others (2004) summarized the literature and biology of this species. The extremely limited range (found only in extreme eastern Clay County), coupled with extensive habitat loss (conversion of former alluvial sand prairie to intensive agricultural practices) threatens the continued existence of this frog in Arkansas. (Johnson and others 2007; McCallum and Trauth 2001a, 2001b; McCallum and others 2001; McCallum and Trauth 2002; Moriarity and Cannatella 2004; Trauth and others 2004; Trauth and others 2007; Tucker 2000)$LVAL D6 HAGFC Kelly Irwin, UCA Don Shepard, Kory RobertsAGFC Kelly Irwin, UCA Don Shepard, Kory RobertsAGFC Ms. Karen Rowe, ANHC Mr. Bill Holimon, USFWS-retired Mr. Allan Mueller, Audubon Arkansas Dr. Dan Scheiman, AGFC Mr. Dick Baxter, USFS Mr. Leif Anderson, USGS Dr. David Krementz, ASU Dr. Than Boves, ATU Dr. Chris Kellner, UA Dr. Kim Smith, UAM Dr. Doug Osborne, AGFC Mr. Garrick Dugger, AGFC Mr. Bubba Groves, AGFC Ms. Allison Fowler, USFWS Mr. Mike Budd, USFWS Ms. Erin Knoll, USFS Mr. Steve DuzanAGFC Ms. Karen Rowe, ANHC Mr. Bill Holimon, USFWS-retired Mr. Allan Mueller, Audubon Arkansas Dr. Dan Scheiman, AGFC Mr. Dick Baxter, USFS Mr. Leif Anderson, USGS Dr. David Krementz, ASU Dr. Than Boves, ATU Dr. Chris Kellner, UA Dr. Kim Smith, UAM Dr. Doug Osborne, AGFC Mr. Garrick Dugger, AGFC Mr. Bubba Groves, AGFC Ms. Allison Fowler, USFWS Mr. Mike Budd, USFWS Ms. Erin Knoll, USFS Mr. Steve DuzanAGFC Ms. Karen Rowe, ANHC Mr. Bill Holimon, USFWS-retired Mr. Allan Mueller, Audubon Arkansas Dr. Dan Scheiman, AGFC Mr. Dick Baxter, USFS Mr. Leif Anderson, USGS Dr. David Krementz, ASU Dr. Than Boves, ATU Dr. Chris Kellner, UA Dr. Kim Smith, UAM Dr. Doug Osborne, AGFC Mr. Garrick Dugger, AGFC Mr. Bubba Groves, AGFC Ms. Allison Fowler, USFWS Mr. Mike Budd, USFWS Ms. Erin Knoll, USFS Mr. Steve DuzanAGFC Ms. Karen Rowe, ANHC Mr. Bill Holimon, USFWS-retired Mr. Allan Mueller, Audubon Arkansas Dr. Dan Scheiman, AGFC Mr. Dick Baxter, USFS Mr. Leif Anderson, USGS Dr. David Krementz, ASU Dr. Than Boves, ATU Dr. Chris Kellner, UA Dr. Kim Smith, UAM Dr. Doug Osborne, AGFC Mr. Garrick Dugger, AGFC Mr. Bubba Groves, AGFC Ms. Allison Fowler, USFWS Mr. Mike Budd, USFWS Ms. Erin Knoll, USFS Mr. Steve DuzanAGFC Kelly Irwin, UCA Don Shepard, Kory RobertsAGFC Mr. Kelly Irwin, ASU Dr. Stan TrauthAGFC Kelly Irwin, UCA Don Shepard, Kory RobertsAGFC Kelly Irwin, UCA Don Shepard, Kory RobertsAGFC Kelly Irwin, UCA Don Shepard, Kory Roberts@LVALPTwo subspecies are currently recognized, Lithobates areolatus areolatus (Southern Crawfish Frog) and L. a. circulosus (Northern Crawfish Frog). The previous AWAP contained separate accounts for each subspecies; however, these were combined for the 2015 revision. When assessed separately, the Southern Crawfish Frog has a rank of S1, critically imperiled, as only two historic records are known (Trauth and others 2004). The combined subspecies assessment produced the same S2 rank as independently established for the Northern Crawfish Frog. A phylogeographic analysis is needed to ascertain whether a species complex exists within L. areolatus. Such an analysis could reveal that formal recognition of subspecies is no longer warranted. This species was historically associated with floodplain prairie systems and open uplands throughout its range. Trauth and others (2004) summarized the literature and biology of this species. Recent surveys of all known historic localities in northwest Arkansas (Benton and Washington counties) documented apparent loss of six populations (~30% of known populations in the region), primarily due to continued urban development (Kross and Willson, in prep). Adult Crawfish Frogs are highly terrestrial, migrating distances of up to 1.2 km from breeding wetlands to terrestrial refugia (Heemeyer et al. 2012). Thus, data on terrestrial movement and specific habitat requirements (e.g., crawfish burrows) are needed to guide conservation of this species in Arkansas. (ANHI 2003, Bacon and Anderson 1976, Black and Dellinger 1938, Byrd and Hanebrink 1974, Collins 1974, Conant and Collins 1991, Conant and Collins 1998, Crump 2003, Crump et al. 2003a, 2003c, 2003d, 2003f, 2003p, Dowling 1957, Johnson 1977, Plummer 1977f, Plummer and White 1992, Taylor 1935, Trauth et al. 1990, Trauth et al. 2004, USDA FS 1999, Wilson 1995)."LVAL 4This species spends most of its life in or on the branches of tall trees, over slow moving rivers, sloughs, bayous and lakes and reservoirs. Even though it is highly aquatic, its feathers are not waterproof like most waterfowl feathers. Thus they need to spend a lot of time drying and warming in the sun, with their wings and tail spread. Their turkey-like tail spread gives them the nickname "Water Turkey". Their need to bask in the sun limits their range northward. They nest in colonies, often among herons and egrets. Young anhingas can swim before they can fly. They are sensitive to the presence of humans while nesting. Loss of wetlands through drainage and agricultural development has led to their decline in the state. (Arkansas Audubon Society 2012, Frederick and Siegel-Causey 2000, Hamel 1992, James and Neal 1986, Kushlan and others 2002, Martin and Finch 1995, National Audubon Society 2002, Rich and others 2004, Sauer and others 2004)Trauth and others (2004) summarized the literature and biology of this frog. Mass mortality events were reported at breeding sites in relatively undisturbed areas within the Ozark National Forest over a decade ago. However, no cause for these events has been unequivocally determined to date (March 2015). It has been suggested that an emerging disease (Ranavirus) may be the culprit, based on the external appearance (petechial hemorrhaging of venter and thighs) of dead or dying frogs (Kelly J. Irwin, pers. obs.). (McCallum and others 2003a, 2003b)LVAL @A widespread, abundant, colonial nester which will nest in suburban areas in Arkansas. An excellent indicator of environmental quality, this species has recovered following the banning of DDT but may be impacted by other environmental contaminents. It is an opportunistic forager and eats a wide variety of prey, including fish and crawfish. This can put it in conflict with aquaculture farms. More study is needed to determine what effect this and other wading birds have on commercial harvest. (Arkansas Audubon Society 2012, Davis 1993, Hamel 1992, Hothem and others 2010, James and Neal 1986, Kushlan and others 2002, Martin and Finch 1995, National Audubon Society 2002, Rich and others 2004, Sauer and others 2004)This secretive bird can be found in high densities in quality habitat. The availability of large, shallow wetlands with dense emergent vegetation is a limiting factor for this species in Arkansas. Loss of large, shallow wetlands with dense emergent vegetation and pollution are major threats. Minor modification to habitat management plans for waterfowl can increase available habitat. (Arkansas Audubon Society 2012, Gibbs and others 1992B, Hamel 1992, James and Neal 1986, Kushlan and others 2002, Martin and Finch 1995, National Audubon Society 2002, Rich and others 2004, Sauer and others 2004)Although little is known about this secretive species' natural history, its dependence on freshwater wetlands with tall, dense emergent vegetation is clear, as is its population decline associated with the decline in wetland habitat. Chemical contamination of their food supply may also be a factor in the decline. Although difficult to spot, its distinctive, loud, booming call can be heard from a long way off, and gives rise to nicknames like thunder-pumper. (Arkansas Audubon Society 2012, Hamel 1992, James and Neal 1986, Kushlan and others 2002, Martin and Finch 1995, National Audubon Society 2002, Rich and others 2004, Sauer and others 2004)4LVAL pLAGFC Ms. Karen Rowe, ANHC Mr. Bill Holimon, USFWS-retired Mr. Allan Mueller, Audubon Arkansas Dr. Dan Scheiman, AGFC Mr. Dick Baxter, USFS Mr. Leif Anderson, USGS Dr. David Krementz, ASU Dr. Than Boves, ATU Dr. Chris Kellner, UA Dr. Kim Smith, UAM Dr. Doug Osborne, AGFC Mr. Garrick Dugger, AGFC Mr. Bubba Groves, AGFC Ms. Allison Fowler, USFWS Mr. Mike Budd, USFWS Ms. Erin Knoll, USFS Mr. Steve DuzanAGFC Ms. Karen Rowe, ANHC Mr. Bill Holimon, USFWS-retired Mr. Allan Mueller, Audubon Arkansas Dr. Dan Scheiman, AGFC Mr. Dick Baxter, USFS Mr. Leif Anderson, USGS Dr. David Krementz, ASU Dr. Than Boves, ATU Dr. Chris Kellner, UA Dr. Kim Smith, UAM Dr. Doug Osborne, AGFC Mr. Garrick Dugger, AGFC Mr. Bubba Groves, AGFC Ms. Allison Fowler, USFWS Mr. Mike Budd, USFWS Ms. Erin Knoll, USFS Mr. Steve DuzanAGFC Ms. Karen Rowe, ANHC Mr. Bill Holimon, USFWS-retired Mr. Allan Mueller, Audubon Arkansas Dr. Dan Scheiman, AGFC Mr. Dick Baxter, USFS Mr. Leif Anderson, USGS Dr. David Krementz, ASU Dr. Than Boves, ATU Dr. Chris Kellner, UA Dr. Kim Smith, UAM Dr. Doug Osborne, AGFC Mr. Garrick Dugger, AGFC Mr. Bubba Groves, AGFC Ms. Allison Fowler, USFWS Mr. Mike Budd, USFWS Ms. Erin Knoll, USFS Mr. Steve DuzanAGFC Ms. Karen Rowe, ANHC Mr. Bill Holimon, USFWS-retired Mr. Allan Mueller, Audubon Arkansas Dr. Dan Scheiman, AGFC Mr. Dick Baxter, USFS Mr. Leif Anderson, USGS Dr. David Krementz, ASU Dr. Than Boves, ATU Dr. Chris Kellner, UA Dr. Kim Smith, UAM Dr. Doug Osborne, AGFC Mr. Garrick Dugger, AGFC Mr. Bubba Groves, AGFC Ms. Allison Fowler, USFWS Mr. Mike Budd, USFWS Ms. Erin Knoll, USFS Mr. Steve DuzanAGFC Ms. Karen Rowe, ANHC Mr. Bill Holimon, USFWS-retired Mr. Allan Mueller, Audubon Arkansas Dr. Dan Scheiman, AGFC Mr. Dick Baxter, USFS Mr. Leif Anderson, USGS Dr. David Krementz, ASU Dr. Than Boves, ATU Dr. Chris Kellner, UA Dr. Kim Smith, UAM Dr. Doug Osborne, AGFC Mr. Garrick Dugger, AGFC Mr. Bubba Groves, AGFC Ms. Allison Fowler, USFWS Mr. Mike Budd, USFWS Ms. Erin Knoll, USFS Mr. Steve Duzan LVAL This species forages from dusk to dawn. Because it specializes on crustaceans, it can conflict with aquaculture farmers. This species is generally abundant and widespread, though restricted to areas near water because of its food requirements. Protection of forested wetland habitat and reducing conflicts between birds and farmers and between nest colonies and the neighborhoods in which they nest are important conservation measures. (Arkansas Audubon Society 2012, Hamel 1992, James and Neal 1986, Kushlan and others 2002, Martin and Finch 1995, National Audubon Society 2002, Rich and others 2004, Sauer and others 2004, Watts 1995)LVALIn 1988, 1 collared Trumpeter Swan was observed on a pond adjacent to a nuclear power generating plant near Russelville AR. Banded near LaCreek NWR in Nebraska, this was the first Trumpeter Swan reported in Arkansas in over 80 years. In 1995, 9 Trumpeter Swans were observed on Magness Lake in Cleburne County. During the winter of 2001-2002, 45 swans was observed at Magness Lake and reliable reports of counts over 180 at Magness Lake were received in 2010 (K Rowe pers. Comm.) The construction of ponds as clean water sources for shale oil extraction in the vicinity of Magness Lake as well as the ponds landowners feeding swans has increased estimates of swans wintering in Cleburne County to over 250 in 2014-5. In 2008-10 AGFC partnered with Iowa DNR and released 49 immature trumpeters raised in Iowa DNR s Trumpeter Swan Restoration Project. These swans were released in the Ozarks and Arkansas River Valley in a reverse migration experiment that proved successful as released collared swans returned to AR in subsequent years to winter. Several swans released in this experiment have been observed wintering in the Arkansas River Valley area as adults with un-collared mates and their cygnets (K. Rowe pers comm). Wintering Trumpeter Swan population estimates from a volunteer 2013-14 survey conducted by AGFC totaled about 525 swans. Trumpeter Swan mortality in Arkansas has been caused by lead poisoning, collision with power lines and illegal shooting (Rowe pers. Comm). (Arkansas Audubon Society 2012, Hamel 1992, James and Neal 1986, Martin and Finch 1995, Mitchell 1994, Mitchell and Eichholz 2010, National Audubon Society 2002, Rich and others 2004, Sauer and others 2004)LVALThe American Black Duck was once the most abundant dabbling duck species in eastern North America but populations experienced a drastic decline (>50%) between the 1950s and 1990s. Winter inventories continue to indicate a stable or slightly declining population while breeding population estimates from 1990-2010 suggest a stable population. In contrast, demographic data suggest declining productivity between 1997 and 2007 (Devers and Collins 2011). Harvest restrictions were implemented in 1983 and 1984 in the U.S. and Canada, respectively, and harvest rates decreased (Francis et al. 1998). However, these data do not indicate that harvest was the only or primary cause of the black duck decline (Rusch et al. 1989). Currently, harvest is managed according to the Black Duck Adaptive Harvest Management framework, the goals of which are to: 1) maintain a black duck population that meets legal mandates and provides consumptive and non-consumptive use commensurate with habitat carrying capacity; 2) maintain societal values associated with the hunting tradition; and, 3) maintain equitable access to the black duck resources between and within the U.S. and Canada (USFWS 2014). American Black Ducks and Mallards are very similar genetically and ecologically thus setting the stage for competition, and field and laboratory studies provide circumstantial evidence of competition (Conroy et al. 2002). However, it is unclear if the increase in Mallards is the ultimate or proximate cause of the black duck decline or simply a concurrent event (Devers and Collins 2011). While research and monitoring projects to address key information needs are ongoing, habitat conservation efforts are focused on protection, restoration and enhancement of key lands on the breeding grounds, migration routes and wintering grounds (Devers and Collins 2011).tB   8Sedge WrenCistothorus platensisBirdTerrestrialS1S2B,S4NG5@ ABPBG10010AvesPasseriformesTroglodytidaePermanentStable$@ xicccWKG<//),8Willow FlycatcherEmpidonax trailliiBirdTerrestrialS1BG5@ ABPAE33040AvesPasseriformesTyrannidaeBreedingStable$@ vgaaaUIE@33-,8Yellow-billed CuckooCoccyzus americanusBirdTerrestrialS3BG5\@ ABNRB02020AvesCuculiformesCuculidaeBreedingDecreasing$@ ykeeeYMID771,8American WoodcockScolopax minorBirdTerrestrialS2B,S3NG5 @ ABNNF19020AvesCharadriiformesScolopacidaePermanentDecreasing$@ xgaaaUIE<//),8Short-billed DowitcherLimnodromus griseusBirdTerrestrialS3NG5 @ ABNNF16010AvesCharadriiformesScolopacidaeTransientDecreasing$@ ~mggg[OKF993,8Buff-breasted SandpiperCalidris subruficollisBirdTerrestrialS2NG4@ ABNNF14010AvesCharadriiformesScolopacidaeTransientDecreasing$@ qkkk_SOJ==7,ޛ8Stilt SandpiperCalidris himantopusBirdTerrestrialS3NG5h @ ABNNF11190AvesCharadriiformesScolopacidaeTransientDecreasing$@ wf```THD?22,,8DunlinCalidris alpinaBirdTerrestrialS3NG5 @ ABNNF11170AvesCharadriiformesScolopacidaeTransientDecreasing$@ xjYSSSG;72%%,8SanderlingCalidris albaBirdTerrestrialS3NG5 @ ABNNF11030AvesCharadriiformesScolopacidaeTransientDecreasing$@ zl[UUUI=94''!,8Black-bellied PloverPluvialis squatarolaBirdTerrestrialS2NG5 @ ABNNB02010AvesCharadriiformesCharadriidaeTransientDecreasing$@ }lfffZNJE882,8Common GallinuleGallinula galeataBirdTerrestrialS2BG5R@ ABNME13010AvesGruiformesRallidaeBreedingUnknown$@ {qe___SGC>11+,~8Purple GallinulePorphyrio martinicusBirdTerrestrialS1BG5J@ ABNME12010AvesGruiformesRallidaeBreedingStable$@ ~thbbbVJFA44.,ޛ8King RailRallus elegansBirdTerrestrialS1BG4 @ ABNME05020AvesGruiformesRallidaePermanentDecreasing$@| |||||qg[UUUI=94''!,^8Swallow-tailed KiteElanoides forficatusBirdTerrestrialS1BG5@ ABNKC04011AvesAccipitriformesAccipitridaeBreedingDecreasing$@| |keeeYMID771,8American Black DuckAnas rubripesBirdTerrestrialS2NG5l@ ABNJB10040AvesAnseriformesAnatidaeWinterStable$@| |rd^^^RFB=00*,^LVAL(Once ranging from Florida to Minnesota, this species is now restricted to a few southeastern states, with most birds found in Florida. Formerly extirpated from Arkansas since the 1940s, a pair was observed routinely during the breeding season in 1998 and 1999 along the lower White River in the vicinity of the Dale Bumpers White River National Wildlife Refuge (DBWRNWR). This apparent re-colonization of Swallow-tailed Kites was significant because this species seems to have a high fidelity to breeding sites and tends to nest socially in loose colonies. Funded by AWAP funds and funds from the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission, a research project was initiated in 2002 to locate and monitor Swallow-tailed Kite nests on the DBWRNWR. Nests were located but failed prior egg hatching in 2002, 2004, 2005 and 2006. In 2007 and 2009. Swallow-tailed Kites were present on the refuge during the breeding season, but a nest was not located. In 2008 a nest with 3 nestlings was located and monitored but failed due to researcher disturbance. Swallow-tailed kites have been observed sporadically in spring and summer on the DBWRNWR since 2010. It is unknown if a pair is still attempting to nest on the refuge or adjoining property. The most recent observation of this species occurred during spring/summer 2015, when a pair was repeatedly observed from April - August at Sulphur River Wildlife Management Area. The pair is assumed to have made a nesting attempt based on observed behavior (K. Rowe, pers. Comm.). Individual Swallow-tailed Kites, most likely from Louisiana, have been observed throughout Arkansas during the post-breeding season dispersal period. (Arkansas Audubon Society 2012, Bader and Bednarz 2005, Chiavacchi and others 2011, Hamel 1992, James and Neal 1986, Martin and Finch 1995, Meyer 1995, National Audubon Society 2002, Rich and others 2004, Sauer and others 2004)TLVALdThe Grand Prairie region of Arkansas was historically important to King Rails, and they were common breeders in the rice fields and associated drainage ditches in the 1950s and 60s (Meanley 1969). Their abundance or occurrence throughout the rest of Arkansas was largely unknown outside of a few observations posted to the Arkansas Audubon Society s bird record database. In 2004, 2005 and 2012, marshbird surveys were conducted throughout the Mississippi Alluvial Valley of Arkansas to document the abundance and range of this species (Budd and Krementz 2011, Budd and Rowe 2013). In each of the three field seasons, very few (<25 individuals) King Rails were observed. The surveys also noted that King Rails were no longer common in the Grand Prairie Region, likely due to changes in agricultural practices. This species utilizes emergent wetlands that consist of cattails, sedges, rushes, etc and that have at least small pockets of water throughout the summer months. The King Rail also tends to use emergent wetlands that are more than 400 meters away from a forested block. These habitat conditions are rare in Arkansas. In order to improve their population status, more emergent wetlands need to be restored and maintained.4LVAL pLAGFC Ms. Karen Rowe, ANHC Mr. Bill Holimon, USFWS-retired Mr. Allan Mueller, Audubon Arkansas Dr. Dan Scheiman, AGFC Mr. Dick Baxter, USFS Mr. Leif Anderson, USGS Dr. David Krementz, ASU Dr. Than Boves, ATU Dr. Chris Kellner, UA Dr. Kim Smith, UAM Dr. Doug Osborne, AGFC Mr. Garrick Dugger, AGFC Mr. Bubba Groves, AGFC Ms. Allison Fowler, USFWS Mr. Mike Budd, USFWS Ms. Erin Knoll, USFS Mr. Steve DuzanAGFC Ms. Karen Rowe, ANHC Mr. Bill Holimon, USFWS-retired Mr. Allan Mueller, Audubon Arkansas Dr. Dan Scheiman, AGFC Mr. Dick Baxter, USFS Mr. Leif Anderson, USGS Dr. David Krementz, ASU Dr. Than Boves, ATU Dr. Chris Kellner, UA Dr. Kim Smith, UAM Dr. Doug Osborne, AGFC Mr. Garrick Dugger, AGFC Mr. Bubba Groves, AGFC Ms. Allison Fowler, USFWS Mr. Mike Budd, USFWS Ms. Erin Knoll, USFS Mr. Steve DuzanAGFC Ms. Karen Rowe, ANHC Mr. Bill Holimon, USFWS-retired Mr. Allan Mueller, Audubon Arkansas Dr. Dan Scheiman, AGFC Mr. Dick Baxter, USFS Mr. Leif Anderson, USGS Dr. David Krementz, ASU Dr. Than Boves, ATU Dr. Chris Kellner, UA Dr. Kim Smith, UAM Dr. Doug Osborne, AGFC Mr. Garrick Dugger, AGFC Mr. Bubba Groves, AGFC Ms. Allison Fowler, USFWS Mr. Mike Budd, USFWS Ms. Erin Knoll, USFS Mr. Steve DuzanAGFC Ms. Karen Rowe, ANHC Mr. Bill Holimon, USFWS-retired Mr. Allan Mueller, Audubon Arkansas Dr. Dan Scheiman, AGFC Mr. Dick Baxter, USFS Mr. Leif Anderson, USGS Dr. David Krementz, ASU Dr. Than Boves, ATU Dr. Chris Kellner, UA Dr. Kim Smith, UAM Dr. Doug Osborne, AGFC Mr. Garrick Dugger, AGFC Mr. Bubba Groves, AGFC Ms. Allison Fowler, USFWS Mr. Mike Budd, USFWS Ms. Erin Knoll, USFS Mr. Steve DuzanAGFC Ms. Karen Rowe, ANHC Mr. Bill Holimon, USFWS-retired Mr. Allan Mueller, Audubon Arkansas Dr. Dan Scheiman, AGFC Mr. Dick Baxter, USFS Mr. Leif Anderson, USGS Dr. David Krementz, ASU Dr. Than Boves, ATU Dr. Chris Kellner, UA Dr. Kim Smith, UAM Dr. Doug Osborne, AGFC Mr. Garrick Dugger, AGFC Mr. Bubba Groves, AGFC Ms. Allison Fowler, USFWS Mr. Mike Budd, USFWS Ms. Erin Knoll, USFS Mr. Steve DuzanRLVALdThis species has benefited by human-altered habitats such as flooded agricultural fields, reservoirs, and impoundments. However, for breeding they require permanently flooded marshes with robust emergent vegetation. They may be sensitive to wetland loss and invasive wetland plant species. Restoring or actively managing emergent wetlands will benefit this species. (Arkansas Audubon Society 2012, Bannor and Kiviat 2002, Hamel 1992, James and Neal 1986, Martin and Finch 1995, National Audubon Society 2002, Rich and others 2004, Sauer and others 2004)Purple Gallinules are not considered to be native to the state of Arkansas; rather they have expanded their range northward into Arkansas (Crow 1974). Their low population numbers in Arkansas is not an immediate concern, though climate change may shift their breeding range northward, increasing the importance of available habitat in Arkansas. The restoration of emergent wetlands could benefit this species and increase their population numbers overall. Extensive loss of wetland habitat may be offset by this adaptable species' use of rice fields, impoundments, and wildlife refuges. It readily accepts weedy conditions brought on by eutrophication and feeds on exotic weeds such as water hyacinth and hydrilla. Rapidly maturing rice varieties and subsequent early harvest together with removal of emergent vegetation from ponds could negatively affect this bird. (Arkansas Audubon Society 2012, Crow 1974, Hamel 1992, James and Neal 1986, Martin and Finch 1995, National Audubon Society 2002, Rich and others 2004, Sauer and others 2004, West and Hess 2002)LVAL This species is seen in the state March-November, with March- June sightings believed to be spring northward migrants, while birds seen July through November are believed to be southbound migrants. They are often seen in association with Long-billed Dowitchers, and tend to forage in very shallow water rather than exposed mud. Studies suggest that populations of this and other shorebird species are declining. The availability of habitat and food along their migratory route is critical. Birds need to stop and refuel as they go. Proper management of water levels on wetlands, artificial impoundments, and flooded agricultural fields can help. (Arkansas Audubon Society 2012, Carter and others 2000, CWCS 2004, CWCS 2005A, CWCS 2005B, Hamel 1992, James and Neal 1986, Klima and Jehl 1998, Martin and Finch 1995, National Audubon Society 2002, Rich and others 2004, Sauer and others 2004) Commercial aquaculture facilities are important stopover sites for this species and many other shorebirds (Lehnen and Krementz 2013). The decline of fish pond acreage in the state from 60,000 surface acres in 2002 to less than 30,000 acres in 2012 is alarming (personal communication Dr. Carole Engle, UAPB). Water management strategies have changed at many of the remaining facilities because of increased efficiency. Emphasis should be placed on programs that would encourage fish farmers to provide shallow-water habitat for extended periods of time. Additionally, management plans for reservoirs (ex. Chicot, Millwood) and moist-soil impoundments (AGFC, USFWS, private) could be altered to provide additional benefit to many shorebirds that rely on mudflat habitat. Deeper water that is drawn down slowly typically provides more invertebrates than very recently flooded water.FLVALVThis species is seen in the state April-October, but this species is seen in the state very infrequently. They tend to forage on exposed mud flats, sandbars and rock dikes along rivers. Studies suggest that populations of this and other shorebird species are declining. The availability of habitat and food along their migratory route is critical. Birds need to stop and refuel as they go. Proper management of water levels on wetlands, artificial impoundments, and flooded agricultural fields can help. (Arkansas Audubon Society 2012, Hamel 1992, James and Neal 1986, MacWhirter and others 2002, Martin and Finch 1995, National Audubon Society 2002, Rich and others 2004, Sauer and others 2004, U.S. Shorebird Conservation Plan 2004) Commercial aquaculture facilities are important stopover sites for this species and many other shorebirds (Lehnen and Krementz 2013). The decline of fish pond acreage in the state from 60,000 surface acres in 2002 to less than 30,000 acres in 2012 is alarming (personal communication Dr. Carole Engle, UAPB). Water management strategies have changed at many of the remaining facilities because of increased efficiency. Emphasis should be placed on programs that would encourage fish farmers to provide shallow-water habitat for extended periods of time. Additionally, management plans for reservoirs (ex. Chicot, Millwood) and moist-soil impoundments (AGFC, USFWS, private) could be altered to provide additional benefit to many shorebirds that rely on mudflat habitat. Deeper water that is drawn down slowly typically provides more invertebrates than very recently flooded water.PLVAL`This species has been seen in the state every month, but is most common during the spring migration period March-June and the fall migration period October-December. They are often seen in association with other sandpipers. Studies suggest that populations of this and other shorebird species are declining. The availability of habitat and food along their migratory route is critical. Birds need to stop and refuel as they go. Proper management of water levels on wetlands, artificial impoundments, and flooded agricultural fields can help. (Arkansas Audubon Society 2012, Hamel 1992, James and Neal 1986, Klima and Jehl 1998, Martin and Finch 1995, National Audubon Society 2002, Rich and others 2004, Sauer and others 2004). Commercial aquaculture facilities are important stopover sites for this species and many other shorebirds (Lehnen and Krementz 2013). The decline of fish pond acreage in the state from 60,000 surface acres in 2002 to less than 30,000 acres in 2012 is alarming (personal communication, Dr. Carole Engle, UAPB). Water management strategies have changed at many of the remaining facilities because of increased efficiency. Emphasis should be placed on programs that would encourage fish farmers to provide shallow-water habitat for extended periods of time. Additionally, management plans for reservoirs (ex. Chicot, Millwood) and moist-soil impoundments (AGFC, USFWS, private) could be altered to provide additional benefit to many shorebirds that rely on mudflat habitat. Deeper water that is drawn down slowly typically provides more invertebrates than very recently flooded water.4LVAL pLAGFC Ms. Karen Rowe, ANHC Mr. Bill Holimon, USFWS-retired Mr. Allan Mueller, Audubon Arkansas Dr. Dan Scheiman, AGFC Mr. Dick Baxter, USFS Mr. Leif Anderson, USGS Dr. David Krementz, ASU Dr. Than Boves, ATU Dr. Chris Kellner, UA Dr. Kim Smith, UAM Dr. Doug Osborne, AGFC Mr. Garrick Dugger, AGFC Mr. Bubba Groves, AGFC Ms. Allison Fowler, USFWS Mr. Mike Budd, USFWS Ms. Erin Knoll, USFS Mr. Steve DuzanAGFC Ms. Karen Rowe, ANHC Mr. Bill Holimon, USFWS-retired Mr. Allan Mueller, Audubon Arkansas Dr. Dan Scheiman, AGFC Mr. Dick Baxter, USFS Mr. Leif Anderson, USGS Dr. David Krementz, ASU Dr. Than Boves, ATU Dr. Chris Kellner, UA Dr. Kim Smith, UAM Dr. Doug Osborne, AGFC Mr. Garrick Dugger, AGFC Mr. Bubba Groves, AGFC Ms. Allison Fowler, USFWS Mr. Mike Budd, USFWS Ms. Erin Knoll, USFS Mr. Steve DuzanAGFC Ms. Karen Rowe, ANHC Mr. Bill Holimon, USFWS-retired Mr. Allan Mueller, Audubon Arkansas Dr. Dan Scheiman, AGFC Mr. Dick Baxter, USFS Mr. Leif Anderson, USGS Dr. David Krementz, ASU Dr. Than Boves, ATU Dr. Chris Kellner, UA Dr. Kim Smith, UAM Dr. Doug Osborne, AGFC Mr. Garrick Dugger, AGFC Mr. Bubba Groves, AGFC Ms. Allison Fowler, USFWS Mr. Mike Budd, USFWS Ms. Erin Knoll, USFS Mr. Steve DuzanAGFC Ms. Karen Rowe, ANHC Mr. Bill Holimon, USFWS-retired Mr. Allan Mueller, Audubon Arkansas Dr. Dan Scheiman, AGFC Mr. Dick Baxter, USFS Mr. Leif Anderson, USGS Dr. David Krementz, ASU Dr. Than Boves, ATU Dr. Chris Kellner, UA Dr. Kim Smith, UAM Dr. Doug Osborne, AGFC Mr. Garrick Dugger, AGFC Mr. Bubba Groves, AGFC Ms. Allison Fowler, USFWS Mr. Mike Budd, USFWS Ms. Erin Knoll, USFS Mr. Steve DuzanAGFC Ms. Karen Rowe, ANHC Mr. Bill Holimon, USFWS-retired Mr. Allan Mueller, Audubon Arkansas Dr. Dan Scheiman, AGFC Mr. Dick Baxter, USFS Mr. Leif Anderson, USGS Dr. David Krementz, ASU Dr. Than Boves, ATU Dr. Chris Kellner, UA Dr. Kim Smith, UAM Dr. Doug Osborne, AGFC Mr. Garrick Dugger, AGFC Mr. Bubba Groves, AGFC Ms. Allison Fowler, USFWS Mr. Mike Budd, USFWS Ms. Erin Knoll, USFS Mr. Steve DuzanLVALThis species is seen in the state March-November, with March- June sightings believed to be spring northward migrants, while birds seen July through November are believed to be southbound migrants. They are often seen in association with Long-billed Dowitchers and tend to forage in very shallow water rather than exposed mud. Studies suggest that populations of this and other shorebird species are declining. The availability of habitat and food along their migratory route is critical. Birds need to stop and refuel as they go. Proper management of water levels on wetlands, artificial impoundments, and flooded agricultural fields can help. (Arkansas Audubon Society 2012, Hamel 1992, James and Neal 1986, Klima and Jehl 1998, Martin and Finch 1995, National Audubon Society 2002, Rich and others 2004, Sauer and others 2004) Commercial aquaculture facilities are important stopover sites for this species and many other shorebirds (Lehnen and Krementz 2013). The decline of fish pond acreage in the state from 60,000 surface acres in 2002 to less than 30,000 acres in 2012 is alarming (personal communication Dr. Carole Engle, UAPB). Water management strategies have changed at many of the remaining facilities because of increased efficiency. Emphasis should be placed on programs that would encourage fish farmers to provide shallow-water habitat for extended periods of time. Additionally, management plans for reservoirs (ex. Chicot, Millwood) and moist-soil impoundments (AGFC, USFWS, private) could be altered to provide additional benefit to many shorebirds that rely on mudflat habitat. Deeper water that is drawn down slowly typically provides more invertebrates than very recently flooded water.` LVALp The only North American shorebird to have a lek mating system like grouse Listed as highly imperiled by the U.S. Shorebird Conservation Plan. Considered near threatened on the IUCN Red List; on the Yellow list of Watch List 2014. Specific management attention is needed for this shorebird. During migration, inhabits relatively dry, short-grass sites such as pastures, golf courses, and airports; also mudflats and rice fields. In Arkansas, rare spring migrant and uncommon fall migrant; highest numbers have been seen on sod farms. (Arkansas Audubon Society 2014, Hamel 1992, James and Neal 1986, Lanctot and Laredo1994, Martin and Finch 1995, National Audubon Society 2002, Rich and others 2004, Sauer and others 2004, U.S. Shorebird Conservation Plan 2004, Rosenberg and others 2014, U.S. Shorebird Conservation Plan Partnership. 2015 )LVALThis species is seen in the state April-October. They are often seen in association with the more numerous Long-billed Dowitchers and Stilt Sandpipers, and tend to forage in shallow water rather than exposed mud. This species is listed as a species of high concern by the U.S. Shorebird Conservation Plan. While population size is difficult to determine, it is thought to be relatively abundant. Proper management of water levels on wetlands, artificial impoundments, and flooded agricultural fields can provide critical stopover habitat during migration. Commercial aquaculture facilities are important stopover sites for this species and many other shorebirds (Lehnen and Krementz 2013). The decline of fish pond acreage in the state from 60,000 surface acres in 2002 to less than 30,000 acres in 2012 is alarming (personal communication Dr. Carole Engle, UAPB). Water management strategies have changed at many of the remaining facilities because of increased efficiency. Emphasis should be placed on programs that would encourage fish farmers to provide shallow-water habitat for extended periods of time. Additionally, management plans for reservoirs (ex. Chicot, Millwood) and moist-soil impoundments (AGFC, USFWS, private) could be altered to provide additional benefit to many shorebirds that rely on mud flat habitat. Deeper water that is drawn down slowly typically provides more invertebrates than very recently flooded water. (Arkansas Audubon Society 2012, Hamel 1992, James and Neal 1986, Jehl and others 2001, Martin and Finch 1995, National Audubon Society 2002, Rich and others 2004, Sauer and others 2004, U.S. Shorebird Conservation Plan 2004)LVAL`Although locally abundant in extensive mature forests, this species has undergone steep population declines and has disappeared from portions of its range. It is sensitive to habitat fragmentation. Breeding is often triggered by an abundant food supply of large orthoptera, especially caterpillars and cicadas. This species will occasionally lay eggs in the nests of other species. (Arkansas Audubon Society 2012, Hamel 1992, Hughes 1999, James and Neal 1986, Martin and Finch 1995, National Audubon Society 2002, Rich and others 2004, Sauer and others 2004)This compact shorebird spends its time probing for food on forest floors rather than mud flats. Its long, flexible bill is sensitive to touch, and it uses it to find and extract earthworms. Forest management practices and hunting may influence population trends. Management for this species in Arkansas should prioritize providing migration habitat, as relatively little breeding occurs in Arkansas, and few woodcock overwinter here as compared to Texas and Louisiana. Woodcock use a wide variety of habitat types during both autumn and spring migration, but the use of open habitats like old fields and clearcuts can be quite important especially during spring migration. Diurnal habitat management should focus on high stem density of forbs/shrubs/trees (but not grass) at the ground layer with a sparse mid-story and an open canopy. Woodcock prefer loamy to sandy-loam soils where earthworm abundances, an important food source, are high. Disturbance (fire, thinning, grazing) of some habitat types is important component of management. (Arkansas Audubon Society 2012, Hamel 1992, James and Neal 1986, Keppie and Whiting 1994, Martin and Finch 1995, National Audubon Society 2002, Rich and others 2004, Sauer and others 2004)4LVAL pLAGFC Ms. Karen Rowe, ANHC Mr. Bill Holimon, USFWS-retired Mr. Allan Mueller, Audubon Arkansas Dr. Dan Scheiman, AGFC Mr. Dick Baxter, USFS Mr. Leif Anderson, USGS Dr. David Krementz, ASU Dr. Than Boves, ATU Dr. Chris Kellner, UA Dr. Kim Smith, UAM Dr. Doug Osborne, AGFC Mr. Garrick Dugger, AGFC Mr. Bubba Groves, AGFC Ms. Allison Fowler, USFWS Mr. Mike Budd, USFWS Ms. Erin Knoll, USFS Mr. Steve DuzanAGFC Ms. Karen Rowe, ANHC Mr. Bill Holimon, USFWS-retired Mr. Allan Mueller, Audubon Arkansas Dr. Dan Scheiman, AGFC Mr. Dick Baxter, USFS Mr. Leif Anderson, USGS Dr. David Krementz, ASU Dr. Than Boves, ATU Dr. Chris Kellner, UA Dr. Kim Smith, UAM Dr. Doug Osborne, AGFC Mr. Garrick Dugger, AGFC Mr. Bubba Groves, AGFC Ms. Allison Fowler, USFWS Mr. Mike Budd, USFWS Ms. Erin Knoll, USFS Mr. Steve DuzanAGFC Ms. Karen Rowe, ANHC Mr. Bill Holimon, USFWS-retired Mr. Allan Mueller, Audubon Arkansas Dr. Dan Scheiman, AGFC Mr. Dick Baxter, USFS Mr. Leif Anderson, USGS Dr. David Krementz, ASU Dr. Than Boves, ATU Dr. Chris Kellner, UA Dr. Kim Smith, UAM Dr. Doug Osborne, AGFC Mr. Garrick Dugger, AGFC Mr. Bubba Groves, AGFC Ms. Allison Fowler, USFWS Mr. Mike Budd, USFWS Ms. Erin Knoll, USFS Mr. Steve DuzanAGFC Ms. Karen Rowe, ANHC Mr. Bill Holimon, USFWS-retired Mr. Allan Mueller, Audubon Arkansas Dr. Dan Scheiman, AGFC Mr. Dick Baxter, USFS Mr. Leif Anderson, USGS Dr. David Krementz, ASU Dr. Than Boves, ATU Dr. Chris Kellner, UA Dr. Kim Smith, UAM Dr. Doug Osborne, AGFC Mr. Garrick Dugger, AGFC Mr. Bubba Groves, AGFC Ms. Allison Fowler, USFWS Mr. Mike Budd, USFWS Ms. Erin Knoll, USFS Mr. Steve DuzanAGFC Ms. Karen Rowe, ANHC Mr. Bill Holimon, USFWS-retired Mr. Allan Mueller, Audubon Arkansas Dr. Dan Scheiman, AGFC Mr. Dick Baxter, USFS Mr. Leif Anderson, USGS Dr. David Krementz, ASU Dr. Than Boves, ATU Dr. Chris Kellner, UA Dr. Kim Smith, UAM Dr. Doug Osborne, AGFC Mr. Garrick Dugger, AGFC Mr. Bubba Groves, AGFC Ms. Allison Fowler, USFWS Mr. Mike Budd, USFWS Ms. Erin Knoll, USFS Mr. Steve DuzanLVAL zThis species is affiliated with shrubby components of prairies or grasslands where it nests in thickets. Where the habitat is patchy, many nests are parasitized by Brown-headed Cowbirds. (Arkansas Audubon Society 2012, Brown 1993, Hamel 1992, James and Neal 1986, Martin and Finch 1995, National Audubon Society 2002, Rich and others 2004, Sauer and others 2004)This species lives at the interface of grasslands and wetlands; they nest where the soil is saturated and sedges mix with grasses. Unfortunately, this habitat type has been frequently drained for farming. Frequent haying and over-grazing decrease habitat quality as well. Fortunately, providing habitat through the Conservation Reserve Program has boosted numbers in some areas.This species would benefit from farm bill program projects that protect, restore, and manage wetlands and grasslands. (Arkansas Audubon Society 2012, Dechant and others 2003, Hamel 1992, Herkert and others 2001, James and Neal 1986, Martin and Finch 1995, National Audubon Society 2002, Rich and others 2004, Sauer and others 2004)Population is below historical numbers in Arkansas and throughout the country. Disturbances to riparian habitat such as damming, dredging, channelization, urbanization, draining, and cattle are threats. (Arkansas Audubon Society 2012, Hamel 1992, James and Neal 1986, Martin and Finch 1995, National Audubon Society 2002, Rich and others 2004, Sauer and others 2004, Sedgwick 2000)B  8Red River ShinerNotropis bairdiFishAquaticSHG4@ AFCJB28160ActinopterygiiCypriniformesCyprinidaeUnknown<@ whXXXL@<8//),8Blackspot ShinerNotropis atrocaudalisFishAquaticS3G4@ AFCJB28140ActinopterygiiCypriniformesCyprinidaeUnknown<@ }n^^^RFB>55/,8GoldeyeHiodon alosoidesFishAquaticS2G5 @ AFCGA01010ActinopterygiiOsteoglossiformesHiodontidaeUnknown<@ s`PPPD840''!,^8Alabama ShadAlosa alabamaeFishAquaticS1G2G3@ AFCFA01020C99-06-23ActinopterygiiClupeiformesClupeidaeDecreasing<@ qaWUI=73**$,8Alligator GarAtractosteus spatulaFishAquaticS2G3G4@ AFCBA02010ActinopterygiiLepisosteiformesLepisosteidaeStablel@ ~l\\\PD>:11+,^8PaddlefishPolyodon spathulaFishAquaticS3G4>@ AFCAB01010ActinopterygiiAcipenseriformesPolyodontidaeDecreasing<@ vdTTTH<84++%,8Pallid SturgeonScaphirhynchus albusFishAquaticS1S2G2&@ AFCAA02010LE90-06-09ActinopterygiiAcipenseriformesAcipenseridaeUnknown<@ |lb^RFB<33-,8Lake SturgeonAcipenser fulvescensFishAquaticS2G3G4J@ AFCAA01020ActinopterygiiAcipenseriformesAcipenseridaeUnknown<@ ~l\\\PD>:11+,8Rusty BlackbirdEuphagus carolinusBirdTerrestrialS2NG4@ ABPBXB5010AvesPasseriformesIcteridaeWinterDecreasing$@ te___SGC>11+,8Smith's LongspurCalcarius pictusBirdTerrestrialS2NG5 @ ABPBXA6030AvesPasseriformesEmberizidaeWinterDecreasing$@ sd^^^RFB=00*,ޛ8Le Conte's SparrowAmmodramus leconteiiBirdTerrestrialS3S4NG4@ ABPBXA0040AvesPasseriformesEmberizidaeWinterDecreasing$@ {lfffZNJC660,8Henslow's SparrowAmmodramus henslowiiBirdTerrestrialS1B,S2NG4@ ABPBXA0030AvesPasseriformesEmberizidaePermanentDecreasing$@ |mggg[OKB55/,~8Grasshopper SparrowAmmodramus savannarumBirdTerrestrialS3BG5@ ABPBXA0020AvesPasseriformesEmberizidaeBreedingDecreasing$@ {lfffZNJE882,8Rufous-crowned SparrowAimophila ruficepsBirdTerrestrialS1G5~@ ABPBX91090AvesPasseriformesEmberizidaeBreedingStable$@ zkeeeYMIE882,ސ8Bell's VireoVireo belliiBirdTerrestrialS3BG5@ ABPBW01110AvesPasseriformesVireonidaeBreedingDecreasing$@ wk\VVVJ>:5((",LVALGrasshopper sparrows favor fairly open grasslands and prairies with bare or open ground for feeding and little shrub cover. Loss of native herbivores has resulted in less favorable habitat in prairie remnants than that which occurred historically. The largest known Arkansas population is on Fort Chaffee next to the Arrowhead Landing Strip, where open soil conditions within tallgrass prairie have been maintained, possibly through a combination of soil type and occasional mechanical disturbance. It also nests in open pasture land across the state that is not overgrazed. Promote farm bill projects that protect, restore, and manage grassland habitats. (Arkansas Audubon Society 2012, Hamel 1992, James and Neal 1986, Martin and Finch 1995, National Audubon Society 2002, Rich and others 2004, Sauer and others 2004, Vickery 1996)Primarily a bird of the southwestern US and Mexico, this species has been found on a few mountaintops in central and western Arkansas, along south-facing bluff lines where open forest mixed with grass and rocky outcrops provides preferred habitat. Mount Magazine (Logan Co.) is currently the only occupied site in the state and is the species' eastern-most breeding population range wide. Previously occupied sites were: Pinnacle Mountain (Pulaski Co.), Mount Nebo (Yell Co.), Horseshoe Mountain (Franklin Co.), Redland Mountain (Pike Co.), and Paul Mountain (Montgomery Co.). Habitat restoration efforts should focus on these or similar sites. Isolated populations in Arkansas and elswhere in the species s range suggest it has good dispersal abilities and thus the potential to recolonize following restoration. However, the shy and secretive nature of this species makes it difficult to study. (Arkansas Audubon Society 2012, Collins 1999, eBird 2014, Hamel 1992, James and Neal 1986, Martin and Finch 1995, National Audubon Society 2002, Rich and others 2004, Sauer and others 2004 )LVAL p4AGFC - retired Mr. Steve Filipek, SAU Dr. Henry Robison, UA/Ft. Smith Dr. Tom Buchanan, AGFC Mr. Jeff Quinn, AGFC Mr. Brian Wagner, ANHC Mr. Jason ThroneberryAGFC - retired Mr. Steve Filipek, SAU Dr. Henry Robison, UA/Ft. Smith Dr. Tom Buchanan, AGFC Mr. Jeff Quinn, AGFC Mr. Brian Wagner, ANHC Mr. Jason ThroneberryAGFC Ms. Karen Rowe, ANHC Mr. Bill Holimon, USFWS-retired Mr. Allan Mueller, Audubon Arkansas Dr. Dan Scheiman, AGFC Mr. Dick Baxter, USFS Mr. Leif Anderson, USGS Dr. David Krementz, ASU Dr. Than Boves, ATU Dr. Chris Kellner, UA Dr. Kim Smith, UAM Dr. Doug Osborne, AGFC Mr. Garrick Dugger, AGFC Mr. Bubba Groves, AGFC Ms. Allison Fowler, USFWS Mr. Mike Budd, USFWS Ms. Erin Knoll, USFS Mr. Steve DuzanAGFC Ms. Karen Rowe, ANHC Mr. Bill Holimon, USFWS-retired Mr. Allan Mueller, Audubon Arkansas Dr. Dan Scheiman, AGFC Mr. Dick Baxter, USFS Mr. Leif Anderson, USGS Dr. David Krementz, ASU Dr. Than Boves, ATU Dr. Chris Kellner, UA Dr. Kim Smith, UAM Dr. Doug Osborne, AGFC Mr. Garrick Dugger, AGFC Mr. Bubba Groves, AGFC Ms. Allison Fowler, USFWS Mr. Mike Budd, USFWS Ms. Erin Knoll, USFS Mr. Steve DuzanAGFC Ms. Karen Rowe, ANHC Mr. Bill Holimon, USFWS-retired Mr. Allan Mueller, Audubon Arkansas Dr. Dan Scheiman, AGFC Mr. Dick Baxter, USFS Mr. Leif Anderson, USGS Dr. David Krementz, ASU Dr. Than Boves, ATU Dr. Chris Kellner, UA Dr. Kim Smith, UAM Dr. Doug Osborne, AGFC Mr. Garrick Dugger, AGFC Mr. Bubba Groves, AGFC Ms. Allison Fowler, USFWS Mr. Mike Budd, USFWS Ms. Erin Knoll, USFS Mr. Steve DuzanAGFC Ms. Karen Rowe, ANHC Mr. Bill Holimon, USFWS-retired Mr. Allan Mueller, Audubon Arkansas Dr. Dan Scheiman, AGFC Mr. Dick Baxter, USFS Mr. Leif Anderson, USGS Dr. David Krementz, ASU Dr. Than Boves, ATU Dr. Chris Kellner, UA Dr. Kim Smith, UAM Dr. Doug Osborne, AGFC Mr. Garrick Dugger, AGFC Mr. Bubba Groves, AGFC Ms. Allison Fowler, USFWS Mr. Mike Budd, USFWS Ms. Erin Knoll, USFS Mr. Steve DuzanLVALxLike other grassland specialists, populations are probably declining due to a lack of habitat. Its quiet and secretive nature make it difficult to study, especially on its winter range. Grassland habitat can be maintained or enhanced through treatments such as haying, grazing, and burning or combinations thereof, though annual disturbance management should be avoided because it reduces dense litter favored by this species. This species would benefit from farm bill program projects that protect, restore, and manage grasslands. (Arkansas Audubon Society 2012, Dechant and others 2003, Hamel 1992, James and Neal 1986, Lowther 2005, Martin and Finch 1995, National Audubon Society 2002, Rich and others 2004, Sauer and others 2004)Small breeding season populations of Henslow s sparrows occur in tallgrass prairie remnants of northwest Arkansas. Protection, management, or restoration of privately owned tracts of tallgrass prairie through farm bill programs or other means would likely increase available breeding habitat. Larger populations occur in the winter in southern Arkansas, with the greatest number observed in saline glades within pine flatwoods of the Ouachita Terraces. Restoration of pine flatwoods structure to savanna and open woodlands may provide additional winter habitat, as would increased protection, management or restoration of calcareous prairie in southwestern portions of the state. (Arkansas Audubon Society 2012, Bechtoldt and Stouffer. 2005, Cooper 2007, Herkert and others 2002, Hamel 1992, Holimon and others 2004, Holimon and others 2008, James and Neal 1986, Martin and Finch 1995, National Audubon Society 2002, Rich and others 2004, Sauer and others 2004)rLVALUnlike other blackbirds, this species has undergone significant population decline. Much more research is needed to understand the factors responsible for this decline, but it may be due in part to the destruction of wet woods these birds prefer on the breeding grounds. Clearing the land for agriculture and urbanization also has promoted other blackbirds that may out-compete Rusty Blackbirds. (Arkansas Audubon Society 2012, Avery 2013, Hamel 1992, James and Neal 1986, Martin and Finch 1995, Newell 2013, National Audubon Society 2002, Rich and others 2004, Sauer and others 2004)Smith s longspurs occur only in winter Arkansas, primarily along airport runways where prior soil disturbance favored the establishment of large stands of three-awn grass (Aristida spp). The number of known airport locations in the state supporting this bird has declined, likely due in part to this early successional grassland habitat type succeeding to a later seral grassland stage having different composition and structure. Without repeated disturbance favoring three-awn grass, succession to other grassland habitats resulting in loss of habitat suitable for wintering Smith s Longspurs is inevitable. In addition, airport managers now commonly replant disturbed areas associated with airport construction with non-native species such as Bermuda grass. Further, many airport managers have replaced three-awn grass and other native species with Bermuda grass for aesthetic purposes. Bermuda grass is not an important component of their winter habitat and deters their presence when it is dominant, perhaps because of deeper thatch. (Arkansas Audubon Society 2012, Briskie 2009, Grzybowski 1980, Hamel 1992, James and Neal 1986, Holimon and others 2012, Martin and Finch 1995, Monroe 2010, National Audubon Society 2002, Rich and others 2004, Sauer and others 2004)hLVAL |Description: A pale yellow and silvery shiner with a blunt nose and large eye (Robison and Buchanan 1988). Recent surveys revealed healthy populations of this fish in the Buffalo and Spring rivers. Numbers were low or absent in several rivers where the species historically was found (Robison 1995). Rigsby (2009) reported collecting 7 individuals from 2 locations in the Eleven Point River.Description: A pale sturgeon with a flattened, shovel-shaped snout and a long, slender caudal peduncle (Robison and Buchanan 1988). This species was listed as endangered under the Endangered Species Act, due to impacts on its large river habitats (USFWS 1993). A large research program has greatly increased understanding of this Mississippi River species, and over 500 pallid sturgeon have been captured during the past 10 years (e.g., Kilgore and others 2007). Habitat selection was documented by Herrala and others (2014), and the species was detected using the lower Arkansas River during two consecutive winters. Shovelnose sturgeon were listed based on similarity of appearance with pallid sturgeon to eliminate the threat of accidental and illegal commercial harvest (Federal Register 2010). The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (2013) recently developed a 7(a)(1) conservation plan for pallid sturgeon.Description: A large sturgeon (maximum size 8 feet long), with a pointed, short, conical snout, and robust body (Robison and Buchanan 1988). A primarily northern species only known from Arkansas from a few records (Robison and Buchanan 1988). Lake sturgeon were not detected in a three-year faunal survey of Arkansas large rivers (Layher, Crabb, and Spurlock 2005) or by multiple studies performed to capture pallid sturgeon in the lower Mississippi River (Kilgore et al. 2007; Herrala et al. 2014). AGFC does not recognize historical reports of the species from the Ouachita River basin. It is unclear if a breeding population of this species has ever occurred in Arkansas.LVAL X  h,x<AGFC - retired Mr. Steve Filipek, SAU Dr. Henry Robison, UA/Ft. Smith Dr. Tom Buchanan, AGFC Mr. Jeff Quinn, AGFC Mr. Brian Wagner, ANHC Mr. Jason ThroneberryAGFC - retired Mr. Steve Filipek, SAU Dr. Henry Robison, UA/Ft. Smith Dr. Tom Buchanan, AGFC Mr. Jeff Quinn, AGFC Mr. Brian Wagner, ANHC Mr. Jason ThroneberryAGFC - retired Mr. Steve Filipek, SAU Dr. Henry Robison, UA/Ft. Smith Dr. Tom Buchanan, AGFC Mr. Jeff Quinn, AGFC Mr. Brian Wagner, ANHC Mr. Jason ThroneberryAGFC - retired Mr. Steve Filipek, SAU Dr. Henry Robison, UA/Ft. Smith Dr. Tom Buchanan, AGFC Mr. Jeff Quinn, AGFC Mr. Brian Wagner, ANHC Mr. Jason ThroneberryAGFC - retired Mr. Steve Filipek, SAU Dr. Henry Robison, UA/Ft. Smith Dr. Tom Buchanan, AGFC Mr. Jeff Quinn, AGFC Mr. Brian Wagner, ANHC Mr. Jason ThroneberryAGFC - retired Mr. Steve Filipek, SAU Dr. Henry Robison, UA/Ft. Smith Dr. Tom Buchanan, AGFC Mr. Jeff Quinn, AGFC Mr. Brian Wagner, ANHC Mr. Jason ThroneberryAGFC - retired Mr. Steve Filipek, SAU Dr. Henry Robison, UA/Ft. Smith Dr. Tom Buchanan, AGFC Mr. Jeff Quinn, AGFC Mr. Brian Wagner, ANHC Mr. Jason ThroneberryAGFC - retired Mr. Steve Filipek, SAU Dr. Henry Robison, UA/Ft. Smith Dr. Tom Buchanan, AGFC Mr. Jeff Quinn, AGFC Mr. Brian Wagner, ANHC Mr. Jason ThroneberryAGFC - retired Mr. Steve Filipek, SAU Dr. Henry Robison, UA/Ft. Smith Dr. Tom Buchanan, AGFC Mr. Jeff Quinn, AGFC Mr. Brian Wagner, ANHC Mr. Jason ThroneberryAGFC - retired Mr. Steve Filipek, SAU Dr. Henry Robison, UA/Ft. Smith Dr. Tom Buchanan, AGFC Mr. Jeff Quinn, AGFC Mr. Brian Wagner, ANHC Mr. Jason ThroneberryAGFC - retired Mr. Steve Filipek, SAU Dr. Henry Robison, UA/Ft. Smith Dr. Tom Buchanan, AGFC Mr. Jeff Quinn, AGFC Mr. Brian Wagner, ANHC Mr. Jason Throneberry, AGFC Mr. Eric BrinkmanAGFC - retired Mr. Steve Filipek, SAU Dr. Henry Robison, UA/Ft. Smith Dr. Tom Buchanan, AGFC Mr. Jeff Quinn, AGFC Mr. Brian Wagner, ANHC Mr. Jason ThroneberryZLVAL nDescription: A small, compressed, tan shiner (Robison and Buchanan 1988). Great Plains endemic of the Arkansas River, taken only once in Arkansas and likely extirpated today (Robison and Buchanan 1988). It has declined greatly across its range (Larson 1991) and has been listed as threatened under the Endangered Species Act (Federal Register 1998). This species is believed extirpated from Arkansas. The only record of its occurrence dates from 1939. If populations are discovered in Arkansas, this information will be included in future iterations of this report.Description: Large, heavy bodied gar with a short, broad snout similar to that of its namesake (Robison and Buchanan 1988). These large, slow growing fish were heavily harvested in the past. While quite rare, it is evident that they still occur in most of the large rivers of Arkansas (Layher and Phillips 2000).The Fourche La Fave River breeding population has been studied by Inebnit (2009) and Adams and others (2013). The Arkansas Game and Fish Commission developed an independent, species specific management plan for alligator gar (Barnett and others 2011). In 2010, recreational anglers were restricted to 1 fish per day, with a closed the season during the normal spawning season. Commercial harvest is still unrestricted, but annual reporting of the catch is mandatory as of January 2013. Studies to evaluate genetic diversity of Arkansas populations are underway.Description: A very large (maximum length 60 inches), scaleless, cartilaginous fish with an elongated paddle-like nose or rostrum (Robison and Buchanan 1988). Found in most of the large rivers in Arkansas; harvest for the caviar industry is impacting size structure and recruitment in some areas (Quinn and others 2009; Leone and others 2012; Sharov and others 2014). Paddlefish habitat use and spawning areas were determined for Ozark Lake (Donabauer and others 2009), and studies are underway to evaluate habitat use on Lake Dardanelle.LVALl LDescription: A small, tan to gray, compressed shiner (Robison and Buchanan 1988). Species is locally abundant in Oklahoma/Texas, occurs in Arkansas only on periphery of its range. Only known in Arkansas from 2 pre-1950 records from the Red River (Robison and Buchanan 1988). The species has been collected 18-km upstream of the Arkansas state line as recently as 1995, so future sampling of the Red River could possibly detect the species (Buchanan and others 2003).Description: A robust, blunt-nosed, small-headed shiner with a fairly large eye and a black stripe down its side (Robison and Buchanan 1988). The Blackspot shiner is a rare fish in small, clear streams of the Red River basin (Robison and Buchanan 1988). Bean and others (2010) described habitat use, life history, and diet of the species.Description: A deep-bodied, compressed, silvery, shad-like with a large eye (Robison and Buchanan 1988). An inhabitant of medium to large rivers, abundant nowhere in state (Robison and Buchanan 1988). During high flows, the species is captured in moderate numbers by anglers with cast nets at the Arkansas River below Dam 2. Goldeye comprised 0.1% of fish captured in the White River by Vaught 2013.Description: A streamlined, slab-sided, silvery fish, growing to a maximum size of 18 inches (Robison and Buchanan 1988). An anadromous fish that travels from the Gulf of Mexico upstream into freshwater rivers to spawn. It has been designated by the National Marine Fisheries Service as a candidate for listing under the Endangered Species Act (Federal Register 1999), and a 90-day finding indicated there is substantial scientific evidence that listing may be warranted (Federal Register 2013). Rigsby (2009) captured 26 specimens from 4 locations in the Ouachita River. Three juvenile Alabama shad were collected in the White River near Newport during 2006 (Layher and others 2005; Buchanan and others 2012).B   8Southern CavefishTyphlichthys subterraneusFishSemi-AquaticS1G4@ AFCLA04010ActinopterygiiPercopsiformesAmblyopsidaeUnknown<@ xhhh\PLH::4,8Ozark CavefishTroglichthys rosaeFishSemi-AquaticS1G3. @ AFCLA01010LT84-11-01ActinopterygiiPercopsiformesAmblyopsidaeDecreasing<@ |lb^RFB>00*,8Brown MadtomNoturus phaeusFishAquaticS1?G4@ AFCKA02190ActinopterygiiSiluriformesIctaluridaeUnknown<@ rdTTTH<83**$,8Pealip RedhorseMoxostoma pisolabrumFishAquaticS2G5@ AFCJC10010ActinopterygiiCypriniformesCatostomidaeUnknown<@ {l\\\PD@<33-,^8Lake ChubsuckerErimyzon sucettaFishAquaticS3G5@ AFCJC05020ActinopterygiiCypriniformesCatostomidaeUnknown<@ whXXXL@<8//),^8Blue SuckerCycleptus elongatusFishAquaticS3G3G4@ AFCJC04010ActinopterygiiCypriniformesCatostomidaeStable<@ xiYYYMA;7..(,ޛ8Bluehead ShinerPteronotropis hubbsiFishAquaticS3G3@ AFCJB59020ActinopterygiiCypriniformesCyprinidaeDecreasing<@ {l\\\PD@<33-,8Flathead ChubPlatygobio gracilisFishAquaticSHG5$@ AFCJB57010ActinopterygiiCypriniformesCyprinidaeUnknown<@ xiYYYMA=900*,8Sicklefin ChubMacrhybopsis meekiFishAquaticS1G3@ AFCJB53030ActinopterygiiCypriniformesCyprinidaeDecreasing<@ xiYYYMA=900*,8Spotfin ShinerCyprinella spilopteraFishAquaticS1?G5&@ AFCJB49190ActinopterygiiCypriniformesCyprinidaeUnknown<@ |m]]]QEA<33-,8Bluntface ShinerCyprinella camuraFishAquaticSHG5@ AFCJB49060ActinopterygiiCypriniformesCyprinidaeUnknown<@ yjZZZNB>:11+,~8Suckermouth MinnowPhenacobius mirabilisFishAquaticS1?G5@ AFCJB30030ActinopterygiiCypriniformesCyprinidaeUnknown<@ qaaaUIE@771,ޒ8Sabine ShinerNotropis sabinaeFishAquaticS2G4@ AFCJB28830ActinopterygiiCypriniformesCyprinidaeUnknown<@ ufVVVJ>:6--',8Ozark ShinerNotropis ozarcanusFishAquaticS3G3@ AFCJB28710ActinopterygiiCypriniformesCyprinidaeDecreasing<@ vgWWWK?;7..(,>8Arkansas River ShinerNotropis girardiFishAquaticSHG2v@ AFCJB28490LT98-11-28ActinopterygiiCypriniformesCyprinidaeUnknown<@ |lb^RFB>55/,^"LVALz r L`<Description: A large, silvery chub reaching 9 inches maximum length (Robison and Buchanan 1988). Known in Arkansas from only 3 collections on the Mississippi River (Robison and Buchanan 1988). It inhabits turbid, alkaline waters with shifting sand substrate (Tibbs 1998).Description: A pale, silvery, barbeled minnow with a round snout and small eyes (Robison and Buchanan 1988). Only one istorical Arkansas record, which is from the Mississippi River (Robison and Buchanan 1988). Recent collections of three individuals (2006, 2008) have been made by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers at Mhoon Bend and Island 63 (Dr. Todd Slack, personal communication). This species has declined in the Missouri portion of the Mississippi River (Robert Hrabik, personal communication).Description: A compressed, bluish silvery shiner with a dusky lateral band and a black blotch on the dorsal fin (Smith 1979). This northeastern species is very rare in Arkansas having been collected only twice, from widely separated localities (Robison and Buchanan 1988).Description: A bluish silver, flattened shiner with a pale area at the base of the tail fin (Cross and Collins 1995). This species is rare in Arkansas, having been found only in four, pre-1960 collections from northwest Arkansas (Robison and Buchanan 1988).Description: A fairly large, streamlined minnow with a blunt snout and sucker-like mouth (Robison and Buchanan 1988). Rare in Arkansas, with only one collection since 1940 (Robison and Buchanan 1988).Description: A small, silver-sided shiner with a small eye (Robison and Buchanan 1988). Populations in rivers of the eastern Ozarks are widely disjunct from range in the coastal plain of east Texas and west Louisiana (Robison and Buchanan 1988).LVAL  L  \ l0AGFC Kelly Irwin, UCA Don Shepard, Kory RobertsAGFC - retired Mr. Steve Filipek, SAU Dr. Henry Robison, UA/Ft. Smith Dr. Tom Buchanan, AGFC Mr. Jeff Quinn, AGFC Mr. Brian Wagner, ANHC Mr. Jason ThroneberryAGFC - retired Mr. Steve Filipek, SAU Dr. Henry Robison, UA/Ft. Smith Dr. Tom Buchanan, AGFC Mr. Jeff Quinn, AGFC Mr. Brian Wagner, ANHC Mr. Jason ThroneberryAGFC - retired Mr. Steve Filipek, SAU Dr. Henry Robison, UA/Ft. Smith Dr. Tom Buchanan, AGFC Mr. Jeff Quinn, AGFC Mr. Brian Wagner, ANHC Mr. Jason ThroneberryAGFC - retired Mr. Steve Filipek, SAU Dr. Henry Robison, UA/Ft. Smith Dr. Tom Buchanan, AGFC Mr. Jeff Quinn, AGFC Mr. Brian Wagner, ANHC Mr. Jason ThroneberryAGFC - retired Mr. Steve Filipek, SAU Dr. Henry Robison, UA/Ft. Smith Dr. Tom Buchanan, AGFC Mr. Jeff Quinn, AGFC Mr. Brian Wagner, ANHC Mr. Jason ThroneberryAGFC - retired Mr. Steve Filipek, SAU Dr. Henry Robison, UA/Ft. Smith Dr. Tom Buchanan, AGFC Mr. Jeff Quinn, AGFC Mr. Brian Wagner, ANHC Mr. Jason ThroneberryAGFC - retired Mr. Steve Filipek, SAU Dr. Henry Robison, UA/Ft. Smith Dr. Tom Buchanan, AGFC Mr. Jeff Quinn, AGFC Mr. Brian Wagner, ANHC Mr. Jason ThroneberryAGFC - retired Mr. Steve Filipek, SAU Dr. Henry Robison, UA/Ft. Smith Dr. Tom Buchanan, AGFC Mr. Jeff Quinn, AGFC Mr. Brian Wagner, ANHC Mr. Jason ThroneberryAGFC - retired Mr. Steve Filipek, SAU Dr. Henry Robison, UA/Ft. Smith Dr. Tom Buchanan, AGFC Mr. Jeff Quinn, AGFC Mr. Brian Wagner, ANHC Mr. Jason ThroneberryAGFC - retired Mr. Steve Filipek, SAU Dr. Henry Robison, UA/Ft. Smith Dr. Tom Buchanan, AGFC Mr. Jeff Quinn, AGFC Mr. Brian Wagner, ANHC Mr. Jason ThroneberryAGFC - retired Mr. Steve Filipek, SAU Dr. Henry Robison, UA/Ft. Smith Dr. Tom Buchanan, AGFC Mr. Jeff Quinn, AGFC Mr. Brian Wagner, ANHC Mr. Jason ThroneberryAGFC - retired Mr. Steve Filipek, SAU Dr. Henry Robison, UA/Ft. Smith Dr. Tom Buchanan, AGFC Mr. Jeff Quinn, AGFC Mr. Brian Wagner, ANHC Mr. Jason ThroneberryLVALx ,Description: A heavy-bodied, brown, small catfish (Robison and Buchanan 1988). This species has been reported from Bayou Dorcheat and a tributary to Horsehead Creek. The Bayou Dorcheat occurrence is the only one that is post-1972.Description: A slender sucker with a red tail, growing to 24 inches (Robison and Buchanan 1988). This species was elevated from the shorthead redhorse by Nelson and others (2004). Sparse records for this species are likely due to limited sampling of large rivers instead of rarity (Robison and Buchanan 1988; McAllister and others 2010).Description: A small, deep bodied, slightly compressed, olive colored sucker, lacking a lateral line (Robison and Buchanan 1988).A lowland species occurring in quite heavily vegetated areas of oxbow lakes, sloughs, and backwaters (Robison and Buchanan 1988). Only one single individual was captured out of 220,116 fish in 49 riparian wetlands and backwaters of the Arkansas River (Adams and others 2007). Clark (2006) captured only 6 specimens out of approximately 45,000 fish from 41 White River oxbow lakes.Description: A large streamlined sucker having a long dorsal fin and growing to a maximum size of 40 inches (Robison and Buchanan 1988). Restricted to large river environment, blue suckers use habitats that are relatively deep with fast current (Layher 1998). Blue suckers are abundant in the Red River (Buchanan and others 2003; Layher and others 2005).Description: A small (2.5 inches maximum length), slab-sided minnow with a broad black lateral stripe and iridescent blue on top of head (Robison and Buchanan 1988). The species typically inhabits quiet backwaters of sluggish streams and oxbow lakes and spawns in association with sunfish nests (Ranvestel and Burr 2002).LVALDescription: A small, eyeless, unpigmented fish with an elongated, flattened head and a rounded tail fin (Robison and Buchanan 1988). This species was listed as threatened under the Endangered Species Act, due to habitat destruction, collection, and disturbance (USFWS 1988). Joint surveys are conducted biennially by a survey team from AGFC, USFWS, Arkansas Natural Heritage Commission, and The Nature Conservancy. The team is also actively working with developers in the rapidly growing northwest Arkansas portion of this species' range to minimize impacts on its habitat (David Kampwerth, personal communication).Graening and others (2010) indicated the species appears to be stable. The locations with the largest observable populations are under conservation ownership, with USFWS protecting Logan Cave and ANHC protecting Cave Springs Cave. The Illinois River Watershed Partnership development of educational facilities adjacent to Cave Springs Cave provides good opportunities for education, but may also increase illegal human entry to the cave. Arkansas has the large majority of observed individuals and ranks the species as an S1, Oklahoma also ranks it as S1, and Missouri ranks it as S2 based on based on a larger number of locations with rare sightings. In light of this, the global rank of G3 may be too high. The USFWS categorizes the population trend for this species as <30% to relatively stable, citing that 10 populations are stable, 6 have declined and 25 are undetermined. The long-term trend is a decline of 10-70% (USFWS 2011).nLVAL( Description: A stout, bluntnosed darter, the males of which develop a bright orange abdomen in breeding condition (Robison and Buchanan 1988). This darter is endemic to the Arkansas River basin and inhabits small spring runs, often with an abundance of water cress and other aquatic plants, and substrates of fine gravel, sand, and silt. It has been found historically at five locations in the Illinois River basin in Arkansas, three of which yielded specimens in a recent study (Hargrave 1998). Wagner and others (2011) provide the most recent summary of the species status. Recent monitoring of populations has revealed that some newly discovered populations may no longer persist (B. Wagner, pers. Com.).Description: A pale, very slender darter that is largely unscaled and translucent (Robison and Buchanan 1988). Inhabits moderate size rivers with sandy bottoms and is intolerant of excessive siltation and turbidity (Pflieger 1997). Kuehne and Barbour (1983) reported a trend of decreasing abundance over much of its range. Rigsby (2009) caught 202 individuals from 36 locations in the Black, Current, Eleven Point and Strawberry Rivers. In addition, he captured 17 individuals from 8 locations in the Ouachita and Saline rivers. Driver and Adams (2013) studied the life-history of the species from 379 individuals in northeast Arkansas rivers.Description: A small, eyeless, unpigmented fish with an elongated, flattened head and a rounded tail fin (Robison and Buchanan 1988). There are a small number of historic records of this species from wells and caves in the eastern Ozarks of Arkansas (Robison and Buchanan 1988). Ozark populations of the species appear to be a new species (Romero and Conner 2007; Niemiller and others 2011), thus the G-score and priority score for this species are functionally too low and need revision.B   8Ozark Pocket GopherGeomys bursarius ozarkensisMammalTerrestrialS1G5T1T3H@ AMAFC02013MammaliaRodentiaGeomyidaeUnknown @ {qqqeYQM@@8,8Black-tailed JackrabbitLepus californicusMammalTerrestrialS1S2G50@ AMAEB03050MammaliaLagomorphaLeporidaeUnknown @ tjjj^RNH;;3,^8Ozark Big-eared BatCorynorhinus townsendii ingensMammalTerrestrialS1G3G4T1@ AMACC08011LE79-11-30MammaliaChiropteraVespertilionidaeStable @ xth\TPCC;,>8Gray BatMyotis grisescensMammalTerrestrialS2S3G4 @ AMACC01040LE76-04-28MammaliaChiropteraVespertilionidaeIncreasing @ ~rh^ZNB>8++#,~8Crawford's Gray ShrewNotiosorex crawfordiMammalTerrestrialS2G5j@ AMABA05010MammaliaSoricomorphaSoricidaeUnknown @ rhhh\PLH;;3,8Southeastern ShrewSorex longirostrisMammalTerrestrialS2G5@ AMABA01060MammaliaSoricomorphaSoricidaeUnknown @ {mcccWKGC66.,8Stargazing DarterPercina uranideaFishAquaticS2G3@ AFCQC04300ActinopterygiiPerciformesPercidaeDecreasing<@ wjZZZNB>:11+,8Slenderhead DarterPercina phoxocephalaFishAquaticS2G5@ AFCQC04230ActinopterygiiPerciformesPercidaeUnknown<@ |o___SGC?660,^8Current DarterEtheostoma uniporumFishAquaticS3G4N@ AFCQC02C60ActinopterygiiPerciformesPercidaeUnknown<@ wjZZZNB>:11+,8Strawberry River DarterEtheostoma fragiFishAquaticS2G4l@ AFCQC02C50ActinopterygiiPerciformesPercidaeDecreasing<@ }p```THD@771,8Yellowcheek DarterEtheostoma mooreiFishAquaticS1G14@ AFCQC02460LE02-10-30ActinopterygiiPerciformesPercidaeDecreasing<@ zj`\PD@<33-,>8Least DarterEtheostoma micropercaFishAquaticS1G5@ AFCQC02450ActinopterygiiPerciformesPercidaeDecreasing<@ wjZZZNB>:11+,8Swamp DarterEtheostoma fusiformeFishAquaticS3G5@ AFCQC02280ActinopterygiiPerciformesPercidaeUnknown<@ viYYYMA=900*,8Arkansas DarterEtheostoma craginiFishAquaticS1G3G4@ AFCQC02170C99-10-25ActinopterygiiPerciformesPercidaeDecreasing<@ xh^\PD>:11+,8Western Sand DarterAmmocrypta claraFishAquaticS3G3@ AFCQC01040ActinopterygiiPerciformesPercidaeDecreasing<@ yl\\\PD@<33-,LVAL HDescription: A small brown darter reaching a maximum length of 2.5 inches (Robison and Buchanan 1988). This Arkansas endemic is restricted to tributaries of the upper Little Red River system. The species was listed by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service as endangered during 2011.Description: Arkansas' smallest darter, reaching a maximum length of 1.5 inches. It has no lateral line, is tan and brown in color, with some red in the fins (Robison and Buchanan 1988). While more common in the Great Lakes region, this darter is found in the Arkansas River basin of northwest Arkansas and inhabits small spring runs, often with an abundance of water cress and other aquatic plants, and substrates of fine gravel, sand, and silt. It has been found historically at five locations in the Illinois River basin in Arkansas, two of which yielded specimens in a recent study (Hargrave 1998). A genetics study of the species indicates that the least darter in Arkansas represents an undescribed cryptic species with a very limited range (Echelle and others 2015). Wagner and others (2012) reported extirpation of the species at three historic sites, so this species appears to be declining. The G-rank of this species does not currently reflect new genetic information. Thus, the Fish Taxa Team recommends that new genetic information be used with the G-rank calculator to re-evaluate this species.Description: A small bluntnose, dark mottled darter (Robison and Buchanan 1988). This darter has a widely scattered distribution in the lowlands of Arkansas, but is never abundant in any one locality (Robison and Buchanan 1988). It is almost always associated with dense aquatic vegetation and can tolerate low pH levels (Kuehne and Barbour 1983). Adams and others (2007) captured 53 individuals from 5 Arkansas River backwaters and wetlands. Clark (2006) captured 47 individuals in White River oxbow lakes.NLVAL  L  zpAGFC Mr. Blake Sasse, UALR Dr. Bob Sikes, UAM Dr. Don White, UALR Dr. Gary Heidt, Mr. J. D. Wilhide, HSU Dr. Renn Tumlison, ATU Dr. Tom Nupp, ASU Dr. Thomas Risch, USFS Mr. David Saugey, USFS Dr. Roger Perry, SAU Mr. Matthew Connior, ASU Mr. Stephen BrandenburaAGFC Mr. Blake Sasse, UALR Dr. Bob Sikes, UAM Dr. Don White, UALR Dr. Gary Heidt, Mr. J. D. Wilhide, HSU Dr. Renn Tumlison, ATU Dr. Tom Nupp, ASU Dr. Thomas Risch, USFS Mr. David Saugey, USFS Dr. Roger Perry, SAU Mr. Matthew Connior, ASU Mr. Stephen BrandenburaAGFC Mr. Blake Sasse, UALR Dr. Bob Sikes, UAM Dr. Don White, UALR Dr. Gary Heidt, Mr. J. D. Wilhide, HSU Dr. Renn Tumlison, ATU Dr. Tom Nupp, ASU Dr. Thomas Risch, USFS Mr. David Saugey, USFS Dr. Roger Perry, SAU Mr. Matthew Connior, ASU Mr. Stephen BrandenburaAGFC Mr. Blake Sasse, UALR Dr. Bob Sikes, UAM Dr. Don White, UALR Dr. Gary Heidt, Mr. J. D. Wilhide, HSU Dr. Renn Tumlison, ATU Dr. Tom Nupp, ASU Dr. Thomas Risch, USFS Mr. David Saugey, USFS Dr. Roger Perry, SAU Mr. Matthew Connior, ASU Mr. Stephen BrandenburaAGFC - retired Mr. Steve Filipek, SAU Dr. Henry Robison, UA/Ft. Smith Dr. Tom Buchanan, AGFC Mr. Jeff Quinn, AGFC Mr. Brian Wagner, ANHC Mr. Jason ThroneberryAGFC - retired Mr. Steve Filipek, SAU Dr. Henry Robison, UA/Ft. Smith Dr. Tom Buchanan, AGFC Mr. Jeff Quinn, AGFC Mr. Brian Wagner, ANHC Mr. Jason ThroneberryAGFC - retired Mr. Steve Filipek, SAU Dr. Henry Robison, UA/Ft. Smith Dr. Tom Buchanan, AGFC Mr. Jeff Quinn, AGFC Mr. Brian Wagner, ANHC Mr. Jason ThroneberryAGFC - retired Mr. Steve Filipek, SAU Dr. Henry Robison, UA/Ft. Smith Dr. Tom Buchanan, AGFC Mr. Jeff Quinn, AGFC Mr. Brian Wagner, ANHC Mr. Jason ThroneberryAGFC - retired Mr. Steve Filipek, SAU Dr. Henry Robison, UA/Ft. Smith Dr. Tom Buchanan, AGFC Mr. Jeff Quinn, AGFC Mr. Brian Wagner, ANHC Mr. Jason ThroneberryAGFC - retired Mr. Steve Filipek, SAU Dr. Henry Robison, UA/Ft. Smith Dr. Tom Buchanan, AGFC Mr. Jeff Quinn, AGFC Mr. Brian Wagner, ANHC Mr. Jason ThroneberryXLVAL FlDescription: A medium-sized, yellow-brown darter with 10-15 indistinct blotches along the side (Robison and Buchanan 1988). Rarely occurs in the Arkansas River drainage of northwest Arkansas (Robison and Buchanan 1988). This is the most widely distributed member of its subgenus, Swainia, ranging from Oklahoma east to Pennsylvania and north to Wisconsin (Page and Smith 1971). The taxonomic status of specimens from the White River, Ozark Mountains Ecoregion is uncertain at this time (Robison and Buchanan 1988). Buchanan (2005) captured 4 specimens in two Arkansas River reservoirs (Lake Dardanelle, Ozark Lake).Description: A yellowish brown darter with dark brown saddles. Breeding males have predominately blue dorsal fins an orange throat, and forward slanting turquoise bars on the sides, (Robison and Buchanan 1988). This member of the orangethroat darter group was elevated to species status by Ceas and Page (1997). The species is restricted to the Current, Eleven Point, and Spring River basins (Robison and Buchanan 1988).Description: A yellowish brown darter with dark brown saddles. Breeding males have a red throat, turquoise bars on the sides, and orange between some of the bars and on the belly (Robison and Buchanan 1988). This member of the orangethroat darter group was elevated to species status by Ceas and Page (1997). The species is restricted to the Strawberry River basin and, while it remains locally abundant throughout this range, abundance seems to have declined over the past twenty years (Robison 1998). The status of the species is currently being evaluated by Kyler Hecke and Dr. Steve Lochmann. The consensus of the Fish Taxa Team is that G-rank calculator should be used to re-evaluate the G4 rank of the species, because the species is only found in Arkansas and the state rank calculator scored the species S2.LVAL A smallish shrew with a sharply pointed snout, beady eyes, and small ears nearly hidden in the fine soft pelage; pelage brown above, cinnamon brown or ochraceous tawny below; five small unicuspidate teeth behind the upper incisors (the fifth is minute, the fourth generally is larger than [less commonly equal to] the third, and both of these are smaller than the first and second; tips of teeth are dark chestnut; feet are delicate, with slender weak claws; condylobasal length of skull 13.8-15.5 mm. (Natureserve 2005, Sasse and others 2004, Sealander and Heidt 1990) 2007: S Rank changed from S2? to S2. A status survey for this species was performed from 2007-2009, and after completing 17,983 trap nights at 329 locations with only 2 shrew captures, concluded that the species is rare in the state (Mikel and others 2010). It has also been recently collected from Pope County (Showen 2006).Description: A robust darter with 4 dark saddles and eyes closely set high on the head (Robison and Buchanan 1988). Prefers clear water and is intolerant of silt - extirpated in Illinois and Indiana (Robison and Buchanan 1988). Rigsby (2009) used mitochondrial DNA to conclude that disjunct populations in the Ouachita and Black river drainages are divergent and should be considered separate management units. Populations in the Black River drainage are large and stable (Rigsby 2009; Stroman 2014). Populations in the Ouachita River drainage have declined. Rigsby (2009) did not detect the species in the Saline River, and Stroman (2014) collected only 4 specimens at two lower Saline River sites and one Ouachita River site. Caldwell (2011) only captured stargazing darters (0.26 fish/100 m2) in the transition area of the Ouachita River that is flooded by Lake Ouachita.LVAL A bat with unicolored dorsal fur (gray after the mid-summer molt, at other times sometimes chestnut brown or russet); paler below, with hairs darker basally; wing membrane (gray) connects to the foot at the ankle; calcar is unkeeled; total length 80-105 mm; forearm length 40-46 mm; ear length 14-16 mm; tail length 33-45 mm; hind foot 9-12 mm; mass 7-16 g (usually 8-10 g). wingspread 275-300. Distinct sagittal crest on skull. Natureserve 2005, Sasse and others 2004, Sealander and Heidt, 1990) 2007: S Rank changed from S2 to S2S3. An evaluation of the population trends of gray bat in the western portion of its range found that 79% of colonies were stable or increasing, and 9 of 14 actions required by the recovery plan in this region were entirely or partially completed. The dramatic decline in gray bat populations that led to its listing as endangered in 1976 may have halted, and gray bat populations appeared to be recovering (Sasse and others 2007). Pesticides, which were thought to be one of the reasons for the original decline, seem to still be present in gray bats in the state (Sasse 2005). Several counties have been added to the known distribution of this species in Arkansas (Sasse and Saugey 2008).More commonly found in western United States. 2007: S Rank changed from S1? to S2. (Natureserve 2005, Sasse and others 2004, Sealander and Heidt 1990) Name revised from Desert Shrew. Only a few specimens from Miller, Sebastian, and Ouachita counties have been collected in Arkansas in recent years, and a status survey indicates that they are rare even in good habitat in western Arkansas (Thomas 2005, Connior and others 2012).|LVAL This species has a small range and is known only from Izard County, Arkansas. The subspecies was first described in 2000. (Elrod and others 2000, Natureserve 2005, Sasse and others 2004) 2007: S Rank changed from S? to S1. Projects conducted under this program have closed data gaps relating to the home range, survival, dispersal, and habitat use for this species, while developing new techniques for capture and monitoring using radiotelemetry (Connior and Risch 2009a, Connior and Risch 2009b, Connior and others 2010, Connior and Risch 2010). A wide number of other species were found to be associated with Ozark pocket gopher burrows (Connior and others 2008).Common in western U.S. Inhabits open plains, fields and deserts, open country with scattered thickets or patches of shrubs. Rests by day in shallow depression (form). (Natureserve 2005, Sasse and others 2004, Sealander and Heidt 1990) 2007 : S Rank changed from S3 to S1S2.General description: Dorsal hairs brown with fuscous bases, ventral hairs cinnamon with fuscous bases; contrast between hair tips and bases is fairly sharp. The species is more common in the western U.S. Two subspecies are listed as endangered species. (Natureserve 2005, Sasse and others 2004, Sealander and Heidt 1990) 2007: No change in S Rank. A long-term assessment of the overall status of this species in Arkansas and Oklahoma found that populations may be increasing though gaps in survey data make population trends difficult to determine at many sites (Graening and others 2011). Moths, the primary prey species of the Ozark big-eared bat, were found to vary in abundance by habitat type near maternity caves used by this species and that forested riparian corridors are important as foraging habitat (Dodd and Lacki 2007; Dodd and others 2008, Dodd and others 2011).LVAL RAGFC Kelly Irwin, UCA Don Shepard, Kory RobertsAGFC Kelly Irwin, UCA Don Shepard, Kory RobertsAGFC Mr. Blake Sasse, UALR Dr. Bob Sikes, UAM Dr. Don White, UALR Dr. Gary Heidt, Mr. J. D. Wilhide, HSU Dr. Renn Tumlison, ATU Dr. Tom Nupp, ASU Dr. Thomas Risch, USFS Mr. David Saugey, USFS Dr. Roger Perry, SAU Mr. Matthew Connior, ASU Mr. Stephen BrandenburaAGFC Mr. Blake Sasse, UALR Dr. Bob Sikes, UAM Dr. Don White, UALR Dr. Gary Heidt, Mr. J. D. Wilhide, HSU Dr. Renn Tumlison, ATU Dr. Tom Nupp, ASU Dr. Thomas Risch, USFS Mr. David Saugey, USFS Dr. Roger Perry, SAU Mr. Matthew Connior, ASU Mr. Stephen BrandenburaAGFC Mr. Blake Sasse, UALR Dr. Bob Sikes, UAM Dr. Don White, UALR Dr. Gary Heidt, Mr. J. D. Wilhide, HSU Dr. Renn Tumlison, ATU Dr. Tom Nupp, ASU Dr. Thomas Risch, USFS Mr. David Saugey, USFS Dr. Roger Perry, SAU Mr. Matthew Connior, ASU Mr. Stephen BrandenburaAGFC Mr. Blake Sasse, UALR Dr. Bob Sikes, UAM Dr. Don White, UALR Dr. Gary Heidt, Mr. J. D. Wilhide, HSU Dr. Renn Tumlison, ATU Dr. Tom Nupp, ASU Dr. Thomas Risch, USFS Mr. David Saugey, USFS Dr. Roger Perry, SAU Mr. Matthew Connior, ASU Mr. Stephen BrandenburaAGFC Mr. Blake Sasse, UALR Dr. Bob Sikes, UAM Dr. Don White, UALR Dr. Gary Heidt, Mr. J. D. Wilhide, HSU Dr. Renn Tumlison, ATU Dr. Tom Nupp, ASU Dr. Thomas Risch, USFS Mr. David Saugey, USFS Dr. Roger Perry, SAU Mr. Matthew Connior, ASU Mr. Stephen BrandenburanburaAGFC Mr. Blake Sasse, UALR Dr. Bob Sikes, UAM Dr. Don White, UALR Dr. Gary Heidt, Mr. J. D. Wilhide, HSU Dr. Renn Tumlison, ATU Dr. Tom Nupp, ASU Dr. Thomas Risch, USFS Mr. David Saugey, USFS Dr. Roger Perry, SAU Mr. Matthew Connior, ASU Mr. Stephen BrandenburaAGFC Mr. Blake Sasse, UALR Dr. Bob Sikes, UAM Dr. Don White, UALR Dr. Gary Heidt, Mr. J. D. Wilhide, HSU Dr. Renn Tumlison, ATU Dr. Tom Nupp, ASU Dr. Thomas Risch, USFS Mr. David Saugey, USFS Dr. Roger Perry, SAU Mr. Matthew Connior, ASU Mr. Stephen BrandenburaLVALp JHPrefers boggy habitat but also common in marshes, meadows, and upland forests with thick humus layer (especially when conditions not hot and dry); areas with intermixture of herbaceous/shrubby vegetation. Occupies burrow systems usually 6-12 inches deep and surface runways (e.g., beneath sphagnum and among roots of shrubs). Young are born in nests placed on the surface in grassy vegetation or in underground burrows. (Natureserve 2005, Sasse and others 2004, Sealander and Heidt 1990) 2007: S Rank changed from S2S3 to S2.Habitats include old fields, meadows, weedy roadsides, agricultural areas, grassy situations within pine-oak forest, and riparian borders. Prefers dense vegetative cover. Also may be found in shrubby, arid regions. (Natureserve 2005, Sasse and others 2004, Sealander and Heidt 1990) 2007: Status changed from S3S4 to S3. A museum specimen was collected in Sharp county in 1987, but only recently reported on is the first record of this species in the Ozark highland ecosystem (Connior and others 2012).Prefers old fields, marshes, and wet meadows. Climbs among herbaceous vegetation. Nests are placed in tangled vegetation under debris or above ground. (Natureserve 2005, Sasse and others 2004, Sealander and Heidt 1990) 2007: S Rank changed from S1? To S2. A few additional specimens of this species have been located in recent years (Connior and others 2011, Connior and others 2012).Occupies areas with less than 50 percent bare soil; weedy situations. Old hayfields, highway medians, cultivated fields (wheat, sorghum), grazed riparian woodland. May nest in grass on or above ground, in underground burrow, beneath rock in stony pasture, under log or discarded lumber, or in other object on or near ground. (Natureserve 2005, Sasse and others 2004, Sealander and Heidt 1990) 2007: S Rank changed from S1? to S1. Several specimens were recently captured in cool-season grass habitat at the Pea Ridge National Military Park in Benton county (Reddin 2014). B   "*58Texas CoralsnakeMicrurus tenerReptileTerrestrialS2G5|@ ARADC02012ReptiliaSerpentesElapidaeUnknown^@ }}}}}}sh^^^RFB>11(,8Ground SnakeSonora semiannulataReptileTerrestrialS1G5n@ ARADB32010ReptiliaSerpentesColubridaeUnknown^@ ti___SGC?22),8QueensnakeRegina septemvittataReptileSemi-AquaticS1G5@ ARADB27040ReptiliaSerpentesColubridaeDecreasingB@ ti___SGC?11(,~8Glossy SwampsnakeLiodytes rigidaReptileTerrestrialS3G5@ ARADB27033ReptiliaSerpentesColubridaeUnknown^@ uj```THD@33*,^8Graham's Crayfish SnakeRegina grahamiiReptileTerrestrialS2G5@ ARADB27020ReptiliaSerpentesColubridaeUnknown^@ {pfffZNJF990,~8Common WormsnakeCarphophis amoenusReptileTerrestrialS2G5@ ARADB02012ReptiliaSerpentesColubridaeUnknown^@ wlbbbVJFB55,,8Slender Glass LizardOphisaurus attenuatusReptileTerrestrialS3G5@G ARACB02011ReptiliaLacertiliaAnguidaeUnknown^@ siii]QMI<<3,8Ornate Box TurtleTerrapene ornataReptileTerrestrialS2G5F@ ARAAD08022CheloniaCryptodeiraEmydidaeUnknown^@ xkaaaUIEA44+,~8Chicken TurtleDeirochelys reticulariaReptileTerrestrialS2G5@ ARAAD03012CheloniaCryptodeiraEmydidaeUnknown^@ x |oeeeYMIE88/,ޓ8American BadgerTaxidea taxusMammalTerrestrialS1S2G5p@ AMAJF04010MammaliaCarnivoraMustelidaeIncreasing @ ~~~~~~rg]]]QEA;..&,~8Long-tailed WeaselMustela frenataMammalTerrestrialS3G5@ AMAJF02031MammaliaCarnivoraMustelidaeUnknown @ uj```THD@33+,8Southern Bog LemmingSynaptomys cooperiMammalTerrestrialS2G52@ AMAFF17010MammaliaRodentiaMuridaeUnknown @ yoeeeYMIE880,8Western Harvest MouseReithrodontomys megalotisMammalTerrestrialS3G5@ AMAFF02030MammaliaRodentiaCricetidaeUnknown @ wmmmaUQM@@8,8Eastern Harvest MouseReithrodontomys humulisMammalTerrestrialS2G5&@ AMAFF02020MammaliaRodentiaCricetidaeUnknown @ ukkk_SOK>>6,^8Plains Harvest MouseReithrodontomys montanusMammalTerrestrialS1G5@ AMAFF02010MammaliaRodentiaCricetidaeUnknown@ ukkk_SOK>>6,>dLVAL |A small native bee only known from one site in southwestern Arkansas. Relatively narrow floral foraging preferences (purple prairie clover) (LaBerge 2001).An endemic beetle once known only from Natural Bridge Recreation Area in Newton County (Allen and Carlton 1988). The species was collected in 2013 at the Steel Creek Recreation Area on the Buffalo National River (A. Dowling, pers. comm.).A relativley rare longhorned beetle that is thought to be dependent upon very large dead elms and maples as larval hosts (Perry and others 1974).A heavy-bodied, short-legged mammal with long fore claws, long fur (longest on the sides), and a short bushy tail; upperparts are yellowish gray to reddish brown, with a white middorsal stripe extending from the snout to the neck or shoulders in the north and usually to the rump in the south; black patches are present on the face and cheeks; underparts are buffy, except for the whitish chin, throat, and mid-ventral region; feet are dark brown to black; head and body length 42-72 cm, tail length 10-15.5 cm, mass 4-12 kg. Rarely encountered in northern Arkansas. Recent records may indicate that a population has been established in Arkansas. (Natureserve 2005, Sasse and others 2004, Sealander and Heidt 1990) 2007: S Rank changed from SA (accidental) to S1S2. A recent review of the status of this species in Arkansas found that it was expanding in the northeastern portion of the state along Crowley s Ridge (Tumlison and others 2012).Found in a wide variety of habitats, usually near water. Favored habitats include brushland and open woodlands, field edges, riparian grasslands, swamps, and marshes. Dens are in abandoned burrows made by other mammals, rock crevice, brushpile, stump hollow, or space among tree roots; one individual may use multiple dens. Tolerant of close proximity to humans. Natureserve 2005, Sasse and others 2004, Sealander and Heidt1990. Hall, E. Raymond. 1981. 2007: S rank changed from S2 to S3.LVAL : < |  \ < |\<|>UALR Dr. William Baltosser, ANHC Ms. Samantha Scheiman, USFS Dr. Craig Rudolph, and Dr. Charles ElyUALR Dr. William Baltosser, ANHC Ms. Samantha Scheiman, USFS Dr. Craig Rudolph, and Dr. Charles ElyUALR Dr. William Baltosser, ANHC Ms. Samantha Scheiman, USFS Dr. Craig Rudolph, and Dr. Charles ElyANHC Mr. Michael Warriner, AGFC Mr. Brian WagnerANHC Mr. Michael Warriner, HSU Dr. Renn Tumlison, HSU Ms. Kristen Benjamin, UALR Dr. William BaltosserANHC Mr. Michael Warriner, AGFC Mr. Brian WagnerANHC Mr. Michael Warriner, AGFC Mr. Brian WagnerANHC Mr. Michael Warriner, AGFC Mr. Brian WagnerANHC Mr. Michael Warriner, AGFC Mr. Brian WagnerANHC Mr. Michael Warriner, AGFC Mr. Brian WagnerANHC Mr. Michael Warriner, AGFC Mr. Brian WagnerANHC Mr. Michael Warriner, AGFC Mr. Brian WagnerANHC Mr. Michael Warriner, AGFC Mr. Brian WagnerANHC Mr. Michael Warriner, AGFC Mr. Brian WagnerANHC Mr. Michael Warriner, AGFC Mr. Brian WagnerANHC Mr. Michael Warriner, AGFC Mr. Brian WagnerANHC Mr. Michael Warriner, AGFC Mr. Brian WagnerANHC Mr. Michael Warriner, AGFC Mr. Brian WagnerANHC Mr. Michael Warriner, AGFC Mr. Brian WagnerANHC Mr. Michael Warriner, AGFC Mr. Brian WagnerANHC Mr. Michael Warriner, AGFC Mr. Brian WagnerANHC Mr. Michael Warriner, AGFC Mr. Brian WagnerANHC Mr. Michael Warriner, AGFC Mr. Brian WagnerANHC Mr. Michael Warriner, AGFC Mr. Brian WagnerANHC Mr. Michael Warriner, AGFC Mr. Brian WagnerAGFC Kelly Irwin, UCA Don Shepard, Kory RobertsAGFC Kelly Irwin, UCA Don Shepard, Kory RobertsAGFC Kelly Irwin, UCA Don ShepardAGFC Kelly Irwin, UCA Don Shepard, Kory RobertsAGFC Kelly Irwin, UCA Don Shepard, Kory RobertsAGFC Mr. Blake Sasse, UALR Dr. Bob Sikes, UAM Dr. Don White, UALR Dr. Gary Heidt, Mr. J. D. Wilhide, HSU Dr. Renn Tumlison, ATU Dr. Tom Nupp, ASU Dr. Thomas Risch, USFS Mr. David Saugey, USFS Dr. Roger Perry, SAU Mr. Matthew Connior, ASU Mr. Stephen Brandenbura|LVAL< *hThe Arkansas populations of this species are isolated and greatly disjunct from the species' main range to the west. In Arkansas, it is only known from a very small number of glades/barrens near Calico Rock (Graves and Pearson 1973).Trauth and others (2004) summarized the biology and literature of this species. McVay and Carstens (2013) resurrected the genus Liodytes for some species in the genus Regina and proposed changes to the common name.Trauth and others (2004) summarized the biology and literature of this species. Populations of this species are potentially more numerous than the S-rank status would suggest. Hence, distribution and abundance surveys are needed to corroborate this observation.Trauth and others (2004) summarized the literature and biology of this snake. In April 2005, two new geographic distribution records were collected in Loess Slope Forest habitat within St. Francis National Forest, south of the Mariana gap in Lee and Phillips counties. Thus, confirming the presence of this species in the southern portion of Crowley's Ridge.Trauth and others (2004) summarized the biology and literature of this species. A turtle of open grassland habitats, it was historically found in the "Grand Prairie" of east-central Arkansas, which has since been converted to intensive agricultural crop production (Gann and Tumlison 2004).Trauth et al. (2004) summarized the literature and biology of this species. The recent work of Dinkelacker and Hilzinger focused primarily on demography and reproduction of a central Arkansas population. As of March 2015, a SWG funded project was underway to survey AGFC wildlife management areas throughout the potential range of this species, with the goal of discovering previously undocumented populations. It should be emphasized that chicken turtles are not always readily captured in what appears to be suitable habitat, even though animals may be locally present. (Dinkelacker and Hilzinger 2009, 2014)rLVAL X nTJ*Collembola. The Arkansas specimens that have been called this species are currently being redescribed as a new species (pers comm., Mike E. Slay).Collembola. This is a terrestrial cave adapted springtail that is only known from caves in the Ozarks (personal communication, Mike E. Slay).Crustacean.This species' distribution may not be resticted to caves. In Missouri, it has been documented from benthic stream habitats (personal communication, Mike E. Slay).This crustacean species is limited to groundwater habitats and occurs in fewer than 15 caves in Arkansas (personal communication, Mike E. Slay).An Arkansas endemic amphipod, this species has only been collected from a seep on Magazine Mountain in Logan County (Holsinger 1967).The second largest earthworm in the United States, D. meansi is an Arkansas endemic only known from the slopes of Rich Mountain (Gates 1977).Trauth and others (2004) summarized the biology and literature of this species. Several individuals have been reported from the environs of White Oak Lake State Park during the past decade.Trauth and others (2004) summarized the biology and literature of this species. In April 2005, three new geographic distribution records were collected in Carroll, Marion, and Polk counties.These represent the first records for the state since 1958. This species is an excellent indicator of Ozarkian glade habitat. Loss of glades in the Ozark Highlands is the result of fire suppression which historically maintained these open habitats.Trauth and others (2004) summarized the biology and literature of this species. The allopatric Arkansas population represents the only population of this snake found west of the Mississippi River. This population warrants further investigation of its genetic and morphological characters, which could show it to be a distinct species. The historic record for Garland County is questionable, since this species has not been found in any other Ouachita Mountain streams.&B  hP8Ozark Cave AmphipodStygobromus ozarkensisInvertebrate - otherSemi-AquaticS2G4 @ ICMAL05280MalacostracaAmphipodaCrangonyctidaeUnknown`@ wwwk_[WII3,>8Mountain Cave AmphipodStygobromus montanusInvertebrate - otherAquaticS1?G1G2@O ICMAL05270MalacostracaAmphipodaCrangonyctidaeUnknown`@ vvvj^XSJJ4,8Elevated Spring AmphipodStygobromus elatusInvertebrate - otherAquaticS1?G1G2 @ ICMAL05260MalacostracaAmphipodaCrangonyctidaeUnknown`@ vvvj^XSJJ4 ,^8IsopodLirceus bidentatusInvertebrate - otherSemi-AquaticS1G1?@L ICMAL03040MalacostracaIsopodaAsellidaeUnknown`@ ~uggg[OJF88",8Cave Obligate IsopodCaecidotea simulatorInvertebrate - otherSemi-AquaticS1G2G3@L ICMAL01710MalacostracaIsopodaAsellidaeUnknown`@ xxxl`ZVHH2,>8IsopodCaecidotea salemensisInvertebrate - otherSemi-AquaticS1G4 Crustacean.ICMAL01320MalacostracaIsopodaAsellidaeUnknown`@ vvvjQMI;;%,8IsopodCaecidotea fonticulusInvertebrate - otherAquaticS1GNR@L ICMAL01310MalacostracaIsopodaAsellidaeUnknown`@ |seeeYMHD;;%,8IsopodCaecidotea oculataInvertebrate - otherSemi-AquaticS1G2G3 Crustacean.ICMAL01230MalacostracaIsopodaAsellidaeUnknown`@ uuuiPJF88",>8Bat Cave IsopodCaecidotea macropropodaInvertebrate - otherSemi-AquaticS2G2G3 Crustacean.ICMAL01170MalacostracaIsopodaAsellidaeUnknown`@ w^XTFF0,>8IsopodCaecidotea stiladactylaInvertebrate - otherSemi-AquaticS3G3G4r@J ICMAL01090MalacostracaIsopodaAsellidaeUnknown`@ {mmmaUOK==',>8IsopodCaecidotea steevesiInvertebrate - otherSemi-AquaticS1G3G4r@J ICMAL01080MalacostracaIsopodaAsellidaeUnknown`@ wiii]QKG99#,8IsopodCaecidotea dimorphaInvertebrate - otherSemi-AquaticS2G2G3t@J ICMAL01070MalacostracaIsopodaAsellidaeUnknown`@ wiii]QKG99#,~8IsopodCaecidotea ancylaInvertebrate - otherSemi-AquaticS2G3G4t@I ICMAL01060MalacostracaIsopodaAsellidaeUnknown`@ ~uggg[OIE77!,>8EarthwormDiplocardia meansiInvertebrate - otherTerrestrialS2S3GNR@ IAOLIXXX10OligochaetaOpisthoporaAcanthodrilidaeUnknown`@ xkkk_SNH;;%,$B  z [ , oN8Woodland Tiger BeetleCicindela unipunctataInsectTerrestrialS2G4G5@Q IICOL02310InsectaColeopteraCicindelidaeUnknownANHC Mr. Michael Warrinertkkk_SMI<<4,~8Cow Path Tiger BeetleCicindela purpureaInsectTerrestrialS3G5@Q IICOL02280InsectaColeopteraCicindelidaeUnknownANHC Mr. Michael Warriner{offfZNJF991,8Tiger BeetleCicindela lepidaInsectTerrestrialS2S3G3G4@Q IICOL02250InsectaColeopteraCicindelidaeUnknownANHC Mr. Michael Warrinerth___SGA;..&,~8Twelve-spotted Tiger BeetleCicindela duodecimguttataInsectTerrestrialS3S4G5@Q IICOL02240InsectaColeopteraCicindelidaeUnknownANHC Mr. Michael Warriner~uuui]YSFF>#,8Sandy Stream Tiger BeetleCicindela macraInsectTerrestrialS2S3G5@Q IICOL02220InsectaColeopteraCicindelidaeUnknownANHC Mr. Michael Warriner~riii]QMG::2!,8 Scrubland Tiger BeetleCicindela obsoletaInsectTerrestrialS1S2G5@ IICOL02190InsectaColeopteraCicindelidaeUnknownANHC Mr. Michael Warriner~riii]QMG::2,8 Beach-dune Tiger BeetleCicindela hirticollisInsectTerrestrialS2S3G5@Q IICOL02100InsectaColeopteraCicindelidaeUnknownANHC Mr. Michael WarrinervmmmaUQK>>6,~8 Big Sand Tiger BeetleCicindela formosa pigmentosignataInsectTerrestrialS2S3G5T5@Q IICOL02044InsectaColeopteraCicindelidaeUnknownANHC Mr. Michael Warrineryyyma[UHH@,^8 Cave Obligate SpringtailSchaefferia alabamensisInvertebrate - otherTerrestrialSNRG1G2$@ IICLL19020EllipluraCollembolaHypogastruridaeUnknown`@ sga\OO9 ,>8 SpringtailPygmarrhopalites clarusInvertebrate - otherTerrestrialS1S2G4@ IICLL04030EllipluraCollembolaSminthuridaeUnknown`@ {pppdXTNAA+,>8Shelled Cave SpringtailPseudosinella testaInvertebrate - otherTerrestrialSNRG2G3 Collembola.IICLL01040EllipluraCollembolaEntomobryidaeUnknown`@ {b\WJJ4,>8SpringtailPseudosinella dubiaInvertebrate - otherTerrestrialSNRG1G2 Collembola.IICLL01010EllipluraCollembolaEntomobryidaeUnknown`@ zzznUOJ==',>8AmphipodBactrurus pseudomucronatusInvertebrate - otherSemi-AquaticS1?G2G3@P ICMAL25040MalacostracaAmphipodaCrangonyctidaeUnknown`@ sssg[UPBB,,8Hubricht's Long-tailed AmphipodAllocrangonyx hubrichtiInvertebrate - otherSemi-AquaticS1?G2G3Z@ ICMAL24010MalacostracaAmphipodaCrangonyctidaeUnknown`@ {oidVV@',^=B  g \ G2e8"Ozark PseudactiumPseudactium ursumInsectTerrestrialS1GNRNo information available.IICOLH6010InsectaColeopteraPselaphidaeUnknownANHC Mr. Michael Warriner}}}qJEA44,,>8!Small-eyed Mold BeetleOuachitychus parvoculusInsectTerrestrialS2GNR,@ IICOLE1010InsectaColeopteraPselaphidaeUnknownANHC Mr. Michael WarrinervmmmaUPL??7,8 Ground BeetleRhadine ozarkensisInsectTerrestrialSHGH@ IICOL69010InsectaColeopteraCarabidaeUnknownANHC Mr. Michael Warriner~~~~~~sg^^^RFB>11),>8Ouachita Diving BeetleHeterosternuta ouachitaInsectSemi-AquaticS2GNRNo information available.IICOL55X10InsectaColeopteraDytiscidaeUnknownANHC Mr. Michael Warriner}VQM??7,8Sulphur Springs Diving BeetleHeterosternuta sulphuriaInsectSemi-AquaticS1?G1?@] IICOL55070InsectaColeopteraDytiscidaeUnknownANHC Mr. Michael Warrinerwwwk_ZUGG?%,8Ground BeetleScaphinotus parisianaInsectTerrestrialS1GNR@Z IICOL4L050InsectaColeopteraCarabidaeUnknownANHC Mr. Michael WarrinerwkbbbVJEA44,,^8Ground BeetleScaphinotus inflectusInsectTerrestrialS1GNR@ IICOL4L040InsectaColeopteraCarabidaeUnknownANHC Mr. Michael WarrinerwkbbbVJEA44,,>8BeetleDerops divalisInsectTerrestrialS1GNR@V IICOL11010InsectaColeopteraStaphylinidaeUnknownANHC Mr. Michael Warrinerxxxxxxi]TTTH<73&&,8Copeland's Mold BeetleArianops copelandiInsectTerrestrialS1GNR@V IICOL10190InsectaColeopteraPselaphidaeUnknownANHC Mr. Michael Warriner}qhhh\PKG::2,8Magazine Mountain Mold BeetleArianops sandersoniInsectTerrestrialS1?G1?@U IICOL10010InsectaColeopteraPselaphidaeUnknownANHC Mr. Michael WarrinerzqqqeYTOBB:%,^8Giant Stag BeetleLucanus elaphusInsectTerrestrialS2G3G5@U IICOL08010InsectaColeopteraLucanidaeUnknownANHC Mr. Michael WarrinervjaaaUIC?22*,8Six-banded Longhorn BeetleDryobius sexnotatusInsectTerrestrialS2GNR"@ IICOL03010InsectaColeopteraCerambycidaeUnknownANHC Mr. Michael WarrinervmmmaUPL??7",8Ant-like Tiger BeetleCicindela cursitansInsectTerrestrialS2S3G4@U IICOL02640InsectaColeopteraCicindelidaeUnknownANHC Mr. Michael Warriner~riii]QMG::2,^,LVALJ  FAn Arkansas endemic insect (Allen and others 1988). Several specimens of this species were collected near the Buffalo National River, Newton County in 2013 (A. Dowling, pers. Comm).This mayfly is an Arkansas endemic known only from a single locality along the Mulberry River in Johnson County (McCafferty 1977).This predaceous robberfly was only known from one site in southwestern Arkansas and is Arkansas largest fly species (Warriner 2004). A survey for other records found that the species also occurs in prairie edge habitats in Howard County (Millwood Lake) and Hempstead County (Grandview Prairie Wildlife Management Area), and an isolated specimen was collected from Baxter County near the Missouri border (Tumlison and Benjamin 2011). Relatively recent surveys (2010, 2011, and 2012) of the Terre Noire Natural Area, where the species was first discovered in Arkansas, confirm the continued presence of the species at the site (Tumlison and Benjamin 2013). These surveys have discovered that this species is probably not an outright prairie species, but instead uses the ecotone between wooded and prairie habitat. The latter has important ramifications in view of potential timber sales and the clearing of woody vegetation in many areas of occupied habitat. Habitat management for this species needs to factor the woodland component into the management of this species.A milkweed beetle dependent upon prairie habitat hosting sufficient amounts of the milkweed Asclepias viridiflora (Warriner 2004).An endemic beetle once known only from Bear Hollow on Magazine Mountain in Logan County. This species was collected at Roaring Branch Research Natural Area in Polk County, in the Ozark-St. Francis National Forest, and at Devil's Den State Park in 2013 (A. Dowling, pers. Comm.).An endemic beetle known Fincher Cave in Washington County (Sanderson and Miller 1941). This species was reportedly collected at Steel Creek Recreation area at the Buffalo National River in 2013 (A. Dowling, pers. Comm).B  ^ _ @ )87Byssus SkipperProblema byssusInsectTerrestrialS3G3G4t@ IILEP71010InsectaLepidopteraHesperiidaeUnknown@ tg^^^RF@<//',86Meske's SkipperHesperia meskeiInsectTerrestrialS1S2G3G4@@ IILEP65130InsectaLepidopteraHesperiidaeUnknown@ wjaaaUIC=00(,ޙ8.PseudoscorpionTartarocreagris ozarkensisInvertebrate - otherTerrestrialS1GNR@_ IILAR20X10ArachnidaPseudoscorpionesNeobisiidaeUnknown`@ vvvj^YUHH2,>8-Anthophorid BeeTetraloniella albataInsectTerrestrialS1GNR6@ IIHYMXXX10InsectaHymenopteraAnthophoridaeUnknownANHC Mr. Michael WarrinerylcccWKFB55-,8,Lace BugAcalypta lillianusInsectTerrestrialSNRG3@_ IIHEM34020InsectaHeteropteraTingidaeUnknownANHC Mr. Michael WarrinerzzzzzzpcZZZNB>9,,$,^8+Lace BugAcalypta susanaeInsectTerrestrialS1GNRj@ IIHEM34010InsectaHeteropteraTingidaeUnknownANHC Mr. Michael WarrinerxxxxxxnaXXXL@;7**",^8*Ouachita Shore BugPentacora ouachitaInsectSemi-AquaticS1GNR@] IIHEM05020InsectaHeteropteraSaldidaeUnknownANHC Mr. Michael Warriner{neeeYMHD66.,8)MayflyDannella provonshaiInsectSemi-AquaticS1?G3G4@ IIEPH94010InsectaEphemeropteraEphemerellidaeUnknownANHC Mr. Michael Warrinerte\\\PD>9++#,>8(MayflyParaleptophlebia calcaricaInsectSemi-AquaticS1?G1G2@] IIEPH33010InsectaEphemeropteraLeptophlebiidaeUnknownANHC Mr. Michael Warriner{lcccWKE@22*,^8'Giant Prairie RobberflyMicrostylum morosumInsectTerrestrialS1G3G4f@ IIDIP77010InsectaDipteraAsilidaeUnknown@ }tkkk_SMI<<4,8&Predaceous Diving BeetleHeterosternuta phoebeaeInsectSemi-AquaticS2G2@] IICOLXXX10InsectaColeopteraDysticidaeUnknownANHC Mr. Michael WarrinerxooocWSOAA9 ,>8%Texas Milkweed BeetleTetraopes texanusInsectTerrestrialS1S2GNR@] IICOLU3X20InsectaColeopteraCerambycidaeUnknownANHC Mr. Michael Warriner}qhhh\PKE880,^8$Red Milkweed BeetleTetraopes quinquemaculatusInsectTerrestrialS1S2GNR@ IICOLU3X10InsectaColeopteraCerambycidaeUnknownANHC Mr. Michael WarrinerxooocWRL??7,^8#Ouachita PseudactiumPseudactium magazinensisInsectTerrestrialS1GNRNo information available.IICOLH6020InsectaColeopteraPselaphidaeUnknownANHC Mr. Michael Warriner{TOK>>6,ސ:LVAL LNatureServe (2015) states that the species is local in all parts of its range and notes that several states track this skipper with nearly all considering it to be very rare to rare to uncommon; the single exception (Wisconsin) ranks it as extremely rare. This skipper is considered a prairie-dependent species in the Midwest by Opler and Malikul (1998). Within Arkansas, this skipper has been recorded from 23 Arkansas counties (Baltosser et al. 2015). Present but rare in surveys of Lepidoptera along the Buffalo National River, in tallgrass prairies in the Arkansas Valley, and in surveys of blackland woodland habitats in more southern localities (Dr. William Baltosser, personal communication, 2015). Considered fairly regular in some areas of the Ouachita Mountains (Drs. Craig Rudolph and Charles Ely, personal communication, 2015). The species in Arkansas should continue to be monitored for occurrences and ultimately for population trends.Associated with sparse, open woodlands (Opler and Malikul 1998). NatureServe (2015) indicates that if the species is not currently globally rare it will probably become so soon. An isolated population cluster in central Arkansas is noted within the discussion. There are records of occurrence from 12 Arkansas counties (Baltosser et al. 2015). Surveys conducted in and around the Buffalo National River, in prairie habitats in Franklin Co., and in blackland woodland habitats farther to the south have not resulted in the detection of this species (Dr. William Baltosser, personal communication 2015). In contrast, Drs. Craig Rudolph and Charles Ely have seven records from 6 counties. The species in Arkansas should continue to be monitored for occurrence and ultimately for population trends.dLVALvVaughan and Shepherd (2005) describe Dukes Skipper as occurring in scattered locations across the United States and southern Canada. Populations are listed as being fragmented throughout the range of the species and it is considered uncommon at all sites. This skipper occupies a variety of moist habitats with long grass, which includes marshes and ditches, but the primary habitat is stated to be patches of sedge in forested swamps. Vaughan and Shepherd also state that Dukes Skipper deserves conservation efforts wherever it is found. Within Arkansas, the species has been found in 9 counties (Baltosser et al. 2015) and Spencer (2006) describes the species as a breeding resident occupying shady swamps, marshes, and ditches. She lists distribution and abundance as local, being rare to uncommon throughout the Coastal Plain. More information is needed to gauge the status of this very rare skipper; it should be looked for in all moist habitats.NatureServe (2015) states that the food plant of this species is not known but is certainly grasses. March Minno (personal comment to Schweitzer, 2004) suggests the genus Chasmanthium seems likely and that this skipper does not appear to be associated with canes as previously thought. This species has been reported from 22 Arkansas counties (Baltosser et al. 2015) and has been found (locally common) at several localities in northern Arkansas and in blackland woodland in more southern regions of the state (Dr. William Baltosser, personal communication, 2015). Drs. Rudolph and Ely (personal communication, 2015) indicate that the species is never common, but they have recorded it from 7 counties in the Ouachita Mountains and Coastal Plain in extreme SW Arkansas. More information on the status of this species is needed before considering any change in ranking with regard to priority score.gB   8NWinter StoneflyAllocapnia jeanaeInsectSemi-AquaticS1?G2@b IIPLE01130InsectaPlecopteraCapniidaeUnknownANHC Mr. Michael WarrinervjaaaUIE@22*,>8MPrairie Mole CricketGryllotalpa majorInsectTerrestrialS1S2G3@_ IIORT17010InsectaOrthopteraGryllotalpidaeUnknownANHC Mr. Michael Warriner{offfZNJD77/,^8LOzark Snaketail DragonflyOphiogomphus westfalliInsectSemi-AquaticS1S2G3@_ IIODO12170InsectaOdonataGomphidaeUnknownANHC Mr. Michael WarrinerzqqqeYUOAA9!,8KOzark Clubtail DragonflyGomphus ozarkensisInsectSemi-AquaticS1G4@_ IIODO08170InsectaOdonataGomphidaeUnknownANHC Mr. Michael Warriner|sjjj^RNJ<<4 ,8JIndiana Phlox MothSchinia indianaInsectTerrestrialSHG2G4@ IILEYMP130InsectaLepidopteraNoctuidaeUnknown@ xkbbbVJD@33+,8ILincoln UnderwingCatocala lincolnanaInsectTerrestrialS3G3G4@ IILEY89930InsectaLepidopteraNoctuidaeUnknown@ {neeeYMGC66.,8HGeorgia SatyrNeonympha areolatusInsectTerrestrialS2G3G4@ IILEPN3011InsectaLepidopteraNymphalidaeUnknown@ wjaaaUIC?22*,8FSwamp MetalmarkCalephelis muticumInsectTerrestrialS1G3@ IILEPH2060InsectaLepidopteraRiodinidaeUnknown@ vi```THD@33+,>8DTexas Frosted ElfinCallophrys irus hadrosInsectTerrestrialS1G3T2T3\@ IILEPE2222InsectaLepidopteraLycaenidaeUnknown@ ulll`TLH;;3,ޑ8CKing's HairstreakSatyrium kingiInsectTerrestrialS2G3G4^@ IILEPD4090InsectaLepidopteraLycaenidaeUnknown@ vi```THB>11),^8?Carolina Roadside-SkipperAmblyscirtes carolinaInsectTerrestrialS1S3G3G4@ IILEP80130InsectaLepidopteraHesperiidaeUnknown@ zqqqeYSM@@8!,>8>Lace-winged Roadside-SkipperAmblyscirtes aesculapiusInsectTerrestrialS1S3G3G4 @ IILEP80120InsectaLepidopteraHesperiidaeUnknown@ wwwk_YSFF>$,8<Linda's Roadside-SkipperAmblyscirtes lindaInsectTerrestrialS1S3G2G3@ IILEP80050InsectaLepidopteraHesperiidaeUnknown@ vmmmaUOI<<4 ,8:Dukes' SkipperEuphyes dukesiInsectTerrestrialS1S2G3~@ IILEP77050InsectaLepidopteraHesperiidaeUnknown@ sf]]]QEA;..&,^88Yehl SkipperPoanes yehlInsectTerrestrialS1S3G4 @ IILEP73060InsectaLepidopteraHesperiidaeUnknown@ {{{{{{naXXXL@<6))!,NLVAL:t " \ D$d0F\rAGFC Mr. Bill Posey, USFWS-ES Mr. Chris Davidson, ASU Dr. John Harris, AHTD Mr. Josh Seagraves, AHTD Mr. Ben ThesingAGFC Mr. Bill Posey, USFWS-ES Mr. Chris Davidson, ASU Dr. John Harris, AHTD Mr. Josh Seagraves, AHTD Mr. Ben ThesingAGFC Mr. Bill Posey, USFWS-ES Mr. Chris Davidson, ASU Dr. John Harris, AHTD Mr. Josh Seagraves, AHTD Mr. Ben ThesingAGFC Mr. Bill Posey, USFWS-ES Mr. Chris Davidson, ASU Dr. John Harris, AHTD Mr. Josh Seagraves, AHTD Mr. Ben ThesingAGFC Mr. Bill Posey, USFWS-ES Mr. Chris Davidson, ASU Dr. John Harris, AHTD Mr. Josh Seagraves, AHTD Mr. Ben ThesingAGFC Mr. Bill Posey, USFWS-ES Mr. Chris Davidson, ASU Dr. John Harris, AHTD Mr. Josh Seagraves, AHTD Mr. Ben ThesingANHC Mr. Michael Warriner, AGFC Mr. Brian WagnerANHC Mr. Michael Warriner, AGFC Mr. Brian WagnerANHC Mr. Michael Warriner, AGFC Mr. Brian WagnerANHC Mr. Michael Warriner, AGFC Mr. Brian WagnerANHC Mr. Michael Warriner, AGFC Mr. Brian WagnerANHC Mr. Michael Warriner, AGFC Mr. Brian WagnerUALR Dr. William Baltosser, ANHC Ms. Samantha Scheiman, USFS Dr. Craig Rudolph, and Dr. Charles ElyUALR Dr. William Baltosser, ANHC Ms. Samantha Scheiman, USFS Dr. Craig Rudolph, and Dr. Charles ElyUALR Dr. William Baltosser, ANHC Ms. Samantha Scheiman, USFS Dr. Craig Rudolph, and Dr. Charles ElyUALR Dr. William Baltosser, ANHC Ms. Samantha Scheiman, USFS Dr. Craig Rudolph, and Dr. Charles ElyUALR Dr. William Baltosser, ANHC Ms. Samantha Scheiman, USFS Dr. Craig Rudolph, and Dr. Charles ElyUALR Dr. William Baltosser, ANHC Ms. Samantha Scheiman, USFS Dr. Craig Rudolph, and Dr. Charles ElyUALR Dr. William Baltosser, ANHC Ms. Samantha Scheiman, USFS Dr. Craig Rudolph, and Dr. Charles ElyUALR Dr. William Baltosser, ANHC Ms. Samantha Scheiman, USFS Dr. Craig Rudolph, and Dr. Charles ElyUALR Dr. William Baltosser, ANHC Ms. Samantha Scheiman, USFS Dr. Craig Rudolph, and Dr. Charles ElyUALR Dr. William Baltosser, ANHC Ms. Samantha Scheiman, USFS Dr. Craig Rudolph, and Dr. Charles ElyLVAL6 *Considered by Schweitzer et al. (2011) to be the most secure of the cane-feeding skippers in the genus Amblyscirtes, but note that its occurrence and population viability are not well known. In Missouri regarded as very local, found in only a few scattered localities in the southern portion of the state (Heitzman and Heitzman 1996). Spencer (2006) characterizes this skipper as being rare to uncommon statewide in canebrakes. Recorded from 27 Arkansas counties (Baltosser et al. 2015); widely distributed and fairly common in high-quality cane habitats of northern Arkansas (Dr. William Baltosser, personal communication, 2015), whereas records from south-central and southwestern counties generally consist of one or two individuals (Drs. Craig Rudolph and Charles Ely, personal communication, 2015). An on-going study of skippers in the genus Amblyscirtes by Baltosser (Dr. William Baltosser, personal communication, 2015) will provide additional information, but at present there is insufficient information to fully evaluate the status of the species. Continued surveys of cane habitats throughout Arkansas are needed before any change in listing.Limited range; rare breeding native species that is known to use only spike grass (Chasmanthium latifolium) as a larval host plant. Preferred habitat is along woodland streams (Opler and Malikul 1998). Heitzman and Heitzman (1996) list this butterfly as a rare breeding species native to the Ozark region. Species has been found in 10 Arkansas counties (Baltosser et al. 2015); more information needed. An on-going study of skippers in the genus Amblyscirtes being conducted by Baltosser (Dr. William Baltosser, personal communication, 2015) will provide additional insight. However, there is currently insufficient information to fully evaluate the status of the species other than to be aware of its presence and limited distribution.LVAL0 A recently described species of the Ouachita subregion of Arkansas. Known from fewer than five occurrences, usually small intermittent streams in Garland Co., Perry Co., Scott Co., Arkansas. (Poulton and Stewart 1987, Robison and Allen 1995, Stark 1998)King s Hairstreak is limited in both its larval host preference of common sweetleaf (Symplocos tinctoria) and in the only two nectaring sources for the species: Allegheny chinquapin (Castanea pumila) and sourwood (Oxydendrum arboreum). Associated with hardwood hammocks and wooded swamp edges (Opler and Malikul 1998). Several species in the genus Satyrium can be difficult to distinguish in the field. King s Hairstreak is probably most easily confused with the Striped Hairstreak (S. liparops) and to a somewhat lesser extent with the Banded Hairstreak (S. calanus). Given this potential source of confusion and the uncommonness of the latter and the apparent localized occurrence and rarity of S. kingi (records for only 2 Arkansas counties; Baltosser et al. 2015) and S. liparops, few data are available. See NatureServe (2015) for information, but clearly more should be done to clarify the status of this localized and rare species.Dependent upon canebrakes. Arkansas populations of this skipper are greatly disjunct from the main range of the species to the east, with records of occurrence in the state from only 4 counties (Baltosser et al. 2015). Occurrences documented by Baltosser lie to the east of the single disjunct population for Arkansas shown by Opler and Malikul (1998). Species occasionally somewhat numerous (locally) in on-going study of skippers in the genus Amblyscirtes being conducted by Baltosser (Dr. William Baltosser, personal communication, 2015). This study will provide additional data, but at present there is insufficient information to fully evaluate the status of the species other than to be aware of its presence and limited distribution.jLVAL Only known from Polk Co. and Scott Co., Arkansas from fewer than five occurrences. Inhabits intermittent streams (Ricker and Ross 1969).Known only from Clear Creek in the city of Fayetteville. This stonefly is now thought to be extinct after Fayetteville began dumping treated sewage effluent into Clear Creek in 1988. This species has not been recollected since 1962 (Robison and Allen 1995).The Swamp Metalmark is associated with wetland habitat (Opler and Malikul 1998). However, the separation of this species and Northern Metalmark (Calephelis borealis) is not necessarily an easy task. Both are rare in Arkansas and can occur in the same geographic area. Co-occurrence of the two species is especially a problem in Missouri and Arkansas (Heitzman and Heitzman 1996, Schweitzer et al. 2011) and thus habitat, while being an important component of identification (Spencer 2006), cannot be used as the only indicator in identification (Dr. William Baltosser, personal communication, 2015). Records of occurrence exist for 6 Arkansas counties, but virtually all metalmarks encountered by Drs. Baltosser, Rudolph, and Ely have proved (even when from wet habitats) to be Northern Metalmarks; more information needed to evaluate status. This species is thought to be associated with deep muck fens such as occur near Bull Shoals Lake. Fen habitats herein are incorporated into the Ozark-Ouachita Forested Seep habitat type.It has been suggested that the Texas subspecies (hadros), a rare and localized butterfly, is perhaps a full species (Shepherd 2005). In Arkansas, habitat includes areas that are sandy, rocky, scrub, burned, and also woodland edges (Spencer 2006). The species has occurred in 7 Arkansas counties (Baltosser et al. 2015). Recently it has been found in tallgrass prairie habitats in the Arkansas Valley in early spring, subsequent to fall and early winter habitat manipulations the previous year (Baltosser, 2010); more information needed to evaluate status.LVAL< RA prairie/savanna species strongly associated with Phlox pilosa (Hodges and others 1983, Schweitzer 1989). Look for this species on Phlox pilosa flowers on cloudy, cool days. Available information suggests this species is imperiled, but there is considerable uncertainty about its status, especially in the southern parts of its range (NatureServe 2015). The only Schinia identified to date from on-going moth surveys being conducted along the Buffalo National River are the Arcigera Flower Moth (S. arcigera), Thoreau s Flower Moth (S. thoreaui), Three-lined Flower Moth (S. trifascia), and Goldenrod Flower Moth (S. nundina); (Drs. William Baltosser and Charles Ely, personal communication, 2015). Continuation of on-going and related studies is required if information on the status and distribution of the Indiana Phlox (Flower) Moth is to be resolved.No locality data available in Arkansas. NatureServe describes the species as occurring in cypress-tupelo swamp habitats. Several underwing specimens that have been taken from on-going moth surveys along the Buffalo National River (Drs. William Baltosser and Charles Ely, personal communication, 2015) are still being examined, some by outside experts. Over 20 species of Catocala have been identified to date from these surveys and no specimens of the Lincoln Underwing have been detected. Continuation of on-going and related studies is required if information on the status and distribution of this species is to be resolved.NatureServe (2015) states that the species was historically rather common but there is growing concern because of loss of habitat to pine plantations and development. This butterfly is dependent upon openings in sandy pinewoods or pinebarrens (Opler and Malikul 1998). Eight counties of occurrence in Arkansas with no apparent recent records of occurrence (Baltosser et al. 2015). The species should be monitored for its presence and ultimately for population trends in Arkansas.YB  k>8\Cave Obligate PseudoscorpionApochthonius diabolusInvertebrate - otherTerrestrialS1G1G2R@d ILARA29080ArachnidaPseudoscorpionesChthoniidaeUnknown`@ thb^QQ;$,>8[MicrocaddisflyPaucicalcaria ozarkensisInsectSemi-AquaticS1G1@d IITRIA0010InsectaTrichopteraHydroptilidaeUnknownANHC Mr. Michael Warriner|offfZNJF880,^8ZMicrocaddisflyOchrotrichia robisoniInsectSemi-AquaticS1G1G3@ b IITRI41460InsectaTrichopteraHydroptilidaeUnknownANHC Mr. Michael Warriner{neeeYMGC55-,8YContorted Ochrotrichian MicrocaddisflyOchrotrichia contortaInsectSemi-AquaticSNRG1G2@b IITRI41020InsectaTrichopteraHydroptilidaeUnknownANHC Mr. Michael Warriner~~~rf`[MME.,8XArkansas Agapetus CaddisflyAgapetus medicusInsectSemi-AquaticSNRG1G2@b IITRI33030InsectaTrichopteraGlossosomatidaeUnknownANHC Mr. Michael WarrinerwnnnbVPK==5#,8WNearctic Paduniellan CaddisflyPaduniella nearcticaInsectSemi-AquaticS1?G1G2@b IITRI07010InsectaTrichopteraPsychomyiidaeUnknownANHC Mr. Michael Warriner~uuui]WRDD<&,~8VMagazine StripetailIsoperla szczytkoiInsectSemi-AquaticS1G1@ IIPLE24560InsectaPlecopteraPerlodidaeUnknownANHC Mr. Michael WarrinerzneeeYMIE77/,^8UCaddo SallflyAlloperla caddoInsectSemi-AquaticS1G1G2@ IIPLE11300InsectaPlecopteraChloroperlidaeUnknownANHC Mr. Michael Warrinersg^^^RF@<..&,8TOuachita NeedleflyZealeuctra wachitaInvertebrate - otherSemi-AquaticS1G2@ IIPLE0F070InsectaPlecopteraLeuctridaeUnknown`@ {rrrfZVRDD.,8SStoneflyLeuctra paleoInsectSemi-AquaticS1G2@b IIPLE0B180InsectaPlecopteraLeuctridaeUnknownANHC Mr. Michael Warrinervvvvvvj^UUUI=95'',8RBowed SnowflyAllocapnia oribataInsectSemi-AquaticS1G1@b IIPLE01410InsectaPlecopteraCapniidaeUnknownANHC Mr. Michael Warrinerth___SGC?11),>8QWinter StoneflyAllocapnia warreniInsectSemi-AquaticSHGH@ IIPLE01380InsectaPlecopteraCapniidaeUnknownANHC Mr. Michael WarrinervjaaaUIEA33+,8PWinter StoneflyAllocapnia ozarkanaInsectSemi-AquaticS1?G2@b IIPLE01220InsectaPlecopteraCapniidaeUnknownANHC Mr. Michael WarrinerxlcccWKGB44,,>8OWinter StoneflyAllocapnia malvernaInsectSemi-AquaticSNRG4V@b IIPLE01150InsectaPlecopteraCapniidaeUnknownANHC Mr. Michael WarrinerxlcccWKGB44,,LVAL  Federally-listed endangered species. Endemic to Arkansas River drainage streams in Arkansas, Oklahoma, Kansas and Missouri. Most imperiled in Kansas streams where it has been lost in several stream segments. Propagation and augmentation efforts are showing signs of success in Kansas streams. Genetic research to determine phylogenetic relationships was completed in 2004 and confirmed the Neosho Mucket as a valid species. (AFMC 2004a, 2004b, 2004c, 2005, Chris Barnhart, personal communication 2005, USFWS 2013).Recognized form is widespread across Ozark Mountains in Arkansas and Missouri. Genetic uncertainty has resulted in uncertain distributional information. Genetic analysis will help determine phylogeography of species in Arkansas (AFMC 2004a, 2004b, 2004c, 2005).Appears to be a viable population in the Spring River, and one live individual has been found in the Buffalo River. Relict shells have been found in the Kings and Strawberry rivers. Widespread distribution in North America but declining rangewide and is thought to exist in 40 percent of its former range (AFMC 2004a, 2004b, 2004c, 2005, Matthews 2007, Roe 2002).Historically known from the Spring Rivers in Arkansas. Reported from South Fork Spring River in early 1980s. A 2007 Status Assessment conducted throughout its range yielded no live or dead individuals. The last live specimen was found in the Little Black River in Missouri in 1993. (AFMC 2004a, 2004b, 2004c, 2005, Bruendeman and others 2001, Harris and others 2007)An Arkansas endemic species, this pseudoscorpion is only known from Fincher and Carrol Caves in Washington County (Hoff and Bolsterti 1956).This stonefly is endemic to Arkansas and is only known from Gutter Rock Creek on Magazine Mountain in Logan County (Poulton and Stewart 1987).B  p R A8oHickorynutObovaria olivariaMusselAquaticS3G4 @ IMBIV31020BivalviaUnionoidaUnionidaeShovelnose Sturgeonsand/gravelH@ Unknown@ vvk`VVVJ>:6--%,8nLouisiana PearlshellMargaritifera hembeliMusselAquaticSUG1@ IMBIV27010LT93-09-24BivalviaUnionoidaMargaritiferidaeX@ a ?@ Unknown@ |rhdXLHD;;3,8mSpeckled PocketbookLampsilis streckeriMusselAquaticS1G1Q:@ IMBIV21220LE89-02-28BivalviaUnionoidaUnionidae@a gravel@ Stable@ zpfbVJEA880,>8kNeosho MucketLampsilis rafinesqueanaMusselAquaticS1G2@ IMBIV21170LE02-10-30BivalviaUnionoidaUnionidae"Largemouth Bass, Smallmouth Bassgravel@ Decreasing@ wmc_SGC?66.,>8hOzark PigtoeFusconaia ozarkensisMusselAquaticS3G3G4 @ IMBIV17100BivalviaUnionoidaUnionidae Unknowngravel/cobble@ Unknown@ }}rg]]]QE?;22*,8gTurgid BlossomEpioblasma turgidulaMusselAquaticSXGX@d IMBIV16200LE76-06-14BivalviaUnionoidaUnionidae Unknowngravel\@ Decreasing@ uka]QEA=44,,8fSnuffboxEpioblasma triquetraMusselAquaticS1G3@ IMBIV16190BivalviaUnionoidaUnionidaeBanded Sculpin, Logperchgravel@ Decreasing@ wwlaWWWK?;7..&,8eCurtis PearlymusselEpioblasma florentina curtisiiMusselAquaticS1G1T1@ IMBIV16061LE76-06-14BivalviaUnionoidaUnionidaeRainbow Dartergravel@ Decreasing@ |rnbVPLCC;,8aSlippershell MusselAlasmidonta viridisMusselAquaticS1G4G5@d IMBIV02110BivalviaUnionoidaUnionidae\@a gravel.@r Decreasing@ xmcccWKEA880,8`PseudoscorpionHesperochernes occidentalisInvertebrate - otherTerrestrialS1G5@ ILARAXXX10ArachnidaPseudoscorpionesChernetidaeUnknown`@ vvvj^ZVII3,>8_Cave Obligate HarvestmanCrosbyella roeweriInvertebrate - otherTerrestrialS1G1G2 Arachnid.ILARAB0020ArachnidaOpilionesPhalangodidaeUnknown`@ xa[WJJ4 ,>8^Cave Obligate HarvestmanCrosbyella distinctaInvertebrate - otherTerrestrialS1G1G2 Arachnid.ILARAB0010ArachnidaOpilionesPhalangodidaeUnknown`@ zc]YLL6 ,>8]Cave Obligate PseudoscorpionApochthonius titanicusInvertebrate - otherTerrestrialS1G1G2Pseudoscorpion.ILARA29130ArachnidaPseudoscorpionesChthoniidaeUnknown`@ ic_RR<$,LVAL Shell small, elliptical, ovate, or obovate in shape (maximum length 40 mm). Anterior end of shell rounded; posterior end of male shells pointed, while females are broadly rounded. Shell yellowish green covered with numerous fine green rays evenly distributed over the shell surface. Nacre bluish-white.Shell small, fairly solid, triangular (males) to somewhat elongate (females) and inflated (particularly in females). Anterior end rounded, posterior end truncated in males, expanded in females. Dorsal and ventral margins straight to slightly curved. Posterior ridge sharply angled, posterior slope wide, expanded, and ribbed (especially in females). Umbos swollen and slightly elevated above the hinge line. Beak sculpture of three or four faint, double-looped bars. Periostracum yellow or yellowish green, with numerous dark green rays, blotches or chevron-shaped markings. Length to 2.5 inches (6.4 cm). Pseudocardinal teeth elevated, roughened, relatively thin and compressed; two in the left valve, two in the right, with the front one being thinner and much smaller. Lateral teeth very short, slightly curved, serrated, and elevated. Beak cavity fairly deep. Nacre pearly white, iridescent posteriorly.Shell small (less than 1.5 inches), yellowish brown to brown, sometimes with fine evenly spaced rays over most of its length. Beak broad and low and beak sculpture usually eroded away. Males oval in shape, with the anterior end smoothly rounded, and the posterior end bluntly pointed and biangular. Female smoothly rounded anteriorly and broadly rounded and inflated posteriorly, posterior edge serrated. Nacre white to whitish-blue, hinge line broadly curved. Cardinal teeth high, triangular and divergent.xLVAL RShell oblong to quadrate, moderately inflated with thin to moderately thick valves. Pseudocardinal and lateral teeth are thin but well developed. Shell color ranges from yellow to green to tan, with numerous thin, broken rays and flecks extending from the umbo to the posterior margin. Nacre grayish to iridescent, and maximum length is about four inches.Shell oblong, dorsal line gently rounded, ventral line straight to gently curved; anterior end uniformly rounded, posterior end truncated above and at the posterior ridge which usually gives it a biangulate appearance; compressed; relatively strong although thin; beaks low; shell light brown and has a dull, waxy luster; green rays cover surface; left valve has two stout, divergent, striated, triangular pseudocardinal teeth; the two lateral teeth are short, stout and slightly curved; right valve has a tall, triangular to columnar, striated pseudocardinal, a low, lamellar tooth can be seen anteriorly; right lateral tooth is short, stout and slightly curved. Nacre is bluish-white to white, slightly iridescent posteriorly.Shell quadrate; dorsal margin straight or slightly curved; ventral margin gently convex to straight but may be concave; anterior end uniformly rounded; posterior margin with two angles. Shells thick, not inflated, posterior ridge not prominent. Shell color tan with faint green rays in young individuals, becoming red-brown to black in older individuals. Left valve with two erect, triangular, striated pseudocardinals; lateral teeth nearly straight, relatively short and striated; right valve has one erect, stout, striated pseudocardinal; single lateral tooth is heavy, broad, striated; nacre white to blue-white, often tinged with pink.LVAL,B X n 4tTANHC Mr. Michael Warriner, AGFC Mr. Brian WagnerANHC Mr. Michael Warriner, AGFC Mr. Brian WagnerANHC Mr. Michael Warriner, AGFC Mr. Brian WagnerANHC Mr. Michael Warriner, AGFC Mr. Brian WagnerANHC Mr. Michael Warriner, AGFC Mr. Brian WagnerANHC Mr. Michael Warriner, AGFC Mr. Brian WagnerAGFC Mr. Bill Posey, USFWS-ES Mr. Chris Davidson, ASU Dr. John Harris, AHTD Mr. Josh Seagraves, AHTD Mr. Ben ThesingAGFC Mr. Bill Posey, USFWS-ES Mr. Chris Davidson, ASU Dr. John Harris, AHTD Mr. Josh Seagraves, AHTD Mr. Ben ThesingAGFC Mr. Bill Posey, USFWS-ES Mr. Chris Davidson, ASU Dr. John Harris, AHTD Mr. Josh Seagraves, AHTD Mr. Ben ThesingAGFC Mr. Bill Posey, USFWS-ES Mr. Chris Davidson, ASU Dr. John Harris, AHTD Mr. Josh Seagraves, AHTD Mr. Ben ThesingAGFC Mr. Bill Posey, USFWS-ES Mr. Chris Davidson, ASU Dr. John Harris, AHTD Mr. Josh Seagraves, AHTD Mr. Ben ThesingAGFC Mr. Bill Posey, USFWS-ES Mr. Chris Davidson, ASU Dr. John Harris, AHTD Mr. Josh Seagraves, AHTD Mr. Ben ThesingAGFC Mr. Bill Posey, USFWS-ES Mr. Chris Davidson, ASU Dr. John Harris, AHTD Mr. Josh Seagraves, AHTD Mr. Ben ThesingAGFC Mr. Bill Posey, USFWS-ES Mr. Chris Davidson, ASU Dr. John Harris, AHTD Mr. Josh Seagraves, AHTD Mr. Ben ThesingAGFC Mr. Bill Posey, USFWS-ES Mr. Chris Davidson, ASU Dr. John Harris, AHTD Mr. Josh Seagraves, AHTD Mr. Ben ThesingAGFC Mr. Bill Posey, USFWS-ES Mr. Chris Davidson, ASU Dr. John Harris, AHTD Mr. Josh Seagraves, AHTD Mr. Ben ThesingAGFC Mr. Bill Posey, USFWS-ES Mr. Chris Davidson, ASU Dr. John Harris, AHTD Mr. Josh Seagraves, AHTD Mr. Ben ThesingAGFC Mr. Bill Posey, USFWS-ES Mr. Chris Davidson, ASU Dr. John Harris, AHTD Mr. Josh Seagraves, AHTD Mr. Ben ThesingAGFC Mr. Bill Posey, USFWS-ES Mr. Chris Davidson, ASU Dr. John Harris, AHTD Mr. Josh Seagraves, AHTD Mr. Ben ThesingAGFC Mr. Bill Posey, USFWS-ES Mr. Chris Davidson, ASU Dr. John Harris, AHTD Mr. Josh Seagraves, AHTD Mr. Ben ThesingLVAL JN&Widespread but uncommon. Small size may result in it being overlooked during general mussel surveys (AFMC 2004a, 2004b, 2004c, 2005).Species is probably more common than is shown by its State Rank. Often found in small, turbid streams with extremely soft substrates and along banks in larger stream which may lead to the species being overlooked during general mussel surveys (AFMC 2004a, 2004b, 2004c, 2005).Often confused with Quadrula quadrula (mapleleaf) because of similarity of appearance. First recognized in Arkansas in 1996 (AFMC 2004a, 2004b, 2004c, 2005, Posey and others 1996).Federally-listed endangered species. Often found in drainage ditches flowing into the St. Francis River. Populations have been found in the Mississippi and Ohio rivers. (AFMC 2004a, 2004b, 2004c, 2005).Large river species rarely collected twice in Arkansas. Most individuals have been collected from the Mississippi River or adjacent backwaters. (AFMC 2004a, 2004b, 2004c, 2005, 2015).Widely distributed in the White River drainage but never comprises a large percentage of a community (AFMC 2004a, 2004b, 2004c, 2005).Prefers water quality low in nutrients and is often found in runs along cobble banks in small streams. Only one record in Arkansas from Dorcheat Bayou (Columbia County). (AFMC 2004a, 2004b, 2004c, 2005, Paul Johnson personal communication 2005, Smith 2001).Federally-listed endangered species. Endemic to Little Red River. Previously thought to only remain in Middle Fork Little Red River, but recent surveys found small populations in all forks (AFMC 2004a, 2004b, 2004c, 2005). Genetic research has confirmed the validity of this species (Harris and others 2004). The species has also been discovered in Big Creek, a tributary occurring downstream of Greers Ferry Dam.LVALp (Shell large, elongate, laterally compressed and somewhat rectangular, thin in young shells to moderately thick in older individuals. Anterior end rounded, posterior end bluntly squared or truncated. Umbos flattened and only slightly elevated above the hinge line. Beak sculpture of three or four concentric ridges, visible only in small shells. Large wing present posterior to the umbos. Shell smooth, dark green or brown, becoming black in old individuals. Young shells typically marked with dark green rays that become fainter with age. Length to eight inches (20.3 cm). Pseudocardinal teeth small, roughened, thin and divergent; two in the left valve, two in the right. Lateral teeth long, thin, and straight to slightly curved. Beak cavity shallow. Nacre usually purple or pinkish purple, rarely white; highly iridescent.Shell oval or oblong, thick, solid, and inflated. Anterior and posterior ends broadly rounded. Umbos slightly elevated above the hinge line, rounded, curved inward, and directed forward. Beak sculpture of four or five delicate, double-looped bars, usually evident only in very small shells. Shell smooth, olive green or yellowish brown, faintly rayed in young shells, becoming dark brown in old individuals. Length to four inches (10.2 cm). Pseudocardinal teeth triangular, relatively small, widely divergent, and horizontal. Lateral teeth straight to slightly curved, wide, heavy, and fairly long. Interdentum narrow. Beak cavity shallow. Nacre white, iridescent posteriorly.Shell oblong, obovate to subrhomboid, sometimes a little arcuate, subsolid to solid, inequilateral; beaks moderately full, their sculpture not seen; posterior ridge low, rounded or somewhat doubled; Shell brownish or blackish; left valve with two low, stumpy, rough pseudocardinals and two remote, feeble laterals; right valve with one pseudocardinal and behind it a vestige of a second with one lateral; nacre whitish or lurid purplish with numerous pits.B  t N " {_:)8Striate SupercoilParavitrea aulacogyraInvertebrate - otherTerrestrialSHGHQJ@ IMGAS78040GastropodaStylommatophoraZonitidaeUnknown`@ ttth\WSFF0,^8Land SnailGastrocopta rogersensisInvertebrate - otherTerrestrialS2G3G4@ IMGAS15260GastropodaStylommatophoraPupillidaeUnknown`@ |pppdXRNAA+,8Bleedingtooth MusselVenustaconcha pleasiiMusselAquaticS3G3G4@d IMBIVA4020BivalviaUnionoidaUnionidaeZ@ a cobble/gravelL@` Unknown@ {pfffZNHD;;3,~8~EllipseVenustaconcha ellipsiformisMusselAquaticS2G4@d IMBIVA4010BivalviaUnionoidaUnionidae@ a gravel/cobble0@ Unknown@ }}rg]]]QEA=44,,>8|Little Spectaclecase groupVillosa sp. cf lienosaMusselAquaticS2S3G5@ IMBIV47070BivalviaUnionoidaUnionidaet@ a gravel/sand@ Unknown@ wmmmaUQKBB:",8{PondhornUniomerus tetralasmusMusselAquaticS2G5R@ IMBIV46050BivalviaUnionoidaUnionidaeGolden Shinergravel/sandx@ Unknown@ xxmbXXXL@<8//',8zTapered PondhornUniomerus declivisMusselAquaticS2G5Q(@ IMBIV46020BivalviaUnionoidaUnionidae Unknownsilt/sand/gravel@ Unknown@ ~~sh^^^RFA=44,,8yFawnsfootTruncilla donaciformisMusselAquaticS3G5 @ IMBIV45020BivalviaUnionoidaUnionidaeFreshwater Drum, Saugersand/gravel~@ Unknown@ zzodZZZNB>:11),ޓ8xTexas LilliputToxolasma texasienseMusselAquaticS3G4(@ IMBIV43080BivalviaUnionoidaUnionidaeBluegill, Warmouthsand/silt&@ Unknown@ }}rg]]]QEA=44,,8uSalamander MusselSimpsonaias ambiguaMusselAquaticS1G3@d IMBIV41010BivalviaUnionoidaUnionidaeMudpuppy Salamander?@ Unknown@ ti___SGC?66.,>8tSouthern MapleleafQuadrula apiculataMusselAquaticS3G5h@ IMBIV39010BivalviaUnionoidaUnionidae Unknowngravel/cobble/sand~@ Unknown@ ti___SGC?66.,8sFat PocketbookPotamilus capaxMusselAquaticS2G2@ IMBIV37030LE76-06-14BivalviaUnionoidaUnionidaeFreshwater Drumsand/clay/gravel@ Stable@ {pf\XL@<8//',8rPink HeelsplitterPotamilus alatusMusselAquaticS1G5n@ IMBIV37010BivalviaUnionoidaUnionidaeFreshwater Drumsand/siltr@ Unknown@ ||qf\\\PD@<33+,LVALf  Shell small, thin, elongate elliptical or oval, and compressed (male) to slightly inflated posteriorly (female). Anterior and posterior ends rounded. Posterior ridge rounded. Dorsal and ventral margins straight, parallel. Umbos slightly elevated above the hinge line. Beak sculpture of three or four double-looped bars. Shell smooth, dull, yellowish tan to dark brown, and rayless. Length to two inches (5.1 cm). Pseudocardinal teeth very small, low, rounded; one in each valve. Lateral teeth absent. Beak cavity shallow. Nacre bluish white, occasionally tinged with salmon near the beaks, iridescent on the posterior half.Shell subrhomboid, rather short, slightly inequilateral, subsolid to solid; beaks high, moderately full; posterior ridge well developed, narrowly rounded, angled or showing a tendency to be double, ending in a point or feeble biangulation at the base; anterior end rounded, sometimes obliquely truncated above, surface covered with fine, close pustules, which are often laid down in zigzag patterns; epidermis greenish in young shells, ashy-brown in old ones. Pseudocardinals, radial, somewhat split; lateral of right valve double; beak cavities moderately deep, nacre white.Shell round to somewhat oblong, greatly inflated, and thin (young) to moderately thick (adults). Anterior and posterior ends rounded. Umbos greatly inflated, elevated, and turned inward. Beak sculpture of a few faint ridges, visible only in young shells. Small posterior wing present in young mussels. Surface usually smooth and very shiny. Periostracum rayless, yellow, yellowish tan, or olive, becoming dark brown in older individuals. Length to five inches (12.7 cm). Pseudocardinal teeth thin, compressed, and elevated; two in each valve. Lateral teeth thin and greatly curved; two in the left valve, one in the right. Hinge line S-shaped. Beak cavity very deep. Nacre white, sometimes tinged with pink or salmon.LVAL \Shell elliptical, elongate, and compressed to moderately inflated. Anterior end rounded and posterior end acutely pointed. Dorsal and ventral margins both straight. Umbos low, approximately even with hingeline. Two shallow grooves present on posterior slope, giving rise to a short ridge. Posterior ridge prominent. Coloration yellowish brown, green, brown to black; rays generally absent. Pseudocardinal teeth small and thin; lateral teeth relatively thin, short and straight to slightly curved. Beak cavity shallow. Nacre white to occasionally salmon tinged. Maximum length to approximately six inches (15 cm).Shell small, elongate, somewhat oblong, relatively thin, and compressed to moderately inflated. Anterior end rounded, posterior end pointed, ventral margin smoothly rounded. Umbos full, centrally located, and slightly elevated above the hinge line. Beak sculpture of five or six double-looped bars. Periostracum variable from yellow to greenish brown, with numerous dark green rays made up of many smaller broken, V-shaped or zigzag lines. Length to two inches (5.1 cm). Pseudocardinal teeth small, roughened, and elevated; two in the left valve, one in the right. Lateral teeth thin, relatively long, and straight to slightly curved. Beak cavity moderately shallow. Nacre white, iridescent posteriorly.Shell elongate, thin to relatively solid, and moderately inflated. Anterior end rounded, posterior end pointed (males) or truncated (females). Umbos even with or only slightly elevated above the hinge line. Beak sculpture of five or six strong angular ridges. Periostracum greenish brown to black with clothlike texture. Length to 2.5 inches (6.4 cm). Pseudocardinal teeth relatively thin and compressed, elevated and serrated; two in the left valve, one in the right. Lateral teeth long, straight or curved; two in the left valve, one in the right. Beak cavity shallow. Nacre white, occasionally tinged with salmon in the beak cavity and center of the shell.LVAL This freshwater snail species is also known as the Thick-lip Pebblesnail. It is known only from the North Fork of the White River in Baxter County, Arkansas (Robison and Allen 1995). Presumed extinct from the North Fork of the White River, Norfolk, Arkansas (Burch and Tottenham 1980).An endemic freshwater snail known only from the Ouachita River at Arkadelphia in Clark County. Walker, B. 1915. Apical characters in Somatogyrus with descriptions of three new species. The Nautilus 29(4):37-41.Freshwater snail reclassified as Marstonia ozarkensis (Hershler and Thompson 1987, Thompson and Hershler 2002, Turgeon and others 1998).An Arkansas endemic species, this terrestrial snail is known only from a site on the northern summit of Magazine Mountain in Logan County (Pislbry and Ferriss 1906).A regionally endemic (Arkansas, Missouri) terrestrial snail that occupies habitat in and along bluff lines (Nekola and Coles 2001).Widespread but uncommon. Found in habitats not usually surveyed during general mussel surveys. Three taxonomic units may occur in Arkansas with  forms inhabiting the Red River Basin, Ouachita River Basin and the combined Arkansas, White and St. Francis drainages. (AFMC 2004a, 2004b, 2004c, 2005, G.T. Waters pers. Comm.)Species is probably more common than is shown by its State Rank. Often found in small, turbid streams with extremely soft substrates, in ponds and lakes, and along banks in larger stream which may lead to the species being overlooked during general mussel surveys (AFMC 2004a, 2004b, 2004c, 2005).Species is probably more common than is shown by its State Rank. Often found in small, turbid streams with extremely soft substrates and along banks in larger stream which may lead to the species being overlooked during general mussel surveys (AFMC 2004a, 2004b, 2004c, 2005).fLVAL xGenerally for all three taxonomic entities, shell small, slightly elongate, thin to moderately thick, compressed in males and inflated in females. Anterior end rounded, posterior end bluntly pointed (males) or truncated (females). Dorsal margin straight, ventral margin straight to slightly curved. Umbos elevated above the hinge line. Beak sculpture of four to seven distinct, double-looped bars. Periostracum green to dark brown, with green rays (often obscure). Length to 2.5 inches (6.4 cm). Pseudocardinal teeth relatively small and compressed; two in the left valve, one in the right, with a smaller tooth present anteriorly in some shells. Lateral teeth elongate, thin, and straight. Nacre white or bluish white, occasionally tinged with salmon, iridescent posteriorly.Shell relatively thin, elongate, and compressed to moderately inflated. Anterior end rounded, posterior end bluntly or sharply pointed. Dorsal margin straight, ventral margin straight, rarely curved. Umbos low, approximately even with the hinge line. Beak sculpture of four or five concentric ridges. Two shallow grooves present on the posterior slope, giving rise to a short ridge. Surface smooth and shiny in small shells, becoming rougher and dull in older individuals. Periostracum greenish or yellowish brown in young individuals, adults dark brown to black and rayless. Length to five inches (12.7 cm). Pseudocardinal teeth small and thin; two in the left valve, one in the right. Lateral teeth relatively thin, short, and straight to slightly curved. Beak cavity shallow. Nacre white, occasionally with a tinge of salmon.TLVAL fShell rounded, solid, and moderately inflated. Anterior margin rounded, posterior margin bluntly rounded or truncated. Ventral margin broadly rounded. Umbos not elevated above the hinge line. Beak sculpture, if visible, of a few weak ridges. Growth lines appear as distinct elevated ridges. Numerous pustules usually concentrated in the center but occasionally covering the entire surface of the shell. Periostracum usually greenish yellow, with a pattern of dark green rays made up of numerous smaller broken lines or dots. Length to three inches (7.6 cm). Pseudocardinal teeth relatively large and serrated; two in the left valve, one in the right. Lateral teeth roughened, straight to slightly curved, heavy and very short. Interdentum wide. Beak cavity shallow to moderately deep. Nacre white, iridescent posteriorly.Shell small, solid, elliptical, and compressed. Anterior end rounded, posterior end bluntly pointed. Ventral margin straight to slightly curved. Umbos only slightly elevated above the hinge line. Beak sculpture of three or four very fine, double-looped ridges. Shell usually smooth, with a few wrinkles or folds on the posterior half in older shells. Periostracum green or greenish yellow with numerous dark green rays, becoming wavy on the posterior half of the shell. Length to three inches (7.6 cm). Pseudocardinal teeth triangular, heavy, roughened, and divergent; two in the left valve, one in the right (occasionally with a thin, ridgelike tooth in front). Lateral teeth relatively short, thick, and straight to slightly curved. Beak cavity shallow. Nacre white, iridescent posteriorly.B  lR= 8"Bismark Burrowing CrayfishProcambarus parasimulansCrayfishSemi-AquaticS3G4@ MalacostracaDecapodaCambaridaeUnknown\@ vhhhh\XTFF<",ށ8Gulf MapleleafQuadrula nobilisMusselAquaticS3G4@e BivalviaUnionoidaUnionidaeB@ a Unknown@ yyyymmbWMMMMA=900(,>8Cave Obligate MillipedeTrigenotyla parcaInvertebrate - otherTerrestrialS1G1G2No information available.ITUNI76010DiplopodaChordeumatidaTrichopetalidaeUnknown`@ _YUHH2,>8MillipedeAbacion wilhelminaeInvertebrate - otherTerrestrialS1GNR@e ITUNI38X10DiplopodaCallipodidaAbacionidaeUnknown`@ ujjj^RMI<<&,8Cave Obligate PlanarianDendrocoelopsis americanaInvertebrate - otherSemi-AquaticS1G2G3 Flatworm.IPTUR11020TurbellariaTricladidaDendrocoelidaeUnknown`@ hb^PP:,>8Channelled PebblesnailSomatogyrus wheeleriInvertebrate - otherAquaticSXGX@ IMGASJ2360GastropodaNeotaenioglossaHydrobiidaeUnknown`@ sssg[WSJJ4,8Thicklipped PebblesnailSomatogyrus crassilabrisInvertebrate - otherAquaticSXGX:@ IMGASJ2070GastropodaNeotaenioglossaHydrobiidaeUnknown`@ xxxl`\XOO9,8Ouachita PebblesnailSomatogyrus amnicoloidesInvertebrate - otherAquaticSXGX@ IMGASJ2020GastropodaNeotaenioglossaHydrobiidaeUnknown`@ uuui]YULL6,8Ozark PyrgMarstonia ozarkensisInvertebrate - otherAquaticS1?G1@ IMGASJ0040GastropodaNeotaenioglossaHydrobiidaeUnknown`@ thhh\PLG>>(,8Foushee CavesnailAmnicola coraInvertebrate - otherSemi-AquaticS1G1@e IMGASF4040GastropodaNeotaenioglossaHydrobiidaeUnknown`@ xlll`TPL>>(,8Arkansas WedgeXolotrema occidentaleInvertebrate - otherTerrestrialSNRG1X@e IMGASA1290GastropodaStylommatophoraPolygyridaeUnknown`@ }qqqeYUPCC-,8White LiptoothDaedalochila peregrinaInvertebrate - otherTerrestrialSNRG2X@e IMGAS96230GastropodaStylommatophoraPolygyridaeUnknown`@ ~rrrfZVQDD.,8Magazine Mountain ShagreenInflectarius magazinensisInvertebrate - otherTerrestrialS1G1@e IMGAS95210LT89-04-17GastropodaStylommatophoraPolygyridaeUnknown`@ thd`SS=",^8Calico Rock OvalPatera clenchiInvertebrate - otherTerrestrialSNRG1Z@d IMGAS95100GastropodaStylommatophoraPolygyridaeUnknown`@ xlll`TPK>>(,^LVAL"@  `  ^  J 6 ~"jVB.2AGFC Kelly Irwin, UCA Don Shepard, U-Tulsa Ron Bonett, U-Tulsa Mike SteffenAGFC Mr. Blake Sasse, UALR Dr. Bob Sikes, UAM Dr. Don White, UALR Dr. Gary Heidt, Mr. J. D. Wilhide, HSU Dr. Renn Tumlison, ATU Dr. Tom Nupp, ASU Dr. Thomas Risch, USFS Mr. David Saugey, USFS Dr. Roger Perry, SAU Mr. Matthew Connior, ASU Mr. Stephen BrandenburaAGFC Mr. Brian Wagner, UA Dr. Daniel MagoulickAGFC Mr. Brian Wagner, UA Dr. Daniel MagoulickAGFC Mr. Brian Wagner, UA Dr. Daniel MagoulickAGFC Mr. Brian Wagner, UA Dr. Daniel MagoulickAGFC Mr. Brian Wagner, UA Dr. Daniel MagoulickAGFC Mr. Brian Wagner, UA Dr. Daniel MagoulickAGFC Mr. Brian Wagner, UA Dr. Daniel MagoulickAGFC Mr. Brian Wagner, UA Dr. Daniel MagoulickAGFC Mr. Brian Wagner, UA Dr. Daniel MagoulickAGFC Mr. Brian Wagner, UA Dr. Daniel MagoulickAGFC Mr. Brian Wagner, UA Dr. Daniel MagoulickAGFC Mr. Brian Wagner, UA Dr. Daniel MagoulickAGFC Mr. Brian Wagner, UA Dr. Daniel MagoulickAGFC Mr. Brian Wagner, UA Dr. Daniel MagoulickAGFC Mr. Brian Wagner, UA Dr. Daniel MagoulickAGFC Mr. Brian Wagner, UA Dr. Daniel MagoulickAGFC Mr. Brian Wagner, UA Dr. Daniel MagoulickAGFC Mr. Brian Wagner, UA Dr. Daniel MagoulickAGFC Mr. Brian Wagner, UA Dr. Daniel MagoulickAGFC Mr. Brian Wagner, UA Dr. Daniel MagoulickAGFC Mr. Brian Wagner, UA Dr. Daniel MagoulickAGFC Mr. Brian Wagner, UA Dr. Daniel MagoulickAGFC Mr. Brian Wagner, UA Dr. Daniel MagoulickAGFC Mr. Bill Posey, USFWS-ES Mr. Chris Davidson, ASU Dr. John Harris, AHTD Mr. Josh Seagraves, AHTD Mr. Ben ThesingANHC Mr. Michael Warriner, AGFC Mr. Brian WagnerANHC Mr. Michael Warriner, AGFC Mr. Brian WagnerANHC Mr. Michael Warriner, AGFC Mr. Brian WagnerANHC Mr. Michael Warriner, AGFC Mr. Brian WagnerANHC Mr. Michael Warriner, AGFC Mr. Brian WagnerANHC Mr. Michael Warriner, AGFC Mr. Brian WagnerANHC Mr. Michael Warriner, AGFC Mr. Brian WagnerANHC Mr. Michael Warriner, AGFC Mr. Brian WagnerFLVAL^ZDescription: a medium-sized reddish brown crayfish (Pflieger 1996) This crayfish occupies clear streams with gravel or rubble substrate (Pflieger 1996), but is also found in high numbers in pools and spring fed streams (Dukat and Magoulick 1999). In some parts areas it occurs in higher numbers in non-permanent habitats (Flinders and Magoulick 2003). This crayfish has a very limited distribution in the Spring River and its tributaries in three counties of Arkansas and Missouri (Pflieger 1996). Introduced ringed crayfish may adversely affect the species (Dan Magoulick, personal communication). Flinders and Magoulick (2005) studied distribution, habitat use, and life history of the species.Description: a tan crayfish, 30 to 40mm in carapace length (Hobbs and Robison 1982). Robison and others (2009) reported the species from 41 localities, including 9 new locations, in 14 counties. The species is widespread, but uncommonly encountered due to its sporadic distribution and burrowing habit. Robison and others (2009) state that  Procambarus parasimulans is a primary burrower, i.e. it burrows all year long in one place and rarely exits except during the breeding season when males search for females. This species was never collected in static open water in fields or in ditches with standing water, but rather normally inhabits only burrows. Burrowers tended to be simple in construction and depths of capture ranged from 1-2.5 feet. Soils where burrows were found tended to be of a sandy clay without standing water. Very infrequently, adults wander out into floodplain areas and into temporary pools and backwater pools of small pools. This freshwater snail species is extirpated in the subnation. Habitat probably destroyed by reservoirs. Known only from the Ouachita River in Clark County, AR (Robison and Allen 1995, Turgeon and others 1998).B  1 > = ? ANTRPED9>8"Bayou Bodcau CrayfishBouchardina robisoniCrayfishSemi-AquaticS1G2@ MalacostracaDecapodaCambaridaeUnknown\@ wm____SOK==3,8"Slenderwrist Burrowing CrayfishFallicambarus petilicarpusCrayfishSemi-AquaticS1G1P@ MalacostracaDecapodaCambaridaeUnknown\@ }ooooc_[MMC',8"Hell Creek Cave CrayfishCambarus zophonastesCrayfishSemi-AquaticS1G1"@ LEMalacostracaDecapodaCambaridaeStable\@ ~tffbbVRN@@6 ,8"Gapped Ringed CrayfishOrconectes neglectus chaenodactylusCrayfishAquaticS3G5T3@ MalacostracaDecapodaCambaridaeIncreasing\@ zllll`ZVMMC,8"Benton County Cave CrayfishCambarus aculabrumCrayfishSemi-AquaticS1G1(@ LEMalacostracaDecapodaCambaridaeStable\@ uggccWSOAA7#,8"Saline Burrowing CrayfishFallicambarus strawniCrayfishSemi-AquaticS1G1G2L@ MalacostracaDecapodaCambaridaeUnknown\@ ~tffffZTPBB8!,8"Blair's Fencing CrayfishFaxonella blairiCrayfishSemi-AquaticS2G2J@ MalacostracaDecapodaCambaridaeUnknown\@ vl^^^^RNJ<<2 ,8"Coldwater CrayfishOrconectes eupunctusCrayfishAquaticS1G2@ MalacostracaDecapodaCambaridaeUnknown\@ {{{{{{oeWWWWKGC::0,8"Boston Mountains CrayfishCambarus causeyiCrayfishSemi-AquaticS1G2x@ MalacostracaDecapodaCambaridaeDecreasing\@ wm____SOK==3!,~8"Ouachita Mountain CrayfishProcambarus tenuisCrayfishSemi-AquaticS2G3@ MalacostracaDecapodaCambaridaeUnknown\@ zpbbbbVRN@@6",8"Irons Fork Burrowing CrayfishProcambarus reimeriCrayfishSemi-AquaticS1G1@ MalacostracaDecapodaCambaridaeStable\@ ~tffffZVRDD:%,8"Williams' CrayfishOrconectes williamsiCrayfishAquaticS1G3|@ MalacostracaDecapodaCambaridaeUnknown\@ {{{{{{oeWWWWKGC::0,>8"Midget CrayfishOrconectes nanaCrayfishAquaticS3G3 @ MalacostracaDecapodaCambaridaeUnknown\@ |ssssssg]OOOOC?;22(,>8"Meek's Short Pointed CrayfishOrconectes meeki brevisCrayfishAquaticS2G4T3N@ MalacostracaDecapodaCambaridaeUnknown\@ ugggg[UQHH>%,8"Mena CrayfishOrconectes menaeCrayfishAquaticS3G3@ MalacostracaDecapodaCambaridaeStable\@ zrrrrrrf\NNNNB>:11',8"Mammoth Spring CrayfishOrconectes marchandiCrayfishAquaticS2G2@ MalacostracaDecapodaCambaridaeUnknown\@ tj\\\\PLH??5,LVAL Description: a diminutive crayfish (maximum 2 inches long), tan with a dark saddle and may have brown speckles (Chris Taylor, personal communication). Inhabits clear gravelly streams of the Arkansas River drainage in northwest Arkansas and northeast Oklahoma (Williams 1954). The separation between O. macrus and O. nana was studied by Dillman et al. 2010 and distinctness of the species was strongly supported. Widespread within Illinois River basin small, gravelly streams (Brian K. Wagner, personal communication).Description: a rather plain brown, medium-sized crayfish (Pflieger 1996). Inhabits rocky streams in extreme northwest Arkansas and eastern Oklahoma (Hobbs 1989). Robison et al. 2009 expanded AR range to 22 sites, prompting recommended change in S rank. Genetic analyses of the difference between this subspecies and the nominate subspecies were inconclusive in resolving the level of relationship between these two taxa.Description: a medium-sized olive to brown crayfish (Brian K. Wagner, personal communication). Restricted to four counties in the upper Ouachitas of extreme western Arkansas and eastern Oklahoma (Hobbs 1989). Robison (2008) found good numbers of this crayfish. Populations persist in Lake DeGray (Brian K. Wagner, personal communication) and possibly other reservoirs. Robison (2008) found O. menae under rocks and rubble both in the swifter, shallow runs and the shallow pool margins where rocks had been deposited. Occasionally, they were located in burrows under the largest rocks or at the side of large rocks. It seems they prefer the more shallow pool margins and runs whereas Orconectes palmeri longimanus preferred the deeper pool regions.:LVAL NOccurs in and adjacent to springs and clear cool streams in the Ouachitas of extreme western Arkansas and eastern Oklahoma (Hobbs 1989). Robison (2008) confirmed that this is an uncommon Ouachita mountain endemic with small populations. Robison (2008) found this crayfish to be a species of small first and second order streams which primarily lived beneath rocks. It was also found in springs and spring run-off in several localities in the Ouachita Mountains. Oftentimes, P. tenuis was the only crayfish species living in the smaller spring-fed, first order and second order streams.Description: a pinkish cream-colored burrowing crayfish (Robison and Allen 1995). Known from six localities in the Ouachita River basin of Polk county (Hobbs and Robison 1988).Robison (2008) found this species to be stable, but restricted to a limited localized area in Polk County. Rhoden et al. 2016 are currently studying this species in an attempt to model distribution based on habitat characteristics. Robison (2008) found this species in wet seepage areas and roadside ditches with a sandy clay soil substrate. Specimens of P. reimeri were found in burrows from one-half meter to a meter and a half adjacent to the road or highway. Juveniles were collected in standing water at the edge of a gravel road.Description: a small crayfish (shorter than 2 inches long) that is gray to tan in color with a vase shaped pale zone on the carapace (Plieger 1996). This species has localized occurrences in small headwater creeks of the upper White River basin. The number of known populations has been significantly increased through recent work (Wagner et al. 2010, Westhoff et al. 2006) but populations remain localized. This species has become fragmented in recent years due to the development of reservoirs (Westhoff et al. 2006). In the White River portion of its range in Missouri, lead and gravel mining and urbanization continue to threaten species that inhabit this river system (Westhoff et al. 2006).hLVAL |Description: a small, wetland crayfish with maximum carapace length of 20mm (Hayes and Riemer 1977). Occurs in southwest Arkansas and southeast Oklahoma (Hayes and Riemer 1977). Robison and Crandall (2007) found it to be more common than previously thought, and considered it to be stable.Description: a rather small, stout crayfish with reddish brown thorax and abdomen (Pflieger 1996). Endemic to the Eleven Point and Spring River drainages of Arkansas and Missouri (Williams 1954). Also found in localized areas in Strawberry River (Wagner et al. 2008) and a tributary (Henry Robison, pers. Comm.). Wagner et al. 2008 found limited ocurrences in random basin-wide surveys and inferred dependence on larger stream habitats. The species is the subject of a current range-wide study by Missouri Department of Conservation, University of Arkansas, USGS, AGFC, and Carnegie Museum of Natural History looking at status, hanitat use, life history, genetics, and thermal stress. The range of this species is in decline due, predominantly due to inter-specific competition with the invasive crayfish Orconectes neglectus and changes in land use causing a decline in stream habitat quality (Magoulick and DiStefano 2007) where there has been a documented decline in at least one drainage (Magoulick and DiStefano 2007). The precise causes for the decline have not been confirmed (Rabalais and Magoulick 2006).Description: a strongly compressed, olive-colored crayfish that is poorly known. (Robison and Allen 1995). This Arkansas endemic crayfish inhabits complex burrows on hillsides near springs in the Boston Mountains. (Bouchard and Robison 1980). It is most closely related to three troglobitic species. (Reimer 1966). Robison et al. (2009) suspected that the species may be declining after only locating specimens at 4 out of 39 sites examined.LVAL Description: a medium to large, brown crayfish with a dark saddle, a pale band on lower side of abdomen, red-tipped claws with brown or black ring around tip (Pflieger 1996). This subspecies is restricted to the area from the North Fork White River Basin to Sylamore Creek (Hobbs 1989). This range was examined in more detail by Wagner and others 2010, finding it to be locally abundant. It has recently appeared in the Spring River basin (Dan Magoulick, personal communication) and Eleven Point River Basin (Bob DiStefano, personal communication). Dillman et al. (2007) examined genetics using the Cytochrome Oxidase I locus and suggested a good deal of unrecognized taxonomic diversity within O. neglectus. Further genetic and morphological evidence is needed to corroborate this indication, and descriptions are needed for the possible new species indicated.Description: a small (maximum 28mm carapace length), unpigmented troglobitic crayfish with reduced eyes. (Hobbs and Brown 1987). This crayfish is endemic to northwest Arkansas, known from very few caves, and has been listed as endangered (USFWS 1993). The species is threatened by water quality degradation, small population size, limited reproductive potential, and possible take by humans. (USFWS 1996). Recent discoveries have expanded the known distribution of this species to four sites. (Mike Slay, personal communication).Description: a pinkish cream to purplish tan crayfish that was originally described by Riemer (1966). This endemic crayfish is known from Pike and Howard counties, where it is a primary burrower in marshy areas with sandy clay (Robison and Allen 1995). This species is found in marshes, and. Its preferred substrate is sandy-clay; nearby streams are clear, fast-running, shallow and with rocky substrate (Reimer 1966).jLVAL~Description: a small (approximately 1/2 inch carapace length), grayish-tan crayfish with reddish-tan carapace with U-shaped rust markings on the sides (Hobbs 1977). This species is an Arkansas endemic known from few sites. Robison (2006) found it to be localized, highly sporadic, and rarely abundant. He found it at 9 locations, but considered it to be more rare than previously thought.Description: a burrowing crayfish, olive-brown and tan in color (Hobbs and Robison 1989). This endemic crayfish has been documented from 5 locations in Union and Columbia counties (Robison 2001, Robison et al. 2008). This species is at present known from only 18 specimens, from two collections at the type locality, and an undetermined number of specimens at a second locality in Columbia County (Robinson et al. 2008).Description: an obligate cave dweller lacking pigment, with long thin appendages and reduced eyes. (Robison and Allen 1995). An Arkansas endemic originally known only from a single cave in Stone county which is owned by the Arkansas Natural Heritage Commission. This species is found in and has recently expanded to Nesbitt Spring Cave, Stone County, Arkansas, USA (Graening et al. 2006). Surveys have been initiated at 170 other caves; no additional populations have been located. Protection of Hell Creek Cave's recharge area is the primary focus of recovery (USFWS 1988). While populations persist at what is likely historic levels its limited distribution makes it vulnerable to impacts (Graening and others, in progress). Individuals of this species have been washed out of groundwater feeding Town Branch in Yellville, and recharge delineation for this location has been completed through a Section 6 study (Slay 2014). Genetic identification of crayfish of other caves in the eastern Ozarks may reveal additional populations.LVAL Description: a burrowing crayfish varying in color from tan to grey (Hobbs 1973, Robison and Allen 1995). This endemic crayfish inhabits burrows in sandy clay soils in Hemptead, Pike, Clark and Hot Spring counties (Robison and Allen 1995).Description: a burrowing crayfish, tan in color with highly variable patterning (Hobbs and Robison 1985). This crayfish is endemic to the southern Ouachitas and is known from 12 sites in Garland, Hot Spring, Montgomery, and Pike counties (Robison and Crump 2004). Rhoden et al. 2016 are currently studying this species in an attempt to model distribution based on habitat characteristics.Description: a burrowing crayfish often blueish in color. (Hobbs and Robison 1989) This Arkansas endemic crayfish is restricted to a small area southwest of Pine Bluff, Arkansas. It has been documented from six sites in Jefferson County and one site in Cleveland County. (Robison and Wagner 2005). It prefers to burrow on seepage slopes away from standing water areas.Description: a small (maximum 4.7 inches total length), unpigmented troglobitic crayfish with reduced eyes. (Pflieger 1996). This crayfish is endemic to caves of the Ozarks in Missouri and Oklahoma. (Hobbs 1989). Recent unpublished discoveries have found this species in Arkansas as well. (Horton H. Hobbs III, personal communication). There is little known about the species in the state and based on the distribution of all cave crayfish populations in Arkansas, the identification of these populations is suspect and should be verified via genetic analyses.!B      ,5?ABO8"Tricolored HeronEgretta tricolorBirdTerrestrialS2BG5:@ AvesPelecaniformesArdeidaeBreedingStable$@ |||||rhXRRRRFB=00*,~8"Sharp-shinned HawkAccipiter striatusBirdTerrestrialS3G5@ AvesAccipitriformesAccipitridaeBreedingDecreasing$@ zl[UUUUIEA44.,8"Ruddy TurnstoneArenaria interpresBirdTerrestrialS2NG5N @ AvesCharadriiformesScolopacidaeTransientDecreasing$@ xjYSSSSGC>11+,ދ8"American KestrelFalco sparveriusBirdTerrestrialS2B,S4NG5@ AvesFalconiformesFalconidaeWinterStable$@ wk\VVVVJF=00*,8"Sprague's PipitAnthus spragueiiBirdTerrestrialS1NG4. @ AvesPasseriformesMotacillidaeWinterDecreasing$@ |||||tfWQQQQEA<//),ދ8"Common NighthawkChordeiles minorBirdTerrestrialS2BG5"@ AvesCaprimulgiformesCaprimulgidaeDecreasing$@ yyyyyyjXRRRRFB=00*,8"American Golden-PloverPluvialis dominicaBirdTerrestrialS3NG5@ AvesCharadriiformesCharadriidaeUnknown$@ q`ZZZZNJE882,8"Purple FinchHaemorhous purpureusBirdTerrestrialS3NG5f@ AvesPasseriformesFringillidaeWinterDecreasing$@ }}}}}ugXRRRRFB=00*,8"Northern Long-eared BatMyotis septentrionalisMammalTerrestrialS1S2G1G2>@ LTMammaliaChiropteraVespertilionidaeUnknown @ ~rhhddXRL??7,8"Little Brown BatMyotis lucifugusMammalTerrestrialS3G3 @ MammaliaChiropteraVespertilionidaeDecreasing @ {{{{{{i]SSSSGC?22*,8"Regal Burrowing CrayfishProcambarus regalisCrayfishSemi-AquaticS2G2G3n@ MalacostracaDecapodaCambaridaeUnknown\@ {qccccWQM??5 ,8"Neosho Midget CrayfishOrconectes macrusCrayfishAquaticS2G4@ ICMAL11510MalacostracaDecapodaCambaridaeUnknown\@ |rdddXLHD;;1,8"Daisy Burrowing CrayfishFallicambarus jeanaeCrayfishSemi-AquaticS2G2@ MalacostracaDecapodaCambaridaeUnknown\@ zpbbbbVRN@@6 ,8"Ouachita Burrowing CrayfishFallicambarus harpiCrayfishSemi-AquaticS2G2@ MalacostracaDecapodaCambaridaeStable\@ |rddddXTPBB8#,8"Jefferson County CrayfishFallicambarus gilpiniCrayfishSemi-AquaticS1G2@ MalacostracaDecapodaCambaridaeUnknown\@ |rddddXTPBB8!,8"Bristly Cave CrayfishCambarus setosusCrayfishSemi-AquaticS1G3h@ MalacostracaDecapodaCambaridaeUnknown\@ si[[[[OKG99/,LVALX This is a medium-sized brown bat that weighs between 5-12 grams. In the winter it hibernates in caves and in the summer roosts in forest trees and commonly in buildings (Sealander and Heidt 1990; Fletcher and others 1991). Though most winter hibernacula are found in the Ozarks, it has been known to winter in mines in the Ouachitas and during the summer can sometimes be found in forested areas far from known wintering sites (Fokidis and others 2005, Medlin Jr. and others 2006, Sasse and Saugey 2008, Sasse and others 2011).Description: a medium-sized brownish red and orange burrowing crayfish (Robison and Allen 1995). Inhabits simple burrows in colonies that may be extremely large, in southwestern Arkansas (Hobbs and Robison 1988). Robison and Crandall (2007) found the species to occupy 14 locations confined to 2 counties in the state. This species may in fact be synonymous with Procambarus steigmani, in which case the range of this species would be increased significantly and would make this species of Least Concern (Crandall and Johnson 2010). Further research on the taxonomy of this species is needed to clarify taxonomic status before a more accurate assessment of conservation status can be made.Description: a diminutive crayfish (maximum 2 inch total length), tan with a black or olive saddle and sometimes dark brown or black speckles (Pflieger 1996, Brian K. Wagner, personal communication). Inhabits clear gravelly streams of the Arkansas River drainage in extreme northwest Arkansas and adjacent states (Pflieger 1996). The separation between O. macrus and O. nana was studied by Dillman et al. 2010 and distinctness of the species was strongly supported.LVAL fAGFC Kelly Irwin, UCA Don Shepard, Kory RobertsAGFC Ms. Karen Rowe, ANHC Mr. Bill Holimon, USFWS-retired Mr. Allan Mueller, Audubon Arkansas Dr. Dan Scheiman, AGFC Mr. Dick Baxter, USFS Mr. Leif Anderson, USGS Dr. David Krementz, ASU Dr. Than Boves, ATU Dr. Chris Kellner, UA Dr. Kim Smith, UAM Dr. Doug Osborne, AGFC Mr. Garrick Dugger, AGFC Mr. Bubba Groves, AGFC Ms. Allison Fowler, USFWS Mr. Mike Budd, USFWS Ms. Erin Knoll, USFS Mr. Steve DuzanAGFC Ms. Karen Rowe, ANHC Mr. Bill Holimon, USFWS-retired Mr. Allan Mueller, Audubon Arkansas Dr. Dan Scheiman, AGFC Mr. Dick Baxter, USFS Mr. Leif Anderson, USGS Dr. David Krementz, ASU Dr. Than Boves, ATU Dr. Chris Kellner, UA Dr. Kim Smith, UAM Dr. Doug Osborne, AGFC Mr. Garrick Dugger, AGFC Mr. Bubba Groves, AGFC Ms. Allison Fowler, USFWS Mr. Mike Budd, USFWS Ms. Erin Knoll, USFS Mr. Steve DuzanAGFC Ms. Karen Rowe, ANHC Mr. Bill Holimon, USFWS-retired Mr. Allan Mueller, Audubon Arkansas Dr. Dan Scheiman, AGFC Mr. Dick Baxter, USFS Mr. Leif Anderson, USGS Dr. David Krementz, ASU Dr. Than Boves, ATU Dr. Chris Kellner, UA Dr. Kim Smith, UAM Dr. Doug Osborne, AGFC Mr. Garrick Dugger, AGFC Mr. Bubba Groves, AGFC Ms. Allison Fowler, USFWS Mr. Mike Budd, USFWS Ms. Erin Knoll, USFS Mr. Steve DuzanAGFC Ms. Karen Rowe, ANHC Mr. Bill Holimon, USFWS-retired Mr. Allan Mueller, Audubon Arkansas Dr. Dan Scheiman, AGFC Mr. Dick Baxter, USFS Mr. Leif Anderson, USGS Dr. David Krementz, ASU Dr. Than Boves, ATU Dr. Chris Kellner, UA Dr. Kim Smith, UAM Dr. Doug Osborne, AGFC Mr. Garrick Dugger, AGFC Mr. Bubba Groves, AGFC Ms. Allison Fowler, USFWS Mr. Mike Budd, USFWS Ms. Erin Knoll, USFS Mr. Steve DuzanAGFC Mr. Blake Sasse, UALR Dr. Bob Sikes, UAM Dr. Don White, UALR Dr. Gary Heidt, Mr. J. D. Wilhide, HSU Dr. Renn Tumlison, ATU Dr. Tom Nupp, ASU Dr. Thomas Risch, USFS Mr. David Saugey, USFS Dr. Roger Perry, SAU Mr. Matthew Connior, ASU Mr. Stephen BrandenburaVLVAL \jThis shorebird has a long circular migration route that includes Arkansas during only spring migration. Spring migration records occur throughout the state. Some counts can be in the tens of thousands in Arkansas, but inter-annual variation in counts are high. Similar American Golden-Plover counts at some inland stopover sites in Indiana are thought to account for a significant portion of the entire known population (Johnson 2003). That comparable numbers of American Golden-Plovers use Arkansas stopover sites suggests that these sites may be important to the continental American Golden-Plover population. Usual habitats include short-grass prairies, flooded pastures, plowed fields and less often on mudflats and beaches where foraging for invertebrates occurs. Management for plover migration habitat may require the maintenance of complexes of potential habitat to assure alternatives when local conditions vary (Skagen and Knopf 1994). Very little is known about habitat use in Arkansas by this species.Audubon's Christmas Bird Count data show this widespread winter resident has an irruptive yet declining trend in Arkansas. The decline is strongly associated with the spread of House Finches across eastern North America, indicating interspecific competition. (Wooten 1996, National Audubon Society 2010)The northern long-eared bat has been a common insectivorous bat in much of eastern North America, including Arkansas, which is located near the southwestern edge of its range. The species is predominantly found in the Ozarks and Ouachitas, though they have been observed in bottomland hardwood forests of northeastern Arkansas (Sealander and Heidt 1990, Fokidis and others 2005, Medlin Jr. and others 2006, Sasse and others 2014). This species hibernates in caves in winter and generally roosts in trees during summer months, though one Arkansas maternity colony was found in a private house (Grippo and Massa 2000, Jackson 2004, Perry and Thill 2007, Perry et al. 2008).LVAL Arkansas appears to be on the eastern periphery of the Sprague s Pipits wintering range. The species is a candidate for listing as Endangered or Threatened under the Endangered Species Act of 1973; the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is scheduled to make a decision on listing by the end of September 2015. Its conservation status includes Species of Special Concern/Watch List Species by Partner s in Flight and National Audubon Society. Range wide it winters in grasslands lacking shrubs. It winters in the adjacent state of Texas in heavily grazed grasslands dominated by little bluestem (Schizachyrium scoparium) and Andropogon spp, and in large, over-grazed pastures. Its winter habitat associations in Arkansas have not been quantified and are poorly understood, though they are reliably found in small numbers at the Stuttgart Airport in habitat dominated by old-field threeawn (Aristida oligantha) and have been observed in similar habitat at H.E. Flanagan Prairie Natural Area (Holimon, personal observation). Habitat descriptions from other observed locations in Arkansas are not known but in general consist of very open areas with short grass and few shrubs. (Arkansas Audubon Society 2012, Butcher and others 2007, Davis and others 2014, Grzybowski 1982, Jones 2010, Rich and others 2004)Data from the North American Breeding Bird Survey indicate that the species has declined roughly 2% per year between 1966-2010. A cause for decline includes the increased use of agricultural pesticides, including synthetic neonicotinoids, which has reduced the prey base of flying insects. This species commonly nests on gravel rooftops in urban and suburban areas. The increased use of rubber material for rooftops instead of gravel is a suspected cause of decline for urban populations. (Brigham and others 2011, NABCI 2014)4LVAL pLAGFC Ms. Karen Rowe, ANHC Mr. Bill Holimon, USFWS-retired Mr. Allan Mueller, Audubon Arkansas Dr. Dan Scheiman, AGFC Mr. Dick Baxter, USFS Mr. Leif Anderson, USGS Dr. David Krementz, ASU Dr. Than Boves, ATU Dr. Chris Kellner, UA Dr. Kim Smith, UAM Dr. Doug Osborne, AGFC Mr. Garrick Dugger, AGFC Mr. Bubba Groves, AGFC Ms. Allison Fowler, USFWS Mr. Mike Budd, USFWS Ms. Erin Knoll, USFS Mr. Steve DuzanAGFC Ms. Karen Rowe, ANHC Mr. Bill Holimon, USFWS-retired Mr. Allan Mueller, Audubon Arkansas Dr. Dan Scheiman, AGFC Mr. Dick Baxter, USFS Mr. Leif Anderson, USGS Dr. David Krementz, ASU Dr. Than Boves, ATU Dr. Chris Kellner, UA Dr. Kim Smith, UAM Dr. Doug Osborne, AGFC Mr. Garrick Dugger, AGFC Mr. Bubba Groves, AGFC Ms. Allison Fowler, USFWS Mr. Mike Budd, USFWS Ms. Erin Knoll, USFS Mr. Steve DuzanAGFC Ms. Karen Rowe, ANHC Mr. Bill Holimon, USFWS-retired Mr. Allan Mueller, Audubon Arkansas Dr. Dan Scheiman, AGFC Mr. Dick Baxter, USFS Mr. Leif Anderson, USGS Dr. David Krementz, ASU Dr. Than Boves, ATU Dr. Chris Kellner, UA Dr. Kim Smith, UAM Dr. Doug Osborne, AGFC Mr. Garrick Dugger, AGFC Mr. Bubba Groves, AGFC Ms. Allison Fowler, USFWS Mr. Mike Budd, USFWS Ms. Erin Knoll, USFS Mr. Steve DuzanAGFC Ms. Karen Rowe, ANHC Mr. Bill Holimon, USFWS-retired Mr. Allan Mueller, Audubon Arkansas Dr. Dan Scheiman, AGFC Mr. Dick Baxter, USFS Mr. Leif Anderson, USGS Dr. David Krementz, ASU Dr. Than Boves, ATU Dr. Chris Kellner, UA Dr. Kim Smith, UAM Dr. Doug Osborne, AGFC Mr. Garrick Dugger, AGFC Mr. Bubba Groves, AGFC Ms. Allison Fowler, USFWS Mr. Mike Budd, USFWS Ms. Erin Knoll, USFS Mr. Steve DuzanAGFC Ms. Karen Rowe, ANHC Mr. Bill Holimon, USFWS-retired Mr. Allan Mueller, Audubon Arkansas Dr. Dan Scheiman, AGFC Mr. Dick Baxter, USFS Mr. Leif Anderson, USGS Dr. David Krementz, ASU Dr. Than Boves, ATU Dr. Chris Kellner, UA Dr. Kim Smith, UAM Dr. Doug Osborne, AGFC Mr. Garrick Dugger, AGFC Mr. Bubba Groves, AGFC Ms. Allison Fowler, USFWS Mr. Mike Budd, USFWS Ms. Erin Knoll, USFS Mr. Steve DuzanLVAL American Kestrels inhabit open country across the United States where they hunt from perches and often while hovering (Smallwood and Bird 2002). They are commonly seen perched on utility lines along roadsides and thus are often censused from automobiles. Kestrels will not breed in habitat that is devoid of nesting cavities or dominated by tall grass or shrubs (Stys 1993). Fortunately, they will accept nesting boxes which can be used to increase breeding populations (Hamerstrum et al. 1973). Nest boxes placed with their openings facing south and east may be preferred (McComb and Nobel 1981). Kestrels have been documented nesting in man-made structures and buildings in Arkansas. Sites includes inside gutters, behind siding in insulation, and inside beams (K.Rowe pers. Obs). In Arkansas the overwintering population is larger than the breeding population (C. Kellner pers.obs.).LVALThis species is seen in the state April-October, but this species is seen in the state very infrequently. They tend to forage on exposed mudflats, sandbars and rock dikes along rivers. Studies suggest that populations of this and other shorebird species are declining. The availability of habitat and food along their migratory route is critical. Birds need to stop and refuel as they go. Proper management of water levels on wetlands, artificial impoundments, and flooded agricultural fields can help. (Arkansas Audubon Society 2012, Hamel 1992, James and Neal 1986, Klima and Jehl 1998, Martin and Finch 1995, National Audubon Society 2002, Rich and others 2004, Sauer and others 2004). Commercial aquaculture facilities are important stopover sites for this species and many other shorebirds (Lehnen and Krementz 2013). The decline of fish pond acreage in the state from 60,000 surface acres in 2002 to less than 30,000 acres in 2012 is alarming (personal communication Dr. Carole Engle, UAPB). Water management strategies have changed at many of the remaining facilities because of increased efficiency. Emphasis should be placed on programs that would encourage fish farmers to provide shallow-water habitat for extended periods of time. Additionally, management plans for reservoirs (ex. Chicot, Millwood) and moist-soil impoundments (AGFC, USFWS, private) could be altered to provide additional benefit to many shorebirds that rely on mudflat habitat. Deeper water that is drawn down slowly typically provides more invertebrates than very recently flooded water.LVAL Steffen and others (2014) discovered and described this unique salamander, the only known paedomorphic plethodontid salamander from the Ouachita Mountains. It is currently restricted to the type locality making this the smallest known range of any North American vertebrate. More work is needed to expand the known range and elucidate the ecology and natural history of this species.This species is a rare and irregular summer resident that has bred a few times in Arkansas. It is more common in late summer when immatures wander north from breeding grounds nearer the coast. The tricolored heron favors coastal salt marshes. A decline in the availability of coastal marshes in Louisiana and the Gulf of Mexico has likely led to a decline in this species, which was previously known as the Louisiana Heron. Wetland restoration in Arkansas can improve breeding opportunities long term, especially if sea level rise forces the species to move northward from Louisiana. (Arkansas Audubon Society 2012, Hamel 1992, James and Neal 1986, Kushlan and others 2002, Martin and Finch 1995, National Audubon Society 2002, Rich and others 2004, Rodgers and Smith 1995, Sauer and others 2004).Sharp-shinned Hawks are rarely-seen nesters that breed mainly in large stands of decidous, coniferous, and mixted pine-hardwood forests and pine plantations. Often referred to by Arkansans as the "Blue Darter," sharp-shinned hawks feed primarily on small birds. The size of a Blue Jay, these small accipiters are built for bursts of speed with a long narrow tail and short, round wings. They are often observed capturing prey at backyard bird feeders, often to the dismay of homeowners. Little is known about the distribution of and impacts of forest management on "sharpies" in Arkansas. (Douglas and Neal 1986, Bildstein and Meyer 2000)[B   '6LZjo8"Dion SkipperEuphyes dionInsectTerrestrialS3G4j@ InsectaLepidopteraHesperiidaeUnknown@ wnnnnnnaTKKKK?;7**",ރ8"Bell's Roadside-SkipperAmblyscirtes belliInsectTerrestrialS3S4G3G4@ InsectaLepidopteraHesperiidaeUnknown@ vi````TNH;;3,8"Broad-winged SkipperPoanes viatorInsectTerrestrialS3G5@ InsectaLepidopteraHersperiidaeUnknown@ xxxxxxj]TTTTHD@33+,8"Arogos SkipperAtrytone arogos iowaInsectTerrestrialS1G3T3 @ InsectaLepidopteraHesperiidaeUnknown@ zzzzzzm`WWWWKEA44,,^8"Cobweb SkipperHesperia meteaInsectTerrestrialS3G4@ InsectaLepidopteraHesperiidaeUnknown@ {rrrrrreXOOOOC?;..&,8"Leonard's SkipperHesperia leonardusInsectTerrestrialS3G4@ InsectaLepidopteraHesperiidaeUnknown@ yyyyyyl_VVVVJFB55-,8"Mottled DuskywingErynnis martialisInsectTerrestrialS2S3G3 @ InsectaLepidopteraHesperiidaeUnknown@ zzzzzzm`WWWWKGA44,,8"Outis SkipperCogia outisInsectTerrestrialS3G3G4 @ InsectaLepidopteraHesperiidaeUnknown@ yppppppcVMMMMA;7**",~8"Golden-banded SkipperAutochton cellusInsectTerrestrialS2S3G4v @ InsectaLepidopteraHesperiidaeUnknown@ }}}}}}pcZZZZNJD77/,8"Grotto Salamander "northern clade"Eurycea spelaea northernAmphibianSemi-AquaticS2GNR@ AmphibiaCaudataPlethodontidaeUnknown@ |rrrrfa]OOD*,8"Grotto Salamander "western clade"Eurycea spelaea westernAmphibianSemi-AquaticS3G4@ AmphibiaCaudataPlethodontidaeUnknown@ yooooc_[MMB),8"Squirrel TreefrogHyla squirellaAmphibianTerrestrialS1G5@ AmphibiaAnuraHylidaeUnknown^@ xoooooof_UUUUIEA44),8"Interior Least TernSternula antillarum athalassosBirdTerrestrialS3BG4T2Q@ LEAvesCharadriiformesLaridaeBreedingIncreasing$@ pjjffZSNAA;,^8"Red-cockaded WoodpeckerPicoides borealisBirdTerrestrialS1G3@ LEAvesPiciformesPicidaePermanentDecreasing$@ xoc]]YYMIE882,8"Piping PloverCharadrius melodusBirdTerrestrialS1NG3@ LTAvesCharadriiformesCharadriidaeTransientDecreasing$@ zl[UUQQEA<//),8"Ouachita Streambed SalamanderEurycea subfluvicolaAmphibianAquaticS1GNR@ AmphibiaCaudataPlethodontidaeUnknown@! wnddddXSOFF;%, LVAL This species is listed as a highly imperiled species by the U.S. Shorebird Conservation Plan. Although this species occurs in Arkansas only in small numbers during migration, it is a Federally Threatened species, and thus warrants attention. Reservoir shoreline was the most common habitat used on inland migration, but birds also stopped at natural lakes, rivers, marsh wetlands, industrial ponds and fish farms where the substrate type is predominantly mud flat. Wetlands, impoundments, and agricultural fields that are managed to provide mud flat habitat from July- November for other migratory shorebirds should provide foraging habitat for this species as well. (Duzan and others 2003, 2003A, Haig and Elliot-Smith 2004, U.S. Shorebird Conservation Plan 2004)jLVAL  P8r ZUALR Dr. William Baltosser, ANHC Ms. Samantha Scheiman, USFS Dr. Craig Rudolph, and Dr. Charles ElyUALR Dr. William Baltosser, ANHC Ms. Samantha Scheiman, USFS Dr. Craig Rudolph, and Dr. Charles ElyUALR Dr. William Baltosser, ANHC Ms. Samantha Scheiman, USFS Dr. Craig Rudolph, and Dr. Charles ElyUALR Dr. William Baltosser, ANHC Ms. Samantha Scheiman, USFS Dr. Craig Rudolph, and Dr. Charles ElyUALR Dr. William Baltosser, ANHC Ms. Samantha Scheiman, USFS Dr. Craig Rudolph, and Dr. Charles ElyUALR Dr. William Baltosser, ANHC Ms. Samantha Scheiman, USFS Dr. Craig Rudolph, and Dr. Charles ElyUALR Dr. William Baltosser, ANHC Ms. Samantha Scheiman, USFS Dr. Craig Rudolph, and Dr. Charles ElyUALR Dr. William Baltosser, ANHC Ms. Samantha Scheiman, USFS Dr. Craig Rudolph, and Dr. Charles ElyUALR Dr. William Baltosser, ANHC Ms. Samantha Scheiman, USFS Dr. Craig Rudolph, and Dr. Charles ElyUALR Dr. William Baltosser, ANHC Ms. Samantha Scheiman, USFS Dr. Craig Rudolph, and Dr. Charles ElyAGFC Kelly Irwin, UCA Don Shepard, Kory Roberts, U-Tulsa John Phillips, U-Tulsa Ron BonettAGFC Kelly Irwin, UCA Don Shepard, Kory Roberts, U-Tulsa John Phillips, U-Tulsa Ron BonettAGFC Ms. Karen Rowe, ANHC Mr. Bill Holimon, USFWS-retired Mr. Allan Mueller, Audubon Arkansas Dr. Dan Scheiman, AGFC Mr. Dick Baxter, USFS Mr. Leif Anderson, USGS Dr. David Krementz, ASU Dr. Than Boves, ATU Dr. Chris Kellner, UA Dr. Kim Smith, UAM Dr. Doug Osborne, AGFC Mr. Garrick Dugger, AGFC Mr. Bubba Groves, AGFC Ms. Allison Fowler, USFWS Mr. Mike Budd, USFWS Ms. Erin Knoll, USFS Mr. Steve DuzanAGFC Ms. Karen Rowe, ANHC Mr. Bill Holimon, USFWS-retired Mr. Allan Mueller, Audubon Arkansas Dr. Dan Scheiman, AGFC Mr. Dick Baxter, USFS Mr. Leif Anderson, USGS Dr. David Krementz, ASU Dr. Than Boves, ATU Dr. Chris Kellner, UA Dr. Kim Smith, UAM Dr. Doug Osborne, AGFC Mr. Garrick Dugger, AGFC Mr. Bubba Groves, AGFC Ms. Allison Fowler, USFWS Mr. Mike Budd, USFWS Ms. Erin Knoll, USFS Mr. Steve DuzanVLVALfThis endangered species is a habitat specialist that occurs only in mature, open pine woodlands and savannas of the southeastern United States. Primary threats are loss of open pine habitat due to fire suppression and habitat conversion, loss of older pines needed for roost and nest cavities, and fragmentation of habitat causing isolation of populations which results in reduced genetic diversity and greater vulnerability to demographic and environmental chance events. A territorial, non-migratory species, it often occurs in family groups with a breeding pair and a male helper that is an offspring from a previous year; average group size is 2-3 birds. Until the mid-to-late twentieth century, largest populations were known from open pine flatwoods along the Ouachita terraces of southern Arkansas, and building on strong conservation efforts underway in that region represents one of the best opportunities for recovery of this species in this state. The Ouachita NF currently supports the largest population and has the potential for supporting a population 2-3 times its current size; additional habitat restoration in this region represents the other best recovery opportunity. Portions of the Ozark NF undergoing pine-hardwood woodland restoration may present additional opportunities, but the extent and likelihood need further exploration. A small population in eastern Arkansas, the only known one throughout the Mississippi Alluvial Plain, needs additional habitat protection and restoration to attain long-term viability. (Conner and others 2001, Costa and others 1996, Holimon and Montague 2003, Jackson 1994, James and Neal 1986, Masters and others 1995, McKellar and others 2014, Montague and others 1995, Neal 1992, Neal and others 1992, 1993a, 1993b, 1998, Robison and others 1999, Rudolph and others 1992, USDA FWS 2003, Walters and others 2002)2LVALL DThe Squirrel Treefrog is a common, wide-ranging species of the Gulf and Atlantic coastal plains, from Texas to Virginia. Apparently viable populations of this species were recently discovered in Union County (Fulmer 2013). (ANHI 2003, Conant and Collins 1998, Crump 2003, Crump et al. 2003A, 2003C, 2003D, 2003F, 2003P, Davis and Hollenback 1978, Fulmer and Tumlison 2002, Jamieson et al. 1993, McAllister et al. 1993b, Mount 1975, ONHI 2003, Secor 1988, Smith 1966b, Trauth 1992b, Trauth et al. 2004, Trauth and Robinette 1990a, Trauth and Robinette 1990b, Turnipseed 1976, Turnipseed 1980b, USDA FS 1999, Volpe et al. 1961, Wilson 1995).An endangered species in the interior portion of the country. Breeding habitat is limited to sand bars on large rivers - the Arkansas, Red and Mississippi Rivers. Numbers are increasing on the Mississippi. They also forage on open bodies of water, such as lakes and fish ponds in migration. (Arkansas Audubon Society 2012, Hamel 1992, James and Neal 1986, Martin and Finch 1995, National Audubon Society 2002, Rich and others 2004, Sauer and others 2004, Thompson and others 1997) Numbers on the Arkansas, Red and Mississippi rivers have exceeded the delisting criteria since 2005 when annual surveys began (U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service 2013). In 2007 birds were discovered nesting on rooftops throughout the river valley; birds were discovered using at least five white gravel rooftops within 10 miles of the Arkansas River (Nupp and Watterson 2007).LVALN Trauth et al. (2004) summarized the literature and biology of the Grotto Salamander, referred to at the time as Typhlotriton spelaeus. Subsequent genetic research (Bonnett and Chippendale 2004) resulted in the taxonomic reassignment of Typhlotriton to the genus Eurycea, which also required changing the specific epithet to spelaea for proper gender agreement. Hence, the Grotto Salamander is currently referred to as Eurycea spelaea. Current phylogeographic research has identified several distinct clades within the  spelaea group (Phillips et al., in prep) which may warrant taxonomic revision.Trauth et al. (2004) summarized the literature and biology of the Grotto Salamander, referred to at the time as Typhlotriton spelaeus. Subsequent genetic research (Bonnett and Chippendale 2004) resulted in the taxonomic reassignment of Typhlotriton to the genus Eurycea, which also required changing the specific epithet to spelaea for proper gender agreement. Hence, the Grotto Salamander is currently referred to as Eurycea spelaea. Current phylogeographic research has identified several distinct clades within the  spelaea group (Phillips et al., in prep) which may warrant taxonomic revision.zLVALSchweitzer et al. (2011) note the disjunct distribution of this skipper, which has both eastern U.S. and southwestern U.S. populations. In Missouri the species is stated to be rare and local and found in only a few eastern and southern Ozark counties (Heitzman and Heitzman 1996). Spencer (2006) characterizes this skipper in Arkansas as being local in its distribution and rare to uncommon statewide, except for the southern Delta. Surveys conducted over multiple years and, in some instances, spanning a period in excess of 10 years, demonstrate the localized distribution and rarity often associated with this species (Drs. William Baltosser, Craig Rudolph, and Charles Ely, personal communication, 2015). Rudolph and Ely have only five records for this skipper and all are from the same locality. They have been aware of the larval foodplant and of the presence of other "look-alike-skippers" (e.g., Hoary Edge), so their failure to detect this skipper on other surveys throughout the region is noteworthy. In contrast, in surveys along the Buffalo National River and vicinity, Baltosser has found the species to be widespread as documented by 35 records of occurrence across three counties. Although documented to occur in 15 Arkansas counties (Baltosser et al. 2015), surveys are still needed to determine baseline information, and conservation measures need to be explored once there is more insight regarding the status and distribution of this species.LVAL(NatureServe (2015) describes the species as having a limited range and, perhaps being inadequately protected, with threats needing evaluation. Scott (1986) shows the northern segment of the range of this species as extending from extreme southern Missouri and adjacent Arkansas through part of Oklahoma and much of central Texas. Information provided by Heitzman and Heitzman (1996) is relevant in that the species is characterized as a breeding resident in the extreme southwestern corner of Missouri and that adults are found in close association with the larval food plant. In surveys along the Buffalo National River and vicinity the species has been detected in low numbers on multiple occasions in at least three locations (Dr. William Baltosser, personal communication, 2015). In most instances, records obtained by Baltosser (including a few much farther south) have been in association with the larval food plant (prairie acacia  Heitzman and Heitzman 1996) and mirror occurrences of this plant (Acaciella angustissima) as depicted by Gentry et al. (2013). Spencer (2006) characterizes the species within Arkansas as an occasional stray. Baltosser considers records along the Buffalo National River and vicinity to represent resident, breeding populations, while the few records to the south are perhaps stray animals. More information is needed to better gauge the current status and distribution of this species in Arkansas, which includes records from 6 Arkansas counties (Baltosser et al. 2015).LVAL NatureServe (2015) describes this species as now being "rare, very rare, seriously imperiled, historic, or known extirpated from about the eastern 40% of its range and is not common anywhere." Schweitzer et al. (2011) chronicle the decline of this species and discuss a variety of relevant items, including the early decline of this skipper probably due to factors such as fire suppression, succession, reforestation, and urbanization. According to Spencer (2006), this species in Arkansas is a breeding resident with several broods and is local and uncommon statewide; the flight season is May through July. Reported from 21 Arkansas counties (Baltosser et al. 2015) but there can be difficulties in identifying this species. Schweitzer et al. (2011) state that "sight records should not be accepted as the basis for documenting new occurrences of this species, and occasionally even photographs may not be identifiable." Specimen records are available for each of the 10 counties for which Drs. William Baltosser, Craig Rudolph, and Charles Ely have data (personal communication, 2015). Surveys are needed to determine baseline information, and conservation measures need to be explored once there is more insight regarding the status and distribution of this species.`LVALPrState ranking for this species in NatureServe (2015) is listed as SU, which indicates that the species is presumed to be extirpated in Arkansas. To the contrary, Spencer (2006) describes the species as inhabiting open grassy areas and being locally rare to common, mainly in central and western Arkansas (records for 18 Arkansas counties; Baltosser et al. 2015). The species is described as being "regular on dry, open hillsides" (Dr. Craig Rudolph, personal communication, 2015); he has documented the species as occurring in 6 Arkansas counties. There is an additional record from Hempstead County (9 June 2006) of an individual of this species on an open hillside (barren pine plantation) adjacent to Rick Evans WMA (Dr. William Baltosser, personal communication, 2015). More information on the status of this species is needed as a state ranking of SU is not appropriate.According to NatureServe (2015), this species is of possible long-term concern, but for now there are a substantial number of presumably viable occurrences, and it is credibly ranked S3 or S4 in several states. No S5 ranks are supportable now and may have never been. Surveys are needed to determine baseline information, and conservation measures need to be explored once there is more insight regarding the status and distribution of this species. With respect to Arkansas, Spencer (2006) indicates that this species is an irregular emigrant in low numbers and has been seen in scattered locations from north to central Arkansas. A single specimen has recently been obtained from Newton County (Dr. William Baltosser, personal communication, 2015), Drs. Craig Rudolph and Charles Ely have records for 9 counties, and records depicted by Raney (2012) round out the known occurrence of the species and bring the total to 17 Arkansas counties of occurrence (Baltosser et al. 2015).LVAL(Intensive surveys for this skipper were made annually over a four-year period in Franklin County on three tallgrass prairies administered by the Arkansas Natural Heritage Commission and The Nature Conservancy (Baltosser 2008, 2009, 2010). Within these areas the species appears to be reasonably secure, though local extirpation with subsequent colonization from segments of one or both of the other areas appears common (Dr. William Baltosser, personal communication, 2015). This skipper is an indicator of high-quality, pristine tallgrass prairie habitat and as such, even though local abundance can occasionally be high, the species is in jeopardy due to loss and degradation of habitat throughout its range (see Schweitzer et al. 2011 and NatureServe 2015). The former was evident following controlled burning or haying activities that are periodically required to maintain these habitats. Both activities in the short-term negatively impact the species, but with the provision of temporary local refugia (untreated acreage of approximate equal size in close proximity to management activities), the detrimental impact upon the local population was offset through improved habitat and subsequent recovery (Dr. William Baltosser, personal communication, 2015). Designating this species as a "Species of Special Concern" is well justified given the tremendous loss of habitat throughout its historical range, continued threats to its few remaining habitats (found in only 2 Arkansas counties - Baltosser et al. 2015), and the removal of ecological factors that served to maintain tallgrass prairie habitats (e.g., fire and bison grazing).0LVALBNatureServe (2015) describes this species as being local and uncommon but not in trouble globally; if it is indeed starting to use Johnson grass (Sorghum halepense) as a larval foodplant in addition to its usual foodplant, Indian Woodoats (Chasmanthium latifolium), it could become more common. Within Arkansas, Spencer (2006) notes that this skipper is uncommon to common nearly statewide except in the southern Delta. Drs. William Baltosser, Craig Rudolph, and Charles Ely have detected this species in 21 counties (personal communication, 2015) and, when coupled with additional occurrences depicted by Raney (2012), the occurrence of this species totals to 29 Arkansas counties (Baltosser et al. 2015). The former suggest that at present the species does not warrant listing, but Schweitzer et al. (2011) question whether there is sufficient evidence to consider this species secure. Given this, it is recommended that the Bell s Roadside-Skipper should be monitored if habitats are to be altered and be among the species tracked when any Lepidoptera studies within suitable habitat are undertaken.Spencer (2006) describes the habitat of this species as being wetlands with tall grass, with individuals being rare to locally common; when found generally in wetlands of southeastern Arkansas. To underscore the apparent rarity of the species in Arkansas, Dr. Craig Rudolph (personal communication, 2015) states that the species is "rare on the Coastal Plain of Arkansas, as is the case in eastern Texas", he having recorded it from only Howard County. Dr. William Baltosser has similar experience with the species with only a single record from an area near Waldron in Scott County. Records depicted by Raney (2012) include additional counties to the east and bring the total to 9 Arkansas counties of occurrence (Baltosser et al. 2015). Given what appears to be a very rare species in Arkansas, efforts to acquire more information on the distribution and status of the species in Arkansas are warranted.LVALState ranking for this species in NatureServe (2015) listed as SU, which indicates that the species is presumed to be extirpated in Arkansas. To the contrary, Spencer (2006) describes the species as inhabiting wetlands and being locally uncommon to locally common statewide in proper habitat; records for 9 Arkansas counties (Baltosser et al. 2015). The species is described as being "rare on coastal plain as it is in east Texas," with five records for Arkansas for only 2 counties (Lafayette and Little River; Drs. Craig Rudolph and Charles Ely, personal communication, 2015). Up to three individuals of this species have been noted multiple times (including mated/attached pairs) in marsh habitats in the Arkansas Valley (Franklin Co.) that bisect segments of tallgrass prairies (Dr. William Baltosser, personal communication, 2015). More information on the status of this species is needed, as a state ranking of SU has not been appropriate.,LVAL<This swallowtail has a very restricted range and is apparently not a synonym of Papilio polyxenes (Black Swallowtail) in that recent mitochondrial DNA work by Felix Sperling shows these two taxa to be distinct species (NatureServe 2015). Heitzman and Heitzman (1996) describe the species as being found in cedar glades and woodlands in the Missouri Ozarks. They indicated that it probably has a wider range, but at the time of publication the species had not been found outside of Missouri. Spencer (2006) characterized the species as being  incredibly difficult to distinguish from the Black Swallowtail and being rare and local in the Ozarks of Arkansas; found in 2 Arkansas counties (Baltosser et al. 2015). Schweitzer et al. (2011) assessment of the status of this butterfly is that it is local, but it was not considered to be especially rare in its range. There is disagreement with this statement, at least as it pertains to populations in Arkansas, because despite extensive efforts to locate this species along the Buffalo National River and vicinity, most individuals that are captured prove to be (> 95% of the time) Black Swallowtails and not Ozark Swallowtails (Dr. William Baltosser, personal communication, 2015). More animals need to be captured, examined, and most subsequently released to tease out the true status of the Ozark Swallowtail in the state.~B *4 L V b q r8""Ouachita" FanshellCyprogenia sp. cf abertiMusselAquaticS3GNR@ BivalvaUnionoidaUnionidaeLogperch, Orangebelly Dartergravel/sandj@ Decreasing@ zzod[[[[OJF==5,8"Ouachita SpiketailCordulegaster talariaInsectTerrestrialS1G1G2f@ InsectaOdonataCordulegastridaeUnknown@ ne\\\\PJF991,8"Ozark EmeraldSomatochlora ozarkensisInsectSemi-AquaticS1G3P@ InsectaOdonataCorduliidaeStable@ wwwwwwjaXXXXLHD66.,8"MonarchDanaus plexippusInsectTerrestrialS4G4Z@ InsectaLepidopteraNymphalidaeUnknown@ vmmmmmm`SJJJJ>:6))!,8"Lined SnakeTropidoclonion lineatumReptileTerrestrialS1G5@ ReptiliaSquamataNatricidaeUnknown^@ vvvvvvj`VVVVJFB55,,8"Boreal Chorus FrogPseudacris maculataAmphibianTerrestrialS2G5@ AmphibiaAnuraHylidaeUnknown^@ ~uuuuuule[[[[OKG::/,8"Rattlesnake-Master Borer MothPapaipema eryngiiInsectTerrestrialS1G1G2N @ InsectaLepidopteraNoctuidaeUnknown@ ylccccWQM@@8%,8"Gray CommaPolygonia progneInsectTerrestrialS2S3G4G5@ InsectaLepidopteraNymphalidaeUnknown@ }ttttttgZQQQQE?9,,$,8"Baltimore CheckerspotEuphydryas phaeton ozarkaeInsectTerrestrialS3G4T3 3QInsectaLepidopteraNymphalidaeUnknown@ zmddddXRNAA9,>8"Gorgone CheckerspotChlosyne gorgoneInsectTerrestrialS3G5l @ InsectaLepidopteraNymphalidaeUnknown@ yyyyyyl_VVVVJFB55-,8"Northern MetalmarkCalephelis borealisInsectTerrestrialS3G3G4@ InsectaLepidopteraRiodinidaeUnknown@ ||||||pcZZZZNHD77/,8"Appalachian AzureCelastrina neglectamajorInsectTerrestrialS1G4R@ InsectaLepidopteraLycaenidaeUnknown@ ~~~~~~re\\\\PLH;;3,8"Dusky AzureCelastrina nigraInsectTerrestrialS2G4<@ InsectaLepidopteraLycaenidaeUnknown@ yppppppdWNNNNB>:--%,>8"Oak HairstreakSatyrium favonius ontarioInsectTerrestrialS3G4T4@ InsectaLepidopteraLycaenidaeUnknown@ ~~~~~~re\\\\PJF991,8"Bronze CopperLycaena hyllusInsectTerrestrialS4G5@ InsectaLepidopteraLycaenidaeUnknown@ yppppppdWNNNNB>:--%,8"Ozark SwallowtailPapilio joanaeInsectTerrestrialS2G3 @ InsectaLepidopteraPapilionidaeUnknown@ vvvvvvh[RRRRFB>11),>LVAL:t " \ NAGFC Mr. Bill Posey, USFWS-ES Mr. Chris Davidson, ASU Dr. John Harris, AHTD Mr. Josh Seagraves, AHTD Mr. Ben ThesingAGFC Mr. Bill Posey, USFWS-ES Mr. Chris Davidson, ASU Dr. John Harris, AHTD Mr. Josh Seagraves, AHTD Mr. Ben ThesingAGFC Mr. Bill Posey, USFWS-ES Mr. Chris Davidson, ASU Dr. John Harris, AHTD Mr. Josh Seagraves, AHTD Mr. Ben ThesingAGFC Mr. Bill Posey, USFWS-ES Mr. Chris Davidson, ASU Dr. John Harris, AHTD Mr. Josh Seagraves, AHTD Mr. Ben ThesingAGFC Mr. Bill Posey, USFWS-ES Mr. Chris Davidson, ASU Dr. John Harris, AHTD Mr. Josh Seagraves, AHTD Mr. Ben ThesingXerces Society Ms. Michele Blackburn, Dr. John Abbott, Mr. Scott Black, Dr. Celeste Searles Mazzacano and Mr. Dennis PaulsonXerces Society Ms. Michele Blackburn, Dr. John Abbott, Mr. Scott Black, Dr. Celeste Searles Mazzacano and Mr. Dennis PaulsonUALR Dr. William Baltosser, ANHC Ms. Samantha Scheiman, USFS Dr. Craig Rudolph, and Dr. Charles ElyAGFC Kelly Irwin, UCA Don Shepard, Kory RobertsAGFC Kelly Irwin, UCA Don Shepard, Kory RobertsUALR Dr. William Baltosser, ANHC Ms. Samantha Scheiman, USFS Dr. Craig Rudolph, and Dr. Charles ElyUALR Dr. William Baltosser, ANHC Ms. Samantha Scheiman, USFS Dr. Craig Rudolph, and Dr. Charles ElyUALR Dr. William Baltosser, ANHC Ms. Samantha Scheiman, USFS Dr. Craig Rudolph, and Dr. Charles ElyUALR Dr. William Baltosser, ANHC Ms. Samantha Scheiman, USFS Dr. Craig Rudolph, and Dr. Charles ElyUALR Dr. William Baltosser, ANHC Ms. Samantha Scheiman, USFS Dr. Craig Rudolph, and Dr. Charles ElyUALR Dr. William Baltosser, ANHC Ms. Samantha Scheiman, USFS Dr. Craig Rudolph, and Dr. Charles ElyUALR Dr. William Baltosser, ANHC Ms. Samantha Scheiman, USFS Dr. Craig Rudolph, and Dr. Charles ElyUALR Dr. William Baltosser, ANHC Ms. Samantha Scheiman, USFS Dr. Craig Rudolph, and Dr. Charles ElyUALR Dr. William Baltosser, ANHC Ms. Samantha Scheiman, USFS Dr. Craig Rudolph, and Dr. Charles ElyjLVAL |Taxonomy and nomenclature of this butterfly somewhat confusing. For example, southern populations were previously considered to be a species separate from more northern and western butterflies, which were called Satyrium favonius ontario, the Northern Hairstreak (Opler and Malikul 1998). More recent works (Opler et al. 2010) list S. favonius as the Southern Hairstreak and S. favonius ontario as the "Northern" Southern Hairstreak. Spenser (2006) uses yet another name "Oak Hairstreak" to refer to S. f. ontario. Nomenclature aside, Spenser (2006) lists this butterfly as being uncommon statewide. Drs. Craig Rudolph and Charles Ely (personal communication, 2015) have records for only 2 Arkansas counties (Scott and Sebastian, each of single individuals). Collectively, the species has been reported from 16 Arkansas counties (Baltosser et al. 2015). More information needed to better gauge the current status and distribution of this species in Arkansas.Heitzman and Heitzman (1996) characterize the species as being rare in the Ozarks of Missouri; there are no records of the species for the Ozarks of Arkansas (Baltosser et al. 2015). With regard to Arkansas, the following is from Spencer (2006): Eastern Arkansas is part of the southern periphery of the range of this butterfly. Most known colonies are from the Delta and Crowley s Ridge near the Mississippi River. This is a species of special concern. Habitat wet open areas (e.g., streams, swamps, rivers); breeding resident with several broods; local, rare to uncommon. More information needed to better gauge the current status and distribution of this species in Arkansas, which includes records from 6 eastern Arkansas counties (Baltosser et al. 2015).LVALThe species is stated to be extremely local in Missouri and known only from a few counties in the eastern Ozarks (Heitzman and Heitzman 1996). The same publication further states that this is one of the rarest butterflies in the eastern United States. The occurrence of this insect in Arkansas is very much disjunct from the main range of the species to the east; it is recorded from only 3 Arkansas counties (Baltosser et al. 2015). Spencer (2006) notes that the species is local and rare, being recorded at the time of publication from only Washington and Hempstead counties. However, multiple individuals of this species were present in northern Arkansas (Newton Co.) in 2009, but it was not detected during the following two years despite extensive searches (Dr. William Baltosser, personal communication, 2015). Surveys to determine baseline information needed, and as more insight regarding the status and distribution of this species emerges (relict population?), then appropriate conservation and management strategies should be implemented.LVALThe separation of this species and Swamp Metalmark (Calephelis muticum) is not necessarily an easy task. Both are rare in Arkansas and can occur in the same geographic area. Co-occurrence of the two species is especially a problem in Missouri and Arkansas (Heitzman and Heitzman 1996, Schweitzer et al. 2011) and thus habitat, while being an important component of identification (Spencer 2006), cannot be used as the only indicator in identification (Dr. William Baltosser, personal communication, 2015). Records of occurrence exist for 13 Arkansas counties; virtually all metalmarks encountered by Drs. Baltosser, Rudolph, and Ely have proved (even when from wet habitats) to be Northern Metalmarks (personal communication, 2015); more information needed to evaluate status.Arkansas populations of this butterfly are greatly disjunct from the main range of the species to the east, but not without precedent when compared with the occurrence of the species in Missouri as depicted by Opler and Malikul (1998). Species present in surveys of Lepidoptera along the Buffalo National River and vicinity (at least two specimens), with perhaps several others (tentative identifications & species can be confused with Spring Azure and Summer Azure, Dr. William Baltosser, personal communication, 2015). One specimen record is available from Yell County (Drs. Craig Rudolph and Charles Ely, personal communication, 2015). A record from Hempstead County seems out of place but has been included in the total of 5 counties from which records of this species have been reported (Baltosser et al. 2015). Surveys are needed to determine baseline information, and conservation measures should be explored once there is more insight regarding the status and distribution of this species. Molecular DNA analysis is likely to be required at some point.LVALThis species is listed as one of concern in the publication, Rare, Declining, and Poorly Known Butterflies and Moths (Lepidoptera) of Forests and Woodlands in the Eastern United States (Schweitzer et al. 2011). Although of concern in some regions of the U.S., there are numerous occurrences for the species in Arkansas; records from 31 Arkansas counties (Baltosser et al. 2015). For example, Dr. William Baltosser has records of occurrence for the tallgrass prairies and blackland woodland prairies of Arkansas. Drs. Craig Rudolph and Charles Ely have found it in 13 counties and have records for the species throughout the Ouachita Mountain region. Records depicted by Raney (2012) show a similar pattern. Spencer (2006) characterizes its occurrence as local and rare but also notes that the species has several broods. Based on these records of occurrence, it is unlikely that this species is in need of listing in Arkansas at this time. However, given that it is of concern in other segments of its range, it should be inventoried whenever Lepidoptera surveys are conducted and these occurrences reported to appropriate land management agencies to help insure that populations are not in decline.LVAL3QOzark populations of this species described as distinct subspecies from eastern populations (Masters 1968). Virtually all published descriptions regarding the biology of this species refer to the eastern subspecies (E. p. phaeton). Investigations begun in 2009 by Baltosser, followed by in-depth studies of this butterfly by Stephen Robertson (MS Thesis 2015), have identified a number of sites of occurrence throughout the Ozark Mountains of northern Arkansas (Stephen Robertson and William Baltosser, personal communication, 2015). An extensive study of the subspecies in Arkansas shows that the ecology of the Ozark subspecies is in many ways very different from the eastern subspecies. These findings add support for a growing consensus that Ozark populations warrant full species status, an idea put forth among some investigators prior to the year 2000 (e.g.,  Some question whether there might be two cryptic species instead of one widespread butterfly. Opler and Malikul 1998). Heitzman and Heitzman (1996) characterize Missouri populations as being rare in western segments of the state but locally abundant in the eastern Ozarks. Within Arkansas, Spencer (2006) indicates that this species is local, being rare to uncommon in scattered colonies throughout the Ozarks; she considers this butterfly to be of special concern. Restricted range (recorded from 11 Arkansas counties; Baltosser et al. 2015), peculiarities in reproductive mode, and in some cases negative impacts by high density deer populations (noted for numerous species of Lepidoptera, Schweitzer et al. 2011) each contribute to vulnerability. Management decisions should take the protection and preservation of this butterfly into consideration. Noteworthy in this regard is the apparent need for periodic fire (late winter/early spring burns) to maintain suitable habitat; late summer/fall burns would presumably be highly detrimental.. LVAL> This species historically declined or disappeared in much of the southeastern portion of its range, and this was due in large part, or perhaps entirely, to deliberate efforts to eradicate the foodplant (Ribes spp.), which is an alternative host for white pine rust fungus (NatureServe 2015). Over the course of the last several years, Drs. Baltosser, Rudolph, and Ely have come to the same conclusion; this species is never common. Collectively, these investigators have 10 records from 4 counties. Habitat requirements and most other aspects of the biology of this species in Arkansas are poorly known even though it has been recorded from 15 Arkansas counties (Baltosser et al. 2015). This is a species that should be monitored if habitats are to be altered and be among the species tracked when any Lepidoptera studies within suitable habitat are undertaken.LVALThis small, prairie dwelling snake was recently discovered in the Bentonville area in a housing development. A major threat is continued loss of prairie remnant habitat due to ongoing development. (Collins 1993, Johnson 2000)This species was recently discovered in northwest Arkansas in Benton County. (Collins 1993, Johnson 2000, Moriarity-Lemmon et al. 2007)Available information suggests this species probably qualifies for G1, but some level of protection exists at extant sites, and some are well-managed (NatureServe 2015). About seven occurrences have been documented since 1990, but one may have been lost to fire. According to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (2013), the Rattlesnake-Master Borer Moth is listed as a candidate species under the Endangered Species Act and is known or believed to occur in Arkansas in 2 counties: Pulaski and Jefferson. This species is not among the species of moths detected in moth surveys in northern Arkansas; the only species in the genus to be detected is Papaipema furcate (Drs. William Baltosser and Charles Ely, personal communication, 2015). Additionally, no individuals of this species were detected in extensive patches of Rattlesnake Master at the Terre Noire NA in Clark County during two evenings of surveys in mid-September 2013 (Drs. William Baltosser and Craig Rudolph, personal communication, 2015). Given the critically imperiled status of this species throughout its range, efforts to acquire more information on the distribution and status of the species in Arkansas are warranted.LVAL VThis species is endemic to a small area within the Ouachita Mountains. This rare dragonfly appears to be strongly associated with seep/riverine habitats (Robison and others 2008).The Ozark Emerald is known from the Ouachita and Ozark Mountain ecoregions. The species requires perennial streams with woodland canopy cover. (Paulson and Dunkle 1999)This species has always been of interest owing to its coloration, large size, migratory behavior, and its rather ubiquitous distribution. Given real and perceived declines in various portions of its range, interest in this species has never been greater. Given existing data, the status of this species in Arkansas is probably not as grave as the much-publicized concerns might seem to indicate (documented in at least 69 of 75 Arkansas counties; Baltosser et al. 2015). However, data sets are incomplete and somewhat dated so designating the Monarch as a Species of Greatest Conservation Need is prudent and should be done to improve our understanding of the current and perhaps changing status of this species. Habitats listed here are those that would most likely support plant species utilized by Monarchs.LVALTxThis species was recognized by Hayes (2010) from the Illinois River based on genetic sampling. However, more samples are needed before a formal taxonomic change can be recommended.This is an undescribed species that was historically treated as Lampsilis hydiana. Future work will develop global rankings. State ranks have been developed. (AFMC 2004a, 2004b, 2004c, 2005, Harris and others 2004; Harris and Posey 2015).This is an undescribed species that was historically treated as Lampsilis hydiana. Future work will develop global and state rankings and needs for this species (AFMC 2004a, 2004b, 2004c, 2005, Harris and others 2004).Ongoing taxonomic work indicates that this complex may be comprised of more than one species, possibly up to three. Widespread, rare to locally common. The western fanshell may be declining across its range (AFMC 2004a, 2004b, 2004c, 2005, Ahlstedt and Jenkinson 1987, 1991, AHTD 1984, 1987, 1989, 1994, ANHI 2003, Bates and Dennis 1983, Branson 1984, Burns and McDonnell 1992a, Call 1895, Christian 1995, Clarke 1987, Crump 2003, Crump and others 2003a, 2003c, 2003d, 2003e, 2003g, 2003q, 2003r, 2003t, Davidson 1997, Davidson and Gosse 2001, Davidson and others 2000, Ecological Consultants 1984, Gordon 1980, 1980a, 1982, Gordon and Brown 1980, Gordon and Harris 1983, Gordon and others 1980, Harris 1987, 1996, 1999, 1999a, Harris and Gordon 1985, 1988, 1990, Harris and Milam 2002, 2002a, Harris and others 1997, Jenkinson and Ahlstedt 1987, 1994, Johnson 1980, Mather 1990, Meek and Clark 1912, Miller and Harris 1987, Oesch 1995, ONHI 2003, Posey 1997, Rust 1993, Stansbery 1970, Stansbery and Stein 1982, Stein and Stansbery 1980, Stoeckel and others 2000, Turgeon and others 1988, 1998, USDA FS 1999, Wheeler 1918, Williams & others 1993).gB  { f [ B 9MUTXhv8"Autumn DarterEtheostoma autumnaleFishAquaticS3G4@ ActinopterygiiPerciformesPercidaeStable@ }uuuuuuk^NNNNB>:11+,~8"Highfin CarpsuckerCarpiodes veliferFishAquaticS3G4G5V@ ActinopterygiiCypriniformesCatostomidaeUnknown@ qbRRRRF@<33-,~8"American EelAnguilla rostrataFishAquaticS3G4@ ActinopterygiiAnguilliformesAnguillidaeDecreasing@ wwwwwwjZJJJJ>:6--',8"Brown BullheadAmeiurus nebulosusFishAquaticS2G5X@ ActinopterygiiSiluriformesIctaluridaeUnknown@ xxxxxxk]MMMMA=900*,8"Pine Hills DiggerFallicambarus dissitusCrayfishSemi-AquaticS1S2?G32@ MalacostracaDecapodaCambaridaeUnknown\@ xn````TPI;;1,8"Little River Creek CrayfishOrconectes leptogonopodusCrayfishAquaticS3G4@ MalacostracaDecapodaCambaridaeUnknown\@ }seeeeYUQHH>#,8"Redspotted Stream CrayfishOrconectes acaresCrayfishAquaticS3G4L@ MalacostracaDecapodaCambaridaeUnknown\@ tj\\\\PLH??5",8"Hubbs' CrayfishCambarus hubbsiCrayfishAquaticS3G3?@ MalacostracaDecapodaCambaridaeUnknown\@ }tttttth^PPPPD?;22(,>8"LilliputToxolasma parvumMusselAquaticS3G5@e BivalviaUnionoidaUnionidae@a gravel/cobble@ Decreasing@ sgg\QGGGG;73**",8"Purple PimplebackQuadrula refulgensMusselAquaticS1G3G4@ BivalviaUnionoidaUnionidae Unknowngravel/sandZ@ Stable@ tti^TTTTHB>55-,8"Round PigtoePleurobema sintoxiaMusselAquaticS3G4G5@e BivalvaUnionoidaUnionidae@a gravel/sandF@ Stable@ {oodYPPPPD>:11),8"Texas PigtoePleurobema riddelliiMusselAquaticS1G1G2@ BivalvaUnionoidaUnionidae Unknowngravel/sand@ Stable@ ppeZQQQQE?;22*,8""Elongate" PigtoeFusconaia sp. cf. flavaMusselAquaticS1GNRj@ BivalvaUnionoidaUnionidae Unknowngravel0@ Decreasing@ wwlaXXXXLGC::2,>8""Red River" MucketLampsilis sp. B cf hydianaMusselAquaticS2GNR@ BivalvaUnionoidaUnionidae UnknownunknownCurrently undescribed.Unknown@ {{pe\\\\PKG>>6,8""Arkoma" FatmucketLampsilis sp. A cf hydianaMusselAquaticS3GNR@ BivalvaUnionoidaUnionidae UnknownunknownCurrently undescribed.Unknown@ {{pe\\\\PKG>>6,ހLVAL &Shell moderately thick, round, and compressed (medium-sized rivers) to inflated (large rivers). Anterior end rounded, posterior end rounded to bluntly pointed. Dorsal margin straight to slightly curved, ventral margin usually curved. Umbos low and only slightly elevated above the hinge line. Beak sculpture of two or three elevated ridges on the umbo. Shell smooth. Periostracum greenish brown, light brown, or reddish brown in juveniles, becoming chestnut or dark brown in adults, with faint green rays visible near the beaks in some shells. Length to 4 inches (10.2 cm). Pseudocardinal teeth well developed; two in the left valve, one in the right. Lateral teeth straight. Beak cavity shallow (medium-sized rivers) to moderately deep (large rivers). Nacre variable from white to pink or rose-colored.Shell triangular to rounded, short, inflated, solid. Umbos high and full above the hinge line; anterior end almost evenly rounded. Sulcus absent, disc flat to slightly convex; posterior ridge usually rounded. Periostracum brown, greenish-brown, tan. Beak cavities moderately deep. Nacre bluish-white but becoming iridescent posteriorly.Valves thin to moderately thick, strong; shell thin to moderately inflated, outline quadrate to elongate; beaks low, turned forward. Posterior ridge indistinct; sulcus absent on disc. Periostracum has a satiny or cloth-like sheen; fine green rays may be present, especially in young specimens. Pseudocardinal and lateral teeth well developed and solid; narrow interdentum; beak cavity moderately deep to deep. Nacre usually white. The species is most closely related to Fusconaia flava; however, it most closely resembles the Ozark pigtoe (Fusconaia ozarkensis) and is thought to occur only in Arkansas River tributaries in Arkansas, Kansas, Missouri and Oklahoma.xLVAL \ ZThis species has a sporadic distribution within Arkansas (Robison and Buchanan 1988). Brown bullheads are often associated with quiet streams that have aquatic vegetation.A primary burrowing crayfish endemic to Louisiana and Arkansas. It is of conservation concern in Louisiana and there are very few records from Arkansas.This species is restricted to Ouachita Mountain Province, to the tributaries of the Red River drainage in Arkansas and eastern Oklahoma, USA (Fitzpatrick 1965). Found in clear rocky streams of the upper Little River system in AR & OK (Hobbs 1989).Hobbs (1989) presented the range of Orconectes acares as the tributaries of the Ouachita River in Garland, Hot Springs, Montgomery, Perry, Pike, Polk, and Saline counties. Abundant and widely distributed in the Ouachita uplands of Arkansas - endemic to the state (McAllister and Robison 2010).This crayfish is endemic to the Ozarks. It is fairly common in Ozark streams of the Black River basin, but it is much less common in the remainder of the White River basin. Coloration and habitat use differences between the two areas also are curious, and warrant future attention (Brian Wagner, personal communication). Interspecific competition with the invasive crayfish Orconectes neglectus is thought to be causing a reduction in the range of this species, in addition to changes in land use causing a decline in stream habitat quality (Magoulick and DiStefano 2007). The causes of this decline, however, have yet to be confirmed.Only one specimen confirmed in Arkansas but likely others have been undetected due to similarity of appearance with Pimpleback (Quadrula pustulosa). (Turgeon and others 1998, Harris and others 2010)The species has been confirmed in the Little, Cossatot, Saline and Rolling Fork rivers. However, a morphologically similar species occurs in the Ouachita drainage that may be a different distinct species. (Turgeon and others 1988, Hayes 2010, Bouldin and others 2013).LVAL,B . F .  rZB*nAGFC Mr. Jeff Quinn, AGFC Mr. Brian Wagner, ANHC Mr. Jason ThroneberryAGFC Mr. Jeff Quinn, AGFC Mr. Brian Wagner, ANHC Mr. Jason ThroneberryAGFC Mr. Jeff Quinn, AGFC Mr. Brian Wagner, ANHC Mr. Jason ThroneberryAGFC Mr. Jeff Quinn, AGFC Mr. Brian Wagner, ANHC Mr. Jason ThroneberryAGFC Mr. Jeff Quinn, AGFC Mr. Brian Wagner, ANHC Mr. Jason ThroneberryAGFC Mr. Jeff Quinn, AGFC Mr. Brian Wagner, ANHC Mr. Jason ThroneberryAGFC Mr. Jeff Quinn, AGFC Mr. Brian Wagner, ANHC Mr. Jason ThroneberryAGFC Mr. Jeff Quinn, AGFC Mr. Brian Wagner, ANHC Mr. Jason ThroneberryAGFC Mr. Jeff Quinn, AGFC Mr. Brian Wagner, ANHC Mr. Jason ThroneberryAGFC Mr. Jeff Quinn, AGFC Mr. Brian Wagner, ANHC Mr. Jason ThroneberryAGFC Mr. Jeff Quinn, AGFC Mr. Brian Wagner, ANHC Mr. Jason ThroneberryAGFC Mr. Jeff Quinn, AGFC Mr. Brian Wagner, ANHC Mr. Jason ThroneberryAGFC Mr. Jeff Quinn, AGFC Mr. Brian Wagner, ANHC Mr. Jason ThroneberryAGFC Mr. Jeff Quinn, AGFC Mr. Brian Wagner, ANHC Mr. Jason ThroneberryAGFC Mr. Jeff Quinn, AGFC Mr. Brian Wagner, ANHC Mr. Jason ThroneberryAGFC Mr. Jeff Quinn, AGFC Mr. Brian Wagner, ANHC Mr. Jason ThroneberryAGFC Mr. Jeff Quinn, AGFC Mr. Brian Wagner, ANHC Mr. Jason ThroneberryAGFC Mr. Jeff Quinn, AGFC Mr. Brian Wagner, ANHC Mr. Jason ThroneberryAGFC Mr. Jeff Quinn, AGFC Mr. Brian Wagner, ANHC Mr. Jason ThroneberryAGFC Mr. Jeff Quinn, AGFC Mr. Brian Wagner, ANHC Mr. Jason ThroneberryAGFC Mr. Brian Wagner, UA Dr. Daniel MagoulickAGFC Mr. Brian Wagner, UA Dr. Daniel MagoulickAGFC Mr. Brian Wagner, UA Dr. Daniel MagoulickAGFC Mr. Brian Wagner, UA Dr. Daniel MagoulickAGFC Mr. Bill Posey, USFWS-ES Mr. Chris Davidson, ASU Dr. John Harris, AHTD Mr. Josh Seagraves, AHTD Mr. Ben ThesingAGFC Mr. Bill Posey, USFWS-ES Mr. Chris Davidson, ASU Dr. John Harris, AHTD Mr. Josh Seagraves, AHTD Mr. Ben ThesingAGFC Mr. Bill Posey, USFWS-ES Mr. Chris Davidson, ASU Dr. John Harris, AHTD Mr. Josh Seagraves, AHTD Mr. Ben ThesingLVAL Shell thick, triangular and elongate, and moderately inflated. Anterior end rounded, posterior end rounded to bluntly pointed. Dorsal and ventral margins curved. Umbos high, projected forward, and anterior to rest of shell. Shell smooth or satin-like. Shallow sulcus present. Periostracum brown or chestnut, with faint green rays on the umbos. Length to four inches (10.2 cm). Pseudocardinal teeth well developed; two in the left valve, one in the right. Lateral teeth straight or slightly curved. Beak cavity moderately deep. Nacre pink or rose-colored in most individuals, occasionally white.Shell small, elliptical or cylindrical, relatively solid, and inflated. Anterior and posterior ends rounded. Umbos inflated and slightly elevated above the hinge line. Beak sculpture consists of five or six distinct angled ridges. Surface of the shell with a clothlike texture, dark green, brown, or dark brown and rayless. Length to 1.5 inches (3.8 cm). Pseudocardinal teeth thin, elevated, compressed, and serrated; two in the left valve, one or two in the right. Lateral teeth long, thin and straight; two in the left valve, one in the right. Beak cavity moderately deep. Nacre silvery or bluish white and highly iridescent.Shell subelliptical, subcompressed to slightly inflated, somewhat inequilateral;Umbos elevated but not inflated; anterior end rounded Periostracum reddish-chestnut;pseudocardinals triangular, ragged, two in the left valve and three in the right; lateral in the right valve single or double; beak cavities deep. Nacre purple or violet, iridescent posteriorly in some specimens, white in others with some purple in the beak cavity.LVAL: 2Description: This species was elevated from Etheostoma punctulatum by Mayden (2010). Autumn Darters are often found in small streams with clear, cool water, coarse stream substrates and with vegetation (Mayden 2010). This species occurs in the White River drainage, upper Current River, and the Eleven Point River. The Autumn Darter is rare in the Little Red, Current, and Eleven Point rivers (Mayden 2010). Life-history information appears to be lacking for this species.Robison and Buchanan (1988) noted the species is rare. McAllister and others (2010) reported collecting an individual in the Red River, a range extension for the species.Description: A long, slightly compressed snakelike fish without pelvic fins, not resembling any other Arkansas fishes except lampreys, and then only superficially (Robison and Buchanan 1988). American eels are a pandemic and catadromous species that have declined at multiple locations, and the species is currently under review by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service for possible listing under the Endangered Species Act (Federal Register 2011). Cox (2014) collected 293 American eels from three river systems in Arkansas. Tumlison and Robison (2010) captured 35 eels in the Caddo River below Lake DeGray.jLVAL6 F~Description: This species was elevated from Etheostoma stigmaeum by Layman and Mayden (2012). They are found in Ozark Highland, Boston Mountain,and Ouachita Mountain tributaries of the Arkansas River in Northwest Arkansas and the upper White River. Habitat for this species includes clear, sandy and rocky pools of small to medium sized river with swift current. This species does not have a numerical G-rank, so the priority score on this fish with limited range is underestimated.Description: This species was elevated from Etheostoma punctulatum by Mayden (2010). This species is found in small tributatries to the Arkansas River in the northwest portion of the state. It occurs in Benton, Crawford, and Franklin counties. Life history has been studied by two investigations (Mayden 2010). This species inhabits small, clear, cool streams with good water quality over gravel and cobble substrates. They are regularly found in association with aquatic vegetation and organic debris.Description: This species was elevated from Etheostoma stigmaeum by Layman and Mayden (2012). In Arkansas, this species is found in Prairie Creek in Polk County, Mill Creek in Polk County, Ouachita River in Montgomery County, and South Fork Mazarn Creek in Garland County. Layman and Mayden (2012) indicated a status survey was needed to clearly define the distribution of the species. Habitat for this species includes clear, sandy and rock pools of small to medium sized rivers with moderate gradient and swift current. This species does not have a numerical G-rank, so the priority score on this endemic fish with limited range is greatly underestimated. It has a distribution similar to Noturus taylori (Layman and Mayden 2012), which is a G1 ranked species. The beaded darter appears to be scare or uncommon across its limited range (Layman and Mayden 2012).B (3 = U d e an8"Gilt DarterPercina evidesFishAquaticS3G4@ ActinopterygiiPerciformesPercidaeUnknown@ vmmmmmmcVFFFF:62))#,>8"StonecatNoturus flavusFishAquaticS1G5@ ActinopterygiiSiluriformesIctaluridaeDecreasing@ znnnnnnaSCCCC73/&& ,8"Channel ShinerNotropis wickliffiFishAquaticS2G5<@ ActinopterygiiCypriniformesCyprinidaeUnknown@ xxxxxxl]MMMMA=900*,8"Rocky ShinerNotropis suttkusiFishAquaticS2G3G4@ ActinopterygiiCypriniformesCyprinidaeUnknown@ wwwwwwk\LLLL@:6--',8"Chub ShinerNotropis potteriFishAquaticS2G4@ e ActinopterygiiCypriniformesCyprinidaeStable@ {ssssssgXHHHH<84++%,8"Striped MulletMugil cephalusFishAquaticS2G5@ ActinopterygiiMugiliformesMugilidaeStable@ zrrrrrrgYIIII=95,,&,^8"Shoal ChubMacrhybopsis hyostomaFishAquaticS3G5@ ActinopterygiiCypriniformesCyprinidaeStable@ wwwwwwk\LLLL@<8//),^8"Ouachita ShinerLythrurus snelsoniFishAquaticS2G3G4@ ActinopterygiiCypriniformesCyprinidaeUnknown@ {{{{{{o`PPPPD>:11+,8"American Brook LampreyLethenteron appendixFishAquaticS3G4F@ PetromyzontidaPetromyzontiformesPetromyzontidaeUnknown@ {gWWWWKGC::4,>8"Least Brook LampreyLampetra aepypteraFishAquaticS3G5~@ PetromyzontidaPetromyzontiformesPetromyzontidaeUnknown@ vbRRRRFB>55/,8"Plains MinnowHybognathus placitusFishAquaticSHG4@ ActinopterygiiCypriniformesCyprinidaeUnknown@ yyyyyym^NNNNB>:11+,^8"MooneyeHiodon tergisusFishAquaticS2G5@ ActinopterygiiHiodontiformesHiodontidaeUnknown@ yppppppcSCCCC73/&& ,^8"Lowland TopminnowFundulus blairaeFishAquaticS2G4R@ ActinopterygiiCyprinodontiformesFundulidaeUnknown@ ~~~~~~r^NNNNB>:11+,8"Highland DarterEtheostoma teddyrooseveltFishAquaticS3GNR@ ActinopterygiiPerciformesPercidaeUnknown@ }}}}}}sfVVVVJEA882,~8"Sunburst DarterEtheostoma mihilezeFishAquaticS3G4@ ActinopterygiiPerciformesPercidaeStable@ ~vvvvvvl_OOOOC?;22,,~8"Beaded DarterEtheostoma clintonFishAquaticS2GNR@ ActinopterygiiPerciformesPercidaeStable@ |ttttttj]MMMMA<8//),LVAL TThe Shoal Chub is one of the species that used to be included in M. aestivalis (McAllister and others 2010, 2012). Layher and others (2005) captured 995 individuals from 7 large rivers in Arkansas. The Fish Taxa Team recommends using the S-rank calculator to re-evaluate the species once distributional records are entered into the fish database.The species lives in pools of clear, high-gradient streams of the Mountain Fork and Cossatot river basins (Robison and Buchanan 1988). Buchanan (2005) collected 8 specimens from Gillham Lake.Description: This species name was changed from Lamptera appendix. It inhabits cool, clear, small to medium sized streams in gravel bottom runs and flowing pools.This species typically inhabits headwater to medium-sized streams with clean gravel riffles, and the species inhabits smaller streams than other Arkansas lampreys (Robison and Buchanan 1988).Description: a large minnow with a short head, blunt snout, sub-terminal mouth, and very small eye (Robison and Buchanan 1988). The species has been collected in the Mississippi, Arkansas, and Red rivers, and no breeding populations are known to occur in the state.Mooneye inhabit the large rivers of the state including the Arkansas, White, Black, Little Red, Strawberry, Spring, Current, and Ouachita Rivers. The species is found in swift current over firm substrate. Buchanan (2003) did not report the species from the Red River. Vogt (2013) reported that mooneye represented 2% of fish captured with boat electrofishing in the lower White River during 2010, and CPUE was 0.14 and 0.17 fish/hr in the warm and transitional areas of the river.The lowland topminnow is only found in Ouachita Mountain streams that drain into the Red River. The species is found in small, clear creeks and swampy backwaters over mud substrate near vegetation (Robison and Buchanan 1988). Buchanan collected 50 individuals from Millwood Lake (Buchanan 1985).8LVALh j .RTThis northern species has only been collected once in Arkansas during 1894 in Clay County. Evidently, a large population occurs in Reelfoot Lake, Tennessee (Pflieger 1997). This species is highly tolerant of low dissolved oxygen and often lives in swamps.The saddleback darter is often collected in shallow riffle habitat. Rigsby (2009) collected 503 individuals from 53 of 186 sites sampled from 2006-2008.Robison and Buchanan (1988) noted the species has been eliminated from areas impacted by the construction of Beaver Dam. Gilt darter was among the top 4 species collected by trawling in the Current, Eleven Point, Spring and Strawberry rivers (Rigsby 2009).This primarily northern species inhabits the Mississippi River in Arkansas, but clear gravel-bed streams elsewhere. McAllister and others (2012) provided recent records for the Noturus flavus in Arkansas, which have all been collected using rotenone. This species has been collected from large rip rap dike habitat in the Mississippi River.Description: This species was long regarded as a subspecies of the mimic shiner, N. volucellus (McAllister et al. 2009). McAllister et al. (2009) reported collecting 211 channel shiners from the lower Arkansas and Mississippi rivers. Robison and Buchanan (1994) provided historical localities and noted the taxonomic status of the Current River form is unresolved. Distribution of the species is poorly understood.This species was elevated from Notropis rubellus (Humphries and Cashner 1994) and appears to be abundant within its limited range (Schwemm 2013). The rocky shiner inhabits clear water streams of moderate to high gradient with gravel and rubble substrates.Marine and estuarine, often ascending coastal rivers for considerable distances. Grimes (2015) captured 817 individuals in the lower Arkansas River downstream of Wilber D. Mills Dam. Vogt (2013) reported that striped mullet electrofishing CPUE was 0.07 and 0.17 fish/hour in the warm and transitional areas of the lower White River.( LVALt @ AGFC Kelly Irwin, UCA Don Shepard, Kory Roberts, UAF J.D. WillsonAGFC Mr. Bill Posey, USFWS-ES Mr. Chris Davidson, ASU Dr. John Harris, AHTD Mr. Josh Seagraves, AHTD Mr. Ben ThesingAGFC - retired Mr. Steve Filipek, SAU Dr. Henry Robison, UA/Ft. Smith Dr. Tom Buchanan, AGFC Mr. Jeff Quinn, AGFC Mr. Brian Wagner, ANHC Mr. Jason ThroneberryAGFC Mr. Jeff Quinn, AGFC Mr. Brian Wagner, ANHC Mr. Jason ThroneberryAGFC Mr. Jeff Quinn, AGFC Mr. Brian Wagner, ANHC Mr. Jason Throneberry B 0: % 8"Pyramid PigtoePleurobema rubrumMusselAquaticS2G2G3@ BivalviaUnionoidaUnionidae Unknowngravel/sand@ Stable@ ppeZPPPPD>:11),8"Silver RedhorseMoxostoma anisurumFishAquaticS1G5*@ ActinopterygiiCypriniformesCatostomidaeDecreasing<@ {{{{{{m^NNNNB>:11+,8"Central MudminnowUmbra limiFishAquaticSHG5@ ActinopterygiiEsociformesEsocidaeUnknown@ xooooooeXHHHH<84++%,8"Saddleback DarterPercina vigilFishAquaticS3G52@ ActinopterygiiPerciformesPercidaeStable@ zrrrrrrh[KKKK?;7..(,ދLVAL Extremely abundant in the lower Ouachita and lower Saline. Upper Ouachita and upper Saline rivers populations are peripheral. Known to occur in the lower St. Francis River (AFMC 2004a, 2004b, 2004c, 2005, AHTD 1989, Ahlstedt and Jenkinson 1987, 1991, ANHI 2003, Branson 1983, Christian 1995, Clarke 1987, Coker 1919, Crump 2003, Crump and others 2003a, 2003c, 2003d, 2003e, 2003g, 2003q, 2003r, 2003t, Cummings and Mayer 1992, Davidson 1997, Davidson and Gosse 2001, Gordon 1980a, Gordon and others 1980, Harris 1986, 1989b, 1999, 1999a, 2001, 2002a, Harris and Gordon 1985, 1987, Harris and Milam 2002, 2002a, Harris and others 1997, Jenkinson 1989, Jenkinson and Ahlstedt 1987, 1994, Johnson 1980, Miller and Harris 1987, ONHI 2003, Posey 1997, Stansbery 1970, Stansbery and Stein 1982, Stein and Stansbery 1980, Turgeon and others 1988, 1998, USDA FS 1999, Vaughn 1996, Wheeler 1918, Williams & others 1993).Description: A robust, pale yellow or silvery sucker growing to a maximum of 20 inches (Robison and Buchanan 1988). The silver redhorse is rare in Arkansas (Robison and Buchanan 1988), and only 23 specimens have been collected from five rivers (McAllister and others 2009). 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" # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . / 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ; < = j k l m n o p q r s t u v" "  ZYoes.CN  ZY  Y  Y Y Y Species_IDHabitatCitationID Weightiti esitn esAaci _CYYYIDPrimaryKeySpecies_ID  v1b   0?k/ @?  @@LVAL *  ANHI Rare Fact Sheet IICOL42010 (2-04-02), ANHI 2003, ONHI 2003ANHI Rare Fact Sheet IICOL42010 (2-04-02), ANHI 2003, ONHI 2003ANHC 2003, Clawson 1982, Crump and Davis 2003, Duzan and others 2003, 2003A, Evans and Kirkman 1980, Fitzgerald 2000, Hamel 1992, Jacobs 2001, James and Neal 1986, Martin and Finch 1995, Robbins and Easterla 1992, Smallwood and 2002ANHC 2003, Clawson 1982, Crump and Davis 2003, Duzan and others 2003, 2003A, Evans and Kirkman 1980, Fitzgerald 2000, Hamel 1992, Jacobs 2001, James and Neal 1986, Martin and Finch 1995, Robbins and Easterla 1992, Smallwood and 2002USDI FWS Bald Eagle Recovery Plan, FWS Bald Eagle SE Management plan, June 26, 2003 Meeting (Crump and Davis 2003, Duzan and others 2003, 2003A)USDI FWS Bald Eagle Recovery Plan, FWS Bald Eagle SE Management plan, June 26, 2003 Meeting (Crump and Davis 2003, Duzan and others 2003, 2003A)USDI FWS Bald Eagle Recovery Plan, FWS Bald Eagle SE Management plan, June 26, 2003 Meeting (Crump and Davis 2003, Duzan and others 2003, 2003A)USDI FWS Bald Eagle Recovery Plan, FWS Bald Eagle SE Management plan, June 26, 2003 Meeting (Crump and Davis 2003, Duzan and others 2003, 2003A)ANHI 2003, Anderson, J.D. 1965, Anderson, P. 1965, Black and Dellinger 1938, Brussock and Brown 1982, Conant and Collins 1991, Cope 1886, Cope 1887, Crump 2003, Crump 2003A, 2003C, 2003D, 2003H, Dowling 1956, Hurter and Strecker 1909, Hutcherson and others 1989, Johnson 1977, McAllister and others 1995d, McDaniel 1975, McDaniel and Saugey 1977, Noble and Marshall 1929, Nyman and others 1993, Peterson and others 1992, Petranka 1998, Reagan 1974a, Schmidt 1953, Spotila and Beumer 1970, Stejneger and Barbour 1917, Strecker 1924, Taylor 1935, Tihen 1958, Trapp 1956 (1957, Trapp 1959, Trauth and others 2004, Trauth 1980b, Trauth 2000, Trauth and others 1989b, Trauth and Cartwright 1989, Turnipseed and Gallagher 1991, USDA FS 1999, Wilson 1995 8u)U L t 1 ` $ Q  0 >*N=z._ ETOSouth-Central Interior Large Floodplain@ C7OOzark-Ouachita Pine-Oak Forest@ :.OOzark-Ouachita Riparian@ 3'OOzark-Ouachita Dry-Mesic Oak Forest@ ?3NWest Gulf Coastal Plain Wet Hardwood Flatwoods@ J>NWest Gulf Coastal Plain Small Stream/River Forest@ MANOzark-Ouachita Riparian@ 3'NOzark-Ouachita Dry-Mesic Oak Forest@ ?3NOzark-Ouachita Pine-Oak Forest@ :.MWest Gulf Coastal Plain Wet Hardwood Flatwoods@ J>MOzark-Ouachita Large Floodplain@ ;/LOzark-Ouachita Dry-Mesic Oak Forest@ ?3LOzark-Ouachita Pine-Oak Forest@ :.KSouth-Central Interior Large Floodplain@ C7IOzark-Ouachita Riparian@ 3'HOzark-Ouachita Pine-Oak Forest@ :.HOzark-Ouachita Dry Oak Woodland@ ;/F~Ozark-Ouachita Mesic Hardwood Forestd@ @4F}Ozark-Ouachita Dry-Mesic Oak Forestd@ ?3F{Ozark-Ouachita Large Floodplaind@ ;/FzOzark-Ouachita Ripariand@ 3'ExOzark-Ouachita Dry Oak and Pine Woodland @ D8EwOzark-Ouachita Pine-Oak Forest/Woodland @ C7DvOzark-Ouachita Pine-Oak Forest@ :.CuOuachita Mesic Hardwood Forest and Guild Habitat2@ L@CsSouth-Central Interior Large Floodplain2@ C7CrOuachita Riparian2@ -!BpOuachita Pine-Oak Forest@ 4(BoWest Gulf Coastal Plain Wet Hardwood Flatwoods (Red Slough, OK)@ [OBmOuachita Dry-Mesic Oak Forest@ 9-BkSouth-Central Interior Large Floodplain@ C7BiOuachita Mesic Hardwood Forest and Guild Habitat@ L@AgSouth-Central Interior Large FloodplainB@ C7AfOuachita RiparianB@ -!?dOzark-Ouachita Pine/Bluestem WoodlandL@ A5>cOzark-Ouachita Pine-Oak Forest@ :.>bOzark-Ouachita Dry Oak Woodland@ ;/>`South-Central Interior Large Floodplain@ C7>_Ozark-Ouachita Riparian@ 3'=XOzark-Ouachita Riparian@ 3'<SOzark-Ouachita Dry-Mesic Oak Forest@ ?3<ROzark-Ouachita Dry Oak and Pine Woodland@ D8;QOzark-Ouachita Pine-Oak Forest@ :.;OOzark-Ouachita Dry-Mesic Oak Forest@ ?3;NOzark-Ouachita Dry Oak Woodland@ ;/;LSouth-Central Interior Large Floodplain@ C7;KOzark-Ouachita Riparian@ 3'87Ozark-Ouachita Pine-Oak Forest@ :.86Ozark-Ouachita Dry Oak and Pine Woodland@ D871Ouachita Pine-Oak Forest@ 4(70Ouachita Dry Oak Woodland@ 5)6/Ozark-Ouachita Pine-Oak Forest"@ :.6.West Gulf Coastal Plain Wet Hardwood Flatwoods"@ J>6-South-Central Interior Large Floodplain"@ C76&Ponds, Lakes, and Water Holes"@ 9-Ozark-Ouachita Mesic Hardwood Forest@ @4LVAL 4 X|ANHC 2003, Clawson 1982, Crump and Davis 2003, Duzan and others 2003, 2003A, Evans and Kirkman 1980, Fitzgerald 2000, Hamel 1992, Jacobs 2001, James and Neal 1986, Martin and Finch 1995, Robbins and Easterla 1992, Straight and Cooper 2000ANHC 2003, Clawson 1982, Crump and Davis 2003, Duzan and others 2003, 2003A, Evans and Kirkman 1980, Fitzgerald 2000, Hamel 1992, Jacobs 2001, James and Neal 1986, Martin and Finch 1995, Robbins and Easterla 1992, Straight and Cooper 2000ANHC 2003, Clawson 1982, Crump and Davis 2003, Duzan and others 2003, 2003A, Evans and Kirkman 1980, Fitzgerald 2000, Hamel 1992, Jacobs 2001, James and Neal 1986, Martin and Finch 1995, Robbins and Easterla 1992, Straight and Cooper 2000ANHC 2003, Clawson 1982, Crump and Davis 2003, Duzan and others 2003, 2003A, Evans and Kirkman 1980, Fitzgerald 2000, Hamel 1992, Jacobs 2001, James and Neal 1986, Martin and Finch 1995, Robbins and Easterla 1992, Straight and Cooper 2000ANHC 2003, Clawson 1982, Crump and Davis 2003, Duzan and others 2003, 2003A, Evans and Kirkman 1980, Fitzgerald 2000, Hamel 1992, Jacobs 2001, James and Neal 1986, Martin and Finch 1995, Robbins and Easterla 1992, Straight and Cooper 2000ANHC 2003, Baerg 1927, Bobwhite Quail Mgmt., Brennan 1991, 1999, Clawson 1982, Crump and Davis 2003, Dickson and others 1983, Dimmick and others 2002, Duzan and others 2003, 2003A, Evans and Kirkman 1980, Fitzgerald 2000, Hamel 1992, Jacobs 2001, James and Neal 1986, Landers and Mueller 1986, Martin and Finch 1995, Robbins and Easterla 1992, Rosene 1969, Stoddard 1931ANHC 2003, Baerg 1927, Bobwhite Quail Mgmt., Brennan 1991, 1999, Clawson 1982, Crump and Davis 2003, Dickson and others 1983, Dimmick and others 2002, Duzan and others 2003, 2003A, Evans and Kirkman 1980, Fitzgerald 2000, Hamel 1992, Jacobs 2001, James and Neal 1986, Landers and Mueller 1986, Martin and Finch 1995, Robbins and Easterla 1992, Rosene 1969, Stoddard 1931TLVAL F `rFWS Red-cockaded Woodpecker recovery plan, (ANHC 2003, Clawson 1982, Conner and others 2003, Costa and others 1996, Crump and Davis 2003, Duzan and others 2003, 2003A, Evans and Kirkman 1980, Fitzgerald 2000, Hamel 1992, Jacobs 2001, James and Neal 1986, Martin and Finch 1995, Masters and others 1995, Montague and others 1995, Neal 1992, Neal and others 1992, 1993a, 1993b, 1998, Robison and others 1999, USDA FWS 2003).ANHC 2003, Bent 1964, Clawson 1982, Crump and Davis 2003, Duzan and others 2003, 2003A, Evans and Kirkman 1980, Fitzgerald 2000, Hamel 1992, Jacobs 2001, James and Neal 1986, Kilham 1992, Martin and Finch 1995ANHC 2003, Bent 1964, Clawson 1982, Crump and Davis 2003, Duzan and others 2003, 2003A, Evans and Kirkman 1980, Fitzgerald 2000, Hamel 1992, Jacobs 2001, James and Neal 1986, Kilham 1992, Martin and Finch 1995ANHC 2003, Bent 1964, Clawson 1982, Crump and Davis 2003, Duzan and others 2003, 2003A, Evans and Kirkman 1980, Fitzgerald 2000, Hamel 1992, Jacobs 2001, James and Neal 1986, Kilham 1992, Martin and Finch 1995ANHC 2003, Bent 1964, Clawson 1982, Crump and Davis 2003, Duzan and others 2003, 2003A, Evans and Kirkman 1980, Fitzgerald 2000, Hamel 1992, Jacobs 2001, James and Neal 1986, Kilham 1992, Martin and Finch 1995ANHC 2003, Cink and Collins 2002, Clawson 1982, Crump and Davis 2003, Duzan and others 2003, 2003A, Evans and Kirkman 1980, Fitzgerald 2000, Hamel 1992, Jacobs 2001, James and Neal 1986, Martin and Finch 1995, Robbins and Easterla 1992ANHC 2003, Bent 1989, Clawson 1982, Crump and Davis 2003, Duzan and others 2003, 2003A, Evans and Kirkman 1980, Fitzgerald 2000, Hamel 1992, Jacobs 2001, James and Neal 1986, Martin and Finch 1995, Robbins and Easterla 1992, Straight and Cooper 2000ANHC 2003, Bent 1989, Clawson 1982, Crump and Davis 2003, Duzan and others 2003, 2003A, Evans and Kirkman 1980, Fitzgerald 2000, Hamel 1992, Jacobs 2001, James and Neal 1986, Martin and Finch 1995, Robbins and Easterla 1992, Straight and Cooper 2000LVAL |J"rANHI 2003, Black and Sievert 1989, Highton 1989, Huntington and Stuhlman 1993, ONHI 2003ANHI 2003, Black and Sievert 1989, Highton 1989, Huntington and Stuhlman 1993, ONHI 2003ANHI 2003, Natureserve 2003, Rich Mtn. Slitmouth Snail MOU 2001, Robison & Allen 1995ANHI Rare Fact Sheet IICOL42010 (2-04-02), ANHI 2003, ONHI 2003ANHI Rare Fact Sheet IICOL42010 (2-04-02), ANHI 2003, ONHI 2003ANHC 2003, Annand and Thompson 1997, Baerg 1927, Clawson 1982, Crump and Davis 2003, Duzan and others 2003, 2003A, Evans and Kirkman 1980, Finch 1991, Finch and Stangel 1993, Fitzgerald 2000, Hamel 1992, Hopp and others 1995, Jacobs 2001, James 1971, James and Neal 1986, Kellner Unpublished, Kennedy and White 1997, Martin and Finch 1995, Robbins and Easterla 1992, Robinson and others 1999, Thompson 1995, Thompson and Fritzell 1990, Thompson and others 1996, USDA FS 1997ANHC 2003, Annand and Thompson 1997, Baerg 1927, Clawson 1982, Crump and Davis 2003, Duzan and others 2003, 2003A, Evans and Kirkman 1980, Finch 1991, Finch and Stangel 1993, Fitzgerald 2000, Hamel 1992, Jacobs 2001, James 1971, James and Neal 1986, Martin and Finch 1995, Pingjun 1994, Probst and Thompson 1996, Robbins and Easterla 1992, Robinson and others 1995, Rodewald and Smith 1998, Smith and Prather 2000, Thompson 1995, Thompson and Fritzell 1990, Thompson and others 1992, 1995, 1996, Wilson and others 1995, Whitehead and Taylor 2002ANHC 2003, Annand and Thompson 1997, Baerg 1927, Clawson 1982, Crump and Davis 2003, Duzan and others 2003, 2003A, Evans and Kirkman 1980, Finch 1991, Finch and Stangel 1993, Fitzgerald 2000, Hamel 1992, Jacobs 2001, James 1971, James and Neal 1986, Martin and Finch 1995, Pingjun 1994, Probst and Thompson 1996, Robbins and Easterla 1992, Robinson and others 1995, Rodewald and Smith 1998, Smith and Prather 2000, Thompson 1995, Thompson and Fritzell 1990, Thompson and others 1992, 1995, 1996, Wilson and others 1995, Whitehead and Taylor 2002LVALL 0ANHI 2003, Natureserve 2003, Robison & Allen 1995ANHC 2003, Annand and Thompson 1997, Baerg 1927, Clawson 1982, Crump and Davis 2003, Duzan and others 2003, 2003A, Evans and Kirkman 1980, Finch 1991, Finch and Stangel 1993, Fitzgerald 2000, Hamel 1992, Hopp and others 1995, Jacobs 2001, James 1971, James and Neal 1986, Kellner Unpublished, Kennedy and White 1997, Martin and Finch 1995, Robbins and Easterla 1992, Robinson and others 1999, Thompson 1995, Thompson and Fritzell 1990, Thompson and others 1996, USDA FS 1997ANHC 2003, Annand and Thompson 1997, Baerg 1927, Clawson 1982, Crump and Davis 2003, Duzan and others 2003, 2003A, Evans and Kirkman 1980, Finch 1991, Finch and Stangel 1993, Fitzgerald 2000, Hamel 1992, Hopp and others 1995, Jacobs 2001, James 1971, James and Neal 1986, Kellner Unpublished, Kennedy and White 1997, Martin and Finch 1995, Robbins and Easterla 1992, Robinson and others 1999, Thompson 1995, Thompson and Fritzell 1990, Thompson and others 1996, USDA FS 1997ANHC 2003, Annand and Thompson 1997, Baerg 1927, Clawson 1982, Crump and Davis 2003, Duzan and others 2003, 2003A, Evans and Kirkman 1980, Finch 1991, Finch and Stangel 1993, Fitzgerald 2000, Hamel 1992, Hopp and others 1995, Jacobs 2001, James 1971, James and Neal 1986, Kellner Unpublished, Kennedy and White 1997, Martin and Finch 1995, Robbins and Easterla 1992, Robinson and others 1999, Thompson 1995, Thompson and Fritzell 1990, Thompson and others 1996, USDA FS 1997ANHC 2003, Annand and Thompson 1997, Baerg 1927, Clawson 1982, Crump and Davis 2003, Duzan and others 2003, 2003A, Evans and Kirkman 1980, Finch 1991, Finch and Stangel 1993, Fitzgerald 2000, Hamel 1992, Hopp and others 1995, Jacobs 2001, James 1971, James and Neal 1986, Kellner Unpublished, Kennedy and White 1997, Martin and Finch 1995, Robbins and Easterla 1992, Robinson and others 1999, Thompson 1995, Thompson and Fritzell 1990, Thompson and others 1996, USDA FS 1997^LVAL jxANHC 2003, Clawson 1982, Crump and Davis 2003, Duzan and others 2003, 2003A, Evans and Kirkman 1980, Fitzgerald 2000, Hamel 1992, Jacobs 2001, James and Neal 1986, Kennedy and White 1997, Martin and Finch 1995, Robbins and Easterla 1992, Robinson and others 1999ANHC 2003, Clawson 1982, Crump and Davis 2003, Duzan and others 2003, 2003A, Evans and Kirkman 1980, Fitzgerald 2000, Hamel 1992, Jacobs 2001, James and Neal 1986, Kennedy and White 1997, Martin and Finch 1995, Robbins and Easterla 1992, Robinson and others 1999ANHC 2003, Clawson 1982, Crump and Davis 2003, Duzan and others 2003, 2003A, Evans and Kirkman 1980, Fitzgerald 2000, Hamel 1992, Jacobs 2001, James and Neal 1986, Martin and Finch 1995, Robbins and Easterla 1992, Withgott and Smith 1998Ouachita NF Surveys 1996-2002 (ANHC 2003, Annand and Thompson 1997, Baerg 1927, Clawson 1982, Crump and Davis 2003, Duzan and others 2003, 2003A, Evans and Kirkman 1980, Finch and Stangel 1993, Fitzgerald 2000, Hamel 1992, Jacobs 2001, James and Neal 1986, Robbins and Easterla 1992, Martin and Finch 1995, Robinson and others 1995, Rodewald and James 1996, Rodewald and Smith 1998, Wilson and others 1995)Ouachita NF Surveys 1996-2002 (ANHC 2003, Annand and Thompson 1997, Baerg 1927, Clawson 1982, Crump and Davis 2003, Duzan and others 2003, 2003A, Evans and Kirkman 1980, Finch and Stangel 1993, Fitzgerald 2000, Hamel 1992, Jacobs 2001, James and Neal 1986, Robbins and Easterla 1992, Martin and Finch 1995, Robinson and others 1995, Rodewald and James 1996, Rodewald and Smith 1998, Wilson and others 1995)Ouachita NF Surveys 1996-2002 (ANHC 2003, Annand and Thompson 1997, Baerg 1927, Clawson 1982, Crump and Davis 2003, Duzan and others 2003, 2003A, Evans and Kirkman 1980, Finch and Stangel 1993, Fitzgerald 2000, Hamel 1992, Jacobs 2001, James and Neal 1986, Robbins and Easterla 1992, Martin and Finch 1995, Robinson and others 1995, Rodewald and James 1996, Rodewald and Smith 1998, Wilson and others 1995)LVAL 8NfBrennan 1999, James and Neal 1986, Rideout and others 2005Brennan 1999, James and Neal 1986, Rideout and others 2005Brennan 1999, James and Neal 1986, Rideout and others 2005ANHI Rare Fact Sheet IICOL42010 dated 2-04-02, ANHI 2003, ONHI 2003Anders and others 1998, ANHC 2003, Annand and Thompson 1997, Artman and Downhower 2003, Baerg 1927, Clawson 1982, Crump and Davis 2003, DeGraaf 1991, Duzan and others 2003, 2003A, Evans and Kirkman 1980, Finch 1991, Finch and Stangel 1993, Fitzgerald 2000, Hamel 1992, Jacobs 2001, James 1971, James and Neal 1986, Kellner Unpublished, Martin and Finch 1995, Pingjun 1994, Probst and Thompson 1996, Robbins and Easterla 1992, Robinson and others 1995, Roth and others 1996, Salveter 1994, Thompson 1995, Thompson and Fritzell 1990, Thompson and others 1995, 1996Anders and others 1998, ANHC 2003, Annand and Thompson 1997, Artman and Downhower 2003, Baerg 1927, Clawson 1982, Crump and Davis 2003, DeGraaf 1991, Duzan and others 2003, 2003A, Evans and Kirkman 1980, Finch 1991, Finch and Stangel 1993, Fitzgerald 2000, Hamel 1992, Jacobs 2001, James 1971, James and Neal 1986, Kellner Unpublished, Martin and Finch 1995, Pingjun 1994, Probst and Thompson 1996, Robbins and Easterla 1992, Robinson and others 1995, Roth and others 1996, Salveter 1994, Thompson 1995, Thompson and Fritzell 1990, Thompson and others 1995, 1996Anders and others 1998, ANHC 2003, Annand and Thompson 1997, Artman and Downhower 2003, Baerg 1927, Clawson 1982, Crump and Davis 2003, DeGraaf 1991, Duzan and others 2003, 2003A, Evans and Kirkman 1980, Finch 1991, Finch and Stangel 1993, Fitzgerald 2000, Hamel 1992, Jacobs 2001, James 1971, James and Neal 1986, Kellner Unpublished, Martin and Finch 1995, Pingjun 1994, Probst and Thompson 1996, Robbins and Easterla 1992, Robinson and others 1995, Roth and others 1996, Salveter 1994, Thompson 1995, Thompson and Fritzell 1990, Thompson and others 1995, 1996LVAL J4Brennan 1999, James and Neal 1986, Rideout and others 2005ANHC 2003, Clawson 1982, Crump and Davis 2003, Duzan and others 2003, 2003A, Evans and Kirkman 1980, Finch and Stangel 1993, Fitzgerald 2000, Hamel 1992, Jacobs 2001, James 1971, James and Neal 1986, James and others 1989, King and others 1998, Martin and Finch 1995, Nolan and others 1999, Robbins and Easterla 1992, Robison and others 1999, Smith and Prather 2000, Thompson 1993, 1995, Thompson and Degraff 2001, Thompson and Fritzell 1990, Thompson and others 1992, 1993, 1995, 1996, Wilson and others 1995, USDA FS 1997ANHC 2003, Clawson 1982, Crump and Davis 2003, Duzan and others 2003, 2003A, Evans and Kirkman 1980, Fitzgerald 2000, Hamel 1992, 2000, Jacobs 2001, James 1971, James and Neal 1986, James and others 2001, Martin and Finch 1995, Probst and Thompson 1996, Robbins and Easterla 1992, Robinson and others 1989, 1995, Rodewald and Smith 1998, Rosenberg and others 2000Alterman and others 2002, ANHC 2003, Baerg 1927, Clawson 1982, Crump and Davis 2003, Dickson and others 1983, Duzan and others 2003, 2003A, Evans and Kirkman 1980, Finch 1991, Martin and Finch 1995, Robinson and others 1995Alterman and others 2002, ANHC 2003, Baerg 1927, Clawson 1982, Crump and Davis 2003, Dickson and others 1983, Duzan and others 2003, 2003A, Evans and Kirkman 1980, Finch 1991, Martin and Finch 1995, Robinson and others 1995Anders and others 1998, ANHC 2003, Annand and Thompson 1997, Artman and Downhower 2003, Baerg 1927, Clawson 1982, Crump and Davis 2003, DeGraaf 1991, Duzan and others 2003, 2003A, Evans and Kirkman 1980, Finch 1991, Finch and Stangel 1993, Fitzgerald 2000, Hamel 1992, Jacobs 2001, James 1971, James and Neal 1986, Kellner Unpublished, Martin and Finch 1995, Pingjun 1994, Probst and Thompson 1996, Robbins and Easterla 1992, Robinson and others 1995, Roth and others 1996, Salveter 1994, Thompson 1995, Thompson and Fritzell 1990, Thompson and others 1995, 1996LVALJ ANHC 2003, Annand and Thompson 1997, Clawson 1982, Crump and Davis 2003, Duzan and others 2003, 2003A, Evans and Kirkman 1980, Finch and Stangel 1993, Fitzgerald 2000, Gibbs and Faaborg 1990, Hamel 1992, Jacobs 2001, James 1971, James and Neal 1986, James and others 1989, Kellner Unpublished, Martin and Finch 1995, McDonald 1998, Pingjun 1994, Robbins and Easterla 1992, Thompson and others 1992, 1995, 1996, Wenny and others 1993, Wilson and others 1995, USDA FS 1997ANHC 2003, Brown and Dickson 1994, Carrie 1996, Clawson 1982, Crump and Davis 2003, Duzan and others 2003, 2003A, Evans and Kirkman 1980, Fitzgerald 2000, Hamel 1992, Jacobs 2001, James and Neal 1986, Martin and Finch 1995, Robbins and Easterla 1992ANHC 2003, Brown and Dickson 1994, Carrie 1996, Clawson 1982, Crump and Davis 2003, Duzan and others 2003, 2003A, Evans and Kirkman 1980, Fitzgerald 2000, Hamel 1992, Jacobs 2001, James and Neal 1986, Martin and Finch 1995, Robbins and Easterla 1992ANHC 2003, Baerg 1927, Clawson 1982, Crump and Davis 2003, Duzan and others 2003, 2003A, Evans and Kirkman 1980, Finch 1991, Finch and Stangel 1993, Fitzgerald 2000, Hamel 1992, Hanners and Patton 1998, Jacobs 2001, James and Neal 1986, Kellner Unpublished, Martin and Finch 1995, Pingjun 1994, Probst and Thompson 1996, Robbins and Easterla 1992, Robinson and others 1995, Rodewald and Smith 1998, Smith and Prather 2000, Thompson and Fritzell 1990, Thompson and others 1992ANHC 2003, Baerg 1927, Clawson 1982, Crump and Davis 2003, Duzan and others 2003, 2003A, Evans and Kirkman 1980, Finch 1991, Finch and Stangel 1993, Fitzgerald 2000, Hamel 1992, Hanners and Patton 1998, Jacobs 2001, James and Neal 1986, Kellner Unpublished, Martin and Finch 1995, Pingjun 1994, Probst and Thompson 1996, Robbins and Easterla 1992, Robinson and others 1995, Rodewald and Smith 1998, Smith and Prather 2000, Thompson and Fritzell 1990, Thompson and others 1992LVALT PBrennan 1999, James and Neal 1986, Rideout and others 2005ANHC 2003, Annand and Thompson 1997, Clawson 1982, Crump and Davis 2003, Duzan and others 2003, 2003A, Evans and Kirkman 1980, Finch and Stangel 1993, Fitzgerald 2000, Gibbs and Faaborg 1990, Hamel 1992, Jacobs 2001, James 1971, James and Neal 1986, James and others 1989, Kellner Unpublished, Martin and Finch 1995, McDonald 1998, Pingjun 1994, Robbins and Easterla 1992, Thompson and others 1992, 1995, 1996, Wenny and others 1993, Wilson and others 1995, USDA FS 1997ANHC 2003, Annand and Thompson 1997, Clawson 1982, Crump and Davis 2003, Duzan and others 2003, 2003A, Evans and Kirkman 1980, Finch and Stangel 1993, Fitzgerald 2000, Gibbs and Faaborg 1990, Hamel 1992, Jacobs 2001, James 1971, James and Neal 1986, James and others 1989, Kellner Unpublished, Martin and Finch 1995, McDonald 1998, Pingjun 1994, Robbins and Easterla 1992, Thompson and others 1992, 1995, 1996, Wenny and others 1993, Wilson and others 1995, USDA FS 1997ANHC 2003, Annand and Thompson 1997, Clawson 1982, Crump and Davis 2003, Duzan and others 2003, 2003A, Evans and Kirkman 1980, Finch and Stangel 1993, Fitzgerald 2000, Gibbs and Faaborg 1990, Hamel 1992, Jacobs 2001, James 1971, James and Neal 1986, James and others 1989, Kellner Unpublished, Martin and Finch 1995, McDonald 1998, Pingjun 1994, Robbins and Easterla 1992, Thompson and others 1992, 1995, 1996, Wenny and others 1993, Wilson and others 1995, USDA FS 1997ANHC 2003, Annand and Thompson 1997, Clawson 1982, Crump and Davis 2003, Duzan and others 2003, 2003A, Evans and Kirkman 1980, Finch and Stangel 1993, Fitzgerald 2000, Gibbs and Faaborg 1990, Hamel 1992, Jacobs 2001, James 1971, James and Neal 1986, James and others 1989, Kellner Unpublished, Martin and Finch 1995, McDonald 1998, Pingjun 1994, Robbins and Easterla 1992, Thompson and others 1992, 1995, 1996, Wenny and others 1993, Wilson and others 1995, USDA FS 1997LVAL* T~ANHC 2003, Annand and Thompson 1997, Baerg 1927, Clawson 1982, Crump and Davis 2003, Duzan and others 2003, 2003A, Evans and Kirkman 1980, Finch 1991, Finch and Stangel 1993, Fitzgerald 2000, Hamel 1992, Jacobs 2001, James 1971, James and Neal 1986, James and others 1989, Kellner Unpublished, Martin and Finch 1995, Pingjun 1994, Poole and Gill, Robbins and Easterla 1992, Robinson and others 1995, Smith and Prather 2000, Thompson 1995, Thompson and Fritzell 1990, Thompson and others 1996ANHC 2003, Annand and Thompson 1997, Baerg 1927, Clawson 1982, Crump and Davis 2003, Duzan and others 2003, 2003A, Evans and Kirkman 1980, Finch 1991, Finch and Stangel 1993, Fitzgerald 2000, Hamel 1992, Jacobs 2001, James 1971, James and Neal 1986, James and others 1989, Kellner Unpublished, Martin and Finch 1995, Pingjun 1994, Poole and Gill, Robbins and Easterla 1992, Robinson and others 1995, Smith and Prather 2000, Thompson 1995, Thompson and Fritzell 1990, Thompson and others 1996ANHC 2003, Annand and Thompson 1997, Baerg 1927, Clawson 1982, Crump and Davis 2003, Duzan and others 2003, 2003A, Evans and Kirkman 1980, Finch 1991, Finch and Stangel 1993, Fitzgerald 2000, Hamel 1992, Jacobs 2001, James 1971, James and Neal 1986, James and others 1989, Kellner Unpublished, Martin and Finch 1995, Pingjun 1994, Poole and Gill, Robbins and Easterla 1992, Robinson and others 1995, Smith and Prather 2000, Thompson 1995, Thompson and Fritzell 1990, Thompson and others 1996ANHC 2003, Annand and Thompson 1997, Baerg 1927, Clawson 1982, Crump and Davis 2003, Duzan and others 2003, 2003A, Evans and Kirkman 1980, Finch 1991, Finch and Stangel 1993, Fitzgerald 2000, Hamel 1992, Jacobs 2001, James 1971, James and Neal 1986, James and others 1989, Kellner Unpublished, Martin and Finch 1995, Pingjun 1994, Poole and Gill, Robbins and Easterla 1992, Robinson and others 1995, Smith and Prather 2000, Thompson 1995, Thompson and Fritzell 1990, Thompson and others 1996JLVAL* TbANHC 2003, Clawson 1982, Crump and Davis 2003, Duzan and others 2003, 2003A, Evans and Kirkman 1980, Finch 1991, Finch and Stangel 1993, Fitzgerald 2000, Hamel 1992, Jacobs 2001, James 1971, James and Neal 1986, Martin and Finch 1995, Robbins and Easterla 1992, Scharf and Kren 1996, Thompson 1995, Thompson and others 1996ANHC 2003, Crump and Davis 2003, Dunning 1993, Dunning and others 1995, Duzan and others 2003, 2003A, Evans and Kirkman 1980, Fitzgerald 2000, Haggerty 1988, Hamel 1992, Hardin and Probasco 1983, Hardin and others 1982, Jacobs 2001, James and Neal 1986, Liu and others 1995, Martin and Finch 1995, Robbins and Easterla 1992, Wilson and others 1995ANHC 2003, Crump and Davis 2003, Dunning 1993, Dunning and others 1995, Duzan and others 2003, 2003A, Evans and Kirkman 1980, Fitzgerald 2000, Haggerty 1988, Hamel 1992, Hardin and Probasco 1983, Hardin and others 1982, Jacobs 2001, James and Neal 1986, Liu and others 1995, Martin and Finch 1995, Robbins and Easterla 1992, Wilson and others 1995ANHC 2003, Annand and Thompson 1997, Baerg 1927, Clawson 1982, Crump and Davis 2003, Duzan and others 2003, 2003A, Evans and Kirkman 1980, Finch 1991, Finch and Stangel 1993, Fitzgerald 2000, Hamel 1992, Jacobs 2001, James 1971, James and Neal 1986, James and others 1989, Kellner Unpublished, Martin and Finch 1995, Pingjun 1994, Poole and Gill, Robbins and Easterla 1992, Robinson and others 1995, Smith and Prather 2000, Thompson 1995, Thompson and Fritzell 1990, Thompson and others 1996ANHC 2003, Annand and Thompson 1997, Baerg 1927, Clawson 1982, Crump and Davis 2003, Duzan and others 2003, 2003A, Evans and Kirkman 1980, Finch 1991, Finch and Stangel 1993, Fitzgerald 2000, Hamel 1992, Jacobs 2001, James 1971, James and Neal 1986, James and others 1989, Kellner Unpublished, Martin and Finch 1995, Pingjun 1994, Poole and Gill, Robbins and Easterla 1992, Robinson and others 1995, Smith and Prather 2000, Thompson 1995, Thompson and Fritzell 1990, Thompson and others 1996 9WE o 2 Q  B } < e . {=AGx#M_xBn# )Ouachita Rivers and Streams @< 7+(Central Interior Highlands Dry Acidic Glade and Barrens @; SG&Ouachita Novaculite Glade and Woodland\ @: B6Southern Arkansas Calcareous Prairie @9 @4Ouachita Riparianz @8 -!Ouachita Mesic Hardwood Forest and Guild Habitatz @7 L@Ouachita Riparian @6 -!Ouachita Riparian6 @5 -!Ouachita Mesic Hardwood Forest and Guild Habitat6 @4 L@Central Interior Highlands Dry Acidic Glade and Barrens @3 SGCentral Interior Highlands Dry Acidic Glade and Barrensh@3 SGCentral Interior Highlands Dry 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Ouachita Mesic Hardwood Forest and Guild HabitatH. BQL@ Ouachita Riparian @- -!Ouachita Mountain Forested Seep @, ;/Ouachita Mesic Hardwood Forest and Guild Habitat* BQL@Ouachita Pine-Oak Forest( BQ4(Ouachita Dry-Mesic Oak Forest& BQ9-Ouachita Dry Oak Woodland$ BQ5)Ouachita Pine-Oak Forest @# 4(Ouachita Mesic Hardwood Forest and Guild Habitat @" L@Central Interior Highlands Dry Acidic Glade and Barrens @! SGOuachita Novaculite Glade and Woodland@! B6Ouachita Dry Oak Woodland @ 5)Ouachita Rivers and Streams@ 7+Ouachita Pine-Oak Forest @ 4(Ouachita Riparian @ -!BOzark-Ouachita Cliff and Talus..BOzark-Ouachita Pine-Oak Forest/Woodland - Woodland ConditionLLBOzark-Ouachita Mesic Hardwood Forest44BOzark-Ouachita Dry-Mesic Oak Forest/Woodland<<BOzark-Ouachita Dry Oak and Pine Woodland88VOzark-Ouachita Large Floodplain//VWest Gulf Coastal Plain Pine-Hardwood Forest<<YLower Mississippi Flatwoods Woodland and Forest??YWest Gulf Coastal Plain Wet Hardwood Flatwoods>>YWest Gulf Coastal Plain Small Stream/River ForestAAZOzark-Ouachita Mesic Hardwood Forest44ZOzark-Ouachita Dry Oak and Pine Woodland88ZOzark-Ouachita Riparian''ZOzark-Ouachita Cliff and Talus..ZCaves, Mines & Karst Habitat,,[Ozark-Ouachita Dry-Mesic Oak Forest/Woodland<<[Ozark-Ouachita Mesic Hardwood Forest44[Ozark-Ouachita Cliff and Talus..[Caves, Mines, Sinkholes and other Karst Features@@`West Gulf Coastal Plain Small Stream/River Forest@ MA`South-Central Interior Large Floodplain@ C7`Ouachita Riparian@ -!POzark-Ouachita Dry Oak and Pine Woodland@ D8POzark-Ouachita Pine-Oak Forest@ :.OWest Gulf Coastal Plain Wet Hardwood Flatwoods@ J>OWest Gulf Coastal Plain Small Stream/River Forest@ MALVALz $ <TT<$ hJames and Neal 1986, Rideout and others 2005, Straight and Cooper 2000James and Neal 1986, Rideout and others 2005, Straight and Cooper 2000James and Neal 1986, Rideout and others 2005, Straight and Cooper 2000James and Neal 1986, Rideout and others 2005, Straight and Cooper 2000James and Neal 1986, Rideout and others 2005, Straight and Cooper 2000James and Neal 1986, Rideout and others 2005, Straight and Cooper 2000James and Neal 1986, Rideout and others 2005, Straight and Cooper 2000James and Neal 1986, Rideout and others 2005, Straight and Cooper 2000James and Neal 1986, Rideout and others 2005, Straight and Cooper 2000James and Neal 1986, Rideout and others 2005, Straight and Cooper 2000James and Neal 1986, Rideout and others 2005, Straight and Cooper 2000Brennan 1999, James and Neal 1986, Rideout and others 2005Brennan 1999, James and Neal 1986, Rideout and others 2005Brennan 1999, James and Neal 1986, Rideout and others 2005Brennan 1999, James and Neal 1986, Rideout and others 2005Brennan 1999, James and Neal 1986, Rideout and others 2005Brennan 1999, James and Neal 1986, Rideout and others 2005Brennan 1999, James and Neal 1986, Rideout and others 2005Brennan 1999, James and Neal 1986, Rideout and others 2005Brennan 1999, James and Neal 1986, Rideout and others 2005ANHC 2003, Clawson 1982, Crump and Davis 2003, Duzan and others 2003, 2003A, Evans and Kirkman 1980, Finch 1991, Finch and Stangel 1993, Fitzgerald 2000, Hamel 1992, Jacobs 2001, James 1971, James and Neal 1986, Martin and Finch 1995, Robbins and Easterla 1992, Scharf and Kren 1996, Thompson 1995, Thompson and others 1996ANHC 2003, Clawson 1982, Crump and Davis 2003, Duzan and others 2003, 2003A, Evans and Kirkman 1980, Finch 1991, Finch and Stangel 1993, Fitzgerald 2000, Hamel 1992, Jacobs 2001, James 1971, James and Neal 1986, Martin and Finch 1995, Robbins and Easterla 1992, Scharf and Kren 1996, Thompson 1995, Thompson and others 1996LVAL hJames and Neal 1986, Rideout and others 2005, Straight and Cooper 2000James and Neal 1986, Rideout and others 2005, Straight and Cooper 2000James and Neal 1986, Rideout and others 2005, Straight and Cooper 2000James and Neal 1986, Rideout and others 2005, Straight and Cooper 2000Habitat information is based on descriptions in site records from Oklahoma Natural Heritage Inventory database (2003), Arkansas Natural Heritage Inventory database (2003), Ozark St. Francis NF, PETS Core Pilot Project dataset, the  Amorpha Ouachitensis Status Report (USFWS,1980), and Wilbur, R.L.,1975. A Revision of the North American genus Amorpha (Leguminosae-Psoraleae).Rhodora 77-337-409. Plant Viability Evaluation Meetings: Plant Conference Call, June 4, 2003, Ozark NF, Attendees: Mike Brod, Theo Witsell, Scott Simon, discussion on list of species for the Ozark-St. Francis NF. Plant Meeting, June 17, 2003 in Hector, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks and Mike Brod, reviewed the database and began developing a process for organizing data. Plant Meeting, June 23, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, Jeff Holmes, Betty Crump, Steve Osborne began work on targets, key factors and indicators. Plant Meeting, July 8, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Scott Simon, Betty Crump, Jeff Holmes, assigned species to targets and revised some key factors. Plant Meeting, July 15, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, worked on entering species info into database. Plant Meeting, July 18, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, worked on species document as references for the database. Plant Meeting, July 23, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Theo Witsell, reviewed each species and its associated targets. Plant Meeting, August 25, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, and Jeff Holmes, entered final data into the database.LVAL 6Cink 2002, James and Neal 1986, Rideout and others 2005Cink 2002, James and Neal 1986, Rideout and others 2005Cink 2002, James and Neal 1986, Rideout and others 2005Cink 2002, James and Neal 1986, Rideout and others 2005James and Neal 1986, Rideout and others 2005, Straight and Cooper 2000Habitat information is based on descriptions in site records from Oklahoma Natural Heritage Inventory database (2003), Arkansas Natural Heritage Inventory database (2003), Ozark St. Francis NF, PETS Core Pilot Project dataset, the  Amorpha Ouachitensis Status Report (USFWS,1980), and Wilbur, R.L.,1975. A Revision of the North American genus Amorpha (Leguminosae-Psoraleae).Rhodora 77-337-409. Plant Viability Evaluation Meetings: Plant Conference Call, June 4, 2003, Ozark NF, Attendees: Mike Brod, Theo Witsell, Scott Simon, discussion on list of species for the Ozark-St. Francis NF. Plant Meeting, June 17, 2003 in Hector, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks and Mike Brod, reviewed the database and began developing a process for organizing data. Plant Meeting, June 23, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, Jeff Holmes, Betty Crump, Steve Osborne began work on targets, key factors and indicators. Plant Meeting, July 8, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Scott Simon, Betty Crump, Jeff Holmes, assigned species to targets and revised some key factors. Plant Meeting, July 15, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, worked on entering species info into database. Plant Meeting, July 18, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, worked on species document as references for the database. Plant Meeting, July 23, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Theo Witsell, reviewed each species and its associated targets. Plant Meeting, August 25, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, and Jeff Holmes, entered final data into the database.LVALvCink 2002, James and Neal 1986, Rideout and others 2005Cink and Collins 2002, James and Neal 1986, Rideout and others 2005Habitat information is based on descriptions in site records from Oklahoma Natural Heritage Inventory database (2003) and Arkansas Natural Heritage Inventory database (2003). Logan, J.M. 1997. Report on Calamagrostis porteri ssp. Insperata and Calamovilfa arcutata survey. Unpublished report to Arkansas Natural Heritage Inventory, Little Rock, AR. 31pp. Kral, R. 1983. A report on some rare, threatened or endangered forest related vascular plants of the south. USFS technical publication R8-TP2, Atlanta, GA. Vol. 1: 718 pp. Plant Viability Evaluation Meetings: Plant Conference Call, June 4, 2003, Ozark NF, Attendees: Mike Brod, Theo Witsell, Scott Simon, discussion on list of species for the Ozark-St. Francis NF. Plant Meeting, June 17, 2003 in Hector, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks and Mike Brod, reviewed the database and began developing a process for organizing data. Plant Meeting, June 23, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, Jeff Holmes, Betty Crump, Steve Osborne began work on targets, key factors and indicators. Plant Meeting, July 8, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Scott Simon, Betty Crump, Jeff Holmes, assigned species to targets and revised some key factors. Plant Meeting, July 15, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, worked on entering species info into database. Plant Meeting, July 18, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, worked on species document as references for the database. Plant Meeting, July 23, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Theo Witsell, reviewed each species and its associated targets. Plant Meeting, August 25, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, and Jeff Holmes, entered final data into the database.LVAL2VCink 2002, James and Neal 1986, Rideout and others 2005Cink 2002, James and Neal 1986, Rideout and others 2005Cink 2002, James and Neal 1986, Rideout and others 2005NatureServe. 2003. NatureServe Explorer: An online encyclopedia of life [web application]. Version 1.8. NatureServe, Arlington, Virginia. Available (Accessed: July 15, 2003 )., Personal comm. With Doug Zollner identified this species as being fire dependent (Fire dependent  Species populations increase with fire management. Species occurs within habitats/ecosystems where fire is a primary ecological process. Species populations decline without fire management). Plant Viability Evaluation Meetings: Plant Conference Call, June 4, 2003, Ozark NF, Attendees: Mike Brod, Theo Witsell, Scott Simon, discussion on list of species for the Ozark-St. Francis NF. Plant Meeting, June 17, 2003 in Hector, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks and Mike Brod, reviewed the database and began developing a process for organizing data. Plant Meeting, June 23, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, Jeff Holmes, Betty Crump, Steve Osborne began work on targets, key factors and indicators. Plant Meeting, July 8, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Scott Simon, Betty Crump, Jeff Holmes, assigned species to targets and revised some key factors. Plant Meeting, July 15, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, worked on entering species info into database. Plant Meeting, July 18, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, worked on species document as references for the database. Plant Meeting, July 23, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Theo Witsell, reviewed each species and its associated targets. Plant Meeting, August 25, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, and Jeff Holmes, entered final data into the database.2LVAL DHabitat information is based on descriptions in site records from Oklahoma Natural Heritage Inventory database (2003), Arkansas Natural Heritage Inventory database (2003) and the Carex latebracteata Status Report (USFWS,1980) and Watson, L.E. 1989. Status survey of Carex latebracteata, Waterfall s sedge, in Arkansas and Oklahoma. Heritage Inventory, Norman, Oklahoma. 10pp. Plant Viability Evaluation Meetings: Plant Conference Call, June 4, 2003, Ozark NF, Attendees: Mike Brod, Theo Witsell, Scott Simon, discussion on list of species for the Ozark-St. Francis NF. Plant Meeting, June 17, 2003 in Hector, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks and Mike Brod, reviewed the database and began developing a process for organizing data. Plant Meeting, June 23, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, Jeff Holmes, Betty Crump, Steve Osborne began work on targets, key factors and indicators. Plant Meeting, July 8, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Scott Simon, Betty Crump, Jeff Holmes, assigned species to targets and revised some key factors. Plant Meeting, July 15, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, worked on entering species info into database. Plant Meeting, July 18, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, worked on species document as references for the database. Plant Meeting, July 23, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Theo Witsell, reviewed each species and its associated targets. Plant Meeting, August 25, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, and Jeff Holmes, entered final data into the database.Habitat information is based on descriptions in site records from Oklahoma Natural Heritage Inventory database (2003), Arkansas Natural Heritage Inventory database (2003) and the Carex latebracteata Status Report (USFWS,1980) and Watson, L.E. 1989. Status survey of Carex latebracteata, Waterfall s sedge, in Arkansas and Oklahoma. Heritage Inventory, Norman, Oklahoma. 10pp.LVAL4X|Cink 2002, James and Neal 1986, Rideout and others 2005Cink 2002, James and Neal 1986, Rideout and others 2005Cink 2002, James and Neal 1986, Rideout and others 2005Cink 2002, James and Neal 1986, Rideout and others 2005Cink 2002, James and Neal 1986, Rideout and others 2005Habitat information is based on descriptions in site records from Oklahoma Natural Heritage Inventory database (2003), Arkansas Natural Heritage Inventory database (2003) and the Carex latebracteata Status Report (USFWS,1980) and Watson, L.E. 1989. Status survey of Carex latebracteata, Waterfall s sedge, in Arkansas and Oklahoma. Heritage Inventory, Norman, Oklahoma. 10pp. Plant Viability Evaluation Meetings: Plant Conference Call, June 4, 2003, Ozark NF, Attendees: Mike Brod, Theo Witsell, Scott Simon, discussion on list of species for the Ozark-St. Francis NF. Plant Meeting, June 17, 2003 in Hector, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks and Mike Brod, reviewed the database and began developing a process for organizing data. Plant Meeting, June 23, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, Jeff Holmes, Betty Crump, Steve Osborne began work on targets, key factors and indicators. Plant Meeting, July 8, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Scott Simon, Betty Crump, Jeff Holmes, assigned species to targets and revised some key factors. Plant Meeting, July 15, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, worked on entering species info into database. Plant Meeting, July 18, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, worked on species document as references for the database. Plant Meeting, July 23, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Theo Witsell, reviewed each species and its associated targets. Plant Meeting, August 25, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, and Jeff Holmes, entered final data into the database.LVAL4X|Cink 2002, James and Neal 1986, Rideout and others 2005Cink 2002, James and Neal 1986, Rideout and others 2005Cink 2002, James and Neal 1986, Rideout and others 2005Cink 2002, James and Neal 1986, Rideout and others 2005Cink 2002, James and Neal 1986, Rideout and others 2005Habitat information is based on descriptions in site records from Oklahoma Natural Heritage Inventory database (2003), Arkansas Natural Heritage Inventory database (2003) and the Carex latebracteata Status Report (USFWS,1980) and Watson, L.E. 1989. Status survey of Carex latebracteata, Waterfall s sedge, in Arkansas and Oklahoma. Heritage Inventory, Norman, Oklahoma. 10pp. Plant Viability Evaluation Meetings: Plant Conference Call, June 4, 2003, Ozark NF, Attendees: Mike Brod, Theo Witsell, Scott Simon, discussion on list of species for the Ozark-St. Francis NF. Plant Meeting, June 17, 2003 in Hector, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks and Mike Brod, reviewed the database and began developing a process for organizing data. Plant Meeting, June 23, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, Jeff Holmes, Betty Crump, Steve Osborne began work on targets, key factors and indicators. Plant Meeting, July 8, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Scott Simon, Betty Crump, Jeff Holmes, assigned species to targets and revised some key factors. Plant Meeting, July 15, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, worked on entering species info into database. Plant Meeting, July 18, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, worked on species document as references for the database. Plant Meeting, July 23, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Theo Witsell, reviewed each species and its associated targets. Plant Meeting, August 25, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, and Jeff Holmes, entered final data into the database.LVALBQ% Habitat information: Field surveys by biologist and botanist on the Ouachita and Ozark NF. Dane, F., L.K. Hawkins and Hongwen Huang. 1999. Genetic Population Structure of Castenea pumila var. ozarkensis. J. Amer. Hort. Sci. 124(6):666-670. Paillet, F.L. 1993. Growth Form and Life History of American Chestnut and Allegheny and Ozark Chinquapin at Various North American Sites. Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club. 120: 257-268. Johnson, G.P. 1988. Revision of Castenea sect. Balanocastanon (Fagaceae). J. Arnold Arboretum 69:25-49. Tucker G.E. 1989 Interim Management Guide for Ozark Chinquapin Anagnostakis, S.L. 1992. Chestnut and the introduction of chestnut blight. Ann.Rpt. Northern Nut Grower s Assn. 83:23-37. Anagnostakis, S.L. 1990. Improved chestnut tree condition maintained in two Connecticut plots after treatment with hypovirulent strains of the chestnut blight fungus. Forest Sci. 36:113-123. NatureServe. 2003. NatureServe Explorer: An online encyclopedia of life [web application]. Version 1.8. NatureServe, Arlington, Virginia. Available (Accessed: July 15, 2003 ). Personal comm. With Doug Zollner identified this species as being fire dependent (Fire dependent  Species populations increase with fire management. Species occurs within habitats/ecosystems where fire is a primary ecological process. Species populations decline without fire management). Plant Viability Evaluation Meetings: Plant Conference Call, June 4, 2003, Ozark NF, Attendees: Mike Brod, Theo Witsell, Scott Simon, discussion on list of species for the Ozark-St. Francis NF. Plant Meeting, June 17, 2003 in Hector, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks and Mike Brod, reviewed the database and began developing a process for organizing data. Plant Meeting, June 23, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, Jeff Holmes, Betty Crump, Steve Osborne began work on targets, key factors and indicators. Plant Meeting, July 8, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susa LVAL n Hooks, Scott Simon, Betty Crump, Jeff Holmes, assigned species to targets and revised some key factors. Plant Meeting, July 15, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, worked on entering species info into database. Plant Meeting, July 18, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, worked on species document as references for the database. Plant Meeting, July 23, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Theo Witsell, reviewed each species and its associated targets. Plant Meeting, August 25, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, and Jeff Holmes, entered final data into the database.LVALBQ' Habitat information: Field surveys by biologist and botanist on the Ouachita and Ozark NF. Dane, F., L.K. Hawkins and Hongwen Huang. 1999. Genetic Population Structure of Castenea pumila var. ozarkensis. J. Amer. Hort. Sci. 124(6):666-670. Paillet, F.L. 1993. Growth Form and Life History of American Chestnut and Allegheny and Ozark Chinquapin at Various North American Sites. Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club. 120: 257-268. Johnson, G.P. 1988. Revision of Castenea sect. Balanocastanon (Fagaceae). J. Arnold Arboretum 69:25-49. Tucker G.E. 1989 Interim Management Guide for Ozark Chinquapin Anagnostakis, S.L. 1992. Chestnut and the introduction of chestnut blight. Ann.Rpt. Northern Nut Grower s Assn. 83:23-37. Anagnostakis, S.L. 1990. Improved chestnut tree condition maintained in two Connecticut plots after treatment with hypovirulent strains of the chestnut blight fungus. Forest Sci. 36:113-123. NatureServe. 2003. NatureServe Explorer: An online encyclopedia of life [web application]. Version 1.8. NatureServe, Arlington, Virginia. Available (Accessed: July 15, 2003 ). Personal comm. With Doug Zollner identified this species as being fire dependent (Fire dependent  Species populations increase with fire management. Species occurs within habitats/ecosystems where fire is a primary ecological process. Species populations decline without fire management). Plant Viability Evaluation Meetings: Plant Conference Call, June 4, 2003, Ozark NF, Attendees: Mike Brod, Theo Witsell, Scott Simon, discussion on list of species for the Ozark-St. Francis NF. Plant Meeting, June 17, 2003 in Hector, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks and Mike Brod, reviewed the database and began developing a process for organizing data. Plant Meeting, June 23, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, Jeff Holmes, Betty Crump, Steve Osborne began work on targets, key factors and indicators. Plant Meeting, July 8, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susa LVAL n Hooks, Scott Simon, Betty Crump, Jeff Holmes, assigned species to targets and revised some key factors. Plant Meeting, July 15, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, worked on entering species info into database. Plant Meeting, July 18, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, worked on species document as references for the database. Plant Meeting, July 23, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Theo Witsell, reviewed each species and its associated targets. Plant Meeting, August 25, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, and Jeff Holmes, entered final data into the database.LVALBQ) Habitat information: Field surveys by biologist and botanist on the Ouachita and Ozark NF. Dane, F., L.K. Hawkins and Hongwen Huang. 1999. Genetic Population Structure of Castenea pumila var. ozarkensis. J. Amer. Hort. Sci. 124(6):666-670. Paillet, F.L. 1993. Growth Form and Life History of American Chestnut and Allegheny and Ozark Chinquapin at Various North American Sites. Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club. 120: 257-268. Johnson, G.P. 1988. Revision of Castenea sect. Balanocastanon (Fagaceae). J. Arnold Arboretum 69:25-49. Tucker G.E. 1989 Interim Management Guide for Ozark Chinquapin Anagnostakis, S.L. 1992. Chestnut and the introduction of chestnut blight. Ann.Rpt. Northern Nut Grower s Assn. 83:23-37. Anagnostakis, S.L. 1990. Improved chestnut tree condition maintained in two Connecticut plots after treatment with hypovirulent strains of the chestnut blight fungus. Forest Sci. 36:113-123. NatureServe. 2003. NatureServe Explorer: An online encyclopedia of life [web application]. Version 1.8. NatureServe, Arlington, Virginia. Available (Accessed: July 15, 2003 ). Personal comm. With Doug Zollner identified this species as being fire dependent (Fire dependent  Species populations increase with fire management. Species occurs within habitats/ecosystems where fire is a primary ecological process. Species populations decline without fire management). Plant Viability Evaluation Meetings: Plant Conference Call, June 4, 2003, Ozark NF, Attendees: Mike Brod, Theo Witsell, Scott Simon, discussion on list of species for the Ozark-St. Francis NF. Plant Meeting, June 17, 2003 in Hector, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks and Mike Brod, reviewed the database and began developing a process for organizing data. Plant Meeting, June 23, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, Jeff Holmes, Betty Crump, Steve Osborne began work on targets, key factors and indicators. Plant Meeting, July 8, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susa LVAL n Hooks, Scott Simon, Betty Crump, Jeff Holmes, assigned species to targets and revised some key factors. Plant Meeting, July 15, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, worked on entering species info into database. Plant Meeting, July 18, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, worked on species document as references for the database. Plant Meeting, July 23, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Theo Witsell, reviewed each species and its associated targets. Plant Meeting, August 25, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, and Jeff Holmes, entered final data into the database.LVALBQ+ Habitat information: Field surveys by biologist and botanist on the Ouachita and Ozark NF. Dane, F., L.K. Hawkins and Hongwen Huang. 1999. Genetic Population Structure of Castenea pumila var. ozarkensis. J. Amer. Hort. Sci. 124(6):666-670. Paillet, F.L. 1993. Growth Form and Life History of American Chestnut and Allegheny and Ozark Chinquapin at Various North American Sites. Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club. 120: 257-268. Johnson, G.P. 1988. Revision of Castenea sect. Balanocastanon (Fagaceae). J. Arnold Arboretum 69:25-49. Tucker G.E. 1989 Interim Management Guide for Ozark Chinquapin Anagnostakis, S.L. 1992. Chestnut and the introduction of chestnut blight. Ann.Rpt. Northern Nut Grower s Assn. 83:23-37. Anagnostakis, S.L. 1990. Improved chestnut tree condition maintained in two Connecticut plots after treatment with hypovirulent strains of the chestnut blight fungus. Forest Sci. 36:113-123. NatureServe. 2003. NatureServe Explorer: An online encyclopedia of life [web application]. Version 1.8. NatureServe, Arlington, Virginia. Available (Accessed: July 15, 2003 ). Personal comm. With Doug Zollner identified this species as being fire dependent (Fire dependent  Species populations increase with fire management. Species occurs within habitats/ecosystems where fire is a primary ecological process. Species populations decline without fire management). Plant Viability Evaluation Meetings: Plant Conference Call, June 4, 2003, Ozark NF, Attendees: Mike Brod, Theo Witsell, Scott Simon, discussion on list of species for the Ozark-St. Francis NF. Plant Meeting, June 17, 2003 in Hector, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks and Mike Brod, reviewed the database and began developing a process for organizing data. Plant Meeting, June 23, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, Jeff Holmes, Betty Crump, Steve Osborne began work on targets, key factors and indicators. Plant Meeting, July 8, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susa LVAL n Hooks, Scott Simon, Betty Crump, Jeff Holmes, assigned species to targets and revised some key factors. Plant Meeting, July 15, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, worked on entering species info into database. Plant Meeting, July 18, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, worked on species document as references for the database. Plant Meeting, July 23, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Theo Witsell, reviewed each species and its associated targets. Plant Meeting, August 25, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, and Jeff Holmes, entered final data into the database.LVAL^Roadside ditch next to agricultural fieldCink 2002, James and Neal 1986, Rideout and others 2005Habitat information based on: Hooks, S.L. 2000. Conservation Assessment for Cypripedium kentuckiense Reed on the Ouachita and Ozark St. Francis NFs. Unpublished report submitted to the Ouachita National Forest, Hot Springs, AR. Plant Viability Evaluation Meetings: Plant Conference Call, June 4, 2003, Ozark NF, Attendees: Mike Brod, Theo Witsell, Scott Simon, discussion on list of species for the Ozark-St. Francis NF. Plant Meeting, June 17, 2003 in Hector, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks and Mike Brod, reviewed the database and began developing a process for organizing data. Plant Meeting, June 23, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, Jeff Holmes, Betty Crump, Steve Osborne began work on targets, key factors and indicators. Plant Meeting, July 8, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Scott Simon, Betty Crump, Jeff Holmes, assigned species to targets and revised some key factors. Plant Meeting, July 15, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, worked on entering species info into database. Plant Meeting, July 18, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, worked on species document as references for the database. Plant Meeting, July 23, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Theo Witsell, reviewed each species and its associated targets. Plant Meeting, August 25, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, and Jeff Holmes, entered final data into the database.NLVAL^Habitat information based on: Hooks, S.L. 2000. Conservation Assessment for Cypripedium kentuckiense Reed on the Ouachita and Ozark St. Francis NFs. Unpublished report submitted to the Ouachita National Forest, Hot Springs, AR. Plant Viability Evaluation Meetings: Plant Conference Call, June 4, 2003, Ozark NF, Attendees: Mike Brod, Theo Witsell, Scott Simon, discussion on list of species for the Ozark-St. Francis NF. Plant Meeting, June 17, 2003 in Hector, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks and Mike Brod, reviewed the database and began developing a process for organizing data. Plant Meeting, June 23, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, Jeff Holmes, Betty Crump, Steve Osborne began work on targets, key factors and indicators. Plant Meeting, July 8, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Scott Simon, Betty Crump, Jeff Holmes, assigned species to targets and revised some key factors. Plant Meeting, July 15, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, worked on entering species info into database. Plant Meeting, July 18, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, worked on species document as references for the database. Plant Meeting, July 23, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Theo Witsell, reviewed each species and its associated targets. Plant Meeting, August 25, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, and Jeff Holmes, entered final data into the database.LVALBQHabitat information is based on descriptions in site records from Oklahoma Natural Heritage Inventory database (2003), Arkansas Natural Heritage Inventory database (2003), the Interim Management Guide for Moore s Delphinium (Gary Tucker 12/14/89 unpublished report), Kral, R. 1983. A report on some rare, threatened or endangered forest related vascular plants of the south. USFS technical publication R8-TP2, Atlanta, GA. Vol. 1: 718 pp., Hardcastle, E. 2003. Ecology and Conservation Genetics of Delphinium newtonianum (Moore s Delphinium) Ranunculaceae, A Rare Endemic of the Interior Highlands. Dissertation, University of Arkansas, and Ozark St. Francis NF PETS Core Pilot Project dataset. Plant Viability Evaluation Meetings: Plant Conference Call, June 4, 2003, Ozark NF, Attendees: Mike Brod, Theo Witsell, Scott Simon, discussion on list of species for the Ozark-St. Francis NF. Plant Meeting, June 17, 2003 in Hector, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks and Mike Brod, reviewed the database and began developing a process for organizing data. Plant Meeting, June 23, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, Jeff Holmes, Betty Crump, Steve Osborne began work on targets, key factors and indicators. Plant Meeting, July 8, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Scott Simon, Betty Crump, Jeff Holmes, assigned species to targets and revised some key factors. Plant Meeting, July 15, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, worked on entering species info into database. Plant Meeting, July 18, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, worked on species document as references for the database. Plant Meeting, July 23, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Theo Witsell, reviewed each species and its associated targets. Plant Meeting, August 25, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, and Jeff Holmes, entered final data into the database.LVALBQHabitat information is based on descriptions in site records from Oklahoma Natural Heritage Inventory database (2003), Arkansas Natural Heritage Inventory database (2003), the Interim Management Guide for Moore s Delphinium (Gary Tucker 12/14/89 unpublished report), Kral, R. 1983. A report on some rare, threatened or endangered forest related vascular plants of the south. USFS technical publication R8-TP2, Atlanta, GA. Vol. 1: 718 pp., Hardcastle, E. 2003. Ecology and Conservation Genetics of Delphinium newtonianum (Moore s Delphinium) Ranunculaceae, A Rare Endemic of the Interior Highlands. Dissertation, University of Arkansas, and Ozark St. Francis NF PETS Core Pilot Project dataset. Plant Viability Evaluation Meetings: Plant Conference Call, June 4, 2003, Ozark NF, Attendees: Mike Brod, Theo Witsell, Scott Simon, discussion on list of species for the Ozark-St. Francis NF. Plant Meeting, June 17, 2003 in Hector, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks and Mike Brod, reviewed the database and began developing a process for organizing data. Plant Meeting, June 23, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, Jeff Holmes, Betty Crump, Steve Osborne began work on targets, key factors and indicators. Plant Meeting, July 8, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Scott Simon, Betty Crump, Jeff Holmes, assigned species to targets and revised some key factors. Plant Meeting, July 15, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, worked on entering species info into database. Plant Meeting, July 18, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, worked on species document as references for the database. Plant Meeting, July 23, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Theo Witsell, reviewed each species and its associated targets. Plant Meeting, August 25, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, and Jeff Holmes, entered final data into the database.*LVAL:Habitat base on information from NatureServe. 2003. NatureServe Explorer: An online encyclopedia of life [web application]. Version 1.8. NatureServe, Arlington, Virginia. Available (Accessed: July 18, 2003 ). Plant Viability Evaluation Meetings: Plant Conference Call, June 4, 2003, Ozark NF, Attendees: Mike Brod, Theo Witsell, Scott Simon, discussion on list of species for the Ozark-St. Francis NF. Plant Meeting, June 17, 2003 in Hector, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks and Mike Brod, reviewed the database and began developing a process for organizing data. Plant Meeting, June 23, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, Jeff Holmes, Betty Crump, Steve Osborne began work on targets, key factors and indicators. Plant Meeting, July 8, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Scott Simon, Betty Crump, Jeff Holmes, assigned species to targets and revised some key factors. Plant Meeting, July 15, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, worked on entering species info into database. Plant Meeting, July 18, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, worked on species document as references for the database. Plant Meeting, July 23, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Theo Witsell, reviewed each species and its associated targets. Plant Meeting, August 25, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, and Jeff Holmes, entered final data into the database.LVALHabitat information is based on descriptions in site records from Oklahoma Natural Heritage Inventory database (2003) and Arkansas Natural Heritage Inventory database (2003) Plant Viability Evaluation Meetings: Plant Conference Call, June 4, 2003, Ozark NF, Attendees: Mike Brod, Theo Witsell, Scott Simon, discussion on list of species for the Ozark-St. Francis NF. Plant Meeting, June 17, 2003 in Hector, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks and Mike Brod, reviewed the database and began developing a process for organizing data. Plant Meeting, June 23, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, Jeff Holmes, Betty Crump, Steve Osborne began work on targets, key factors and indicators. Plant Meeting, July 8, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Scott Simon, Betty Crump, Jeff Holmes, assigned species to targets and revised some key factors. Plant Meeting, July 15, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, worked on entering species info into database. Plant Meeting, July 18, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, worked on species document as references for the database. Plant Meeting, July 23, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Theo Witsell, reviewed each species and its associated targets. Plant Meeting, August 25, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, and Jeff Holmes, entered final data into the database.VLVALhHabitat and site locations are based on personal communications with Theo Witsell (ANHI) and NatureServe. 2003. NatureServe Explorer: An online encyclopedia of life [web application]. Version 1.8. NatureServe, Arlington, Virginia. Available (Accessed: July 18, 2003).Habitat information is based on descriptions in site records from Oklahoma Natural Heritage Inventory database (2003) and Arkansas Natural Heritage Inventory database (2003) Plant Viability Evaluation Meetings: Plant Conference Call, June 4, 2003, Ozark NF, Attendees: Mike Brod, Theo Witsell, Scott Simon, discussion on list of species for the Ozark-St. Francis NF. Plant Meeting, June 17, 2003 in Hector, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks and Mike Brod, reviewed the database and began developing a process for organizing data. Plant Meeting, June 23, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, Jeff Holmes, Betty Crump, Steve Osborne began work on targets, key factors and indicators. Plant Meeting, July 8, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Scott Simon, Betty Crump, Jeff Holmes, assigned species to targets and revised some key factors. Plant Meeting, July 15, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, worked on entering species info into database. Plant Meeting, July 18, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, worked on species document as references for the database. Plant Meeting, July 23, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Theo Witsell, reviewed each species and its associated targets. Plant Meeting, August 25, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, and Jeff Holmes, entered final data into the database.pLVAL Habitat information based on Marsh, D. 1996. Plantain Sunflower (Helianthus occidentalis subsp. Plantagineus) in Arkansas. Proc. Ark. Acad. Science Vol. 50: Plant Viability Evaluation Meetings: Plant Conference Call, June 4, 2003, Ozark NF, Attendees: Mike Brod, Theo Witsell, Scott Simon, discussion on list of species for the Ozark-St. Francis NF. Plant Meeting, June 17, 2003 in Hector, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks and Mike Brod, reviewed the database and began developing a process for organizing data. Plant Meeting, June 23, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, Jeff Holmes, Betty Crump, Steve Osborne began work on targets, key factors and indicators. Plant Meeting, July 8, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Scott Simon, Betty Crump, Jeff Holmes, assigned species to targets and revised some key factors. Plant Meeting, July 15, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, worked on entering species info into database. Plant Meeting, July 18, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, worked on species document as references for the database. Plant Meeting, July 23, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Theo Witsell, reviewed each species and its associated targets. Plant Meeting, August 25, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, and Jeff Holmes, entered final data into the database.Habitat base on information comes from Ozark St. Francis NF PETS Exclusionary Document 2002 and NatureServe. 2003. NatureServe Explorer: An online encyclopedia of life [web application]. Version 1.8. NatureServe, Arlington, Virginia. Available (Accessed: July 18, 2003 ).LVALHabitat information is based on descriptions in site records from Oklahoma Natural Heritage Inventory database (2003) and Arkansas Natural Heritage Inventory database (2003) Plant Viability Evaluation Meetings: Plant Conference Call, June 4, 2003, Ozark NF, Attendees: Mike Brod, Theo Witsell, Scott Simon, discussion on list of species for the Ozark-St. Francis NF. Plant Meeting, June 17, 2003 in Hector, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks and Mike Brod, reviewed the database and began developing a process for organizing data. Plant Meeting, June 23, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, Jeff Holmes, Betty Crump, Steve Osborne began work on targets, key factors and indicators. Plant Meeting, July 8, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Scott Simon, Betty Crump, Jeff Holmes, assigned species to targets and revised some key factors. Plant Meeting, July 15, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, worked on entering species info into database. Plant Meeting, July 18, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, worked on species document as references for the database. Plant Meeting, July 23, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Theo Witsell, reviewed each species and its associated targets. Plant Meeting, August 25, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, and Jeff Holmes, entered final data into the database.LVALHabitat information is based on descriptions in site records from Oklahoma Natural Heritage Inventory database (2003) and Arkansas Natural Heritage Inventory database (2003) Plant Viability Evaluation Meetings: Plant Conference Call, June 4, 2003, Ozark NF, Attendees: Mike Brod, Theo Witsell, Scott Simon, discussion on list of species for the Ozark-St. Francis NF. Plant Meeting, June 17, 2003 in Hector, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks and Mike Brod, reviewed the database and began developing a process for organizing data. Plant Meeting, June 23, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, Jeff Holmes, Betty Crump, Steve Osborne began work on targets, key factors and indicators. Plant Meeting, July 8, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Scott Simon, Betty Crump, Jeff Holmes, assigned species to targets and revised some key factors. Plant Meeting, July 15, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, worked on entering species info into database. Plant Meeting, July 18, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, worked on species document as references for the database. Plant Meeting, July 23, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Theo Witsell, reviewed each species and its associated targets. Plant Meeting, August 25, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, and Jeff Holmes, entered final data into the database.8LVALHHabitat information is based on descriptions in site records from Arkansas Natural Heritage Inventory database (2003) and Kral, R., and V. Bates. 1991. A new species of Hydrophyllum from the Ouachita Mountains of Arkansas. Novon 1: 60-66. Plant Viability Evaluation Meetings: Plant Conference Call, June 4, 2003, Ozark NF, Attendees: Mike Brod, Theo Witsell, Scott Simon, discussion on list of species for the Ozark-St. Francis NF. Plant Meeting, June 17, 2003 in Hector, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks and Mike Brod, reviewed the database and began developing a process for organizing data. Plant Meeting, June 23, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, Jeff Holmes, Betty Crump, Steve Osborne began work on targets, key factors and indicators. Plant Meeting, July 8, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Scott Simon, Betty Crump, Jeff Holmes, assigned species to targets and revised some key factors. Plant Meeting, July 15, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, worked on entering species info into database. Plant Meeting, July 18, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, worked on species document as references for the database. Plant Meeting, July 23, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Theo Witsell, reviewed each species and its associated targets. Plant Meeting, August 25, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, and Jeff Holmes, entered final data into the database.vLVALHabitat base on information from NatureServe. 2003. NatureServe Explorer: An online encyclopedia of life [web application]. Version 1.8. NatureServe, Arlington, Virginia. Available (Accessed: July 18, 2003 ). Plant Conference Call, June 4, 2003, Ozark NF, Attendees: Mike Brod, Theo Witsell, Scott Simon, discussion on list of species for the Ozark-St. Francis NF. Plant Meeting, June 17, 2003 in Hector, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks and Mike Brod, reviewed the database and began developing a process for organizing data. Plant Meeting, June 23, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, Jeff Holmes, Betty Crump, Steve Osborne began work on targets, key factors and indicators. Plant Meeting, July 8, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Scott Simon, Betty Crump, Jeff Holmes, assigned species to targets and revised some key factors. Plant Meeting, July 15, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, worked on entering species info into database. Plant Meeting, July 18, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, worked on species document as references for the database. Plant Meeting, July 23, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Theo Witsell, reviewed each species and its associated targets. Plant Meeting, August 25, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, and Jeff Holmes, entered final data into the database.vLVALHabitat base on information from NatureServe. 2003. NatureServe Explorer: An online encyclopedia of life [web application]. Version 1.8. NatureServe, Arlington, Virginia. Available (Accessed: July 18, 2003 ). Plant Conference Call, June 4, 2003, Ozark NF, Attendees: Mike Brod, Theo Witsell, Scott Simon, discussion on list of species for the Ozark-St. Francis NF. Plant Meeting, June 17, 2003 in Hector, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks and Mike Brod, reviewed the database and began developing a process for organizing data. Plant Meeting, June 23, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, Jeff Holmes, Betty Crump, Steve Osborne began work on targets, key factors and indicators. Plant Meeting, July 8, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Scott Simon, Betty Crump, Jeff Holmes, assigned species to targets and revised some key factors. Plant Meeting, July 15, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, worked on entering species info into database. Plant Meeting, July 18, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, worked on species document as references for the database. Plant Meeting, July 23, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Theo Witsell, reviewed each species and its associated targets. Plant Meeting, August 25, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, and Jeff Holmes, entered final data into the database..LVAL>Habitat base on information from NatureServe. 2003. NatureServe Explorer: An online encyclopedia of life [web application]. Version 1.8. NatureServe, Arlington, Virginia. Available (Accessed: July 18, 2003 ).Plant Viability Evaluation Meetings: Plant Conference Call, June 4, 2003, Ozark NF, Attendees: Mike Brod, Theo Witsell, Scott Simon, discussion on list of species for the Ozark-St. Francis NF. Plant Meeting, June 17, 2003 in Hector, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks and Mike Brod, reviewed the database and began developing a process for organizing data. Plant Meeting, June 23, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, Jeff Holmes, Betty Crump, Steve Osborne began work on targets, key factors and indicators. Plant Meeting, July 8, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Scott Simon, Betty Crump, Jeff Holmes, assigned species to targets and revised some key factors. Plant Meeting, July 15, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, worked on entering species info into database. Plant Meeting, July 18, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, worked on species document as references for the database. Plant Meeting, July 23, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Theo Witsell, reviewed each species and its associated targets. Plant Meeting, August 25, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, and Jeff Holmes, entered final data into the database.LVALHabitat base on information is based on descriptions of site records from Oklahoma Natural Heritage Inventory database (2003) and Arkansas Natural Heritage Inventory database (2003) information provided by Edith Hardcastle and David Williams at the University of Arkansas at Fayetteville, and Pittman, Albert B. and others 1989. A new species of Polymnia (Compositae: Heliantheae) from the Ouachita Mountain region of Arkansas. Sida 13(4): 481-486 Plant Viability Evaluation Meetings: Plant Conference Call, June 4, 2003, Ozark NF, Attendees: Mike Brod, Theo Witsell, Scott Simon, discussion on list of species for the Ozark-St. Francis NF. Plant Meeting, June 17, 2003 in Hector, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks and Mike Brod, reviewed the database and began developing a process for organizing data. Plant Meeting, June 23, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, Jeff Holmes, Betty Crump, Steve Osborne began work on targets, key factors and indicators. Plant Meeting, July 8, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Scott Simon, Betty Crump, Jeff Holmes, assigned species to targets and revised some key factors. Plant Meeting, July 15, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, worked on entering species info into database. Plant Meeting, July 18, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, worked on species document as references for the database. Plant Meeting, July 23, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Theo Witsell, reviewed each species and its associated targets. Plant Meeting, August 25, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, and Jeff Holmes, entered final data into the database.LVAL,Habitat base on information is based on NatureServe. 2003. NatureServe Explorer: An online encyclopedia of life [web application]. Version 1.8. NatureServe, Arlington, Virginia. Available (Accessed: July 18, 2003 ). Plant Viability Evaluation Meetings: Plant Conference Call, June 4, 2003, Ozark NF, Attendees: Mike Brod, Theo Witsell, Scott Simon, discussion on list of species for the Ozark-St. Francis NF. Plant Meeting, June 17, 2003 in Hector, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks and Mike Brod, reviewed the database and began developing a process for organizing data. Plant Meeting, June 23, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, Jeff Holmes, Betty Crump, Steve Osborne began work on targets, key factors and indicators. Plant Meeting, July 8, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Scott Simon, Betty Crump, Jeff Holmes, assigned species to targets and revised some key factors. Plant Meeting, July 15, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, worked on entering species info into database. Plant Meeting, July 18, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, worked on species document as references for the database. Plant Meeting, July 23, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Theo Witsell, reviewed each species and its associated targets. Plant Meeting, August 25, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, and Jeff Holmes, entered final data into the database.LVALHabitat Information based on: USDA_ARS National Germplasm Resource Lab .2000. Ecogeographic Study of Vitis Species Final Report for Vitis rupestris. Plant Viability Evaluation Meetings: Plant Conference Call, June 4, 2003, Ozark NF, Attendees: Mike Brod, Theo Witsell, Scott Simon, discussion on list of species for the Ozark-St. Francis NF. Plant Meeting, June 17, 2003 in Hector, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks and Mike Brod, reviewed the database and began developing a process for organizing data. Plant Meeting, June 23, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, Jeff Holmes, Betty Crump, Steve Osborne began work on targets, key factors and indicators. Plant Meeting, July 8, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Scott Simon, Betty Crump, Jeff Holmes, assigned species to targets and revised some key factors. Plant Meeting, July 15, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, worked on entering species info into database. Plant Meeting, July 18, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, worked on species document as references for the database. Plant Meeting, July 23, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Theo Witsell, reviewed each species and its associated targets. Plant Meeting, August 25, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, and Jeff Holmes, entered final data into the database.LVALHabitat information is based on descriptions in site records from Oklahoma Natural Heritage Inventory database (2003) and Arkansas Natural Heritage Inventory database (2003).Plant Viability Evaluation Meetings: Plant Conference Call, June 4, 2003, Ozark NF, Attendees: Mike Brod, Theo Witsell, Scott Simon, discussion on list of species for the Ozark-St. Francis NF. Plant Meeting, June 17, 2003 in Hector, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks and Mike Brod, reviewed the database and began developing a process for organizing data. Plant Meeting, June 23, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, Jeff Holmes, Betty Crump, Steve Osborne began work on targets, key factors and indicators. Plant Meeting, July 8, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Scott Simon, Betty Crump, Jeff Holmes, assigned species to targets and revised some key factors. Plant Meeting, July 15, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, worked on entering species info into database. Plant Meeting, July 18, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, worked on species document as references for the database. Plant Meeting, July 23, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Theo Witsell, reviewed each species and its associated targets. Plant Meeting, August 25, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, and Jeff Holmes, entered final data into the database.; 6k^ S } ; 5 o , S  x8s*T 7e#[VCentral Interior Acidic Cliff and Talus @\ C7Ouachita Mesic Hardwood Forest and Guild Habitat @[ L@Ouachita Rivers and Streams @Z 7+Ouachita Pine-Oak Forest @Y 4(Central Interior Acidic Cliff and TalusW BQC72West Gulf Coastal Plain Wet Hardwood Flatwoods (Red Slough, OK)@V [O2West Gulf Coastal Plain Small Stream/River Forest@V MA2Ouachita Riparian@V -!2Central Interior Acidic Cliff and Talus@U C72Ouachita Novaculite Glade and Woodland@U B62Ouachita Montane Oak Forest@U 7+2Ouachita Pine-Oak Forest@T 4(2Ouachita Dry-Mesic Oak Forest@T 9-2Ouachita Dry Oak Woodland@T 5)+Ouachita Rivers and StreamsZ@S 7+)Interior Highlands Dry Acidic Glade and Barrensp@S K?$Ozark-Ouachita Mesic Hardwood Forestd@S @4#~Ouachita Riparian@S -!#}Ouachita Mesic Hardwood Forest and Guild Habitat@R L@!{Ozark-Ouachita Mesic Hardwood Forest@R @4 yOzark-Ouachita Mesic Hardwood Forestd@R @4xOzark-Ouachita Dry-Mesic Oak Forest/Woodland@R H<wOzark-Ouachita Riparian@Q 3'vOzark-Ouachita Mesic Hardwood Forest@Q @4tOzark-Ouachita Forested Seep@Q 8,rOuachita Mountain Forested Seep@P ;/pOuachita Rivers and Streams@P 7+kOuachita Rivers and Streamsl@P 7+jOuachita Mountain Forested Seepl@P ;/fInterior Highlands Dry Acidic Glade and Barrens@O K?eOzark-Ouachita Cliff and Talus@O :.dOzark-Ouachita Pine-Oak Forest/Woodland@O C7cOzark-Ouachita Dry Oak and Pine Woodland@N D8`Ouachita Montane Oak Forest@N 7+_Ozark-Ouachita Cliff and Talus@N :.^Interior Highlands Dry Acidic Glade and Barrens@N K?\Ouachita Riparian @M -!LROzark-Ouachita Riparian@L 3'B@Central Interior Highlands Dry Acidic Glade and Barrens@L SGA?Ouachita Mesic Hardwood Forest and Guild HabitatB@L L@:Ouachita Mesic Hardwood Forest and Guild Habitat @K L@9Ouachita Dry-Mesic Oak Forest @J 9-7Ouachita Novaculite Glade and Woodland@ @I B66Ouachita Dry-Mesic Oak Forest@ @H 9-5Southern Arkansas Calcareous Prairie @G @44Ouachita Mesic Hardwood Forest and Guild Habitat @F L@3Ouachita Riparian @E -!2Ouachita Dry Oak Woodland @D 5)1Ouachita Dry-Mesic Oak Forest @C 9-0Ouachita Mesic Hardwood Forest and Guild Habitat @B L@/Central Interior Highlands Dry Acidic Glade and Barrens @A SG-Central Interior Highlands Dry Acidic Glade and Barrens8 @@ SG,Ouachita Mesic Hardwood Forest and Guild Habitat8 @? L@+Ouachita Rivers and Streams4 @= 7+LVALHabitat information is based on descriptions in site records from Oklahoma Natural Heritage Inventory database (2003) and Arkansas Natural Heritage Inventory database (2003). Plant Viability Evaluation Meetings: Plant Conference Call, June 4, 2003, Ozark NF, Attendees: Mike Brod, Theo Witsell, Scott Simon, discussion on list of species for the Ozark-St. Francis NF. Plant Meeting, June 17, 2003 in Hector, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks and Mike Brod, reviewed the database and began developing a process for organizing data. Plant Meeting, June 23, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, Jeff Holmes, Betty Crump, Steve Osborne began work on targets, key factors and indicators. Plant Meeting, July 8, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Scott Simon, Betty Crump, Jeff Holmes, assigned species to targets and revised some key factors. Plant Meeting, July 15, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, worked on entering species info into database. Plant Meeting, July 18, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, worked on species document as references for the database. Plant Meeting, July 23, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Theo Witsell, reviewed each species and its associated targets. Plant Meeting, August 25, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, and Jeff Holmes, entered final data into the database.LVALHabitat information is based on descriptions in site records from Oklahoma Natural Heritage Inventory database (2003) and Arkansas Natural Heritage Inventory database (2003). Plant Viability Evaluation Meetings: Plant Conference Call, June 4, 2003, Ozark NF, Attendees: Mike Brod, Theo Witsell, Scott Simon, discussion on list of species for the Ozark-St. Francis NF. Plant Meeting, June 17, 2003 in Hector, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks and Mike Brod, reviewed the database and began developing a process for organizing data. Plant Meeting, June 23, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, Jeff Holmes, Betty Crump, Steve Osborne began work on targets, key factors and indicators. Plant Meeting, July 8, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Scott Simon, Betty Crump, Jeff Holmes, assigned species to targets and revised some key factors. Plant Meeting, July 15, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, worked on entering species info into database. Plant Meeting, July 18, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, worked on species document as references for the database. Plant Meeting, July 23, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Theo Witsell, reviewed each species and its associated targets. Plant Meeting, August 25, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, and Jeff Holmes, entered final data into the database.pLVALHabitat data is based on: Wilkes, Samuel. 1999. Report describing location and habitat type for Valerianella nuttallii (T.& G.) Walp. In Arkansas. Unpublished report for the Arkansas Natural Heritage Inventory. Plant Viability Evaluation Meetings: Plant Conference Call, June 4, 2003, Ozark NF, Attendees: Mike Brod, Theo Witsell, Scott Simon, discussion on list of species for the Ozark-St. Francis NF. Plant Meeting, June 17, 2003 in Hector, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks and Mike Brod, reviewed the database and began developing a process for organizing data. Plant Meeting, June 23, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, Jeff Holmes, Betty Crump, Steve Osborne began work on targets, key factors and indicators. Plant Meeting, July 8, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Scott Simon, Betty Crump, Jeff Holmes, assigned species to targets and revised some key factors. Plant Meeting, July 15, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, worked on entering species info into database. Plant Meeting, July 18, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, worked on species document as references for the database. Plant Meeting, July 23, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Theo Witsell, reviewed each species and its associated targets. Plant Meeting, August 25, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, and Jeff Holmes, entered final data into the database.*LVAL:Habitat base on information from NatureServe. 2003. NatureServe Explorer: An online encyclopedia of life [web application]. Version 1.8. NatureServe, Arlington, Virginia. Available (Accessed: July 18, 2003 ). Plant Viability Evaluation Meetings: Plant Conference Call, June 4, 2003, Ozark NF, Attendees: Mike Brod, Theo Witsell, Scott Simon, discussion on list of species for the Ozark-St. Francis NF. Plant Meeting, June 17, 2003 in Hector, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks and Mike Brod, reviewed the database and began developing a process for organizing data. Plant Meeting, June 23, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, Jeff Holmes, Betty Crump, Steve Osborne began work on targets, key factors and indicators. Plant Meeting, July 8, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Scott Simon, Betty Crump, Jeff Holmes, assigned species to targets and revised some key factors. Plant Meeting, July 15, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, worked on entering species info into database. Plant Meeting, July 18, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, worked on species document as references for the database. Plant Meeting, July 23, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Theo Witsell, reviewed each species and its associated targets. Plant Meeting, August 25, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, and Jeff Holmes, entered final data into the database.*LVAL:Habitat base on information from NatureServe. 2003. NatureServe Explorer: An online encyclopedia of life [web application]. Version 1.8. NatureServe, Arlington, Virginia. Available (Accessed: July 18, 2003 ). Plant Viability Evaluation Meetings: Plant Conference Call, June 4, 2003, Ozark NF, Attendees: Mike Brod, Theo Witsell, Scott Simon, discussion on list of species for the Ozark-St. Francis NF. Plant Meeting, June 17, 2003 in Hector, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks and Mike Brod, reviewed the database and began developing a process for organizing data. Plant Meeting, June 23, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, Jeff Holmes, Betty Crump, Steve Osborne began work on targets, key factors and indicators. Plant Meeting, July 8, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Scott Simon, Betty Crump, Jeff Holmes, assigned species to targets and revised some key factors. Plant Meeting, July 15, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, worked on entering species info into database. Plant Meeting, July 18, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, worked on species document as references for the database. Plant Meeting, July 23, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Theo Witsell, reviewed each species and its associated targets. Plant Meeting, August 25, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, and Jeff Holmes, entered final data into the database.*LVAL:Habitat base on information from NatureServe. 2003. NatureServe Explorer: An online encyclopedia of life [web application]. Version 1.8. NatureServe, Arlington, Virginia. Available (Accessed: July 18, 2003 ). Plant Viability Evaluation Meetings: Plant Conference Call, June 4, 2003, Ozark NF, Attendees: Mike Brod, Theo Witsell, Scott Simon, discussion on list of species for the Ozark-St. Francis NF. Plant Meeting, June 17, 2003 in Hector, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks and Mike Brod, reviewed the database and began developing a process for organizing data. Plant Meeting, June 23, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, Jeff Holmes, Betty Crump, Steve Osborne began work on targets, key factors and indicators. Plant Meeting, July 8, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Scott Simon, Betty Crump, Jeff Holmes, assigned species to targets and revised some key factors. Plant Meeting, July 15, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, worked on entering species info into database. Plant Meeting, July 18, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, worked on species document as references for the database. Plant Meeting, July 23, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Theo Witsell, reviewed each species and its associated targets. Plant Meeting, August 25, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, and Jeff Holmes, entered final data into the database.*LVAL:Habitat base on information from NatureServe. 2003. NatureServe Explorer: An online encyclopedia of life [web application]. Version 1.8. NatureServe, Arlington, Virginia. Available (Accessed: July 18, 2003 ). Plant Viability Evaluation Meetings: Plant Conference Call, June 4, 2003, Ozark NF, Attendees: Mike Brod, Theo Witsell, Scott Simon, discussion on list of species for the Ozark-St. Francis NF. Plant Meeting, June 17, 2003 in Hector, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks and Mike Brod, reviewed the database and began developing a process for organizing data. Plant Meeting, June 23, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, Jeff Holmes, Betty Crump, Steve Osborne began work on targets, key factors and indicators. Plant Meeting, July 8, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Scott Simon, Betty Crump, Jeff Holmes, assigned species to targets and revised some key factors. Plant Meeting, July 15, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, worked on entering species info into database. Plant Meeting, July 18, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, worked on species document as references for the database. Plant Meeting, July 23, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Theo Witsell, reviewed each species and its associated targets. Plant Meeting, August 25, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, and Jeff Holmes, entered final data into the database.*LVAL:Habitat base on information from NatureServe. 2003. NatureServe Explorer: An online encyclopedia of life [web application]. Version 1.8. NatureServe, Arlington, Virginia. Available (Accessed: July 18, 2003 ). Plant Viability Evaluation Meetings: Plant Conference Call, June 4, 2003, Ozark NF, Attendees: Mike Brod, Theo Witsell, Scott Simon, discussion on list of species for the Ozark-St. Francis NF. Plant Meeting, June 17, 2003 in Hector, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks and Mike Brod, reviewed the database and began developing a process for organizing data. Plant Meeting, June 23, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, Jeff Holmes, Betty Crump, Steve Osborne began work on targets, key factors and indicators. Plant Meeting, July 8, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Scott Simon, Betty Crump, Jeff Holmes, assigned species to targets and revised some key factors. Plant Meeting, July 15, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, worked on entering species info into database. Plant Meeting, July 18, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, worked on species document as references for the database. Plant Meeting, July 23, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Theo Witsell, reviewed each species and its associated targets. Plant Meeting, August 25, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, and Jeff Holmes, entered final data into the database.LVAL(Habitat base on information is based on descriptions of site records from Oklahoma Natural Heritage Inventory database (2003). Plant Viability Evaluation Meetings: Plant Conference Call, June 4, 2003, Ozark NF, Attendees: Mike Brod, Theo Witsell, Scott Simon, discussion on list of species for the Ozark-St. Francis NF. Plant Meeting, June 17, 2003 in Hector, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks and Mike Brod, reviewed the database and began developing a process for organizing data. Plant Meeting, June 23, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, Jeff Holmes, Betty Crump, Steve Osborne began work on targets, key factors and indicators. Plant Meeting, July 8, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Scott Simon, Betty Crump, Jeff Holmes, assigned species to targets and revised some key factors. Plant Meeting, July 15, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, worked on entering species info into database. Plant Meeting, July 18, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, worked on species document as references for the database. Plant Meeting, July 23, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Theo Witsell, reviewed each species and its associated targets. Plant Meeting, August 25, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, and Jeff Holmes, entered final data into the database.LVALHabitat base on information is based on descriptions of site records from Oklahoma Natural Heritage Inventory database (2003), Arkansas Natural Heritage Inventory database (2003) Plant Viability Evaluation Meetings: Plant Conference Call, June 4, 2003, Ozark NF, Attendees: Mike Brod, Theo Witsell, Scott Simon, discussion on list of species for the Ozark-St. Francis NF. Plant Meeting, June 17, 2003 in Hector, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks and Mike Brod, reviewed the database and began developing a process for organizing data. Plant Meeting, June 23, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, Jeff Holmes, Betty Crump, Steve Osborne began work on targets, key factors and indicators. Plant Meeting, July 8, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Scott Simon, Betty Crump, Jeff Holmes, assigned species to targets and revised some key factors. Plant Meeting, July 15, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, worked on entering species info into database. Plant Meeting, July 18, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, worked on species document as references for the database. Plant Meeting, July 23, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Theo Witsell, reviewed each species and its associated targets. Plant Meeting, August 25, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, and Jeff Holmes, entered final data into the database.LVALHabitat base on information is based on descriptions of site records from Oklahoma Natural Heritage Inventory database (2003), Arkansas Natural Heritage Inventory database (2003) Plant Viability Evaluation Meetings: Plant Conference Call, June 4, 2003, Ozark NF, Attendees: Mike Brod, Theo Witsell, Scott Simon, discussion on list of species for the Ozark-St. Francis NF. Plant Meeting, June 17, 2003 in Hector, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks and Mike Brod, reviewed the database and began developing a process for organizing data. Plant Meeting, June 23, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, Jeff Holmes, Betty Crump, Steve Osborne began work on targets, key factors and indicators. Plant Meeting, July 8, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Scott Simon, Betty Crump, Jeff Holmes, assigned species to targets and revised some key factors. Plant Meeting, July 15, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, worked on entering species info into database. Plant Meeting, July 18, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, worked on species document as references for the database. Plant Meeting, July 23, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Theo Witsell, reviewed each species and its associated targets. Plant Meeting, August 25, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, and Jeff Holmes, entered final data into the database.*LVAL:Habitat base on information from NatureServe. 2003. NatureServe Explorer: An online encyclopedia of life [web application]. Version 1.8. NatureServe, Arlington, Virginia. Available (Accessed: July 18, 2003 ). Plant Viability Evaluation Meetings: Plant Conference Call, June 4, 2003, Ozark NF, Attendees: Mike Brod, Theo Witsell, Scott Simon, discussion on list of species for the Ozark-St. Francis NF. Plant Meeting, June 17, 2003 in Hector, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks and Mike Brod, reviewed the database and began developing a process for organizing data. Plant Meeting, June 23, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, Jeff Holmes, Betty Crump, Steve Osborne began work on targets, key factors and indicators. Plant Meeting, July 8, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Scott Simon, Betty Crump, Jeff Holmes, assigned species to targets and revised some key factors. Plant Meeting, July 15, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, worked on entering species info into database. Plant Meeting, July 18, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, worked on species document as references for the database. Plant Meeting, July 23, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Theo Witsell, reviewed each species and its associated targets. Plant Meeting, August 25, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, and Jeff Holmes, entered final data into the database.*LVAL:Habitat base on information from NatureServe. 2003. NatureServe Explorer: An online encyclopedia of life [web application]. Version 1.8. NatureServe, Arlington, Virginia. Available (Accessed: July 18, 2003 ). Plant Viability Evaluation Meetings: Plant Conference Call, June 4, 2003, Ozark NF, Attendees: Mike Brod, Theo Witsell, Scott Simon, discussion on list of species for the Ozark-St. Francis NF. Plant Meeting, June 17, 2003 in Hector, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks and Mike Brod, reviewed the database and began developing a process for organizing data. Plant Meeting, June 23, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, Jeff Holmes, Betty Crump, Steve Osborne began work on targets, key factors and indicators. Plant Meeting, July 8, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Scott Simon, Betty Crump, Jeff Holmes, assigned species to targets and revised some key factors. Plant Meeting, July 15, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, worked on entering species info into database. Plant Meeting, July 18, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, worked on species document as references for the database. Plant Meeting, July 23, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Theo Witsell, reviewed each species and its associated targets. Plant Meeting, August 25, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, and Jeff Holmes, entered final data into the database.@LVAL TANHC 2003, Baerg 1927, Clawson 1982, Crump and Davis 2003, Duzan and others 2003, 2003A, Evans and Kirkman 1980, Finch 1991, Finch and Stangel 1993, Fitzgerald 2000, Hamel 1992, Hanners and Patton 1998, Jacobs 2001, James and Neal 1986, Kellner Unpublished, Martin and Finch 1995, Pingjun 1994, Probst and Thompson 1996, Robbins and Easterla 1992, Robinson and others 1995, Rodewald and Smith 1998, Smith and Prather 2000, Thompson and Fritzell 1990, Thompson and others 1992ANHC 2003, Annand and Thompson 1997, Baerg 1927, Clawson 1982, Crump and Davis 2003, Duzan and others 2003, 2003A, Evans and Kirkman 1980, Finch 1991, Finch and Stangel 1993, Fitzgerald 2000, Hamel 1992, Hopp and others 1995, Jacobs 2001, James 1971, James and Neal 1986, Kellner Unpublished, Kennedy and White 1997, Martin and Finch 1995, Robbins and Easterla 1992, Robinson and others 1999, Thompson 1995, Thompson and Fritzell 1990, Thompson and others 1996, USDA FS 1997ANHC 2003, Annand and Thompson 1997, Baerg 1927, Clawson 1982, Crump and Davis 2003, Duzan and others 2003, 2003A, Evans and Kirkman 1980, Finch 1991, Finch and Stangel 1993, Fitzgerald 2000, Hamel 1992, Jacobs 2001, James 1971, James and Neal 1986, Martin and Finch 1995, Pingjun 1994, Probst and Thompson 1996, Robbins and Easterla 1992, Robinson and others 1995, Rodewald and Smith 1998, Smith and Prather 2000, Thompson 1995, Thompson and Fritzell 1990, Thompson and others 1992, 1995, 1996, Wilson and others 1995, Whitehead and Taylor 2002$LVAL4Habitat information is based on descriptions in site records from Oklahoma Natural Heritage Inventory database (2003), Arkansas Natural Heritage Inventory database (2003) and the Carex latebracteata Status Report (USFWS,1980) and Watson, L.E. 1989. Status survey of Carex latebracteata, Waterfall s sedge, in Arkansas and Oklahoma. Heritage Inventory, Norman, Oklahoma. 10pp. Plant Viability Evaluation Meetings: Plant Conference Call, June 4, 2003, Ozark NF, Attendees: Mike Brod, Theo Witsell, Scott Simon, discussion on list of species for the Ozark-St. Francis NF. Plant Meeting, June 17, 2003 in Hector, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks and Mike Brod, reviewed the database and began developing a process for organizing data. Plant Meeting, June 23, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, Jeff Holmes, Betty Crump, Steve Osborne began work on targets, key factors and indicators. Plant Meeting, July 8, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Scott Simon, Betty Crump, Jeff Holmes, assigned species to targets and revised some key factors. Plant Meeting, July 15, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, worked on entering species info into database. Plant Meeting, July 18, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, worked on species document as references for the database. Plant Meeting, July 23, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Theo Witsell, reviewed each species and its associated targets. Plant Meeting, August 25, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, and Jeff Holmes, entered final data into the database.2LVALR HANHI 2003, Albritton 1981, Ball 1980, Bonati 1980, Crump 2003, Crump 2003A, 2003C, 2003D, 2003H, Dellinger and Black 1938, Dowling 1957, Ernst 1992, Fitch 1985, Fitch and Pisani 1993, Klauber 1956, Martin 1981, Minton and Minton 1948, Ortenburger 1929, Parker 1947, Perkins 1928, Perkins and Lentz 1932, Schuier and others 1972, Schwardt 1938, Stone 1904, Strecker 1924, Trauth and others 2004, Trauth 1986b, Trauth and Cochran 1992, USDA FS 1999, Vance 1987, Wilson 1995ANHI 2003, Albritton 1981, Ball 1980, Bonati 1980, Crump 2003, Crump 2003A, 2003C, 2003D, 2003H, Dellinger and Black 1938, Dowling 1957, Ernst 1992, Fitch 1985, Fitch and Pisani 1993, Klauber 1956, Martin 1981, Minton and Minton 1948, Ortenburger 1929, Parker 1947, Perkins 1928, Perkins and Lentz 1932, Schuier and others 1972, Schwardt 1938, Stone 1904, Strecker 1924, Trauth and others 2004, Trauth 1986b, Trauth and Cochran 1992, USDA FS 1999, Vance 1987, Wilson 1995ANHI 2003, Albritton 1981, Ball 1980, Bonati 1980, Crump 2003, Crump 2003A, 2003C, 2003D, 2003H, Dellinger and Black 1938, Dowling 1957, Ernst 1992, Fitch 1985, Fitch and Pisani 1993, Klauber 1956, Martin 1981, Minton and Minton 1948, Ortenburger 1929, Parker 1947, Perkins 1928, Perkins and Lentz 1932, Schuier and others 1972, Schwardt 1938, Stone 1904, Strecker 1924, Trauth and others 2004, Trauth 1986b, Trauth and Cochran 1992, USDA FS 1999, Vance 1987, Wilson 1995ANHI 2003, Albritton 1981, Ball 1980, Bonati 1980, Crump 2003, Crump 2003A, 2003C, 2003D, 2003H, Dellinger and Black 1938, Dowling 1957, Ernst 1992, Fitch 1985, Fitch and Pisani 1993, Klauber 1956, Martin 1981, Minton and Minton 1948, Ortenburger 1929, Parker 1947, Perkins 1928, Perkins and Lentz 1932, Schuier and others 1972, Schwardt 1938, Stone 1904, Strecker 1924, Trauth and others 2004, Trauth 1986b, Trauth and Cochran 1992, USDA FS 1999, Vance 1987, Wilson 1995LVALR ANHI 2003, Bonati 1980, Crump 18 June 2003, Crump and others 20 June, 24 June, 25 June, 27 June, Collins 1991, Conant and Collins 1998, Crump 2003, Crump and others 2003A, 2003C, 2003D, 2003F, 2003P, Dellinger and Black 1938, Dowling 1957, Hurter and Strecker 1909, Hutchison and others 1999, McAllister 1980a, McAllister 1983., McAllister 1985b, McAllister and others, 1985, McAllister and Trauth 1982, McAllister and Trauth 1985, McGuire 1996, ONHI 2003, Schuier and others 1972, Schwardt 1938, Trauth and others 2004, Trauth 1974, Trauth 1978, Trauth 1979, Trauth 1989a, USDA FS 1999, Wilson 1995ANHI 2003, Bonati 1980, Crump 18 June 2003, Crump and others 20 June, 24 June, 25 June, 27 June, Collins 1991, Conant and Collins 1998, Crump 2003, Crump and others 2003A, 2003C, 2003D, 2003F, 2003P, Dellinger and Black 1938, Dowling 1957, Hurter and Strecker 1909, Hutchison and others 1999, McAllister 1980a, McAllister 1983., McAllister 1985b, McAllister and others, 1985, McAllister and Trauth 1982, McAllister and Trauth 1985, McGuire 1996, ONHI 2003, Schuier and others 1972, Schwardt 1938, Trauth and others 2004, Trauth 1974, Trauth 1978, Trauth 1979, Trauth 1989a, USDA FS 1999, Wilson 1995ANHI 2003, Albritton 1981, Ball 1980, Bonati 1980, Crump 2003, Crump 2003A, 2003C, 2003D, 2003H, Dellinger and Black 1938, Dowling 1957, Ernst 1992, Fitch 1985, Fitch and Pisani 1993, Klauber 1956, Martin 1981, Minton and Minton 1948, Ortenburger 1929, Parker 1947, Perkins 1928, Perkins and Lentz 1932, Schuier and others 1972, Schwardt 1938, Stone 1904, Strecker 1924, Trauth and others 2004, Trauth 1986b, Trauth and Cochran 1992, USDA FS 1999, Vance 1987, Wilson 1995jLVAL (TANHI 2003, Bishop 1943, Black and Dellinger 1938, Conant and Collins 1998, Cope 1869, Cope 1889, Dowling 1957, Dundee 1958, Dundee 1965a, Dunn 1926, Fowler and Dunn 1918, Hurter and Strecker 1909, Loomis and Webb 1951, Strecker 1924ANHI 2003, Bishop 1943, Black and Dellinger 1938, Conant and Collins 1998, Cope 1869, Cope 1889, Dowling 1957, Dundee 1958, Dundee 1965a, Dunn 1926, Fowler and Dunn 1918, Hurter and Strecker 1909, Loomis and Webb 1951, Strecker 1924ANHI 2003, Bacon 1976, Black and Dellinger 1938, Burt 1935, Chaney 1949, Conant 1958, Crump 2003, Crump 2003A, 2003C, 2003D, 2003H, Dowling 1957, Fowler and Dunn 1918, Hay 1892, Hurter and Strecker 1909, Jamieson and Trauth 2001, Karlin and others 1993, McAllister 1995b, Means 1974, Means 1999, ONHI 2003, Sever and Trauth 1990, Smith 1960, Stejneger 1894, Strecker 1924, Strecker and Williams 1928, Taylor and others 1990, Taylor 1935, Trauth and others 1990, Trauth and others 2004, Trauth and Wilhide 1999, Trauth 1988a, USDA FS 1999, Verrell 1997, Wilson 1995ANHI 2003, Bacon 1976, Black and Dellinger 1938, Burt 1935, Chaney 1949, Conant 1958, Crump 2003, Crump 2003A, 2003C, 2003D, 2003H, Dowling 1957, Fowler and Dunn 1918, Hay 1892, Hurter and Strecker 1909, Jamieson and Trauth 2001, Karlin and others 1993, McAllister 1995b, Means 1974, Means 1999, ONHI 2003, Sever and Trauth 1990, Smith 1960, Stejneger 1894, Strecker 1924, Strecker and Williams 1928, Taylor and others 1990, Taylor 1935, Trauth and others 1990, Trauth and others 2004, Trauth and Wilhide 1999, Trauth 1988a, USDA FS 1999, Verrell 1997, Wilson 1995LVAL ANHI 2003, Anthony 1993, Anthony and others 1994, Atwill and Trauth 1988, Blair and Lindsay 1965, Blair 1957, Conant and Collins 1991, Crump 2003, Crump 2003A, 2003C, 2003D, 2003H, Dowling 1956, Duncan and Highton 1979, Highton 1962a, McAllister and others 2002, Palmer 1924, Plummer 1982, Pope 1964, Pope and Pope 1951, Reagan 1974a, Saugey and others 1985, Spotila 1972, Taylor and others 1990, Trauth and others 2004, Trauth and others 2000a, Trauth and Wilhide 1999, USDA FS 1999, Wilson 1995, Winter and others 1986ANHI 2003, Anthony 1993, Anthony and others 1994, Atwill and Trauth 1988, Blair and Lindsay 1965, Blair 1957, Conant and Collins 1991, Crump 2003, Crump 2003A, 2003C, 2003D, 2003H, Dowling 1956, Duncan and Highton 1979, Highton 1962a, McAllister and others 2002, Palmer 1924, Plummer 1982, Pope 1964, Pope and Pope 1951, Reagan 1974a, Saugey and others 1985, Spotila 1972, Taylor and others 1990, Trauth and others 2004, Trauth and others 2000a, Trauth and Wilhide 1999, USDA FS 1999, Wilson 1995, Winter and others 1986ANHI 2003, Bishop 1943, Bleakney and Cook 1957, Carter 1968, Conant and Collins 1998, Crump 2003, Crump 2003A, 2003C, 2003D, 2003H, Dellinger and Black 1938, Dowling 1957, Dundee 1968, Dunn 1926, Harris and Gill 1980, Hurter and Strecker 1909, Hurter and Strecker 1909, Martof 1955, Neill 1963, ONHI 2003, Reagan 1974a, Saugey and Trauth 1991, Smith and others 1984, Strecker 1924, Trauth and Caldwell 1986, Trauth and Cochran 1991, Trauth and others 2004, USDA FS 1999, Wilson 1995, Wood 1955LVAL ANHI 2003, Atwill and Trauth 1988, Black and Dellinger 1938, Camp 1988, Crump 2003, Crump and others 2003A, 2003C, 2003D, 2003F, 2003P, Dowling 1957, Dunn 1926, Fletcher and others 1992, Herbeck and Semlitsch 2000, Highton and Webster, Johnson 1987, McAllister and others 2002, ONHI 2003, Pope and Pope 1951, Sayler 1966, Smith 1963, Stone 1904, Strecker 1924, Taylor and others 1990, Trauth and others 2004, Trauth and others 1990, Trauth and Wilhide 1999, USDA FS 1999, Wilson 1995, Winter and others 1986ANHI 2003, Blair and Lindsay 1965, Crump 2003, Crump 2003A, 2003C, 2003D, 2003H, Duncan and Highton 1979, Highton 1989, McAllister and others 2002, ONHI 2003, Trauth and others 2004, USDA FS 1999, Wilson 1995ANHI 2003, Blair and Lindsay 1965, Conant and Collins 1998, Crump 2003, Crump 2003A, 2003C, 2003D, 2003H, Duncan and Highton 1979, Lohoefener and Jones 1991, ONHI 2003, Plummer 1982, Robison and Allen 1995, Taylor and others 1990, Trauth and others 2004, Trauth and Wilhide 1999, USDA FS 1999, Wilson 1995ANHI 2003, Anthony 1993, Anthony and others 1994, Atwill and Trauth 1988, Blair and Lindsay 1965, Blair 1957, Conant and Collins 1991, Crump 2003, Crump 2003A, 2003C, 2003D, 2003H, Dowling 1956, Duncan and Highton 1979, Highton 1962a, McAllister and others 2002, Palmer 1924, Plummer 1982, Pope 1964, Pope and Pope 1951, Reagan 1974a, Saugey and others 1985, Spotila 1972, Taylor and others 1990, Trauth and others 2004, Trauth and others 2000a, Trauth and Wilhide 1999, USDA FS 1999, Wilson 1995, Winter and others 1986LVAL 2Albritton 1981, ANHI 2003, Ball 1980, Bowler 1977, Crump 2003, Crump and others 2003A, 2003C, 2003D, 2003F, 2003P, Dellinger and Black 1938, Dowling 1957, Iverson 1979a, Killebrew 1982b, Lindeman 1996, Mahmoud 1967, Mahmoud 1968, Mahmoud 1969, Martin 1981, McAllister and others 1994c, Meshaka and others 1988c, Perkins 1928, Schwardt 1938, Taylor 1935, Tinkle 1958a, Trauth and others 2004, USDA FS 1999, Vance 1985, Wilson 1995ANHI 2003, Collins 1993, Crump 2003, Crump 2003A, 2003C, 2003D, 2003H, Fitch 1955, Johnson 1987, Robison and Douglas 1979, Trauth and others 2004, USDA FS 1999, Webb 1970, Wilson 1995ANHI 2003, Blair and Lindsay 1965, Conant and Collins 1998, Crump 2003, Crump 2003A, 2003C, 2003D, 2003H, Duncan and Highton 1979, Lohoefener and Jones 1991, ONHI 2003, Plummer 1982, Robison and Allen 1995, Taylor and others 1990, Trauth and others 2004, Trauth and Wilhide 1999, USDA FS 1999, Wilson 1995ANHI 2003, Atwill and Trauth 1988, Black and Dellinger 1938, Camp 1988, Crump 2003, Crump and others 2003A, 2003C, 2003D, 2003F, 2003P, Dowling 1957, Dunn 1926, Fletcher and others 1992, Herbeck and Semlitsch 2000, Highton and Webster, Johnson 1987, McAllister and others 2002, ONHI 2003, Pope and Pope 1951, Sayler 1966, Smith 1963, Stone 1904, Strecker 1924, Taylor and others 1990, Trauth and others 2004, Trauth and others 1990, Trauth and Wilhide 1999, USDA FS 1999, Wilson 1995, Winter and others 1986^LVAL& LrAlbritton 1981, Anderson 1965, Ball 1980, Beaupre and Zaidan 2001, Bonati 1980, Brown 1982, Brown 1991, Brown 1993, Conant and Collins 1991, Cundall and Beaupre 2001, Dellinger and Black 1938, Dowling 1957, Ernst and Barbour 1989, Ernst 1992, Fitch 1985, Hardy 1992, Hurter and Strecker 1909, Klauber 1956, Martin 1981, Martin 1992, Martin 1993, McAllister and others 1995h, McAllister and others 1993a, Parker 1947, Perkins 1928, Pisani and others 1973, Schwardt 1938, Schuier and others 1972, Stone 1903, Strecker 1924, Trauth and others 2004, Trauth and others 1994, Trauth and McAllister 1995, Werler and Dixon 2000Albritton 1981, Anderson 1965, Ball 1980, Beaupre and Zaidan 2001, Bonati 1980, Brown 1982, Brown 1991, Brown 1993, Conant and Collins 1991, Cundall and Beaupre 2001, Dellinger and Black 1938, Dowling 1957, Ernst and Barbour 1989, Ernst 1992, Fitch 1985, Hardy 1992, Hurter and Strecker 1909, Klauber 1956, Martin 1981, Martin 1992, Martin 1993, McAllister and others 1995h, McAllister and others 1993a, Parker 1947, Perkins 1928, Pisani and others 1973, Schwardt 1938, Schuier and others 1972, Stone 1903, Strecker 1924, Trauth and others 2004, Trauth and others 1994, Trauth and McAllister 1995, Werler and Dixon 2000Albritton 1981, Anderson 1965, Ball 1980, Beaupre and Zaidan 2001, Bonati 1980, Brown 1982, Brown 1991, Brown 1993, Conant and Collins 1991, Cundall and Beaupre 2001, Dellinger and Black 1938, Dowling 1957, Ernst and Barbour 1989, Ernst 1992, Fitch 1985, Hardy 1992, Hurter and Strecker 1909, Klauber 1956, Martin 1981, Martin 1992, Martin 1993, McAllister and others 1995h, McAllister and others 1993a, Parker 1947, Perkins 1928, Pisani and others 1973, Schwardt 1938, Schuier and others 1972, Stone 1903, Strecker 1924, Trauth and others 2004, Trauth and others 1994, Trauth and McAllister 1995, Werler and Dixon 2000^LVAL& LrAlbritton 1981, Anderson 1965, Ball 1980, Beaupre and Zaidan 2001, Bonati 1980, Brown 1982, Brown 1991, Brown 1993, Conant and Collins 1991, Cundall and Beaupre 2001, Dellinger and Black 1938, Dowling 1957, Ernst and Barbour 1989, Ernst 1992, Fitch 1985, Hardy 1992, Hurter and Strecker 1909, Klauber 1956, Martin 1981, Martin 1992, Martin 1993, McAllister and others 1995h, McAllister and others 1993a, Parker 1947, Perkins 1928, Pisani and others 1973, Schwardt 1938, Schuier and others 1972, Stone 1903, Strecker 1924, Trauth and others 2004, Trauth and others 1994, Trauth and McAllister 1995, Werler and Dixon 2000Albritton 1981, Anderson 1965, Ball 1980, Beaupre and Zaidan 2001, Bonati 1980, Brown 1982, Brown 1991, Brown 1993, Conant and Collins 1991, Cundall and Beaupre 2001, Dellinger and Black 1938, Dowling 1957, Ernst and Barbour 1989, Ernst 1992, Fitch 1985, Hardy 1992, Hurter and Strecker 1909, Klauber 1956, Martin 1981, Martin 1992, Martin 1993, McAllister and others 1995h, McAllister and others 1993a, Parker 1947, Perkins 1928, Pisani and others 1973, Schwardt 1938, Schuier and others 1972, Stone 1903, Strecker 1924, Trauth and others 2004, Trauth and others 1994, Trauth and McAllister 1995, Werler and Dixon 2000Albritton 1981, Anderson 1965, Ball 1980, Beaupre and Zaidan 2001, Bonati 1980, Brown 1982, Brown 1991, Brown 1993, Conant and Collins 1991, Cundall and Beaupre 2001, Dellinger and Black 1938, Dowling 1957, Ernst and Barbour 1989, Ernst 1992, Fitch 1985, Hardy 1992, Hurter and Strecker 1909, Klauber 1956, Martin 1981, Martin 1992, Martin 1993, McAllister and others 1995h, McAllister and others 1993a, Parker 1947, Perkins 1928, Pisani and others 1973, Schwardt 1938, Schuier and others 1972, Stone 1903, Strecker 1924, Trauth and others 2004, Trauth and others 1994, Trauth and McAllister 1995, Werler and Dixon 2000^LVAL& LrAlbritton 1981, Anderson 1965, Ball 1980, Beaupre and Zaidan 2001, Bonati 1980, Brown 1982, Brown 1991, Brown 1993, Conant and Collins 1991, Cundall and Beaupre 2001, Dellinger and Black 1938, Dowling 1957, Ernst and Barbour 1989, Ernst 1992, Fitch 1985, Hardy 1992, Hurter and Strecker 1909, Klauber 1956, Martin 1981, Martin 1992, Martin 1993, McAllister and others 1995h, McAllister and others 1993a, Parker 1947, Perkins 1928, Pisani and others 1973, Schwardt 1938, Schuier and others 1972, Stone 1903, Strecker 1924, Trauth and others 2004, Trauth and others 1994, Trauth and McAllister 1995, Werler and Dixon 2000Albritton 1981, Anderson 1965, Ball 1980, Beaupre and Zaidan 2001, Bonati 1980, Brown 1982, Brown 1991, Brown 1993, Conant and Collins 1991, Cundall and Beaupre 2001, Dellinger and Black 1938, Dowling 1957, Ernst and Barbour 1989, Ernst 1992, Fitch 1985, Hardy 1992, Hurter and Strecker 1909, Klauber 1956, Martin 1981, Martin 1992, Martin 1993, McAllister and others 1995h, McAllister and others 1993a, Parker 1947, Perkins 1928, Pisani and others 1973, Schwardt 1938, Schuier and others 1972, Stone 1903, Strecker 1924, Trauth and others 2004, Trauth and others 1994, Trauth and McAllister 1995, Werler and Dixon 2000Albritton 1981, Anderson 1965, Ball 1980, Beaupre and Zaidan 2001, Bonati 1980, Brown 1982, Brown 1991, Brown 1993, Conant and Collins 1991, Cundall and Beaupre 2001, Dellinger and Black 1938, Dowling 1957, Ernst and Barbour 1989, Ernst 1992, Fitch 1985, Hardy 1992, Hurter and Strecker 1909, Klauber 1956, Martin 1981, Martin 1992, Martin 1993, McAllister and others 1995h, McAllister and others 1993a, Parker 1947, Perkins 1928, Pisani and others 1973, Schwardt 1938, Schuier and others 1972, Stone 1903, Strecker 1924, Trauth and others 2004, Trauth and others 1994, Trauth and McAllister 1995, Werler and Dixon 2000LVALBQX Habitat information: Field surveys by biologist and botanist on the Ouachita and Ozark NF. Dane, F., L.K. Hawkins and Hongwen Huang. 1999. Genetic Population Structure of Castenea pumila var. ozarkensis. J. Amer. Hort. Sci. 124(6):666-670. Paillet, F.L. 1993. Growth Form and Life History of American Chestnut and Allegheny and Ozark Chinquapin at Various North American Sites. Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club. 120: 257-268. Johnson, G.P. 1988. Revision of Castenea sect. Balanocastanon (Fagaceae). J. Arnold Arboretum 69:25-49. Tucker G.E. 1989 Interim Management Guide for Ozark Chinquapin Anagnostakis, S.L. 1992. Chestnut and the introduction of chestnut blight. Ann.Rpt. Northern Nut Grower s Assn. 83:23-37. Anagnostakis, S.L. 1990. Improved chestnut tree condition maintained in two Connecticut plots after treatment with hypovirulent strains of the chestnut blight fungus. Forest Sci. 36:113-123. NatureServe. 2003. NatureServe Explorer: An online encyclopedia of life [web application]. Version 1.8. NatureServe, Arlington, Virginia. Available (Accessed: July 15, 2003 ). Personal comm. With Doug Zollner identified this species as being fire dependent (Fire dependent  Species populations increase with fire management. Species occurs within habitats/ecosystems where fire is a primary ecological process. Species populations decline without fire management). Plant Viability Evaluation Meetings: Plant Conference Call, June 4, 2003, Ozark NF, Attendees: Mike Brod, Theo Witsell, Scott Simon, discussion on list of species for the Ozark-St. Francis NF. Plant Meeting, June 17, 2003 in Hector, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks and Mike Brod, reviewed the database and began developing a process for organizing data. Plant Meeting, June 23, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, Jeff Holmes, Betty Crump, Steve Osborne began work on targets, key factors and indicators. Plant Meeting, July 8, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susa LVAL n Hooks, Scott Simon, Betty Crump, Jeff Holmes, assigned species to targets and revised some key factors. Plant Meeting, July 15, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, worked on entering species info into database. Plant Meeting, July 18, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, worked on species document as references for the database. Plant Meeting, July 23, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Theo Witsell, reviewed each species and its associated targets. Plant Meeting, August 25, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, and Jeff Holmes, entered final data into the database.LVALHabitat information based on Marsh, D. 1996. Plantain Sunflower (Helianthus occidentalis subsp. Plantagineus) in Arkansas. Proc. Ark. Acad. Science Vol. 50: Plant Viability Evaluation Meetings: Plant Conference Call, June 4, 2003, Ozark NF, Attendees: Mike Brod, Theo Witsell, Scott Simon, discussion on list of species for the Ozark-St. Francis NF. Plant Meeting, June 17, 2003 in Hector, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks and Mike Brod, reviewed the database and began developing a process for organizing data. Plant Meeting, June 23, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, Jeff Holmes, Betty Crump, Steve Osborne began work on targets, key factors and indicators. Plant Meeting, July 8, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Scott Simon, Betty Crump, Jeff Holmes, assigned species to targets and revised some key factors. Plant Meeting, July 15, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, worked on entering species info into database. Plant Meeting, July 18, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, worked on species document as references for the database. Plant Meeting, July 23, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Theo Witsell, reviewed each species and its associated targets. Plant Meeting, August 25, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, and Jeff Holmes, entered final data into the database.LVALHabitat information based on Marsh, D. 1996. Plantain Sunflower (Helianthus occidentalis subsp. Plantagineus) in Arkansas. Proc. Ark. Acad. Science Vol. 50: Plant Viability Evaluation Meetings: Plant Conference Call, June 4, 2003, Ozark NF, Attendees: Mike Brod, Theo Witsell, Scott Simon, discussion on list of species for the Ozark-St. Francis NF. Plant Meeting, June 17, 2003 in Hector, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks and Mike Brod, reviewed the database and began developing a process for organizing data. Plant Meeting, June 23, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, Jeff Holmes, Betty Crump, Steve Osborne began work on targets, key factors and indicators. Plant Meeting, July 8, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Scott Simon, Betty Crump, Jeff Holmes, assigned species to targets and revised some key factors. Plant Meeting, July 15, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, worked on entering species info into database. Plant Meeting, July 18, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, worked on species document as references for the database. Plant Meeting, July 23, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Theo Witsell, reviewed each species and its associated targets. Plant Meeting, August 25, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, and Jeff Holmes, entered final data into the database.8LVALHHabitat information is based on descriptions in site records from Arkansas Natural Heritage Inventory database (2003) and Kral, R., and V. Bates. 1991. A new species of Hydrophyllum from the Ouachita Mountains of Arkansas. Novon 1: 60-66. Plant Viability Evaluation Meetings: Plant Conference Call, June 4, 2003, Ozark NF, Attendees: Mike Brod, Theo Witsell, Scott Simon, discussion on list of species for the Ozark-St. Francis NF. Plant Meeting, June 17, 2003 in Hector, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks and Mike Brod, reviewed the database and began developing a process for organizing data. Plant Meeting, June 23, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, Jeff Holmes, Betty Crump, Steve Osborne began work on targets, key factors and indicators. Plant Meeting, July 8, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Scott Simon, Betty Crump, Jeff Holmes, assigned species to targets and revised some key factors. Plant Meeting, July 15, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, worked on entering species info into database. Plant Meeting, July 18, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, worked on species document as references for the database. Plant Meeting, July 23, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Theo Witsell, reviewed each species and its associated targets. Plant Meeting, August 25, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, and Jeff Holmes, entered final data into the database.LVAL,Habitat base on information is based on NatureServe. 2003. NatureServe Explorer: An online encyclopedia of life [web application]. Version 1.8. NatureServe, Arlington, Virginia. Available (Accessed: July 18, 2003 ). Plant Viability Evaluation Meetings: Plant Conference Call, June 4, 2003, Ozark NF, Attendees: Mike Brod, Theo Witsell, Scott Simon, discussion on list of species for the Ozark-St. Francis NF. Plant Meeting, June 17, 2003 in Hector, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks and Mike Brod, reviewed the database and began developing a process for organizing data. Plant Meeting, June 23, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, Jeff Holmes, Betty Crump, Steve Osborne began work on targets, key factors and indicators. Plant Meeting, July 8, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Scott Simon, Betty Crump, Jeff Holmes, assigned species to targets and revised some key factors. Plant Meeting, July 15, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, worked on entering species info into database. Plant Meeting, July 18, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, worked on species document as references for the database. Plant Meeting, July 23, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Theo Witsell, reviewed each species and its associated targets. Plant Meeting, August 25, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, and Jeff Holmes, entered final data into the database.*LVAL:Habitat base on information from NatureServe. 2003. NatureServe Explorer: An online encyclopedia of life [web application]. Version 1.8. NatureServe, Arlington, Virginia. Available (Accessed: July 18, 2003 ). Plant Viability Evaluation Meetings: Plant Conference Call, June 4, 2003, Ozark NF, Attendees: Mike Brod, Theo Witsell, Scott Simon, discussion on list of species for the Ozark-St. Francis NF. Plant Meeting, June 17, 2003 in Hector, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks and Mike Brod, reviewed the database and began developing a process for organizing data. Plant Meeting, June 23, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, Jeff Holmes, Betty Crump, Steve Osborne began work on targets, key factors and indicators. Plant Meeting, July 8, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Scott Simon, Betty Crump, Jeff Holmes, assigned species to targets and revised some key factors. Plant Meeting, July 15, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, worked on entering species info into database. Plant Meeting, July 18, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, worked on species document as references for the database. Plant Meeting, July 23, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Theo Witsell, reviewed each species and its associated targets. Plant Meeting, August 25, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, and Jeff Holmes, entered final data into the database.D 5~:T n + A  ] = g  bA\o BT~5r,[Ozark-Ouachita Riparian''YLower Mississippi River Riparian Forest77YWest Gulf Coastal Plain Mesic Hardwood Forest==YLower Mississippi River Bottomland Depression==Ozark-Ouachita Forested Seep@m 8,Ozark-Ouachita Riparian@l 3'Ozark-Ouachita Mesic Hardwood Forestb@ @4BGrass/Forb Guild Habitat@l 4(DOzark-Ouachita Pine/Bluestem Woodland@l A5AmForested-Bottomland Hardwood Guild HabitatB@l F:BhShrubland Guild Habitat@k 3'BfForested-Dense or Semi-open Pine Guild Habitat@k J>BeForested-Dry Upland Hardwood & Hardwood/Pine Guild Habitat@k VJBcForested-Bottomland Hardwood Guild Habitat@k F:`FOak Woodlands Guild Habitat@j 7+`CForested-Bottomland Hardwood Guild Habitat@j F:C;Forested-Bottomland Hardwood Guild Habitat2@j F:[:Ozark-Ouachita Dry Oak and Pine Woodland887West Gulf Coastal Plain Small Stream/River Forest>@j MA.2West Gulf Coastal Plain Small Stream/River Forest@j MA!/Ozark-Ouachita Dry-Mesic Oak Forest/Woodland@i H< .Ozark-Ouachita Dry-Mesic Oak Forest@i ?3 -Ozark-Ouachita Pine-Oak Forest/Woodland@i C7,Ozark-Ouachita Pine-Oak Forest/Woodland@i C7$+Ozark-Ouachita Pine-Oak Forest/Woodland@i C7#*Ouachita Pine-Oak Forest@i 4(!)Ozark-Ouachita Pine-Oak Forest/Woodland@h C7"%West Gulf Coastal Plain Pine-Hardwood Forest/Woodland@ QE"$Ozark-Ouachita Pine-Oak Forest/Woodland - Forest Condition@ VJ"Ozark-Ouachita Pine-Oak Forest/Woodland:@h C7!Ozark-Ouachita Riparian:@h 3' Ozark-Ouachita Mesic Hardwood Forest:@g @4Ozark-Ouachita Dry-Mesic Oak Forest/Woodland:@g H<Ouachita Mountain Forested Seep:@g ;/#Ouachita Dry-Mesic Oak Forest@f 9-Southern Arkansas Calcareous PrairieH @f @4Ozark-Ouachita Dry-Mesic Oak Forest/Woodland|@e H<Interior Highlands Calcareous Glade and Barrens|@e K?Interior Highlands Dry Acidic Glade and Barrens|@d K?Ozark-Ouachita Riparian|@d 3'Ozark-Ouachita Pine-Oak Forest/Woodland|@c C7Ozark-Ouachita Mesic Hardwood Forest|@c @4Caves, Mines, Sinkholes and other Karst Features@b L@Ozark-Ouachita Cliff and Talus@ :.Ozark-Ouachita Pine-Oak Forest/Woodland~@ C7Ozark-Ouachita Mesic Hardwood Forest~@ @4Ozark-Ouachita Dry-Mesic Oak Forest/Woodland~@ H<Ozark-Ouachita Dry Oak and Pine Woodland~@ D8JOuachita Mountain Forested Seep @b ;/Ouachita Mesic Hardwood Forest and Guild Habitat8 @a L@Ouachita Mountain Forested Seep8 @` ;/Ouachita Riparian @_ -!Central Interior Acidic Cliff and Talus @] C7*LVAL:Habitat base on information from NatureServe. 2003. NatureServe Explorer: An online encyclopedia of life [web application]. Version 1.8. NatureServe, Arlington, Virginia. Available (Accessed: July 18, 2003 ). Plant Viability Evaluation Meetings: Plant Conference Call, June 4, 2003, Ozark NF, Attendees: Mike Brod, Theo Witsell, Scott Simon, discussion on list of species for the Ozark-St. Francis NF. Plant Meeting, June 17, 2003 in Hector, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks and Mike Brod, reviewed the database and began developing a process for organizing data. Plant Meeting, June 23, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, Jeff Holmes, Betty Crump, Steve Osborne began work on targets, key factors and indicators. Plant Meeting, July 8, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Scott Simon, Betty Crump, Jeff Holmes, assigned species to targets and revised some key factors. Plant Meeting, July 15, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, worked on entering species info into database. Plant Meeting, July 18, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, worked on species document as references for the database. Plant Meeting, July 23, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Theo Witsell, reviewed each species and its associated targets. Plant Meeting, August 25, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, and Jeff Holmes, entered final data into the database.LVALHabitat information is based on descriptions in site records from Oklahoma Natural Heritage Inventory database (2003) and Arkansas Natural Heritage Inventory database (2003). Plant Viability Evaluation Meetings: Plant Conference Call, June 4, 2003, Ozark NF, Attendees: Mike Brod, Theo Witsell, Scott Simon, discussion on list of species for the Ozark-St. Francis NF. Plant Meeting, June 17, 2003 in Hector, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks and Mike Brod, reviewed the database and began developing a process for organizing data. Plant Meeting, June 23, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, Jeff Holmes, Betty Crump, Steve Osborne began work on targets, key factors and indicators. Plant Meeting, July 8, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Scott Simon, Betty Crump, Jeff Holmes, assigned species to targets and revised some key factors. Plant Meeting, July 15, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, worked on entering species info into database. Plant Meeting, July 18, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, worked on species document as references for the database. Plant Meeting, July 23, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Theo Witsell, reviewed each species and its associated targets. Plant Meeting, August 25, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, and Jeff Holmes, entered final data into the database.LVALHabitat information is based on descriptions in site records from Oklahoma Natural Heritage Inventory database (2003) and Arkansas Natural Heritage Inventory database (2003). Plant Viability Evaluation Meetings: Plant Conference Call, June 4, 2003, Ozark NF, Attendees: Mike Brod, Theo Witsell, Scott Simon, discussion on list of species for the Ozark-St. Francis NF. Plant Meeting, June 17, 2003 in Hector, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks and Mike Brod, reviewed the database and began developing a process for organizing data. Plant Meeting, June 23, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, Jeff Holmes, Betty Crump, Steve Osborne began work on targets, key factors and indicators. Plant Meeting, July 8, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Scott Simon, Betty Crump, Jeff Holmes, assigned species to targets and revised some key factors. Plant Meeting, July 15, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, worked on entering species info into database. Plant Meeting, July 18, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, worked on species document as references for the database. Plant Meeting, July 23, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Theo Witsell, reviewed each species and its associated targets. Plant Meeting, August 25, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, and Jeff Holmes, entered final data into the database.LVAL(This isopod inhabits a variety of biotopes including small seep/springs and streams, and cave streams. Nothing more is known about the biology of this species, except that it is widely known from the mountainous region of Arkansas (ANHI 2003, Robison & Allen, 1995).Habitat base on information is based on descriptions of site records from Arkansas Natural Heritage Inventory database (2003). Plant Viability Evaluation Meetings: Plant Conference Call, June 4, 2003, Ozark NF, Attendees: Mike Brod, Theo Witsell, Scott Simon, discussion on list of species for the Ozark-St. Francis NF. Plant Meeting, June 17, 2003 in Hector, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks and Mike Brod, reviewed the database and began developing a process for organizing data. Plant Meeting, June 23, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, Jeff Holmes, Betty Crump, Steve Osborne began work on targets, key factors and indicators. Plant Meeting, July 8, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Scott Simon, Betty Crump, Jeff Holmes, assigned species to targets and revised some key factors. Plant Meeting, July 15, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, worked on entering species info into database. Plant Meeting, July 18, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, worked on species document as references for the database. Plant Meeting, July 23, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Theo Witsell, reviewed each species and its associated targets. Plant Meeting, August 25, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, and Jeff Holmes, entered final data into the database.LVAL The Diana fritillary has undergone a range-wide decline, and no longer occurs over a substantial portion of its historic range with scattered occurrences in Arkansas. Recent sightings indicate that it is more common than known records indicate. Diana fritillary adults feed on nectar, and the larvae are known to feed on violets. Female adults are generally found in moist, wooded ravines and valleys, while the males wander widely in search of females in a variety of habitats far from suitable breeding habitat (ANHI Rare Fact Sheet IILEPJ6010 dated 2-04-02, NatureServe 2003). According to recent sightings on the Ouachita & Ozark Mtns., Diana fritillary adults are most frequently found in forested areas with nectar sources, particularly in fire-maintained communities (Dr. Craig Rudolph, personal communication, June 2003).The Diana fritillary has undergone a range-wide decline, and no longer occurs over a substantial portion of its historic range with scattered occurrences in Arkansas. Recent sightings indicate that it is more common than known records indicate. Diana fritillary adults feed on nectar, and the larvae are known to feed on violets. Female adults are generally found in moist, wooded ravines and valleys, while the males wander widely in search of females in a variety of habitats far from suitable breeding habitat (ANHI Rare Fact Sheet IILEPJ6010 dated 2-04-02, NatureServe 2003). According to recent sightings on the Ouachita & Ozark Mtns., Diana fritillary adults are most frequently found in forested areas with nectar sources, particularly in fire-maintained communities (Dr. Craig Rudolph, personal communication, June 2003).LVAL The Diana fritillary has undergone a range-wide decline, and no longer occurs over a substantial portion of its historic range with scattered occurrences in Arkansas. Recent sightings indicate that it is more common than known records indicate. Diana fritillary adults feed on nectar, and the larvae are known to feed on violets. Female adults are generally found in moist, wooded ravines and valleys, while the males wander widely in search of females in a variety of habitats far from suitable breeding habitat (ANHI Rare Fact Sheet IILEPJ6010 dated 2-04-02, NatureServe 2003). According to recent sightings on the Ouachita & Ozark Mtns., Diana fritillary adults are most frequently found in forested areas with nectar sources, particularly in fire-maintained communities (Dr. Craig Rudolph, personal communication, June 2003).The Diana fritillary has undergone a range-wide decline, and no longer occurs over a substantial portion of its historic range with scattered occurrences in Arkansas. Recent sightings indicate that it is more common than known records indicate. Diana fritillary adults feed on nectar, and the larvae are known to feed on violets. Female adults are generally found in moist, wooded ravines and valleys, while the males wander widely in search of females in a variety of habitats far from suitable breeding habitat (ANHI Rare Fact Sheet IILEPJ6010 dated 2-04-02, NatureServe 2003). According to recent sightings on the Ouachita & Ozark Mtns., Diana fritillary adults are most frequently found in forested areas with nectar sources, particularly in fire-maintained communities (Dr. Craig Rudolph, personal communication, June 2003).LVAL The Diana fritillary has undergone a range-wide decline, and no longer occurs over a substantial portion of its historic range with scattered occurrences in Arkansas. Recent sightings indicate that it is more common than known records indicate. Diana fritillary adults feed on nectar, and the larvae are known to feed on violets. Female adults are generally found in moist, wooded ravines and valleys, while the males wander widely in search of females in a variety of habitats far from suitable breeding habitat (ANHI Rare Fact Sheet IILEPJ6010 dated 2-04-02, NatureServe 2003). According to recent sightings on the Ouachita & Ozark Mtns., Diana fritillary adults are most frequently found in forested areas with nectar sources, particularly in fire-maintained communities (Dr. Craig Rudolph, personal communication, June 2003).The Diana fritillary has undergone a range-wide decline, and no longer occurs over a substantial portion of its historic range with scattered occurrences in Arkansas. Recent sightings indicate that it is more common than known records indicate. Diana fritillary adults feed on nectar, and the larvae are known to feed on violets. Female adults are generally found in moist, wooded ravines and valleys, while the males wander widely in search of females in a variety of habitats far from suitable breeding habitat (ANHI Rare Fact Sheet IILEPJ6010 dated 2-04-02, NatureServe 2003). According to recent sightings on the Ouachita & Ozark Mtns., Diana fritillary adults are most frequently found in forested areas with nectar sources, particularly in fire-maintained communities (Dr. Craig Rudolph, personal communication, June 2003).LVALANHI 2003, Atwill and Trauth 1988, Black and Dellinger 1938, Camp 1988, Crump 2003, Crump and others 2003A, 2003C, 2003D, 2003F, 2003P, Dowling 1957, Dunn 1926, Fletcher and others 1992, Herbeck and Semlitsch 2000, Highton and Webster, Johnson 1987, McAllister and others 2002, ONHI 2003, Pope and Pope 1951, Sayler 1966, Smith 1963, Stone 1904, Strecker 1924, Taylor and others 1990, Trauth and others 2004, Trauth and others 1990, Trauth and Wilhide 1999, USDA FS 1999, Wilson 1995, Winter and others 1986Habitat base on information is based on descriptions of site records from Oklahoma Natural Heritage Inventory database (2003), Arkansas Natural Heritage Inventory database (2003) Plant Viability Evaluation Meetings: Plant Conference Call, June 4, 2003, Ozark NF, Attendees: Mike Brod, Theo Witsell, Scott Simon, discussion on list of species for the Ozark-St. Francis NF. Plant Meeting, June 17, 2003 in Hector, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks and Mike Brod, reviewed the database and began developing a process for organizing data. Plant Meeting, June 23, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, Jeff Holmes, Betty Crump, Steve Osborne began work on targets, key factors and indicators. Plant Meeting, July 8, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Scott Simon, Betty Crump, Jeff Holmes, assigned species to targets and revised some key factors. Plant Meeting, July 15, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, worked on entering species info into database. Plant Meeting, July 18, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, worked on species document as references for the database. Plant Meeting, July 23, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Theo Witsell, reviewed each species and its associated targets. Plant Meeting, August 25, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, and Jeff Holmes, entered final data into the database.>LVAL RANHI 2003, Bishop 1943, Boyd and Vickers 1963, Carr and Goin 1943, Conant and Collins 1991, Crump 18 June 2003, Crump and others 20 June, 24 June, 25 June, 27 June, 16 July 2003, Dundee and Rossman 1989, Hardy and Raymond 1980, McAllister and Trauth 1996a, Meshaka and McLarty 1988, Mount 1975, Parker 1947, Patterson 1978, Plummer and Dye 1992, Raymond and Hardy 1990, Raymond and Hardy 1991, Reagan 1974a, Robison and Winters 1978, Semlitsch 1985, Semlitsch 1987a, Semlitsch 1987b, Shoop 1960, Shoop 1964, Smith 1961, Smith and others 1984, Sutton and Paige 1980, Trauth and others 1993a, Trauth and others 1995b, Trauth and others 2004, USDA FS 1999, Wilson 1995ANHI 2003, Bishop 1943, Boyd and Vickers 1963, Carr and Goin 1943, Conant and Collins 1991, Crump 18 June 2003, Crump and others 20 June, 24 June, 25 June, 27 June, 16 July 2003, Dundee and Rossman 1989, Hardy and Raymond 1980, McAllister and Trauth 1996a, Meshaka and McLarty 1988, Mount 1975, Parker 1947, Patterson 1978, Plummer and Dye 1992, Raymond and Hardy 1990, Raymond and Hardy 1991, Reagan 1974a, Robison and Winters 1978, Semlitsch 1985, Semlitsch 1987a, Semlitsch 1987b, Shoop 1960, Shoop 1964, Smith 1961, Smith and others 1984, Sutton and Paige 1980, Trauth and others 1993a, Trauth and others 1995b, Trauth and others 2004, USDA FS 1999, Wilson 1995ANHI 2003, Bishop 1943, Boyd and Vickers 1963, Carr and Goin 1943, Conant and Collins 1991, Crump 18 June 2003, Crump and others 20 June, 24 June, 25 June, 27 June, 16 July 2003, Dundee and Rossman 1989, Hardy and Raymond 1980, McAllister and Trauth 1996a, Meshaka and McLarty 1988, Mount 1975, Parker 1947, Patterson 1978, Plummer and Dye 1992, Raymond and Hardy 1990, Raymond and Hardy 1991, Reagan 1974a, Robison and Winters 1978, Semlitsch 1985, Semlitsch 1987a, Semlitsch 1987b, Shoop 1960, Shoop 1964, Smith 1961, Smith and others 1984, Sutton and Paige 1980, Trauth and others 1993a, Trauth and others 1995b, Trauth and others 2004, USDA FS 1999, Wilson 1995LVAL ANHI 2003, Blair and Lindsay 1965, Crump 2003, Crump 2003A, 2003C, 2003D, 2003H, Duncan and Highton 1979, Highton 1989, McAllister and others 2002, ONHI 2003, Trauth and others 2004, USDA FS 1999, Wilson 1995ANHI 2003, Bishop 1943, Boyd and Vickers 1963, Carr and Goin 1943, Conant and Collins 1991, Crump 18 June 2003, Crump and others 20 June, 24 June, 25 June, 27 June, 16 July 2003, Dundee and Rossman 1989, Hardy and Raymond 1980, McAllister and Trauth 1996a, Meshaka and McLarty 1988, Mount 1975, Parker 1947, Patterson 1978, Plummer and Dye 1992, Raymond and Hardy 1990, Raymond and Hardy 1991, Reagan 1974a, Robison and Winters 1978, Semlitsch 1985, Semlitsch 1987a, Semlitsch 1987b, Shoop 1960, Shoop 1964, Smith 1961, Smith and others 1984, Sutton and Paige 1980, Trauth and others 1993a, Trauth and others 1995b, Trauth and others 2004, USDA FS 1999, Wilson 1995ANHI 2003, Bishop 1943, Boyd and Vickers 1963, Carr and Goin 1943, Conant and Collins 1991, Crump 18 June 2003, Crump and others 20 June, 24 June, 25 June, 27 June, 16 July 2003, Dundee and Rossman 1989, Hardy and Raymond 1980, McAllister and Trauth 1996a, Meshaka and McLarty 1988, Mount 1975, Parker 1947, Patterson 1978, Plummer and Dye 1992, Raymond and Hardy 1990, Raymond and Hardy 1991, Reagan 1974a, Robison and Winters 1978, Semlitsch 1985, Semlitsch 1987a, Semlitsch 1987b, Shoop 1960, Shoop 1964, Smith 1961, Smith and others 1984, Sutton and Paige 1980, Trauth and others 1993a, Trauth and others 1995b, Trauth and others 2004, USDA FS 1999, Wilson 1995ZLVAL f TtANHI 2003, Blair and Lindsay 1965, Crump 2003, Crump 2003A, 2003C, 2003D, 2003H, Duncan and Highton 1979, Highton 1989, McAllister and others 2002, ONHI 2003, Trauth and others 2004, USDA FS 1999, Wilson 1995ANHI 2003, Blair and Lindsay 1965, Crump 2003, Crump 2003A, 2003C, 2003D, 2003H, Duncan and Highton 1979, Highton 1989, McAllister and others 2002, ONHI 2003, Trauth and others 2004, USDA FS 1999, Wilson 1995ANHI 2003, Blair and Lindsay 1965, Crump 2003, Crump 2003A, 2003C, 2003D, 2003H, Duncan and Highton 1979, Highton 1989, McAllister and others 2002, ONHI 2003, Trauth and others 2004, USDA FS 1999, Wilson 1995ANHI 2003, Anthony 1993, Anthony and others 1994, Atwill and Trauth 1988, Blair and Lindsay 1965, Blair 1957, Conant and Collins 1991, Crump 2003, Crump 2003A, 2003C, 2003D, 2003H, Dowling 1956, Duncan and Highton 1979, Highton 1962a, McAllister and others 2002, Palmer 1924, Plummer 1982, Pope 1964, Pope and Pope 1951, Reagan 1974a, Saugey and others 1985, Spotila 1972, Taylor and others 1990, Trauth and others 2004, Trauth and others 2000a, Trauth and Wilhide 1999, USDA FS 1999, Wilson 1995, Winter and others 1986ANHI 2003, Blair and Lindsay 1965, Crump 2003, Crump 2003A, 2003C, 2003D, 2003H, Duncan and Highton 1979, Highton 1989, McAllister and others 2002, ONHI 2003, Trauth and others 2004, USDA FS 1999, Wilson 1995ANHI 2003, Atwill and Trauth 1988, Black and Dellinger 1938, Camp 1988, Crump 2003, Crump and others 2003A, 2003C, 2003D, 2003F, 2003P, Dowling 1957, Dunn 1926, Fletcher and others 1992, Herbeck and Semlitsch 2000, Highton and Webster, Johnson 1987, McAllister and others 2002, ONHI 2003, Pope and Pope 1951, Sayler 1966, Smith 1963, Stone 1904, Strecker 1924, Taylor and others 1990, Trauth and others 2004, Trauth and others 1990, Trauth and Wilhide 1999, USDA FS 1999, Wilson 1995, Winter and others 1986pLVAL ANHC 2003, Clawson 1982, Crump and Davis 2003, Duzan and others 2003, 2003A, Evans and Kirkman 1980, Finch 1991, Finch and Stangel 1993, Fitzgerald 2000, Hamel 1992, Jacobs 2001, James 1971, James and Neal 1986, Martin and Finch 1995, Robbins and Easterla 1992, Scharf and Kren 1996, Thompson 1995, Thompson and others 1996ANHC 2003, Clawson 1982, Crump and Davis 2003, Duzan and others 2003, 2003A, Evans and Kirkman 1980, Finch 1991, Finch and Stangel 1993, Fitzgerald 2000, Hamel 1992, Jacobs 2001, James 1971, James and Neal 1986, Martin and Finch 1995, Robbins and Easterla 1992, Scharf and Kren 1996, Thompson 1995, Thompson and others 1996Ouachita NF Surveys 1996-2002 (ANHC 2003, Annand and Thompson 1997, Baerg 1927, Clawson 1982, Crump and Davis 2003, Duzan and others 2003, 2003A, Evans and Kirkman 1980, Finch and Stangel 1993, Fitzgerald 2000, Hamel 1992, Jacobs 2001, James and Neal 1986, Robbins and Easterla 1992, Martin and Finch 1995, Robinson and others 1995, Rodewald and James 1996, Rodewald and Smith 1998, Wilson and others 1995)ANHI 2003, Conant and Collins 1998, Crump 2003, Crump 2003A, 2003C, 2003D, 2003H, Davis and Hollenback 1978, Fulmer and Tumlison 2002, Jamieson and others 1993, McAllister and others 1993b, Mount 1975, ONHI 2003, Secor 1988, Smith 1966b, Trauth 1992b, Trauth and others 2004, Trauth and Robinette 1990a, Trauth and Robinette 1990b, Turnipseed 1976, Turnipseed 1980b, USDA FS 1999, Volpe and others 1961, Wilson 1995ANHI 2003, Ball 1980, Boundy 1995, Crump 2003, Crump 2003A, 2003C, 2003D, 2003H, Dellinger and Black 1938, Dowling 1957, Dundee and Rossman 1989, Garton and others 1970, Hanebrink and Byrd 1986, Hebrard and Mushinsky 1978, Hurter and Strecker 1909, Kofron 1979b, McAllister and others 1990a, Minton and Minton 1948, Mushinsky and Hebrard 1977, Mushinsky and others 1982, ONHI 2003, Perkins 1928, Schwardt 1938, Tinkle 1959, Trauth and others 2004, Trauth 1990, Trauth and others 1994, USDA FS 1999, Wilson 1995LVALL 0ANHC 2003, Annand and Thompson 1997, Baerg 1927, Clawson 1982, Crump and Davis 2003, Duzan and others 2003, 2003A, Evans and Kirkman 1980, Finch 1991, Finch and Stangel 1993, Fitzgerald 2000, Hamel 1992, Hopp and others 1995, Jacobs 2001, James 1971, James and Neal 1986, Kellner Unpublished, Kennedy and White 1997, Martin and Finch 1995, Robbins and Easterla 1992, Robinson and others 1999, Thompson 1995, Thompson and Fritzell 1990, Thompson and others 1996, USDA FS 1997ANHC 2003, Annand and Thompson 1997, Baerg 1927, Clawson 1982, Crump and Davis 2003, Duzan and others 2003, 2003A, Evans and Kirkman 1980, Finch 1991, Finch and Stangel 1993, Fitzgerald 2000, Hamel 1992, Hopp and others 1995, Jacobs 2001, James 1971, James and Neal 1986, Kellner Unpublished, Kennedy and White 1997, Martin and Finch 1995, Robbins and Easterla 1992, Robinson and others 1999, Thompson 1995, Thompson and Fritzell 1990, Thompson and others 1996, USDA FS 1997ANHC 2003, Annand and Thompson 1997, Baerg 1927, Clawson 1982, Crump and Davis 2003, Duzan and others 2003, 2003A, Evans and Kirkman 1980, Finch 1991, Finch and Stangel 1993, Fitzgerald 2000, Hamel 1992, Hopp and others 1995, Jacobs 2001, James 1971, James and Neal 1986, Kellner Unpublished, Kennedy and White 1997, Martin and Finch 1995, Robbins and Easterla 1992, Robinson and others 1999, Thompson 1995, Thompson and Fritzell 1990, Thompson and others 1996, USDA FS 1997ANHC 2003, Annand and Thompson 1997, Baerg 1927, Clawson 1982, Crump and Davis 2003, Duzan and others 2003, 2003A, Evans and Kirkman 1980, Finch 1991, Finch and Stangel 1993, Fitzgerald 2000, Hamel 1992, Hopp and others 1995, Jacobs 2001, James 1971, James and Neal 1986, Kellner Unpublished, Kennedy and White 1997, Martin and Finch 1995, Robbins and Easterla 1992, Robinson and others 1999, Thompson 1995, Thompson and Fritzell 1990, Thompson and others 1996, USDA FS 1997DLVAL 0ZANHI 2003, Anderson, J.D. 1965, Anderson, P. 1965, Black and Dellinger 1938, Brussock and Brown 1982, Conant and Collins 1991, Cope 1886, Cope 1887, Crump 2003, Crump 2003A, 2003C, 2003D, 2003H, Dowling 1956, Hurter and Strecker 1909, Hutcherson and others 1989, Johnson 1977, McAllister and others 1995d, McDaniel 1975, McDaniel and Saugey 1977, Noble and Marshall 1929, Nyman and others 1993, Peterson and others 1992, Petranka 1998, Reagan 1974a, Schmidt 1953, Spotila and Beumer 1970, Stejneger and Barbour 1917, Strecker 1924, Taylor 1935, Tihen 1958, Trapp 1956 (1957, Trapp 1959, Trauth and others 2004, Trauth 1980b, Trauth 2000, Trauth and others 1989b, Trauth and Cartwright 1989, Turnipseed and Gallagher 1991, USDA FS 1999, Wilson 1995ANHC 2003, Annand and Thompson 1997, Baerg 1927, Clawson 1982, Crump and Davis 2003, Duzan and others 2003, 2003A, Evans and Kirkman 1980, Finch 1991, Finch and Stangel 1993, Fitzgerald 2000, Hamel 1992, Hopp and others 1995, Jacobs 2001, James 1971, James and Neal 1986, Kellner Unpublished, Kennedy and White 1997, Martin and Finch 1995, Robbins and Easterla 1992, Robinson and others 1999, Thompson 1995, Thompson and Fritzell 1990, Thompson and others 1996, USDA FS 1997ANHC 2003, Clawson 1982, Crump and Davis 2003, Duzan and others 2003, 2003A, Evans and Kirkman 1980, Fitzgerald 2000, Hamel 1992, Jacobs 2001, James and Neal 1986, Martin and Finch 1995, Robbins and Easterla 1992, Withgott and Smith 1998ANHC 2003, Annand and Thompson 1997, Baerg 1927, Clawson 1982, Crump and Davis 2003, Duzan and others 2003, 2003A, Evans and Kirkman 1980, Finch 1991, Finch and Stangel 1993, Fitzgerald 2000, Hamel 1992, Jacobs 2001, James 1971, James and Neal 1986, Martin and Finch 1995, Pingjun 1994, Probst and Thompson 1996, Robbins and Easterla 1992, Robinson and others 1995, Rodewald and Smith 1998, Smith and Prather 2000, Thompson 1995, Thompson and Fritzell 1990, Thompson and others 1992, 1995, 1996, Wilson and others 1995, Whitehead and Taylor 2002 LVAL* ANHI 2003, Anderson, J.D. 1965, Anderson, P. 1965, Black and Dellinger 1938, Brussock and Brown 1982, Conant and Collins 1991, Cope 1886, Cope 1887, Crump 2003, Crump 2003A, 2003C, 2003D, 2003H, Dowling 1956, Hurter and Strecker 1909, Hutcherson and others 1989, Johnson 1977, McAllister and others 1995d, McDaniel 1975, McDaniel and Saugey 1977, Noble and Marshall 1929, Nyman and others 1993, Peterson and others 1992, Petranka 1998, Reagan 1974a, Schmidt 1953, Spotila and Beumer 1970, Stejneger and Barbour 1917, Strecker 1924, Taylor 1935, Tihen 1958, Trapp 1956 (1957, Trapp 1959, Trauth and others 2004, Trauth 1980b, Trauth 2000, Trauth and others 1989b, Trauth and Cartwright 1989, Turnipseed and Gallagher 1991, USDA FS 1999, Wilson 1995LVAL Habitat information is based on descriptions in site records from Oklahoma Natural Heritage Inventory database (2003), Arkansas Natural Heritage Inventory database (2003), Ozark St. Francis NF, PETS Core Pilot Project dataset, the  Amorpha Ouachitensis Status Report (USFWS,1980), and Wilbur, R.L.,1975. A Revision of the North American genus Amorpha (Leguminosae-Psoraleae).Rhodora 77-337-409. Plant Viability Evaluation Meetings: Plant Conference Call, June 4, 2003, Ozark NF, Attendees: Mike Brod, Theo Witsell, Scott Simon, discussion on list of species for the Ozark-St. Francis NF. Plant Meeting, June 17, 2003 in Hector, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks and Mike Brod, reviewed the database and began developing a process for organizing data. Plant Meeting, June 23, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, Jeff Holmes, Betty Crump, Steve Osborne began work on targets, key factors and indicators. Plant Meeting, July 8, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Scott Simon, Betty Crump, Jeff Holmes, assigned species to targets and revised some key factors. Plant Meeting, July 15, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, worked on entering species info into database. Plant Meeting, July 18, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, worked on species document as references for the database. Plant Meeting, July 23, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Theo Witsell, reviewed each species and its associated targets. Plant Meeting, August 25, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, and Jeff Holmes, entered final data into the database. =_)p3 n  a . p  O  r ( [ Pi$^<pN$Eo/C'Ozark-Ouachita Pine-Oak Forest/Woodland77&Ozark-Ouachita Pine/Bluestem Woodland55%Ozark-Ouachita Mesic Hardwood Forest44$Ozark-Ouachita Dry-Mesic Oak Forest33#Ozark-Ouachita Dry Oak and Pine Woodland88!Ouachita Montane Oak Forest++ Crowley's Ridge Loess Slope Forest22Lower Mississippi River Riparian Forest77Lower Mississippi River Low Bottomland Forest==Lower Mississippi River High Bottomland Forest>>Lower Mississippi River Dune Woodland and Forest@@Lower Mississippi River Dune Woodland, Pond, and ForestGGLower Mississippi Flatwoods Woodland and Forest??Lower Mississippi Alluvial Plain Grand Prairie>>Cultivated Forest!!Crop LandInterior Highlands Dry Acidic Glade and Barrens??Interior Highlands Calcareous Glade and Barrens??Ozark-Ouachita Prairie and Woodland33Crop LandOzark-Ouachita Prairie and Woodland33West Gulf Coastal Plain Dry Pine-Hardwood FlatwoodsCCOzark-Ouachita Pine/Bluestem Woodland55West Gulf Coastal Plain Pine-Hardwood Forest<<Ozark-Ouachita Pine-Oak Forest.. Ozark-Ouachita Riparian'' Ozark-Ouachita Cliff and Talus.. Caves, Mines, Sinkholes and other Karst Features@@ Ozark-Ouachita Dry Oak and Pine Woodland88Ozark-Ouachita Riparian''VWest Gulf Coastal Plain Red River Floodplain ForestCCVWest Gulf Coastal Plain Large River Floodplain ForestEEVLower Mississippi River High Bottomland Forest>>VLower Mississippi River Low Bottomland Forest==VLower Mississippi River Riparian Forest77VWest Gulf Coastal Plain Seepage Swamp and BaygallAAVLower Mississippi River Dune Woodland, Pond, and ForestGGVLower Mississippi River Bottomland Depression==VWest Gulf Coastal Plain Wet Hardwood Flatwoods>>VWest Gulf Coastal Plain Small Stream/River ForestAAOzark-Ouachita Prairie and Woodland@ ?3`Shrubland Guild Habitat@u 3'2Forested-Dry Upland Hardwood & Hardwood/Pine Guild HabitatJJ2Forested-Dense or Semi-open Pine Guild Habitat>>2Forested-Bottomland Hardwood Guild Habitat::2Oak Woodlands Guild Habitat++2Ouachita Pine-Oak Woodland**2Grass/Forb Guild Habitat((2Shrubland Guild Habitat'')Ouachita Pine/Bluestem Woodland and Guild Habitatp@u MA(Ouachita Pine/Bluestem Woodland and Guild Habitat\@u MAOzark-Ouachita Pine/Bluestem Woodland@u A5Delphinium newtonianumHt BQ2&Oak Woodlands Guild Habitat @s 7+Grass/Forb Guild Habitat@ @r 4(&Ponds, Lakes, and Water Holes@r 9-%Pasture Land@q (Ptilimnium nodosumAquatic T & E="Ouachita Riparian8 @q -!Central Interior Acidic Cliff and Talus6 @p C7Ouachita Mesic Hardwood Forest and Guild Habitat @n L@LVALHabitat information is based on descriptions in site records from Oklahoma Natural Heritage Inventory database (2003) and Arkansas Natural Heritage Inventory database (2003) Plant Viability Evaluation Meetings: Plant Conference Call, June 4, 2003, Ozark NF, Attendees: Mike Brod, Theo Witsell, Scott Simon, discussion on list of species for the Ozark-St. Francis NF. Plant Meeting, June 17, 2003 in Hector, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks and Mike Brod, reviewed the database and began developing a process for organizing data. Plant Meeting, June 23, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, Jeff Holmes, Betty Crump, Steve Osborne began work on targets, key factors and indicators. Plant Meeting, July 8, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Scott Simon, Betty Crump, Jeff Holmes, assigned species to targets and revised some key factors. Plant Meeting, July 15, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, worked on entering species info into database. Plant Meeting, July 18, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, worked on species document as references for the database. Plant Meeting, July 23, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Theo Witsell, reviewed each species and its associated targets. Plant Meeting, August 25, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, and Jeff Holmes, entered final data into the database.LVALANHI 2003, Black and Dellinger 1938, Bragg 1942, Burt 1935, Butterfield and others 1989, Conant and Collins 1998, Crump 2003, Crump 2003A, 2003C, 2003D, 2003H, Dowling 1957, Fesperman 1986, Hurter and Streaker 1909, Parker 1947, Smith 1966a, Taylor 1935, Trauth and others 1990, Trauth and others 2004, Turnipseed and Shepherd 1985, USDA FS 1999, Wilson 1995Habitat information is based on descriptions in site records from Oklahoma Natural Heritage Inventory database (2003) and Arkansas Natural Heritage Inventory database (2003). Plant Viability Evaluation Meetings: Plant Conference Call, June 4, 2003, Ozark NF, Attendees: Mike Brod, Theo Witsell, Scott Simon, discussion on list of species for the Ozark-St. Francis NF. Plant Meeting, June 17, 2003 in Hector, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks and Mike Brod, reviewed the database and began developing a process for organizing data. Plant Meeting, June 23, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, Jeff Holmes, Betty Crump, Steve Osborne began work on targets, key factors and indicators. Plant Meeting, July 8, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Scott Simon, Betty Crump, Jeff Holmes, assigned species to targets and revised some key factors. Plant Meeting, July 15, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, worked on entering species info into database. Plant Meeting, July 18, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, worked on species document as references for the database. Plant Meeting, July 23, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Theo Witsell, reviewed each species and its associated targets. Plant Meeting, August 25, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, and Jeff Holmes, entered final data into the database.LVALD Habitat base on information is based on descriptions of site records from Oklahoma Natural Heritage Inventory database (2003), Arkansas Natural Heritage Inventory database (2003) Plant Viability Evaluation Meetings: Plant Conference Call, June 4, 2003, Ozark NF, Attendees: Mike Brod, Theo Witsell, Scott Simon, discussion on list of species for the Ozark-St. Francis NF. Plant Meeting, June 17, 2003 in Hector, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks and Mike Brod, reviewed the database and began developing a process for organizing data. Plant Meeting, June 23, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, Jeff Holmes, Betty Crump, Steve Osborne began work on targets, key factors and indicators. Plant Meeting, July 8, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Scott Simon, Betty Crump, Jeff Holmes, assigned species to targets and revised some key factors. Plant Meeting, July 15, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, worked on entering species info into database. Plant Meeting, July 18, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, worked on species document as references for the database. Plant Meeting, July 23, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Theo Witsell, reviewed each species and its associated targets. Plant Meeting, August 25, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, and Jeff Holmes, entered final data into the database.ANHI 2003, Bacon and Anderson 1976, Black and Dellinger 1938, Byrd and Hanebrink 1974, Collins 1974, Conant and Collins 1991, Conant and Collins 1998, Crump 2003, Crump 2003A, 2003C, 2003D, 2003H, Dowling 1957, Johnson 1977, Plummer 1977f, Plummer and White 1992, Taylor 1935, Trauth and others 1990, Trauth and others 2004, USDA FS 1999, Wilson 1995"LVAL2NatureServe. 2003. NatureServe Explorer: An online encyclopedia of life [web application]. Version 1.8. NatureServe, Arlington, Virginia. Available (Accessed: July 15, 2003 )., Personal comm. With Doug Zollner identified this species as being fire dependent (Fire dependent  Species populations increase with fire management. Species occurs within habitats/ecosystems where fire is a primary ecological process. Species populations decline without fire management). Plant Viability Evaluation Meetings: Plant Conference Call, June 4, 2003, Ozark NF, Attendees: Mike Brod, Theo Witsell, Scott Simon, discussion on list of species for the Ozark-St. Francis NF. Plant Meeting, June 17, 2003 in Hector, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks and Mike Brod, reviewed the database and began developing a process for organizing data. Plant Meeting, June 23, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, Jeff Holmes, Betty Crump, Steve Osborne began work on targets, key factors and indicators. Plant Meeting, July 8, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Scott Simon, Betty Crump, Jeff Holmes, assigned species to targets and revised some key factors. Plant Meeting, July 15, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, worked on entering species info into database. Plant Meeting, July 18, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, worked on species document as references for the database. Plant Meeting, July 23, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Theo Witsell, reviewed each species and its associated targets. Plant Meeting, August 25, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, and Jeff Holmes, entered final data into the database.LVALBQHabitat information is based on descriptions in site records from Oklahoma Natural Heritage Inventory database (2003), Arkansas Natural Heritage Inventory database (2003), the Interim Management Guide for Moore s Delphinium (Gary Tucker 12/14/89 unpublished report), Kral, R. 1983. A report on some rare, threatened or endangered forest related vascular plants of the south. USFS technical publication R8-TP2, Atlanta, GA. Vol. 1: 718 pp., Hardcastle, E. 2003. Ecology and Conservation Genetics of Delphinium newtonianum (Moore s Delphinium) Ranunculaceae, A Rare Endemic of the Interior Highlands. Dissertation, University of Arkansas, and Ozark St. Francis NF PETS Core Pilot Project dataset. Plant Viability Evaluation Meetings: Plant Conference Call, June 4, 2003, Ozark NF, Attendees: Mike Brod, Theo Witsell, Scott Simon, discussion on list of species for the Ozark-St. Francis NF. Plant Meeting, June 17, 2003 in Hector, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks and Mike Brod, reviewed the database and began developing a process for organizing data. Plant Meeting, June 23, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, Jeff Holmes, Betty Crump, Steve Osborne began work on targets, key factors and indicators. Plant Meeting, July 8, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Scott Simon, Betty Crump, Jeff Holmes, assigned species to targets and revised some key factors. Plant Meeting, July 15, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, worked on entering species info into database. Plant Meeting, July 18, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, worked on species document as references for the database. Plant Meeting, July 23, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Theo Witsell, reviewed each species and its associated targets. Plant Meeting, August 25, 2003 in Hot Springs, AR Attendees: Susan Hooks, Mike Brod, and Jeff Holmes, entered final data into the database.6LVALR PANHI 2003, Blair and Lindsay 1965, Crump 2003, Crump 2003A, 2003C, 2003D, 2003H, Duncan and Highton 1979, Highton 1989, McAllister and others 2002, ONHI 2003, Trauth and others 2004, USDA FS 1999, Wilson 1995ANHC 2003, Clawson 1982, Crump and Davis 2003, Duzan and others 2003, 2003A, Evans and Kirkman 1980, Fitzgerald 2000, Hamel 1992, JacobsANHC 2003, Clawson 1982, Crump and Davis 2003, Duzan and others 2003, 2003A, Evans and Kirkman 1980, Finch 1991, Finch and Stangel 1993, Fitzgerald 2000, Hamel 1992, Jacobs 2001, James 1971, James and Neal 1986, Martin and Finch 1995, Robbins and Easterla 1992, Scharf and Kren 1996, Thompson 1995, Thompson and others 1996ANHI 2003, Collins 1993, Crump 2003, Crump 2003A, 2003C, 2003D, 2003H, Fitch 1955, Johnson 1987, Robison and Douglas 1979, Trauth and others 2004, USDA FS 1999, Webb 1970, Wilson 1995ANHI 2003, Collins 1993, Crump 2003, Crump 2003A, 2003C, 2003D, 2003H, Johnson 2000, McAllister 1987a, ONHI 2003, Trauth and others 2004, USDA FS 1999, Webb 1970, Wilson 1995ANHI 2003, Albritton 1981, Ball 1980, Bonati 1980, Crump 2003, Crump 2003A, 2003C, 2003D, 2003H, Dellinger and Black 1938, Dowling 1957, Ernst 1992, Fitch 1985, Fitch and Pisani 1993, Klauber 1956, Martin 1981, Minton and Minton 1948, Ortenburger 1929, Parker 1947, Perkins 1928, Perkins and Lentz 1932, Schuier and others 1972, Schwardt 1938, Stone 1904, Strecker 1924, Trauth and others 2004, Trauth 1986b, Trauth and Cochran 1992, USDA FS 1999, Vance 1987, Wilson 1995' >e<  D  z 2 _ # ~ . o  Rj-y=n1|@k; ~Bz4VlOzark-Ouachita Prairie and Woodland33kLower Mississippi River High Bottomland Forest>>jLower Mississippi River Low Bottomland Forest==iWest Gulf Coastal Plain Mesic Hardwood Forest==hWest Gulf Coastal Plain Pine-Hardwood Forest<<gOzark-Ouachita Mesic Hardwood Forest44.fOzark-Ouachita Dry-Mesic Oak Forest33.eOzark-Ouachita Mesic Hardwood Forest44'dWest Gulf Coastal Plain Calcareous Prairie and WoodlandGGLcOzark-Ouachita Riparian''bOzark-Ouachita Riparian''!aOzark-Ouachita Dry-Mesic Oak Forest33!`Ozark-Ouachita Mesic Hardwood Forest44_Ozark-Ouachita Cliff and Talus..8^Pasture Land7]Ozark-Ouachita Prairie and Woodland33#[Ozark-Ouachita Dry-Mesic Oak Forest33#ZOzark-Ouachita Mesic Hardwood Forest44"YOzark-Ouachita Dry-Mesic Oak Forest33"XOzark-Ouachita Mesic Hardwood Forest44`WCaves, Mines, Sinkholes and other Karst Features@@ VCaves, Mines, Sinkholes and other Karst Features@@UOzark-Ouachita Mesic Hardwood Forest44TOzark-Ouachita Dry-Mesic Oak Forest33SOzark-Ouachita Dry Oak and Pine Woodland88ROzark-Ouachita Pine-Oak Forest..BQOzark-Ouachita Dry-Mesic Oak Forest33BPOzark-Ouachita Mesic Hardwood Forest44NOzark-Ouachita Pine-Oak Forest..MOzark-Ouachita Mesic Hardwood Forest44LOzark-Ouachita Pine-Oak Forest..KOzark-Ouachita Mesic Hardwood Forest44JJOzark-Ouachita Dry Oak and Pine Woodland88-IOzark-Ouachita Prairie and Woodland33-HWest Gulf Coastal Plain Calcareous Prairie and WoodlandGG$GWest Gulf Coastal Plain Calcareous Prairie and WoodlandGG$ELower Mississippi Alluvial Plain Grand Prairie>>$DOzark-Ouachita Prairie and Woodland33%COzark-Ouachita Prairie and Woodland33%BWest Gulf Coastal Plain Calcareous Prairie and WoodlandGG>AOzark-Ouachita Riparian''0@Ozark-Ouachita Dry Oak Woodland//+?Ozark-Ouachita Mesic Hardwood Forest44,=Ozark-Ouachita Prairie and Woodland33;Lower Mississippi River Dune Woodland, Pond, and ForestGG:Lower Mississippi River High Bottomland Forest>>9Ozark-Ouachita Prairie and Woodland338Interior Highlands Calcareous Glade and Barrens??7West Gulf Coastal Plain Calcareous Prairie and WoodlandGG6Ozark-Ouachita Prairie and Woodland335Ozark-Ouachita Pine/Bluestem Woodland553Interior Highlands Dry Acidic Glade and Barrens??2Ozark-Ouachita Cliff and Talus..1Caves, Mines, Sinkholes and other Karst Features@@0Ozark-Ouachita Riparian''Y/Lower Mississippi Flatwoods Woodland and Forest??Y.West Gulf Coastal Plain Red River Floodplain ForestCCY-West Gulf Coastal Plain Large River Floodplain ForestEEY,Lower Mississippi River High Bottomland Forest>>Y+Lower Mississippi River Low Bottomland Forest==*Pasture Land)Ozark-Ouachita Riparian'' =i9 V ^  H T  t 7 h  A z*GH }6v&z3cOzark-Ouachita Mesic Hardwood Forest446Ozark-Ouachita Prairie and Woodland335Southeastern Great Plains Tallgrass Prairie;;5Arkansas Valley Prairie and Woodland445Lower Mississippi Alluvial Plain Grand Prairie>>:West Gulf Coastal Plain Red River Floodplain ForestCC:Lower Mississippi River High Bottomland Forest>>GOzark-Ouachita Dry-Mesic Oak Forest33GOzark-Ouachita Dry Oak Woodland//2Ozark-Ouachita Dry Oak Woodland//2Central Interior Highlands Dry Acidic Glade and BarrensGG1Ozark-Ouachita Dry Oak Woodland//3Ozark-Ouachita Dry Oak Woodland//3Central Interior Highlands Dry Acidic Glade and BarrensGGEWest Gulf Coastal Plain Wet Hardwood Flatwoods>>EOzark-Ouachita Mesic Hardwood Forest44DWest Gulf Coastal Plain Calcareous Prairie and WoodlandGGDOzark-Ouachita Pine-Bluestem Woodland55DOzark-Ouachita Dry Oak and Pine Woodland88/West Gulf Coastal Plain Small Stream/River ForestAA/Ozark-Ouachita Riparian'';Southeastern Great Plains Tallgrass Prairie;;;West Gulf Coastal Plain Calcareous Prairie::;Central Interior Highlands Dry Acidic Glade and BarrensGG;Central Interior Highlands Dry Acidic Glade and BarrensGG=Central Interior Highlands Calcareous Glade and BarrensGG=Central Interior Highlands Dry Acidic Glade and BarrensGG=Ouachita Novaculite Glade and Woodland66?Ozark-Ouachita Large Floodplain//@West Gulf Coastal Plain Small Stream/River ForestAA@Ozark-Ouachita Riparian''0West Gulf Coastal Plain Sandhill Oak and Shortleaf Pine Forest and Woodland[[Caves, Mines, Sinkholes and other Karst Features@@\Caves, Mines, Sinkholes and other Karst Features@@]Caves, Mines, Sinkholes and other Karst Features@@Ozark-Ouachita Mesic Hardwood Forest44Ozark-Ouachita Mesic Hardwood Forest44Ozark-Ouachita Large Floodplain//Ozark-Ouachita Large Floodplain// Ozark-Ouachita Large Floodplain// Ozark-Ouachita Large Floodplain//Ozark-Ouachita Large Floodplain//Ozark-Ouachita Large Floodplain// Interior Highlands Calcareous Glade and Barrens??~Ozark-Ouachita Dry-Mesic Oak Forest33}Lower Mississippi River High Bottomland Forest>>|Ozark-Ouachita Mesic Hardwood Forest44^{Caves, Mines, Sinkholes and other Karst Features@@_zCaves, Mines, Sinkholes and other Karst Features@@yOzark-Ouachita Mesic Hardwood Forest44xLower Mississippi River High Bottomland Forest>>wOzark-Ouachita Mesic Hardwood Forest44vOzark-Ouachita Cliff and Talus..KuOzark-Ouachita Riparian''MtLower Mississippi Alluvial Plain Grand Prairie>>MrOzark-Ouachita Prairie and Woodland33&qOzark-Ouachita Riparian''pOzark-Ouachita Riparian''oOzark-Ouachita Riparian''nOzark-Ouachita Riparian''mOzark-Ouachita Cliff and Talus.. 5s#a z 4 g  Q  x $ m  s.Mg \ q&P ed|<Ouachita Montane Oak Forestn@ 7+<Interior Highlands Dry Acidic Glade and Barrensn@ K?<Interior Highlands Calcareous Glade and Barrensn@ K?<Ozark-Ouachita Prairie and Woodlandn@ ?3;West Gulf Coastal Plain Sandhill Oak and Shortleaf Pine Forest and Woodland@ g[;West Gulf Coastal Plain Saline Glade@ @4;West Gulf Coastal Plain Nepheline Syenite Glade@ K?;West Gulf Coastal Plain Mesic Hardwood Forest@ I=;Ozark-Ouachita Pine-Oak Woodland@ <0;Ozark-Ouachita Pine/Bluestem Woodland@ A5;Ozark-Ouachita Dry-Mesic Oak Forest@ ?3;Ozark-Ouachita Dry Oak Woodland@ ;/;Ouachita Novaculite Glade and Woodland@ B6;Ouachita Montane Oak Forest@ 7+;Mississippi River Alluvial Plain Loess Slope Forest@ OC;Lower Mississippi River High Bottomland Forest@ J>;Lower Mississippi Alluvial Plain Grand Prairie@ J>;Central Interior Highlands Dry Acidic Glade and Barrens@  SG;Central Interior Highlands Calcareous Glade and Barrens@  SG;Arkansas Valley Prairie and Woodland@  @48West Gulf Coastal Plain Pine-Hardwood Flatwoodst@  K?8West Gulf Coastal Plain Saline Gladet@  @48West Gulf Coastal Plain Pine-Hardwood Flatwoodst@ K?8West Gulf Coastal Plain Calcareous Prairie and Woodlandt@ SG8Pasture Landt@ (8Ozark-Ouachita Pine-Oak Woodlandt@ <08Ozark-Ouachita Pine/Bluestem Woodlandt@ A58Lower Mississippi River Dune Woodland, Pond, and Forestt@ SG8Lower Mississippi Flatwoods Woodland and Forestt@ K?8Lower Mississippi Alluvial Plain Grand Prairiet@ J>8Cultivated Forestt@ -!8Crop Landt@ %8Interior Highlands Dry Acidic Glade and Barrenst@ K?8Ozark-Ouachita Prairie and Woodlandt@ ?36West Gulf Coastal Plain Wet Hardwood Flatwoods>>6West Gulf Coastal Plain Small Stream/River ForestAA6West Gulf Coastal Plain Red River Floodplain ForestCC6West Gulf Coastal Plain Large River Floodplain ForestEE6Ozark-Ouachita Riparian''6Mississippi River Alluvial Plain Loess Slope ForestCC6Lower Mississippi River Riparian Forest776Lower Mississippi River Low Bottomland Forest==6Lower Mississippi River High Bottomland Forest>>6Lower Mississippi River Bottomland Depression==6Arkansas Valley Prairie and Woodland449West Gulf Coastal Plain Seepage Swamp and BaygallAAHWest Gulf Coastal Plain Sandhill Oak and Shortleaf Pine Forest/WoodlandWW4Ozark-Ouachita Pine-Oak Woodland004Ozark-Ouachita Pine-Oak Woodland004Central Interior Highlands Dry Acidic Glade and BarrensGG4Central Interior Highlands Dry Acidic Glade and BarrensGGALower Mississippi River High Bottomland Forest>>ALower Mississippi River Low Bottomland Forest== 7ZY  ~ 5 = u   I  `  Fd.[z2o)HP }64West Gulf Coastal Plain Red River Floodplain ForestCC3West Gulf Coastal Plain Large River Floodplain ForestEE2Lower Mississippi River High Bottomland Forest>>1Lower Mississippi River Low Bottomland Forest==0Lower Mississippi River Bottomland Depression==/Lower Mississippi Alluvial Plain Grand Prairie>>.West Gulf Coastal Plain Small Stream/River ForestAA-Ozark-Ouachita Riparian'',Ponds, Lakes, and Water Holes--+Lower Mississippi Flatwoods Woodland and Forest??*West Gulf Coastal Plain Red River Floodplain ForestCC)West Gulf Coastal Plain Large River Floodplain ForestEE(Lower Mississippi River High Bottomland Forest>>'Lower Mississippi River Low Bottomland Forest==&Lower Mississippi River Bottomland Depression==%Lower Mississippi Alluvial Plain Grand Prairie>>$Ponds, Lakes, and Water Holes--#Lower Mississippi Flatwoods Woodland and Forest??"West Gulf Coastal Plain Red River Floodplain ForestCC!West Gulf Coastal Plain Large River Floodplain ForestEE Lower Mississippi River High Bottomland Forest>>Lower Mississippi River Low Bottomland Forest==Lower Mississippi River Bottomland Depression==Lower Mississippi Alluvial Plain Grand Prairie>>~Ponds, Lakes, and Water Holes--~Lower Mississippi Flatwoods Woodland and Forest??~West Gulf Coastal Plain Red River Floodplain ForestCC~West Gulf Coastal Plain Large River Floodplain ForestEE~Lower Mississippi River High Bottomland Forest>>~Lower Mississippi River Low Bottomland Forest==~Lower Mississippi River Bottomland Depression==~Lower Mississippi Alluvial Plain Grand Prairie>>}Ponds, Lakes, and Water Holes--|Ponds, Lakes, and Water Holes--|Lower Mississippi Alluvial Plain Grand Prairie>>{Ponds, Lakes, and Water Holes--zPonds, Lakes, and Water Holes--yPonds, Lakes, and Water Holes--Ozark-Ouachita Pine-Oak Forest..= Urban/Suburbann@, *= West Gulf Coastal Plain Small Stream/River Forestn@# MA= West Gulf Coastal Plain Sandhill Oak and Shortleaf Pine Forest and Woodlandn@# g[= West Gulf Coastal Plain Red River Floodplain Forestn@# OC= West Gulf Coastal Plain Mesic Hardwood Forestn@# I==West Gulf Coastal Plain Large River Floodplain Forestn@# QE=Ozark-Ouachita Pine-Oak Forest/Woodlandn@" C7=Ozark-Ouachita Mesic Hardwood Forestn@" @4=Ozark-Ouachita Dry-Mesic Oak Forestn@" ?3=Crowley's Ridge Loess Slope Forestn@" >2=Lower Mississippi River Riparian Forestn@" C7=Lower Mississippi River Low Bottomland Forestn@ I==Lower Mississippi River High Bottomland Forestn@ J>=Lower Mississippi River Dune Woodland, Pond, and Forestn@ SG=Lower Mississippi River Bottomland Depressionn@ I==Lower Mississippi Flatwoods Woodland and Forest@ K? @[[ A `  y 2 W k I XmH&yT 9\ r,7_/xLower Mississippi Alluvial Plain Grand Prairie>>wArkansas Valley Prairie and Woodland44vOzark-Ouachita Riparian''uCrop LandtPasture LandsWest Gulf Coastal Plain Wet Hardwood Flatwoods>>rWest Gulf Coastal Plain Small Stream/River ForestAAqWest Gulf Coastal Plain Sandhill Oak and Shortleaf Pine Forest and Woodland[[pWest Gulf Coastal Plain Red River Floodplain ForestCCoWest Gulf Coastal Plain Pine-Hardwood Forest<<nWest Gulf Coastal Plain Mesic Hardwood Forest==mWest Gulf Coastal Plain Large River Floodplain ForestEElWest Gulf Coastal Plain Dry Pine-Hardwood FlatwoodsCCkWest Gulf Coastal Plain Calcareous Prairie and WoodlandGGiOzark-Ouachita Large Floodplain//hPasture LandgLower Mississippi River Riparian Forest77fLower Mississippi River Riparian Forest77eLower Mississippi River Low Bottomland Forest==dLower Mississippi River High Bottomland Forest>>cLower Mississippi River Bottomland Depression==bLower Mississippi Flatwoods Woodland and Forest??aPasture Land`Crop Land^Ozark-Ouachita Dry Oak and Pine Woodland88]Pasture Land\Pasture Land[Crop LandYPasture LandXOzark-Ouachita Riparian''VOzark-Ouachita Pine-Oak Forest/Woodland77UOzark-Ouachita Pine/Bluestem Woodland55TOzark-Ouachita Mesic Hardwood Forest44SOuachita Montane Oak Forest++ROuachita Mountain Forested Seep//QCaves, Mines, Sinkholes and other Karst Features@@POzark-Ouachita Prairie and Woodland33BOCrop LandNPonds, Lakes, and Water Holes--MCrop LandLLower Mississippi Flatwoods Woodland and Forest??KWest Gulf Coastal Plain Red River Floodplain ForestCCJWest Gulf Coastal Plain Large River Floodplain ForestEEILower Mississippi River High Bottomland Forest>>HLower Mississippi River Low Bottomland Forest==GLower Mississippi Alluvial Plain Grand Prairie>>FWest Gulf Coastal Plain Wet Hardwood Flatwoods>>EPonds, Lakes, and Water Holes--DCrop LandCLower Mississippi Flatwoods Woodland and Forest??BWest Gulf Coastal Plain Red River Floodplain ForestCCAWest Gulf Coastal Plain Large River Floodplain ForestEE@Lower Mississippi River High Bottomland Forest>>?Lower Mississippi River Low Bottomland Forest==>Lower Mississippi River Bottomland Depression===Lower Mississippi Alluvial Plain Grand Prairie>><West Gulf Coastal Plain Wet Hardwood Flatwoods>>;Ponds, Lakes, and Water Holes--:Ponds, Lakes, and Water Holes--9West Gulf Coastal Plain Large River Floodplain ForestEE8Lower Mississippi River Low Bottomland Forest==7Ponds, Lakes, and Water Holes--6Urban/Suburban5Lower Mississippi Flatwoods Woodland and Forest?? AyT2W  ~ 4 `  ; b  Y # b^(d.g#Nv@mH&o(Lower Mississippi Alluvial Plain Grand Prairie>>Ozark-Ouachita Prairie and Woodland33West Gulf Coastal Plain Wet Hardwood Flatwoods>>West Gulf Coastal Plain Small Stream/River ForestAAOzark-Ouachita Mesic Hardwood Forest44Ozark-Ouachita Riparian''Crop LandPasture LandWest Gulf Coastal Plain Calcareous Prairie and WoodlandGGLower Mississippi Alluvial Plain Grand Prairie>>Ozark-Ouachita Prairie and Woodland33Ponds, Lakes, and Water Holes--Ponds, Lakes, and Water Holes--Ponds, Lakes, and Water Holes--Ponds, Lakes, and Water Holes--Ponds, Lakes, and Water Holes--Ponds, Lakes, and Water Holes--Ponds, Lakes, and Water Holes--Crop LandCrop LandPasture LandSoutheastern Great Plains Tallgrass Prairie;;West Gulf Coastal Plain Calcareous Prairie::Lower Mississippi Alluvial Plain Grand Prairie>>Arkansas Valley Prairie and Woodland44Ponds, Lakes, and Water Holes--Ponds, Lakes, and Water Holes--Ponds, Lakes, and Water Holes--Ponds, Lakes, and Water Holes--Crop LandPonds, Lakes, and Water Holes--Ponds, Lakes, and Water Holes--Crop LandPasture LandSoutheastern Great Plains Tallgrass Prairie;;West Gulf Coastal Plain Calcareous Prairie::Lower Mississippi Alluvial Plain Grand Prairie>>Arkansas Valley Prairie and Woodland44Ozark-Ouachita Mesic Hardwood Forest44Ponds, Lakes, and Water Holes--Urban/SuburbanLower Mississippi Flatwoods Woodland and Forest??West Gulf Coastal Plain Red River Floodplain ForestCCWest Gulf Coastal Plain Large River Floodplain ForestEELower Mississippi River High Bottomland Forest>>Lower Mississippi River Low Bottomland Forest==West Gulf Coastal Plain Dry Pine-Hardwood FlatwoodsCCWest Gulf Coastal Plain Seepage Swamp and BaygallAAWest Gulf Coastal Plain Mesic Hardwood Forest==Mississippi River Alluvial Plain Loess Slope ForestCCLower Mississippi River Dune Woodland and Forest@@Lower Mississippi River Bottomland Depression==Lower Mississippi Alluvial Plain Grand Prairie>>West Gulf Coastal Plain Wet Hardwood Flatwoods>>West Gulf Coastal Plain Small Stream/River ForestAAWest Gulf Coastal Plain Pine-Hardwood Forest<<Lower Mississippi Flatwoods Woodland and Forest??West Gulf Coastal Plain Red River Floodplain ForestCCWest Gulf Coastal Plain Large River Floodplain ForestEELower Mississippi River High Bottomland Forest>>~Lower Mississippi River Low Bottomland Forest==|Crop Land{Pasture LandzSoutheastern Great Plains Tallgrass Prairie;;yWest Gulf Coastal Plain Calcareous Prairie::6 =j/M r & a - T  A  I  x(4[ yO(ar+]C>Ozark-Ouachita Pine/Bluestem Woodland55>West Gulf Coastal Plain Wet Hardwood Flatwoods>>>West Gulf Coastal Plain Small Stream/River ForestAA?West Gulf Coastal Plain Dry Pine-Hardwood FlatwoodsCC?West Gulf Coastal Plain Pine-Hardwood Forest<<>Ouachita Novaculite Glade and Woodland66Crop LandPasture LandSoutheastern Great Plains Tallgrass Prairie;;West Gulf Coastal Plain Calcareous Prairie::Lower Mississippi Alluvial Plain Grand Prairie>>Arkansas Valley Prairie and Woodland44Urban/SuburbanCrop LandPasture LandSoutheastern Great Plains Tallgrass Prairie;;West Gulf Coastal Plain Calcareous Prairie::Lower Mississippi Alluvial Plain Grand Prairie>>Arkansas Valley Prairie and Woodland44Urban/SuburbanCultivated Forest!!Lower Mississippi Flatwoods Woodland and Forest??West Gulf Coastal Plain Red River Floodplain ForestCCWest Gulf Coastal Plain Large River Floodplain ForestEELower Mississippi River High Bottomland Forest>>Lower Mississippi River Low Bottomland Forest==West Gulf Coastal Plain Dry Pine-Hardwood FlatwoodsCCWest Gulf Coastal Plain Sandhill Oak and Shortleaf Pine Forest and Woodland[[West Gulf Coastal Plain Seepage Swamp and BaygallAAWest Gulf Coastal Plain Mesic Hardwood Forest==West Gulf Coastal Plain Calcareous Prairie and WoodlandGGCrowley's Ridge Loess Slope Forest22Lower Mississippi River Dune Woodland, Pond, and ForestGGLower Mississippi River Bottomland Depression==Lower Mississippi Alluvial Plain Grand Prairie>>Ozark-Ouachita Prairie and Woodland33Ozark-Ouachita Pine-Oak Forest..Ozark-Ouachita Pine/Bluestem Woodland55West Gulf Coastal Plain Wet Hardwood Flatwoods>>West Gulf Coastal Plain Small Stream/River ForestAAWest Gulf Coastal Plain Pine-Hardwood Forest<<Ozark-Ouachita Mesic Hardwood Forest44Ozark-Ouachita Dry-Mesic Oak Forest33Ozark-Ouachita Dry Oak Woodland//Ozark-Ouachita Riparian''Ozark-Ouachita Forested Seep,,Ouachita Montane Oak Forest++Ponds, Lakes, and Water Holes--Crop LandPasture LandLower Mississippi Flatwoods Woodland and Forest??West Gulf Coastal Plain Red River Floodplain ForestCCWest Gulf Coastal Plain Large River Floodplain ForestEELower Mississippi River High Bottomland Forest>>Lower Mississippi River Low Bottomland Forest==West Gulf Coastal Plain Dry Pine-Hardwood FlatwoodsCCWest Gulf Coastal Plain Mesic Hardwood Forest==West Gulf Coastal Plain Calcareous Prairie and WoodlandGGCrowley's Ridge Loess Slope Forest22Lower Mississippi River Dune Woodland, Pond, and ForestGGLower Mississippi River Bottomland Depression==- =CM l $ z * Y 4  ?  A  28p$Id-i,s7w>H=Mississippi River Alluvial Plain Loess Slope ForestCCH<Arkansas Valley Prairie and Woodland44H;Ozark-Ouachita Pine-Oak Woodland00H:Ozark-Ouachita Pine/Bluestem Woodland55H9West Gulf Coastal Plain Pine-Hardwood Forest<<H8Ozark-Ouachita Mesic Hardwood Forest44H7Ozark-Ouachita Dry-Mesic Oak Forest336Ozark-Ouachita Riparian''5Central Interior Highlands Calcareous Glade and BarrensGG4Ozark-Ouachita Pine-Oak Woodland003Ozark-Ouachita Mesic Hardwood Forest442Ozark-Ouachita Dry-Mesic Oak Forest331Ozark-Ouachita Dry Oak Woodland//0Central Interior Highlands Dry Acidic Glade and BarrensGG/Ozark-Ouachita Pine-Oak Forest..F.Urban/SuburbanF-Cultivated Forest!!F,Lower Mississippi Flatwoods Woodland and Forest??F+West Gulf Coastal Plain Red River Floodplain ForestCCF*West Gulf Coastal Plain Large River Floodplain ForestEEF)Lower Mississippi River High Bottomland Forest>>F(Lower Mississippi River Low Bottomland Forest==F'West Gulf Coastal Plain Dry Pine-Hardwood FlatwoodsCCF&West Gulf Coastal Plain Mesic Hardwood Forest==F%Crowley's Ridge Loess Slope Forest22F$West Gulf Coastal Plain Wet Hardwood Flatwoods>>F#West Gulf Coastal Plain Small Stream/River ForestAAF"West Gulf Coastal Plain Pine-Hardwood Forest<<F!Ouachita Montane Oak Forest++F Ozark-Ouachita Pine-Oak Forest..West Gulf Coastal Plain Calcareous Prairie and WoodlandGGLower Mississippi Alluvial Plain Grand Prairie>>Ozark-Ouachita Prairie and Woodland33EOzark-Ouachita Prairie and Woodland33EInterior Highlands Dry Acidic Glade and Barrens??DWest Gulf Coastal Plain Dry Pine-Hardwood FlatwoodsCCDWest Gulf Coastal Plain Pine-Hardwood Forest<<Pasture LandWest Gulf Coastal Plain Calcareous Prairie and WoodlandGGLower Mississippi Alluvial Plain Grand Prairie>>Ozark-Ouachita Prairie and Woodland33UCrop LandUPasture LandUOzark-Ouachita Cliff and Talus..UU Lower Mississippi Alluvial Plain Grand Prairie>>U Ozark-Ouachita Prairie and Woodland33 West Gulf Coastal Plain Calcareous Prairie and WoodlandGG Lower Mississippi Alluvial Plain Grand Prairie>>Ozark-Ouachita Prairie and Woodland33>Urban/Suburban>Lower Mississippi Flatwoods Woodland and Forest??>West Gulf Coastal Plain Red River Floodplain ForestCC>West Gulf Coastal Plain Large River Floodplain ForestEE>Lower Mississippi River High Bottomland Forest>>>Lower Mississippi River Low Bottomland Forest==>West Gulf Coastal Plain Sandhill Oak and Shortleaf Pine Forest and Woodland[[>Mississippi River Alluvial Plain Loess Slope ForestCC>Lower Mississippi Alluvial Plain Grand Prairie>>>Arkansas Valley Prairie and Woodland44>Ozark-Ouachita Pine-Oak Woodland00 ;Y L < e  > < d  RpFHu'iBt.S^*|Ozark-Ouachita Dry-Mesic Oak Forest33{Ozark-Ouachita Dry Oak Woodland//zOzark-Ouachita Riparian''yOuachita Montane Oak Forest++xOzark-Ouachita Pine-Oak Forest..OwCultivated Forest!!OvLower Mississippi Flatwoods Woodland and Forest??OuWest Gulf Coastal Plain Red River Floodplain ForestCCOtWest Gulf Coastal Plain Large River Floodplain ForestEEOsLower Mississippi River High Bottomland Forest>>OrLower Mississippi River Low Bottomland Forest==OqWest Gulf Coastal Plain Mesic Hardwood Forest==OpMississippi River Alluvial Plain Loess Slope ForestCCOoOzark-Ouachita Mesic Hardwood Forest44OnWest Gulf Coastal Plain Pine-Hardwood Forest<<NmUrban/SuburbanNlCultivated Forest!!NkLower Mississippi Flatwoods Woodland and Forest??NjWest Gulf Coastal Plain Red River Floodplain ForestCCNiWest Gulf Coastal Plain Large River Floodplain ForestEENhLower Mississippi River High Bottomland Forest>>NgLower Mississippi River Low Bottomland Forest==NfWest Gulf Coastal Plain Mesic Hardwood Forest==NeMississippi River Alluvial Plain Loess Slope ForestCCNdOzark-Ouachita Mesic Hardwood Forest44NcWest Gulf Coastal Plain Pine-Hardwood Forest<<MbOzark-Ouachita Riparian''MaCultivated Forest!!M`Lower Mississippi Flatwoods Woodland and Forest??M_West Gulf Coastal Plain Red River Floodplain ForestCCM^West Gulf Coastal Plain Large River Floodplain ForestEEM]Lower Mississippi River High Bottomland Forest>>M\West Gulf Coastal Plain Mesic Hardwood Forest==M[Crowley's Ridge Loess Slope Forest22MZWest Gulf Coastal Plain Small Stream/River ForestAAYLower Mississippi River Bottomland Depression==LXWest Gulf Coastal Plain Mesic Hardwood Forest==LWMississippi River Alluvial Plain Loess Slope ForestCCLVWest Gulf Coastal Plain Pine-Hardwood Forest<<LUOzark-Ouachita Mesic Hardwood Forest44LTOuachita Mountain Forested Seep//KSLower Mississippi Flatwoods Woodland and Forest??KRWest Gulf Coastal Plain Red River Floodplain ForestCCKQWest Gulf Coastal Plain Large River Floodplain ForestEEKPLower Mississippi River High Bottomland Forest>>KOLower Mississippi River Low Bottomland Forest==KNWest Gulf Coastal Plain Seepage Swamp and BaygallAAKMLower Mississippi River Bottomland Depression==KLWest Gulf Coastal Plain Wet Hardwood Flatwoods>>IKLower Mississippi Flatwoods Woodland and Forest??IHLower Mississippi River High Bottomland Forest>>IGLower Mississippi River Low Bottomland Forest==IECrowley's Ridge Loess Slope Forest22IDOzark-Ouachita Mesic Hardwood Forest44ICOzark-Ouachita Dry-Mesic Oak Forest33HBLower Mississippi Flatwoods Woodland and Forest??HAWest Gulf Coastal Plain Dry Pine-Hardwood FlatwoodsCCH@West Gulf Coastal Plain Sandhill Oak and Shortleaf Pine Forest and Woodland[[H?West Gulf Coastal Plain Calcareous Prairie::H =~4v9 ^ `  B  + m 0 eKlG tO|W5c$R]Lower Mississippi River High Bottomland Forest>>Lower Mississippi River Low Bottomland Forest==Ozark-Ouachita Prairie and Woodland33RPasture LandRCentral Interior Highlands Calcareous Glade and BarrensGGRSoutheastern Great Plains Tallgrass Prairie;;RWest Gulf Coastal Plain Nepheline Syenite Glade??RWest Gulf Coastal Plain Calcareous Prairie::RLower Mississippi Alluvial Plain Grand Prairie>>ROuachita Novaculite Glade and Woodland66RCentral Interior Highlands Dry Acidic Glade and BarrensGGROzark-Ouachita Pine-Oak Woodland00RArkansas Valley Prairie and Woodland@u @4Crop LandPasture LandWest Gulf Coastal Plain Calcareous Prairie and WoodlandGGLower Mississippi Alluvial Plain Grand Prairie>>Ozark-Ouachita Prairie and Woodland33Pasture LandWest Gulf Coastal Plain Calcareous Prairie and WoodlandGGLower Mississippi Alluvial Plain Grand Prairie>>Ozark-Ouachita Prairie and Woodland33Pasture LandWest Gulf Coastal Plain Pine-Hardwood Flatwoods??West Gulf Coastal Plain Calcareous Prairie and WoodlandGGLower Mississippi Alluvial Plain Grand Prairie>>Ozark-Ouachita Prairie and Woodland33Pasture LandCrop LandWest Gulf Coastal Plain Calcareous Prairie and WoodlandGGLower Mississippi Alluvial Plain Grand Prairie>>Ozark-Ouachita Prairie and Woodland33Crop LandCultivated Forest!!West Gulf Coastal Plain Calcareous Prairie::Arkansas Valley Prairie and Woodland44Interior Highlands Dry Acidic Glade and Barrens??PCultivated Forest!!PWest Gulf Coastal Plain Dry Pine-Hardwood FlatwoodsCCPWest Gulf Coastal Plain Sandhill Oak and Shortleaf Pine Forest and Woodland[[POzark-Ouachita Prairie and Woodland33POzark-Ouachita Pine-Oak Woodland00POzark-Ouachita Pine/Bluestem Woodland55PWest Gulf Coastal Plain Pine-Hardwood Forest<<POzark-Ouachita Dry-Mesic Oak Forest33Urban/SuburbanCultivated Forest!!West Gulf Coastal Plain Red River Floodplain ForestCCWest Gulf Coastal Plain Large River Floodplain ForestEEWest Gulf Coastal Plain Dry Pine-Hardwood FlatwoodsCCWest Gulf Coastal Plain Sandhill Oak and Shortleaf Pine Forest and Woodland[[West Gulf Coastal Plain Mesic Hardwood Forest==Mississippi River Alluvial Plain Loess Slope ForestCCLower Mississippi River Dune Woodland and Forest@@Arkansas Valley Prairie and Woodland44Ozark-Ouachita Pine-Oak Woodland00Ozark-Ouachita Pine/Bluestem Woodland55West Gulf Coastal Plain Wet Hardwood Flatwoods>>West Gulf Coastal Plain Small Stream/River ForestAA~West Gulf Coastal Plain Pine-Hardwood Forest<<}Ozark-Ouachita Mesic Hardwood Forest44. ;fE j ! F k " G l # Zb"b"b"b"b*r2r2Lower Mississippi River Riparian Forest77South-Central Interior Large Floodplain77Lower Mississippi River Riparian Forest77South-Central Interior Large Floodplain77Lower Mississippi River Riparian Forest77Lower Mississippi River Riparian Forest77Lower Mississippi River Riparian Forest77Lower Mississippi River Riparian Forest77Ozark-Ouachita Large Floodplain//Lower Mississippi River Riparian Forest77Ozark-Ouachita Large Floodplain//Lower Mississippi River Riparian Forest77South-Central Interior Large Floodplain77Lower Mississippi River Riparian Forest77~South-Central Interior Large Floodplain77~Lower Mississippi River Riparian Forest77{Lower Mississippi River Riparian Forest77yLower Mississippi River Riparian Forest77OSouth-Central Interior Large Floodplain77OLower Mississippi River Riparian Forest77NSouth-Central Interior Large Floodplain77NLower Mississippi River Riparian Forest77MLower Mississippi River Riparian Forest77KSouth-Central Interior Large Floodplain77KLower Mississippi River Riparian Forest77ILower Mississippi River Riparian Forest77FLower Mississippi River Riparian Forest77>South-Central Interior Large Floodplain77>Lower Mississippi River Riparian Forest77=Ozark-Ouachita Large Floodplain//=Lower Mississippi River Riparian Forest776South-Central Interior Large Floodplain776Lower Mississippi River Riparian Forest77Caves, Mines, Sinkholes and other Karst Features@@Caves, Mines, Sinkholes and other Karst Features@@ Caves, Mines, Sinkholes and other Karst Features@@oCaves, Mines, Sinkholes and other Karst Features@@Caves, Mines, Sinkholes and other Karst Features@@Caves, Mines, Sinkholes and other Karst Features@@Caves, Mines, Sinkholes and other Karst Features@@Caves, Mines, Sinkholes and other Karst Features@@Caves, Mines, Sinkholes and other Karst Features@@Caves, Mines, Sinkholes and other Karst Features@@Caves, Mines, Sinkholes and other Karst Features@@Caves, Mines, Sinkholes and other Karst Features@@Caves, Mines, Sinkholes and other Karst Features@@Caves, Mines, Sinkholes and other Karst Features@@Caves, Mines, Sinkholes and other Karst Features@@Caves, Mines, Sinkholes and other Karst Features@@Caves, Mines, Sinkholes and other Karst Features@@ Caves, Mines, Sinkholes and other Karst Features@@Caves, Mines, Sinkholes and other Karst Features@@Caves, Mines, Sinkholes and other Karst Features@@Caves, Mines, Sinkholes and other Karst Features@@Crop LandPasture LandLower Mississippi Flatwoods Woodland and Forest??West Gulf Coastal Plain Red River Floodplain ForestCCWest Gulf Coastal Plain Large River Floodplain ForestEE ?PX M  9  r ( K  P `0: ?w0c(n)Bt$KCentral Interior Highlands Calcareous Glade and BarrensGGJArkansas Valley Prairie and Woodland44IWest Gulf Coastal Plain Calcareous Prairie and WoodlandGGGOzark-Ouachita Pine/Bluestem Woodland55FInterior Highlands Dry Acidic Glade and Barrens??EInterior Highlands Calcareous Glade and Barrens??DLower Mississippi Alluvial Plain Grand Prairie>>COzark-Ouachita Prairie and Woodland33BWest Gulf Coastal Plain Sandhill Oak and Shortleaf Pine Forest and Woodland[[AWest Gulf Coastal Plain Pine-Hardwood Forest<<(=Ozark-Ouachita Prairie and Woodland33<Ponds, Lakes, and Water Holes--9Interior Highlands Calcareous Glade and Barrens??8Crowley's Ridge Loess Slope Forest227Lower Mississippi River Riparian Forest776Lower Mississippi River Low Bottomland Forest==5Lower Mississippi River High Bottomland Forest>>4West Gulf Coastal Plain Wet Hardwood Flatwoods>>3West Gulf Coastal Plain Small Stream/River ForestAA2Ozark-Ouachita Pine/Bluestem Woodland550Ozark-Ouachita Pine-Oak Forest/Woodland77/Caves, Mines, Sinkholes and other Karst Features@@K.West Gulf Coastal Plain Small Stream/River ForestAA:+Ozark-Ouachita Large Floodplain//Y*Ozark-Ouachita Riparian''O(West Gulf Coastal Plain Small Stream/River ForestAAO'Lower Mississippi River Riparian Forest77N&Ozark-Ouachita Riparian''[%Ozark-Ouachita Prairie and Woodland33Z$Ozark-Ouachita Riparian''X#Ozark-Ouachita Riparian''W"Ozark-Ouachita Riparian''R!Ozark-Ouachita Riparian''Q Ozark-Ouachita Riparian''POzark-Ouachita Riparian'')Ozark-Ouachita Riparian''(Ozark-Ouachita Prairie and Woodland33"Ozark-Ouachita Forested Seep,,"Pasture Land"Ozark-Ouachita Forested Seep,,"West Gulf Coastal Plain Seepage Swamp and BaygallAA"Caves, Mines, Sinkholes and other Karst Features@@"West Gulf Coastal Plain Seepage Swamp and BaygallAA"West Gulf Coastal Plain Seepage Swamp and BaygallAA"Caves, Mines, Sinkholes and other Karst Features@@"Caves, Mines, Sinkholes and other Karst Features@@"Ozark-Ouachita Forested Seep,,"West Gulf Coastal Plain Seepage Swamp and BaygallAA"Ozark-Ouachita Riparian''"Ozark-Ouachita Forested Seep,," Ozark-Ouachita Riparian''" Ozark-Ouachita Forested Seep,," Lower Mississippi Alluvial Plain Grand PrairieR@, J> Ozark-Ouachita Large Floodplain// Lower Mississippi River Riparian Forest77South-Central Interior Large Floodplain77Lower Mississippi River Riparian Forest77South-Central Interior Large Floodplain77Ozark-Ouachita Large Floodplain//Lower Mississippi River Riparian Forest77Ozark-Ouachita Large Floodplain//Lower Mississippi River Riparian Forest77Ozark-Ouachita Large Floodplain// >t*W I X  c ( F s ; |Z8q-{>[9t!X3Z9West Gulf Coastal Plain Wet Hardwood Flatwoods>>West Gulf Coastal Plain Small Stream/River ForestAAWest Gulf Coastal Plain Large River Floodplain ForestEELower Mississippi River Bottomland Depression==Lower Mississippi River Low Bottomland Forest==Lower Mississippi River High Bottomland Forest>>Lower Mississippi Flatwoods Woodland and Forest??Lower Mississippi Alluvial Plain Grand Prairie>>West Gulf Coastal Plain Seepage Swamp and BaygallAAqPasture Land3Mud FlatsSandbars in large rivers.@3Ponds, Lakes, and Water Holes--"West Gulf Coastal Plain Seepage Swamp and BaygallAAOzark-Ouachita Mesic Hardwood Forest data gapJ4uOzark-Ouachita Prairie and Woodland33uPasture LandtWest Gulf Coastal Plain Sandhill Oak and Shortleaf Pine Forest and Woodland[[tCrop LandtPasture LandtOzark-Ouachita Prairie and Woodland33sCrop LandsCrowley's Ridge Loess Slope Forest22sPasture LandxOzark-Ouachita Mesic Hardwood Forest44x~Caves, Mines, Sinkholes and other Karst Features@@&}Crop Land&|Lower Mississippi Alluvial Plain Grand Prairie>>&{Southeastern Great Plains Tallgrass Prairie;;&zArkansas Valley Prairie and Woodland44vyWest Gulf Coastal Plain Large River Floodplain ForestEE%vOzark-Ouachita Prairie and Woodland33%uCrop LandqsCrop Land$rOuachita Montane Oak Forest++mqWest Gulf Coastal Plain Pine-Hardwood Forest<<nLower Mississippi River Low Bottomland Forest==mOzark-Ouachita Large Floodplain//lWest Gulf Coastal Plain Large River Floodplain ForestEEkCaves, Mines, Sinkholes and other Karst Features@@rjOzark-Ouachita Prairie and Woodland33kgWest Gulf Coastal Plain Large River Floodplain ForestEEkfWest Gulf Coastal Plain Small Stream/River ForestAAkeWest Gulf Coastal Plain Seepage Swamp and BaygallAAjdCrowley's Ridge Loess Slope Forest22hcOzark-Ouachita Pine-Oak Forest/Woodland77haPasture Land^Caves, Mines, Sinkholes and other Karst Features@@\Lower Mississippi Alluvial Plain Grand Prairie>>[Ozark-Ouachita Prairie and Woodland33YOzark-Ouachita Cliff and Talus..XOzark-Ouachita Riparian''WWest Gulf Coastal Plain Large River Floodplain ForestEEVWest Gulf Coastal Plain Red River Floodplain ForestCCUWest Gulf Coastal Plain Small Stream/River ForestAATOzark-Ouachita Large Floodplain//SLower Mississippi River Riparian Forest77RLower Mississippi River Low Bottomland Forest==PLower Mississippi River Bottomland Depression==OLower Mississippi Alluvial Plain Grand Prairie>>NWest Gulf Coastal Plain Small Stream/River ForestAAMOzark-Ouachita Prairie and Woodland33LCentral Interior Highlands Dry Acidic Glade and BarrensGG% Gl%_ ? m ! w U 3  g E T m$m7z2R0RE#W-X"Lower Mississippi River High Bottomland Forest>>"Lower Mississippi River Dune Woodland, Pond, and ForestGG"Lower Mississippi River Bottomland Depression=="Lower Mississippi Flatwoods Woodland and Forest??"Lower Mississippi Alluvial Plain Grand Prairie>>"Cultivated Forest!!"Interior Highlands Dry Acidic Glade and Barrens??"Interior Highlands Calcareous Glade and Barrens??"Ozark-Ouachita Prairie and Woodland33Crop LandOzark-Ouachita Prairie and Woodland33Urban/SuburbanMud FlatsOzark-Ouachita Prairie and Woodland33{West Gulf Coastal Plain Red River Floodplain ForestCC{West Gulf Coastal Plain Large River Floodplain ForestEE{Ozark-Ouachita Large Floodplain//}Crop LandPonds, Lakes, and Water Holes--Crop Land|West Gulf Coastal Plain Red River Floodplain ForestCCEUrban/SuburbanEPasture LandELower Mississippi Flatwoods Woodland and Forest??EInterior Highlands Calcareous Glade and Barrens??EOzark-Ouachita Dry-Mesic Oak Forest33West Gulf Coastal Plain Pine-Hardwood Flatwoods???Ozark-Ouachita Pine-Oak Woodland00"Ponds, Lakes, and Water Holes--"Lower Mississippi River Riparian Forest77"Ozark-Ouachita Pine-Oak Forest/Woodland77"Ozark-Ouachita Pine-Oak Forest.."Caves, Mines, Sinkholes and other Karst Features@@"Ozark-Ouachita Pine-Oak Forest/Woodland77"Ozark-Ouachita Cliff and Talus.."Urban/Suburban"Caves, Mines, Sinkholes and other Karst Features@@Southeastern Great Plains Tallgrass Prairie;;|Ozark-Ouachita Prairie and Woodland33vWest Gulf Coastal Plain Red River Floodplain ForestCCvPasture LandMud FlatsTMud FlatsMud FlatsMud FlatsMud FlatsMud FlatsMud FlatsMud FlatsMud FlatsMud FlatsMud FlatsMud FlatsMud FlatsMud FlatsMississippi River Alluvial Plain Loess Slope ForestCCMud FlatsMud Flats"Lower Mississippi Flatwoods Woodland and Forest??"Lower Mississippi River Bottomland Depression=="Lower Mississippi River High Bottomland Forest>>"Lower Mississippi River Low Bottomland Forest=="West Gulf Coastal Plain Pine-Hardwood Forest<<"West Gulf Coastal Plain Large River Floodplain ForestEE"South-Central Interior Large Floodplain77"Lower Mississippi River Riparian Forest77"Lower Mississippi River Low Bottomland Forest=="Lower Mississippi River High Bottomland Forest>>"Lower Mississippi Flatwoods Woodland and Forest??"Cultivated Forest!!"Crop Land Bz? Q ~ F  5 ^  h ! [  j#Rt,bn'`"g*o1=Crop Land"<Urban/Suburban";Ozark-Ouachita Pine-Oak Forest/Woodland - Woodland ConditionLL":Ozark-Ouachita Pine-Bluestem Woodland55"9Cultivated Forest!!8Lower Mississippi Flatwoods Woodland and Forest??h7Caves, Mines, Sinkholes and other Karst Features@@h6Ozark-Ouachita Mesic Hardwood Forest44h5Ozark-Ouachita Prairie and Woodland334Crowley's Ridge Loess Slope Forest223Crop Land"2Mud Flats"1Ozark-Ouachita Pine/Bluestem Woodland55"0Urban/Suburban"/Central Interior Highlands Dry Acidic Glade and BarrensGG".Central Interior Highlands Calcareous Glade and BarrensGG"-Lower Mississippi Alluvial Plain Grand Prairie>>",Pasture Land"*West Gulf Coastal Plain Calcareous Prairie::")Ozark-Ouachita Prairie and Woodland33"(West Gulf Coastal Plain Calcareous Prairie and WoodlandGG"&Pasture Land"%Lower Mississippi Alluvial Plain Grand Prairie>>"$Crop Land"#Ozark-Ouachita Prairie and Woodland33"!West Gulf Coastal Plain Pine-Hardwood Flatwoods??" Lower Mississippi River Dune Woodland, Pond, and ForestGG"West Gulf Coastal Plain Calcareous Prairie and WoodlandGG"Ozark-Ouachita Pine/Bluestem Woodland55"Interior Highlands Dry Acidic Glade and Barrens??"Ozark-Ouachita Dry Oak and Pine Woodland88"Interior Highlands Calcareous Glade and Barrens??"Lower Mississippi Alluvial Plain Grand Prairie>>"Ozark-Ouachita Prairie and Woodland33"Pasture Land"Crop Land"Urban/Suburban"Lower Mississippi Alluvial Plain Grand Prairie>>"Pasture Land"Crop Land"Urban/Suburban"Ponds, Lakes, and Water Holes--"Mud Flats" West Gulf Coastal Plain Wet Hardwood Flatwoods>>" West Gulf Coastal Plain Small Stream/River ForestAA" West Gulf Coastal Plain Sandhill Oak and Shortleaf Pine Forest and Woodland[[" West Gulf Coastal Plain Pine-Hardwood Flatwoods??" West Gulf Coastal Plain Red River Floodplain ForestCC"West Gulf Coastal Plain Pine-Hardwood Forest<<"West Gulf Coastal Plain Mesic Hardwood Forest=="West Gulf Coastal Plain Large River Floodplain ForestEE"West Gulf Coastal Plain Dry Pine-Hardwood FlatwoodsCC"West Gulf Coastal Plain Calcareous Prairie and WoodlandGG"Urban/Suburban"Ozark-Ouachita Large Floodplain//"Pasture Land"Ozark-Ouachita Riparian''"Ozark-Ouachita Pine-Oak Forest/Woodland77"Ozark-Ouachita Pine/Bluestem Woodland55"Ozark-Ouachita Mesic Hardwood Forest44"Ozark-Ouachita Dry-Mesic Oak Forest33"Ozark-Ouachita Dry Oak and Pine Woodland88"Ouachita Montane Oak Forest++"Crowley's Ridge Loess Slope Forest22"Lower Mississippi River Riparian Forest77"Lower Mississippi River Low Bottomland Forest==2 @@p8 A  3 D  ~ J  u - b2]2W-PT v8bF"Lower Mississippi River Riparian Forest77"Lower Mississippi River Low Bottomland Forest=="~Lower Mississippi River High Bottomland Forest>>"}Lower Mississippi River Bottomland Depression=="|Lower Mississippi Flatwoods Woodland and Forest??"{Lower Mississippi Alluvial Plain Grand Prairie>>"zWest Gulf Coastal Plain Pine-Hardwood Forest/WoodlandEE"yWest Gulf Coastal Plain Pine-Hardwood Flatwoods??"xOzark-Ouachita Pine-Oak Forest/Woodland77"wOzark-Ouachita Pine-Bluestem Woodland55vPonds, Lakes, and Water Holes--uCrop LandtOzark-Ouachita Pine-Bluestem Woodland55<sWest Gulf Coastal Plain Pine-Hardwood Flatwoods??<rWest Gulf Coastal Plain Sandhill Oak and Shortleaf Pine Forest/WoodlandWW<qWest Gulf Coastal Plain Pine-Hardwood Forest/WoodlandEE<pWest Gulf Coastal Plain Large River Floodplain ForestEE<oWest Gulf Coastal Plain Red River Floodplain ForestCC<nWest Gulf Coastal Plain Small Stream/River ForestAA<mWest Gulf Coastal Plain Wet Hardwood Flatwoods>><lCultivated Forest!!<kOzark-Ouachita Large Floodplain//iHerbaceous Wetland""hHerbaceous Wetland""}gHerbaceous Wetland"""fCrop Land|eHerbaceous Wetland"""dCrop Land"cPonds, Lakes, and Water Holes--<bOzark-Ouachita Pine-Oak Forest/Woodland77<aOzark-Ouachita Mesic Hardwood Forest44<`Ozark-Ouachita Riparian''<_Ozark-Ouachita Dry-Mesic Oak Forest/Woodland<<<^Ozark-Ouachita Pine-Bluestem Woodland55t]West Gulf Coastal Plain Pine-Hardwood Flatwoods??s\Lower Mississippi Flatwoods Woodland and Forest??s[Lower Mississippi Alluvial Plain Grand Prairie>>ZLower Mississippi River Low Bottomland Forest==qYLower Mississippi Flatwoods Woodland and Forest??!XOuachita Montane Oak Forest++ WOuachita Montane Oak Forest++$VOzark-Ouachita Dry-Mesic Oak Forest/Woodland@u H<$UOzark-Ouachita Dry Oak and Pine Woodland88!TOzark-Ouachita Dry Oak and Pine Woodland88 SOzark-Ouachita Dry Oak and Pine Woodland88(RPasture Land(QWest Gulf Coastal Plain Pine-Hardwood Flatwoods??(PWest Gulf Coastal Plain Red River Floodplain ForestCC)OOzark-Ouachita Prairie and Woodland33vNOzark-Ouachita Prairie and Woodland33"MWest Gulf Coastal Plain Seepage Swamp and BaygallAALWest Gulf Coastal Plain Seepage Swamp and BaygallAArKPasture LandICrop Land"HOzark-Ouachita Riparian''[GPonds, Lakes, and Water Holes--FOzark-Ouachita Large Floodplain//"EOzark-Ouachita Large Floodplain//"DWest Gulf Coastal Plain Small Stream/River ForestAA"CWest Gulf Coastal Plain Large River Floodplain ForestEE"ALower Mississippi River Low Bottomland Forest=="@Ponds, Lakes, and Water Holes--"?Mud Flats>Crop Land5 <DY  7 } < ` " m = z 0 ` Bk#b!fO~6}="Ozark-Ouachita Dry-Mesic Oak Forest/Woodland<<"Ozark-Ouachita Mesic Hardwood Forest44"Ozark-Ouachita Pine-Oak Forest/Woodland77"Ozark-Ouachita Riparian''"Ozark-Ouachita Dry Oak and Pine Woodland88"Interior Highlands Dry Acidic Glade and Barrens??"Interior Highlands Calcareous Glade and Barrens??"Interior Highlands Dry Acidic Glade and Barrens??"Interior Highlands Calcareous Glade and Barrens??"Ozark-Ouachita Dry Oak and Pine Woodland88"Ozark-Ouachita Dry-Mesic Oak Forest/Woodland<<"Ozark-Ouachita Mesic Hardwood Forest44"Ozark-Ouachita Dry-Mesic Oak Forest/Woodland<<"West Gulf Coastal Plain Calcareous Prairie and WoodlandGG"Ozark-Ouachita Mesic Hardwood Forest44"Ozark-Ouachita Pine-Bluestem Woodland55"Ozark-Ouachita Pine-Oak Forest/Woodland77"Ozark-Ouachita Dry Oak and Pine Woodland88DWest Gulf Coastal Plain Sandhill Oak and Shortleaf Pine Forest/WoodlandWWDOzark-Ouachita Prairie and Woodland33"Pasture Land"Lower Mississippi Flatwoods Woodland and Forest??"Lower Mississippi River High Bottomland Forest>>"Herbaceous Wetland"""Lower Mississippi River Riparian Forest77"Pasture Land"West Gulf Coastal Plain Sandhill Oak and Shortleaf Pine Forest/WoodlandWW"West Gulf Coastal Plain Pine-Hardwood Forest/WoodlandEE"Ozark-Ouachita Riparian''"Ozark-Ouachita Pine-Oak Forest/Woodland77"Ozark-Ouachita Dry-Mesic Oak Forest/Woodland<<"Ozark-Ouachita Dry Oak and Pine Woodland88:West Gulf Coastal Plain Small Stream/River ForestAA:West Gulf Coastal Plain Seepage Swamp and BaygallAA:West Gulf Coastal Plain Large River Floodplain ForestEE:Herbaceous Wetland"""West Gulf Coastal Plain Small Stream/River ForestAA"Ozark-Ouachita Riparian''"Herbaceous Wetland""8West Gulf Coastal Plain Small Stream/River ForestAA"Lower Mississippi River Riparian Forest77"Ozark-Ouachita Pine-Bluestem Woodland557West Gulf Coastal Plain Calcareous Prairie and WoodlandGG"Ozark-Ouachita Prairie and Woodland33"West Gulf Coastal Plain Calcareous Prairie and WoodlandGG"Ozark-Ouachita Dry Oak and Pine Woodland88"Ozark-Ouachita Pine-Bluestem Woodland55"Ozark-Ouachita Pine-Oak Forest/Woodland77"Ozark-Ouachita Prairie and Woodland33"Interior Highlands Dry Acidic Glade and Barrens??"Interior Highlands Calcareous Glade and Barrens??"Caves, Mines, Sinkholes and other Karst Features@@"Caves, Mines, Sinkholes and other Karst Features@@Lower Mississippi Alluvial Plain Grand Prairie>>"Ponds, Lakes, and Water Holes--"Mud Flats"West Gulf Coastal Plain Red River Floodplain ForestCC"West Gulf Coastal Plain Large River Floodplain ForestEE"Ozark-Ouachita Large Floodplain//"Ponds, Lakes, and Water Holes-- =h M C l + h ,  H ` 0 n'W]] gH yAG"%Ozark-Ouachita Pine-Oak Forest/Woodland77"$West Gulf Coastal Plain Sandhill Oak and Shortleaf Pine Forest/WoodlandWW"#West Gulf Coastal Plain Small Stream/River ForestAA""Ozark-Ouachita Riparian''"!Ozark-Ouachita Dry-Mesic Oak Forest/Woodland<<" Crowley's Ridge Loess Slope Forest22"Ozark-Ouachita Large Floodplain//"West Gulf Coastal Plain Calcareous Prairie and WoodlandGG"Ozark-Ouachita Dry Oak and Pine Woodland88"Ozark-Ouachita Pine-Bluestem Woodland55"West Gulf Coastal Plain Calcareous Prairie and WoodlandGG"Ozark-Ouachita Prairie and Woodland33"Ozark-Ouachita Dry-Mesic Oak Forest/Woodland<<IWest Gulf Coastal Plain Large River Floodplain ForestEEILower Mississippi River Bottomland Depression==FHerbaceous Wetland""FOzark-Ouachita Forested Seep,,"West Gulf Coastal Plain Calcareous Prairie and WoodlandGG"Ozark-Ouachita Pine-Bluestem Woodland55"Ozark-Ouachita Pine-Oak Forest/Woodland77"Ozark-Ouachita Dry Oak and Pine Woodland88<Ozark-Ouachita Dry Oak and Pine Woodland88? Ozark-Ouachita Riparian''" West Gulf Coastal Plain Calcareous Prairie and WoodlandGG" Ozark-Ouachita Prairie and Woodland33" Ozark-Ouachita Pine-Bluestem Woodland55" Ozark-Ouachita Large Floodplain//>West Gulf Coastal Plain Small Stream/River ForestAA>West Gulf Coastal Plain Large River Floodplain ForestEE>Lower Mississippi River High Bottomland Forest>>>Lower Mississippi River Riparian Forest77>Ozark-Ouachita Large Floodplain//"West Gulf Coastal Plain Seepage Swamp and BaygallAA"Ozark-Ouachita Riparian''"Ozark-Ouachita Forested Seep,,"Ozark-Ouachita Riparian''"Ozark-Ouachita Forested Seep,,"West Gulf Coastal Plain Pine-Hardwood Forest/WoodlandEE"West Gulf Coastal Plain Pine-Hardwood Flatwoods??"West Gulf Coastal Plain Calcareous Prairie and WoodlandGG"Urban/Suburban"Pasture Land"Ozark-Ouachita Prairie and Woodland33"Ozark-Ouachita Pine-Oak Forest/Woodland77"Ozark-Ouachita Pine-Bluestem Woodland55"Ozark-Ouachita Dry-Mesic Oak Forest/Woodland<<"Ozark-Ouachita Dry Oak and Pine Woodland88"Lower Mississippi Flatwoods Woodland and Forest??"Lower Mississippi Alluvial Plain Grand Prairie>>"Interior Highlands Dry Acidic Glade and Barrens??"Interior Highlands Calcareous Glade and Barrens??"Pasture Land"Ozark-Ouachita Prairie and Woodland33"Pasture Land"Ozark-Ouachita Prairie and Woodland33"West Gulf Coastal Plain Calcareous Prairie and WoodlandGG"Ozark-Ouachita Prairie and Woodland33"Lower Mississippi River High Bottomland Forest>>"Lower Mississippi Flatwoods Woodland and Forest??"West Gulf Coastal Plain Pine-Hardwood Forest/WoodlandEE"West Gulf Coastal Plain Small Stream/River ForestAA =t,v5 = q G v ; z >  i 1  S#Ku9f*LCy+~S1<bLower Mississippi River High Bottomland Forest>><aLower Mississippi Flatwoods Woodland and Forest??`Crop Land_Herbaceous Wetland""^Mud Flats]Herbaceous Wetland"""\West Gulf Coastal Plain Sandhill Oak and Shortleaf Pine Forest/WoodlandWW"[West Gulf Coastal Plain Pine-Hardwood Forest/WoodlandEE"ZWest Gulf Coastal Plain Pine-Hardwood Flatwoods??"YOzark-Ouachita Mesic Hardwood Forest44"XOzark-Ouachita Dry-Mesic Oak Forest/Woodland<<"WOzark-Ouachita Dry Oak and Pine Woodland88"VCrowley's Ridge Loess Slope Forest22"ULower Mississippi River Low Bottomland Forest=="TLower Mississippi River High Bottomland Forest>>"SLower Mississippi River Dune Woodland, Pond, and ForestGG"RLower Mississippi River Bottomland Depression=="QLower Mississippi Flatwoods Woodland and Forest??"POzark-Ouachita Prairie and Woodland33"OOzark-Ouachita Forested Seep,,NHerbaceous Wetland""MHerbaceous Wetland""LLower Mississippi Flatwoods Woodland and Forest??KOzark-Ouachita Prairie and Woodland33JWest Gulf Coastal Plain Calcareous Prairie and WoodlandGGIOzark-Ouachita Pine-Bluestem Woodland55HWest Gulf Coastal Plain Pine-Hardwood Flatwoods??"GOzark-Ouachita Large Floodplain//"FWest Gulf Coastal Plain Sandhill Oak and Shortleaf Pine Forest/WoodlandWW7EOzark-Ouachita Pine-Oak Forest/Woodland777DOzark-Ouachita Riparian''7COzark-Ouachita Large Floodplain//7BOzark-Ouachita Pine-Bluestem Woodland55"AOzark-Ouachita Large Floodplain//8@Ozark-Ouachita Riparian''8?Ozark-Ouachita Large Floodplain//8>West Gulf Coastal Plain Calcareous Prairie and WoodlandGG"=West Gulf Coastal Plain Sandhill Oak and Shortleaf Pine Forest/WoodlandWW"<Pasture Land";Ozark-Ouachita Prairie and Woodland33":Ozark-Ouachita Dry Oak and Pine Woodland88L9Ozark-Ouachita Large Floodplain//H8West Gulf Coastal Plain Pine-Hardwood Flatwoods??"7Crowley's Ridge Loess Slope Forest22"6Ozark-Ouachita Dry Oak and Pine Woodland88"5Interior Highlands Dry Acidic Glade and Barrens??"4Interior Highlands Calcareous Glade and Barrens??"3Cultivated Forest!!"2Ozark-Ouachita Pine-Oak Forest/Woodland77"1Ozark-Ouachita Pine-Bluestem Woodland55"0West Gulf Coastal Plain Pine-Hardwood Forest/WoodlandEE6/Lower Mississippi Flatwoods Woodland and Forest??6.West Gulf Coastal Plain Calcareous Prairie and WoodlandGG6-West Gulf Coastal Plain Sandhill Oak and Shortleaf Pine Forest/WoodlandWW6,Ozark-Ouachita Dry Oak and Pine Woodland886+Ozark-Ouachita Pine-Oak Forest/Woodland776*Ozark-Ouachita Pine-Bluestem Woodland55K)Ozark-Ouachita Large Floodplain//:(Lower Mississippi Flatwoods Woodland and Forest??:'West Gulf Coastal Plain Calcareous Prairie and WoodlandGG"&Ozark-Ouachita Prairie and Woodland33 z?r2 Q CoWest Gulf Coastal Plain Pine-Hardwood Forest/WoodlandEE"nLower Mississippi River High Bottomland Forest>>'mOzark-Ouachita Prairie and Woodland33"lHerbaceous Wetland""lkOzark-Ouachita Prairie and Woodland33ljOzark-Ouachita Pine-Bluestem Woodland55liOzark-Ouachita Pine-Oak Forest/Woodland77lhOzark-Ouachita Mesic Hardwood Forest44gInterior Highlands Dry Acidic Glade and Barrens??fInterior Highlands Calcareous Glade and Barrens??<eCrowley's Ridge Loess Slope Forest22<dLower Mississippi River Riparian Forest77<cLower Mississippi River Low Bottomland Forest==bLVALN . d LZ1. Species is very common rangewide and Arkansas is on the very edge of its range, therefore the aquatics team recommends removing it from the list of SGCN.1. Life history and general biology studies 2. Distribution survey1. Species is very common rangewide and Arkansas is on the very edge of its range, therefore the aquatics team recommends removing it from the list of SGCN.1. Species is very common rangewide and Arkansas is on the very edge of the southern extent of its range (with one pre-1960 record in the state), therefore the aquatics team recommends removing it from the list of SGCN.1. Distribution and abundance survey 2. Threat assessment1. Spawning site surveys 2. Genetic study1. Spawning site survey 2. Life history study 3. Genetic study1. Distribution survey 2. As very little is known about this species, we need to work with partners to target its collection.1. Distribution survey 2. As very little is known about this species, we need to work with partners to target its collection.1. Quantify specific breeding habitat requirements1. Baseline population survey 2. Genetic/ taxonomic studies 3. Life history studies1. Baseline population survey 2. Genetic/ taxonomic studies 3. Life history studies1. Baseline population survey 2. Genetic/ taxonomic studies 3. Life history studies 4. Determine status in Arkansas 5. Determine threats1. Baseline population survey 2. Genetic/ taxonomic studies 3. Life history studies 4. Determine current status in Arkansas1. Baseline population survey 2. Genetic/ taxonomic studies 3. Life history studies2. Baseline population survey 3. Genetic/ taxonomic studies 4. Life history studies1. Life history study 2. Genetic study 3. Status survey1. Distributional survey. 2. Status survey 3. Life history study 4. Migration study.Conduct abundance and distribution surveys. 3. Habitat/land use surveys 4. Genetic/taxonomic studies of disjunct populationsJLVAL  f@nPOTENTIAL PROBLEMS: Navigation maintenance KNOWN PROBLEMS: Loss of sandbars, human disturbance, predationThreat: Habitat destruction Source: DamThreat: Habitat destruction Source: Dam Threat: Sedimentation Source: Road construction Source: Forestry activities Source: GrazingThreat: Habitat destruction Source: Dam Threat: Sedimentation Source: Forestry Activities Source: Road construction Threat: Nutrient loading Source: Point source dischargeData needed to determine problems facedThreat: Sedimentation Source: Row crops Source: Confined animal operations Source: Grazing Threat: Habitat destruction Source: Channel maintenance Source: Channel alteration Source: DamThreat: Hydrological alteration Source: Dam Threat: Habitat destruction Source: Dam Threat: Sedimentation Source: Forestry activies Source: Road construction Threat: Nutrient loading Source: Point source dischargeThreat: Sedimentation Source: Road construction Source: Grazing Source: Resource extraction Threat: Hydrological alteration Source: Channel alteration Source: DamsThreat: Sedimentation Source: Resource extraction Source: Road construction Source: Forestry activities Threat: Hydrological alteration Source: Dam Source: Resource extractionThreat: Habitat Destruction Source: Dam Source: Resource extraction Threat: Sedimentation Source: Forestry activities Source: Road construction Source: Channel alteration Threat: Chemical alteration Source: Resource extraction Threat: Biological Alteration Source: PredationThreat: Hydrological Alteration Source: Dams Source: Urban development Threat: Habitat Destruction Source: Urban development Source: Channel alteration Source: Resource extraction Threat: Nutrient loading Source: Point source discharge Source: Confined animal operations Source: Grazing Threat: Sedimentation Source: Road construction Source: Grazing Source: Urban developmentLVAL-7 m 5   j j 8  t#eKDW(Y5`eLight to moderate grazing, prescibedLight to moderate grazing, prescibed burning, mowing or unintensive hayingRestoration of grassland with shrub componentPrescribed fire, mechanical thinninguneven-aged forest management, manage for midseral stages of habitat, controlled burningRiparian habitat protection and restorationmanagement for shrubby, early successional habitat; prescribed fire or other management techniques to mimic disturbanceRestoration of grassland with shrub componentNest box and grassland restorationReverse declining populations by preventing further habitat loss and fragmentationManagement for successional bottomland forestsHabitat restoration, reintroduction Habitat management, reintroduction Restoration of grassland with shrub componentRestoration of open habitat with scattered bushes and treesdevelop and maintain early successional grass and forb layer with limited shrub and hardwood midstory, restore natural fire regimes, restore longleaf pine/bluestem communitesreforestation to enlarge and connect bottomland and riverine forests and to minimize the amount of non-forested edge, maintain dense shrub layer Unevenaged forest management, small group selection harvest with management for dense understory and ground cover.unevenaged forest management, small group selection harvest, management for dense understory and ground cover.reforestation to enlarge and connect forests and to minimize the amount of non-forested edgerestoration of natural flooding regimes, restoration of bottomland forestsreforestation to enlarge and connect forests and to minimize the amount of non-forested edgeManagement of powerline habitat and other early successional habitats between 5-7 years in ageProtect deciduous forest expeciallly ones greater than 100 ha with few roadcutsManagement of early successional and savanna habitatPrescribed fire; protection of mature pine forestsHabitat protection and restorationRestoration of habitat including warm season grassesSandbar creation, reduction of human disturbance1. Restore connectivity to wetlands and riverine backwaters1. Determine population status (with emphasis on Illinois River) 2. Best Management Practices for resource extraction, agriculture and silviculture 3. Establish and enhance riparian corridors1. Coordination with Corps regarding channel alteration and maintenance 2. Coordination with Water Districts and ASWCC regarding irrigation projects1. Restore natural hydrologic regime 2. Restore sinuousity and channel morphology to river systems 3. Restore connectivity to wetland ecosystems 4. Augment natural populations1. Karst protection, including and not limited to restricting access, protecting cave recharge zones1 Attempt to return Ouachita and Little Missouri rivers to natural flow pattern. 2. Work across political boundaries to properly manage an inter-jurisdictional fishRestore fish passage in dammed rivers. Reintroduction1. More data needed to determine conservation actions1. More data needed to determing conservation actions1. More data needed to determine conservation actions1. More data needed to determine conservation actions1. River corridor protection 2. Water quality protection1. Habitat protection/enhancement/restoration 2. Supporting Cossatot River State Park educational program1. Best management practices for highway construction, agricultural practices and silvicultural practices 2. More data needed to determine additional conservation actionsProtect habitat. 2. Prevent sedimentation 3. Enhance riparian habitatProtect spawning habitat. 2. Groundwater protectionProtect riparian zone. Protect habitat. Protect groundwater quality. 6I `# l j 9  G  _ Y  <BZZx2j PWetland restorationr@ Determine source populationsaaa7+ O!Reduced Aquaculture depredation@ d@ OOOC7 O!Reduced Aquaculture depredation@ d@ OOOC7 O!Reduced Aquaculture depredation@ d@ OOOC7 O~!Reduced Aquaculture depredation@ d@ OOOC7 O}Wetland restoration@ Breeding surveysUUU7+ O|Wetland restoration@ Breeding surveysUUU7+ O{Swamp restoration@ Breeding surveysSSS5) Oz!Reduced Aquaculture depredation@ "Aquaculture depredation researchqqqC7 OyWetland restoration@ Breeding surveysUUU7+ OU/@ @ Habitat requirementsDDD" OTMudflat restorationx@ H@ CCC7+ OR=@ @ b@ ..." OP@ @ @ ..." OO@ >@ @ ..." ONt@ x@ @ f@ ::." _Mp@ J@ @ ..." OL^@ @@ @ ..." OKL@ @ d@ ..." OI~^@ &@ @ ..." OH}`@ x@ """" GF|Q@ @ \@ ..." OE{6@ 4@ L@ ..." ODz4@ @ """" G?y$@ @ Breeding surveys@@@" O>xSnag management@ NoneEEE3' O=w"Protection of old growth forests@ Breeding surveysbbbD8 O<v Unknownf@ Breeding surveysIII+ O;u Unknownf@ Breeding surveysIII+ O8t6@ @ Whistle counts, brood surveysMMM" O6sLandowner relations@ L@ CCC7+ O3r2@ @ D@ ..." Oq=@ B@ @ .." [p@ D@ @ .." [oB@ @ "" YnSmall stream surveys@ 88, Ym@ @ @ .." [l@ J@ @ .." [k@ t@ "" Yjf@ `@ """ Ki@ 1. Monitor water quality@ II= [h8@ p@ @ ..." O g1. Habitat protection@ 1. Routine monitoring^^^:. O f8@ T@ @ ..." O e8@ @ z@ ..." Od8@ j@ @ ..." Oc8@ N@ ^@ ..." Ob=@ @ @ ..." Oa Data needed### I`n@ @ z@ ..." O _@ Z@ ~@ ..." O ^K@ v@ @ ..." O]6@ L@ @ ..." O<\H@ "@ @ .."" WLVALL  $\$PZTdetermine response to forest thinning and small openings, post fledging survivorship 1. Determine effects of forest fragmentation 2. Determine extent of cowbird parasitismmonitoring and distribution in AR, use of forest management practices to create successful breeding habitat, post fledging survivalidentify breeding habitat requirements for birds using non-hillside areasimpacts of habitat degredation on breeding successdetermine response to land management activities, identify preferred vegatation structure within habitats.Demographic studies in AR; how is productivitySurveys for distribution and abundance in Arkansas; information on whether individuals in AR are eastern subspecies (red-backed form); habitat use and ecology in AR; Locate and monitor nests, AVM researchPredator control, breeding surveysDistribution and abundance surveyAbundance and distribution surveysAbundance and distribution surveyDistribution and abundance monitored with general large river survey1. Abundance and distribution surveys1. Monitor water quality/habitats 2. Monitor population with large river studies1. Visual surveys 2. Search for new populations1. Monitor water quality 2. Status survey 3. Life history study (literature review)1. Distribution and abundance survey 2. Life history study 3. Identification of threats and sources1. Life history study 2. Distribution and abundance survey1. Improve identification process 2. Distribution and abundance survey 3. Life history study1. Life history study 2. Distribution survey1. Monitor water quality 2. Status survey 3. Life history study1. Spawning site survey 2. Annual USFS, FWS, AGFC sampling1. Genetic identification study 2. Habitat use study in lakes1. Distribution surveys 2. Survey to identify spawning sites 3. Life history studies1. Survey for additonal spawning habitat 2. Continue stream surveys by partner agenciesLVALR * d F jPrEven-aged forest management, lack of understory and midstoryPOTENTIAL PROBLEMS: red oak borer KNOWN PROBLEMS: forest fragementation, even-aged forest management, lack of small patches of shrub cover within mature forestsPOTENTIAL PROBLEMS: ?none KNOWN PROBLEMS: loss of forested wetlands, alteration of natural flooding regime, loss of cavity treesPOTENTIAL PROBLEMS: red oak borer KNOWN PROBLEMS: loss of mature/old growth un-evenaged forests, forest fragmentation, even-aged forest management KNOWN PROBLEMS: Loss of shrubby early successional habitats.KNOWN PROBLEMS: Habitat fragmentation and loss causing increased nest predation and parasitism; loss of wintering habitat in central america.POTENTIAL PROBLEMS: competition for nest sites with House Wrens, Starlings, and House Sparrows; pesticides KNOWN PROBLEMS: Habitat loss, fire suppression KNOWN PROBLEMS: Loss of mature pine habitat from logging; fire suppression and clearcutting decrease snag availability for nesting.Loss of mature pines, fire suppression, habitat fragmentation, cavity competitionPOTENTIAL PROBLEMS: Unknown KNOWN PROBLEMS: Loss of snags, loss of cavities to StarlingsPOTENTIAL PROBLEMS: None KNOWN PROBLEMS: Loss of old growth forests, chimney capsPOTENTIAL PROBLEMS: Unknown KNOWN PROBLEMS: UnknownPOTENTIAL PROBLEMS: Unknown KNOWN PROBLEMS: UnknownPOTENTIAL PROBLEMS: Fire ants KNOWN PROBLEMS: Habitat loss, habitat fragmentation, invasive speciesPOTENTIAL PROBLEMS: Pesticides, shore line development KNOWN PROBLEMS: AVM, Nest disturbanceThreat: hydrologic alteration Source: dams Threat: habitat destruction Source: channel alteration Threat: biological alteration Source: commercial harvest Source: incidental takeThreat: Habitat destruction Source: Dam Source: Resource extraction Threat: Hydrological alteration Source: Water diversion Threat: Sedimentation Source: Resource extraction Source: Forestry practices   { = A / 0 1 6 7 K  L  N  O  Q  R S X _ ` b c d f g i k m o p r s u v  w !x "z #{ $} %~ & ' ( ) * + , - . / 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7                                   ! 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KNOWN PROBLEMS: natural vegetation succession, fire suppression, loss of longleaf pine/bluestem communitiesPOTENTIAL PROBLEMS: red oak borer KNOWN PROBLEMS: forest fragmentation, even-aged forest management, lack of small patches of shrub cover within mature forestsPOTENTIAL PROBLEMS: ? KNOWN PROBLEMS: even-aged forest management, lack of understory and midstory - loss of midseral stages interspersed with more mature woodlands.LVAL'>0 h  H p ( P  x 0 XprX2D1. Initial research needs to be completed to determine monitoring strategy.1. Comprehensive aquatic community sampling 2. Seasonal sampling to determine spawning habitat and success1. Comprehensive aquatic community sampling 2. Seasonal sampling to determine spawning habitat and successInvestigate winter population trendsLocate and survey potential wintering habitatLocate and survey potential wintering habitatLocate and survey potential breeding and wintering habitatLocate and survey potential breeding habitatLocate and survey potential breeding habitatImportance of fire or mechanical thinningmonitoring to determine if there are population declinesIdentify breeding sites in AR; refine habitat relationship informationSurveys to improve distribution and abundance informationLocate and survey potential breeding habitatSurveys for total number of migrantsSurveys for total number of migrantsSurveys for total number of migrantsSurveys for total number of migrantsSurveys for total number of migrantsSurveys for total number of migrantsSurveys for total number of migrantsSurveys for total number of migrantsSurveys for total number of migrantsSurveys for total number of migrantsSurveys for total number of migrantsSurveys for total number of migrantsSurveys for total number of migrantsSurveys for total number of migrantsSurveys for total number of migrantsSurveys for total number of migrantsLocate potential nesting attemptsWinter surveys, Identification of suitable for foraging sitesBreeding surveys, Aquaculture depredation researchBreeding surveys, Aquaculture depredation researchBreeding surveys, Aquaculture depredation researchBreeding surveys, Aquaculture depredation researchSurveys for total number of migrantsBetter knowledge of breeding habitat requirementsdevelop adequate monitoring program, determine the effects of habitat isolation and fragmentation 5;J ; z  `  j  r |*4Av9yg*s6B~a@ z@ @ .." 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OGrassland restoration@ Winter countsTTT9- O$@% @ None444" OT@$  CMudflat restorationx@ H@ CCC7+ O0@# @ Breeding surveys@@@" OMudflat restorationx@ H@ CCC7+ OMudflat restorationx@ H@ CCC7+ OMudflat restorationx@ H@ CCC7+ OMudflat restorationx@ H@ CCC7+ OMudflat restorationx@ H@ CCC7+ OMudflat restorationx@ H@ CCC7+ OMudflat restorationx@ H@ CCC7+ OMudflat restorationx@ H@ CCC7+ OMudflat restorationx@ H@ CCC7+ OGrassland restoration|@ H@ EEE9- OMudflat restorationx@ H@ CCC7+ OMudflat restorationx@ H@ CCC7+ OMudflat restorationx@ H@ CCC7+ OMudflat restorationx@ H@ CCC7+ OMudflat restorationx@ H@ CCC7+ OWetland restoration@ Breeding surveysUUU7+ OWetland restoration@ Breeding surveysUUU7+ OWetland restoration@ Breeding surveysUUU7+ O&@" p@ Search for remnant populationsNNN" O%@! p@ Reintroduction techniquesIII" OGrassland restoration@ B@ EEE9- O Unknown@ Determine population trendsTTT+ O Unknownp@ Locate and monitor nestsQQQ+ OLandowner relations@ Locate and monitor nests]]]7+ Or@  EWetland restoration@ !Species specific winter surveysddd7+ OLandowner relations@ z@ CCC7+ OjLVALjj p \ l |    0@P 2nKNOWN PROBLEMS: Loss of early successional habitat; hybridization with golden-winged warblersKNOWN PROBLEMS: Loss of early successional habitat; high parasitism rates by Brown-headed CowbirdsKNOWN PROBLEMS: Loss and degradation of wetland habitatsKNOWN PROBLEMS: Lack of grassland with shrub component.POTENTIAL PROBLEMS: Pesticides KNOWN PROBLEMS: Lack of grasslandsPOTENTIAL PROBLEMS: Pesticides KNOWN PROBLEMS: Lack of nesting cavitiesPOTENTIAL PROBLEMS: Unknown KNOWN PROBLEMS: Lack of mudflatsPOTENTIAL PROBLEMS: Pesticides KNOWN PROBLEMS: Lack of early successional bottomland forestsPOTENTIAL PROBLEMS: Unknown KNOWN PROBLEMS: Lack of mudflatsPOTENTIAL PROBLEMS: Unknown KNOWN PROBLEMS: Lack of mudflatsPOTENTIAL PROBLEMS: Unknown KNOWN PROBLEMS: Lack of mudflatsPOTENTIAL PROBLEMS: Unknown KNOWN PROBLEMS: Lack of mudflatsPOTENTIAL PROBLEMS: Unknown KNOWN PROBLEMS: Lack of mudflatsPOTENTIAL PROBLEMS: Unknown KNOWN PROBLEMS: Lack of mudflatsPOTENTIAL PROBLEMS: Unknown KNOWN PROBLEMS: Lack of mudflatsPOTENTIAL PROBLEMS: Unknown KNOWN PROBLEMS: Lack of mudflatsPOTENTIAL PROBLEMS: Unknown KNOWN PROBLEMS: Lack of mudflatsPOTENTIAL PROBLEMS: Unknown KNOWN PROBLEMS: Lack of grasslandsPOTENTIAL PROBLEMS: Unknown KNOWN PROBLEMS: Lack of mudflatsPOTENTIAL PROBLEMS: Unknown KNOWN PROBLEMS: Lack of mudflatsPOTENTIAL PROBLEMS: Unknown KNOWN PROBLEMS: Lack of mudflatsPOTENTIAL PROBLEMS: Unknown KNOWN PROBLEMS: Lack of mudflatsPOTENTIAL PROBLEMS: Unknown KNOWN PROBLEMS: Lack of mudflatsPOTENTIAL PROBLEMS: Pesticides KNOWN PROBLEMS: Lack of emergent marshPOTENTIAL PROBLEMS: Pesticides KNOWN PROBLEMS: Lack of emergent marshPOTENTIAL PROBLEMS: Pesticides KNOWN PROBLEMS: Lack of emergent marshPOTENTIAL PROBLEMS: Unknown KNOWN PROBLEMS: Habitat lossPOTENTIAL PROBLEMS: Unknown KNOWN PROBLEMS: Habitat lossPOTENTIAL PROBLEMS: None KNOWN PROBLEMS: Lack of undisturbed grassslandsPOTENTIAL PROBLEMS: Pesticides, High predation rate KNOWN PROBLEMS: Unknown<LVAL &* , | \POTENTIAL PROBLEMS: Pesticides KNOWN PROBLEMS: Loss of wooded wetlandsPOTENTIAL PROBLEMS: Replacement of three-awn grass (Aristida spp.) with bermuda at airports KNOWN PROBLEMS: Loss of grassland habitat containing three-awn grass (Aristida spp.); loss of large herbivoresKNOWN PROBLEMS: Loss of mesic grasslands, succession due to lack of periodic disturbancePOTENTIAL PROBLEMS: Wetland drainage, urbanization KNOWN PROBLEMS: Habitat loss due to natural succession related to fire suppression; conversion of pasture and hayfields to other uses; destruction of nests due to earlier and more frequent hayingKNOWN PROBLEMS: Habitat loss, fragmentation, and degredation; heavy grazing; destruction of nests due to earlier and more frequent hayingKNOWN PROBLEMS: Lack of grassland with shrub componentKNOWN PROBLEMS: Loss of habitat due to fire suppression, land conversionKNOWN PROBLEMS: loss of midseral stage habitat, even aged timber managementKNOWN PROBLEMS: Cowbird parasitismLVALlD   * X x : xo6t<1. Agriculture Best Management Practices1. Reduce sediment throug1. Reduce sediment through Best Management Practices.1. Agriculture Best Management Practices. 2. Wetland protection/enhancement. 3. Riparian buffer enhancment/protection. 4. Optimize aquatic vegetation management within species' habitat.1. Maintain/enhance adequate riparian buffers. 2. Protect recharge area. 3. Protect water quality from point and non-point sources. 4. Education and outreach for local citizens/governments concerning this species and its habitat. 5. Cooperatively develop management plan for species with local input.1. Maintain/enhance adequate riparian buffers. 2. Protect recharge area. 3. Protect water quality from point and non-point sources. 4. Education and outreach for local citizens/governments concerning this species and its habitat. 5. Cooperatively develop management plan for species with local input.1. Public outreach and education with local landowners and rural communities. 2. Use of Best Management Practices within cave recharge zone. 3. Limit cave access for recreational uses. 4. Limit take by scientific investigators.1. Riparian corridor enhancement/conservation. 2. Resource extraction Best Management Practices.1. Reduce/eliminate resource extraction. 2. Establish and/or enhance riparian buffers. 3. Minimize migration barriers.1. Reduce sedimentation through Best Management Practices. 2. Reduce/eliminate resource extraction. 3. Establish and/or enhance riparian buffers.1. Conserve/enhance habitat. 2. Non-point source BMP implementation. 3. Conserve/enhance riparian buffer zones. 4. Minimize migration barriers.1. Coordinate with other agencies/entities for conservation measures.1. Coordinate with other agencies/entities for conservation measures.1. Sediment reduction. 2. Habitat protection/enhancement.1. Enhance riparian zone. 2. Sediment reduction. 3. Promote alternative livestock water source. 4. Habitat preservation.1. Wetland conservation. 2. Insuring habitat protection. 3. River corridor conservation.1. Protection of natural flow regime. 2. Work across political boundaries to conserve and enhance populations. 3. Work with USACOE to minimize impacts from proposed Southwest Arkansas Navigation Project.1. Measures to reduce sedimentation and turbidity in the streams 2. Maintain unique habitats1. More data needed to determine conservation actions 2. Employ dike notching and other navigation channel restoration techniques1. Maintain adequate instream flow 2. Continue to manage and monitor a viable, conservative commercial harvest 3. Work to schedule channel maintenance to accommodate spawning 4. Work across political boundaries to properly manage an inter-jurisdictional fish1. Attempt to restore the Mississippi River's hydrologic integrity. 2. Not enough information is available to formulate any further conservation actions at this time.1. Enhance riparian zone 2. Sediment reduction 3. Promote alternative livestock water source 4. Habitat preservation1. Enhance riparian zone 2. Sediment reduction 3. Promote alternative livestock water source 4. Habitat preservationRestoration and protection of wooded wetlandsEncourage continued use of three-awn grass (Aristida spp.) at airports, frequent mowing of grassland to encourage AristidaEstablish large blocks of grassland habitat; disturbance every 4-5 yearsEstablish large blocks of grassland habitat; disturbance every 4-5 yearsLVAL R N`4$~ r1. Distribution and abundance monitored with general fish surveys.1. Distribution and abundance monitored with general fish surveys.1. AGFC/USFWS coordinates monitoring to reduce stress on populations.1. Distribution and abundance monitored with general fish surveys.1. Monitor species' habitat annually, species biannually.1. Monitor species' habitat annually, species biannually.1. Coordinate monitoring with other entities and monitor no more than once every two years.1. Will be determined after distributional study is complete.1. Distribution and abundance monitored with general river surveys.1. Distribution and abundance monitored with general river surveys.1. Determine populations for monitoring. 2. Monitor known populaitons every 3-5 years.1. To be determined after distributional study is complete.1. To be determined after distributional study is complete.To be determined after distributional surveys are complete.1. Distributional/abundance surveys.1. Comprehensive aquatic community sampling. 2. Data sharing with other agencies/entities.1. Coordinate other autecological studies to monitor for this species.1. Determined after distributional survey and life history study are completed.1. Work across political boundaries to gather necessary data1. Continue to monitor exportation of the species through Convention on International Trade of Endangered Species. 2. Continue to monitor commercial harvest within the state 3. Continue to monitor population levels in the state1. Work across political boundaries to share information on the distribution, habitat preferences, and abundance of the species across its range. 2. Utilize existing organizations, such as Lower Mississippi River Conservation Committee and Mississippi Interstate Cooperative Resource Association, to share information on the distribution, habitat preferences, and abundance of the species across its range. HZ L { >  k . w : @ @ L@ .." [8@ p@ @ .." [@ @ @ .." [@ @ Z@ .." [@ @ Z@ .." [@ @ @ .." [@ @ 1. Distributional survey.JJ" [9@ t@ @ .." [9@ t@ @ .." [@ @ *@ .." [e@ |@ h@ .." [@ @ 1. Distribution survey.HH" [@ @ 1. Distribution survey.HH" [@ @ @ .." [H@ x@ @ .." [H@ x@ @ .." [1. Restore/enhance habitat.v@ @ LL@44 [>@ J@ @ .." [@ @ 1. Life history study.GG" [_@ @ @ .." [ A@ @ @ .." [:@  QZLVALd  L (  |"1. Distributional survey in Arkansas.1. Life History study. 2. Genetic study of disjunct populations. 3. Distribution and abundance study.1. Distributional study. 2. Habitat preference study. 3. Genetic relationship study with morphologically similar but disjunct populations.1. Determine numerical abundance of species.1. Determine numerical abundance of species.1. Genetic study. 2. Population response to dewatering of riffles.1. Distribution survey beyond Illinois River Basin. 2. Genetic study. 3. Local citizenry awareness concerning species.1. Distribution survey beyond Illinois River Basin. 2. Genetic study. 3. Local citizenry awareness concerning species.1. Distribution survey. 2. Life history study. 3. Genetic studies of this and other cavefish species in Arkansas. 4. Delineate recharge areas.1. Distributional surveys. 2. Life history study.1. Determine population fluctuations. 2. Determine spawning migration patterns.1. Life history study. 2. Food habit study. 3. Distributional study.1. Life history study. 2. Food habit study. 3. Distributional study.1. Distributional surveys, specifically in Red River tributaries and Mississippi Alluvial Plain streams.1. Genetic analysis of similar, allopatric populations. 2. Life history study.1. Restricted access to conservation practices/success funded by federal agencies.1. Distributional survey. 2. Life history study. 3. Species is locally abundant in Oklahoma/Texas, occurs in Arkansas only on periphery of its range. 4. Has not been collected in Arkansas since 1950. LVALi   1. Maintenance or restoration of natural flow, sediment and temperature1. Maintenance or restoration of natural flow, sediment and temperature regimes. 2. Others will be determined based on distributional surveys.1. Utilization of Best Management Practices in applicable watersheds. 2. Need more data to determine other conservation actions.1. Utilization of non-point source Best Management Practices. 2. Improve/enhance riparian corridor. 3. Education/outreach to local landowners concerning species.1. Utilization of non-point source Best Management Practices. 2. Improve/enhance riparian corridor. 3. Education/outreach to local landowners concerning species.1. Cooperate with USFWS to implement Candidate Conservation Agreement for species. 2. Provide technical assistance to City of Clinton in restoration of stream channel within City limits. 3. Restore and enhance riparian buffers. 4. Coordinate research to eliminate overlap of distrubance by scientists. 5. Education and outreach concerning species to local landowners and other interested parties.&LVAL<:1. Distribution and abundance monitored with general large river survey.1. Will be determined after Data Gaps have been filled.1. Will utilize other study information from Data Gaps to determine suitable monitoring strategy.  @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @\ ] ^ _ ` a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z { | } !~ " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . / 0 1 2 3 4 5                                  ! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . / 0 1 2 3 4                         @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @\ ] ^ _ ` a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z { | } !~ " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . / 0 1 2 3 4 5                                  ! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . / 0 1 2 3 4                         @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @           3 6 8 ; < = > ? D E F H !I "K #L $M %N &O 'P (R )T *U +< y ,z -{ .| /} 0~ 1 2 3 4 5                                  ! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - .  / 0   1 2 3 4                              LVALBQ SELECT Species.Common_Name, Species.Scientific_Name, Species.Taxa, Species.[Terrestrial or Aquatic], Species.S_Rank, Species.G_Rank, Species.Comments, Species.Boston_Mountains, Species.Arkansas_Valley, Species.Ouachitas, Species.South_Central_Plains, Species.Mississippi_Alluvial_Plains, Species.Mississippi_Valley_Loess_Plains, Species.Ozarks, Species.Federal_Status, Species.Class, [Species].[Order], Species.Family, Species.Residence, "Habitat" as Element_Name, Species_and_Habitats_Weights_Translated.Habitat as Element, "" as Category, Species_and_Habitats_Weights_Translated.Description as Weight FROM Species INNER JOIN Species_and_Habitats_Weights_Translated ON Species.ID = Species_and_Habitats_Weights_Translated.Species_ID UNION ALL SELECT Species.Common_Name, Species.Scientific_Name, Species.Taxa, Species.[Terrestrial or Aquatic], Species.S_Rank, Species.G_Rank, Species.Comments, Species.Boston_Mountains, Species.Arkansas_Valley, Species.Ouachitas, Species.South_Central_Plains, Species.Mississippi_Alluvial_Plains, Species.Mississippi_Valley_Loess_Plains, Species.Ozarks, Species.Federal_Status, Species.Class, [Species].[Order], Species.Family, Species.Residence, "Threat" as Element_Name, Aquatic_Threats_And_Sources.Threat_Text as Element, "Threat: " & Aquatic_Threats_And_Sources.Threat & " Source: " & Aquatic_Threats_And_Sources.Source as Category, "" as Weight FROM Species INNER JOIN Aquatic_Threats_And_Sources ON Species.ID = Aquatic_Threats_And_Sources.Species_ID UNION ALL SELECT Species.Common_Name, Species.Scientific_Name, Species.Taxa, Species.[Terrestrial or Aquatic], Species.S_Rank, Species.G_Rank, Species.Comments, Species.Boston_Mountains, Species.Arkansas_Valley, Species.Ouachitas, Species.South_Central_Plains, Species.Mississippi_Alluvial_Plains, Species.Mississippi_Valley_Loess_Plains, Species.Ozarks, Species.Federal_Status, Species.Class, [Species].[Order], Species.Family, Species.Residence, "Data_Gap" as Element_Name, Data_Gaps.Data_Gaps as Element, "" as Category, "" as Weight  LVAL FROM Species INNER JOIN Data_Gaps ON Species.ID = Data_Gaps.Species_ID UNION ALL SELECT Species.Common_Name, Species.Scientific_Name, Species.Taxa, Species.[Terrestrial or Aquatic], Species.S_Rank, Species.G_Rank, Species.Comments, Species.Boston_Mountains, Species.Arkansas_Valley, Species.Ouachitas, Species.South_Central_Plains, Species.Mississippi_Alluvial_Plains, Species.Mississippi_Valley_Loess_Plains, Species.Ozarks, Species.Federal_Status, Species.Class, [Species].[Order], Species.Family, Species.Residence, "Conservation_Action" as Element_Name, Conservation_Actions.Conservation_Actions as Element, Conservation_Actions.CA_Category as Category, Conservation_Actions.Importance as Weight FROM Species INNER JOIN Conservation_Actions on Species.ID = Conservation_Actions.Species_ID Yw pXBN  Y  Y dIDSpeciesType YPrimaryKeyv1    AquaticTerrestrial   #Y-1ies.N  ------Y Y Y Y  Y Y Y Y Y  Y $Y (Y ,Y 0Y 4Y 8Y <Y @Y DY HY LY PY THabitat_ID6Mature_Closed_Canopy_ForestJMature_Closed_Canopy_Forest_with_Gaps2Mature_Open_Canopy_ForestMature_Woodland Mixed_age_ForestMid_aged_ForestYoung_Forest:Regenerating_Forest_Shrubland:Regenerating_Forest_GrasslandOpenIDFDesired_Mature_Closed_Canopy_ForestZDesired_Mature_Closed_Canopy_Forest_with_GapsBDesired_Mature_Open_Canopy_Forest.Desired_Mature_Woodland0Desired_Mixed_age_Forest.Desired_Mid_aged_Forest(Desired_Young_ForestJDesired_Regenerating_Forest_ShrublandJDesired_Regenerating_Forest_GrasslandDesired_Openn,p s.  eeGa Sp oesSc BoYYYHabitat_IDIDPrimaryKeyv1    \ *F/ u  ^  G 0 v  _H1w`I2x.# ?-?", ? + ?* ?) ( ?(# ?'#( ?&# ?%<?$2?#2 ?"2 ?!( 2? ( 2? F?22? 2? Z?2 ? 2 ?# ?2 ?2 ? ? < ?((?2-?(2 ?# ? ?  ? <? 2 ?n_ Z? 2? 2? 2?( 2?( 2?+d?( 2? F1d?0# ?/( ?  @ @ @ @ @             ! &" '+        (     # $ %       )  "         @ @ @ @ @                             ! " # $ % & !' "( #) $* %+ &, '- (. )/ 0 1   @ @ @ @ @                             ! " # $ % & !' "( #) $* %+ &, '- (. )/ 0 1 9Y 4N  Y d Y (Structural_ConditionDescription  v1 @ @rLVAL ^ r " Land with less than 10 percent canopy cover in permanent or long-term open condition (grasslands, barrens, etc.; not newly cut forest regeneration.)Even-aged stands less than 10 years of age (seedling/sapling). Could split into two groups: those with and without residual overstory treesEven-aged stands less than 10 years of age (seedling/sapling). Could split into two groups: those with and without residual overstory treesEven-aged stands of small size or aged trees (poletimber). Could split into two groups: those with and without residual overstory treesEven-aged stands of medium size or aged trees (immature sawtimber). Could split into two groups: those with and without residual overstory treesForest with a good mix of tree ages (not the typical condition after first or second entry of uneven-aged management, but truly well- developed uneven-aged structure) Forest over a certain size or age with overall canopy closure of 10-60 percent. (typical of ecologically restored woodland and savannas)Forest over a certain size or age with overall canopy closure of 60-80 percent. (typical of thinned forests)Forest over a certain size or age with a majority in overall canopy closure greater than 80 percent, but with relatively discrete canopy gaps of from 0.25 to 2.0 acres occupied by forest regeneration (Typical group selection with only one or two entries, or typical of some insect, disease, or storm damaged stands.)Forest over a certain size or age with overall canopy closure (all layers) greater than 80 percent. (Our typical undisturbed second growth forest) R h9 w @ Open (long-term)(@ ."Regenerating Forest (grassland stage)@ XLRegenerating Forest (shrubland stage)@ XLYoung Forest@ &Mid-aged Forest$@ , Mixed-age ForestP@ ."Mature Woodland@ , Mature Open Canopy Forest@ @4Mature Closed Canopy Forest with Gaps|@ XLMature Closed Canopy Forest&@ D8`FNf< j @  n D  r H  ^ Z 0  R@"f4I_5 cZoE i!Terrestrial_Insect_Query.Weight> g iB@  g i"Terrestrial_Insect_Query.Element? g iJ@  g iD@  g i!Terrestrial_Insect_Query.Family> g i Terrestrial_Insect_Query.Order= g i Terrestrial_Insect_Query.Class= g iN@  g i!Terrestrial_Insect_Query.Ozarks> g i p@  g i h@  g i Z@  g i D@  g i P@  g iR@  g iB@  g i!Terrestrial_Insect_Query.G_Rank> g i!Terrestrial_Insect_Query.S_Rank> g ib@  g iTerrestrial_Insect_Query.Taxa< g iP@  g iH@  g iTerrestrial_Insect_QueryAAA  iG_Rank_LUT%%%  iS_Rank_LUT%%%  iTrend_LUT###  i G i G i  i G iTrend_LUTTerrestrial_Amphibian_Query_For_Report@ 8 {o#  iS_Rank_LUTTerrestrial_Amphibian_Query_For_Report@ 8 }q%  iG_Rank_LUTTerrestrial_Amphibian_Query_For_Report@8 }q%  iV@8  g i`@8  g in@8  g iViability_Score@8 ;// o iS_Rank_LUTS_Rank_LUT.Score_ValueI%% o iS_Rank_DescriptionS_Rank_LUT.DescriptionY55 o iG_Rank_ValueG_Rank_LUT.Score_ValueM)) o iG_Rank_DescriptionG_Rank_LUT.DescriptionY55 o iZ@8  g i^@8  g i\@ 0  g if@0  g i`@0  g iZ@0  g iX@0  g iX@0  g ij@0  g iZ@0  g i @ )  g i @)  g i v@)  g i `@)  g i l@)  g in@)  g i^@)  g iZ@)  g iZ@  g i~@  g iV@  g il@  g id@  gr iTerrestrial_Amphibian_Query_For_Report]]] r iG_Rank_LUT%%% r iS_Rank_LUT%%% r iTrend_LUT###  i GLVAL+hr"  ^  R  VXbP`t,<XTerrestrial_Invertebrate_Query.WeightTerrestrial_Invertebrate_Query.CategoryTerrestrial_Invertebrate_Query.ElementTerrestrial_Invertebrate_Query.Element_NameTerrestrial_Invertebrate_Query.ResidenceTerrestrial_Invertebrate_Query.FamilyTerrestrial_Invertebrate_Query.OrderTerrestrial_Invertebrate_Query.ClassTerrestrial_Invertebrate_Query.Federal_StatusTerrestrial_Invertebrate_Query.OzarksTerrestrial_Invertebrate_Query.Mississippi_Valley_Loess_PlainsTerrestrial_Invertebrate_Query.Mississippi_Alluvial_PlainsTerrestrial_Invertebrate_Query.South_Central_PlainsTerrestrial_Invertebrate_Query.OuachitasTerrestrial_Invertebrate_Query.Arkansas_ValleyTerrestrial_Invertebrate_Query.Boston_MountainsTerrestrial_Invertebrate_Query.CommentsTerrestrial_Invertebrate_Query.G_RankTerrestrial_Invertebrate_Query.S_RankTerrestrial_Invertebrate_Query.[Terrestrial or Aquatic]Terrestrial_Invertebrate_Query.TaxaTerrestrial_Invertebrate_Query.Scientific_NameTerrestrial_Invertebrate_Query.Common_NameTrend_LUT.Trend_Text = Terrestrial_Insect_Query.Population_TrendS_Rank_LUT.S_Rank = Terrestrial_Insect_Query.S_RankG_Rank_LUT.G_Rank = Terrestrial_Insect_Query.G_RankTerrestrial_Insect_Query.PageOrderTerrestrial_Insect_Query.Population_Trend(([g_rank_lut].[score_value]+[s_rank_lut].[score_value])*[Trend_Multiplier])/0.2625Terrestrial_Insect_Query.CategoryTerrestrial_Insect_Query.Element_NameTerrestrial_Insect_Query.ResidenceTerrestrial_Insect_Query.Federal_StatusTerrestrial_Insect_Query.Mississippi_Valley_Loess_PlainsTerrestrial_Insect_Query.Mississippi_Alluvial_PlainsTerrestrial_Insect_Query.South_Central_PlainsTerrestrial_Insect_Query.OuachitasTerrestrial_Insect_Query.Arkansas_ValleyTerrestrial_Insect_Query.Boston_MountainsTerrestrial_Insect_Query.CommentsTerrestrial_Insect_Query.[Terrestrial or Aquatic]Terrestrial_Insect_Query.Scientific_NameTerrestrial_Insect_Query.Common_NameD@< 1 W 9  } K s I  w M # {Q'U+kg=o}_A#q!Y  D@  g "Terrestrial_Reptile_Query.G_Rank? g "Terrestrial_Reptile_Query.S_Rank? g d@  g  Terrestrial_Reptile_Query.Taxa= g R@  g J@  g Terrestrial_Reptile_QueryCCC  G_Rank_LUT%%%  S_Rank_LUT%%%  Trend_LUT###   G  G    Gn_Trend_LUTTerrestrial_Invertebrate_Query@ k_# n_S_Rank_LUTTerrestrial_Invertebrate_Queryr@ ma% n_G_Rank_LUTTerrestrial_Invertebrate_Queryr@ ma% n_F@  gn_P@  gn_^@  gn_Viability_Score@ ;// on_S_Rank_LUTS_Rank_LUT.Score_ValueI%% on_S_Rank_DescriptionS_Rank_LUT.DescriptionY55 on_G_Rank_ValueG_Rank_LUT.Score_ValueM)) on_G_Rank_DescriptionG_Rank_LUT.DescriptionY55 on_J@*  gn_N@)  gn_L@(  gn_V@'  gn_P@&  gn_J@%  gn_H@$  gn_H@#  gn_Z@"  gn_J@!  gn_ |@  gn_ t@  gn_ f@  gn_ P@  gn_ \@  gn_^@  gn_N@  gn_J@  gn_J@  gn_n@  gn_F@  gn_\@  gn_T@  gan_Terrestrial_Invertebrate_QueryMMM an_G_Rank_LUT%%% an_S_Rank_LUT%%% an_Trend_LUT### n_ Gn_ Gan_ n_ G iTrend_LUTTerrestrial_Insect_Query@ _S#  iS_Rank_LUTTerrestrial_Insect_Queryf@ aU%  iG_Rank_LUTTerrestrial_Insect_Queryf@ aU%< g iD@  g iR@  g iViability_Score@ ;// o iS_Rank_LUTS_Rank_LUT.Score_ValueI%% o iS_Rank_DescriptionS_Rank_LUT.DescriptionY55 o iG_Rank_ValueG_Rank_LUT.Score_ValueM)) o iG_Rank_DescriptionG_Rank_LUT.DescriptionY55 o  @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ 1. 17 19 1: 1; 1< 18 1= 1? 1@ 1A 1B 1C 1D 1E 1F 1G 1> 1H 1J                                       ! " # $ % & 1I ' ) * + , - . / 0 1 2 3 4 5 6  7  8  9  :  ; < = > ? @ A B C D E            (                           ! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . / 0 1 2 3 4  5 7 8 9 : ; < = > ? @ A B C                                 6       ! # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . / 0 1 2  3  4 "LVAL$Zf Z ^ j > j&,~R bl[Habitat Scores].Habitat_Name = Habitat.Habitat_NameWeight2_LUT_1.Weight = Indicator.Ind_WeightWeight2_LUT.Weight = Key_Factor.KF_WeightKey_Factor.ID = Indicator.Key_Factor_IDKey_Factor.Conservation_Target_ID = Habitat.IDHabitat.Mississippi_Valley_Loess_PlainsHabitat.Mississippi_Alluvial_PlainsKey_Factor.Key_Factor_DescriptionTrend_LUT.Trend_Text = Terrestrial_Reptile_Query.Population_TrendS_Rank_LUT.S_Rank = Terrestrial_Reptile_Query.S_RankG_Rank_LUT.G_Rank = Terrestrial_Reptile_Query.G_RankTerrestrial_Reptile_Query.PageOrderTerrestrial_Reptile_Query.Population_Trend(([g_rank_lut].[score_value]+[s_rank_lut].[score_value])*[Trend_Multiplier])/0.2625Terrestrial_Reptile_Query.CategoryTerrestrial_Reptile_Query.ElementTerrestrial_Reptile_Query.Element_NameTerrestrial_Reptile_Query.ResidenceTerrestrial_Reptile_Query.Federal_StatusTerrestrial_Reptile_Query.Mississippi_Valley_Loess_PlainsTerrestrial_Reptile_Query.Mississippi_Alluvial_PlainsTerrestrial_Reptile_Query.South_Central_PlainsTerrestrial_Reptile_Query.OuachitasTerrestrial_Reptile_Query.Arkansas_ValleyTerrestrial_Reptile_Query.Boston_MountainsTerrestrial_Reptile_Query.CommentsTerrestrial_Reptile_Query.[Terrestrial or Aquatic]Terrestrial_Reptile_Query.Scientific_NameTerrestrial_Reptile_Query.Common_NameTrend_LUT.Trend_Text = Terrestrial_Invertebrate_Query.Population_TrendS_Rank_LUT.S_Rank = Terrestrial_Invertebrate_Query.S_RankG_Rank_LUT.G_Rank = Terrestrial_Invertebrate_Query.G_RankTerrestrial_Invertebrate_Query.teamTerrestrial_Invertebrate_Query.PageOrderTerrestrial_Invertebrate_Query.Population_Trend(([g_rank_lut].[score_value]+[s_rank_lut].[score_value])*[Trend_Multiplier])/0.2625@@X.C X .  R < V v  RbRR(Ju5p,RfiHabitat.Boston_Mountains7 gfiHabitat.Image_Number3 gfi Habitat.ID) gfiIndicator.Conservation_Action< gfiInd_Weight2Weight2_LUT_1.Weight_NameN'' ofiIndicator.Current_Status7 gfiIndicator.Very_Good_Level8 gfiIndicator.Good_Level3 gfi Indicator.Fair_Level3 gfi Indicator.Poor_Level3 gfi Indicator.Indicator_Source9 gfi !Indicator.Indicator_Description> gfi Indicator.Indicator_Name7 gfiKF_Weight2Weight2_LUT.Weight_NameJ%% ofiKey_Factor.Category2 gfiKey_Factor.Key_Factor_Source; gfiB@  gfiKey_Factor.Key_Factor_Name9 gfiHabitat.Citation/ gfiHabitat.Definition1 gfiHabitat.Habitat_Name3 gifiIndicator### ifiHabitat ifiKey_Factor%%% ifiWeight2_LUT''' ifiWeight2_LUTWeight2_LUT_1AA' ifiHabitat Scores--- fi Gfi Gifi fi G X7YZ_____2@ 1% 7 X7YZ_____1 RQ1% 7  G   G    G Trend_LUTTerrestrial_Reptile_Query@ aU#  S_Rank_LUTTerrestrial_Reptile_Queryh@ cW%  G_Rank_LUTTerrestrial_Reptile_Queryh@ cW% g F@  g T@  g Viability_Score@ ;// o S_Rank_LUTS_Rank_LUT.Score_ValueI%% o S_Rank_DescriptionS_Rank_LUT.DescriptionY55 o G_Rank_ValueG_Rank_LUT.Score_ValueM)) o G_Rank_DescriptionG_Rank_LUT.DescriptionY55 o "Terrestrial_Reptile_Query.Weight? g D@  g B@  g L@  g F@  g "Terrestrial_Reptile_Query.Family? g !Terrestrial_Reptile_Query.Order> g !Terrestrial_Reptile_Query.Class> g P@  g "Terrestrial_Reptile_Query.Ozarks? g r@  g j@  g \@  g F@  g R@  g T@  gLVALRQ SELECT Species.Common_Name, Species.Scientific_Name, Species.Taxa, Species.[Terrestrial or Aquatic], Species.S_Rank, Species.G_Rank, Species.Comments, Species.Boston_Mountains, Species.Arkansas_Valley, Species.Ouachitas, Species.South_Central_Plains, Species.Mississippi_Alluvial_Plains, Species.Mississippi_Valley_Loess_Plains, Species.Ozarks, Species.Federal_Status, Species.Class, [Species].[Order], Species.Family, Species.Residence, "Habitats" as Element_Name, Species_and_Habitats_Weights_Translated.Habitat as Element, "" as Category, Species_and_Habitats_Weights_Translated.Description as Weight, Population_Trend, "1" as PageOrder, team FROM Species INNER JOIN Species_and_Habitats_Weights_Translated ON Species.ID = Species_and_Habitats_Weights_Translated.Species_ID Where taxa = "Amphibian" And [Terrestrial or Aquatic] = "Terrestrial" UNION ALL SELECT Species.Common_Name, Species.Scientific_Name, Species.Taxa, Species.[Terrestrial or Aquatic], Species.S_Rank, Species.G_Rank, Species.Comments, Species.Boston_Mountains, Species.Arkansas_Valley, Species.Ouachitas, Species.South_Central_Plains, Species.Mississippi_Alluvial_Plains, Species.Mississippi_Valley_Loess_Plains, Species.Ozarks, Species.Federal_Status, Species.Class, [Species].[Order], Species.Family, Species.Residence, "Problems Faced" as Element_Name, Threat_text as Element, "Threat: " & Aquatic_Threats_And_Sources.Threat & (Chr(13) & Chr(10)) & "Source: " & Aquatic_Threats_And_Sources.Source as Category, "" as Weight, Population_Trend, "2" as PageOrder, team FROM Species INNER JOIN Aquatic_Threats_And_Sources ON Species.ID = Aquatic_Threats_And_Sources.Species_ID Where taxa = "Amphibian" And [Terrestrial or Aquatic] = "Terrestrial" UNION ALL SELECT Species.Common_Name, Species.Scientific_Name, Species.Taxa, Species.[Terrestrial or Aquatic], Species.S_Rank, Species.G_Rank, Species.Comments, Species.Boston_Mountains, Species.Arkansas_Valley, Species.Ouachitas, Species.South_Central_Plains, Species.Mississippi_Alluvial_Plains, SpeciesLVAL.Mississippi_Valley_Loess_Plains, Species.Ozarks, Species.Federal_Status, Species.Class, [Species].[Order], Species.Family, Species.Residence, "Data Gaps/Research Needs" as Element_Name, Data_Gaps.Data_Gaps as Element, "" as Category, "" as Weight, Population_Trend, "3" as PageOrder, team FROM Species INNER JOIN Data_Gaps ON Species.ID = Data_Gaps.Species_ID Where taxa = "Amphibian" And [Terrestrial or Aquatic] = "Terrestrial" UNION ALL SELECT Species.Common_Name, Species.Scientific_Name, Species.Taxa, Species.[Terrestrial or Aquatic], Species.S_Rank, Species.G_Rank, Species.Comments, Species.Boston_Mountains, Species.Arkansas_Valley, Species.Ouachitas, Species.South_Central_Plains, Species.Mississippi_Alluvial_Plains, Species.Mississippi_Valley_Loess_Plains, Species.Ozarks, Species.Federal_Status, Species.Class, [Species].[Order], Species.Family, Species.Residence, "Conservation Actions" as Element_Name, Conservation_Actions.Conservation_Actions as Element, Conservation_Actions.CA_Category as Category, Conservation_Actions.Importance as Weight, Population_Trend, "4" as PageOrder, team FROM Species INNER JOIN Conservation_Actions on Species.ID = Conservation_Actions.Species_ID Where taxa = "Amphibian" And [Terrestrial or Aquatic] = "Terrestrial" LVAL SELECT Species.Common_Name, Species.Scientific_Name, Species.Taxa, Species.[Terrestrial or Aquatic], Species.S_Rank, Species.G_Rank, Species.Comments, Species.Boston_Mountains, Species.Arkansas_Valley, Species.Ouachitas, Species.South_Central_Plains, Species.Mississippi_Alluvial_Plains, Species.Mississippi_Valley_Loess_Plains, Species.Ozarks, Species.Federal_Status, Species.Class, [Species].[Order], Species.Family, Species.Residence, "Monitoring Strategies" as Element_Name, Monitoring.Monitoring_Strategy as Element, Monitoring.Monitoring_Category as Category, "" as Weight, Population_Trend, "5" as PageOrder, team FROM Species INNER JOIN Monitoring ON Species.ID = Monitoring.Species_ID Where taxa = "Insect" And [Terrestrial or Aquatic] = "Terrestrial"SELECT Species.Common_Name, Species.Scientific_Name, Species.Taxa, Species.[Terrestrial or Aquatic], Species.S_Rank, Species.G_Rank, Species.Comments, Species.Boston_Mountains, Species.Arkansas_Valley, Species.Ouachitas, Species.South_Central_Plains, Species.Mississippi_Alluvial_Plains, Species.Mississippi_Valley_Loess_Plains, Species.Ozarks, Species.Federal_Status, Species.Class, [Species].[Order], Species.Family, Species.Residence, "Monitoring Strategies" as Element_Name, Monitoring.Monitoring_Strategy as Element, Monitoring.Monitoring_Category as Category, "" as Weight, Population_Trend, "5" as PageOrder, team FROM Species INNER JOIN Monitoring ON Species.ID = Monitoring.Species_ID Where taxa = "Amphibian" And [Terrestrial or Aquatic] = "Terrestrial"|  @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @                       ! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . / 0 1 2 3 4  5 7 8 9 : ; < = > ? @ A B C                                 6       ! # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . / 0 1 2  3  4  5  6  7 8 9 : ; < = > ?              "                    ! " # $  % ' ( ) * &+8a y % { ] ? !  i K -  u W 9  c E ' oQ%{!((([Species].[Taxa])="insect"))> 'Species.Team"ANHC Mr. Michael Warriner"R) wSpecies  G  GX7YZ_____2@ 1% 7X7YZ_____1x RQ1% 7 G  G  GX7YZ_____2@ 1% 7X7YZ_____1 RQ1% 7 G  G  GifiX7YZ_____2@ 1% 7ifiX7YZ_____18 RQ1% 7fi G fi Gifi fi GX7YZ_____2@ 1% 7X7YZ_____1 RQ1% 7 G  G  GfiHabitat ScoresHabitath@# G;- fiWeight2_LUT_1IndicatorV@" I=+ fiWeight2_LUTKey_FactorR@! G;' fiKey_FactorIndicatorN@ C7% fiKey_FactorHabitat\@ ?3% fi"[Habitat Scores].[Habitat Score]? gfiIndicator.Monitoring_Strategy< gfiHabitat.Ozarks- gfiN@  gfiF@  gfiHabitat.South_Central_Plains; gfiHabitat.Ouachitas0 gfiHabitat.Arkansas_Valley6 gLVALRQ SELECT Species.Common_Name, Species.Scientific_Name, Species.Taxa, Species.[Terrestrial or Aquatic], Species.S_Rank, Species.G_Rank, Species.Comments, Species.Boston_Mountains, Species.Arkansas_Valley, Species.Ouachitas, Species.South_Central_Plains, Species.Mississippi_Alluvial_Plains, Species.Mississippi_Valley_Loess_Plains, Species.Ozarks, Species.Federal_Status, Species.Class, [Species].[Order], Species.Family, Species.Residence, "Habitats" as Element_Name, Species_and_Habitats_Weights_Translated.Habitat as Element, "" as Category, Species_and_Habitats_Weights_Translated.Description as Weight, Population_Trend, "1" as PageOrder, team FROM Species INNER JOIN Species_and_Habitats_Weights_Translated ON Species.ID = Species_and_Habitats_Weights_Translated.Species_ID Where taxa = "Insect" And [Terrestrial or Aquatic] = "Terrestrial" UNION ALL SELECT Species.Common_Name, Species.Scientific_Name, Species.Taxa, Species.[Terrestrial or Aquatic], Species.S_Rank, Species.G_Rank, Species.Comments, Species.Boston_Mountains, Species.Arkansas_Valley, Species.Ouachitas, Species.South_Central_Plains, Species.Mississippi_Alluvial_Plains, Species.Mississippi_Valley_Loess_Plains, Species.Ozarks, Species.Federal_Status, Species.Class, [Species].[Order], Species.Family, Species.Residence, "Problems Faced" as Element_Name, Threat_text as Element, "Threat: " & Aquatic_Threats_And_Sources.Threat & (Chr(13) & Chr(10)) & "Source: " & Aquatic_Threats_And_Sources.Source as Category, "" as Weight, Population_Trend, "2" as PageOrder, team FROM Species INNER JOIN Aquatic_Threats_And_Sources ON Species.ID = Aquatic_Threats_And_Sources.Species_ID Where taxa = "Insect" And [Terrestrial or Aquatic] = "Terrestrial" UNION ALL SELECT Species.Common_Name, Species.Scientific_Name, Species.Taxa, Species.[Terrestrial or Aquatic], Species.S_Rank, Species.G_Rank, Species.Comments, Species.Boston_Mountains, Species.Arkansas_Valley, Species.Ouachitas, Species.South_Central_Plains, Species.Mississippi_Alluvial_Plains, Species.MissiLVALssippi_Valley_Loess_Plains, Species.Ozarks, Species.Federal_Status, Species.Class, [Species].[Order], Species.Family, Species.Residence, "Data Gaps/Research Needs" as Element_Name, Data_Gaps.Data_Gaps as Element, "" as Category, "" as Weight, Population_Trend, "3" as PageOrder, team FROM Species INNER JOIN Data_Gaps ON Species.ID = Data_Gaps.Species_ID Where taxa = "Insect" And [Terrestrial or Aquatic] = "Terrestrial" UNION ALL SELECT Species.Common_Name, Species.Scientific_Name, Species.Taxa, Species.[Terrestrial or Aquatic], Species.S_Rank, Species.G_Rank, Species.Comments, Species.Boston_Mountains, Species.Arkansas_Valley, Species.Ouachitas, Species.South_Central_Plains, Species.Mississippi_Alluvial_Plains, Species.Mississippi_Valley_Loess_Plains, Species.Ozarks, Species.Federal_Status, Species.Class, [Species].[Order], Species.Family, Species.Residence, "Conservation Actions" as Element_Name, Conservation_Actions.Conservation_Actions as Element, Conservation_Actions.CA_Category as Category, Conservation_Actions.Importance as Weight, Population_Trend, "4" as PageOrder, team FROM Species INNER JOIN Conservation_Actions on Species.ID = Conservation_Actions.Species_ID Where taxa = "Insect" And [Terrestrial or Aquatic] = "Terrestrial" LVALRQ SELECT Species.Common_Name, Species.Scientific_Name, Species.Taxa, Species.[Terrestrial or Aquatic], Species.S_Rank, Species.G_Rank, Species.Comments, Species.Boston_Mountains, Species.Arkansas_Valley, Species.Ouachitas, Species.South_Central_Plains, Species.Mississippi_Alluvial_Plains, Species.Mississippi_Valley_Loess_Plains, Species.Ozarks, Species.Federal_Status, Species.Class, [Species].[Order], Species.Family, Species.Residence, "Habitats" as Element_Name, Species_and_Habitats_Weights_Translated.Habitat as Element, "" as Category, Species_and_Habitats_Weights_Translated.Description as Weight, Population_Trend, "1" as PageOrder, team FROM Species INNER JOIN Species_and_Habitats_Weights_Translated ON Species.ID = Species_and_Habitats_Weights_Translated.Species_ID Where taxa = "Invertebrate - other" And [Terrestrial or Aquatic] = "Terrestrial" UNION ALL SELECT Species.Common_Name, Species.Scientific_Name, Species.Taxa, Species.[Terrestrial or Aquatic], Species.S_Rank, Species.G_Rank, Species.Comments, Species.Boston_Mountains, Species.Arkansas_Valley, Species.Ouachitas, Species.South_Central_Plains, Species.Mississippi_Alluvial_Plains, Species.Mississippi_Valley_Loess_Plains, Species.Ozarks, Species.Federal_Status, Species.Class, [Species].[Order], Species.Family, Species.Residence, "Problems Faced" as Element_Name, Threat_text as Element, "Threat: " & Aquatic_Threats_And_Sources.Threat & (Chr(13) & Chr(10)) & "Source: " & Aquatic_Threats_And_Sources.Source as Category, "" as Weight, Population_Trend, "2" as PageOrder, team FROM Species INNER JOIN Aquatic_Threats_And_Sources ON Species.ID = Aquatic_Threats_And_Sources.Species_ID Where taxa = "Invertebrate - other" And [Terrestrial or Aquatic] = "Terrestrial" UNION ALL SELECT Species.Common_Name, Species.Scientific_Name, Species.Taxa, Species.[Terrestrial or Aquatic], Species.S_Rank, Species.G_Rank, Species.Comments, Species.Boston_Mountains, Species.Arkansas_Valley, Species.Ouachitas, Species.South_Central_Plains, Species.Mississippi_AlLVALluvial_Plains, Species.Mississippi_Valley_Loess_Plains, Species.Ozarks, Species.Federal_Status, Species.Class, [Species].[Order], Species.Family, Species.Residence, "Data Gaps/Research Needs" as Element_Name, Data_Gaps.Data_Gaps as Element, "" as Category, "" as Weight, Population_Trend, "3" as PageOrder, team FROM Species INNER JOIN Data_Gaps ON Species.ID = Data_Gaps.Species_ID Where taxa = "Invertebrate - other" And [Terrestrial or Aquatic] = "Terrestrial" UNION ALL SELECT Species.Common_Name, Species.Scientific_Name, Species.Taxa, Species.[Terrestrial or Aquatic], Species.S_Rank, Species.G_Rank, Species.Comments, Species.Boston_Mountains, Species.Arkansas_Valley, Species.Ouachitas, Species.South_Central_Plains, Species.Mississippi_Alluvial_Plains, Species.Mississippi_Valley_Loess_Plains, Species.Ozarks, Species.Federal_Status, Species.Class, [Species].[Order], Species.Family, Species.Residence, "Conservation Actions" as Element_Name, Conservation_Actions.Conservation_Actions as Element, Conservation_Actions.CA_Category as Category, Conservation_Actions.Importance as Weight, Population_Trend, "4" as PageOrder, team FROM Species INNER JOIN Conservation_Actions on Species.ID = Conservation_Actions.Species_ID Where taxa = "Invertebrate - other" And [Terrestrial or Aquatic] = "Terrestrial" \LVAL pSelect "South Central Plains" as Ecoregion, Aquatic_Threats_And_Sources.Source, Sum(All_Species_Ranked.Viability_Score) AS "Threat Score" FROM All_Species_Ranked INNER JOIN (Aquatic_Threats_And_Sources INNER JOIN Species ON Aquatic_Threats_And_Sources.Species_ID = Species.ID) ON All_Species_Ranked.Scientific_Name = Species.Scientific_Name WHERE species.south_central_plains= TRUE AND Source is not null GROUP BY Aquatic_Threats_And_Sources.SourceSELECT Species.Common_Name, Species.Scientific_Name, Species.Taxa, Species.[Terrestrial or Aquatic], Species.S_Rank, Species.G_Rank, Species.Comments, Species.Boston_Mountains, Species.Arkansas_Valley, Species.Ouachitas, Species.South_Central_Plains, Species.Mississippi_Alluvial_Plains, Species.Mississippi_Valley_Loess_Plains, Species.Ozarks, Species.Federal_Status, Species.Class, [Species].[Order], Species.Family, Species.Residence, "Monitoring Strategies" as Element_Name, Monitoring.Monitoring_Strategy as Element, Monitoring.Monitoring_Category as Category, "" as Weight, Population_Trend, "5" as PageOrder, team FROM Species INNER JOIN Monitoring ON Species.ID = Monitoring.Species_ID Where taxa = "Reptile" And [Terrestrial or Aquatic] = "Terrestrial"SELECT Species.Common_Name, Species.Scientific_Name, Species.Taxa, Species.[Terrestrial or Aquatic], Species.S_Rank, Species.G_Rank, Species.Comments, Species.Boston_Mountains, Species.Arkansas_Valley, Species.Ouachitas, Species.South_Central_Plains, Species.Mississippi_Alluvial_Plains, Species.Mississippi_Valley_Loess_Plains, Species.Ozarks, Species.Federal_Status, Species.Class, [Species].[Order], Species.Family, Species.Residence, "Monitoring Strategies" as Element_Name, Monitoring.Monitoring_Strategy as Element, Monitoring.Monitoring_Category as Category, "" as Weight, Population_Trend, "5" as PageOrder, team FROM Species INNER JOIN Monitoring ON Species.ID = Monitoring.Species_ID Where taxa = "Invertebrate - other" And [Terrestrial or Aquatic] = "Terrestrial"LVALRQ SELECT Species.Common_Name, Species.Scientific_Name, Species.Taxa, Species.[Terrestrial or Aquatic], Species.S_Rank, Species.G_Rank, Species.Comments, Species.Boston_Mountains, Species.Arkansas_Valley, Species.Ouachitas, Species.South_Central_Plains, Species.Mississippi_Alluvial_Plains, Species.Mississippi_Valley_Loess_Plains, Species.Ozarks, Species.Federal_Status, Species.Class, [Species].[Order], Species.Family, Species.Residence, "Habitats" as Element_Name, Species_and_Habitats_Weights_Translated.Habitat as Element, "" as Category, Species_and_Habitats_Weights_Translated.Description as Weight, Population_Trend, "1" as PageOrder, team FROM Species INNER JOIN Species_and_Habitats_Weights_Translated ON Species.ID = Species_and_Habitats_Weights_Translated.Species_ID Where taxa = "Reptile" And [Terrestrial or Aquatic] = "Terrestrial" UNION ALL SELECT Species.Common_Name, Species.Scientific_Name, Species.Taxa, Species.[Terrestrial or Aquatic], Species.S_Rank, Species.G_Rank, Species.Comments, Species.Boston_Mountains, Species.Arkansas_Valley, Species.Ouachitas, Species.South_Central_Plains, Species.Mississippi_Alluvial_Plains, Species.Mississippi_Valley_Loess_Plains, Species.Ozarks, Species.Federal_Status, Species.Class, [Species].[Order], Species.Family, Species.Residence, "Problems Faced" as Element_Name, Threat_text as Element, "Threat: " & Aquatic_Threats_And_Sources.Threat & (Chr(13) & Chr(10)) & "Source: " & Aquatic_Threats_And_Sources.Source as Category, "" as Weight, Population_Trend, "2" as PageOrder, team FROM Species INNER JOIN Aquatic_Threats_And_Sources ON Species.ID = Aquatic_Threats_And_Sources.Species_ID Where taxa = "Reptile" And [Terrestrial or Aquatic] = "Terrestrial" UNION ALL SELECT Species.Common_Name, Species.Scientific_Name, Species.Taxa, Species.[Terrestrial or Aquatic], Species.S_Rank, Species.G_Rank, Species.Comments, Species.Boston_Mountains, Species.Arkansas_Valley, Species.Ouachitas, Species.South_Central_Plains, Species.Mississippi_Alluvial_Plains, Species.MisLVALsissippi_Valley_Loess_Plains, Species.Ozarks, Species.Federal_Status, Species.Class, [Species].[Order], Species.Family, Species.Residence, "Data Gaps/Research Needs" as Element_Name, Data_Gaps.Data_Gaps as Element, "" as Category, "" as Weight, Population_Trend, "3" as PageOrder, team FROM Species INNER JOIN Data_Gaps ON Species.ID = Data_Gaps.Species_ID Where taxa = "Reptile" And [Terrestrial or Aquatic] = "Terrestrial" UNION ALL SELECT Species.Common_Name, Species.Scientific_Name, Species.Taxa, Species.[Terrestrial or Aquatic], Species.S_Rank, Species.G_Rank, Species.Comments, Species.Boston_Mountains, Species.Arkansas_Valley, Species.Ouachitas, Species.South_Central_Plains, Species.Mississippi_Alluvial_Plains, Species.Mississippi_Valley_Loess_Plains, Species.Ozarks, Species.Federal_Status, Species.Class, [Species].[Order], Species.Family, Species.Residence, "Conservation Actions" as Element_Name, Conservation_Actions.Conservation_Actions as Element, Conservation_Actions.CA_Category as Category, Conservation_Actions.Importance as Weight, Population_Trend, "4" as PageOrder, team FROM Species INNER JOIN Conservation_Actions on Species.ID = Conservation_Actions.Species_ID Where taxa = "Reptile" And [Terrestrial or Aquatic] = "Terrestrial" LVALRQ Select "Arkansas Valley" as Ecoregion, Aquatic_Threats_And_Sources.Source, Sum(All_Species_Ranked.Viability_Score) AS "Threat Score" FROM All_Species_Ranked INNER JOIN (Aquatic_Threats_And_Sources INNER JOIN Species ON Aquatic_Threats_And_Sources.Species_ID = Species.ID) ON All_Species_Ranked.Scientific_Name = Species.Scientific_Name WHERE species.Arkansas_Valley= TRUE AND Source is not null GROUP BY Aquatic_Threats_And_Sources.Source UNION ALL Select "Boston Mountains" as Ecoregion, Aquatic_Threats_And_Sources.Source, Sum(All_Species_Ranked.Viability_Score) AS "Threat Score" FROM All_Species_Ranked INNER JOIN (Aquatic_Threats_And_Sources INNER JOIN Species ON Aquatic_Threats_And_Sources.Species_ID = Species.ID) ON All_Species_Ranked.Scientific_Name = Species.Scientific_Name WHERE species.Boston_Mountains= TRUE AND Source is not null GROUP BY Aquatic_Threats_And_Sources.Source UNION ALL Select "Mississippi Alluvial Plains" as Ecoregion, Aquatic_Threats_And_Sources.Source, Sum(All_Species_Ranked.Viability_Score) AS "Threat Score" FROM All_Species_Ranked INNER JOIN (Aquatic_Threats_And_Sources INNER JOIN Species ON Aquatic_Threats_And_Sources.Species_ID = Species.ID) ON All_Species_Ranked.Scientific_Name = Species.Scientific_Name WHERE species.Mississippi_alluvial_Plains= TRUE AND Source is not null GROUP BY Aquatic_Threats_And_Sources.Source UNION ALL Select "Mississippi Valley Loess Plains" as Ecoregion, Aquatic_Threats_And_Sources.Source, Sum(All_Species_Ranked.Viability_Score) AS "Threat Score" FROM All_Species_Ranked INNER JOIN (Aquatic_Threats_And_Sources INNER JOIN Species ON Aquatic_Threats_And_Sources.Species_ID = Species.ID) ON All_Species_Ranked.Scientific_Name = Species.Scientific_Name WHERE species.mississippi_valley_loess_plains= TRUE AND Source is not null GROUP BY Aquatic_Threats_And_Sources.Source UNION ALL Select "Ouachita Mountains" as Ecoregion, Aquatic_Threats_And_Sources.Source, Sum(All_Species_Ranked.Viability_Score) AS "Threat Score" FROM All_Species_Ranked INNER JOI\ LVALl N (Aquatic_Threats_And_Sources INNER JOIN Species ON Aquatic_Threats_And_Sources.Species_ID = Species.ID) ON All_Species_Ranked.Scientific_Name = Species.Scientific_Name WHERE species.ouachitas= TRUE AND Source is not null GROUP BY Aquatic_Threats_And_Sources.Source UNION ALL Select "Ozark Highlands" as Ecoregion, Aquatic_Threats_And_Sources.Source, Sum(All_Species_Ranked.Viability_Score) AS "Threat Score" FROM All_Species_Ranked INNER JOIN (Aquatic_Threats_And_Sources INNER JOIN Species ON Aquatic_Threats_And_Sources.Species_ID = Species.ID) ON All_Species_Ranked.Scientific_Name = Species.Scientific_Name WHERE species.ozarks= TRUE AND Source is not null GROUP BY Aquatic_Threats_And_Sources.Source [YtVN   Y dY  ThreatIDv  YYIDPrimaryKeyv1 @  }Y7I% c A  Collision with man-made structures*Toxins/contaminantsRiparian habitat destruction$Resource depletionHabitat fragmentationHabitat disturbanceHabitat destruction or conversion)Groundwater depletionExtraordinary predation/parasitism/disease2Extraordinary competition for resources/Excessive herbivoryAltered composition/structure%Alteration of natural fire regimes* Chemical alteration Biological alteration Sedimentation Habitat destruction Nutrient loadingHydrological alterationu  @ @                   u  @ @                   MYN  Y dY Trend_Text Trend_Multiplierdv  Q gUnknownd Stabled Decreasing}IncreasingK_YN  Y  Y d WeightWeight_Namedv  High MediumLow  YN  Y  Y  WeightDescriptiono\ \YPrimaryKeyv1   v ObligateOptimalSuitableMarginalData Gap       ' DataQQvcP=*z @ -  } j C 0  m Z G p]I6#r_L8%uaN;'  b'{7pR4c7o }):Ȧ%A"+v,(eF(_<O+[um 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Form.Species # $ % ' ( ) * +F ,  "Office Theme LVALMR2AccessVersion BuildAppTitleStartUpForm&StartUpShowDBWindow(StartUpShowStatusBarStartUpMenuBar$AllowShortcutMenusAllowFullMenus(AllowBuiltInToolbars&AllowToolbarChanges AllowSpecialKeysAppIcon,StartupShortcutMenuBarHijriCalendarProjVer&UseAppIconForFrmRptAuto Compact"Show Values Limit,Show Values in Indexed4Show Values in Non-Indexed*Show Values in Remote.Show Values in Snapshot*Show Values in Server.Use Default Page Folder&Default Page Folder6Use Default Connection File.Default Connection FileRow LimitANSI Query Mode0Perform Name AutoCorrect8Log Name AutoCorrect Changes6Track Name AutoCorrect Info4Four-Digit Year Formatting&Theme Resource NameNavPane ClosedNavPane Width NavPane Category*NavPane Category NameNavPane View ByNavPane Sort By>Show Navigation Pane Search Bar4Property Sheet Label WidthHasOfflineListsWebDesignMode 09.50 4 ,CWCS Planning Database                       '      !  Form.Species # $ % ' ( ) * +F ,  "Office Theme LVALMR2AccessVersion BuildAppTitleStartUpForm&StartUpShowDBWindow(StartUpShowStatusBarStartUpMenuBar$AllowShortcutMenusAllowFullMenus(AllowBuiltInToolbars&AllowToolbarChanges AllowSpecialKeysAppIcon,StartupShortcutMenuBarHijriCalendarProjVer&UseAppIconForFrmRptAuto Compact"Show Values Limit,Show Values in Indexed4Show Values in Non-Indexed*Show Values in Remote.Show Values in Snapshot*Show Values in Server.Use Default Page Folder&Default Page Folder6Use Default Connection File.Default Connection FileRow LimitANSI Query Mode0Perform Name AutoCorrect8Log Name AutoCorrect Changes6Track Name AutoCorrect Info4Four-Digit Year Formatting&Theme Resource NameNavPane ClosedNavPane Width NavPane Category*NavPane Category NameNavPane View ByNavPane Sort By>Show Navigation Pane Search Bar4Property Sheet Label WidthHasOfflineListsWebDesignMode 09.50 4 ,CWCS Planning Database                       '      !  Form.Species # $ % ' ( ) * +F ,  "Office Theme LVALMR2AccessVersion BuildAppTitleStartUpForm&StartUpShowDBWindow(StartUpShowStatusBarStartUpMenuBar$AllowShortcutMenusAllowFullMenus(AllowBuiltInToolbars&AllowToolbarChanges AllowSpecialKeysAppIcon,StartupShortcutMenuBarHijriCalendarProjVer&UseAppIconForFrmRptAuto Compact"Show Values Limit,Show Values in Indexed4Show Values in Non-Indexed*Show Values in Remote.Show Values in Snapshot*Show Values in Server.Use Default Page Folder&Default Page Folder6Use Default Connection File.Default Connection FileRow LimitANSI Query Mode0Perform Name AutoCorrect8Log Name AutoCorrect Changes6Track Name AutoCorrect Info4Four-Digit Year Formatting&Theme Resource NameNavPane ClosedNavPane Width NavPane Category*NavPane Category NameNavPane View ByNavPane Sort By>Show Navigation Pane Search Bar4Property Sheet Label WidthHasOfflineListsWebDesignMode 09.50 4 ,CWCS Planning Database                       '      !  Form.Species # $ % ' ( ) * +F ,  "Office Theme